#cats dont run in fear with their tails up
worldblight · 7 months
I wish Erin Hunter would hire me not because I particularly care about Warrior Cats anymore but because I know a lot about cat behavior and it makes me really really irritated seeing people draw cat body language so incorrectly
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
cracks my little paw knuckles OK SO!!! these are copy pasted from someones retro where i expanded on it over ther
so!!! hybrids vs purebreeds. purebreeds are what hybrids call well. humans. and hybrids are obv hybrids, and them in soceity comes with bigotry and slurs and laws and lives becoming political and if youre a hybrid you Must be supporting this president or this political party dogs are called mutts. thats. p self explanitory i feel LMAO idk ones for cats tho? im sure the pred vs prey thing is an innercircle issue, with preds being called bloodthirsty monsters and prey being called brittle boned (???) but down to the nitty gritty of two species: dogs and cats dogs have firmer paw pads, duller claws, most of them have ears, all have tails, and theres obv the knot. cats i already described to sea in a bit (always having ears, sharper claws, squishier paw pads, always having tails, and spiked tongues) and with being a dog or a cat, there comes... problems. the topic of children and heats and ruts get brought up almost constantly if ur still in ur teens. then theres packs and clans, the social pressure to become a leader or a parent, god forbid having a job with how you are. animal instincts interferring with human instincts. the pressure to be more human. hide your ears hide your tail dont let people know youre not Them, youre It. getting fixed only means you'll be looked down upon by the wider population. keeping them means you're seen as a gross pred wanting to fuck anything that moves. collars for preds while prey live happily within interspecies relationships the working class and blue collar jobs are filled with pred hybrids, sometimes humans. theyre worked to the bone to come home and filter money into bills and rent and groceries and have 10 bucks leftover. at least its a bit more than last time, but you cant pay for shit now. pred neighborhoods being regarded as sketchy and unsafe when all theyre trying to do is make a living like some higher up bun leeching off of bus fares and the blue tailed bears down below building a new prey only office building (can you tell i liked the og plot of zootopia More.) then theres dream. dream grew up relatively normal, no tail, no ears. his parents assumed the best: he was purebred! but.. he started acting differently as a toddler. a tail sprouted and he growled and snarled and barked at others. his parents started to fear the worst. was he a hybrid? that... he cant be a hybrid. he's be bullied by purebreeds and would have to be outcasted and live with other hybrids. his parents are purebred- how can they have a hybrid? and it turns out he Is a hybrid. a dogboy to be specific. and he gets lucky, very lucky. he grows up in a purebred town and while everyones reluctant to have a dog running the streets ("what if he gives my daughter rabies!?" "he got his rabies shot"). sure he might look a bit different from other dogs, but hes alright. helps him blend in more george is an oddball. grew up in a family of purebreeds like dream, but less lucky. he had at least one cat relative, he knows that at least. its why his mom always commented on his bigger feet. a lion, he guesses. better a housecat than a fucking lion his tails a bit wonky, his ear tip is folded over. he doesnt act right, not like a human not like a cat. dream doesnt either, but its chalked up to "dogs will be dogs". its why he didnt get diagnosed with adhd for a while. george inspects things, rubs all over them to mark his territory. he thinks weird and acts weird and is a little sideways, a little to the left and never quite centered like his family. he gets yelled at for not acting correctly, "why are you like this?! why cant you just act like the rest of us?!" i dont know, i cant, im not purebred like you he does things very few hybrids are known for: going to college, getting an compsci degree, rejecting blue collar jobs and refusing to be placed under the paw of some lamb in parliment
neuters and spays. treated the same as abortions, really. those getting fixed are screamed at for killing future babies, for not thinking of the children and how the country will prosper with new youngins. but they know how theyll be treated, its a blessing really george thinks of being neutered. he brings it up during dinner and never again once he gets the expected reaction. his tail flicks and he tries his best to not let his ears flatten, but it happens anyway. his dad comments on how no vet will fix a stray like him (thats a lie, a lot of vets will fix a hybrid for the right price) anatomy is never really taught. sex isnt taught to preds bc of how "sexually obsessed they are, freaks". prey are taught consent, preds are taught that its best to stick with preds and never entangle with prey, or god forbid, purebreed dream is taught to ultimately just Care about others (although he has some unlearning to do abt preds), and george is taught to never trust prey or purebreeds. they only cause trouble and theyll fuck you over anyway its why years later, he doesnt talk to sapnap. bc sapnap is a purebreed. he was taught to never trust those things. ever. talking to them would only cause him to end up convicted of a crime he never did and lose his money and be back in england in some stupid fucking apartment
looks at youwith my autistic hyena eyes
oooh this is neat! :0
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xiaoscarasimp · 1 year
Cat Boi 3 (Now with more cat boys
As you and Scaramouche sat down after dinner one day to watch your favorite anime, your phone starts buzzing. You look down at it and notice that it was your co-worker Zhongli calling, which is odd since he's never done this before. 
"Hello?" You say hesitantly into the phone. 
"Ah, yes, this is Zhongli speaking. Is y/n there?" The voice on the other end sounds very professional; he's always been the serious type.
"Yes, it is."
"Oh, good. I must respectfully ask a favor of you. You see, I am about to have my fiance move in with me, but I'm worried my cat boy will impede the movers. I was wondering if you could watch over him for about a month. Don't worry, you'll be compensated for food, medical, or anything else he might need."
"Z-Zhongli," you stammer. "Let me ask Scara first. I know I've mentioned getting him a friend, but I do feel like he should get some say in the matter." Scaramouche looks over at you with a puzzled look at the mention of his name.
"Excellent. I look forward to hearing a favorable response." Zhongli hangs up and you turn to Scaramouche, trying to figure out how to breach the subject.
Luckily for you, he could read the room when he wanted to. "So, what's this about a possible interruption?" He asks, ears flicking with displeasure.
"So, my co-worker Zhongli asked me to look after his cat for a bit. It won't be permanent just for about a month or so while his fiance moves in," you explain gently. Your anxiety and excitement were running high because you really wanted Scaramouche to have a friend while you were at work along with the fact you didn't want to let your co-worker down.
"Will it only be for a month?" He asks, ears flat against his head, tail wrapped around your wrist. His eyes showed uncertainty, fear and perhaps a little something else. "As long as he remembers that I am top cat and that you're mine and only mine then I guess its ok!" His mood suddenly changed from unsure to pompous in the blink of an eye, causing you to chuckle. 
"Now remember Scara, you have to play nice and also don't get upset if you two dont like the same foods." 
You sent Zhongli a text saying that you could watch over his cat boy for a bit and he replied back rather quickly with a smiley emoji. As you and Scaramouche were watching anime, his tail never left your wrist, anxious because it was one of the last nights you two would have alone together for a while. 
In preparation for Zhongli's cat boy moving in, you decide to prepare Scaramouche's bed room to host two people. Needless to say, Scaramouche wasn't too happy about that. He threw an absolute fit about having to share a room, but you ended up pointing out that he barely slept in there anyways;he mostly slept with you in your bed and only his clothing was in there. 
"If it makes you feel better, I can move some of your clothes into my room? I can also get a spare mattress for you as well." You offer.
His ears perk up. "Do what you want." He waved his hand like shooing off a fly, but his ears and tail betray his actual emotions yet again. 
The move in day arrived quickly, and you heard the door bell ring, opening it to see Zhongli in a white shirt with a tie and some slacks and a cat boy hiding behind him, who was a little bit shorter than Scaramouche. He had black hair with green tips, sharp almond colored eyes, and red eyeliner, not unlike how your very own cat boy would do his. His ears flicked around nervously, you noticed they had slightly greenish tips. This cat boy was dressed rather comfortably, wearing baggy black pants, a skin tight sleeveless white shirt that had the silhouette of clouds on it and black slip on shoes. 
"Come in guys!" You smiled. "Hey, Scara! Come on down and meet the houseguests." 
You barely hear Scaramouche come down stairs, but he let you know he was there with a loud "hmph" when he saw the other cat boy. 'Oh boy,' you thought. 'This better not get messy.' He sat down at the table, tapping his fingers, ignoring the two new people in the house. 
"Thank you for accepting the favor y/n," Zhongli says. "Oh yes. Introductions are in order. This is Xiao. He's a bit shy, but shouldn't cause any problems." The cat boy was still hiding behind his master, ears and eyes alert, still scanning the area for potential threats. Xiao tried to give a polite smile, but faltered when he saw Scaramouche sitting at the table, tapping his finger while giving the guests a mean side eye. 
"Hi,  Xiao. I'm y/n and I hope we can all get along. That grumpy little thing over there is Scaramouche, or Scara for short," you introduce yourself formally. "Tell me, what would you like for dinner tonight? I can make just about anything. Scara prefers seafood, but if there's something you don't like let me know."
Scaramouche scowled at the fact you said Xiao can call him Scara for short; that was your name for him, and only you could use it. He really did have a mean possessive streak that you'd have to scold him about later. 
"...I love almond tofu, however I've been curious about seafood, but Mr. Mor -I mean Zhongli despises seafood. I don't eat a lot of other meat, though." Xiao timidly says, still not making eye contact with you. 
"Sure!" You beamed. "Any flavors you don't like? I have some yellow snapper in the fridge, and it won't be too fishy. I fileted them yesterday so they're fresh." Xiao nodded and you told Zhongli and Xiao to have a seat on the couch while you cook. 
Scaramouche was still sitting at the table, a scowl on his face because it felt like the new cat boy and his master were taking all of your attention; it was going to be a long month. When you walked over to the kitchen, he ended up following you under the pretense of "helping" you and by helping, he means impeding your way by accidentally knocking things over with his tail or being extra affectionate by hugging you while you gather food and spices.
Starting to get a bit irritated, you turn around to Scaramouche and tell him to go sit on the couch or at the table at the very least. "Maybe you can get to know Xiao a little bit as well." He gave you one last hug and sat down at the table, grumbling the entire time.
You had found a blackened snapper recipe the day before and wanted to try it out. You coat the fish in the blackening seasoning, which to your delight smelled pretty spicy. Hopefully this won't be too much for the cat boys, but honestly, this is the only way you'll eat fish if it's drowned in spices. A thought crossed your mind: what if we tried this seasoning on chicken? Your mouth started salivating at the thought of blackened chicken.
Once you've seasoned the fish, you put it in the over for a little bit and you start making the side dishes. Rice was always a safe bet, but you needed a veggie to pair with it for a balanced meal. You remembered you had some edamame in the freezer. Scaramouche comes over and attempts to distract you by headbutting your shoulder, but you pay him no mind other than petting his head gently. 
"Scara, dinner will be ready in five minutes. Have you talked to Xiao or Zhongli at all yet?" You ask, keeping an eye on the food timers. 
"Pffft, no. Why would I want to talk to people intruding *my* space? That Xiao fucker doesn't seem like he's all that and Zhongli has tried to talk to me about tea." Scaramouche rolls his eyes.
"I thought you liked tea though?"
"Yeah, I do but that does not mean I want to chat at some random stranger about tea,” Scaramouche rolls his eyes.  
"Either way, I'm gonna need you to behave. Can you help me set the table really quick?" You ask as all the timers go off. Scaramouche rolls his eyes yet again, but begrudgingly grabs plates, forks, and knives.  
"Hey, Zhongli," you call over to the tall man sitting in the living room. "I know Xiao said that you don't like fish, but I don't have much else to offer you. Will you be fine for tonight?"
Zhongli chuckles and tells you he has his fiance cooking dinner at home. Xiao and Scaramouche roll their eyes, to which you chuckle.
You plate the food and bring it over to the two cat boys who are just reveling in the smell of the fish. Scaramouche starts eating first, to which you remind him to do the pre dinner ritual while Xiao knows the custom and waits. After you guys do the traditional Inazuma "ittadakimasu," Xiao takes a small bite of the snapper, eyes wide, and trying to decide if he likes it or not. Scaramouche, on the other hand, starts devouring the rice first, followed by a few bites of the fish; neither of the boys seemed interested in the edamame, which was fine by you since it was your favorite part. 
"I-I think I like fish," Xiao murmurs quietly, you almost couldn't hear him. 
"That's great!" You beamed. "One of these days I'll try to make almond tofu. Can't guarantee it'll be any good, but we can give it our best shot."
After you finish dinner, you ask Scaramouche to help with cleaning up to which he gave you a bit of a hard time, but then reluctantly agreed. He complained every step of the way, griping about why Xiao wasn't helping or how the food stuck to the plates while washing them off. In response, you gave him a hard stare, and he almost immediately shut up, his tail flicked in agitation. 
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot: we need to bring Xiao's stuff in. Hey Zhongli, can you help me bring stuff in?" You ask the taller man. 
Surprisingly, Xiao did not bring that much: only a duffle bag full of clothes, shampoo, and other toiletries, as well as a giant stuffed animal in the shape of a bird. You chuckle to yourself. Who knew the seemingly stoic catboy would have a giant stuffed animal? You couldn't help but wonder if he brought enough, but Zhongli mentioned that the catboy didn't ask for a lot nor sought out anything. 
"So Xiao, here's your room!" You say as you lead him to the guest bedroom. "Let me know if I need to get anything for you or if you don't like something."
"You weren't that nice with me," Scaramouche grumbles under his breath. You pretend like you didn't hear him, although you shot back a glare that said "shut the fuck up or else." 
"...it looks great," Xiao mumbles. "Will the other one be staying in the same room? I notice two beds."
"Hell no," Scaramouche scoffs. "I'll be staying with y/n because I was here first." He sticks his tongue out, causing Xiao to hide behind you; he wasn't scared, just put off by the other's attitude. 
"Scara," you sigh. "Would it kill you to be nice for five minutes? Or least not be a freaking jerk to our guest?" 
"Pretty sure it would." 
As the two cat boys are glaring at each other, Zhongli takes his leave. "Be good for y/n ok, Xiao? Despite the rambunctious one, I believe this to be the best place to stay while Childe and I move all of our stuff to his new place." Xiao flinches at the mention of the other man in Zhongli's life. He was loud, annoying, and honestly a bit of a jerk. Kind reminds him of the catboy he's going to be living with in a way, although Scaramouche seemed more introverted and catty than Childe. 
The three of you bid Zhongli farewell, and once the door shuts, Scaramouche makes a beeline for your room, presumably claiming over half the bed for himself. You pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration because you wanted to at least let them get to know each other, or at least acknowledge each other, but that wasn't happening. Xiao flicks his tail as he slinks off to the guest bedroom, closing the door behind him; it was going to be a long month wasn't it? 
When you get to your room, Scaramouche is already in his pajamas, curled up, seemingly asleep with his ear twitching ever so slightly and his mouth slightly open, although you could tell he was just pretending to be asleep. He usually pulled this act when he knew you were angry at him to try and get on your good side, and the worst part was- it usually worked. He was just so adorable when he wasn't berating you or being a jerk in general. Tonight though, he was in deep trouble. 
"Scaramouche Balladeer the Sixth." You say sternly. "I know you are not asleep. You know you're in some deep shit." He tsked, his ruse ruined. 
"Look, I don't like sharing you or my space," He pouts, sitting up. "The sooner he's gone, the better. Luckily, he seems to be the quiet, obedient type, so there's that going for him." 
"Scara, please, will you at least try to make a friend?" 
Scaramouche sits deep in thought for a bit, interrupted by small squeaking sounds;almost like crying. You both whip your heads around trying to figure out the source of the sounds, only to realize they were coming from Xiao's room. You rush over to his room while Scaramouche stays on the bed, pouting because you left him again for a random person or cat boy again. Knocking on Xiao's door, the sounds stop, but still muffled sniffling persisted. 
"Xiao?" You call softly. Scaramouche stares at the door, annoyed that something interrupt his time with you. "Xiao are you ok?" 
You open the door and Xiao almost falls into your chest, cheeks stained with tears; his ears are flat against his head and tail drooped; he was clearly not having a good night. The green haired cat boy looks up at you, eyes wide, and almost confused as if he didn't know where he was. 
"What happened?" He mumbles, wiping his eyes, realizing that he still had tears at the corners of his eyes. 
"Y/n heard you crying and was concerned about you and you disturbed our alone time," Scaramouche spits out, leaning against the wall.  
"Scaramouche, " you groan. "I was actually laying into him for being a jerk. Are you ok? Did you want to come sleep in my room tonight? Scara and I won't bite. Ok fine *I* won't bite but he might try." Scaramouche glares at both you and Xiao before heading off to the bedroom.
"I think I'm fine," Xiao responds after the other cat boy disappears. "Thank you for your concern, I'm just not used to sleeping here yet."
"That's a-ok! I'll leave my door open in case you need me. Good night, Xiao."
"Good night y/n."
As per nightly routine, you gently stroke the top of Scaramouche's head to help calm yourself before drifting off to sleep. His purrs and ear flicks make it all the more soothing.  
Why were cat boys so damn adorable?!
The next morning, you wake up,  feeling strangely warm and notice that you have not one but two cat boys in your bed. Scaramouche was sleeping in front of you,  snuggled against your chest, tail wrapped around your right wrist. His breathing suggests that he is very much in a deep sleep and it would probably be wise not to wake him. The other source of heat was from Xiao snuggled up against your back, clinging on to your shirt. You notice his tail attempted to wrap itself around your leg, but it just ended up being draped over your thigh. If you had turned around, you'd notice that he still had tear stained cheeks, but otherwise looked pretty serene. 
Luckily, it was your day off, so you were in no hurry to move, but you usually liked to try and get breakfast started as soon as you woke up. Come to think of it, what was for breakfast? Bacon and eggs? Salted fish? Hashbrowns and grits? OK the last one was not appealing to you in the slightest. 
As you're lost in your thoughts,  the two cat boys start to stir. "Good morning Scaramouche.  Good morning Xiao," you greet them as Scaramouche and Xiao start rubbing their eyes. It was so adorable!! "What did you two want for breakfast? I was thinking of bacon, eggs, and toast personally." 
"Anything is fine by me," Xiao sleepily mumbles. 
"I want y/n," Scaramouche slurs, still very much half asleep. "Warm, fluffy, and slightly salty." 
"I'm going to ignore you, Scara." You were met with a tongue click. He was trying to get under your skin, and it was almost working, but you knew food comes first. 
"Now, if you guys would let me get up and start cooking, that'll be great," you continue on; Scaramouche's tail was coiled even tighter around your wrist, and you had to pull slightly to try and make him let go; he almost didn’t give in, but in the end, you won that struggle. Xiao’s tail was still over your thigh, but luckily he did not object to you moving it slightly so you could get up to make food. 
About half way through you finishing up breakfast, the cat boys drag themselves to the kitchen, tails drooping at first, but once they smelled the bacon and eggs, their tails and ears perked up slightly. Scaramouche reluctantly grabbed plates and utensils for the three of you , which you were extremely grateful for. Xiao sat at the table, too scared to make conversation with Scaramouche or even you; it was his first morning in a new place after all. He kept making glances at the antisocial boy, trying to figure out how to attempt to get along.
“What are you staring at?” Scaramouche spat out, tail swished angrily. He wasn’t used to having to deal with other people besides you in the morning and he hated people staring at him for no reason. 
“...nothing,” Xiao mumbles, ears drooping. Attempt at conversation: failed. Then again, he didn’t enjoy interacting with others too much. Xiao was hoping you and Scaramouche would be entertaining to be with at least, however you seemed to be fine, but the other one…maybe not so much. 
“Look, I don’t enjoy conversation to just fill the silence, especially first thing in the morning. If you have something to say, say it outright, otherwise leave me alone.” You groan internally at hearing Scaramouche say this to Xiao. Why couldn’t they get along? Was it because they seemed so similar that they hated each other? Was it because cat boys just don’t get along at first?
“Sounds good to me. I don’t enjoy talking much anyways, but Zhongli said I should try to be more sociable.” Oh good, they’re getting along, kinda. 
“Ok boys, breakfast is ready!” You start serving the scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, and buttered toast to the hungrily waiting cat boys, who were already grabbing their forks in anticipation. “Scara, calm down, attacking the eggs as they’re coming off the pan won’t make them go in your mouth any faster. Xiao, don’t fill up on just bread, you need protein as well.” Gods, it was like taking care of children some days, although you couldn’t blame them: the food smelled divine if you said so yourself. 
You three ate in relative silence, like most mornings, although you were silently hoping that having an additional person there would help ease the atmosphere; the problem was it almost made it more stifling. Scaramouche kept looking at you, trying to see whether you favored him or the new cat boy better, while Xiao was trying to find the right time and words to try and break the silence. You, meanwhile, had barely sat down after serving breakfast to the two silent boys and making yourself a plate, so trying to make the breakfast table more lively or even hospitable was a bit out of the question for now. 
Hopefully soon, everyone could learn to get along; maybe Xiao could teach Scaramouche how to be more respectful and maybe Scaramouche could help break Xiao out of his shell. It was going to be a long, long, month. 
Writers block is a bitch and trying to find a nice wrapping up point is also a bitch
But holy shit 3k words of freaking cat boys because...reasons
Might do an H patch eventually but def more catboy fluff
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rockintapper · 11 months
go. go donate.
ooooooookay uhhhhh ummmm uhhh uhhhhhhhhhh PINNED MESSAGE JUMPSCARE
hai :3
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hi i have a shit ton of names i have in my name collection but you can call me rotten or tommy :3
i have personas yay
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first one is me from last year with minor changes, second one is uh um a tapsona???? (rotten :3) the third one is a stepsona i auauauU (gummy)
i forgot rottens tail and blush but um
uhhhh my gender is. fluid and my pronoungs are Yes
i have a yt
and a twitter (i dont use it much)
and an insta im not comin back to
and a tall tappers sideblog!!!!!!
my wife jj rocker rp blog,
oh yeah heres my carrd. i didnt add it at first becuase. fear,
and a twitch. ill add the link later lmao
i also run a silly shitpost blog with my awesoem and cool friends yayyy
i run rhythm heaven-centered discorb. (hie my tumblr mutuals ily /p) um you cna ask me if y
intertests!mm!??? rhythm heaven (ESPECIALLY THE TALL TAPPERS I LOVE THE TALL TAPPERS I LOVE TAP TROUPE AAA) and ace attorntey (even though i dont post much about ace attorney i still realy love it baahhjgdyuagghvzgwu), uh snapcubes real-time fandubs sonic the hedgehofg pjsekai (wonderhoy) and all the cats and kities ever !!!!!!!1!!!1!!!!!!1!!!1!1!!1!
ok. new interest. watashim e slug ,,,, GO LISTEN TO Watashime Slug PWLASE they make cool song, ,,, wa /nf
fact abour me. i slept with my headphones in and the left side was so far in my ear that gummy almost ended up wearing one headphone because i did the same thing for 4 months (because i am stupid)
rhtyynm heaveb,,,
disconnects from my earthly body and floats away
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ok goobye ily /p stay safe dont let anyone hurt you and i swear to god if they do
❤️ 💙 ❤ 🧀 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🏳️‍⚧️ 💖 ‼️ ‼️ 🇵🇸 🩶 🇵🇸 💗 🧀 💜
hi yuri,
hi yuri again,
🖤watashime slug's juuryoku album❤️
donate to delilah!!!!!!
donate more to delilah!!!!!!l
please /nf
gaza funds!!!
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dollivication · 1 month
omfg i need to hear ur thoughts on it bc,, stray cat hybrid 5dante is js making me go crazy 🫨🫨🫨 we re always kinda matching akshually U get me on a spiritual level,,,
im sending so much asks today omfg im sawrryyy (╥﹏╥) im js,, thinking,,. thoughts…
SO!!!! stray cat 5dante… see,, the difference between him and 3dante is that 3dante is a VERY SLIGHT more thoughtful of ur opinions—such as yu possibly getting mad—whereas 5dante has ZERO fucks and just does what he wants :3 he’s too old to be asking for stuff nicely!
taking in stray cat 5dante is a literal mistake… you cannot tell this fiend NUFFIN! he wants cuddles but you refuse bc ur busy?? mmm tew bad, he’s throwing you over his shoulder, away from whatever is ‘distracting’ you from giving him ur attention, and 2 bed to smother yu >.<!
5dante doesn’t beg like 3dante, he TAKES. and he KNOWS u can’t do anything abt it. you being his owner is just a title, basically.. and disrespecting authority kindawf runs in the sparda family (>人<;)
oh ur showering?? he’s standing right outside of the shower curtains, peeking in laik the perv he is, mayyybe he’ll shower this once (doesn't mind water! he jst doesn’t think it’s necessary i fear..) if it means fucking you against the tiled walls <3
and yunno how cats tend to curl up on ur chest at night?? just sum heavy weight… yeah well this big fuck likes sitting on it! to watch u sleep! and if he’s in heat?? SHAMELESS —> 100!
stray cat dante would crawl up on ur resting figure, and rub the tip of his cock on your lips. he HOPES you wake up. and if you do, you’ll wake up to his tail swaying just behind him, ears perked and taking the fluttering of your eyes to push even further against ur lips as he taunts u. cmon, owner, take care of him!! it’s your job, you took him home! remember??
c,,.,catdante.,, cat dante… catnte…. aeughgnm..
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granhairdopoetry · 5 months
oftentimes i mourn
for the life that could have been
the dozen hackneys
bearing the names of the people
who didn't save my life
but changed it
the tails i'd sit and admire
little faces so dear
i'd have halters in line by color
each one belonging to a different gentle soul
the horses that run by my window
not fragments of a broken mind
but tangible ones with hoofbeats
stronger than my current heart
the child i could have given her
who'd grow up hearing my poems
published in the language to speak with god
no fear of gentle water swells
that dont threaten to kill me
with metal bar spine breaks
and freshwater filled lungs
but for now i clean stall plates
and hurt my lover's eyes
i train my cat to jump crossrails
god save my pride
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Junkclan's Surrounding Neighbors
Moleclan: Cat's that live in a Sinkhole somewhere a little near Junkclan's territory, but dug tunnels in order to interconnect dens in case of emergency and for shelter purposes.
Their Leader, Oddstar (Oddnose): a Black-furred she-cat with a short pelt, stumpy tail, wears a broken pair of glasses for accessory and to hide her small, blue eyes, and has a lumpy nose.
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About Moleclan: Moleclan is a logical clan that prides itself in what it knows and what it can learn, alongside their expertise in digging tunnels and using them to traverse around the other territories, which is both revered by the other clans for Message delivering and feared for it's advantage in War or battles.
Interesting facts about Moleclan:
They believe Starclan is Underground, and that the Place of No Stars is an endless cramped, stone cavern.
They dig prey in snow during Leaf Bare in order to keep prey fresh, and occasionally eat bugs and worms in harsh conditions
Typically a nocturnal clan, aids in nightly battles while other clans are asleep, although this is frowned upon in Moleclan
Scorchclan: Cats that made camp in the nearby woods In an abandoned car from the 50's with a Flaming pattern on it. Known for their Unbounded Charisma and smooth talking skills.
Their Leader, Oilstar (Oilslick): A white, long-furred tom with a Black stripe running down his back, and slicked back fur on the top of his head, green eyes, and oddly handsome features.
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About Scorchclan: Scorchclan is known for it's Silver-tongued, Snake oil nature, but also for it's bossiness and temper. They're well known for their ambushes in battles and ability to smooth talk out of the hardest of situations.
Interesting facts about Scorchclan:
They believe Starclan is essentially a nice, warm summer paradise, while the Place of No Stars is Desolate, Freezing and Cold.
They occasionally get poisoning from the Car in their camp due to it's machinery and leakages out of it's old age, many lost lives from this.
Oilstar is the most Homophobic Gay guy you will ever meet.
Nightingaleclan: Cat's that live in an abandoned and crashed Plane from the 40's-50's, have a very military and War-based lifestyle. They think the Plane is some Giant Bird Deity that died.
Their Leader, Eaglestar (Eagleheart): A faded brown tabby tom with a Cooking pan on top his head, several scars, and small, Silver eyes hidden under his Pan Accessory.
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About Nightingaleclan: Nightingaleclan is known for it's military lifestyle, known for giving the youngest members of their clan peace for making them drop and give 20 once apprentices. Despite this harsh battle-ready nature, they care deeply for each other and take pride and genuine love for their Clan's history and their ancestors, appointing certain elders or cats that are naturally wise to take account for Nightingaleclan's history and events.
Interesting Facts about Nightingaleclan:
They believe Starclan is above the clans, and that their deceased members are reincarnated as birds of Prey, hence why they dont eat them. They have no actual knowledge of The Place of No Stars, and Evil cats typically are reincarnated into animals the clan actually eats like rodents and smaller birds.
Due to the Plane's rusted and potential to collapse in the coming years, Nightingaleclan constantly plans for a new place to live and has a strange abandoned Military bunker farther up their territory as a backup
I basically just based Eaglestar off of Soldier from Tf2.
Vixenclan: Cats that made camp in an abandoned twoleg camp, using old animal cages as dens and tents as well. Known for being the most peaceful but most Wrathful in terms of being betrayed or backstabbed.
Their Leader, Foxglovestar (Foxglovemask): A Orange tabby cat with a mask made from an old paper bag, face unknown to many. Has white markings on their back and a wide tip on their tail. Has a blue striped collar around their neck, possibly was a kittypet in the past.
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About Vixenclan: Known for being surprisingly good around twolegs, but also for their Vengeful personalities, kind and compassionate one minute and at your throat if you even think to betray them. While relatively peaceful, this nature gives them quite the fearsome nature in the territory.
Interesting Facts about Vixenclan:
They think the large speaker tower in their camp Is the "Voice of Starclan", although its usually silent much to their own disappointment.
They believe Starclan is a nice field of flowers, and The Place of no stars is a Industrial Nightmare riddled with pollution.
The Place of No stars is believed to be so because of their founders fear of Twoleg pollution
Foxglovestar is Nonbinary.
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geszti12 · 2 months
More writing, but not planned more to this one fjdjrjrjrjrj
Kitty and the snake - continue and close
One day on the house, when night came, the animals went asleep, like a kitty do well. In that night had a dream as well.
Kitty ran in the forest, happily touched the grass where they stepped, once just happened they reached a plains... Or something like that. Only grass, no tree, no bush, no flower, no pond... Just mud and grass how far the eyes can see.
Kitty walked the plains, not worry much, even something happened, they can see it, right? More thinoing there not much to fear, the sky is clean, no animals around it... Or they thought it. Once they walked a familiar face came... Not a pleasent one, it was a snake who looked back the cat between from the grass.
No words or anything, just starring, no emotion can be saw on that reptile. Otherwise the cat... Fustrated and angry, ear drop back, tails wages... Not happy to see them again, just started to yelled it the snake immediately:
Snake stayed silent and not moved at all.
"Why snake? Attacking someone is funny? What happened you did this?! Nobody hurted you! Why you enjoy this? Why you did this someone who thought you are their friend?!"
Snake just look at the cat, with lifeless eyes, no words left their mouth.
"Most of us thought you are friend, most of us dont hurted you and welcomed you! Don't talked behind your back bad, don't thought anything bad you then... Even you being different we accepted you... But you... Waited to attack, look friendly to get close us... This just makes you something... A monster than a snake...."
The snake stood silent and listened the kitty front of them.
"You ran away rather than face us, like a hare who run from the eagles... You know well what you did before... Who are you snake?"
"Many animals suffered by you... Many we cant know... Snake... You really want to be a monster? Or you want to be a happy snake? Until you not prove your true, I stick you being just being a monster. A monster we thought who just a friend... So if you wanted this, your wish fullfilled... Maybe in time you see your fault"
The snake stay silent while crawled away, the kitty only followed them with eyes, dont wanted to follow them. Soon after the snake went to a small hole, the kitty woke up, ended the dream.
They looked at the starry sky, thinking on the dream... Maybe never come the day they can say those things to the snake, make them feel them dissapointness and betrayness, the kitty just wished the snake one day realize they wrong and feel guilty what they did...
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tinandabin · 3 years
Cat uppermoons + Muzan
been reading too much cat black butler 😔
Join my discord!!
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( where I found this picture- )
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Mhm. You heard it right. They got turned into cats. Kittens. Defenceless. But no fear for the reader is here! To run away. 
You can see Muzan being a black fur cat. As black as his heart. Kokushibo is a dark-purple cat. Douma? a rainbow cat who pukes and poops rainbows a blond cat. 
Daki would be a pure white cat with some green spots on her here and there. Gyutaro would be the same but instead of white fur, he would have black with green spots. 
I'm not gonna be adding Tamayo or yushiro in this but Tamayo would be a purple cat but with less dark fur than Kokushibo while yushiro is just a calm shade of green. Don't get tricked by his looks, he would and has scratched those who aren't Tamayo. 
But okay! Here's a scenario.
They get turned into a cat by who?? Hahahhahaahhaha. I dont know. I dont know anything. I just am writing whatever is coming to my mind.
So there are Muzan's frenzy meows which shake the infinity castle while Douma is just immediately going to akaza and putting his whole weight on him. 
By the way, they are like normal cats. Only one thing. They can very well understand you. They can walk in the sun like this too! But they don't have otherworldly powers ok. 
And so Akaza is forced to take Douma's abusive affection while Kokushibo goes to Muzan and just meows at him tryna calm him down. 
While Daki is immediately grooming herself while Gyutaro just naps. 
And boy do you bet is Nakime trying to hold in her laughter while her hands shake and she summons you. From your plan. You know how in cartoons they use a spoon to dig their way out of jail? That. Except you don't even get to use a spoon because everyone knows you would purposefully try to swallow it and choke yourself so you very mournfully use your nails and ugh does it hurt. 
And then comes Akaza🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 who very intentionally steps onto Douma's tail because everyone is a little shit. 
And then Akaza just very shyly paws at your legs and rests his head on your leg. I CAN'T. I WILL GET DIABETES. TOO CUTE. 
And then comes our Queen! Daki!!!!!!
And well, she steps on Douma, yes, she steps on Douma and uses him as if he is a ladder and then licks your hand. 
Your other hand? Sadly, it isn't petting Akaza because it is holding a very grumpy Muzan by his scruff to stop him from attacking others. 
And then Gyutaro comes up to you in confidence. Yes. Honestly, he's insecure according to me in his demon form and he feels very more confident as a cat so he struts to you and uses Akaza as a ladder to paw at your waist.
Like sister, like brother.🥰
And lastly comes Kokushibo who somehow has climbed your back without you knowing and is sitting on your shoulder while Muzan is on your head using it as a throne. 
And well after some while, you are finally sitting much to all the cat's relief and they all glomp over you. 
Muzan is on your head and he paws at your face whenever you are giving other's a bit too much attention according to him while Kokushibo and Akaza are on your shoulders while Akaza's tail is around your waist and Kokushibo's is around your wrist. 
And then Daki is sitting in between your legs very contentedly nuzzling her face into your tum tum sometimes tickling you with her paws. Also, she may hug you. Even though her cute little paws won't be able to hug full of you <333.
And then Gyutaro is napping on your thigh as you pet him occasional purrs escaping him every once in a while.
And then Douma. He is constantly jumping at your face to annoy Muzan which works very well as a hiss escapes him every time he does that.
He does not want Douma around you at all. Because he let you escape, and well. Some reasons are for another chapter. 
Douma is probably on your other thigh constantly pawing at Akaza's tail. 
Akaza once pounced on him done with his shit ready to break some knee caps. 
And soon enough the Gods decided to have mercy on the others because you would probably escape. After all, they cannot stop it currently and so bam bam, you are a KITTEN. 
But anyway, as soon as you are a kitten Muzan is immediately cat moma and is picking you up by the scruff as he very smugly carries you to the sun. 
But he doesnt drop you in the sun. Guess what? He's not a fan of Douma, we all know that. And so he orders Douma to go in the sun to make sure they don't burn! And Douma being Douma goes because he wants to see if he burns.
And he would be able to escape if it does burn him.
Very luckily and not so luckily for the others, Douma doesn't burn.
And so Muzan gently drops you on the mud and puts his paw on your head to stop you from moving as he checks the surroundings making sure no danger is around.
And then he glomps on you. Practically lounging on you as if you are a couch. LIKE NO, GET UP I NEED TO ESCAPE YOU, SHITHEADS. 
And Daki very shyly, I repeat, VERY SHYLY comes over to you two and meows at you both. 
And Muzan thinks it's better to have daki with you than Douma so he leaves you in the care of Daki because he needs to find the fucker who made them into cats and beat it up- ​
And well, Daki shyly paws at your face before pushing her nose onto yours. THIS IS TOO CUTE. 
And in the next scene, you can see reader and daki on Gyutaro's back as he gives them piggyback rides. If that is what it is called with cats. 
While Douma as the lovesick fool he is chases after them before getting dragged away by Kokushibo as Akaza stays with you guys in case something happens. 
Honestly, I won't even be surprised if I make a part 2 of this. :') 
And DO NOT LEAVE. I am starting a KNY fanfic and here you can read it!!! Modern reader btw ;)))))) don't be shy..... go on.... read it........... 
Her Cosmo Heart ( Various KNY x reader ) 
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( where I found this picture- )
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Yoongi: With You 2
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In which Yoongi, a proud Tiger and former prince finds you, a simple stray cat roaming the streets, trying to survive somehow. His mate, as he realizes quickly.
Tags/warnings: hybrid AU, Prince!Tiger!Yoongi, Cat!Reader, fluff, angst, mentions of blood and injuries, mentions of violence, bad living conditions, more TBA as the story progresses
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When he wakes up the next day, you're not there anymore.
He's kind of expected it- you've been very silent the entire time he'd helped you, and seemed to feel guilty for making him buy you medicine and food. It shows in how you left the blanket you'd demanded to sleep on instead of his bed; it's neatly folded, no trace of you left, only a stale little hint of your scent.
Mates don't mean you'll have to stay, after all.
But that doesn't make it any easier on him, his worries plaguing his mind as he walks down the market, spotting you with your hands out, accepting a very tiny payment from a shady looking guy. You take it and leave him alone, before you sit down in the shade on the side, visibly uncaring of getting your clothes dirty- tail and ears and hair even covered in dust by now, whirled up by the busy people around.
"You didn't have to leave so early." He says, casually sitting next to you, making you become a little tense. "I meant it when I said I don't mind."
"I know." You say meekly, voice still scratchy from your injuries. "..felt bad." You admit, and he nods.
"Dont." He tells you without actually looking at you- instead watching the people pass by. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" He wonders casually, and you instantly shake your head no. If anything, he manages to make you feel incredible- all warm and nice and safe, but you know it's just the bond. It's just a mate thing- and you don't want to be a toy to anyone. "What're you so afraid of then?" He wonders. You draw something in the dirt in front of you using a stick.
"You being nice." You shrug. And it's true- you're not used to this, absolutely not someone to be taken seriously in the slightest by anyone. You keep to yourself and live on your own- you're not made to depend on anyone.
"I see." He simply answers, before he falls quiet and simply watches the bustling town go about their day for a while. There's people arguing at a butcher's store, a woman holding a little boy's hand, a dog hybrid running through, almost tripping in his hurry. And then there's obviously the routinely marching soldiers walking through, menacing, visibly making most people look away in fear- you included.
Yoongi however, looks straight at them, as one of them suddenly kicks some dirt into your direction, laughing as you cough from it, having failed to shield yourself. Yoongi instantly reaches over to help you, dusting off your closet he's and hair.
He knows better than to cause a scene now.
"Its fine." You tell him, but he just sighs.
"Its not." He replies grimly. "Its not supposed to be like this." He mumbles more to himself, and you simply let him brush the dirt off of the cat ears sitting ontop of your head. "I promise you I'm not going to use you. I just.. think we could both benefit from sticking together from now on." He tells you.
"How?"You wonder, genuinely curious how you could ever be of use to him, if not for.. well, that.
"I'll protect you, give you a home and food." He starts, before smiling slightly. "And I won't be lonely anymore."
And after a moment of thinking about it-
You realize you've got nothing to loose anyways.
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running-with-kn1ves · 2 years
This is gonna sound stupid but your works that lean more unto the horror genre actually help me kinda get over my fears *cough*specifically the one with someone living inside of house walls*cough* I know I'm not supposed to romantacize any of them but in a way they just help me become less scared kwbdksban *clears throat* that being said how about a scaredy-cat s/o who for some reason tried to go hiking by themselves and now oh no they got lost. shocker . Then they suddenly encounter this humanoid beast along the way (any beast is fine im not particularly well versed in my monster bois sorry) so reader just keeps on screaming trying to run a way while this thing thinks their just playing a game now that they have a friend or while beast is trying to cuddle/give them forced kisses, s/o is over here shivering & sweatin bullets
AAAAA that actually makes me so happy to hear😳. I wouldnt call that romanticizing at all-- I mean, obviously having a person living in your house would be horrifying irl, but its also very unlikely. If reading stories like those help calm or rationalize your fear and anxiety, then I dont think it's really a form of romanticization.
Also I love this idea. I really want to write some more cryptids and just horrifying monster bois in general. I can imagine darling being mortified, running as fast as they can but so quickly out of breath. The terrifying creature is just stomping on after them, making the ground shake and ripple underneath every step. Their affectionate and excited screeches are sounds of terror to the reader, who's nearly on the verge of crying.
The monsters' long and spindly fingers reach out, thinking all their screaming and tripping to get away is a natural, loving reaction. Maybe they're trying to play a game of tag? And like a dog, the cryptid is waging its rough tail and panting as the human falls flat on their face. But for such a large, humanoid and uncanny creature, it's no feat to pick up such a small being. The monster is visibly several feet taller and is atleast twice the size of a human. But once they finally catch their desired being, they arent letting go. Despite the reader expecting to be crushed and eaten as a midnight snack, the cryptid squishes and nearly suffocates them in a giant bear hug. Ugh I'd love to write a bunch for this but I have no clue what I'd want the monster boy to look like!
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jangofctts · 3 years
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As You Are (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)
Rated: Mature, Explicit 18+
Word Count: 6.4k
Warnings: smut, explicit language, mentions of alcohol, mentions of violence and injuries, light choking, brief thigh riding/grinding, vaginal fingering with them metal fingies, oral female receiving, unprotected vaginal sex (dont be a dick, wrap that stick), fucking on sam’s couch
a/n: ok hi this fic is very self indulgent bUT YKNOW WHAT WHO CARES EKJHEJHKEJH this is my first fic for marvel and AH I hope I did Bucky justice. ENJOY YALL
This had been a terrible idea. 
Right from the minute you tailed after he and Sam to the Baron’s extensive vintage car storage. Bucky had explicitly withheld any and all information regarding this little excursion to protect you but of course you’d shown up—none too jazzed about the little stunt Bucky pulled regarding the Baron. Fair. 
You were right—Bucky should have called but that overwhelming guilt of dragging you into another one of his problems stopped him from pressing that little call button. He never wanted to be the reason you ended up back on the run again. Though judging by the way things were going, it was more than likely you’d be in prison by the end of the week. 
Luck had your back in that sort of regard—too bad it could never rescue you from your own stubbornness and grief regarding that damn shield. 
You’d taken a devastatingly hard hit from Walker—a fractured orbital, a split lip and a dislocated shoulder. All preventable—if only Bucky kept better track of you before you showed up in that warehouse alone. Left to fight the shadow of what was once a symbol of hope for some—another man playing dress-up in something that will never belong to him. 
It was just their luck Bucky and Sam arrived in time—preventing you from becoming another red stain of violence splattered over that shield. 
James Buchanan Barnes is not afraid of much—but fuck. Seeing you crumpled over the concrete floor, all bloodied and struggling to raise a hand to protect your face… It was the same feeling as injecting his veins with a pure shot of adrenaline and anger shrouded in fear. He promised Steve he’d look after you… 
And as Sam carried you out of that warehouse you had the gall to tenderly tell them that you were just fine—as if your mouth weren’t full of blood and a face blooming with patchy bruises. The jealousy that sparked through Bucky’s chest when you clung to Sam’s chest did nothing to help that dark festering pit inside his ribcage he’s attempting to suture back together.
Bucky clenches his jaw. At least you’re asleep now. Curled up against the window, holding your injured arm in a way that limited the turbulence from jostling it. It’s the first time Bucky would describe you as fragile. He know’s you’re anything but that—stubborn mostly—yet most of all brave. It’s what Steve admired most about you—what Bucky loves most about you too. That vibrant spark flowing through your blood and how you’re not afraid to shout along to your favorite songs despite the odd looks you get. Bucky envies how self-assured you are, how you’ll never lose yourself because you know just where you’re headed. He wishes he still had that sort of drive instead of all this uncertainty and guilt clouding each muscle and fibre in his body.      
Bucky doesn’t realize the jet has landed until Sam stands and and places a large hand over your shoulder. Your face scrunches as you whine and curl further into your seat. “C’mon, kiddo.” You grumble something inaudible. “You want me to carry you?”
The delicate plates of vibranium clink together as Bucky’s hand tightens into a fist, jealousy flaring hot and bright. He quickly stands, too fast to be considering anything less than awkward. Sam’s brow quirks. “I can do it.”   
“It’s cool, man,” Sam says as he scoops one arm under your legs and the other around your back. “I got her.”
Bucky bristles. Whatever. 
It’s not like you and him have anything together. A one sided plague of affection that you’ll never know about—he wants to tell you. Fuck, the words burn through his tongue and collect like ashes between his teeth and yet they are never voiced from self sabotage. There’s no possible way to voice how you’ve haunted his thoughts and his dream since the moment his eyes met yours. How he’s memorized the lines of your smile and the sweet sound of your laugh, the sweep of your lashes and the rhythm of your steps. Bucky would know you deaf, blind, numb, in this world or any other twisted reality. 
He had said that he wasn’t afraid of much, but that’s not entirely true. Eternity, oblivion, crowded rooms, being alone too long. And you. You terrify him. You have the power to pluck at the very strings of his soul and unravel him completely until he’s no more—and you don’t even know it. Bucky Barnes is less afraid of dying than he is of loosing you but that fear never once provides him the courage to tell you. You may not be a scribbled name in his book, but he still hopes that one day he’ll earn the chance to strike his cowardice and put to rest the wretched ache in his heart that he feels for you. 
He wishes he told you in Wakanda, after the Blip, Riga, and right this instant. He watches Sam carry you out of the jet—what’s a little more time?
The sun is beginning to melt into the horizon, turning the expanse of water into molten gold and shimmering blues. The hazy humidity from the late afternoon heat collects at the back of Bucky’s neck and the light breeze does nothing to cool. Bucky sighs and swipes at the bead of sweat creeping down his forehead with the back of his hand—he glances up. 
A ghost of a smile creeps across his lips. You’re exactly where he and Sam left you three hours ago. Surprising to be quite honest—you never did like to stay in one place for longer than ten minutes. You’re a pain in his ass, simply said.  
But now—now you’re haphazardly splayed out on the lawn chair you were forced into, a juice box loosely held in your good hand while the other still remains in the sling. He can’t tell if you’re asleep—Steve’s sunglasses do an excellent job of hiding your eyes. Yet as Bucky wanders closer, your head rolls to your right in greeting. 
“It’s rude to stare, y’know,” you grumble, lifting the juice box to your mouth. Your lips purse around the plastic straw. “And before you ask—yes, I have a very important job I’m currently overseeing.”
Bucky quirks a brow. “What—hogging the lawn chair?”
“No—“ You huff. You gesture with your juice box at the large cooler your sandaled feet are propped up on. “I’m the booze master. God of the ale, destroyer of sobriety—“
“Alright, Booze Master,” Bucky interrupts with a snort. “Why don’t you bestow upon me a beer, your majesty.”
You tap your index finger over your chin as a lazy smile fixes itself over your lips. “Granted.”
You slide your legs off the cooler and with a pained grunt you shift forward. Bucky shoots his arm out and steadies you back against the chair by your shoulder before you get any further. Your face pulls into a grimace.
“I got it, kid. Relax.”
Bucky pops open the cooler and fishes out a beer and pops the cap off between his left index finger and thumb. You watch with a frown, “I could’ve done that for you.” 
Bucky resists the urge to roll his eyes and takes a seat on the cooler. The bitter fizz floods his tastebuds as he takes a sip of his drink, a tangible silence blanketing the space between you. He gets it—people like he and you can never settle for complacency. As if the rest isn’t deserved despite the bloody knuckles and the shattered glass that slices through skin—the bruises and the broken bones. None of it is enough—not worthwhile to preserve yourself when other’s so desperately need your help. 
Or maybe it’s penance. 
Bucky sure as shit finds himself swallowed by the black maw of guilt each and every day. Battling the never ending shadow of doubt that clings to his soul like glitter to a an old carpet. Bucky believes it’s safe to say that you’re the same—every good deed you do added to the imaginary scale weighing against the bad despite it feeling hollow and insurmountable. Paying in blood to equate the amount you’ve spilled. A hopeless battle you both insist on fighting. 
Bucky sighs through his nose, bends at the waist and collects both your ankles in his left hand. You let him lift them both and settle your legs over his knees. You shiver, an eruption of goosebumps rushing up your skin at the cold metallic shock of Bucky’s vibranium thumb scrapinh over your bare flesh.
Bucky’s lips tilt down ever so slightly. “Did I hurt you?”
“Never,” you rush to say before he has the chance to flee. “S’just cold.” 
His hum reverberates low in his chest as those cerulean blue eyes fall to his hands. You clench your jaw until your teeth ache as his left thumb continues to stroke over the delicate skin covering the joint of your ankle. This is…new…
You’d been close with Steve and Sam, and by proxy Bucky—in some weird adjunct way. Compared to Sam’s teasing bumps of the shoulder and that infectious laugh far more addicting than the golden liquor of the sun, Bucky is frigid. Still attempting to shake off the whole Winter Soldier thing that’s molded onto his bones like stubborn permafrost. Touch had always been tricky with him—even a friendly pat over the back or a simple tap to the harm had him tensing under the touch—muscle and steel bunching to prepare for a harsh blow that would never arrive. Never from you.         
Bucky rarely sought out your physical comfort—you were always the one to initiate those friendly touches even if he was the type to just sit and ignore you like a grouchy old cat barely clinging onto that ninth life. The first time he breached that fragile barrier was in Wakanda—something in Bucky cracked and split into a cavernous ravine of nebulosity. Stitches shred apart then stapled back together as he grabbed your arm and wrestled you into a bone-crushing hug. You didn’t need to ask to realize he cried the entire time, gripping your shirt like a lifeline while he shuddered and sobbed into the crook of your neck. To him everything from the rain to silk sheets felt like shrapnel and the stars tasted like old blood and the past of things long gone—yet you were familiar. 
A comfort for the much needed healing of the scattered pieces of a man. You don’t mind helping him pick up the tidbits and reattach them with veins of silver. It’s the least you can do. 
The second time occurred after the loss of Steve. Some part of you had been wrenched out with his departure and he never bothered to return it. It doesn’t matter anymore—the hollow ache had been soothed with the Winter Soldier clutching you to his chest until you drifted off into a fitful sleep. A tether to a new reality you both partake in. 
Which brings you to now. There’s no cathartic reasoning behind his touch…it’s simple…a risky leap of faith into unknown territory. Bucky’s eyes lift to meet yours—curiosity swimming in those icy irises. You don’t mind—in fact you quite like the calloused warmth of his hand and the opposing chilly metal one tentatively exploring your exposed skin. 
“You have a scar here,” Bucky murmurs, skimming the thumb made up of flesh and sinew over the mottled skin occupying the crease of where the top of your foot meets your ankle. 
You bite the inside of your cheek. “I fell on barbed wire.”
“Clumsy,” he chides, quirking a dark brow. 
Your shoulders bounce with a huff. “I was like—twelve when it happened, James.”
His mouth quirks in a half smile, quite liking the validation of his name in the way your mouth speaks it. He wonders if you know the weight of granting you that leeway of calling him that. Shit—he doesn’t care what you call him, everything sounds lovely when you say it. 
There’s another silence—holding your breath until something splits and shatters into a million pieces. You’d be a liar if you said you didn’t want anything more than just friendship with Bucky but fear of rejection is a tricky thing. You take the easy way out and offer him the chance of something more on a silver platter. 
His fingers whisper up your shin as he inclines his head.              
“I’m tired. Drive me back to Sam’s?”
“Sure thing, doll.” 
Bucky holds the door open for you as you stumble in, escaping the hazy southern heat. He disappears into the kitchen as you make a beeline straight for the couch, sighing loudly once the plush cushions meet your back. You lazily lift your head once you hear his familiar footfalls nearing. 
With him he brings two Otterpops, one blue raspberry and the other cherry. Once he hands it to you he takes a seat on your left, close enough that his thigh and shoulder bumps against yours. “Don’t tell Sarah’s kids that these were the last ones.”
You roll your eyes and promptly stick the Otterpop into you mouth. “‘M ain’t no snitch.”
His low chuckle reverberates through his chest. The silence that follows isn’t an awkward one as you enjoy the cold treat—it’s filled with the humming cicada bugs outside and the breeze through the wind chimes. Comfortable with the normalcy—just a couple of regular old people enjoying life for a suspended amount of seconds.  
Once you finish the Otter Pop, you crumple the plastic up and rest it on the coffee table. He does the same—hints of the blue syrup sticking to the cracks of his plush lips. You force yourself to avert your eyes. You cheeks heat with a flush as you rush to occupy your mind with anything but wild fantasies of Bucky’s mouth. You lean forward again, pointedly ignoring the way Bucky’s eyes track your movements as you shuck off your sling, the prickle of unused muscles and bruised ligaments rushing through the limb. You wince as you slowly roll your shoulder. 
The muscles in Bucky’s jaw clenches. You sigh—he’s still blaming himself for your injuries. “Does it still hurt?”
“Not everyone has freaky healing powers, Buck,” you snort. You rush to appease him when he frowns. “It’s getting better though. Still can’t sleep on it—but eh.” 
“I’m sorry.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. No matter how many times you tell him he’ll never believe you. That’s something only he can fix. Doesn’t stop you from telling him anyway. “Stop blaming yourself for my idiocy. I made my choice and paid the price for it.”
Bucky’s eyes drop to his hands. “Can’t help it, sweetheart. Steve told me to look after you.”
Your heart constricts within your chest like a fist. You inhale and reach out to rest your hand over his wrist. “Funny—he told me the same thing about you.”
It surprises him—his dark brows furrow as his mouth parts, but nothing comes forth. Grappling with the right words that fit with what he feels. He’s still learning how to give his soul a name that fits. Learning how to take the dark, twisted bramble of his heart and make it into something that doesn’t ache each time it beats. He’s still learning how to look himself in the eyes, point to himself and say that there’s nothing frightening in there. Not anymore. No more. 
You suck in a breath and muster up the embers of courage. Here goes nothing— 
You cup Bucky’s cheek, the scrape of stubble welcome against your warm palm as you gently turn his face to look at you. His eyes drift to yours when the mumbled syllables of his name tumble from your lips. His eyes are framed with dark circles of wildflower bruises, his small smile a moonbeam stark against battered skin. You’ve dreamt so many times of swallowing it whole and pressing him close enough that your heartstrings become entangled with no hope of separation. But that’s something for him to decide. 
You drop your hand cradling Bucky’s jaw, but before your hand completely falls Bucky surges forward. His large hands rush to cup your face, swallowing your noise of surprise as his plush lips fall onto yours. The syrupy flavor of a Blue Raspberry Otter Pop he stole from Sarah’s freezer lingers on Bucky’s mouth, mixed in with the smell of old leather and cracked cardamom. Bucky nips at your bottom lip, tugging once and then rolling it between the blunt enamel of his teeth. Despite all the bad jokes regarding his age and senior citizen status—fuck he’s a damn good kisser. Compared to him you feel clumsy, sloppy, but no matter how hard you search for his distaste he doesn't seem to care in the slightest—if anything he’s pulling you closer. 
Bucky’s kisses may taste like the middle of June and a first love, but desperation lines every action like a wound with jagged edges. It’s a slow process learning to be free, but one day he’ll transform into starlight—and instead of a kiss like fire, it’ll be like touching your lips to a constellation’s aureate mouth.   
When Bucky pulls away, sucking in air and resting his forehead on yours, you catch a whiff of his hair. Freshly washed and smelling a bit like Sam’s shampoo. Your lips quirk. You’ll make sure to keep that a secret from Sam.
You pull back just enough to meet his eye, resting your palm over his vibranium hand that still cups your cheek. “Am I the first person you’ve kissed since the stone ages?”
His lips pull into a cheeky smile. “Maybe.”
You laugh and roll your eyes, skating your palm down the front of his shirt, the heat of his skin near searing through the fabric. “I guess we have a lot of catching up to do, huh?”
Bucky’s lips smother your small moan as he drags you into another kiss. You can feel his smile as he murmurs his agreement between desperate kisses and the enticing warmth of his tongue skimming along yours. The next time you part for air, Bucky drops his strong hands from your face to instead wrap them around the curve of your hips. He tugs you over his right thigh with ease and breathes a gentle sigh of your name, beginning to pepper kisses over you cheek and down the slope of your jaw.
Bucky reaches your ear and carefully nibbles the cartilage, his voice a warm scrape in your ear. “I want you.”
It’s such a simple phrase…and yet…it tears through you and pools like a heavy weight right to your center. “Then take me.”
Quick as a strike of a match, you’re tipped backwards, cradled right between the arm of the couch and the back of it. Heat rushes through each limb and gathers in your cheeks as Bucky’s vibranium fingers skate up your chest and curl around the column of your throat—that hardened soldier he’s tried to bury bleeding through the cracks of his resolve. You don’t care. You gasp into his mouth as he squeezes ever so slightly while he pushes a firm thigh between your legs. Shit—this is how you’re gonna die—grinding on Bucky’s muscled leg while he’s got a hand around your throat. 
What a way to go.    
With his other hand he grips the meat of your thigh and pulls you higher, grinding the rough material of his jeans covering his crotch into yours. You whine and arch into him. You need more. 
You both stay here for a good while up until it feels like you’re ready to burst at the seems if you don’t have him now. Bucky is no better—cheeks flushed as he fumbles with the zipper to relieve the noticeable bulge straining against it. Impatient and needy, you shoo away his hands and do it yourself, easily sliding your warm hand down his navel and over his boxers to palm at his cock. Bucky’s hand twitches around your neck, a sweet groan filling the air when you softly squeeze him through the elastic.
“Fuck, you’re gonna…” Bucky trails off and buries his nose into the crook of your neck. “Gonna make me cum in my pants if you don’t—don’t stop.”
While the thought is tempting, you want this to last just a little bit longer. Rush after the glorious high of just being near him, his kisses, everything about him. Bucky grunts at the loss of your hand and mouths a wet trail of sloppy kisses up your neck and returns to your lips. When you part he sweeps a stray strand of hair and tucks it behind your ear. He smiles softly.
“Can I try something?” He breaths. Before he can even tell you what his idea is, you’re happily nodding along. “Wanna taste you. Been thinking about it ever since Wakanda.”
Oof. His words shoot straight your center. “Bucky—why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
His mouth quirks. “You make me nervous.”
Rolling your eyes you plant a kiss on his forehead and grant him his simple desire. Bucky sits and slides to the floor, close enough that he’s still able to hover over you. You lift your hips as Bucky tugs your shorts and underwear down and off your legs. Besides the general anxieties of being half naked in front of an incredibly attractive man and performing something so sinful on a friend’s couch—there’s a strange stroke of pride that alights through each of your vertebrae. A powerful man willingly dropping to his knees to please you. 
Bucky shoots you a smile and slides his hands around your ribcage, bends forward slightly and captures you mouth in a deep kiss. He parts and nips down your jaw and over your throat, sliding his tongue over the marks he leaves with his teeth as if to soothe the slight sting. You whine and arch into him as he slides lower, leaving an obvious trail of bruises and teeth marks in his wake until he reaches the collar of your shirt. Bucky moves his palms under the fabric to grab at your breasts, the flats of his fingertips rolling over your nipples that peak through your bra. You suck in a shaky breath when Bucky catches the pebbled bud between his forefinger and thumb, the hard vibranium of his fingers scraping over it. A low hum rumbles through his chest as he leans forward to playfully nip at your collarbone.
“I wanna see you naked.” Bucky admits as he slips his hands out of your shirt. You shiver as those chilly metal fingers gently come to rest on the outside of your bare thighs. 
“Not here, Buck,” you sigh. “T-they—fuck—they can come back any minute.”
Bucky quirks a brow, eyes dropping between your legs, then back up with a smirk. His plush lips part, yet before he can disprove your silly point—that your bare ass is already out and taking off the shirt would barely make a difference—you interject. 
“Shut up.”
His shoulders bounce with a chuckle. “You have such a way with words, y’know that?”
You make a noise low in your throat and reach out to sharply tug his ear. He easily bats your hand aside, hooks his hands under your ass and hauls until you’re all but hanging over the edge of the cushions. You squirm, unable close your legs or to relieve some of that burning tension collecting in your core as Bucky lowers himself and wedges his shoulder between your thighs. He slides his hand over your calfs and wrestles them over his broad shoulders—earning a perfect view of your pussy. You’re already wet—worked up and running on borrowed time. You roll your head back onto the back of the couch and clench your jaw. You don’t want to rush him but Christ—you really don’t want Sam or Sarah to find you like this.   
It feels like ages before Bucky’s lips touch your belly and then your navel with his warm tongue. With a grunt he shoves your shirt up to your breasts and circles your bellybutton with the tip of his tongue—his enhanced strength easily pinning you down as you jerk and giggle.
Bucky picks up his head and grins. “Try and hold still, doll.”
No sharp retort comes to mind. Fuck—he’s already got you so expertly wrapped around his finger. 
Bucky hums, satisfied with your weak nod and continues on.  
Bucky’s bare fingers trace minuscule patterns into the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, coaxing out a shiver that rushes through your body. They tickle towards the apex of your thighs and settle close enough to reach your aching center. He pauses for a moment and while you know he’s there, you curse when you feel his thumbs softly part the lips of your soaking cunt. They gently work up and down, smearing your wetness around but never enough to give you any friction as your body adjusts to the feel of flash and vibranium. You bite back a groan as your hips unconsciously twitch. 
Unsatisfied with simply touching you, Bucky shifts his weight to better reach your core. “Fuck—you’re so pretty.”   
There's a moment just before Bucky swoops down, face hovering close enough that you can feel his sticky, warm breath fan across you inner thighs. Anticipation grips your heart with an iron hold, and then— Bucky licks a broad stripe from the base of your cunt all the way up to your swollen clit. His mouth is molten, tongue like liquid velvet as you shudder and grab at his hair. Bucky grunts against you as you drag him closer by the short strands—greedy for any and all touch he gifts you. Bucky’s mouth slips around your clit, sucking and tracing circles over the bundle of nerves with the tip of his tongue. Your eyes flutter shut as a quiet moan wrenches free from your vocal cords.  
He trails lower, sucks on your labia, and makes his way down to your soaking entrance. The wet heat of his tongue circles your cunt, skips over it completely to catch the wetness before it leaks over the couch. Bucky opens his mouth wide and groans in appreciation, devouring your pussy like he’s been denied this his entire life. Desperation lingers on his tongue and all you are is the honey sweet taste of salvation. 
“Shit—Bucky,” you cry, throwing your hips forward in search of more friction.
It's perfect. So fucking delicious. 
You tense as the vibranium tips of his fingers, two of them, press at your entrance, teasing the clenching ring of soft muscle before sinking in. The chilly digits slip in with ease—all the way up to the second knuckle and when he draws them back, they're slick with your wetness. With a self-satisfied grin, Bucky thrusts them back in, then out—setting a steady pace that makes everything ache with desire. It leaves you just hovering over the sharp edge of ecstasy, the catch of his knuckles and imperceptible metal plating dragging along your walls pure torture. Fuck—he’s going to be the death of you—
Bucky’s mouth dips down a second time and sucks on your clit and with a few more curls and thrusts of his fingers inside of your clenching walls, your body seizes up tight. You're flying off that edge, faster than a fucking freight train. You cum onto his tongue and fingers with a strangled cry of his name, sparks of blurry white lining the edges of your vision as your back arches. Bucky continues to lick you through your orgasm, even as you buck and squirm in his iron hold. Supernovas implode behind your eyelids as heat, hotter than wildfire and jet fuel spreads from your center all the way up your stomach and down to your toes. You're shaking, lucid enough to hear Bucky murmur his praise—feeling the vibration of his groan, as he licks up the flood of your wetness over his tongue. 
Your brain swims in hazy bliss as you float back to reality. He's still curling his fingers into your pussy and it damn near hurts. You're too sensitive. Nerves rubbed raw and still throbbing—but you're too fucked out and still riding the waves of your orgasm to push him away. Bucky is all too happy to remain between your legs—takes this opportunity to tilt his fingers into your cunt faster, suckle and lave his hot tongue over your clit that burns from overstimulation—somehow you're back at the very edge again.
It's sharper than a vibranium razor against bare flesh. Your thighs shake around him as he twists his fingers inside you and bumps agains that tiny, little patch of nerves. You cry out as an orgasm floods through you veins, rupturing each cell in your being with molten pleasure. Your core pulses around Bucky’s fingers, fucking you through it until those burning waves of release eventually cease to a fading throb. You whine and push at his forehead because he's still going. You panic a bit—fucking hell, he’s gonna make you cry—but he pulls away, his mouth and chin wet with your slick. 
“Feel good?” Bucky purrs, resting his cheek on your thigh. 
If judging by the way you thighs still quiver and your chest heaves—then yeah—it felt good. 
Cheeky bastard.  
“Get up here—“
You grapple with his shirt, fisting the thin fabric, but he’s heavy and your entire body feels like jello. Your grip strength is all but laughable at the moment as Bucky clambers back onto the couch and grabs both of your legs, slotting his narrow hips between them. One leg is stuck against the back of the couch while the other hangs off the edge, foot skimming the hardwood floor to accommodate Bucky. Not the most comfortable but fuck it—who cares.    
Bucky grunts when you lift your hands and hook your fingers into the waistband of his jeans, tugging them halfway down his legs with a sharp yank. Already a dark patch of wetness stains the fabric of his boxers, the impressive bulge straining against the elastic and begging to be released. Your eyes meet his icy blue ones as you slowly pull his boxers over his cock. It bounces up towards his navel, thick and beautiful just like the rest of him. 
Impatient, Bucky’s fingers curl around your wrist and presses your open palm against his cock. He’s thick and heavy in your hand—perfect. The bead of precum that pools at his flushed tip smears against the inside of your palm as you experimentally roll your wrist, fascinated with the feel of his foreskin rolling over the steel heard flesh with each stroke.You give his a cock a rougher squeeze, a bolt of liquid heat settling in the pit of your stomach as a stifled moan reaches your ears. 
A sharp hiss of hair passes through his clenched teeth as you lightly tug on his cock. From the base up you pull, fixed upon the throbbing flesh, flushed and pulsing and all for you. His cock bobs when you let go—he huffs out a disappointed noise. “I need you, Buck—please.” 
Your previous two orgasms did seemingly nothing to soothe the growing ache for him. It prickles up your spine and singes through every nerve and bone—you whine and arch your hips, trying to touch your slick cunt to his cock. Bucky growls your name and pins your hips to the couch with ease. 
With his left hand, Bucky firmly grips your jaw, his stare folding into something serious. “You sure?”
Your tongue runs over your bottom lip. You grin. “Do your worst.”
Bucky curses and readjusts your calf slung over his hip and grips the base of his cock. You shudder as he runs the blunt head through your folds, slicking himself up with your arousal. You mewl and dig your nails into the flesh of his forearm as the wide tip of him pushes into your entrance—he shudders as you clench and arch. It doesn’t hurt, but he’s certainly not small in any way shape or form. You’ll feel him for days afterwards as your cunt swallows inch after inch. 
You both groan as he finally bottoms out. His jaw clenched tight as sweat beads at his hairline. Shit—he’s gorgeous—struggling not to loose control the moment he’s buried inside of you. You allow yourself to adjust for a moment but your own impatience rakes down your spine with claws of scorching arousal. You rock your hips in curiosity and squeeze around him. 
“Fuck—“ A ragged moans severs his words as your gentle rocking tilts into abrasive jolts. At this angle it’s difficult to fuck yourself onto his cock, but the measly thrusts are meant to tempt him. His left hand shoots to your throat, the chilly metal a stark contrast to your flushed skin. You dip your head back, exposing more of your supple skin—all his for the taking. 
You dig the heel of your foot into the small of his back and grab at his shoulders—tempting him into fucking you already. You’ve waited long enough. Bucky snarls your name, hooks one hand under your ass and pulls his cock nearly all the way, out only to slam back in with devastating force. There’s no time to adjust or gather your obliterated thoughts before Bucky sets a pace, desperate and feral. Each roll of his hips borders erratic, taking his pleasure without thought—intent on reaching his own end after being denied for what seems like a millennia—and maybe it has been. Bucky shifts, widening his knees as much as he can to sink lower onto your body—his soft hair tickles your cheek as his choppy exhales burn hot over your skin. 
Bucky turns his head to steal a kiss, open mouthed and catastrophic. No words are exchanged as he fucks into you with brutal strength aided by that damn super-soldier serum—there’s no need for them, not now anyway. You complete each other without the spoken utterances—still both a work in progress. Though most things are you suppose—constantly remaking yourselves, but instead of smashing the haphazard pieces back together alone—you have one another. You bury your hand in his hair and cry his name.  
You choke out another groan and feel your arousal begin to drip down your thighs—hear the thrusts of his cock into your cunt become shamefully wetter and damn—you really hope nothing gets on this stupid couch. You don’t want to explain that Sam. 
Electric heat sears down each vertebrae in your spine, blazing through each and every vein with the brilliance of a wildfire escaping the edges of the forest. This is gonna ruin you. Bucky’s hand reaches between your bodies and rubs tight, controlled circles over you swollen clit. There’s no build up to your orgasm—just a calamitous surge of warmth that sweeps your very soul off its feet. Your nails dig into Bucky's back as you shake and fumble for a foothold in your own consciousness—the steady warmth of his body a much needed anchor. 
You have no time to recover because he’s still going. Thrusting into your pussy with violent slaps that echo through the room and will more than likely leave bruises against your ass. Through the pressure of his hand over your windpipe—threatening to cut your air off completely—you garble out his name. Bucky drops his head to his chin, the weight of his gaze landing between your legs, watching the way his entire length disappears inside of you. When he raises his head he molds his mouth to yours. The soft, wet kisses rapidly morph into pricks of his teeth, his gravelly moans so pleasing to hear. 
You arch and tilt your head back as he presses you harder into the couch. The vibranium hand latched onto your jaw, works it open and slides a thumb past your plush lips. You lave your tongue over the digit—the metallic tang flooding your tastebuds. “Good girl—m’close. A little longer.”
Bucky’s panting breaths mingle with yours as his pace turns vicious. Chasing his high that he so desperately needs. Overstimulation bites at your nerves, but with a gentle tug to the soft strands of hair on the back of his neck and a sweet whisper of his name, Bucky bursts. His moan jumps up an octave, eyes slamming shut as he buries his face into the juncture of your neck and shoulder as he cums. He’s shuddering in your arms as his hips erratically jerk, hot spurts of his release coating your insides. You whine and tilt your hips up to prevent it from spilling onto the couch. 
Finally he slows to a stop, ragged breathing filling the air as the heat and weight of his body becomes a welcome comfort. Eventually that warmth grows stifling. He lazily pulls away, observing gaze drinking in each inch of bare skin exposed—the marks and the light sheen of sweat. You hiss as he curiously drags his thumb over the bite mark lingering just above your collarbone.
He parts his plush lips but before he can apologize, you interject. “Don’t—I like the reminder.”
Bucky shakes his head and drops down to tempt your lips into a lazy dance. “You’re a weirdo.”
You smile and cup his cheek. “I’m not the one with a staring problem. You know that you can’t kill people by glaring, right?”
Bucky kisses your cheek, your jaw, and then the dip of your throat. “You don’t ever shut up, do you?” 
You shudder as his softening cock twitches inside of you, another coal of desire flaring in the pit of your stomach. You flash him a coquettish grin. “Maybe if you give my mouth something to do, you’ll finally get some peace and quiet.” 
Something dark and dangerous flickers within those eyes. You shiver as one hand returns to your throat while the other draws teasing patterns over the outside of your thigh. He draws in close, nips at the shell of your ear and chuckles darkly. “You’re on.”
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laymedowntorest · 3 years
Inspired by @mixingmarrows story! And the post I done. Also goes out to @pd-creations :3c This time it’s summoned YB!
I admit the middle kind of falls flat but I feel if I didn’t stop, I would’ve just made it too long to be read xD Nonetheless enjoy.
In horror movies, this is how you die.
You find this ancient book, you do the stupid thing you’re NOT meant to do, the being from beyond comes out and kills all your friends bar you, you manage to survive until the very end where, oops, turns out trying to outrun and hide from a creature with powers beyond your understanding is a bad idea.
So why were you doing this?
You’re not sure.
Lucy had produced from nowhere a heavy leather book and seemed sketchy on where she found it. You, being the book reader you are, decided to plop right on down and flick through it. It was filled with language you did not understand, symbols that were elusive no matter how many times you researched, and detailed drawings of nightmare monsters that will now never leave your head.
Asking around on the internet, you pinpointed it may have been a summoning book. A book that could bring to the world things from elsewhere. Some even told you it could be for demons. Who knows. But all everyone knew was it was dangerous, and should be immediately removed.
And your genius self decided that curiosity was too much, and decided to follow the paged instructions the best you could. Hard to do, but at least there were drawings that could fill in the gaps you couldn’t.
A bit like doing Ikea furniture, but more dangerous.
Why why why are you doing this? Curiosity killed the cat… “...But satisfaction brought it back.” You mumble to yourself as you step back to study the infamous pentagram that awaited to hold back anything that came to investigate the calling card of a curious mortal.
You gazed around at the candles, your only light in the attic of your home as you waited to see if something took the bait. You were a fisherman, these things were the fish, right?
You dont know how long it took but eventually the circle began to glow a bright blue, almost blinding you. You covered your eyes over with your arm, the flames from the candles combusting into tall fires for a few moments as a presence was felt in your room. Then it all settled. And then silence… Your arm remained up, you were biting your lip to avoid a whimper that threatened to pathetically slip free as you stood there, waiting. Waiting…
“My darling...let me see your pretty little face. There is no need to hide.” Purred a voice before you, smooth yet cautious, like trying to coax out an injured animal. You felt the hairs on your neck begin to rise, your body begging to run as your heart began to thump harder.
Come on, you’ve come this far…you can keep going. Finding the courage, you withdrew your arm to gaze at the creature. One place you refused to stare at is his eyes; your research informed you to never stare at them in the eyes. Demon’s have a way of gazing behind mortal eyes, into your mind and settling right in, luring you into freeing them from the circle that binds them patiently and carefully to their place. Freeing them from the one bit of protection that kept you safe.
You notice his form; his tall and thin body, his gangly arms with dangerous claws, his swaying knife-like tail sharpened to a point, his horns ranked backwards and blue, his ears lifted eagerly to listen to you… And his grin, filled with sharp teeth that threatened to bite.
Swallowing your fear, you began to stutter and splutter. It honestly became a blurr as you stared at what appeared to be a tattooed heart on his chest, half black and half white. The two of you spoke, the one side awkwardness slowly melting away and becoming more akin to a chat between two friends. The demon was…strange. It seemed his moods could change in a snap; the silk and intimidating figure occasionally shifted to more of a shy and awkward man, and even a flash of something dark and bloody when you spoke of your struggles involving people hurting you. He truly was something dangerous.
But he also knew a lot. Perhaps too much. He knew your full name, and repeated it often as if testing it on his tongue. He knew where he was. He knew what your favourite clothes were. He knew where you worked, your friends, he knew…
He knew it all. And when you asked fearfully how he knew anything about little, meek you, he admitted doing a spot of good old stalking. This, apparently, was not your first encounter with him. He spoke easily like it was about the damn weather, as he spilled that he had been observing when the barrier between the two worlds was thin enough for him to pass through.
You could only stand there, staring in horror as he detailed all these little things about you. Did you know you play with your hair when nervous? Or maybe that you’re just soooo cute when you sleep? Or that when a claw brushes against your cheek, you twitch a tiny bit in to the touch? You felt bile in your throat, eyes pinpricks as he continued the loving blabber. It was as if he didn’t notice the pure, animalistic fear in your eyes, gushing and cooing about you. That or he simply didn’t care. Or even took pleasure from it. Stop it, please. It’s too much. Stop it stop it stop it stop it stop iT STOP IT
“E-Enough” You manage to squeak out from the lump in your throat. “I want you gone.” He stops, his smiling falling to a frown. His mouth opens to talk but you cut him off. “I-I WANT YOU GONE!” You hiss, like you were cornered prey. “I want you GONE! This session is OVER! GO!”
You were panting from your explosion, the tears threatening to spill as sweat crept forward to break your skin. You didn’t care, you just wanted him gone. Then came a quiet chuckle.
“I’m not going anywhere.” “Didn’t you hear me?” You growl, fists clenching. “I want you go-”
“Oh, Darling…you’re not that observant, are you?” The demon cocks his head to the side, a thin eyebrow arched as a sly smile crept along his face. You feel a bead of sweat begin to fall from your head, “What are you…?”
His eyes gaze down to the circle he was surrounded by, your head following to see what he was gesturing too while your gut told you to just escape.
Your heart stops.
The circle had a gap.
“Not very…observant.”
He lunges.
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echoalyssa · 4 years
I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I just wanted to ask if you could write something for Chase Hudson. Maybe were you are in the Hype House and they have snakes there. But you are kinda afraid of them, but with the help of chase you touch them. But also like fluff and you hug him, something like that. I don't know if that is possible or not I just wanted to ask because I like your style of writing.
Please stay healty and love u
Snakes | Chase Hudson Request
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Authors Note: You aren’t bothering me at all! I love getting things sent to my inbox! I hope you enjoy this, I had lots of fun writing this! I’m actually super into snakes and reptiles so almost launched into a paragraph about morphs... oops. Love you too :)
Chase had recently begun fulfilling his dreams of starting his very own collection of snakes. Now most people would go for something fluffy like a dog, cat or hamster. Though you couldn’t exactly collect those animals. And while Chase loved the fluffy animals, his vampire self had always been the most drawn to those scaly slithery worms.
They just scared you... the lack of limps, the split tongue, the fangs, the thought of one getting loose. It seemed Chase was always coming home with a new snake, always ready to add another one to his collection.
And now Chase is pulling your hand in an attempt to drag you into his bedroom where all the snakes lived. You were screaming and kicking, yelling his name and fighting to get away because... ew snakes. Wasn’t that something that mostly everyone feared?
“Chase! Please, no!” The rest of the house is partly laughing and partly feeling bad because they didn’t like the snakes themselves. “Anyone but me!” You holler, digging your heels into the ground to create some friction and hopefully stop the pulling... to no avail.
He drags you through the door and slams it shut behind the two of you before his long arms wrap around your waist and pull you into him.
“Babygirl... it’s okay I promise. Please just let me show you my babies?”
His voice is begging and because it’s him... your boyfriend you can’t help but relax into him and nod your consent.
After a few moments his grip on you loosens and he looks at the door, still slightly worried that you’ll bolt for the door as soon as he reaches for one of the snakes. Which, quite honestly, is still a possibility.
“So this is my rack,” he gestures to a shelf housing a bunch of plastic bins in the corner of his room. “Currently I’ve got five but my sixth baby will be getting shipped next week as soon as the weather gets better.”
He pulls one of the bins out and you squeal, squirming back towards the door.
“There’s heat tape on the bottom which keeps them warm, because that’s what they need. The rack is just temporary because once we have our own place I’d like to get them into large enclosures so that they’re happier and it looks prettier. They actually all need to be fed today, but dont worry because they’re all on thawed rodents.”
“EW CHASE!” You yell at him. Of course you were glad he wasn’t chucking live rats or mice at them but it was still terrible to think of it.
He laughs, “They couldn’t be vegetarians even if they wanted to.”
He pulls out a fully black snake and the animal immediately curls around his hand and begins to climb up his chest and wind around his neck like a scarf.
He laughs softly, not in a way that would ever come across as making fun of you but you know that he would never do that. It’s okay, she’s harmless. I do this with her all the time, this is just how she’s most comfortable.
“She could strangle you!”
He smiles and easily removes the snake that was wound around his neck only to let her go back. She seems to settle into him and decide to go back to slee.
“Want to touch her? Or at least let me come a few feet closer.”
You had to admit, you’d never seen a fully black snake and you could see why Chase was intrigued. While you’re watching the snake Chase steps closer to you, so that he’s barely three feet away. Allowing you a good view of her. She truly is a beautiful creature.
“You can poke her if you want to. I’ll even hold her head or cover her eyes so she can’t see or get to you.”
She was so fascinating, and slowly the fear was ebbing away, you may never hold her or interact with any snakes larger than her but you couldn’t deny the fact that you wanted to poke her.
So very tentatively you reach out a hand a poke her, close to her tail. It’s quick and you quickly retract your hand after it’s done. She’d felt very smooth and hadn’t even moved from her perch on your boyfriend. And because you had done it once, the curiousity in you growing. So you reach out and stroke her. Letting your fingers run over her scales. You pull away after you reach the end of her.
That’s about all you want to do with her but Chase is beaming. “I’m so proud of you,” he says softly as he puts the snake back. He leans over to kiss you softly and then pulls back to grin at you.
“Want to see another one?”
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luimagines · 3 years
But consider this
Twilight and reader both like thier animal counter parts but dont know each others secret
So when thier both transformed cat reader(wich I'll name "feline") and wolfie both see each other
And both get excited and want to meet the other but feline stops and realizes that thier a cat and even if they know that wolfie if friendly with people,they don't know how they are with smaller creatures
After all he's still a carnivorous creature and needs meat to survive
So when they see wolfie they take a step forward only to stop then turn around and book it.
But twilight as wolfie is like " no wait! Come back I want to talk to you! Why are you running?! Why are you running?!" And gose chasing feline
Then feline turns around and sees this big giant wolfie chasing after them
they can't really make out what he's saying because,hello? Running for your life here!
So feline runs up a tall tree and starts jumping from branch to branch to get away but wolfie is still on thier tail below trying to catch up with them
So reader starts meowing to try and get somone's in the groups attention in hopes they'd save them from wolfie
And wolfie is barking up at them to tell them they're friendly but feline still not understanding because adrenalin and fear is taking over thier capabilities to take the time to understand what he's saying
all while epona watches while eating grass from a distance seeing a cat hissing at a wolf and a wolf barking up to a cat on a tall tree
The group who doesn't know any secrets (i.e. Wind, Sky, Hyrule, Warrior) think that WOLFIE IS ABOUT TO EAT THE CAT!!!!!
The rest of the group who knows better don't say anything because they're too amused with whatever Twilight is trying to do and how he's gonna try to get out of their grip to not kill the kitty that's also been following them while not hurting anyone and also try to talk to little kitty that he's not going to hurt them.
It's a mess
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ramblesofajester · 3 years
whispers of a witch (chap1/?
this is just a self indulgent fic for me to write when I feel like shit and yes it will have nsfw
info: they/them, curvy body, glasses, anxiety.
The cool wind sweep past your cheek as you squat down, fingers numbing and turning blue from the constant foraging across the forest floor to fine the herbs you require, its late winter and you have just run out of several herbs you use quite frequently for personal use and when healing the villagers. of course as always there is a catch when you need to get something done. one, you where delivering a baby a good portion of the day, then doing your normal round with the villagers, so soon night is to fall, two the Lycians have been testing there luck with the village borders as of resent, three the only place those herbs are left growing are near Heisenberg's land due to you harvesting all the more accessible ones previously. and just to top it all of duke wouldn't be able to gather a shipment until the next new moon, that being two weeks away so here you are right before dusk cut plants with frozen fingers outside of a missive chain-link fence in the middle of the woods. Gazing around, you are in a small clearing, the village is about a mile, mile and a half to the south west of here. the factory's smoke stacks just visible over the tree line. Sighing you focus on the task at hand, slowly griping the base of the plant you say thanks to the earth and pull it up root and all, listening to the birds as there song slowly drifted thru the trees. standing up you, make your way over to the next bushel of plants emerging from the thin coat of snow. suddenly all the brides stop singing setting off of several alarms in your brain knowing its wasn't you who disturbed them wiping around, franticly looking you hear and see movement all around you just out of sight in the brush you cant tell what it is. assuming it to be Lycians or and angry bear or even a stray ghoul from the castle grounds. garbing the dagger from your boot you crouch down to an defensive position slowly making your way toward the path you came from. as you take a step back slowly a few Lycian emerge from the tree line teeth bared eyes holding a burning hunger. a soft gasp leaves your lips if there are this many you know more are soon to follow
"well shit, I couldn't just go and have an easy day now could I?" you ask the Lycians sarcastically not really expecting a reply. a deep chuckle caught you off guard and in your shock you hear the swift shifting of metal. the feeling of cold steel on your ankle stealing your attention from the fast change of gravity as you are hoisted into the air, dangling like a prized fish. attempting to regain your bearings. you look around seeing the Lycian pack now completely surrounding you.
"well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in," standing clear in the path arm outstretched to hold the chain around you feet taking a step further with every word.
"a lost little bunny, who is hoping around where they should not be..." he says in a little tune with mirth in his step. finally stopping right in front of you raising you so your face is level with his shoulders you reach out attempting to swipe at him with you dagger, as soon as you weapon is revealed is ripped from your grasp and now spinning around you and the lord. a large gloved hand grips your face forcing you to look at lord Heisenberg.
"now I cant tell if that was stupidity, or bravery little bunny but I'm guessing you dont know who I am." he speaks with amusement as he examines your face and, forces you to look at him. you stop squirming long enough to stare at the round shades perched on his nose. this being the first time you have seen the lord this close ,its usually only in passing or from the shadows as to not be noticed, but now you have to admit the stubble and scars, the cocky smile, the smell of oil, pine, smoke, and Tabaco is actually not that bad.
"No I know who you are, just really dont care cause I'm a little busy" you immediately wiggle from his grasp and start reaching for the chain around your ankles. a boisterous laughter is released from behind you and suddenly your falling about a meter, back connecting with the ground a large "oof" emanating from you. Rushing to get the chain from around you ankles it fly from your hands. jumping to your feet you face Heisenberg head held high
"oh... you do know me, so it must be stupidity, that must explain why your on my land as well" Heisenberg ponders aloud." so you must either be lost or have a death wish" he says with a chuckle
"nope not lost, just need some of the herbs here and if you live in this village and haven't runaway or offed yourself you have a death wish" you reply flatly brushing the dirt of of yourself as you stand to gather your things. "now" you say turning back to him "my dragger if you'd please" extending you hand cautiously with and expectants look.
"wow, you've got some balls on you" puffing on his cigar "you better watch that attituded bunny" you are suddenly painfully aware of the small pack of hunger Lycian circling you both "and remember who the man in control is" hand still outstretched you snap back with
"listen hear 'lord Heisenbitch' I am sorry for trespassing on you land but I need 7 different herbs and at least 5oz of each, I need them before tomorrow evening, some of them for mother Miranda, as well as a women who just gave birth in the village. Now unless you wish to explain to Miranda why her healer is missing, and her people dead due to illnesses I would like my dagger back and you and your fine fuzzy companions to kindly fuck of." you knew your words where dangerous but at this point in the evening you really didn't give a fling fuck and the shock on Heisenberg's face when he recognizes you almost made it worth it.
"Wait your Miranda's prized witch, oh man this is great, how have you lasted so long, your so small bunny" this just pissed you off more you want your dagger back but he's just so infuriating. your dont have time for this
"Fine, just keep the dagger" you say shoving past him. Growling at the Lycians blocking the path they stay there ground and growl back, only to glance behind you whimper, and slowly back away clearing the path. A chain roughly wraps around you waist spinning you around and pulling you flush against Heisenberg before returning to his trench coat pocket. blowing his smoke in your face he drawls
"wow wow wow, slow you roll peter cotton tail I ain't being stingy, I just wanna talk a little" as he says this he wraps his arm around you waist slipping your dagger back into its sheath leaving his hand to rest on the dip of your hip, the other griping your chin forcing you to look up at him
"Let. Me. Go!" you hiss out never braking your gaze of his glasses
"now what would Miranda think of this, her pet of the leash, not respecting or listening to your lord" he teases not lessening his grip at all
"I dont give a scraggly rats ass, just let me go you bastard!" you spit at him, resaving a chuckle as a reply .
"ohhh I like you bunny, you've got fight not a lot of that left hear any more. but I need something from you darling, so we are gonna take a little walk back to your place, your gonna help me, then ill help you with your little situation how does that sound there bunny?" spinning you around arm still securely on your waist, he starts to walk still puffing on his cigar, quickly you realize you have no choice in the matter. the Lycians slow start to follow you keeping there distance at about 3 meters back this continues for a wile and it might have even been pleasant having company for once on the walk, you if you ignore the hungry Lycians and the fear Heisenberg will get angry or be done with his little game. slowly the forest edge and the village come in to the distances well as a small well worn foot path leading into a thick pine forest near the base of the Benevento valley
"so bunny, which way is it" Heisenberg ask moving his arm up to rest on your shoulders using the other to jester at the path ways.
"This way" you mumble out, gesturing to the pine foot path. now moving forward on you own accord tiered of being user around like a lost child. you dont make it very far seeing as soon as you start to move away he tightens his grip
"ohh come on bunny, no need to get cold feet. your getting something good out of this too, you just chill a little there thumper" he says smirk never leaving his face.
"well it sure as hell dont feel like it, this feels more like a kidnaping only we are headed to my own dwelling" you watch as the pine trees grow thicker with every passing second drawing closer to your burrow. soon a large moon gate covered in rosemary and lavender comes into a view just beyond it several greenhouses small and large soft light emanating from a few
"Now hold up thumper if you have all of these, what were you doing traipsing around by my factory? you weren't trying to get my attention were you?" he jabs at you obviously trying to get a rise out of you.
"What I was looking for I do not grow because it is local and I had a store of some, but it a since been exhausted, lots of sick ones this season." you replied tiredly seeing as dusk has passed a wile ago and you had been called out well before day brake. now you where just too tired to deal with his shenanigans. continuing forward you approach the door and tap the center of the door with the old iron key handing from your neck three times then you insert it into the keyhole and twist it three times to the right and it slowly creeks open. rushing forwards in an attempt to put some distance between the two of you you start to tend to the fire stroking the coals and adding a few logs. while your bussing your self Heisenberg makes himself at home pulling out a chair and throwing his feet on top of the table and popping a new cigar between his lips . Turning to grab your tea pot you see this unfold waltzing over to him and slapping his feet of the table
"That is mahogany" as you say this he goes to protest " no 'lord' Heisenberg you in my domain now no feet on the table" you snatch the cigar from between his lip and toss it into the fireplace "and no smoking in the main room."
"alright, alright," he says holding his arms in the air "one you could have just put it out and handed it back thumper, and second of all watch who your talking to darlin" to this you quickly respond with
"Still dont care" he gives you grunt as a response
"third of all I still have yet to disclose the nature of my visit I need you to look at something for me" and with that he stands up his chest now centimeters from your nose he reaches for his hat and sunglasses setting them on the table, tossing his trench coat on to the chair. your face quickly turning a shade of red dark enough to rival the radishes out in garden as you realize just what he is doing. pulling of his shirt with a wince. Holding his shirt in his hands, you try not to make your gaze obvious, he slowly turns to reveal a large, deep laceration very poorly bandages and clearly in the throes of a terrible infection. you immediately push all other thoughts aside concern taking its place, you recognized this wound, you where present when he resaved it .
"you stupid man child, you know nothing you should just leave the talking to the adults like a good little boy"
"shut your dame hole you bitch"
they have been going at it for 37 minutes and counting Alcina said something Karl disagrees and so the back and forth begins about 5 minutes ago Karl brought out his hammer and been waving it out in the open. tensions have been rising and your a little worried it is about to get violent. Anggie who had been watching the argument from you lap starts to vibrate with joy sensing the approaching violence.
"ooooooooohhh its aaboutttttt tooo get goooooodddddd!!!" she sings while hoping off your lap to sit closer on donnas lap seeing as you are perched by the back wall behind Miranda. and just as you both had predicted disaster struck.
"you insolent fool." Alcina suddenly cry's, swiping her hand forward as Karl turns his back to her slashing from shoulder to hip. you immediately rush forward, only to be stopped by mother Miranda holding her arm in your path.
"ENOUGH, stop the foolishness NOW!" Miranda's voice ringing out clear through the entire hall "Heisenberg my son, stand," she demands. he slowly makes his way to his feet now facing mother Miranda "your actions have been stupid and reckless as punishment, I shall leave you with this burden to care for. maybe it will teach you how much effort it takes heal rather than destroy. and what if feels like to live with ones mistakes." you hand covers your mouth as you bite your tongue. you may not like Karl that much but he still is not as bad as they say.
end scene
"BY THE GODS, how has this not healed yet!? have you been rubbing dirt in it? I knew this was a stupid lesson. I knew I should have gone against that two faced, false goddess, pretensive ass, bitch and marched my happy ass to that factor. THAT WAS TWO WEEKS AGO, this should have been gone ages ago!!!" you shout while carefully examining the laceration. quickly you pull out the char he was previously siting on out, so he could sit on it with his back to the fire and lean on the back of the chair. grabbing Heisenberg's shoulders you gently shove him into the chair. rushing around you grab several herbs hanging from the ceiling in bundles. then over to the counter you produce a mortar and pestle along with several oils and extracts
"woooow, thumper slow down, slow down," he chides calmly garbing your shoulders, your arms still packed full of items. slowly he starts to set the items on the table. "now I didn't rub dirt in it, but there might be some oil, its not healed because I have no idea how to treat a wound this large. and what's this about Miranda being a bitch and ignoring orders?" as he says this you realized just how bad you have fucked up.
"OH MY GODS, I didn't mean a word of it lord Heisenberg I meant no disrespect please I am so sorry dont tell mother Miran-" you franticly bow keeping your eyes to the floor hoping he would ether spare you make you death quick. while he clearly doesn't like Miranda or her family he was still a part of it.
"hay hay hay thumper calm down your alright. I'm not gonna go all psycho on you, and your secret is safe with me, your not the only one with unsavory views on that bitch Miranda." your slowly look up at him in shock it is widely know that he disagree with the other lords but this is a first. you gingerly make your way over to the table and start to mix together several herbs and flowers. "and thumper just call me Karl" he says with a flirtatious grin, you blush but grinding the herbs into a powder
"only if you stop calling me thumper." slowly adding some drops of oils to the mixture making a thick green salve.
"well I gotta have something to call you bunny" he say grin stretching across his face as you blush even more now
"well my name is (Y/N) ok, now stop" you say while puffing up you cheek in a pout. rushing behind him so he can no longer see your face and you can apply the salve" this is going to sting" not give him tome to proses any thing you said you rip off the bandages and start to carefully apply the salve. a shout bubbles up in his throat the second the salve touches his shoulder
"SON OF A Bitch..." he snarls" maybe a little more warning next time y/n" as soon as he growls out your name you short circuit you hand no simply resting next to his wound "y/n... y/n" he waits a couple of seconds before trying again. "y/n!" jumping a little you come back to reality " you all good back there" Karl questions
"almost done just need to finish this up, then I will apply bandages, and all you need to do is rest for a day or two" as you Finnish saying this you reach for he bandages and gently begin to properly wrap the wound "this is how you properly wrap a wound Karl" you make sure to say first his name. "go all the way around and over and around the shoulder" slowly and carefully placing the bandages showing him the movements and positions. you move around to the front of lightly wrapping his shoulder "dont go to tight when bandaging joints, it increases mobility but not lose enough to move" as you speak solely focused on you task at hand you dont see Karl staring at your face, a look of adoration on his face which he is quick to drop once you turn to him. gently patting his shoulder "now all you need is a lot of rest and a hot meal" smiling you slowly make your way over to the fire removing the teapot and hanging a medium sized cauldron over the fire. turning kettle in hand you see Karl putting on his hat and going to pull his coat on having already put his shirt on
"well thumper its been wonderful but I have to get back to my-" you cut him off taking his coat and hanging it by the door.
"oh no you don't, you need rest and real food, and not to make any assumptions but I doubt you'll get any of those in your factory" as you say this you put the chair back in its normal position swiftly going to a small spare room on the side. grabbing a thick blanket you walk to the table, and drape it over the back of the chair. patting it flat you open your arms and jester to the chair "now please have a seat food will be done shortly" you say with a smile as he just stand there slack jawed at you attempting to boss him around. slowly he take a seat and just watches as you prepare a cup of tea for you both "hear this should help with the pain" you say handing him a large mug that still looked too small in his hand. you turn and head back to the counter and start dicing us vegetables and some fish to put the cauldron.
"thank you" he mumbles quietly watching you dance about the kitchen a soft smile on his face. "so what's your story? you obviously dont like Miranda so why stay and be her little pet healer on her beck and call." Karl jests wanting to know more about you now that he has the chance with out his stupid family there
"well a long time ago I has someone I had to look out for, they needed help I could not provide it, Miranda could. So I made a deal, help her, and ill do as wish. So I comply to keep her safe and happy, if it went for her, I would have sent that false deity to her flaming grave decades ago." you finished cutting the veggies and meat depositing it in the pot, you make your way opposite of Karl at the table and take a seat. slowly sipping your tea. "now I just tend to the villagers for Miranda and visit my belladonna"
"wait who is belladonna" he askes a look of confusion overtaking his features
"my apologies, I mean donna, before Miranda adopted her and gave her her gift she was a sad and lonely child with parents too ill to save, so after her parents passing, I watched over her and loved her as my own" you say a soft smile on your face looking around the room I was the only one she let touch Anggie, she was such a kind child asking so many questions behind closed doors and always eager to learn new skills" you reminisce the old days setting your now empty cup on the table. "but now she's grown and well, and happy, so that is all that matters" you say curtly standing and heading over the the bubbling pot of stew and giving it a stir.
"so wait your telling me you the witch who raised Benevento," Karl spouts astonishment clear in his voice. "One how are you not dead yet? Two that's why you spend so much time in that spooky ass house, and three how come you aren't an old hag you dont look a day over 25?" even in shock this man some how still manages to throw in a flirt. you give a small chuckle.
"well when I struck my deal with Miranda," you make you way over to a tall cabinet and withdraw two wooden bowls and a large ladle ." donna was just become a young adult, so she new what excepting Miranda's gift would entitle, including the prolonged life." returning to the stew and scooping a hefty serving into Karl's bowl and only filling your half way. "after her parents suicided she couldn't handle the loss another parental figure, her words not mine, she refused the treatment unless Miranda changed me as well." hanging the ladle on the wall and carefully turning back to Karl and making your way to him. "I had already had my go at life and helped as many as I could so I agreed not expecting to come out alive," you say calmly sitting down in the seat acres from Karl. "unfortunately my will was to strong so hear I am now, a fail experiment serving out my end of the deal" you give a sarcastic smile and do a little jazz hands as your story comes to a close. Karl is still for moment then burst into a deep laughter, but still alarmed at your willingness to except death.
"I'm sorry bunny I dont mean to be insensitive," he attempts to suppress his chuckles. "you are really the one that raised donna?"
"yes I am I know its a little hard to believe, but yes." you say solemnly feeling a little weird everyone who knew you too be donnas nanny have long since passed.
"no no no, there ain't nothing wrong with that darlin! In fact you did fucking awesome, out of all of us monsters she has the best manners and turned out the best." he says in a panicked tone, afraid he has said something wrong.
"Karl none of you are monsters, and your ok you didn't say anything wrong" you say quickly adding " none of you are monsters! you and the other were forced into the experiments, unlike donna and I. your only a monster when you subject an enter village to a false religion just to slaughter them for her experiments under the name of a sick false family she has not love for!" you say venom and hate for that hag dripping from each word. a stern but caring look on your face as you look rights in his eyes as you say this "you aren't a monster. you where a kid with out a choice, and now you are a man surviving and your doing amazing in your situation." you cautiously grab his hand resting in the table " you are not a monster no mater who has told you that including your self" He pulls back lightly but does not remove your hand from his., allowing you to rub his knuckles.
"but I-" he starts but you dont let him continue
"nope you cant convince me other wise, I'm the village crazy witch I am all knowing and wise." you say in a cherry tone, garbing his hand with both of yours. using one to tap out a small tune on the back of his hand. that nice deep laughter made an appearance again you have to admit its nice to hear him laugh instead of ague with everyone.
"well dame bunny, can't argue with that logic now can I " A large toothy grin takes over his face little crinkles show at the corners of his eyes. shaking his head he gives a chuckle then picks up the bowl of stew and finishing what was left in the bowl in a few gulps. setting the bowl down he asks "shit that hit the spot, can I just take you home with me and have you cook for me every night that some dame good stew" he jokes. laughing a little you finish your bowl, garbing his you stand and bring them to a bucket at the end of the sink.
"no I cant come home with you every day" rinsing the plates before setting them in the bucket you continue. "but you can come over when ever the lantern on the porch is light, if its not I am either in the village with a patient, or visiting donna or Miranda, or foraging. I am a busy witch Karl, just a warning." he chuckles
"ill make a note of that expect me often that shits good." he says pointing at the pot hanging over the small flames.
"well in that case ill put some in jars so you can take it with you when you leave tomorrow" you say off handedly while making your way over to the pot fishing the leftovers out, and putting it in two large mason jars. out of the corner of your eye you see him deflate a little when you when you mention his departure tomorrow. moving over to a wall of cupboard you store the two jars "to night you can take my bed or the cot in the guest room, though I dont know if you'll fit" you say walking over to said door and opening it reveling a small room with a vanity in the back left corner to the left of the door was a small sink and counter with a basin next to it. opposite to that was a small cabinet and in the back right corner a small wooden cot about half the side of the man now standing directly behind you in the doorway. so close, when he took a deep breath you could feel his shirt brush your, and his warm breath fans across your neck. now with bright red face you make you hastily make you way to the cabinet to the right of the door and start to grab a large quilt and a pillow or two. Karl enters the room looking around taking in the new environment and casually making his way over to the cot and taking a seat. you head over to him staring at the blanket hoping that he would not see your face
"thank you, y/n you really could've just sent my packing I really appreciate it I do" he says with a soft smile resting on his scared face, 'it suites him,' you think to your self 'he should smile more.'
"well hear you go this should be think enough it gets pretty chilly in hear and I haven't fixed the heater yet so if you need more there are some in the cabinet you say gesturing to the cabinet with your head. holding the blanket and pillow out for him to take he reaches hands grazing against yours as he takes them from your hands pulling them closer"
"thanks bunny I re-" he is abruptly cut short by a sharp wine of wood under duress followed quickly by a loud snap of the cot braking a the loud thud of Karl's ass hitting the floor. "OH FUCK" Karl was now the one looking up at you. slapping a hand over your mouth to suppress the laughter about to burst from you.
"OH by the gods, are you ok" you say still trying to hold back the onslaught of giggles offering a hand for him to take
"so this is what the weather is like down here" he says jokingly as you hoist him off the ground carful of his shoulder and back. gently slapping his chest
"I'm only a little shorter than you, ya know" you say "but in light of me needing to purchase a new cot from duke, I guess you'll be sleeping in my bed tonight." he gives you a flirty look
"dame thumper if you wanted me in your bed that bad all you had to do was ask not buries my ass first" he says with a deep chuckle.
"I am not tying to get you in my bed" you say panicked face exploding with red. "I wont even be in it with you, and secondly it wasn't that far of a drop so the only thing damage was you ego and my cot obviously. now come follow me please." you say now attempting to lead him out of the room. Karl looks at you as if he was trying to figure something but soon trailing behind you like a lost puppy. you lead him through the main room down a hallway with three doors heading to the furthest down you push open the heavy wooden door. letting Karl enter first you make your way to the bed garbing your favorite pillow and a thick blanket off the bed spread "well she's all yours" you say jokingly waving your arm over the bed as a invitation dont lay on your back or shoulder" you say making your way back to the door arms now full "sleep well." and with at you turn to leave only to be stopped by a hand on your shoulder.
"wait if I'm sleeping here and I just demolished your spare bed where will you be sleeping" he ask concern lacing his voice a he turn you around to face him
"well ill go clean up the old cot and then ill just use some spare blankets as a mattress for the night." you say with out a second thought.
"no no no, I will not let you do that you have done enough for me. I'll just go back to my factory and be out of your hair." your face scrunches up.
"you say that as if I am annoyed by you, but I can assure you, you do not annoy me. next I wont let you leave this hut you need to rest and I need to change those bandages as soon as you wake." you say no room for argument evident in your voice. "and if you have such an issue using my bed but I apologies its the only one, and I wont let you sleep on the floor with that wound." you with finality.
"then I guess well just have too share it. cues I will just jump through a window to go back home" he say with a laugh. you have no idea if he was joking or not. still, gazing up at his face the smirk remained "so" he asks "which will it be will you join me or and I gonna have to practice my long distance sprint." you sigh growing tired with every passing second your long day finally catching up too you. no longer having any energy to argue.
"fine" you huff out walking over to the bed where Karl was I like the right side" climbing in you take a body pillow from the back of the bed putting it in the middle " you better stay on your half of the bed old man" you say climbing back down from the bed and heading a dresser under a large window. you produce a pair of sleep thin pants and a large think white long sleeved shirt. "I need to change so ether steep out or just dont look." to tired to care at this point you look over your shoulder and see him turned away from you sitting on the left side of the bed. replacing your dirty clothe with fresh sleep pants and a oversized top. garbing a spare pair of large sleep pants and shirt before making your way back to the bed, flopping onto it comically ,while tossing the change of clothing on his side of the bed "hear you go, this should fit" he looks down at the articles of clothing.
"well thank you bunny," undoing his belt and changing his pant, completely ignoring the new shirt. "but uhhh I dont think that shirt is gonna work though" he says smirk evident in his voice.
"and why would that be-" you ask confusion clear on you face as you roll over to face him without thinking. face exploding in color as you freeze up, now staring at his bare chest brain loosing any train of thought.
"my eyes are up hear now bunny," he says with a deep chuckle "but please dont let me interrupt your staring. as for why I never sleep with one its confining" smirk never leaving his face, as he lays down on his half of the mattress. quickly you roll over
"I wasn't staring, I zoned out. Just toss the shirt on to the top of the dresser" he gives another chuckle but says nothing. pulling the thick comforter up to you chin due to the chill, reaching over you turn the knob on the lantern smothering the flame. "good night Karl sleep well" you say without a second thought closing your eyes slowly, reality fading out as you hear Karl
"goodnight thumper sleep well" a gentleness to his tone that sends the rest of the way to sleep.
word count: 5884
ps: please forgive my horrid grammar
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