#cathrine tate show
kidneys-and-custard · 7 months
Do you ever just watch a show with David Tennant and see how he acts and think how David Tennant that is of him because he just acts like that
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nkp1981 · 7 months
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BTS of "Nan's Christmas Carol", 2009
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kris-py-president · 5 months
Someone more talented than me, reblog this with a gif of the doctor using the tardis as a skateboard because it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life
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abirdhouseinyoursoul · 8 months
I don't think you understand how much I LOVE this man
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Heimerdinger: You brought shame on your family.
Mel: I don't care 'cause I don't even like them.
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jeennieluv · 4 months
realising david tennant is in literally everything from my childhood, doctor who, clone wars, duck tales, jake and the neverland pirates, httyd (tv), tmnt, fish hooks FUCKING TREE FU TOM AS A MAIN CHARACTER, (did anyone watch that show?), those random bbc shows, and cathrine tate sketches, i actually can't escape him...
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mceproductions · 5 months
MCE The Jaw Droppers 2023 #7: The Toymaker Spices Up Our Lives
With the 60th Anniversary Specials for Doctor Who we had 3 solid adventures featuring old favorites The Doctor and Donna Noble.
1st sets the mood.
The 2nd which was the weakest did show how well David Tennant and Cathrine Tate play off of each other today as they did 15 years earlier.
It was the last that saw the return of the Celestial Toymaker that gave us our jaw dropper here.
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We knew how great Neil Patrick Harris already was, but when it came to The Toymaker, nobody saw this coming.
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evviejo · 1 year
(I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm genuinely curious about your thought process, and I'm hoping that if you're actually wanting to be excited about the next rtd era, this'll help)
I'm fascinated by the "creative decisions" take. The only things that have been announced about the RTD2 era are things he's absolutely had to announce because they were going to start filming in public and it was otherwise going to leak. There's definitely more coming that we don't know about (according to DWM, we know literally nothing about the second special, no anmouncements or leaks or trailer footage have pertained to it). Plus, he's starting with the 60th anniversary, of course there's going to be a lot of returning stuff, and at the moment, that's all that exists to leak. Even considering what little we do know, not everything's just from his own era (Beep the Meep and the Celestial Toymaker, for instance). Even with DT returning, the Doctor's never returned to an old face before, that concept itself is new, and they're obviously going to explore it in more depth.
And then, of course, there's season 14 proper, where the only things we really know is casting information, and even that's confirmation that David Tennant and Cathrine Tate are only around for the 60th, and the show will be moving in a new direction afterward.
I get not being excited based on what we've seen, but we also haven't seen that much, and the assertion that what we've seen in 2 trailers a year ahead of release of an anmiversary special is all we're getting for the whole era, and that therefore the entire era will be "uncreative" and "just doing RTD1 again" doesn't make sense to me.
well, sure, we don't have that much, but so far the only thing that to me seems remotely different than things we've seen before is casting ncuti, because we've never had a poc play the doctor full time.
other than that - an anniversary special can very well be done with callbacks to the past without having the doctor regenerate to an old face (which just happens to be the one of the most popular doctor to date) and act exactly like he used to 13 years ago (as far as we've seen so far). going back to an old companion, having a new companion that so far looks incredibly basic (and boring, tbh). "rebooting" the logo so that it looks like the one from the 1980s painted blue. the point of the show to me is to continue growing and evolving, and so far i stuggle to see anything of the sort. and the beauty of time travel is they can get old doctors back without inexplicable regenerations into old bodies.
and don't get me started on costume decisions - the regerating clothes and the way rtd tried to explain it, the bland costume they put ncuti into.
basic, boring, completely unexciting imho.
but again, this is me. i don't expect everybody to agree, i don't want to start a fight either, i'm just going to whine in my little corner of tumblr between making gifs of the era i love.
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ghostmadewithlove · 3 years
I do not give a shit what anybody says, donna is easily the best companion because cathrine tate is amazing and managed to make a scene where two fake dream kids disappear the most heartbreaking scene in the show.
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novemberocean · 4 years
Top 7 Comfort movies
this was actually pretty hard for me to parse because im really more of a tv show girl but here are my top 7 movies i watch when i wanna point my eyeballs at the screen and feel something else
Descending order of favorites here goes
7- Tinkerbell (The first one is my favorite but the second one contains more Jesse McCartney)
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6- The Gamers: Dorkness Rising 
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“Charisma? WHEEEEE” (its a movie about a dnd group and its aMAZING)
5- Howl’s Moving Castle
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4- Rogue One
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3- Much Ado About Nothing
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(almost any version but the david tennant and cathrine tate one is kinda the best one)
2- Stardust
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1- Pride and Prejudice (2005)
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tagging @the-divine-miss-blue​, @downintheinternet​, @wonderrbat​ and anyone else who love period pieces 
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kidneys-and-custard · 3 years
I swear almost every show David Tennant is in references Shakespeare at some point
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nkp1981 · 9 months
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"The Catherine Tate Show" Comic Relief Special, 2007
found on: pinterest
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kris-py-president · 5 months
I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna gatekeep doctor who I'm not gonna-
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ideaimateria · 3 years
▲▲ filipa ramos ▲▲@tweetfilipa·6 dic.The Fish acull ara el commovedor homenatge d'Adham Faramawy al seu pare, "L'aire és subtil, variat i dolç". Paral·lelament estem mostrant la pel·lícula d'Adham "Skin Flick" @v_drome, també introduït per @SerpentineUKKostas Stasinopoulos a http: // vdrome.org #Understory
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en relació:
A. Human
Els adorns corporals que creen apèndixs alienígenes, com ara els creixements de la pell i els dits palmats, apareixen a la nova marca de moda de la col·lecció A.Human, que actualment s’exhibeix en una exposició de malson per a la Setmana de la Moda de Nova York .
A. Human va debutar els dissenys de transformació corporal a principis d’aquesta setmana, com a part d’una instal·lació immersiva oberta coincidint amb l’esdeveniment de tota la ciutat .
Society of Spectacle, Simon Huck.
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ideaimateria.tumblr.com/post/181075197084/a-human-on-instagram-heres-the-lovely  .instagram.com/p/BnBdDABgfSL/ 
+HUMANS 2015
El futur de la nostra espècie
7 octubre 2015 — 10 abril 2016
Cíborgs, superhumans i clons. Evolució o extinció? Què vol dir ser humà avui? Com serà l’ésser humà d’aquí a cent anys? El potencial tecnològic avança a tota velocitat, hem de continuar modificant el nostre cos, la nostra ment i la nostra vida quotidiana, o hi ha uns límits que no podem superar? La mostra explora els possibles camins de futur de la nostra espècie tenint en compte especialment les tecnologies emergents i el nostre context cultural i ètic...
«+Humans» s’endinsa en els límits del que significa ser un ésser humà: els límits del cos, els límits de l’espècie, els límits del que és socialment i èticament acceptable. Ens hem de millorar nosaltres mateixos, o hem d’intentar modificar els nostres descendents? Ens acostem a una singularitat d’una hibridació home-màquina, o perdem facultats a causa de la dependència sempre en augment respecte a les extensions tecnològiques del cos? És l’allargament de la longevitat humana una magnífica aspiració o una terrible amenaça per al planeta?
Aquesta exposició dóna continuïtat al projecte «Human +», presentat a la Science Gallery del Trinity College Dublin el 2011.  L’artista Cathrine Kramer n’és la seva comissària executiva i ha comptat amb la col·laboració de l’investigador Ricard Solé. La mostra ha estat realitzada amb l’assessorament de Juliana Adelman, Rachel Armstrong, Michael  John Gorman, Aoife McLysaght, Ross McManus, Richard ReillyI i Charles Spillane.
Amb obres d’una cinquantena d’artistes i amb propostes pioneres de recerca, +Humans explora els possibles camins de futur de la nostra espècie. Des de les tècniques de reproducció assistida i els experiments incipients en biologia sintètica fins a la possibilitat de perpetuar-nos a través de l’àmbit digital, les nostres vides estan condicionades i definides per una revolucionària confluència de nous camps científics i tecnològics.
Per crear el marc d’exploració, s’han ideat quatre temes generals: Capacitats augmentades, Trobar-se amb d’altres, Dissenyant l���entorn i La vida en els límits. Cada tema es representa per mitjà d’obres d’art, artefactes històrics, vídeos, investigacions científiques i productes comercials.
Visita en 360º
Comissariat: Cathrine Kramer
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ines alpha 🌙 Creador de maquillatge 3D artist maquillador electrònic 💻 inesalpha.space 🔊 Equip A / V amb @ panteros666 🔊 👽 Segueix per desbloquejar filtres 👽 🧡 Etiqueta'm en publicacions d'any 🧡 inesalpha.space
https://www.youtube.com/user/ViolaSand/videos https://vimeo.com/sandwoman https://2020.manifestations.nl/en/programma/
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El mite del vampir i el cinema han estat vinculats al llarg dels segles XX i XXI en una relació simbiòtica i il·lusòria.Aquesta exposició és una oportunitat excepcional per submergir-se en el món dels vampirs i conèixer les relacions entre les diferents facetes del vampir, a partir de diferents pràctiques artístiques, d’una manera que captiva l’espectador.
Wet Lab . Què és un wet lab?
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Bio-Materials, bio-art, bio-hacking, bio-política, “bio-jewelry”, “bio-design” … Recerca, art, ciència, tecnologia… 
Wet Lab / Bio- lab
Wet Lab . Què és un wet lab?
Què és un Wet lab i un bio-lab aplicat a les arts?
*El Wet lab d’Hangar és un espai on tenen lloc pràctiques híbrides que gargotegen els límits generalment establerts entre ciències i arts des d’una perspectiva transhackfeminista i de revisió crítica a la institució Ciència. A l’octubre es posa de nou en marxa amb una programació fins a final d’any que inclou residències de recerca, workshops, presentacions, grups de discussió, processos de fermentació… https://hangar.org/ca/recerca/noticies/nova-programacio-al-wet-lab/
        L’artista en residència Lucia Egaña presenta el 10 d’octubre una nova edició de Sureando el Cuerpo al Wet Lab d’Hangar *.
Aquesta trobada explora els (fallits) intents per establir un coneixement transdisciplinar des del sud del món per part d’un científic_ i activista de la dissidència sexual xilena. Els resultats d’una recerca molecular sobre la migració de cèl·lules de càncer, les resistències a la incorporació de la teoria feminista en les recerques científiques, les imatges que es perden en un experiment de neurociències, la saliva com fluït de l’abjecció i com a molècula reparadora de teixits i les accions d’un col·lectiu de dissidència sexual en el context polític d’un país repressiu com Xile, seran alguns dels temes que explorarà el seminari. A través d’imatges, petits vídeos, lectures, exposició de resultats i, el més important, diàlegs amb els qui assisteixin, s’aprofundirà en les dificultats d’establir recerques trans-disciplinàries en l’acadèmia i la potencialitat de crear llaços activistes per ampliar el coneixement. https://hangar.org/ca/residents/activitats-dels-residents/transdisciplinas-meridionals-ciencia-escriptura-i-activisme-de-dissidencia-sexual-a-xile-amb-jorge-diaz/ https://sureandoelcuerpo.wordpress.com/2018/09/19/transdisciplinas-surenas-ciencia-escritura-y-activismo-de-disidencia-sexual-en-chile-con-jorge-diaz/ Info Hangar:https://hangar.org/ca/category/recerca/programes/ https://hangar.org/ca/category/recerca/noticies/ https://www.facebook.com/pg/hangar.org/events/?ref=page_internal
Suzanne Lee Bio-Couture és el projecte tèxtil sostenible de la dissenyadora, Suzanne Lee,  el qual es basa en la producció de peces fetes de cel·lulosa a partir d'un procés de fermentació de residus orgànics i el cultiu de diversos microorganismes no patògens; i encara que no es busca el reemplaçament absolut de materials convencionals com el cotó, la pell o qualsevol tèxtil, sí que s'espera generar un complement intel·ligent i sostenible no només per a la indústria tèxtil, sinó per a altres àrees d'estudi.
La idea va sorgir a partir de “Kombucha”, una beguda mil·lenària xinesa elaborada a partir de te, sucre i una colònia de microorganismes que la fermentaven i així es produïa seu particular sabor àcid.
La matèria primera que s'utilitza per produir aquest tèxtil consisteix principalment de te verd, sucre, bacteris i llevat de cervesa. 
La recepta, o més aviat, el mètode, consisteix en barrejar aquests elements en una tina i deixar reposar per diversos dies fins que es fermentin i produeixin el material desitjat, en aquest cas: una làmina transparent i gruixuda de cel·lulosa que després d'un procediment de rentat i assecat a l'aire lliure, dóna pas al nou teixit.
El resultat és un material de textura i aspecte visual similar al d'una capa de pell humana, fort i resistent, que pot ser tallat i cosit com es faria normalment amb un tèxtil a modelar sobre un maniquí, i, fins i tot, tenyir-se a partir de fruits o tints naturals. https://www.ted.com/speakers/suzanne_lee https://ideas.ted.com/the-skirt-and-shoe-made-from-kombucha/ https://culturacolectiva.com/diseno/suzanne-lee-cultivando-moda/ David Hepworth, founder of the Scotland-based firm Cellucomp https://www.cellucomp.com/
Recerca https://www.wur.nl/en/activity/Fashioning-the-Future-1.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLzLZmKUBe8&t=10s
http://sustainable-fashion.com/ http://sustainable-fashion.com/projects/fashioning-the-future/ http://sustainable-fashion.com/projects/habitat/ http://gfc-conference.eu/
Biblio: https://www.amazon.com/Fashioning-Future-Suzanne-Lee/dp/0500512612
Expos: Fashioning the Future: Innovation textile value chains Tue 4 September 2018 until Fri 12 October 2018 https://www.wur.nl/en/activity/Fashioning-the-Future-1.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLzLZmKUBe8&t=10s
http://fabtextiles.org/ http://fabtextiles.org/tag/clara-davis/
Fab Lab BCN | FabLabs www.fablabs.io Fab Lab Barcelona is a centre of production, investigation and education, that uses the latest computer-assisted design software for the creation of prototypes and scale models for Architecture, Construction and Industrial Design. https://fablabbcn.org/
Fab Lab Barcelona fablabbcn.org Fab Lab BCN @ Fab14. Fab Lab Barcelona at FAB14 - Fabricating Resilience. Members of the more than 1,200 worldwide Fab Labs gather, for 5 days, to share, discuss, collaborate and create communities around the different local and global interests regarding digital manufacturing, innovation, and technology. https://fablabbcn.org/projects.html
Projects - Fab Lab Barcelona fablabbcn.org Organicity Traditionally, smart city initiatives have promised solutions within individual sectors, such as transport, health and climate. But the emerging truth is that you cannot solve the challenges through initiatives confined to each sector.
FabTextiles | Experimental Digital Open Source Couture fabtextiles.org 5th Digital Fashion & Wearables Exhibition. 5th Digital Fashion & Wearables exhibition by FabTextiles and Textile Lab Amsterdam, Villette Makerz, Paris, 2018 (picture by→ http://fabtextiles.org/contact/
FabTextiles fabtextiles.org Founder and project leader: Anastasia Pistofidou Collaborator: Clara Davis Internships : 2018: Mohamad Elatab (Architect/Designer), Noor El-Gewely (Architect/Designer), Aldana Persia ( Fashion Designer) 2017: Laura Ramos (Fashion Designer), Clara Davis (Artist),Mohamad Elatab (Architect/Designer), Noor El-Gewely (Architect/Designer), Aldana Persia ( Fashion Designer) Anna …
fabtextiles on Vimeo vimeo.com FabTextiles is an applied research on digital fabrication technologies, wearable electronics and personal production oriented in Fashion. https://clara-davis.com/
CLARA DAVIS / Textile & Material Designer clara-davis.com Clara Davis is a textile & material designer looking for a durable design by using new techniques and technologies.Laura Mir Sanjuán
La recepta:
BIOPLASTIC RECIPE - Fabtextiles fabtextiles.org There are several recipes to create bioplastic. Here, we’re gonna use only three simple ingredients : gelatin (pig skin), glycerol and water. - The gelatin we are gonna take is made with recycling pig skin of the meat industry. http://fabtextiles.org/the-secrets-of-bioplastic/ The secrets of Bioplastic | FabTextiles fabtextiles.org During a week we created samples of bioplastic with gelatin base, experimenting and testing the limits of this material. Bioplastic made with gelatin base is a renewable biological raw material fabricated with only vegetable matter.
The Secrets of Bioplastic - CLARA DAVIS / Textile … clara-davis.com What is the bioplastic ? How to make it ? Learn the secrets of bioplastic… (Fab Textiles, Fab Lab Barcelona, 2017) Bioplastic made with gelatin base is a renewable biological raw material fabricated with only organic matter. https://clara-davis.com/sets/biomaterials-bioplastics/
Bioplastics - CLARA DAVIS / Textile & Material Designer clara-davis.com Bioplastics are made with renewable biological raw material fabricated with only biodegradable matter. To make bioplastics you need a biopolymer for strength, a…
DumoLab* dumolab.com
Aguahoja is an exhibition by The Mediated Matter Group, MIT Media Lab, on view at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. March - July 2018
Jenkin van Zyl
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grafikk · 4 years
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Image: Cathrine Alice Liberg  Liberg won the European Master Printmaking  KoMask Award 2019
Students at Printmaking and Drawing have won a number of national and international awards the last years and participated in a number of exhibitions. Here are a list of some of them:
Cathrine Liberg won the European Master Printmaking  KoMask Award 2019
Cathrine Liberg received Norske Grafikeres Fond Award 2019
Julie Ebbing, Drottning Sonjas Print Award Kjell Nupen memorial Grant
Patrik Berg, Höstutställningens Norske Grafikeres Fonds grafikkpris
Ida Immonen, BKH Grant ,Cathrine Alice Liberg, BKH Grant,Suzannah Rehell Øistad, BKH Grant
Joanna Knight, BKH Grant
Stein Are Dahl, Grant from Norske Grafikeres Fond
Julie Ebbing, BKH Grant
 Artists’ Publishing
Miss Read Berlin, Bergen Art Book Fair
Offprint Tate Modern, Bergen Art Book Fair
KALEID 2017 Oslo,Henrik Andresen, Oslo Fotobokfestival,Gabrielle Pare, Uncertain States
Patricia Risopatron, Hymen
KALEID 2016 Oslo
Franco Cortez, Neu Now, The Netherlands
Print Matters Teachers & Students Ålgården, Borås Sweden januari 2020
Print Matters Teachers & Students Traveling
show Presentaton of P & Ds concept at Grafiska Sällskapet, Stockholm Sweden, 23/11-17/12 ,
Print Matters Teachers & Students International Print Triennial Graphica Creativa 2019 in
Jyväskylä, Finland, 20/09 –12/11
Current and former G&T students Exhibition at Tvetengård, October 18-20 Strategies for survival and group affiliation (in
the event of the apocalypse) SOG (AI) is a group exhibition curated by Beatrice Guttormsen, Nina Björkendal and Patricia Risopatron Berg.
 Walk Wicked Art Square 2, Oslo,
A lick and a promise Kunstplass 2, Oslo
Halsebakke & Polfjärd reception gallery KhiO
8 G & T students exhibited at the Lithographic Academy, Sweden
 Lucia Aragon, Portal på Tou Scene Stavanger
Exhibition with students at the Intercultural Museum
Maria Viirros
Beartice Guttormsen
Cathrine Liberg
Wahiduzzaman Bhuian
Thomas Iversen
Patrik Berg
Ane Landfald
Truls Rukke Hjelmark
Andrea Wikhammer Heir
 2019 Norske Kunsthåndverkeres Årsutstilling 
Thomas Iversen
2019 Guanlan International Print Biennial
Cathrine Liberg
2020 The Nordic Print triennial
Jan Pettersson
Maria Viirros
Nina Björkendal
Höstutställningen Nina Björkendal
Frekvens (Afthermath), Krausekollektivet, Galleri Wald, Frekvens (Vol 2), Krausekollektivet, Norske Grafikere, Landscapes and Plant, Patrik Berg, Norske Grafikere,No Man’s Land, Maria Riika Elina Viiros , VITRINE, KHiO, I can hear Mariachi static on my radio
BOOKI: Studying Photobooks, Galeria Scala, Poznan, Poland
The Usual Suspects /// A family portrait, Stein Are Kjærås Dahl, Galleri Briskeby
Mail Art - Common Craft, Glasgow School of Art, UK
Paper Trails, RK Burt Gallery, London
Norske Grafikere, Milking a mean cow, Johannes B. Hansen og Marthe Karen Kampen
Höstutställningen, Beatrice Guttormsen
Print Matters, Norske Grafikere
Vi hadde ikke kart, Tegnerforbundet Galleri, Oslo
Permanent / Soluble: Ung Norsk Samtidsgrafikk #IV, Norske Grafikere
P.S. Bergdah, Patrik Berg og Stein Are Kjærås Dahl.
Queen Sonja Print Award (QSPA); Julie Ebbing, Ragna Misvær Grønstad,
Cathrine Finsrud Stustad, Cathrine Liberg,edition for
Beatrice Guttormsen, Oslo Kommune
Kari Kolltveit's work purchased during the Teachers & Students exhibition Print Matters  at the International Print Triennial Graphica Creativa 2019 in Jyväskylä by Jyväskylä Art Museum for their collection
Nina Björkendal sold her triptych Dürers Klæden at the Swedish Printmaking Society during the exhibition Print Matters organized by Prints & Drawing; participants teachers and students
Kunsthånverk # 3 2018
Hanna Ryggen Army, Julie Ebbing
Ahmad Umar
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mceproductions · 5 years
Best of 2018 TV Shows #11: DuckTales (DISNEY)
The momentum that begun with the revelation of Della Duck grew as we found out more to her story. More to who the trio is outside of what we knew, and how this reboot continued to evolve the long gestating story.
  Culminating in an action-packed finale where Magica DeSpell finally showed her hand and battled with Scrooge. All while we get a surprising reprieve from the usual sounds of Donald.
  Worth it just to see the final scene in a near mirror to the premiere.
  Sum 22: Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Donald, Launchpad, Mrs. Beakley and Duckbergs finest continue history rewriting in the second season of these DuckTales.
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