#caregiver fyodor
babyminty · 10 months
Cgs Fyodor & Nikolai/Little Sigma
Sigma  was hiding in his room. He was living with Fyodor and Nikolai, and he was currently regressed, and neither of the other two knew about his regression. He wasn't sure if he was ready for them to know, but he turned out not to have a choice when there was a knock at the door.
"Sigma?" He heard Fyodor call. Sigma stayed silent. "Sigma, Nikolai made lunch. Come join us." Fyodor said. Sigma grumbled, getting up from the floor and placing his rabbit plushie on the bed before opening the door and closing it behind him.
He followed Fyodor to the kitchen, sitting down at the table. He looked at the food that was placed in front of him and started to play with it with a fork. He was hungry, but he didn't want to feed himself.
"Sigma, stop playing with the food." Nikolai told him. Sigma glared at him but put down the fork and instead just stared at the food. Both Nikolai and Fyodor were surprised at Sigma's reaction. They glanced at each other, silently agreeing that Sigma was acting strangely.
"Is anything wrong?" Nikolai asked. Sigma pouted, crossing his arms and looking away from them. "You're acting like a child." Fyodor said. Sigma gasped, eyes wide as he looked anywhere but at the other two in the room.
Watching this, Nikolai's eyes widened. "I think I know what is happening." He said a loud. Sigma stayed quiet, not moving at all. "What?" Fyodor asked Nikolai. Nikolai didn't answer Fyodor. Instead, he turned to Sigma. "Are you an age regressor?" Nikolai asked him gently. Sigma inhaled sharply but nodded. "And you are regressed right now if I am correct?" Nikolai continued, yo which Sigma nodded again.
At this point, Fyodor had caught onto what was happening and why Sigma was acting off. "How old are you?" He asked. Sigma shyly held up three fingers.  Fyodor nodded and then moved to sit next to Sigma, picking up Sigma's fork. "Do you want me to feed you?" Fyodor asked. Sigma didn't reply, he only opened his mouth to accept the food.
They finished their food like this, Fyodor feeding Sigma for a little while, and Nikolai eating his own food, and then they would swap, so Nikolai was feeding Sigma, and Fyodor was eating his own food.
Even though Sigma was hesitant to let the other two know about his regression at first, he was happy that the results of them finding out ended up with him having two caregivers.
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nostalgicsummers · 7 months
The Jester and the Cookie Snatcher
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Aka headcanons of regressors Nikolai and Sigma and their caregiver Fyodor.
Authors notes: These are probably slightly OOC, I hope you don't mind! These were requested by @sunecito, I hope you like them mutual! Also the clown in the top image can be found here!
Of course it's Nikolai who discovered what regression is first, he eagerly told his two closet friends everything, while Fyodor was trying his hardest to understand the concept, Sigma was internally (and probably externally) freaking out. It's something that he's done since the day he was created as a coping method but didn't know it was an actual thing.
Of course, Nikolai picked up on Sigma's panic- he had worked out that Sigma was an age regressor ages ago (hence why he was researching the topic in the first place) and reassured Sigma that he would help to look after him and that they could regress together. Then he added that Fyodor would be the one to take on the caregiver role.
Fyodor does not know how to be a caregiver. He's studied people for a long time but regression as a concept is something he's very new to. Regardless, he agreed to look after the two regressors once he saw how they looked at him.
It's clear very quickly into their new dynamic that Nikolai knows the most about regression, sometimes even scolding Fyodor for his caregiving techniques. His typical regression age is between the older child and 'tween' ages, and his regression is usually voluntary.
Sigma falls into the role of a regressor perfectly, he usually regresses as a young child or baby and its mostly involuntary. While regressed he enjoys cuddles and being with his two friends- If anyone else comes close to him while regressed he has a habit of running away.
While regressed Nikolai loves to put on magic shows! He usually tries to drag Sigma into being his assistant but that can sometimes go badly depending on the mood Sigma is inn. When this happens Fyodor is the one to step in and help out while Sigma watches in awe.
Fyodor was the one who discovered that Sigma likes cookies, he brought some for the three of them to share, but Sigma ended up eating most of them. Thankfully Nikolai prefers jello, so Sigma gets to have all the cookies. Now Fyodor brings cookies to every play date they have and even gives them to Sigma when he isn't regressed.
Due to his anemia, Fyodor is not an active caregiver in the sense that he doesn't do a lot of physical play. This is fine with Sigma, who prefers to nap and receive comfort, however this is as odds with Nikolai. Although he's able to understand that Fyodor physically can't sometimes it doesn't stop him from getting jealous of Sigma and the attention he gets. However Fyodor is always there to reassure him, via physical comfort (hie cuddles) and trying to indulge his less physical play requests (ie reading stories together).
Both Fyodor and Nikolai like to teach Sigma about their respective cultures, Nikolai loves to tell 'scary' folk tales from Ukraine and share his food with both Sigma and Fyodor. Fyodor likes to share stories and food as well, although he's more of a story sharer due to the fact that he's a picky eater.
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3unnyceleste · 1 month
Potato head
Cg! Fyodor x Little! YN
This is an agere fic between the reader and Fyodor! He and his little one are out shopping, but when a toy causes a tantrum, he's at his wits end. *Malyshka means 'baby' in russian. TW: mention of timeout, being called a 'potato head' as a joke.
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It was Friday: shopping day. Fyodor needed to go and grab some groceries from the local supermarket in Yokohama, and he brought you, his precious little one, along. He figured you were big enough to do so, seeing as you felt about 5-ish.
The shopping trip had started out well, and you were being very well behaved! He'd dressed you in a pair of denim overalls with peekaboo patches and a green-and-yellow striped t shirt, and he sported his usual attire, cloak and ushanka included. He'd managed to knock off many of the needed groceries, and even let you wear his Ushanka around the supermarket. However things started falling apart when Fyodor made a vital mistake:
Passing by the toys aisle.
It's not like he wouldn't spoil you, he loved spoiling you- but he wanted you to also learn that there was a time and place for such, and he kept new toys as a reward for a job well done or a special occasion. He didn't want you to expect toys every single day, and wanted you to stay grateful and mindful of the things you already had. As he strolled past, you tugged on his cloak. He sighed, knowing already what you were about to ask.
"Yes, malyshka? What is it you need, my little one?" Fyodor asked with patience. You immediately pointed to the brightly colored toy aisle:
"Papa, I wan' toys please!" You asked, eager to explore the toy aisle. Fyodor let out a deep sigh, knowing there was no turning back. One peek couldn't hurt right? Plus it was next to the cereal aisle, and he was meaning to grab some cereal anyway.
"You can go look at them while papa looks at the cereal okay? Don't stray far, malyshka." He warned, his voice full of paternal care, as he turned back to the cereals. You didn't wait for him to finish his sentence, and darted right over to the toys aisle, a not-so silent giggle escaping you. You felt so small in the large toy aisle, and every toy there was imaginable! Dolls, cars, baby blocks, kitchen toys, play food-
and there was Mr. and Mrs. Potato head, in all their plastic glory. You were THRILLED to say the least. And one thought ran through your regressed mind at that moment:
You wanted- no- you NEEDED them.
So what did you do? You ran straight back to your caregiver, who was busily examining the nutrition labels between Raisin Bran cereal (ick, you thought), and Frosted flakes (yum!). To your dissapointment, he picked the Raisin Bran cereal, and threw it in the cart with a loud *THUD*. However, you quickly pushed the thought of the icky cereal from your mind, and tugged on Fyodor's cloak. Fyodor turned to you, an eyebrow raised.
"Malyshka, what did we say about tugging? Could you please say 'papa', next time?" He lightly scolded, his voice still warm. You nodded quickly and rushed to interupt:
"Papa! Can I please, please, PLEASEEEEEE, get this??" You held up the plastic casing of the potato heads, giddy at the idea of TWO new toys! However Fyodor was firm. He loved you too much not to be, as he knew that discipline and rules were a must, especially in the headspace you were in.
"Let me see the toys Malyshka." He inspected the price of the duo pair. $30. Money wasn't an issue, the issue was he'd already bought you a new toy just a week ago. Buying another one so soon didn't seem reasonable, especially because all your toys were already fairly new, despite being slightly worn from the frequent play. He set the toy back in the toy aisle.
"I'm sorry, but we don't need this right now, dear. Now come on, let's go to the checkout." He reached for your hand to hold, but you pulled away. You felt upset, you wanted that toy so badly.
"But I want it!" You cried out, your annoyance becoming audible. You tried everything to convince him as he checked out: You tried puppy eyes, begging him, outright demanding it, and bribing him. (with your allowance of course, which didn't fool him.)
Eventually the two of you made it to the car. This was it, the last chance. There was one strategy you didn't do:
the dreaded tantrum.
You began stamping your foot to get his attention.
"PAPA! I want the toy NOW!" You cried out in frustration. Fyodor wasn't having it, however.
"Malyshka, that's enough! I have told you no! Now kindly get inside the car, and buckle up. Now." His voice left no room for argument. However you persisted, yelling and crying and stamping your foot, until he'd had enough.
"Little one, I'm dissapointed. I took you to the store knowing you were a big girl, but the way you acted in the store was unacceptable. And as a result, there WILL be consequences when we get home." Fyodor scolded. However his response was met with tears from you. You hadn't meant to push it so far, and you were STILL really upset about the potato heads. He let out an exhasperated sigh before picking you up in his arms and stroking your hair lovingly.
"Shhh.... Malyshka.... It's okay. I know you're a good little one, but you've been behaving like a petulant toddler... Papa loves you, you know this, Da?" He crooned as he gently pushed your pacifier into your mouth with one of his pale fingers. As you calmed down, he buckled you back in and drove the two of you home. At home, He wasted no time, and promptly placed you in the time out corner.
"There we are. Like I said, we don't throw tantrums in public. Now you must sit there and lose five minutes of playtime." He chided lightly and sat in a chair watching you.
After the timeout passed and many tears as well, he rocked you gently and pressed soft kisses onto your head.
"There, now have we learned our lesson, my little potato head?" He joked teasingly, his voice still while he stroked your hair.
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diagonal-queen · 7 months
Your blog is very safe, me thinks. Very comfort, if that makes sense lol. I have a request, feel free to ignore this but I can't help but to wonder what a few BSD men would be like with a very mature/maternal and responsible s/o who tends to put themsleves last and burn themselves out (preferably fem, as I am an older sister who has taken on the role of caregiver and project HEAVILY) I'd like to see Fyodor, Poe, Ranpo and Jouno. (You can throw in anyone else if you want)
BSD boys with a self-sacrificing girlfriend
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♡ pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Edgar Allan Poe, Ranpo Edogawa, Saigiku Jouno x fem!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are they with a caring and self-sacrificing girlfriend?
♡ cw: Swearing, use of fem titles, she/her pronouns, mentions of stress and burnout.
note: Thank you for the sweet message anon <3 it's truly a shame that you and i are the exact same person who have experienced the exact same burden of raising children we didn't choose to have. but i've moved out now so i'm free!! come live with me queen tf we're besties now. apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Fyodor is a trad man. I'm sure he has some weird beliefs about how women are supposed to have some normalised feminine traits, but this is too much even for him.
It really pains him to see you be so selfless, truly. Though he admires your kindness and patience, he just wants you to be content. He wants you to be comfortable.
Does he enjoy having what is basically a personal maid around? Yes, yes he does. Does he feel guilty for feeling that? No. But does he recognise that your current self-sacrificing routine is unhealthy? YES HE DOES.
So...he simply does not make you do anything at all. If you want to do something for him that's on you.
If you want to do something for someone *else*, he probably won't really let you. Unless it's like family or something, then he understands, but no, you're not helping that random child get their kite unstuck from that tree no matter how much you want to, myshka.
Fyodor absolutely doesn't involve you in his work. He knows that'll only stress you out more, and that's the last thing you need. As such he keeps you away from his coworkers (especially Mykola. Sorry Mykola lovers)
He comes to value his time spent relaxing with you, because he also acknowledges that he could use a break every now and then as well. There's nothing quite as comforting to him as lounging around alongside you- you don't have to be talking or even doing the same thing, as long as you're there together.
Listen, Fyodor does care about you, and he values your health and wants you to be relaxed and uncaring as much as is possible. But if you, his sweet woman, wants to make him a cup of tea, who is he to turn you down?
I don't know exactly how to explain Poe here. Just hear me out
He is genuinely so like stressed and anguished about your lack of self-preservation in favour of caring about others. He constantly thinks about it and writes tragic poems about it and shit
Like he's like 'my love......she does not see herself as i do, as a beautiful star....with every act of kindness her light dims ever so slightly...until she's reduced to nothing.........the irony of the good deeds of man..............;-;'
He will go all out in his attempts to make you feel calm and comfortable and happy. Oh he will buy you SO many presents it's disgusting. He will rent out whole restaurants and like even theme parks and shit if that's your thing. He'll stop at no lengths to give you some respite, and it's honestly quite sweet
All that being said, he does love that you're so attentive and caring about Karl. He's definitely watched you play with him and then started blushing super hard because the word 'parents' suddenly crossed his mind and now he's thinking about children and aaaaaa
ABSOLUTELY writes a scenario in which you can relax. Whatever you want- an empty beach, a forest, a liminal space, he'll write it all for you, and gift you the book so you can go there whenever you want :>
He's basically a sugar daddy, except you're in an actual relationship and it's not all about the money. Your boyfriend just happens to be loaded as fuck
At the end of the day, Poe is such a hypocrite because he himself is such a workaholic that he practically lets it consume him, too!
You're both absolute messes. Drink some water and sleep for god's sake. And for the love of all things good take care of each other.
Bro knows exactly what's up. Sorry, he's got you all figured out fr
That doesn't mean he won't let you baby him though. At first. He'll just let you, along with everyone else, clean up after him and buy him shit
BUT soon, soon he realises that this behaviour is rather detrimental to your health. He sees the circles under your eyes, he notices these things. And he's like '...oh shit'
Ranpo doesn't have any shame or reservations. He straight up confronts you about it. 'Why don't you ever take care of yourself?' And he's not playing around this time
And no matter what your excuse is, he's like 'not good enough. We're going to get ice cream RIGHT NOW and you're going to talk to me about this. Now lead me to the ice cream parlour immediately'
(I may or may not be paraphrasing this particular quote)
The point is that he presents you an avenue to open up about your struggles, stress and psyche. And he really does want to help- the fact that he gets ice cream out of this is just a bonus
From here on out he'll keep an eye out for you. Every time you find yourself getting overworked or burning out he'll make you take a break. This could be a nap or sending you home or a surprise outing- anything to get your mind off work and people.
Ranpo is a stickler for the rules, sure, but he's also lazy as shit. Any time he doesn't feel like working, you're now not allowed to work either. You have to hang out with him or else (he'll be a little sad)
He doesn't necessarily introduce any...permanent solutions to your predicament, but he does have you looking forward to your couples-down time each day, and that's something!
Over time, you do learn to balance yourself and external responsibilities. And he will absolutely be taking credit for it lmao
Jouno is very...self-important, we'll say. Not like, completely selfish or anything, but very much tends to prioritise his own opinions and time and such.
You make him do a complete reassessment and breakdown of all of his thoughts and beliefs he's built up over the course of his lifetime
/j but really, you're unbelievably different from him. You're both willing to put yourself in danger or wear yourselves down, but *you* don't have anatomical medical adjustments that practically make you invincible.
Jouno wants to protect you- and he's not willing to negotiate. He's not letting anyone hurt you, even if on accident. He's especially not willing to let anybody take advantage of your generous nature, which is probably more likely anyway.
He's such a scary dog actually (lol get it?? get it cause he's one of the Hunting Dogs? DO YOU GET IT-) he'll accompany you anywhere if you ask him to.
When he wants to do something for you, he will do it. You're not lifting a finger miss girl
Like he really will take care of you! When he's off work, of course. His job is kind of important, but you best believe you're getting pampered when Jouno is off the clock.
My mans is romantic as FUCK: cooking you nice dinners, reading to you before bed, massages, cuddles- as well as engaging in your interests alongside you of course
He just thinks it's so cute to see you engrossed in something that YOU enjoy, and will encourage your down time
Jouno is gonna make sure that you take care of yourself too, because when he's not around, who better to look after anybody than you? That's the most important thing to him.
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco, @pinkiipeachiikeen
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ur-fav-is-agere · 3 days
Fyodor Dostoevsky from Bungo Stray Dogs
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Is a papa caregiver!
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cy-berr1 · 9 months
Bungo stray dogs agere headcanons <3
Doesn't regress much , he is mostly a caregiver
His regressed age is about 5-8
Lots of pastel colors
Very sensitive
Mostly pet regresses (kitten)
Very young regressed age (he baby), 0-2
Quite fussy and cries a lot
Doesn't like coughing because he feels "icky"
Atsushi is his usual caregiver
Involuntary regressor
Not that small when regressed, around 6-10 but occasionally younger
HYPER and silly, loves pranks
Loves sweets just as much as when big
Bratty, and loves to brag about how smart he is
Regresses a lot
Poe usually helps him, though he doesn't know much about agere
Age range changes, as he tries to suppress it
Regresses due to stress
Bad at talking care of himself when stressed
Nikolai and Sigma help him, but Nikolai is his usual cg
Sensory issues <3
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erosauriarts · 11 months
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Avatar x BSD
Warning: It’s canon related violence similar to in show BSD.
Atsushi - The Avatar
I thought it would be fitting since Byakko is implied to be reincarnating????? Also the Netflix preview got me excited.
AU Premise
**None of the canon characters from ATLA or LOK are gonna be referenced UNLESS it’s to justify bending rules.**
Republic City exists, but it’s less western base, bc I didn’t like that lmfaooo (Basically Yokohama but as it was in the 1930-50s). White people???? Huh?? Ig they exist now??? 😨
Lore Plot:
Red Lotus killed the last avatar because they wanted to find the new one, for some enlightenment reasons (IDK radicals man). The hunt for the new one wanted to take and raise the new avatar to push their own agenda. The man that did it, passed down his legacy to Fyodor (water), and he was the one to find Atsushi. Atsushi was around 5-8 and was from the northern water tribe. Atsushi’s parent was the moon’s spirits guardians (funny ha ha bc his’s design in literally Yin and Yang to Aku). Fyodor takes Atsushi, and isolates him with the other spiritual believers. They raise him, misinforming him greatly over what being the avatar actually means. Though he has a pretty good connection to his bending, Fyodor being his water bending master. They located somewhere in the north-pole.
In this time, everyone is looking for the avatar, but in like that way where you are like “here kitty kitty pspspsp.” And they even have a bounty for him. Bring him back alive ofc! In this, Dazai (Air) and Yosano (Water) are adopted siblings from a young age from Mori (Fire). Dazai at 18 splits off and becomes a traveling nomad, bc he fucking felt like it. Yosano was 14 when Fukuzawa (Air) saved her. Mori would make Yosano blood-bend, and so when she got free, she swore to never blood-bend again. She now uses her bending, and became one of the best healers.
The Armed Detective Agency works similar to canon in this, but has a specialized duty to find the avatar and turn them over to the white lotus. It’s extremely hard to get into the ADA, and forces benders to really push themselves. (In a way higher than the police force) Dazai joins, and is basically the ADA’s lost cat that goes away and comes back with something either helpful or cursed.
Dazai got leads on Fyodor bc Atsushi accidently used the avatar state when he found some new (and/or) prob figured out what happened to his family. Dazai basically yoinks Atsushi from the isolated village, running back on all fours with the weretiger dangling from his mouth /j. Dazai shows up, drops the avatar off, then bounces. Even though Fyodor’s spiritual training and water-bending was severely indepth, Atsushi lacked alot of common sense. Atsushi’s abuse in this is more intense psychological punishment more then the physical one in canon. He’s.. alittle messed up, but besides the point. Regardless how much bad stuff he went through, he was genuinely sweet. The stress of the truth tho, threw him off balance, so he is hesitant to go into the avatar state.
Atsushi’s bending teachers / relationship
Water: Fyodor. Strictly mentor and caregiver. He sucked at caring for Atsushi’s needs, and only was interested in talking when Atsushi asked about spirtual connection and Philosophical debates. Spent most of his childhood till Dazai yoinks him at 18
Earth: Kunikida. He sucked at it originally, but Atsushi was so determine, he ends up asking for help to connect. Atsushi warms up to him, looking up to him for strength.
Air: Dazai. The third one, and he’s stressed. Dazai runs circles around Atsushi, causing so much mental strain. Atsushi gets frustrated, and nearly gave up, but Dazai manages to get a mutual understanding.
Fire: Kyouka. Though younger, Kyouka was the fastest firebender. She constantly beat Atsushi when the Port Mafia sent her out. (He gets saved by the ADA a lot lol)
Character Mentions
Ranpo: A none bender. Works with the Republic City police force, but spends most of his time with the ADA. He actively helps them get around the police.
Akutugawa: Earth Bender. He can bend metal, and is actually really scary (..er?)
Chuuya: I go back and forth between earth and fire. And I think earth bc of his boom boom, smash kapow moments in canon. I thought fire cause hehe red.
Nikolai: Air. He’s that one guy that does flips and is nearly impossible to get a hold off. Boys a slinky. He’s Fyodor’s right hand man… they even… KISS?
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disabledstraydogs · 5 months
For canon characters with alters... I think Chuuya has one Verlaine that acts very differently from the actual one, probably formed around when the first met and based off the limited info Chuuya knew about him. Because of this he's very silent, angry, and destructive, it's not ideal for his system but it works in my mind.
I think Sigma would in canon have a Fyodor introject based off the 'bad' side, but also she could have a caregiver version. I think that would confuse her especially if this Fyodor introject was very nice to the rest of the system as well and can be found in headspace baking cookies.
I would say that the Mori alters that Yosano and Dazai have are similar to the Sigma situation, or else they're heightened to be 'persecutory' (if that makes sense).
Dazai maybe also has an 'ideal' version of a few people, while I'm thinking of Ranpo, the side that can solve any problem and do everything which is unlike the real Ranpo who is more of a nervous wreck (although he hides it).
Ranpo Fukuzawa alter could also be interesting. Again, very idealized and more physically caring than the canon Fukuzawa- Possibly acts in a way that Ranpo subconsciously wants more from his father figure.
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spookypookies · 10 months
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BOOM! No one expected fyolai agere headcanons! ha! get bent!....sorry that was quite rude of me
TW (Fyodor needs a whole trigger warning himself but agere wise): diaper, alcohol, vomiting, religious trauma, slight mention of SA, anemia
Fyodor is a flip and doesn't prefer a role he just does whatever
Nikolai gives him silly nicknames goobie, sckrunkle, eebeee, buggy
Fyodor isn't a good caregiver but he tries and Nikolai appreciates it nonetheless
Nikolai entertains Fyodor by juggling, doing magic, playing cards, and Fyodor's favorite, tickling
Fyodor cuddles Nikolai up in a blankie every time he bathes him
Nikolai and Fyodor regress for religious trauma reasons Fyodor mostly
Fyodor is more keen on corporal discipline since he knows no different nikolai absolutely hates it but they communicated their boundaries and agreed to someone they were both happy with
Nikolai fricking loves gogurt this boy will eat an entire package of them if he had the chance
Fyodor regresses really really small when he's drunk he cries and is super stubborn
Nikolai wears diapers more often during this time and fyodor doesn't mind changing him
Fyodor has anemia (haha i do too) and a not-very common symptom of this is nausea and vomiting so he regresses really small from his Emetophobia which can be hard at times for Nikolai
Nikolai has a hard time eating from recovering a ED so Fyodor will get him nice and regressed and feed him some warm milk with vitamins and stuff in it.
Fyodor cant wear diapers since he has problems with anyone seeing him without a piece of clothing on so this makes him wet the bed sometimes
Nikolai and fyodor sometimes regress together they invite Ivan over to have a tea party it's quite pure
kisses from Fyodor are the best while regressed Nikolai cherishes them
Nikolai has a beautiful singing voice that lulls Fyodor to sleep
heyo guys i hope you enjoyed this my requests are open but only for sfw agere content
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pl4n3t-plut0 · 4 months
May I request Caregiver fyodor (bsd) headcanons? Please and thank you!!! (If im allowed to be a little specific, please with him being his daughters carer, if its not allowed its ok, i understand)
Hehe girl dad fyodor 😈😈
You will do his hair wether he likes it or not
Not the most affectionate but it’s the little things that count
Lots of hand holding and sitting on his lap while he’s working
Babysitter sigma because Nikolai is actually crazy
Fyodor Dostoyevsky is an okay cook, he’s nothing special but it’s edible to a degree
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honeyhalcyon · 7 months
have u written anything related to regressor fyodor? (if not consider this my formal request)
🪽 Fyodor Dostoyevsky Headcanons
Notes: N/A
Featuring: Age regressor Fyodor.
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[Image Description: a DNI banner with a drawing of Shiho Hinomori on the left side of the image. She has a green pacifier and is holding Phenny, a yellow phoenix plushie with a jester hat. The text in the middle of the image reads: SFW interactions only please. There is a white border around the image, and green music notes decorate the edges. /End ID]
🪽 I see his small age being between 3-5! He's not the tiniest, but he's still pretty small
Overall just a curious little guy who needs a lot of mental stimulation, or else he'll inevitably get bored and start causing mischief
🪽 Fyodor probably reads those books that are like "Quantum Physics for Babies"; he's very bright for his age, and I think he would love science related subjects specifically!
I think he would like model building kits such as trains and such!! They're a good way to keep him occupied, he likes making sure everything is put together exactly right
🪽 He probably has glow in the dark stars on the ceiling of his room, he loves to look at them as he starts feeling sleepy
I don't see him particularly needing or desiring a caregiver, probably being on the more independent side!
🪽 Though in a situation where he did have a caregiver, he would be the type of kiddo who tries to push boundaries and see how far he can go before his caregiver reacts (his caregiver would have to be someone just as clever as him in order to keep up with him)
Fyodor probably doesn't like being treated like a baby, insisting that he's a big kid and can do things on his own!
🪽 I also don't think he would have a lot of gear, probably just one paci and maybe a sippy cup; he would rather have a couple comfort items that he's attached to instead of many different items
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[Image Description: a transparent png of a slice of cucumber in the shape of a star. /End ID]
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babyminty · 1 year
Cg Fyodor/Little Nikolai
Nikolai had woken up little, and Fyodor was not in the apartment when he woke up. Nikolai checked the time, and it was actually quite early in the morning, so he assumed Fyodor wouldn’t have eaten breakfast before going out, so he got up and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for himself as well as Fyodor for when he got back.
Nikolai was doing quite well with preparing the food; he had gotten all the ingredients and the apparatus out needed to make the breakfast. He had forgotten one thing, though, and that thing was the reason he wasn't allowed to cook whilst small.
When Fyodor stepped into the apartment, the very first thing he heard was the sound like that of a pan clattering to the ground, followed by crying. He followed the source of the sound, ending up in the kitchen where he saw a pan with still sizzling bacon on the floor next to it. The stove was still on, so Fyodor switched it off quickly before focusing on Nikolai, who was standing in a corner crying.
When Fyodor got closer, he saw that Nikolai was holding one of his hands close to his chest. "Nikolai, what happened?" Fyodor asked. "I makin breakfast, bu the pan slipped, an now my hand has owie." Nikolai answered through tears, showing his burnt hand to Fyodor. Fyodor nodded before retrieving the first-aid kit from the cabinet in the kitchen that they kept it in.
Fyodor took Nikolai's hand, putting ointment on it that would soothe and help heal the burn before wrapping it up. "There, all better." He said as he secured the bandages on Nikolai's hand. Using his other hand, Nikolai wiped his tears away. "Tank oo." He thanked. "You're welcome, but Nikolai, when you were cooking, were you already small before you started, or did you regress after you got injured?" Fyodor inquired.
Nikolai looked away, guilt writen all across his face. "Before." He replied. Fyodor sighed. "You know you aren't meant to cook whilst you are small." Fyodor reminded. Nikolai nodded, looking even more guilty. "I sorry." He apologized. "It's ok, but don't repeat this in the future." Fyodor said. Nikolai agreed.
After cleaning up the bacon, Nikolai and Fyodor ended up going out for breakfast, followed by a fun day of going to the park, and afterwards going to the arcade. They finished off the day by getting home and preparing supper, which Nikolai did get to help with, though he only got the job of washing the veggies.
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nostalgicsummers · 16 days
I think Shibusawa's ability in an agere AU would be fun.
Atsushi cares for the tiger like a cat and ends up regressing as well. They take naps together.
Similar situation with Rashoumon and Akutagawa, if anyone tried to disturb the baby Rashoumon will Bite (The only person allowed to see him when he's sleeping is Gin and her ability- They often take naps together)
Punishment and Fyodor argue a lot over who looks after the other (they're both terrible caregivers but hate regressing so Shibusawa often has to step in)
Chuuya fist fights his ability because he is Not a Regressor (amongst other lies he tells himself)
Kyouka gets to regress and Demon Snow becomes a mother figure. They play together and have a very close bond.
Dazai gets upset because he doesn't have an ability to be a caregiver for himself, so bullies Kunikida and his ability into looking after him. Now he has TWO caregivers.
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3unnyceleste · 6 days
My fictional caregivers! pt 1!
I saw someone do this and I wanted to try!
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1. Captain price
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He is perfect! He speaks Arabic, Russian, and English, which is so awesome! and he gives of SO many fatherly vibes! He’s the type of caregiver to constantly make dad jokes and tease you, and spoil you! He’s so strong too, and can hold any little up easily! After a long mission, he’d put you down for a nap, and he’d toss you up and down and bounce you about! 1000/10!!
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2. Konig
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He is essentially a giant bear! He'd definetely call you a ton of German pet names! Stuff like "meine kleine maus" (my little mouse) or "madchen" (little girl). He'd definitely be stern sometimes, and make sure rules are set in place, and to make sure that your safe on missions! After missions, he'd snuggle with you and put on your favorite cartoons. 100/10!!
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3. Fyodor Dostoevsky
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This man.... I feel like he would definitely be the more possessive cg. Very fatherly, and would call you malyshka all the time!! (baby/baby girl) He's very gentle and cares deeply about his little one, and would make sure you were bundled constantly and warm. He will do ANYTHING for you. He will manipulate anything and anyone to your will, and will make sure you are safe and protected, and won't let anyone take you away. 10/10!!
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dividers by @saradika
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BSD college!AU headcanons pt.5
TWs: crying, mentions of bad chronic pain days, Dazai-typical mentions of sewerslide, thoughts about sewerslide and SH, mentions of OCD, mentions of child abuse, mention of heart palpitations, very slight mentions of breaking down, mentions of panic attacks
Despite everything, they all obviously aren't as mentally fucked as in the canon universe in this.
Pairings: Kunichuuzai, Mushiranpoe, Shin Soukoku, Suegiku, Shibufyosiggol, Montcott, Bramcraft, also it isn't specifically mentioned that they are together/married but married!Rimlaine
Fyodor and Dazai are besties/ childhood best friends in this. Nothing more or less.
Jouno and Tecchou are engaged in this
But like nobody knows. They don't keep it a secret though
Nikolai actually cries or at least tears up a lot. He just tries to hide it most of the time since back in the orphanage from which he fled as a child, crying was seen as showing weakness and it usually ended up with the caregivers screaming at him so by now he tries to act all goofy and cheerful when he feels the lump in his throat again and when he feels that his eyes start to burn again.
He still starts to cry/tear up often and easily
The shower drain in the shower of Fyodor's, Nikolai's, Sigma's and Shibusawa's dorm is regualry clogged with long white hair
Sigma actually fishes his hair out of the drain after he showered/washed his hair but especially Shibusawa doesn't do so
Shibusawa is usually so chaught up in his thoughts that he forgets to fish his hair out of the drain or he is simply too lazy to do so.
He also finds getting the hair out of the drain disgusting so he simply doesn't does it which is a problem since he has the longest and thickest hair out of them.
Nikolai genuienly just forgets to fish the hairs out. He is like four steps further in his mind already after leaving the shower and is working on autopilot then.
Shibusawa generally blocks the bathroom for up to an hours since this man has a like 15 step long selfcare routine (skincare, taking care of his hair, make up, washing himself in general, styling his hair,etc.)
Fyodor, Sigma and Nikolai love thier boyfriend dearly but this sometimes drives them insane. Especially when they have a thight schedule.
Dazai often hang around at Nikolai's, Fyodor's, Sigma's and Shibusawa's dorm, lying on thier bed and chatting with Fyodor while the latter is sitting on his desk, working on his PC.
Chuuya gets at least three calls a week by his older brother Verlaine in which the latter is checking in on how Chuuya is doing and asks if everything is alright or if he has to come over to kick some asses
Chuuya thinks it's a tad annoying. Especially since he's 22 by now and not a child anymore and also since he can kick asses himself perfectly fine
Kunikida thinks it's cute/nice that Verlaine cares so much about his younger brother
Arthur Rimbaud is more chill about the whole topic. He chats with Chuuya regulary but not really to check in how he's doing but more in order to gossip with Chuuya
It's not like he wouldn't care about Chuuya, he kinda raised him too after all and knows him since he's 6 years old, but he trusts Chuuya enough to tell him if something is seriously wrong and he also thinks that he himself is able to tell if something is wrong.
Arthur is more of a chill and funny "parent" in a strange way. He's calm but he can be so damn sarcastic and is able to roast people in ways were they struggle to find a come back
He's calm yet chaotic and chill about a lot of things and Chuuya loves it
He's also more open minded when it comes to Chuuya's relationships and gives his parters a chance while Verlaine wants to strangle Dazai since the day he first met the other
Bram owns a grey nightgown with small little, realistic looking bats printed on it and he loves it
Fitzgerald is the funny, chill yet weird buisness management professor
Sigma can't decide if he likes him or if he finds him annoying/if he makes him uncomfortable
Fitzgerald made a joke about Sigma's name at least once
Fyodor sometimes dances with one of his boyfriends in thier dorm
One time he danced with Sigma to one of the latters favorite songs when Sigma had a bad day
One time, Fyodor took the lead while Sigma leaned his head against Fyodor's shoulder, closing his eyes and letting himself feel safe and comforted
Dazai just randomly bursting into Fyodor's dorm at the most random times is a thing (Dazai has key to thier dorm for whatever reason just like Fyodor has a key to Dazai's and Chuuya's)
If Bram has a horrible pain day, he stays at his dorm, lying in his bed, not going out or to any lectures and tries to survive the day somehow
Lovecraft also always comes over then
He is at Bram's dorm most of the time anyways
He will bring Bram some books, makes him tea and keeps him company
He knows that there isn't much to make his partner feel better/ to ease the pain but he's still there for him
Often Bram just tries to sleep it off, just like he does with everything else which plagues/bothers him and even theny, Lovecraft will stay by his side, often falling asleep too but still being avilable whenever Bram should need something
Sometimes Bram starts to cry silently out of frustration and pain and while he hopes that Lovecraft won't notice it, the other will always notice it
He then asks if there is anything he can do and if there isn't anything he will simply ask Bram if it would be okay if he lies down next to him, holding him
If Bram gives the okay, he will lie down next to the other, hugging him carefully, not touching his legs and pelvic bone at all, not wanting to cause any more pain and lets Bram cry silently
They don't need any words then. Lovecraft being there is enough then.
Often Bram ends up dozing off when the pain gets a bit lesser and since he is exhaused from crying and usually Lovecraft dozes off right after making sure that Bram is asleep and as well as he can be in such a situation
Each and every time Jouno and Tecchou are in the cafeteria together, there will be a huge discussion about Tecchous food combinations
It's kind of entertaining to watch
Mushitarou has heart palpitations which come from him being stress 90% of the time and from his OCD and they get worse whenever he has a lot of stress again
When Chuuya gets very emotional, angry or irritated, his french accent gets audible and can get pretty thick
Dazai thinks it's adorable
Chuuya dropping french curse words here and there is a thing
Ranpo and Jouno often wear noise canceling headphones in the cafeteria if it's super crowded
All of them are either majoring or minoring in litrature so they often suffer together when they have short deadlines or ask each other what they've wrote for a creative writing assignment
Poe and Chuuya check each others poems
They surprisingly get along super well
Chuuya and Ranpo don't really get along though
Sigma sometimes bakes way too much cookies and brings some cookies to other dorms
Poe can be quiet sarcastic when he's in surroundings where he feels safe
Poe basically trained Karl to also function as a service animal so now he's not only a friend, pet and collegue to him but also a big help when he's getting a panic attack again
Karl will start to nudge Poe and pull on his clothes when the latter is too chaught up, spiraling in his thoughts to notice that he's starting to have a panic attack again
As soon as he is aware of what's happening, Karl will go and search for Ranpo or Mushitaro (or both) and will drag on thier clothes, nudge them and will even bite them in thier ankles if necessary (Poe didn't thought him this. He started doing this himself. Poe scolded him once for it but he keeps doing it when they aren't realizing what's going on or if they won't pay attention which happens rarley thaught.) He then shows them where Poe is.
As soon as they are taking care of his owner, he will bring Poe a bottle of water and some sweets and will proceed to cuddle and lick his cheeks or hands then.
Sometimes he also lies down on his lap as if he's trying to calm down and comfort Poe
If they are in public, he will also get super defensive and tries to keep people who aren't Ranpo or Mushitaro away from Poe
After Mushitaro joined thier relationship and after Karl started to accept having to share Poe with yet another person, he surprisingly started to act them same way when Mushitaro was getting a panic attack or was close to breaking down again
Atsushi spends a lot of his free time at the cafe down the street where his best friend Lucy is working
He spends hours chatting with her, lets her rant about rude cutomers and helps her out sometimes
Louisa is also often in the cafe, visiting her girlfriend
Lucy will always make herself some free time for them
She will always ask Louisa how she's doing, how college is and if anyone dared to bother her
She can and will waltz into the college and she will absolutly destory any person who dared to make Louisa feel bad
She also always praises her girlfriend, makes her her favorite drinks, gives her her favorite pastries and also tries to stop her from overworking herself once again
She is a bit lesser soft to Atsushi (or to any other person who isn't Louisa) but that doesn't mean that she wouldn't care about the other
If she knows that Atsushi will visit her at the cafe again, they will have "coincidentally" his favorite pastry in store and if he forgot his money at his dorm, she will give him the meal on the house "but just this once!"
It will always be "on the house" then
If Atsushi is struggling with college stress, she will roast him for choosing to go to college instead of starting to work like her but she will then offer him support in her very own ways
In general, she supports the most of them during exam season and cares about Atsushi's and Louisa's friend group greatly
She is also the reason why Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, Chuuya,Fyodor,Nikolai, Bram, Lovecraft, Steinbeck, Louisa, Higuchi, Gin, Akutagawa, Sigma, Shibusawa, Ranpo, Poe, Mushitaro and Yosano are allowed to make thier study sessions on fridays and why they are allowed to stay there, even after the shops closing hous, especially during exam phases
Atsushi sometimes brings Akutagawa or Akutagawa and Gin with him to the cafe
Lucy doesn't really like Akutagawa a lot but as long as Atsushi is happy she doesn't mind
Atsushi loves watching series for kids when he's stressed
Dazai sometimes doesn't trust himself while showering at all, especially not when his mental health is worse again, so he sometimes manages to ask Chuuya or Kunikida if they could sit in the bathroom while he's showering so that they can jump in if he tries or does anything funny
Of course they will never deny the request and join him in the bathroom, not looking or judging him
Usually Chuuya sits on the floor with his back against the shower door, playing video games on his Ninentdo or working on his tasks for college while occasionally asking Dazai if everything is okay in there or just randomly chatting with the younger
Kunikida on the other hand often sits on a chair somewhere in the bathroom or also sits on the floor with his back against the shower door, working on his tasks or fixing some issues in his schedule
He never rests tbh
As soon as Dazai is taking way too long, the water is on for way too long, Dazai goes a bit too quiet, they don't hear any movements anymore or as soon as something feels off, even if it's just Dzaai's voice if he replies to something they said, they will get alerted, put away whatever they are doing and knock on the door, asking if everything is okay. if Dazai won't reply they will ask if it's okay if they can come in or go in.
This was only the case once though and luckily nothing dangerous happened. Dazai had started to get too chaught up in dark thoughts and was close to breaking down so Chuuya turned off the water, gently got Dazai back in the here and now, calmed him down, carefully wrapped him up in soft towles and took him out of the shower where he sat him down on the bathtub and tried him off before leading him to thier beds, brining some pyjamas and informing Kunikida about what happened
The other came to thier dorm immediatly, where Chuuya was currently lying in bed with Dazai, holding the other and caressing his back, trying to cheer him up a bit
Kunikida then lied down next to Dazai, hugging him too and asking him how he was doing
They spend the rest of the evening lying in bed, talking about lighthearted stuff and talking shit about people while cuddling thier boyfriend
Nikolai loves gossiping with Sigma while he is doing his make up
He is always super curious about what happened at the casino again
Nikolai and Sigma love playing animal crossing, just like Dazai, Ranpo and Atsushi
Dazai is basically only causing chaos on the islands of others though
Chuuya, Kunikida and Dazai play so much video games together
When Dazai found out that Bram's name was actually Abraham and that "Bram" only was short for it, he was pretty dumbfounded and acted all offended afterwards because how could Bram not tell him such a thing
Bram was basically just like "What"
He infact never told anyone besides Lovecraft. Dazai only found out because he saw Bram's student ID
Not that he wants to keep it a secret tho.
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ur-fav-is-agere · 1 month
Fyodor Dostoevsky from Bungo Stray Dogs
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Is a caregiver!
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