#casual matt
unatifosaungherese · 1 year
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Mattia is in London for more than a week now, I want to know why 😅
and he looks at least 10 years younger than in December
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mattmurdeaux · 9 months
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MATT MURDOCK + Tight Casual T-shirts
(Somebody needs to hack into Charlie's trailer on the Born Again set and fill his wardrobe with more tight shirts and continue the great work the folks over at Netflix delivered 😌 )
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spncrscasey · 2 months
Casual (k.s.)
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Fandom/Characters: Chicago Fire - Kelly Severide x Fem!Reader, Matt Casey
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Agreeing to a friends with benefits deal with Kelly Severide to blow of some steam after shifts seemed like a great idea in the beginning. What happens when one of you starts to catch feelings?
Warnings: 18+ (no actual smut written but don't read if implication of it makes you uncofmy) - slight ooc kelly? hurt/comfort, mention of child death, fires, angst, pet names, fluff, implied smut, cursing, mention of sex, drinking, arguments, kissing, happy ending
a/n: i’ve been a matt girl since the moment i started watching chicago fire but recently i’ve been obsessed with kelly so this fic is a result of said obsession! also this was a bit rushed so ignore that lol but it was kinda inspired by the song casual by chappell roan so if you want, give it a listen while reading :) oh by the way the gif??? it’s gonna be the end of me- my god. anyways, enjoy <3
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You were at Molly’s, nursing your third glass of wine for the night, hoping to forget about the terrible shift you just had.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. It was supposed to be a quick in and out, but the universe had different plans. Thinking back, you start wondering what had gone wrong.
Truck and Ambo were called to a small fire at a local café. At first, it seemed like a minor incident, just burnt toast that had accidentally caught fire. What you hadn't realized, though, was that one of the stoves had been left on accidentally, causing gas to slowly leak out.
Upon arrival, your Lieutenant, Matt Casey, instructed Otis and you to escort everyone from the sitting area. Fortunately, there were only a few customers that day, making your job easier.
As you began ushering everyone out, a mother approached you and expressed concern that her six-year-old daughter was still inside. You asked Otis to stay with her before assuring her that you would locate her daughter.
Once the building was evacuated and Herrmann was preparing to hose down the kitchen, you radioed in about the missing girl and announced that you were going back inside to find her. Casey advised you to hurry up before the situation escalated making you nod and rush in.
Heading back in, you immediately began searching for the little girl. You called out to her, but there was no response. After checking the bathroom, you noticed her unconscious form lying under the sink. Your heart sank. You quickly checked her pulse and realized how faint it was. You removed your mask and placed it on her, hoping it would help her breathe. Once the mask was on, you swiftly picked her up and hurried towards the exit.
Passing by the kitchen, you didn't notice how the stove was on. You should have. You don't know how you didn't. It was your job to notice these things but you were in such a rush that it slipped your eye. The realization only dawned on you when you heard Herrmann yelling for everyone to exit the area because of leaking gas and by then, the explosion had already occurred.
The impact sent you stumbling backward, causing you to tumble to the ground with the girl in your arms. Casey’s voice crackled through the radio, but the ringing in your ears muffled the words. You couldn't seem to stop coughing and your head was throbbing making your vision start to blur. You felt yourself succumbing to the darkness, but you fought to regain your composure and struggled to stand up.
Once the initial shock had worn off, you quickly got up and made it to the exit, disregarding your injuries, only concerned about passing the girl off to Gabby and Shay. They tried their best, you know they did, but the girl was dead before you even got to them. The explosion had killed her. The explosion you should have seen coming.
That six-year-old girl passed away, and it was all your fault.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the sound of your name. It was Kelly, the Lieutenant of Rescue Squad 3, and one of your closest friends, whom you were currently sleeping with.
A few months ago, after a particularly difficult shift, Severide and you had accidentally ended up spending the night together. Since then, you two agreed to keep it casual— no strings attached, friends with benefits, if you will. Both of you promised to break it off if one of you started to catch feelings and that seemed reasonable to you.
“Rough day?” He asked taking a seat on the barstool beside you.
“Six-year-old kid died in my arms, so I'd say so.” You say looking down at your glass, twirling the liquid around mindlessly.
“Wanna talk about?”
“Nope, but I do want to get out of here. Your place? It’s closer.” You glanced at him, and he caught on to what you meant in an instant; you needed to let out your frustrations.
He nodded as you downed the rest of your wine and you two headed back to his apartment without any further questions.
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You woke up the next day with an arm draped over your torso. You didn’t think much of it until you realized whose arm it was.
You had never stayed over. You guys had never spent the night together to keep the feelings at bay. This was uncharted territory. So to say this was going to be awkward would be an understatement.
You attempted to quietly pull his arm away without waking him, but as soon as you made contact, you noticed him starting to stir.
“Good morning baby,” he voiced, groggily.
“Morning Kell,” You replied, blushing at the unexpected name.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, referencing the reason you were at the bar in the first place.
“Better.” You replied as you turned to face him. “Thank you.”
He didn't say anything, instead simply pulling you in for a quick kiss, letting you know he was there for you.
After pulling away, you decided it was time to get up. Popping the little bubblle you were in and ending the moment you shared.
“I'm gonna get dressed and head out, I didn't mean to stay over- just got carried away. I know we don't do that so I'll leave, sorry.”
“Y/N wait up-” He says, catching your attention.
“Yeah?” You turn around to look at him.
“I don't mind that you stayed, I know you had a tough day yesterday so it's fine. Make yourself at home sweetheart.”
The nickname caught you off guard once more. It wasn't unusual for him to shower you with praise and call you these names during sex. But afterwards? He'd never spoken to you that way and the sudden change was putting your heart in a whirl.
You sighed trying to regain your composure. “Yep, thanks. I'll uhh… I’ll see you at shift.” You brushed him off, smiling.
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Since that day, the dynamic between you two has shifted noticeably. Others at the firehouse have started to take note of it as well. He's become more attentive. Making sure he has a meal saved for you when you're too busy to eat, accompanying you home from Molly's when you've had a few drinks, and checking in on you after difficult calls.
It wasn't just him, though. You’ve been overly caring with him too, more than a friend should be. When he discovered he had a half-sister, you stood by him. You supported him in reaching out to her. And when she was going through a rough patch after her kidnapping? You were the one on the phone talking her down when she made the decision to move to Colorado.
After all your help, his mother even invited you to her house as a token of gratitude. You never intended to become so involved with him and his family, it changed how you saw him.
You heard the rumors, you knew he was a player— a womanizer who didn't care about anything except his pleasure. But witnessing his interactions with his family alongside the kindness he's been treating you with recently? It was coming to be harder and harder to view him as selfish and uncaring.
The line between friends and lovers was becoming increasingly blurry. Yet you were still trying your hardest to avoid the development of feelings because you knew once you crossed that threshold, there was no going back.
You were walking towards the kitchen when you caught Casey and Severide engaging in conversation by the coffee pot.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop but hearing your name leave Matt’s lips made you stop dead in your tracks.
“What's going on between you and her?” He asked.
“Nothing. It’s all casual. She's nothing more than a friend, Case. We're not together.” Kelly replied, a little too firmly.
You knew nothing was going on between the two of you but hearing that coming from him? It hurt more than you'd like to admit.
You imagined sharing an apartment, perhaps a year or so from now and spending the coming years wrapped in each other's arms, building a family. You chuckled to yourself at the fact that you even thought that was a possibility at some point. Realizing now how naive it was to believe he would ever view you as anything more than a fuckbuddy. Oh, how you loved being stupid.
You spent the rest of the shift avoiding him. It wasn't fair to him; after all, he didn't know you had overheard. Your feelings were your problem, and it wasn't right to act as though he were responsible. Yet, facing him felt impossible without making a fool of yourself.
You found yourself at Molly’s again. Downing shot after shot. You knew you were way past your limit but the lack of Kelly Severide-related thoughts in your brain was encouraging you to continue.
It had gotten to the point where you noticed Herrmann giving you shots of water instead but you were too far gone to care.
You were about to request another real shot when you felt a presence next to you. You turned your head to the side and saw the one person you were trying to forget about.
Lieutenant Kelly Severide.
“You've been avoiding me.” He said, less of a question and more of a statement, keeping his eyes on you.
You hated how small he made you feel, like he could read you in just one glance. His intense gaze made you look away before trying to find Herrmann. “I have not. Now excuse me, I was about to order another drink.”
“You don't need another one.” He said, grabbing your shoulders and turning you back around to face him.
“What are you? My boyfriend? We’re just friends Severide, you don't get to make that decision for me.” You wouldn't have usually been that snarky but the alcohol in your system was giving you courage you didn't know you had.
He was taken aback by your response, you were never like this with him. It was worrying him.
He tried to help you stand up, “Y/N c’mon let's get you home.”
You reluctantly agreed. You knew you were going to regret this in the morning but at the moment, you didn't care. He started walking you towards the exit when you pulled yourself away from him and spoke up, “I don't need a babysitter. I can walk by myself.”
“If you actually think I'm letting you walk home, drunk and alone at this time of night, then you're crazy.” He replied casually while walking beside you.
You stopped abruptly and sighed, looking down. “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” He questioned, placing his finger under your chin bringing your face up to meet his.
“Why do you act like you care?” You clarified, holding his stare, pretending his touch wasn't erupting fireworks in your stomach.
“I do care! I care more about you than you realize Y/N.” He said a bit too loudly, raising his hands in exaggeration.
“You're not supposed to!” You shouted back.
“Why not? Is it such a crime to care about my friend?” He replied, exasperated and upset.
There it was. The dreaded ‘friend.’ You knew it was coming. So why did it still shock you?
“I- I can't do this Kelly- I'll just call a cab to take me home, you don't need to walk me. Forget anything happened.” You said turning around, ignoring his objections, calling your name.
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You spent your days off moping around. Kelly had called you multiple times and left countless messages, but you couldn't bring yourself to respond. You knew you were being childish, but it didn't matter. The thought of going back to work and having to face him filled you with dread but that was a problem for later. Right now, you have errands to run.
While you were getting dressed, you absentmindedly opened the drawer meant for Kelly. You couldn't avoid him, he seemed to be everywhere you looked. Your phone, your workplace, and now, your dresser.
You sighed. The fact that you two had separate drawers designated for one another at each other's homes, slipping your mind completely. Is that something friends with benefits did? Did they keep clothes at the other’s place to ‘make it easier for them to get dressed?’
Your thoughts were cut short when you heard a knock at your door. You weren't expecting anyone but opened the door regardless not guessing who you’d see on the other side.
You found yourself face-to-face with none other than the man who had been plaguing your thoughts nonstop. However, after avoiding him for so long, you didn't know what to say or how to act. You felt like you’d never been in such close proximity with him before, it was suffocating. So you simply stood there until he eventually spoke.
“We need to talk.” He stated simply.
“What's there to talk about?” You asked, avoiding his eyes.
“This. Us.” He said, motioning between the two of you.
You finally took a good look at him, you noticed the heavy bags under his eyes and the weary slump of his shoulders. It was clear that he was utterly exhausted, as if he hadn't slept at all in the last few days. And the simple thought of the reason for his exhaustion being you, made you feel terrible.
“Severide-” You couldn’t let this drag on for any longer without hating yourself, so you took a deep breath and continued, “I think we should end this arrangement that we have.”
“What?” He furrowed his brows.
“We agreed that once one of us starts catching feelings, we'd end it. So let's end it before it gets messy and hurts either of us more than it should.” You tried closing the door once you were done speaking but he quickly squeezed himself in, preventing your attempts at pushing him away.
“What are you doing?” You asked following him into your apartment.
“That's not fair!” He exclaims, “You don't get to ignore me for days and then just end our relationship and shut me out.”
“This was hardly a relationship.” You scoff, “But, what did you want me to do Kelly!?” You matched his volume, watching as he paced in the middle of your living room.
“I don't know, maybe talk to me about how you're feeling!” He said, tone dripping with sarcasm while glaring at you. If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under right about now.
“Oh, that's really mature coming from you! Mr. Expert at communication.” You replied with just as much pettiness as you could muster, stepping closer to him to prove a point.
He stood silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and approaching you, “Maybe you're right, maybe we do need to end this thing we have. I just thought we cared about us enough to at least talk it out.”
The two of you now stood face to face, your breaths labored and eyes locked in an unbreakable gaze. Silence enveloped the space between you, the tension so thick that it felt tangible like it could be sliced through with a knife.
“I’m sorry.” You said quietly. “I shouldn't have ignored you and I also shouldn't have just sprung that on you.”
Once you noticed he was letting you continue, you went on, “I just realized that I couldn't be as ‘casual’ about our relationship as you are anymore. I tried to hold my tongue and ignore the feelings I have for you, but it was getting harder Kelly. Nothing about our deal has been casual for weeks now and it was starting to affect me.” You finally let out.
He took in your words, shaking his head. “It hasn't been casual for me either Y/N. I love you, and have for a very long time.”
The force of his words hit you like a physical blow. Love? How did he claim to love you when he had not only never hinted at such feelings before but also dismissed Casey when he asked about it? You were confused and it was evident on your face with the way you looked at him, shell-shocked.
“You love me? But you told Casey that there was nothing going on between us and-”
You were quickly cut off by his hands on your face, pulling you in. The intensity of his lips against yours short-circuited your entire being. It took a moment for your brain to register what was happening, but soon you found yourself reciprocating his kiss.
While you and he had shared kisses in the past, this one was different. It wasn't hurried like your usual kisses but instead filled with a deep sense of passion, tender and slow, and brimming with love and adoration for one another.
He placed his hands gently on your waist, drawing you closer, deepening the kiss. You raised your arms, threading your fingers through his hair, feeling the slight tug as you did. It was as if your lips were pulled together by an irresistible force, making it difficult to part.
You wanted time to freeze in that beautiful moment so you could stay in it forever. You wished to remain embraced by him indefinitely. His touch was tender and affectionate, brimming with care. It felt as though both of you had shed all your worries and were completely immersed in the love surrounding you.
You tentatively ended the kiss and gazed into his eyes, which stemmed a love you had never felt from him before. For the first time, they didn't overwhelm you or make you feel small; instead, they enveloped you in a sense of comfort. And in that fleeting beat, his eyes spoke volumes even when his words remained silent.
“I love you too.” You said, sharing his sentiment, causing a grin to emit on both of your faces.
You felt like a teenager who was experiencing love for the first ever time; and you wouldn't want it any other way.
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rempesluck · 1 month
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I wonder how long it’ll take for him to realize he’s following a hockey stan edits account.
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sapphic--kiwi · 1 year
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fellas is it gay to kiss your best friend
(i’m obsessed with them)
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alexturner2005 · 1 year
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w.i.t.c.h_t.i.t.s: It's not everyday you get invited to play for the @arcticmonkeys for their end of tour wrap party. So grateful to these sweet amazing dudes for having us and treating us so nice. Especially bassist @omalley_yellamo who suggested we play their event! So grateful 🙏 True gentlemen all around. (LA, posted Oct 4th, 2023)
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tonysdumplings · 19 days
seeing the endings of Liam's sad boy dialogues as "most replayed" point in Critical Role stream recordings on YouTube is so funny cause it makes me feel seen lmao
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sunrisemill · 3 months
I feel like my soul leaves my body and ascends up to heaven every time I listen to casual by Chappell Roan
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glorious-blackout · 10 months
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My Absolution XX Boxset has arrived and she's a beaut 😍🥰💖
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shadowhuntertrash · 2 months
if the aftg couples/characters were chappell roan songs:
andrew & neil: casual
allison: super graphic ultra modern girl
jean & kevin: coffee
aaron: my k!nk is karma
dan: pink pony club
nicky & erik: picture you
matt: california
dan, allison, kaitlyn, & renee: femininomenon
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kats4you · 8 months
matt sturniolo / reader
fem!reader | text story | p4!! (masterlist here)
another short one. BUT the next one will absolutely be longer. comment any suggestions on what you want to see or questions you have!!!
also: comment to be added to a taglist!
——— ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ———
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@dragonstoneshortcake @lovelysturniolo @thetriplets3 @d1tzy-bl0nde
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unatifosaungherese · 1 year
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xx-key-xx · 19 days
Part 69 of Matt yapping about something…
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disfrutalakia · 3 days
Translation of Matt's lore moment with Bagi, Choke, Quel, Guaxi and Maethe (happened around 2:20:08 until 2:21:45 on his vod "AVISO: SEM LIVE HOJE. VOLTAMOS AMANHÃ (SEXTA-FEIRA às 22h)" from September 20th" PART 1
Matt - I have a past, and it's not one I'm proud of and it's a trauma in my life and I'm here for a reason, but I don't want to fulfill it, this is my punishment and I will need your help to save me. The only thing that keeps me here is this [throwns a parchment paper] and my time is running out and I need you guys
Bagi - Wait, is that why you told me…
Matt - The 7th
Quel - No, no, don't go
Matt - It's the final day
Bagi - No, no
Guaxi - No meninim (it's like a cute one of saying boy)
Matt - The 7th is the final day
Matt - You have until then to understand everything
Guaxi - What?
Matt - And to try to save me
Bagi - I feel like I just began a secondary quest
[everyone talking over each other]
Matt - I have little time, I have little time left
[someone punches Matt]
Guaxi - No, no! Stay here!
Bagi - Why did you say there only 16 left? [3x]
[Matt teleports away]
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ludinusdaleth · 10 months
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-Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 79, "To Hurt Is To Heal"
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whos-madi · 18 days
I try to be the chill girl but honestly I'm not🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅
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