#catholic folk witch
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How a bruja binds rainfall
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A simple trick for when the weather isn’t agreeing with your schedule
Take a knife and while it’s pointing away from you, anoint the blade from the base to the tip, with holy water or olive oil. After these, speak your intent to the four winds, to bind rain away until you’re done with your business, and stab the earth with the knife. Leave the knife stabbed in the dirt or even a plant pot, doesn’t matter. As long as it’s there, it won’t rain. The winds and rain will be released when you take back the knife.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
Sleeping Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph was known to receive messages from God (through an Angel) in his dreams. As such, he has a devotion known as “The Sleeping Saint Joseph”. And here is how you can incorporate this devotion into your spiritual/witchcraft/folk practices.
Write your petition on paper, fold it away from you if you are petitioning something out of your life, fold it towards you if you are petitioning something to come into your life. Place it under the sleeping Saint Joseph & pray that he takes care of your need as he dreams, allowing you to sleep in peace - Knowing Saint Joseph is working it all out!
Dress the paper with olive oil/oils of choice & burn corresponding incense for extra oomph. To add in some candle magic - Dress a candle & pray over it. Hold the paper and wave it around the lit candle (carefully) 3 times clockwise to bring in. To banish something out of your life wave it 3 or 9 times counterclockwise around the candle. Visualize and/or feel what it would feel like if your petition were already true. Pray to Saint Joseph (I posted one of the prayers below). Then place it under your sleeping Saint Joseph.
If you don’t have a statue, a candle with his image, a printed picture of the sleeping Saint Joseph or prayer card or even your own drawing/painting are all great options!
Saint Joseph, pray for us! <3
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toverijenspokerij · 2 years
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Tomorrow I will dye some yarn with madder root and I am so excited! Most if not all dye recipes with madder say it needs to soak over night. So I am doing just that. This rich redish-brown is just after three mins after I put the madder in. And I suspect that this will give a beautiful rich hue when I let the yarn soak in it over night as well. So when it comes to extracting the colour from madder, the over night soak is your new best friend. Or so I just learned.
Magically the colour red is equal part protection, agression, life-force/blood and the primal forces of creation and destruction. Madder itself is a plant under the influence of Mars, according to Harold Roth's website, Alchemy Works. My plan is to dye my yarn red and to make charm bracelets with them, against the evil eye.
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hellenicrisis · 8 months
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Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death.
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daught3rofyahweh · 2 months
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♡ Grimoire Ideas for the Folk Catholic Witch ♡
~ Spiritual Warfare
~ Biblical Herbs
~ Biblical Crystals
~ History of the Christian Pentagram (I have a post on this that might be helpful!)
~ Knot Magic
~ The Rosary
~ St. Benedict Medal
~ Old Folk Remedies (medical, protection, etc.)
~ Catholic Holidays
~ Prayers
~ Classes of Angels
~ Psalms and how to use them
~ Levels of Heaven
~ The Archangels and how they can help
~ History of Folk Magic
~ Christian symbols
~ History of Jesus Christ
~ Rundown on Veiling
~ Meditation
~ Facts about Exorcisms
~ Things Demons Hate (to use in spells and rituals for warding)
p.s. this research will go along with the exorcism stuff, look up what they hate according to exorcists.
~ Facts about The Church
~ The Seven Deadly Sins and How to Avoid Them
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psalmlover · 6 months
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from iwishyoucouldtakemeupstate on instagram
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malukeando · 7 months
mutuals continue to arrive because of my previous post but right now I am on a new search:
christopagan /christian or catholic witch
folk witch
christian/catholic sympathizer with other religions
works with angels/saints/mary/jesus
PRAYERS, someone who likes to write PRAYERS
reblog, like, say hi, I'm looking for you
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If you wanna be a pagan or witch or whatever I can’t stop you from messing with demons but don’t call yourself a “Christian witch” or whatever. Don’t wrap up your heresy and sacrilege in Christ. Christ wants to free you from the occult and paganism. He died to save you, not so you can mock that sacrifice by claiming to be a witch that follows him. I know you want control and surety in your life, because life is messy and confusing but you won’t find peace in the occult. I promise. You’re beloved by God.
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ocean-not-found · 9 months
My personal Alternative Hail Mary Prayer:
In Traditional Latin and English.
Hail Mary, full of Grace.
Thy Devotees are with you.
Blessed art thou among Women, and Blessed is the fruit of your Womb.
Hail Mary, mother of all,
help us now,
and at the hour of our death,
Queen of Heaven guard us from harm.
Ave Maria, gratia plena, devotus tuus tecum .
Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui.
Ave Maria, Mater omnium nostrum,
adiuva nos nunc
et in hora mortis nostrae.
Regina caeli, ab iniuria nos custodi.
Hope someone has benefited from this knowing you can *change traditional Catholic prayers to fit Paganism, Gnosticism or Folk Catholicism!*
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Our Lady of Lourdes, Health of the sick;
Pray for us 🙏🩵
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1unpunishable1 · 5 months
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St dymphna. Saint of mental illness and victims of incest, rest in peace 💕
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kittenzeke · 8 months
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Prayed for me, Tio, and anyone else I could think of! The blessings I asked differed from person to person. I have a feeling that Tio and I will come into enough money for whatever we truly need. Especially if I remain frugal and stick with my priorities/principles. It is a pleasure serving Santa Muerte. My faith is growing.
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toverijenspokerij · 2 years
Since I am not paying over 15 euro's for a diz (an object, usually wooden with several holes in it) so I can pull wool into a roving, I saw someone on Instagram use a hag stone in water to wet their fingers when spinning flax into linnen.
And it made me look at a hag stone with new eyes. Hag Stones are the sea's perfect gifts to pull wool through! Granted the hole in the stone needs to be smooth, so be somewhat critical of the stone you want to use. And just try and experiment.
And- bonus -if someone bothers you again during spinning you now álways have a few hag stones to make sure they won't do it away.
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songsofbloodandwater · 6 months
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
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[Source: Image, prayers]
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daught3rofyahweh · 4 months
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Bible magic and divination ♡
~Sleep with a bible under your pillow to avoid nightmares
~Keep bible open to David's psalm at the front door to keep roaming haints out
~To get an answer for a question to God, close your eyes and flip through the pages. Stop your finger at a verse that you feel God is drawing you to.
~Write down psalm 23 on a piece of paper to carry with you to protect from lightening, rheumatism, bad luck, and harm.
~Take the bible to a crossroad or outside on a windy day, let God blow the wind to a verse and read it.
~For arthritis or other ailments of the bones, take some lard or oil and rub it over the aching place while reciting Proverbs 16:24 or the Lord’s Prayer.
~For pain in the body, the place is rubbed “to the left”, while saying “Tame thou flesh and bone, like Christ in Paradise” seven times.
~Keep photos of loved ones in your bible to keep them safe and out of trouble.
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