#cas once again being the funniest person in the room
magickastiel · 2 years
14th December - blanket
I am, once again, attempting to write one story through different prompts. I really enjoyed it last time so let’s see if I can do it through December!
check out the other days | now on ao3
Summary: Just a month after defeating Chuck, Sam & Dean are faced with their first real Christmas. Eileen, Jody, Donna, Claire & Kaia descend on the Bunker for a Christmas celebration like no other. But for Dean, Castiel’s confession still weighs heavy. It might be easier to deal with if Cas was actually around to talk to but he and Jack are busy in Heaven. Surely they don’t have time to come home for Christmas…do they?
They smuggle the gifts back into the Bunker with relative ease.
Dean has to shoo off Claire and Jack who are competing to make the funniest video for their respective TikTok accounts. Sam rolls his eyes when Dean asks what the hell TikTok is.
Sam scurries off to his room to hide Eileen’s necklace and, undoubtedly, go searching for Eileen herself.
Dean is wandering back to the kitchen, intent on carrying on with his cooking, when he hears soft voices coming from the library. Curious, he pokes his head around the corner and sees Cas and Kaia sitting on the steps beneath the telescope.
They’re still both in their pyjamas and, to Dean’s surprise, are both sharing a teal crochet blanket.
“- just wish I had more control.” Kaia says, brow furrowed. “I’ve been trying to train myself but it’s so hard. And I wake up even more tired than before I went to sleep.”
Dean turns away, not wanting to intrude, but Cas’ says,
“It’s ok, Dean. You can come in.”
He approaches cautiously, feeling too loud and clumsy to be around the two quietest people of the group.
Kaia offers him a small smile. “I was just telling Cas that my dreamwalking is…getting to be an issue again.”
“But we are not to tell Claire.” Cas says, very serious.
“She’ll get so caught up worrying about me she’ll forget to look after herself and that won’t do any of us any good.”
That does sound like Claire. And, he squirms discomfort, someone else. “I wonder what that's like, Dean.” Cas says to him, the smallest hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
Dean huffs and crosses his arms, choosing to ignore him. “You said it’s an issue again? Did it stop a while ago?”
“Yes.” But Kaia doesn’t look happy about it. “When Chuck destroyed all those other worlds it…my dreams all went dark. Like someone had turned off a light switch. And I started sleeping properly for the first time in…forever!” Her lip trembles. “But it felt all wrong. Like someone had sliced a part of my brain out.”
Dean winces. Cas hums, still listening and considering. Without looking, he picks up one end of the blanket and taps the ground beneath it.
Dean swallows.
There’s absolutely no way he’s getting under that blanket with Cas and his kid’s girlfriend to talk about their supernatural problems. Absolutely no way -
His feet are moving and before he realises what’s happened, his leg is pressing against Cas’ and he’s face to face with Kaia.
Right. Great. No need to freak out. Just…being supportive.
“And now,” Kaia trundles on, oblivious to Dean’s breakdown. “I can dreamwalk again but my body had gotten used to the sleep.”
“Our thinking is,” Cas explains, turning to Dean and almost giving him a heart attack with how close they are. “If Kaia can gain more control, she may be able to positively affect her surroundings. Perhaps even pick which world she sees.”
“Ri-right.” Dean wants to help, he really does. But Cas is so damn warm and he’s only just realising how cold he is. He’s been out in the cold too long and he hadn’t even known it. But now he knows and, god, he really wants to be warm. Under this blanket with Cas -
“Dean?” Oh, and Kaia. “What do you think?”
He clears his throat. “Uh, sure. Why not? I dunno, I’m probably not the person to ask.”
“You have nightmares.” Cas says very matter-of-factly.
“Well…yeah. Every hunter has nightmares.”
“Of course. But yours are worse than most.” Cas speaks with such surety Dean starts to wonder if he’s somehow seen them. “I…” Cas trails off, looking unusually uncomfortable.
“I have, in the past…softened those nightmares with relative success.”
It feels like his breath leaves his body at once. “You…” He curls his fingers into the blanket, holding it higher up his chest like a child. “You what? You can’t just…how?”
“It’s a matter of calming the limbic system - the emotional section in the brain. If the limbic system is calmed, dreams often shift away from horror to mundane.” Cas still looks guilty as his eyes flit to him. “I…I haven’t done that in a long time. I know now that you would most likely consider that an unwelcome intrusion and I wouldn’t do it without your permission.”
“Right. Yeah.” Dean nods, conflicting emotions raging inside him. “Good.”
But is it good? Yeah, it’s weird to think of Cas messing with his brain but the fact that he cared enough to do it in the first place is crazy. With a sinking horror, he realises now why his nightmares were always far worse when Cas was away. He remembers barely sleeping when he lived with Lisa, when Cas lost his grace, when Cas had been stabbed through the heart.
“I am sorry, Dean.” Cas places a hand on Dean’s blanket covered knee and he suddenly feels hot all over.
“No worries, man.” Dean says, forcing a smile as he cringes at himself. “It’s all good.”
“Do you think that could help me?” Kaia asks, leaning forward a little and getting the conversation back on track.
“Perhaps.” Cas tilts his head again and exposes Dean to far more stubble and neck than he thinks is decent. “But I suspect it may be a case of strengthening your prefrontal cortex.”
“Her what now?”
“It’s the area of the brain that allows humans to make decisions and recall memories.” Cas sits forward too, giving Dean an obscene view of his dark ruffled hair and broad shoulders. Not that he’s looking. “It is thought that people with a stronger prefrontal cortex are much more likely to have lucid dreams.”
“You mean ones you can control?”
“Exactly. If I strengthen that area, it may allow you to walk your own path in the worlds you visit.”
Kaia looks excited. “Do it!”
Cas hesitates. “Are you sure? I would have to probe your brain with my grace. It will most likely be painful.”
She swallows but nods. “I’m sure.”
Cas nods in return and gently places both hands either side of her temple. He hesitates, glancing over his shoulder at Dean. But before Dean can say any word of encouragement, Kaia rests one of her small hands over his.
“It’s ok.” She stares into his eyes. “I trust you.”
Cas almost melts at her words but steels himself just in time. His eyes glow blue and Kaia gasps, body going rigid. Dean watches in fascination as Cas’ grace lights up every nerve on her face and bursts from her eyes. For one horrific moment, Dean worries Cas has accidentally smited her but then it’s all over and Kaia is gasping and leaning back heavily against the wall.
“Kaia? Kaia, are you alright? I’m sorry, I didn’t want to - ”
“It’s ok!” She waves away Cas’ fussing. “Really, it’s fine. Just a very weird feeling.” She gets her breath back and even smiles a little. “Well, I don’t feel any different so you can’t have done anything too awful.”
“That’s…not reassuring.”
She grins and slips out from under the blanket. “Even if it doesn’t work, thanks for trying, Cas. Seriously. It means a lot.”
“Of course. I hope it helps.” Cas holds up his end of the teal blanket. “Are you sure I can keep this?”
“Yeah.” She smiles warmly. “I got loads. When I can’t sleep, I crochet. Besides,” She looks between them. “It suits both of you.”
Dean feels the blood drain from his head like a game over screen.
“Oh.” Cas says quietly, holding the blanket tighter. “Thank you, Kaia.”
She wanders off, slipping around the corner and out of sight. Dean’s mind is still blank.
“Did she - does she think we’re…” He trails off, unable to finish. If he finishes that sentence then he might have to give an opinion on that sentence and he really can’t.
“I suspect she was teasing.” Cas says but he sounds on edge, like he’s ready to spring away at a moment’s notice.
“Yeah. Yeah, she probably was.”
There’s a heavy pause. Dean’s mind whirrs with images of running away and never coming back, of laughing it off and clapping Cas on the back. Of grabbing Cas’ face and planting a desperate kiss on those lips.
“Dean, we haven’t really had a chance to - ”
“Kitchen.” Dean half-shouts, standing up so quickly the blanket falls to the floor. “I gotta, uh, get to the kitchen.”
“Oh.” He tries to ignore the slightly hurt expression on Cas’ face. “Of course, Dean. You must have a lot to do.”
“Yeah!” Dean tries to push through the awkwardness with enthusiasm. “Got stuff to peel. Gotta make a tart for Sam! Forgot about that. Yeah, I’m making him a vegetarian tart. Don’t tell him though, it’s a surprise!”
Cas stands slowly, carefully draping the blanket over his arm. “I’m sure he will appreciate that.”
“Yeah.” Dean’s mouth is dry as he tries to mentally convince himself he’s not an asshole. “Yeah, I hope so ‘cause it’s taken a lot of work!”
“I’m sure.”
Cas looks at him, blue eyes like midnight in the dimming light. Dean knows he should be fleeing but he feels pinned, held in place by his own wonderment. It only gets worse when Cas reaches up and rests a hand on Dean’s left shoulder.
“You always do so much for everyone, Dean. You work so hard for all of us.” Cas squeezes his arm. “We are very grateful. But remember to make time for yourself too. And to ask for help if you need it.”
Dean’s tongue feels too big for his mouth and his heart feels too big for his chest. “Ok.”
With that, Cas drifts away, footsteps as soft as a feather on the breeze.
Dean stares after him and aches to follow.
Instead, Dean’s sensible feet take him back to the kitchen.
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sortasirius · 4 years
Prompt: Dean drives Sam to the library routinely & pretends he hates it (but Sam knows he has a library card). Dean's started seeing a new face in the library, always reading books about spiders, but he doesnt how to break the ice. Until one day, he finally sits down and invites Cas over to his place to see his pet tarantula. When they get there, the tarantula is missing. Both are afraid of spiders: Cas was only researching for an assignment & Dean only got a tarantula to impress Cas.
This is literally the funniest prompt I have ever received, I literally laughed for a minute straight when I read it.  Thank you so much, this was such a fun one to write, I hope you like it!
Words: 2063 (what can I say, the spider sparked my creativity)
Dean pretends to hate the library.  Someone had to put up the front of being the cool intimidating brother, and they both knew that wasn’t going to be Sam, even though he was about a foot taller than Dean now.  No, that didn’t make Dean self-conscious.
He takes Sam to the library at least once a week, Sam insists he studies better when he was there, Dean rolling his eyes and relenting, sprawling out in one of the hard wooden chairs and pretending to be bored on his phone until he could sneak off to peruse the stacks himself, where he was sure Sam wouldn’t see him.  He reads Tolstoy and Vonnegut and Dostoyevsky and Salinger, even dipping into those Hunger Games books that everyone was so unto a few years before (his review? They’re pretty good, make him feel like he’s a fast reader).
It’s an easy routine, something that Dean will never in a million years admit how much he enjoys.  The quiet shelves that all smell like dust, pencil shavings, and old books are peaceful, something that makes him feel like he can breathe a little easier, that life is a simple as sinking down onto the worn, stained carpet, his back being poked by a metal divider between the S’s and the T’s and losing himself in the inky words printed on the page.
One Sunday in the dead of winter, Dean’s in his usual hiding place in the back corner of the library.  It’s a little darker here, but when your eyes get used to the lower light, it’s easy to read.  He’s lost in the world of Jack Kerouac’s On The Road today, and is so immersed that he doesn’t even notice someone looking at the shelves next to him, right up until they trip over his feet in the aisle and crash onto the floor with a thud loud enough to shake the books stacked towards the ceiling.
“Shit!” Dean cries in a stage whisper, surprised, but not surprised enough to use a regular speaking voice, he isn’t an animal, this is a library after all.  He scrambles to help the person up in the semi-darkness and then is face to face with a pair of wide blue eyes.
“Sorry,” the stranger whispers, trying to arrange his clothes, which Dean notices fit the attire of a college professor more than a student, and this guy looked like a student.
“S’no problem, my fault, I probably shouldn’t sit in the middle of the aisle.”
The guy nods, smiling a little shyly, and then hurries off before Dean can even catch his name.  Damn.  He was good looking too.
Dean sheepishly moves out of the aisle and to a small table which, though more in the light, is also open enough that Sam could see him if he walks by, and Dean still wasn’t sure he wants to deal with the smug look that would take up residence on his brother’s face if he saw him reading.  But man, this book was just a little too good to put down.
Surprise surprise, he does get caught.  Sam taps him on the shoulder with a wide grin, his bag hooked over his shoulder, clearly ready to go.
“So much for hating the library huh?”
“Ok, whatever, I just come here for the pictures.”
“Kerouac isn’t exactly kid’s stuff.”
Dean rolls his eyes and gets to his feet, looking anywhere but at Sam.  He tucks the book under his arm.  He had to check it out and finish it tonight, it’s just that good.
They walk by the guy that had tripped over Dean earlier. He’s hunched over his table, his hands flying across a notepad he has next to him, several books about spiders spread out around him.  Dean makes a mental note of it.  He was going to talk to that guy if he saw him again, he’s always up for a good challenge, and spider-boy looked like the perfect one.
He does see spider-boy again the next week, when Sam simply has to study for a midterm he has coming up.  He’s wearing thick glasses with dark frames this time, his nose an inch from the diagram of a garden spider he’s copying.  Dean tries to work up the courage to go talk to him, but there’s something so taboo about interrupting someone when they’re so clearly in a groove, so Dean watches him from the non-fiction section, observing the way his hair brushes the edge of the book he’s staring at, and the way he cracks his knuckles every so often when his hand starts cramping.
Dean decides he’s being a freak.  He goes back to his little table and picks up Tortilla Flat by Steinbeck.
It goes on like this for nearly two months.  Dean sees spider-boy every week, who’s name, he learns, is Cas, always at the same table, always working on something to do with spiders. And every week, Dean swears he’s going to go talk to him, but he has no idea how.  He’s never been this nervous to talk to someone, but there’s a little nagging voice in the back of his head, what if this guy thought he was an idiot? What if they had nothing to talk about?
So, he does what he does best: he hatches a master plan at his little table in the back of the library.
He’s a genius.
“You’re an idiot,” Sam sighs, staring out the window of the Impala at the looming brick building of the library grew closer.  Dean had put his plan into action the day before, and was eager to get to the library and ask Cas to come home with him, see his prize.  He had insisted that Sam get a ride home with his girlfriend, and Sam had been only too happy to oblige.
“This’ll make a great story for Eileen I guess.”
“This is going to work.”
Sam laughs again.
“Like I said, you’re an idiot.”
Dean doesn’t waste time.  The second he steps inside, and smells the familiar old-book smell, he heads straight for Cas’ table.  Cas is wearing his glasses today, and is reading a book called The History of the Arachnid, he’s leaning back on his chair so two legs were off the ground. A rebel.  Dean’s kinda guy.
Dean plops down across from him, and Cas lowers his book in surprise.
“Hi, you probably don’t remember me-”
“I see you every week.”
This catches Dean off guard.  Cas arches an eyebrow, and then laughs a little.
“I’m Cas.”
Dean knows this, the librarian, Mrs. Covere, is a total gossip who loves Dean, and he had wheedled it out of her three weeks prior to hatching his plan.
“Hi Cas, I’m Dean.”
“Nice to meet you, Dean,” Cas smiles at him, clearly intrigued, and Dean isn’t going to disappoint.
“Listen,” Dean starts, leaning across the table with his hands clasped in front of him, “I see you reading a lot about spiders.  And, though there are other books out there, I was wondering if you wanted to stope reading about them and come meet a real one.”
Cas pales by a few degrees, and Dean rushes to explain so he doesn’t come across like a total freak.
“It’s just.  Uh, well, I just got this guy, and he seems pretty cool, and you, uh, seem into spiders and I was just wondering if you, like you totally don’t have to, I don’t want to make it seem like, anyway, uh, the offer’s there?  I guess…”
He trails off, kicking himself for rambling so much.  That was not part of the master plan.  But Cas, though still pale, smiles at him again.
“Sure, as long as you promise not to murder me.”
Dean grins back.
“Scout’s honor,” he raises his hand in salute, “You can ask Mrs. Covere, she’ll vouch for me.”
The ride over to Sam and Dean’s shared apartment with Cas is quiet.  He doesn’t seem to feel every silence with words, and Dean’s the same, he likes that.  He wasn’t sure he could talk much anyway, he would probably say something that would ruin the surprise.
Dean jumps out of the car and hustles to his door the second he parks, and Cas follows, still with those wide, interested eyes, his reading glasses tucked carefully into the breast pocket of his dress shirt. Dean had never seen anyone dress so formally all the time, he would have to ask him about it, after his amazing ice-breaker.
Dean heads straight for the enclosure the man at the pet store had suggested to him, looks in the tank…and his stomach falls into his shoes.
There is supposed to be a tarantula that Dean had purchased in that tank.  There is not a tarantula in that tank.
“Ha ha,” Cas is standing next to him, also looking into the clearly empty tank, “Good one.  Where did you hide it?”
Dean’s throat is very dry.  His eyes flick from floor, to wall, to ceiling.  Can they even get on the ceiling?
“Um.  This isn’t a joke.  He, uh, got out I guess.”
Cas eyes widen with palpable fear, he takes an automatic step toward the door.
“Oh hell no, nope no, I gotta go.”
“Wait!  You’re the only one here with any idea at all what to do!”
Cas gapes at him, Dean feels like he’s hyperventilating, suddenly feeling like there was maybe something on his back.
“What do you mean?  I don’t know anything about-”
“You’ve read nothing but spider books for the last two months!”
“It was for my term paper!  I hate spiders!”
“Well I do too!”
“Then why do you have one in your house?!”
“Because it was my master plan!  I thought it would impress you!”
Cas splutters, half laughing.
“Wait,” Dean continues, “Why did you come with me if you hate spiders?”
“Because I wanted to impress you,” Cas cries, still looking all around the room for their missing spider friend.  Dean follow his eyes, searching for the traitor.  He was supposed to get him laid, not be a cock block.
You’re gonna have such a cool home after this too, he thinks bitterly, you do this to me, and I’m going to give you to Charlie.  She loves all kinds of weird pets, you’ll be living the dream, I don’t deserve this man.
Yes, he’s talking to a tarantula in his head, these are desperate times.
He looks up at Cas, half desperate, half terrified that Cas was going to walk out the door and start going to the library across town.
“Listen, please help me find him, and I swear I’ll take you on a normal date after.”
Cas just nods.
It takes them the better part of an hour to track down the spider, who is hiding in the corner of the living room by Dean’s guitar, and then ten minutes of rock, paper, scissors to decide who picks him up. Dean loses, damn paper, and doesn’t immediately yell when it crawls on his hand because this is a delicate operation and, even though he hates spiders, he actually didn’t want to freak the little dude out.
Dean calls Charlie immediately after he’s back in his enclosure, and tells her she needs to come grab her new pet ASAP.  He and Cas sit on the couch, staring at the lighted enclosure, trying to make sure the tarantula stayed in place this time.
Charlie shows up ten minutes later, bouncing on the balls of her feet, and happily scoops the spider into a “travel carrier” as she calls it. Dean carries all the spider supplies out to her car, and as she straps him carefully into the passenger seat she calls,
“Say bye to Aragog!”
Dean and Cas wave as she drives away, Charlie eyeing Dean from her rearview mirror.  He knows he’s going to have to give a full report later.
“I have to say,” Cas says quietly after a minute, “That was the most fun I’ve ever had on a first date.”
Dean’s heart skips a beat.  
“Just how I drew it up.  You hungry?  Let’s go get something to eat.”
Cas slides his hand into Dean’s as they walk towards his car, and Dean can’t help but think he owes Aragog a drink or two.
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norahastuff · 3 years
JimmyDean thing was supposed to be lucifer prank call 2.0. They were never gonna make Dean textually bi so it was just to show that Dean is not put off by the confession and was eager to meet Cas sometime in the future... offscreen 🥴
I mean I’ve heard that before and even if it’s true ( I’m not saying it’s not it sounds like a plausible explanation) it’s still the funniest and stupidest way to get that point across...and honestly more than a little disrespectful and insensitive for a whole mess of reasons.
I guess I’m kind of just missing something on the whole “if Dean got to see Cas it would be too gay” narrative because (feel free to skip this part, it’s long and not particularly related to the Jimmy topic): 
1) Yes Cas’ confession was explicitly romantic, but the people who didn’t want to see it that way have completely managed to look at it as a platonic best friend “I love you.” I’m baffled by how they did it, but they somehow did. 
2) Dean was supposed to say “I love you” to Cas in s8 and it wasn’t removed because of any no homo reasons, but rather because of Jensen’s note that Dean has never said I love you to anyone. Which became an important narrative thread in the show with all the “Who do you love?” “I’m not with the whole love and...love” “this is a marvelous story Neil full of love and heartbreak...and love” all building up to Dean facing his issues with Mary and finally being able to say I love you, after which he was able to say it, to Mary, to Sam and even to John. In fact, if I’m remembering Lebanon correctly, Dean was the only one who said “I love you” to John in that episode. Not Sam or Mary, it had to be Dean. It’s just very strange that there’s been a pretty strong indication for a long time that Dean would eventually be able to tell both Sam and Cas that he loved them (regardless of the nature of that love - I don’t think he would have clarified - not as explicitly as Cas did at least.) 
Anyway, the point is I don’t think they would have needed to clarify Dean being textually bi, or textually in love with Cas in order for him to see him again. Hell they wouldn’t even have to clarify it if he was going to tell Cas he loved him. But I guess only your blood family deserves to hear that.
I’m not saying you're wrong, I’m just saying that line of logic is an insane, twisted, nonsensical path for the show to take and I’m missing the step between “Dean seeing Cas again” and “confirmed bi Dean/Dean’s in love with Cas too.” There are so many things in between those two extremes. 
I don’t know I guess I find it kind of hard to speculate about what was supposed to happen/why it changed because the finale we got erased everyone else’s importance from the story. It was just about Sam and Dean and how the only important relationship in their lives was each other. Nobody else really factored into it. Like for instance if the point was supposed to be (like we were shown at the end of 15x19) that Dean had taken Cas’ words to heart and was trying to be the person Cas wanted him to be, it would have been easy to simply have a short conversation between Dean and Sam talking about that. I think that was the moment when watching the finale that I realised what was happening. Because Dean acknowledging his best friend of 12 years’ death or how it affected him would have nothing to do with being “too gay.” And yet that conversation or that acknowledgment never came. Dean didn’t mention Cas once during the finale. He dismissed Sam’s words, got pie shoved in his face and then trotted off to a barn to die at the hands of Jenny and the Vamp Mimes, only to then drive alone through heaven for like 40 years till Sam showed up and he was allowed to have feelings again.
And honestly, that’s not a “no homo” thing. That’s a “this story is about Sam and Dean and Sam and Dean alone so we can’t acknowledge another strong complex long-standing bond Dean had that changed him, because that doesn’t fit into the narrative of just the two of them against the world for always.” See also blurry wife instead of Eileen and no “The Road So Far” recap. Like Cas, neither of those fit the narrative.
So yeah I completely lost the thread there and started rambling...that bonkers plot twist belongs in some other version of the finale because 15x20 is what it is, and in the story it told, there’s not any room for anyone else, not even Jimmy Novak who, and I cannot stress this enough, does not like Dean. Or Cas for that matter - I would love to see how they justified him hanging out in Dean’s corner of heaven, just waiting to deliver exposition on the fate of the angel who ruined his family’s lives. Oh and all of that after being mistaken for said angel by Dean because they have unresolved emotional drama to deal with. I’m sure Jimmy would have been thrilled about that! I’m sure that’s his idea of heaven...
Yeah, I’d only buy it if they went the route of “Cas can’t deal with the aftermath of his confession so he’s pretending to be Jimmy Novak to avoid truly facing Dean.” In that case I am fully on board.
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October 13 - To Tell You the Truth
[Read on AO3]
Dean looks carefully to his left and right before stepping up to Rowena's shop, checking and rechecking that there's no one looking his way. He's not sure what would happen if a rando saw him walking through the enchanted doorway, but he figures it's best to be discreet.
The spell that conceals The Cloak of Midnight from anyone who doesn't need what the witch has no longer seems to affect him. He can always see the shop now, nestled in between the travel agent and the storefront that currently houses a falafel vendor named Ash. (Ash is a trip, and his kifta is killer, so Dean's pulling for him to stick around for a while.) Dean doesn't know if Rowena made a magical exception for him, or if the spell is still doing its job in its usual way. Because the truth is, Rowena has something that he always needs – her live-in apprentice, and his boyfriend of exactly one year, Castiel.
Once he's certain he's unobserved, Dean steps through the door and straight into said boyfriend's arms.
“Hello, Dean,” Cas's deep voice rumbles in his ear. “Happy anniversary.”
“Happy anniversary, babe,” he murmurs in reply. He pulls back just far enough for a peck on the lips. “We doin' this?”
Cas's face twists. “We don't have to. Dean, I told you--”
“I know we don't have to. But I want to. I want you to feel safe, honeybee. It's okay. Really.” He touches their foreheads together and looks him in the eye. “Really,” he breathes.
His boyfriend is still for a minute, then Dean feels him nod softly. “Okay. Thank you.” Their hug breaks, and Cas calls towards the back room. “Rowena? We're ready.”
As if she'd been awaiting her cue, the red-haired witch bustles out immediately. She's holding a teapot, and she gestures towards a small table in a corner of the store, set with two empty cups. “Have a seat, now,” she says. “Tea's on.”
She places the pot in the center of the table and Dean and Cas sit, gazing across at each other through the fragrant steam.
Rowena claps once, and every tiny everyday sound in the room comes to a halt. It feels as if even the dust motes floating in the air around them freeze in their places.
“Well met, my friends,” she intones. “We are here today, we three, of our own free will, are we not?”
“Yes, Rowena,” they murmur in response.
“An' we gather here with no malice or ill will borne towards each other, aye?”
“Yes, Rowena.”
“Dean and Castiel, do you place your trust in me, and in each other?”
“Yes, Rowena.”
She claps again, and the gentle motions of the world around them resume. “I'll be mother, then, shall I?” Without waiting for an answer, she takes up the teapot and fills their cups. There is exactly enough tea for the both of them, without so much as a drop lingering on the spout. “Drink up, boys. Remember what I told you.” She sashays out of the room.
As soon as she's gone, Cas starts to fidget. He clears his throat, and Dean knows what he's going to say, so he leans forward and joins their hands. “Cas,” he soothes. “I want to.”
Cas gulps and nods.
When they'd decided to do this, Rowena had been very thorough in explaining the process, so now they move as one to pick up their cups and drain the contents. The tea is sweet and a little bit minty, and just as the witch had forewarned, it makes Dean's brain feel fuzzy and loose. He grins at his boyfriend. “Truth spell's in effect, babe. Ask me anything.”
“I feel like I've got you under interrogation,” Cas mutters ruefully. “Can you state your name for the record?” he recites, like he's a cop talking to a perp on a bad TV show.
Dean tries to laugh, but instead he feels his mouth begin to move without his volition. “Dean Michael Winchester,” he declares. It feels like the words are being pulled out of him, and it's an odd and rather shocking sensation.
Cas must see the surprise on his face, because he asks, “Are you still okay with this, Dean?”
Dean nods while the words spill out. “Yes, Cas. I'm okay with it. I trust you.”
This seems to settle something in Cas, and he presses forward with more confidence. “How do you feel about magic?” he asks.
“I think it's really cool.”
“How do you feel about having to keep magic a secret, even from your family and friends?”
“I don't like having to keep it a secret, but I understand why I need to.”
“Would you ever intentionally do anything to betray the secret”
“No, never.”
Dean expects another question right away, but Cas hesitates. The fidget is back, and his boyfriend isn't meeting his eyes. Dean takes Cas's hand again. “Ask what you wanna ask, babe. It's okay, I promise.”
“How do you feel about me?” he grits out in response.
The answer flows out of him like tea pouring from a pot. “I love you, Cas. You're my best friend, and the best boyfriend I've ever had. I think you're amazing.” Despite the fact that they are under a strong enchantment, and it's physically impossible for either of them to lie, Dean can see that somehow Cas is still skeptical. Dean squeezes his hand and smiles. “Ask me why,” he prompts.
Cas shakes his head. “No, Dean, I can't ask you that. It's not right.”
“Ask me why I love you, honeybee. I want you to.”
A sigh, a long pause, and then, “Why do you love me?”
“I love you because you're beautiful, inside and out. I love you because you're the kindest, smartest, funniest person I've ever met. I love you because, even though people have been pushing you down your whole life, calling you a freak or a weirdo, you never closed yourself off. You never stop putting love out into the world, and I'm the luckiest guy ever that now you give some of that love to me. I love you because you're fantastic in bed. The way you do that thing with your tongue where you--”
Cas blushes furiously and clamps his hand over Dean's mouth, as a muffled snort from the other room makes it clear that they've got an audience. “Rowena!” he yells. “A little privacy?”
The witch pokes her head out of the back. “I need to make sure nothing goes wrong with the spell, don't I? I'm just keepin' ya both safe.” She attempts to school her face into an expression of innocence, but she can't entirely repress her smirk. “Anyway, I should let you boys know, there's only a few minutes left on the enchantment.”
Cas glares at her until she pulls her head back through the doorway, then turns to Dean again. “I'm done anyway. Go ahead and ask your questions.” He sits up straighter, hands in his lap, like he's steeling himself for cross-examination.
Dean smiles. “Nah, I'm good.”
“I said I'm good. I don't have anything to ask.”
“But Dean, this is your chance. Isn't there anything you want to know?”
“Well, okay, actually there is one thing. What do you really think of my car?”
“She's too big, too loud, and her gas mileage is appalling. But she's beautiful, and I love her because you love her.” The stunned look on Cas's face while all of this spills out of him is priceless. “Also, I'm grateful her backseat is so roomy because I love it when you--”
It's Dean's turn to hastily cover his boyfriend's mouth. “Oookay, thank you, got it, we're done here.” Dean lets his hand drop, and they grin at each other. There's a cool shivery feeling that passes over them both as the spell finishes, and just like that, it's over.
Cas furrows his brow. “Is that really the only thing you wanted to ask me? Isn't there anything else you're worried about, about us?”
“Nope,” Dean says, popping the p. “Honeybee, I understand why you needed this from me. I know you've been hurt bad before, and that it's hard for you to give your trust away. And I know that the stakes are higher for you, because you've got to make sure I'll keep your and Rowena's secrets. And don't get me wrong, I worry about a lot of stuff – climate change, tax season, Sammy's dating life, that weird noise the refrigerator is making... But I don't worry about us. We're solid. I can look at the way you treat me, I can look in your pretty eyes, and I know in my heart that you love me. And now you can be sure that I love you just as much. So, happy anniversary, baby.”
“Happy anniversary, beloved. And thank you.”
“Any time, Cas.”
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snexy-the-snail · 5 years
Family bonding
A wonderful request of spn fluff! I just love pred Dean honeslty-
Dean loved his odd little family. That was it he loved them all fiercely and would die for them without hesitation, hell he had died for them and he'd do it again.
When they stumbled across the whole being able to literally eat each other without hurting anyone it was weird but not out of the question. It came in handy on hunts when someone got hurt, or if Jack tried to sneak out. Soon it just became a usual thing that they used for comfort or just teasing.
It was afternoon and Dean still wasnt hungry, he didnt feel like eating either but he felt ridiculously empty. He groans unhappily and lays on the couch bored out of his mind. There wasnt a case anywhere nearby and with the hunter's network all the far away cases were being taken care of. So begrudgingly that left the original people of the bunker to relax or answer the few phone calls to play FBI administrators.
Dean let's a little grunt out when Jack catapults himself over the couch at the end, right by his feet. He coudlnt help but smile slightly at the kid's antics. He was sweet that much was for sure, and yes he was innocent despite being satan's literal love child.
"Hey squirt, what's up?" He asks stretching out a bit as he waited for Jack's response. He wasn't expecting to be flopped on. Sometimes he forgot Jack may have been in the body of a teen but he was still a child. Literally.
"I want to sleep but I cant." Jack says seriously. Dean sighs as the kid cuddles up close to him, Jack obviously hinting at what he really wanted. Sam had totally taught him that, he had no doubt about it. Sometimes he wondered if Cas really was the most mature out of them.
"Are you hinting at something?" He asks looking at the mess of dirty blond hair. Jack's face was buried in his chest and Dean knew he wasnt going to be getting an answer anytime soon.
He chuckles softly and runs a hand through Jack's hair. He shifts up slightly, smiling when his kid followed the movement, keeping his face firmly planted in his chest.
"I'm going to take that as a yes." He says. It honestly reminded him of a younger Sam. His brother used to cuddle up close to him when they were younger, it was one of the things he missed from his childhood.
Dean stretches out a bit more and rests a hand on the back of Jack's back. Maybe taking the kid inside would push the numbness away. It was always nice to tuck away a member of his awkward little family, it made him feel like he could protect them against everything. He smiles a bit as he focuses on the kids heart beat until he felt Jack's size slowly start to diminish. He smiles a bit as Jack keeps scooting up trying to stay on his chest as he kept shrinking down.
"You know you just have to ask you dork." He muses as he scoops Jack up. The kid was grinning widely, completely at ease with the situation which was weird all things considering. Then again their family was weird as hell, no one was exactly human and everyone had been possessed at least once and they werent exactly human at this point. He grins slightly and lifts Jack up to his face, the kid sitting criss cross eagerly.
"Sam said it's better to imply what you want." Jack says oh so innocently. Dean rolls his eyes and just opens his mouth tilting his hand toward. He knew Jack wasnt hurt mostly due to his giggles as if this was the funniest things to ever happen. He chuckles soflty and carefully closes his mouth, not wanting to accidentally take a limb off.
He leans on the couch as he pushes the kid around in his mouth getting him slicked up for the ride down, swallowing dry was hell for both people. He smirks slightly when Jack's elated giggling started up again. One thing they learned early on was that Jack was extremely ticklish, cute information they all exploited the shit out of it.
He tilts his head back slowly letting Jack have a chance to lay flat to avoid any issues of getting stuck accidentally and swallows.
Dean had to admit the first swallow was always the worst, it wasn't a normal feeling to have tiny feet squashed into your throat but it got a lot better after the second or so swallow. He tilts his head back and swallows hard Jack slipping in a lot easier than he remembered last time. He pushed it to the side figuring he was just getting used to swallowing the kid down. Wow that was a weird sentence. He shudders at the feeling of Jack moving slowly down. It was surreal knowing that he was swallowing an actual person and the fact they would be safe was just icing on the cake. He grins slightly wincing at the tight feeling before Jack plopped in.
"Well that hit the spot." He says teasingly resting a hand over where he knew Jack was. He knew the kid was moving around, he could feel it. Damn bastard was just to energetic.
"Thanks Dean!"
Dean shakes his head fondly. The kid had wormed his way into everyone's hearts he swore. He didnt know when it happened but he did, and honeslty he didnt mind anymore. He stretches relishing the feeling of his muscles tightening around the kid before getting up. He wondered what his angel was doing. The empty feeling wasnt exactly filled up yet, besides it wasnt like they had anything to do. He grins to himself and starts off to Cas's room.
"Mmhm no problem kid." He replies patting absentmindedly at his stomach. He coudlnt help but snicker when he felt the kid fall back and squirm around trying to get back up.
One his way to Cas's room he passed the library, backing up when he heard and saw Sam on the phone. Perfect.
"Yes, I did send Agents Farly and Genish to investigate in your area." Sam says rubbing his face tiredly not noticing his brother creeping up behind him. He honestly hated being on phone duty, the calls were always business never the hunter's checking in.
"Yeah, mmhm they are able to take DNA samples." He adds on, jolting slightly when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He glances behind him, narrowing his eyes when he saw his brother grinning back at him mischievously. He coudlnt exactly do anything to drive Dean away, he had to remain on the phone with the officer to keep these hunter's cover.
"Oh there's two sets of agents? It might be a mix up, may I have their names as well?" He says. He scowls when he notices everything was getting significantly larger. Well played Dean, very well played. He gestures at the phone and shakes his head trying to get his brother to give up the idea but he knew it wasnt going to work.
"Mm it looks like we're doubling up, it is 50 missing people after all sir." He says keeping his voice calm even if he was about to kick his brother's ass. He knew perfectly well he was stuck on the phone, the ass. He scowls as he was scooped up, a lot higher than usual, Dean opened his mouth and slowly started sliding him in.
Sam grimaces at the warm hitting his legs as he slid in deeper. He tried pushing himself back out but it proved to be useless, especially when his brother started to swallow, his feet getting sucked into the tight space with ease. God his brother was such a dick.
"No sir I wasnt insulting you, I'm just saying it's highly unusual for a small town isnt it? We're afraid it's a mass- yes I'm having some interference over here, nothing to worry about. Sorry it should be over soon." He sighs with a sigh, grimacing as he was dragged down deeper. He honestly wished he could put up a bit more of a fight than just wriggling around the only issue was that it would probably seriously hurt his brother.
He grimaces as he gets all slimed up, and pulled down deeper into his brother. This wasnt the worst thing, at least Dean hadn't decided to play a little came of cat and mouse.
"Yes I understand your concern but I can assure you they are some of the best." He says coolly grimacing as he was squashed down into his brother's stomach.
"Hi Sam!"
And Jack was here too, why should he be surprised. He sighs soflty and shifts a bit trying to get into a comfortable position without squashing Jack. He settled for spooning Jack and leaning into a stomach wall. He sunk a few inches into the soft flesh but figured it was better than being pressed face first into the muscle.
"Alright, yes. Goodbye, ah no problem, have a nice day, alright bye." He says before hanging up quickly buttoning the phone into a pocket. "Hey Jack, how's your power training going?" He asks with a slight smile choosing to be angry with Dean later rather than now. It could be worse.
"Hey Cas, so I've got-" Sam was almost glad Cas cut Dean off, he wouldn't ever get used to the rumbling of his brother's voice. It felt like he was in the impala with the bass turned up way to loud.
"I'm getting better, it's getting easier to control them now." Jack says happily, Sam deciding to ignore the outside conversation for now and listen to Jack excitedly prattle on about how he was learning how to 'put a cork' on his powers without hurting himself or anyone else. He didnt pay attention to Dean until he heard him swallowing again. Did this man think he had infinite room? Becuase news flash he didnt.
"Aw man, Dean seriously? If you wanted movie night or soemthing you should've told us asshole!" He calls out whacking a stomach fold. He rolls his eyes when he got a rumbling chuckle in response.
Soon enough they were all shifting in a mass of limbs, trying to get comfortable again. How his brother had the courage to tuck them all away he never knew, it had to be slightly uncomfortable for him, then again he had seen his brother pack away more than half of his body weight in food before.
"Hello Sam." Cas says shifting slightly as he settled again his chest. All things considering it wasn't too bad, well minus the closeness and the slime. He sighed soflty letting a small grunt out when Jack pushed against them, the stomach growling unhappily as it tried to conform around them.
"Hey Cas." He says sighing tiredly. Dean really needed to start sleeping instead of drinking coffee, the smell was starting to get permanent down here. He raises an eyebrow as the stomach wall squishes against them like Dean was laying down, knowing his brother he probably was.
"Didja finish your show today?" He continues on the conversation. He squirms slightly trying to get more comfortable scowling when he felt Dean pressing again his back.
"I will tomorrow, I have three more episodes." Cas responds, not seeming even the slightest bothered by where he was. Then again he was an angel, why should he be?
"Don't watch them without me, I wanna know what happens." Jack pipes up trying to shift up but ultimately gives up when his father forced him to stay down.
"Of course. You are just as invested as I am in the show, it would be a crime to watch without you." Cas says with a small huff as if he couldnt believe his kid would suggest such a thing.
Sam shakes his head fondly. He figured this was his life now, and he was strangely alright with it. Sure it was strange and filled with thick mucus but it was his family and hey at least they were pretty damn close.
He sighs fondly and relaxes listening to Cas and Jack talk about their show and possible ending it might have, the whooshing of his brother's lungs and steady heart beat making him relax more.
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vapidsims · 5 years
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This guy again?
yes im bringing him again 
This time for @shae-sims Casa Amor! 
Name: Caster Lang
Age: 28
Ethnic: Blasian
Personality: Goofball| Exra| Micheivious
Occupation: tech assistant. freelance on the side.
Hobby: fishing
Sign: Gemini
From: Brindleton bay
If you ask anybody who knows him on a surface level they’ll probably say Caster’s one of the funniest most charming dudes they ever met. That he brightens up the room when he walks in, goofing off with the finger guns and all that, makin the jokes! he’ll make an absolute fool of himself tryna get that old man sitting at the bar to chuckle.
Ask somebody who knows him on a more tertiary level and they’ll say…well, hes a bit off. they dont know what it is though, they couldnt possibly begin to explain whats rubbed them the wrong way. and strangely enough, the time they start feeling like that is the same time Caster goes *poof* out of their social lives.
( long text and mommy/daddy issues under the cut)
Lets get educational here, Who is Caster Lang? Hes certainly not gonna tell you.
Ask him about personal stuff, you get roundabout answers. want to pry? you may as well be pulling his teeth.
But hes a great guy so no big deal. Right? Right.
Hes a prankster, he loves jokes, he smiles and laughs, A LOT.  Somebody stole his car? he’ll probably just make a self depricating joke about it and keep on rolling on foot.
he dosnt…seem to care.
He was born to an (initially) happy couple, until just a day after his birth, where his mother decided she didnt love her husband any more. she tried to stick the marriage out, but it fell apart after six more years. A nasty divorce proceeded. And as it turned out after all that. Neither parent wanted their kid.
Then he spent a little too long being bounced from relative to relative until he ended up in foster care anyway. And by the time that happened he was too old to be wanted. He got taken in by an old man who really needed company….And a maid. As soon as he was old enough to mind himself and the old guy had died. Caster bounced off to the other side of the country and left everything/everybody back home in the dust.
Hes the local funnydude. sure. hes got charm. yeah. but on the underside, he likes to be at the center of a trainwreck. He moves quietly… Theres a loose thread hanging off of everybody and hes waiting to pull and watch what unravels. just like what happened with his parents. Dan across the street has a little insecurity that he accidently mentions offhand? you can bet Caster filed that away in his memory to use later. Caster meets Dans wife at the store some months from then? they chat about Dan for a bit. Then the neighbors are whispering. And then the town is whispering…
Its not his fault, the problem was already there, he just…casually made them aware of it…   its a slow burn, it takes time to catch….but man does he love to watch the flames…
And nobody suspects him. Unassuming a$s
Cas and Dan across the street will still be friends for a while. But Dan eventually starts to feel the same strange feeling others get after being exposed to him too long. Caster is used to this, hes a walking,talking, self fulfilling prophecy. Hes a curse that just keeps cursing…. hes up in smoke just like that.
Dude goes into everything prepared for and expecting rejection, he makes it so….why join a show?
He just wants to make people laugh at his funny ass on tv? yes maybe.
Is he there a chance he could actually find somebody who cares about him? hopefully. but he knows not to get his hopes up. he dosent make it easy…
He wants to plant seeds in the background and then watch the absolute sh*tshow  tree that grows out of them? probably.
All of the above? most definitely.
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More details:
hes obviously never seen a therapist. hes an expert at self managing. whats that? thats his third cup of iced cream? whatever he’ll work it off.
Hes happy to please. you want him to get those heavy buckets. yes of course! want him to drive across town to get that gourmet cheesecake for you? sure thing! anything else? you can run him ragged.
Kinda into masochism dont @ him
He doesnt sleep as much as any human should. Its not unusual for you to get up at 3am and hes just…standing, in the kitchen, eating more icecream. he’ll say hes got insomnia. the dark circles under his eyes say so too.
He loves cats, and the cats love him. whenever he goes fishing he’d gladly give the scraps to all his adoring strays. They dont promise him anything and then leave, they just do cat things.
tried reaching out to his family a few times while living with the old man and either got short replies or outright “dont talk to me”s
If you’re gonna fite him it better be right there and then cause if you tell him to “meet you in the back of the mountain steak shack a quarter past midnigt on the eve of a full moon” He aint showing up. hes at home watching dr phil.
He does NOT skip leg day. or…overall body day. tries (and mostly fails) to hide that hes ripped.
greens and blues are his favorite colors.
has a hard time dressing himself. he tries hard.
“But what about finding his true love”?
He’d like to. however comma,
Is anyone gonna put up with him once they find out how he is? whom of yall like fixing a broken house? xD
(pls enjoy fixing a broken house, or helping him unpack his issues, buy his therapy)
“What about the prize money”?
save it for a nice place to live and adopt the most unwanted kid he could find and spoil them. (he IS a jerk undercover but this probably says a little something)
He’ll go wherever the wind dropkicks him~
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arcadeguk · 6 years
of liquor and love
prompt: a drunk bts member comes to your apartment only sees your roommate opening the door and he drunkenly spews out how much he loves you to your roommate thinking that you weren’t there, when actually, you heard every word he said and you tease him about it the next morning (anon aa) - anon, i swear to god, you’re gonna break my heart
genre: the fluffiest of all fluffy good luck
pairing: taehyung x reader
a/n: this is most definitely turning into a 7 part series. drunk bangtan being all soft and squishy?? throw in a bunch of au’s?? im thriving!!!
you land with an unladylike plop on the couch. to say you were grateful today was over would be an understatement. in fact, no greater lie had ever been told. you’d knew it’d be a suck ass day before you’d even opened your eyes - the stench of burnt coffee grounds and the pleasant morning symphony of your roommate seoyun cursing like a sailor started off your less-than-stellar day. you’d wanted to die by lunch, and by the time you dragged your sorry ass off campus that evening, you were completely gone - a shell of your former self. a plethora of different things could fix this sour mood: a shower, a face mask, alcohol, or an ice cream binge. but the one thing that you knew would completely turn you around would be hearing the voice of your favorite person in the whole entire world. without a moment of hesitation, you tap taehyung’s contact name, call, and place the phone on speaker. you’re sure you melt into the driver’s seat when he answers:
“hey buttercup, whatcha doing?”
kim taehyung played many roles in your life: absolute number 1 best friend in the entire world, champion beer bong partner, flawless wingman, and the greatest, strongest emotional crutch you could ever ask for. he was so unbelievably important to you in so many ways, and you value the friendship above any others you had. he was sweet, caring, attentive, funny, outgoing - to sum it up; fucking perfect. which was why hearing his voice at the tail-end of such a disaster day like today was such a godsend.
“driving home from my last class. tae, im not kidding, i’m dropping out. i don’t even like college. who even cares? i don’t, i honestly do not ca-”
“alright miss y/n, queen of mental breakdowns at the worst times, let’s take a breath here, hm? how about you focus a little less on your day, and focus a little more on driving? or do i have to come get you, again? for the what, tenth time this week?”
you can practically see the smile on his face, one meant to be cute, annoying, and maybe a little sarcastic - but you see right through the playful little face - the smile is meant to calm you, relax you and bring you back down to earth, instead of stuck in your own head. taehyung is sunshine, freshly cut grass, and a warm breeze - whereas sometimes your mind (mixed with the perfect concoction of stress and exhaustion), sometimes results in rainy, stormy days. but taehyung always knows how to bring you back to the meadow-like paradise he creates just for you.
“you had to come pick me up once and you act like you rescued me from the pits of hell,” you grumble into your phone, “but i wanna hear about your day instead,” you say, waiting patiently for an answer from him.
“honestly, nothing special to report. other than seokjin passed his midterm - which, he’s a little too over excited about if you ask me. it was an art history class he took once a week, for fuck’s sake. but we’re going out tonight to celebrate - he’s buying, trust me - i wouldn’t go otherwise.”
“so, you and the boys are planning on having a drunken night out,” you sum up as you pull into your apartment complex.
“that’s it y/n, you’re all caught up in the dramatic and glamorous life of kim taehyung. by the way, you’re more than welcome to join us. drunk you is the funniest version of you anyway.” he says with a chuckle, and you physically wince as you recall the last time you’d been drinking together: it involved one too many shots of vodka and a ruined pair of taehyung’s jeans.
“i’m good,” you tell him, trying to hide all the little tells of disappointment in your voice, “i have more homework than i know what to do with. i’ll gladly take a raincheck, though?”
taehyung laughs through the phone, his deep giggle crackling over the phone speaker. “suit yourself. i just don’t know how many opportunities you’re gonna have to relive seokjin’s glorious victory of a B+ in a class about dead artists.”
“tell you what,” you offer in return, “take an extra shot for me,” you can’t hide the smile on your face, and take a moment to imagine what his might look like on the other side of the phone. butterflies flit around in your stomach, and you push them back down before you get the chance to even wonder why they would be there. that was way too much to even think about right now. taehyung? god? the perfect human? the only person you trusted and loved completely? um, yes, obviously. whoa wait, love?
your distracted mind is suddenly yanked back to the present when you hear taehyung’s low voice growl back at you, “do you one better”, he mumbles, “i’ll take three.”
the day’s earlier conversation had all but faded from your mind, and you were balls deep in a massive midterm paper that you’d waited until the last possible moment to complete. you’re perched on the couch, coffee table covered in articles and sources and books, looking more like a warzone that a living room. you barely hear the knock at the door, or the three knocks that follow. you don’t register seoyun’s annoyed and over-dramatic huff as she rises from her bed, or the pounding of her feet as she stomps to answer the door. you don’t hear the door open either, but your ears do finally perk to attention when you hear taehyung’s voice.
it’s low, the sound rising from somewhere deep in his throat and bubbling out of his mouth, just like the foam that rose off the top of the beer that put him in this state. taehyung’s voice is low, his words are slurred, and you wish, selfishly for just a moment, that he could bury that slow and heavy tongue of his somewhere deep in your mouth. you can’t hear what he says, but seoyun gives a “wait here”, and walks into the living room, hand on her hip.
“taehyung’s here. he says he needs to talk to you. that it’s super important - which, i don’t know what could be so important at 2 am on a thursday but -”
“nO” you squeak, fighting to keep your voice above a detectable level, “seoyun, whatever you do, don’t let him come in. he can’t see me like this. i’d rather die. i’d rather drop dead right now. i’m covered in pimple cream, my hair is a disaster, i don’t have -” you’re panicking, the sheer thought of taehyung seeing you, seeing this,
“since when did you care?” seoyun cuts in, giving you a raised eyebrow. it takes all of 4 seconds of eye contact for it to completely click for her, and your deepest secret becomes seoyun’s little secret too.
“you like the cute little drunk boy stumbling around in our hallway right now, don’t you?” she asks with a sly smile, and you can only stutter. “i have a genius plan, follow me.”
before you can say “god seoyun please no”, she has you tucked you behind the front door, opening it just so that you’re perfectly concealed. she throws you a wink, and then gives a whistle to taehyung, who’s successfully bumbled his way to the neighbors.
“tae! hey, hello, you alive there buddy? i’m really sorry, but y/n went to bed, she’s asleep right now. can i take a message?”
taehyung whines from the hallway, and you can hear his arms and shoulders hitting the doorframe as he throws himself around like a child.
“but i reaaaaally need to talk to her, seoyun, it’s so important, the most important,” he says with a bubbly hiccup, and seoyun laughs, turning to the side and wiggling her eyebrows at you. you squint, imploring her to please not give you away, but you know taehyung is too drunk to probably know his own damn name right now. “well, how about you tell me, and i’ll tell her in the morning?” she offers, and taehyung scowls, concentrating hard on seoyun’s face as he tries to decode what she said. he takes a deep breath, and says:
“okay, but you have to promise to tell her. but first, you should know that i’m *hiccup* drunk. i’m pretty drunk. i don’t think i remember getting drunk, but i know that i am very drunk right now. which is why *hiccup* i’m saying this. because i’m drunk. because the boys made me. well, that’s not true. not really. ‘cause the boys went *hiccup* to another bar, and i didn’t want to go. i wanted to come *hiccup* here. i wanted to see y/n. i wanted to see her pretty face when opened the door, how her whole stupid pretty little *hiccup* face lights up. she gets so excited when she sees me, seoyun. did you know that? she gets so fucking excited. like seeing me makes her whole day. and my heart just turns to a mushy pile of mush. i’m not kidding it turns to *hiccup hiccup* complete mush. everytime i see her, i wanna pick her up. i wanna give her the biggest hug, and just wrap her up in my arms. i wanna bury her inside my coat when we walk around campus and she gets cold. i wanna kiss her forehead and watch her nose scrunch up. i wanna *hiccup* cuddle with her, i wanna fall asleep with her head on my chest. i wanna fall asleep knowing that she’s right next to me, that she’s safe and that nothing bad can happen to her while she’s there. i *hiccup* wanna love her forever and ever, seoyun. i love her so much, but we’re friends. and i’m, i’m okay with that. i think. i know she *hiccup* just wants to be friends right now, and i don’t wanna push her to be something else. but, i love her. so much. you *hiccup* don’t understand. i love her alot.” taehyung finishes, and lowers his head to look at his shoes, shyly playing with his hands.
“oh. my. god.” seoyun takes a step backwards to see you behind the door, eyes wide and a panicked gape on her face. “do something” you hiss, and she just shakes her head in shock. seoyun doesn’t have the time to do anything, before taehyung speaks again, “seoyun, remember how i said i was really drunk? c-can i sleep here? i’m too tired to walk home,” he slurs, and seoyun rolls her eyes, before grabbing him by the jacket and yanking him into the apartment, slamming the door and shoving him towards the kitchen. she catches your incredulous look, and she simply shrugs with a grin, “i am not gonna let your secret lover get arrested for public intoxication, or let him sleep on a park bench. what kind of friend would i be, hm? to ruin the romance before it’s even started, i would be -”
but neither you nor taehyung are listening to her. his searching eyes finally find you, pressed up against the wall, the same spot you’d been glued to ever since taehyung started his speech. “y/n” he breathes out, a grin breaking onto his face. his eyes are hooded, bloodshot, and he looks so, so sleepy. the alcohol buzzing in his blood seems to make him glow, the golden radiance that always surrounded him burning brighter than it usually does. you can practically feel the warmth radiating off him, and the only thing you can think about is how nice it would be to feel that warmth pressed up against you right now. taehyung’s own mind might be fuzzy, and he feels like he’s floating in his own head, but one clear, undeniable thought comes through, one that rings in his eardrums and makes his blood buzz even harder than the vodka does: cute. wanna kiss.
he drunkenly pushes seoyun out of the way, and stumbles his way down the hallway, pushing open a door he just knows is yours. taehyung collapses facedown on the bed, humming softly as he gathers the pillows and blankets around him, bundling himself up into a nice little cocoon in your bedsheets, and within seconds, he’s out.
“make yourself at home,” seoyun snorts, leaning on the doorframe to your bedroom. she turns to you with a clever smile, “so what do we do now?” you shrug, and sigh, “let him sleep it off, i guess.” seoyun returns the shrug, and brushes past you. you grasp her arm as she passes, and whispers, “do you think he really meant that? like, all that stuff he said, that was real?” seoyun sighs, glancing back towards his sleeping figure on the bed. “honestly, i don’t know. i hope so,” she says with a wink, and saunters her way down the hall, waving behind her, “after all, they do say that alcohol is the best truth serum.” and tonight, you really hope she’s right.
morning light breaks through the living room windows, dappling across your face, and instantly waking you up, a whole half hour earlier than normal. you groan, before rolling over and realizing your bed must have most definitely shrunk during the night. flailing your arms around, you realize that you’re not in your bed at all, but yet on the sofa. your blurry and sleep deprived mind puts two and two together much faster than you’re ready for, and the memories of last night come rushing towards you at full blast. taehyung. his drunken ramblings about being in love with you. him. asleep. in your bed. you secretly hope that someone will come knock you out.
a door opens, and seoyun emerges from her bedroom, puffy-faced and pouting at the light of morning. her expression changes to confusion at the sight of you on the couch, but it soon fades into a knowing smile as she shakes her head and shuffles to the kitchen.
you follow close on her heels, and lean against the counter. “so what’s the plan here, just wait for the drunk boy to wake up?” you question anxiously, and seoyun takes a nonchalant sip of her coffee. “that’s the plan. unless you’ve got something better,” she smiles with a wink.
the smell of coffee and toast wakes the sleeping boy, and he manages (with great effort) to wrangle himself out of the cocoon he created. the morning of sheer confusion and then muddled understanding continues, as it dawns on taehyung - the memories of last night come raining down on him. all that he did, all that he said - fuck.
taehyung lets his nose guide him to the kitchen, where he finds you and seoyun, talking closely together with only a coffee mugs’ length between you both. you glance up and see him standing there - wrinkled t-shirt, crumpled jeans, and hair mussed to high hell. seoyun chokes on her coffee, and manages to splutter out “i’mgonnagoshower” before racing off to the bathroom.
taehyung shuffles towards the counter, and settles as close to you as he dares - close enough to feel remnants of warmth radiating off you - the exact warmth that both of you had dreamed about last night.
“listen, about last night -” he starts, but you cut him off, strongly and abruptly.
“did you mean it? if you remember it, i mean. and if you do remember, then you know exactly what i’m talking about. but i - did you mean it?”
he frowns ever so slightly, and bends further into your space. you wish you could move, towards him or away, it didn’t matter - but right now, the proximity has you paralyzed. the warmth you yearned for last night now swirls around you in columns - encompassing the pair of you, making you feel more loved, more cared for, than anything ever before.
he leans in so close that you can feel the light tickle of his breath on your earlobe, as he gently lifts a finger to brush your hair away. he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, gnaws it for a second, before letting his full pout gently rest on your ear. when he speaks, it’s like the earth underneath your feet shakes. your entire chest shutters, your bones rattle, the deep timbre of his voice threatening to make you crumble into a heap of rubble on the ground. that hand that isn’t toying with your hair finds your waist, and you hope that the heat radiating from his hand leaves a golden tattoo on your hip. he speaks, slowly, sure, his tongue full of confidence and his voice full of love;
“every word, baby. i meant every word.”
your stomach drops, your heart rises, and your pupils blow. you pull back ever so slightly, and your eyes meet. a gentle smile spreads on his face, and his face lights up with anticipation. the butterflies you’d been feeling for weeks now suddenly explode - creating a scene of gnashing teeth, sore lips, fingers tangled in hair, breathless panting, and an explosion of gold.
hours later, taehyung is waking up from his second hangover nap of the day. he whines as he rolls over, reaching his arms out and wishing you could be there to fill the empty space, instead of your pillows. he fumbles for his phone on the nightstand, planning to send you a plethora of sad faces, hopefully enough to convince to skip your last two classes and come home to him. instead, he sees his groupchat exploding with messages:
jimin: everyone alive?
jungkook: barely
hoseok: define “alive”
namjoon: you guys won’t believe the night i had
yoongi: no yOU guys won’t believe the night I had i’m not kidding when i say being abducted by aliens would have been a more likely way for my night to go
jungkook: it’ll be a weak ass story compared to mine this i promise
seokjin: NOT ONLY was the night meant to celebrate MY accomplishment, but i have one-up-ed you guys YET AGAIN my night was superior no one can tell me any different
taehyung: well, come on guys. i wanna hear all about it.
hoseok: hold onto your panties, ladies.
anon i really hope you liked this i’m so nervous i’m sweating
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hmorris0712 · 5 years
strangers~ tyler x oc
third person p.o.v.
“oh abbie, could you run out to the store for me real quick? i’m making dinner for our guests tonight and i forgot some ingredients.” abbie’s mom yells from the kitchen into the living room.
abbie brett’s life is a whirlwind. chaotic, wild, and unexpected, yet thrilling at the same time. her mom is all over the place, yet so lovable. her dad is a quiet, reserved man, but also the funniest guy you will ever meet. her younger brother will is a competitive basketball freak, yet super sweet and caring. abbie herself is a spunky, energetic, optimistic 17 year old.
“what guests?” abbie asks, having not been notified of this information. her mom turns off the faucet water and dries a pan off as she turns the stove on. “oh, i’m sorry, i guess i forgot to tell you that we have new neighbors, and i invited them over for dinner tonight!” she cheers happily as she clears the counter from clutter.
abbie rushes and helps get the rest of the junk off the counter so her mom won’t have to. her mom smiles sweetly at her. “okay, i’ll swing by kroger real quick. do you have a list of things you need?” abbie asks, leaning her elbows on the counter with a hopeful expression. “i did actually! here it is.” she says as she hands the list to abbie. abbie smiles. “thanks mom! i’ll be as quick as i can!” she says with a smile as she grabs her keys and heads out the door.
“hm...expires march fifth? i’m gonna need to find a new gallon.” abbie mumbles to herself as she puts one of the milk gallon back into the store fridges. she pulls out another one and examines it closely. suddenly she feels someone bump into her side harshly, causing her to drop her basket of items and stumble to the side. she trips on her basket, tipping it over on the process, and falls to the floor. the milk gallon goes flying out of her hand and hits the floor hard, casing it to burst, milk going everywhere.
“oh my god i’m so sorry.” a voice frantically says as a hand is offered to her from her state on the ground. she looks up to see a man standing over her with a horrified look on his face. she takes his hand and he helps her up to her to her feet. “are you okay? are you hurt? gosh i’m such an idiot i’m so sorry.” the words come tumbling out of his mouth, heavy with guilt and regret.
“i’m fine, don’t worry about it. besides, i wasn’t aware of you even being here so it’s on me.” she says with a smile as she lets go of his hand and brushes off her shirt and skinny jeans.
“no, i wasn’t paying any attention. i was walking backwards and then turned around to run because i was getting anxious, i couldn’t find the right isle. but i ran right into you and-geez, i’m really sorry.” he says, running a hand through his hair.
“hey, like i said, don’t worry about it. it’s not a big deal.” abbie says as she shoves her hands into the pockets of her jeans. “are you sure?” he asks, concern still clear to see on his face. abbie’s smile grows. “i’m sure.” finally his expression slowly morphs into somewhat of a happy one.
“i’ll help pick up your things.” he offers as he walk over and crouches on the ground, collecting the few ingredients that had fallen out of her basket. once they’re all in, he smiles and gives the basket back to her. “thanks.” abbie says. “no problem. what are you shopping for?” he switches conversations casually.
abbie laughs. “well, my mom is a pretty frazzled woman and forgot some ingredients for dinner tonight. she also didn’t tell me that we’re having guests over. apparently they’re new to the neighborhood, guess she wanted to make a good first impression on them.” she shrugs as she finishes. the man’s face lights up. “that’s...a little weird. my mom just told me that we’re heading over to our neighbor’s house tonight because they insisted upon having us over.”
abbie pauses. “do...do you think that maybe..” abbie trails off. “maybe.” he shrugs. abbie nods, thinking. “well, if i do happen to see you tonight at my house i might laugh at the situation.” abbie remarks. he smirks. “i hope it’s not just a coincidence, i’d like to see you more often.” he says with a cute smile. abbie smiles in return. “that’d be nice.” she says. his smile grows and his cheeks turn the lightest shade of pink.
“alright, i’d better get going, i told my mom i’d hurry as fast as i could.” she admits.
“oh, sorry. i’ll maybe see you around? uhh...i didn’t catch your name..” he says slowly. abbie smirks as she begins walking off. “i didn’t throw it.” she calls as she turns completely around and heads to the checkouts.
tyler stands there for a few seconds, not knowing what to make of her last remark. “guess i’ll have to take it from you.” he mumbles with a smirk before going off in search of the ice cream isle he could find before.
“come in!! come in.” abbie’s mom announces as the supposed new neighbors step into the house. a woman with blonde hair, looking around your mom’s age, steps in first and gives her a hug, thanking her for being so nice and going out of her way to prepare a meal for everyone. abbie’s mom waits until everyone is inside and leads them all to the dining room. followed by the mom enters the father, and two children, a boy and a girl. the girl looks to be around abbie’s age, maybe a little younger, and the boy looks a little younger than the girl. stops and looks behind her before sighing and running back to the front door, which is still open.
“tyler, zack! you guys coming or not?” she yells at them. she sighs again before noticing abbie standing by the doorway with a confused look on her face. “oh, sorry, my brothers are always messing around.” she rolls her eyes. abbie laughs. “trust me, i know the situation.” the girl smiles and offers her hand. “i’m maddy.” she says with a cute smile. abbie smiles back. “abbie.” she says. maddy turns around and goes off to the dinner table.
abbie sees one of the two other boys follow their sister style. she stands there for a second, wondering where the other brother could be. she turns to the doorway and sees a boy with familiar, fluffy brown hair smirking at her from where he stands. it’s the same boy from the store.
“abbie, huh?” he says snarkily. abbie rolls her eyes. “yep, that’s me.” she shrugs with a smile. “it’s a nice name.” he says. her smiles grows. “probably a lot less nice than yours.” she replies. he smirks again. “yeah, but you don’t know my name yet.” he points out.
abbie crosses her arms. “well, i know that it’s either tyler or zack. and you look much more like a tyler than you do a zack, so i’m gonna guess you’re tyler.” she explains.
his eyebrows raise briefly. abbie smirks in victory. “c’mon, food’s this way.” she says as she waves him over to follow her to the table. he shakes his head and smiles as he walks in her path behind her.
as they near the table, they see two empty spots open, across the table from each other. “do you two know each other?” tyler’s mom asks upon seeing them enter together with smiles. “well kinda, we ran into each other at the store earlier today.” tyler says as he sits down. “you ran into me.” abbie corrects with a smirk. tyler rolls his eyes. “same thing.” he smiles. the two moms share a look with one another, both silently already agreeing that their son and daughter would make a great pair.
abbie gets to know everyone throughout the night as they eat, and she already likes this family. a lot. maddy and will seem to be a little shy around one another, which causes abbie to ship them immediately. abbie talks the most with tyler. he tells her about his life and she tells him about her own. by the time everyone’s done eating, it’s like the two of them had been friends for many years prior to this evening.
as everyone’s exiting, tyler lingers by one of the pillars, leaning against it. he watches as abbie nears him, soon leaning against the pillar as well. “well? you gonna leave yet?” she asks as she crosses her arms over her chest, looking up at him. he smiles and shakes his head.
“well i was, but first i’m gonna need your phone.” he says nonchalantly. abbie’s eyebrows narrow in confusion. “my what-why do you need my phone?” she asks. “just trust me and hand it over.” he says with an ever growing smile.
“i feel like i’m under arrest.” abbie jokes as she takes her phone out of her pocket, types in her passcode and gives it to him. he chuckles as he types away. “what are you doing?” abbie asks after several seconds of watching him work. “oh, y’know, i’m just adding my contact into your phone.” he says as if it’s no big deal. you hear a ding go off, followed by tyler taking his phone out of his pocket. “oh how nice, you just sent me a text.” he smirks. abbie gasps and swipes her phone back out of his grasp.
new message with: tyjo 😍💘
hey boo
whatcha doin? 🤪👊🏻
abbie rolls her eyes. “really tyler?” she says as he laughs again. “your family’s probably waiting for you, dork.” she punches him in the arm. “alright, alright, i’m going!” he says as he starts backtracking out the door. abbie shakes her head and smiles to herself. tyler hadn’t gone very far before he suddenly stops and turns around, smiling at her. he runs forward and tackles her in a bear hug. abbie squeals as she begs for him to unleash her. “tyler i ca-i can’t breathe!” she manages to get out between laughter and actual struggle to breathe. he pulls back with a wide smile and a short giggle. he looks her in the eyes, and for the first time, abbie feels this strange feeling inside her, and she doesn’t know what to do with it. “bye abbie.” he gives a small wave. abbie smirks back. “bye tyler.” she waves back.
and with that, the boy is off. abbie closes the door and turns around, smile still on her face. she sees her mom standing there, an even bigger smile adorning her face. abbie’s smile slowly fades. “mom, no...” “abbie i think he’s a keeper.” she says. abbie laughs and rolls her eyes as she turns to go up the stairs. “mom i don’t even like him like that, i just met him today for heaven’s sake.” she retorts. her mom shrugs. “i may be wrong, but i know love at first sight when i see it dear.” she calls as abbie opens the door to her room. abbie stops in her tracks for a couple seconds at her mom’s last sentence before shaking it off and closing the door slowly.
she collapses on her bed and stares up at her ceiling. “i don’t like tyler, do i?” she says quietly to herself. she sits there for minutes thinking about all the conversations she had with that boy. that wonderful, fluffy haired, amber eyed boy with a big heart and the cutest smile. eventually abbie realizes that every time she thinks about him, she smiles without realizing and her heart swells and she feels all warm inside and-
uh oh.
abbie brett likes tyler joseph.
her heart starts beating incredibly fast. she can’t like him like him, they just met! no one falls for someone the day they meet them.....do they?
crap. what is she gonna do?
she spends minutes thinking about how she can either try to stop liking him, or just...deal with it. but she doesn’t want to do anything about it currently. she’s too freaked out to make any decisions at the moment.
abbie grabs her phone and immediately calls her best friend tatum. tatum has been a friend of abbie’s for years, they’ve been through practically everything together. tatum is the person abbie goes to when she doesn’t know what to do.
and right now is one of those times.
~~~2 years later~~~
just as abbie predicted and hoped, will and maddy are dating now, abbie taking pride in being the captain of that ship. tatum, surprisingly, had taken a severe liking to the second joseph brother, zack. they weren’t dating yet, but it was clear to see they both really liked each other.
abbie’s still stuck where she was about two-ish years ago, thinking that there’s no way tyler likes her back although tatum keeps insisting it’s clear as day that he does.
she just doesn’t know what to do. he’s her best friend, and she’s hopelessly in love with him.
but, she’ll have to decide what to do later. right now she needs to figure out how to do her calculus homework. she taps her pencil on the table by the window in the living room and scans her brain for the right equation, or where to put the variables in the given equation.
abbie grabs her phone and goes to his contact, tapping on the phone icon under his name.
the line rings a few times before she hears a soft “hey, what’s up?” on the other side. abbie smiles. “tyler, can you calculus?” she asks. there’s a few seconds of silence before he speaks again. “can i what?” “can you calculus?” she repeats simply. “well, i wasn’t the best at it for the one year i was in college but sure, i can calculus. why?” he questions. “can you come over? i’m in dire need of help. my parents are useless when it comes to math.” abbie explains to him. he pauses briefly. “well, i did just finish packing for the flight tomorrow, so i guess i could swing by-” “thanks ty, seeya soon!” abbie interrupts and hangs up the phone abruptly like she usually does.
she should feel bad about it, but she doesn’t. each time she does that she laughs afterwards because she knows tyler’s laughing as well, even though she can’t hear him.
after a few minutes, the door opens. abbie snaps her head over. “how the heck did you open the door?” tyler holds up his hand, revealing a set of keys. “spare pair under the welcome mat.” he smirks and tosses them in the air once, catching them when they fall.
abbie sighs and leans back into her chair. “you know me too well joseph.” he chuckles and sits down in the chair across from yours. “i still don’t know everything about you though, brett.” he admits as he swings the keys around his finger.
“alright, what’cha need?” he sits forward and places the keys on the table. abbie runs a hand through her hair. “everything.” she admits shyly, looking up at him. he sighs. “well, let’s get to it.”
“how have you not learned that already?”
“it’s not my fault! he never taught us this method!!”
“well he’s dumb!”
“okay but he really is though! like he doesn’t know what he’s teaching. he’ll be teaching us something, and then he’ll stop in the middle of the lesson and look in the freaking textbook for the answer because HE DOESN’T FREAKING KNOW WHAT HE’S TEACHING!” abbie exclaims, annoyed and frustrated.
“woahhh calm down, it’s just math.” tyler says. abbie sighs and puts her head in her hands. “that’s the point.” she mutters defeatedly. tyler looks at her for a few seconds before he stands up out of his chair, getting abbie’s attention. he smiles and holds his arms out. “c’mere.” he says quietly. abbie slowly gets up and walks into his embrace.
“you’re still a baby.” he says with a smile. abbie pulls back, frowning jokingly. “that’s not very nice.” she says, her little frown turning into a smile.
tyler smiles at her and leans against the pillar by the table. “this is giving me some heavy deja vu.” he remarks, recalling the day they met and how his family came to her house for dinner. abbie nods. “me too.” they stand there for a few more seconds, saying nothing, just looking at each other.
tyler takes in a slow breath. “y’know, there was something i wanted to do that night i was here, but i didn’t end up doing it.” he admits. abbie quirks an eyebrow. “why?” he shrugs. “it definitely would have scared you off.” he says before chuckling. abbie scoffs. “well i’m sure it couldn’t have been that bad. nothing you do will ever scare me off, you’re my best friend.” she tells him.
abbie watches as tyler’s smile instantly fades and the sees a look of hurt on his face for a split second. he looks down and sighs shortly. “and that’s exactly why i didn’t do it.” he mumbles quietly. abbie suddenly feels this heavy weight of guilt upon her. did she do something wrong?
tyler sighs and stands up. “i should probably get going.” he says gloomily. abbie stands up immediately and rushes forward to stop him. “wait what...tyler was it something i said?” she asks, pleading with him to stay. she pulls him to face her, looking him in the eyes. his jaw tightens briefly. “yeah, just forget about it though, it’s fine.” he says as he, once again, turns to head out the front door.
“tyler w-...what did i say?” she grabs his wrist and pulls him back from the door. tyler sighs. “i said forget about it abbie. forget i even said anything alright?” he turns yet again to grab the doorknob. abbie doesn’t let go of his wrist. “no i wanna know what it was that i said that made you so upset because i’m sorry! i hate being the source of your distress and i just wanna help.” she pleads.
tyler turns abruptly towards her. “alright!” he says at a much louder level, not quite shouting, but close. abbie flinches and freezes at the level of his volume. she’s never heard him this loud before.
“i-i don’t wanna be just best friends.” he starts. abbie’s heart nearly stops. his eyes water for a split second before he blinks the tears away and continues. “and i know you don’t feel the same way because of what you just said.” abbie is completely silent now. “abbie i’ve been head over freaking heels for you ever since i ran into you at that kroger and you’ve been too gosh darn oblivious to notice.”
he runs a hand through his hair, frustrated and extremely hurt. “listen, i’m sorry for getting upset with you, i just.....” he sighs. “i gotta go. i have an early morning and a flight to catch tomorrow.” he says, although he knows you’re already aware of this information.
he puts his hand back on the doorknob and twists it, opening the door. “tyler!” abbie calls as he begins walking down the front driveway. he keeps walking out as if he hadn’t heard her. she grabs the keys off the rack on and wall and scurries off after him, shoving them in her pocket.
when she nears him, she reaches out and grabs a hold of his wrist again. “tyler...” she pulls him back to face her once again and doesn’t hesitate in grabbing his face with her other hand and pulling his lips onto hers.
she breaks the kiss almost immediately to see tyler standing a centimeter from her. his eyes remain closed and his breaths fan her lips for a couple seconds before he opens his eyes and looks at her, trying to make sense of what just happened.
abbie smiles. “come on, i’ll walk you home.” she laughs at his still shocked expression and starts walking off in the direction of his house.
“wait! wait, you can’t just...” tyler starts as he walks after her. his mouth still remains slightly open and he slows his pace as he nears her. he studies her for several seconds, still trying his best to attempt to understand her and what’s going on inside her mind.
“you....do...do you like me?” he asks straightforwardly. abbie nods. “same day you liked me apparently. only i realized it after you left my house. took me about half an hour, but i did realize eventually. i’ve...just been too scared to do anything about it.” she explains with a smile.
the baffled expression remains on his face and he runs a hand through his hair slowly. “i don’t get you.” he states before abbie laughs and hugs him tightly. “to be honest i don’t always understand myself either.” she admits against his chest.
he shifts his position and rests his forehead and nose on hers. he stays there for a few seconds before smiling and pressing a kiss to her forehead. abbie giggles and starts walking. “come on, let’s go. you’ve got a busy couple months ahead of you joseph.” she motions for him to follow her, which, he does almost immediately.
tyler sighs as the two of them walk along. “i’m not gonna see you for two whole months abbie.” he looks down at her sadly. abbie smiles before feeling his fingers brush lightly against hers as they walk, sending electricity radiating throughout her stomach. “hey, we’ll keep in touch though, won’t we?” she states more than asks.
“i mean i hope so. if we don’t, i’m gonna go crazy.” he admits. a few seconds later her hand grazes his again. before her hand can leave though, he takes the chance, lacing his fingers through hers. abbie’s heart starts racing as her cheeks turn pink. tyler chuckles at her. “you’re adorable, you know that?” “i do, actually. thanks though.” abbie replies with a smile. tyler rolls his eyes as his smile grows.
they talk for the next few minutes until they, sadly, reach tyler’s house. before tyler can unlock his door, abbie turns and throws herself onto him, clinging to him like this is the last time she’ll see him ever again.
“now i don’t wanna leave.” tyler sighs, arms resting lightly on abbie’s waist. abbie smiles up at him. “it’s alright. we can still text and facetime.” she reassures simply. “yeah i guess. it’s not the same as seeing you in person though.” he says gloomily.
abbie ruffles his hair a couple times. “you’ll be fine.” he narrows his eyebrows and runs his hand through his hair after she does, fixing it the way he likes it. tyler smiles at her for several seconds, allowing the fluttery feeling in his stomach to go on for however long it will. he brings one hand up to her face and pulls her lips against his a second time, only this time it’s more than a half second peck.
abbie smiles into the kiss as her heart surges out of her chest at the feeling. she tugs on his jacket, pulling him ever so slightly closer to her. tyler breaks the kiss after a while and holds her against him lovingly. “do i have to go on tour?” tyler asks quietly with his forehead touching abbie’s. abbie gives a small laugh. “well, you decided to make a tour, so yes, you do.” she tells him. he sighs. “i guess.”
abbie stands on her toes and pecks his lips one last time. “like i said, you’ll be fine ty.” he gives a half smile and pulls her into one of the biggest hugs he’s ever given her. abbie buries her face into his chest. eventually they pull back, sadly, and say their goodbyes. tyler opens his door and waves at abbie with the cutest of smiles before closing it. abbie smiles to herself as she starts walking back to her house.
thank god for kroger.
cheese much?? maybe? idk
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multi-fandom-dreams · 7 years
Nightmare - Winchester Brothers
I’m sorry I haven’t written in a little while! School is just making me really busy. I’ll try and post once at least every two weeks. I’m sorry of I can’t :(
Anyway, here’s another request!
Okay so maybe something where the reader is jealous of how close Sam & Dean are, make it angsty 😹 - @winchesters-favorite-girl - i’ve kind of made my own twist on this! Hope you like it anyway!
Imagine always feeling as though you are nothing more then a burden and a blood relation to your brothers and feeling as though they don’t care for you so you leave them.
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You were sat in the back of the impala, picking dried blood out of your stubby finger nails, anger rumbling in your chest. You’d saved your brothers once again from a hunt gone wrong and they hadn’t thanked you, simply patted each other on the back, sent a glance over their shoulder to you to make sure you were still alive and headed in the direction of the car.
They were speaking (or arguing, you could never tell) about the monster ‘they’ had just killed and you had no interest in listening so you rested your head on the back of the seat and looked out to the starry night.
It had been this way since you’d dropped out of high school. You’d be with them, but not quite there. You’d always been left out the circle and you couldn’t remember the last time your elder brothers had shown gratitude and love towards you and quite frankly, you had had enough. 
Closing your eyes and drifting off into sleep, your mind travelled to a time when you were the centre of your brothers worlds.
You aged 5 and Sam aged 13:
Colouring in a unicorn in your activity book at the counter of the motel room kitchen, you reached for the purple crayon which was just out of your grip. Just as you were close to grabbing it, it rolled a little further away.  
Whining and attempting to lean forward, you suddenly felt the stall give way, sending you toppling to the ground. 
You cried out in pain as you hit your head on the marble floor. As your vision became faded and a headache made its self comfortable in your head, you saw Sam rushing towards you from the settee.
He quickly pulled you into his arms and cooed in your ear that everything would be ok and that there was nothing to worry about. He made it clear to you that you were a strong girl and that it was only a little graze. 
You aged 13 and Dean aged 25:
You were waiting on the bench just outside of your temporary school as the girls in front of you made fun of your second hand clothes. 
‘Look at that! What is it? A table cloth or a fourth hand blanket?’ The skinniest of them all said, pulling at your older brother Sam’s red flannel.
‘Don’t touch me.’ You growled, slapping her hand away.
‘What did you say, skank? Want me to hit you.’ The tallest of them all said, raising her hand at you.
As you were about to swerve the hand that was about to smack you, you froze as your biggest brother Dean tapped the girl on the shoulder.
She turned round, confusion and disgust on her face. ‘What do you want? Old man.’ She sneered at him. The other girls thought this was the funniest remark in the world.
Dean laughed for a second then looked at her dead in the eyes. ‘You touch my little sister again and i’ll break all your fingers. Oh, and by the way, that top is second hand. I’m pretty sure I saw a stripper with the clap wearing that a couple of nights ago.’ He gave his signature smirk at the end, hinting that the mob of mistakes (called teenage girls) should go away. 
They did, fear and despise all over their faces as they made remarks about each others clothes.
‘Thanks Dean.’ You said as you stood up and hugged him.
‘Anytime.’ He responded, protectively wrapping his arms around you.
Yeah sure, anytime. I guess that had a time limit. Waking up with the thought in your head, you noticed that you were sat in the back of the Impala, your two elder brothers no where in sight. 
As a feeling of hopelessness washed over you, you begged for Castiel to come and see you. He was the only one who seemed to care for you.
‘Hello Y/N.’ His gravelled voice spoke out from the seat next to you.
You didn’t respond straight away, you wanted to gather your thoughts first. You turned to look at him.
‘What’s wrong Y/N?’ He asked you, as you looked back at him, hurt in your eyes.
‘It’s my brothers. I’m nothing to them anymore.’ You explained, tears brimming in your eyes.
‘That’s not true. You’re their little sister.’ Cas responded, confusion lingering in his voice.
‘Was their little sister. I think i’m nothing more then a shadow to them now and I wont deal with it anymore. Please, Cas, make a promise to me.’ You pleaded.
‘What promise?’ He questioned you, eyebrows knotting together as he looked sad in his eyes.
‘That if I go, you wont help my brothers look for me. You’ll let me live my own life and I expect you to understand that if you break my trust I will never forgive you.’ With that, you took his hand in yours as a way to tell him how desperate you were. ‘Please.’
He pulled his hand slightly away from yours then paused. He let out a soft sigh then looked away for a second. ‘If I make this promise, you have to stay safe.’ He reasoned with you, looking in your direction and then away again so that he wouldn’t regret what he was about to do.
‘Yes, of course.’ You practically whispered back, knowing that you were inches away from freedom. 
‘Ok.’ That was all he said before he flapped his wings and disappeared.
This was your chance. This was your chance to begin again and be a person who didn’t live every day wondering if they were loved. You’d thought about this for weeks, months even. The moment you’d break free and find someone or something that had even the slightest amount of happiness towards you.
Jumping out the car and pulling your bag from the boot, you headed down the street the impala was parked on. You looked back for a moment, remembering your older brothers, then shook your head and continued down the path you chose to take. 
*Sam’s P.O.V*
‘You think she’ll like it?’ Dean asked, holding up a green flannel.
‘You know that’s not her colour.’ I responded, pushing the green flannel out of Dean’s arms before reaching up for a red checkered one on the highest shelf.
‘She’ll like this one though. She used to wear one like it when she was younger, like all the time.’ I said as I searched for her size.
Dean went quiet for a minute before looking at me.
‘Dude, no chick flick moments. What’s wrong?’ I questioned him, laughing a bit since he looked like a hurt puppy.
‘Is it just me or does Y/N seem really closed off lately.’ He depressingly said, gently stroking the flannel in his hands as if it was his little sister.
I was going to shrug my shoulders and dismiss the conversation but I didn’t. I knew that there was something very wrong with Y/N.
‘Yeah - I think there is.’ I responded, barely looking at Dean, feeling as though it was some how my fault.
As if Dean read my mind, he glanced briefly at me. ‘Do you think it’s our fault?’
I gulped then looked up. ‘I - I don’t know. Maybe. Have we done enough for her? I mean, have we been good brothers?’ 
‘If I’m being honest. No, I don’t think we have been. I think we’ve been so focused on these god damn hunting trips so much that we’ve lost the love we used to give to the centre of our world, Y/N. I think we need to look out for her more. Knowing her, she probably thinks that we don’t care about her and I can’t have that.’ Dean was almost shouting at the end, pulling at the seams of the shirt in his hands.
I simply looked back at him, wide eyed. He’d said exactly what I was thinking. 
‘Hell, what do I know.’ Dean grumbled, throwing the flannel on the shelf and heading to the doors of the shop. 
He froze mid-step then yelled my name, indicating that Y/N was no longer in the Impala.
It was though time slowed down. She was there, then she wasn’t. It was a nightmare come real.
I really like how this turned out and I’m tempted to a part 2! Tell me what you guys think :) 
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dialux · 6 years
Infinity War Reaction: so, like, spoilers through this whole post.
I think.............................. there’s a lot to be said for the acting. This cast is really good, and though a lot of people had like, three lines (cough SebStan cough) they made those three lines memorable. And the plot itself was so disjointed that the cast must have had a hell of a time weaving the storyline together into something coherent. 
I also went in ready for a mess and came out with a more positive impression than I entered, which is not what happened with cacw, the other ensemble cast film, so I’m pleasantly surprised about that. And the movie is... a culmination of the entire mcu, so I wasn’t expecting it to be very character-driven or deep (and imo this is where people are getting irritated with the movie, as well as the fact that marvel chose to dump the movie’s minimal exposition on its villain instead of any one hero)(but unpopular opinion: i’m glad they didn’t have strange ‘’’grow’’’ out of his moral ruthlessness, or wanda declare that she can’t turn her back on the fight, or tony sob about peter’s death- this was a movie about loss that is just... shoved onto you, the disappearance of billions of people in a matter of minutes- and idk I think people changing drastically over that length of time is unlikely, and once you’ve set that aside, imo, the movie didn’t feel as exhausting.)
I think I read two reaction posts right after exiting the theater  (@him-e‘s and @subjunctivemood‘s) and it’s kind of funny but I agree and disagree with them on a lot of points, despite each having relatively separate reactions themselves.
Funniest bit was that Clint/Ant-man just......... took a plea deal. I could not stop imagining the poor data entry person who had to process that nightmare of a thing, like, Clint goes “first active, then I brought in a Russian spy who might be brainwashed, then I got married and hid the family, then I retired, then I un-retired and became a fugitive, now I’m.... retired again bc my wife’s mad at me and I miss the kids???” this convo has no room not to be hilarious, I’m forever mad at marvel for cutting it lol
I liked the beginning.
ngl, it was heartbreaking. 
also though, the movie starts by someone pleading- “this isn’t a warship, don’t fire- please- don’t fire-” and we see Thanos ignoring that, we see Heimdall on the floor, we see Thor bleeding; there were a lot of ways to establish that Thanos was a villain but none so dramatic as this one
And this movie is if nothing else #iconique 
So not exactly a surprise, if you get my meaning
The total message behind the villain’s ideology was screwed up, but the hero’s answers to that? Reminds me of this meta in the asoiaf fandom, tbh: “we don’t trade lives” vs "’Everything,’ Davos said softly.”
It was powerful. I’m still in love with it. 
In fact, I’m in love with the entire idea of the movie- where everything hurts, and hurts, and hurts, and nothing you do is enough, where all you can do is keep pushing against the darkness and it’s winning all the damn time and you know you cannot win, you know it’s absolutely impossible- but you rise and you stand and you fight nevertheless.
Yeah, I don’t like Peter, I never have and never will
honestly I couldn’t get through any of the gotg movies 
I still haven’t watched either of them because he scrapes on my nerves like nothing else
That said, let me just say that I fucking loathe Peter Quill okay this is me hating him 
Pssh Nebula though is gorgeous. Nebula is just. W O W. I might watch specific clips of her and Gamora alone because I have been missing out on that relationship. (SISTERS??? RAISED TO HATE EACH OTHER??? NOW REPAIRING THAT RELATIONSHIP??? I LOVE)
Gamora didn’t deserve to die, but- I think.... I’d have liked it more if Thanos had killed her and realized that it wasn’t love, not in the end, so he gives up something else- I understand why that didn’t work out, because of screen time- but maybe another gem?? Or one of his best lieutenants? Idk that would’ve been a better route, imo.
Relationships what relationships. Who knows who? Who cares about who? What cacw baggage? The only thing the Russos know is that Tony isn’t talking to Steve, and even that isn’t resolved properly, jfc.
I’m glad they piggy-backed off of Ragnarok’s humor, though, using both Banner and Thor to deliver those lines- it was good, and both actors are really good at those punchlines, so.
Though CA’s “I am Steve Rogers” in response to Groot still has me in stitches, that’s one of the best lines in cinematic history
I’ve never known anything more legitimately weird or jarring.
Was that supposed??? To be a point??? For the next movie???
idk but it looked damn stupid in this one
(Though if the entire point is to bring Steve Rogers to Vormir as a sort of full circle cycle and then Steve jumps into that hole and then he finds out that Gamora isn’t actually dead........ I think I might forgive everything. But only if all of that happens. Not before.)
Re: Strange/Tony, I went in expecting to ship it from multiple friends, but I came out kind of.... lackluster? Idk, I don’t see the chemistry that much- it seems like... they’re both just snappy assholes and used to being the smartest in the room and build off of each other. The Pepper scene in the beginning made my day, lolol.
The deaths could have been better. Ngl, the only deaths that made me feel things were T’Challa and Spiderman. The rest just- happened too fast. 
Though Tony’s face (and Steve’s, and Rhodey’s)- oh, yeah, that was good. 
Anyone else realize that the majority of the people that are left are the original avengers? Avengers4 will be more similar to the first avengers than either Ultron or this one, mark my words, and hopefully better for it.
I really really hope they put in one thing in the next movie of Tony panicking on Titan because he’s faced the thing he’s been afraid of for years now, he’s faced his biggest fucking fear-
Yeah, they probably won’t have time, yada yada yada, but it’d be damn cool if they gave me another panic attack a la IM3. That was good shit right there.
So, overall- I liked the movie, and the best shot of the entire thing (the five minutes that summed it up) were where all the Avengers come to try to stop him, and it doesn’t work, they’re batted aside like little toy pieces, and they face their darkest fears, Wanda kills Vision-
And it isn’t enough.
Thanos has time, has reality, has everything on his side. Wanda isn’t enough. Vision isn’t enough. Strange and Tony and Spiderman and everyone- they aren’t enough.
14 million possibilities, and only one where they win. But that one is a chance, and they aren’t going to let go of hope while that chance exists. There’s almost no likelihood that they’ll succeed, but goddamn does that mean they’ll give up.
That’s a really good motif for the entire movie.
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90sgrungewriter · 7 years
5. Untitled - Eddie Vedder
You woke the next morning with a small headache. You thanked god it wasn't too bad. You would just pop an advil before heading to work. You turned to see the clock read 10:26 AM.
FUCK! You were over two hours late! You flew out of bed and quickly noticed that Eddie was still sleeping on you couch, snoring softly. You took a moment to study his facial features, because you wouldn't get caught doing it if he was asleep.
Since when the fuck did you get so creepy?
His chest rose and fell, and for some reason made you feel very calm. It was quiet in your apartment, besides his light snores. His mouth was partially opened, and the crease between his eye brows was gone. He looked at peace, and for some reason, it also made you feel the same way. After a few minutes of mentally fighting with yourself, you thought, fuck it. You weren't even going to show up to your class today. Something you had never done yet, so not feeling as guilty as you probably should. You mentally high fived yourself for being such a good student.
"Dani?" You heard a small voice. That pulled you out of your thoughts to notice that you were still staring at Eddie, and he had woken up.
Great. Still caught in the act after all. Your silence and facial expression must've made it look like something was wrong. Eddie sprung up from his position to sit upright, blanket still half around his legs.
"Are you okay? Do you want me to leave? I ca-"
"No, uh..sorry I uh-" you didn't know what to say. You were just caught staring at some very sexy dude you barely know who spent the night sleeping on your couch. Thinking about it like that made it sound even more weird.
"I slept through my class. I'm two and a half hours late." you rocked back and forth gently on your feet.
Eddie's mouth formed a small O shape in realisation. He peaked at the clock hanging on your wall.
"Shit, are you gonna go now?" He questioned, removing the blanket from his legs to stand up. It was then you noticed he stood at least a foot taller than you. But that wasn't hard to do.
"No, nope. Fuck it, I say." You tore your eyes away from his and looked around your apartment. "I've never missed a class since I've started my courses. I think I can afford to miss a day."
He nodded, unsure of what to say or do at this point.
"Uh- I can make us some breakfast?"  you questioned heading toward the kitchen.
"Oh, you don't have to..I don't want to trouble you. Thanks for letting me sleep on your futon." You locked eyes again as you turned to look at him as he spoke. You nodded.
"Anytime man. Don't feel like you have to rush off y'know...unless you want to go, then thats fine to-"
"Maybe we could just go out?"
Huh? Your look of confusion must have sent him a clue and he quickly spoke up.
"Breakfast! We could uh...just go out for breakfast." He tore his eyes away and glued them to the ground.
"Good idea. If you thought my cooking was bad, you're right. It is." No point in fibbing. You were always a shit cook. You didn't want Ed to go just yet...
He laughed lightly and nodded his head. It was quiet for a few moments when his eyes darted quickly from your eyes down, and up again. For a minute, you thought 'fuck yeah he totally checked me out!' but then you realized you were still in your pj's. They had little donuts with smiley faces on them and a black t shirt. Not to mention you weren't wearing a bra. You wanted to crawl away (n brush away loose grounds... lol sorry had to) and die. Yup.
"I'm obviously not gonna go like this, and DON'T tell Stone I have these, he'll never let me live it down." You would be mortified. He laughed and held his hands up in defense.
"Alright, I won't tell a soul." He promised.
You quickly ran back to your room to change quickly. You were pretty hungry, and you were sure he was too, so you didn't want to make him wait around long.
You changed into a pair of old high waisted jeans, and paired it with a cream colored sweater that you tucked inside your jeans. You ran your fingers through your short hair so you didn't look like you woke up from a very good night before...
You opened the door to find him waiting there patiently.
"Alright I'm good to go." You grabbed your purse from the living room table and laced up your boots at the same time as Eddie.
You two were out the door, but when you stepped outside, you realised you didn't know where you's would go.
"Any place in mind?"
"You act like I've been here for more than 3 weeks." He said jokingly. You mentally slapped yourself. Duh.
"Touche. Definitely hanging around Stone too much." You laughed bumping his arm with your shoulder.
"I'll give you that one." He looked around the not so busy street.
"I know a place. Not far from here, never been but Sean swears by there breakfast burritos." You explained.
"Breakfast burritos?" He quirked his brow. Damn, that was cute.
"Mhm. Come on, I'll lead the way!" you saluted.
When you guys entered the small diner, there wasn't too many people. Which was nice.
You took a seat at a table, as a waitress came forth and gave you some menus.
"Drinks for anyone?" She asked, looking at you first.
"Just a coffee please." You thanked her.
"Make that two." Ed was observing the small diner. She nodded and left our table.
"So breakfast burritos?" He asked quizically.
"Breakfast burritos." You laughed. The waitress came back with our coffees and took our orders. She seemed nice, and was a pretty girl. It was cool that she had respect and wasn't hitting on Eddie either. Some faith in humanity was restored that day.
A few moments of silenced had passed, neither of you really knowing what to say. You cleared your throat, as he looked everywhere but at you.
Whenever you locked eyes, it was probably the funniest thing ever. Why? You weren't so sure. Maybe the moment, the situation. You were both so awkward with eachother that from an outsiders perspective, this was probably funny and cringy as fuck. Soon, the two of you were giggling like mad.  He had such a whimsical laugh, and it made your heart beat so fast and made you terrified at the same time. You couldn't remember the last time you felt this way, or if you had even ever felt this way before. Whatever the hell he was doing to you, it could not happen. Not right now. He broke things off with his girlfriend like two days ago. Even though he tried to play it off cool, you knew that she had meant something to him. Seven years is a long fucking time to be with someone you didn't really care about. There was no way he was interested in you like that, not right now. But you couldn't deny the attraction being present in the air. You weren't sure if  he felt it too.
You tried to stifle your laughter to speak. "Yeah, this is awkward isn't it?" You just decided to voice it now, because things probably couldn't get any more awkward. He nodded, our laughters dying down now.
"A bit." He shrugged his shoulders and looked down, tearing his eyes away from your own.
Within the next few moments, your waitress came back with your burritos. You thanked her, and looked at Eddie to find him staring down at the burritos. You giggled, and he looked up at you.
"The moment of truth!" You spoke as he grabbed the burrito in his hands. He took a bite, and the look on his face was priceless.
"Fuck." He said with a mouthful of food. Cute.
"Yeah, thats what I thought." You dug in to your own plate of food.
After that, things seemed to take a turn for the better. You talked about a lot of things, you rarely saw your mom as she moved to Cincinnati with her ex-boyfriend, (you knew that because she called you like, twice a year) which was fucking stupid and you wished she'd just fuck off and not call at all. The only thing she would do is talk about how things were going for her anyway. You told him how your father passed away when you were very young, and you talked to him about your art. He told you the story of his father, which was the inspiration of the song on the demo. You learned he loved to surf, and used to be in a Chili Peppers cover band. You laughed at that. He also told you about some of his friends from San Diego. The conversation was definitely flowing a lot better than it was and before you knew it, you were walking back to your apartment.
"So she looks to Jeff and just lets it rip man, I've never seen a guy get so roasted before. It was hilarious. I felt kinda bad but it was just funny at the time." Eddie was in fits of laughter over one of your high school party stories. Not that you had that many though. Stone and Jeff definitely went to more than you did.
"Wow, poor guy. She just walked in at the wrong time, huh." You nodded in agreement. The two of you turned up your street and you could see the infamous truck parked in front of your building. You wondered who it was. Maybe the guys thought Eddie got kidnapped last night or something. Or worse...they would tease you about getting laid or something. The poor guy was gonna be so red in the face by the time this confrontation was over, and you knew felt bad for him. Things would be pretty awful for you too though.
"Alright Ed, listen up." You pointed to truck and he nodded slowly.
"Thats Jeff's truck, right?"
"Yes it is. Now they're probably here looking for you. I mean, you didn't go home last night so...their feeble minds are probably going to assume we got laid or something" His expression became slightly worried, eyes darting down to your lips for half a second once again. You wished he would stop. It was making you feel things. "Just don't take anything they say personally. They know I wouldn't do that, and I'm sure they know that you wouldn't want to sleep with me anyway." You joked, laughing and punched his arm lightly. "They're just going to try to be funny. Don't worry about it." You reassured him.
"Yeah, I could see that happening. Alright, I'll be prepared." He smiled, his face turning a light shade of pink.
Things were definitely not as awkward and you could for sure say you knew him a lot better than before. He didn't seem to be as quiet or shy around you as much anymore, and there were less and less moments of silence.
The both of you made it up to your apartment. Opening the door you find Stone, Jeff and Mike sitting on your couch. Stone is the first to spring up from his seat as he heard the door being opened. Before you could even enter your apartment, he was already shouting.
"Dani! Eddie didn't come home last night and we think he might not be okay, like where would he have even spent -" Stone stopped mid sentence seeing Eddie trail behind me. His expression went from that of shock, to contorted in distaste.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." He sounded...mad? Thats not what you expected. You thought he was thinking you got lucky, congratulate you and tease you about it. You were pretty confused at this point.
Jeff stood and gently patted Stone on the back, but all he could do was stare at you. You were so fucking confused. You turned to look at Eddie whom had a confused look on his face too.
"How could you Dani? To me-to us? Why would you go sleep with hi-" You could NOT believe what you were hearing? What the fuck? You cut him off before he could finish.
"Stone, what the fuck are you talking about, us? What does that even mean? First of all, I did not sleep with Eddie." Eddie shook his head.
"Second of all, who are you to tell me who I can and cannot sleep with? Last I checked, you were my best fucking friend, Stone not my guardian." You were pissed. You could practically see fumes seeping out of his ears. Then, he fucking said it.
"Because I'm in fucking love with you! Can't you see that? Don't be so blind. I'm tired of pretending." He spat, and made his way over to the door. He swung it open and left your apartment.
You didn't know what to say, or do. You just kinda stood there, trying to process this information. The guys were...right? Eddie was right... One of your best friends was in love with you, but you didn't feel the same way. How could you tell him that? It would surely hurt him, and thats not what you wanted to do. You wanted to make him happy but from the means of a friend. You were lost in conflict and started to feel a bit sick.
"I need to sit down." Your eyes fell to the ground and you slowly made your way over to your couch. You felt an arm slide around your shoulder to assist in leading you to the couch. It was Eddie. Once you sat down, he sat on the small coffee table across from you. Jeff sat to your left, and to his left, Mike. Jeff put a comforting hand on your knee and spoke up.
"So, what happend last night then?" He spoke, eyes darting between the both of you.
"Shouldn't one of us go after him? Make sure he's okay?" Your tone was filled with worry, completely dodging his question.
"Stone will be fine. He'd probably rather be alone for a little while." Mike stated, looking at you with concern.
"When I had got here Eddie left. I thought he was going home and I heard it start to pour rain outside, my window was open so I went close it. I seen Eddie standing at the old Mac's across the road. It didn't look like it was going to stop rainig anytime soon and it didn't." Eddie was nodded his head, confirming the events. "I didn't want him to get sick because you guys need him on that stage. So I asked him to sleep on the futon. Look, his fucking pillow and blanket is still there." You pointed over to it, as Jeff nodded his head slowly, understanding.
"I believe you. I was kinda hoping, y'know...but, whatever." He shrugged his shoulders, a playful smile on his lips. You punched his shoulder.
"What about Stone, you guys. How long have you known? What am I supposed to do? He's my best friend I dont want to hurt him. But I just...I don't...uh-" Miked interrupted you.
"Feel the same way?" You nodded. It was quiet for a few moments, until Jeff spoke up.
"He'll be okay. Just talk to him. It's gonna be hard at first but he'll come to terms and move on. Might take a while, but it'll happen. We've known for years." Years?!
"Stone will understand. As long as he still has you in his life, I think thats the most important thing to him." Mike encouraged.
"Thanks guys." You gave them a small smile.
"So where were you guys coming from? And hey, didn't you say you had a class today?" Mike asked.
"Yeah I skipped it. Woke up late." They looked at you like you had a second head.
"I know, I know. I never do that which is why I don't feel so guilty."
They laughed. "You always were a trooper." Jeff joked.
"So we were coming back from breakfast. I changed his world with breakfast burritos." You pointed to Ed and he smiled.
"Its true, those things were fucking delicious." He spoke truthfully. Everyone laughed. 
“Well, we should probably get going. I gotta work in an hour.” Jeff stated as he looked at the clock.
“Alright, I’ll see you sometime soon, okay?” You stood and gave him a tight hug, and he rubbed your back comfortingly. 
“Don’t think too much about this Stone thing, alright? He’ll be okay, just give him some time.” You nodded, letting go.
“I’ll go find him. I’ll call you later and let you know how he is, that sound good?” Mike said as he came to hug you too. 
“Thanks, Mikey.” You were so happy to have these guys in your life.
“You two have fun now! But not too much fun...” Jeff winked and slammed the door shut before you could even scold him.
You snorted. “What a bunch of buffoons.” Ed laughed, standing up from his seat on the coffee table.
“I’m sorry you had to be here to witness that..”You apologized, not meeting his gaze. 
“For what? You did nothing wrong.”
You debated what to say next. “I just...I don’t know. Stuff like this doesn’t usually happen to me and I don’t know what to do..” You trailed off. You sat back down on your couch, and covered your face with your hands. You sighed deeply. You felt the couch seep in beside you, signalling Eddie had taken a seat. It was quiet for a few moments.
“Maybe do something to occupy your mind?” He suggested. “Maybe try doing some of your art.”
You thought about it for a moment, it probably would make you feel better, but you didn’t want to be alone. That was for sure. Then, you thought of something.
“Paint with me?” 
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Wow, almost all of them, huh, @annoyinglyuniquebread? I’ll put it under a read-more as to not hit everyone with walls of text but read if ya feel like it…Okay, here we go!
0. Height 
I’m 5′1 just like Carrie Fisher/Princess Leia!
1. Age
I’m 21, but my birthday is in February so pretty soon I’ll be feelin’ 22! *Dances horrendously*
2. Shoe Size
 I’m a 5 in US sizes I think…?
3. Do you smoke?
I do not
4. Do you drink?
Well yes, it’s important to stay hydrated kids, my drink of choice is coke or tea…But I assume this is asking if I drink alcohol which I do not do
5. Do you take drugs?
Once again I assume this is referring to illegal drugs and not meds, I do not do any of those. However I do take antidepressants and sleeping pills for my anxiety-related insomnia/the occasional anxiety-suppressor.
6. Age you get mistaken for?
As I’m pretty short and thin (+ you tend to look smaller in a wheelchair which i occasionally use) I’d say people tend to assume I’m a lot younger than I am. If asked my age most people tend to guess around 15, or at least they did when I was in my late teens, no one has guessed my age in a while so maybe i look older these days? idk lol
7. Have tattoos?
I do have a tiny lightening bolt on my wrist, it’s a Harry Potter reference/a symbol for my general love of stories.
8: Want any tattoos?
I do definitely want more tattoos in the future, I haven’t really decided on placements yet but I know that I want a Buffy-B (a B in the Btvs-font) on my other wrist so that my two fandom tattoos can match in placements. I also want a fox somewhere and “fearless” in Taylor Swift’s handwriting to remind me of her brilliant definition of the word: (”To me, fearless is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is having fears. fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.”)   which I think will help with my anxiety. Those are a few of the tattoos I know that I want to get at some point, but there’s always room for more options since I really like the idea of a lot of tattoos!
9: Got any piercings?
Nope, not even pierced ears
10: Want any piercings?
Not really, no
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status?
Single, sapphic and sad
13: Biggest turn ons?
As far as personality and little things go I’d say people who listen and respect my opinions and my view of a situation, but also aren’t afraid to say what they think/voice their opinions I guess. Also like, when people are genuine with their affection and you can tell that they just genuinely care for you I guess? Geez this sounds cheesy! As for physically, I’m gonna say collarbones…Is that weird? I feel like that’s weird…Not necessarily seeing collar bones (malnutrition isn’t sexy, kids!) but just like biting or kissing them I don’t even know! Maybe I have a few kinks too, but this is already officially TMI and I’m gonna stop………..   
14: Biggest turn offs?
Bigoted or small-minded people honestly, nope not gonna interact!
16: I’ll love you if…
You respect me, seduce me with your nerdiness and/or let me introduce you to nerdy stuff (Movies/shows/books/games etc) I like and most importantly, genuinely seem to like me tbh, I don’t ask for much…
17: Someone you miss
I live pretty far away from my family for school so I find myself almost constantly missing them and my dog :( Also you and your stupidly pretty face, @annoyinglyuniquebread I can’t believe it’s gonna be so long until I get to see you!
18: Most traumatic experience?
Probably something emotionally abusive at the hands of my biological dad or his wife but honestly I’ve repressed most of it and I don’t really wanna talk about that sooooo………*shudders* Anywayyyy
20: What I hate most about myself?
Too many things to list to be honest. I’m not trying to sound negative, but I do have a lot of issues when it comes to how I view myself, but I am working on them and am hoping to be getting to a place where I can honestly say that I don’t think I suck in the near future, wish me luck!
22: What I want to be when I get older?
Author! I wanna write, write write! If ONE kid picks up a book I’ve written and it helps them in any way at all or sparks that love of stories in them that has become my own driving force, then my goal in life has been achieved!
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
Okay, so I have 4 siblings, two older sisters and two younger brothers. My relationship to my sisters are pretty much your standard sibling-situation, we grew up together and occasionally we wanted to murder each other, but most of the time we got along and now as adults we’re all pretty close even though I live far away. My brothers are a more complicated situation, due to my nonexistent relationship with my biological father I haven’t actually seen my little bros in years, I hope that we’ll be able to have some type of relationship one day, but as long as they live with dad I don’t see that as possible, although I love them and would love to be a proper big sib to them someday!
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
My mom is absolutely one of the most important people in my life, I love spending time with her and she’s the one I go to first if any problem, big or small arises in my life, we’ve always been extremely close and she’s quite simply my best friend. My step-dad (who I tend to refer to as dad most of the time) has been in my life since I was 4 and he’s more of a father to me than my biological dad (who i don’t even view as my ‘dad’ at all) ever was or could ever be. I love him with all my heart, he’s the best and one of the funniest people I know! I’d say generally I’m very, very close to both of my parents and they’re both extremely important to me and here I am getting sappy at 2AM. 
25: My idea of a perfect date
Movie/Show marathon and cuddling with snacks tbh
26: My biggest pet peeves
When the cover/general appearance of a book on my shelf doesn’t match what the rest of the books in that series look like…All my books have to match if they’re part of the same series or I freak the fuck out honestly! That’s really the only pet peeve I can think of at the moment.
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
I kinda really like @annoyinglyuniquebread but don’t tell her, it’d just get to her pretty head and she’d probably tease me about it and I’m shy!
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
Wow, has someone told the oversized cheeto running America that he has a giant dead cat on his head yet orrrrr…?
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend?
I can’t think of a specific situation in which I’ve done this just now, but chances are if you’re my friend I’ve probably lied to you and told you I was sick so I wouldn’t have to hang out with you that day, it’s not that I don’t WANNA hang out, I love you I promise…it’s just my very awkward introverted ass not being sure how to tell you that I need to reschedule because my social battery is drained and that I am going to physically explode if I have to be around humans for the next few days, without sounding like a hermit and/or hurting your feelings soooo…Yeah, sorry about that!
30: What I hate the most about work/school?
That it ruins the fun of learning with all those deadlines and gives me performance anxiety about stuff I’d normally be good at/comfortable with doing…
31: What my last text message says?
“Night, I love you
32: What words upset me the most?
Any type of uninformed, ignorant hate speech, when someone is being bigoted in my presence it always makes me feel like I want to scream and/or cry 
33: What words make me feel the best about myself?
When people compliment my hair, clothes or writing it really makes my day every time without fail! Also when people use my chosen name and pronoun it makes me feel like I could take on the whole world on my own and win, so thank you SO much to everyone in my life who make an effort to do that every day!!
34: What I find attractive in women?
Um, everything about them, i mean have you SEEN girls??? I love being a lesbian; ladies, you’re all so beautiful I wanna squeal just thinking about it!
35: What I find attractive in men?
Them being Harrison Ford. If you are male, but not Mr. Ford I’m sorry but I’m simply not attracted to you at all and won’t date you. Sorry men, I don’t make the rules. However, if you’re reading this, Harrison from ca 1980 (why would you be?) hit me up!
37: One of my insecurities?
Too many to list again, but like I said, I am working on that! 
38: My childhood career choice
Author, not much has changed, huh? I’ve actually known what I want to be since I was like 5.
40: Who I wish I could be?
A happier, more secure version of myself…Or you know Han Solo/Veronica Mars/Kim Possible, that works too!
41: Where I want to be right now?
Right at this moment I’m pretty happy here under the covers in my big comfy bed listening to Taylor Swift with my laptop in my lap and answering all these questions. Even though I’m having a pretty bad case of insomnia I feel pretty content, a little hungry tho…Think I’m gonna go make noodles and finish Stranger Things when I’m done answering these! 
42: The last thing I ate
Some salted caramel chocolate a while ago, it was delicious!
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately?
Well I’d be cheating on my wife if I didn’t say Sarah Michelle Gellar, wouldn’t I? Although there are a few other candidates as well…
44: A random fact about anything
Did you guys know that @annoyinglyuniquebread aka Bella is really cute and awesome and great at holding hands? Well, if you didn’t there’s a random fact for ya!
Wow, that sure was a lot of questions, but it was fun to answer them all! Thanks for sending them, Bella
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assbuttyourlife · 7 years
When We Were Young - Chapter Eleven
Pairing : Misha/OFC
Warnings : Language, Fire, trauma, PTSD, family members’ death (including child), therapy, flashbacks (not in every chapter), injuries, cheating. Long fic. Angst, fluff, Smut.
Words : 5372
Summary : After her grandmother’s funeral, Lily must return to the place she lived in when she was young and has to confront the ghosts of her past. She will run into an old friend that she thought was lost forever.
WWWY Masterlist
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CHAPTER ELEVEN : One Hell Of A Panel
Lily was about to leave her room to go to the Hilton when someone knocked on her door weakly.
It couldn't be Misha, the convention already started... so it probably wasn't Ty either. Or was it?
She opened the door and was stunned when she came face to face with Misha's mother.
“Oh my god, Rebecca! I didn't even know you were here! Misha didn't tell me! I'm so happy to see you!”
She stepped forward and hugged her before letting her in.
“That's the point, sweetie. It's supposed to be a surprise.”
“Oh, he doesn't know you're here either?” “Yes, he does. I just talked to him before he left for the convention. The surprise is actually for you too. Do you know what day it is today?”
Lily smiled, a little confused.
“Uh... yeah... may 12th.”
She scratched her mind to find a particular reason why Rebecca would be here on this date, but couldn't find any. Her birthday was in June.
Misha's mother stood before Lily and took her hands in hers, looking at her closely.
“It's mother's day, sweetheart.”
Lily gasped silently, and she almost fell when she had the sensation that the ground opened under her feet.
She forgot... It was not like she could still celebrate it anyway.
“Oh... Right. We probably should hurry so you can go back to Misha then. Is Sasha here too?”
“No, Sasha couldn't make it, and Misha's busy, I'm not here just for him today, I'm here for you. I know it's been a while, but you've been part of my life for years, and your mother was the best friend I ever had. I always thought about you as the girl I always wanted but never had, and even if I can never replace the mother you lost, now that she's gone, I think she would like for me to take care of you. Today is probably the best date to start... If you want it, of course.”
And once again, Lily couldn't hold her tears back. She sure had cried a lot since the Krushnic family came back in her life, but these were happy tears.
Sure she still felt a hint of sadness because she inevitably thought about her dead mother who couldn't be here with her today, but Rebecca probably just gave her the best gift she would ever have: a substitute mother.
And she truly was. Even when her mom was still alive, Rebecca was like her second mother, always here for her, always ready to help her when she couldn't turn to her own mom, always having her back when something was up with Misha.
Lily buried herself in Rebecca's arms and cried.
“Of course I want it.” She sniffed. “I can't believe you're doing this.”
“And I can't believe it took me so long to do it.”
Rebecca kissed the top of her head and broke their embrace.
“How about we start by breakfast?”
Lily smiled, wiping her face.
“Great idea. I'm starving.”
They took their time to have breakfast at the hotel, and they left when Misha sent a text to Lily asking her if she would be here for his panel. She replied 'sure', and they hurried to go to the Hilton, arriving just on time for his morning solo panel. When they entered the panel's room, he was answering a fan who wanted him to say something in Russian. She instantly was reminded of the times Misha pretended to be a Russian student so he could go some places for free... He obviously knew how to act pretty early.
The next fan didn't have a question, she just wanted to thank him about something called “Gishwish” or something, which of course she had absolutely no idea of what it was, but it picked her curiosity, Misha was very serious during the whole time the fan spoke, as she told him about her team raising money to free a woman and her daughter from their abusive home. He tried to joke about it at one moment, but Lily could tell he was kinda touched by her story anyway. She would have to ask him about that thing for sure.
Of course, after that, the questions about the show started to fuse, but Misha winced to one fan who had a very strong accent so he didn't understand her very well... and this is where the craziest and funniest part began.
After a little while trying to understand her question, he gave up and asked for a volunteer from the audience to come and translate the question for him. A fan came up on stage to help him, and Lily thought it was the previous fan who asked him to speak Russian.
Actually... Lily didn't understand the damn question either! She thought maybe it was because she just didn't know anything about the show or the characters, but obviously she wasn't the only one being lost.
The 'translator' tried to rephrase the question.
“She said that uuh, you know the scene when Dean and Cas talk, and uuh, Castiel tells Dean that this is not what happened because uuuh, Dean thought that Castiel was left behind in purgatory, not because of his fault...”
The fan paused when she saw Misha wincing again and hid his face in his hands, and they both cracked up laughing, realizing this didn't make sense at all.
The poor girl apologized, but Misha said it was good before asking for another person to come for help, to translate what the translator was trying to actually translate for him... Boy was it confusing! Lily was very amused at this point, and knowing Misha pretty well, she knew he could toy with that for a while!
A second fan came up on stage and tried to help... Except she was a bit confused too and asked for the first fan to repeat the question. It was a huge mess when the original fan, who was still down next to the stage waiting patiently, said something in the microphone and Misha interrupted.
“Hey hey! I'm sorry, we're working on this question right now, please wait your turn!”
He turned to the first volunteer and asked her to tell in Russian what the other girl was trying to say in English, so the second volunteer could finally translate in English to him.
Lily had cramps in her cheeks, she couldn't stop giggling at this point.
The Russian fan started to tell the question in Russian, while Misha was holding the mic to her face, joking and mimicking like he was getting it, and the second girl was nodding, obviously understanding the question. This seemed good, they were finally getting somewhere.
That was until the second fan asked to Misha: “What do you want me to say?”.
Of course everybody laughed, and Misha asked her to translate for him, but the poor girl was lost and Lily had to hold her stomach when she asked “to translate what?”.
Just when she thought they were about to make it, everything crashed down, it was just hilarious.
The second fan asked in what language she should translate, and of course Misha, who had no microphone at this point anymore, first replied she had to translate in English, but then asked her what other languages she could speak. The young blond woman said she could speak English and french too, and Misha's face lighted up.
"Oh great! So we can call Sebastian so he can translate from french what you said in Russian so you can finally say it to me in English!"
The crowd cheered but a few of them yelled "He's doing photo ops!", pointing at the big screen behind him.
Lily facepalmed, she knew he was about to call another fan to come up on stage and help them. This was such a huge mess!
But he didn't exactly call a fan...
"OH! Lily are you in the audience? We need some help here!" He called. Lily's eyes widened and she turned to Rebecca who had a huge smile on her face, but she didn't move... He had to be kidding! Except he wasn't and when he finally spotted her, standing next to the exit door with his mom, he ran down the stage, took her hand, and despite the horrified look on her face and her several vain attempts to get away from him, they climbed the stairs and were back on stage in a second. "Come on, you're used to be on stage, don't pretend you hate it." I'm gonna kill him. He'll be dead for good this time. Of course she was used to be on stage... Hiding behind her instrument and drowned in the crowd of her colleagues, with no freaking huge microphone pointing at her face!!
"This is actually a great opportunity! You guys remember the young lady sleeping gracefully in the plane? Someone tagged me on Twitter about it." "Yeahhh!" They all screamed in unison. "Well, here she is, it's Lily, she's an old friend of mine, and if I'm correct, considering the look on her face, she is right now planning to kill me. Am I right?" He pointed his damn mic at her again. "Absolutely!"
He laughed and the audience did the same. He placed Lily between him and the Russian fan and pointed his finger at the other girl. "So... Miss, can you please ask the question in french to Lily, who will hopefully translate in English for me... Though she hasn't watched a single episode of Supernatural and has no idea what the hell we're talking about." The crowd went wild at his comment, booing and hooting all they could, kicking their feet on the ground to make more noise. Misha glanced at Lily and winked, he looked so proud of himself that she almost wanted to take the mic from him and tell them the most embarrassing story ever... She would seriously have to think about one! He really needed a severe punishment! "Alright, alright, calm down. She promised she would catch up soon." Misha explained, trying to calm the audience. “Right, Lily?”
He held his mic close to her face again, and he knew perfectly she hated it. So she answered...
“Yes, Ty proposed to help. I guess I'll have to accept his generous offer.”
She was so satisfied of herself at that moment! When she devilishly stared at Misha who couldn't show anything in front of his fans, but Lily could see the defiance in his eyes. He licked and bit his lips, obviously refraining from replying something stingy.
He finally had no choice but to give up so he turned to the fan ready to ask the question one more time. "Okay, go ahead." She faced Lily who was listening carefully. "Alors, uhh... Dean pensait qu'il avait abandonné Cas au purgatoire... Parce qu'il a lâché sa main... Mais en fait c'était juste le choix de Cas de rester au purgatoire. Je crois qu'elle veut savoir pourquoi Cas avait l'air si surpris que Dean soit si surpris quand il lui a dit que Cas voulait rester au purgatoire." Lily's eyes slowly widened as she was listening the question, and she laughed weakly (and nervously) when she turned to look at Misha who had a huge smile on his face, obviously trying not to giggle. "All my hopes are in you, Lily."
Oh God, she wasn't even sure what it was all about, so she decided to simply translate what she heard, and hopefully that would make sense for him. "Umm okay... She wants to know why Cas was so surprised that... Dean was so surprised..." Lily paused when he snorted, holding her giggles too now. "...When Cas..." She looked at the fan for confirmation, just to be sure she was using the right names at the right time. "… Told him he wanted to stay in purgatory." Misha's smile persisted and he burst out laughing when the fan who originally asked the question said "Yes!" in her microphone, full of hope.
Misha looked at Lily with a serious face.
"Okay, okay, I get it, why Cas was so surprised... Surprised about what?”
Lily hid her face in her hands, laughing even more.
“About Dean who was so surprised that Cas was surprised that-” She burst out laughing and Misha took the mic away from her.
“See, this little exercise was to demonstrate to you how difficult this acting business is. It's very confusing because there's multiple characters and you have to remember which one you're playing, and how surprised you are! By the way... was Cas really as surprised as you guys are all saying?”
 They all replied “Yeah!”, so he added “Wasn't it more like... '      Really you don't remember?    '” He looked at Lily with a puzzled look.
“Why the hell are you looking at me, how am I supposed to know?”
They were interrupted by the poor and hopeless fan who originally asked the question, still standing behind her microphone, who suddenly started to talk but Misha wouldn't let her, and asked her to come up on stage too, estimating there were not enough people with him.
She explained to him what she really wanted to know, and after reenacting the scene together, he just realized it all started because of a tiny eyelid twitch.
That was too much for Lily who burst out laughing and giggled uncontrollably, bending over and holding her stomach, still on stage next to the two 'volunteers' who were now laughing too.
Misha turned to look at her, pleased to see her having so much fun.
“Don't worry, she must think she stepped into crazyland... it's cute, she doesn't even know it 's only the beginning.”
Eventually, she calmed down after a little while and Misha said to the first fan that he wanted her to leave satisfied, so he tried to seriously answer her question, but he just couldn't stop laughing, so he knelt on stage, giving up, and someone brought him a huge inflatable hammer that he used to hit his own head in defeat.
He got up and said that after that fiasco, she would now definitely be scared to talk in public. He then thanked her and the other fans who tried to help before they left the stage, and when Lily started to walk away, he grabbed her wrist.
“Where do you think you're going, miss Hagen?”
So the torture wasn't done obviously... And seeing the mischievous look in his eyes, she could tell he was ready to get his revenge for the comment she made about Ty.
“I'm leaving to let you do your job. People are waiting...” She tried.
There were indeed a lot of people waiting in line to ask questions, but Misha wasn't decided to let her go so fast.
“They are... And they probably want to know more about you too now!”
She shook her head no but the audience cheered to notify Misha was actually right.
Why would they want to know about her? They were all here for Misha! She was nobody!
“So here is what we're going to do: you're gonna sit in my chair right here, and I'll explain to them who you are, because I know they will love that story.”
She sighed but complied, sitting in the stool in the center of the stage while Misha brought a microphone for her too.
“Okay, so some of you maybe remember that time I talked about that guy I met when I was nine doing my paper routes?”
A few people yelled “Yes!”, and Misha went on.
“Yes, Mr Hagen, the old man who helped me and my family during hard times, and I couldn't hold it and teared up on stage when I told you he died when I came to his house to bring Christmas presents.”
Silence fell, and Lily could almost physically feel the emotion building in the room now. She didn't intervene and let him talk, looking down at the microphone in her hand.
“You also remember the time I told you my house burned so that's why I didn't have a lot of pictures of me when I was young?”
Again, people said yes, and Lily wondered one more time why the hell he was telling all those things to strangers.
“Good. So it wasn't exactly my house, I was living there but it was her family's place, and she's actually Mr Hagen's grand-daughter.”
He just threw it like that, and the audience applauded and cheered loudly.
“Long story short, I won't give you that much detail but the thing is... I thought she died in that fire, and she thought I died in that fire too, so we were super surprised when we accidentally bumped into each other a couple weeks ago at the airport.”
 He made eye contact with Lily and she could see the hint of emotion on his face, so she smiled at him weakly.
“Another fun thing... I apparently got so old and changed so much that she didn't recognize me right away and I had to literally prove to her that I was me... which was weird to be honest.”
She laughed and put her hand on her mouth, remembering what was probably the weirdest night of her life.
“So yeah... Since I told you about her grandfather I thought you would like to know I had reasons to tear up remembering him and his family, but now she's here and I think I will never be able to thank her enough for...”
 He stopped and looked away when he started to tear up once again.
 Lily would break soon too if he couldn’t hold it back. She tried to be strong in front of so many people though; she just smiled and looked down.
 Misha sighed, and after a little while he just walked towards her and gave her a tight hug, resting his chin on her shoulder, in front of the fans that were in total awe. It was a very intimate gesture, as she was still sitting on the stool, she kinda had to spread her legs to allow him access, but she didn't care, she just hugged him back, knowing he did it for a lot of reasons, especially to apologize for being a dick with her this morning.
He pulled away, exhaled and wiped his face quickly, apologizing to his fans for being weak again.
“Alright... we should go on with the questions, this is getting ridiculous.”
Lily tried to sneak away one more time.
“Can I go now?”
 Misha laughed and talked in his high pitched voice, mocking her shamelessly.
“Can I go now, Sir? Was I good enough?”
Everybody cheered and laughed. Misha was clearly toying with her... once again she mentally swore to God he would pay for all of this.
“Nope, you can't. You'll finish this panel with me whether you like it or not. Sit.”
She closed her eyes and sighed while sitting back on the stool. Someone brought another chair and Misha sat next to her, looking at the fan on the right of the stage, nodding so she would ask her question, which was why he always talks about West but not enough about Maison, so he started to joke about the fact that babies don't do anything and eventually ended up talking about poop, before turning to his left, facing a male fan for another question.
“So umm... I had a question about Cas but... now you made us all curious about the woman next to you... so I actually have a question for her, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure! Go ahead. But be nice.” Misha cleared his throat and the man turned his eyes to Lily.
“Hi. I was just wondering if you're free to go grab a drink after the panel.”
Lily's mouth opened wide and she laughed as the audience went wild again. Misha had bold fans for sure, and she didn't complain, the guy was handsome and regarding to his accent, he was Italian, which was even better! It was obviously not a serious question though, the guy had a teasing smile plastered on his face.
Misha was expressionless and turned to look at Lily who was trying (but failing) to hide the huge smile on her face, clearly amused by the situation. She pulled the mic up to her face but Misha interrupted, not letting her talk.
“God, we can't go anywhere without men hitting on you, can we?”
He looked back at the fan who asked the question.
“Are you Italian?”
“Well... I'm afraid I can't allow that, Italians are too touchy.”
 The crowd cheered, but the guy didn't give up so easily.
“Does she need your permission?”
 A horde of “Awws” and “Oohs” resonated in the room. Everybody knew Misha could be kinda sharp when he felt attacked on stage, so they all waited for the bitter answer he would throw back at the cheeky man, but Lily talked first.
“No, she doesn't!” She replied looking into Misha's eyes, raising her eyebrows with a look who clearly meant “BAM!”
Misha was stuck, he knew he couldn't reveal to the world that they used to be more than friends and that he threw a jealousy tantrum this morning about the exact same kind of situation.
He tried to turn the flavor though...
“Well... your funeral. She bites a lot and she snores like a chainsaw.”
He laughed, but soon stopped when the man replied once again.
“I don't mind a few bites.”
 Lily realized Misha was getting a little annoyed and could say things he would regret later, so she helped.
“He's making things up, I'm an angel!”
People laughed and Misha moved on quickly.
“Yep, an angel that doesn't go out with strange Italian guys who have no manners. Next question!” And he turned to look at the other side of the stage, ignoring the guy to nod at a female fan so she could ask her question.
“Hi... actually umm... I also have a question about your friend, if that's ok...”
Lily snorted and couldn't shut up anymore when she saw Misha rolling his eyes. “Are you regretting keeping me here yet?”
They exchanged an impish smile and the fan interrupted.
“No, no, I just wanted to know... You said she was an old friend, so I wonder if you have some fun childhood stories you could share with us like you do with Darius!”
That made Lily frown and she looked at Misha with a questioning look.
“Darius? Our Darius?”
“Yes. That Darius.”
“Oh my! I didn't know he was still around!”
“He is! We'll have to go see him one of these days.”
 That reminded him of the story he told the day before at the club, but naturally he couldn’t talk about that on stage.
“You know that Lily's teachers were terrified when they saw her with me and Darius near her school? They always wondered what kind of shit we were plotting. Truth is, we didn't go to the same school, but me and Darius were constantly sneaking in her school to mess with her friends... and her teachers too.”
“God I had so much trouble because of you two!”
Misha laughed, actually proud of himself.
“I do have some story about that, I told Jensen and the guys just yesterday actually, but... I'm afraid it's not quite appropriate... I don't think I can tell you that story...” He turned to look at Lily.
Naturally, the crowd cheered to encourage him to talk.
“Indeed, you can’t.” Lily confirmed firmly.
He better not!
“It’s a pretty funny story, though. They would like it.”
“No.” was all she answered, but she threw a very meaningful look at Misha to make him understand he should shut up and change the subject.
“Alright, how about a cute story then?”
 She gave him a suspicious look, raising an eyebrow. He searched for his phone in his pocket and showed her a picture of him when he was a kid, his face completely distorted by bloody wounds.
She had a recoil movement.
“Remember that day?”
“You call that a cute story? God look at your face! Of course I remember.”
Misha stood up and went down the stage, placing his phone in front of the main camera for everybody to see.
“You guys remember when I posted this on Twitter?”
Everybody said ‘yes’, and Misha jumped on stage and sat back next to Lily.
“I think I can tell you more about it now. I just told you it was a bike accident.”
“It was.” Lily pointed out, not really sure what he wanted to tell them. She remembered that day vividly. She had the fear of her life.
“Oh, it was more than that, it was also the day we sealed our friendship. That’s what it felt to me, at least.”
 She frowned, not knowing what he meant. “Okay, now I’m curious too.”
 Misha cleared his throat and settled back on his chair.
“We were what… ten? Eleven?”
“Something like that, yeah.”
“It’s actually a good story to tell today, it was the father’s day weekend if I recall correctly.”
“Mmhmm…” Lily hummed and sent a quick look at Rebecca who was now sitting at the end of the front row.
“Our moms were already good friends at the time, but we didn’t even go to the same school, we were just hanging out to her grandparent’s place twice a week and that was it. I wanted to find something to do to keep her mind busy that weekend, though. Her father had died a few months before, and I just didn’t want her to stay at home thinking about it, so what’s best than a bike ride to clear your mind, right?”
     Smartass    . He never told her that was the reason why he invited her for a bike ride. She’d thought he was the one who actually needed to clear his mind on father’s day. She knew he was always sad every time he thought about his father being so absent.
“Anyway, we rode to the park near her house, it’s a very nice place in the nature, with lots of trees, a beautiful river, waterfalls, beaches and we just liked going there a lot. We sat on a bench to drink before going back home, when the ‘cool’ rich and dumb kids of my school walked towards us, thinking it was a good thing to tease me a little more in front of my female friend.”
 The audience was very quiet. It was a heavy topic in the Supernatural fandom. Misha never hid the fact he had been bullied at school, just like Jared, but he never really gave any details nor had he told any specific stories about it.
“No need for details, but of course I didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of her, so I tried to reply to their harsh words as best as I could, which they didn’t appreciate, and they asked her to go to the movie with them instead of hanging out doing nothing with a poor dude like me. She picked her bike and I thought she would actually go with them, but she just asked me to do the same so we could go home. It seems like nothing now that we’re adults, but when you’re eleven and lonely it actually means a lot.”
Lily swallowed the lump in her throat. How come she never thought about little details like those even when she grew older? It really felt like nothing important to her, she just did was felt right at the moment and that was it.
“We were riding back when we arrived near the hills of the park, I sped up because the stupid kids obviously weren’t done with us so they followed us, and I just fell down the hill with my bike. Naturally the brave kids ran away, and Lily called for help.”
Misha stopped talking to look at her and just smiled.
“I almost peed my pants. You scared me!”
“Sorry about that.”
 He laughed and stood up. “So yeah… She could’ve gone with them, it would’ve been the logic thing to do at that age, rich kids hanging out with a rich girl, but no, the miss decided to stand by me that day, and I started to think maybe she didn’t hang out with me only because our moms were friends and she just had to.”
“That’s what you thought?” She asked in a high pitched voice.
Misha rolled his eyes. “It crossed my mind.”
“Did I answer your question? It was not a funny story, sorry.” Misha turned to the fan who asked for the childhood story.
“It was perfect, thank you!”
This is when Sebastian decided to crash the panel.
“Are you having fun in here?”
He came up on stage and Misha welcomed him by putting his arm around his shoulders.
“You have no idea!”
“Mademoiselle...” Sebastian bent down and kissed Lily twice on the cheeks to say hello.
“Monsieur...” She smiled, kissing him back.
“What were you talking about?”
“You just missed a cute story.” Misha teased.
“Damn! Was it as good as the bathroom story from yesterday?”
 Lily’s eyes widened and she raised her mic, almost ready to scream ‘shut up!’ but she didn’t.
Misha cracked up. “Nope. She forbade me to tell that specific story in front of all these people. I don’t know why.”
“I don’t know why either. It’s such a funny story! But I’m always up for new ones, I’ll watch this one on Youtube then.” Sebastian sat on Misha’s chair next to Lily, and her face fell.
“Oh, did I forget to mention those lovely people can't help filming every panel and post it everywhere on the internet? Oops!” Misha teased.
“I thought it was not allowed!”
Sebastian smiled and was proud he could place his next line.
“Yeah... just like it's not allowed to fuck in school's bathroom. People don't care and do it anyway.”
 The screams of the audience were crazy, Lily's eyes popped out of her head and her mouth dropped before she hid her face in her hands, blushing furiously.
She thought Misha would say something, but he just laughed his ass off with Sebastian.
“Okay, I'm leaving.” She jumped down of her seat and walked away towards Rebecca, followed by Misha who first thanked and greeted the cheerful audience and whispered something in Sebastian’s ear, leaving him behind for his own panel.
 He had to go to photo ops now, but he needed to be sure Lily was okay first, so he ran to catch her arm and stop her in her track.
“You're not mad, are you?”
“I don't know yet... If they figure out Seb was talking about us and I get tons of crap because of this, I'll make you pay.”
 He smiled when he heard her playful voice.
“Fine. They won't though, they think Vicki is my first love. Come with me! I want a photo with you!”
“Uh... Okay.”
 They entered the photo op room, fans were already waiting in line, but Misha took the time to make a few photos with Lily and his mom before letting them go.
She then left the Hilton with Rebecca and went to the old city, because there was no way she could leave Rome without doing some shopping and they still had plenty of time until the last panel.
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/courtney-ford-talks-supernatural-big-bang-theory-august-creek/
Courtney Ford talks 'Supernatural,' 'Big Bang Theory' and 'August Creek'
Supernatural Season 12 may be over, but the interviews certainly are not! I was able to catch up with Courtney Ford, who played Kelly Kline, the mother of Lucifer’s son. She had a juicy reoccurring role in this season, and I quite liked her character. She’s also appeared on Big Bang Theory, Castle, True Blood, Dexter and Parenthood just to give you an idea of how busy she is. Don’t forget to e-mail me any ideas or suggestions that you may have for avid fans or artists; I missed last week’s post because I fractured my ankle, but I had surgery and am able to get back to Supernatural business. Why do you think Kelly chose the name Jack for her son’s name? There was a bit more to the IKEA crib scene when we originally filmed it. There was a line in there about Kelly wanting to name the baby "Jack" after her father. Misha also added a joke about the Allen wrench, which I was sorry to see go. Misha so expertly finds the humor in the small moments that Cas approaches with such seriousness, it's hard to keep a straight face. What was your favorite episode to work on? I had such a great time during season 12; it's hard to pick a favorite. Episode 19 (The Future) was a big episode for Kelly, and I will forever appreciate the fearless and collaborative directing style of Amanda Tapping. It was a bit of an emotional roller coaster, and definitely the most challenging, but also a ridiculous amount of fun. Driving Baby was a thrill, and the four of us (Jared, Jensen, Misha and I) were together a lot. The scene outside the motel, right before I steal Baby, I don't know how we got through it. That was the day I discovered you could get a Charley horse in your face from laughing. When you accepted the role of Kelly, did you know she would play such a large part in the season? No. All I knew was that the role was a recurring guest star, and the character was in a romantic relationship with the President of the United States. I came into the audition thinking she was likely a demon or had some sort of dark intentions to manipulate the President for Lucifer, more like a Dagon I suppose, and the producers said, no, no, no. They revealed that Kelly was mortal, the President was a widower, and their relationship was real. I remember thinking, "oh sh*t!" and silently kicking myself for having the exact opposite interpretation, but there's no time to dwell in an audition. I just threw everything out, hit "delete" on the Kelly file I had in my head,  did some split second recalculating, then presented her very simply. The woman who snapped into focus for me in the room that day had a kind heart, good intentions, a strong relationship to her faith, and happened to be very much in love. That's it. I had no idea what kind of journey they had in store for her. Tell us about the one scene on the road where Kelly thinks she’s going to the doctor’s office but is pulled away by Dean? (A favorite for many Dean fans, including me ☺) I remember Jensen coming up before the scene- he wanted me to know just when he was going to come out from around the corner, so I wouldn't be freaked out (as an actress) when he grabbed me. That was incredibly considerate, and I told him I appreciated the his concern, but to please not let me know! I wanted to be genuinely surprised! I promised him that I was cool with however it went down as long as it read well, and I think it did. I naturally startle easily, so what you see is my reaction in the moment to him sneaking up and grabbing me. One of the theories bandied about is that the Castiel that came out of the alternative universe wasn’t our Castiel; what are your thoughts? Do you have any theories on how Cas comes back? I don't have any theories, but I do know that on a show like Supernatural, a character's death doesn't necessarily carry the same kind of finality that it would on other shows that don't have that err, supernatural element :) What was the hardest scene for you to do? (Emotionally or physically.) The suicide. As Kelly sliced her wrist, she knew she was killing her baby. I think that's why her "I'm sorry" came out the way it did. Kelly's love for her child was so complete,  that to override her motherly instinct to protect her child at any cost, or make herself believe that killing herself and him was the better choice, to have to make a choice like that... the grief was overwhelming. I still don't like to think about it. Once again, Amanda Tapping was my rock. What was the funniest thing to happen on set? The funniEST? Impossible to pick just one moment. A few things stand out in my mind: The first take of Jensen's reaction to having to catch a flaming Bible in a trash can. Jared does a pretty good reenactment. That same scene had a moment where Misha urges me to place my hand on the Bible because he knows it will burst into flames, convincing me that the baby I'm carrying isn't human. He had to hold the book crotch-level for the shot, and his line was this somber, "put your hand on this." It was just the incredibly serious way he kept saying it... the four of us were giggling like immature idiots. The problem was, it was 2 or 3 in the morning, we were in danger of going into overtime, it was down to my closeup, and I just couldn't keep it together.  Eventually, Misha saved the day by bringing the book into the shot, but not saying the off-camera line, effectively sparing me. It's the joking off-camera, to instantly serious quick change, that is the recipe for disaster for me. In 19, we had to burst out of the motel room door for that intense walk-and-talk, and I could barely look anyone in the eye because of whatever we had been joking about moments before. Same with the night of the post-Dagon fight at the Sandbox in the park. I thought Kevin (the 1st AD) was going to kill us. Were you a fan of Supernatural when you auditioned? I had never seen it! Please don't judge me! What do you have in common with Kelly? Aside from the total devotion and all-consuming love we both have for our sons, not a whole lot. I am naturally a very skeptical person, and Kelly has unwavering faith. There were moments where it was a bit of a challenge to connect to her point of view sometimes because our temperaments are quite different. I appreciated her gentleness. I suppose we could all use a bit more of that in our lives and with each other these days. Tell us about your background, how did you become an actor? I studied Method Acting initially, then found a lot of very helpful tools using Andrew Magarian's moment-to-moment techniques. I had all the usual day jobs. I delivered pizzas, waitressed, was a character entertainer for children's birthday parties. My first job was as an extra, then one-line day player parts, guest stars, then recurrings, and so on. My intention is to tell the truth of any character I play, and to make the most out of every experience, always pushing myself to learn and improve. [caption id="attachment_47351" align="aligncenter" width="696"] Photos: IMDB[/caption] What can you tell us about being on Big Bang, which is filmed for a studio audience; what can you say about the differences and the similarities between that and something like Supernatural? Big Bang was great. Performing in front of a live studio audience can be very intimidating, but Chuck Lorre was incredibly kind to me, and Johnny Galecki was beyond supportive. I was surprised by how nervous I was during tape night, because I had done theater and loved every minute, but I think there is something about the hunger of a sit-com audience, knowing that they came to laugh, that can feel a little overwhelming. I can feel the give and take, the rhythm, the breath, the exchange with the audience during a play, in a way that I haven't yet gotten comfortable with once you add the pace and expectation of live comedy. I've done it several times, but it's always with a feeling of jumping out of a plane and hoping I don't die. A drama like Supernatural that also allows for some great comedic moments, is probably where I'm most comfortable. As a viewer, I'm a big fan of both, but I do see that I tend to gravitate towards more serious roles. Maybe I should shake things up more often! Do you have any upcoming projects you can share? I have a small film called August Creek coming out next year. There's a Supernatural connection there: Elizabeth Blackmore (Lady Toni) and I play sisters! My character is a military widow struggling with her grief, and the conflicting emotions that the chance for new love brings. Another serious role, surprise, surprise! :)
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punk-is-notdead · 7 years
Fic title: First Dates Suck (Mostly), by RidinCastielInTheImpala (sayitinenochian.tumblr) and tfw_cas
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Dean Winchester Castiel Balthazar (Supernatural) Original Female Character(s) First Meetings First Dates Flirting Impala Sex Rimming Anal Sex Praise Kink
Summary: Dean Winchester is on the worst date ever, and Castiel is receiving unwanted advances. Can they help each other escape these uncomfortable situations?
For what seemed like the hundredth time in the last hour, Dean secretly wished that he was somewhere – anywhere – else. This was absolutely the worst date he had ever been on. That's saying something.
Marie was handsy, to the point of embarrassment; Dean had actually lost count of the number of times she had groped him now. The first time she did it, Dean had decided to ignore it, so she obviously thought that meant she could do whatever she wanted. As she became intoxicated, she only grew louder, which meant that other diners kept looking over and witnessing his mortification.
Who could blame them. Her obnoxious laugh echoed through the rectangular room. His only saving grace was that it was so dimly lit that maybe no one would recognize him. Dean wished he could just sneak away to get lost in the crowded bar on the other end of the building.
Marie made a spectacularly inappropriate joke, and as she laughed loudly at her hilariousness she went for Dean again, and this time her hand went straight for his crotch. Oh god, kill me now, he thought as he jumped up from his seat. “I have to go to the bathroom” he said.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Marie asked, batting her eyelashes and suggestively biting her lip as she spoke.
“No!” Dean almost shouted, as he made his escape. As soon as he was a safe distance from the table he let out a huge sigh of relief. Rubbing his hands down his face in exasperation, he focused on making it through the array of tables.
Once he was in the bathroom, Dean started pacing, as he debated with himself if he should just slip away rather than try to finish his date with the human octopus. After a couple of minutes of this, in which he became no closer to deciding what to do, the bathroom door opened and a worried looking man walked in. The man spotted Dean, relief flooding his features. “I need to get out of here.”
Castiel had no problem going to restaurants and dining alone; he was very used to it in fact. Not because he was some kind of loner, or anything like that, it’s just that he was sometimes socially awkward, more comfortable with his own company.
He did not feel like cooking or ordering take-out this evening so he stopped by his favourite restaurant on his way home from work, knowing that the food would be delicious. He was also hoping to see Meg, one of the waitresses who worked there, for a bit of light-hearted banter. She always made him feel better when he had suffered through a stressful day like this one.
Unfortunately, Meg was not there today, so after ordering his food, he went over to the bar and waited to be served by one of the bar staff. A few moments passed, and he became aware of someone standing just behind him, way too close. Honestly, some people have no concept of personal space.
Castiel turned to face the other person, with the intention of asking him or her to move back a bit and found himself face to face with another man who was grinning quite suggestively at him.
He was tall, blond, and quite handsome, Castiel admitted to himself.  The stranger was wearing a t-shirt with a v-neck which was, frankly, cut much too low. He held his hand out to Castiel and in a clipped English accent said, “Well hello handsome, and who might you be?”
Castiel did not want to tell the other man his name, but he knew that would be rude, so as they shook hands he replied. “Castiel.”
“Castiel, what a delicious name.” The other man purred. “Balthazar.” He added.
He finally released Castiel’s hand after a much too long handshake, and said “Why are you eating alone? Surely someone as sharply dressed as you isn’t single.”
“I like the solitude.” Castiel replied, hoping that Balthazar would get the hint.
Clearly not. “I could join you. Keep you company.”
“No, really. I will be quite happy on my own.”
“But I insist. You cannot really mean that.”
Right. Time for a new tactic. Run away.
“Excuse me.” said Castiel. “I just need to use the restroom”.
“Sure thing handsome. I will be waiting right here when you return.”
Oh crap.
As Castiel walked to the bathroom,  he wondered how easy it would be to go back and grab his beloved trench coat without Balthazar seeing. He walked through the door and saw another man inside, who was pacing back and forth. Oh good, someone who can help.
“I need to get out of here.”.
“Yeah, you and me both,” said Dean. “Are you on the date from hell too?”
“Worse than that”, replied Castiel.
“Worse? What, are the feds after you or something? Hitman?”
“No”. Castiel laughed. “An unwanted and unexpected date. I just wanted to have a quiet meal on my own,  but there’s a man at the bar who won’t leave me alone. So I guess you could say he’s a hitman, if you know what I mean.”
It took Dean a moment to catch on, but he got there eventually. Hit man. Heh!
“So, how do we get out of here then, er…” Dean looked at Castiel expectantly, waiting for a name.
“Oh… Castiel.”
“I’m Dean. Um… do you eat on your own often?”
Was this guy asking if he was single? Castiel chuckled, “Is that your way of saying do you come here often?”
“What? No.” Hang on, was this guy hitting on Dean? He was certainly very attractive; dark, messy hair that stuck up at all angles, the most amazing blue eyes Dean had ever seen, and full pink lips that made him want to… Woah, hold up a moment . This was not the time for… whatever inappropriate thoughts he was having.
As Dean went to speak again, Castiel’s eyes suddenly grew wider. “Oh, lord. He’s coming in here, I can hear his voice.”
“Quick,” said Dean, and without thinking, grabbed Castiel’s hand, pulling him into the first stall and locked the door. It was just in time too, as they heard Balthazar open the bathroom door and walk inside.
“Hello,” he called out. “Castiel?”
“There’s no-one in here but me,” Dean called back. “I think your date must have run out on you.”
Castiel had to put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.
“Oh. Well, sorry to have disturbed you,” said Balthazar, backing out into the restaurant in a hurry.
Dean and Castiel dissolved into laughter. When they had composed themselves, Dean said, “Well, he’s persistent, anyway.”
“Oh god,” said Castiel, shaking his head. “I’m sure he’s very nice, but he’s just not my type.”
Dean really wanted to ask Castiel what his type was, but he chickened out. “My date tried to follow me in here, too. My female date.”
It was very subtle, but Dean saw Castiel’s face fall a little. He thinks I’m straight, and didn’t get why I said that she was female. Now, how in hell was Dean going to let Castiel know that he was bisexual without sounding like he was hitting on him? Not that he didn’t want to hit on him. Considering they were hiding in the bathroom for that very reason, it was probably not a good idea. Probably.
They both suddenly became very aware of the fact that they were crammed into such a tight space together. In the space of a few seconds, the atmosphere changed. The air almost felt like it was charged, and as they locked eyes, they both drew in air more raggedly. As if they couldn’t quite catch their breath.
In a toilet, really? Thought Dean. Classy. Not that he wouldn’t. Time to change the subject, fast. Dean was good at that. “Tell you what,” he said. “We could go out in disguise. So that they won’t recognise us.”
“Disguise? I don’t think restaurant bathrooms usually have a disguise section in them, Dean.”
Think. Think.
“Ok Cas… can I call you Cas?” Please say yes.
“Um… ok?”
“We can use toilet paper. Look.” As Dean said this, he pulled out some paper from the dispenser and draped it over Castiel’s head. He added a few more.
“Look, a wig. Wait, I know, we could make some toilet paper wings and you could fly us out of here.” Dean was picturing Castiel as a sort of angelic figure, which was very appealing to him.
This was the funniest thing that had happened to Castiel in… well, forever, and he started to laugh so hard that his sides were aching.
“This is serious, Cas.”  Dean was trying to maintain a solemn expression but also started to snicker. “We could use some to make a beard too.”
He grabbed some more paper and held it to Castiel’s face, realising a little too late that he now had his hands on the other man; fingers practically in his mouth. Oh. There was that charged atmosphere back again, only this time, they were standing even closer. And now Dean and Castiel were touching.
“Or,” said Dean – after all, nothing ventured, nothing gained – “we could just stay in here and make out until they leave.”
Castiel smiled and leaned forward until his lips were almost touching Dean’s, his breath hot against the other man’s face. “I thought you would never ask.”
When their lips met fully, Dean's body felt electrocuted. It set a fire in him unlike any that had ever been sparked before. It made him lean into Castiel, one tongue slipping to meet the other. It all felt very taboo, in the middle of dinner rush in a crowded restaurant. This thought just egged Dean on. As their impromptu kiss lengthened,  Cas could feel himself being pushed against the slate gray stall. Not to mention that his erection was growing and now pressed against, what he guessed, was Dean's. They made out for what seemed like ages until neither of them could breathe..Dean had pulled off to kiss down the other man’s neck before whispering hot into his ear.“Why don’t we get outta here? I’m sure they’re gone by now.... We can go somewhere private, if you’d like.”
Dean accented his words with a light sucking to a spot on Castiel's neck. It sent a tremor throughout him and he gripped into Dean’s short tawny hair. His hips ground upwards into, what was definitely, Dean's boner; this time he was sure of it.  The only thing that was pulling him away was the thought of going somewhere more sanitary and with more room. “Yes, actually I'd like that very much. What did you have in mind?”
With a wicked grin, Dean pulled them from the confined stall and cautiously out into the open air of the dining room. They were just in time so see Balthazar making his way out the front door, a very clingy Marie on his arm. The men leaned into each other with a sense of relief washing over them. Dean couldn't help but chuckle as he turned from Castiel towards the door. “I hope he enjoys octopus hands.”
Castiel spotted his trench untouched at the bar where he had left it. “So I have a tab to close. Want to meet me back at the bar?”
“Yeah, Sure. Got a slip of my own to take care of.” Dean walked confidently away, quite giddy at the thought of getting it on with such a beautiful man in the back seat of Baby. Castiel watched him go, his ass swaying hypnotically side to side in his dark levi’s.
When he reached the bar he slipped into his trench coat and called the bartender over to him. What was he doing? He thought to himself about going home with an essential stranger, much like the one he literally ran from earlier. What made Dean different? He felt arms slip around his waist as he put his wallet away. The thrill it sent through him silenced his inner monologue. He knew why Dean was different. He had never felt this way in his life. Cas wasn't a virgin, not by any means, but not once had someone, male or female, ever made him come undone this way. He turned into Dean and before he knew it they were kissing, openly, in front of the entire bar. No one noticed the display but it made Castiel's pants grow tighter. “Ok, where to?”
“Follow me.”
Castiel was never one for taking orders, but he followed without question. He would show Dean what it was like to take commands when they reached their destination. Little did Cas know that when Dean stopped, at a remarkably beautiful Chevrolet Impala, they had reached it. Sliding into the passenger side of the bench seat, Cas waited. It wasn't until Dean got into his own back seat that he realized what the exquisite man had on his mind. He immediately exited the car and reentered through the appropriate door.  His gaze met Dean’s, but before anything could come out of his mouth, they were kissing. Castiel was already high. Drunk with passion. He shrugged out of his jacket, leaving it to fall to the floorboards.
Dean couldn’t get his flannel off fast enough. His t-shirt was close behind. He wanted to be next to Cas. skin touching skin. On top of him. The thought coaxed a moan from his throat and it seemed to do things to Castiel.  As he undid the man’s belt and slacks, he voiced how hot it made his insides burn. A sigh here, a moan there. He growled deep in his throat when Cas grabbed a handful of his ass, squeezing him closer. “Oh fuck, Cas….”
“Dean….” His words came out barely a whisper but it drove Dean to the edge. He forced his pants down around his ankles, before kicking them off completely. Castiel had pushed his own down around his knees. The sight was absolutely delicious. With a wagging finger Cas motioned for Dean to come closer. When Dean got an inch or so from his face, Cas reached down and began to stroke him with a slight twisting motion at the end of every pass. The moan that fell from Dean's lips brushed across Cas’ face and he smiled. “I'm going to make you scream my name.”
“Yes sir,” Dean answered like he knew what Castiel wanted. It turned him on to be dominated and he was more than ready for Cas to do it.
“Do you have lube?” the question almost was lost amongst Dean's breathy whines. He jerked his head towards the front of the impala. Then almost like a punishment Castiel removed his hand. “Get it.”
Dean scrambled to lean over the front seat and pop open the glove box. His ass was on full display for Cas. it was a gorgeous sight: he couldn’t resist. With both hands he spread Dean's perfect cheeks open and licked a stripe across dean's pink little entrance. Dean mewled and dropped his head between his shoulders, momentarily forgetting his mission. The lube bottle rolled into his hands and he looked up grasping at it, not yet ready to lean back. Castiel probed inside him softly with his tongue. Dean's back arched. “Cas… please… I have it.”
“Good boy.” the sund Dean made betrayed him; Castiel grasping that he had somewhat of a praise kink. “So beautiful Dean. Come here.”
He did as he was told and straddled the waist of the other man, biting his lips when Cas slicked up a finger. When he slid it inside Dean, hands shot to grip his shoulders as the man drew in a ragged breath. Castiel could feel how eager Dean was. It was easy to add another finger in alongside the other one. Dean pressed down against the feeling, snapping his hips back and forth, effectively fucking himself on Cas’ hand. He grew louder when he felt lips touch his throat and a string of lovely noises escaped him.
“Such a pretty boy. Good. work yourself open. I can't wait to be inside your truly divine body.” the words made Dean work faster and Cas add another finger. Dean’s cheeks were flushed a brilliant pink and his mouth hung open. Cas took his free hand and used his thumb to open Dean's mouth even farther to kiss him deep. Their tongues twisted together and a collective groan filled their mouths. then, just like that Dean was empty and Cas was lubing himself up.
“Oh Cas…. Please….” a finger shushed him softly.
“Yes Dean. You deserve it. Such a good boy… put on a good show for me.” Dean moaned hard as Castiel’s tip breached him. Inserting himself to the hilt, Cas waited for Dean's panting to subside slightly before snapping his hips upwards once. He let his head fall back against the seat when Dean’s groan reached his ears. He grasped at his hips holding him, rocking up against him. Then there was a hand on his chest, so he brought his head up to see Dean staring intensely at him.
“Let me. Let me make you feel good.” With that , he began to roll his hips slowly, expertly, riding castiel to oblivion. Cas dug his fingernails into the skin of Dean's ass pressing him to go faster. He obliged. His tongue found Castiel's neck as he kissed and sucked and bit. Everything that Cas wanted Dean did. He was reading his mind almost. It was as though it was done. They were so in tune with each other. Castiel yanked on Dean's hair to pull him into a kiss. All teeth and tongue. Dean ground faster.
“Ughhh fuck Dean, such a pretty boy. So good for me. Make me feel so good… yeah just like that. Ugh!” Castiel chanted praise at the younger man eliciting moan after moan. He knew he was getting close so he wrapped his lubed hand around Dean's aching cock. With a hiss, Dean thrust up into the grip, rocking back down on the near giant dick inside him. The sensation was so much… almost too much. He could feel himself getting close. He looked up at Cas, eyes begging for it. “Oh Dean, you're so amazing… cum. Cum for me. Cover my chest.”
That was all he needed. Hot streaks covered Cas, chest and hand as Dean came. He screamed out at the intensity. “Castiel!!”
“Oh fuck Dean.” Cas let go of Dean's cock and grabbed both of his ass cheeks roughly. He pounded up to meet each of the rocks back until his hips began to falter. He filled Dean while the tight channel milked him for all that it was worth. They moved together slowly, caressing, kissing tenderly, through the entirety of their orgasms. Cas became soft and fell from inside Dean. they were panting hard when their lips separated.
“Can we please do that again?”
“Dean we just finished.”
“No, I mean can I see you again?” Cas’ hand touched Dean’s still flushed cheek. The look of admiration on his face shocked Castiel, and there was no way he could say anything else.
“Of course Dean. Such a sweet boy.”
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Peace of Mind reactions
-Funniest head explosion since Kingsman.
-Still appreciate Castiel stepping up into a more fatherly role, but why is this season so allergic to giving us some proper Jam Fam interaction??? I NEED SAM/JACK FATHER/SON TIME, TOO, OKAY?????
-Jack: Return of the Pencil
-Guilty!Sam hurts my heart... 😭😭😭
-Oh yay. S14 pushing more Jack/Dean time on us. Joy. Just the pairing I wanted to see. 😒
-(Sam/Castiel time I can get behind. But why no one ever seems to think that the father who has been supporting Jack since day one should be the one helping him when he’s struggling is beyond me. And especially, in this case, as Sam- having actually been soulless- knows more about soullessness than Dean ever could. Ugh.)
-Sam and Castiel are fun together.
-“After you fall asleep at night.” Odd phrasing. Does that mean that Castiel is still living in Sam’s room? Wouldn’t it normally be “after you all go to bed?”
-“Maybe they’re Mormon.” Is that a stereotype in America or something? ‘Cos nothing I know about Mormons/the LDS church says anything about forbidding technology (they do believe plenty of things I find weird or else outright disagree with, though). Unless he’s talking about the fundamentalists?
-I’m gonna go ahead and say maybe they shouldn’t eat anything here. It feels like a “don’t eat anything the creepy people give you” situation.
-Love Misha’s delivery with the melon line. Lol.
-Only in TV land would someone wait to finish a car ride before bringing up the Melon line.
-“It’s kinda nice.” Is this the first hint of Sam being affected by the milkshake or whatever? He’d usually be more sassy.
-Hive mind?
-Jack’s speaking strangely.
-Sam with the tiny cups again. 🤣
-Why do I find exploding heads so funny?
-...Was Dean really about to judge Jack morally based on whether he chose the Devil’s Food Cake or the Angel Food Cake? Yeah. Really giving me a lot of faith in his abilities to figure out Jack’s situation here. 😑
-Loving the bird poop. Lol. It’s a nice touch.
-Is Sam gonna be the new husband or something? Please tell me Sam is gonna be the new husband. 👏
-Love that the first descriptor Castiel can think of is “he has beautiful hair.” Lol. I’m not a shipper (of anything, really), but you just try telling me there’s no canon evidence for Sastiel. 😂
-Screams from the subconscious. Awww.
-Husband!Sam/Justin!!! Yes!!! I knew it!!!
-There was a spot of white fluff or something on “Justin’s” cardigan just then, and it was really distracting. I hope the got rid of it so it doesn’t pop up again.
-“Rar.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Excuse me I just died. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
-I love Justin.
-Scared Dean is always fun.
-“Sam and Dean are the best men I know.” Oh, what I wouldn’t give for Dean to be wiped out of that sentence. Also? This is blatant Castiel erasure! (Not that he isn’t also flawed, but he’s never abused Jack or driven him to suicidal tendencies, the way Dean has.)
-Was it being the mayor supposed to be a surprise?
-Poor Sam 😭😭😭😭😭 (But go Cas- that was a good little speech there!)
-“God has a beard!” Man, Castiel has some great lines his episode!
-Psychic Sunny. Sounds like a cheesy TV show for kids. Lol.
-Kinda glad we didn’t actually get much time with just Dean and Jack alone together. This season’s already way too unbalanced on that front. And the Jack/Donatello conversation was a good one. Ignoring the Angel/Devil cake thing, Dean taking him there was a good move.
-Why is the cardigan a thing right now? Both Sam and Dean have worn them as disguises before. I think ‘mind control’ is a pretty valid excuse to wear something comfy. 🤷‍♀️
-Why does this show seem so obsessed with Maggie? I can’t think of a single person I know who ever cared about her as a character. Like... at all.
-We know all of this Sam. But it’s definitely nice seeing you get a chance to actually voice it for once. (Woulda been nice if we got this after Gadreel as well, she bitters bitterly.)
Another solid episode here. I’m liking this pattern. Dreading the breaking of said pattern, but liking it while it’s here.
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