boyrobott · 1 year
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i can forgive this movie for a lot of things but giving the robot an actual human heartbeat is not one of them
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remyfire · 3 months
Peach's insulin just arrived and has been safely refrigerated!! Thank you again to everyone who donated to help me afford this sudden shift in care. You've done more for me than I'll ever be able to say. Here is a photo of Peach with Lil Sid to celebrate!!
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specialshinytrinkets · 11 months
The only good the fourth Kikoriki movie has served is proving that Pin is autistic. Fight me
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scarletfantasia · 6 months
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I love how April 1st and April 2nd are the abnormality of my dash activity.
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economicsresearch · 2 years
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page 183 - merit badge spike indentify
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coulisses-onirisme · 2 months
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The breast of the ***virgin mary*** Cardiogram
Virgin??? Impossible !!!
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dollfairy · 1 year
I'm pretty facial tattoo neutral, even appreciative of ones that tie into specific traditions
but if your face looks like a flash sheet 😬
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adhdphilosopher · 1 year
gotta do as much medical stuff as physically possible before i turn 26 in a month and a half
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Hi Friends. Quick update on my life. I'm very excited about having new music to share, but I just wanted to let you know that one of the reasons why I haven't been able to participate in the press and promotion leading up to the release of Javelin is bc I am in the hospital. Last month I woke up one morning and couldn't walk. My hands, arms and legs were numb and tingling and I had no strength, no feeling, no mobility. My brother drove me to the ER and after a series of tests—MRIs, EMGs, cat scans, X-rays, spinal taps (!), echo-cardiograms, etc.—the neurologists diagnosed me with an auto immune disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Luckily there's treatment for this — they administer immuno-hemoglobin infusions for five days and pray that the disease doesn't spread to the lungs, heart and brain. Very scary, but it worked. I spent about two weeks in Med/Surg, stuck in a bed, while my doctors did all the things to keep me alive and stabilize my condition. I owe them my life.
On September 8, I was transferred to acute rehab, where I am now undergoing intensive physical therapy/occupational therapy, strength building etc. to get my body back in shape and to learn to walk again. It's a slow process, but they say I will "recover," it just takes a lot of time, patience, and hard work. Most people who have GBS learn to walk again on their own within a year, so I am hopeful. I'm only in my second week of rehab but it is going really well and I am working really hard to get back on my feet. I'm committed to getting better, I'm in good spirits, and I'm surrounded by a really great team. I want to be well!
I'll keep you posted as I progress. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. And a huge shout out to all the incredible caretakers of the world working night and day to help us heal. They are living saints.
Be well, be joyful, stay sane, stay safe. I love you.
yours truly from a wheelchair XOXOXO Sufjan Stevens
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izyjean · 2 years
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So this is what we’re doing today…
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everlocked · 2 years
i got an apple watch and my heart really does jump 30-50 bpm when i stand AND i’m on propranolol now 🫣 like what was it doing before the propranolol ?? bit scary
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albertacardiology · 2 years
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DPXDC ~ Dead on main ~ Signs of Death
~~~Eye of Death~~~
Jason liked to think that Danny has cat's eyes. And by that Jay doesn't mean mixture of a predatory look and a cute purr of his boyfriend's core that comes with non-human being thing. Just cats have slit-shaped eyes. Danny have them too. And Todd is so into it.
I don’t understand why he takes his eyes off me when I call him Kitty or try to catch his eye. He’s a dog lover but I didn’t think he hated cats. They’re cheeky and charming, just like him. Danny’s not embarrassed by his fangs or his white hair. So..why?
Later Sam explains to Jason that after the portal incident Danny did not immediately learn to live a half-life and for the first few days dropped dead several times.  And because she tested it using Ripault sign, the shape of his pupils ended up looking like cat's one in his phantom form.
P.S.Ripault sign - a sign of death consisting of a permanent change in the shape of the pupil produced by unilateral pressure on the eyeball.  So, a pupil  of a dead person acquires an oval shape, and in a healthy living person such a reaction is not observed. This is associated with the inevitable post-mortem drop in blood pressure and the lack of activity of the central nervous system, which manifests itself in the absence of ocular muscle tone.
Tacker adds that Danny also died with his eyes open, so in his Phantom form he barely blinks. It seems pretty creepy too everyone, well, except Jason. Thanks to Tim he used to have blank stare near him.
~~~~~~ the Lazarus heart ~~~~~~~
Team Phantom also tells him that when Danny's too focused on phantom's task (save, protect, escape) his systems just stop keeping Fenton's body alive.
No blinking and fixed pupils are the first signs Jason has learned to watch for. After that, breathing stops. Only a few times he recorded a complete cardiac arrest. After the battle with Pariah Dark, Danny passed out on the couch and lay without a heartbeat, so the blood clotted exactly where it had collected under gravity. Those cadaveric spots appeared in several places really frightened Jason. 
So during the fight his boyfriend's ghost side stops monitoring functions of his human body at all. And it doesn't help that cardiostimulation for Phantom is pointless. He died from exposure to electricity, so the generation of a signal to work the cells is now under full control of the core.
Jason fights with Danny for a long time, convincing him that he should take better care of his health. As a compromise, they decide to put several sensors on them to monitor some parameters around the clock. Jason curses that it was his idea when Batman enters their apartment at night, smashing the window. It turns out that death is still following Jason. His heart was the one that played the funeral march on the cardiogram and froze, and he didn’t even notice it.
The old man managed to break several of his ribs while doing CPR but Jason only came to life when Danny pulled the hyperventilating bat away from his body and let ectoplasm take its course.
P.S. Lazarus syndrome, also known as autoresuscitation after failed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is the spontaneous return of a normal cardiac rhythm after failed attempts at resuscitation. 
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rqmax · 2 months
Trans-hard-of-hearing/ Trans-hoh
Someone feels like the should be/inner self/wishes to be hard of hearing
Blue Tones: Different understanding for sound from normal to deaf
Yellow-ish White: Diversity, Unity and Inclusion
Red Tones: TransID & Transability
Ear with a cardiogram like line: hard of herring/struggle to hear.
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A queer behaviour, where someone has/wears hearing aids despite not “bodily needing” it
You dont have to be Transhearingimpaired/Transhardofhearing to be Hearingaidqior !!
Pink: Transhood, TransIDness
Other: Up to interpretations
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undf-stuff · 5 months
AM I NOT WORTH IT ? - Miguel O'Hara
0. Who are you ? Part 2
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For a time, you collaborated with Miguel, and despite your lack of powers, you made yourself invaluable to the Spider Society. Although you weren't a Spider-Woman, over the years spent stitching up your brother's wounds and listening attentively to his tales of adventure and experience, you gradually acquired a deep understanding of the Spider-Man universe. You were as helpful as possible in his adventures as his "Girl in the Chair". After his disappearance, when your world collapsed, you had no one to turn to but him.
Mentions of : nightmare, panic attack, lost (tell me if I miss something important ヽ(・ω・。ヽ) )
The taglist is open feel free to join ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
Part 0.1
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Darkness surrounded you and you couldn't make out your surroundings, you walked endlessly, not knowing where you were going, feeling as if you were standing still.
It doesn't feel right, there is something wrong. Something is missing. Someone? Miles? Miles! Where is he!?
“Miles ? MILES ?! WHERE ARE YOU ?” You shouted in this place. All you got was an echo.
As you continued on your way, it was then that you saw his back, far away from you. You tried to call out to him, but you couldn't speak.
No, no what do you mean I didn’t let you.
Is it? I tried to save you. I… I was there. I ran to you.
“You...killed...me” he said facing you.
But it wasn’t your brother as you knew him. He had been eaten away by the acid, holes were visible and some even went through the skin, his leg was twisted at a strange angle, and he was limping as he walked towards you. With each of his accusations, the ground shook, making you lose a little more balance.
You tried to scream, but nothing came out of your mouth. You tried again, screaming as hard as you could, but no sound came out. You held your throat tightly as you felt your vocal chords vibrate, but you couldn't make a sound.
No, no, no, this can't be real, this isn't happening. I've never left you! You're wrong!
"YOU LEFT ME" "He said, rushing toward you with arms twisted by rot."
You found yourself gasping for air ,as you open your eyes, desperately trying to regain control as panic tightened its grip. The once steady rhythm of a beeping sound became erratic and accelerated, causing convulsions throughout your body and intensifying your sense of panic.
Feeling the urge to get up and leave whatever had triggered your euphoric state, you felt several hands quickly mobilize to restrain you. In a burst of energy, you tried to stand up, letting out a stream of incomprehensible words, only to be met by another individual redoubling his efforts to restrain you. In the midst of the chaos, a sharp sensation pierced you, as if you were sinking into unconsciousness.
"Miles…" you whispered faintly before slipping under once again.
Waking up once again, you heard voices talking close to you, but were unable to perceive any discussion. Trying to rub your eye, you felt ties on your arms and legs, which frightened you and you quickly started to panic again. The incessant noise of the cardiogram interrupted the discussion of the two people who ran to you to calm you down.
"Take it easy, honey, it'll be all right. Can you tell me your name?
A man in a bathrobe moved to your right, but held back, not wanting to panic you any further, while a woman you recognized as the one who had calmed you down the night of the accident, moved to your left touching your arm. You flinched at her touch, afraid of what might happen, but her gentle voice calmed you.
I'm Jessica, and he's Peter" the man on your left raised his hand to greet you from a distance with a smile at the mention of his name.
"Hum….Y/N, can you…can you… uncuff me?
Yes of course I'll take care of it!" said Peter hurriyng to untie your arms and legs as Jessica left the room.
"Keep an eye on her, I'll get a doctor.
Don't worry, I'll take care of her like my Mayday".
You watched Peter for a moment and noticed the baby carrier behind him, it must be Mayday's , looking around the room you saw a tablet on your bedside table similar to the one you used at home and tried to come up with a plan to get out of here.
There's no way I'm staying here, I've got to find Miles no matter what.
"I'll do better than that, would you like a SpideyBurger? You must be starving it's our specialty!
You turned to Peter and asked for a glass of water, which he gladly accepted.
Yes, why not!" you replied, smiling and hiding your true intention.
"The cafeteria's a bit far from here, but I'll be as quick as I can", he said, as he sped off, glad to be able to help you.
You waited 10 seconds after he'd left before getting up and taking the tablet to familiarize yourself with it. All you had to do was perform a few manipulations and you'd find yourself in the servers of a so-called "SpideySociety".
Looks like Miles' skepticism about the legality of hacker training is about to be proven wrong. Funny how he wasn't opposed to using those skills to snag the latest trendy pair by hacking the site. Miles, wherever you are, I hope you're safe and sound.
Wandering around the tablet, you found the maps of the area and located yourself on this 3D map, finding the way out, without wasting any more time getting out of the place.
You left the room relieved not to be wearing a hospital gown, but the same clothes you'd had on when leaving home. The corridors looked the same, and didn't end so much in length as in height.
What kind of person could walk down such corridors upside down? Could it be Spi-
Suddenly, you heard voices coming from behind you, and cutting your thoughts short, you began to run, still examining your position on the 3D map. Bumping into someone with a cart full of medical supplies, the voices heard your excuses and, realizing your presence, ran after you, not recognizing you as one of their own. with your attire.
You arrived in a hall even more crowded than these hospital corridors and ran even faster, desperately seeking a way out of this strange building. Corridors perched several meters above the ground towered over you, and only now did you notice that you weren't on the ground, but on one of these high corridors. You couldn't contemplate the surroundings any longer as the same voices from earlier drew even closer, attracting the attention of the people around you.
"Hey you stop here !"
Tapping again on the tablet, you were able to change the space around you, and the corridor began to rise even higher, catching whoever was on top of it off guard and sending them flying several metres, while others clung as best they could to their supports and advanced towards you, wary of your next move to stop you assuming you were an enemy.
Gee, I hope they're okay…but I really need to find Miles.
You fumbled with the tablet again, and obstacles came between you and the people in front of you, giving you an advantage to get away as quickly as possible. You ran without stopping, wanting only to find your brother, when a red thread caught you and drew you into yet another corridor hidden in the shadows. You wanted to scream, but a hand was placed over your mouth, preventing you from making a sound to attract more people. You heard several footsteps and air currents passing in the corridor where you were before silence fell.
The man who had grabbed you removed his hand, but neither of you spoke, taking benefit from the silence all you could do was stare at him: he was masked, like most of the other people chasing you, but you hadn't taken the time to observe them, in the panic of this new place and the anxiety of finding your brother. His mask was blue with red details forming the expressions on his face, and you could tell he was angry or worried by the frown on his face. You also noticed that he was tall, very tall, much taller than anyone you'd ever met and much more muscular? But you realized something else too. Those details on that mask, those people from earlier on the ceiling, his costume similar to your brother's.
Could it be a Spiderman? …but how could it be? Would there be others? Where am I?
Lost in your thoughts, you dropped the tablet from your hands, which surprised both of you. He picked it up, and before you could ask any questions, he gently took your arm and asked you to follow him. You were a little reluctant, but being alone in an unfamiliar place, you needed answers to your questions to better save your brother, who must be out there somewhere. You walked for a short while before he stopped and grabbed you by the waist. You didn't have time to protest as he jumped without much effort to a high corridor you'd never have noticed or reached without him.
Arriving at a door, he typed in a code before letting you in and closing it behind him. You could admire the large room and see several pieces of information about several people you didn't recognize at first like The Rhino, The Pwroler, Kingpin, Dr Octavius and many more but so different from your memories, only one of them stand out of the pack : the Scorpion.
Wanting to ask for more information, you turned towards the mysterious man but didn't see him. You spun around, thinking you'd missed him, but then you heard a noise coming from higher up… Raising your head, you saw a platform lowered to your level, with this mysterious man on it in front of a computer, typing away without understanding what he was doing.
"Who are you and what am I doing here? Where's Miles? I've got to find him! Do you have any information about the Scorpions? How did he escape? How did I get here? How did YOU get there that night? Who the hell are you? And where's my brother?" you asked as you approached him, desperate to find your brother without knowing what had happened to him.
The man, whose back was previously to you, interrupts your questions by turning towards you. Leaning back against his desk, arms crossed, you realize his mask was absent, revealing the face of this previously unknown individual. He was undeniably handsome, his caramel complexion matched his midnight-blue suit perfectly, his unruly hair seemed irresistibly soft, but it was his eyes that captivated you most: a striking, gorgeous blood-red, you'd never seen anything like it before, but in the peculiarity of his eyes, you detected a weariness in his gaze, despite the determination that lurked there.
"My name is Miguel O'Hara. You've entered my dimension, and I regret to inform you, there's no path back to your world." He says in a serious tone, but with the most beautiful voice you could have imagined for his face.
It took you a moment to realize the seriousness of his words.
"What the...?"
What does he mean by "my dimension"?
Part 0.3
Yayy part 0.2
Okk so first I would like to apologize cuz I feel like I took way to much time to write this anyways I'll start right away the next chapter
Let me know what you all think about it and I'll see you soon
Your faithfully
(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。
Undf-stuff ✧
Taglist : @v-justchilling / @razertail18 /
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sgiandubh · 9 months
Come ho già detto non ho copiato o memorizzato quelle foto viste le mie scarse attitudini tecniche. la foto estiva ricordo che era in un gruppo di foto insieme ad altre degli interpreti di Outlander, come se ne trovano anche adesso quando si cerca sotto S e C o C e T. In quei momenti non eravamo alla divisione del fandom come ora e il signor T non era ancora diventato famoso .La foto della festa durante la quale C era seduta sulle ginocchia del signore di cui ho parlato sono state messe in rete dai blogger molte volte , anche se non tutte, e credo che quelli di quel periodo possano ancora ritrovarle. Ho solo messo mano ai miei ricordi e ho voluto condividerli.Spero che ciò non provochi altri rumori . So che quando si dice qualcosa la prima parola è “provalo!” ed è giusto. Se ci saranno critiche lo capirò ma non mi faranno male perché la mia coscienza è tranquilla.Grazie, grazie davvero .
Dear @findanserwers,
Grazie per la tua risposta e grazie per il tuo coraggio!
Traduzione e dopo, reazione:
'Like I already said, I did not copy or save those pictures, on account of my very limited technical abilities. I remember the summer picture was included in a bigger batch, together with other photos of the OL cast, like the ones you can still find when you look for S and C or C and T. At that time, we didn't have these fandom wars, like nowadays, and Mr. T was not famous yet. The picture of the party when C was sitting on that gentleman's lap has been shared many times by bloggers and I think the more senior bloggers could still have it or find it. I was just revisiting my memories and I wanted to share. I hope I did not start even more rumors. I know that every time someone says something the first reaction is 'prove it!' and it's only fair. If this post will be criticized, I will understand, but I will not be hurt, because my conscience is clear. Thank you, truly thank you.'
I am now wondering if this mysterious summer pic is not one of the series taken for RDM's birthday party and if memory serves (and I can, of course, be awfully wrong and sure - always correct me, please), it was a whole flurry at the time about S being cut off some pictures. That would mean you have somehow seen a picture that was not very widely circulated. As for the lap pic, still no clue - but many pics of C with many other men (dr. Colbert comes to mind, too) are very affectionate, whereas with McIdiot - flat cardiogram and blink twice if you want us to rescue you.
Maybe one of the veterans could help? At the moment, I feel like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack and there is nothing more irritating for someone like me (granted, chronically curious - a detail that, remember, got me here, LOL).
I will never blame you for not finding those photos, by the way. I think it was incredibly brave to step out with your handle and own your thoughts and words: it is rare and for this, my dear, I do admire you! And I can only look back, with my historian glasses, this time, and think of all the tiny details that were forever lost with each and every deactivated or erased blog, all those comments and all those tidbits that once kept this community on tenterhooks every single day. Back when this place was lively, and fun and smiling and young and naïve.
A time I never knew. But a story I can relate to and understand maybe as well as our veterans, who lived through the sorrow and puzzlement and are still here, with us. And I feel incredibly honored to see you found this page to be a safe haven. It will always remain so, for all the shippers who will engage with me. You have my word.
Please don't be a stranger. Grazie, grazie mille e un abbraccio per te. Pace e Bene! 😘
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