#catwin fanfics
atitanbitch · 1 month
I need people to write more fanfics for Edwin and the Cat King, there are not nearly enough and I am in love with them.
Only slightly obsessed
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densewentz · 15 days
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Edwin has to bite his lip to smother his laugh, shoulders shaking minutely against tanned skin. The rough sound ratchets up a tick. Purring. The Cat King is purring.
Guys I wrote 2k of toothrotting catwin fluff! Check it out on ao3 💕
tags: edwin/cat king, established relationship, Teen, no archive warnings, kissing/cuddling, purring, excessive use of the words warmth and rumbling, just generally a sweet soft little thing tbh
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reyl0ct · 24 days
I now really need a CatWin fic with those infamous lines;
Edwin: ....You came..
The Cat King: ...You called...
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Listen I know it's probably Charles and Edwin as endgame but still
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theongp · 22 days
Not a big fan of fictional sexual/romantic relationship that "involved more than two people" until these four showed up in my fangurl life
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Sadly there's no M/M/M/M fic of them yet and not even 3some fic of Cat King x Edwin x Charles, unbelievable. Besides, I can't read many Catwin's fic because I can't stand the scenario, the universe where Edwin and Charles stay friends for the rest of their death. The things you have to accept when you decided to live on both ships I guess.
P/s: I think I haven't passed by any fanart of Edwin's harem either and that's just sad :(
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nualaofthefaerie · 1 month
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Wrote a Catwin fic the way I promised 🔍
"No bodies, a missing statue, a mysterious letter with a sizable reward attached to it and the cats are getting blamed. The whole thing stinks from a mile away."
The one where Edwin discovers the Cat King of Port Townsend might be more than he had bargained for.
Have fun, guys 🪷🩷
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schelluminium · 6 days
Sitting down now to write THE Catwin fic with stripper and sometimes drag queen Thomas who is also nonbinary and freshly outed Edwin who can't deal with all the gay panic that's gonna be inflicted on him.
*rubs hands together*
I hope y'all are ready for this
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The Cat King: You know where to find me! Edwin: And I know where to look!
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nikolailantsovhoe · 6 days
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Catwin Fanfic ~ The Gleam In Your Eyes by @freudensteins-monster
Edwin is out at a nightclub with his friends (78% against this will) when he bumps into someone he hasn't seen since he was in Hell a.k.a St Hilarion's Boarding School.
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Cat King Zoomies at Ass O'Clock at Night
This was so cute and we need more fanfics of cat King acting like a actual cat
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skarkkk · 1 month
Ok, ok, so, I read this post (and loved it) and the idea was instantaneous. Maybe I'll write it, maybe I won't, but I need it written down, so if anyone is interested.
Imagine a case of human sacrifices. The boys are called (Niko alive and with them!) to this case through a ghost who was sacrificed and seeks justice and can pay well. Then they find out that these people are being sacrificed to the Cat King. A witch turned one of his cats into a human (Esther and Monty style) and the cat becomes a bit fanatical and sacrifices people as gifts, secret admirer style. Edwin is clearly jealous. And the Cat King helps them with the case, just to get close to his ghost. In the middle of the case or when it ends, Edwin admits (by accident) that he was jealous and the Cat King simply loves that fact. Then he asks permission for a kiss, and it happens. And I would love a more explicit scene from them with lots of dirty talk and compliment kink, but I'll take any crumbs.
First time: in the middle of the case there may even be the cat finding out and going after Edwin and King Cat becoming super protective (and the team, obviously) and having another kiss in front of the people or later, in private. Or the second version, after the affair, like farewell sex, and Edwin talking about how he loved it to Charles or Niko and there's a cute moment of friendship.
Also in the scene there are two possibilities, either the boys and Crystal still living there with Niko to stay with her while she recovers or Niko finding out about the case through this ghost she found in the library or I don't know and talking to the boys and them coming from London (hence the farewell sex) and then returning there, or even the four of them living in London and the ghost going after them (or even Gato Rei asking for help) to ask for help and them going to city of Gato Rei (I forgot the name) and then returning to London (or maybe they stay and open an office?).
Anyway, maybe I thought about this a little too much.
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popodoki · 20 days
Blowing the dust off of this Tumblr just to peek in and see if there's like a ... Catwin space on here? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Cause I definitely took one (1) look at the Cat King and Edwin together in the same room and it broke my decade long writer hiatus :))
So, anyone around to discuss/share Edwin/Cat King thoughts with?
Mind you I'm mostly looking for ADULT 18+ moots/discussions here, since all my own fics are pure filth ( ◡‿◡ *)
(I'll discuss cute headcanons with anyone but like just be aware??)
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ponurrrykociak · 6 hours
My favourite line from a Catwin fic, please this is gold
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reyl0ct · 7 days
The low growl echoed through the empty warehouse, and although sensations were available to ghosts, Edwin could still feel a chill run down his spine. He turned very slowly to the snarling dog like creature. It looked unlike any canine he had seen before. The coat of the animal was like that of a border collie but with an ethereal tint of deep blue, the kind of dark blue seen only in the night sky. It's eyes were pupil less, iris' a pale blue with the outer most part of the eye and bright red.
"Hellhound? Cu-sithe? Church Grimm perhaps?" Edwin's mind raced through all the information he had read in his numerous amounts of books. Grasping at any sliver of information that would help him survive this dreaded encounter. He took a few careful steps backwards, but he didn't account for the scattered debris on the floor.
He tripped, landing hard on his ass and the dog lunged. Edwin closed his eyes and put up his arms in a pathetic attempt to protect himself, bracing himself for the inevitable impact of the beast sinking it's teeth into ghostly skin… But that never came. Instead the yowl of a cat rang out in his ears and the dog let out loud yelp.
Edwin opened his eyes immediately only to see a very feral black cat standing protectively between him and the aggressive dog. Upon closer inspection Edwin could see blood dripping from near the dog's eyes. The dog whimpered as it attempted to wipe the blood with it's paw. That seemed to only irritate the wound and blind it further. The dog turned tail and darted out of the warehouse, tripping over debris and running into walls as it departed.
Edwin couldn't tear his eyes away from the feline as it was engulfed in a familiar plume of purple smoke and flame. The Cat King stood in place of the feral cat with a familiar Cheshire grin.
"My my, You really take the part of Damsel in distress seriously don't you~?" he teased.
Any witty retort died Edwin's lips as Charles and Crystal chose that exact moment to finally make their appearance.
"Edwin! What happened!? Did you catch the dog?-" Charles had barely finished his sentence as he was suddenly slammed up against a wall. He had barely had the time to register that The Cat King tightened both his fists in the front of Charles' shirt and if looks could kill.
"Where were you? I thought you were his 'best friend'? Where were you when he was in trouble just now?" he hissed.
Edwin had finally gathered his senses enough to stand and quickly made his way to intervene when he noticed something dripping from the Cat King to the floor.
"You're bleeding!" Edwin and Crystal stood deathly still, the trauma from loosing Nico making it's way to the front of their minds. The Cat King looked at them both, not quite registering what they had said. Charles managed to shake himself free, causing the Cat King to stumble. Huh? That's funny, the Cat King couldn't recall anyone getting out of his grasp so easily. He swayed slightly. Charles fixed him with an apprehensive, but worried look.
"You alright Mate? That's a lot of blood…"
The Cat King reflexively placed a hand at his abdomen, where a steady pain had began growing in intensity. He pulled his hand away to look at the wet red substance and the realization dawned on him. It was blood, His blood. He looked up regarding the worried faces of the trio.
"Fuck…" was all he managed before he stumbled and collapsed onto the ground. His vision began darkening around the edges. He could faintly register the sounds of voices around him, but they sounded so far away.
"Charles! Help me!…. No no no, stay with me! Please!" the last thing he saw was the look of Edwin's worried face above him. He wanted to be smug, make a snide comment about Edwin caring for him, but his mouth felt so dry and he felt so tired. He felt his eyes flutter and close against his will. Everything went dark and he drifted unconscious.
Monty sighed deeply as he, practically dragging his feet as he carried the over full bag of ingredients. Since Esther had disappeared (Good riddance) he had found himself a new witch. The woman had bought Esther's house after she disappeared and of course she just happened to be a witch as well. The biggest difference though was that this one was uncharacteristically kind. He'd never met a witch like that, she was the exact opposite of Esther. Also she was really old, and she had a habit of treating him more like a grandchild than a familiar. She had even started teaching him a few basic spells after giving him a human form again.
Here he was out basically grocery shopping. Yes some of these were special ingredients from Tragic Mick's shop, the majority was food to stock the fridge. Meat from the butcher shop, celery, bread, milk. Despite his luck of finding his new master, his days in Port Townsend had become extremely dull. He couldn't help thinking about a few months back when the exciting crew of the Dead Boy Detective Agency had blown into town. They turned everything upside down and left just as soon as they had arrived, and although Monty had his heart completely broken, he couldn't help wonder what Edwin was up to now days.
His daydreams were cut short by a distressed whine coming from a dark alley way. He stopped suddenly, taking a few steps into the alley. There hidden in the shadows of a dumpster was a dog? The pattern of it's fur made him think of those herding dogs, what were they called again? Oh right, border collies, but they was something different about this dog. Being a familiar, Monty could easily fish out magic and this dog was definitely innately magical. The dog whined again and he felt his heart clench in his chest.
"Hey, Hey, it's alright. I'm not gonna hurt you." upon closer inspection he could see that the animal was wounded. A nasty few gashes over it's eyes. "Looks like you got into a fight with a… cat…" Monty inhaled sharply as he felt a wave of anger wash over him. Memories from the forest invaded his mind, memories he had been trying hard to forget. Memories of a certain so called Cat King. The dog whimpered pitifully again and Monty snapped out of his reverie, grateful for the distraction from his depressing memories.
He smiled sadly at the dog. "Don't worry, I'm going to help you." He looked at the dog, it was far too big for him to carry given his small size. He thought for a brief moment before rummaging through the bag and finding the meat he had picked up from the butcher shop. The dog instantly perked up at the smell of food. It licked it's chops and it's nose twitched in hopeful anticipation.
Monty tossed a small chunk of meat and the dog swallowed it quickly. Monty tucked a stray strand of his dark hair behind his ear before gingerly reaching his hand towards the dog. The dog regarded him hesitantly, before accepting that he wasn't a threat. It placed it's head against his palm and Monty laughed in relief as he gave the dog's head a few careful strokes.
"You poor thing, You can't see right now can you?" Monty gave the dog another piece of meat. "There's more where that came from, but you have to come with me." He stood up from where he had crouched down to engage with the dog and began walking away. The dog stood up and took a few hesitant steps forward. Monty turned back to the dog.
"It'll be ok, I'll talk to you, just follow the sound of my voice…" And the dog followed him.
To be continued?
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reallifetangent · 1 month
Realization 1.0 (Cat King x Edwin)
I really tried writing something, this is one of the two attempts. English is not my main language, and I also have to translate Ir(me) → Spanish → English → Making Sense in English. I didn't actually finish this one, so, have this draft. Sorry if it disappoints.
Based on the idea of How did Cat King react when he got back the bracelet. Technically is a One Sided Catwin, happens in the events of the series.
"Hm?" A surprise sound between a purr and a question got stuck in his lips, seeing how in his characteristical flames, a cat shaped bracelet appeared in front of his bed. Just waking from the heartbreak of the last night, tired after scan the forest and each tree, Cat King (or Thomas for friends or Fandom) looked at the metallic enchanted piece. Didn't have to get closer, but yet he did. He could recognized that ghostly faded smell, and he was shocked and out of his mind when finally picked it up. Tried to think it was just an illusion, a bad taste joke about it.
"How did he do that?" He was both amazed and hurt. How come a ghost, a simple yet fascinating ghost boy hexed his handcuff, his attachment to this town, to his kingdom. Maybe he counted all the cats. "No. The spell only works if I undo it. That's the charm of this charm." Edwin was resourceful, but he couldn't find anything at Tragic Mick's. His cats around town and his own knowledge knew that no trinket from that haunted store could help them. Otherwise, Edwin, his aggressive pal and that psychic girl would've left the country as soon as they got out of his Majesty's Deck.
His small game of cat and mouse was gone, and he didn't even say goodbye. That was hurting. A well mannered gentleman like Edwin could never leave without a word, even if they didn't like it, his manners and old fashioned ways were stronger than his pride sometimes. That was attractive. He liked that correct and straight up part of him (not the straight part. Edwin has none.) The way Edwin fancily rejected and asked to take it off the first time, the panics and educated rejects at his touch. Maybe last night he was a bit rough telling him that they were only there because of that bracelet, nothing else. But Gods from heaven and hell, that was so ho-
"Heaven and hell." His sliced eyes opened wider, seeing every little part of the handcuff, the hits and tries of forcing the lock. The faded particles of a burnt wall. Thomas knew he was powerful, but not above any of the Primordial Gods, The Endless, Lilith. Even with his 9 lives, he wasn't above Death. And thought that those Dead Boy Detectives couldn't get struggling with her. Sneaky, one step ahead, 30 years running from her. Thomas liked that. Defying. But back to his thoughts, he finally felt that sting.
Edwin Payne had been claimed back to hell. Some cats told there was a creepy woman looking for them, about to "Get them back where they belong". Edwin's cleverness wasn't enough to escape her? Well, now was late to help him.
"Sir, we are... Troubled to inform you-" a grey old cat approached their king.
"I know, I know. That little dead boy has been departed to another jurisdiction. I... Got the message." He sighed, spinning in his fingers the metal piece.
"Worse, my Lord. The crazy nurse woman was there, yes. But something worse." Even the cat got goosebumps, their back hairs bristly. "She wasn't even aware. A demonic... thing... took him and dragged him to hell."
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twainxavier · 13 days
So, I wrote a Catwin Fic purely based on the thought in my brain of the Cat King sneaking into Edwin's room in cat form and snuggling up with him whilst he slept.
Yes, this is some kind of AU I've invented where Edwin has a room and sleeps and many other random things, but you know what, we're rolling with it XD
Anyway! I hope you all enjoy the fic! And here is some fanart I drew for it to hopefully help encourage you to go read it XD Thank you so much in advance if you do read it! <3<3<3
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nualaofthefaerie · 18 days
Gentle reminder that two and a half chapters of "The Case of the Missing Cat" are out on Ao3 🩷🪷 Chapter 3 is going to be released in the upcoming week and a half
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