#cate baby you really deserved that
Marie exploding the appendage Rufus would have used to r*pe her in the beginning and then later blowing up Kate's hand as she was about to use it to mind-r*pe Jordan
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poppy-metal · 10 months
Situationship!Jordan trying to make you jealous, but it fails.
Maybe their flirting with some random girl or guy. In hopes that it’d make you jealous and rush over to them and sit on their lap or start kissing them, or lead to some jealousy sex, but instead you leave and block them on everything. Which makes them look like a whole ass clown 🤡. Ignoring them every time they try talking to you. Purposely throwing out flowers in trash can you know they walk past or doing it right in front them. Giving the chocolates they get you to your professors or roommates instead. Donating the stuffed animals they give you(originally I was gonna say you’d rip them up but I felt like the stuffed animals didn’t deserve that). They end up begging for you to accept their apology, they even pull out the sad brown eyes. Saying how stupid they are and how they genuinely like you. They hope you’ll take them back, because they like being around you. They love the fact that their wrapped around your finger.
Meanwhile all their friends are laughing at them groveling over their situationship they kept saying “they didn’t have feelings for”. Which cate called out their bullshit.
laughing at their resolve crumbling like cotton candy in water the moment you give them the cold shoulder. they assumed maybe since you're always pulling the make them jealous card they'd play it back, but your jealousy works different than theirs. for you, it just hurts. doesn't make you wanna stomp over and stake a claim, just makes you feel small. when they figure that out they feel like SHIT.
"i didn't think It'd be a big deal."
"it isn't, jordan. if you want someone else you can have someone else. easy peasy."
"i dont though - i want you."
"didn't feel like it last night."
"i didn't know - i thought it was a game, baby, I'm sorry, alright? i dont want anyone else, fuck, you're all i fucking think about."
you try to stay mad, but its really hard when jordans closing in - stepping into your space in that way they do, crowding you in. cupping your cheeks in their palms, "hey, look at me." you do. regret it because fuuuuuck, there are the baby brown eyes. "i was being a dickhead. wanted to see if you'd, like. come over and sit on my lap and tell them to fuck off - didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry."
you roll your eyes, "if you wanted me to get possessive over you, literally just ask. I'll ride your dick and threaten to kill you if you look at anyone else no questions asked."
jordan bites back a smile. you hate that they've already won you back, put on a pout that they immediately rub their thumb over. "yeah?"
you look away, "not now, obviously. you've been bad. you hurt my feelings. you let another girl touch your hair."
jordans hands cup your neck now, and they close in even further. your back against the wall now. "i know, i fucking suck. was so bad of me - hurting you like that-" you nod dumbly along to what they're saying, breathless as one hand starts to slide down, rest on your hip. "should let me make it up to you. show you why you should still put up with me."
you feel your cunt throb at their words, thinking of them spending hours between your legs, coaxing forgiveness out of you through their tongue on your clit.
its like they see the thought flitter through your head, fingers skimming over the waistband of your shorts. they brush their lips just barely over yours, and you know already, that they have you. they know it. "come to my dorm, baby. please?"
you sigh. they better make you see god, and then some.
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Hey Cate, I love your writing and love the way you portray Spencer and I would love if you could write a blurb where it's father's day and Spencer is with reader and their twin daughters(#girldadspencer) and it's just fluff with him and their family anyway feel free to just ignore me
thank you <3 dad!spence is my favorite to write, and girl twins!! say less
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The soft morning light filters through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. It was Father's Day, a day of celebration and appreciation, and as always, you had plans to make Spencer feel as treasured as he deserves to feel.
Spencer stirs in his sleep, blinking his eyes open to find you're not next to him. Like the majority of the mornings in the last eight years, he hears your voice first. "Okay, be really quiet." You instruct your twin daughters, whose feet pitter-patter on the hardwood as they walk closer to his side of the bed.
They watch him eagerly, and their eyes dance with excitement when his eyes open.
"Good morning, Daddy," Payton says, her voice filled with anticipation.
Spencer sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and smiles at the sight before him. "Good morning, angels. What's all this?"
With matching grins, they climb onto the bed next to him and present him with handmade cards.
Their little hands had carefully crafted heartfelt messages of love and appreciation, and you had adored watching them talk about how much they loved their dad.
Spencer's heart swells with joy as he eagerly takes the cards in his hands, studying the colorful drawings and heartfelt words.
For the best dad in the world, one card reads, adorned with stick-figure drawings of your family.
Daddy, you're our superhero, the other card declares, complete with a stick-figure drawing of Spencer wearing a cape.
Tears threaten to escape Spencer's eyes as he looks at his daughters, overwhelmed by the love they've expressed for him. "Thank you, my sweet babies. These are beautiful, you're both such talented artists."
You place a tender hand on Spencer's shoulder as you sit in bed next to him, your smile filled with adoration watching him interact with them. "You're an amazing father, Spencer. You've guided our girls with kindness, patience, and so much love. We wanted to make this day special for you."
Spencer can't have asked for a more loving and supportive family, it's everything he ever wanted. With his daughters perching on either side of him, he embraces the moment, cherishing the love that surrounded him.
As the morning unfolded, you all gathered in the kitchen, the tantalizing aroma of breakfast filling the air. The girls, eager to help, don miniature aprons, their tiny hands assisting you in preparing a special Father's Day feast.
Spencer sits at the kitchen island, watching the beautiful chaos unfold before him. He marvels at the way you effortlessly multitask, balancing cooking and laughter, while the girls enthusiastically pour ingredients into bowls, their giggles echoing through the room.
"You two are doing so well helping Mommy." Spencer praises, his eyes filled with pride. "I'm lucky to have such talented chefs in my life."
The twins beam with delight, reveling in their father's words of encouragement. Together, you cook a delicious Father's Day meal.
As you sit down to eat at the table adorned with their handmade cards and a bouquet of flowers, Spencer looks around at his family. In moments like that, he's always reminded that he has everything he wants.
"I'm truly grateful for all of you," Spencer says, his voice filled with emotion. "Being a father is the greatest gift I've ever received. You bring so much love, light, and happiness into my life."
"And we're grateful for you, Spencer." You reply. "We're lucky to have you."
Your daughters echoed your sentiments, their innocent voices chiming in unison. "We love you, Daddy!"
As you continued to eat breakfast together, laughter and conversation fill the air. Being your husband and a dad, Spencer feels a profound sense of gratitude for having such a beautiful family. And he feels ever luckier that he gets to have those two important roles for the rest of his life.
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a-simple-imagine · 11 months
Help! My Girlfriend Just Fell Down The Alt-Right Supe Supremacist Pipeline
Synopsis: you, an empath, just watched cate, your girlfriend, murder dean shetty
Pairing: Cate Dunlap x fem!reader
Words: 1.2k+
A/N - obsessed with cate and will not apologise for it so I wrote a little something for her. a sweet little baby angel
WARNINGS - swearing, blood, mentions of violence and murder
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the human body has so much blood. approximately 1.2-1.5 gallons. you've never really thought about it before but it kinda just pours out, the first chance it gets. and it's such a deep, unsettling, thick shade of crimson. really gross. human beings are such fragile things. it takes one little injury and you're down for the count. Dean Shetty had such a powerful presence. an influential woman. the head of a school for superheroes, no less when she had no special abilities. at least not in the Vought sense. but all it took to take her down was one touch from an adorable blonde girl. her lifeless body spread over the floor of her beautiful home; a pool of red forming below her neck. you can still hear the sound of the blade cutting through the flesh; it glides through her skin so easily. It was a memory you were sure would never leave you. all because of Cate. the person you least expected to become a cold-blooded murderer. Then again, maybe you didn't know her as well as you thought. you never would have guessed she was capable of being so manipulative but that turned out to be true. you still didn't quite understand it. how could she do that to your friends? to you? someone she apparently cared so much about.
the air was rich with the emotional weight of every single person in the room. it was so thick you could almost taste it. it was sour and harsh; so unbelievably suffocating. it spilt through your veins. you couldn't tell what belonged to whom. there was just so much of it. you hear your name slip from such gentle lips. it's hard to pull your eyes away from the horror scene before you even for cate. none of this seemed real. it couldn't be real. your girlfriend wasn't capable of murdering someone. she may not have held the knife but she did give the order.
cate takes a tentative step closer to you and with it, her individual emotions grow sharper. "you understand don't you," she expresses softly. your hands are shaking. it's just reflective of what happened with Shetty. the pain she felt. you felt. "I know you do." despite everything, you're not fearful of Cate. you know she wouldn't hurt you. all the mind fuckery was some misguided attempt to do the right thing. so you guess Cate was right, in some ways you did understand but not in the way she wanted. "it's us or them."
"oh Cate…" you sigh softly. there was so much panic in the room and yet so much expectation placed upon you. you were the closest to Cate. you knew they expected you to denounce her. they expected you to do… something. but you can't. she has been through so much. She was handling so much. Even if you tried, there was no changing her mind right now. the blonde moves even closer.
"she was trying to kill us all with her virus," she was desperate for understanding that you couldn't quite give her. Dean Shetty was an awful person. nobody would deny that and maybe she deserved to die but could you really forgive Cate for this? you wanted to. you wanted to help her. but this was all too much. your entire body alive with the weight of everyone else's emotions.
"I…" you trail off. you're not sure how to make this better. there was no bringing dean Shetty back to life. no way for Cate to come back from this. you like cate. you… love cate. you have never told her that. you didn't really realise until this very moment as you face your own reality. you wonder if she is in your head right now; reading your thoughts. there is a lot going on. her head is probably racing. wait. cate was no longer taking her meds. maybe this wasn't real. maybe this was like the time you got trapped in her head. god, you hoped it was like the time you found out Soldier Boy was her imaginary boyfriend. gross. "Cate, please. let's just wake up. this isn't real, right? tell me this isn't real."
"she's gone fucking crazy," someone yells but you can't tell who. it seems almost muffled. there is so much noise in her. your head feels like it's gonna explode. l
"Cate." you articulate more firmly this time. block it out. block them all out. "you didn't- this isn't happening."
"you heard her. you heard what she said. she wanted us all dead- they all do. I couldn't-" so much urgency in her voice. so much fear. "I'm protecting us-"
"Cate just stop please," you bark loudly. you didn't want to hear this. you couldn't handle this right now. you just wanted to wake up from this horrible dream
"you- you have to understand." the blonde grabs your hand and everything she is feeling crashes over you like a tsunami. heavy and dangerous. you buckle under the water. drowning beneath the waves. you can't do anything but let it crush you; a single tear spills down your cheek before the rest comes pouring out.
"don't fucking touch her." Jordan shoves her; hard. You tumble to the floor. a strong sense of loyalty radiates from them. a fierce sense of anger. so much red-hot fury. he wanted to protect you. they had always been that way. you never quite understood why. perhaps the nature of your powers made you seem weak or maybe it was how easily you became overwhelmed. One touch and you can sense every emotion and the meaning behind them. Cate can read minds but you could feel them. you experienced other people. to some extent, you could even manipulate them. Cate would tell you how powerful she knew you would be. it all came with practice. you believed her to be true but you never tried. you hated your abilities. people are just too much. they feel too much. you don't like it. you actually hate it. you spent all your time trying to block it out rather than learning to control it. because when emotions are high, you almost become incapacitated. you can't move. you can't speak. you can only feel. you can feel Cate's desperation. her drive. her desire for self-preservation. you can feel Jordan's hatred. how much he wants to hurt Cate. how much they're holding back to protect you. you can also feel Emma, Marie and even Sam. You bury your head in your hands. you want it to stop. you need it to stop. the tears were your own now.
"I couldn't let her hurt you." Cate urges once more. you know it's true. she has such strong convictions. she works so hard. and fights even harder. she has been mistreated all her life so it's no wonder that she works to protect whatever affection she can find. "I did this for all of you. I'm gonna protect us all"
"I- I need to leave," you mumble into your hands. a pressure against your back fills you with such intense energy that you bat it away. it was just Jordan trying to help. a reassuring hand. sometimes people forget you feel everything they're feeling. "I- sorry," you scramble to your feet. you hadn't meant to be so aggressive. it was their own anger anyway. "I just- I need to leave."
"I love you," Cate cries as you stumble for the exit. you couldn't be here anymore. you needed to get away from Cate. you need to get away from them all.
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maximoffswriter · 1 year
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warnings: insecurities about body image, age gap (obv legal. reader is 23, Cate is 37)
pairing/s: Cate Blanchett x fem!reader
genre: mild angst, fluff.
summary: Cate shows you how beautiful you are after seeing you so insecure.
word count: 349 (baby fic)
you do NOT have the right/permission to copy, steal, or repost this and claim my work as your own.
"I have seen the beauty you have unseen."
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
y/n is standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom, staring at her image. looking at her tummy, squeezing it, as her tears run down her face. "I'm too fat, I don't know why Cate loves me." she whispers to herself. "She's too good for you, y/n." her brain tells her. Just as she was about to pull herself together, Cate enters the room.
Her heart shatters seeing y/n in a state such as this. "Darling, hey, are you okay?" She asks, rushing to her, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm sorry.." y/n mutters, almost inaudible. She sobs into the neck of her lover. "My beautiful princess, don't say sorry for what you feel. I love you." she strokes her hair, trying to comfort her, as her breathing was still laboured. "You're really gorgeous, you hear me? I adore every single inch of you, darling." Cate stares into her glassy eyes. Unshed tears pooling beneath them.
"why?" y/n asks. "because you're beautiful the way you are, look in the mirror." Cate says. "Look at your pretty face, darling, that cute nose and the way it scrunches when you dislike something." She starts. "your eyes, how your pupils dilate when you see something you love." she stares into them. "now look at your stomach, so perfect, darling. Your thighs, oh the way they are when you have them around mine when we're cuddling." you smile. "There's that beautiful smile again." She grins. "I just love you so much, and if your brain tells you otherwise, I'll be here to show you."
"Cate.. I don't deserve you, you're too good to me." y/n says, barely above a whisper. "Oh darling, you deserve all the love I give you, and all of me." She says to her lover. Cate makes y/n face her. "I have seen the beauty you have unseen." She whispers, pulling her partner for another hug. "I love you so much, y/n." Cate says, sincerely. "I love you more, Cate." y/n utters, her whole heart soaring with love.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
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laurenlovesmitski · 10 months
Breadclit head cannons!!
An: this was an ask I decided to seriously this time...
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Shrimp Cat 🌟~
Shrimp cat LOVES to cuddle with y/n
Shrimpy wimmy will is very overprotective when it comes to you and you only... 🤣🤣😫😫
Win my is the type of cat to pour MILK before the cereal (result of trauma at a the young age of 95)
It has a huge shrine of its mother (due to trumu it had from its mother)
Will comfort you when you accidentally pour the cearl perm the milk and gets orgasms because of the horrid sight.
Croissant Cat 💫~
Is very shy when the topic of pouring the milk before the cerall comes up (this topic is equivalent to politics!! 💄❤️‍🔥💋)
Is opps with Ellie Olivia Williams because of a enormous fight they over pouring milk before the cealrrr (they hab a toxic relationship💏💏💏💏💏)
She ha s a y2k style (corn cat is always jealous because corn vat is a raggedy hoe who don't front shit 🖕🏼💦💦)
Has an absurd amount of popcorn in her house (she is the reason why corn cuts are endangered CUNTTT 😘😘😼😻)
She is a certified cholo who don't take SHITT 💩 from nobody (esp corn clit)
Corn Clut ⭐~
Has stabbed croissant cat 95 times just for y/n
Has been arrested for armed battery
Got shot in the kernel
Corn Clut and y/n are in an abusive relationship💏💏💏💏💏💏💏
Listens underground rap to feel like a minority but is really just an irrelevant piece of shit who deserves to get brutally gang banged by a group of croissant cars!! (=^ェ^=)
Gato de Hamberquesa ✨~
Doesn't know how to speak Ingles so he cusses out everyone in spanish because he's insecure about his wife (Baanana cut) cheating on him with Abby Juliët Anderson
Is the opps with Abby Juliët Anderson (they've been the opps since they were in their mamas bellies 🤰🏽👩🏻‍🍼)
Thinks that the cereal should go before the milk and gets beat up by Abby Juliët Anderson for it (he likes it)
He gave away Baanana cut's and Abby's baby away for a almost done takis bag (jk he actually ate the baby right in front of them)
Him and Ellie Olivia Williams have been best friends for 95 years!! Todays their anniversary!! 💦💦🎉🎊 CUNTTTTT
Baguette Catte ⚡~
Is having a a secret relationship with Baanana cut
Has went to PRISON👮😷👮🚓 for murdering 500 corn cuts for exchange of a baby (wait what.)
Luvs Stuffies!! 💕:3 (◍•ᴗ•◍)(≧∇≦)/
Takes care of her 95 year old grandma who is very ill and will die any moment "AHGBHGGH" oh wait nvm she just collapsed.
Baanana Cuta ☀~
Is in a secret relationship with Baguette Cate
Works for the FBI and the local bread clit/cut Imprisonment (she met hamberguesa there)
Ellie Olivia Williams is an opp (she has a bad reputation in the bread clit/cut community CUNTTT 😼😼)
Likes when Abby Juliët Anderson slaps her big fat juicy oiled up lubed up cake 🍰
Blueberry Cut 💛
Is part of Ellie Olivia Williams pussay
That's it
Bread cut 💛
Is part if Ellie Olivia Williams pussay
That's it
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An: I think ik how to delete da lace!! UvU 💋💀🤫😒
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astrotoilet · 4 months
SMUT||What a meeting|| (what a party part 2)
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||Cate Dunlap x Male reader||
WARNING:This story contains,Cheating,Swearing,Sexual themes,SMUT
It has been 3 weeks since the party and things have gotten a bit better,i continued talking with Cate and sometimes we spent some time together,we also did it again one more time,yes kissing.
This was during the break after some classes..
Everything was really great but there was a problem....Jordan was starting to grow suspicious about us,She even started to imply that to Luke.
I tried to convince Jordan everything was fine but He just rejected it.
"You know,it is very weird Cate and Luke are having a lot of problems since the day of that party,mostly by Cate's part i just don't know what to think about you two"She said
"Yes Jordan but please trust me,we are just friends,i could never do such thing to him he's my friend,we all are friends"i replied
"I don't know i'll just think about it better"She replied
After that unfriendly talk with her i left feeling nervous about being caught,because if that happens we are fucked,so promised to became more careful with Cate and everyone as i just noticed our friend group is already suspicious about us.
That night i went to my dorm to meet with Cate who promised me a surprise..
When i arrived Cate was there looking very beatiful...
"So this is the surprise you promised me huh?"i said looking at her
"Yes,i dressed like this for you,i know you like a lot when i dress like this so i wanted to fulfill your wish"she said biting her lip...
"You really know me baby,you know i adore how you look and that i will always love you no matter how you look"i said holding her waist getting closer to her.
"We should start now....right?~"She said snuggling into me
"Oh yeah we should really"i said smiling
She then started to kiss me passionately,while she was held up by me,her legs on my back
We did it for a couple minutes before we fell on the bed and she started to undress
"Do you like this?,you like this perfect fit body?"Cate said in a sexy tone moving her green blazer and liftin her shirt up revealing her perfect toned and pierced abdomen.
"I love it alot..."i replied losing it and going down to kiss it,but Cate stopped me..
"Nuh uh,not yet,be a good boy and listen to me before you can enjoy this right?"she said
"This perfect body is all yours,i have been working on it for you,you have been working so hard on university and as a hero so you deserve a reward,and there it is,you have earned this body and you can do all you want to me~"Cate added as her cheeks where red as a tomato.
"Got it my queen"i said as i leaned down to kiss her abs,enjoying every single second of it
Cate giggled as she caressed my head
However there was a moment where i stopped kissing and started licking her abdomen causing her to whimp
"Haah yees yees,don't stop please!"Cate said
"Oh my god y/n you're driving me insane"
"Fuck, it feels amazing honey"
You stod up and looked at Cate's wet abs and smiled,then leaned towards her
You pressed your nose against hers,she was nervous and very blushed
"So....what you wanna talk about?"you said looking deeply at her
"about doing it..." she replied
"What things?"you replied innocently
"Make me yours today please,i wanna feel you inside me...please"she said moaning
"Okay...if you want it,then you will get what you want"i replied
Cate then started to pull her pants down revealing her perfect legs,i was really hot
You then pulled down your pants too and then pulled your cock out
"Yess...give it to me please..."
You smiled and got closer to her,then you started kissing,and it happened.
"OH MY GOD Y/N!,HOLY SHIT"Cate moaned loudly as she felt your hard-rock cock inside of her
"Yes...yess...yess..oh fuck.."you muttered as you started to move in and out causing her to moan even louder
You started to feel how your penis was getting wet,as her pussy was melting.
"Y-yes y/n don't stop oh fuck!"she said, her hands in your back
You grabbed her tits and started to touch them while she was getting fucked by you
Her moans were a delight to hear
Her soft lips meet yours during the sex,introducing her tongue in your mouth.
Your tongues were licking eachother as you started to went even faster, the clap sounds started to get louder.
Her pussy was getting pounded to the limit, the wet sounds mixed with the claps where a good mix
There was a moment where you took off your penis and quickly got to your knees and started sucking her pussy, it had an incredible taste
"Fuck,OH FUCK my god" Cate said
you then inserted 2 finger alongside your tongue to increase her pleasure.
And with that insane mix she came like a sea
After that she returned the work for you as she was choking on your cock
"Yes yes yes, don't you dare to stop bitch" you said
She started to go eve faster after you said that
"Oh fuck..come on slut do it faster" you said bending over to spank her ass
She did a drowned moan
After holding too much you finally came
She moaned with her mouth full of cum
You started to jack off unleashing the last of it on her face
"Look at you... your boyfriend thinks you are studying and you are swallowing my cum, such a nice girl..." you said
"We are such fucking bastards" you added
Cate laughed and started to kiss you
You the kissed for the rest of the night until you fell asleep,cate half naked and you with half your pants down....
The next day on the morning you two woke up together smiling at eachother, and kissing.
"How was your sleep my blondie?" You asked her kissing her check
"Amazing my love" she replied kissing you too
You laughed at eachother until....
"Hey Cate i wonder if you-" Jordan said entering Cate's room but stopping after seeing the scene
"What the fuck cate?....."he replied
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
I have an odd recommendation request.
Can you recommend a book where a couple has had a mediocre sex life but through time and communication start having fantastic sex? I am curious. I think I am looking for a second romance within a relationship.
Run, Posy, Run by Cate C. Wells has this, albeit in a way that is QUITE bonkers. Posy has grown up in mob circles and has always wanted to be a good little mob wife; she ends up with a very cold fish of a man, and their life in the bedroom is pretty mediocre because she's just focused on his needs and he just doesn't communicate and takes her for granted. He's then sent a tape that makes it look like she cheated on him, and she goes on the run in fear for her life and realizes "hey! I deserve better!" Quickly, he realizes the tape was faked and realizes he NEEEEEEEDS her back, and part of his penance is realizing that he needs to work on realizing what she actually wants not just emotionally, but physically.
The Chief by Monica McCarty has an arranged marriage situation in which it's not that it's so baaaad as much as it is non-communicative, and gradually becomes better as they become closer. However, the relationship is not established prior to the book.
Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth Hoyt has a couple who's been married a while but really in name only start getting physical because she wants a baby--and it is awkward at first, and it does improve, again based on them becoming closer.
Overall, though, I'd honestly say that RPR is your closest bet, crazy as it is.
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plasticfangtastic · 11 months
Kripke really woke up and decided to open his dumbass mouth and say that actually Cate didnt need to kill Shetty that was too far... that doing her thing was too far... all the adult humans probably knew of the woods and the crimes they commited in the woods... like mate why its killing child abusers bad? Why killing the humans who directly order the systematic abuse of children bad? That sweaty dude was imprisoned since 2012!!! sweaty dude was in jail for 10+ yrs for being "bad product"!!! all his abuse was by Shetty's order!! She deserves to die!!
Love how in the same interview he says Cate can still be redeem bcuz nobody its trully bad but he sure as fuck dont want Homelander to get any redemption even tho he its the biggest victim of Vought violent capitalistic greed... honesty i just want Homie to team up with Butcher to take down Vought bcuz killing Homelander will never fucking solve the issue, he its a symptom of a larger disease... killing HL achieve virtually nothing but masturbatory revenge feel good fantasy bcuz Vought will continue to abuse children... vought will continue to built Homelanders for profit... they do not care for the lives they destroy they just get upset that the lives they help ruin turn into bad product... they care for money not the mountain of bodies they made!
Heck i would not be surprise if we learn that they already building a new Homelander baby now that they cant use Ryan anymore... i mean how did HL knew he could IVF Maeve if he didnt get re-tested? For all I know they got his spunk in the freezer.
And yes I think Homie deserves to die... him and Butcher deserve to kill each other and HL deserves punishment but he should at least get his revenge against Vought... let him be the hero for once... i mean Kripke you say he agreed with Cate over the killing of the wood personel... Homie agrees that the woods were evil... that the way human treated them its evil... bcuz its PTSD inducing for him!! let him continue that train of thought plz... let him do the right thing even if its by accident.
Altho after watching a review from a Youtuber I like ("who has industry connections") saying they r plans of killing HL in S4... he better get a good death that takes down Vought with him... altho Grace has been plenty wrong in the past and by god i hope she is...
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kitausuret · 2 years
8, 24, and 30 for the comic meme
8. What hero doesn’t deserve their hype?
I think every hero deserves their hype, and even when I feel annoyed by their presence, I would never wish ill on the fans who love to see them. For the ones I do admittedly get annoyed by, I feel like I'm not knowledgeable enough to pass judgment.
I am, however, a massive Venom fan, so I am going to sit here and say I'm so fucking sick of seeing Venom in so many places.
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(Spider-Man/Venom Free Comic Book Day 2022)
Like, what is this? What is this bullshit? Why are we doing another Venom event? At least they're not as back to back to back like it was for Venomverse/Venomized, Absolute Carnage, and King in Black but Jeeeeeeeesus PLEASE stop pulling absolutely insane stuff trying to make Venom your new "it guy". Just stop it. Please. I'm begging. I want Venom to be kinda boring again.
24. Ship(s) that makes you cringe.
I hate to say it but Flash/Tandy!!! They have absolutely no chemistry. I don't know what's happening with them. They're not like, the wooooorst worst but she's definitely the worst Flash ship that he's had in canon. It seems like he's only there to give some spice to the will-they-won't-they of Tandy/Ty and I think all three of them deserve better than that.
HOWEVER. Dagger atop Anti-Venom dragon. Good for them, I guess. (Savage Avengers #7)
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30. What side character do you hate?
This is gonna sound mean but uhhh Dylan Brock. I'm SORRY I just don't understand why he exists and why anyone is following what Donny Cates stated about him being older than Normie Osborn, it's literally impossible. I know because I just read every appearance of Normie's father, literally from the comic he was born in. But that's another rant.
Admittedly 95% of my issues with Dylan arise from the circumstances of his conception, which could have all been fixed by simply saying "Anne and Eddie had a one night stand and she decided to go through with the pregnancy", which wouldn't have fixed her dropping the baby off with Eddie's abusive father, but that's yet ANOTHER rant. Honestly I'm kinda hoping the current run says something really weird about Dylan just so we can stop pretending he is a normal human being. In fact I am begging for him to be something other than a normal human being.
This is symbiote comics!!! Let him be fucking weird!!!!!! Let him be Knull's progeny or some shit!!!!!!!!! shaking and sobbing also tell him to leave Normie aLONEEEEEE (Spider-Man/Venom FCBD 2022)
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Ask me salty comics questions!!!
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yorktaylor · 2 years
1.21.23 - Måneskin's new album RUSH! is out now! I'm obsessed i recommend "own my mind" "timezone" "baby said" and "if not for you" - Nonsense by Sabrina carpenter is #22 on the Spotify global charts - high school musical came out 17 years ago - Midnights is the first album since "Frozen" to top the Top Album Sales Chart for the longest with 12 consecutive weeks. - owl house season 3 is out - fall out boys new album will be called "so much (for) stardust"
I don't think I'm gonna start doing a quote I just wanted to include this “I do not think that that’s punk. I don’t think that’s the essence of punk. And I feel strongly that without young women, people of colour and also the queer community, I just think we would still be where we were then." – Hayley Williams
Fun fact: hippopotamus means "water horse" Song of the week: ghosts! by Sophie Cates
Also I now have a website!!! stars-weekly.carrd.co
omg hiii stars weekly idrk how to respond to this but i’ll give it a go-
i heard about maneskins new album!! sadly they’re not really my style—but i might give it a try
as nonsense deserves, definitely one of my favs of 2022
sobbing hsm is three years older than me
frozen and taylor were the soundtrack to my childhood this is incredible news to me
i can’t believe brendon broke up with himself during the rollout of the new fall out boy 💔
water horse makes so much sense and i’ll def check that song out!!
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hiiii i was hoping you could write a florence pugh x fem reader one shot where florence gets nominated for oscar and they celebrate like maybe r makes a party and after that it can me smut if you are comfortable with that pls
Warnings: A little degradation in bed, a bit of black humor, Smut and therefore 18+ only, fluff, established relationship
Word count: 2.0 K
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Florence is nominated for an academy award, but she doesn't think she's good enough to win the award.
Y/N will show her that she is not only an excellent actress, but that she is also an excellent girlfriend.
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Actors and actresses masterlist]
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“Could you hold still, you won't even be able to watch TV” 
“Y/N, how do you ask me to relax” 
"Come baby, you just need to relax" 
Flo sat next to me as the television returned from its commercial breaks. 
"Are you going for 'best supporting actress' or 'best actress'?" 
"I'm your girlfriend, and you don't know what my role was?" 
"Sorry, I fell asleep in the middle" 
We both started laughing as she just hit my knee 
"You're a disgusting girlfriend" 
"You still love me" I crinkle my nose and stuck out my tongue
"I really adore you" 
The sound of the television interrupted us 
'And the nominees for Best Actress are: Olivia Colman - The Field of Lilies. 
Florence Pugh–Green....' 
We didn't even listen to the other nominees, it was just a matter of hearing Flo 's name for her to start jumping on the couch, while I threw myself on top of her so I could hug her 
"You did it love, damn you did it!" I started kissing all over her face while she calmed down and laughed at the tickle that caused her "YOU HAVE A FUCKING OSCAR!"
"Well, as such I still don't have it" the blonde shrugged her shoulders in indifference 
"What nonsense are you saying? Who else could be deserving of this award? Who else is nominated?" 
"I seem to be competing against Olivia Colman, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett and Emma Stone" I saw her shoulders slump almost in defeat "I'm literally competing against the titans of Hollywood" 
"Well, there's always the option of a multiple homicide" I raised my eyebrows repeatedly trying to make her laugh, but she just grimaced "It was just a joke" 
"I don't stand a chance." Flo slumped her shoulders in defeat. "How am I going to win against such actresses?" 
“Hey , listen to me” I took her face in my hands to make her eyes look directly into mine “you are a phenomenal actress, you have nothing to envy Meryl Streep; you're just as talented" I started kissing her forehead and cheeks "and assuming you didn't win, the simple fact of being nominated is already something incredible, something that deserves a great celebration" 
"What do you have in mind, bunny?" 
"A big party" 
Although at first, Florence refused to have a party, but, as soon as she saw the first guest arrive, her frown immediately disappeared.
At first I thought that the Oscar nomination would be a good excuse to throw a giant-sized party, but seeing how our apartment was becoming a small mess with the amount of people, I began to worry. 
"Y/N, you look stressed" Scarlett put her arm around my shoulders and snatched my glass of juice "You should have some alcohol" 
"I'm not stressed, I'm just thinking about what I'll have to pick up after this" 
"But isn't it worth it just to watch your girlfriend celebrate her nomination?" 
"Sure" I looked at the blonde's profile and tapped her cheek with my fingers "speaking of nominations, do you expect this to be your chance to take the statuette home, Mrs. Johansson?" 
"Well, the truth is that, it has been complicated, but if we take into account..." 
We both started laughing at his antics, but I returned my gaze to my girlfriend. 
"Flo doesn't think she has a chance" 
“What? But she is a great actress" 
"That's what I tell her, but it seems she's a bit intimidated by being in direct competition with Meryl Streep." 
"Well... maybe I'd be less nervous if in an almost extraordinary way, Meryl Streep was dropped from the academy, wouldn't I?" she started hitting my arm with his elbow 
"That's what I told her" we laughed again "but as much as I love my girlfriend, I would like to see more musicals with Meryl" 
"TRUE; You know I love your girlfriend, but if Meryl wins, I won't be mad." 
The party continued until late at night, and at almost 3:00 AM the last guest left, and finally Florence and I were able to go up to our room. 
I fell straight onto the bed, while Flo changed into more comfortable clothes . 
"Did you like your party?" 
"Of course my love, thank you very much for doing this for me" 
She lay down next to me and I quickly put my head on her chest. 
"I'm surprised how you looked so beautiful in that pretty dress, and right now, despite your messy clothes you still look like the most beautiful woman in the world" 
At first, we start with a make out session and nothing more, just wanting to show her how beautiful she is in my eyes, how in love I am with her, and how proud I am to be her girlfriend.
But things started to level up, my hand went straight to her belly, under her shirt, while Flo gently squeezed my butt; but her hand did not stay long in the place, she quickly started to climb up my back until he touched the zipper of my dress and started to lower it while I walked away a little
"You know honey, I love how that dress looks on you, but I'd love to see you without it." 
I knelt down putting my knees on either side of her torso and stripped out of my little red dress, leaving me in just a pair of cotton panties. 
At first, I was very embarrassed that my girlfriend saw me in underwear that was not 'sexy', it even became an insecurity for me, but the best I could do was expose that insecurity to Flo , she made me feel safe of me, my body and even my clothes. So when I saw how she gave me a beautiful smile at the sight of my underwear, it only made me return it
She raised her upper body and supported her weight on her forearms, causing her hair to cascade. 
"Is this 'Snoopy' underwear?" 
" Flo , stop making fun of my underwear!" 
"What? She's cute," she started kissing my hips as she tried to pull my panties down, "I'm amazed how you make that damn dog look so good on a butt." 
I patted her hands lightly, causing her to take her hands off my hips and look directly into my eyes. 
“It seems unfair to me that you wanted to pull off my only garment, while you still haven't taken anything off” 
Florence almost graciously and quickly pulled me in, causing my back to touch the mattress as she almost ripped off her nightgown and bra, leaving her in simple black Calvin Klein panties. 
“Ready, now, what we have left” 
He began to kiss my neck, knowing that it is one of my weak points, causing me to let out small moans, as she went down to my breasts.
Despite having little fat in that part of my body, Flo liked to play with my nipples, she knew my body like the back of her hand.
Although she liked to take her time, I think my not-so-light moans and constant hip thrusts made her feel a little sorry for me, so she quickly removed my panties.
"Do you have a hair bow?"
I took the garter from my wrist and handed it to her.
She tied her hair up in a little ponytail and went back down to my legs
She started kissing my thighs as she went up, but just as she got to my center, she turned away. 
“ Flo ...no games please” 
"O.K baby" 
She took a long, slow lick at my center, from my perineum to my clit causing me to let out a higher, higher moan. 
"You are a delicacy of the gods" she gave my clit a little pat making me jump and bite the pillow to keep from screaming "You are the best bitch I could ask for" 
Florence knew that bad words made me so hot, so she was using that to her advantage. 
Knowing that she had had enough of foreplay, Flo simply proceeded to suck, lick and even bite my clit, while her index and middle fingers entered my cavity and searched for my G-spot, arching my back, taking her ponytail. and pulling. a little
"Flo… I'm close"
“Come for me, bitch. Shout my name"
The orgasm hit me so hard I don't even remember making a sound beyond a moan; I think the fact that Florence was away from home for a few days made not only my head and heart miss her, but my body as well.
"That was good?" She ask as brings her face closer to mine.
“Oh yeah, I missed you” I stole a kiss from her, tasting myself on his lips
“ Mmm , girl did I miss you too”
I took her shoulders with my hands and with a little force, I exchanged positions leaving her lying down and me straddling her.
"What's on your mind, dirty girl?"
" Mmm , just making up for my winner" I started to kiss her neck, causing her to giggle.
"But I haven't won the Oscar yet, baby"
“But the simple fact of being the incredible girlfriend that you are, makes you deserve an award”
I began to play with her breasts, while my right hand began to enter her panties.
"I just started touching you and you're already wet?" I bit her right nipple a bit
"Agh, what do you want me to do, I like to see how my girl goes crazy for my caresses"
"You're a fucking narcissist" I sucked on her other nipple, causing her to violently arch her back and try to grab a handful of my hair "no, precious, you can't touch until I tell you to."
"My love, don't be cruel" 
“Do what I tell you Rose, or I will stop touching you” 
She understood, so she let me go back to my task of playing with her, but I didn't want to make her suffer either, so I started to make a tour with my tongue to her lower belly, right where the elastic of her panties began, which I started to lower with the teeth slowly 
"Y/N, please don't be cruel." 
“I will only be kind because you were kind to me” 
I almost ripped her panties off and buried my face in her center, sucking on her clit. 
"Son of a bitch, Y/N, tell me I can touch you"
"Yes, you can touch me now"
I quickly pull my hair up into a makeshift ponytail and try to find a rhythm between my movements and her hip thrusts.
Unlike me, Florence was much louder, so the moans and screams were immediate.
"Mmm, you're doing great, you're a good slut" she pulled my hair again, making me moan and the vibrations from her reached her clit "You don't know how much I love you"
I started working a little harder, biting on her clit and even spitting on my fingers to insert them into her vagina
"Just hearing you spit reminds me how vulgar you can be, you're just vulgar to me right baby?"
"Yeah Flo I'm just your little bitch"
"Ahg, my little bitch" her legs began to shake and her toes began to curl together with her back "I am cumming, I want you to leave me clean"
"Yes love"
Her orgasm overtook her causing her to let out a loud scream, which our neighbors surely heard. Doing my best to make her orgasm last a little longer, I licked at her slowly, until she was back to normal.
"Damn you Y/N you're a goddess"
Flo forced me to go back up to her face and kiss me desperately "Thank you very much"
“My love, there is nothing to be thankful for”
"I'm not just talking about sex. I mean everything, the party, celebrating with me, trusting me, being the best thing that could have happened to me."
I lay on her chest while she kissed my head and I kissed her chest
"I'm the one who should be thankful, that a great person and actress loves me enough to give me the best sex in the world"
We both laughed and little by little we got tired, so we quickly fell asleep cuddling, but not before thanking life for the incredible girlfriend I have.
Forgive the delay, I thought I'd have it this afternoon, but I couldn't concentrate hard enough.
I hope you like it, I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
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stanallmilfs · 3 years
There is no escape.[NSFW]
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Cate Blanchett x Fem!Reader
Warning(s):Possessiveness,obsession,manipulation,abusive relationship,toxic relationship,controlling relationship,reader has no freedom,absolutely fucked up so don’t read if you don’t like.
Word count:552
You and Cate have been married for a while now but the marriage was controlling and toxic she'd barely let you go out and do things an adult should be able to do without their wife's permission. It was times where you got fed up and tried to leave but she always stopped you or found you, the second time you tried to leave her you never left her sight again everywhere she went you were by her side. Tonight was one of the nights you decided to leave or at least try to leave you'd hope this time it would work.
Slowly getting out of bed trying not to wake Cate your wearing a nightgown with no panties underneath that is Cate's rules no matter what your wearing you cannot wear panties to bed. Reaching down to the bottom knob of your dresser you open it and grab a pair of panties and put them on slowly continuing to try not to wake Cate. Lifting your head up a hand grabs your arm roughly turning you around making your back hit the dresser, it was Cate.
"Trying to leave me again?" Cate intensely questions you but you just turn your head as tears form in your eyes Cate grabs your chin forcing you to look at her. "Cate please..just let me go I'll leave you alone I won't tell anyone please.."
"There's nothing to tell and I'm not letting you leave me, don't you understand dearest? We belong together.”
"Cate..your mental state isn't right just let me go.”
"Mm..Y/N my mental state is just fine and you have nowhere to go I'm the one making the money here therefore I can take all of it, don't you remember honey all of your family abandoned you! I took you in! I love you! And now your being REALLY ungrateful! listen to me if you leave now no one will care but me!"
The tears that were before forming in your eyes were now falling down your cheek when she finished yelling at you, you slowly hugged her. "I'm sorry..you’re right." you apologized and Cate smirked then kissed your head. "Remove your panties and lay down." Cate demanded and that you did. She left the room and seconds later Cate returned with pairs of ropes, your eyes widened at the sight.
"Cate..please no I'll be good I won't do it again!.”
"Me and you both know that's a lie baby, don't resist it just let it happen it's only temporary." Cate said with a chuckle as she watched you squirm around in the bed. "Arms up." Cate ordered and you obeyed.
She tiedboth of your hands to the headboard and placed a kiss on your cheek.
"I hate doing that to you but you leave me no choice sometimes.”
"I know, I'm sorry..”
Cate began walking away from the bed once she reached the door she opened it and confusion filled your head.
"Where are you going?" You asked.
"I think you deserve to sleep alone tonight.”
"No..please stay with me!” you begged but she ignored you and left the room closing the door behind her. You rapped yourself in a ball well at least with your legs and sooner later you fell asleep.
A/N:In conclusion, This I really old. Like I made it a while ago and kept it in my drafts so sorry if it’s bad. Go follow me on wattpad: @NoelleElise
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yellowbluemoonshine · 3 years
Richard (III) Ships Ranking;
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Hey, i wanted to make this for fun cause i kinda wanted to talk about this. There might me more ships but those are the main ones so here we go.
5) Buckingham;
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This is the last one because their relationship mostly based on sexual relationships, desires. The thing made them together is literally ambitious, when Richard chose to become demon and even cheating. Not to mention most of the ime he viewed their sexual relationship as painfull, he wanted to be in pain, thats why he chose it. Yes, Buckingham is the only one who was lucky enough to sleep with Richard. It also really helps Richard to accept his woman-side too. But it was really toxic and Buckingham is really too possessive and agressive. When Richard was harrassed, he literaly said ‘did he make you dirty’, ‘i want to have all of you and also want to escape from you’ thing, thats not love. Thats possesion and its too toxic. And even though, they both clearly opened their feelings to each others, they still find a way to not ending up together, lol.
4) Henry;
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My first issue with Henry and Richard was big age gap since Henry’s age was closer to Richard’s father age and Henry literally has a son whose age is same as Richard. And when they first met, Richard was literally child. But well, Henry’s sitution is understandable since heis really mentally sick character whose life was contolled by others. He is even raped by queen. So its understandable why he is so childish and fond of Richard too. But well, the real issue was...Henry is really became big pain for Richard. Lets accept it. Henry mostly works as first love. Even Richard admitted that he viewed Henry as father figure mostly, thats why he was mostly into him.
3) Anne;
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Here’s why this is not why first or second one in this ranking....This was my first ship with Richard cause of how healthy and understanding their relationship was. They both had equal, calm, stable relationship. Richard admitted that he can become himself with her. But Anne is also the one who gave up on Richard the most easiely, especially when we compared her with others. This is why even in most pictures, Anne is hardly there.
2) Edward;
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I would never have thought that i would like this dynamic to the point it would be my second one. Why its second? Why i love it more than Anne x Richard or others? Because, Edward is one of the bravest character when it comes to love. He was honest for what he wanted and he tried it until the end. Because of how much he tried, i put him before Anne x Richard. But its not first one because issue with this ship was it was too one side. And it mostly work that way.
1) Catesby;
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Why he is the first? Well. My first issue was with this ship that he is his caretaker and he is fond of him since he is baby. He is his kinda caretaker. But well, i would like to think that he developed romantic feelings later. But besides that, Catesby seems the best choice.
Look, I loved whole shoujo thing. I really enjoyed with all ships to some point. I enjoyed with sexual relationship and whole passion between Richard and Buckingham. I enjoyed with the drama between Henry and Richard. I enjoyed with the calm, stable relationship between Anne and Richard. I enjoyed with all entertaining scenes between Edward and Richard. But lets accept it. There is a reason in story that why all those relationships didnt work out.
Yes, Catesby doesnt speak his feelings but i think he works the best as ending game. Richard’s choosing the one who was always there for him, who is the most loyal person, realising him would be the best. Also Catesby eventually learning to speak up his feelings etc etc this is just works better as canon ending ship. That Richard choosing him and they live happiely ever after.
(All those characters deserves better though. And thanks Joan for kinda protecting Richard. She is not part of the harem but whatever, just saying).
(I think at the end, Richard most likely dies but well, i would like to imagine that he just become together with Catesby and they live happiely ever after.).
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zainclaw · 3 years
Hello. I am a new symbrock shipper and i really appreciate your posts of the excerpts from the comics. But i was wondering which part of the comic people said the writer (the cates one) erased some kind of part about the eddie & venom? It gets me curious somehow and was wondering if you knew about this.
...I’ve actually been expecting someone to ask me about this, sooner or later. Kinda been dreading it, tbh XD But here goes.
(This is quite a long and serious answer, and I totally get if not everyone wanna read this, but as more and more people are becoming interested in the Venom comics, I do think this is an important thing to address.)
This is also a conversation about fandom.
*deep breath*
First of all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and just like some people might be upset with the writers of a tv-show when things take a turn they don't agree with, some people are upset with the changes Donny Cates did when he took over the Venom comics after Mike Costa. Yes.
But here’s the thing:
The Venom comics have had many writers (and artists) over the years. I mean, jesus christ, the Venom symbiote’s very first appearance was back in 1988. That’s over 30 fucking years ago, people. At this point, I don’t think it’s realistic to expect the feel of the story to be the same under every single writer that comes on. I just don’t.
In 1996 Len Kaminski gave us Eddie and his symbiote holding hands and giving each other chocolate gifts with love hearts and the line “it’s not human, but it’s given me things no girlfriend ever could” in The Hunger. Then, 20 years later, in 2017-2018, we had Mike Costa give us Eddie calling the symbiote ‘my love’ and ‘dear’ and ‘darling’ and refer to their partnership as a relationship and finally made them have a baby together in First Host.
(I strongly recommend using my masterlist of comics excerpts as a timeline here to understand what the hell I’m talking about.)
Sure, Cates hasn’t had Eddie calling the symbiote ‘my love’ or ‘darling’ since he took over. I guess you could say he “removed” that. Do I miss that part? Yeah. Of course. But as far as I know, no one had Eddie and the symbiote hold hands again in the 20 years following The Hunger, either. Different writers have told different stories, chose to focus on different things.
Cates chose to go down a very angsty route. To, for example, bring back the topic of the Venom symbiote having a past with Flash Thompson, of sometimes wanting to be with him more than Eddie, and feeling torn about who to choose, and Eddie’s pain and jealousy over that. This is something Mike Costa barely touched on during his run. Costa wanted domestic bliss, so that’s what he did. But that doesn’t remove past canon. Not for him, or anyone else.
I’ve said this before - have basically warned people who’ve come to me saying they wanna start reading the comics because of my excerpts - but the comics are fucking angsty. There’s a reason I’ve made a point of posting Symbrock highlights from the comics, rather than just say “read the comics, they’re just never-ending domestic Symbrock bliss” because they’re not.
Eddie Brock is not a happy man, and his relationship with the Venom symbiote has been obsessive, possessive and unhealthy at times. They have grown a lot and come a long way over the years, but this has always been a part of their canon. Eddie’s fear of being alone, of being the symbiote’s second choice.
This side of them is part of why I, personally, find their relationship so intriguing. How they can’t stay away from each other, even though they're both so flawed and not always good “people”, and don’t really know how to keep their relationship healthy.
And I think Cates must have felt the same way, because he’s chose to dive into Eddie as his own person. He’s made Eddie face his demons, his past, deal with his fear of being alone and do a lot of growing in ways I haven’t seen him do in any previous comics. He wanted to tell the story of Eddie Brock, to perhaps let him become a better person than he was, in order to make the relationship between him and the Venom symbiote better. And in my personal opinion, he’s doing a great job of that.
I’m very much against the “fandom hive mind” thing, and the thought of new people entering the Venom/Symbrock fandom and simply adopting the “we hate Donny Cates, he ruined the comics” mentality because they see so many other shippers feel that way, is so upsetting to me. I don’t like how entitled fans can become at times.
(I don’t know how many people who still follow me from my Teen Wolf days, but, damn, I’m embarrassed about a lot of stuff that went down between that fandom and the show runners/actors. It was a silly teenage show on MTV, and yet so many adults (myself included) thought they should have a say in where the story went, and not. It took me a long time to realize that, but there it is.)
Donny Cates did NOT deserve the hate he got from so many Symbrock shippers back in 2018. He’s NOT unfaithful to the story of Venom as a whole, and has NOT ignored previous canon. He openly spoke to and supported the Symbrock shippers on Twitter, before they tore him to pieces for not being Mike Costa. For, in their opinion, completely ignoring the loving nature of their relationship.
But like?
Cates is the one who gave us the Venom symbiote’s first “I love you, Eddie”. Cates is the one who gave us Eddie getting phantom limb syndrome from being apart from the symbiote. Cates is the only one, in my opinion, who’s given us SO many beautifully heartbreaking inner dialogues from Eddie like that about love and loss and longing, all referring to the Venom symbiote. Cates is the one who gave us the exchange “You found me” / “Always” that I’m still crying about.
My point being: I don’t think it’s fair at all to say that Cates has ignored the intimate relationship between Eddie and the symbiote. Because he hasn’t.
And it wouldn’t surprise me if, one day, when the Venom comics get a writer who actually doesn’t treat Eddie and the symbiote like romantic partners, people will look back on previous runs and say “wow I miss what Cates did.”
I’m not here to convince anyone that Cates’ run is better than, or even as good as, Costa’s. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to love every Venom comic that’s come out in the past 30 years written by several different writers. That’s unrealistic. You’re allowed to have a favorite Venom writer. You’re allowed to think that where Mike Costa’s comics ended, Eddie and the Venom symbiote’s story ended, for you. You’re also allowed to, like me, enjoy the angsty and slow burn story currently being told by Donny Cates.
You don’t have to hate Cates just because you’re a Symbrock shipper.
That’s all I wanted to say, more or less.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Just Breathe
Tom Holland x Female!Osterfield!Bisexual!Reader
Summary: Childbirth waits for no one, not even the Oscars.
Warnings: fluuuuuff, pregnant reader, mentions of childbirth, good press articles, BISEXUAL READER WOOOHOOO
Word Count: 1.5k words
Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes
A/N: heeeeey look @peterspideyy​ @parkersbliss​ that crazy idea i ranted to you about like six months ago finally got done! i can’t believe i did it... this feels too good to be true, is the world gonna end or something?
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"I don't think this is a good idea."
"Me neither."
"Please, just stay here."
You looked up to your brother and husband, frowning as you smoothed your hand over the soft black fabric of your gown.
"I am not missing the Oscars, Tom. I've still got two weeks until I'm due, it'll be fine."
You sat down on the bed and looked dejectedly at your shoes, then proceeded to throw puppy dog eyes your brother's way until Harrison had no choice but to kneel and help you put on your comfortable trainers. There's no way you're putting on your heels at 37 weeks of pregnancy.
"But what if Baby decides to come sooner? You could go into labour at any moment!"
You rolled your eyes and only raised your arms so they could help you out of bed.
"You guys are being over-dramatic. Nothing's gonna happen. We're just going to the Oscars, we'll have a good time, and hopefully, I'll leave with a little statue under my arm."
With that, you waddled out of your hotel room, ready to get into the limo.
"(Y/n)! It's so good to see you! You look radiant as always!"
You smiled at Kaitlyn, an interviewer you knew and trusted and rubbed your belly comfortingly. 
"Thank you, I feel like a whale, but Baby'll be here soon so it's worth it."
She smiled and asked you a bunch of questions about your movie and how you were feeling about being nominated for Best Actress.
"But anyway, how far along are you now?"
"I'm a little over 37 weeks, they should be coming soon. Tom and Haz were actually really apprehensive about me coming here since I'm so close to my due date."
She smiled and looked over at the two men, obviously on edge.
"Well, I wish you all the best and I sincerely hope you win."
You hugged her goodbye and posed for a few more pictures before being led inside by your husband.
"And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for..."
Everyone watched with bated breath as Brie Larson, last year's winner, got ready to announce who would take home the trophy.
"This year's winner, and taking home the Oscar for best actress in a leading role..."
Tom took your hand and you squeezed it tight, ready to applaud one of the other amazing actresses on their win.
"(Y/n) Holland, for her brilliant performance in Two Sides of the Same Coin!"
You felt like your heart was gonna beat out of your chest, run to that stage, kiss Brie, then promptly burst to flames out of sheer, unadulterated enthusiasm. Tom was hugging you and whispering how much you deserved it while your brother gently guided you to the podium. None of them would ever allow you to go up there on your own. Always one in front of you in case you trip forward and one behind you to catch you if you fall back.
Overprotective much?
As soon as you reached Brie, you hugged her tight (or as tight as you could with a human baby house separating you), taking the award while the two boys hugged her too.
"Holy Louis Tomlinson in a crop top."
The audience laughed, most of them already familiar with your strange One Direction inspired expressions.
"Wow, I didn't actually think I was gonna win this, everyone had such amazing performances. I-It's an honour, really. Two Sides of the Same Coin was a project very near and dear to my heart, so I'd like to thank the amazing Drew Barrymore, who wrote and directed the movie."
The room erupted in cheers and the woman smiled at you from her place on the front row.
"Bisexual representation is something we don't get very often, and when we do, it's always misjudged. So thank you for showing the world what bisexuality really is, and for giving me a chance to live out my dreams of kissing lots of people. This idiot tied me down too soon."
You pointed behind you at Tom, hearing his appalled squeak along with Harrison's guffaw of a laugh. 
In other news, the baby was starting to inconvenience you slightly. Baby had been going crazy since last night (not that you'd tell the boys) and the Braxton-Hicks were killing you, but it only got worse now.
"I'd also like to thank my amazing costars, Zendaya, Bella Thorne, and Owen Patrick Joyner, it was awesome to make out with you all..."
The crowd laughed while you felt something trickle down your legs.
You'll never live this down, that's for sure.
"Uh, before I finish can one of you idiots call the car and get them to come to the exit please and thank you? Now as I was saying-"
"Wait, why?"
You turned to your brother and smiled innocently.
"Oh, my water just broke."
The crowd cheered.
Tom screamed.
Harrison fell to the floor, unconscious.
You sighed.
"New plan, can anyone try to wake my brother while my hus-" 
You looked at Tom, frantically doing small back and forths between you and his best friend, unsure of what to do. 
"-While someone else calls the car because both of them are apparently useless."
"We need to get you to the hospital!"
His terrified scream could be heard all through the room, even with no mic.
"What? No! I need to finish my acceptance speech, then go back to the hotel to shower and maybe take a little nap and then go to the hospital. My water just broke, Thomas, we have time, calm your tits."
You turned back fully to the mic, facing the hysteric faces of the crowd, very entertained by the exchange.
"Now as I was saying, I want to thank the amazing team that worked on this movie, you're all amazing and it was such a good experience. I'd also like to thank my family for always being there for me and supporting me and Haz in our acting careers. Thank you to my brother, even if he's unconscious right now, he'll just watch it on Youtube later, for literally forcing me to go to the audition. And lastly, I'd like to thank my wonderful husband, who hopefully hasn't passed out yet, for always supporting me and being my biggest rock through everything. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to deliver a baby, you know, just normal Saturday night stuff."
An Oscar in hand and another... down her legs?
(Y/n) Holland sure gave the Oscars something to be entertained by on this last Saturday. The wife of fellow actor Tom Holland looked radiant in her custom-made Valentino dress, looking ready for a night of fun.
(Y/n) was nominated for this year's Best Actress in a Leading Role award, alongside Meryl Streep, Margot Robbie, Cate Blanchett, and Tessa Thompson, but the Oscar went to her from her brilliant performance in Two Sides of the Same Coin. But it was during her acceptance speech that things got... slippery.
At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the Holland baby was ready to come at any minute, but apparently, theatrics run in the family. The actress was in the middle of her speech when she felt her water break, pausing in her talking to request a car be called.
You'd think her husband, Tom, and brother Harrison Osterfield, overprotective as they are, would be fully prepared! Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for our entertainment, they were not. Harrison went unconscious after hearing the news, dropping to the floor and earning himself a minor concussion, much to his sister's amusement
@ynholland: "Don't worry, when you go into labour, I'll be with you every step of the way." Said Harrison Osterfield, then proceeded to pass out, get a minor concussion, and miss the whole delivery.😂 Good job, little bro👍
And just when you thought she couldn't get any better, she finishes her acceptance speech with: "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to deliver a baby, you know, just normal Saturday night stuff." We have no choice but to stan this iconic queen!
But for the news you've all been waiting for, Oscar Robert Holland (yes, the middle name is a homage to Robert Downey Jr. himself, we're not crying, you are!) was born just twelve hours later. Tom let know through a beautiful Instagram picture that he is in fact "perfectly healthy and loved by everyone already".
@tomholland2013: I present to you, my best creation to this date: Oscar Robert Holland. Thank you all for your prayers and kind messages, our boy is perfectly healthy and loved by everyone already❤️
But of course, Uncle Haz wouldn't stay behind.
@hazosterfield: Since I know you've all been worried sick and desperate to know how the baby is... I'm doing just fine, it's just a minor concussion :) Oh and my godson's great too.
And just to prove that the Osterfields are indeed the royal family of comedy, we leave with this wonderful picture posted to the happy mum's very own Instagram.
@ynholland: Guess I was so good they gave two Oscars instead of one ;)
-Written by Kaitlyn Storm
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so anyway, Two Sides of the Same Coin is a movie idea i got a while ago and should maybe try to write one of these days but oh well or something. anyway, i’m not gonna rant about it here cause it’d be too long but i hope you enjoyed this and don’t forget to like/comment/reblog if you feel like it!
-Love, Miah
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