#cause all of these are obikin lol
tennessoui · 7 months
Writing Patterns (Tag Game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
ten seems like a daunting amount i have to say (thanks for the tag @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing!) - the first two are not yet published but are on my publish very very soon list
Obi-Wan understands that the notion is a figment of his imagination, but understanding that does not make it feel less real. (march ko-fi fic)
When the dust settles, Obi-Wan is surprised to find himself still standing. (obi-wan raises baby luke fic - to be published soon)
Skywalker turns to look out the window, a solemn, solitary tear rolling down his cheek as he takes in the sight of the vast, uncaring city-planet of Coruscant. ("the kenobi conundrum")
Anakin’s of the mind that if you’re having a shit day, you should just be allowed to teleport straight back to your bed whenever you like. ("tripping over my words trying to give you my name")
Anakin Skywalker's eyes used to be blue, Obi-Wan remembers that. (Jedi Healer Anakin AU, February Ko-Fi fic)
Anakin wakes to the sound of birdsong and the heavy weight of the cat on his chest. ("forgive the dog its bloody teeth")
Obi-Wan has never seen so much blood. ("hold my heart more gently than you do my throat")
It’s the sound of loud, angry caterwauling coming from somewhere outside Obi-Wan’s door that eventually wakes him up. (Anakitty AU, January Ko-Fi fic)
Strangely, it feels both as if a great weight has been removed from his chest and as if he’s just run several parsecs at the same time: like he can breathe freely for the first time in years, but like he’s incredibly winded, each breath a short gasp. ("a more perfect union")
As cold as the nights on Tatooine can get, it only takes a few hours past the rise of the suns for the planet to heat once more. ("haunt me then")
looks like i like a proper noun right out of the gate lol did the tags not tell you who the fic was gonna be about? no worries the first sentence will
tagging @tideswept @sendpseuds @ragnarlothcat @dark--whisperings @grapenehifics @lilredghost - and anyone else! for as many fics as you like because 10 is so much fr
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obikindred · 6 months
Ok tumblr today I am going to ramble about something. It was discussed in the obikin discord i thinkkk probably about a year ago now? But:
Obligate cannibal stewjoni.
I figure thats not everyone’s jam, so more about biological logistics and how that applies to our good friend Obi-wan below the cut vv
So I know the biology surrounding an obligate cannibal would have to be kind of funky but basically in my mind the prion diseases that would kill irl humans provides a necessary nutrient in stewjoni lifeforms. Perhaps two or more separate humanoid species are the only living things left on the planet after its other meat sources have been hunted to extinction, leaving only the humanoid species left. Maybe a herbivore group vs a group of obligate carnivores? Or maybe it’s just one carnivorous group that utilizes slavery/human husbandry/ human sacrifice? Regardless, it causes them to evolve over time into obligate cannibals. Or something. I offer you an obi-wan with pointed, ripping teeth and (optionally) nails that grow in naturally sharp.
I figure the temple provides Obi-wan with synthetic meat or supplement pills or something that has the added nutrients needed for a stewjoni initiate, so he never actually feels the craving for humanoid flesh until he gets put in a situation where those rations are not readily available to him. I also figure they probably give him special classes on his own biology so he knows how important it actually is to keep those rations/supplements on him at all times, but. You know. Shit just happens to Obi-wan LOL.
Qui-gon discovering a young Obi-wan on Melida-Daan wide eyed and drenched in blood, having gone without his supplements for too long for the first time and deciding that no, he will NOT in fact train this feral animal (he does infact begrudgingly train this feral animal). Qui-gon is wary of this boy, treats him like a dangerous animal that needs to be controlled, and in response, ever grateful for the chance to probe that he is not too wild to be domesticated, his padawan becomes just that. Obi-wan is the perfect jedi, you would scarcely know of his origin planet if not for those teeth (he files his nails down and smiles with his mouth closed. Nothing to be done for speaking, unfortunately.)
There is a significantly more upsetting, dead-dove rabbithole that could be followed regarding one Anakin Skywalker’s missing hand and a master that is Not Normal about his padawan, how something about the boy just makes his teeth itch for the hot, steady gush of fresh blood, but I digress. Im always down to talk about weird starwarse biology and even moreso about obligate cannibal obiwan, but I think I will leave this here for now… :3
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padawansuggest · 9 months
I know this is basically a codywan blog, but thoughts on Anidala?
Personally I just feel like they were both batshit crazy Anakin just got a bit too silly
I personally headcanon padme to more dominant because she has more life experience and because Anakin had been through so much he would probably only allow himself to be vulnerable with her
Also I heard that Anakin canonically wanted to be her house husband in the comics but I dont know where to read all of them so idk if it's true
Sorry that this is so late lol. So. I got this this morning but I have been out most the day and I have been thinking about it the whole time.
Just cause I love codywan doesn’t mean I don’t love other ships!!!!! Anidala is a fave of mine!!!! In fact!!! I love subby and bottomy Ani!!!!!
ABO AU???? Ani is either a submissive/bottom Alpha or a mega subby/bottom omega. No beta.
BDSM AU??? That’s a sub.
Slut au???? Ani wants his prostate fucked mercilessly and will not accept topping ever.
The only time Padme ever bottomed was a somewhat bad experiment of theirs that ended in the twins. Or maybe she’s NEVER bottomed but force said Babies Now and that’s how it went. Or even Rex getting them both pregnant at the same time, Ani with Leia and Padme with Luke lmao.
Either way. I ship bottom Ani and Submissive Ani.
I just don’t ship bottom or submissive Ani with Obi but I also don’t ever ship ObiKin so it’s not really an issue lol.
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veloursdor · 3 months
Ok, I just want to say I love the Obikin fic (Love At First Sight, At Last Sight, At Ever And Ever Sight) you are writing currently!! It’s been on my brain since I started reading, and I can’t wait for the next update!! I have no clue how it’s going to wrap up in two chapters, though I’m extremely excited. Depending on the ending, do you think you’d ever consider doing a sequel to it? I think (depending on how you choose to finish it) a sequel would have a lot of potential. I know I’d definitely read it lol
oh, i'm so not going to wrap up everything in two chapters that i'm officially erasing that 15 and just putting a '?' in it cause where im now (writing wise) is so far from reaching a conclusion im crying a little (kidding i love this fic and this unhinged bastard known as mr. kenobi)
right now, where i stand, the only way i see a sequel for fslseaes is to write the life anakin will have as mr. kenobi's boy wife, how their marriage is something obi-wan can't control like he thought he would (so different from his marriage with satine) but still sweet enough that he's happy in this life he groomed for himself.
the next update (if all goes well) will be up tomorrow 😉
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grumfield · 16 days
I gotta say. I followed you cause I was reading 2ha (still not finished reading but fully spoiled so) and the sudden obikin shift DID awaken an ancient high school hyperfixation like a sleeper agent
LMAO I’m glad you stuck around!! 2ha will forever be dear to me, the hyperfixation lasted like 5 years straight lol. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book whenever you get around to it :)
And LMAO It’s funny, I was never into star wars at all really but then I looked at it with shizunfucker goggles a couple of months ago and was like…oh…Oh No and that awoke the beast inside me. And the beast is getting fed beyond its wildest dreams lol. And I’m glad I could awaken the beast within you too
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virahaus · 7 months
Writing Patterns (Tag Game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Thank you for the tag @thegingerwrites! <33
This game intrigues me so i'm as curious as you to see what happens lol
Beep-beep. Beep-beep. Beep-beep. Obi-Wan groans in consternation. (A slip of the tongue, Obikin)
Their breaths sounded harsh, reverberating in the small bunk on their ship, moans and gasps mixing as they moved together. (and the sun will shine upon us again, Obikin)
Of all the prisoners the Prism housed, Master Skeit thought that the most unsettling was the boy. (Caged, Obikin)
“You are on this council… but we do not grant you the rank of master.” Windu’s words echoed in Anakin’s head as he sat down in his council chair, feeling sharply the sting of humiliation. (Obi-Two, Obikin)
The first rays of light reflect off the water and Bruce watches the sunrise, sipping the first coffee of the day.(Family dinner, Batfamily)
Kei didn't know exactly when his feelings towards Yamaguchi had started to change.(Never let me go, Tsukkiyama)
"Sasuke?"The sheets are soft against his skin and they smell of lemons, a scent Sasuke is beginning to hate.(Re-Life, SasuHina)
When Bruce returned from a day of work at Wayne Enterprises – he did not lounge in his office like Alfred always told him, thank you very much – he certainly didn't expect to see a party in full swing in his home.(What happens at a Batman party..., SuperBat)
The street that led to his house from Cokeworth’s old and only pub was long and uneventful, and Tobias liked it that way. (a change of direction, HP)
If there was something that irritated Severus to no end, it was Harry wearing his clothes. (Maddening attire, Snarry)
Well,,, it seems like I enjoy opening my fics with my pgs in a state of mild irritation/confusion lmao akhkashkah i did not expect that but I like it. Only two start with a direct convo! very nice. And i'm probably continuing this trend of starting fic by torturing my pgs so,,, yeah
Hope you enjoyed this, cause I certainly did.
I'll tag @artemisthehuntress @samstree @astralmaenad and anyone who wants to try! No pressure.
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fishnamedsushi · 10 months
(Laughs/cries at how late I am)
Work has been so busy recently and I've been heads down working on my latest fic, but the amazing @lilredghost and @dark--whisperings both tagged me in this game!!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
(Me: Wait, really??? That's awesome!)
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
188,000 words!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My jam these days is Star Wars (Obikin) but previously I was involved in MCU verse (Stony, TaserTricks). I am also eyeing some potential fics in OFMD and Lokius...if I ever get the time lol.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
FML, Darcy Lewis Style (627 kudos) Loki/Darcy Lewis, AU
Forget Me Not (426 kudos) Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tatooine AU amnesia fic
If You'll Let Me (376 kudos) Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, A/B/O AU
A Different Sort of Knife (303 kudos) Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sith Obi/Padawan Ani AU
A Perfect Distraction (243 kudos) Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi, the lip gloss fic
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Comments are my favorite thing and I love reading and responding to them! They're honestly one of the best motivations to keep me writing...I've changed fics mid-plot just because of comments lol.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm...probably Lie To Me or While You Were Gone, both Sherlock (Johnlock) fics. Both stories are very dark and gritty, especially WYWG, and I think I might have been going through *some stuff* when I wrote them that influenced how they turned out lol. I absolutely adore WYWG - it's one of my favorite fics that I've written.
For Obikin, the angstiest fic is probably Away From Me (Don't Fall) which is a post-Order 66 fic where Anakin's fall to the Dark Side caused Obi-Wan to fall as well. It's a recent fic and I've got a sequel half-drafted just waiting to be finished. There's a twist at the end that I won't spoil...you'll have to go read it if you want to know what happens 👀
7. What's the fic your write with the happiest ending?
Ohh..that's a tough one! I always strive for happy endings (no pun intended) even in fics that are literally just porn (in which case, pun definitely intended).
I think To Tell The Moon has a very sweet happy ending. It's a same-age AU where Anakin and Obi-Wan are both padawans and end up taking part in winter festivities on a planet during a mission. It's a very wholesome fic all around (though since it's me, there is some angst haha).
The next one would probably be Forget Me Not and A Perfect Distraction, which I linked above, if only because both of them feature Obi-Wan getting what he wants and deserves, which he never does in canon, and I want him to be happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in a long time, thankfully. When I first started writing fanfic I did get some hate which was very demoralizing but eventually I just decided to tell those people to fuck off very kindly. I've been so lucky to be in fandoms where everyone is pretty accepting and supportive 💕
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
👀😉😎 Check my AO3. There's smut. I'm a big fan of dirty talk and D/s undertones. Obikin delivers plenty of opportunity !
10. Do you write cross-overs?
Not yet! I would love to try one day if the opportunity presented itself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but I would love that if anyone every felt so inclined! Same with podfics.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have not but that would be an interesting experience!
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
That's such a tough question haha. If I had to choose, I'd pick, in no particular order:
15. What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I want to go back and finish A Different Sort of Knife one day. I had such a fantastic time writing Sith Obi-Wan and his catnip Padawan Anakin. I hope that I get the motivation to go back to it.
I just finished a WIP that I had started last year and ended up coming back to it after a hiatus (Forget Me Not), so there is hope!
16. What are your writing strength?
I like to think that I'm good at characterization. It's something I obsess over when I'm writing, to the point that I end up throwing out whole passages if I don't feel like I'm conveying the character correctly. I've been told that my descriptions and metaphors are good, which is lovely to hear ❤
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably that it takes me too long to write something haha.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love reading fics with dialogue in other languages! It adds so much depth to the story and is very immersive.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
MCU (Loki/Darcy Lewis). Back when I thought I was straight, but Tom Hiddleston and Kat Dennings are both babes so I stand by it.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably To Tell The Moon or Forget Me Not.
Phew, that was fun! Thanks so much for the tags!
To keep this rolling, I'll tag in @demon----dean, @nixie-deangel, @renlyslittlerose, @dreaminghour in case you haven't already been tagged!
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zeawesomebirdie · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much @unmaskedcardinal for the tag!!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
29 total, but I haven't spent the time crossposting my old ff.net fics yet
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Like, actively? Cause uh, I'm the kind of person who needs to finish the fic before I can post it, and so I'm currently in the process of a whole bunch of fics that I haven't yet posted. Those are Gunsmoke (radio version), MASH, Star Wars: Legends + Star Wars: prequels, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and the DCU (but more like, specifically the all media types of Batman and Superman specifically)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Truth/Dare (revalink, college!AU, rated T)
Rainy-day Homework (ganlink, college!AU, rated G)
but when i'm alone on the longest nights, i think of you and your fairy lights (beedlink, mostly canon compliant, rated E)
Missing Memories (revalink, angst, rated T)
An Unexpected Picnic (revalink, pre-Calamity, rated G)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Recently I haven't been as good about keeping up with them because of my chronic illness stuff, but when I have a good day I try to get them done :) I think it's really fun to connect with people who have similar tastes as I do, and get to discuss headcanons or plot points or what have you!!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually write things that end on angst, I usually aim for hurt/comfort or at least some form of hopeful ending. I've been told that Missing Memories is my angstiest fic, but I think that title is actually held by Pompeii (If You Close Your Eyes) (song fic)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say if i were to save you, would you do the same (kylux). It's the whole surviving against all odds and then looking toward the future thing, you know?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on Ao3, but I have on ff.net. It's been a few years since those days though!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do!! I just don't post it, for reasons related to I haven't finished the fics in question yet lol. I try to write it as a way for the characters to explore each other and connect on a different level beyond the usual grime and gore and horror of the worlds they live in.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
So. I don't have any posted yet oh no I've said this like five times by now ahh, however I have plot bunnies for a MASH/Star Wars: prequels crossover, and I just started plotting out a Gunsmoke/DCU crossover. I think the Gunsmoke/DCU one is crazier exclusively because it's a very tiny fandom for a radio/TV show from the 50's mixed with the whole Batman and Superman fandoms, which. Kind of a large set of fandoms there ngl
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have no idea. Probably, but I haven't heard about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did the 2021 Kylux Big Bang with @viraaja and the 2021 Obikin Big Bang with @skittlles !! I'd love to do more work with others at some point, genuinely wonderful experiences!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Is it a cop out to say I just don't have one? I never really leave a fandom, even once I'm not actively writing for it, I just kind of cycle through them, so I cycle through my ships accordingly. Maybe PruCan (Hetalia), if only because they're my oldest otp??
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Well. Ideally none of them. I have every intention of eventually finishing everything I'm currently writing, hence why I refuse to post them until they're done. That said, I've been sitting on several mostly-finished fics for like three+ years without actively working on them so. We'll see.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told my characterisation is really good, and I try to get as accurate a voice as I can for every character!!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Repeating phrases and words without intending to. I used that exact word three times in like three paragraphs in a row, why am I like this!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Two thoughts: if you know enough of the language to have proper grammar and etc sure go for it, but also, is it being used with or without translation? If no one else is supposed to understand (besides the reader), I think that's very fun and 10/10, but if the other characters are supposed to understand and it's a lengthy bit, I think there can be other more effective ways to get that across.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Phineas and Ferb, and honestly I regret deleting those fics so so much now! I have no records of my writing from back then, and yes I found them cringe as an older teenager but now I just wish I could go back and tell my 13 year old self how far we've come.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Whatever is most recently finished. Right now that's but when i'm alone on the longest nights, i think of you and your fairy lights :)
No pressure tags:
@viraaja @steine-druff @aeriedwelling @someguywriting @astrophilic-soul and anyone else who wants to join!
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I think it’s very clear that that obi wan knew about Padme/Anakin, and the three of them were aware, they just didn’t want to address the subject (well, Padme did) but he did know. I think this could be very much the definition of a love triangle, ‘cause they all care about each other. I once read here in tumblr that most “love triangles” are love corners or something like that, because person B and person C care/love person A, and in a true love triangle they all care/love each other.
I love that you’re an active Obidala shipper 💖 I love them 😍
Hello nonny, thanks for writing me. Usually love triangle's are so overdone in media and kinda boring. But I am of the firm belief that it would have made the SW Prequels a better story.
And yeah, in a way they are already a love triangle. You can say what you want about them but they all care for each other/love each other in one way or another. So yeah, I totally agree with you here.
Even though I never shipped Obikin or Anidala I think in the greater context of an Obianidala throuple it would have been pretty interesting to work out the dynamics.
I know that a lot of Obianidala shipper like Anikin to be the center point (pretty boring to me, but alas) but I ofc I was always for a Padme as a connecting factor.
At some point I will writer that AU in which Obi and Ani work out how to be with Padme despite the other man being there as well, lol.
As for me being an active Obidala shipper: I guess I cannot really help it.
Have a great weekend!
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tennessoui · 4 months
still rotating this one in my mind, but same age padawan au where anakin and obi-wan start up a relationship when they’re in their teens, and they’re very seriously in love and they’re trying to hide it but they’re not good at that at all. playing footsie under the mess hall tables. passing notes in class. sending each other young love puppy eyes from across the meditation room.
and anakin is far too happy for Palpatine, so he sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong and points out to anakin (out of grandfatherly concern) that there is no future for obi-wan and anakin. There can’t be. Obi-Wan is much too dedicated to being a Jedi. How can you be sure his feelings match yours?
and maybe they could have survived that but obi-wan’s master, qui-gon, is also concerned about their relationship - it’s too close to attachment, padawan, and you know Anakin Skywalker is the Chosen One. He must walk the path of the Jedi, and your affection towards each other only serves to obfuscate his future, blur his priorities.
so basically they break up because obi-wan never wants to be bad for anakin and anakin confronts him about his feelings and their future and obi-wan, thinking about what qui-gon said, hesitates and that’s enough to break teenage anakin’s heart
and obviously both of them are not actually mature enough to deal with this heartbreak so they go from being attached at the hip to not speaking at all to a quiet resentment of each other
and I feel like they’re in their late 30s before they ever willingly step foot in the same room again and it’s because the council has forced them to…because their padawans have announced their intention to leave the order and marry each other
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passerine343 · 3 years
Tumblr media
— i loved you.
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intermundia · 2 years
ok so. i was thinking about an au for obikin, but i realized it's ... it's quite problematic lol?? but then again the ship in itself can be considered "wrong" so i was curious about how u (who has written such beautiful ambiguous works) define what's problematic in a bad way and what's problematic in an ok way for obikin. love ur work!!
do you think violence in video games causes people to be violent in real life? that is what this question sounds like to me, like yikes this game has violence with machine guns, not swords! so many people are killed by machine guns, i can't possibly play that game or let people enjoy playing games with machine guns in them! like.. write about swords, write about machine guns, neither of them are real, neither of them are killing real people. it's fiction. people playing video games enjoy being violent in a place where they can be violent without consequences, because violence can be fun when it's part of an imaginary game! so if you have a fun au idea, write it! don't let people who are placing this false dichotomy of problematic-non-problematic in the way stop you, they're having a moral panic that other people enjoy the idea of taboo things that they think are gross, but just because they think it's gross, doesn't mean you have to stop! that's on them to mind their own business, not you. obikin is very sexy to people who have a variety of daddy/teacher/etc kinks, which are all kind like of the machine guns of erotica. mostly too dangerous for real life, but fun to play with in an imaginary world.
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thewriterowl · 3 years
Okay, but thanks to that, now I need some of your wonderful comments on Anakin being raised by Qui Gon.
Of course Shmi is free so Anakin has one less trauma.
And Qui Gon has always been a maverick so maybe Anakin would have felt more comfortable talking to him about his feelings for Padme, or for Obi Wan if we want to make it Obikin?
It is such a cute idea, honestly. Can you imagine what things would be like? Maybe even an AU that takes place earlier in the galaxy, Qui-Gon (let's be fair, was not always the best Master to Obi-Wan) goes on his own mission to Tatooine and finds Shmi and four-year-old Anakin. Qui-Gon knows this boy is important, vital even, to the balance of the Force and is very aware of the possibility that this may be the Chosen One of prophecy.
Now, he knows that the Council will probably agree (Anakin is of a decent age to start--though still a little bit older than what they'd prefer to help with fear) but decides to just do the Qui-Gon thing and go, "ya know what? I'll just stay here for a bit."
He sends the council info and whatnot and they all just bury their heads into their hands because, of course, Qui-Gon is going to do this. They all blame Dooku (who is on his homeward now trying to lead it and goes, "HE IS NOT MY FAULT") and then blame Yoda.
Poor Obi-Wan feels a bit rejected but who better to swoop in and make things better for a poor child? Heeeere comes papa Plo! So, Obi-Wan gets yoinked by Master Plo and continues on with his training.
Back on Tatooine, Qui-Gon works up a lot of credits and buys Shmi and Anakin and then gets them their own place, letting Shmi begin to focus on doing things she likes and she is good at and takes on other missions and such so they can survive--but he really gets to training Anakin. It is through all this that he begins to become close to them. And soon, he and Shmi decide to get married and he officially raise Anakin as his own.
Anakin thrives...and is so feral. Qui-Gon really supports his need for speed and helps him build all sorts of machinery to help around the house, to help with the farming, and to go hella fast. Cause an Anakin Skywalker, no matter the universe, needs to zoom.
He does win the podrace at nine and earns even more credits to help support his family. He is also becoming incredibly powerful in the Force...and a massive brat. But no surprise.
Eventually, Obi-Wan and Plo are brought to Naboo to discuss why there is a start of an attack, and then they save a queen and her handmaidens and find themselves on Tatooine...where they find a familiar Jedi.
Anakin is infatuated with both Obi-Wan and Padme. Qui-Gon is just being a little shit. And Shmi is wonderful and serves them all tea. Finally, they are convinced that they need to return to Coruscant and Shmi comes along.
Qui-Gon faces what he has done with a shrug, as usual, and says he is married but wishes to stay a Jedi.
The council is holding their heads again.
There is a lot of issues, as no, him being married and training Anakin isn't really ok...but they will work on more details later as the queen really needed to get back to her people and there was something uncomfortable happening they could all sense.
Shmi gets a nice apartment by the temple, just hanging out without issues as it is decided whether Qui-Gon and Anakin can be Jedi or not.
Mace begs them to say no...he cannot handle a second Qui-Gon. Yoda wants to cause problems.
Lots of things happen as before and maybe Qui-Gon survives? This can be an actual happy AU where Anakin grows up over-powered and a Jedi, but has his mom, dad, and wife and Obi-Wan (Whatever Obi is to him lol I am open for all) and the Clones are made but because Anakin cannot be groomed, Palpatine is having struggles in finding someone else (Dooku is just too busy here because now Qui-Gon won't leave him alone) and gets sloppy.
Fox is the one who gets to kill him :D
The war does not get too bad, so Din lives well with his parents and Grogu hangs out at the Temple but somehow manages to either get kidnapped or escapes to Aq Vetina and clumsy, novice Luke Skywalker goes to save him and finds a big man who now adores Grogu, and who Grogu adores back, and is in trouble.
Mace still hates everyone (except Luke and Leia; they're the only blessing from this mess he will say--especially since Leia is his padawan and is a menace to everyone but him).
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virahaus · 9 months
ao3 wrapped
2, 3 6, 13, 19
sorry i took so long to respond, but I knew I had more fics to post in 2023 and then I forgot to post it in time but anywany,,, here it is lmao my first post of 2024 about my 2023 lol
1.How many works did you publish this year?
Only two! Unfortunately I wasn't in a very good headspace to create (cause of some health problems that I'm thankfully recuperating from).
2.What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Well, to be honest i'm quite proud of both!
Caged, because I tried to use a tone in my writing I don't use much, if not at all, and I think it gave good results.
and the sun will shine upon us again, because it's the first full on explicit fic I ever finish and post lol
6.Favorite title you used
and the sun will shine upon us again.
13.What’s your longest work of the year?
with a meagre 2,363 words, it's and the sun will shine upon us again.
19.What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I want to expand my collection of obikin fics for sure! And I look forward to it very much since I have many wips close to their conclusion eheh
Thank you for your ask!
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rexismycopilot · 2 years
So, I was just thinking about your 50 Shades Obikin and the OG horrible version like idk if you read the book, saw the movie, or both. But y’know of how there’s a huge fallout between Anastasia and Christian towards the end I was wondering if something like that is going to happen between Obi-Wan and Anakin?
Oh, friend. I've read all the books, seen all the movies, I've read so much meta on Fifty Shades. It is now stuck with me forever hahaha.
I do remember that happening!! So I do have one thing planned that's going to cause angst and a temporary cooling off period. When that's going to happen... who knows?
You all should see the roadmap document i have for this fic. It's a mess lol.
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also…fav ships? Vox obvs but…what else? clonecest is fine w/ me, ship what you ship lol!
Oh gosh…I am a horrible horrible multishipper
I like any ship involved with Fox (minus Palpatine cause not my cup of tea)
I’ve read Fox with Thorn, Padme, Anakin, Obi-wan, Quinlan (ofc), Cody, Wolffe, Rex, the Corrie Commanders, and Mace! But I’m open to others!
For non-Fox ships, I love CodyWan, I used to really be into ObiKin (not so much anymore since my discovery of Fox, my love), Padme/Obi/Ani, MacePonds, BlyLa, Ahsoka/Bariss, PloMace, DinCob, SkyBridger, SkyDin, HanLuke, LeiaHanLuke, DinSkyBridger, FinnPoe, FinnPoeRey, HuxRen…I think that’s all of them?
I’ll try anything once lol
My only notp when it comes to SW is anything involving Ahsoka and people WAY older/younger than her, and fucking KyloRey/BenRey whatever the duck. Hate that shit. Duck the sequel trilogy finale, duck that whole ass movie.
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