#caravan supplies near me
Explore Your Convenient and Nearby Local Solution for Reliable Caravan Supplies Near Me
Fully small camper setups are offered by several reputable caravan supplies near me, and they might be the ideal getaway for vacations in the hills or countryside. Anyone may spend a few days away from the hustle and bustle of daily life with minimal conveniences that meet their requirements without worrying about anything.
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To keep the trailer tidy and sanitary, they also supply an extensive selection of environmentally friendly Thetford toilets in NZ. Once the sun goes down, you might not want to drive too far from the camper van to use a communal bathroom or shower facility, considering where you are travelling and how far away from restrooms and showers it is from.
Which Caravan Travelling Accessories Should Be Bought?
Kitchen equipment: Well-known providers offer a wide range of kitchen equipment, such as cookers, sinks, multipurpose burners, and stainless steel cookware. Moreover, they provide combo and induction cookers.
Sanitization Systems: Expert vendors provide premium portable restrooms made from reputable brands that fit individual requirements. Additionally, they provide cleaning supplies for toilet maintenance to maintain system hygiene and get rid of unpleasant odours.
Refrigerators: Reputable retailers provide a large selection of mobile refrigerators. Two varieties of refrigerators, the absorption and compressor versions, have three different power supply and energy-saving technologies. Additionally, they are equipped with features that allow for long-term off-grid life.
They Provide Better Security and Simple Access
Modern caravan storage facilities utilise the most advanced technologies to protect your caravan from theft. Firstly, you may keep your caravan or motorised home behind a high, locked, and monitored fence. This way, if someone tries to enter, an alarm will go off and security will arrive quickly.
The locations where you store your caravan will take care of keeping it safe, but they also understand that there are times when you may need to access your place of residence away from home.
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justsomekpopstuff · 2 months
nct 127 as d&d characters
NOTE: Remember, these are just my opinion and how I would classify them in D&D. You can have your own perspective, just don't be a hater about it. I also know that my D&D knowledge isn't perfect. Don't judge me.
current masterlist | fic recs
WARNING: mentions of death and other serious topics that could be triggering for some readers - read at your own discretion!
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Johnny: Human Warlock
If there was one thing that was very evident about Johnny from the time he was born, it was that he was 100% a people-person. His family noticed his cheerful, friendly demeanor even in the earliest days of his life, and they found comfort in knowing that he would have no trouble making friends and connections. This would remain true throughout all his young adult life - Johnny had no problem making friends anywhere he went. He was always sharing a smile and giving help where he could, garnering a reputation for being a strong pillar of the community. One day, now a teenager, Johnny was sent out by his family to go and retrieve some produce from the local market for dinner. Making his way around the edges of the lake, basket in tow, when he heard a splash and a scream call out from the water. Johnny looked over to see a familiar face, a friend, now struggling to keep afloat in the lake before disappearing below the surface. Without even thinking about it, Johnny jumped in after his friend, attempting to save them from drowning. However, as soon as Johnny reached his friend and tried to get them to swim, the friend began to scramble in a frenzy. While Johnny’s efforts did help them make their way to the surface, their thrashing and scrambling accidentally caused him to lose his air and his grip - Johnny was now drowning. Moments away from death, Johnny heard a whisper in his ear. Feeling his eyes open, he saw a dark figure in front of him, cloaked in shadow and mist. The figure introduced themselves as The Undying, and offered Johnny a way out - he didn’t have to die, so long as he returned the favor for The Undying in their quest for mastery over death. Johnny, still feeling the water filling his lungs, agreed, sealing the pact. The next thing Johnny knew, he was on the bank of the lake alone, before hearing the sound of his family running up to come look after him. Over the next few years, Johnny began to hone his magic, bestowed upon him by The Undying. He learned that his touch, when activated, could save those from the brink of death, and that he had a new affinity for necromantic objects. Whenever he was called to save someone, his cheerful demeanor helped put others at ease, despite him having a looming aura of “death” around him. Once he finally grew into adulthood, Johnny was blessed with two things - a book, and a mission. The book bestowed upon him was a Book of Shadows that allowed him to increase his powers as a show of loyalty to The Undying. The mission - to go out and continue to build knowledge of mastery over death. For the first time, Johnny left his life in his hometown to go explore the world. In every place he visited, he always managed to find a friend. His powers, however, would be how he met with Taeyong. While traveling, Taeyong made it a point to go into the local villages and find any supplies that his caravan needed to continue on their journey. One evening, as he was heading back to the group, he was mugged by a few local thugs, who dealt him a near-fatal blow before stealing all his supplies. As Taeyong felt himself slipping away in that alley, he suddenly felt a hand on his chest, and a kind voice said “It's okay friend, I’m here and I got you”. Taeyong felt his life slowly being restored, and he turned over to see Johnny, a big, friendly smile on his face. The two of them got to know each other as Johnny helped Taeyong back to the group, and as usual, Johnny made friends quickly. Johnny joined the caravan that Taeyong led for a while, giving him time to recharge, and giving the group more protection than they had before. However, they knew that even when Johnny left the group, they would always have a friend to call back on, one that restores life, and one that restores hope for their future. 
Taeyong: Half-Elf Paladin
For most of his early life, Taeyong believed in peace. Raised in a deeply connected community, most of what he knew was helpfulness, care, and working together. Their diverse community was often frowned upon by others, so they sometimes struggled to keep things together. However, everyone agreed that as long as they worked together, they would always be cared for. Taeyong grew up with so much love in his heart for his people; so, when all of that came crashing down, it impacted him more than he thought it would. Nearly grown, Taeyong walked through the town, the peaceful afternoon soaking in, when suddenly, all he could smell was smoke. Everything fell to ruin quicker than he could process what was happening. Goliaths charged through the town, burning homes, destroying crops, and causing havoc among the people, completely taking over everything and leaving the community with nothing. In the blink of an eye, his home, everyone’s livelihoods, everything, was gone. Looking around, he saw all of the sadness in the eyes of the families that he loved most. It was at that moment that Taeyong made a vow - he had to take charge and make sure his people were safe, no matter what. Taeyong never wanted to be a leader, believing that decisions should be made by everyone, not just one person. However, considering the devastation that lay before everyone, he had no choice - he had to lead his people to safety again, no matter what. That was when the caravan journey began. Gathering all that they had left, Taeyong began to lead the community away from the land that they had always known to try and find a new place to begin again. At every turn, Taeyong always took it upon himself to guide them, to make sure everyone was well, and to be the point person in getting supplies in the towns they came across. If conflicts ever arose, he would be the first to mediate and help problem-solve. If a child became too tired to walk for the day, he would be the first to offer up his back to carry them. Every single new area they come across that they may be able to settle into, he is the first to scout it. Along their long and perilous journey, he meets others who would become his closest friends and allies. Some of them, like Johnny, would travel with Taeyong’s people for a time, helping keep them safe along their journey. Others, like Taeil, only stopped for a brief moment, but still made their impact on Taeyong’s life. For now, Taeyong remains the leader of his people, and the allies that he accumulates over time. However, he knows that once his people are settled and free once more, he has friends all over that he can band together to continue to help others. Taeyong never wanted to be a leader, but knows in his heart, he was always meant to be one.
Yuta: Human Bard/Rogue
Yuta’s earliest memories are filled with music. His family were traveling musicians, going from town to town sharing joy through their music. That talent and love for music naturally passed on to Yuta, and by the time he could hold an instrument, he was playing alongside his parents. Yuta picked up the fiddle very quickly as his instrument of choice, adding another layer to the family’s performances. His life was full of joy and love, thought that everyone who watched his family felt the same. Unfortunately, he was proven wrong. Barely a teen, Yuta performed in another random town with his parents. Everything was fine until soldiers and the local sheriff showed up, dispersing the crowd aggressively. The soldiers shackled his parents, leading them away to be “executed for their crimes”. In tears, Yuta begged for an explanation from the sheriff, and repeated that his parents were innocent. There was no way they could have done anything criminal without him knowing about it. The sheriff shoved Yuta to the ground with a scoff and sneered that “all bards were the same, filthy criminals who need to be dealt with”. After being wrongfully charged with the murder of a town official, Yuta’s parents were executed, leaving him alone for the first time in his life. He seared the image into his brain - the town officials, the executioner, the sheriff, and the soldiers that looked on with a smile at the sight of his parents’ demise. That day, Yuta made a vow that all of those people would pay for what they did. With his fiddle in hand, Yuta left that town, knowing that he would be back one day to settle the score. He traveled, playing his fiddle for the locals to earn money as usual. However, when the night fell, he would train his heart out - learning how to use stealth to his advantage, steal what he needed, and how to use knives to accomplish his mission. He picked up a habit of lying with a charming smile, making sure no one he ran into never knew who he truly was. Every night, as an adult, he would go over the list of faces again, ensuring that he never truly forgot his mission to avenge his parents. His skills of stealth and cunning now well-sharpened, he found the head soldiers, taking them out one by one. He made his way through the countryside, slowly crossing off more names from his list. Every now and again, he would get recognized for the incident that happened years prior, and would get kicked out of wherever he was trying to get in. This was how he met Taeyong. One rainy night, Taeyong was making his way back to his people to give them the supplies he collected when he saw a figure get tossed out of the local tavern into the mud rather aggressively. Taeyong immediately went to go help the stranger up, asking him if he was okay. The stranger, Yuta, who looked bloodied and bruised, tried to shove Taeyong off, saying that he was fine. Taeyong wouldn’t take no for an answer, immediately hauling Yuta’s arm over his shoulder and helping Yuta back to Taeyong’s group where his injuries could be tended to. Taeyong and his group fed Taeyong and provided him with some first aid, and Taeyong began asking Yuta questions - who he was, where he was from, why he got kicked out of the tavern, and so on. Yuta did answer Taeyong’s questions, but Taeyong quickly recognized that Yuta was lying. Instead of calling him out, Taeyong saw that Yuta probably had a reason for keeping his cards close to his chest. That night, as everyone slept, Yuta attempted to sneak away when he was caught by Taeyong. Taeyong let Yuta know that he knew Yuta was lying, but whenever Yuta was ready, he would always have a place with Taeyong’s people. Yuta nodded, thanking him, before setting off into the night. Yuta in his good conscience wouldn’t dare involve Taeyong and his people in his vendetta - they were too kind for the life he led. But, he made another promise to himself - the moment that his mission was complete, he would find them again, knowing that a new family awaited him. 
Doyoung: Elf Sorcerer 
Doyoung was privileged. That was something he quickly learned to acknowledge due to his family’s status as high magicians in the Feywild. His family made sure that he knew that they were superior to everyone because of their innate magical powers - control over the elements. However, Doyoung never really understood their “superiority”. After all, magic was common in the Feywild, so what makes them any better? Doyoung regularly confided in Haechan, who served as Doyoung’s “protector” and confidant. What especially didn’t help his family’s case was the moment when he came of age and his family revealed the secret to their success. For as long as the family had been in power, they were siphoning magic off of the people they “ruled over” so they would not have the ability to fight back against Doyoung’s family. In order to maintain their high power as a family with innate magical abilities, they subdued everyone else. The young children had it the worst, being forced to expel massive amounts of magic energy at such a young age under the guise of being “tested” to see what role they would fulfill for Doyoung’s family. It was a horrific sight to see, one that would continue to haunt Doyoung for the rest of his life. Doyoung somehow managed to maintain his composure, giving his family the idea that he would continue on this legacy of subjugation and keep the family’s power alive when it became time for him to take over. That night, Doyoung confided his worries in Haechan, knowing that what his family was doing was wholly and morally wrong - people should never be used as props or tools for power, and your bloodline shouldn’t make you superior to anyone. Doyoung and Haechan hatched a plan together. Doyoung would continue to pretend to go along with his family, but in secret, Doyoung would grow his powers and skills to surpass his family before using them to liberate the people that his family had ruined. Years passed, and now as an adult, Doyoung knew his powers of elemental control, the same powers that ran through his family, were ready to be used for their true purpose. He learned that by using his anger and his thirst for justice that his powers could increase exponentially, and he was ready to use that to his advantage. Doyoung doesn’t remember much of what happened the day that the liberation happened - only that the rage he felt gave him the chance to tear down his family’s empire for good, leaving them destitute, and the people with the freedom they deserved. Doyoung knew he would never truly be welcomed back for the destruction and havoc he caused, so with Haechan by his side, he left the Feywild. In the common world, he made sure that he continued to use his powers to help rather than to hurt. This is how the two met Taeyong. Taeyong and his people finally thought they found a place to rebuild, but quickly learned that the lands have been damaged and that it was ravaged by droughts. That’s when they were all of a sudden met with rain, and sprouts emerging from the ground. Cue an entrance by Doyoung and Haechan, who told the group that they overheard their frustrations as they were passing by, and thought they could use a sign of hope. Taeyong and his people breathed a sigh of relief at the face of their savior, but Doyoung refused the praise - he was just doing the right thing. While Doyoug knew that he had to leave to continue his work, he made Taeyong a promise - he or his people ever needed his help, they just had to call for him, and he would come running.
Jaehyun: Human Barbarian
All Jaehyun knew was anger and violence. Having been stolen from his home as small child, he never really knew what it meant to be nurtured or raised in a “healthy” environment. As he grew, he learned that he was taken to be trained into a gladiator, to fight for the entertainment of the public, especially the elites. The days were long and grueling, starting at the very beginning of dawn, and going well into the night. Every day followed the same schedule - wake up, train, potentially eat if first training had gone well, train, potentially eat again, train, and then sleep. Training included everything from hand-to-hand combat, strength, weapons, and more, even for children who could barely walk. While “training”, the leaders of this gladiator ring would be screaming orders and vitriol at everyone, saying they were “useless”, “inferior”, barely “mindless warriors meant to fulfill a purpose”. Tears or friendship were not allowed - something Jaehyun had to learn the hard way as a young child. After attempting to make friends with one of the other young boys during training, he was caught and locked in isolation for the rest of the day, forced to shovel coal for the forges that made their weapons. Once he was old enough, barely a teen, Jaehyun was sent out into the arena, forced to fight his first opponent in hand-to-hand - another boy, only a few years younger than him. Jaehyun, having grown strong and dexterous, quickly overpowered the other boy, but refused to finish him off. That boy was Mark, Jaehyun’s first (secret) friend. Their refusal to kill caused both of them to be punished by the leaders of the ring. However, both of them agreed - sparing those who didn’t deserve it was worth any punishment they could receive. Despite the regular refusal to “finish” his fights, Jaehyun ended up becoming one of the strongest fighters in the ring, especially in hand-to-hand combat and large weapons. Unfortunately, this was also paralleled with his lack of education, causing him to still believe the vitriol that had been shouted at him since the time he could understand words. These words would follow Jaehyun into adulthood, still trapped as a gladiator; until, one day, a riot broke out in the barracks. In the midst of the chaos and violence, Jaehyun found Mark and grabbed him, the two of them using the spontaneous riot to escape undetected, along with many others who had been trapped in the ring. Jaehyun would later find out that the riot was started by Yuta, who had ended the life of the leader of the ring as a part of his vendetta list. Jaehyun and Mark wandered aimlessly for many weeks, regularly fighting for their own survival, until they stumbled across a new town, still in the process of being built. Taeyong, who was helping build one of the fences, noticed the two disheveled survivors, and immediately took them in to feed them and dress their many wounds. Noticing that both of them were still suspicious and on edge, Taeyong took it slow, assuring them that he and his people meant no harm - they were safe here. Jaehyun was slow to trust the words of this new stranger, but as the weeks progressed, and he continued to heal, he saw that Taeyong’s words were true. Taeyong and his people had fed him, made sure a roof was over his head, and never questioned why he was there - to them, he was just another member of the group. Unfortunately, this also brought up a lot of feelings of shame and guilt for Jaehyun. All he knew how to do was fight, something he didn’t want to do anymore. To him, he was still just a mindless gladiator, only good for combat. Taeyong noticed the cloud of shame looming over Jaehyun, and subtly found other ways to have Jaehyun help out, doing other small activities that his strength would benefit. Taeyong made it his mission every day to remind Jaehyun of how helpful he is, that he isn’t “mindless”, and that he is and always will be more than “just a gladiator”. Even though it would take time and effort, Jaehyun was reminded every day that someday, he could believe Taeyong’s words too.
Winwin: Half-Elf Monk
Winwin loved to dance. He can still remember the looks on his parents and other monk’s faces the day that they found him, just a small child, beginning to mimic their movements during a training session. Winwin saw the peace and joy it brought to the members of the monastery, and all he wanted to do was join - and the others could not have been more overjoyed. His parents were the most thrilled out of anyone. They could see that he had so much potential to be a great source of joy for those around him with the skills he already possessed as a child. His parents took it upon themselves to train him slowly, showing Winwin the power of movement to both protect and entertain, as well as be a source of healing. When Winwin became old enough, his parents began to take him out of the monastery on their missions, to dance and entertain the locals of villages who had recently experienced challenges and difficulties. The first time he joined on a mission, he joined his parents in the performance briefly, and he could see the genuine smiles and joy on the faces of the audience for himself. Winwin swears he felt his heart begin to glow, overcome with a sense of gratitude and determination to make that joy last as long as he could. Winwin would also learn from his parents on this mission that even though the monastery does not charge these villages for their performances, that the villages would donate to the monastery whatever they could allow, making the performances that much more meaningful. Winwin had seen how difficult the locals had had it, and knowing that they were still willing to give back to them for their performance taught him the real value of their presence in these villages. Winwin learned that their skills and kindness could inspire hope, even in the most desolate situations. These were lessons that Winwin took to heart on every mission as he grew, continuing to join his parents whenever he could so that he could continue to inspire and bring joy just like they had taught him to. When he finally came of age, Winwin was sent on his first solo mission. Taking nothing but the bare essentials and all the lessons he had learned from his parents and the other monks, he set out on the mission where he would end up meeting Taeyong. The village was the barely started new home of Taeyong and his people. Winwin could see from the moment he entered the dilapidated village that these people were tired, weary from travel and the heartache of losing their homeland. And so, Winwin went to work - gathering the people and doing everything he was trained to do, with diligence and grace. When he finished, Winwin could feel a palpable sigh of relief and ease wash over the people, smiles slowly returning to their faces. After staying and performing for a few days, it was time for Winwin to pack up and return to the monastery for his next mission. But, before he was able to leave, he was stopped by Taeyong, who offered Winwin food for the road and as a donation, letting Winwin know that he and the other monks would always be welcome back in the village. Even though Winwin could not promise to return again, he felt his heart soar, knowing that one day, should fate allow it, he could come back and give the people that same joy and hope all over again.
Jungwoo: Human Bard
Jungwoo, to put it simply, was fairly naive to the world. Growing up in a noble household, he was kept fairly sheltered, only really having access to the vast libraries and knowledge that his family had accumulated over the years. What he lacked in street smarts, Jungwoo made up for in random facts and information that he had learned while scouring his family’s libraries throughout his life. However, Jungwoo only truly had one passion - music. His family prioritized academic excellence and education, and so Jungwoo found their loophole by becoming a proficient musician. He quickly took to the lyre and pan flute. Whenever he studied and practiced, he could see the discouraged looks on the faces of the members of his family. This would be when he would remind them, in an incredibly subtly insulting way, that he was doing exactly what they asked - prioritizing excellence and education. They never specified a subject. Eventually, Jungwoo realized there was only so much that he could learn while stuck in his ivory tower. After leaving his family a letter stating that he was leaving to continue to pursue his music, Jungwoo walked away from his privileged life, ready to see what the outside world had for him. His journey was no easy feat - having little to no experience in the outside world caused him quite a bit of strife. He learned rather quickly that the outside world was not as kind as he imagined, often leaving him alone on the streets. Whenever he felt particularly glum, he would pull out his lyre or his pan flute and begin to play quietly, hoping that the soft notes would ease the clouds that covered his heart. One day, as he was playing, a small child walked up to him smiling, taking in the music from Jungwoo with awe. Jungwoo smiled at the child and continued to play, this time, breaking out into a happier, more lively tune, watching the child giggle and begin to dance. The two danced to the tune together until in the distance, they heard a name being yelled. The child turned to the voice, running over to the person who yelled out for them with a smile - Taeyong. He had taken some of the kids into the village to get their energy out that had built up while all of the adults worked hard to get their new land up and running. The child pointed over to Jungwoo and told Taeyong something that Jungwoo couldn’t hear before leading Taeyong over to him, introducing the two. Taeyong mentioned to Jungwoo that he had been told that Jungwoo was quite the musician, but seemed lost, something Jungwoo could not deny. Taeyong asked Jungwoo if he had a place to stay, to which Jungwoo told him no, that he was alone. Taeyong, clearly seeing that Jungwoo had been through much, offered Jungwoo a place to stay in their slowly growing village. Relief washed over Jungwoo, and he thanked Taeyong profusely, promising that he would do whatever he could to try and make it up to him. Taeyong put a hand on Jungwoo’s shoulder and let him know that all Jungwoo needed to do was continue his music - seeing the joy it brought the young ones was enough. It was that moment that Jungwoo finally felt himself exhale - maybe the outside world is kinder than he thought. 
Mark: Half-Orc Fighter
Mark hated violence. He knew that deep down to his core. Unfortunately, that hatred did not stop his circumstances from happening. Growing up in an illegal gladiator ring led to a lot of moral conflicts for Mark, even as a young child. Why did he have to fight the other children? Why was his humanity so dangerous? Day in and day out, he would find himself questioning his purpose as the leaders of the ring “trained” him and the others trapped there within an inch of their lives. The verbal vitriol hurled at him daily did not help his conflict, and neither did the fact that he never truly developed the same physical strength as the others. Being expected to fight in a ring against someone who had a clear physical power advantage over you is what truly sent Mark over the edge. So, he began to keep to himself, and focus on weapons instead - if he can’t beat them physically, he will have to beat them with skill, even though he didn’t even want to be there in the first place. It was not until his first fight, the fight where Jaehyun spared his life, that Mark felt hope - there were others like him who knew what the ring was doing was wrong. So, he forged a secret friendship with Jaehyun, hoping that one day, they would be able to leave together. That day came eventually in the form of an uprising, with Jaehyun grabbing Mark and bolting out of the ring and into freedom. But that freedom only lasted so long - the trap of survival soon overcame Mark and Jaehyun, causing them to wander aimlessly, their only skills being that of combat. Mark did his best to keep them alive, trying to use his weapons to get the two what food he could, but Mark knew there was only so much he could do. They had no survival skills, no money, and no knowledge of the land - they were completely stranded and alone. By the time they reached Taeyong’s up-and-coming village, Mark was practically being carried by Jaehyun, the two of them stumbling into their borders starving, hanging on for dear life. Mark had never been more thankful for another being as he was Taeyong that day, who took the two in without question, and slowly brought them back to life. In the days that followed, other villagers came in to treat the two strangers, giving them food from their tables and medicine from their stores, asking nothing in return. Mark was quicker to trust this new village than Jaehyun, noting that Taeyong had never given either of them a reason to doubt his kindness. This feeling was unfamiliar territory for both Mark and Jaehyun, having only known insults and destruction for their whole lives. While he still held some suspicion in his heart, Mark also knew that his days of violence needed to be over. No longer would he pick up his weapons for the sake of purposefully hurting another innocent person. Instead, he would invest his time into helping the village grow and thrive. He wasn’t meant for violence, and finally, with the help of Taeyong, he had the chance to find out his true purpose - one of support, compassion, and hope that someday a brighter future awaits him.
Haechan: Elf Rogue
Haechan had always been a person of many secrets. From the time he was born, he was told that his purpose was to serve the prince, Doyoung, and make sure that he remained “unaware of reality”. Haechan was quickly taught about some of the realities of Doyoung’s family, from how they got their power, to why Doyoung needed to be kept in the dark. Haechan’s purpose was to ensure that Doyoung would fulfill his role as the next leader of the family by doing whatever was necessary. And so, alongside serving as a confidant, Haechan became Doyoung’s “protector”, becoming proficient in weapons and stealth to manage any wayward “secrets”. Doyoung’s family regularly sent Haechan out on missions to “take care” of anyone who would threaten the family’s secrets - something that Haechan had come to hate as he grew older. Doyoung had told Haechan of his feelings of conflict about his family, how he never understood why his family had this sense of “superiority”. This questioning caused Haechan to question his own role within Doyoung’s confusion - was it right of him to continue to keep his prince - his friend - in the dark? Was it right of him to pretend that everything is normal while his friend morally stood at odds with everything he had been taught. Every mission from those moments forward caused Haechan to be filled with regret and shame, until it finally all boiled over the day Doyoung came of age. The night Doyoung “confessed” his family secrets, Haechan fell to his knees and confessed the secrets he held as well - from the missions, to knowing about the family’s power, and begged his friend for forgiveness. Doyoung, in his kindness, seeing how truly remorseful his friend had become, forgave him - after all, he knew that Haechan didn’t have much of a choice. That night, Haechan made a vow to Doyoung that he would never keep secrets from him again, and that he would spend the rest of his life making sure Doyoung was successful. Doyoung would never feel alone again so long as Haechan was there. And so, Haechan’s mission flipped - he made sure no one would ever find out about Doyoung’s coup until the time was right. The day of the liberation, Haechan did not hesitate to leave the feywild with Doyoung, ensuring he would make good on his promise. On their travels, Haechan made every effort to help the two of them survive as much as possible, using all his skills to make sure that Doyoung could shine. When he heard whispers of a village in need of rain to help their crops, Haechan immediately told Doyoung and led them there, where they would meet Taeyong. After helping Taeyong’s village, he and Doyoung went back on the road to continue Doyoung’s mission. Before they left, Taeyong stopped Haechan to ask if they would be alright by themselves. Haechan just smiled at Taeyong and nodded, knowing full well that the promise of using his skills to help Doyoung on his road to success and redemption still kept a fire alight in his heart.
Ten: Human Monk
From the time he could walk and move, Ten would always move to a rhythm and beat. Growing up in the same monastery as Winwin, he was taught that all life was music and movement. Ten learned that everything has a flow to it, and when we are able to match it, we can bring ourselves and others peace and comfort. Whenever Ten found himself getting frustrated about not being able to keep up or match the other members of the monastery perfectly, the elders would remind him to pause, listen for the rhythm, and then move, allowing the energy to flow through him rather than stay bottled up. When Winwin was old enough to begin his own training, Ten was always there to give Winwin support, giving him the exact same lessons the other monks had given him. As they grew older, Winwin focused more on the dance aspect of his training, while Ten began to focus more on combat and movement. While Ten loved to dance, he also saw that his dance had the power and energy to protect - something he valued greatly. All Ten wanted was to protect the rhythm and music that life had to offer, and use his skills to achieve that goal. Because of his incredible aptitude for his skills in protection and combat, Ten was sent out on missions earlier on than most, unfortunately having to leave his friend, Winwin, behind to continue his training. Ten set out on the road, beginning to focus his skills on protecting refugee camps and other weary travelers that he came across. He used his skills to protect small villages from raiders, the poor from thieves, and the innocent from those who would do them harm, while still maintaining an air of elegance and precision. Every morning, he would practice his dance steps to keep himself sharp and to remind himself of the rhythm that follows every living being each day. Ten eventually began to teach others about this philosophy, and how to transform art like dance into a means of maintaining balance through protection. Eventually, he ended up at Taeyong’s village. Though small and provincial, the newly built village was radiating with a feeling of “home”. Ten offered his services of protection and teaching to Taeyong, who gladly accepted, knowing a brand new village was bound to spark interests from raiders and pillagers. Ten’s bright presence captivated the village, helping them feel more safe than they had in quite some time. They watched as he stood tall each day, keeping an eye out for danger, and teaching those who wanted to harness life’s rhythms as well. One day, Ten spotted a familiar presence in the distance - his young friend, Winwin. Ten watched as Taeyong welcomed Winwin back to the village before going to introduce the two. Before Taeyong could even get a word out, Ten embraced Winwin, telling Winwin what a relief and joy it was to finally see him again. Ten told Taeyong of how Winwin and Ten grew up together in the same monastery, and how their paths diverged. Taeyong smiled, telling the two that it must be fate that brought them back together again. Ten nodded and smiled - after all, life’s rhythms can do anything, even bring old friends back together.
Tagged: @daydreamingyuta / @myrockstaryuta (thank you for your patience!) and @vcrnons (i didnt know if you wanted to be tagged, sorry!)
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aria-ashryver · 5 months
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #3
We are starting strong once again: Anitha and Rin got a case of the plague, Evie got malaria, and hot damn do we need an actual doctor out here! (Hello, foreshadowing 👀)
In good news, however, the panther problem is no more! (For now)
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The MCs have been settled at Cedar Station for a couple of seasons now: purpose-specific rooms are being built; crappy barracks are being upgraded to little, individual houses, and we are getting more artsy with our crafting!
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Luca *gasping softly*: cauliflowers, of course! Omg I'm a genius.
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Anitha has taken non-cauliflower approaches to boosting settlement morale! Namely;
planting yellow, sunshiney flowers outside the rec room
singing songs to capybaras in the hopes they will come live with us (which... worked?! Go Anitha!! 💛)
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Our MCs have collectively decided capybaras are the perfect symbol of hard work, perseverance, and being extremely friend-shaped, so they are now our ✨ venerated animal ✨ (Sprites now get a mood boost when they spend time near a capybara lol)
!!A wild Oliver appears!!
Good news: We have found a doctor! Bad news: Said doctor has been wandering alone in the jungle for weeks on end and is clearly Going Through Some Stuff
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Dorian tried to calm Oliver down and talk him through The Horrors TM (and just managed to make things worse 😆)
(Dorian "Silvertongue" more like Dorian "Can I Offer You a Nice Berry In This Trying Time- ow why are you hitting me ow")
Anitha's got this, don't worry 🌻
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Here's Oliver, all cleaned up with fresh haircut and change of clothes, and feeling much calmer!
Welcome to the colony, Oliver! ✨✨✨ Great to have you aboard
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Having a real doctor in the group means we can safely go on caravan journeys! Today, half of the MCs split off to:
Attend peace talks with a hostile faction
Fulfill a trade agreement with a nearby settlement
Loot an ancient ruin to get Dorian a cool new sword
Get... uh, wait- get mugged by a random imp raider who wanted to steal Oliver's extremely cool t-shirt?
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um. Dorian's new sword got a test run and Oliver kept his shirt.
We did unfortunately run out of food on the way home, though, so our MCs have arrived back hungry, tired, and desperately in need of something fun to do.
Things were tense, folks. Rin might have snapped at Evie a little bit 😬
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aaahhhh the blorbos are brawling aaahhh this is our first social fight
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Things calmed down pretty quick when Evie went for the suckerpunch and cracked Rin's jaw. Rin got lots of quick jabs in too, so Evie has a ton of bruises to her torso, but I think since Evie went beast mode on this one, she wins 😆
Fortunately, Oliver knows just how to help 💗
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We are all friends again in time for the Skylantern Festival though!! Awww look at them go 🌈✨ (Marianna is helping Evie with hers, that's so sweet 🥺)
Anitha: we require more morale Anitha: *brainstorming so hard* Anitha: I've got it. TWO Capybaras!!!
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So, on top of our OG Labrador, Ricky, we now have Sunny and Sugar-Plum, our resident Guinea Bigs. We have also recently acquired an (actual) guinea pig and a cat!
I'm letting the smaller pets pick their owners on a "first nuzzled, first served" basis, so congrats to Evie and Oliver, who now have their very own pets!
@cadybear420 - what does Evie name the guinea pig?
@dr-colossal-pita what does Oliver name the cat?
(If it makes a difference, the guinea pig is male, the cat is female, both are 3 years old)
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Raids are getting tougher! This one was weird, because some visiting traders rushed to our defense with... with their pet bull? Guys, we have it. Its... its fine, you don't need to-- okay, sure. Fine. Send in the bull. Also misfire your bow and arrow and shoot Dorian in the leg, that's great too.
It was a tough scrape, this one! A bunch of tough adventurers, pushed to their limits, trying to survive in this harsh, unforgiving jungle, came to steal our supplies. A few of their people died, some of ours were injured, and we hauled the enemy survivors inside to tend to their injuries (because what is the jungle without a little humanity, right?)
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In what is perhaps the most metal move I have ever seen, here is Oliver talking Marianna through what to do when someone* has been stabbed in the kidney and is bleeding out
*"someone" in this instance is Oliver 🤘
OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED MARIANNA USED THE REALLY GOOD MEDICINE I WAS SAVING THAT klsjgksfjglkdf dammit 😂 thats fine, I'd rather Oliver be okay, but omg that stuff is expensive and I only had 1 ahh 😭😭😭
Curiously... the enemy adventurers are rather taken by our empathy. These are good people, they say. This is a small settlement, but it looks homely. These people are tough, but fair. Hmmm...
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"Do you really think we can trust them? We attacked their home." "We didn't have a choice! But these people seem... honest? They could have left us to die, but they didn't. Maybe... this could be a home for us, too." "Daenarya, that's madness. You can't just try to steal from someone, only to turn around and ask if you can join them!" "...Its worth a shot, right?"
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(uhh I forgot to take a "New recruit: Daenarya" screenshot, just pretend I did lol)
Welcome aboard to our newest pair of adventurers, Brienne and Daenarya!! 💖💖 (Brienne's lil horns are everything to me hehe)
And just in time, too -- our colony have received a tip-off about a lone, freelance detective in need of rescue not far from our base -- @stars-are-within-me 's Carina Rose! Maybe Brienne and Daenarya can help us pull off a daring rescue in the next episode 😎
as ever, thank you to @choicesmc @cadybear420 @rosesnink @storyofmychoices @dr-colossal-pita and @lover-also-fighter-also for letting me steal your darlings!
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maboroshi-no · 10 months
Hamefura Movie Novel Chapter 3 Summary
I am currently reading the light of the novel of the upcoming Hamefura movie and will write summaries as I read.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1: The Foreign Merchant Caravan
Chapter 2: The Emissaries From Mutlaq
Chapter 3: Food Supplies
The next morning, Katarina wakes up because Piyo is being noisy.
Piyo wants her to take him to Aaqil right now. She would have preferred to go later in the day, but Aaqil has said that he was busy during the day and that he was only available during the morning or the evening. She chose to go in the early morning because she expected Piyo to urge her to take him to Aaqil as soon as possible.
Katarina sees Keith off as he departs for the castle.
High-Speed Trip to the Caravan
Katarina boards the carriage with Anne and Piyo, and they head to the merchant caravan.  
Piyo is especially impatient, so Katarina asks the coachman to go a little faster. But in response, the coachman makes the carriage go EXTREMELY faster.
Katarina is confused and asks Anne why they are going so fast. Anne explains that it is probably because she asked the coachman to go faster. The coachman used to participate in horse races and he was probably thrilled by her request. Katarina wishes she had known beforehand. The coachman looks like a gentle grandpa, not the kind to enjoy thrilling horse races. She can't judge a book by its cover. She silently decides that she will never ask him to go faster again.
Katarina Has Arrived at the Caravan
With the carriage going full speed and no one on the road, Katarina and the others arrive at the caravan way earlier than expected. There is still no one around the tents.
The coachman gives her a "How's that?" smug look, but Katarina wishes he had spared her from this high-speed trip. Katarina is fine but Anne is feeling sick from motion sickness. Katarina invites her to rest while she goes to see Aaqil. Anne refuses since she can't let Katarina go alone. Katarina persuades her that she will be okay since the tents are right nearby and they are in a safe area near the capital. Anne finally gives in.
Katarina heads to the tents with Piyo. She walks to the entrance, but there is a "closed" sign. She calls out but no one comes. Maybe the caravan people can't hear her because they are further inside, or maybe they are still sleeping because they have stayed late. She seems to have come too early. She considers going to the castle first and then returning in the evening, but Piyo doesn't want to wait.
Katarina Talks About Animals With Aaqil
Eventually, Katarina sees a man wearing a turban and calls out to him. It happens to be Aaqil. Katarina can't believe her luck and Piyo is so overjoyed that he leaps towards him. Aaqil catches Piyo and asks Katarina what she is doing here so early. Katarina explains that Piyo wanted to see him so much that he couldn't wait. Aaqil smiles while looking at Piyo so happy to see him. Katarina realizes again that he looks completely different whenever he smiles. 
Katarina wonders what Aaqil is doing outside so early in the morning. Aaqil evasively replies that he is making some preparations. Katarina feels like she shouldn't pry and changes the topic.
Katarina tells Aaqil that Piyo really seems to love him. She wonders if he can charm any animal. Aaqil frowns and tells her that he doesn't charm animals. Animals usually don't love him as much as Piyo. Katarina is surprised: "So animals don't get head over heels for you like Piyo?". Aaqil is confused about the expression "head over heels". Katarina panics since she has used a word from her past life, and tries to explain that it means "I love you a lot". She asks Aaqil if they don't have a word like that in Mutlaq. Aaqil tells her that it would be "Raanyamuu". In Mutlaq, it means "I love you", or "You are dear to me". Aaqil has said this with a detached tone. Katarina is glad to learn that they have a word for this in Mutlaq. She confirms that Piyo is "Raanyamuu" about him. Piyo sings in confirmation and leans on Aaqil. Katarina feels jealous of all the love Piyo pours on Aaqil.
Aaqil tells her that animals are usually just easier to hold but that's it. Only his partner snuggles on him like that. Katarina asks him if by "partner", he means the falcon. Aaqil says yes. He and the falcon have been together ever since he was little, so he leans close to him. The other animals are not like that. Katarina wonders if Aaqil is especially loved by birds, the same way she is hated by dogs. Aaqil denies it. His falcon treats him special since he has taken care of him ever since he hatched from his egg while the other birds act normally with him. But Piyo seems to be different. Piyo happily chirps in agreement. Looking at Piyo being so head over heels for Aaqil, Katarina feels like being malicious.
Katarina asks Aaqil what kinds of animals he likes. Piyo gives Katarina a shocked look. Aaqil replies that he likes all animals, but especially birds. Piyo is pleased with this answer. Katarina asks Aaqil if it is because he has been taking care of the falcon. Aaqil thinks it may contribute to it, but he already loved birds even before, though he doesn't know why. 
Looking at Aaqil's gentle face, Katarina feels this feeling again, like she met him long ago. She wonders why since Aaqil has never come to Sorcier before, and she has never gone outside of Sorcier either. Where could they have met?
Katarina Talks About Family With Aaqil
After extensively talking about animals, Katarina would like to talk about something else with Aaqil.
Katarina starts talking about food, but after a while, Aaqil asks her to stop since he may get a stomachache from all this food talk. Katarina is disappointed since she still has a lot to tell him, like the dishes and desserts she recommends in the capital, or the food she recommends to take back as souvenirs.
Katarina asks Aaqil what he would like to talk about. Aaqil replies he doesn't really care about the subject. Then Katarina suggests talking about friends.
Katarina gushes about her friends, and then her family. She is such a lucky person.
Katarina asks Aaqil about his family. Aaqil was smiling just moments ago, but now he is choked with words. Katarina suddenly remembers that two days ago, Nashiit and Haati told her that a lot of people in Mutlaq are orphans with nowhere to go. Aaqil was listening to her with a smile, so she forgot about this. Katarina curses her lack of consideration.
Aaqil answers that he has mostly never interacted with his blood relatives. Neither he nor they consider each other as "family". To him, his "family" would rather be the caravan people. He considers them as his precious family. Aaqil's eyes were sad but now they are glowing.
Katarina knows that it is possible for blood relatives not to love each other, and for non-blood relatives to love each other as family. Keith is a perfect example of that since her father, her mother and she all consider him as their precious family. 
Katarina tells Aaqil that he and the caravan people seem to cherish each other. Aaqil brightly replies that they are the family that he is so proud of.
Aaqil talks about the members of his family. The softhearted caravan leader, his nosy and noisy childhood friend with a pretty face, his oh, so annoying childhood friend who is good at dancing but is bad at everything else, and the annoying twins who fight a lot. Aaqil is boasting about his family.
Katarina has heard from the caravan leader that Aaqil is shy of strangers, but he doesn't seem to reject people. He is curt but gentle. He may not interact with his blood relatives but he has grown into a gentle boy, probably because of the influence of his family. Katarina is glad that Aaqil is blessed with a good family.
End of the Talk
Time has passed while they were talking and Aaqil must now start working.
Aaqil asks Katarina to leave, but Piyo wants to stay no matter what. Katarina is troubled since she can't possibly leave Piyo with Aaqil while he is working. Aaqil confirms that he can't keep Piyo with him while working. Piyo is completely depressed.
Katarina asks Aaqil if they can see him tonight. Aaqil accepts since Piyo wants to see him so badly. Piyo is happy.
Katarina takes Piyo back and returns to Anne. Anne has completely recovered from motion sickness.
Katarina and Anne go to town and buy some food supplies for the boys.
 Katarina and Anne head to the castle. This time, Katarina asks the coachman to drive safely.
Aaqil's POV
After seeing Katarina and Piyo off, Aaqil is amazed by the warmth that he still feels in his heart.
It is the first time that he has talked about the caravan people with someone. To begin with, he won't let anyone but the caravan people in his heart, so it is the first time that he has talked for so long with someone. "People are scary, people can't be trusted". With these thoughts in mind, he has kept rejecting everyone except the animals and the caravan people, and he has especially rejected the people approaching him for favors.
Despite this, Katarina has smoothly gotten into his heart, like water permeates the earth. He hasn't felt displeasure with her ever since their first meeting. It must be because she has no hidden side and really cares about the chick she carries with her. When she told him that she would come to see him again, he couldn't help feeling happy. He would have never thought there would be a day when he would allow someone other than the caravan people in his heart. It feels weird to him since he has always considered that he could only trust the caravan people.
Aaqil has been taken in by the caravan leader like everyone else, but it is not like he has nowhere to go. He has a place to go, but it is a place he doesn't want to stay at all.
His real name is Chihab Waaqid Aaqil Mutlaq. He is the third prince of Mutlaq. The royal family has passed down the ability to control animals from generation to generation. He has hated it for a long time because it forced his beloved animals to obey him. The ability is strong in him, so even before he was old enough to understand, his father, the King, has been using him as a well-made tool.
Aaqil has mostly never seen his mother, a concubine. Just after giving birth to him, she considered her role as accomplished and didn't stick around. His only interaction with her was when she ordered him to listen to the King after she had heard that the King remembered him who he was.
To ensure that the ability is passed down, the King has many consorts and lovers. As a result, Aaqil has many half-siblings, but they don't interact with him because they all treat him as a rival. Rather, since he has a strong ability and the King remembers him (as a tool), his half-brothers have been badmouthing and harassing him. The only ones who have approached him are the people who wanted to use him. Among them, the adult women who approached him when he was just a little kid made him sick. Before he has noticed, he has become afraid of people, especially women.
His life changed on the day he attended a certain event as a royal. He was completely fascinated by the show held by the group led by the caravan leader. Then he did something normally unthinkable for him: after the show, he secretly visited the tent of the group. At the time, he was a shut-in who was afraid of people, so it required a great deal of courage. If they had told him to go away, he would have never been able to go see them again. But the caravan leader and everyone received him.
The first time he experienced their warmth, he could tell they cherished him. He felt like he was one of them. He didn't find them scary, he didn't feel pain when talking with them. He could laugh from the bottom of his heart.
He was already happy with just this, but now he is also happy to have found someone with whom he could talk about his family, and then hear them say that his family is wonderful. His chest felt warm when he heard it.
When he is with Katarina, he feels a warmth different from the one he feels with his family, like an indescribable happiness. Before he has noticed, he has been looking forward to her coming to see him again.
Katarina's POV
Katarina and Anne have arrived at the castle. They have come with food supplies.
As Geordo's fiancée, Katarina's face is well-known and she mostly has a "face pass" to enter the castle. This time, the guard asks her not to go to other places than the ones she usually goes to. Katarina wonders if it might be related to the issues that Keith mentioned. 
Katarina Sees Geordo
Katarina must deliver her provisions to the boys but she doesn't know where they are. For the time being, she heads to the room that Geordo usually uses as his office.
Katarina has arrived at Geordo's office. Katarina asks Anne to wait for her. Katarina knocks on the door. Geordo's voice invites her to come in.
Katarina enters the room.
Geordo: Eh?! Katarina?!
Upon seeing her, Geordo is so surprised that he stands from his desk.
Geordo: What are you doing here? Do you have some business with me?
Katarina: Umm... I have heard from Keith that you and the others are extremely busy with work. I was worried, so I have come to check up on you for a bit.
Geordo blinks his eyes in surprise, and then softly smiles.
Geordo: I see. You have come to check up on us because you were worried.
Katarina: Yes. Especially you, Prince Geordo. You tend to overwork yourself, so I was wondering if you were okay. I have brought some food supplies, so please eat them... Huh? Prince Geordo, are you alright?!
Geordo is covering his face. Katarina is panicked, wondering if he is feeling unwell. 
Geordo: ...I am alright. It's just that I don't want you to see the face that I'm currently making... It is nothing, don't worry.
Since Geordo has said that, Katarina decides to believe him. She waits for him to raise his face.
After a while, Geordo raises his face.
Geordo: ...Umm, well, thank you very much for expressly coming here. Please come this way.
Geordo escorts Katarina to the sofa in the room and invites her to sit. Then he sits next to her. Geordo seems to have been working alone in this room, so there is no one there.
Katarina: Umm... Since you are busy, it's okay not to entertain me. I will just leave the food supplies here and leave.
Katarina has said this thinking that Geordo might feel obligated to take care of her.
Geordo: When you are with me like this, my fatigue goes away. Won't you keep me company for a bit?
Geordo has asked this with puppy eyes. 
Katarina: O-Okay.
Katarina feels a bit embarrassed since Geordo is firmly holding her waist. Then Geordo holds out his hand and pets her head. Katarina is confused that Geordo is petting her head. Geordo is muttering "My fatigue is going away" while doing it.
Based on this, it seems like Geordo feels healed when he pets her head. It is like when she pets Pochi or Piyo. It is animal therapy. Geordo must be exhausted if he needs it.
Still, Geordo petting her head feels pleasant. If she could do the same thing to him, she might be able to make his fatigue disappear.
Katarina stands up a bit and starts petting Geordo's head. Geordo stops petting her head, and then holds her in his arms.
Geordo: Katarina, you seem to have forgotten again, so I will remind you. I am a man who is in love with you. If you lightly do this kind of thing to me, I won't be able to hold myself back.
Geordo has whispered this in her ear. Katarina's face suddenly turns hot. She remembers that Geordo confessed to her during the kidnapping incident but she completely forgot after all that happened after that. 
Katarina: U-Umm... Prince Geordo...
Whether in her past life or this one, Katarina has zero romantic experience, which means she has no resistance to this. She is panicked over being in the arms of a handsome prince.
Geordo: I wish I could lock you up in my arms and make you all mine. 
Geordo has whispered this in her ear again. Katarina's head is boiling and she is about to collapse. 
Servant: Please excuse me, Prince Geordo. Prince Ian has something to tell you regarding the emissaries.
A servant has said this from the other side of the door. Geordo makes a big sigh.
Geordo: Just when it was getting good.
Geordo releases Katarina from his arms.
Geordo: *chuckle*. Your face is bright red, how cute.
Geordo's face has reverted to his usual one, so Katarina feels relieved. Until a moment ago, Geordo felt like a stranger, so she didn't know what to do.
Geordo kisses Katarina's cheek.
Geordo: Well then, I'm off.
Geordo gallantly returns to work. Katarina stays frozen for a while thinking "Capture targets are terrifying".
Katarina Sees Nicol and Keith
After Katarina has recovered, she hears from a servant that Nicol and Keith are studying at the library, so she heads there.
When Katarina enters the library, Nicol and Keith are surprised to see her. 
Katarina: Yesterday, Keith said that he was exhausted because he was extremely busy with work. I was worried, so I have come to check up on you for a bit and bring you some food supplies.
Nicol and Keith smile upon hearing why Katarina is here. 
Keith: Big Sister, thank you!
Nicol: Katarina, thank you!
Katarina is thinking of leaving now that she has seen their faces and given them the food supplies, when...
Keith: By the way, Big Sister, did you come here right away, or did you stop by another place?
Katarina: Before coming here, I stopped by Prince Geordo's place. But he was called for work right away.
Katarina thinks to herself that Geordo also showed her how terrifying capture targets can be. Just remembering it, she feels the temperature rise on her face.
Keith stares at her face. 
Keith: Did Prince Geordo do something to you?
Katarina is shocked by Keith's question and wonders if he is some kind of esper who can read the minds of people. But she can't bring to tell him that Geordo has hugged her, sweet-talked her, and kissed her cheek. It is far too embarrassing. She gets flustered just by remembering them, so there's no way she can talk about it.
Katarina: No...Nothing...at all.
Katarina tries to deceive Keith. Keith puts a hand on his head, sighs, and raises his eyebrows.
Keith: Big Sister, you are just too defenseless. You need to develop a sense of danger in regard to men! 
Katarina: ...Yes.
Usually, the lecture of the overprotective Keith goes over Katarina's head, but based on what happened earlier, she obediently nods. Then, Keith asks her to be cautious about all kinds of things and she silently nods. 
Nicol has been silently watching, when...
Nicol: There is still a lot of paperwork that Geordo needs to process. What was he called for?
Katarina: It seems like Prince Ian has something to tell him regarding the emissaries.
Upon hearing this, Keith's face clouds. Nicol's face also seems to cloud. But in Nicol's case,  Katarina can't really tell since the expression on his face has mostly not changed.
Katarina asks Nicol if something has happened for them to be suddenly busy with work. Keith and Nicol look at each other, so Katarina wonders if she has asked something that they can't freely talk about. She is about to pretend she hasn't asked anything, but Nicol answers her question.
Katarina Tells Nicol and Keith About the Mutlaq Caravan
Nicol tells Katarina that foreign emissaries have come earlier than expected and that they are currently staying at the castle. He asks her to keep it a secret for the sake of the emissaries' security. Katarina thinks it is understandable since it would be problematic if something happened to them. Katarina still thinks the emissaries must be scatterbrained for coming earlier than planned.
Katarina asks which country the emissaries are from. Nicol replies that they come from Mutlaq, a country far from Sorcier with which they had no interaction until now. Katarina is shocked since it is the same country the merchant caravan is from. 
Nicol and Keith are shocked that Katarina knows about Mutlaq. Katarina explains she has come to the foreign merchant caravan 3 times already. Because Piyo has entered one of their tents, it has enabled her to meet the caravan people, get invited to a show, and become friends with them. 
Katarina told Keith before about the merchant caravan and the show, but she forgot to mention they were foreign, so Keith probably thought it was a caravan from Sorcier.
Nicol is impressed that Katarina has interacted with some Mutlaq people. Katarina replies that she was lucky to befriend them. They are good people after all. They invited her to their closing party and let her taste Mutlaq dishes and sweets. Keith is shocked and wonders if she has seduced someone again.
Keith is about to go on and on about this, but Nicol cuts him short. Nicol is impressed that Katarina has been able to befriend Mutlaq people in such a short time and asks her for a favor. He would like her to tell them anything she knows about Mutlaq. They don't have much information about them since Sorcier had no interaction with them until now. Katarina gladly accepts since he is happy she can help.
Katarina thinks to herself that if Sorcier had no interaction with Mutlaq until now, it is no wonder that the caravan people have said it was the first time they came to Sorcier.
First, Nicol asks Katarina to tell them about the merchant caravan. Katarina tells him that the caravan seems to consist of people from several countries. The caravan leader is a good person, so he takes under his wing anyone who has nowhere to go.
Nicol asks Katarina if there is a special space inside the caravan. Katarina is confused by the question. Nicol tells her that the emissaries, including royalty, have traveled to Sorcier with this caravan. Katarina is surprised that there is royalty among the emissaries. She tells Nicol that she has walked around the caravan but she hasn't seen any place like that. She hasn't heard anyone from the caravan mention royalty either. Everyone seems to treat each other equally, so it doesn't seem like there would be nobles among them.
Katarina thinks to herself that if there were nobles, Aaqil would probably be more restrained with the caravan people. She feels like she shouldn't talk about it so she keeps quiet about it.
Katarina tells Nicol and Keith all Aaqil and the caravan people told her about Mutlaq, mostly food and unusual animals. Nicol and Keith will now return to their studies.
Nicol advises Katarina not to tell the caravan people about what they discussed here, nor her social status. Katarina agrees. She wouldn't like them to treat her formally because she is a noble lady. She tells Nicol and Keith that she will just leave the food supplies there. Before she leaves, Nicol seriously asks Katarina to be very careful. Katarina says yes. But on second thought, she doesn't know what she should be careful about.
Geordo's POV
Geordo and Ian Talk About the Emissaries
Ian apologizes to Geordo for calling him here. Ian looks tired. Geordo has agreed to engage with the emissaries but all the other preparations are directed by Ian. 
Jeffrey and Ian are both equally capable but Jeffrey works casually and shoddily while Ian works seriously and thoroughly. Ian doesn't make mistakes but he accumulates a lot of fatigue, while Jeffrey has been criticized for his negligence at times. Geordo can't tell which is better, but he thinks Jeffrey would have been more suitable in this unpredictable situation. Actually, this might be why Jeffrey was the one supposed to welcome the emissaries. 
But the emissaries ignored the fixed date and came earlier than expected. Looking at the exhausted Ian, Geordo wishes he could lighten his burden even a little.
Ian tells Geordo that the Mutlaq emissaries keep freely going out of the castle despite their numerous warnings. While it is suspicious that they have suddenly come to Sorcier despite both countries having no interaction until now, so far, Ian hasn't found anything suspicious about them. He asks Geordo if he has found any worrying points about them.
Geordo replies that the emissaries pretend that they go out of the castle because it is their first time in Sorcier and the princess would like to familiarize herself with Sorcier's culture in preparation for her marriage. They don't sneak away and rather openly go out to places. As a result, Geordo hasn't found any worrying points about them.
Ian tells Geordo that in that case, for now, the emissaries are just people who came over after notifying them of their visit with a letter. They can't be cold to them. They will proceed with the welcome party as planned. Ian asks Geordo to notify them.
Geordo thinks to himself that he wishes these free-spirited, unruly, self-indulgent emissaries would just go home. The princess has been barging into his office because "she would like to spend time together since she has come for marriage". She follows him around and takes a lot of his time in the process. She is a real pain.
Ian asks Geordo who will entertain the emissaries today. Geordo replies that it will be Alan. Ian wonders if he will be alright. Ian's question makes Geordo smile. Ian can't be openly intimate with his brothers because of his faction, but from this question, he seems to understand Alan. Entertaining the princess will be an ordeal for the innocent Alan since the Mutlaq princess is aggressive in her approaches and Mutlaq women wear bold garments that will fluster him.
Geordo replies to Ian that he has arranged for someone to come and act as support for Alan, so it should be alright. He has properly considered this issue. Ian trusts Geordo on this. 
Geordo returns to his office.
Geordo wishes the Mutlaq emissaries would go home soon. Or rather, he wishes Jeffrey would return home soon. Despite not being fond of his eldest brother, he still eagerly waits for his return.
Geordo Muses About Katarina's Earlier Visit
Geordo is thinking of taking a little break with a cup of tea, but then he sees the food supplies that Katarina has left on his desk. He remembers how she said that she was worried about him overworking himself. It made him so happy that his face had turned hot and he didn't want her to see it.
Katarina is slow when it comes to romance but she is perceptive with this kind of thing and attentive about others. It is Katarina's charm. After her kidnapping incident, Geordo confessed his feelings and finally made her aware that he loved her romantically. But after that, she completely forgot about it because of Keith's kidnapping incident. Still, he is happy that he could remind her of his feelings today.
Since she came to see him while he was working, he had just planned to interact with her for a bit and have her take away his fatigue. But when Katarina extended her hand towards him, his reason wavered. If he hadn't told her about it, he would have wanted for more and then things might have turned badly. But at the same time, he wanted to do all kinds of things to her.
Geordo remembers Katarina's soft body when he locked her in his arms, her nice fragrance, and her cute bright red face when he released her. Just by remembering them, Geordo feels like he can work a bit harder on that bothersome case.
Alan's POV
Alan is Annoyed by the Mutlaq Princess
Alan is currently entertaining the princess.
The princess clings to his arms and moves her face close to his. Alan thinks she is such a pain but she is the princess of a foreign country, so he can't be cold to her. He doesn't know what to do.
Alan heard that some Mutlaq emissaries suddenly came to visit and that their princess wanted to marry one of the Sorcier royals. While he heard about it, he didn't get involved with it until now. He wasn't good with diplomatic matters, so it was better to leave it to his older brothers. In the meantime, he was processing the work given to him.
But then, he was told to entertain the Mutlaq princess. The princess had been told that all of the princes were engaged, but it just made her more excited. Hearing this, Alan thought she would probably be a pain and didn't want to get involved. But he couldn't just leave all diplomatic matters to his brothers without doing anything. So he went to the princess and greeted her. And then it turned into this.
Alan Wishes Mary Was Here
The princess talks to him in a sweet voice, snuggles up to him, and clings to him all while wearing these skimpy clothes of hers. She is so troublesome.
As a prince, Alan has often been sought after by noble ladies, but he never had to deal with ladies lewdly snuggling up to him like this. During balls serving alcohol, he was involved at times with drunken young ladies and widows. But then, his fiancée Mary would gallantly appear and deal with them. He really feels grateful to Mary in times like this. 
Mary Hunt is the daughter of Marquis Hunt. She is well-known as "the Queen of High Society" and praised as "the Lady Amongst the Ladies". Alan feels like she is too good for him.
Mary has told him in confidence that she was secretly in love with someone, and that she wanted to marry them. Alan promised her to maintain their fake engagement until then. The person appears to be someone Mary can't marry easily, even so, Mary has told him that she won't give up and work hard for it. Alan has respect for the strong Mary and cheers her on.
Alan Muses About Katarina
Alan also has someone he is secretly in love with: the fiancée of his twin brother. He understands very well that he will never be able to marry her. And one day, when the time comes, he will need to give up on her and forget her. Just the thought makes him feel pain in his chest. 
The princess invites Alan to show her around since she wants to learn more about Sorcier. She has firmly entwined her arm around his. Alan would have been overjoyed about this if it had been Katarina. But Katarina would never do this in the first place. Katarina would never entwine her arm around his like this, she would just pull his arm. She wouldn't invite him to walk around the castle by saying "Please guide me around", she would rather say "Let's explore the castle" with a bright smile.
Alan Is Saved
Alan is lost in thought while thinking about Katarina. The princess has gotten irritated. She tugs his arms and talks to him in a pouting voice. Alan inwardly calls for Mary to come.
A servant walks to Alan and notifies him that Mary has come to see him. Alan is overjoyed by Mary's timing. The princess asks him who Mary is. Alan replies that she is his fiancée. The princess is disappointed to hear that his fiancée has come and tells Alan she will take the opportunity to greet her. Alan inadvertently frowns upon hearing this. Looking at him, the princess chuckles and tells him he is so honest. Alan feels relieved that the princess didn't get mad about his apparent disapproval of her meeting his fiancée. Alan apologizes to the princess. The princess tells him that they will still have the opportunity to meet afterward, so she bids him goodbye.
The princess carefreely walks away so Alan hurriedly sends several servants after her. After all, they can't let a foreign princess freely walk around the castle alone. Alan breathes a sigh while looking at the princess walking away. It was so exhausting. 
The Mutlaq princess is so free-spirited and unruly that she ignores their warnings and just does whatever she likes. The emissaries are the same. They ignore their warnings and apologize afterward by saying that their behavior is just a national trait. Despite this, they can't just tell the emissaries to go home. They use perfect lines to prevent them from getting angry. They don't know what to do. According to Geordo, if their actions are calculated, then the other party is quite the schemer. But Alan can't see the princess as a schemer. She snuggled up to him today but she withdrew when she learned that his fiancée would come. She didn't show any displeasure when she did.
Alan Sees Katarina
Katarina: Prince Alan!
Alan suddenly hears Katarina calling out to him. 
Alan: Katarina! What are you doing here?!
Alan has had less opportunity to see Katarina ever since graduation, so he is surprised to see her.
Katarina: I have heard from Keith that things are extremely busy at the moment at the castle. I was worried about everyone, so I have come to check up on you and bring you some food supplies.
Alan: Eh?! So that's why. Sorry for expressly making you come here.
Katarina is unexpectedly attentive to people.
Katarina takes a bag from Anne, takes out something from it, and gives it to him.
Katarina: I have brought you this. Please eat it when you are tired. It's delicious.
Katarina has said this with a grin. Alan's cheeks have turned hot.
Alan: ...Thank you. 
Alan has inadvertently given her a curt thank you. If it were Geordo, he would have made a more stylish reply. 
Mary Joins In
Mary: Lady Katarina~~
Just after he has received the food supplies, Alan hears Mary's loud and energetic voice coming from his side.
Katarina: Oh, Mary? What are you doing here?
Katarina makes a puzzled face. Alan has been so happy to see Katarina after a long while that he has forgotten that Mary has come to see him.
Alan: Ah, Mary. I've heard that you have come to visit so I was just on my way to see you. What's the matter?
Alan and Mary have a good relationship, but they don't have the kind of relationship where one can suddenly visit the other without reason. So Mary must have some business with Alan.
Mary chuckles and smiles.
Mary: The black-hearted prince, no, I mean, Prince Geordo, has summoned me.
Alan (thought): Hey, Mary. You're leaking your thoughts.
Mary and Geordo don't have a good relationship. There often is a subtle dangerous air around them whenever they face each other. When he asked Geordo why, he told him it was probably because similar people in character couldn't stand each other. But aside from their high capabilities, Alan doesn't understand how Geordo and Mary are similar in character. And despite their bad relationship, Geordo has called Mary.
Mary explains that Geordo has asked her to help Alan in any way she can. Then she asks Alan what she can do for him.
While it is late, Alan finally realizes that Geordo anticipated that Alan would have a hard time entertaining the princess and therefore called Mary to support him. Alan feels grateful to Geordo and amazed by his foresight. Still, he wishes Geordo would have asked another person from the start if he knew things would go wrong.
Alan is lost in thoughts, so Mary notifies him that she is still waiting for his answer. Alan apologetically tells her that the matter has already been resolved. Mary frowns since she has turned down some invitations to come here. Alan tells her he will give her a remuneration to make up for it. Mary replies that in that case, she is good. Alan is amazed by Mary, she really has a good head on her shoulders.
Since she appears to be free, Mary turns to Katarina and asks her if she has some plans for later. Alan thought Mary would probably want to spend time with Katarina since she hadn't seen her much since graduation. Alan would definitely want to hang out with Katarina if he hadn't so much work, so he totally gets her.
Katarina replies that she already has some plans. Mary feels sad upon hearing this.
Mary pulls herself together and decides that in that case, she will help Alan as originally planned. She asks Alan if he has some work to give her. Alan is thrilled that he will be able to have the highly competent Mary help him with his work. He is so swamped that any help would be welcome. Mary replies that in that case, she will expect a suitable remuneration. Alan is fine with that.
Katarina tells Alan and Mary that she will leave since she has something to do. Before she does, Mary has invited her to spend time together again next time.
Alan Tells Mary About his Issues With the Princess
Alan takes Mary to his office.
Mary asks Alan what he originally wanted help with. Alan tells her that he had to entertain a girl but she was persistently approaching him. He couldn't tell her off so he didn't know what to do. Alan has omitted to mention that the girl is the Mutlaq princess.
Hearing this, Mary chuckles and remembers that Alan is indeed bad with this kind of thing. Mary knows him well since they are longstanding friends.
Mary asks him how he settled the issue. Alan tells her that the woman withdrew once she learned that Mary would come. Mary thinks that in that case, the girl wasn't approaching him seriously. Alan agrees and thinks the girl was probably told by her parents to seduce him. Mary thinks it would be troublesome if it were the case. Alan agrees.
In the nobles' society, political marriages are commonplace, regardless of the will of the involved parties. In this society, pushing your will is difficult. Despite this, this unbreakable fiancée of his is such a strong woman. This is what Alan thought while looking at her dignified side face.
Katarina's POV
After parting with Alan and Mary, Katarina returns to the carriage. It will be evening soon, so Aaqil will probably be there if she goes to the caravan.
Katarina heads to town and buys some thank-you food for the caravan people. She wants to thank them for the food yesterday. Then she heads to the caravan.
Unlike this morning, the caravan is lively and crowded with people. Katarina walks around to search for Aaqil. She wonders if Aaqil is working as a salesman, but she doesn't find it likely since Aaqil is shy of strangers.
The caravan leader sees Katarina and calls out to her. He is happy to see she has come again. Katarina explains that she has come in the morning and talked with Aaqil, and then they have agreed to meet again in the evening. The caravan leader is surprised but happy that Aaqil has befriended someone outside of the caravan. He asks Katarina to keep getting along with Aaqil. Then he tells her that Aaqil is probably at the tent where they had the closing party. Katarina thanks him, gives him the thank-you food, and heads to the tent.
When they reach the tent, Anne tells Katarina that she will wait in front of the entrance. Anne is probably acting considerate since she knows Aaqil is shy of strangers. Katarina parts with Anne and enters the tent.
Katarina has felt bothered after hearing all kinds of things from Keith and Nicol regarding the Mutlaq royalty. She has been looking, but she still doesn't think there has been royalty in this tent. If there were, it would have been troublesome to Aaqil and the others unless there was a separate tent. She could directly ask Aaqil about the royals, but then he would ask her how she knew, and then she would have to disclose her social status. It would sadden her if he started addressing her formally. Besides Nicol had advised her not to talk about it.
Katarina Talks to Aaqil Again
Katarina walks to the same place as before and sees Aaqil. She calls out to him and Aaqil turns towards her.
Piyo starts chirping from inside the basket. When Katarina opens it, Piyo jumps onto Aaqil. Piyo is just like someone who finally meets his lover again.
Piyo is acting displeased with her, so Katarina asks Aaqil if Piyo really feels grateful to her. Despite Aaqil telling her this before, it really doesn't seem that way to her. Aaqil assures her that Piyo is grateful to her for freeing him from the place he was locked up. Katarina doesn't remember ever freeing him. He was in the back of the room when she found him and she doesn't remember breaking something before. Aaqil tells her that even if she doesn't remember, this is what Piyo is thinking. Katarina doesn't remember but she is glad that Piyo is free.
Katarina realizes again that Aaqil's ability to understand the hearts of animals is amazing. Thanks to it, he understands Piyo so much. Aaqil tells her that he understands Piyo especially well since they are on the same wavelength. Katarina is surprised that there is a wavelength factor. She wonders if it means that he can't understand all animals. Aaqil replies that some are easy to understand and some are difficult to understand but he can at least understand the gist of what animals are thinking as long as "the others" don't intervene. Katarina asks him what he means by "the others". Aaqil's face clouds. Katarina realizes she has asked something he can't talk about. Aaqil speaks before she can tell him that it is okay not to tell her.
Aaqil tells Katarina that he is not the only one who can understand the hearts of animals. Katarina finds it lovely that some other people can. But Aaqil frowns and tells her that the other people don't use this power to understand animals' hearts but to forcibly control them. Katarina is surprised by Aaqil's unsettling words. Aaqil explains that the others use their power to enslave animals. It is what this power is for. Aaqil makes a self-mocking smile.
Looking at Aaqil, Katarina has this feeling again, like she has seen him before. But she shakes off this feeling since Aaqil is talking about something important.
Katarina tells Aaqil that he is different from these people. No matter how she looks at it, it doesn't seem like Aaqil is manipulating the animals, but rather like the animals love him. 
Aaqil tells her that he has loved animals ever since long ago, so he just couldn't bring himself to forcibly control the animals to do as he says. That's why he has been using a method that he has come up with: he tells the animals that he will thank them if they fulfill his wish. And like this, the animals cooperate with him. Katarina thinks to herself that it sounds like Aaqil.
Katarina tells Aaqil that she can tell that he loves the animals and that the animals love him back. She is amazed that Aaqil could come up with this method. Aaqil thanks Katarina in a low voice and lowers his eyes. Katarina waits until Aaqil raises his face. Piyo cuddles him.
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After a little while, Aaqil raises his face and apologizes for talking so much. He asks Katarina to keep secret what he has said about his power. Katarina guesses that "a power to forcibly control animals" doesn't give a good vibe. She accepts.
After that, Aaqil has talked about lots of things. He has told her about his hometown. His country seems to have lots of deserts. The caravan has been traveling to the towns and villages of the country for trading. Aaqil's country worships a guardian deity that looks like a falcon, so Aaqil and his partner have always been welcomed. Aaqil's country seems somewhat similar to the setting of Arabian Nights. 
It is now time for Aaqil to return to work. Piyo is complaining, so Katarina asks Aaqil if they can come back tomorrow. Aaqil replies that he is unfortunately unavailable tomorrow. Piyo is shocked upon hearing this. Katarina feels sorry for Piyo,  besides she also enjoys talking with Aaqil, so she asks him if she can come back the day after tomorrow. Aaqil tells her that it will be fine in the morning or evening if he is still there.
Katarina remembers that the caravan travels from place to place for their business. This means that Aaqil won't stay there forever and he might be somewhere else once he has time to see them. Katarina asks him if the caravan will change location. Aaqil replies he still doesn't know but they don't plan to stay there for a long time. Katarina and Piyo feel sad after hearing this. Aaqil tries to reassure them: there's a high possibility he will still be there the day after tomorrow. Katarina and Piyo brighten and they agree to meet the day after tomorrow in the morning.
Katarina leaves. 
Katarina Meets Sophia
Katarina feels sad that Aaqil might leave soon. She has finally become friends with him so she feels sad over saying goodbye. Maybe she should ask him to return to Sorcier? It might be possible if Sorcier and Mutlaq start having interactions. 
While lost in her thoughts, Katarina bumps into someone. It happens to be Sophia.
Sophia is carrying a big bag. Katarina asks her about her bag. Sophia explains she wanted to read foreign tales so badly, so she bought some. She has bought a great quantity of books. She explains that she only wanted to buy one book at first. She has been coming there every day to buy some of these fascinating Mutlaq tales, but today she has heard that the caravan will leave in a certain number of days, so she thought she needed to buy all the books she wanted right now. Which is why she has bought so many books.
Katarina realizes that Sophia has been going to the caravan every day just like her but for a different reason. And today, she bought all these books in panic after hearing that the caravan would leave.
Katarina asks Sophia which books are good. Sophia starts going in length about the stories she has read. Katarina feels like it will be long so she invites her to go home partways together.
Katarina listens to Sophia's passionate machine gun talk all the way back to the carriage, and it continues while riding the carriage. Sophia mentions that Mutlaq's books have some parts here and there that she can't read, but deciphering them is also fun. Katarina doesn't understand the fun in it. But it seems like Mutlaq and Sorcier mostly use the same alphabet. Katarina feels like it is something the game staff overlooked, but as someone inside the game, she feels thankful to them.
Sophia asks Katarina what she was doing at the merchant caravan. Katarina tells her she has been coming there every day so Piyo can see Aaqil. Sophia is surprised that Piyo loves Aaqil so much. Sophia wonders if Aaqil is such a charming person. Katarina replies that Aaqil is handsome, gentle, kind, and such a nice boy. Hearing this, Sophia shockingly asks her if she is also into Aaqil. Katarina replies that they get along well, but she wouldn't say she is into him. However, she has a strange feeling like she has seen him before. Sophia asks her if she has met him before. Katarina replies it is impossible since she has never left Sorcier and it is the first time Aaqil has come to Sorcier. Even so, she sometimes has the feeling that she knows him. Katarina can't help feeling bothered by it, but no matter how much she thinks about it, she just doesn't understand. Sophia tells her that in times like this, she should just stop thinking about it at once and relax. Then she will remember it at once. Katarina thanks Sophia for her advice and decides to apply it right away.
Katarina looks out of the window and tries to relax. She realizes that she has been up since early morning and has gone to places all day. She suddenly feels all the accumulated fatigue and gets sleepy. Sophia invites her to lean on her shoulder while sleeping. Katarina falls asleep.
Katarina's Dream
Katarina has a dream about her past life.
Acchan is giving her one of her recommended otome games. Monkey Girl excitedly thanks her. It is an otome game about a girl who joins a merchant caravan to learn about her birth. While traveling, she raises affection with the members of the caravan.
Acchan tells Monkey Girl about her fave among the capture targets. It is an Arabian-style pretty boy who has shut his heart because of his heavy past. But he will gradually open his heart thanks to the heroine.
Monkey Girl yells at Acchan because she is spilling spoilers again. She tells her that they will discuss the game only after she has finished it. Acchan understands and will wait for her.
Monkey Girl starts playing as soon as she is back home. Since Acchan recommended him, she aims for the Arabian-style capture target.
The character is curt at first, but after interacting with the heroine he gradually opens his heart.
The boy actually comes from a continent far away. He was a royal there, but he had no interaction with his blood relatives and spent his childhood isolated. But then, he met the country's merchant caravan, and this encounter saved him. The caravan people treated him as family and he also considered them as his family. It was the happiest period of his life.
But during the second half of his teenage years, these happy days ended. As he possessed the animal-controlling power passed down among the royal family, he sensed a strange presence. It was the presence of the lost sacred beast that protected the country. Upon learning about this, the King ordered the boy to bring back the sacred beast. The beast seemed to have been sealed by the people of a major country far away, so bringing it back would be no easy task. Looking at the boy's hesitation, the King involved the boy's precious people. If he refused the mission, he would imprison the caravan people. If he accepted the mission, he would set them free. The caravan people were bound to the country and exploited by them. The boy accepted the mission.
The boy set off to the major country with the caravan, retrieved the sacred beast, and brought it back to the country.
The caravan people were supposed to be set free then, but the King told the boy that he would only do it once he had enslaved the sacred beast. The boy complied but after removing the seal, the sacred beast went into a rampage. It was so powerful that the boy couldn't control it. When the boy told the king that it was impossible, the King told him that, in that case, he would kill the caravan people one by one. Because of this, the boy tried to enslave the sacred beast one way or another. He finally enslaved the sacred beast in exchange for his life, but the caravan people had already been killed just because they knew about the sacred beast. The last boy of the caravan told him everyone was dead and then took his own life.
The boy screamed while holding his friend's corpse. Then he released the sacred beast. The sacred beast went on a rampage and destroyed the country.
Now searching for a place to die, the boy crossed the continent all while controlling the sacred beast that drained his life. 
Monkey Girl cried hard while learning about the exceedingly sad past of the Arabian-style pretty boy. She wanted to make him happy, so she worked hard on his route. Eventually, she was able to have him safely end up with the heroine. She also lifted the sacred beast's curse and everyone was happy. At that time she cried out of happiness for "Aaqil". And afterward, she passionately discussed the route with Acchan. 
Katarina Thinks About Her Dream
Katarina suddenly shouts "That's it!" while getting up. Sophia is startled. Katarina is confused by her surroundings and then remembers that she met Sophia at the merchant caravan and that they are going home together. Sophia asks her if she is alright. Katarina replies that she is fine, she just had a bad dream. Sophia worryingly invites her to rest since she appears to be tired. 
They have reached the area where Sophia should change to her own carriage. Sophia asks her to rest well and leaves.
Now alone inside the carriage, Katarina thinks back to her dream. It was a dream of her past life when Acchan lent her an otome game called "To Find Tomorrow". She played it before Fortune Lover. As a result, she forgot about it until just now. The reason she felt like she had met Aaqil before was because she saw his face in the otome game she had played in her past life. Aaqil looks more adult in the game but the features are similar, and that's why he felt familiar.
Katarina feels relieved to finally know why he felt familiar, but she is horrified by the content of his route. While playing, she could somehow handle it by telling herself it was fiction, but if something like that happened to her friend in real life, she couldn't possibly leave him alone. 
The Game
Once she reaches home, Katarina heads to her room and starts writing all she remembers about the game.
The game is called "To Find Tomorrow ~ A Trip To Meet The Real Me". It is a game she played before Fortune Lover, and it was made by the same company.
The heroine is Dee, a curious, cheerful, and energetic girl who grew up in an orphanage. She has a different skin color than the others, and she was left one day in front of the entrance of an orphanage. Aside from these, she doesn't know anything about her birth or where she was born. But she hasn't been bothered by this and has lived cheerfully. 
But once she is 15, she leaves the orphanage and searches for work so she can live independently. Then, she meets some people who travel to various countries and it greatly changes her fate. These people come from a faraway country, and some of the people have the same skin color as Dee. Meeting them, she starts wondering about the mysterious circumstances of her birth. 
Afterward, Dee quits her job and joins the merchant caravan to learn about her birth. In the caravan, she gets involved with the members, raises their affections, and goes on adventures.
Katarina Thinks About the Content of the Game
Katarina might have remembered this if it had been right after she had remembered her past life memories at 8 years old, but a lot of time has passed since then, so she didn't. However, the dream she had earlier wrung the memory of this game out of her head.
The Aaqil from the game was a handsome young boy who was part of the merchant caravan and took care of various chores. An isolated handsome boy who didn't want to get involved with people. At first, he was curt with the heroine, but because she didn't give up and still spoke and interacted with him, he gradually opened his heart to her. Once he had opened his heart to her, he talked for the first time about his past. His King used his freedom as bait and ordered him to retrieve a sacred beast from a major country.
If Aaqil successfully takes the sacred beast back to his country, the King will then force him to enslave it using his animal-controlling power. And in the end, he will lose everyone in his family. It is such a dreadful story.
Katarina looks at the paper where she has written all that she remembers from the game. She must absolutely prevent these from happening.
Mental Meeting
Katarina holds a mental meeting.
A Katarina wonders if it isn't too heavy a task for Katarina. Another Katarina replies they must do something since the lives of Aaqil, the caravan people, and even Aaqil's motherland are at stake.
Still, they don't know what they should do concretely. Should they go to the caravan every day and keep an eye on it until Aaqil goes to retrieve the sacred beast? They can't do that. 
They can't tell Aaqil either that he shouldn't retrieve the sacred beast because they saw what happened in an otome game. Aaqil wouldn't believe them. 
The Katarinas wonder where Aaqil will retrieve the sacred beast. Aaqil has mostly never left his country and this time he has come to a faraway country. He is probably trying to retrieve the sacred beast right at this moment. They could prevent him from going to the major country where the sacred beast is sealed. But where is it? 
Katarina Asks For Keith's Opinion
Keith knocks at Katarina's door. He would like to tell her about tomorrow.
Keith has come at the perfect time. Katarina opens her door and asks him what major country he thinks a huge creature could be sealed. Keith retorts that such fairy tale creatures don't exist, but Katarina cuts him off and asks him to assume they exist. Keith gives it some thought and answers that if such creatures existed, he can't think of any other country than Sorcier. Katarina is surprised. Keith explains that sealing a creature can't be done with normal technology, so it would most likely be done in Sorcier, which has developed magic arts. Keith doesn't know if a creature can really be sealed with magic, but it seems like people from long ago could use all kinds of magic, so there may have been a spell to seal a creature. 
Keith would like to return to the purpose of his visit but Katarina shuts the door on him. Keith is confused since they are still talking, but Katarina tells him she will listen to him later.
Katarina Works on a Plan
Katarina resumes her mental meeting.
The Katarinas think it is a good thing that the major country of interest happens to be Sorcier.
A Katarina thinks they should just tell Aaqil not to take away the beast. But they probably won't be able convince to him.
A Katarina wonders where in Sorcier the sacred beast is sealed. Sorcier is large after all. It may be in the area near the town since Aaqil is staying there, or at the royal castle since Mutlaq royals are staying there according to Nicol and Keith. 
A Katarina thinks they should just find the sealed sacred beast before Aaqil. If there is no sacred beast to take back, Aaqil should be safe.
A Katarina wonders what a sealed sacred beast looks like. The Katarinas have no idea, so they should investigate it first.
Keith tells Katarina about a party tomorrow that she needs to attend. Katarina feigns listening and absentmindedly acquiesces from time to time.
Katarina wonders where she should investigate the sealed sacred beast. She doesn't know if she will find any info in the library. It would be best to probe Aaqil but he said he would be unavailable tomorrow.
Katarina wonders if the other caravan people know about the sacred beast's retrieval. In the game, they retrieved the sacred beast with Aaqil, but does it mean they all know?
Keith asks Katarina if she is really listening. Katarina continues to feign listening.
What did the sacred beast look like in the game again? What was used to seal the sacred beast? A magic lamp?
Keith gets irritated and tells her he won't care if she is in trouble later.
Katarina is determined to help Aaqil.
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vaulthistorian · 6 months
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A/n: The first little thing for these two, I need soft moments between Joshua and Daniel.
Waking up with a familiar dry taste on your tongue is an all too uncomfortable and familiar feeling. Joshua's blunt fingertips scraped across the ground, the sun beating down on his body. His eyes slowly peeled open, the irritated skin making his vision blurry and his head pound.
He ground his fingers on the canyon ground, skin peeling and fresh blood dripping from the sensitive skin. The air around him smelled of burnt flesh and the copper smell of blood was pungent.
He grimaced, his knees scraped on the ground, striking blood from his irritated, puss-filled wounds.
His burnt hand shakily found its way to his stomach, rolling up onto his front. The unforgiving sun burnt down on him in the glaring wake of his sin.
His eyes fought to take in his surroundings. His body was discarded at the bottom of the canyon wall. And what was tossed down with him in a pile of burnt ash scattered around him.
He hung his head, grimacing in pain at the tearing skin at the back of his neck. The sun-dried his blood to his body, his vulnerable wounds taking it on like new flesh.
His drool dripped off his bottom lip, pooling on the rocky ground. He stumbled, forcing himself to his feet.
His last comprehensible memories were of Ceasar casting him down into his damnation. The fire burned hot around him, leaving him cold and in pain.
"Lord forgive my trespasses... I was a blind man." He chokes, coughing up blood and holding his throat in pain.
He dug his fingers into the rock. Blood dripped as he pulled himself up and blindly looked for his way out of the canyon. His feet pressed forward, already aware of what he needed to do.
He walked the road home. He found some comfort in the unforgiving waters of the Mojave, bathing his wounded body along the way. He cried as he wiped the cold water over his face and begged for forgiveness.
A sin he'd not yet finished paying, so it had seemed. Being cast into the canyon was not so far his life couldn't fall into further shambles.
If it wasn't for his actions when his family was slaughtered, perhaps he could have changed things. He wouldn't have to be the prodigal son he always read about and called foolish as a child. When he became that very man.
Even now, sitting in this small, dark cave he regrets his life. Haunted by the face of a man he'd chosen to forgive for his own righteousness.
Feet tipped across the cave floor. The loose pebbles scraped across worn leather boots, which attracted his gaze up from his thoughts.
Daniel offered him some semblance of a reassuring gaze as he came over. "Thinking so loud even I can hear you." He plucks his hat off of his head and sets it down on the table.
Joshua's handiwork was spread out, and somehow still neat among the chaos of the cave. The glowing fire illuminated his repetitive movements against the cave wall.
Daniel took off his gun and set it down, leaning it up against the table. He scuffed his boots and looked at Joshua. "Bandages doing alright?"
"As well as they can."
"If I could have done more, I would."
"I am aware." Joshua nodded.
Daniel had been on his back in a caring way for years. And I mean years. Despite the separation for upwards of 30 years since near childhood, Daniel and Joshua were always aware of each other. It was a funny thing how fate spun their new routes.
"If the trading caravans come in soon, we'll have enough medical supplies to change the bandages without running low."
Joshua huffed a dry laugh. "You don't need to worry about me. I can go a day or two without fresh linen."
Daniel picked up one of Joshua's guns, inspecting the handle and how easily the mag fell into his palm when he released the lock.
He mulled over the words in silence.
"Anything else you need?" Joshua asked, quick to get the point over with. If he wasn't dancing around a fancy speech, he wasn't entertaining any conversation. Even from his companion.
"Just don't overwork yourself will ya? That's the least you can do for me until we get medical supplies."
Joshua looked up at him, pausing in his work, flipping a magazine between his fingers. The cool metal felt like sin and saint on his fingertips at the same time.
"I will consider so."
"Joshua," Daniel frowned slightly. "Give it a day or two? Deal?"
Joshua flicked the mag and put it back into the gun. He slowly placed it down and leaned back, hands in his lap.
"Alright. Until medical supplies are in. Not like I'm worried about getting hit anyway, they can't shoot, and bullets alone can't kill me."
Daniel smiled fondly for a brief moment. "Yeah well let's keep the legend going, shall we? You're merely a man, Joshua Graham." He picked up his hat and set it on Joshua's head, his eyes gleaming softly. "One I intend to keep alive."
Joshua didn't say anything but allowed Daniel's touch to pass. Sometimes the touch of Daniel's hands was comforting. Warm fingertips against his leathery, torn skin.
Handling it with medical prowess from New Canaan. Bringing their old ways to life in the form of worn, rough hands.
Daniel tilted his head slightly. "What??" He smirked when he saw the lost, contended look in his friend's eye. Something he enjoyed seeing, despite it being a rare occurrence.
"Thinking," Joshua replied, looking back down. "Supper will be served for the Dead Horses soon."
"Mhm, and they'll need their weapons connoisseur. Come on, eat with the others." Daniel picked up his gun and turned back down the small path. Heading off to the mouth of the cave.
Joshua watched him go, admiring the way he carried himself so effortlessly. He reached up, gently brushing his fingers along the rim of Daniel's hat, still on his head.
A warm smile pulled at his cracked lips, shaking his head softly and following after his friend.
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broadcastbabe · 1 month
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I’ve been having extremely vivid and bizarre dreams lately. They all center around odd sybaritic clowns and randy circus performers. My waking imagination is usually friendly and familiar to my everyday experiences and fantasies. Apparently, when I close my eyes, and I fall into the embrace of Morpheus, another set of unconscious gears are set in motion and the closed doors of my id are flung open to the even more prurient niches of my psyche. Going to share a few, so buckle-up, they are extremely weird and creepy…
Recently hired to perform my elegant slack rope routine for a small traveling circus in Luxembourg, I am booked for only a month to fill in until they can find a more permanent member of the troupe. The other acrobats bring me into their fold with open arms… and overly affectionate embraces. I sense the attraction has to do with my natural allure and sexiness, and find myself flirting with both the men and women to ease myself into the talented community. The first few days are without incident, and I am complimented for my skills and contributions to the evening’s entertainments for the large crowds. Our next stop, is a smaller intimate venue and I sense some trepidation within the troupe. There are murmurs of a previous incident, but I am not privy to the details. The watch word seems to have something to do with ‘the clown freaks’. The show goes off without a hitch and there is copious drinking afterwards. Feeling my oats, I over-imbibe and stumble back to my caravan trailer. Two ginger-haired clowns emerge from the shadows to assist. Oddly they are still in full face makeup, but scantily clad. I’m just drunk enough to be admiring of their sculpted physiques and frisky playful ways. Helping me into my trailer they join me inside and become brazen in their advances. There are compliments, caresses and kisses at first, and I am swooning from the attention of two men and the physical pleasures they are supplying. As they nuzzle in tandem, their hands cup my breasts to massage and tweak the nipples, as if they know that triggers my lust. They sandwich me between them, so I can feel the stiff brunt of their own arousal against my flesh. Instinctively, I grip them both simultaneously to reciprocate the pleasure I’m being dealt. I am moaning with wanton desire, but they both remain silent, despite my ministrations. It is then, in the dim light and close proximity, I notice the single blunted horn on the balding pate of the clown to my left. It seems to be growing in length and girth as I stroke him below. His comrade is giggling at my consternation and suggests it is nearly ‘Showtime!’. Dumbfounded, I am easily transported to my bed, where my corset is unzipped to reveal my swollen tenders, dripping wet and quivering with anticipation… and a bit of apprehension. The unicorn has lust in his eyes for the sight, while his partner is positioning himself behind him to deliver a payload into his elder’s void. The scene is incomprehensible in the moment, yet I am craving the disturbingly unique coupling. His red-haired partner never breaks eye contact with me as he enters him with ease, then steers him and his fleshy horn, head down into my juicy depths. By this time, it has grown to illogical (dream) proportions and stretches me to howling for it all…deeper… harder…. Each of his probes is driven by the clown-man embedded inside him, thrusting methodically to satisfy himself and his ‘special’ partner… and locking me in his maniacal clown gaze the entire time. The circumstances are bizarre and beyond belief, yet they fuel my earth-shattering orgasm, triggering a bout of vertigo so intense I pass out before they both have cum. When I come to, I can hear the birds, so I know it is near daybreak. I am alone and disoriented as the details of what could only be a nightmare begin to unspool. Still exhausted, I convince myself I must stop drinking before bedtime and drift back to sleep. A few hours later, I awaken in full, and reconsider when I realize my inner thighs are smudged in red and white greasepaint. My blood-curdling scream brings a knock at the door from my nearest neighbor, a trapeze artist. I explain and demand to know the red-headed clowns’ names. “They’re not with us, they’re locals in a freak show at the other end of town… I knew we should have warned you…” I feel a yearning flutter between my thighs as her earnest apologies trail off.
This is when I wake up.
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tieflingfingers · 6 months
The Barbaric Feminine
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What and who: Humor, Mild Fluff. Thomasin and Alfira play music. Wyll and Karlach roast Astarion. Aradin and Remira need to leave. Summary: Thomasin encourages Alfira to put on a little show for the caravan to both cure her writer’s block and encourage her peers. All the companions witness Aradin and Remira's pettiness. Astarion learns the true meaning of art. Warning/Content: Just a little fun character building and au event in the grove. I love the tieflings. Part of series. More in the realm of character study, per usual, so also a lot about two elves that are bad at feelings. And an ounce of fighting. Word Count: 3,443 Ao3 Link
Thomasin swished her skirt to and fro to the light jingling emitting from her boots. Bells hooked on straps, buckled onto her shoes for a theatrical flare. A contraption she’d made herself after inspired by another performer long ago. She tightened her finest corset, whose fabric had to be fully reupholstered upon purchase, and let it cinch the excess of her dress. Her sleeves billowed, to match every other asset, and followed every single movement she made.
With a sudden stomping of her heels, she clacked them firm onto the wooden floor boards beneath her to settle the small crowd of tieflings. 
“Well, thank you kindly for wanting to see me perform today!” she announced to the gathering, careful to make sure each word had its proper annunciation. Her hosting skills were quite rusty. “After the warmth, gifts, and open arms, how could I say no? My name is Thomasin, if we haven’t formally met, and I’m here to lift a few spirits today!”
In front of Dammon’s roost and the soup kitchen, the wooden platform where many rested their heads was reinvigorated and reinvented into a makeshift stage. Rudimentary in design and weathered by the elements over years, but that didn’t stop Alfira from proposing such camaraderie nights before. Each performer was to simply stand at the edge of the staircase and present their talent. 
Alfira had found herself confessing worries of her passing teacher’s legacy and the artistic block that coincided. How the confidence of herself and her people had been lost after such rocky migration and the nerves of the caravan were relentlessly rustled. She wished that, for one single evening, battles were of little importance. And, in her own wholesome logic, she decided that entertaining her brethren was vital. 
The tiefling would heal with the arts. She would play her lute. Someone wanted to juggle. Someone could eat an apple in two bites. No auditions, just nonsensical amusement. They had sat through scrappy children showing off their introductive cantrips. Lullabies and travel songs belted from the lungs of mothers. Sword balancing acts and flashy conjuration spells with advisory warnings. Thomasin needed no begging to be thrown into the roster.
Scattered before the staircase were horned children, parents, and tipsy friends alike. Even with little luxuries, they set out blankets in the dirt and indulge in whatever festivities they could find. Dammon’s blacksmith quarters radiated a heat that cozied the onlookers as they passed around loaves of honey bread and apples. Bottles of gin and moonshine made their way around. No fear or pain where the supply was constant, guzzled down until the last drop hit someone’s tongue. 
Behind Thomasin, Wyll, Karlach and Astarion settled near a table atop the platform, further behind the performing acts. Out of the tieflings’ eyeline, but more than participating from the comfort of a canopy. The same spot where Remira and Aradin had previously settled their claim. 
In honesty, the humans' plans to head out in search of holy artifacts and bounty riches gave Zevlor respite. Their presence was now nothing more than packed bags and distasteful comments upon passing. Remira stood a few feet away from Astarion and the others, tucked behind a sturdy support beam engraved with white naturalistic patterns. She watched Thomasin with contempt, awaiting Aradin’s return so they could leave before sunset. Going out in a flash of dramatics would give them more trouble than it was worth.
Thomasin readied herself. The half-elf lifted her violin up to her chin, tucking it comfortably, and raised her bow. A studied grace. “If you know the words to this one, please join! Nothing more beautiful than a harmony from your good graces!”
Before she knew it, she had slipped into the role. It didn’t matter how makeshift or sudden the gig was, there was tremendous relief. The connection to others in the name of mundane, if not jovial, normalcy. She was in her element. Glittering pigments collected over years sparkled on her eyelids and left iridescent streaks across her cheekbones. No more than a few hard smacks of her heel and the half-elf began to sing a common, yet classic bard ditty. Something bright and upbeat.
They all watched as Thomasin glided around the small corner of the platform, some in awe like she were an exotic bird spreading its wings. Circles, winks, keeping multiple rhythms in tact. Her ribbons were tightened and her outfit meticulously ironed by metal heated over their campfire. Like a single fraction of time where everything was in its place.
Propped against barrels under the canopy’s shade, her companions watched her perform. Karlach busied herself with fruits warming in her hands and gin she passed back and forth to Wyll. The two practiced their most enthusiastic cheers. If they were to tour this to Baldur’s Gate, their fanaticism had to be as perfect as their friend’s talents. 
Astarion opted for a subtle approach. He leaned back, arms crossed, perhaps to prove he knew how to consume art most effectively. Even if his expression settled into cynicism, there was no doubt he couldn’t help but gaze upon her. 
Thomasin swished her hips, making a spectacle out of every inch of her person. The dulcet tone of her voice. The strings of her violin. The bells shaking and whipping about with each step. Even when she stopped her flow of dancing, earning pause from the crowd, her skirt would wrap around her legs, then unravel in a swirl of cornflower blue revelry once more. 
Astarion found himself squinting at the details of her dress.
He remembered the night he and Thomasin laid under the stars and reminisced about their favorite, most prized thefts. Small trophies, but ones that lived on as fashion staples. High heeled boots from a cheating man’s wardrobe. Bolts of fabric lifted from elderly women with a storefront and unwelcoming demeanors. Beads broken from a drunk aristocrat’s necklace and confiscated with a swift scoop up into pockets.
That’s what he recognized. The hem of her dress. The glint of repurposed opalite beads sparkled against glowing faerie lights. A product of multiple late nights, pinning and picking at a dress she never wore on the road. He’d watch her fall into a quiet trance for hours around the fire, pulling at thread and pinching tiny beads, stringing them along. It was one of the few guilty pleasures she invited in. A reward after mending a hole along Wyll’s inseams or re-attaching a buckle to Karlach’s leather straps.
Astarion was getting lost in the magnetism she garnered from her act. Admired how she bounced back from days where bodies ached and brains barely functioned, now teeming with unbridled vitality. No longer in lethargic depths, free to experience the wonder of watering her like a well-pruned leafy plant. Naturally, he took the credit where he could though. His personal rations and food scraps were often gifted to Thomasin in nonchalant exchanges. If he wasn’t to eat it, at least she could be nurtured.
He noticed her growing into her softness. What he imagined she was like before the days of treacherous nature walks and feasts only composed of wine and wild lentils. The masses now got to gawk those same ample hips but jealousy was nothing he was going to voice. Their minds must’ve ventured into poetic saccharine monologues. Ones that, in his opinion, were for lust-riddled simpletons. Nothing more than idealism and viewing her beauty as a commodity. Best used to simply get you wanted and leave before the beautiful possession caught on.
“Philistines can’t even enjoy music without all the moonshine coursing through them,” Astarion muttered.
Karlach stopped in the midst of her swaying, befuddled at how he could keep still. How he was not enamored, even at the most platonic level, by the art Thomasin created. She knocked her bottle of gin into his arm, shoving his lithe frame a bit. The joy in her voice was palpable.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at you. Can’t even enjoy yourself for a night. You upset because everyone is looking at how pretty she is all dressed up?” the large tiefling said, trying her best to keep her volume respectful.
He scowled at Karlach, knowing she wasn’t phased by such grouchiness, and snatched the gin from her hand. His eyes watered with regret immediately upon taking a swig, scrunching his nose. It burned with a fierceness down his gullet. “Ack- gods no. I’m upset by the terrible choice of alcohol in this place.” 
Astarion looked back over at the half-elf to assess his thoughts. Despite encouraging her musical endeavors, he always included a jab that undercut such complimentary words. It was natural to him. Yet, he began to realize had never heard her sing more than a well-tuned hum. Never saw her dance unless guided by Wyll’s hand.
The closest he could recall may have been during her worship of Eilistraee, but those were always witnessed from afar. Memories housed only within the context of his own selfish voyeurism. Maybe self-expression wasn’t always frivolous, he thought.
The elf caught himself staring, mind drifting between conflicting hypotheticals and amorous soliloquies. Details that he was quick to shake from his consciousness. “Thomasin is doing a just fine job,” he followed up plainly.
“Perhaps she could teach you a thing or two, Astarion. How to show that personable side hiding deep in that illustrious heart of yours,” Wyll teased, his half of the gin adding blush tones to his cheeks. “What if you’re a natural born performer?”
Astarion scoffed. “I’ve got a skillset already, thank you very much. I haven’t gotten this far just on looks, I will have you know.” His fingers pressed flat against his own chest. “Personality is half my charm. You should try it sometime.”
The sour attitude and unapologetic gumption tickled his two drunken companions, suppressing their laughter to not become interruptive. Mirth so bountiful, it leaked between the cracks of their fingers clasped over their mouths.
“I’ve gotten this far on looks alone, you should try it.” Karlach eventually said, catching her breath. She had begun to stretch her chest wide, back tightened, and presented the bend of her arms in a muscular flex. Years of pommeling through Avernus had to pay off in some capacity. “It’s versatility, ain’t it? Being hot in every sense of the word really gets the ladies going.”
Wyll clinked their shared bottle onto her bicep in agreement before gesturing to his own horns. A facet of his appearance he was still getting used to, but bonding amongst Elturel survivors made acclimation easier. “The horns are also a definite plus, I’m growing to learn. Nothing like romantic poetry penned by a horn dipped in the finest oil inks.”
“Yeah, exactly. Oily inks.” Karlach pointed to Wyll with her thumb, mouth full of fruit, mumbling her words. Juices from an apple, crisp between her pointed teeth, flew out as she spoke. Although she decided to ignore the fact, knowing she would break into a fit of laughter over Astarion vocalizing disgust. 
He did notice.
He did sneer.
“You two are insufferable. I’ll let you know I have remarkable, if not astonishing, reviews without all the tricks,” Astarion said, waving a dismissive hand. His lips, then, curled in a hint of amusement at their taunting. 
They three continued swaying their heads, clapping as stray copper coins and picked wildflowers were thrown at Thomasin’s feet. The half-elf felt herself return back into her body by the end of the song, engulfed by the rain of praise, and grinned from ear to ear. Genuine unadulterated happiness. She bowed to the small crowd.
When she rose, the sting of coins pelted against her back, followed by a familiar thud. The sound of arrowheads, two to be exact, penetrating wood behind her. She rolled her shoulders, determined to not acknowledge it. To not let it ruin her composure. At her feet, she noticed Wyll crouch to gather all the flora and tips left, whispering tipsy affirmations to her and lurching back to their spot to keep her gifts safe. 
Thanks to him, her smile never faltered, and she went onto presenting the next act. 
“Thank you! Thank you all very much, dearly,” she cheered, holding her violin idle in her arms. “This lovely evening was all brought to you by the ever so talented, Alfira.” 
Alfira ran up the far staircase where Karlach and the others stood, flashing them a sheepish delight with her lute clutched tight. Karlach felt herself blush at the sight of the feminine tiefling’s pastel whimsy, offering her own toothy grin. The bard looked overwhelmed, but particularly gorgeous that night. The way her pink and blue undertones glowed under the low sunlight.
She had to say something. Anything. 
“You’re gonna do wonderful, babe,” Karlach whispered, giving Alfira a thumbs up as she scurried down the long platform and up to the crowd. A sigh as Karlach critiqued her less than smooth demeanor.
Thomasin’s arm extended to present Alfira in all her glory. “Speaking of the delight of your travels. Please give a round of applause and your utmost attention to Alfira on the lute!” The two musicians exchanged a supportive hug before Thomsin bowed again and walked back to her companions.
As she approached the canopy, she caught the sight of Aradin and Remira. The curly-haired man had returned, hand just barely on the railing before he made eye contact with her. A face plastered with smug satisfaction and obvious inebriation on his breath. 
Remira glared at the drunken human coming up the stairs. Not only did she recognize his anger simmering, but she was pinned to the support beam by the shot of arrows through her clothes. Two, again, to be exact. Comeuppance for the fact her silly little hostile coin toss resulted in Astarion’s swift archery. Pettiness resolved by the act of more pettiness. All she could do was await for Aradin to reign terror in her honor and help her down. 
“Did you need something, darling?” Thomasin said softly, setting her violin aside and kneeling before him from her elevated height. Her fingers fiddled with the buckles on her boots, unlatching the bells from them. She felt her performative pleasantries loosening as she remembered her first day at the grove. How punching him square in the face may have not been the answer, but her tolerance for masculine pride had been long ground into oblivion. Now, she was in her brightest pigments. He was no match for her when rouge made her stronger, taller, more powerful. 
Aradin flicked a coin her direction, amused by his own taunting as it bounced off her shoulder. His eyes wandered long after though, taking a step closer, blatant and unrepentant in her objectification.
“Was gonna call you a bitch for making all this commotion by our awning, but I gotta admit you clean up pretty nicely, don’t ya?” he responded. 
The comment made her grin. Solidified her reasoning for retaliation. Her lashes fluttered in the name of feminine mystique before glancing over at Alfira at the opposite end, entertaining her peers. Dancing lights bloomed around the tiefling as she reveled in the attention. Belting out a song that would make her teacher proud. As long as the tiefling was well into her song, Aradin would be dealt with. 
To the backdrop of Alfira’s lute and nervous melody, Thomasin took a step forward, pressing the base of her heeled boot against Aradin’s chest, its thick stem situated right atop his sternum. Her shoulders pushed forward, chest enclosing in on her bent knee, and kicked him back with the force of her shifted weight.
His build hit the ground with a solid heft, blood pressure rising at such disrespect. Perched upon his elbows, back still laying in dirt below, Thomasin grabbed the bottom of her dress and walked down the steps. The human’s face contorted into a myriad of emotions. Disdain, confusion, and then reluctant enticement as she walked over him and settled in a straddle atop his lap. 
Astarion’s eyebrows rose at her sudden dominance, noticing Wyll and Karlach’s similar disbelief. They merely waited with excitement and bated breath for this was the last place they expected a bar fight. So, the elf did the honors and grabbed her instrument for protection, stepping back with no comment or snark to be heard. He respected the arts now, after all.
Thomasin grabbed Aradin’s wrists and pinned them above his head, noting the lack of struggle on his part. It was a relief. Reassurance she had the upper hand. A man that could overpower her if he wished, playing feeble in hopes of gifted flesh. She proceeded to tighten her posture, back curved and body shifting into fluidity. 
Practical, utilitarian sexuality. It was all performative in nature, far from her actual desires, but the skill set promised survival. Retribution was never a natural instinct of hers. At least not one from birth or even youth. The seed was planted over decades of unpredictable company, learning from the adults around her. Their feuds, loyalty, murder, and pacts. It bore its roots deep, granting her access to her own sadism. Sleeping, unkempt, until it thrashed out in the name of untrustworthy bandits or unsavory temporary lovers.
“Aha- not one for being on the bottom, but I’ll take one for the team,” he tittered.
Thomasin giggled back at him like she’d done to countless others before. 
Methodical and sensual, she crept closer and closer to his ear. The half-elf braced herself for whatever his reaction may be, screwed her eyes tight, and let forth a faint blue glow from her lips. Dissonant whispers. The language of her ancestors spliced with nightmares of catastrophic proportions. Threats to the nervous system, disjointed phrases, and speech so rapid, it ran his blood cold.
 They all clashed into one another, almost as painful to his biology as it was incoherent. The glowing wispy smoke crawled into Aradin’s ear canals and thrashed through every microscopic crevice of his brain. Only a few seconds, but enough to make up for the multiple stressors he inflicted on others outside the grove.
He gasped for air as his body took its time regulating itself, crawling backwards in desperation. Trying to figure out how Thomasin had shifted back from an extraplanar terror back to her unintimidating figure. Chest heaving for any semblance of comprehension.
The half-elf leaned back, palms flat and raised to allow him to scurry away. She didn’t prolong his horror. She had no need to. But, she couldn’t deny her heart raced with self-satisfaction. No matter how many times she found the drive to fight back, she knew it had a chance of ending with her demise. Of course, the thought frightened her, but she couldn’t dwell. She knelt where he left her, brushing off stains from their grassy tussle and watching his dilated pupils mellow.
“First the tieflings and now the drow. No keeping the fucking peace in these parts,” he spat at her, scrambling to his feet to scuttle off.
“Don’t be scared everyone is going to find out you’re nothing more than an impetuous noisy cuck.” she retorted, scorn riddled on her face.
Thomasin turned her head to notice the three watching her in light awe. She tried to catch her breath from the intense exertion of both her emotions and the Weave, reminding her body that she was safe. An easy assertion for a titter soon left her lips. She noticed Astartion’s foot propped up beside Remira, giving her mercy with a yank of the arrows to allow her to fall to the floor. No much grace offered, but the human wanted no pity after being strung up in humiliation.
The group watched as the two humans darted away, bickering at one another for their lack of judgment, and then focused back to Thomasin.
“Cheers to that, I suppose,” Wyll said, raising his bottle and taking a swig, then handing it off to Karlach.
“Cheers. Not going to sugarcoat it, that was kinda hot, mate.” The tiefling grabbed the gin, colored by her love of rough-housing and unfortunate touch-starvation. Her word was an objective, undebatable fact.
Astarion felt himself laugh. Unhindered and genuine for the first time that evening. 
“Praise the Dark Maiden,” he proclaimed.
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vixen525noms · 1 year
Defying Certain Death Part 10
Copied from my DeviantArt account, a non-sexual G/T vore story featuring adults along the lines of the lion and the thorn fable. There will be tons of hurt/comfort aspects, lots of safe vore. That is the primary focus in this.
Barrett is and adult giant standing 85ft tall and Hope is an adult human at 5ft 6. Barrett does not eat children at any point.
Warnings: Unwilling Prey; Fatal Mention (Implied future); Characters in Distress
Future: While this part is relatively tame, future parts include fatal vore and violence. Barrett, the giant, is not a good guy, so will be doing some occasional bad things.
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Hope sighed, uncertain about the best way to answer. “Well... I’m not entirely sure about the distance... a storm took out almost everything I had growing, so I made this trip to get enough to start over. But the reason what I grow is valuable is because it is typically found a great distance away, too far to easily travel. I had to sell the last of my supply... and most of my other belongings, to be able to afford to make this trip... My best guess is my village is about fifty or sixty aroys from here.”
Barrett paused, shocked at the distance. An aroy was about a full day’s walk for him, and she had come that far? No wonder she sold her whole stock, she must have paid someone to make a portal. And it meant she probably hadn’t thought she’d be able to go back for some time, if at all. It only served to increase his curiosity about her, leading to more questions rather than answers. “So what are your plans then, Hope?” “I… I’m not entirely sure. I was just going to continue gathering plants, get some sprouts started, and head in the general direction of home. I hadn’t decided if I’d go the whole way or settle somewhere between here and there.” “Well consider my offers… I could provide you some things from my collection, and you’d be set...” 
He paused suddenly when he caught a scent, one that reminded him of the need for him to get food. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air a bit, smiling. About time he found something. “Hope? I’ll be getting you out shortly. I’ll be sure to put you near some water so you can clean up while I hunt.” “Thank goodness... despite your reassurances; this is still pretty scary for me.” Barrett turned, heading first towards where his sense of smell indicated water to be closest. It looked like a lake that the mountain river lead down to... and was likely where the caravan he smelled was heading. He was pretty sure they were far enough that Hope wouldn’t see or hear anything while she washed up... He had a pretty good feeling that if she knew what kind of prey he found, she would probably be upset. He may have nothing against hunting humans and similar prey, but he didn’t want to upset Hope if it could be avoided. Not after all she did for him.
He made his way to the lakeside, closing his eyes briefly as he knelt down. He would be ravenously hungry once he got Hope back out, and he wasn’t looking forward to that feeling of desperation. But it would no doubt be horribly traumatizing to Hope if he didn’t get her out first. Thankfully, bringing the girl back up wasn’t too difficult. Do to the potential risk that came with their habit of consuming live prey, they were able to bring back up anything they swallowed with relative ease. Before long, his small rescuer was back in his mouth, and he opened it slowly with his hand held out in front of it, letting her crawl out on her own. His stomach was already complaining at its emptiness, but he focused on how much he owed Hope, and the presence of nearby prey, to resist the urge to swallow her back down again.
He lowered her to the ground near the lake and stood, not wanting to linger near her while his need for food was so strong. “I’ll return soon,” he said simply before turning and walking between the trees nearby. He almost immediately heard the sound of Hope going into the water to wash off. 
After he had gone a bit of distance, he crouched lower, moving more quietly as he caught the scent of the humans and horses of the caravan again. He smiled, looking forward to a meal of more than just a couple mountain sheep. But he’d also have to be careful not to eat too much. After all, he’d had significantly less food for a few weeks, so his stomach would have shrunk. Eating as much as he might normally have could very well kill him. Perhaps he could save some for later... That might work.
Ears perked as he heard the humans in the caravan talking. He continued moving forward slowly, only stopping when he could just barely make out the road between the trees ahead. They were getting closer... why run after them if they would come right to him? He could wait a couple minutes. He could even get them to stop right in front of him. Just listen to them get closer, then lunge once they were in sight. 
Barrett carefully grabbed a fallen tree from the nearby woods, moving it to block the road. As he did this, he heard a word that drew his attention to their conversation. “...syor when heading this way. They had his road off limits for a while because apparently some were crossing further past the mountains and took out some of the travelers along this route.” The voice sounded male.
“So what changed? Why is the road cleared for general travel now if it wasn’t before?” The second voice also seemed to be male, although seemed younger than the first.
“Well, the town ahead has defenses against their kind, but having the road at risk cut off supplies from them. Way I heard it; they hired a couple of terran geomancers to make sure it wouldn’t be a problem anymore.”
“How’d they manage that?”
“I don’t know the details. Try asking Marie, she’s always listening in to the latest news and stuff.”
“Hey Marie!” Before they younger of the men could ask, a female voice spoke up, “I overheard you. Loud as you two are, it’d be impossible not to have heard you. Yes, I know about it, way I heard it they were supposed to make it impassable, but decided it would be easier to bobby trap it... Shit, can we talk about this later? Looks like you two boys are going to have to clear the road ahead.”
About this time, Barrett was finally able to see the two horses pulling the pair of carts coming around the bend. He smiled as the first came to a stop, and the second soon after it. The pair of men riding in the first cart got out to move the tree, and Barrett stepped out behind the two carts. The woman driving the second cart screamed as his shadow passed over them, and the two men turned around just as Barrett reached over to grab them. 
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Ghost of You
@otto-troy idk Tyler origin story?? Let me know what you think. Also I wrote this at like 2am so please excuse any misspellings or mistakes lol this also ran away from me lol, sorry it’s long
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Laurel was stood at the car with a few others looking over the map of the area listening to the talking that went on between Morgan and the leader of the small group they been traveling with for a few days, almost a week now. Joshua was his name. Lyn and Morgan had come across his group while they traveled and well Morgan thought it would be a good idea for Laurel to socialize for awhile, considering...well considering everything that had happened. Lyn thought it was a shit idea. She was better, but she was still constantly on edge and she hated being around people considering the one person she wanted to be around wasn't there anymore. But they had offered a tent to her and one for Morgan as well, so it was nice to sleep someplace nice. Joshua had a moving caravan that his people traveled with and they would settled in a place for a few days like they were doing now. Currently they were trying to divide up the places to scout out and search for supplies while the rest of the camp rested. Lyn had volunteered not being very good at sitting still.
Her hair was still cut short, a little shorter than her shoulders. Enough for her to braid it back or put it up in a small ponytail. She wore her leather jacket, with black jeans and her boots. Her machete at her side, a pistol on her belt.
"I'll take that area." Lyn said pointing to a town near the map, it was small, should be easy to scout and bring back anything she could find, "I can leave now and get there and back before nightfall." She glanced at Morgan who nodded gently.
"I'll go with you." A voice spoke up from the other side of Joshua and Laurel raised her eyes, looking at the tall blonde male. She internally groaned but held her breathe a bit. It was Tyler. He was around her age, taller than her, although not taller than Troy was. But he was perhaps a bit bigger than the Otto. Tyler had been hanging around Laurel a lot since she and Morgan first joined the group, Lyn didn't know why and she didn't really care. She just wanted him to stop. She avoided him at any cost, often resorting to eating in her own tent, or just getting up early in the morning and getting to any chores to help with so she would be busy and Tyler wouldn't bother her. But the man was persistent, taking any chance to be around her, sitting next to her at the fire, helping her with things. Laurel had told him to get lost several times but, well he hadn't seem to understand the message.
"I'll be fine." Lyn said matter of factly before grabbing a walkie form the hood of the car and tucking it into her belt, "it'll be faster if I go alone."
"We don't know the area." Tyler pointed out, looking at Laurel with blue eyes, "it would be safer if we go together, in case you get hurt."
A scoff left Laurels lips as she stared at Tyler staring at him in annoyance, "I won't get hurt, believe me. I'll be fine." Although before either of them spoke again Joshua did.
"We go out in pairs." The leader said firmly as Laurel clenched her teeth, out of annoyance and also to keep herself from saying something stupid. She mumbled a quiet fine and grabbed the map, folding it up and shoving it into her pack before taking off in the direction of the town not waiting for Tyler. He would only want to strike up a conversation and in those moments, Laurel finally understood Troy's urge to shove people to walkers. Lyn heard Tyler jog to catch up with her and fall into step beside her as he swung his pack over his shoulder. Laurel just kept walking, ignoring any attempts Tyler made at talking, not responding. He was talking, but Lyn wasn't listening, he was just white noise at this point.
"Hey Lyn." Tyler's voice finally broke through as he grabbed at her shoulder. Laurel came to a stop and whirled around, jumping at his touch, quickly pushing his hand away. Tyler held his hands up, "hey." He said softly, "are you okay?"
"What?" Lyn blinked staring at him, trying to remember anything he has said in the last half hour or so.
"I asked if you were okay." Tyler said softly and lowered his hands, "you haven't said anything this entire walk." He looked at her in concern. Laurel sighed and shook her head, glancing around, watching their surroundings, "so?"
Tyler gave a short shrug, "I just...well I just wanted to check if you were okay." He looked over her, and Lyn felt something knot inside her. She hated the way Tyler looked at her. He wasn't exactly subtle about it. It mirrored the way Troy looked at her, but it wasn't the same, and it never felt the same.
"I'm fine." Laurel said dryly and turned to keep walking, "what were you saying?" Tyler took a moment before following her.
"I was asking where you were from." The taller man said with a light shrug, "don't really know much about you. Thought we could get to know one another better since it seems like you and Morgan might be sticking around." Laurel groaned internally but she knew if she didn't at least chime in Tyler would just keep bugging her.
"I'm from California." Lyn finally answered after a moment, "I grew up in Irvine, and then moved to Santa Clara when I was around sixteen."
"Why'd you move?" Tyler asked without missing a beat. Resigning her fate of having a conversation with Tyler during this run.
"My mom got remarried and we moved in with my step-dad." Laurel replied as she reached into her bag, pulling out the map to check their surroundings. They were closer now, and so far they hadn't run into any trouble which was good. Maybe things would be easy and they could get in, find supplies and get out. The rest of the way Tyler had insisted on asking her questions about her life, her childhood whatever the hell he could think of. Lyn gave minimal answers, not going into detail and steering away from...certain aspects of her childhood. Eventually the two finally reached the town and went about looking through the stores. So far they hadn't found anyone, living or dead, but had found some supplies here and there.
Currently the pair were in a general store, or what used to be one. Tyler had found a stash of some cans he was loading into his pack while Laurel was searching the small pharmacy for anything useful, one never knows what one might find, so she still checked even though the store looked pretty picked over.
"Find anything?" Tyler called.
Laurel picked up a container and began to dig through it, "not yet. It's pretty empty back here." She sighed and began searching the shelves. There were a lot of empty packages and expired medicine. She moved to the back counter, opening up some cupboards, grabbing at some bottles of pills. Penicillin, that was always helpful. Her head turned as she heard a sound, although before she could react a walker was on top of her. Laurel let out a yelp as she slammed back against the ground, pushing back against the walkers shoulders as it snarled and lunged at her. Lyn grunted looking for her machete, but she couldn't see it...She looked back up at the walker, looking at its teeth. Struggling to bite into her...maybe she should let it? If the creature got to her neck...well she would be dead in seconds. In a matter of seconds she would be back with him. Her eyes would close and finally when they opened again they would see him. It was just a few seconds when her breathe slowed and she seemed more calm, debating her choices.
Although before she could choose how to react, the walker had a knife in its skull, and died. Laurel’s breath left her lips in a rushed breath. She was hauled to her feet so quickly it almost made her dizzy. Tyler had her by the arms, talking to her, checking her for bites but her ears were ringing as she just stared at the walker.
“Hey, hey,” Tyler said urgently, placing a hand on Laurels cheek, forcing her to look at him, “are you okay?” He asked firmly.
Lyn felt the emotions bubbling up in her chest, and she felt the sting of the tears that began to gather in her eyes. She didn’t speak just nodding as she fought the urge to cry.
“It’s okay,” Tyler said with a relieved breath and quickly pulled Lyn into a hug. Holding her tight as he repeated the phrase, “it’s okay” several more times. Laurel closed her eyes and hug onto him for a moment letting out soft sobs as she cried into his shoulder. The tears and emotions too much to hold in for the moment as she sobbed. Tyler held her close, mumbling soft words to her hair while he listened to her cry. He kissed the top of her head slowly, then down to her cheek briefly. Finally he pulled away from Lyn for a moment when her sobs had subsided and stared at her for a moment. Then without missing a beat he placed a hand on her cheek, sliding her fingers into her hair before leaning in, pressing his lips to hers in a rather deep kiss.
Laurel surged backwards immediately, backpedaling into the wall behind her. Her eyes wide with shock, although the shock quickly turned to anger, “what the fuck!” She hissed and surged forward shoving Tyler back and storming past him out of the shop. She heard Tyler calling for her but she ignored him and just kept walking wanting to her as far away from him as possible.
Tyler and Laurel made the walk back to camp in silence. Lyn didn’t want to look at him, and thankfully Tyler had kept his distance and kept his mouth shut. That was until they were closer to camp. Lyn could see their camp as they walked through the forest. Then she felt Tyler grab her arm and turn her towards him. She pulled her arm away from his, staring at him.
“What?” Lyn demanded, her tone sharp and annoyed.
“What happened back there?” Tyler asked gently, “I mean…”
Laurel raised an eyebrow, “what happened back there? You kissed me!” She hissed, “and you’re lucky I didn’t break your nose.”
Tyler let out a laugh a disbelief, “yes I kissed you. And you ran away like I was on fire or something. So I kissed you. What was wrong with that?”
“I’m married.” Lyn said firmly, her tone darkening as she glared at Tyler, “you know that.”
“I know you were married. Two years ago.” Tyler insisted stepping closer to Laurel, “come on, you can’t tell me your still holding a torch for someone whose been dead for that long” He shook his head with a laugh, “I mean, come on. You can’t have a relationship with a ghost.”
“Fuck you,” Lyn said softly, her voice low and dark as she stared up at Tyler, “you don’t know the first thing about me. Or him.” She turned to leave but Tyler caught her hand again.
“I know you can’t be alone forever.” Tyler said firmly, his grip on her wrist tighter this time so she couldn’t pull away.
“Let me go,” Lyn warned shaking her head, “I mean it Tyler. Let. Me. Go.” She swallwoed but he didn’t.
“We can be something.” Tyler said, staring at her, “you don’t have to be alone. You can be with me. I mean the guy is dead. It’s time to get over it.” He tugged her closer in one swift movement and leaned in as if he meant to kiss her again. Although this time Laurel reacted quicker. She shoved him back, ripping her hand from his grasp and then the next moment, she swung at him. Her fist connecting to his nose with a harsh smack.
Tyler stumbled back holding his nose, “what the hell?!” He exclaimed paining lacing his voice.
“What the hell?!” Laurel echoed his words before surging forward and hitting at Tyler again, not exactly punching him, but hitting him with her hands, “what the hell was that?! What the hell were you doing?! What the fuck?!” She demanded as she kept yelling and hitting him. Tyler let out grunts of pain, trying to grab her arms to get Lyn to stop hitting him but she wouldn’t it. Just hitting and yelling at him. Soon enough, their altercation attracted more of the camp and Morgan and Joshua with a few others ran over.
Laurel yelled while Morgan pulled her off of Tyler. Joshua and a few others had rushed over as well trying to figure out what happened. All of them, staring at Lyn as if she was some sort of animal. Lyn continued to cry and yell, struggling against Morgan as he tried to talk to her, to get her to hear him, but she didn't. She couldn't. Thrashing against Morgan, rage burning through her, she fought to get free. To hit something again, Tyler, anything. Although she slowed her struggled for a moment as she gasped in a breath, her lungs burning. But it wasn't the struggle of air that made her stop. Or Morgans calls to her, nor Joshuas shouts. No.
It was the figure leaned up against one of the trees around the camp that caught her attention. Laurel stared at the figure, several feet away from her, first she had just seen it from the corner of her eyes and then...her gaze settled on him. Tall and slender. Dressed in dark green cargo pants and a soft grey t-shirt. The shirts she would steal when he wasn't paying attention and wear for the day, or sleep in. His dark brown hair, pushed away from his face in soft curls. The curls Laurel run her fingers through when he was stressed, when she was anxious and needed comfort. When they would lay in bed in their trailer and read. He looked back at her with blue eyes, the eyes she could happily drown in. He wore a soft smile, gentle but amused, almost charmingly silly. The kind of smile he would save just for her. The kind of smile he gave her when he would return to their trailer and walk in on Lyn dancing around the trailer to music being played by a small boombox she had found on a run. He would at her like she was the most ridiculous person in the world, and then get dragged into dancing with her for a bit.
Laurel felt the air leave her lips as she finally stopped thrashing, her eyes latched onto the figure. Her husband. Leaning against a tree, and smiling at her like he had never left. She was afraid to blink, that if she would break eye contact with him he might disappear. Pushing at Morgan's hands, she tried to get free. To run to Troy. Although a few moments after she had stopped actively fighting Morgan in such a violent way, Joshua had approached. Seeing his chance he had slammed the heel of his rifle against Laurel's head. Knocking her out cold in one swift moment, Laurel crumbled to the ground.
Laurels vision was fuzzy once she woke. She opened her eyes slept and blinked, the light hurting her eyes. A groan escaped her lips as she tried to move, her head ached.
“Take it easy,” a voice said, Morgan’s voice, “you took quite a hit.” Lyn turned her head to see Morgan sitting in the tent with her. His words echoing in her head, right…she cursed mentally and closed her eyes for a moment before sitting up.
“Yeah it hurts.” Laurel sucked in a breath as she gently touched her hand to her head before looking at Morgan, suddenly feeling ashamed for what she did, “sorry…”
“No need to apologize.” Morgan said with a shake of his head, “Tyler explained what happened. He should be the one to apologize.” He looked at Lyn, “are you okay?”
“Peachy…” Laurel sighed and closed her eyes again.
“Joshua wants us to leave.” Morgan said, “but I think I can talk him into letting us stay.”
“Don’t bother,” Lyn’s eyes snapped open again, “I don’t want to stay. I’m getting the hell out of here Morgan.” She looked at him, “no way in hell I’m staying here.” Lyn guessed Morgan seemed to have some understanding because he didn’t argue and just nodded.
“Then we should get our stuff and head out before it’s dark.” Morgan said and stood, “I’ll grab your bag. Just take it easy.” He said and left the tent. A long breath left Laurels lips as she dipped her head down, leaning her arms against her knees.
“Hey,” His voice echoed and she groaned.
“What do you want?” Lyn asked lifting her gaze to find Tyler standing outside of the tent she was in. The first thing she noted was the bandaged on his black and blue nose. She couldn’t help but smirk, it looked broken.
“I just uh,” Tyler cleared his throat, “I just figured I should apologize.”
“Oh your just figured that?” Lyn asked tilting her head to the side, “how smart.” She sighed and stood up. She grabbed her jacket and tugged it on, feeling Tyler’s eyes on her the entire time.
“You’re really okay with what, being alone for the rest of your life?” Tyler asked staring at her, “tied to a ghost?”
Lyn swallowed as she took a few steps towards the entrance of the tent and looked at Tyler, her gaze surprising softly, the same with her voice, “I…I’d rather have the ghost of him, than someone, anyone else.” She looked at Tyler who stared back at her, “if the ghost of him is all I have. It’s all I want.” Her hand went to the wedding ring that hung around her neck, and she held it for a moment. Swallowing the pain that was rising in her throat.
“You’re lucky he’s just a ghost.” Lyn said stopping beside Tyler as she walked out of the tent, the softness gone from her voice, “because if he was here,” she said staring at him, “he’d break every bone in your body after that shit you pulled.” Lyn paused briefly, “and I’d let him.” She looked away and walked over to where Morgan was waiting. Lyn took her bag and swung it over her shoulder and followed Morgan away from the camp. Tyler watching her as she left until he couldn’t see her anymore.
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Arrange Your Next Journey With Caravan Supplies Near Me Is Easy to Get
You might not have a built-in kitchen, bathroom, or toilet if you choose a modest caravan supplies near me, but you won't ever have to go bankrupt making this purchase. Small caravans are affordable and available in a variety of weights, sizes, and forms. They are happier and feel more at ease in their workplace as a result.
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Provides Workers with Convenience and Increases Worker Efficiency
Providing mobile toilets for sale and showers to your employees might have a significant impact. Thanks to these miracles, workers may now comfortably take a little break and relax close to where they work. They don't have to leave the area and take a lengthy stroll just to look for public restrooms. Given that they spend the majority of their time on the building site, this might result in quicker project completion.
Offering your employees the convenience of a mobile restroom on-site may boost their output considerably. Your employees won't have to worry about where to urinate when they can readily reach the restrooms.
Customer Privacy and Efficiency:
Asking a customer to use their private restroom is the last thing you'll want to do when working on a domestic project, such as a home renovation or building extension. Strangers entering and leaving their homes and restrooms put the client in danger of needless worry and inconvenience.
The best companies offering portable toilet services are equipped to provide as many reasonably priced, well-made toilets as you want. They are useful for events like parties, get-togethers with loved ones, and building sites.
It has been demonstrated that having portable restrooms on building sites increases productivity. Workers may conserve time by making fewer visits to the facilities while scheduling fewer breaks when portable toilets are placed in a handy location. It is simpler to maintain momentum and meet productivity goals when there aren't as many long-lasting disruptions.
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bandit-prince · 4 months
“So, you know why I’m here now, if you don’t mind me asking for a change, what drew you here?”
Aries was leaned against the wall of his train car, casually sharpening a knife as if it were the easiest thing in the world; but his eyes hadn’t left his..friend? Was that the right word? It felt weird to call someone a friend, and actually mean it again. But, despite everything, Gene had proven to be vaguely trustworthy and much more than reliable. He hadn’t expected much when the Ghoul had first arrived at Big Bend, and yet, after doing several caravan runs together, they’d gotten pretty close. Not to mention, it had been Gene who, albeit on accident, had fixed the problem Aries had once created.
“What, me? Why I’m here? You sure you wanna know? It’s not nearly as entertaining as your story.” Gene was slouched over at the entrance of the train car, leaned against the jammed open door with an empty Jet inhaler held loosely in one hand.
Those big, brown eyes look over at Aries, a mixture of curiosity and..was that a hint of fear?
“Sure, I’d love to hear if you’re willing to share. ‘Course, you don’t gotta. Trust me, I know all about skeletons and closets. Literally, almost.”
“Well, mine is more literal. I’ve killed people, Aries. And not just to defend myself either.” Gene goes quiet for a moment, chasing the empty inhaler between his fingers for a while before trying to continue.
“My family and me, we all lived up near Flatwoods. Dad was a doctor, mom was a an ex-military liaison. I had a sister, she was only six at the time. Dad had gotten us all access to the Vault, calling in some favors from a few of his past patients, but, when the time came, they didn’t have room for all of us.”
He stops, raising the inhaler to his lips and pulling on the button desperately, but when none of the familiarly awful tasting air touched his tongue, he sighs, throwing it aside.
“They were just going to leave her there to die. Said they didn’t have any room for kids. I made them take her instead of me.”
Aries chews at his scarred lips under the gas mask, listening intently to the ghoul’s story.
Maybe he shouldn’t have asked, but with the way it was all tumbling out of Gene’s mouth now, it was obvious he needed to get it off his chest.
Slowly, he shifts off the wall, sitting down next to the ghoul, relishing the feeling of the warm sunshine brushing against his mask.
“That was very good of you. Can’t say I’d have done the same, though…I don’t know. it’s hard to say unless you’ve been there. But, I’m a bit more selfish than you are, heh.”
“I don’t know if I’d have done it now. If I could go back in time and change things..I don’t know. But, anyways. That’s not the point. I wasn’t drawn here by some secret treasure, or caravan work, or even raids. I was born here, raised here, and..for all intents and purposes, died here too. The Gene she knew, that my parents knew, he’s long dead.”
He takes a breath, deep and long, before finally rummaging in his bag and pulling out a deep brown bottle from it, and handing it to Aries. “Cheers.” He murmurs, decidedly uncheerfully.
“I met up with some old friends after the bombs fell. We were all desperate, and scared as shit. Military came through town a week later, killed a lot of innocent people to get their supplies. So, we decided if they could do it and be justified, we could too.”
A growl ripped itself from Aries’ throat, and the guard coughs hard for a few moments, trying to catch his breath. “God. I’m so sorry. That must have been awful to see. I can’t believe they’d do something like that.”
“Me neither. But, it happened. Anyways, we left Flatwoods soon after that, headed on down to Charleston and then into the Monongahela Forest, figured it’d be the safest place to lay low for awhile.”
The masked guard nods, opening up the bottle, and pouring a shot into a nearby glass, handing it over to Gene as the ghoul continues the story.
“From there, we met up with some other survivors. We all joined up, and..well..maybe created the first Raider faction in West Virginia. Things were great for a few years. We built up a huge fortress in the depths of the woods, had it automated and everything. But, there was one thing I wasn’t counting on.”
Once again, Gene stops in his story to sip at his drink; face wrinkling up at the bitter taste, but he slams it back nonetheless.
“Goddamn Blood Eagles. They were so well organized and ruthless, everyone else wanted to join them. I was the only one who didn’t.”
“Yeesh. And I bet they didn’t want to let you leave in one piece, either, right?” Aries had lifted his mask up a bit halfway through this spiel, lighting up a cigarette and taking a deep breath. “Blood thirsty motherfuckers. I’d say they’re worse than a Sheepsquatch, but, I dunno, I’ve never had a Blood Eagle successfully remove my face before.” He chuckles a little, and Gene smiles just a bit, at the edges of his mouth.
“Bloodthirsty is for sure. And absolutely relentless. Alice, she shot me. She was my best friend. Left me to die in some shit hole junkyard, surrounded by nuclear waste. Reckon they figured if the bullet hadn’t killed me, the radiation would. But, reluctantly, I lived.”
Gene sighs, long and hard as Aries sat next to him once more. It was a beautiful morning, the sunrise just now peaking out over the mountains. Absently, almost as if he were being pulled to him by an invisible string, Gene laid his head again Aries’ shoulder, and the contentment that washed over him was enough to well up tears in the ghoul’s eyes.
“I didn’t know what to do when I woke up. I wandered for years, robbing the poor assholes that got in my way or that let their guards down. And..then I just happened to meet a trading caravan up towards the Wayward. They told me about the caravan company that had come through, and was setting up shop down here. So, I set off.”
An arm was holding Gene close now; no words about the matter had been exchanged, and yet it felt like the most natural thing in the whole world. “It wasn’t long after that, that I met Ishmael. Figured a Vaulty would need a guide. Maybe, at first, I thought I could get something out of her. But, I couldn’t do that now. She’s like a sister to me, almost, even if she is short a few brain cells.” He chuckles to himself, and Aries snorts, shaking his head.
“Aw come on, she’s very smart and you know it.”
“Yeah, smart, but no common sense. But, that’s what I’m for I reckon.”
“If common sense is what we kept you around for, Vinny would have died of a heart attack by now.” That half revealed face was grinning, those horrible scars taught, but at the moment giving Aries no real trouble.
“Yeah..well, maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”
Their faces were inches apart, Gene could feel the ragged breaths brushing against his cheek as they both spoke, and for a moment, just a moment, he allowed himself to think of what he’d like to do to that pretty face.
And yet, before he could react, almost like Aries had read his mind, the guard was leaning in a bit closer. “You know, I think rather a lot of you.”
“Yeah? Even after hearing all that?”
“Heh. Like I have room to judge. Agent of chaos, remember?”
For the moment, nothing else mattered. All that existed was Aries’ scarred lips and his breath and his arm wrapped around Gene’s shoulders.
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ask-de-writer · 1 year
WIND MEETS THE ROM : Part 6 of 27 :
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Part 6 of 27
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat
54212 words
© 2023 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 06/01/18
All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact. They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story? Read from Part 1, here!
Wind responded by putting her mug of tea in the middle of the plate and arranging her pasties around it, so that she could manage the whole thing with her one hand. Just then, a filly that Wind remembered from the game yesterday trotted up.
She gave Wind a curtsy and asked, “Would you like to eat with us? We foals noticed that not only did you play the ball fairly, you are learning to talk, read and write. That means that you are one of us!”
Wind looked over at Black Lotus, who looked on to Hoof Dancer, who nodded an emphatic yes.
Wind looked at her new acquaintance and picked up her plate. “Lead the way! I am Wind, um, Wind Whisper.”
The foals were sitting quietly in the shade, near to a neatly boxed in spring with open water tank for the use of ponies and horses that stopped at the wayside. Wind appreciated the how well the wayside was laid out for the convenience of its users.
The foals were happily chattering away in Gyptian, pausing anytime that Wind showed any sign of confusion or misunderstanding to explain or show her the meaning of what they were saying.
Wind was sorting out Gyptian's interesting view of “caravan” being any device that hauled things OR any group of such devices. You could say one particular caravan in a caravan. You could even say how many there were in a caravan. She was both amused and bemused by the amazing idea that there was no plural for caravan.
The foals were amused by Wind's amusement. Quiet trills that the Rom used for applause greeted her sorting the matter out. One filly explained, “Ponies always have trouble figuring that out. You got it in only a few minutes!”
They all fell silent at once. Wind, following their stares, saw a plain brown earth pony whose mane and tail were only a little darker brown pulling a heavily loaded wagon down the access road into the wayside.
The first sight of the stranger caused her heart to skip a beat. He was the exact same color as her friend Penny. It was quickly apparent that he was nothing like Penny.
First, he barged into the Rom camp, dragging his wagon and dropping the hitch as if he was part of their camp. Second, he tried to just help himself to their breakfast.
Wind and the foals could hear Marchhare's voice as he demanded, “Right of Privacy in our camp! You must find your own camp spot and fix your own rations.”
“I ain't movin' til you fixes my sour wheel and gives me a good breakfast! Got it?”
Wind's eyes went wide with surprise as Black Lotus just asked, “Mom, will you get this worthless pony out of our camp? I have his caravan.”
Soft looking blue magic from her horn enveloped the intruder's wagon and lifted the several tonne load up off the ground. The squalling pony was also lifted by Hoof Dancer's magic. Both of them carried their burdens to a well shaded camp space with a fire ring and supply of firewood. They left him and his wagon there.
Utterly sour, the brown pony stomped over to the wayside's boxed spring. He was starting to demand, “You brats get away from here!”
Wind quietly stood up and laid her hand on the side of his neck. She said in a gentle tone, “If you try to bully these foals, you could wind up all scratched up by the bramble.”
Just as he was blustering, “There ain't no brambles here! What are you talking about?” Wind flexed her hand slightly. Tiny trickles of blood ran down his coat from her finger tips.
Smiling, to show her fangs, Wind replied, “I am the Bramble. Get your water in peace and you will have no problem with me.”
Grumbling, he went around the foals, eating in the cool shade. “That Waller lied to me about everything! Said Rom on the road was generous and would fix wagons with problems and share meals and all. Lies, every bit of it.”
One of the fillies raised her eyebrows and asked, “Waller Left Leg?”
“That's him! Not a word of it true!”
The filly smiled. “For him, it is all true. I bet that he told you to always be polite and never intrude on our camps too, but you just left that out, didn't you?”
He actually looked down and scraped the grass with his hoof before answering, “Well, yes. That part don't make no sense. I means, you is all Rom, not even proper ponies. Why would anypony be polite to you?”
She batted her eyelashes at him and chuckled. “Last that I looked, courtesy costs nothing. It would have been repaid with an invitation to eat and the repair of your cara ...” she paused, “wagon. Well worth the price, I would say.”
Wind looked about and smiled, a cheerful mouthful of fangs. “We are done with breakfast! Let's take our dishes back to camp for cleaning! I understand that we are going to be on the road today!”
Happy foals charged across the wayside grass to their camp. Wind paused only long enough to say, “Hanar was right, you know. About courtesy, I mean.” She loped away to the Rom camp after the foals.
By the time that the brown pony had got his water and returned to his camp, the Rom were putting away the last of their now cleaned cookware and utensils. Lockers were open and rigging parts for hitching up to their caravan were being selected and set up.
The filly Hanar was showing Wind the parts, naming them and laying them out. Wind was linking the parts together as well as learning the names of the pieces.
Hanar looked up from the setup and smiled. “Wind, you are learning Gyptian far faster than anyhorse that I have ever heard of. From what I am hearing, what you need most is just to build up your vocabulary.”
Wind nodded. “I have a gift with learning languages. It really helps my adventuring. I learn most languages in only a day or two. Like Gyptian, I will still need to learn new words but that is pretty automatic as time goes by.”
Hanar nodded to herself as she finished her Pulling set up and used her magic to latch her harness into place. She gestured with her horn to a place beside her. “Hoof Dancer was very particular that you walk alongside me today. I will be leading off the Road Songs. We sing to keep cadence and the Pull even. The songs also help the kilometers to pass. We are going to visit mother's Lake today. It will be so nice to visit her again. Our Loved Dead are Always With Us but I feel her most strongly at her Lake.”
Wind reached into her pouch of holding and pulled out a nice reddish pebble. “I was told something of Laying the Stones. While we were breakfasting, I noticed this one in the outfall stream from the wayside water box. Would it be proper? I mean, Shansa Na Kili wa, I mean, is your mother. You would know best.”
Hanar's magic took the stone delicately from Wind's fingers. It turned this way and that under her scrutiny. “That would be perfect, Wind. It is a small carnelian with most of the cortex worn off by water and other pebbles. That is just the sort of thing that we look for.
“Look! Everyone is hitched! It is time for the starting cadence!” In a loud clear voice, she called out, “Lean Left! Lean Right! Pull Left! Pull Right! Pull! Pull!”
The whole caravan of Rom got underway, all of them in perfect step and cadence. Wind was impressed. As they hit the main road and turned south, Hanar called out, “Shehan Ja Rom!” Moments later the melodious voices of the Rom filled the roadway.
Wind listened closely and began humming first, then softly, so that her errors would not disrupt the others, filling in with words and guesses for words. The singing made it easier for her to add to her vocabulary and, incidentally, learn the origin of the Rom as a race.
It helped that she knew some of the story but the song filled it out and put muscles on the bare skeleton that she knew. She thoughtfully filed away that she could see the eyes of a good number of her new friends and they were all showing signs of tears. The song came to an end and the mood changed!
Red Roan's Lullaby had nothing to do with sleeping! Wind picked up the chorus quickly and the short verses had her giggling.
Another was almost a tone poem about the road and its nature and how much the Rom loved the road as their true home. Hearing it, Wind recalled her conversation with Black Lotus about finding a place to settle. Now she understood the black mare's reaction far better. The Rom were settled, just not in a single place. Home was the road and the caravan.
They turned into Royal Road Red Branch Section Wayside #6 well before noon. There was a party there before them. There were pegassi in armor and carrying weapons. Their leader ordered the troop, “Stand Down! This is the caravan that we have been waiting for!”
Lounging in the shade of a tree were two more Rom, or so they appeared. A pure white, horse sized unicorn lay quietly beside another, slightly smaller horse of deep blue. Both wore the unique headdresses that the Rom called Freedoms and they were in lovely sashes and harnesses.
They sprang to their feet and virtually charged forward, calling out, “Marchhare! We got away from our Duties early! We have been waiting for you! We are ready to set up camp with you!”
Wind saw the other Rom all eagerly greeting the newcomers with, “Tia! Midnight! We hoped that you would be able to join us! Will you be with us for the Haymarket Fair?”
“Try to stop us! We got our schedules cleared all the way through to Monday!”
There was the happy clatter of hitches being taken apart and stowed. Even more promising, was the different clatter of cooking equipment being set up. Having already learned about Rom priorities, Wind got busy helping Hoof Dancer to set up griddles, grilles and a portable oven over the wayside fire pits.
While she was busy, she noticed that her enthusiasm was not shared by at least some of the pegassi. Two were stopped by the officer in charge as they started to stomp over to the encampment being set up. There was some sort of disagreement before they returned to ranks.
Wind noticed that the newcomers, Tia and Midnight, were already hock deep in Ka'chek flour and rolling out the dough with delight. Wind's shyness was broken by Black Lotus calling, “Wind! Come over and meet Midnight and Tia! They want to see you in person. Reports are so often impersonal!”
Wind trotted over, muttering, “Did that old blue unicorn tell everyhorse in the kingdom about me?”
Tia's lips twitched up in a bit of a smile. Midnight snickered, “Not at all. He did put a note about you into the Chronicle but it was that lovely old dead donkey over there who sent us the reports.”
Wind sent a small not really glare over to Marchhare. He snorted and retorted, “An army may march on its stomach but the life blood of a kingdom is PAPER!”
By then, Wind was already stirring up thick apricot filling for some of the pastries to come. There was a pot of berry filling waiting for the final stirring and, to Wind's surprise, there were pastry fillings with both fish and fowl ready to go too.
Midnight noticed Wind's casual look at the feast preparations and replied to her unspoken question, “We know that you are a carnivore, dear. Both Tia and I are skilled surgeons. Things like meat and blood do not bother us. We know and entertain the Gryphons from time to time also. Fixing you properly savory food is not only no trouble, it will show Shansa Na Kili that you are truly a member of Marchhare's band.”
Tia put in casually, “I have a couple of questions to ask her myself. She is such a good friend and shares her knowledge so willingly.”
Wind nodded. “So I have heard. I want to thank her for the fine weaving of my new cloak. I found her a nice pebble for the Laying the Stones. Hanar told me that it was a good one.”
Midnight's eyes softened as she kneeded more dough and replied, “That is wonderful. Hanar loves to visit her mother.”
Suddenly soft looking many hued magic sprung from Tia's horn and shot over to edge of the wayside! One of the armored pegassi was snatched from over near the woods and slapped to earth hard, in front of Tia and Midnight both! He had a sling with a stone in it. The stone, a nice, shiny petrified wood, bounced free of the sling pocket.
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officialleehadan · 1 year
Feared Arrival
Hello darlings! Today's second story was brought to you by CJessie! Darling, thank you so much for all your support!
Prompt: Stone Kisses, with an unexpected arrival.
There was someone new in the school.
Visitors were not uncommon as far as things went. Most of the time people came and went freely as they stopped in on business. Trade caravans kept the school in supplies and left with a wealth of magical enchantments to sell on the return journey. They even got the occasional hero through, seeking information, directions, or magic.
This visitor, however, was very different. He came with a retinue of battle mages, so powerful that even Headmaster Sadrixan took pause when they approached the open gate. It wasn’t that the mage school couldn’t defend itself. Eikh alone could probably bundle up the whole troop without lifting more than a finger or two. It was what their presence meant that was more alarming.
They all wore the livery of the Warlord of the Southhold.
Their leader was a face Alivir knew well, although the last time Alivir saw him, he was sitting on a  podium, watching a thousand innocents lose their heads.
Alivir and Tallinvar, with Dainea between them, joined the rest of the students to see who had come to their school so boldly.
That was, it turned out, a mistake.
“I have heard rumors of a very fine young mage here, seeking more than this… institution can offer,” the Warlord of the Southhold said, arrogant and satisfied with himself, and for good reason. After all, there were very few mages who would refuse such a handsome offer of employment from someone so powerful;. “I have come a long way. Where is Tallinvar Wishtain?
As one, Alivir and Dainea stepped in front of Tallinvar, who blanched pale at the sound of his name. Eikh, standing nearby, caught Alivir’s eye and nodded pointedly for the door. He would handle this. Their job was to get Tallinvar out.
“Walk slowly,” Alivir whispered to his fellow student, who was frozen with terror. “Come on. Head for the work rooms. Don’t run. They haven’t seen us.”
“I can’t- I-“ Tallinvar stammered in a whisper, but when Dainea took his hand, he let himself be pulled, step by step, towards the work rooms. They were near the back of the crowd, and shaded by a pillar. Although the other students were looking around for him, Tallinvar would be hard to see as long as they didn’t linger. “They’re here for me. His mastermage- he’s- I know him.”
“Don’t care,” Alivir muttered, although it wasn’t much of a surprise. He knew more than he wanted about that mastermage. There was a reason the man served his warlord, and his cruelties were terrible to hear of, let alone see. “They can’t have you. Come on. Keep walking.”
Spotted. The warlord’s voice snapped through the air like a whip and Tallinvar flinched so hard he nearly fell. Only Dainea’s hand in his and Alivir’s arm around his ribs kept him on his feet.
“Go,” Dainea whispered to Alivir and pulled away from them, already with a sweet, charming smile on her lips even as she gave her gown a calculated tug downward to bear another inch of perfect cleavage, and yanked the bone pin out of her hair. “Get him out of here.”
“Don’t-“ Tallinvar said, but she was already gone. Alivir hesitated, but he trusted her, his beloved lady, and she had told him to go. Eikh would never let any harm come to her. “Dainea-“
“She’s going to buy us a minute,” Alivir said and yanked Tallinvar through the door. He stole a glance over his shoulder and saw Dainea sink into a low, perfect curtsey before the warlord, her long hair a flattering tumble that framed her lovely face. Her smile made all sorts of promises without her ever saying a word to the fearsome man. Alivir was astonished by her bravery and loved her even more for it. “Eikh will look after her. Come on.”
“They could hurt her.”
“Not in front of every teacher in the school they couldn’t, and they’re not here for her,” Alivir pointed out. The door closed behind them and he threw the bolt without hesitation before dumping Tallinvar onto a nearby bench. He knelt before his fellow student and studied him carefully. He was breathing so shallowly that he was about to fall over, and every breath wheezed through a throat too tight to let him get enough air. “Right. Deep breaths. Count to three, slowly, as you breathe in through the nose. Three out as you breathe through the mouth.”
“I can’t breathe,” Tallinvar whispered, still pale as a ghost and closer to disheveled than Alivir had ever seen before. “They’re here for me. They won’t leave unless I go with them. I- I always knew it would happen. Knew I would be a slave but I didn’t think it would be so soon.”
“We’re not gonna let them take you,” Alivir told him, surprised at his own steady certainty. He took Tallinvar’s hands and tucked them together in a meditation pose. Almost on reflex, Tallinvar fell into a meditation breathing pattern. It was shallow and too fast, but better than those painful-sounding gasps. “You’ll see. The Masters will settle everything, and if they don’t…”
He found himself hesitating over the words and pushed himself onward.
“Nobody will ever be able to get anything past me,” he said resolutely. “I’ll See it all long before it happens as long as I’m looking for it. So I’ll keep an Eye on you, and on them. They won’t take a step I don’t know about.”
“You can’t sustain that,” Tallinvar told him, but his breathing was starting to slow. “And we don’t dare offend him.”
“Eikh told a god to piss off for us. You think he’s going to let a human push him around?”
Tallinvar had no answer for that, so Alivir pulled him to his feet and nudged him down the hall.
“Come on,” he said firmly. “Let’s get to Eikh’s workshop. I don’t care who they are. They won’t get you there.”
“Thank you,” Tallinvar said with a tiny, pained smile and a tight squeeze to Alivir’s arm that felt like pure desperation. “Even if you can’t stop them, thank you for trying. It’s more than anyone ever did before.”
Stone Kisses:
Save Me
Spell to See
Kiss to Save
Dust-Streaked (Special thanks to Brandon for the commission!)
Fall Over Fall Back
Reflective Reflection (Subscriber Only!)
Water Runes (Subscriber Only!)
Burning Papers (Subscriber Only!)
Wink out the Light
Catlike Tread
Courtyard Ruined
Down the Hole (Subscriber Only!)
In the Deep
Blinding Sight
Emerge from the Dark
Smoke-glass Lamp
Stone to Mud
Midnight Screaming
Breakfast Discussion
Shouting Calm (Subscriber Only!)
Feared Arrival
Mirror Matrix (Subscriber Only!)
Tested Flame (New!)
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drawing-dinos82 · 2 years
Gravity is a bitc- wait, what do you mean this is PG rated?
-Summery- Varian gets injured while collecting firewood with Hugo and really doesn’t want help.
"I don't think that's supposed to happen," Hugo comments, staring at his companion nervously. 
"Oh really? You think so?" Varian retorts, his teeth gritted in pain. "I'm sure that my leg should look like that!" He gestures at his leg, which looks like a leg and more like a slaughtered animal.
"We should probably go back to the caravan, you need help,"  Hugo suggests. 
"Fine. How do you suggest I get back there?" The smaller boy questions, his voice dripping with venom.
"I can carry you," Hugo says slyly.
"Hmmm let me think." Varian taps his chin, pretending to think. "How about no. I don't need your help, Thief." He slowly stands up, resting most of his weight on his staff. Its alchemy balls shimmer in the appeared sunlight streaming through the tree canopy.
"I really don't think you should be walking Goggles, your leg seems pretty bad," Hugo remarks, stepping towards Varian. 
"I said I'm fine," Varian says, holding a hand up. "You can leave now because I don't need you.." He attempts to limp in the vague direction of their campsite but barely makes it a step before he pitches onto the ground. 
Hugo sighs and walks over. "You obviously are too stubborn to admit when you're hurt so I have no choice." He kneels and picks Varian up bridal style in one smooth motion. 
Varian lets a small yelp mass through his lips and buries his face in Hugo's neck. "Put me down!" he mumbles into Hugo's collar.
"Sorry Goggles, but I don't think Nura will let me live if you don't return to the caravan." 
"Oh really, so what happened to the thief I met at the fire temple? He would never have done this," Varian huffs.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Hugo denies
Varian glares at Hugo for a moment then gives in and rests his head against the taller boy's chest. 
Hugo pretends to care about an animal chittering in the treetops so he has an excuse to look up, thus hiding his flushed cheeks from Varian. 
 They're almost back to camp when Varian speaks up.
"Sorry for getting blood on you," he apologizes, his voice quiet and muffled by Hugo's shirt.
"Don't worry about it, not the first time it's happened," Hugo assures him, still trying not to blush. 
The rest of the walk to the caravan is silent, only penetrated by the occasional grunt of pain from Varian when Hugo has to clamber over a large root or rock, causing his leg to swing.
When they reached the clearing that served as their campsite, their traveling companions glance up from what they were doing.
"What happened? What did you do to him?" Nuru questions, shoving her star charts aside and jumping up as the pair drew near.
"He just had to get a perfect specimen from a tree, while I was trying to collect firewood," Hugo explains, bending to open the caravan door,
Varian yelps as his head bumps against the door, "So now I can't speak for myself?" he complains, glaring up at Hugo.
"Nope cutie," Hugo smirks, setting Varian onto his bunk, careful not not move the Alchemist's leg more than needed. 
Varian looked away quickly, desperately to mask his blushing as a grimace. 
"I know this stuff, so i can fix you up," Nuru mutteres, rummaging through a cabinet for medical supplies and decidedly ignoring what Hugo had said. 
 She returned with an armful of things, most of which Varian recognized from prior use.
"But I'll need access to your leg to dress it and right now that's a bit of a problem." Nuru gestured at Varian's bloodied pant leg.
"Oh I can fix that," Hugo says quickly, pulling a pocket knife from his belt. He knelt beside the bed, taking Varian's leg firmly in his hands, not on top of his wound luckily, but it still sent a jolt through Varian's body. In a few carefully placed slashes(most of which were much too close to Varian's skin for comfort) his pant leg falls away, giving an ample view of the mess in front of them.
Exposing the wound didn't make it look any better. There was a sizable gash over his shin and bone was visible through the muscle.
"Yuck," Nuru murmurs, making a face. 
"Oh no, the princess can't handle a little blood," Hugo mocks.
"I can handle it, but we both know this is more than 'a little blood." She turns her attention to Varian. "How are you not passed out right now?" Nuru asks incredulously. "This is pretty serious."
Varian laughs nervously. "Guess I just have a great tolerance for pain." 
 "Well, I hope it's as high as you claim because it's going to hurt like hell when I clean it," Nuru warns.
"Who's this I," Hugo demands. "You are certainly not helping him."
"Because you know so much more about medicine than me," Nuru snaps back. 
"Ah yes the astronomer princess is soo qualified," Hugo mutters under his breath.
"FINE! You want to help him? Be my guest, but don't come crying to me when it goes horribly wrong." Nuru storms out of the caravan, leaving a very smug Hugo.
"It won't go wrong so i won't need you," he calls after her.
"Was that really necessary?" Varian asks after Nuru leaves.
"Nah," Hugo admits. "I don't think anyone here is qualified enough for this."
"That's reassuring." Varian rolls his eyes and closes them for a second. "And also a terrible idea. do you even know how to fix something like this?"
"I disagree, and I picked up on a few things on the streets, for your information, " Hugo says. "Why don't I get started now?"
Varian opens his eyes. "No."
"Well, I'm afraid I can't just let you bleed out, despite how I'm sure you'd not do the same for me."
Varian takes a deep breath. "Fine whatever. But if you make it worse i will spike your drink with a few chemicals," he huffs, turning away. "Get on with it then."
With a grin, Hugo began working. He pours something from a large grey bottle onto a rag and rubs it on the skin around the wound, careful to not apply too much pressure. 
A draft wafts the odor from the bottle in Varian direction and he wrinkles his nose at the pungent stench.
When Hugo was finished cleaning around the wound, he looked up at Varian. "This is going to hurt like hell, just to warn you."
Varian nods grimly and branches himself.
Hugo grabs the grey bottle and pours a copious amount directly into the gaping hole. 
Varian bits his lip, har enough to draw blood, in an effort to keep quiet, despite the horrific burning sensation radiating from his leg.
He doesn't notice when Hugo grasps the two ends of his leg, but he most definitely notices when he forces them back into place. 
A choked sob escapes Varian's lips and he goes limp, in too much pain to attempt to move. Tears stream down his face and he clenches his jaw tight to hold back the cries threatening to escape.
"Hey, hey, it's alright," Hugo comforts him gently as he gently brushes some hair off of Varian's forehead. Then, realizing how intimate the action was, he pulls his hand back. "Err we can take a break from this if it hurts too much. Can we do that? Take a break from a medical procedure I mean? Or is it like when you cook something and it has to cook all the way and you can't take a break from cooking it halfway through?' He mutters the last part under his breath, which is still pretty loud.
Varian chuckles, wiping the tears from his face. "N-Nah it's fine. I'm fine now, it doesn't even hurt that much anymore."
Not technically a lie, the pain has dulled from being trampled by a horse to simply being smacked with a metal shovel. Definitely bearable. 
"If you're sure." Hugo produces a threaded needle and starts to sew the skin shut. 
Varian gritted his teeth as the needle pierces his skin, though it's pale compared to the pain he had been in a few moments ago. 
When the last of the stitches had been put in place, Hugo carefully wraps Varian's leg first with soft gauze and then sets the bone with a firm curved plank on either side of his leg, followed by more padding and a thicker bandage. The end result looks a bit bulky but effective.
Hugo takes a step back. "There you go. I fixed your leg," he says proudly.
Varian nods weakly collapses back into his pillow and smiles weakly up at Hugo.
He feels tired. Exhausted even, but overall content, and maybe even happy, considering he's safe and sound and his leg has finally stopped throbbing so badly now that it's in proper alignment. 
"Thank you, Hugo," Varian mummers, or at least he tries to say, but sleep is overtaking his body and it comes out more as "Thmk you Mugo."
"Anytime Goggles," Hugo says fondly. "Just call if you need anything else."
Varian hums an unintelligible response to this, which makes the thief smile. He stands by the door until he's sure that Varian is asleep before exiting the caravan.
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cptponcypants · 2 years
A Year of Recovery
I am the 7th overseer (player) of @dorfposting​‘s Dwarf Fortress succession fortress Gerbilgod. Here are the results of my year of running the fortress!
1st of Granite, 156
Gentledwarves, I am uncertain that I have ever before encountered catacombs so large and yet so full. The tombs are nearly all occupied and many slabs memorialize the fallen untombed. This place needs a turn of good fortune, but - alas - it appears that they look to me to deliver it. I will do what I must, but can make no promise to these desperate folk.
Much in the fortress appears to already be in good order. Food is in abundance, the mechanisms of most industries are in place, and standing orders have been given to keep essentials flowing. The issue, however, is a dearth of labor. We already have only a small number of residents, and this problem is exacerbated by many of them being permanent residents tied to particular jobs within the fortress rather than citizens proper.
I will attempt to convince them that it is in their best interest to throw their lot in with the rest of us and join the fortress in earnest. If I succeed then we can begin training them into skilled professionals who will hopefully be of more use in attempting to keep things afloat. More important than that, even, will be the ability to draft them into the militia, which is presently nonexistent.
(I've heard that if you remove the entry under the 'Labor/Locations' menu of permanent residents, they are more likely to become real citizens, so I'm going to give that a shot.)
Also in the interest of establishing a more robust defensive force, I am considering assigning a full-time laborer to steel smelting work. We have sizeable stocks of iron, processed coal, and flux stone, so the only thing preventing us from full-scale steel production is labor and time. If my attempts to convince our residents into citizenship are successful, I may assign one of them this task.
15th Granite, 156
So far, I have not managed to convince any of our residents to engage in real citizenship, but I have not given up hope. They will not join our military but may yet be willing to perform labor.
Furthermore, an elven caravan has appeared. I will see whether they have brought anything worth having and whether we have anything to give in return.
21st of Granite, 156
The elves brought little of worth, but I traded for it anyway in the hopes that someday they may bring something of more use. I also noticed no small number of trade goods crafted of flux stones. Our supply of flux is large but not endless, so I have forbidden the further use of flux stones for crafting purposes.
10th of Slate, 156
I have established a dedicated furnace operator and assigned them to a furnace with orders to produce only pig iron and steel. The weaponsmith will first be tasked with the production of an assortment of steel battleaxes, maces, warhammers, and shields before moving on to armor. The aim is to prepare to fully equip 3 squads, each with 8 axedwarves supplemented by a macedwarf and a hammerdwarf.
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The idea is that axes are reasonably effective both against the unarmored, with their limb-loppery, and against the armored, with their large striking surface and good force multiplication. Then, the hammer and macedwarves can further support anti-armor efforts as well as provide more pulping in the event of needing to fight undead.
13th of Slate, 156
Migrants! And many of them! A full twenty two(!) new dwarves have joined our dingy outpost, and all but one are grown adults ready for labor and, of course, militia service. They were all drafted immediately apart from the medical professionals, who were assigned posts in the hospital.
After the draft, we now have two full squads of non-essential dwarves ready to be assigned barracks and rotate through training. Given that the old barracks have been overtaken by butchers workshops, I have designated space for new ones to be hewn from the earth. They will be near down to the magma forges so as to ensure militia dwarves are able to patrol for wandering magma creatures regularly.
24th of Slate, 156
One of the new woodcrafters immediately set about creating a new artifact for the fortress: a walnut wood earring!
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I'll be honest, I wasn’t much impressed by the notion of a simple wood earring, but upon closer inspection it looks pretty neat!
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It has also occurred to me that in order to accomplish my defense goals I will have to re-open the passage to the magma forges. Closing them was perhaps judicious in the past, but I am hoping now that things have calmed down enough that this won't invite total disaster.
2nd of Felsite, 156
The first Forgotten Beast of my tenure has arrived. I have done my best to identify what gaps my predecessors have left in our defenses that might allow access to the cavern it has appeared in, but I cannot be sure I have identified all possible routes. At the least I have identified one door that I think must be walled off to prevent a flying beast from entering, so I shall assign a dwarf to dedicated construction duty and hope they are swift.
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4th of Felsite, 156
It seems my concerns were unwarranted. Even if the beast ever had a path into the fortress, it became immediately distracted by the presence of another of its ilk which quickly slew it upon their meeting. Good riddance, I say, and I hope its killer soon dies from its injuries.
21st Felsite, 156
It has come to my attention that there is the spirit of a bard haunting our dwarves. Despite its fullness and the number of slabs already stood within it, it seems our hall of memory is far from sufficiently memorializing all of our previous fallen. This will have to become a major aspect of my activities, now, as the restless dead are the last thing we need.
Upon closer inspection, this appears to be in part because there are a great many corpses left untombed. I will begin expanding the tomb complex immediately.
11th Hematite, 156
A human caravan. Two of them, in fact! Naturally our overworked Broker is taking some time to get to the depot, but hopefully some useful trade can be accomplished.
Work expanding the tombs is proceeding at pace. There are more than a few ghosts now, however, and we've already had one of our human residents scared to death.
Also, my layout of the barracks for our hopeful 3 militia squads has been completed. All of the rooms are hewn and smoothed and most of the furniture has been designated if not laid out. The only thing missing is to finish producing armor stands and a few weapon racks for the attached armory rooms.
17th Hematite, 156
The were-tortoise mayor was re-elected. I suppose this demonstrates our residents' opinion of local government.
The human merchants had little of use, but some cheeses and exotic meats seemed a reasonable enough excuse to dump a load of tattered clothes onto them. They don't seem to mind anyway.
20th Hematite, 156
The expansion on the tomb complex has been mined, but now it must be filled. The current rate of door and coffin production is insufficient, so our dedicated miners have temporarily been put on stonecarving duty. We needed to give some of these miners a side-job anyway.
8th Malachite, 156
One of our recruits was killed by a giant olm in an area exposed to one of the cavern layers. I think I will start walling these places off so as to prevent any more pointless casualties. We need these people to live until we can train them into soldiers dammit!
14th Malachite, 156
Another seven migrants - this time one of the new arrivals is an expert record keeper, so I have appointed them bookkeeper and assigned them an office. Hopefully this helps take some of the workload of our present manager/broker/chief medical dwarf. These new migrants will fill in the gaps of the latest fallen dwarves in the existing squads and begin to fill the third.
9th Galena, 156
The new barracks is just about complete, with the first set of armor stands being designated for placement in the militia commander's squad's armory. Here it is in all its boulder-filled glory!
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Presently the squads are set to train periodically but I may set up a new schedule for them that trains more lightly until we boost the population further.
15th Galena, 156
Oh come on. We were just getting back on our feet here.
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Well, Mr. Udil Etesathel, Recruit. Yeah, you with the axe. Have at 'em.
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I guess at the least I won't have to quarantine them.
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Please just punch alpacas until you bleed to death...
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Why did the were-creature have to be the veteran mercenary!
16th Galena, 156 Ok, the were-camel’s bled to death now. I genuinely don't think there are any dwarves that tussled with him and lived so I'm going to hope that nobody got infected and this was a one-time single-shot temporary setback of just under 10 individuals mixed between citizens and residents. All while the monster hunters stood around and did nothing. Typical.
1st Limestone, 156 Given our latest mercenary misadventure, I am inclined to temporarily make our tavern accessible to citizens only so as to discourage dangerous guests from setting us back further. I may well go about carving out a new publicly-accessible tavern near the trade depot that can be locked down in the event of more were-creature guests.
Furthermore, I have a concern that may not warrant immediate action, but has loomed over all my efforts so far this year. Many dwarves, especially those longest-term residents, are generally unhappy - some of them very much so. This is almost certainly due to living in a place piled with corpses and haunted by the restless spirits of those who once inhabited said corpses, but despite our present efforts to alleviate that particular problem, it's slow going. It may be worthwhile in the mean time to provide something new and energizing into the lives of our dwarves. This idea may be foolishness, but given that we have a river, a series of mist generators would not be untenable. I'll blueprint something out but we may have higher concerns.
13th Limestone, 156 Our first full moon since the werecamel attack - only the tortoise mayor transformed! I dare not count on this sort of luck again.
We also received a caravan from a neighboring dwarven civilization. I traded for some thread, quivers, waterskins and the like, uncertain whether our textile industry is functioning properly and knowing that waterskins and quivers will be useful for our militia if we decide to expand it to include crossbows. I sent them back with such a load of tattered clothing as to be the talk of their mountainhomes for the next year. Why they agreed to take it all I still cannot comprehend.
10th Sandstone, 156 Eight more migrants, including a blacksmith. They are not particularly good as of yet, but I think I will start training them up constructing flasks for the militia. Also these new arrivals can fill out the gaps in our squad that was decimated by the werecamel attack and get us back to having two full squads and one 7-strength squad! I do not expect more migrants this year, but if more come in spring, we should be able to finally fill out our militia properly.
25th Sandstone, 156 It came to my attention that steel production has been dramatically delayed by two crucial smelting jobs being stuck in the traditional smelters which have halted production in favor of the magma smelters - this held up the entire process. The blocker has been removed by simply deconstructing them - now for progress and the power of magma alone!
18th Timber, 156 Finally! After much labor to produce slabs, coffins, doors, etc. I've finally managed to get enough residents focusing on furniture hauling duty that they're actually filling out the catacombs and putting ghosts to rest. We've lost a handful of residents and animals to these hauntings, so I can only hope we can continue at pace with this.
25th Moonstone, 156 There is a path to the caverns somewhere. I don't know how, but residents have been getting down there and are being attacked by cavern dwellers! We've lost two to this nonsense already, so I'll have to figure out how to plug up the gap.
Having inspected the fortress layout, I believe the only viable path may be some dangling up/down stairs that hang over the cavern. Perhaps ghosts have haunted citizens causing them to dodge and fall down the gap? Either way, I have designated the bottom of these for removal and shall floor over the gap and re-route the stairs, but will remain vigilant for more pathways.
15th Opal, 156 It appears my hypothesis has been confirmed. Somehow one of the cavefish people seems to have climbed up into these dangling stairs, but was quickly dispatched by the militia. Once the gap can be floored over, we should have security again.
1st Granite, 157 It seems my time is now up. I have endeavored to leave this place better and more secure than I found it, and I hope I do not flatter myself to think that I indeed have. Though I suppose the migrants would have shown up either way so I can't take that much credit.
Nevertheless! The barracks is complete. The militia is equipped with weapons and shields. Armor is soon on its way.
Some of the last gaps into the caverns are designated to be plugged, and a new airlock into the lowest is nearly completed in case a mission to retrieve corpses proves necessary.
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(these floor designations are necessary to prevent cavern invaders from climbing the foliage below up into the downwards stairs, which used to be up/down - whoever’s next, make sure they get finished!)
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Some new quarters have been carved and designated to be furnished for the furnace operators and smiths in order to keep metallurgy moving swiftly.
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Last and certainly not least, the catacombs have been expanded, furnished, and zoned (or at least designated & zoned). This has not altogether stopped our haunting problem, and may well not sufficiently memorialize all of our dead, but these structures and the many unengraved slabs that remain should provide much fodder with which my successor can work to put all of our remaining spirits to rest.
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And with that, to my successor, I say good luck! Beware of the were-beasts, and do not trust to the soldiers to defeat them. Now I retire.
I've chosen to dorf (or rather gorb) myself as our only goblin resident. Please don't throw them into the magma sea! I've named them 'Smörtukbuse', which is the goblin for 'fancypants' ('poncy' not appearing in the goblin dictionary) but without the diacritics which I couldn't figure out how to type into the text box.
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Many thanks to @dorfposting​ setting this succession fortress up! This is the first opportunity I've had to get in on one and it was very enjoyable.
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yrsaartifex · 8 months
Thinking about how the Great Tree was Hector's prison but also his home.
While he was trapped there under King Edmund's orders and unable to leave because of his undying and fanatic loyalty to his king, he also spent twenty-five years of his life there. He had to survive in the Great Tree.
There appear to be no towns or settlements of any kind anywhere near the Tree, meaning me would have to provide for his own food. He must have had gardens somewhere and maybe even livestock if hunting was particularly scare, especially in the wintertime.
There cannot have been all that many people coming to the Dark Kingdom because of how ancient and secretive of a society it must have been. Adira even said that no one was looking for the Moonstone or, therefore, the Dark Kingdom itself. This means that Hector probably didn't have to chase away (mostly likely kill) very many people. Surely he had to have kept himself occupied with something other than patrolling the areas around the Great Tree. He probably picked up several hobbies and crafts just to keep himself from going (completely) insane. He must have had supplies for these crafts and hobbies. He probably had a few places in the Great Tree where he spent most of his time that he would have decorated or personalized just fight the boredom and loneliness. For instance, I can imagine him covering a bedroom of sorts with all kinds of trinkets he's found over the years (animal bones, ancient things he's dug up/uncovered, the interesting stuff he probably stole from the wagons and caravans of the other now-dead people he chased of cliffs, etc.).
Hector was trapped in the Great Tree, bound to it by an oath that he would never break, but at the same time, he made it first a place he could bare staying in and then a home. The Great Tree was to Hector what the tower was to Rapunzel. I can only imagine how much grief and loss he felt after the Tree was destroyed. Just another example of how Rapunzel and her crew completely fucked Hector over, and he deserved so much better.
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