#caregiver Dazai
0bviouslyem1ly · 9 months
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Caregiver Dazai headcanons!
(TW! Mentions of su1c1d3)
•He had absolutely no idea that age regression was even a thing. He talked to Kunikida about it, who explained it to him.
•He didn't really understand it at first, and was unsure about it.
•After you explained to him what your regression meant to you, how it helped you, and what exactly it was. He slowly started to make more sense of it.
•He took care of you for the first time when you regressed after a mission. It was stressful and dangerous, and you happened to feel small. Dazai subtly noticed your shift in mood, and it took him a bit to realize you were probably regressed. He silently sat down next to you, and pulled you into a hug. He then asked if you're regressed, or if this is what it's like for you to be little. (Everyone's regression is different, this is just an example.)
•He was super awkward and didn't really know what to do, so he brought you back to the agency, and say you down in his office. He got out some paper and pens for you to draw with.
•After he took care of you a bit more, he slowly started figuring things out.
•He wasn't the best caregiver, but he sure did try his best.
•He really loves you. He loves being around you, and feels safe when he's with you. You gave him hope to life, and helped him realize that he really is loved, and maybe shouldn't give up.
•He takes you on little adventures around the city. He shows you around, teaches you cool things, and always tries to stay positive around you.
•He keeps his suicidal thoughts to himself, and keeps most of his work away from you when you're regressed. (And in general. He doesn't want you to worry.)
•He eventually opens up to you, and becomes quite the silly and loving caregiver. He always brags about how cute and amazing you are, of how lucky his is to have you.
•Ranpo seems to like you too, but Dazai always tells him to stay away from you, and how you're his little cutie.
•Super overprotective, and would do anything for you.
•He normally doesn't call you by nicknames, but sometimes he'll call you "Cutie", "Little One", or "Dear".
•He doesn't buy you things very often, but when he does, it's normally stuffed animals, snacks or toys.
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nostalgicsummers · 6 months
Akutagawa's scary night
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Aka headcanons of a scared regressor Akutagawa and his caregivers Dazai and Chuuya.
Authors notes: As a heads up these will mention horror movies (not detailed), a distressed Akutagawa (happy ending) and vague trauma and vent regression mentions.
Also this was requested by @sunecito, I hope you like it!
Dazai has known that Akutagawa regresses for a long time, pretty much since the day they met he was able to work it out and since then has protected Akutagawa. Chuuya has known for less time, but he quickly helped Dazai with looking after Akutagawa.
Usually, Chuuya being away is not an issue, but today Dazai has put on a scary movie for himself, not noticing that Akutagawa was not actually away and in the room next door. He was already having a bad day and was partly regressed, however hearing the screams from the room next door made him panic a lot.
Obviously, Dazai wasn't hurting anyone, but given his reputation it scared Akutagawa a lot. So when Dazai realized after the film that Aku was home, so he popped his head behind the door to say hello, the issue is that Akutagawa started wailing the second he saw Dazai's face.
Dazai is not good at comforting people, that is somehow Chuuya's job, so all of his attempts to even get close to the upset baby were met with Akutagawa throwing things at him or crying harder.
In the end Dazai was forced to call Chuuya, who instantly dropped whatever job he was doing to go and save the very distressed Akutagawa.
Aku, in his babyspace, wasn't able to convey what happened well, all Chuuya could understand was the words 'scary' and 'bad man', but it didn't take him long to realize that Dazai had done something to upset their regressor.
At first Chuuya's initial reaction was to hit Dazai over the head, but stopped himself for the sake of caring for Akutagawa. It was a tough cleanup process, Dazai was slowly introduced back to Akutagawa, who clung to Chuuya and held his favorite stuffed dog.
Once he had calmed down, Akutagawa fell asleep almost instantly, Chuuya using his ability to carry him to bed and lecturing Dazai for at least two hours after.
The next day, now in a bigger headspace, Chuuya was able to explain what happened, Dazai was also able to apologies and reassure his regressor that he wasn't going to hurt anyone ever again (or at least, not in the house).
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mydearestdrabbles · 1 year
chuuya uses his gloves to help ground him when he’s slipping- it’s a small habit but dazai doesn’t let it go unnoticed
chuuya ^pushing his thumb into his palm struggling between headspaces*
dazai *noticing quickly going over to reassure him*: “hi my little star, you’re doing such a good job! you can regress my love i’ve got you!”
dazai *reaches out and holds chuuyas hands in his own moving his thumb over the back of the regressors hands causing chuuya to slip further into headspace”
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babyminty · 8 months
Cg Dazai/Little Akutagawa
Akutagawa had been on a mission with Dazai when he regressed, and so, when the mission had been completed, mostly done by Dazai, Dazai took Akutagawa home with him so he could look after Akutagawa whilst he was regressed.
When they got back to Dazai's place, Dazai carried Akutagawa to his room, changing Akutagawa into a onesie and handing him a stuffie that Dazai had kept just in case Akutagawa regressed whilst with him. Akutagawa took the stuffie, placing one of its ears in his mouth. "No, Aku, don't do that." Dazai chided, easing it out of Akutagawa's mouth, replacing it with a pacifier instead.
Dazai placed a kiss on top of Akutagawa's head, and Akutagawa shyly smiled at him in response. "Do you want anything else?" Dazai asked. Akutagawa took the pacifier out to respond. "Mac n Cheese, please?" He asked, putting the pacifier back in. "Of course." Dazai replied. Dazai took his hand, leading Akutagawa to the kitchen.
When they got there, Dazai helped Akutagawa up onto the counter. "You can sit up there if you promise not to move too much." Dazai told him, Akutagawa nodded, swinging his legs slightly. Dazai went towards the fridge and got the macaroni and cheese out of it. He removed it from the packaging and placed it in the oven, setting a timer so that he would know when it was ready.
Akutagawa watched him do all this quietly, but just as Dazai set the timer, Akutagawa accidentally dropped his stuffie. He started to tear up, but decided that he could get the stuffie back himself, so he tried to lean down to grab the stuffie off the floor without getting off the counter which resulted in him letting out a startled squeak as he tumbled off the counter.
He sqeezed his eyes shut as he prepared himself to hit the ground, but when he didn't, he slowly opened his eyes to find that Dazai had caught him. As all that just happened caught up to Akutagawa, he started wailing. Dazai attempted to console him. "Shh, shh, that must have been scary, huh?" He asked. Akutagawa nodded as tears continued to roll down his cheeks.
"I didn't want anything like that to happen, that's why I asked you not to move too much." Dazai told him. "Sowwy." Akutagawa apologized, now calm save for the few tears that still ran down his face. "No, no, it's also my fault for allowing you to sit up there in the first place." Dazai said.
Just then, the stuffie on the floor caught his eye. "Here, this is what you were trying to get, right?" Dazai asked, handing it over to Akutagawa. "Mhm. Tank oo." Akutagawa said as he took it from Dazai, burying his face in it to hide the last remaining tears. Dazai noted that Akutagawa had also lost his paci, but they could find that latter.
The timer beeped suddenly, and Dazai hurried off, putting some oven gloves on and taking the Mac n Cheese out of the oven. He served the Mac n Cheese onto two plates, one for himself and one for Akutagawa. "Let's go to the dining room." Dazai said, carrying the two plates and leading Akutagawa to the dining room.
They each took a seat, Dazai eating his own food whilst helping Akutagawa eat to make sure that Akutagawa did not mess the food everywhere. Whilst eating, they talked, but it was more Akutagawa babbling in between mouthfuls and Dazai saying something when there was a pause than an actual conversation.
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tigercub11 · 7 months
Mama ans her princess after work..
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SFW Interaction only!
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yourlocalmoon · 8 months
Caregiver Dazai hcs
Warnings: None! (Surprising considering its Dazai right?)
Notes: I ACCIDENTLY POSTED THIS WHEN I HADN'T FINISHED IT YET :( anyway, I don't understand bsd characterization yet.. So if Dazai seems reallyy ooc I'm sorry :[ This is centered around reader or you~ But if you want him for actual characters feel free to send an ask and request :D
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- Dazai is a very excited caregiver, he likes taking care of you and he isn't afraid to show it! He's very affectionate- Hand holding, kissing your forehead, holding you close. Lots of hugs!! And I mean lots.
- But Dazai is also secretly, very overprotective. He keeps you safe in ways you wouldn't notice unless you looked closely, but you are much too small for that !! So let Dazai cuddle you instead of walking near that alleyway- "Oh- Nope! No going over there~ It's cuddle time!!"
- Speaking of him being secretly overprotective, he's so silly that you won't notice him glaring at anybody who comes a bit too close for his liking!! If he even hears of port mafia members walking near the place you two are headed (because he obviously can sense Chuuya coming a mile away) he will switch walking routes instead of doing his thing where he purposefully walks down that road.
- He will probably baby you even when you're big, which means it's impossible to ignore your regression with him.. And you better not try. You're too busy? Not anymore!! You wanna focus on a project? Uh.. Nope!~ You can't regress? That's alright! Just let him wrap you in a blanket, give you a paci and watch your favorite cartoons together.
- Dazai uses you as an excuse alot to get out of doing paperwork- Kunikida is yelling at him and Dazai is just pouting, "My baby needs me! I can't stay here when my precious baby needs help-" and the thing you need help with is changing your cartoons, somehow it takes three hours before Dazai comes back to do paperwork.. But oh! Atsushi finished it already sooo-
- Dazai coos at you. Constantly. 24/7. You will literally breathe and Dazai is dying from how adorable you are, People know to avoid the room where you can hear the high pitched- "Awh you are such a cutie!!!- oh you need help? Ofcourse- AWHHH~~~"
- In the agency, no one cares you regress. However.. Kunikida IS TIRED OF DAZAI AVOIDING HIS PAPERWORK. So after a bit, they build you a little area near Dazai's desk where you can play.. Now he can't LEAVE. BECAUSE YOU ARE HERE- *Ahem.* anyway.
- But!. If you don't want others to know you age regress, or more specifically the agency- Then Dazai will keep it a secret! He's good at excuses, and very good at knowing when you are regressed or slightly drifting near your headspace. So if you guys are in a important meeting but you're starting to regress, Dazai literally does not care. Man will just pick you up and go "Okay cool, we are gonna leave now :D" just up and leaves with you in his arms.
- Dazai doesn't seem like much of a cook, and he isn't, but he can make the basics. You know those mom's who cut their children's lunch into shapes? Dazai does that. If you are older when regressed, he will make your food into funny shapes and HE LOVES IT. You caused him to start following millions of mom's just so he can keep getting new shapes and ideas.
- Dazai is SO into doing funny voices when you two play together, just hand him a stuffie you want him to play and he's already going into a voice and acting out things.. No matter how dramatic. And no, he isn't embarrassed about getting caught. He'll just drag whoever caught you two into it, so congrats! You'll have another playing buddy!
- If you prefer coloring, he's happy to color right with you! He started using the agency's printer to print out coloring sheets for you, (It also gets on Kunikida's nerves, I mean he loves you too! Thinks you are adorable, but seriously- please Dazai the printer is for agency matters-) and will happily buy you whatever materials you need.. Including finger paint. He's so supportive when you're messy. "All the great artists have caused messes!!" He reassures you.
- But if you are a smaller regressor, or maybe a more calm/sleepy one, he's good at being just quiet enough but still excited enough. If you are tired, he'll carry you. It's comforting to have you rest your head against his chest while he walks around, it's nice to know you are close.
- It's even cuter if when tired, you talk or do sleepy babbles because Dazai literally just nods quietly and goes "Mhmm... Oh really? Wow!" He's trying to stay as quiet as he can, but internally he's cooing :( look at his sweet baby, so sleepy.
- Dazai loves being called 'Dada', I mean, he loves whatever his baby will call him but dada makes him feel all warm inside because yes!!! He is your dada!! It makes him feel even more happy about being able to take care of you.
- Calls you 'His little star' or the most common 'his baby', Usually adds 'his' instead of just baby. A bit possessive, but he adores you too much for someone else to take care of you. "My little star, how about we cuddle and go to sleep together hm? Dada is so tiredd~"
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bung0u-pr3sch00l · 5 months
Helo i was wunderin if yoo cud make a bat dazai moodboord? Plees and fank yoo if is okay. Mayb pm Zai? Fank yoo fank yoo!
Baby Batzai!
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I hope you like it, little guy! ❤️❤️❤️
I absolutely love the paci edit on the middle one that I did it makes me so happy and I hope it makes you just as happy little anon! ❤️
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natsuki-bakery · 2 months
⁎˚ ఎ CG! Dazai Headcanons ໒ ˚⁎
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hihi!! cld I request some cg headcanons for Dazai frm bungou stray dogs ? ty!!
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•Care Giver Dazai often uses humor and light-hearted teasing to keep the mood cheerful. He might joke about silly things to make you laugh, using humor as a way to make you feel at ease
•Despite his usual nonchalant demeanor, Dazai is incredibly perceptive and pays close attention to your needs and emotions. He listens carefully when you talk about your worries, offering thoughtful advice when needed
•Protective: Dada has a strong protective streak. He keeps a close eye on you, ensuring you're safe and out of harm's way. He may act nonchalant about it, but he's always ready to step in if something goes wrong !
•He shows his care through actions rather than words. This could be anything from cooking your favorite meals (even if he pretends to be bad at it) to taking care of mundane tasks so you can rest
•He gently nudges you to take care of yourself, whether it's reminding you to drink water, get enough sleep, or take breaks when you're stressed
•Dazai loves to tell stories, often exaggerated or humorous, to distract you from your worries. His tales are a mix of fantastical adventures and snippets of his own past, designed to entertain and engage you
•Physical Comfort : Though he might be playful about it, Papa Daz understands the importance of physical comfort. He offers hugs, lets you rest your head on his shoulder, or simply stays close by, providing a reassuring presence
•Dazai has a habit of giving you affectionate and sometimes silly nicknames, making you feel special and cared for in his unique way
•He often plans spontaneous outings or activities to lift your spirits. Whether it's a walk in the park, a visit to a café, or a quiet evening stargazing, he ensures you have moments of joy and relaxation
•Despite his playful nature, Dazai is wise and offers deep, insightful advice when you need it most. He knows when to be serious and provides guidance that helps you navigate difficult situations
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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soukokutruther · 5 months
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babyzai agere fic i wrote with cg!chuuya :3 was meant to be shorter, like 4kish words but theres 11k words of me being insane here so !! enjoy ig !! X3
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play-rough · 7 months
chuuya called dazai 'my baby' and now it's soooo hard to imagine a regressed baby otter being taken care of by anyone else who's not chuuya lol
like do you think chuuya will get jealous if he finds out that dazai regressed with someone else (at a time when chuuya was available and the regression isn't triggered by anything but dazai slips into it voluntarily)
(also turns out none of it actually happened and chuuya just saw something outta context and just assumed that he had to freaking share being his baby's caretaker)
~ 🐳
I love this ask sm and I have a really complicated answer lmao
So okay. Would Chuuya be jealous? Yes and no. Yes, because thats *Chuuya’s* baby. But also, in the 15 era, when Dazai regresses with someone else (i do eventually want to do a fic where Dazai has to be babysat), i think he would just be super bratty the entire time because he wants chuuya. And i think it would be hard for chuuya to feel jealous when he knows the baby spent the whole time crying for him.
But also. 22 era. Dazai doesn’t have access to his blockers, so he can’t keep himself from regressing like he used to. Kunikida steps in. Do I think Chuuya would be grateful that Dazai was so well taken care of? That he would be happy his baby had someone looking out for him while they were separated? Yes. Do I think Chuuya would feel jealous that someone else was able to get Dazai to regularly regress? Absolutely.
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that-one-odd-shipper · 3 months
🍉 . Fic Post . 🍉
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This is a previously written fic! Right now I'm promoting my old fics just to let y'all know they exist.
🪭- A little Dazai fic! This is my first bsd agere fic I put out there, and I am pretty proud of it 🥺
🍄- This fic is inspired by the lovely Playrough's agency little fic! In which Dazai has a nap time set up for him by the agency since he tends to get cranky and fussy without sleep, but a meeting ends up making him miss it for the day. What Dazai didn't expect is how used to the naps his body had gotten.
🥀- Dazai is really small in all of my upcoming fics and this one, not even one year when he's regressed. Kunikida and Chuuya are co-caregivers to Dazai and it is mentioned how Dazai doesn't particularly like the concept of being little. This fic is pure fluff, a tiny bit of stress comes from the baby but not enough to be considered angst. It's a nice story to fall asleep to :)
❤- Now, I'll attach the first few paragraphs bellow for you to get a feel of the fic. Link to my ao3 and the fic itself will be at the end! Please enjoy, comment and like!
Ever since Kunikida and the Agency have found out about Dazai's regression, they've been pushing nap times. Something about him getting "Cranky, tired, and less productive" after a certain time in the day
Dazai kicked his legs under the table, trying to stay focused. There had been an important joint Mafia and Agency meeting today, which just so happened to fall at an inconvenient time.
...Stupid, he knows. Besides, Dazai is never productive so what difference would it make?!
These naps normally happen late at lunch. It's not like he could just slip out of the Agency to go home early, either! To ensure he got this nap in every day the Agency and the stupid slug, decided to pair up for this.
If he tried to escape and head home, Chuuya's stupid camera door sensor would catch it. Of course that was set up for him...the slug can't mind his business! He didn't even do anything before it was set up, the executive just assumed he would try! Rude...
And so, the little one had to accept that he would be caught either way. It was either walking around in the stuffy outdoors for the rest of the day every single day or taking a nap. His pride said the first option, but it's obvious what the best choice was.
'But Dazai, you're a genius! Why didn't you just deactivate the system or use another entrance?' Well, it's pretty hard to think clearly enough to sneakily turn off a system when you're admittedly very fuzzy and droopy.
From working so hard of course. Nothing else, totally.
He doesn't need an assigned nap! Not to mention, a person to watch over him. He knows when he needs to take a break... Totally. This is why in the first place he didn't want the agency to figure it out, but that all went down the drain...
Have they been nothing but accepting of him? Yes, that's the issue! They shouldn't be condoning this behavior, let alone enforcing it! Dazai doesn't deserve to act like a literal baby, "A healthy coping mechanism" be damned. He doesn't need one of those either.
Protesting that mindset to them only made it worse, however. That doesn't mean he wouldn't still attempt to be bratty and refuse, but it gets hard when all you feel is comfort and security in a Member's (or Chu's) arms.
How these naps played out was always the same. He would get fed a bottle of warm milk about 30 minutes before his nap, fed because he got the privilege of being able to feed himself taken away...
He only dropped it on his head like, once! It doesn't matter if it caused him to start crying, he can still do it like anyone else can feed themselves! He shouldn't have started crying anyway, it was a tiny little bump. God, why did little him have to be so sensitive?
When it was time for the nap, there were two main locations. With anyone besides Kunikida, Chuuya, Yosano, or Fukuzawa he was to be laid down on the couch smothered in blankets.
But when Kunikida had a chance, he would always volunteer to watch him first. It's like he has some attachment, the idealistic man always looks anxious when he's away from the embarrassing baby side.
With Kunikida, he was either laid on a tiny futon that was unrolled from the closet next to Kunikida's desk but rarely. Most of the time he's on someone's lap being rocked to sleep since motion puts him out like a light.
Others that were offered were Atsushi, Ranpo, Naomi, Junichiro, and with supervision of another adult, Kenji. However, with Ranpo and Atsushi, it gets... Complicated.
Atsushi and Ranpo are also little, but they are at least big kids! Most of the time, at least. They don't need naps or bottles, but they are also set off easily in the presence of another little.
That was learned the hard way when Kunikida ended up with 3 giggly and squeamish littles after coming back from break. From that day on all three of them couldn't be alone caring together, unless there was time for some sort of play date after nap time.
Dazai would rather live than have to regress more times than needed, so he's never had a play date with the two, though he's heard they do it decently often.
And of course, there was Chuuya. Sometimes, when he was free during lunch break he would come to pick Dazai up for his nap. Normally he'd get taken home, but occasionally he was taken to Chu's office where he got to sit on the rolly chairs!
However he always preferred going home because of the risk of someone walking into him, the genius Dazai Osamu...giggling as Chuuya Nakahara bounces him on his lap or gently spins the rolling chair around. Yea no.
Originally the nap thing was set to every other day, or just not required every day. Dazai ruined that for himself though very easily. Once he had gotten used to the napping, apparently his body went 'oo! Time for sleep!!!? ;?! ' around the scheduled time automatically now.
He ended up struggling to stay awake as he did work with Kunikida one day and got nothing done, per usual. Dazai eventually drifted off on his shoulder from the exhaust, not very grown-ass 22-year-old of him.
But back to the current situation, it's the dreaded nap time. Well, way past nap time. Currently, there is a meeting going on between the Agency and the port mafia, that's all fine. The fine part was that the meeting had gone at least an hour off schedule.
It was planned so as not to bump into the time he gets put down, but stupid Mori couldn't agree on the originally proposed terms, so now they've been stuck!
Another thing is that Dazai hadn't quite realized how his body had gotten used to the nap times. Now that's come to bite him in the ass because he can't stop rubbing his eyes and yawning.
The work is called Cranky Baby! Here's the preview, Links to the full story and my ao3 page bellow.
Work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56113351
My ao3 acc: https://archiveofourown.org/users/That_One_Odd_Shipper/pseuds/That_One_Odd_Shipper
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dazaicg · 4 months
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☽。⋆ Dazai Osamu as a caregiver
warnings : none !!
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he’s a very silly and high energy caregiver, not strict at all
he is still responsible though!! he acts childish but does still take good care of littles
he always has snacks on hand just in case a little gets hungry and he can’t cook or order food
he mainly cgs for Atsushi, Kyouka, and Chuuya, but will take care of anyone and babysit if someone needs a caregiver
having so many fake personalities means that he’s versatile /hj
he likes to cg because he likes the feeling of being helpful for people, and knows that no one he cares for had a good childhood and wants to give them that care and love
(it also helps him feel like he’s fufulling Oda’s wish)
sees himself more like a big brother then a parental figure, but doesn’t mind being called papa/dad/etc
LOVES to give nicknames to his littles though, like kiddo, angel, sweetheart, etc
does a lot of activites with his littles instead of just watching, like colouring and reading
he WILL wear a princess dress for kyouka and have a tea party with her
will not say no to anything a little asks him, whether it’s buying them something or letting them draw on his arms or legs
he’s also surprisingly good at being comforting and calm when a littles energy dies down and they get sleepy
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dazaicg © do not repost my works.
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mydearestdrabbles · 1 year
to start off spooky month i propose skk scary movie slippage ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
dazai had been teasing chuuya all afternoon about being “ too much of a scaredy-cat” to sit down and watch the latest scary movie that’d come to streaming… only for him to cuddle closer to chibi as the movie went on
chuuya *ruffling dazai’s hair*: “what’s on your mind love… is the movie getting to be a bit too scary?”- chuuya said this with an additional amount of care- if they’d both been big he would’ve made much more of a moment out of this- but he had a feeling that wasn’t the case
dazai *nodding against chuuya*
chuuya *adjusting himself slightly to turn off the movie, quickly returning to the “precious little angel” that lay with him*: “thanks for telling me angel, that was a scary one hm?” he asked softly pulling dazai closer 
dazai nodded once more before he drifted quickly off to sleep- the warm comfort of his carer’s arms reminding him he was safe, he’d always be
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babyminty · 1 year
Cg Dazai/Little Chuuya
It had started off as an okay day, but of course, Chuuya's luck was not on his side, as the day quickly got worse.
Dazai had just arrived back at the house he lived in with Chuuya, only to not see Chuuya anywhere, even though he knew that Chuuya had no missions assigned to him from the Port Mafia that day.
"Chuuya?" Dazai called, and when he got no response, he moved further into the house, hoping to find Chuuya, and he eventually did when he heard crying coming from behind the closed bathroom door.
Dazai knocked on the door, and the crying only got louder. "I'm coming in." Dazai told Chuuya, who was on the other side of the door, not wanting to stress Chuuya out even more as he carefully opened the door.
When the door was fully opened, he saw Chuuya sobbing on the floor, back pressed against the wall furthest away from the door with his knees pulled up to his chest, face in his knees as he tugged on his hair. Dazai could tell he was currently regressed and in the middle of a meltdown, so he knew he had to handle this situation with care.
"Hey, Chuuya? Can you hear me?" Dazai started, having closed the bathroom door again and now sitting against it. He had decided to sit against the door as that was the furthest place away from Chuuya so Chuuya could have his space, but so that Dazai could still be in the room with him.
"Chuu?" Dazai tried again, and this time, Chuuya looked up at him, tears streaming down his face as he let out another sob. "Come here." Dazai invited as he opened his arms for Chuuya, who crawled towards Dazai, hugging him as Dazai hugged back, and Chuuya now cried whilst being held by Dazai.
Dazai traced circles against Chuuya's back as he also rocked Chuuya gently to calm him down. "It's ok, it's ok, I won't let anything happen to you." Dazai reasured Chuuya.
Chuuya continued to cry in Dazai's arms, but he was slowly starting to calm down. Once he was no longer crying and there were only sniffles coming from him, Dazai picked Chuuya up, carrying him to the bedroom and placing him on the bed before moving to the cupboard and getting some clothes out that Chuuya mostly wore when he was little.
"Can you get dressed yourself?" Dazai asked Chuuya, and he nodded, taking the clothes and quickly changing into them. When he was finished, he tugged on Dazai's shirt. Dazai turned around to face him, and Chuuya made grabby hands towards Dazai.
Dazai picked Chuuya up before sitting on the bed and placing Chuuya on his lap. Chuuya just rested against Dazai's chest as he cuddled against him. Is was draining crying so much.
Eventually, they both lay down under the blankets, cuddled up against each other. Chuuya now also had his pacifier, and he sucked on it as he drifted off to sleep. Dazai placed a kiss on Chuuya's forehead before falling asleep shortly after.
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baby-kitty · 21 days
Young Ranpo (BSD) agere stimboard ^^!
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I know there is a criminal lack (by lack I mean none) of sweets in this but I wanted to focus on something other than those with this because of course Ranpo likes sweets ^^!
All images from Pinterest!
Requests are open!
Agere headcanons about him under the cut!
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I think he'd also regress quite little, not as little as Atsushi but little nonetheless. 4-6 maybe.
Despite what I see other people say, I think he'd be shy about his regression. As someone who's always been the "mature beyond their years" type I definitely find it a little embarrassing sometimes even though it shouldn't be. Kind of like "I shouldn't feel this way".
Fukuzawa would definitely be his caregiver, no questions about that. And probably the only one he'd really want to regress around.
If he ends up slipping and Fukuzawa isn't around though, he goes to Yosano and then Dazai in that order. And if those two aren't around and he's feeling brave he'll head over to Kunikida. He told Yosano at some point and she had already kind of puzzled him out, and Dazai had taken one look at him one of the afternoons he wasn't masking well and thought, "yep, he's like me". (I hc Dazai as a regressor as well, though I think he could also take on a caregiver role semi-easily if in the right headspace). With Kunikida, Ranpo had figured out that he wouldn't mind at all if he asked him for help, he just prefers to go to the other two first.
I think he'd enjoy kid's mystery novels when little, (like for kids 8-10) , and writes his deductions for them out in a little notebook with crayon. Never wrong in his predictions. Also enjoys puzzles! Solves them quite quick, likes small ones (like 500 pieces).
I think he'd also enjoy colourful baths, lots of toys, bubbles, bath bombs, etc. totally loves them.
Also aquariums! Take him to an aquarium regressed or not and you'll be his favourite person forever (exaggeration).
Extra sensitive to sensory input when little. Especially noise. One "shrieking" noise and it's crying time.
Of course he still loves sweets. Maybe even more. Doesn't want to eat anything but them. Whoever his caregiver is would have to goad him into eating something healthy with the promise of a small sweet afterward. Grilled cheese sandwiches often go over well without any bribery needed though.
Actually pretty low needs when little! Would prefer to have all your attention forever, yes, but is mostly content to sit and read or do puzzles.
Thank you for reading all this! I could just keep going on and on... I am him...
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zerooup · 10 months
hi there im from my main account my agere blog is spooky-pookies and i wanted to request some aku headcanons but with atsushi is thats alright i really like the thought of atsushi being gentle with him and such have a great day/night<3
Of course! Little! Akutagawa and Caregiver Atsushi !! Cw: Pleurisy, Diapers, Blood.
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Atsushi in my opinion would be the best CG for this lil fussbutt right here! Often taking up changes and helping Akutagawa eat, which he seems to struggle with while regressed. ~
Akutagawa is a baby regressor meaning he needs a lot of help to do the simplest things; despite wanting to die than ask for help. and Atsushi is more than good at gauging what his little one needs based on what babble or what whine comes from him! and Dazai still wonders how he does it! ~
Atsushi has 100% tigershifted and carried Akutagawa around like a cat. Growling if someone even MENTIONED picking Akutagawa up. This is also the prime time for Akutagawa to curl up in his fur, and doze off! It makes him feel safe and comforted! ~
On particularly bad days of Akutagawa's pleurisy, Atsushi will run him a nice, warm bubble bath to help him relax; often putting a vapor rub on his chest to help him cough out what he needs to. And; sadly it's a sensory ick for this little one; so it takes a lot of coddling and even more bribery to get him to comply! which. for Atsushi just means a cuddle, Kisses and a bottle! But for someone.. say Dazai? Its gonna take a LOT more then just Cuddles, Kisses and a Bottle! ~
Akutagawa is very accident-prone; Often waking up sobbing due to a nightmare in which Atsushi to not only calm him down and get him to stop coughing; but he also has to get him changed and possibly bathed depending on how Akutagawa is feeling. ~
Akutagawa is also very prone to getting sick after crying. because once he starts; he can't stop. so it's hours of crying which leads to him getting sick which leads to him crying more-- it's a bad cycle! Which, Atsushi can normally calm him before that point!
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