#cant get a reference cause the place closed
mae--bee · 4 months
I hate getting references. I hate it I hate it I hate it
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soccer-love · 5 months
Wouldn't let you date my child
Tuva Hansen x reader
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Besides the girls from the second team, I was the youngest one in the Bayern squad.
Only being 19 and already playing for Bayern München and the German national team was insane.
And even though it didn't make a difference while playing, they still liked to make fun of me for being the youngest.
Not in a bad way, since there wasn't such a huge age difference between me and the other players, but they just couldnt resist.
And then there were Magda and Pernille.
They joint Bayern at the same time as me and kind of took me under their wing.
Something our teammates liked to made fun of too, they said that they adopted me.
And to be honest I cant say that I don't like the thought of that, they are really nice to me and helped me a lot to get used to a new team and city.
"P, who would you not let date your child?" I hear Zadi asking as I put my suitcase into the bus. We are on our way to our away game in Duisburg and I think she got bored of waiting.
She has pointed her phone at Pernille, recording the question and her answer.
"Mhmm....Tuva I think." she then says, laughing.
I watch Zadi asking the same question to some other players and I notice that a lot of them actually say Tuva.
I stay outside until I see Magda coming towards Zaid, cause I am really curious about her answer.
She asks her the question and Magda laughs, "I cant say that, I think it's sorta mean."
"Magda." Zadi complains.
"Tuva." Magda then whispers, making Zadi laugh.
I get into the bus and take my usual spot behind Magda and Pernille.
"Hey P." I hear Glodis shouting, she is siting a few rows before us, a big smile on her face.
"Why wouldn't you let Y/N date Tuva?" she asks, making the others around us laugh.
"Why wouldn't you let your child date Georgia?" she replies and I notice Tuva looking at me.
I smile at her and notice her cheeks getting a little red before she looks away.
We fly out to Duisburg and when we get to our hotel it is already late, we all eat dinner together before going to our rooms.
Since Kathi isn't here because of her injury I get a single room and after I settled in I hear a slight knock on the door.
"Hey there." I greet Tuva, she's already dressed in some joggers and a Bayern hoodie.
"Sorry but I cant come in." she says, but takes a step inside so I can close the door behind her.
"Why not?" I ask, leaning against the wall.
"Your adoptive moms don't want you to date me." she says but by the smile on her face I know that she isn't serious and she comes closer to me.
She places her hand against the wall, next to my head and I look at her innocently.
"Really, well in that case.....maybe you should go back to your room." I say, trying to step aside but she quickly places her other hand also on the wall, so I am trapped between them.
"Or maybe I should just ignore what they think."
As an answer to that, I pull her closer and softly kiss her.
"I think option two is the better one." I whisper in the space between us as we brake apart.
"Good, because I really don't want to brake up with you, like ever."
I pull her into a hug and let my head rest on her shoulder.
"Do you think they really mean what they say?" I ask as we are lay down on my bed, Tuva instantly pulling me into her arms.
"A little maybe, but I don't think anybody from the team would tell their child who they can date and not date." she says, softly pushing some hair out of my face.
"I know I think to much about what people may think of me and technically Magda and P aren't even my parents but, except for you, they are the closest thing to family I have here." I say and she smiles at me.
"Yeah, but I they will always love you. They would rather kill me if I hurt you.."
I laugh at her answer and place a kiss on her cheek, we've only been together for seven months but I love her so damn much.
"Do you really think we are a family?" she asks after some seconds, referring to what I said earlier.
My heart melts at her question, Jesus I have so much love for her.
"Yes, I...I do think that." I say and feel her pulling me a little bit closer to her. "You and also Vilja are my family, and the team of course too."
"Oh yeah Vilja definitely thinks that too, she already loves you more than me."
"That's so not true."
"Oh yeah? You remember our walk last Saturday? When we both called her and she went straight to you."
"Maybe I am just so lovable." I suggest and she laughs, before pressing a kiss to my lips.
"Oh you defiantly are."
I let my head rest on her shoulder and Tuva pulls a blanked around us.
"I wish you could stay here tonight." I say, we talked about this topic a lot already, we thought about talking to the stuff so that we could be roomies but we didn't want anyone to get suspicious.
And even though I had a single room, we didn't want Lea to worry why Tuva wasn't sleeping in their room.
"Me too, but you can stay at my place tomorrow night if you like." she says and I nod.
"I will never say no to that."
She softly starts to run her fingers through my hair and it gets harder to keep my eyes open.
It is always like that with her, she makes me feel so safe and when I am laying in her arms, her running her hand through my hair. And when she then starts to talk to me in her native language, I tend to fall asleep.
"You should sleep, Søta." she whispers and I open my eyes again.
"Only if I get a goodnight kiss." I give in.
"Always." she softly places on hand on my cheek and then her lips meet mine.
I love the way they feel against mine and in the way she kisses me I can feel the love that is between us.
I am so lucky to have her.
"Goodnight." she whispers and gets up.
"Goodnight, Tuva." I answer and follow her to the door, she gives me another kiss before leaving and I quickly brush my teeth and then go back to bed.
The game the next day goes really well, Duisburg scores in the first half but after the break we score five times and take the three points home with us.
After the next training session I find a small note, tucked inside my shoes.
"Meet me outside, love T."
Tomorrow most of us are leaving for trainings camp with their national team so she probably wants to say goodbye to me.
I quickly change my cloths and collect my stuff, before saying goodbye to the others.
When I exit the locker room I hear Magda shouting something but I cant hear what it is.
I go to the spot where we usually meet after training and as I go around the corner I see her leaning against the wall.
"Hey." I say and for a few seconds I allow my self to get lost in the blue of her eyes.
"I wanted to say goodbye." she explains and takes me hand "But not here."
She pulls me down the hall and into a small room that is normally used for med tests, but there is nobody in it.
I put my bag down and Tuva pulls me into her arms.
"I'm gonna miss you." she whispers against my head.
I take a deep breath and inhale her scent before answering.
"I will miss you too."
She smiles, softly kissing my head.
"You know that we both have a couple of days off, after our last international game." she says and I nod.
"I thought...maybe...only if you want to...then..."
"Tuva." I softly say and she laughs, it is more than cute when she is this nervous.
"I could book you a flight no Norway and you could come with me to where I grow up, meet my parents, see my other home." she suggests.
"Other home?"
"Well that place, where my family is, is my home. But you are my home too." she explains and I smile.
"I would love to see your other home."
"Good, I will get you a ticket later." she says and I lean my head against her shoulder.
She places her hand on my cheek and softly rubs her thumb over my skin.
I lean back and softly kiss her, not wanting to let go of her yet.
And as she pulls me closer, my body crashing against hers, the door next to us flys open.
"Y/N I....WHOA!"
Tuva lets go of me but her hand is still holding mine.
"WHAT THE FUCK" Magda says, in a volume that now everyone probably heard it.
"Your good?" I hear Pernille asking from outside and then she comes in too.
"What's going on?" she asks as she sees me and Tuva standing there.
"They kissed." Magda says and points at us.
"Who kissed?" I hear Georgia asks and just some seconds after she comes in along with Linda and Jill.
"Tuva." Magda says, her voice so much deeper than usual that it scares me a little bit.
She takes a step forward and with one arm Tuva shoves me behind her back (something that would actually be really cute in another situation).
"You are a really good player and I appreciate it that you always have my back on the field....BUT....if you hurt her or do anything to make her cry.....then I-" at that point of her speech, she reaches out and pokes her finger into Tuva's shoulder.
"-will hurt you!"
"I would never hurt her." Tuva answers, grabbing my hand a bit tighter.
"Babe....I think they're old enough to have a relationship." Pernille softly says, smiling at me but pulling Magda backwards.
"Well I guess your child doesn't care what you say about not dating someone." Glodis says from the door, I didn't even notice her coming in.
Magda turns back towards Tuva.
"You better be good Hansen!"
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serejae · 2 months
(written + smau at the end)
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pairing : myungjae x fem!reader | genre : angst fluff | w.c 1309
a/n: cause if one day u wake up and find that ur missing me and ur heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet and you'll see me waiting for u on he corner of the street (if u understand kiss me).
10 things i hate about you + the notebook references
wrote this while i was sick so if u hate u hate sick ppl | @onedoornet
taglist @lilriswife4life @cherrytaesan @tubatu-lovie @woonsbot @guiltysungho @taylorluvation @kage-yaa @lionhanie @dearly-somber @nicholasluvbot @nujeskz @unhakki @lblossom21 @kirbyyluvs @seunghancore @nctrawberries @i03jae @icewons @miidorei @hanbinniesmango @dongminz @helpsplease @sol3chu @letwiiparkjay @woorcve @brachioswrld
riwoo and taesan laid on jaehyuns bed watching him spin on his chair
“i dont know what to do…do i just give up?? she already has jeong-“
“gosh please dont say his name.” taesan grumbled
“i cant stand hearing him one more time without seeinf his feet in my face.” taesan looked up at the ceiling. riwoo sat up looking at jaehyun
“sorry, but theres no point in chasing after yn anymore” jaehyun put his head in his hands
“what do you mean theres no point? you did all this work just to end up back at no where?” riwoo stood up and walked towards jaehyun
“maybe this was just some dumb lesson that this will be a mistake ill have to live with for the rest of my life”
riwoo saw the tears start to form in jaehyuns eyes and sighed
“jaehyun do like yn or not?”
jaehyun nodded
“and was she worth all this trouble?”
“she is but jaehyun-“
“STOP IT!” taesan yelled
“jeong jaehyun” riwoo started
“STOP” they both looked over at the black haired boy sprawled out on the bed
“he isnt half the man you are and he certainly isnt the man for yn. go.
go get your girl.”
jaehyun jumped to his feet and ran out the house
“is he gonna run to her house…?” taesan propped himself up
“love is love taesan”
the whole day moved in slow motion. between your thoughts on the date tonight, to the night with jaehyun. suddenly the clock fast forward and now it was 6:30. you were already ready, but not dressed as you were currently walking back and forth debating on going to the bathroom and washing your face and just going to bed and canceling the date.
just then the doorbell rings, mentally cursing yourself, the clock reads 6:37. why was jeong jaehyun so early? making your way to the door you peer it open slightly
"give me 5-"
myung jaehyun stood out there and he seemed stressed, widening your door he walked in.
closing the door behind you, you stared at his back as he turned away.
"i knew you were debating on going on the date, yn...
go on the date.
go on the date with him"
you stayed silent and jaehyun turned around to you, walking up to you he grabbed your hand into his.
"do you miss me?" he asked staring into your eyes hoping for a clear answer
"i'm not sure how i feel...
i feel like that i like you but i dont know jaehyun"
he nodded and smiled slightly
"go with him"
"but you didnt-" you said eyebrows furrowed not wanting to betray jaehyun as he didn't go on his date
"i knew what i wanted yn, i wanted you, it's always been you. go on the date and if tomorrow, one day, one month, one year
fuck, just anytime if you even feel it in your bones that you miss me, come back to the place where we met and I'll be there. you don't have to know what you want. you don't have to feel like you want to forgive me or a relationship, but as long as you want me I'll be there for you to come back to. i'm not going anywhere
I'll wait as long as i need until you want me again."
the bell rang making you look over at the clock, 7:01. you turn back to jaehyun and see him nod. running back to your room you quickly get dressed and grab your things.
"i'll leave after you, i promise to lock your door"
smiling at him you open the door away from myung jaehyun.
it wasn't that the date was unenjoyable, it wasn't for you. jeong jaehyun didn't prioritize you. he didn't prioritize your opinions, feelings, or wants. he constantly talked about himself, his goodlooks, his trophies, his life, he just wasn't who you saw yourself waking up to every day. tapping the glass cup that was in front of you you ignored everything he said
while he was talking you heard something from the other table that made you dilute whatever jeong had to say.
"i think we should end things"
"what? are you serious?! after everything we've worked through and done together? youre just gonna throw it away?"
"its not that its just me. i just think this relationship will distract me from my job"
"hey...i'll be there for you, through the good and the bad. we never know until we try."
"i have no doubt youre going to be there for me, your that kind of person and that's why i love you, but I'm scared I'm going to hurt you."
"and you think ending things won't hurt me? even if its on good terms it might as well end on bad terms...
can you live without me?"
you see the other person shake their head
"then if you break up with me you're going to miss me either way. and come back, so why make it harder for yourself and mess up now when you don't even know? maybe we can work through it, i want this to be something that makes our relationship stronger, not harder.
cause thats what love is
and i love you, so much."
"yn?" jeong jaehyun asked
"yeah?" you said being knocked out of lalaland
"did you even listen to me talk about the history of football?"
"i- uh....
i need to go."
good thing you hadnt ordered anything yet because you took off running ignoring your name being called from jeong, you knew you had one place to go and one place to be
"wow shes a fast runner" jeong jaehyun said as he watched you run
"can you get out of my house"
woonhak groaned for the 47th time as jaehyun paced back and forth in his living room as he edited the new clips.
"so you told yn to go on the date with the other jaehyun and then you ran here just to walk around ?” woonhak asked resting his head on the couch pillow and staring at jaehyun peeking from the window
"i'm waiting for some...one" he said as he fixed the blinds trying to find the perfect angle "why are your blinds so stiff?" jaehyun complained
"i never open my blinds" woonhak shruged "so why are you waiting for yn at MY house?"
jaehyun looked over at woonak and spoke "we met here, when you introduced her to me that day."
"okay so why do you have to meet her here NOW?"
"you dont get true love do you?"
"i dont get maniacs"
"if she changes her mind this is the first place she will go-"
thats when woonhaks door gets banged on
jaehyun runs to the door and opens it, you jump to wrap your arms around him to which he wraps his arms around you
"can you live without me?" you asked as you look up at jaehyun
he shook his head
"good, cause i want you. and we're going to have to work though this together if you want me too...
i want this whole breakup thing to make our relationship stronger, i want us to last and I'm willing to fight for us because i want you and me to be the ideal image for romance, even during times when it gets hard for us. i just need you to not leave when it does..."
he nodded and smiled a bit
"i wont leave you anymore...
have you been listening to my music?" jaehyun called you out recognizing the lyrics
you let out a laugh "way to ruin the moment but maybe..."
you both turn to see woonhak filming with his phone
"oh i'm so passing this class!
okay i'm serious get out, both of you. also lock the door on your way out."
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eternalera · 25 days
im sorry but love IS the main theme in jjk, no not just in the movie but ALL of jjk.
dont believe me? fuck it, fine, i'll explain
lets start it out with the obvious, jjk 0. this is the prequel to the actual anime and manga series (although i guess actualy isnt the correct term... you get the point) and it starts all because of yuuta and rika who were both children when they fell in love.
rika gives yuuta a ring and tells him that its a promise ring and that its a promise that they'll be together forever.
yeah rika DIES
but dw, she gets turned into a curse... by yuuta, but it was on accident so... yeah fun-
then geto shows up and basically attacks the school and yuuta and rika save it using LITERALLY the power of love. then soon enough gojo ends up telling yuuta this 'love is the greatest curse of all'
yeah love is literally the main theme of that, yuuta's love is what cursed rika and caused her to become a curse but what of gojo? why is he saying 'love is the greatest curse of all'?
well soon after this he mentions his 'one and only' and its heavily implied (actually canon) that its suguru geto, YEP the mf who attacked the school. now lets take it back a few notches shall we <33
gojo and geto went to school together where they became extremely close friends (implies lovers as they do a TON of romantic stuff in japanese culture such as giving geto second button to gojo aka the one close to his heart and them riding on a bike together which is illegal in japan but its also considered romantic to break the rules with your lover so like??!?! yeah theyre gay)
soon after they have a mission to protect the star plasma vessel and imma spare you the details lets just say that it goes HORRIBLY wrong and it ends up causing a rift between gojo and geto. gojo ends up awakening becoming a better version of himself for it and is trying to show it to geto. yet he doesnt know that what happened with him and how he basically got a power up did NOT happen to geto.
geto was left to question who he was fighting for anymore and this caused him to... get a little silly and kill an entire village anyways the kfc breakup happens yada yada and remember that these two were really really REALLY close friends at least and most likely lovers (how i'll be referring to them from now on)
now what day did geto attack the school aka the night of 1000 demons parade? december 24, the same date which is the most romantic in japan (to my knowledge) and the same date which gojo killed him... YEAH THAT SHIT WAS PLANNED
but lets move onto something a little more... recent.
honestly my fav ship and why im all writing this in the first place. their love for each other was literally so great that they killed the king of curses. the whole reason that megumi locks in is because he realizes that yuuji is gonna be sad if he dies and that he doesnt want yuuji to be sad
these two care for each other so much and its basically shown at the start of the manga, how megumi sees yuuji and saves him without hesitation, he just doesnt want to see a good person die.
he then says 'what if someone you saves kills another in the future' and when yuuji asks him that megumi cant answer. and when he can yuuji literally flips back and kills himself in order to save megumi and mind you he was fearing death a few seconds ago, saying how he didnt want to die yet and how he had regretted eating that stupid finger
yet when it came to saving megumi all of the sudden that didnt matter anymore, in fact when sukuna offered to bring him back he said no because he didnt want sukuna hurting more people... speaking over that-
SHIBUYA!!! yeah sukuna takes over yuuji and kills a bunch of people- kinda ironic seeing how megumi asked yuuji 'what are you gonna do if someone you save kills those later?' even MORE ironic that before that its revealed that yuuji swallowing the finger caused a bunch of parts of sukuna to wake up and start killing people and both of them realized this and went 'imma not tell the other cause thatll make them sad'
anyways megumi gives his bf a pep talk and then BAM megkuna and yuuji goes batshit against sukuna <3
anyways before megumi separates from sukunas body he says that he's gonna try living for someone else just one more time and its pretty obvious that this person is yuuji.
ALSO fun little thing.
love the greatest curse of all won against the king of curses, sukuna. sukuna who refused to feel or care for human emotions. aint that something?
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comet-forgot-you · 7 months
kate bishop x reader
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summary: kate shows you how much she enjoys the gift you got her for her birthday.
warnings: 18+ pls, smut, mirror sex, strap use, kate refers to her strap as her cock, tummy bulge, edging (maybe?), kate really wants you to watch.
a/n: guys idk whats wrong with me what happened to my long works?? did they get lost in my break? find out next time 👹 do not repost for any reason.
the room was dark, the only source of light coming from the tv playing a movie that had been long forgotten. hands held your hips in a tight grip, kate’s breath against your neck. “look, baby,” she whispers in your ear, tilting your head up to look at the mirror in front of you.
the sight elicits a quiet whine from you. your legs spread wide open, kate’s strap buried deep in your cunt, you’re almost certain you can see it cause a bulge in your belly. it’s purple, matching kate’s signature color perfectly. your eyes try to find kate’s, but they’re much too concentrated on where the two of you meet.
her hand moves down to your thigh, squeezing gently at the fat of it. “kate,” you whine, grinding against the strap. it nudges against your walls so perfectly, a moan falling from your lips. kate’s eyes meet yours, they’re dark, full of need.
“hmm?” she hums, pressing a kiss to skin below your ear. it sends a shiver down your spine.
“please, js’ fuck me. need it so bad,” you slur, grinding your hips against her strap. kate smiles against your skin before guiding your hips to bounce on the strap. kate’s hand previously holding your thigh moves to rub tight circles against your swollen clit. your eyes roll back, loud whines falling from your lips.
“so needy, baby. if you wanna cum, you’ll have to watch me fuck you,” she murmurs. your gaze snaps to your reflection, not wanting to have your orgasm ripped away from you. “good girl.”
“fuck, kate.” she picks up her pace, bucking her hips up to meet your sopping cunt. its all so good, the stretch of the strap, the way it presses against your sweet spots so perfectly, it’s all so good, so fucking good.
“look at you, takin’ my cock so well, hmm?” you nod, unable to form the words. “yeah,” she draws out, biting the skin of your neck gently. your walls squeeze around the plastic of kate’s strap and she cants seem to tear her gaze from the scene in front of her. her fingers graze your stomach before pushing down against the bulge her strap causes. “look baby,” she whispers. your eyes are already locked on her hands. “my cock’s fillin’ you up so good, so much, look at how good im fillin’ you up, baby.” her words are so nasty, your cheeks heat up.
“katee,” your head falls back against her shoulder and kate’s movements are quick to halt. “nonono, please katie, need to cum so bad,” you whine out, trying desperately to save your orgasm by grinding down against her strap. her hands grip your hips, stopping your movements.
“no, what did i tell you, baby? you gotta watch if you wanna cum. don’t be shy now, baby, won’t do you any good,” her words are firm and you try to lift your head up to watch. “good girl,” she murmurs as you lift your head.
her previous actions resume, her fingers teasing your clit, other hand holding your hip to help fuck up into you. you can feel your orgasm approaching, the coil in your stomach so close to snapping.
kate bites your shoulder gently before placing a kiss on it. “cum, baby, know you wanna,” she whispers. minutes pass before you’re coming undone on her strap.
“yeah, just like that, doin’ so good, baby,” she murmurs as you come down from your high. you’re breathless, the feeling of her strap still buried deep inside of you feeling so fucking good. “thanks for the birthday gift, baby,” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck.
reblogs much appreciated :D
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So i had a fun idea. We all know the Season four diner or deli scene and the multiple variations of five there. It’s funny to me cause it’s obvious there is some odd system they have where they all have a certain name and style so no one is confused. I decided to go through and name the certain fives. this is all personal opinion and thought so please no hate. its really a to each there own situation theres no need to fight about it.
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So let’s get the ones we have been aware of out the way. We know booth five being the one who called S4 five over to his table. we know waiter five and brisket five being the ones we have been made aware of. There is also that one five with the news paper. Now i have heard him be referred to as newspaper five OR good with numbers five. now i don’t remember if booth five referred to newspaper/good with numbers five with any if those names but if he didnt here we are. Now that we got those obvious fives out the way i just wanna say i dont have the answer for all of them cause some of the things they are doing are quite mundane like eating soup and i dont think anyone is gonna refer to him as something like soup five i dont think that will ever happen. Now if my memory serves me right there is two fives writing in a notebook and i thought thats pretty normal for five he has always had something to write in but hey where’s the creativity in that and i thought what if there is a mathematician five who is just obsessing with numbers and another who could be documenting his days in the deli diner thing. another thought that crossed my mind that would be more in character is a version of him that has gone wacko with theories about timelines and events and he is just writing them down to either investigate or obsess over later. now in this scene there are a few different fives that i cant quite place my finger on what version of five they might be and what to call them so if you have an idea don’t be afraid to comment an idea.
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Now this scene right here has the obvious booth five and brisket five. There is one version that has a name not quite world wide but we have it which is loose neck tie five. Now people might argue and say thats drunk five but i don’t think so. if my memory serves me right again (Cause i flat out refuse to go see any of those episodes again) drunk five was up to some shenanigans and needed another fives help so i dont think loose necktie five is drunk five. Speaking on drunk five if your confused where i got that if you have subtitles on or listen close enough you will see a conversation talking about drunk five. then there is the obvious five over there that seems to be antsy considering his stance in both pictures. either he is a five just filled with impatience to get his order, a five just in general riddled with anxiety or he could just be waiting. So you can imagine his name is either anxious five or waiting five depending on what you decide (again everything is up for debate. my word is not law here okay?). if you also look behind the counter with brisket five is another five. Now we dont exactly see what he is doing so the best i can offer is chef five.
Again none of my words are law and set so please feel free to name them whatever you want.
Also if you have idea’s for what some of the names of the versions of five i didnt get or think of are please feel free to comment or come up with an idea. so please up have fun.
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wolfiewuvs · 5 months
Chris Redfield (CG) caregiver headcanon’s
He can be a very sweet but also more of a stern caregiver. He’s only that way because he doesnt want you to get hurt or worse, so he has to be blunt about certain things.
He only really “lectures” you if you do something that could cause you any kind of harm. He’s very gentle about it, kneeling down to you and placing a loving hand on your shoulder, reminding you that “you cant be doing these things baby, what if something could have happened?”
Despite that, he’ll let certain things slide when he knows you’re just having fun. Laughing and smiling at your antics, while keeping a watchful eye on you.
Lets you refer to him as “papa” “daddy” or “baba”
Helps you cut up your food for you, rolling his eyes as you make a mess. Shrugging and laughing it off.
Loves to get you cute outfits he knows you’ll absolutely swoon over. Holding them up for you to see. “You like this one pumpkin? Yeah?”
He has a special spot in his closet just for some of your clothes, since your closet is absolutely filled.
Loves playing games with you, coloring, or even playing pretend with your stuffed animals / dolls. Creating silly voices as he holds them up to you, making them look like they are waving at you and talking to you in a goofy voice. Smiling and laughing at your adorable giggles.
Keeps some of your toys / pacifiers in his office whenever you decide to get all nosey and want to be with him while he works.
Keeps a play-mat in his office for whenever you decide to keep him company and want to just be around him while you mindlessly play around having a blast.
[ If you go non verbal sometimes or just shy ] He squats down to your level encouraging you to speak to him if you need something or want anything.
Loves reading to you when you go all quiet and get sleepy, keeping you wrapped in his arms, holding you close and kissing your forehead.
Takes you on little adventures around town, whether it’s just to the mall or to a small park, he enjoys every single moment he gets with you.
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mossycobbld · 5 months
Hello! I saw that you had an oc named Kaori, and I was wondering if I could hear some things about her? She looks pretty cool and I was curious ( I hope it’s okay to ask!)
hiii yes !!! i havent come up with Too much of kaoris lore, so right now its in a pretty rough place butttttt long post ahead youve been warned!!!
also pics of her for reference (i love drawing her like a soggy wet cat)
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(ignore how it says half viltrumite in the last ss) heads up for inaccurate viltrumite stuff, i only know how they work from the show’s perspective
(warning AGAIN for Veryyyy long text below cut)
kaori (she/they), known as caaory on viltrum, was somewhat of a troublemaker, leading her to be chided a lot. this caused her to be very soft spoken and shy. but when her powers developed, she greatly exceeded her peers when it came to skill and strength. (though, her hearing developed too strongly that it became more of an disadvantage than a power.)
when tasked to fight to the death with her friend, she refuses strongly. this was seen as a sign of weakness and was scheduled for execution. caaory, terrified, flew away from viltrum as fast as she could.
two viltrumites go after her and find her still flying away. they use force rather than negotiation, and caaory still shaken up, kills them out of fear. mortified with her actions, she flies even faster. at the threshold of passing out, she sees the nearest planet and crash lands onto earth.
a family that was driving past sees her passed out in a crater that she left in a field. it was a young couple, their kid, ichiro, and the mom's side of grandparents. they took caaory in, and when asked for her name, she answered as "caaory", but because the name was mistaken for a similar one, the spelling changed to kaori.
it was well known to that family that she had powers, as they had to reprimand her to repress them when she used it casually as if she still lived on viltrum.
for the first two years, she never talked apart from when she told them her name. ichiro seemed to be the only one to communicate with her in a way. because of him, she was able to come out of her shell more easily and begin to talk more.
also!! repressed sibling bitterness but im not sure how to word it
BIG time skip here since i have a little more developed for her when season 1 of invincible takes place.. also kaori trying to live somewhere close to normal as she can, never really becomes a superhero. but wanting to use her powers for good, uses them very sparingly if the situation required it.
anyways around mid season 1, kaori knowing that mark is the new superhero, invincible, offers to train him. she teaches him for a while, but because at the time is time management is Ass, their training eventually stopped.
in season 2, kaori is running late to a class in college, but amber helps her catch up on the stuff she missed. they get along well, and they find out that they both know about mark. after mark and amber break up, kaori, begins to spend more time with amber to help her get through the trauma from when an*ssa threatened to kill her. they eventually start dating but im not SUPER sure how it all happens yet.
after the events of season 2, kaori tries to begin to train mark again. he agrees, wanting to be stronger. mark, frustrated with himself accidentally hurts kaori during training. apologizing profusely, she dismissed it and kept training him.
so thats all that i have for her so far!!! sorry if i made it too detailed, its hard for me to word things in simple ways for Some strange reason but i cant wait to build even more on her character!! i hope you guys like her :D
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kz-i-co · 1 year
Angel or Devil?: Part V
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Summary: Your relationship with Yeonjun was getting intense more than you realized and you didn’t know how to feel. You were scared but did that mean you should run?
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x f!reader
Genre: highschool au | fluff x angst x subtle smut
Warnings: story may contain strong language, mentions of drugs and alcohol - sexual references - reader discretion advise.
Words: 6.3k
Masterlist | TXT M.List >> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Taglist: @imtotallydef, @londonchuu, @wanlore @lubtou, @yeon-junie, @ihrtrep, @nobodyshallenter, @soobsfairy444, @pr0dbeomgyu, @angelbythewindow, @foryawnzzn, @wondersgyu, @bora04, @moonchildthingss​
»Outgoing text :: To Mia :: 8:08p.m. But the good thing is that I'm not gonna let her hurt me anymore, she wanted me to have a party than I guess I'm having a party
What. Were. You. Thinking...
You never wanted a party, not really. It wasn't your scene - facing up to Yuhyun or not - you didn't want it.
You paced back and fourth as you waited by the front door for Mia to hurry her ass up. You live only ten minutes away.....what's the hold up?
I'm suffering here....
"I locked all the doors upstairs." Yeonjun came down from the upper level. "I only had to kick one couple out."
You made a face of disgust. "Why are teenagers animals." You mumbled more to yourself.
"You okay?" He asked with a sweet smile.
"I've been better." You took a deep breath.
"Why don't you let lose a little. I'll be your designated security."
"You mean you want me to drink?"
"Just have fun (Y/N)." He tilted your head up leaning close.
"You're not gonna drink?"
"Probably not a lot....I want to keep an eye on things." You smiled, you really didn't deserve him. "You stay here, I want to find out more information to make sure there isn't anymore surprises." He rolled his eye pulling out his phone. "Just a quick call."
"Okay." You smiled watching him go outside.
You sat down on the stairs, taking a deep breath. You'll just clean up everything in the morning....it will be okay. What if something gets broken? Jeez.....why does that bitch want to ruin your life? You can't break down....not because of her. You won't.
Should you drink? That first night you went to Soobin's party was the first you ever even tried alcohol. You didn't see the fascination but maybe you needed more to understand the way an adolescence brain works.
"Alright fuck it." You got up and made your way to the kitchen.
"Hey Yeonjun's girl....want a shot?" Some guy asked as a group held little cups. Maybe shots were asking too much, stick to the light stuff.
"I probably shouldn't.....I need to wait until Yeonjun gets back." You said trying to hide your nervous tick.
"Come on.....just one." He begged. "You cant not drink at your own party." Yup....YOUR party. Huh?
"Okay." You didn't need much convincing as the kitchen was already a mess, causing you to panic.
Just relax...just relax...just relax.
You took the little shot size of a red solo cup and downed the drink to avoid spitting it out. The sensation burned down your throat but you already felt more relaxed and decided to take another.
Maybe it will make the night move faster.
So it did....
"Mia, you're here!" You yelled as soon as she entered through your door with Soobin.
"I'm sorry, we were at dinner." She looked around. "This place is definitely more hyped than I thought." She shook her head as the place was flooded with people dancing.
"Well, h-have fun because my parents are gonna kill me." You slurred.
"They won't find out." She reassured as you sipped on your empty cup tricking your mind more than it already was.
"Are you drunk?" Mia's asked looking amused.
"I don't know." You shrugged.
"Where is Yeonjun?" Mia asked looking around some more.
"Getting me another drink."
"Oh god, we came to late." Mia playfully hit Soobin.
"How much did you drink?" She asked looking closer.
"Enough to forget this night ever happened." You confirmed. Five shots down and it probably still wasn't enough.
"Hey." Yeonjun snuck up behind you. His plan was to keep an eye on you so being drunk was definitely not on his radar but he still settled on a slight buzz. You couldn't let him not drink, it wasn't fair for only you to have fun. "You're drink babe."
"I like the sound of that." You blushed taking your drink. You didn't know what he gave you but they all tasted the same by this point.
"Yeonjun, you're letting her get drunk?" Mia asked playfully.
"Yeah, why not? I'm keeping an eye on things."
"Let's make this a night to remember for Yuhyun's sake." Mia said and you held your cup up like a toast.
"We're gonna go get some drinks." Mia smiled pulling Soobin away with him.
"Yeonjun!!!" More of his friends entered and you just smiled next to him.
"Your party is already being talked about all over Twitter." The one with the long hair spoke - who's name still escapes you.
"Cool." You smiled but you know that sober you would disagree.
He sipped on his drink as he grabbed your waist, leading you over closer to the music.
You quickly chugged yours, letting him take control. Every negative thought and feeling was all gone the moment you drowned yourself with alcohol but to top it all off was Yeonjun's soft breath against you taking you farther from reality.
You loved the way he kissed your neck, desperate but soft at the same time - you never wanted him to stop.
If only you could remember it better because next thing you know you felt your mattress underneath you and him kissing you desperately - but what you do remember.....it felt fucking amazing.
He knew you wanted more the farther your hand traveled down and immediately unbuttoned his pants. He grabbed your hand stopping you but never pulled away from your plum lips, taking your breath away. But that didn't stop you as you kept trying to inch your way closer to desperation.
He pulled away, grabbing your hand once again. "We should slow down."
"But I want you."
"Normally I would love hearing you say that but not like this, not in this state.....you need to rest."
"Stay with me?" You asked and he nodded moving in for you to snuggle up into his chest, until you eventually fell asleep.
You weren't convinced once you woke up the next morning of how real the night was or what happened after that. Maybe drinking wasn't the greatest idea.
Your head was pounding and sitting up caused straight nausea that had you running to the bathroom embarrassingly quick. This was the worse feeling you had ever experienced - even more so then that flu you had a few years ago. It was a fucking disaster.
You were even tempted to just go back to bed but the sudden remembrance of last night and the hard hitting fact of the house being trashed.
Ugh...maybe you should of just sent everyone home and let Yuhyun finally win her stupid pity game.
You began your slow moving shuffle down the stairs not able to take the sunlight in. You tried opening your eyes wider, squinting in your attempt to look around at your clean home. Was it a dream?
"Pff, did you see Sunghoon dancing? Was he trying to cause a scene." You heard Mia laughing as you made your way over to the kitchen.
"That was nearly as bad as Beomgyu getting stuck in the dryer."
"That wasn't funny Soobin....it took four of us to get him out.....I was this close to calling the police." You heard more laughter than just two voices.
You stepped in softly like you were trying to sneak your way in but them facing your direction didn't help. "Morning sunshine."
Mia greeted you first as you saw Soobin and Kai smile in your direction. "Morning."
Where was Yeonjun?
"How you feeling?" Mia softly approached.
"Like shit."
"I'm guessing you didn't drink a glass of water before bed, that usually helps ease the hangover."
"I don't even remember half the night." You slugged your way over to the kitchen table. "Thank you guys for cleaning up."
"No problem (Y/N)." She smiled. "Yeonjun did most of it actually - we woke up not that long ago."
"Where is he?"
"He went on a coffee run....he should be back- oh right on time."
"They didn't have your crème brûlée latte."
"You can't even do me one favor." Mia teased causing him to glare but quickly blushed seeing you. "Umm thanks Yeonjun, we're gonna finish up the back yard." Mia and the guys left you and Yeonjun alone.
"How you feeling?" He asked handing you your ice caramel latte.
"Been better." You put on a shy smile.
"Once you eat something, you'll feel better." He pushed over the box of donuts.
"Are you guys like that experienced in drinking that you don't get hangovers anymore?" You slightly giggled finally letting him show a smile.
"Maybe?" He slightly smirked but it wasn't his usual worrying you more. "But also we didn't drink nearly as much as you."
"I drank more than you guys?" You asked. What was wrong with you last night?
"You don't remember last night?" You looked down shaking your head.
"I won't be drinking again, that's for sure."
"It's my fault I wanted you to have fun."
"I did, at least I think I did." You smiled and he did as well.
"Eat something, you'll feel better." He got up and opened your back door to talk to the others.
What happened last night?
You were convinced you did more than you remember last night and maybe a fresh shower would clear your head. You feared things were different with Yeonjun because you remember your desperate actions that's for sure but did he act upon them? You wish you knew.
Monday morning, you knew everything would be different. Your party was the talk of social media and even more so the talk of the school once you walked in. If only you remembered most of it.
You just wished everyone would stop staring....
"Hey, what's wrong?" Mia asked as you closed your locker.
"Everyone's staring."
"Because you threw an amazing party."
"Yup, that was all my doing." You said with sarcasm.
"Relax, we're not gonna let Yuhyun pull another stunt like this. Yeonjun is gonna warn her parents."
"Speaking of Yeonjun......did you guys talk about your drunken hookup yet, I couldn't help but notice you are avoiding him." She began leaving you speechless. "I can always tell when he's stealing my boyfriend all weekend."
"I'm not avoiding, technically - I had to work all weekend." You began. "And we didn't hook up hook up." You spoke following her to class.
"Sure you didn't." She said with sarcasm.
Maybe you choose not to remember - at least some of it.
"We didn't- we couldn't have."
No, you can't have.....you remember making out but that was it....wasn't it?
"I remember you two dancing, which turned into a heavy public makeout session and then you two went upstairs and I haven't seen the both of you until the next morning." She arched her eyebrows like she knew you were up to no good.
"That doesn't mean we did anything." You shrug.
"I'm sure this is a good sigh." She smirked moving your hair off your neck.
"What?" You rubbed your neck.
"How do you not notice that." She pulled out a compact hand mirror showing the true evidence of the redish-blue blotches around your neck.
How did you not notice this? You know you wore your hair down most of the time but the markings were clear as day. You don't even remember him doing that. You didn't feel any different other wise.
How drunk were you?
"Wow you really didn't notice, I might have some makeup - let's take our seats."
If you weren't panicking before, you definitely were now.
How were you gonna hide this from your parents? If you didn't have to work all weekend, they definitely would of noticed by now.
"You two got steamy." She said digging through her purse.
"I only remember bits and pieces." She saw the panic in your eyes. "You don't think we...-"
"I don't know, do you feel sore down there." She suggested with her hands.
You felt too embarrassed to even talk about it. "No." You just shrugged timidly. "I remember us making out in my bed but that it." And you desperately reaching for his belt.
"Don't panic....I'm sure you guys didn't - shall we get a pregnancy test?"
"What?" You said louder than you realized.
"Just kidding....I'm sure it's nothing." She handed you powered foundation.
There was absolutely no way.....this is stupid to even debate - you would definitely be sore - basic health class 101. You had nothing to worry about.
"You were so cute last night (Y/N)." Yuhyun held up her phone showing a video of you dancing embarrassingly as the rest of her click laughed.
"You were at my house?" You said, you tone sounding angry to your surprise.
"God no, I don't care if the president is at your house, I would never set foot in that filth." She made a face of disgust.
"You're just jealous that (Y/N) threw a better party than you."
"Did you forget who threw her 'better' party?" She sassed.
"Wait, so you admit you sabotage (Y/N) and Yeonjun's date night for your own pathetic jealously.....wow that's rich."
"(Y/N)'s pathetic." She laughed. "Can't even fight her own battles, her lackey has to do it."
"What battle? I want no part of this stupid battle with you." You said handing back Mia's mirror as class was just about to start.
"You should of thought of that the moment you went out with Yeonjun." She said one last time before turning her back as the teacher began her lecture.
Don't let her bother you. Don't let her bother you. Don't let her bother you.
You weren't avoiding Yeonjun....definitely not. Okay maybe a little - you were a bit embarrassed to say the least. What should you do? What happened Friday night? And to make matters worse - that stupid video Yuhyun is spreading.
You already felt you had enough of today that you found yourself excusing yourself to the nurses office until your mother was called to get you. You didn't want it be here.
Once back off at home, you crawled into bed, trying to block out the thoughts flooding your head. Nothing happened.
"Honey, you want me to make you some soup?" Your mother interrupted your inner voice.
"No thank you, I'm just gonna go back to sleep." You said trying to avoid any chit chat. You knew you were probably over reacting but between Yuhyun and Yeonjun.....you didn't want to breakdown.
"Okay I'll just be in my office." You nodded and sleep was what you did. You needed it - that was for sure.
You heard a ding from your phone but choose to ignore it since you didn't feel like leaving your sleepy state. You wanted to just be left alone.
That ding, soon turned into a thug and it took you a second to realize where it was coming from. It was dark already? How long were you napping for?
Another thug sent shivers down your spine.....
You got up moving closer to see where the eerie sound was coming from and by surprise the culprit was nothing but a worried boyfriend, standing outside your window.
"What are you doing here?" You asked in a hushed whisper.
"Looking for you." His voice was soft. "Where were you today?"
"I went home sick." You shrugged.
"You okay?" You nodded. "Can I come up?"
"My mom's home." You pursed your lips worried.
"I'll be quiet." He practically begged.
"Okay." You sighed but more to yourself. So much for avoiding your problems.
You didn't even know how he managed to climb up and crawl through your window but he managed just fine as your acrophobia was acting up.
This was the first time he was seeing your room. Well, second unless you count your drunken mess Friday night.
"So what's up?" You asked, distracting him from viewing your personal possessions.
"Are you avoiding me?" He walked closer to you.
"What? Of course not......I just wasn't feeling good." You said trying not to sound nervous.
"Well, you barely answered my text all weekend."
You had nothing to say. You were caught and you couldn't lie yourself out of this one.
"This is about Friday night." He said as you sat down on your bed ready to pour yourself out.
"I'm sorry." You said and he looked at you confused as he sat down next to you. "I'm just embarrassed because that wasn't me and I don't even remember most of it but I just know I made a fool out of myself and I hate that."
"Everyone does stupid stuff when they're drunk." He grabbed your hand sweetly. "And as far as I'm concerned - you didn't do anything wrong."
"So does that mean we didn't - um...."
His face went blank. "No."
"But I remember-"
"We didn't." He looked at you sweetly. "We got pretty intense but I would never do that when you're drinking."
"Okay-" You felt relief. "Um not that I wouldn't want to I'm just not ready for that yet."
"I know, you don't need to worry."
You leaned in putting your head on his shoulder. You felt stupid - a simple conversation made your anxiety go away. You should have known better.
"I suddenly feel better." You smiled looking at him once again.
"Is that so?" He laughed as you nodded.
"Well, some positive news.....I snuck out of my parents dinner with Yuhyun's parents and I told them that she has been bothering me and my new girlfriend and they said they were going to have a talk with her......- so hopefully things will get better."
"Yeah me too." You sighed. "It's really hard to ignore her when she invites people over to my house."
"We didn't get to finish our date night." He playfully pouted.
"That's right, where were we - when that happened."
He smirked. "I remember." He leaned in bringing his lips towards yours and leaned you back down to your bed.
You felt a sudden déjà vu once he wrapped his hands around your hips and lifting your legs around his. Things got intense to your memory but you only remembered bits and pieces. Was it the same for him?
He leaned down back towards your neck and was quick to pull up. "Are you wearing makeup?" He asked with confusion.
"Yeah." You giggled. "Someone got carried away I guess on Friday. How to hide the evidence."
He smirked again. "Sorry about that."
"But unfortunately.....I don't care." He leaned back down probably marking you some more.
Unfortunately you did care but it felt too amazing to pull away - you just couldn't refuse.
You grabbed his shirt as you drifted farther away from reality. The only thing that made things worse was a simple phone call interrupting the silence, causing him to pull away.
"Aish.....what does he want?" He rolled his eyes but silenced his phone, putting it back in his pocket.
"Who is it."
"Beomgyu.....he can wait." He leaned back down bringing his lips towards yours.
You felt him smoothly crawl his fingers up your shirt leaving goosebumps in its place. "Hate to ruin the moment but my moms home."
"That's okay. I should probably get going anyway." He pulled away leaving you wanting more. "I got homework."
"Hmmm, didn't think you did homework."
"Maybe I'm trying to keep up with you." You rolled your eyes playfully.
"You'll never keep with me." You smirked back.
He made his way to your window. "I guess I'll have to keep my window open for now on."
"Don't get used to it." He crawled out, stepping out onto your roof. "This is harder than it looks."
"Looks very hard." You teased.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning." He spoke before you leaned in once again kissing him one last time for the night. "Goodnight."
"Night." You shut your window after he left.
You think it's true Yuhyun will leave you alone now? Hopefully she learned her lesson on messing with you.
If you knew any better - it worked. Yuhyun hasn't spoken a word to you since Monday. You actually felt the happiest you have since falling for the troubled boy. No obstacles standing in the way. You can finally be with Yeonjun in peace.
"Here, put this on." Mia handed you setting spray. "You won't sweat your makeup off."
"Okay." You mist it over your face.
"And this is my favorite perfume."
"Mia.....I already put the other one on." You whined. It was like playing dress up when you were both 8 years old.
"Your bruises went down."
"Thank god.....I felt like my mother was looking extra suspicious with me lately."
"Well, she needs to get used to that when you have a boyfriend." You looked down avoiding eye contact.
"You still haven't told them?" She continued.
"It's not like I lied. They're barely home for me to even say anything."
"Well, technically you did saying he was only a friend."
"That was before he asked me to be his girlfriend....technically." You sighed. "I'll tell them tomorrow morning."
"Okay so I'm going to give you a present and you have to promise you're not gonna give it back okay."
"Why, what is it?" You asked confused as you finished putting on your dress.
"Is something that might come in handy if not tonight, ever soon." You grew more suspicious as she walked over with her hands behind her back. "Like I said, you can't give it back."
You put your hands out and she dropped the mystery item in your palm. "A condom.....Mia." You tried to give it back.
"I said you can't give it back.....like I said, you guys are going to this very soon because you were ready to give him everything at that party and you need to be prepared."
"I was drunk."
"Yes, which means your subconscious is ready so you're ready."
Your heart was beating faster just thinking about it. "I don't know."
"Yeonjun will be a perfect gentleman......at least he better - or I'll beat his ass."
"Alright, let's get going." You followed her down the stairs as you put the condom in your purse.
You didn't know what to feel to be honest. Maybe you needed to get a grip.
"You girls look so beautiful!!!"
"Thank you Mrs. Han." You blushed as Mia's parents had their camera out.
"Just a few before the boys get here."
"Mom." Mia whined.
"Just a few." She took more pictures.
"Oh look the boys are here....gotta go." The door bell rang as Mia tried to make a run for it.
"Eunji....just a few." Mia's mother warned as she used her real name.
You couldn't help but notice Yeonjun's flushed expression seeing you all dressed up but it was nothing compared to how he looked. You never thought you would love seeing him more in a suit. It fit him well. Soobin looked great as well of course but you couldn't take your eyes off the man who was now placing his hands on your hips respectively as pictures were being snapped.
"Alright, let's go now." Mia rushed and you and Yeonjun got in the back as Mia and Soobin in front.
"You boys look so handsome." Mia said once Soobin took off for the school.
"You look beautiful." Yeonjun whispered next to you causing you to blush.
"Thank you." You whispered back. "You look hot." You gasped immediately realizing you said that out loud causing him to laugh. "Sorry."
"Thank you....I thought I do as well." There it is.
"Who do you think will be the king and queen?" Mia began. "My money is on Yeonjun. But I voted for you of course." She looked towards Soobin.
"Me why?"
"Almost every girl in our school has a crush on you." She began. "(Y/N) do you remember that hot list that was going around in 9th grade?"
"Oh yeah." You rolled your eyes.
"Wasn't Yeonjun number one on that list.....and that was 9th, you look so different now." Mia laughed. "You were on it too Soobin, no worries.....you we're definitely number one in my opinion."
"That was before we were dating." Soobin spoke.
"I still had a thing for you back then....even though you were tiny."
"Kai was tiny." Yeonjun laughed.
"Yeah and now he's taller than all of you." Mia chuckled.
"Hey hey hey....not me."
"No of course not." She grabbed Soobins hand.
"What do you mean I looked different before." Yeonjun brought back up.
"No worries - you blossomed nicely....right (Y/N)." You nodded trying not to cause suspicion.
Your crush on him was intense that year, especially when you sat behind him in geography. You were surprised you passed that class with flying colors with him sitting in front of you - he was a distraction and a half.
"I wish I knew you back then." He spoke next to you.
"You were dating Yuhyun." You arched your eyebrows.
"But I would of broke up with her in heartbeat if I met you." He flirted again causing you to roll your eyes.
"Oh shut up." You laughed.
He grabbed your hand and waited until you got to the school.
"These dances are kind of lame but let's have fun." Mia said as you all walked inside.
"Let's dance." Yeonjun was quick to pull you onto the dance floor as Mia took you purse so her and Soobin could find you a table.
"I don't know how." You giggled as you let him drag you along.
"I'll lead." You can hear his smile and it was cute the way he danced along with his friends who were already on the dance floor. He grabbed your hand to make you join in but you felt out of place. You couldn't hold a rhythm.
"Just relax." He spoke next to you trying to block out the music. He grabbed your hips and help you sway along.
"Whoo!" Mia and Soobin finally joined in and you all danced along to whatever was playing. There was a lot of people here tonight, unless it was just an excuse for hormonal teens to touch each while being supervised.
The night went by much quicker than you originally thought that once the principal stopped the music and grabbed the microphone, the dance was more than half way over.
"Settle down, settle down.....It's time we announce the homecoming king and queen and to share a dance in the middle of the dance floor."
"First the king...-" Everyone wait patiently as he opened the envelope and like the words of Mia....everyone already expected who the winner was. "Choi Yeonjun."
He pursed his lips showing that he truly didn't care for this award, it was just a stupid title in his mind. He walked to the stage nonchalantly and accepted the award with a bow as the crown was placed on his head.
You definitely didn't care for these type of things but you knew one thing for sure - he looked attractive as hell and you wanted him so bad.
"Now for the queen." The principle spoke as Yeonjun waited to the side looking bored. "Kim Yuhyun."
The crowd cheered as she gloated making her way up the stage. Mia boo'd causing your friend group to laugh as well as you.
"The crown don't suit her like it would with you." Mia said next you causing you to roll your eyes.
"I don't care for that." You said as you watched Yuhyun put her hands around Yeonjun in a required slow dance.
You couldn't lie when you say you felt crazy jealous. You know it was a requirement for the king and queen but you hated seeing her all over him with that big devilish smile.
Their dance didn't last long since you could tell it turned into an argument. Maybe it was time to make your stance on who he belonged to - in front of everyone. You didn't know where you found the sudden confidence but you felt it and wanted to take advantage of it.
You walked over to the awkward dance and the look of disgust she gave you almost felt unreal. Like she was already plotting revenge against you. "Excuse me, I would like to dance with my boyfriend."
Yeonjun smirked watching this new found courage unsettle as Yuhyun was ready to spit words back in your face.
"I'd like that." Yeonjun spoke before she could and he was quick to leave her grabbing you by the waist instead and leading you in a passionate slow dance.
"I just want to say that you were so hot back there." He whispered next your ear.
"Well don't get use to it because that was much scarier for me."
"Don't be scared - you're amazing." You rolled your eyes playfully.
"You look hot in your crown." You said looking up and then back down as he shared an annoyed expression.
"Well don't get used to it." He took it off and placed it on the nearest head he knew which was Kai dancing with some cute girl.
"Didn't you win last year as well?" You smirked.
He rolled his eyes playfully. "I really don't care for things....I actually wasn't gonna got this year."
"What made you change your mind?"
"You." He sweet talked you once again but you were getting used to it by this point. Actually - you liked it.
"I swear-" He leaned in bringing your lips towards his in a sweet tender kiss that didn't take long to deepen.
"Hehem." You both looked up seeing a teacher warn you to pull away. "None of that."
Yeonjun nodded and you couldn't stop blushing from your embarrassing encounter. "You want to get a drink?"
He asked and you were quick to nod, getting away from the teacher not taking her eyes off you. "Apparently there is an after party happening tonight.....you guys want to go?"
"Not really." Yeonjun was the first to decline. "Kind of over that." He smirked and you couldn't help but blush. "But I rather go someone else."
"Well my parents will be home soon." You pouted.
"We can go to my house? My parents go to bed really early." You felt butterflies immediately. Yeonjun's house? You haven't even pictured what his house looks like or even his room.
You nodded in response.
"We're heading out." Yeonjun spoke as he grabbed your hand and Mia and Soobin followed. You sat in the back with Mia this time as the boys chatted upfront.
"You going over his house?"
"I guess." You shrugged.
"You still have that condom?" Mia whispered making your stomach drop again.
"Stop. We're not ready for that yet."
"You never know. When your caught up in the moment....anything could happen." She smiled.
You shook your head leaning back into the seat. Once you got to Yeonjun's house Mia was quick to hop in the front seat. "Have fun you two. And take care of my girl Yeonjun."
"You don't need to tell me that." He grabbed your hand and like he said, the house was dark. "I can take you home whenever you like, just let me know."
"I can't, that wouldn't make sense with my parents." You smiled.
"What do you mean?" He asked with a subtle smirk shinning through.
"I told my parents that I'm sleeping over Mia's house."
"Sounds good to me." He smiled and lead you upstairs.
His house was pretty nice as well. You never even thought to ask what his parents did for a living. And to make matters more interesting. There was much more to his room than you originally realized - much more to him personally than you would have learned by a simple conversation.
His room was covered with a huge variety of band posters and records giving his room a grundy vibe all together. "You skateboard?" You asked seeing the different boards hanging on the wall.
"Yeah." He shrugged. "Sorry my room is a mess, I would of cleaned up if I knew you would come." He was quickly grabbing clothes and placing them in his basket.
"Honestly, it doesn't bother me and it's not bad at all." You smiled taking off your jacket and putting it on his computer chair.
"I'll give you some clothes to change into." He pulled off his jacket opening his closet.
He handed you a tshirt and boxers and you couldn't help but notice the strong smell of laundry detergent lingering off. You wondered if his mother did his laundry for him because you were definitely impressed.
You decided to change into the bathroom that was luckily connected to his room. The clothing hung off of you slightly but you still felt comfortable regardless. You opened the door to Yeonjun nothing in his boxers and ready to put a tshirt on. You stomach flipped just seeing him in the process. You immediately remembered the first night you studied together and your little strip game that you probably wouldn't mind playing now. It's funny how he's changing your mind over every little thing.
"You tired yet?" He asked seeing your flustered state.
"A little." You shrugged putting your dress on his chair as well.
"We can put a movie on." He grabbed his playstation controller turning on the tv and putting on some random movie. His bed felt much more comfortable than yours for some reason but maybe it was all in your head from the boy that made it feel complete.
You made yourself comfortable in his bed next to him and he didn't hesitate to cuddle up with you. You felt content. And you knew you wouldn't find yourself falling asleep anytime soon, not in Yeonjun's case - that would be too easy.
You didn't even remember who started it but making out suddenly became your favorite thing. You loved when he kissed you like this. Like you were the only thing that mattered. And the more you've done it, the more intense it got every time. You felt his hand travel up your thigh and up his boxer shorts rubbing softly. He moved up closer, going near your already soaked area. He's had that affect on you lately.
"If I'm making you uncomfortable, you would tell me right?" He softly spoke.
"Hmm." You nodded biting your lip. "I'm not uncomfortable."
He smiled and leaned down kissing your neck, just forming more marks you would need to cover up once again, but at the moment you didn't care. You gyrated along with his hand as he rubbed your sensitive clothed center. It felt amazing without being direct contact but you knew this was where it should stay - you felt ready but not like this, not with his parents nearby.
"Do you want me to make you feel good?" He asked leaning up to look at you.
"What about your parents?" You asked.
"Can you stay quiet?"
"I'll try....I trust you." You said and he kiss you softly.
He leaned back as he pulled down the clean boxers that you borrowed for nothing. You didn't know what he had in mind by your stomach was erupting with butterflies anyway. He leaned back down kissing you once again as you felt him rub down your folds causing your adrenaline to kick in. You never felt anything like this before. You haven't even explored there yourself. You were inexperienced to the nine and you began to realize what you were missing out.
"Is this okay?" He asked as you couldn't even speak. You were afraid what would come out so you nodded in response.
He moved away from you again and traveled down lifting the shirt you wear wearing so he could look at you exposed. Was he really about to.....
Yes. You softly moaned for the first time he sucked down your sensitive area. You said it was a new feeling before, this took the whole cake. You never felt such pleasure form inside you. You couldn't contain your voice at this point. Your moans were much more evident by this point, causing him to smile against you. He loved hearing you so weak from his touch.
You felt this feeling overcome you that had you grabbing a pillow and screaming against it. This was what an orgasm felt like? No wondered teens were so hormonal. It felt amazing.
He leaned back with a big smile and trying not to laugh at your defeated state. "You okay."
"I think so." You finally came back to reality. "That felt-" You grew speechless.
"I never felt anything like that before." You confessed.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"Um what about you?" You asked noticing his bulge poking through.
"I'll take care of that in a bit, no worries." He smiled. "We'll take this slow."
He was right, even though you were dying to touch him - to make him feel as good as he made you feel.
After he excused his self to the bathroom and came back, you fell asleep in his arms, making tonight the best night ever. What could go wrong?
You woke up next to a sleeping Yeonjun and you couldn't believe he looked just as good sleeping than he did awake. He was like a prince. You leaned over checking the time and seeing a bunch of missed texts and one missed call from your mother. Uh oh.
»Incoming text :: From Mia :: 7:35a.m. (Y/N) im so sorry, i didn't mean to get you into trouble.
»Incoming text :: From mom :: 7:02a.m. You're not at Mia's? Where are you? You better come home right now.
too be continued.....
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seongminiz · 7 months
hello my luv!! ngl i was laughing my ass off when i found out seongmin had beat taeyoung’s horse cock allegations😭😭 but like picture this.. you’re taeyoung’s best friend who came along that exact video and decided to tease him over it when he came for movie night.
“better shut your mouth before i shove it in to shut it for you”
also would it be alright if i could become 🫙 anon? much love to youu🤍🤍🤍
(not me turning this into a whole ass fic help)(n ofc u can be 🫙 anon !!)
review : ★★☆☆☆ , not that big tbh
minors dni ; ~1.7k words
warnings not proof read its like 3am i'll fix this in the morning , dom taeyoung , bratty reader , rlly lighthearted unserious n kinda fluffy , oral (m rec) , unprotected sex :3 (its not a jo seongminiz fic without it tbh) , creampie , big dick taeyoung :') , bulge kink n a little of size kink ig ? idk taeyoung refers to reader as tiny in one instance , liiittle bit of dumbification , i used the words cock n dick so much in this they dont even feel like real words anymore send help , some of the dialog is kinda cringe sawrry abt that , the whole smut part is cringe tbh im going to set myself on fire how am i a smut writer that doesn't know how to write smut
note no bc the way they were talking abt cock n balls on national television like CAN WE HAVE SOME DECORUM PLS anyways ! THE WRITERS BLOCK HAS BEEN CURED Y'ALL cant believe it took taeyoung having a small dick to fix this i love ur brain anon bc like .. YES . i can picture this so well . n i am NAWT letting the taeyoung monster cock agenda go no matter what seongmin says ik hes lyingggg
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deep down u know what seongmin said was nothing more than a joke with barely any truth to it. it's not like you're unfamiliar with taeyoung's size, having your fair experience of accidentally rubbing ur ass against him while you were cuddling one too many times and causing some awfully awkward accidents because of it.
still, teasing taeyoung is wayyy more fun than acknowledging any of that. and for once, actually grinding down on him to get a reaction while you're cuddled up on your couch, watching a shitty movie you picked randomly, is fun too.
you can clearly feel taeyoung's bulge growing, just as you can feel him trying to move behind you to make it a little better (and ultimately making it worse each time), and you can hear the way his breath gets heavier by the minute, trying to stifle a few whines here and there you want to hear more of so badly.
when you 'innocently' grind against him once more under the pretense of stretching, taeyoung's last weak bit of restraint is gone. he groans, a hand firmly gripping your hips to hold you in place and finally stop your cruel shenanigans.
'can you stop that?' taeyoung asks, voice strained. 'stop what?' you look behind you and up at him, eyes wide in the fakest innocent expression you can come up with.
'you know what i'm talking about, you're...' he sits up, finally freeing himself from the close contact with you and quickly grabbing a pillow to hide his boner. you smirk to yourself, shaking your head as you sit up too. 'you're making me hard...' he finally says, lowering his voice so you can barely hear him over the movie playing.
'oh!' your expressions shifts to one of even faker concern, pouting a little. 'sorry about that. i didn't really feel anything, though, that's why i didn't notice...' you both know your explanation is bullshit. taeyoung knows that, he's sure of it even as you whisper something along the lines of 'i guess seongmin was right about it not being that big.'
still, he somehow finds himself trying to desperately defend his pride, barely managing to stutter out something about seongmin being a liar and how you both know you're just playing along with that whole bit for shits and giggles.
'am i?' you tilt your head to the side, keeping up your act as well as you can until the inevitable happens. 'you know, i've never really seen it, so how would i know? i guess until i do, i'll just have to trust seongmin on his word...'
for the first time that night, taeyoung actually laughs. 'if you wanted to see my dick that bad, you should've just asked,' he moves the pillow away, and you can finally shamelessly stare at his very obvious bulge as much as you want. taeyoung takes his sweet time with it , undoing the strings of his sweatpants and hooking his thumbs in the waistband before looking up at you, taking in your shocked expression and the way you're basically hypnotized by the sight of his still clothed cock.
because holy shit. you knew seongmin was just messing with him when he made that joke, you knew he was somewhat big, but this?
'this is a fucking monster cock what the fuck?'
the words leave your mouth before you can properly process them and, at the same time, with a quick motion taeyoung gets rid of both his sweatpants and boxers at once, finally snapping you out of your dick-induced trance.
just to have you plummet into an even worse one, probably. because not only is taeyoung's dick enormous, it also looks pretty as fuck.
'told you so,' he simply says, one of his hands gently lifting your chin so you can face him, his demeanor suddenly more serious. 'you're still okay with this, right?'
'of course,' you manage to say, breaking the heavy eye contact for a split second to steal yet another glance at taeyoung's dick. despite your voice shaking, and your actions not matching your words, you try to once again keep up that same act that brought you exactly where you are right now. 'plus, i was right, it's not even that big.'
'oh, really?' taeyoung's hand leaves your face and slides down to your shoulder, a silent command you follow with no objections, sliding off the couch and to your knees on the cold floor beneath you, right between his legs.
and face to face with his cock.
'let's hope it's at least big enough to shut you up, then,' taeyoung runs his hand through your hair, firmly gripping it 'maybe you'll be able to put your moth to good use for once.'
at that moment, you genuinely wish taeyoung was smaller. because no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to be able to take all of him in your mouth, using your hand to cover the part you can't reach.
truth is, taeyoung isn't as relaxed as he would want to be either. the simple fact you can't take all of him is enough to rile him up even more, fighting the urge to just take charge and fuck your mouth like he really wants to.
'so much for it not being that big, huh?' his words come out weak, broken by small moans and whimpers in between them.
of course you don't- you can't reply to taeyoung's taunts, at least verbally, so you opt for trying to take him deeper. the action makes you gag, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. taeyoung almost cums right then and there, his resolve slowly crumbling and breaking down as he pulls you off of him.
after all, he has greater plans than just cumming down your throat. and if the way you whimper and rub your thighs together once he leaves your mouth empty is anything to go by, you do too.
taeyoung gently helps you up and back on the couch. his lips are immediately on yours, pulling you into a heated makeout as he gets rid of your shorts and underwear, sliding one hand between your legs to be met with your soaked cunt. you whine into the kiss, pulling away from him and grabbing on his wrist.
'don't tease me,' you complain. taeyoung wants to laugh at you. after all you've done and said, you are the one who doesn't want to be teased? if that's what you want, though...
'right, you said it's not that big anyways, you should be able to take it right away, no?'
what taeyoung didn't expect you to do was actually agree. you desperately nod, hand still wrapped around his wrist 'i can take it, please.'
or maybe you can't, but at this moment you'd rather die impaled on your best friend's cock than admit you were wrong, even when all the evidence - especially your own lived one - points to your defeat.
you definitely can't.
that's what you realize as taeyoung starts to push the head of his cock inside you and your eyes immediately fill with tears.
'fuck... you're so-'
'i'm not the problem here, you're just fucking big.' you cut him off. your head is spinning and, despite the pain, you can't deny how good you actually feel. how full you are, even as you look down and realize he's barely halfway inside of you.
you close your eyes, squeezing taeyoungs's hand. when did you even start holding it? you don't remember, probably somewhere between when you yelled at him to 'fucking slow down' and when you threatened to 'cut your dick off if you dare to cum before you're all the way in'.
luckily for taeyoung, your threats will have to wait and his cock - a national treasure at this point - will live to see another day.
now that he's fully buried inside your cunt, you can finally adjust to his size, slowly relaxing until it doesn't hurt (that much) anymore. 'you can move,' you say after a while, your hips bucking up in encouragement as taeyoungs's grip on your sides tightens.
'fucking finally, i thought i was going to die before i got to properly fuck you,' his joke and your laugh to it are short lived, cut off by the both of you moaning in unison as he starts picking up his pace.
you're so overwhelmed, you can feel taeyoung everywhere inside you, so deep you're pretty sure you should be dead at this point. you're grateful you're not, though, you're pretty sure if you were you wouldn't be able to feel the way the tip of his cock relentlessly bullies your sweet spot, paired with his fingers right on your clit and...
'fuck look at this,' you whine when the stimulation on your clit subsides, but your disappointment doesn't last long, taeyoung places that same hand on your lower stomach, pressing on the very evident bulge formed by taeyoungs's cock ramming inside you.
'but it's not that big right? fuck... maybe you're right, i might not be that big, maybe you're just too tiny for me.'
you moan at taeyoung's words, too far gone to properly process them as you mindlessly nod. 'aw, did i fuck you too dumb? can't think properly when i'm fucking you this good?' he coos at you, and you can't do anything but nod again.
'so full... going to cum,' you can barely speak before you're clenching down even more on his cock, cumming with no further warning.
if taeyoung wasn't about to cum before, he definitely is now, his hips picking up the pace even more as he helps you ride through your high and starts to overstimulate you chasing his own.
his dick twitches inside of you, and you swear you couldn't almost cum again just from that, as his hips stutter and finally slow down, his cum filling you up.
you're both panting, trying to recover from probably the most mind blowing highs of your life.
when you make eye contact with taeyoung, he starts laughing again.
'what?' you ask.
'so? did i change your mind?'
you shrug, suppressing your own laugh 'eh, not really... it wasn't that big to be honest'
:3 thats it bye omg shitty ending everybody say thank u jo seongminiz
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in season 6
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At this point, it was a tradition between the two of you. As a result of your obligations that kept you - much to Daryl’s relief - safe behind the walls of Alexandria, it was rare that you got to join him on runs. While he was away, you kept yourself busy with the jobs you had to do, you taught the children of the neighbourhood, so you spent most of the day with them. Any night without Daryl was difficult, you tossed and turned without him, worrying about where he was, if he was alright. You’d stare out of the window from your bed and feel the strangest sense of reassurance, like somehow you knew that wherever he was, Daryl was looking up at those same stars and telling you that he was alright.
To this day, he tries to sneak into bed without disturbing you if he thinks you are already asleep, regardless of him knowing that his attempts are futile. Because every single time, without fail, you roll over or your eyes open and you smile so brightly at him the moment you feel the bed dip.
Even if you had been asleep, you made it difficult to tell, because upon seeing him you were immediately wide awake. And this occasion was no different.
You hear him try his best to tiptoe up the stairs to your shared bedroom, and by the time he pushes the door open, you’re already grinning at him.
Daryl sighs, but he cant help smiling right back. “You should be sleepin’, pretty girl.”
Your smile only widens as you stand up from the bed and stroll over to him, taking ahold of his hands to squeeze them ever so gently, before you were carefully brushing his hair out of his eyes with your fingertips. Every time he comes home, you remind him that no matter how rough the world is with him, he can always trust that you will be gentle.
“You know that’s not how this works, Dixon. C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up!” You take ahold of his hands again and drag Daryl to the bathroom while he pretends to resist. Despite his general disliking towards showers, you had definitely changed his opinion when showers included you.
The scolding hot water streams down your bodies, and you stare up at Daryl in wonder as he tilts his head up and closes his eyes, rubbing his face with his hands to clean it before he glances back down at you and catches you staring at him.
“Im standin’ here naked and you’re ogglin’ over my damn face.” Daryl jokes, and you smile at him with rosy cheeks.
“Just because you’re naked doesnt mean your face is suddenly less mesmerising, but dont get me wrong, your dick is beautiful too.” You tease, and he chuckles as he shakes his head and lowers it to hide his bashful face in your neck, causing you to laugh and wrap your arms around him.
“Barely been back five minutes and you’re already drivin’ me crazy. Yer lucky yer cute, y’know that?” Daryl grumbles from his place in your neck, and you nod as you reach for the shampoo.
“Oh, trust me, I know. If I wasnt so cute you’d be substantially less whipped, right?” You say playfully, squeezing the shampoo into your hands behind Daryl’s back.
“Naw, every other aspect of ya would keep me whipped fer sure.”
You smile to yourself, feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach at his words. Your hands reach for Daryl’s wet hair, running through it carefully and massaging the suds into his scalp. He releases a sigh that is so completely relaxed, so comfortable and happy, your heart sings. The little kisses Daryl places at your neck as he wraps his arms around your waist almost make you tear up.
“Look up sweetheart, I dont want to get it in your eyes.” You coo, wanting to rinse the shampoo from his hair for him.
Daryl nods and lifts his head from your neck, tilting his head back so that you can rinse the suds from his hair. The fact that you even make the effort to avoid hurting him in the minimal sense of accidentally getting soap in his eyes, you never fail to remind Daryl just how much you adore him in everything you do.
The two of you head back to your bedroom with a towel each wrapped around your body, and another on each of your heads, wrapped in the way you taught Daryl to after his first shower at Alexandria. Your fingers are intertwined up until you reach the bedroom, and then you briefly part to get dressed. Daryl ends up in just a pair of boxer shorts, while you settle for one of his shirts. With Daryl lying on the bed waiting for you, you do a dramatic twirl in his shirt, knowing his eyes are glued to you. He smirks at you, and you smirk back at him, until you both burst out laughing and you crawl over to him on the bed.
“Never known someone to be so sexy and so cute at the same damn time, yer impossible.” Daryl tells you as he snuggles into you, you sitting up slightly on the bed with your arms around him as he rests his head on your chest. Towels have since been discarded, leaving you both with damp hair. You subconsciously start running your fingers through Daryl’s hair to ever so gently untangle it.
“You say that like you arent the human embodiment of those two qualities at all times.” You reply, and Daryl scoffs.
“Only you think that about me, though.”
You cant help laughing at that, having told him countless times that very few humans alive would be able to resist him. “Daryl, you realise Im a school teacher, right? The only people that ever see me to find me attractive, apart from you, are the kids in my classes. Speaking of, you might need to have another word with Elliot.” You bring up playfully.
Daryl shakes his head dramatically. “Did he give ya flowers again? I thought I told him t’ ease up!”
You sigh with dramatics in equilibrium to Daryl’s. “He said he’d treat me better than you, that he wouldnt leave me by myself and he’d bring me flowers everyday.”
Daryl scoffs, pretending to be angry. “Tha’s it, I aint never leavin’ again - cant! Not when some guy’s tryna steal my girl!”
You both laugh, knowing that the Elliot you are referring to is a very sweet 7 year old boy you teach who has quite the crush on you. Anytime he sees you with Daryl, the two of them have pretend fights or give each other ‘Im watching you’ gestures. It’s hilarious every single time.
As the night continues on, the two of you settle into another comfortable tradition, involving you reading Daryl something to help him get ready for sleep. He didnt want to admit it at first, but having you read to him as you hold him in your arms, putting on voices for different characters to make him laugh, it gave him an experience of peace that he had never had before, one that brought him an unreasonable amount of joy. Daryl was sure that as a kid, his mother probably did read to him at some point, but the memories from after her death somewhat overshadowed any good times he had, and he could no longer remember what came before. You gave him that experience in an entirely new way, not as his mother, but as someone who truly cared for him, who would protect him with your life, and love him in a way that even he couldnt deny.
Tonight, you are reading a chapter from The Hobbit, and although Daryl does absolutely adore your voice for Bilbo Baggins, he finds himself wrapping his hand around the spine of the book, closing it in your hands, leaving you confused.
“I love you, ya know that, dontcha?” He asks, his voice hoarse for a reason that he cant quite distinguish, because love isnt that simple.
You cup his face in your hands, smiling down at him adoringly. “Of course, and you know I love you too.”
Daryl’s eyes close as he relaxes into your touch, but he opens them to speak to you so that he can see your reaction to what he has to say. “I’ve never...had someone who makes me feel safe, like you do. Even Merle, he left, and when I foun’ him again he didnt min’ leavin’ me to go off fer girls or drugs. Thought that he made me feel safe, but ya made me realise...he didnt, not really. An’ it made me realise sum’ else, ‘cause I’ve never felt safe, I didnt know who I was when I was safe. You’ve shown me that side o’ me, (Y/N), an’ I can’ thank you enough. Words aint really my area, and I know even when I cant say sum’ you know exactly what’s in ma head, but I wan’ed you t’ hear me say all this.”
Tears are stinging your eyes as Daryl scans your face, his gaze locking onto your trembling bottom lip, then the streams that escape your eyes. He’s quick to hold your face, brushing your tears away with his thumbs.
“It is an honour to love you, Daryl, thank you for letting me love you.” You tell him, and Daryl pushes himself up to capture your lips with his.
The kiss is slow, it speaks words that are too strong to exist in any spoken language. Your fingers curl in Daryl’s hair, wanting to pull him impossibly closer, and he reciprocates by deepening the kiss, sighing against your lips.
By the time the two of you pull away from each other, you’re lying on your sides, facing each other with legs intertwined and swollen, dopey smiles. Daryl stands up to turn the bedroom light off, and you immediately pout at him for breaking away from you, which makes him laugh. The moment he’s back in bed, you’re snuggling back into each other, your head on his chest this time, the preferred sleeping position for the two of you.
“Goodnight angel, sweet dreams.” You whisper, and Daryl places a kiss on your forehead.
“Night sweet girl, I’ll see ya on the other side.” He whispers back, using the exact phrase he gives you every time he falls asleep with you. Daryl has told you that his dreams arent sweet unless you are in them, so whenever you wish him sweet dreams, he simply has to mention that he’ll see you there.
Daryl stares off to the side, looking out of the same window you stared out of whenever you missed him. The stars wink at him, and he smiles up at them, thanking them as he always did, for getting him back to you.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Professor Callahan x Fem!Student!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: Callahan gets vicious, defending you in front of the whole damn class.
Inspired by Ezra using his power as a teacher in this scene of Pretty Little Liars for gross personal reasons with Aria. (Start at .57)
Warnings: Teacher/student affair themes. Fight, bad romance and sexual references.
You could not believe what you were hearing; Callahan was tearing into a student- which was not entirely out of the ordinary. But this wasn't him smug and mean, this was him pissed off. Because of you.
Half the class was watching in fear, afraid the professor was just in a bad mood and they could be next, but you felt like the other half were looking directly at you; at the back of your head. At the side of your face, searching for a reaction.
Knowing something is wrong here. Knowing what you've done.
You didn't know what to do. You were frozen in place; your knuckles white wrapped around eachother in your lap as you fight not to say anything.
All the guy did was oppose your opinion in a debate- like he was supposed to. It was a simple one, but the guy got personal; he got too heated and he called you a dumbass (You didn't care, you were getting heated, too- it was hard not to in a class like this, and you weren't a fan of his opinions. You could still feel the word 'idiot' at the tip of your own tongue.), and Cal immediately spoke before you could- his razer fast wit clicking into place faster then you could have de-escalated the argument. He went from sitting back half-on his desk, one calf folded casually over the other, to ram-rod straight, as close to the guy as he could get without wading in between the desks. Cal's eyes glued to him while he took the poor guy down 30-something pegs, humiliating the guy in front of the whole class until he had his head bowed pathetically and nothing to say.
It wasn't fair. Callahan was completely abusing his power and everyone in the room knew it.
Which wasn't entirely out of character- but you were afraid that they would see through him. Or you. And they'd see how bad this instance was, how gross. That he was abusing his power to defend the student he was currently fucking.
The interaction lasted less then a minute, but Callahan got his point across, and continued to stare down the guy for further torturous moments, while the rest of the room was crickets. You refused to even move, eyes on him hoping he would glance over and see you and come to his goddamn senses. But he didn't.
... The horrible scene ended when Callahan finally shifted and looked up at the clock, before rolling his shoulders of any stress and heading back to his desk like nothing at all happened. "Alright everyone, class's over, get out."
Everyone did as they were told as fast as possible, especially the guy- he barely stuck around to unplug his laptop before shooting out of the classroom. He certainly didn't wait around to ask questions about the homework. The classroom was empty in a minute.
Then it was just the two of you. He knew you were there, but he didn't look around or acknowledge you, the dick; just peacefully flipped through a book on his desk as if he wasn't an insane person. Didnt he think him coming to your defence like that was going to cause suspicions?? If not, then he's not nearly as smart as you thought.
You cant stay quiet. "What the hell was that??" You finally ask, slamming your books down on your desk as you get up out of your seat.
"... the hell are you talking about?" He asks, playing dumb which you absolutely don't care for. No.
You round the desk so he can see how pissed off you are, and you can see his face too. See how nonchalant he really is- which is not at all. He looks pent up and frustrated. "What the hell is wrong with you??"
"Oh, so I guess you liked the way he was talking to you??" He smirks, shrugging. "My bad. Next time I'll encourage that." He sneers, sarcasm dripping off his sharp tongue.
Narrowing your eyes, you fight not to leave right that moment. Leave, transfer classes, and never see him again. This isn't worth the risk, whatever this is isn't worth your education. How could you have been so dumb?? "Ugh, you're being impossible. You know that was dumb. What if people are suspicious now?? What if someone tells- I dunno, another faculty member?? Someone with more power then you?? You could be fired for fraternising with a student."
"Thanks for the tip. I had no idea." Still, with the nasty quippy sarcasm. You roll your eyes, and move away from the desk with the intent to gather your things and leave.
"I'm out of here."
Before you can even reach your things though, Callahan turns around and grabs you by the wrist. "Oh no you're not." He drags you back, right into his body this time. "If you ask me, you're at fault here- you're the one who couldn't handle herself in a simple debate."
NOW you're pissed. "What!?" You were holding your own! Its not your fault the guy went out of line and Callahan felt the need to jump in- you didn't ask him to do that! He wouldn't have, for anyone else in that class.
"If you could handle that, if you could control your emotions in the classroom, I wouldn't have noticed your distress and felt the need to defend you- be a grown up and not a silly girl, and this wont happen again."
Instead of engaging him in that ridiculous line of accusation (Suddenly you're a child?? You weren't too young to have been in his bed, last night, were you?), you stop everything. You make yourself calm. Then you lean into him, and v e r y c a l m l y say "You're an asshole." Then wrench yourself free of his hold and storm to your desk. Furiously you stuff everything into your bag and throw it over your shoulder, turning to stride out of the old classroom when Callahan follows you and corners you against the door before you can open it. "Fuck!- " You curse, glaring hard at him. "Let me out!"
When he grabs your jaw and pulls you suddenly into a deep heated kiss, you're shocked and outraged; you drop your bag heavily to the floor. Let him force you between the door and his body. When he pulls back, you glare even more harshly at him. "... was that supposed to do something??" You ask breathlessly. "I'm still just as pissed off at you."
"Yeah, well I don't care. Get on your knees." He tells you gruffly, breathing heavily from the fight.
You gape, stunned. "You get on your knees!" You snap back, beyond pissed off that he would dare-
That he has the balls to- To try, and-
Right now!???
You're furious with him!
But your heart falls in utter surprise that almost takes all the fight right out of you, when he shrugs his shoulders in that perfectly tailored blazer, a spiteful-shitty-smug look on his face, and goes down. Eyes wide, you stare at him (This old man) down there on his knees fully prepared to eat you out amidst being pissed off, in shock and... a little bit of desire. Sometimes you hate this man-- but he looks so good on his knees. Even with that narcissistic smirk on his face.
"... fuck you."
"Thats the idea."
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mikasuxxx · 2 years
pink loving super spy reader is kinda starting to grow on me. like imagine her just occasionally walking around base after successfully gaining some intel, in a fur coat, a dress and heels with the fluff on them (yes, they have to have fluff on them) and they click clack with every step she takes (people look but no one really says anything. even if they did she doesnt care cause she embraces herself like a fucking girlboss, as she should tbh) and slams down a small tape recorder on Price's desk, and says in a sing song tone, "Oh, Priceeeee!!! look at all this juicy intel i just got ahold of!!!" and Price is always amused by it every time. And of course, she never fails to deliver. Shes very confident and playful (and flirty maybe?) yet she always gets the job done. probably brings him and the other members of the task force some kind of gift from wherever her mission took place.
one time she bought price a fucking leopard print thong just for funsies
"Agent [Name], what the fuck is this?"
"What??? i saw it in a display and i just knew you'd look darling in that, i dont know if its your size though. Doesnt matter, it will still show off everything for our next "meeting""
He sighs, rubbing his temple "Just get out of my office, ill talk to you later."
She gasps in excitement "So you'll wear it???"
She also is very flirty with the 141 boys. She adores them. She may or may not have slept with all of them. All of them except Ghost. Her ultimate goal was to at least get one night with Ghost. She knows he wont budge but she's still playful with him either way.
Her, Soap and Gaz have made a bet over it. if she's able to make Ghost fold one day, she'll be $60 richer.
She doesnt actively bother him all the time, just on the small occasions. She thinks hes super attractive and would kill to have him raw dog her and all but she also respects his boundaries. He did get used to her and sometimes would play along with her flirts. Small progress.
The gifts she gives the other boys are funny yet bizarre. She gets Soap an actual bar of soap, but its the one where its got pheromones and shit, like the one that makes people horny or something like that. Or, alternatively, she gets him a pink cock ring, cause she loves making him feel good but her hands get tired. (mfs hella girthy and her hands cant even fully wrap around it)
She gets Gaz a pink robe set with fluffy slides. This is in reference to my headcanon of him loving shower sex. She loves it too but she actually cleans herself up after and puts on a pink robe, as expected, and some fluffy slippers. She wants him to match her. He finds it funny, and he actually ends up wearing it after they fuck in the shower. He says is very comfy
As for Ghost, hes very mysterious and doesnt talk about himself, like at all, so it gives her basically nothing to work with. Shes more close to the other men so normally she knows what to get them. She just gets him a regular old cologne, or some basic gifts that you'd get men for christmas. Maybe, just maybe, if shes close enough to him, she'll get him some flavored condoms. He's very...unamused but hes not angry.
"I heard strawberry one tastes good so maybe use that one."
"I dont even know what the fuck to say to this"
"Just say thank you for once at least, jeez!!!"
"Fine, thank you, [Name]"
"There you go!!! you're welcome!!"
idk what this is. I just thought it was funny
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yahoodarling · 2 years
I'm a bit shy to ask this... I love your work! It's always so interesting to read. Could you do something Dottore x Pantalone? Or maybe Dottore x reader x Pantalone? I think writing the harbingers leans into dark content more naturally :3
It's okay, getting requests or comments on my work is always welcome from my dear darlings. This didn't have as much dark content as my other stuff but I do enjoy the dynamic in this one.
Pantalone X GNReader X Dottore
Warnings: Suggestive, crude language, experimentation and dark content(just to cover my bases for this haha)
Reader is submissive/not in control, referred to as 'pet/dog' at times.
"Could you get me some tea?" Pantalone asked, eyes focused on receipts and records, shuffling papers with his black gloved hands. 
You nodded to your boss and went on to make him a brew of tea you decided would best please him. His main office had the small tea station and soon you mixed a fragrant blend and allowed its aroma to wharf in the air.
In a few minutes you returned and placed the small cup to the side of his desk on a small platter, standing back to the side and awaited his reaction.
He shifted his focus to the cup and lifted it to his lips, eyes closed and took in the golden liquid. Almost instantly you saw his shoulder relax, his lips fall into a fond smile. "Once again you read my needs so well. This is a fine brew, thank you." He nodded to you, his glasses chains dangled along with his head nod in satisfaction. 
Of course pride welled in your chest, you were glad to know you could be of service to him and to receive praise from such a high ranking person was a blessing.
"Of course my lord" you bowed and stood back at your station just behind him, a word away from fulfilling whatever request your boss required at any time. 
You made these boring times so pleasant for Pantalone. He chuckled and sipped on his tea, now in a good mood as he worked through the papers. Such a good mood sadly came to a halt as he read through a letter from his colleague, he knotted his eyebrows in frustration and had to physically rub away the headache the words caused. He couldn't enjoy one afternoon without interruption now could he?
"(Name), I will be going out later today to visit with Ill Dottore. This man just cant be satiated now can he?"
"Another request for funds?"
"Of course it is. He burns through mora faster than any one else. File the open papers and organize the ones I have yet to read through into personal and business. I'm going out for a walk."
The large doors opened and Pantalone walked back into his office, taking off his coat and handing it to you that awaited nearby almost immediately.
You nodded and stepped away to allow him past and got on to sorting out the papers and clutter on his desk. You reached out for the empty tea cup, just a few golden drops remained. You smiled like an idiot. You knew you were just his assistant but knowing he enjoyed your tea and appreciated your work left a light feeling in your chest.
"Today is pleasant. The scenery was most enjoyable in the indoor garden, i'm glad i took that walk." He reached his now organized desk and opened up a drawer to obtain his glasses case and wiped off the condensation. 
"Well then." He said, putting them back on. "Let's go meet the good doctor and see what he is whining about now."
"Shall I join you?"
"Of course. I need some support from the absolute nightmare that is to come from this."
Usually Pantalone wasn't as frustrated with Dottore as he came across as now, he usually treated him with respect or enjoyed complex conversations with him but you also knew he got irritated easily when disturbed, much like Dottores request had disturbed Pantalones wuiet afternoon.
"Let's get this done. Be sure to bring my personal finance book"
You had it already in hand and opened the door for him.
Pantelone chuckled and gave a quick head pat to your head as he walked past. 
You never usually joined in Pantalone and Dottores conversations, you would stand outside by the door and wait but this time Pantalone welcomed you in as well. Dottore was an interesting character, all your colleagues spoke hesitantly about him and every fatui assigned to him would send their will and farewells to their family as he tended to have assistants disappear a lot, you were lucky to work under Pantalone that treated you well . 
His office was unsettling, it linked to his personal lab and storage room to the side that you have never seen anyone enter or leave from. Your one wish in life would be to never have to go in there.
"Hello dears' ' he smiled at you and Pantalone, sharp teeth bear which  seemed more unsettling since you couldn't see his face behind his mask. 
"Greetings Doctor" Pantalone replied and sat on the chair adjacent to Dottores desk, clasped his fingers together and gave a greeting smile. You took your stand behind where he sat and waited to let the men talk.
"Brought your lap dog this time?" Dottore chimed and angled his face to you, you wouldn't respond unless told to by your boss. "It makes sense you have them as your little pet. That attractive face would be wasted on the battlefield, rather keep them safe and close by your side so you can enjoy it even more."
Pantalone wasn't having it and shut the conversation down. "I hear you want to extend your funds."
"That? Yes, I'm dealing with materials that are rather expensive. I'm sure if I beg enough you will help me."
"Im waiting"
"Alright... 'Oh rich man! Give me your money.' Done? Is that good enough?" Dottore swooned with clear sarcasm
Pantalone sighed and looked at you with an unimpressed look
"(Name), we won't be needing to file any extra records for Dottore. It was a waste coming here. I refuse your request, i will be leaving now."
And he stood up and turned his back on the doctor. Said doctor leaped out his seat, trying to keep the conversation going.
"Wait wait. Was I not convincing?"
Pantalone refused to even turn around to look at Dottore while he spoke.
"Your excuses have gotten repetitive and unoriginal, it's not worth my time. I only came here in person as it's the respectful thing to do but you make it very hard to want to come back."
Pantelone kept walking and waved his hand at you to follow to which you did.
‘So heavy’ you think holding multiple files and taking them to their respective posts. Working for a high ranking fatui member had its perks but also had its disadvantages, one of which being the large workload to fulfill and your work load required you to deliver all Pantelones files, messages and receipts to their proper place within the headquarters, it's not like he could do something like that after all, he's too important.
"Tsk, that was uneventful. Stupid banker and his stupid mutt" Dottore fumed silently and sulked at his desk as you two left.
“Little dog.” Came that gruff voice behind you shocking you out of your thought process making you nearly drop all the files. You turn around to see who was calling you such things. It was Doctor Dottore.
“So you respond to that?” he teased with a smile.
“Not necessarily sir, it's just the loud call caught my attention.”
“Hmmm” he grunted and walked closer to you confidently
“Mind helping me with a little something in my lab? I promise itll be eventful, something more entertaining than lugging around papers.”
“I apologize my lord, I must get back to work.” you turn to leave, being in any contact with Dottore alone is dangerous. You turn to leave but he instantly grasps your wrist in rebuttal.
“Now now, don't go running away. I don't think you have the right to refuse anyway. Just come.”
And he started to drag you off, firm grasp on you, the amount of strength he had on you was in such contrast to his leaner build.
“Sir- i really can't…” you harsh tugs made you drop all the files, that didn't stop him as you continued down the hallway under his lead.
This room smelled sickly, the room attached to his office somehow both clean and dirty at the same time, equipment and books shuffled all around and the disturbingly clear table with leather straps to it. Oh shit shit shit.
“Sir this is-! I'm not a part of this! Surely you have others!” you pleaded and tugged back with all your might as he continued to push you closer to the table.
“Oh hush, this isnt gonna hurt and it'll be quick.”
You were left dumbstruck as he easily lifted you up and ungracefully lobbed you onto its surface and quickly grasping your hands in the harnesses like it was a skilled practice of his. He left your legs and torso unbounded but that didn't calm your nerves as you fought against the leather straps.
“Haaaah. Haha, I do say I'm quite lucky today. Checking all my boxes with very little effort.” he chuckled as he walked away to get something.
“What? Wait, please, Pantalone wont allow for this!”
“Oh I know darling~” He turned and looked at you with a sickly pleased smile. “That's half of the point.”
He was doing this to get back at Pantelone for refusing his extension? He was gonna use you as a guinea pig to spite him just because he didn't get what he wanted?
He held your chin and shifted it side to side, inspecting your features. "Such a pretty face. I could think of no other reason to keep you but to stand and look pretty like a decoration, much like you do anyway."
He leaned back away from you and became serious in the face. “Have you heard of the current disease plaguing Sumeru? A terrible terrible thing called Eleazar. I've researched its symptoms and causes before long in the past but recently found some… forbidden knowledge as you may call it that may help narrow down its cause.” This conversation left you shellshocked, in no way looking forward to where he was going with this.
“I found a little thing that, if it is a catalyst for Eleazar perhaps it could link to a cure. You'd be doing myself and many others a favor if you'd comply.”
He was wanting to give you a disease?! One that has no cure, one that must be severe if it's needing such deep research into it. If you weren't pulling against the straps of the table you were now, bargaining with the doctor out the window as your brain focused on trying to get out.
“Oh come on.” he sighed dramatically while holding a needle with a black liquid in its cylinder. “Surely you can trust me here. It's not like i haven't dealt with Eleazar, you will probably be fine anyway.” He leaned over and shifted your wrist to have a clear view, your struggles not deterring him. “Ah, such clear, wide veins. You are making my job so much easier without even realizing it.” and with that he neared the metal needle into your skin, the slight sting it would have caused was ignored by the absolute panic you felt.
“DOTTORE YOU SHIT!” Your saving grace opened the door harshly, more angered than you had ever seen him before. His glasses were off and his coat slung lopsided before he threw it across the room and at Dottore. It was a thick coat, getting hit by it would be an impact and it was, Dottore was thrown off you.
“I swear, you can't just accept it when people refuse you. You are like a child.” pantelone huffs, pacing towards you and helping you out the straps.
"I know you are an attention whore for me but messing with my property is not the type of attention you'd want. You aren't doing all of this just because you are having a temper tantrum I didn't extend your funds now are you?"
"I wouldn't word it like that but in a sense, yes. I do enjoy getting to play with you." Dottores' silky voice echoed, he seemed delighted at the reaction he was getting. 
Pantelone left your side and got closer to Dottore, bending down and grasping his collar, yanking it up harshly. “Games are for play time, not business time” he mused, face inches away from the doctor's mask.
You sat on the table watching, fear nearly completely gone as a single thought consumed your mind, ‘What the fuck is up with this tension?’
Pantelone dropped Dottore suddenly, leaving him on the floor as he walked back to you, however, he spoke back directed at Dottore and not to you. “You claim my assistant is a dog yet i find you have a better resemblance to one. A filthy mutt pissing itself for attention from its master. Maybe if you would behave id give you want youd want.”
Pantalone sighed, out of exhaustion or simply at the situation, when he recovered we went back to looking at you, a more mellow look in his eyes.
“It seems you have been involved in work outside your contract, I must remunerate you for your inconveniences.” he got close, slightly leaned over, held your face closer to his, the familiar smell of your tea brews lingered on him. “I do hope this will be enough.” He closed what space was left and kissed you, softly but it had a firm hold to it. It was warm, comforting and left you feeling content so you reciprocated kissing back into him. After what felt like a few minutes you opened your eyes, not to find his on you but looking to the side where the doctor stood up from the floor and swept off dust from his attire.
“Please, keep trying to make me jealous.” he said, lifting himself to sit on the counter nearby and grins "i don't mind watching. That is my thing after all"
Pantalone just grunted and got back to working on you, giving you his attention, giving you his love.
 "I wasn't able to put the full dose in, I wonder if such a small amount will cause Eleazar to occur." Dottore suddenly piped in, shifting around what remained in the half empty needle.
 "What the fuck are you talking about?" Pantelone grunted, finally letting go of you.
"Haha, your little assistant  will probably be needing to spend some more time with me in the future. My little mistake, it was just a bit of fun after all."
The look of death fell on Pantelones face once again "i remind you not to mess with my stuff"
“Well it's rather simple then. Give me what i want, whether it be your attention or mora, and i'll make sure they live. We can make it into a deal. You can own them and I can too, you can look after them and I will as well.”
Dottore shifted from the counter to the table and pulled you into him, biting your shoulder harshly with razor-like teeth. "I guess they are mine now as well, equal property"
Suddenly the room started to get tight, black clouding your vision as a surge of pain well up in you. It became hard to stay conscious and your hearing became dull.
“Seems i will need to attend to them now. Can't have you dying on me and your seductive boss now.”
I like to add reasons to things. The reason Pantalone knew you were missing was he got suspicious you wernt back and sae the mess of papers. He just needed to ask a few bystanders to find out where you had gone
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Yo! A muslim here to tell you about Islam. :D And yes Boboiboy is muslim. Simple salam, alhamdulillah and Bismillah is enough to implide that. And celebration of Ramadhan and Aid.
Well first. Homo is not 'banned' but against the religion itself. It's a sin. Which the sinner of this sin is saw as lower than the animals itself. As it saw even animals who doesn't have brain didn't all that. Only people who have mental illness does that as normal human wouldn't.
More of this in story of Lut
With this it's can be pretty good angsty story (for those Boboiboy and Fang shipper)
Like Fang liking Boboiboy but Boboiboy would always choose Allah in anyway and even tho it's hurt Fang have to deal with it.
If want to make it more angsty make Boboiboy uncomfortable with Fang. Well doesn't really need him to fully hate Fang but some part of Boboiboy find Fang disgusting. Boboiboy is afraid by the sin. Which it right for him as muslim. And Fang still his friend...well before... As time go Boboiboy kinda driff himself away from Fang. He avoid Fang in many way and refuse to talk long with Fang....and then they never talk anymore. Boboiboy just move on on life. While Fang still kinda have feeling for him. But now? Do the Boboiboy he like still the same Boboiboy? No. It's not. Fang ruin his friendship with Boboiboy. Now they're nothing but stranger.
Thx for the explanation! I only really hear of ppl who dont follow their own religion so its nice when actual religous stuff is cleared up.
Ooo! I was thinking more of a forbidden love idea. But it makes sense esp if we take into account his religious beliefs (which he was probably raised to stand by) and the time period (and probably location) it takes place in. Im referring to how the show was first released wayyy back when. And to my understanding malaysia isnt good to homo. (Most of the guys ik r already bad to women. I dont imagine something seen as sin would be accepted.)
The drifting apart makes more sense. I see boboiboy as someone who really cares abt his friends and while he himself finds it wrong or disgusting hed try not to drag his friends down because of it. Naturally he would avoid, conciously or not, someone he personally internally views as a sinner even if he tries not to hurt fang due to it. That naturally causes a rift between them and they drift apart and he naturally just moves on with his life. Im not experienced (and probably dont experience) romance the same way as most ppl so i dont really get how hurt fang would be or how it affects him but it makes sense that his feelings ruin a friendship with a religous boboiboy. I dont really know how closely boboiboy follows islam as i know people who is part of a religion and just doesnt follow it and that would effect how quickly he distances himself and stuff like that from fang. I dont think its really fangs fault bc ppl cant control emotions but i think it would definetely cause them to drift apart and boboiboy would naturally treat someone he thinks of as less close to him and a sinner differently. So even if romantic feelings eventually are no longer involved as time passes it still creates a rather large rift between them.
So in the end in this scenario they really do end up as mostly strangers or at most aquaintances you would nod at when you pass by but wont interact more. Afterall they still would regonise each other just not as friends.
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i wanna add more will wood's songs for julian because ig this is his kin artist now (i am SO NORMAL abt these songs and how it ties to julian's character)
cw for alcoholism, death, suicide
there will be mentions of his reversed ending too
Um, it's Kind of a Lot
"Oh, I love you so much it scares me half to death. the other half, I guess I'm giving to you"
"And I'm afraid you'll notice all my flaws. I'm afraid you already have, obviously"
"And I'm afraid I'll come on too strong, hold you too tight, and scare you too"
the last one is so julian i cant even
"But I never been afraid to wear my heart on my sleeve"
"At least to prove I'm weak, and if you cut me, I'll bleed"
i mean come on, look at that, its so perfectly julian i dont even have to explain
"I'll twist my words, a clever turn of phrase"
"Sorry, darling, please excuse my constant need to self-aggrandize. Coddling my narcissism"
we do not talk enough abt how julian also has that kind of like bravado but just not as bad as lucio's lmaoo
"So here's one last lyric to sum up these thoughts I struggled to come up with"
"To make me sound deep and smart, and then I promise I'll shut up"
"Wait, let me think, hold on, I got this"
"Anything but 'I'm in love with you'"
the third lyric is just the cherry on top, the unsure of it all and just kinda fumbling over your own words, its so julian
"I was an existential criminal, so innocently cynical"
hes a fugitive!!
"Originally meant to live a God-damned miracle"
"Might've been metaphysical, but I think it was medical"
i think this could refer how he was literally dying from the plague and met the hanged man, so he was very close to dying or i think he did die and he came back with his mark (? idk tbh). well hes not dead now so it was a miracle but yk, julian is a skeptic so the line "but i think it was medical" fits him sooo much. hes a doctor! i'll take any medical related words and refs and align it with julian, ty.
"Testing my hypothesis"
"Never finding a theory"
i take back my last sentence. i'll take any science related words and refs and align it with julian, ty
"Did you lose yourself? It's always in the last place that you'd check"
julian talking to mc
"I might find myself by retracing my steps..."
"But I don't remember how I forgot myself"
"I don't remember, I don't remember 2012"
"Wow, the whole year's a blur!"
yea just change that to three years
"I think I bought into the comedy and brought a lot of oddity"
"An odyssey I thought to be consider a commodity"
"And not until anomaly abolished my monotony"
"Did I applaud autonomy and modify a lot of me"
i cant even break this one down tbh but the julian vibe is definitely there
"I heard the world would turn to hell"
"Compared to that, I'm doing well"
birblian cameo??!?! no but srsly i could see birblian going insane and gaslighting himself
The First Step
this is just an alcoholic song tbh...
"You could say I'm plastered, 'cause I hit the wall"
this is just a funny line tbh, not that deep, just julian hitting the wall like a cartoon
"I’d try to see the glass as half full"
"But I’d probably just a-drink that too!"
thats the alcoholic line. yk julian's a pessimistic, trying to see the glass half full instead of half empty but he'd probably drink that too
"Well I bet that a bottle of brandy so bitter’d be better than bitin’ the bullet and betterin’ myself"
"Sorry if I slur!"
if you listen to the song, will wood was actually slurring that first line. i have a hc that julian has two opposite talking mannerism. first one that he stutters (that part is canon) a lot and repeats his word. you get that or he slurs and talks so fast, theres no in between
"I’d try to see the glass as half full"
"Even when I'm empty, half-full"
"I’d try to see the glass as half full"
"But I’d probably just- AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"
this is just a bonus. i just want to include it
Half-Decade Hangover
this song RUINED me actually so heres some angst (i avoid this song even tho i love it sm its such a banger but i cry everytime i listen to it. i really recommend listening to the song just so u can hear just the raw emotions. i also recommend going to the genius lyric page bc will wood himself actually annotate some of the lyrics im im im sorry im fanboying rn)
"Wonder how I didn’t die"
"This is not my life, I’m no survivor, I only happened to survive"
ooooof... again, with the dying theme, my god
"I was drunk when I made my bed"
"Now with a half-decade hangover I lay down in it"
"What have I done? Don't know what I've said"
ooooww yikes, that last line is kinda like a double whammy. julian not remembering his last 3 years bc of that amnesia OR in the reversed ending, "what have i done" but in a regretful way its so sad too bc after he made that deal with the devil all he did was drink himself to - well not death but yk.
"Give back my life, and if not"
"Take it, 'cause lately I been thinking maybe I could take it or leave it"
"If I can’t at least break even, then I’m leaving when"
"I been feelin' this awful since I hit bottom and"
"Said, 'Hand me my shovel, I’m going in!'"
that two first line is julian confronting to the devil. "take it (my life)" that line hits me like a train bc it has been hinted that julian have quite the suicidal tendencies and that was BEFORE shit went down. imagine how worse it got after the whole deal with the devil and him being cursed. he fought the devil so many times... it makes me wonder if he also did it, hoping he would die in the process. also the last line is a reference to one of will wood's song "Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In!" which a few ppl also recommend it for julian.
"Like it’s a good thing you said, 'You’ve got your whole life ahead'"
"Oh great, another half a century to live to regret"
"I’d rather be anybody else instead"
pretty forward with this one, this is depressing im sorry
"Please believe me when I say that I’ve poured my whole past down the drain"
thats pretty literally. he exchanged his memories of those three years for the healing mark
"Say that a second chance is a chance I can take"
"But I can’t make amends for things I can't remember"
"I can only say I'm sorry and occasionally pray"
he got a second chance to live, he no longer has the plague. also that second line, i mean julian traded the memories he didnt want so mustve thought he did something bad but now he cant really make amends bc he doesn't remember (not yet at least)
okay thats all, im sorry this was such a rollercoaster
@dandydanthelion :O the way you just broke down all those lyrics and fit them into his character, that was incredible and made so much sense!
It's not even a question at this point if they belong on the playlist (just added them) XD
Thank you for sending these friend! I always love to see your name pop up in my inbox ^.^
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