#cass’ face tho XD
wildissylupus · 1 year
Ok I got some songs that maybe you'll like for your playlist, maybe you won't
"Achilles Come Down" by Gang of Youths- I personally always associate this song with Cass singing it, and I somehow I think it sounds like him like when he's genuinely trying to sing well.
"Your Stupid Face" by Kaden MacKay
"Valentine" by Laufey
"Rhythm of Love" by Plain White T's- Come on, you can't not imagine Cass learning to play guitar and singing this to Bap (with pronoun changes as needed)
"Lucky" by Jason Mraz (I think?)
"Red Solo Cup" by Toby Keith- This is such a Cass song. Prove me wrong, I DARE you. He'd love it.
"La Da Dee" by Cody Simpson
"Fire And The Flood" by Vance Joy- I can't explain it, I just heard it while searching for songs and though "YES. YES."
"Life" by Neffex- The lyrics sorta remind me of Cassidy but I also wonder if he'd listen to it.
"All Who Wander" by Old 97's(??)
"Something Entirely New" by Rebecca Sugar- Idk I can just kinda see their relationship in it
"Treasure" by Bruno Mars- Bap would KILL singing and dancing to this (Off topic but I think he can absolutely KILL a moonwalk if he wanted to)
"Escapism" by Rebecca Sugar
I'm gonna stop here because I put SO many songs down lmao, and if I kept going I'd have put like 30 in this ask. But also, I genuinely don't know or think all too much about like. Bapssidy's dynamic or Bap in general so a lot of these songs were either things that I thought would work for Bapssidy or mainly Cassidy songs. Hope this helps tho!
*looks at Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar already in playlist*
I couldn't agree more-
Thankyou for the suggestions!!
If I'm gonna be honest most of these are probably going onto the play list XD.
But songs for their dynamic specifically, I've personally been looking for songs that have themes of redemption, falling in love again and acceptance. Since in my mind those are the main themes of Bapssidy as a ship!
That and any song with two dumbasses flirting with eachother would also work-
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streetsiblings · 4 years
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My new hobby is reopening my comic sketches to moments like this that completely lack context and trying to figure out what the heck this was supposed to mean
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lepusrufus · 3 years
I love your writing and love the interaction beetwen Cass and Momma Esteria in your latest chapter. Do you have some wholesome headcannons on the fly gremlins and Esteria our Feral Milf?
Has she officially gained the milf status omg xD. Always here to offer some wholesome:
At 6'5, she's taller than each of the daughters and has to bend down to smooch their foreheads, which is very adorable of them if I say so myself
In that same vein she can and will pick them up (although sadly not all at the same time like Alcina can) and kidnap them for dinner, game night, etc
They all LOVE hunting together and Esteria is a formidable tracker, being able to follow smt by heat signature alone even in pitch black darkness. They love the occasional night time hunt
Having like 6 ft of hair means you get good at styling it sooner or later, so she's the designated family hair stylist and the girls love to get their hair done (Cassandra always comes to her to get some braids that will keep her hair out of her face before a hunt or some practice)
Esteria and Dani play the "sports commentators" while Bela and Cass have a practice sword fight. Alcina is the arbitrator
She has a beautiful singing voice and everyone loves hearing her absent mindedly sing while doing a task. Tho she will join in on the chorus when a song they all love comes on the radio
Doesn't know the first thing about plants but one time she wanted to get Bela something since she loves plants so much, so she got her an adorable little succulent. It was plastic but to this day Bela doesn't have the heart to tell her.
Spoiling them is kind of her way to "make up" for not being with them from the beginning, only joining the family in the late 80's
During winter, she always goes around the whole castle making sure the temperature is high enough to not harm her daughters in every room
I said this before and I'll say it again, finds every vampire movie/show she can get her hands on for the family movie night.
Had a mini ship war with Daniela of team Jacob vs team Edward until everyone else shushed them like "team Alice you dumbasses". They had to nod solemnly and come to a truce
Secretly helps the girls in their games of "steal Mother's hat" but she'll never admit it to Alcina
Also fiercely protective of the girls (and their maidens eventually) and the way she actually gained Alcina's trust back in the day was protecting Dani from a hunter that made his way into the castle.
In a similar vein, if Miranda wants to send the girls to do something, Esteria will try to turn the situation around to where she can do said thing herself. It's to the point where Miranda just automatically assigns that stuff to Esteria unless it's something very specific only the girls can do.
Esteria grew up in a (different) cult and knows better than to fully trust Miranda, especially with the girls.
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Hehehe me refining my duke, and i think I’m liking him
just notes:
First off, I do notes like this for almost every character, but most of the other batfam members ive been drawing for so long i dont remember why i fixated on some of their features being the way they are XD
Right off the bat, he cannot have a widows peak. nope does not work for me
SMALL EARS babe i love me some big ears but duke does not work them
i wanted to give him little eyebrows but he honestly looks bald without them so thicc it is
Because I consider him more sociable than most of the family, I thought the square/round base I use for Dick and Steph would work for him, but it turns out that he gravitates more towards Cass & Tim’s lean face, probably because he doesn’t have Dick and Steph’s explosive personalities
high cheekbones please
because he’s more reserved, overly exaggerated expressions didn’t seem to work so well, either, so I keep his mouth more closed, and his eyes don’t creep too close to his hairline
nose needs a little curve, not sure why tho
surprised that i liked his mouth on the wider side and his lips on the bigger side, despite him leaning towards the more “reserved” features; probably because my first real exposure to him was We Are Robin, where the main artist (Jorge Corona?) has exaggerated lips and mouth expressions, something I noticed and admired
still debating how i feel about the two lines on his hair
cannot have big trapiziuseseesss, he may be thiccer than tim but thats not a high bar
end of notes thanks for listening in to my conversation with myself
also these are things for me, if you do something like give him big ears, go for it. i just dont think it works in my style, with how i view and portray him. how anyone else does it is totally cool and i wanna see so
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tangledinart · 5 years
I think I've heard this before and I'm not sold on this at all but I'll share my thoughts on this anyway cuz eh why not? (Also i told discord friends I would since we talked about this)
I am really looking forward to the Saporia Plot next season! And that we also are going back to Corona, and that we will see the characters like Rapunzel's parents and the guard, and Varian and Xavier again. I sorta have a thought concerning the Sepratists of Saporia and Varian's potential connection to them. Aside from that, I have really thought about Saporia and Varian lately since Saporia is taking over Corona and Varian also shares a hatred for Corona which i doubt has changed over the year and especially with the assumption Quirin is still encased. This could lead to Varian either being an ally to Saporia or him being an enemy or prisoner to them. I think both are plausible.
What do we know about Saporia? (Cut me slack if i get stuff wrong its been a good few months since I've seen Under Raps)
Centuries before Rapunzels time, Corona and Saporia were rival kingdoms that were at war with one another. Eventually the kindoms unitied into Corona when Herz De Sonne married General Shampanier.
When the kingdoms were united several Saporians felt betrayed and separated and swore to one day get vengence and take over Corona when the time was right. Which it seems like they will have succeeded in the next episode
They do or at least some of them do both alchemy and magic according to the books and carts in Rapunzel Day One.
So what does this have to do with Varian? Nothing honestly. Varian is an alchemist in old Corona who's father Quirin was a knight in the Dark Kingdom and is now encased in amber. Varian and Quirin themselves seem to have nothing related to Saporia about them. But I was looking at the portrait of Varian's mother the other day and got some Saporian vibes.
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His mother seems like a simple sweet woman, and she very well could be dead. But I think she may have either been a Separatist of Saporia or maybe a Coronan lady who is a decendent of the Saporians. Now this seemed odd to me, because Quirin has lived in Corona for at least 18 years since he warned Frederic about the sundrop flower and Quirin seems to be loyal to Corona, so it would only make sense his wife is too. But that doesn't mean she wasn't. Like I said she could be of Saporian descent but not a separatist and could be loyal to Corona. Or there is the possibility she was a Sepratist spy who gave it up once she married Quirin and was happy with her new life. Why did I even get this idea? (I've always been so curious about Varians mom and hated we never got an explanation about her though I understand it hasn't been relevant, and i really hope she is brought up cause this show has very little focus on mothers and I REALLY want an explanation though if we never get one we can know she is dead.).. but anyway Look at her design in the picture above, then look at the pictures below.
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She wears the EXACT colors of the Saporian emblem. Red and White. Could that be a coincidence? Yes. It very well could. But this show is HUGE on foreshadowing and i wouldn't be suprised if this was a foreshadowing.
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Look at Varian's moms hair then General Shampanier's. Its very similar to General Shampanier's which could be hinting that Varian's mom was Saporian. Once again its probably a coincidence but I find it curious all Saporian characters we have met in the show have their hair pulled up in a bun. Tho I guess it's not weird, Shampanier was in battle who wants hair in their face while sword fighting? XD And the manbun just seems like Andrews thing. I DOUBT wearing a bun is a Saporian thing but I think it could be a visual forshadowing maybe if Varians mom is Saporian. Like I said, the two Saporian characters we've seen have worn their hair up.
And like I said earlier Saporians have exposure to alchemy and magic. And you know its a bit odd Varian is into alchemy when being raised in a farmer village. Varian could of easily learned it from his mother. Possibly she could of taught him as a young kid, or he could of seen his mom doing it as a young kid and took interest in it when Varian is older since its one of the few things about his mom he remembers. We don't know when Varians mom died or disappeared. And yes its possible Varian could of just found alchemy on his own and he needed to be an alchemist for S1's plot to work (tho heck is he was gonna just be an apple picker originally.) So yeah this could just be me overanalyzing. But! Its also possible Varian learned alchemy because of his Saporian descent.
Do I think Varian's mom is alive? Maybe. Us seing a picture of her and her not being present and never mentioned in the rest of the show is enough to tell us she is dead. But the show isn't over yet. If she is alive and is Saporian, she could of left Quirin and Varian, which I would hate cause if we were going to get another tangledmom I want it to be a good one and heck Varian needs a good mom desperately if he were to get one. What I like better is that she was a Separatist spy that gave up her ill intentions to Corona when she meets and marries Quirin and shortly is taken against her will by the Separatist of Saporia back to um wherever the Separatist are after Varian is born. And is she is alive maybe she will be present in the series somewhere. But tbh the most likely route is that she is dead. I hope, if she is dead we get some good mother representation in this show somewhere! (QUEEN ARIANNA ATTENTION WOULD BE GREAT, shout out to Arianna appreciation week!)
Ok so thats my two cents about Varians mom. Thats not all I've got with this overall thought.
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So I think Saporian and Varian both doing alchemy will either bring them together as allies or tear them as enemies.
This is how I could see Varian agreeing to team up with them if the first option happens (not involving anything i said about his mom cuz even if she was alive i doubt she is present in the take over.)
They both hate Corona, that alone seems to be enough to convince Varian to join them to me. I could even see Saporians manipulating Varian by offering them to help free Quirin with their alchemy/magic or by luring Rapunzel into Corona with the take over.... How would the Saporians even know about Varians issue? Xavier said the Saporians were waiting for the perfect time to strike, so I bet they have spies throughout Corona. And they knew Corona was weak because Varian took over so they probably know exactly who Varian is! But I don't know about this one, Varians redemption would be difficult with this route.
Other scenario. Varian is imprisoned and under Saporians rule just like the rest of Corona. (Or even more so then the rest of Corona since he single handedly nearly had taken over Corona before and they could see him see him as a threat.) This would make it easier for him to be redeemed by Rapunzel by a rescue and I think and is more plausible than the first option.
Eh this is mostly me rambling thoughts that I dont even buy completely, I never make huge legitimate theories or get attached to them XD And I think there are several other characters connection possibilities to Saporia, like Cass! But whatever happens I'm so excited for everything about S3 and especially Saporia! (Let Andrew and Varian despise each other I want to see Tom and Kaits story board fights become reality😂)
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theodej · 5 years
so uhh here’s the prologue! (tw for mostly implied torture)
i’ve got a bunch of notes and a few other chapters drafted so, hopefully, this will be going somewhere. full prologue is also available under the cut.
…also i’m sorry in advance about the chat. i think i was possessed by a gaggle of teenage boys
The stream would start at exactly 1 AM.
RIPME: i mean yea its been busy lately, but ill get trhough it camaraJM: idk but he didn’t say anything to me 69cumslut69: you think he’s finally gonna off the fucking furry KillerxQueen: What do you do
A message announcing the stream was posted nearly an entire day in advance. It was a rare sight, and it garnered appropriate attention.
iammeisheissheis: fuck off cass RIPME: program B1GDADDYS: GOD I hope so fuckwatt: He’s a programer. RIPME: yea
There were around a thousand of them, many of which tuned in a few hours early. He wasn’t exactly known for his punctuality, but it wasn’t his fault; people were hard to work with, after all. Most viewers were understanding. A lot of them kept the webpage open in another tab in case of any spontaneous shows.
woundfucker88: did I miss it? RIPME: i work for a big company tho so i work a lot of over time 69cumslut69: corporate scum camaraJM: same
But this one had been announced, and that usually meant something big was happening.
JohhnyDanger: I’m still thinking about that last one I’m not fucking ready for this week’s. he was special RIPME: wound no you’re good KillerxQueen: That’s pretty cool man, I used to program in highschool but Inever had the patience for it 69cumslut69: eat SHIT RIPME: oh yea! 69cumslut69: i can say what i want
He made sure to come back from the bar early. It always took a bit to set up the tripod, and he wanted it to be special. No need to keep them waiting.
When the feed started, the masked man took up the entire shot.
“Hiya! Welcome back to the shop, everyone!” Even with his face covered, you could hear the grin in his voice.
KillerxQueen: Christ he’s actually on time lieblingg: FUCK MY ASS DADDY lieblingg: KIDNAP ME woundfucker88: hello! 69cumslut69: wtf is this lieblingg: 1628 THIRD STREET
His eyes were wide, bright and focused on something behind the camera. “Wow! What a turnout! Is everyone excited?”
RIPME: ffs i was getting a drink lieblingg: MY LOCKS DONT WORK
He settles into a chair and angles the camera down with him, as if he’s the show for tonight. “Well, let’s get straight to it! I wanted to give you a little heads up. Things are gonna be a little… different for a while.”
“See, we’ve got a special request for someone’s special someone! Call it an early Valentine’s Day gift.”
69cumslut69: im fucking triggered lieblingg: PLEASE B1GDADDYS: It’s fuckking november
He chuckles. “Oh, you’re right! Then in the spirit of giving, I’ve decided to indulge them! Plus, they already put their money where their mouth is. Bahah!”
KillerxQueen: Anyone else getting shitty fps fuckwatt: Since when does he take comissions? woundfucker88: ooh! this sounds fun asfkjfsah: YOURE FUCKING DEAD, DO YOU HEAR ME? I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE. I ALREADY CONTACTED THE AUTHORITYS BUT IM COMING TO RIP YOUR FUCKING THROAT OUT MY GODDAM SELF
“So, stay tuned! I know it might be a little slower than you’re used to…”
RIPME: dae see that? MAGGOTFLY: I’m fucking late woundfucker88: what
“…but it’ll be worth it. Promise!”
camaraJM: something moved.Behind him MAGGOTFLY: What did I miss? asfkjfsah: YOU KILLED MY FUCKING BROTHER camaraJM: watch hes gonna start selling feet pics xD
He sat there for a while, just reading chat as it flicked by. In the silence, something groaned quietly behind him.
KillerxQueen: BUFFERING KillerxQueen: FUCK JohhnyDanger: Wait. Is this it? asfkjfsah: ANWSER ME YOU SPINELESS CUNT
He finally broke the silence with a full belly laugh. “Is this it? Of course not! I wouldn’t do that to you!” His eyebrows scrunched together as if hurt at the very thought. Then he stood. He pulled his chair out of the shot, revealing a pair of bound feet barely sticking into the frame.
“I picked something up for ya on the way home!”
69cumslut69: FEET KillerxQueen: Thank GOD videos back
A low moan gave way to a shrill screech as they were dragged towards the camera, a mess of greasy locks and dripping tears.
69cumslut69: FEET FEET camaraJM: TOLD YOU LMFAO KillerxQueen: Did I miss anything
A hand yanked them up by the hair, forcing them to look into the camera lens, and they freeze. Tears are running down their cheeks, soaking through the gag in their mouth. Their eyes flit between the lens and something offscreen.
RIPME: OOH woundfucker88: oh they’re cute!! 69cumslut69: WELCOME TO THE FUCKHOUSE LOSER B1GDADDYS: JESUS CHrist another crybaby?
His hand ripped the gag out from their mouth, but their mouth hung open all the same.
“Awh… No need to be shy! Come on. Say hi!”
fuckwatt: No way this cunt lasts JohhnyDanger: Get your popcorn ready.
He chuckles heartily. “Suit yourself. This night’s dedicated to you all! So! Any requests?”
When they finally opened their mouth, they started screaming and never stopped.
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fancyfade · 5 years
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[image: two lineart drawings of DC characters in costume. The first is three Batgirls (Barbara Gordon in her first new 52 outfit, Cassandra Cain in a lightly armored batgirl suit with a ufll face covering mask and a theme that sort of mimicks her orphan outfit, and Stephanie Brown in her bagtirl suit. the next image is Damian as Robin twice. The first time he is shorter and wearing his first Robin outfit, his hood is down and his hands are clasped behind his body. the next one is him 6 inches taller and wearing his robin son of batman robin outfit and smiling. end image]
Well, I’ve been working on a really big pic I won’t be able to post for a while, so here’s some previews.
the pic is going to be 16 members of the batfam to make sure I can draw their body types somewhat different from each other. I’m a little constrained by the comics having everyone be thin and athletic (women) or tall and wide and athletic (men).
first: 3 batgirls.
Babs got her new 52 outfit even tho I dislike the magicuring, because I like this outfit better than her first batgirl outfit. in my mind she just wore it before she became the Oracle. there also will be an oracle pic in the finished picture, obviously
Cass gets to be Batgirl cuz I like her best as Batgirl, but I took inspiration from her Orphan costume because I Love the light armored aesthetic it had.
Steph is Batgirl because a) I haven’t drawn her as Batgirl before and b) I drew her as an adult here, and IIRC in new earth she’s Spoiler/Robin as a teenager and Batgirl as an adult
then I have Damian in his first outfit and then his best outfit (Sorry Rebirth Damian... I like R:SoB outfit better). Either way. His current self is just standing next to his 10 year old self and wondering how he ever used to be that tiny XD
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cloudyloudy · 6 years
Between you and Andy, who is better at being cute?
HE IS THE BEST AT BEING CUUUUTE 😻😻😻😻 lets’s make the list:
-When he yawns, I just stay in awee OwO -When he is reading and suddenly he bites his tail is adorable !!!! -When he is cold and comes to me below the blankets to warm himself too !-When he is preparing me food because I’m tired or sick.-When he is worried for me, he is the sweetest and awww -When he is making tantrum he becomes the most adorable thing ever xD-When I surprise him for spicy time between us he makes a face very cute :3-When I go down on him he does a very cute and sexy sound ;)-When he laughs is the cutest of them all 😻 he just looks so handsome and happy and I just want to have more moments like that forever with him❤️-There are more of course but I would never end cause basically he is cute almost 24/7/365 xD
So... basically he is the cutest animal in the world 😻... except when he sleeps because he makes a sound that scares me, one day I’ll drag him while sleeping so he can wake up in the hospital to be checked, sometimes he sounds like he is not breathing and I am just panicking and waking him up in vane xD I don’t know how the kids in the kindergarten are not scared of the sound while napping time and also is not cute when he is tickling me :p those moments are the only ones I could agree he is not cute xD aside of that he is the cute and handsome in the relationship even tho he doesn’t agrees with me even tho we have discussed it a lot of times ;) right @nekomimiranger? hehehehehe p.s. I know what he will answer more or less to that last part xD and when you say it imagine i kiss you so you can’t talk muahahahhaa the secret technique hihihi I love you mi amor  😻❤️p.s.2: Sorry for the long answer heheheh I hope is clear and that the diabetes of this text doesn’t affects anyone xD
~Cass 😘
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thepallas · 4 years
I'm also really happy that talking about your boy is making you so so happy! It makes me smile if I can place a smile in your face during those times ♥ ! ! ... & today I bring you an 'Alternative Pallas' some sort of idea >v<: Have you ever think of him on different character types of Runeterra? Like, if he wasn't a Demon, but a Vastayan, Noxian Warrior, Demacian Soldier, Ionian Mage, etc? How do you picture he would be? ♥ Best Happy Wishes, your Secret Santa ~ ♫
So, late response from me, haha. Hello Santa!! ^^
I do have several AUs, but none of them make him from different factions! :o I’ve actually never even thought of that! Or no maybe I’m lying. 
Now that I’m thinking about it I kinda have a couple examples, tho I dunno how much they fit to your examples.
The closest one probably would be a reverse au with mew and my Varus, where Varus is a demon and Pallas is an Arclight. We never really wrote it, but I tried imagine him like a complete opposite from who he is now. He would’ve been a warrior with angel blood, who has trained his whole life to hunt demons and was sent to Runeterra on some kind of a mission. He’d be quiet and very reserved, lawful soldier type of person. Also very inexperienced in many ways (cause he didn’t have much contact outside of the angels, the elders and other arclights who he trained with). So he’s be rather lost in different social situations, and especially when it comes to romance and stuff :P He’d be more book smart than street smart. He’s have issues adapting to the human world too, which would be probably the biggest similarity to original Pallas too (cause he has issues after breaking free). But yea, would be interesting to explore it somehow.
Also at some point I tried to imagine what would’ve happened if Noxian soldiers did succeed and take Pallas to themselves. But it’s not really a change for who Pallas is, just a different situation, I suppose.
Other aus that I have that mayyybe would count is the one where he’s a human tribe leader. His tribe is traditionally protected by demons, so there are rituals where he has to get possessed for some time and so on to maintain the deal. I love his look and aesthetic that I’ve imagined for that au. I must draw it some time :thonk:. Or another one would be a merman!au I guess? :D but I dunno these two, along with modern and many other aus are not set in Runeterra, so they don’t really count, do they?
Looking at your message, now I’m wondering what he would be like as a Vastayan :D As an absolute wolf lover, ofc I’d love him to be some kind of a human/wolf mix. However, I don’t want it to be like a basic werewolf look, neither simple smexy man with wolf ears and a tail xD I hmm, I dunno. Some kind of a serpent would fit him too. Basically male Cassiopeia :v Damn, black scales that reflect in purple would look gorgeous though. Again, I want to draw that “>> He could squeeze people’s bones like Cass in the spirit blossom event ahahah xD
Look at how inspiring you are Santa!!!
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mashuradi · 7 years
Ok so, my thoughts on the finale...
I smiled when the british men of letters died. In the end they didn't give much of a thought about Ketch, thing that was making me wonder... hmm. Well, being like this, I'm not even sorry for you, hun.
Dean finally used the grenade launcher haha. Loved that. Then him trying to bring back Mary was cool and dramatic. The hug at the end of 12x22=<3
Annddd the misterious character was Bobby! I had the feeling it could be him <3
I felt sorry for Kelly, in the end I just didn't want to see her die, but hey... maybe Jack brings her back. Just like Cass ;)
Crowley died, somehow it reminded me of when Meg sacrificed herself for the boys. He still could come back tho' (Same as Rowena...?), it's SPN, so... He had it coming anyway, and well... Most of the characters that went against Lucifer had it coming. I was suprised not to see more characters dying on the way. And Cassie just threw himself at him like it was nothing. Expected. That doesn't take out the fact it still hurt, watching the whole thing. We didn't see Castiel's wings burned on the ground, so maybe if the writers forgot about that 'important' detail, Jack could still bring him back. Little edit here: Just noticed watching gifs that Cas’s wings are there, oops...? I’ll have to insist in the idea of Jack bringing him back later! -sobs-
I liked the scene were Mary punched Lucifer on the face xD, as a mother worried/angry for her sons, was awesome. And then when Lucifer dragged her with him to the another dimension. -I'm just trying not to ship them that fast, ok? Great(?)-
Also, Jack..? Be a curious son and get Lucifer out of that dimension later? You owe him a chat at least! Sam, Dean... don't do the same you did with Adam? Mary needs your help too, so... c'mon! Don't.Forget.Her. (Haha... if just only they could all work as a team and stop judging Lucifer, he had his reasons to be angry, no one tried to reach out to him. NO ONE. Not even Sam, when he's supposed to be the character that "forgives" and tries to "understand".)
So no, Mark. I still love you. I still love your character. And I'm going down with this ship. -drops mic-
I can't wait for the next season.
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Munday meme
O N E 🍎
name: Cassidy nickname: Cassie, Cass zodiac sign: Aries height: 5’2″ orientation:  heterosexual  ethnicity: English/Irish/German/Dutch/ (probably a few more) favorite fruit: Watermelon favorite season: Autumn favorite book: The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle favorite flower: Hydrangea favorite scent: I like warm scents like sandalwood and patchouli   favorite animal: Meerkat  coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? Coffee average hours of sleep: 3-5 cats or dogs? Dogs favorite fictional character: Harry Potter dream trip: UK tour when was your blog created? 3 years ago!! what do you post about? RP threads, aesthetics  do you get asks on a regular basis? A couple a week if I’m lucky. aesthetic: ?? (i don’t know lol) favorite band/artist? Ed Sheeran & The Beatles fictional characters I’d date: Leo Fitz or Phil Coulson  Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
T W O 🍏
countries I’ve lived in: United States favorite fandom: Harry Potter (I’m not too huge into fandoms tho) languages you speak: English ( little French & German from high school ) favorite film of 2016: I don’t even remember what I saw last year! XD last article you read: I’m not sure but I did just look up some recipes. shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here:
Take Me to Church –– Hozier Heart Skips a Beat –– Olly Murs Rose Tattoo –– Dropkick Murphys
last thing you bought online: Kiehl’s Ultra Face Moisturizer and mascara how would your friends describe you? Helpful & sweet how would your enemies describe you? I have no idea! LOL! who would you take a bullet for? Hubby-to-be
tagged by: @lovelornrocketscientist
tagging: @jemmaqueenofspace @unaugmentedmonkeyscantfly @melinda-q-may (and anyone else!)
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