#cause i tried to post stuff about her elsewhere hoping people might be interested
poisonouspastels · 2 years
you know its really fun when i post things elsewhere abt my OCs/FCs and people start asking if my post is a meme. makes me feel really good.
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observers-journal · 1 year
Do you think that the whole controversy with Tenoch has caused ER to either be more popular among social media and the public or just less as if people are turning away from her? Especially since the 'so-called' evidence that she posted was used against her to call her out on her lies as well as her crimes and history. Also, I wonder if politicians who have tried to be associated with her, such as that one deputy who schemed with her to try to pass the stealthing law by dragging Tenoch, are avoiding and turning away from her due to probably realizing how toxic and criminal she really is. Because it's amazing how they are all silent instead of supporting her, even with the access to the media power that they have that they could use to promote her such as they did with her case as there is not much news going on except for what she posts on Twitter, even with her acid case. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that no one prominent is really on her side publicly, except her lawyer and followers, which makes her really all alone. She probably does these horrible things as a way to feel good about herself and have some self-importance, which would have been sad, if it wasn't for the fact that she tramples and hurts others with her family to do so. If there is one important thing that I have learned in my two and a half decades of life on Earth that is very true, it's that the bill always comes due, and I feel that her bill for all that she has done might be on its way.
Thank you for the submission, anon! You pose a very interesting theory, which I agree can be true.
I'm gonna be a bit more cautious here about my answer, mostly because everything is so chaotic, nuanced and layered it's hard to tease out a specific reason for this. Whatever I say is purely my opinion, so please take it with a pinch of salt.
She could be the case of "bad publicity is still publicity". If she truly is trying for a political career, this might bring her some exposure. Politics is usually dirty and messy, and any kind of exposure helps. I have a feeling she's not very big on her own, but tries to show herself by using the few contacts she has gained, and the nexus she has from her own family. She cares a lot about her carefully constructed image, coz that's what she has going for her. That public sympathy and an activist image.
On the other hand, an equally valid argument is the one you raise. And that I suspect too: this is gonna come back to bite her. Everyone acts to preserve their self-interests, and so we have seen people distancing themselves from her. The amount of stuff she and her family has going on is a biggg problem for her. It's not like other politicians are not toxic or criminal, they just hide it better.
She definitely created a big ruckus and then nothing came of it. So to some extent, I think her temporary social media popularity is down. Will it continue to be that way? I can't say. Does it reflect the ground reality? I don't know.
I don't want to pass any personal comments on her as a person, and keep myself limited to her case with Tenoch. I feel bad for her acid attack, but what she did to him was nasty. Terrible.
Here's what I suspect. All of our conclusions are based on publicly available info. Behind the scenes? She could have quieted down and shifted her focus elsewhere (other cases that are more important). She might have found solace in the fact that she was able to successfully deliver a blow to Tenoch's career. She might be covering up her criminal traces. She might be working on her network politically. Or she might be quietly planning another attack on Tenoch (I actually doubt that).
But boy do I hope he sues the hell out of her.
Sorry for such a long post! I had thoughts. I hope you keep the world bright through your goodness and optimism! 🫶
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famouskittychild · 3 years
Cheeky Mandos - ...and we're off
(Sorry I had a terrible writer’s block in the past 6-ish weeks - I went from reading fanfiction and being inspired by other’s visions to “I’ll never be able to write anything like these and I’m useless” in a single day :( I’m getting back into the groove finally, so I’m hoping to post more soon.)
There will be 18+ content (in the coming chapters soon) so if you are a minor, please don't read further.
Also the characters will be quite open and relaxed about things like gender, attraction, sexual activities, relationships etc, so if you prefer your Din (and their partner) possessive and/or monogamous , this won’t be a good read for you!
This pairing is  Din Djarin x gn reader / tall reader.  I’m short (and cis and woman). There’s so many short (and female) reader stuff out there, I wanted to write for people on the other end of the “why is your height not normal” / "definitely female" spectrum. If I make mistakes or you have advice, or ideas you'd like to see, please tell me!
Word count: 4267
Summary: You’re an armourer and some shiny guy just showed up.
First full piece/chapter/course! In which people seem to catch things. Thoughts? Viruses? Dropped facts? Who knows!?? Also contains a dilettante’s attempt at space electronics and some barely-canon-reminiscent Mando world-building. Still no spiciness sorry, marinating is a long process :P
Rating: T for some mentions of heavier topics.
CW: Mentions of mandalorian history, playing somewhat loose with canon lore (as in, my SW knowledge is patchy. sorry.)
Author’s note: I tried to find more info but it seems like the mandalorian alphabet doesn’t have names for the individual letters so I used aurebesh (also I liked the little Dorn(e) meta in there). And sorry for the bad puns. They’ll keep coming.
One - ...and we're off
You aren’t worried about taking a stranger on board, you’ve done that plenty of times before. You hope he’s willing to put in the effort himself, too, just as he promised at the assembly.
The stranger leaves behind his ship, saying a friend will come to pick it up together with whoever might want to join the cause. You spot him from the cockpit as he walks over with a repulsor pallet in tow. He stops for a moment when your droids surge past him, busy at their pre-flight tasks, before moving on towards the ramp.
All his baggage is a satchel at his hip and a small bag on his shoulder, and two large crates of weaponry. You put him up in the spare cabin, the one that had been Sal’ee’s, your former apprentice, before she went on to be a journeyman. He stands in the middle of the room, staring at the two cots on opposite sides of the room, the lockers, the fresher in the corner.
“All mine? Where will you sleep?”
You don’t understand the surprise in his voice.
“Over there” you show him, pointing at the cabin opposite from his. It’s much more lived in, some of the blankets and trinkets and pillows visible through it’s open door. “There’s a third cabin that I mostly use for storage but has more fold-up bunks in case I need to transport more people. That’s rare though.”
“Ohh.” He nods, then turns to look around his room again. “Okay. I thought all of these rooms were cargo space.”
You smile, and quickly think through your to-do list. You’ll have to rearrange your schedule somewhat but it’s not that big of a bother.
“Come on, I’ll show you around the ship.” Before he gets lost in its cavernous interiors, you might add - but you don’t. If his reaction to a separate cabin and his current ship - an old ARC170 - is any indication, he must be used to very cramped quarters.
Your trusty Brick, a beat-up YV 929, is armed to the teeth and ugly, just as you like it. The ship is a scavenged one, gutted from most of its original factory issue armaments, engines, and even wiring. It was perfect for your former master when she found it at a scrap heap: she wanted to rebuild it herself, deliberately piecemeal; panels sourced form here, engines from there, concealments added. She modified the inner workings of the engines so that the power lines could be redirected to a concealed forge.
That forge is your pride and the main reason you haven’t settled at a permanent place yourself. When your master retired from travelling, the ship passed to you, and you continued her mission of offering your knowledge and expertise to those of your people who otherwise had no access to an armourer.
The next standard month is spent with adjusting, both for yourself after getting used travelling alone again since Sal’ee left, and for the stranger who found himself a passenger on someone else’s ship. Apparently he used to live a very similar life to yours, with the exception that he was a hunter not a craftsman.
You travel together, share meals, research the places you are directed to. He joins in the effort that is maintaining the ship. Still - he is very taciturn at the beginning, keeping his words to the bare minimum. The first few days it feels as if you are still on your own aside of your droids. By the middle of the month, he progresses from short answers, through sharing information, to willingly starting to tell stories; but you know that chatting will never be his defining feature.
His armour seems to fill the spaces of the Brick’s corridors. You feel as if it’s not him who has the presence, but that set of glinting, perfectly made handwork of an armourer you already admire. Some of the pieces were sourced elsewhere, you can tell by the different shapes and designs; they seem haphazard and mismatched compared to the rest. Most of the set is the work of a single person. On those, there’s not a single uneven line, a broken curve, an edge at the wrong place. The angle of the panes of the metal, the ridges, the simplicity and elegance of them all - you have to hold yourself back from touching them, to admire them. You would give a lot to hold those pieces in your hand, to study them, to analyse them with your eyes and hands and with your tools.
You’re a master, yes. But so much knowledge was lost. So many masters gone, with their knowledge and their workshops. Apprentices became heads of Forges in the absence of the more skilled. The survivors still to this day have to piece together half-remembered lessons and forgotten details, experiment with techniques that were known before but the methods got lost as decades of civil war and occupation and murder kept eroding your heritage.
Sometimes a set of armour comes along that is just made in a way you never had an opportunity to learn. Often the person who forged them is long gone. Not the stranger’s armourer though. As far you can tell, she’s alive. Or at least was, when he last saw her. Not too long ago; though your usual method for guessing forging dates is mostly useless as it is based on the condition of the suit’s paintwork. Which he doesn’t have, so you can only guess from the small amount of scratches. You try to ask once, but whilst he’s forthcoming with general stories, he doesn’t go into details.
It’s a common theme with him. He talks about people and planets and events, and leaves out a lot - and you don’t even notice it first. Only when you try to glean information about his armour do you realize how well he fuzzes over those facts and nuances. It’s only up to the peculiarities of Basic and its use of gendered pronouns that you know his Armourer is a woman, or at least he considers them so. He doesn’t even tells you his own name, and when you ask your Elder in one of your communications, she tells you he didn’t gave it to them either. You keep introducing him as a friend, and that is the end of it for a while.
The visits to this first few coverts with him are… interesting. You can see him fidgeting from the corner of your eye. He always follows half a step behind and off to a side, as if not wanting to be in your way. He keeps quiet and doesn’t mix much, and around small children and droids, he is positively withdrawn. He only comes alive when he talks about his mission.
You had learned early on during your apprenticeship that keeping the helmet on is a safe bet when meeting with unfamiliar mandalorians. That led to later getting in contact with his type of believers too, despite their notorious secrecy even from the rest of the People. When you tell the stranger about that, he immediately showers you with questions, but you can’t give an answer to most of them. You never met with anyone from his particular covert, or heard of it. No name, no description seems familiar. It’s painful to watch his shoulders slump after daring to hope.
During the course of the month spent travelling, he gradually comes to be more social. He starts to stand and walk beside you. He doesn’t withdraw to the background anymore; he can actually be quite chatty if approached the right way. Droids still make him stop, though he warms up to kids in his own way. He’s good with them, at least in your opinion, though you know some would still call him aloof and distant. He isn’t a cuddler, nor does he crouch down to ask cutesy questions. He juts sits nearby them, and in that way of children having a good sense about adults, they know he’s trustworthy. They go up to him to chatter, to hand him a toy to hold, to ask him to fix a latch on their boots; than they go back to play.
He teaches you too, inadvertently at first during everyday conversations and later by his own volition, about his Way. About his Creed. It keeps throwing you off how much it differs from most that you had met before. Not even meeting briefly with people who followed the same Way as him could prepare you for the details that he does share. The degree of strictness, the loyalty, the barest bones Old Tradition beliefs and their willingness to follow them is very rare amongst the People as far as you can tell. Their devotion earns your respect.
At other times, your jaw hangs open and you can’t believe you are talking to an adult roughly around the same age as yourself, who by his own admission had spent three decades living as a follower of the Creed - not knowing about things children are thought through plays and songtime. His ignorance is so staggering, your admiration towards his unknown Armourer wavers. How could she keep so many things hidden from them? Why not talk about your own history? Your greats? Your artefacts?
About the many other who would call them vod’e, siblings?
You are an armourer, a craftsman, a person who makes a living by making things with your hand. You’re not a leader, or a scholar, or someone who decides what to tell your people. You do have a status within the community, but that is a status of service. From what the stranger says, their Armourer was a leader in every aspect: elder and lorekeeper and moral guide and more. All in one. It is something you can see developing from the old songs and histories amongst groups who take tradition more literally.
You are good at observing people, even at copying their habits to make them feel more comfortable with you, but less good at determining their underlying motives. The reason you think of him as “the stranger” even after travelling with him is because it’s so hard to figure out what drives him. There’s a melancholy to him that overrides the more typical mandalorian fight-readiness or aggression. You see how he gazes off to the distance sometimes, turning his head to the side and freezing. How he keeps to himself when he can. But you can’t tell why. Grief? Regrets? Determination to change? Planning something greater and being preoccupied with that?
He doesn’t pick fights to test you. He spars with you when you invite him to, he helps when you ask, and often even without it. He’s polite and considerate; he keeps conversation to practicalities and interesting stories, and doesn’t bother you with anecdotes or insistent questions about trivialities or your private life. He even does the dishes.
He’s deadly boring in his reliableness.
You are used to being on your toes around people all the time. When you meet a new group, it’s all unknown people. With ones you had already visited, the problem is having to remember them. They remember you of course, the ‘wandering armourer’; and surely you remember them too.
What is worse, when people stay the same but you don’t remember them, or when they change and you just can’t place them?
He becomes a good excuse after you’ve been to several coverts together. It’s interesting to notice how your dynamics change even further once you two get into a comfortable routine. You start to retreat to your forge and tools, and let him take all the attention. And he doesn’t just talk about his mission anymore, or lets little ones play around him whilst he’s quiet. He converses with people about news, about their children, about weaponry. You have more time to focus on your work.
Sometimes, people ask you what do you think of his mission. You tell them that you will follow what your clan decides, and that’s mostly true. It is something people don’t often debate, at least.
He quickly becomes a part of your everyday life. You are content with your usually solitary travels. You know that your family, your clan and your friends wait for you at home. They message you and you can find the time that suits you to message back. You don’t miss the constant hubbub of the covert most of the time. But now that you have someone that is not a droid, someone who is your equal in every aspect, on board again, it’s not even lonely anymore.
“So what’s up with you and droids?” you ask one day, after you got back from a covert and are safely in hyperspace to the next destination. You tinker with your astromech’s navigational systems. Poor 2-T keeps bumping into walls and crates. Again.
The stranger looks at you and your droid, than over at Mouse who for a change isn’t zooming around at foot level.
“Bad memories.”
“Gunk sat on you?” You tease. You hope it’s just something silly and not him having some sort of snobbish organics-are-better philosophy. He is quiet, and you focus on your work. He’ll talk if he wants to, that much you know already about him.
Inside the body of your astromech, a rivet from stars knows where is stuck between two circuit boards and blocks the access to a short-circuited piece of wire.
“Kriff. Toots, this will take a while, sweetie. Can’t access that kriffing panel.” He chirps back something and you read the translation on the small display. “No, it’s not that. My hand can’t fit in that small space. Let me find those pliers… should be in that other drawer somewhere.”
You search in the chest of tools, and despite your usually good organization, you can’t find them amongst the droids’ tools where their place is.
“Let me help.” The stranger’s voice beside you makes you jump. He can be awfully quiet. “Sorry. I think I might’ve put them back into the wrong drawer. I used them the other day when I fine-tuned that scope.”
He points at another drawer, where you keep your fine electronics stuff. No wonder he mixed them up. He stands beside Tootee a bit awkwardly until you find the tool.
“Here! No problem by the way. “ You turn back to him and to the droid, than have an idea. “Do you mind a bit more help? You can say no if you don’t want to work with the droid, I’ll understand.”
He doesn’t object yet, so you go back to 2-T and show the stranger the area you’re working on. You see him lean closer in your peripheral vision.
“That’s where I need to get that burned piece of wire out and install a new one, but first, I need to get that rivet out of the way.” You point at the root of the problem, than explain your plan, pointing out each part in turn. ”If you could hold those using this, than I could get here, remove this, with that tool, than have to get those bundles out of the way too, so than that wire there could come out. Easy.”
You look up at him, and his helmet is way closer than you expected. You can almost see your reflection in that black visor as it stares back at you for a second, and you almost apologize again, when the stranger starts to speak.
“Just have to hold the wires to the casing, or pull them like…” he moves his hand in the air, showing what he means.
“Hold them to that panel, there, with the pliers, so I have room to access the rest.”
He thinks for a moment, than he starts to tug one of his gloves off.
“You don’t need to take that off, just hold the pliers” you tell him, but he shakes his head.
“No, I can fit my hand in there, I’m pretty sure. If not we can try it with the tool.”
You realize that this is the first time you see his skin. Than it occurs to you that he might very well misunderstand this whole situation. You just asked him to hang his hand inches from yours in an enclosed space; inside a droid nonetheless, just after you basically told him you noticed he has a problem with them. It would be so easy to get caught up in there, to touch his hand, and hush it up as coincidence. Especially now that he took his glove off as well. He might even think that it was a careful plan of yours: have an area to work with were your slightly larger hands don’t fit but his might.
Your fingertips already tingle from knowing you can’t make mistakes. Which means you’ll probably do. He reaches between the panels and gets to the part where you got stuck. He wiggles his fingers a bit and scrapes around.
“Ha, found some wires. Are these the ones you need out of the way?”
You peer down into the quagmire of electronics, trying to find the best angle to see everything.
“Yes, those are the ones. Just hold them like that.” You try to focus on what you are doing, but after those earlier thoughts, your hands are jittery. You somehow manage to remove the obstructing rivet, than find the burned out part and replace it without accident, the stranger patiently holding things out of your way. You direct him here and there, occasionally stumbling as it’s a lot of instructions, or at least a lot of “could you please” and “thank you”. It gets particularly awkward when you stumble over the lack of name spectacularly.
“Could you pull those the other way, so they aren't that taut, please? Thank you, you. I mean thank you.”
“Din. Din Djarin.” Your head snaps up while the rest of your body freezes. “I should have told you my name sooner, but I’m so used to not telling it… and it just became more awkward to bring it up as time passed. I apologize.”
You close your mouth that of course was hanging open in surprise, than shake your head.
“I thought at first that I missed it when you said it so I was ashamed that I didn’t remember.” That did happen before, and it was one of your greatest worries about meeting new people. “I actually asked my elder. Sent her a comm. So when she told me you went nameless, I didn’t wanted to demand it.”
He doesn't answer right away. His voice is softer when he speaks a bit later.
“Thank you. For being considerate.”
You smile and try to wave it off. Which results in your hand slipping and pawing at his, still motionless and stuck in the inside of the astromech.
“Oh shucks, I’m sorry… didn’t meant to.” You withdraw your hand quickly, and start to look for your tools to cover your mistake.
He doesn’t seem bothered, luckily. You calm down, reminding yourself not to behave like you drank one too many glasses of your cousin Ree’s home-made tihaar, and finish the repair.
“You can let those go now, I’ll finish from here. Thanks for your help.”
“You’re welcome, any time.”
He sits back on a nearby crate and watches you work for a while, ignoring Mouse zooming around the room. You’re surprised a bit: you didn't expected him to stick around. And than he starts to ask about 2-T. How long you had him, is he temperamental, can you install a vocoder on astromechs, and why not. His tone is somewhat cautious, his voice stiff, like someone asking about a dangerous predator. You remember how you asked him about his distance with droids, but don’t want to push that question. He already told you his name today.
By the time you finish with the rest of the repairs, clean Tootee up and tidy around your workplace, interrupted by having to leave hyperspace and land at a spaceport, it’s the middle of the night in local time. You planned to have a nap and search out the local covert just before dawn.
You go to the galley to have a bite before turning in, and the stranger - Din, you remember, although his last name is less clear - is cleaning up some dishes. There’s another bowl in the middle of the small table, covered by a plate.
“That’s for you, if you’d like to have it. Used up the last of that spice mix we got” he tells you as you enter. You sit down and stretch your legs out one side. As you take the plate off from the steaming bowl, you think about how nice it is to find warm food on the table and not having to cook your own all the time.
“Thank you.” You pull the bowl close and take the spoon that he put beside it. You swirl the soup - it looks very good: clear broth with lots of veggies and other fillers in it - and gather your thoughts. “So ummm… I want to ask something before it gets awkward again.“
He finishes piling the bowls and cups and sits down on the seat opposite. You blurt the question out before you might change your mind.
“What was your name again? Din, that was clear, but the rest… sorry but it sounded something like “jarring”?”
He chuckles, and it’s a clear sound even with a vocoder, no snort or sigh to distort it.
“It’s Djarin. Dorn-jenth-aurek-resh-isk-nern. Djarin.” You nod, a bit embarrassed, and he continues. “Don’t worry, you aren't the first to ask. Probably not the last either.”
“Thanks for being patient. I’m not the best with names, to be honest.”
He tilts his head.
“Is that why you are always so focused when someone introduces themselves? I can ask them to repeat their names for me too if you want to, than both of us can try to remember them.”
You blink at him.
“That’d be…” Unnecessary, and don’t bother, and it’s not your job, you think - but stop yourself. That would actually help. No shame in accepting it. ”That would be nice. Thanks.” You are good at a few things, like making things with your own two hands. Not gaping when something surprises you, or remembering faces or names, any names, not just people? Nah.
You tuck into your soup, and the two of you sit in companionable silence. You wander if Djarin sits there because he wants to, or if he’s waiting for more questions from you. You asked a lot from him during the last few hours, and he was really kind with all his help and telling you his name and not being bothered when you misremembered it.
You are halfway done with your meal when he stirs. He leans forward with his lower arms on the table, and takes a deep breath. You wonder what his question will be - you commit to answer whatever it might be. He deserves that after today.
“So you asked earlier about me and… droids, right?”
Your hand with the spoon stops in the air. You weren’t expecting this question, at all.
“Yes…” You want to say he didn’t have to answer. But you already told him that. You’re sure he remembers that too - since he brought the topic up again. “Yes, I did.”
He shuffles on his seat a bit, and looks out to the side like he sometimes does. You lower your spoon and eat, letting him gather his thoughts.
“When I was a kid… I don’t know how old you were then, but during the war. The Clone wars.” You nod, understanding what he’s getting at, and he continues. “We were… the place I lived came under attack. Some separatist battle droids. Mandalorians saved me.”
You swallow your soup. That was the shortest possible description of someone having their entire life and probably everyone they knew ripped away from them and finding a new way of life for the decades to come.
“I’m sorry” you say, because really, what else is there to say. He nods, and gazes off again. Than he shrugs his shoulders, as if he wants to shake the weight of the past from them.
He gets up, and walks around the table on his way out. He stops beside you for a moment and hesitates, and you almost turn towards him to ask what he needs when you feel him squeeze your shoulder. Than he straightens and steps away.
It’s warm where he squeezed it, and you remember how long ago it was that someone touched you.
You need to talk to your friends asap, and hug at least some of them. He turns back from the door.
“Get some sleep before dawn, all right? Have to be sharp to remember all those new names.” You don’t see him wink but you’d bet he does behind his visor. You scrunch your nose at him and pout before smiling, and he dips out of the galley.
Your hand is still hovering in the air, holding the spoon, while you listen to his footsteps getting more distant as he walks down the corridor to his cabin.
It’s just your luck that you don’t need your wits the next place. It’s only two people with the same, simple name and you met both of them before.
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep14
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It’s gonna be the weekends soon and I forgot to make this post lol.
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Continuing from their plans in the last episode, the girls go clothes shopping. Ameri looks good in the dress and was complimented for it but she has concerns about the outfit not being fit for battle. She has her priorities elsewhere.
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Clara tries on a dress that's a bit too big on her for fun. The staff notices and a tiny demon is tasked to make it fit her perfectly which makes her beauty stand out.
I couldn’t take a whole picture of what she looks like entirely but I’m telling you I was surprised - Clara actually has a sexy figure. I mean I shouldn’t be that surprised with how both Ameri,  Elizabetta, and Kerori (as an idol) look and they’re all around the same age but Clara I didn’t notice at all until now. Probably her childish personality and the clothes she wears (which most of the time is her school uniform) making her look like she’s younger. She actually looks more like her mom now. Anime genetics, man.
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The whole group posed for a photoshoot! It would’ve been nice if the others tried on a different outfit, too.
They look like they just finished dancing in this shot lol.
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Kalego-sensei is having... some kind of time. As it is a contest, Sensei can't refuse to do as the kids on his team asks even though it doesn't really work and he won't fake being happy for it. Meanwhile, the boys got invited to play some carnival games.
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Team Kalego finally had some fun through the game but Team Baram posted a lot of pictures of Iruma having fun and thinking they might lose, they decided they'd go somewhere the other teams haven't gone to. The place they picked is somewhere Kalego-sensei doesn't approve of as he explains that there are dangerous areas in the park (other than the prison underground which I’m not sure if Kalego-sensei knows about, too). This park has a lot of unsafe places but this is the demon world so I shouldn’t be that surprised.
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Iruma and Ronove are having fun it seems. Iruma is having the time of his life experiencing something he hasn't before while Ronove treats this as a little competition as he didn't think Iruma could keep up.
By the way, obviously Asmodeus is the one taking all these pictures. We should’ve known before but the show had to confirm it by showing Azz holding the camera and taking pictures happily. I bet his social media accounts are just full of Iruma pictures. Good advertisement for the future demon king, I suppose lol.
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As Iruma tries catching up to Ronove to whatever they could go next at the park, he accidentally takes the wrong turn and gets lost... at the very place that Kalego-sensei was telling his team was dangerous.
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Before he could get into trouble however, some kind but strange girl shows up to save him and take him back to the right path. They hang out a little and have some fun before she was able to take Iruma back to his group. She disappears afterwards without even telling him her name.
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Her name is revealed to be Cedar and is a staff member who works behind the scenes in the park. But just like the other staff members the kids have been meeting the entire episode, they take their jobs as “Everyone’s Playmate” seriously and want to spread happiness to the visitors.
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Iruma gets punished into playing as a monster at a kiddie playground cause of what happened (which he’s okay with). The kids are having fun attacking him and Asmodeus is close to losing it and committing assault on the children but was held back by the others. One of the kids around Iruma is roleplaying as member of Six Fingers. Azz explains that the real Six Fingers is a group made up of demons who underwent primal regression and they're pretty mysterious which made them popular as well.
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Agares mentioned how he wasn't having fun and Ronove chalks it up to him wearing an eyemask and proceeds to take it off. And thus eyes reveal happened... he’s actually a bishounen! Ronove isn't happy that someone else is prettier than he is.
I’m just gonna say this: usually people enjoy fanservice and all and I was expecting the comment section to be talking about Clara’s new look but no, most people are talking about Agares. And they should! This boy is too pretty and shiny to be ignored. Ronove can do that but with his powers so Agares is a natural. No wonder Ronove is annoyed lol. He decided that maybe it’d be fine if Agares looks different and so Ronove plans to have him wear something else. The others thought costume change would be fun, too and follows.
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While the kids are having fun, Wetotto excuses himself so he could send in a report with Baram-sensei watching over the kids for now. It is revealed with a convo with another staff that Wetotto and the other staff members we saw throughout the day are all new. And we finally get our reveal.
I did feel there was something strange about the guys running the carnival games but I didn’t suspect Wetotto (who I thought had been working there for a long time if he was charged with looking after the owner’s kid), the guys running the clothes store (they just seem like they fit there too much), and Cedar (who I thought had been living in the creepy part of the park for a long time). I should’ve realized the reveal before it happened when there are exactly 6 prominent extras this entire episode.
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And now the destruction of Walter Park begins... and so does the exciting part of this arc!
The Agares entire face reveal was surprising. Almost all the boys in the series look good but as Ronove said, this one’s different (which he feels is a threat to his own looks). The guy needs a makeover to show off how pretty his face is lol. I would say the same about Clara but in a way, they're similar as a different look doesn’t seem like their style and is a huge contrast to how they act most of the time.
Kalego-sensei seem to know stuff about the park. I wonder if he knows about the underground prison as well? I’m not gonna be surprised if he does as he is a powerful demon that even one of the demon king candidates, Grandpa Sullivan trusts. I just realized that this must be the reason why Grandpa Sullivan had sent chaperones for the kids  it’s not just him being comically overprotective of his grandchild, it’s him knowing about the dangers of Walter Park under the fun exterior. Kalego-sensei and Baram-sensei are both high ranking demons and I’m not sure if I remember if it’s been told but Opera must be as well since they’re stronger than both the teachers (with Kalego-sensei scared of Opera).
I’m wondering if Cedar is gonna have a change of heart since she seems nice and looked like she had fun with Iruma when they hung out but as light-hearted this show mostly is, Kiriwo-senpai still chose to be evil so I shouldn’t hold my hopes up.
This is gonna be an interesting arc with fights as not only do we have Iruma and the rest of the Abnormal Class who has their own special abilities but also their three very powerful chaperones. And Ameri is here and also Ronove-senpai (wonder what he could do in battle?). They’ll be fighting not only against the escaped prisoners but also the mysterious and powerful Six Fingers along with a bunch of monsters the group has released and also Kiriwo-senpai who has made a comeback! How exciting!
Thanks for reading this post!
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference Ch. 13
A/N: sorry for the late upload for anyone following, I’ve been pretty lax on uploading on here bc of the low interaction with these posts (I think like 3 people read this, maybe lol). But I’m going to try and upload them here just in case. 
Chapters: 01  |  02 |  03 |  04 | 05  | 06 | 07 | 08 |  09 |  10 |  11 | 12
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 “We need to talk. Now.”
“Yes. That’s why we’re on the phone.”
“We don’t have time for games today. You need to come to the base immediately.”
She’d recognize that “not now, Nanami” tone anywhere. Whatever it was, it was serious. Switching gears mentally to brace for the impending shitstorm, she exhaled,” Give me 30 minutes.”
“What? That’s not even realisti—” she stopped, hearing the phone click. Rolling her eyes, she watched her friend exit the post office and walk over to the car.
“So, I say we go to that new brunch place first and then—wait what’s wrong?” Hitomi pivoted recognizing her friend was much less enthused than when she’d left. Nanami turned to her, an apologetic look on her face. “The hospital has you on-call again, huh?”
“Duty calls, sadly.” She felt bad about lying, but knew she’d feel worse if Hitomi got caught up in her mess. “Though I don’t know how long it’ll take so we might be able to salvage the day.”
“No, it’s ok, I understand. Take your time, we can always hang tomorrow or later in the week. When do you need to be there?”
“… in 20 minutes.”
“That’s unrealistic.”
“That’s what I tried to tell hi—I mean them, but it’s an emergency. Mind dropping me off at my house?”
“You got it. I’ll drive, you watch for cops.” Before Nanami could protest, Hitomi screeched out of the parking lot and back down the road they came.
 Waving bye to her friend, Nanami hurriedly grabbed her keys and work bag just in case the talk carried over to lab work. Running down to her car, she sped over to the base, basically rolling out of the car when she arrived as there were only 5 minutes to spare. Hearing a noise, she reflexively turned to look but continued running forward. Suddenly she felt herself run into a solid figure as she bounced back, falling onto her soon-to-be-late keester. Regaining her bearings, she looked up and saw an older gentleman in traditional attire, his hair slicked back and his face serious.
“Oh my gosh I am so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” she apologized, giving him an earnest look.
He paused for a beat before giving her a kind smile, offering his hand to help her up, “That’s alright miss, no need to apologize. Where are you off to in such a hurry anyway?”
Crap, how do I get out of this one… she strategized inwardly on how to answer the question discreetly without sounding rude. “Oh nowhere, I just have to… make a house call! I’m a doctor, and my patient’s a massive germaphobe; very needy, you see.” She laughed awkwardly, hoping he bought it.
At her last comment, she could’ve sworn she saw a look of recognition flash across his face, but figured it was her imagination. “Oh, I see. Well he’s a lucky man to have you. As such an attentive caretaker, I mean. I won’t hold you up any longer, have a nice day Dr… what did you say your name was?”
“I didn’t.” She smiled, “You have a nice day too!” She said as she continued her jog to the base. She looked back to see him waving, returning it as she rounded the corner. Well that was close.
Once at the front gate, the door opened before she knocked, an irritated Overhaul waiting on the other side. “What took you so long. I said 20.”
“And I was going to say that was unrealistic before you rudely hung up on me. Besides, I would’ve actually gotten here on time if not for your friendly neighbors. I don’t know how the HOA of this neighborhood decided to let you of all people in. Everyone else seems so nice.” She pouted.
“What are you rambling about?”
“Your neighbor? I ran into an old man outside—I didn’t tell him where I was going or why I was here, obviously—but he seemed nice, if not a tad nosey.”
At this she saw him pause, “… What did he say to you?” The question much meeker than the last.
“Uhm, I bumped into him by accident, so he just asked where I was going, told me to have a nice day... oh! Also, how lucky you are to have me. You know, obvious stuff.” His brows raised before she quickly clarified the last statement, “As a doctor! I told him I was your doctor. He was pretty nonchalant about the whole thing.”
Though he donned his usual mask, she could tell his features had softened at whatever he was thinking. She’d even bet there was a small smile forming, but at what she wasn’t sure, “Hm, I see. Well, there’s no use in loitering around, let’s go.”
“Well you’re the one that stopped but ok” she said under her breath. He turned, giving her a warning look as she shrugged, raising her hands in faux surrender.
They continued down the usual pathway in the underground base before reaching his office and passing it, going down a hallway she wasn’t familiar with. It gradually became much darker the further they went, and the air temperature felt as though it had dropped at least 10 degrees, almost causing her to shiver. After what felt like an indefinite amount of time they arrived at a door, but before Overhaul could reach the handle, it opened, a panicked Kurono standing in the doorway.
“He had a pill.”
Looking past him, Nanami could see the assailant from the night before. Though he was savagely beaten, it was apparent he’d killed himself with whatever pill was hidden in his mouth as foam was formed around it, his body still going through its final convulsions. Working in a large hospital, she’d seen her fair share of people dying, but to say it got any easier would be a half-truth. The vision was familiar, but it was still unpleasant, no matter who it was. In contrast, Overhaul seemed irritated for a second before realizing something and returning to his stoic expression.
“No matter, we got all we needed from him anyway. Follow me,” he directed at her as he left the room and Kurono to dispose of the body. Nanami somberly followed, mentally giving the man a moment of silence. Whatever happened, she knew the importance of remaining objective in the presence of death. There might come a time when she’d make some bad decisions herself—to put it ever so lightly— and she hoped whoever was there in her last moments wouldn’t relish in her death either. They arrived at the door of his office, the clicking of the handle rousing her from her thoughts. He sat down across from her on one couch as she sat on the other, now feeling a bit out of place in her casual attire.
“It seems you have a price on your head.”
“Hm?” Nanami squeaked, her face that of disbelief.
“The lackeys that tried to take you were sent by the head of the Okumura clan, a rival organization. He seems sure you have a unique ability and learning of our partnership only seemed to confirm this.”
“Bu…But I was so careful. I don’t talk to anyone about us, I take weird routes every time I come here, I always use the burner ph—“ she began frantically before he cut in.
“You were not at fault for this. One of the new recruits was abducted. He didn’t know much, but he gave enough information to pique their interest.”
“And what happened to him?”
He was surprised at the question, but answered anyway, “He was set free after the questioning.”
“Well where is he now? Maybe he can tell us something useful about them and what else they want.”
“He’s no longer with us.”
“… Like he quit?”
“… As I said, he’s no longer with us.” They stared at each other, Nanami now knowing the “snitches get stitches” saying to be only half true. Something tells me stiches wouldn’t help him now… She sighed, his blank expression unwavering as he continued, “Also, there is no ‘us’ when it comes to you and I and the Okumura. You will stay here until this problem is solved.”
“I’m gonna do what now?”
“You heard me. Your apartment is no longer safe. Considering they probably expected to see their men return last night with you captured, they will undoubtedly send more to finish the job.”
She opened her mouth to speak before closing it again. She knew it wasn’t safe to stay at her place, but staying at the base was just a lot, especially if her assumption about not being able to leave was correct. “Ok, but I have work and a life. Am I just supposed to hide here and put all that on hold?”
“Would you rather put it on hold or have it all end?”
“…That’s not fair.”
“Most things aren’t.”
She shifted in her seat biting her lip, realizing she was losing the argument. Every counter she came up with she mentally shot down before speaking it. I could stay at Hitomi’s house? No, they’d just follow me there and attack her too, or worse… I could stay at home and defend my place? Except they wouldn’t stop coming. My place would be trashed and then the neighbors would find out...I could...
“I could go in myself and get them. It’s my head they’re after, I’ll just have to convince them it’s not worth the trouble.”
He gave her a pitiable look, knowing the suggestion was equal parts blind bravery and desperation, “Your training with Rappa has made you a capable fighter, but are you really prepared to kill another person, permanently? Dozens of them? Simply maiming them wouldn’t be enough, they’d keep coming until…” He paused as he saw her look down in defeat, her fists clenched in her lap, her jaw tightening. She was angry—mad as hell—but she knew he was right. She was a fighter, not a killer, and no amount of training could change that overnight. She knew the logical solution to the problem, but her nature wouldn’t allow her to solve it. Seated across from her, his head tilted as he gazed at her pensively. Overhaul couldn’t figure out why but seeing her so upset was… unpleasant. He wanted nothing more than to make it stop, though the motivation behind the action remained a mystery. “Dr. Watanabe,” He continued slightly softer than before, her fists unclenching for a moment at the change in tone, “Your strengths lie elsewhere. Strategically, it makes the most sense for you to be here. It will only be for two weeks.”
“Two weeks?” Nanami could tell he was trying, but the frustration with the situation lingered. Attempting to calm herself and accept reality, she finally managed to respond,” Can I at least get my stuff first?”
“Yes, but let’s be quick about it.”
“You didn’t really think you were going alone, did you?”
“No!... Well, yes. Fine, let’s go.”
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subarashiet · 4 years
lifes been weird and sad , got so much stuff i wanna say dont even know if thats the right subred to but here goes.i m 18 , from Greece , first year in Uni and life is not the way i want it to bei live on my own , rent is being paid by mom and her husband , month pocket money given by dad and by my part time jobat some point in high school i understood that our school years were our most carefree years , tho only now do i really understand itman this post is gonna cramp my fingers shouldve used the pcused to hang out a lot till 2nd year of high school then in 3rd year cause of me studying more i was hanging out less , used to have around 4groups of ppl to hang around then only one , cliche but i wasnt anyone special in school , gotta mention i went to a music middle-high school , only highlights i remember are in 2th-3rd grade trading blows with a girl (think she was 5th grade) ,3rd grade kissing a girl in her cheek then running away from the boy-horde coming after me , 4th grade trading blows with a 6th grader ,6th grade punching a guy for calling names my little sis (we good now see him out we talk he a nice dud) , 9th grade a girl i had a chance with but fucked it up big time , 9th grade breaking a cello almost getting expelled ,12th grade playing bass at a concert in Thessaloniki with a music group of my schooldidnt really have many close friends but there were some from school and other places you can call closer friends , but now even with them i ve started to fade away which i cannot bear but i m the type of giving up and not trying until i m lategot laboratory this morning and this is gonna take a while hope i can get some sleepfeels weird using reddit to express my thoughts i even find it a bit cringy talking to myself but oh welli wanted to visit a physiatrist because i ve been so mentally tired that i think i might have crippling sadness xD but i tried to arrange that back in July-August pre my 18th bday so she said a parent was required to be present so i just kept all the stuff to myselfi was learning classic guitar from 1st grade to 8th still play to this day , in music school i kinda learned h2p electric but didnt practice enough to be able to play good , also know some pianobeen listening to post rock and mostly fate music these past 10 monthssucker for good anime tho i ve been out of it lately havent even finished my summer ones , oregairu has a nice ending from what i got spoiled fromanyway thing is i am sad most of the time , i try not to show it cause i like the stereotype of being the strong guy that everyone can depend on and almost never see being emotional and also like the cool tempered guy type , tho lately i ve been craving a lot of attention that i drop the act of the calm n cool sometimesthings with my parents didnt go to well these past years , only now i can say that we ve finally kinda calmed down , mom and dad started falling out of it around 8th grade cause lots of fighting , big sis kindof took the role of mother while on her teen years , feels like she had it much worse than me10th grade sis leaves home to go elsewhere to start studies for uni , i m left with ma and lil sis back homethen i understand that i have to be there for my little sis which also got in my school that year (3kids-3years difference each) so i tried to assume the role of the big brother but she was closer to her older sister than me , i was closer to my older sister as well , feels like i was doing my lil sis wrong but i cpould relate more to big sis and could chat with her more about stufflil sis didnt open up to me a lot even to this day , she has been a lot more comfortable with me through the years i think cause she told me something important recently , kinda feelsbadman tho cause i wanted to be closer to her and i kinda tried but i think not hard enough cause she didnt seem to get any closer , cried once about it in front of my mother which was the absoluteliest worst cause i didnt want her to see me being fragile jesustho even now that i m not home i talk to her play some among us tried making her start xenoverse 2 that didnt go farhave some friends from school , we would only go all together at internet cafes , but mostly 4 of em would go out togetherin my school i had some friends from scouts tooi have an insta , used to post "cool" pics kinda stopped cause i like looking cool in front of others but i havent been in the mood to try in around a year nowused to be in some conservatory guitar groups with some other kids there , with one girl from there i used to be quite in touch until recently that i stopped seeing her for some reasons maybe i ll explain l8rwe had fun and i really mean it , we used to go on trips to play songs on different cities and stages , our group became kinda known the 2-3 good active years we were active , it still is but these years were the originals , now there are other peoplefucking christ its 2:27started playing in that group with the originals in 2017 till 2019 , we were kids from different ages going from 6th to 10th graders but i didnt understand the different in our ages until recently that i found one of the guys from the group in my cityanother closer friend is a guy from my school , met him in grade 7 still talk to him , used to sit together most of the years pretty neat guy , peculiar character but really interesting kind smart and hard workingman why couldnt my teen years be like shirou from fsn that would be awesomehad entrance exams 4-5 months ago , didnt really go as planned , shooted for Corfu didnt get in cause rather than 15 i got 10 in my last exam so i m still in my city , tho i live alone and go to my local uni insteadJuly 2019 i moved out of my old house moved in with ma and her husband with my sis , stayed there till september then till june-july 2020 i was living with my fathertbh i decided to write this post after watching a vid of Korone talking about Okayu thinking that i ve never been in an actual relationship and that i eould want to experience that but dont know where to start from , losing weight ? becoming outgoing again ? learn how to talk to girls ?i started watching anime back in 2015 on my 3ds i remember watching dubbed Inazuma Elevensince like 2 weeks ago i reached 201 anime completedok i ll stop here for tonight cause i got online uni classes tmrw i keep stimestamps for whenever i finally post this -Tuesday 3/11/2020 02:41used to be around 85-90kg in 12th grade , put on around 20-28 kilos since March 2020 , managed to lose 8-10 kilos in the summer but i m still around 30kilos up from the normal amount based on my height , got a subscription to a gym jan2019 but only managed to get into it for a short period on spring 2019 then autumn 2019 then lost motivation and let go , since March2020 i ve been doing some weights at home , tho when i look at myself in the mirror it doesnt really change how bad i feel about my body , i think my old motivation used to be a girl i used to have a crush on but not surethings with my parents werent all that great and i was mentally better when i would talk with them , they are openminded af and supportive too but puberty makes you see stuff differently like everyone is against you like the world is against you (last one might be true dunno yet) , living on my own now seems to be a bit better but as our Greek ancestors used to say theres no good without bad and the bad in this scenario is that its lonely as fuck , having lived for 18 years with my family it really hits a weird spot , everything feels lonelier now with the virus spreading around not being able to see others as much as we used to , uni doesnt feel nice , many people dont pay attention and its like the second half of 12th grade all over againgot my monthly money 4days ago , went from 200 to 9.28 quickly , when i have money i spend when i dont i m stingy , mostly like to build computers , watch lots of Linus , Paul , Kyle , Jay etc. most of my money goes to buying stuff about computers food , used to give lots of money to internet cafes when i used to hang out with the guys from school , not anymorewith the start of uni we all met new friends even i but i still feel like i am drifting apart day by day , stopped talking to my old girl friend cause i was kinda done with her attitude , called me some names i didnt appreciate because i put up with her attitude , most of the time in her own world , only would really pay attention and try to change herself when it was something she cared about , one of them wasnt her character , but to give the goods of her she was a good friend dont know if i can say she still is a friend or just someone i know , she helped me even with the girl i had a crush on , was really fun on trips with the guitar group , all in all a fun person , thing is i stopped texting her and telling her to go out cause it was 80% me trying and the other 20% her and i think that proved right when i stopped talking to her cause i thought she will see that i m not talking to her she ll think somethings wrong she ll message me to go out and have fun , send me a happy bday message posted some pics of me , didnt send me anything else after , stopped talking to her around the start of October , if i hadnt asked her something about her uni and if it wasnt my bday i dont think we wouldve talked in all of october . last saturday i was working in the area she lives in my city decided to call her sometimes didnt answer tried to suprise her and see how she is by going to her house , noone answered maybe they were on a trip idk , but it feels weird man , in the first half of the year me and a common friend of her and me went out one night , ended up being the bad guy to make her understand that she did something wrong that night , after she left i was left with our common friend talked about stuff and mostly her and i expressed myself , i knew that coming summer me and her would end up at different places so i wanted to tell her all the wrongs with her so that she could finally understand what i ve been putting up against and make her understand that she HAS to pay attention to people around her and that she will meet new people and that she ll have to be careful about her character , used to have a bit of crush on her back in 7th grade , can kinda understand why that went . On the other hand i didnt want to part ways with her with our last words being me ranting , one thing brought the other and she wont be going to her uni's city until early 2021 so i managed to go out with her some more in the summer and september . kinda feels bad to see that almost noone remembered my bday cause i remember in cram school when someone had their bday they would get a fucking cake , dont mistake me i got one , from my ma my two sisters and my moms husband , thing is i wanted to have something happen with friends , nothing happend , around 4 people remembered my bday and the others just send me some happy bday messages after seeing posts from the girl i m talking about .also heres a good song to listen to while reading stuff on reddit Sorrow from FSN by MN64 cant post links from what i understandgonna stop here for now might edit later -Tuesday 3/11/2020 15:15thing is reddit is not the right place to get help and i need a friend but it seems i cant get any from my friends , even my other friend the guy i used to sit with in all middle-high school he has drifted apart , talking more with other of his friends doing other stuff etc , that one time i needed to talk to him he said i ll call you in a while , waitied 1 and a half hour then asked him why he didnt call he said he forgot (i think) , feelsbadmananyway i dont think i m gonna keep editing this i ranted enough , gonna leave the post up for a day or so in case anyone wants to add anything then taking it down -Tuesday 3/11/2020 23:58
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stilladoctorwhofan · 4 years
My Journey Into X-men / Curse of the Mutants
So I’ve been reading pretty much everything X-men related from Decimation era (except Wolwerine solo stuff) for a while now, so I thought with the quarantine upon us, I might start posting some thoughts on it.
Era: Decimation
Current arc: Curse of the Mutants
Year: 2010
List of issues:
Death of Dracula #1 X-Men Curse of the Mutants Blade #1 X-men Curse of the Mutants Saga #1 X-men (2010) #1 -#6 Curse of the Mutants Storm & Gambit #1 X-men Curse of the Mutants Smoke & Blood #1 X-men vs Vampires #1- #2 Namor The first Mutant #1 - #4
The story:
For any fans of Marvel vampire comics out there, please bear with me, Death of Dracula is the first ever thing from that world I’ve ever read. The first issue of this arc Death of Dracula #1 starts with a huge gathering of various vampire sects. As the title suggests dear old Dracula gets killed in this one by the younger of his two sons. Most of the issue then is about some infighting among the vampire sects and trying to find out who’s loyal to the new master’s cause. As that gets settled, it’s time for a new plan - the vampires need to get out of the shadows and become creatures of days, thanks to this new gizmo watch looking thing that prevents them getting burned once they step into the sun. This is what also saves the older and more likable son of Dracula, Janus who would have otherwise been killed as a traitor.
The first step en road to world domination is picking up the world’s vampire slayers one by one, until ultimately only Blade survives. Figuring that the vamps will go for the mutants next in order to make already super-powered people into vamps, so he makes his way into Utopia. That’s basically Curse of the Mutants Blade #1  in a nutshell.
I’ve pretty much skipped over Curse of the Mutants Saga #1 as this one serves solely to introduce the X characters to readers and as an advertisement for the next issues of X stuff.
Over in X-men Cyke sends Pixie to check on de-powered Jubilee who is still living in the Bay Area. As the two try to catch up, they get rudely interrupted by a vamp who blows himself up. Jubilee gets caught in the blast and is brought to Utopia where Dr. Nemesis figures out that Jubes got infected. What he and the other mutants don’t know is that she was the intended target of the blast with the other people caught in the explosion being pretty much just cannon fodder. As all of them make their way to the vamps, not being able to fight the call, Jubilee keeps resisting and fighting at first.
The mutants and Blade try to figure out what to do next as they see the crazy numbers of vamps they’re standing against thanks to a re-calibrated Cerebra, with Cyclops acknowledging that they are in no way ready for an all out war with the vamps. Therefore the best solution they can come up with is Emma’s - better the devil you know, then the one you don’t. Hence mutants + Blade decide that reviving Dracula is their best course of action. As they figure this out, Jubilee is no longer able to resist and joins the vamps and as these guys are no Edward Cullen and co. but real vamps, she gets turned.
In Curse of the Mutants Gambit and Storm #1  Storm accompanied by Gambit make their way to vamp island in order to retrieve Dracula’s body. They run into Janus who prefers the X-men’s plan over his brother’s leadership, so they form a temporary alliance, but surprise, surprise, they get attacked. Storm ends up falling down into a pit where some vamps are hibernating in order to block access to the island, unfortunately for her these are connected by  tubes and are feeding on some poor suckers who are still alive and conscious. They beg Storm to save them, but Gambit and Janus run out of time and unless she destroys the vamps, Cyclops won’t be able to send in his X-team. In the end, she has no other choice but to put down vampire and human alike in yet another showing of the whole “X-men don’t kill” thing being BS, but at least this time is somewhat forgivable. With the protection down, the X-men come in and end the rest of the vamps who were attacking Gambit and Janus. Janus takes off and Storm  has a depressive exchange with Remy about having to kill (once again).
Meanwhile over in Curse of the Mutants - Smoke & Blood #1 the X-club tries to devise a cure for the poor suckers who got hid by the vamp!bomb and who have gone a little crazy. Nemesis, Rao and Jeffries get shut in the lab with the crazy vamp wannabes and the vamp corpse. Cyke is off island, so Emma is running things on Utopia which doesn’t make Nemesis happy. Jeffries figures out that the vamps have hijacked his brain and mutant abilities and intends to go the suicide by Dr. Rao way. But by then  Nemesis figures out that the change in Jeffries and the vamp people is not caused by anything physical, rather it’s psychic influence causing it. So Emma comes to the rescue as she delivers a blow to poor Jeffries brain. So in the end it’s psychic powers vs. magic powers which once again doesn’t make Dr. Nemesis happy at all. For some reason some of the scenes in this issue cracked me up:
Dr. Nemesis & the astral twitterfeed:
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Dr. Nemesis day in this issue in a nutshell:
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Dr. Nemesis rocking that constipated look:
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SF is in for a psychic enema:
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X-men vs. Vampires #1 & #2 are two anthologies of stories of mostly second-tier X-men characters and their more or less accidental meetings with the vamps. There’s Husk, there’s Dazzler, Rockslide & Hisako on a supply run and so on. There’s also a short story on Angel vs. Archangel and their lust for killing when it comes to the vamps. The two stories that stuck with me were the one with Gambit - I don’t even remember what the story was though completely, it’s just that the color scheme of that story was really pretty:
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The second one was the one about Magneto and while it also had great art, it was also an interesting glimpse of a story. Magneto runs into someone who he thought long perished in the holocaust. It turns out that on the train from the ghetto, the boy was picked up by a vampire and turned into one himself. Two guesses how this story ended though...
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X-men #3 - #6 is where we finally get to the action. Cyclops sends Wolverine to retrieve Jubilee while Namor brings back Dracula’s head. The mutants on Utopia revive Dracula and end up losing him without making any kind of official agreement with him. Meanwhile Logan tries to rescue Jubes but as she has been completely turned she ends up turning him into a vampire. Xarus and the vamps plan their assault on Utopia while Cyke plans the defense. Everyone on Utopia who can’t turn himself into some unbitable form goes into hiding with the exception of Scott Summers because leader’s prerogative y’all. He unleashes Archangel on the vamps’ air troops who end up getting decimated. The Atlanteans fight their way through the underwater!vamps. Xarus is not giving up and drop Vamp!Logan on Utopia who goes on a tangent about Cyclops dictatorship over mutants. What the vamps didn’t count with was Scott Summer’s tactical skills - he was fully expecting Logan to be turned into a vamp, so he had Dr. Rao and Nemesis make sure that they can have Logan switched back to normal like flipping a switch - when they were investigating Logan’s healing factor and it’s effects on vampirism they made sure to inject him in order to turn off his healing factor temporarily. Logan is not happy with Cyclops once again and they’re gonna have words eventually, but first they both wanna take care of Xarus.
Except Vlad Dracula himself beats them to it and kills Xarus himself. Blade still wants to kill Dracula, but Cyke stops him given their unspoken agreement with the vampire lord, so he ends up knocking Blade out with his optic blast. Dracula points out that he could still technically continue Xarus’ plan to turn Utopia’s mutant population into vampires with a cooler head. Cyke’s not having it, even if he’s bluffing his way out of the situation. Dracula doesn’t really believe his bluff, but still calls it a day given Cyke’s guts and leaves the X-men a small gift in the form of vamp!Jubilee.
Blade tells Logan that the only way out of the situation is a wooden stake through Jubes’ heart, but Wolverine can’t bring himself to agree. Elsewhere Cyke and Emma also consider the situation and Emma can’t help but agree with Blade, Scott wants to keep his hopes up for now.
That concludes the vamps. vs mutants battles for now. The first issues of Namor The First Mutant were also a part of this arc and I long fought with myself to decide if I was gonna read those as well. If there’s one Marvel character I can’t stand, it’s gotta be Namor. I guess it’s his arrogance - I know there are plenty of arrogant characters in Marvel and I even like some of them, but they just have soem redeeming qualities and I have yet to find any for Namor. So I tried the first issue and just couldn’t finish it to be honest.
All in all, this wasn’t exactly the best X-men arc, but I really enjoyed the conclusion of it in the later issues of the X-men. It showed why Scott Summers is often considered to be the No. 1 strategist in the Marvel Universe. At the same time, I know that this came out not so long before Schism, so while this is vamp!Logan talking, at least some part of regular Logan probably agrees with the notion:
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Is he right? Probably to some extent. At the same time, unfortunately given the situation that the mutants are facing at this point of time, someone like General Summers is exactly what they need. Would they have survived either Osborn or the vampires or both without his leadership? Probably not.
To end this, have some panels of Scott Summers being the kickass strategist and leader he can be at his best:
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bensonstablers · 5 years
Hi Queen❤️ Can you make a ‘What we know (or think we know) so far about season 3’ post ?! There’s so much info and it’s so unorganized in my brain. Help 🥺💋
Hi, there!
Let me start by saying that I mostly kept this to information we’ve been given and tried to stay away from too many theories because this post got long. Because of that, I’m actually going to put everything I can find under a read more/keep reading tab. (Although that being said, I’m always happy to answer asks about theories, I just wanted to keep this post from becoming a ridiculous length).
There’s actually been a ton of information about Good Girls season 3 so far (albeit, some of it vague haha) so I’m sure I’ve missed some things. Saying that, I recommend checking out @pynkhues‘ blog (which I’m sure you have), particularly this tag for extra details and discussions as well as info I might have missed (I find Sophie often posts about, reblogs, or is sent asks regarding details of season 3 quite regularly, ha).
The Good Girls tag on here is also great to check out as well as any official social media accounts for the show as well as cast and crew. To be honest, a lot of behind the scenes stuff is posted to IG stories which delete after 24 hours and I find they’re not always captured in time to find elsewhere. 
Anyway, everything below is split into sections and there are sources provided (said sources will potentially give extra information on top of what I’ve put!) I really hope this is organised enough for you and it’s not everything but I hope it’s what you were looking for! ^_^
Firstly, there’s this spoiler post that was made but if you don’t like spoilers and just want ‘official’ information that is announced on socials and through blog articles, I’d recommend skipping it :)
The basics:
We got an official release date: February 16th 2020 (source)
We’re getting 16 episodes this season (source)
Saying that, they’re potentially filming right through till March (source). As of right now, we’ve definitely got about 7 episodes done in terms of table reads (and filming too I think?).
We got the titles for the first 3 episodes (source) and due to IG stories we know episode 7 is called, “Vegas, Baby!”
Information about previous cast members (not including the obvious, ha):
Basically every kid on the show has been photographed on set including David Miranda who plays Marcus (a lot of the kids have instagram and you’ll see a ton of sources there).
It’s possible Jessica Walter will be back as Judith (source)
Sally Pressman is back as Nancy (source)
I don’t think it’s been confirmed if Zach Gilford is back as Greg but if Nancy is back, I’m assuming he’ll at least make an appearance.
Carlos Aviles is back as one of Rio’s boys (source - he’s also posted in IG stories about it too)
Julian Grant who plays JT (the Quick Cash guy) is set to return for at least 3x01 according to IMDb (source)
Sam Huntington doesn’t seem to be coming back for season 3 (source - his thank you tweet after season 2 finished).
Allison Tolman is playing the lead in the show Emergence so probably won’t return for this season (I guess it depends on schedule but I doubt it).
New cast members:
Charlyne Yi was cast as the fourth good girl Lucy who was hinted at at the end of season 2 and was also teased in interviews with Jenna Bans (source)
Jackie Cruz was cast a Rhea (source) and while that source revealed that Rhea was going to become friends with Beth we now have information as to who else she’s connected to as well as first look pictures of both Rhea and Beth in season 3 (source - if you don’t want to be spoiled, I wouldn’t recommend checking that source)
Ione Skye was cast as Gayle who works with Dean at his new job at a hot tub store (source) and Ione has made a couple of instagram posts like this one and this one. And I also want to say she made some IG stories but they only last 24 hours so I can’t link any, ha.
Noureen Dewulf was cast as Krystal (source) - she’s also posted a few IG stories in the past which confirmed her character’s name and also showed her on set with various people but mainly Reno Wilson bringing about the idea that Krystal will be connected to stan.
Wesley Kimmel was cast as Tim (source) and there’s really no information about him that I’ve noticed but he’s often seen with the other kids in photos (mainly the Bolands) and a lot of people have pointed out he looks like Matthew Lillard so there’s speculation he’ll be connected to them (the other theory is that he’s Gayle’s son).
Brent Jeremiah was cast a Thug #2 lmao (source) but the interesting thing is that he actually mentioned working with Christina which means this ‘thug’ is likely connected to Beth’s journey into crime (whether that be good or bad remains to be seen though).
There was also an IG post about Alex Jayne Go on set or something but I can’t seem to find it, however, she’s listed as ‘Fiona’ in 3x03 on IMDb (source)
Naomi Grossman was cast as Dr Amanda Johnson (source) and her role is only a guest one so I’m not entirely sure how much we’ll see of her.
Megan Thee Stallion has been cast to appear although there’s not really any information on who she’ll be playing and whatnot (source)
Some behind the scenes stuff:
I don’t actually follow him but I’ve heard that Gabe Rodriguez who works on Good Girls often posts a bunch of behind the scenes stuff on his instagram. - I feel like it was him who posted a picture of a strip club or something which added fuel to the fire of Krystal being a stripper or something along those lines, ha.
Christina, Mae, and Retta were filming in a graveyard at one point (source) and Carlos Aviles also posted about the same set on his IG stories (source) so most likely Manny/Rio is involved in those scenes too.
There’s a printing press this season (source) and (I think) it was confirmed that Beth and co will be working with cards as part of their business (in 3x01 on IMDb there’s a listing for ‘young card customer’) and there was a photo floating around where you see the sign: “Paper Porcupine” in the background.
I’m 90% sure it was seen in slightly more HD versions of these photos which were actually some of the first we got of Manny/Rio on set, ha.
In some IG stories, Reno mentioned he couldn’t show his face because of spoilers which I’m guessing means either a) Stan is injured or b) his outfit gives something big away about his storyline.
Whenever the cast have posted pictures that show Manny onset (whether it be for table reads or filming) those posts are usually promptly deleted (like this one) meaning that the show is still trying to keep his fate ambiguous, most likely wanting to make his return a big surprise for fans who haven’t quite figured out he’s coming back.
Everleigh (Jane) and David (Marcus) are often photographed together and its probably cause they’re close in age and friends but there’s a high chance we’ll see Jane and Marcus become friends in season 3 (it also seems that Marcus will just be in this season a lot more than season 2 in general).
There’s this photo of Jackie, Christina, and Mae which could mean nothing but we know Rhea and Beth will have scenes together but, considering that photos was from September, I wonder if Annie (and Ruby) will meet Rhea pretty early on and share scenes with her, aha.
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635-637: "The Fateful Reunion! Bellamy the Hyena!", "A Super Rookie! Bartolomeo the Cannibal!" and "Big Names Duke it Out! The Heated Block B Battle!"
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Luffy’s entire experience of Dressrosa so far.
If I had two words to sum up these episodes, they would be: new characters.
New characters everywhere. 
And, if @mrkashkiet​ is right, some of them should not be immediately written off as battle fodder. I have done my best to keep track of all the new names  and faces (let’s face it, Dressrosa has not yet descended into HxH War of Succession level madness). 
But I think I have a better handle on the competitors now. Who knew paying close attention would work wonders?
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the influx of new characters is not limited to the Colosseum.
Trafalgar Law: Supplier of Tea and Shade
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It is the return of Cipher Pol. Except this time, the World Government have unleashed the Big Guns.
The Caesar Handover Team (Law, Robin, Usopp and Caesar) had camped at a pavement cafe near the Long Bridge they must cross to reach Green Bit. They were indulging in a bit of recon because the bridge, to put it mildly, was in a state of disrepair.
A rickey, rusting wreck is what I want to say.
A conveniently chatty waiter was only too happy to furnish them with intel. Apparently, people used to freely cross the bridge two-hundred years ago, but an influx of fighting fish ruined everything. The people tried to reinforce the bridge with iron but it never worked. Yes, people still try to cross. The waiter himself knew people who’d made the attempt. But no one ever came back. (I bet the Smile factory is on Green Bit.)
Caesar and Usopp were not keen on making the crossing. Law told them to pipe down and pulled the “we’re here now, anyway” card. The lack of unrest in Dressrosa was what worried Law. (Sanji noticed that too.) Their king had abdicated suddenly. Why was everyone so calm?
Then something awesome happened.
Robin saw something out the corner of her eye. She cringed, pulled her hat down further over her face. Caesar caught on too.
Three sinister, white-robed, masked people walked down the street like ghosts. They were heading in the direction of the bridge.
It was CP0. According to Robin, they are even deadlier that CP9 and are charged with only the highest level intelligence missions. “When they’re on the move,” Robin said, “nothing good happens.”
Except plot, Robin. Good plot happens.
I mean, come on! First Fujitora is hanging about, supposedly to deal with all the pirates in the Colosseum. Now CP0 have crawled out of the woodwork but they are lurking about the bridge. They are all in on something. They must know or suspect something is going on in Dressrosa. I’ll bet they have intel Luffy and Law don’t.
I wonder if Fujitora wants Luffy to draw out Doflamingo (or at least the proof something is going on). He definitely knows Luffy is behind the beard and he let Luffy go. Why? The plot chickenz.
Zoro , Sanji and Kinemon: Technically All Chasing After Precious Things
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Elsewhere on Dressrosa, Zoro, Sanji and Kinemon have all gone their separate, chaotic ways.
Zoro has finally laid hands on Shusui again, but - and I cannot believe I am saying this - a small, thieving, invisible creature *was* behind the disappearance of Zoro’s belongings. And they referred to Zoro as a “human”, which means... I mean, are we really talking fairies here? Why do they need to steal stuff? Are they raising funds for Doflamingo? I have no idea what’s going on.  I am at the point of tin-foil hat speculation so I’ll quit before the hat is fully on.
Sanji managed to take out a sniper sixteen metres above ground with one kick. Why the need for a sniper kicking spree? He was being targeted while walking with Violet. I am still suspicious of her. I think she’s in on the whole thing and she is only just beginning to realise that, uh oh, she’s snared a really strong fighter, how do we get out of this one?
Also, Kinemon found himself surrounded by chuckling thugs who threw Kanjuuro’s location in his face. They recognised him by the “top-knot-shaped hat” (lmao). There was a, “If you don’t cooperate, we will kill you and your friend,” moment. Not super interested in this plot point, but looking forward to seeing how Oda weaves it into the wider storyline. 
Meanwhile, on The Event Horizon Sunny...
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A portal has opened to another dimension.
In the grand scheme of things, everyone who went to Dressrosa got the better end of the bargain because this... this is some weird shit.
(Plus, there was another Momonosuke clue. While Momo was playing at being shogun (and Brook refused, saying he “Only takes orders from Luffy-san”) Dr Chopper observed Momo’s behaviour. Apparently, Momo is putting up a good front, disguising some sort of trauma. What happened to him a Punk Hazard could be a good bet. Maybe there was something else we didn’t get to see.)
Bellamy Is A New Man! Sort of...
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Back at the Colosseum, the main event was underway: Block B’s battle! We still haven’t reached the end of it yet but that’s because a lot was happening backstage.
The action picked up where it left off. Luffy’s reunion with Bellamy did not go quite as I expected - in a good way. A lot has happened since Luffy kicked Bellamy’s ass at Jaya. For one, after ridiculing Luffy for his ambition to visit Skypeia, Bellamy made his own trip. He lost his crew in the attempt (I think?) but brought back a huge golden souvenir, which he presented to Doflamingo. 
I didn’t quite understand his connection with Doflamingo before. I figured he was part of Doflamingo’s crew and worked exclusively for him. But it turns out Bellamy had his own crew? Maybe they were allied with/working for Doflamingo?
At any rate, since he returned from Skypeia, Bellamy has become a changed man. He has obsessively worked for Doflamingo - who was Bellamy’s pirate hero since he was a kid - in hopes of being promoted to an executive post in the Donquixote family. 
That is why he entered the Battle Royale. Not to win the Mera Mera fruit, but for a promotion.
I have the funniest feeling he won’t be getting it.
His spring power is cool, though. Luffy was right. He’s definitely become stronger. The way he took out Abdullah and Jeet was pretty stylish. I also like the character development Bellamy has undergone. Oda has morphed him from a loathsome, one-dimensional mook into someone with ambition who will do anything to achieve his goals. Nice.
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Now, this guy was a surprise.
When Oda introduced Maynard last episode, I never thought for a minute that the badass Marine who held a knife to a pirate’s throat and took him out so easily would become instant fodder in the very next installment.
That’ll teach me for trying to predict Oda’s intentions.
Bartolomeo acts like an Edgy Edgerson (that’s a bit of an understatement, to be honest) but he does look out for his crew, as all good captains should. The guy who was murked last time by Maynard was part of his crew. Unfortunately for Maynard, Bartolomeo is the revenge type. Maynard was left crumpled in a bloody heap. It was interesting that Maynard had planned to take part in the competition. Was it for intel or were the Marines seriously thinking they were in with a shot at the Mera Mera fruit?
Bartolomeo is also one of the rookies Cavendish loathes. When the commentator introduced him, we learned it only took Bartolomeo a year to become (in)famous in the New World. Apparently, he roasted a crew of pirates and broadcast the footage and bombed some innocent civilians. As you do. He also won the coveted spot of #1 Most Annoying Pirate Who Should Just Go Away (lmao).
This was backed up by the crowd. They booed him like a pantomime villain and pelted him with trash. The bomb prank did nothing to salvage the tatters of his public image. Even Dagama was like, “They hate you so much, brat.”
But Bartolomeo didn’t care. He is super edgy. “Don’t even want them to like me.” (If he met Eustass Kidd, the amount of Edge would reach critical mass and cause some sort of singularity).
I have the feeling Bartolomeo will win this fight.
He has barely lifted a finger the entire time. When the gong was struck, he lay down like Slaking, took a nap. Then he woke up, pissed in the moat (lmao) and somehow took out Hack the Fishman Karate Master with little effort. He must be a fruit user. I wonder what his power is?
It’s testament to how One Piece stretches the limits of your morality when you find yourself laughing and cheering for a guy who literally roasted his rivals and broadcast the footage over the OP equivalent of YouTube.
And the Award for Most Hostile Leading Question Goes To...
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While the fighting was underway, Luffy and Cavendish watched from a balcony. Cavendish gave Lucy the low-down on who the most likely winners would be. Apart from Bartolomeo and Bellamy, there was Elizabello II, his tactician Dagama, Ricky (a mysterious Gladiator), Blue Gilly from the Longarm Tribe, Tank Lepant of Dressrosa, Abdullah and Jeet, and Hack (a Fishman Karate specialist and fan of Jimbei).
Elizabello II, Dagama and Tank teamed up with a cadre of random fodders to protect Elizabello. It turns out Liz has a King’s Punch ability that can take out entire fortresses. The only thing is, it takes ages for it to power up and he can only use it once a day. They must want the Mera Mera Fruit badly, as the restrictions of the King Punch make it pretty damned useless in this context. Even if he did get through to the next round, he might be one-on-one against Jesus Burgess. Burgess does not need to wait an hour to power up a punch. Even if it’s four fighters all in the ring together (I bet Luffy will team up with Rebecca), I don’t see Burgess helping him out.
Blue Gilly is a kick fighter with oddly hypnotic knee pads.
Ricky is a mystery. He is a gladiator other fighters have never seen but some random in the crowd claims he might have once - a warrior who fought with no shield.
The Middle Eastern trope fighters Abdullah and Jeet were taken out by Bellamy, Hack was defeated by Bartolomeo.
All very exciting. I love a Battle Royale.
But most of the action was taking place backstage.
While Luffy and Cavendish watched the battle, a hulking, craggy, mountainous figure approached. I knew he was big because Toei had given him the “Big Guy Clown Shoes” sound effect they use for guys like Moria and Kuma. He had the number 12 tattooed on his forehead. It was Don Chinjao.
He stood beside Luffy and Cavendish and said, “Hey, lovely view we’ve got here. Btw, how is Garp-san doing?”
Luffy, the honest soul, never saw the trap coming. “You know grandpa?”
Uh oh.
Well, the situation escalated hilariously quickly after that.
“Garp was like a real demon to us pirates back then. My wound still hasn’t healed, you know. I need you to pay for what your grandpa did to me. If I’d heard about Garp’s son, Dragon, sooner, you would never have been born.”
Ooft. That’s a heavy grudge.
Of course, Cavendish was like, “WHAT? YOU ARE LUFFY!”
And poor Luffy was still desperately clinging to his Lucy disguise, wondering why everyone was blaming him for things that really were not his fault. “no, really, i misheard. i am lucy, honest.”
Now both Cavendish and Don Chinjao were steamed. They ended up in a skirmish where Cavendish’s Shiny Sparkly Sword, Durandal, was shown off (to be fair, it does look awesome) and the endurance of Chinjao’s Mighty Skull was tested. Neither were going all out, which was nice.
At any rate, Luffy is now hanging from a window ledge. His promise to Franky is not working out well so far. 
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Ahhh, that was a good tinkle.
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Eragon Movie Recap Part 1: The First Part
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I watched the Eragon movie. Voluntarily.
I would say that I had forgotten how bad this movie was, but the truth is, I don’t think I ever fully understood in the first place. I saw this thing in theatres back when I had very low standards, and I kinda disliked it then. Seeing it again more than ten years later, it blew my mind. Ohhh boy, was I ever unprepared. I knew it would be bad, but this? I completely underestimated it. I was not at all ready.
But, ready or not, I saw the film. All of it. In detail. And among all of the bad bits I found many things to laugh at, though I imagine most of those were unintentional, and at least one instance of thematic consistency, which is always nice to see. So, the film was bad, certainly, but not thoroughly, completely terrible. But, if what we have now is bad, can we do better? Can we take what the studio has given us and transform it into something fun to experience, something people might actually choose to look at because they like seeing it? I certainly hope so, as this is the beginning of my quest to make that a reality.
This post and those following it will constitute a recap of the 2006 Eragon film - a summary of its events with a bit of commentary sprinkled in. Personal opinions will probably sprout up faster than weeds in a suburb. The wordy bits will be broken up by annotated screencaps from the film itself. I hope you like them! This series is based on a recap/screencap format that I personally have seen in mammothrider’s RWBY Recaps. In this recap series, you’ll be able to see elements from both that and screencap annotation blogs like cakewatchespsychopass. These folks do some very good work, and if their stuff looks interesting to you, you should totally check it out!
Now that you know what’s coming, I invite you to join me on my journey, as it is now beginning. My mission: to give you a way to enjoy the Eragon movie without first having to endure the Eragon movie.
Our story opens with a series of aerial shots. Clouds, mountains, and more are visible as the opening narration makes it clear that we’re in for a few minutes of exposition. Eventually, while looking at some clouds, a dragon raises its head into the frame. It turns out that we, the audience, were the real dragon rider the whole time! I must wonder, though, where the dragon was keeping its head earlier in this shot. That must have made for one uncomfortable flying stance.
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But what’s this? On the other side of this cloud, we find a battle! With dragons fighting left and right and fire flying every which way, we look up to find ourselves attacked from above by another dragon!
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The narrator informs us that all of this fighting is because of some guy named Galbatorix. While we’re on the subject of this guy, I have to ask, who names their kid Galbatorix? Like, even ignoring the part where it’s clearly an Evil Overlord Name, am I the only one who thinks it’s weird that somewhere, somebody looked at their kid and thought, I’m going to give you a really unwieldy name containing entirely too many syllables and weird consonants. I don’t mean to suggest that people never have long or complicated names, but compared to the rest of the names in this story, this one really sticks out to me as a very egregious example.
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Moving on, we’re told about how there was this big war where a bunch of people died, and those that didn’t opted instead to run away in the approximate direction of some mountains. But wait! Who is this?
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Some important rebels are riding through the woods on horseback, and they… stole the king’s favourite rock. We aren’t told why this matters. We are told, however, that the most important rebel’s name is Arya. Interestingly, she appears to be wearing the least armour, despite being the most important. Maybe they’re hoping that people will recognize her, and therefore not attack? That’s an unusual strategy. Regardless, everyone’s favourite oversized paperweight is clearly causing a few problems.
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Meanwhile at the local evil lair, Ol’ Galby’s telling his Shade friend Durza all about how much he misses his cool rock. Oh, if only there were someone who could go on a low-profile retrieval mission. Someone with vaguely-defined supernatural abilities. Someone who doesn’t have the responsibility of staying in this weird mountain cave in case they need to loom dramatically in front of the camera. Durza, one of the least bad characters in this movie, takes the hint.
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And now, we get to meet our protagonist! He’s getting out of bed at nighttime, for some reason. Protagonist walks past his sleeping uncle on his way to the door, and, for some reason, takes the time to pause and smile fondly at him. I’m not really sure of what the filmmakers were trying to communicate with this. He cares about his family? This man is, in fact, related to him? He would be disappointed if his parental figure were to suddenly be murdered? It is indeed that time of day, you know, the one when people generally aren’t awake? I should hope these things are all understandable by other means.
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As our narrator informs us that this man venturing into the woods with a bow and some arrows is, in fact, going hunting, we get to enjoy a confusing bit of editing. In one shot, Protagonist Man (the fact that his name is Eragon is, of course, left unsaid) is closing the front door behind him. In the next shot, he’s climbing a hill in the middle of a lush forest that was clearly not at his doorstep in the establishing shot. Yes, I know he could have walked there first, but the editing strongly suggested he didn’t have to.
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Moving on, Durza’s lurking in the forest now, waiting to intercept some horses and their humanoid companions. He stands in the middle of some pathway, raises his hand all magic-like and starts… hissing? The Urgals are apparently on their game today as they know how to interpret vague hissing as “launch ambush plan 4.2”.
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It’s ambush time! Arya’s two dude friends get pincushioned real fast, and Arya herself gets tackled off her horse. Oh, no! If only there had been some obvious sign of trouble, like a suspicious dude acting suspiciously in the middle of the road dead ahead.
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Eragon’s walking in the woods. There’s no-one around and his phone is dead. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots it: a deer.
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Meanwhile, Arya is scooting along in the forest, holding a sword. That’s probably not how you hold a sword. Man, elven emissary training just isn’t what it used to be. Though, I do wonder how she made her tackler vanish before they hit the ground. We will probably never know. Then again, maybe that’s what they covered during training in place of proper sword-carrying technique.
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I digress. Suddenly, it’s the Ring of Fire! Durza’s casting it, and really doesn’t seem to worry about fire damage while walking through it. He tries to intimidate Arya by finishing his sentence even after pausing to let her quip, but she’s one step ahead of him. She retrieves a very special cool rock, and immediately beams it out of her jurisdiction. Foiled again, Durza!
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Time for Eragon to shoot the deer. But wait! The deer got all glowy and exploded! Actually, no, it didn’t explode, but it did get very mildly spooked and will be grazing elsewhere. Eragon doesn’t know what’s going on. His arrow’s on fire. There’s a cool rock on the ground. It’s smoking. Eragon looks perplexed, more than anything, by this complete surprise. I understand that intense confusion is something anyone would be feeling in this situation, but I would think that Eragon might have more pressing concerns when faced with a flashy mystery projectile.
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Durza walks over to Arya, who’s collapsed onto the ground. It turns out that InstaPost is an expensive service. They discuss the exact meaning of “out of her jurisdiction”.
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Eragon has decided to walk over to the cool rock. He squats down next to it. Picks it up. Blows on it. Truly an exhaustive investigation. Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t do any sort of check beforehand to make sure that the suspiciously shiny explosively teleporting object isn’t going to curse him on contact. Oh, Eragon. What are we going to do with you?
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Arya, meanwhile, has some sixth sense that lets her know that her cool rock has been found by an idiot. Satisfied, she takes a nap, leaving Durza to pick up the pieces.
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This brings our first installment in the Eragon Movie Recap series to a close! This part covered about 6 minutes of screentime. Thanks for reading, and I hope you had fun, as I most certainly had fun writing it. If there was something you particularly liked, or would like to see done differently in future installments, you are more than welcome to leave some feedback as a reply, or in the ask box, or however else you’d like to deliver your message. I look forward to hearing from you!
Remember to tune in next week when we visit such questions as “will Eragon achieve his dream of multiclassing?”, “just how much trouble is Arya in?”, and “will the audience ever see Eragon follow proper safety procedures?”. See you then!
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higuchimon · 6 years
[fanfic] Rebirth of Kaiser:  chapter 30 [finale]
“So where is Tesni now?” Chaos Hunter asked, lounging backwards in her chair and fiddling with the card between her fingers. A satisfied smirk settled on her lips any time that she looked at it.
“Currently taking instruction in how to be a good servant to me,” Ruin replied. “It will take some time for her to be what I require of her, though. But it won’t delay our plans.”
Law Guardian tilted his head to the side. “We need to complete those plans as soon as possible. They know about you – they’ll know about us.”
“Oh, you’re quite right on that.” Ruin agreed. “But they won’t be able to do anything about it until I allow it. Knowing won’t accomplish anything if we don’t strike until they’re not expecting it.”
Her gaze swept around the room, touching on Chaos Hunter, Law Guardian, and Skull Bishop. “I expect you all to listen to my orders. We will achieve our vengeance if you do.”
Golden Pegasus’s hooves struck hard against the ground and the group turned towards him. “I know that Law Guardian seeks the life of Yuuki Juudai. I wish him to return to his true station.”
“We know,” Ruin replied, a hint of weariness in her voice at that. “The two of you will work together on this. We know how his deck works – find ways around that. But work carefully. There have been many who sought to deny him Fusion and its ilk. They all fell against him.”
Skull Bishop shifted for a moment, until all eyes rested on him. “I’ve heard that one of his old friends resides with the Amazons. We could use him for information.”
Sparks of interest flickered to life in Ruin’s expression. “Then I want him here. The sooner the better.”
She turned back toward Chaos Hunter. “And I believe that you have an acquaintance who might be useful towards our cause. Demon Tamer.”
Chaos Hunter tensed at once, the corners of her mouth turning downward. “What do you want with her?”
“I think she would be a fine ally. Bring her here as soon as you can. We can speak to her, if nothing else.”
Ruin picked up the silver goblet in front of her and examined the rich wine carefully before she took a sip. “In fact, I want to talk to everyone in this world who ever encountered any of them or their friends – everyone who has the slightest bit of information about them whatsoever.”
“Shouldn’t you also be deciding who fights the shadow mage?” Chaos Hunter suggested, lip curled for a breath at that. “Or did you want me to take care of him?”
“No. We’re going to fight fairly – for now.” Ruin’s smile did not falter in the slightest. “But you’re right on that point.” She took another sip, thinking. “Did you have anyone in mind? They are fighting on your behalf – somewhat.”
Chaos Hunter said nothing at all for several minutes, her eyes dark and serious, before a sudden smile broke across her features. “Oh, I think I know exactly who it will be. I’ll have to talk to him about it, of course.”
“Of course.” Ruin traced a design on the table before her. “I think that we all know what we need to do for now. While you’re at it – send me your servants. The small spies. The ones you inherited from the Death Duelists. I have plans for them, too.”
“Did you get it back, at least?” Johan glanced at Shine Angel. The angel turned his hand over, closing his fingers and then opening them up again to reveal his card there.
“I could do that much. But retrieving Tesni was beyond my power, my lord.” Shine Angel’s head bent for a breath. “I can’t even be certain of where Ruin took her. Her defenses are too strong.”
Johan let out a long breath at that. “Not surprised. She probably knows ways to keep me and Juudai out.” He leaned back against the moss-covered rock and ran his fingers through his hair. “At least we tried. And she’s still alive, we know that much.”
“For how long?”
That got another sigh, deeper and longer than the rest. “Probably longer than she wants to be if she stays with Ruin. But that still gives us time to figure out how to find her and get her back. And to figure out what else Ruin is up to.”
Johan sent a quick look towards Shine Angel. “Are you going to stay here or go back to the village? Or the Sanctuary?”
“Here for now. This is where my brother is and we haven’t finished everything yet.” Shine Angel’s gaze tilted up towards the sky. “I do plan to return to the Sanctuary soon, though. I have a few people I need to speak to there. And elsewhere.”
A brief nod from Johan. “Juudai’s going to get some of our friends – the ones that Ryou should meet again soon. He’s getting more and more of his memories back and that’ll help in the long run.”
“If we have a long run. Is this shadow mage a good enough duelist to win against whoever Ruin sets against him?”
“I’ve only dueled against him once myself and he was really different then.” Johan’s gaze flicked out over the green grass meadow spreading out in front of them. “I really couldn't say but I think he is. I’ve heard that he’s at least as good as the Kaiser is. Or was.”
Shine Angel nodded. “And Cyber Hell Paladin himself? I know the spirit that he’s become, not the human he was or the person that he will be.”
“There weren’t that many people better than him. Once he gets it all back, he could probably tear through Ruin’s army and never break a sweat.” Johan’s lips twitched for a few seconds. “I’d almost be tempted to let him. He’s going to need to work off steam somehow.”
“He’s not the only one. Herald-sama is quite unhappy, I’ve noticed.”
Johan nodded, eyes raising up briefly. “He wanted this to end the whole war. We’re not going to get involved more than we have to, but we were keeping an eye on the situation. Juudai – he’s furious at Ruin. When he finds out who’s protecting her from him, he’s going to be even worse.”
Shine Angel’s wings twitched and Johan shook his head. “I can hold him back. So can Yubel. No one’s in any serious danger. But still, Juudai being unhappy isn’t good for anyone.”
Juudai didn’t want to be angry. He wanted to have seen the end of a war – even if it was just a little war – and to be celebrating the victory of the people he’d determined were in the right of things. He usually let people work out stuff like this on their own with only minimal support, if just by where he decided to eat and sleep. Sometimes he didn’t even give that much, departing an area entirely until the matter settled.
He’d supported the Hail Cybers mostly because he’d decided that they were on the right side. Something drove a wedge between them and the Knights and the Knights didn’t seem fully in control of themselves anymore.
What do you plan to do about this?
He could feel Yubel’s fingers in his hair, an intimacy that they seldom indulged in unless they were the only ones around. Or Johan. Johan remained an exception to a lot of their habits, for a lot of different reasons.
“I don’t know. Haven’t decided yet.”
Juudai knew that he needed to. He hadn’t gone too near the Knights and maybe that was why people like Ruin and everyone she’d recruited got tangled up in the situation. He hated to blame himself but the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to think he at least carried some blame for it.
You can’t watch everyone. You can’t even fix everything. You know that.
That got a very long look from him to Yubel. At least the sort of look that came when Yubel didn’t feel like appearing where he could use his eyes. He could feel their awareness turned towards him and that an undercurrent of amusement ran all through Yubel’s thoughts. As always, they believed that he took too much on himself.
He knew why, though. He’d gone so long never taking any kind of responsibility whatsoever, letting it all fall the way it wanted and seldom even noticing when things crashed into ruin, so long as he continued to amuse himself. He knew now that couldn’t keep on.
“Maybe I can’t,” he muttered, “but I need to do something.”
Yubel didn’t seem bothered by that. Yubel wasn’t often bothered by him choosing to do things, even if those things didn’t involve Yubel. Since he hadn’t yet come up with something that Yubel didn’t get involved with on some level, he hoped that would never change.
What did you have in mind?
That was where he wasn’t sure. He’d already tried to get into Ruin’s fortress and take Tesni out again. That hadn’t worked at all. He had no idea of what sort of defenses she had, but he came out right where he’d started, and after trying two or three times, he’d decided to try something else.
Exactly what this something else might be was also on the list of ‘he had no idea of what it would be’ but he guessed he’d figure it out later.
He sighed and jerked himself to his feet. “Let you know when I know. But first I think we need to go pick up a couple of people. At least let them know what’s going on before we bring them here.”
Juudai took three steps away from the rock he’d lounged on, then turned around and walked into the shadow cast by it. He hoped Principal Samejima wasn’t too busy. Was it even the school year?
Guess I’ll find out.
Shadows grew over the valley as the sun slid down behind the mountains. Ryou stared out over it. He’d never seen this place as a human, but he remembered now. He remembered three months spent here when it had just been him and Edo and the day and night could almost not be told from one another save for how bright the comet sparkled.
Such a different place now. He’d known that before this became his home; he’d been there for the first sunrise. But living here made it a part of himself, like nowhere ever had been before.
“Does Shou still have the tapestry I had from the Cyber Dojo?” Ryou asked. Yuusuke, standing next to him, nodded.
“He wouldn’t have given it up for anything. But I think he’d give it back to you if you asked for it.” Yuusuke smiled in thoughtful sadness. “He misses you more than you can imagine. That’s probably why he asked Juudai to bring you the deck.”
Ryou glanced to where he'd set it on the chipped marble table. The stronghold of the Hail Cybers was a mixture of old and new, battered and burnished, and he found that he liked it like that. There his deck rested; he still needed a duel disc, but the deck was there, and many of the spirits of the monsters curled up around the courtyard. Cyber End admired the sunset with him. Cyberdark lounged in a deep swath of shadows. Cyber Phoenix perched on one of the trees in the courtyard, preening their claws.
Other spirits scattered here and there. The courtyard always seemed big enough for them, no matter what. He hadn’t met them all yet but he knew that he would in time. The newest powerful monster in his deck still hadn’t emerged, though he could feel the presence in there, watching and waiting.
And amused. He could never forget amused.
Comfortable silence grew between the two of them as the sun fell out of sight and the stars shimmered one by one into place above. The moon would rise late tonight, so for now, starlight was all that they had.
“You’re putting your life on the line for me,” Ryou said. They’d both been so quiet for so long that hearing the words sent a small shiver all through him. Yuusuke turned towards him.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Three simple words, with far more meaning behind them than Ryou thought he’d heard in either of his lives. His heart warmed in a fashion that he didn’t think he’d ever had towards anyone else. He still didn’t have all of his memories, but perhaps that didn’t matter so very much.
“Are you sure that you can succeed?”
At that word, Ryou opened his mouth to protest, but Yuusuke shook his head. “I don’t know who I’ll duel or what tricks they’ll use. I think we’ve learned that Ruin can’t be trusted. But whatever they do, I’ll fight for you.”
Ryou could not find it in his heart to protest. Juudai’s words came back to him; he would need his friends and he would need to develop his strength in dueling all over again. Those memories wouldn’t do enough. He needed to be himself again, and to learn just who being himself meant.
Now that he’d had time to think about it, he looked forward to everything that lay ahead in their future.
The End
Notes: At least it’s the end until I do another story in this world. I don’t know when that will be though. Sorry this is later than I wanted: my roommate and I finished KH3 the other day and I was busy decompressing from that. But here is the chapter at last! Hope that you’ve enjoyed this as much as I have. I have Such Ideas for the rest of it!
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godareuthere · 4 years
coming out to dad; 
TO: Geoffrey
FROM: Elijah -Hey Dad, I hope everything is well! I’m sorry I didn’t call this week, I’ve just been really busy with work and I had a couple assignments due this week so it’s been crazy. It’s starting to settle down now though, which is a bit of a relief. How are you, how is everyone?
I’ve been texting with Tahlia a bit this week, she went back to school this week right? That’s exciting! I’ve been thinking about being in that kind of school at that age a lot recently, and I miss some parts of it. I hope she’s enjoying it. I also got a text from Piper but I haven’t replied just yet, which I know I tend to be slow with that and I hope she doesn’t take it the wrong way. I get worried sometimes that maybe it seems like I’m wanting to have a family relationship with you and Tahlia, but not Piper and their mum and I get stressed that it might seem that way because you and Tahlia are related to me by blood and the others aren’t. But that isn’t it. I think I obviously try to communicate with you a lot cause you’re my dad and I’m so glad to finally have you back-I sometimes feel like I have to make up for lost time. And Tahlia, sometimes it honestly does freak me out a little bit. Like, the idea of having a little sister. I guess when people get one of those they usually are more prepared and they experience it and get to know them since they were a baby. I still sometimes wonder if I really even know what to do or how to talk to a kid like that, but it seems easier cause things maybe aren’t as deep talking to her. She seems excited a lot, and will just text me a lot about school or a lot of questions that make me laugh. But when it comes to like, Piper. It’s just a lot. I guess it's a lot easier to joke or talk lightly with someone younger than it is to talk to Piper. And it’s not that I feel like things can’t be light or funny or happy with her, I think things just run a little deeper when it’s two adults who are trying to connect on a sibling level without really knowing each other. I think at first I was scared she wouldn’t even want to. Cause we aren’t related by blood and maybe she thought like she already has a step dad and a half sister like does she really need another sibling that isn’t even really attached to her? But it seems like she does want to talk, I think she makes more of an effort with me. I think I’m just nervous. I’d love to know her better, to be closer to all of you. But maybe I went so quickly from being upset and mad to excited and wanting to be closer that I overwhelmed myself. I was going to ask you to tell her that I do wanna be talking to her and I’m sorry I’m quieter with it, but maybe that’s something I should be explaining myself huh? I just really don’t wanna get so close with you and Tahlia and have this weird underlying line between their mum and Piper and me, cause I do want them in my life too. Maybe this is normal, the way things are going at the moment. I’m not really sure. But anyways, I shouldn’t just be dragging on about that maybe. I wanna hear about your week! And what everyone is up to, all of that stuff!! I have to go right now cause Theodore is whining at the door but I’ll call you sometime soon, okay? -Elijah
TO: Elijah FROM: Geoffrey -Elijah! I don’t think seeing your name appear on my screen will ever grow old. Don’t worry, I know you’re busy and you’re hard at work over there. I’m glad you’re working and getting yourself an education but you have to make sure you’re not sending yourself into overdrive. 
It makes me so happy to hear you and Tahlia talk, although I won’t lie I did maybe already know that. Tahlia talks about you a lot, I thought the novelty of having you in her life would wear off at least a little but she rambles about allll the stuff you guys talk about at dinner and she’s always showing me pictures you’ve posted. She desperately wants to meet your dog, Elijah. Moreso than you I think! Hearing you and Piper making any effort to connect is also a blessing. I don’t doubt things must be odd for the both of you. But Elijah, don’t send yourself into stress over it. You grew up an only child your whole life-and now you’ve got a younger and an older sister. It’s something to adjust to. Piper is wonderful, I’m so thankful to have her in my own life and thankful she calls me her family. I’m sure you both will get to that point as well, you both seem to want it. But you’re allowed time to settle into it, don’t rush it. I know you went a long time with just your mum, and then probably feeling on your own for a while, so I understand the excitement about having these new family things. But despite the time missed, we have so much time ahead of us. So take your time. I know you don’t want to talk about it all that much yet, but you told me you and your mother had some quieter patches after you moved out. And even though I’m glad you’re talking to all of us now, and we can reach out to you, have you got people over with you Elijah? You talk about your job and so I know you have coworkers and the sorts, but do you have people close to you? Friends, a girlfriend? I’m sure you would have told me if you were married already, but do you have someone? It makes me upset to imagine you alone out there, especially when things between you and your mum weren’t as back and forth. As for us, we’re doing really great! As great as we can, that is. Thankful to be affected minimally by all this Coronavirus stuff. It’s pretty scary, but doesn’t seem even as remotely as scary as how it’s raging on elsewhere. Keep safe with it. Tahlia is back at school, yes, and she’s doing well! I’m not sure if she’s told you yet, but she got to choose some of her classes this year and she made some predictable choices. But it stood out to us that she chose a media class as she never really seemed interested in that. We asked her about it, and she didn’t say much at all but did let on that she got to work with cameras in the class. She hasn’t had that kind of interest before, and I wonder if this is new and influenced by you. Has she spoken to you about it? Anyhow, it’s getting late so I best leave it at this for now. If I don’t hear from you in the next couple of days, I’ll give you a call myself. Lots of love, Dad
TO: Geoffrey FROM: Elijah -Sorry I haven’t called yet!! I’m going to tomorrow, I promise. The timezones just haven’t been lining up with when I’m up and able to call lately. Hahahaha, of course Tahlia loves my dog more than me. I’d believe it! He’s pretty sweet. I actually have a couple more, I have photos of them posted too. Theodore just spends a lot of time with me so he pops up in pictures more often. I’ll have to show her the other two as well. I also didn’t really know Tahlia talked about me that much at all. It’s weird, I’ll be honest Dad. I still sometimes get like, a little freaked out by it-having a little sister I mean. But it makes me really happy, I am liking it a lot.
I am thankful for what you said about not rushing it, and having time to let things happen. I think that’s really true, and you knew exactly how I’m feeling. I think I get caught up with lost time, not even just with you and mum and everything. But sometimes I get upset about the time I wasted not doing the schooling I’m doing now cause I could have been ahead on the path I’m on, or sometimes it’s smaller like time waster when I just don’t use my day to do anything productive. Time wasted not spending my days with the person or I guess people I wanna be around. I am excited for my relationship with everyone to be really good, and close I hope, but I need to focus less on the time it takes. Mum and I did have quieter patches I guess you can call them haha, yeah. I guess you don’t really know the extent of it. We didn’t talk for a couple years. Which, that sucked a lot-not having either of you. But she isn’t to blame, it was definitely mutual and I’m stubborn so I could have made it better sooner if I’d really tried. I’m just relieved to have you both back.
You’re right, if I was married I would have let it out by now. I’m not currently in a relationship, no. It’s a complicated thing and it’s actually the reason I wanted to write to you tonight before calling you tomorrow cause I guess it’s easier for me to say things this way. I was in a relationship that started in 2018 and then ended towards the end of 2019.  But we’re talking again and I really see myself back in this relationship in the future, it’s the person I’d like to eventually marry and settle down with. It’s exciting to feel like I’ve already met that person, but like I said it’s complicated cause we split or-well-I left, really. I don’t really know if I wanna talk a whole lot on that right part of it now, mostly cause it just makes me really sad. I regret a lot about it. But I’m so happy to be talking again and still seeing that relationship in my future.
I’m really excited for this pandemic to end, for so many reasons but to meet the girls and see you and mum and all of that. It doesn’t even seem like that’s really gonna happen right now-I guess cause it’s probably still far away. But I’m also excited for everything to just be at least kinda normal again, safer. I’m staying safe out here! And you should be safe there, too. Even if things aren’t as crazy it’s still dangerous and you still have to take it seriously. Tahlia hasn’t told me about that class, no. You think she’d choose that cause of me? I don’t know, that’s a big decision when you’re that age. I can’t imagine making it based on someone you haven’t like met yet or even known that long really. But I think it’s really cool, and I’m gonna ask her a lot about it. I was sitting here ready to send this email for a while but I’ve decided to add this cause I want to and I feel like I should be able to. And cause any time I’ve told you something small about me or my life you send lots of questions so I know that this is inevitable anyways. His name is Ian, the boy I’m talking to and was with. He’s actually the one I have the other two dogs with-their names are Poppy and Sonny-and they live with him, that’s why Theo is with me more. That’s just how it worked out when things ended. But I met him in 2018 and we clicked really fast. He’s a lot of things, but he’s an artist-a musician. He’s so cool, dad, I can’t even explain. He’s my favourite person and I really hope things work out with him. And I’d really like to tell you more about him and about us maybe but I guess first I just want to tell you that he is a guy and I am gay. 
I hope things are good still and that you receive this as well as my other emails. Love you. -Elijah
TO: Elijah FROM: Geoffrey -I missed your call today Elijah! And by the time I was calling back, it was so late there. I’m sorry, I’ll try again in the morning which means we should be talking soon-so I’ll make this short. Sometimes I read your emails with or to Alice-I should perhaps have asked you before I started doing that. If that isn’t okay or if there’s ever an email you’d like to be private please let me know and I’ll keep it that way. You are such a joy to hear from, I just have to share it with her sometimes. It is unreal, being able to sit at the dining table and read letters from my son to my wife. I’m so glad we’re at a time where we can do that. But reading your email to her, I got quite emotional. I hadn’t realised you and your mother had been non-contact like that and I apologise for you being alone during that time. But I was relieved to hear you had had somebody. Of course, as you predicted, I had and still have so many questions. I understand you’re apart now but you see yourself back together and I hope that that works out for you Elijah. I’ll bombard you with questions tomorrow but Alice told me it was important to let you know as soon as I could how I felt specifically about you telling me that you’re gay-that leaving you unanswered might scare or upset you. Elijah, I am overjoyed that not only have you found the person you want to spend your life with but that I am lucky enough to get to hear about it. Both because I sometimes thought I’d never hear from you again, so reading you talk about something as big as the person you want to settle down with feels surreal, but also because you feel like you can trust me enough to and want to talk about those kinds of things. Also, because finding that kind of connection to someone is so life changing and although it sounds like things are complicated-I’m so happy to hear you feel you’ve found that. And that is all your email brought me. Happiness, relief, excitement, moved, luck. Elijah, I do not care that you are gay. I care that you’ve found someone who you want to be with and who must make you happy, not that that someone is another boy. The biggest shock that came to me was that my little Elijah who I last saw as a kid playing make believe is now at a stage where he sees himself settling down and marrying someone. Not that the person he wants that with is a man. 
Thank you for telling me, although this changes nothing except for how close I feel I am to you (a positive change), I do understand this may have been scary or hard to send. Again, I deeply apologise if I should not have read any of these emails with Alice but especially one that is so personal. I’m unsure if you’re comfortable with people knowing-but please hear that we both love and support you. I’ll call you in the morning. Love Dad.
_____________________________ Elijah had woken in the middle of his sleep, and had gotten out of bed to use the bathroom and get a glass of water. Settling back into his spot, he checked his phone to catch the time. Noticing a missed call and email from his dad, he opened the digital letter. He read it with half open eyes, not fully awake. Of course, his eyes widened some and he woke up properly when his dad began writing vaguely about Elijah’s relationship situation. As he woke up more, he remembered exactly what his dad was replying to, and frowned with worry as he read on. He had had zero idea on how his dad would feel or react, but had decided the early he could be himself as he was around his family-the better. The relief that washed over him as he continued reading felt as though it was a real, physical wave that had overtaken his bed. His expression softened and he relaxed back into his laying position. He wasn’t aware of the tears that were slowly seeping out until he felt the small wet patch on his pillow, and he wiped them away quickly though a grin found its way to his face. Things with Ian were confusing, and nerve wracking at times. Although he had so much love for Ian, and genuinely saw them together in the future, they weren’t always smooth sailing. The last thing he’d wanted was additional emotion or confusion contributed by a lack of acceptance on his father, especially after spending years thinking his mother didn’t accept him. But oh my god, he did accept him. He didn’t even care. He wanted to hear about Ian! He read the email over again, wiping the last of his tears, before closing it and opening Ian’s contact instead. He sent the boy a text, letting him know he missed him and he hoped he was sleeping well. He fell back asleep with his grin still on his face, phone in hand.
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Accepted Sweden App
Accepted! Please have a blog up within the next week, and send the URL to this blog so we can add you to the members page. @dolcexsnaps​
Name: Drey Pronouns: He / Him / His Contact URL: dolcexsnaps.tumblr.com
Character Wanted: Sweden Activity Level: 5-6 Time Zone: GMT + 8 / Philippine Standard Time Password: accepted Members Page Icon: http://red-panda-tea.tumblr.com/post/157333309833/can-you-draw-one-of-the-nordics-plz
Extra : None / Can’t think of anything at the moment.
Full Name: Berwald Hendrick Johansson Age / Year: 23, 3rd Year Gender / Pronouns: He identifies as a bisexual male. He / His / Him
Appearance : One of the his most noticeable features, is his averagely-large sized body. You could say quite well-built, too. A broad chest, broad shoulders, slightly muscular arms and legs, and, of course, his calloused hands. Hair is somewhat of a light blond, and uneven on the tips, and is often shown lazily combed. His hair also parts to the right. Like the shade of the tropical marine seas, his eyes spots an unusual blue-ish green color, on most days. Quite ironic, due to his rather prominent nose, thin eyebrows, chapped lips, and very fair complexion, given the fact that his home country spots a northernmost location. In terms of clothing and fashion, one can infer that he dresses, like the modern Scandinavian man, in mind. Scarves, and / or turtlenecks, if the weather demands it. But on normal terms, you usually can find him clad in button-up shirts, often adorned with a minimalist design. His upper body also has some freckles scattered about.
Personality: Taciturn and stoic, but is actually quite playful on the inside. If one wants to summarize him into a single sentence, that would be it. A rather odd addition to that, Berwald is adamant person. He keeps his beliefs intact, and it’s quite hard to make him re-consider. Even if it means that he is wrong. Paired with his stubborn attitude, is the fact that he might come out as slightly nonchalant about the things around him. Though, he is not a lax individual, and will always try to persuade, and coax someone into perceiving his way of thinking. Setting aside, he can be quite the patient person. Berwald is genuinely nice, and will not hesitate to lend a helping hand. Concerning speech and language, he chooses to speak in truncated words, in a seldom manner, but aside from that, he is quite well-spoken, and his lexicon is rather large, due to his curious nature. But, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t cuss or curse, especially if the situation demands of it. He, especially, finds it pleasing in using both Swedish, and English, in his everyday life and conversation. He has select hobbies and interests, too. He likes The Arts, especially Woodworks and Wood-sculpting, and finds them quite interesting. Literature and Baking, both comes in as close second. To add to that, he also adores things related to, or pertaining to, international affairs, issues, and globalization, as a whole. He is openly drawn to the twists and turns of the outside world.
Skills :  - Musically-inclined : Berwald grew up with music. His mother was a musican, and he was taught how to play the violin at age 6, and later on, the piano at age 9. He likes surrounding himself with tranquil, and classic melodies. Noteworthy persons of interest are Tchaikovsky, and Mozart.
- Baking : This hobby is an essential in Sweden, a country known mostly for a wide range of baking traditions, most notably, fika. From an early age, he was already taught the basics of culinary delights, and is proud of himself, for the ability of making himself his own food.
- Bookworm / Avid Reader : He adores, and loves reading. He has this unique hobby of collecting books, not just for the heck of it, but it makes him feel intelligent, and vintage-like. Due to his penchant for this, he normally would know much, things ranging from useless trivia- to wise and sane advice.
Flaws : - Perfectionist : He tends to dabble much, over things that would normally be, considered a bit over-dramatic. Stuff like symmetry, general cleanliness, or his work-ethic.
- Adamant : Due to his rather, rambunctious upbringing, it can be quite difficult to change his mind. He’ll certainly protect it, whether he’s true or not. He’s not always like this, though. It depends on his mood, and the topic at hand.
- Mischievous : He can be quite sarcastic, and misleading at times. Other times, he’s a prankster, who tries his best to be secretive. This side of him, shows up more noticeably, whether he’s feeling vengeful, or something malicious happened, that may concern himself, and others.
Back Story: Berwald experienced the early years of his life, in the Kungsholmen district in Stockholm, and into a family that consists of his father, mother, and older sister. Growing up, he developed a mischievous attitude, and would often cause trouble, in some way or another. This leading to his family doubtingly classifying him as a ‘rambunctious’ child. It would also be a cause of surprise for other people, due to usual calm disposition, it would be hard to guess that he’d hide his frolicsome behavior underneath. Random skirmishes, often provoked by him and his older sibling, would ensue and cause tantrums every now and then, usually with the latter one having a higher probability of winning over the younger. But, it wasn’t really like that, all the time. He’d usually help his mother with baking, especially before 'fika’ time arrives, and got into loving the activity at heart as time progressed. Him and his older sister would, either read books together in a mini-library inside their home, or spend their afternoons, aimlessly walking around their garden, or the broader neighborhood if they felt like it. Picking the fat, black cherries that hang in a tree over another garden wall, on their way back. One by one, then comes his father. Whom he’d always admired, and watched from afar. Whilst working in a private workshop antiquely tucked inside their home. Working for a company that specializes in finance, he uses his spare time into woodworks, due to the fact that it seemed to please him, and ease his stress. Berwald was, then eventually allowed to work alongside by his father, and they’d spend all the available time they have, and made wood sculptures, petite ornaments, and small furniture. Then, they’d talk about everything that would cross their minds. Traveling elsewhere. New experiences. Life choices. Getting a top-notch education. Frequent subjects and topics of interest that arouse every afternoon. And, all that constituted his childhood, and pre-teen life. but not everything was made to bring joy to light.
By the time he was 15, his father and sister were both caught up in a fatal car accident, which left them both dead, and his remaining family, now reduced to shambles. His mother became afflicted with so much grief, and reduced herself, both in physical property, and in personality. She became reduced, and colder, and took over as the breadwinner, for the remainder of the Johansson family, which consisted of him and herself. That threw things off for Berwald. It seems like everything became lopsided for him, and he had to endure the tremendous amount of pain by himself, which somehow made him close off himself from others, in the process. Friendships grew weak, and life became bleak, and dull, even for his studies in high school. To which depression soon followed, leaving him in an austere manner of things, even after he graduated.
Luckily, for him, his mother had been assigned to relocate to New York, chosen to work there to further the global foothold of the company. In all of his life, leading to now, Berwald felt a spark of hope inside of him. He’d always wanted to go to the States, to further his rightful thinking of the world, and its processes. Knowing that it would help him realize both his, and his father’s dream. To be successful, and try to flip the coin, and revert things to the way it should be.
And he was going to make everything worthwhile. It could’ve- No. It will be great, he’ll make sure of it.
Headcanons:  Berwald likes to be minimalistic. Personality-wise, it’s his aesthetic, not just in clothing.
After everything that has happened, he still hopes, and clings to the thought that his mother would break her facade, and re-invigorate their frigid relationship.
His favorite / preferred coffee drink is a caffè latte, and even has his own recipe, which suits his tastes.
Classical, Rock, and Pop are some of his more well-received genres / styles when it comes to music.
Major(s): Majors in Cultural and Global Studies & Interior Design Minors: Minors in  English Literature, Language, and Writing Courses: Human Geography and Globalization ( C&GBS), Design History and Criticism ( ID )
OTP(s): SuFin / DenSu / SuNor / SuIce / I don’t mind.
NOTP(s): None, really.
Writing sample : ( Based on an RP that I did )
Sitting down on a chair, he eloquently picked up a book, and began to read. It might seem a bit too much, but it’s his way of concealing all the emotion that was forming in inside of him. Even though he calls him all these nasty nicknames, petty accusations, and throws downright, frigid insults at him, he still loves his Luther. His most precious younger brother. It was just that, he’s not really that keen on showing it off on a regular, open, and more expressive basis. But, what made today an exception to this rule, was just like the times when he’d think, and ponder on and on, for answer that seems, oh-so fleeting. Was it because of him receiving his paycheck yesterday? Was it because he saw a group of brilliant musicians performing in the park? Was it.. Was it because he made a cake for his brother? This array of thoughts swirled, like swings and roundabouts, in his mind. It also began to hinder his progress with the book, which, sort of, irritated him. But he made no lasting comment about it.
Brushing it aside, and continuing to read, he spoke with a more soft tone, eyes flickering with an unknown glint, “Was? Nein. Don’t. That’s all for you. It was- It was just an extra baked good. For you. ” On top of this, he was greeted with an unfamiliar feeling. It wasn’t toilsome, though. He hid his face behind the pages, and smiled.
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toraonice · 8 years
Yuri on Ice 2017/02/11 all night event report
I’m back from the event and I’ll write a report before going to sleep, mostly because I’m sure I will not be able to decipher my scribbles when I wake up... It’s not the full talk show since you can’t record it and also I couldn’t possibly write down everything, but I tried to take note of most things, especially stuff that has never been mentioned elsewhere. In the end it became quite long so I guess I was able to get most of the stuff down...
Needless to say it’s my notes, so other people might write about parts I omitted, etc. To be honest quite a few of the things they said especially in the beginning, like what the seiyuu think about their characters, is something I’ve read so many times in interviews that I could almost answer in their place, lol... I was a bit disappointed that one of the questions that was answered is the one about Chris’ mysterious acquaintance, because actually Kubo answered that in Pash already (it’s in the Q&A part I’ll be translating later), and I hoped they would feature questions about stuff that hasn’t been explained yet. Well I guess not everybody reads interviews, but still...
Due to the format of the report you can find my comments here and there, mostly in brackets. Under the cut because it’s long.
I forgot to mention something important: the ones participating in the talk show were Mitsurou Kubo, Toshiyuki Toyonaga (Yuuri), Junichi Suwabe (Victor), Kouki Uchiyama (Yurio).
The talk show was divided into 3 parts: short program, free skating, interviews. The “short program” was mostly them saying basic things like impressions on the show etc, the “free skating” was about curiosities and other things that can be said now that the anime is over, and the “interviews” part was a Q&A (but they didn’t really keep the format for the SP and FS parts..)
I went to the live viewing, not the actual place where the event was held, but in this case there were no differences (no extras in either place). They published a new official picture that you probably have already seen.
After some introductions they started the “short program”, whose first topic was “how do you feel about the character you played?”.
Toyonaga said that he didn’t play Yuuri with his mind but with his heart, so his acting wasn’t really intentional but more spontaneous, in fact he doesn’t really remember how he acted him, what he remembers is mostly because he watched the anime afterwards. He also said that it was an honor to work so close to Suwabe and that they get along well (to which Suwabe initially joked “do we?” but then confirmed, lol).
Suwabe said that especially in the beginning it was hard to grasp Victor’s character because he’s different than ordinary people and also he can’t really relate to him, but after some time he decided that thinking too much was wrong and decided to play him in a “don’t think, feel” way (he really said “don’t think, feel” in English, and I wonder how many in the audience could understand that, lol). So actually, much like Toyonaga, he doesn’t really remember how he acted. It was a very unusual character to play for him.
Toyonaga said that, since when he plays Yuuri it’s really like he’s “becoming” Yuuri, he gets very nervous when he’s asked, for example in events, “say this line from the show!” or “say something as Yuuri!”, because it’s hard to suddenly get into that state of mind. At this point they also mentioned that they recently had to play the characters’ roles again for the collaboration with the browser game “Shingeki no Bahamut” and they sounded amused. (I actually started the game last week for the sole purpose of playing the collaboration event... I’m sure someone will post pics when it starts)
Uchiyama said that Yurio’s hairstyle changed and with that the impression he gave him changed too, but actually he didn’t really change the way he played him.
Kubo also said that she was so busy with the storyboard because of the tight schedule that she also doesn’t remember some things, like how she decided some parts, so actually when she watched the anime she could watch it with renewed feelings, as if she was just a viewer. She also said that some scenes turned out a bit different in the anime than they were in her original storyboard.
After this they were asked which scenes left a strong impression on them when they watched the broadcast.
Uchiyama mentioned Yurio’s lines when he says “pig”, and the part where he’s sent “training” at the shrine and waterfall by Victor. The others laughed because it was like “in the WHOLE series are THESE the scenes that impressed you??”.
Toyonaga said that for Yuuri’s very first lines in episode 1 (before the OP, when he says “He always surprises me” etc) he was actually told at what point of the story Yuuri says it. I mean, Yuuri narrates this part as if he’s looking back on the past, and Toyonaga was told at what point of the story this happens, but he said that he's not going to reveal it and asked that people try to imagine when it is that Yuuri "narrates" this part. (I personally have no idea, though Yuuri doesn’t sound very cheerful so I’d argue that it’s in one of the “tense” moments of the show, like ep 9 or the end of ep 11? But too little elements to judge) They mentioned that because of this narration fans made theories about Victor eventually dying, and Suwabe was like “Victor is alive!! And Makkachin too!!”.
After this Suwabe said that neither now nor in the future he is going to reveal what he thought when acting the scenes in the anime. He said that of course he has his own interpretation and he played Victor based on that, but that since this anime has many elements that can be read in lots of different ways he is not going to disclose his personal views and wants fans to interpret it each in their own way. The only thing he confirmed is that he likes Makkachin, lol. (To be honest, it’s basically the same as what Kubo says, but Suwabe articulated it better. As a side note, Suwabe is a very good talker, always expresses his point clearly and is really careful about what he says and how it could affect who listens, while I think Kubo has a messy way of speaking which is sometimes hard to follow, even in written interviews, and I believe this is what is causing some controversies)
Suwabe also said that, as a viewer, the parking scene in episode 7 touched his heart. Here they mentioned that YOI was featured on the TV Asahi music program “Music Station” on Friday night because this scene was aired too, and they laughed making some comments about how the scenes they showed were “barely ok for prime time”. (It’s because they basically showed scenes like when Yuuri and Victor are with their foreheads touching and Yuuri tells him “please only watch me”, etc, which are scenes that would make anyone misunderstand the point of the show if they don’t watch them within the context... But I swear this time it was better, because the last time YOI was featured on Music Station they showed the scene at the end of ep 7 too... I really wish they’d show more figure skating scenes so that it doesn’t just look like a BL anime about skaters, sigh. By the way this time it was featured because “History Maker” was ranked #11 in a ranking of popular anime/drama theme songs)
Uchiyama said that he was impressed by all of Yurio’s rude expressions like “pig”, and especially when in ep 10 he told Victor “a ring received from a stupid animal is just rubbish”. He said “I’m surprised he could even come up with such a wording at all” (Yurio actually says “kachiku” in that line, which means “livestock/cattle” and in Japanese it’s very much like calling someone an “animal without a brain”). The seiyuu thought he said “kachiku” because he used to call Yuuri “pig”, but Kubo said that actually it was meant to be a pun with “Katsuki” because it sounds similar to “kachiku”. (Though to be honest Yurio is definitely speaking Russian here so he couldn’t possibly make a pun with “Katsuki” and “kachiku”, lol.) Suwabe said that he likes the scene where Yurio tells Lilia “I’ll gladly give you my body and soul if that can make me win”.
Kubo said that in the beginning she inserted everyday life scenes so that the viewers could get familiar with the characters, and though they did their best to make the skating scenes interesting too she was scared that people would complain that they preferred the everyday life scenes, but luckily she didn’t receive this kind of comments. She also said that she likes how Hasetsu is mentioned again various times throughout the show (like in ep 10 indeed).
Here the guy doing the MC, which is also the guy that voiced one of the commentators in the anime and is actually an announcer for TV Asahi, said that when YOI was airing the real GP series was being held too, and that commenting for YOI had just the same feeling as commenting for real TV matches. Kubo said that when she wrote the storyboard she actually listened to sport live commentary on TV and wrote it down to use it as reference for writing the live reporting in YOI.
Toyonaga said that when there were no monologues during the skating scenes he just watched them as a spectator. Actually when they did the recording, apart from the first episodes, the anime footage was not ready yet so they did most of the recording watching Kenji Miyamoto’s footage. Uchiyama said that Yurio’s skating was performed by a woman, and Kubo praised her saying that she was really good.
Toyonaga said that sometimes he had mixed thoughts in his mind when playing Yuuri during the skating scenes, because part of his mind was thinking (looking at Miyamoto’s footage) “I wonder how this turns out in the anime”, but since he had to act he actually had to picture in his head how the scene would turn out.
They mentioned Seung-gil’s costume (the rainbow-colored one) and they all agreed that the gap between the costume and Seung-gil was hilarious. Kubo said that actually when she ordered the costume she thought that Chacott’s designer would create something that would make Seung-gil look like a cool guy, and she didn’t expect it to be something flamboyant like the current one. They said that it looks like it has origami cranes attached to it, and Kubo commented that he looks like “a new species of bird discovered in the tropics”.
Still regarding costumes, they said that the mismatch between Georgi’s physique and his costume was also amusing. The seiyuu commented how Georgi was the most popular character among male members of the staff, but Kubo said that actually later on he was substituted by Otabek, because all guys found Otabek cool.
Regarding the last episodes Kubo said that Nobunari Oda wanted to participate in YOI himself and so they gave him a part, but it happened after the series was already airing, it wasn’t planned from the start. For Stéphane Lambiel it was even more a last-minute decision, because it was really sudden and they had to redraw a part of episode 12 (Hiramatsu did this) to feature him and had to re-record the scene. The episode was going to air on Wednesday, and they called Suwabe a few days before asking him to come back to recording on Monday (yes, 2 days before the airing..) for the scene with Lambiel. Kubo also said that when she mentioned that Victor’s blades are gold because they took inspiration from Lambiel’s he showed them his skating shoes and she was very happy about that.
Suwabe commented how YOI was very popular in the anime event in Taiwan he went to recently, and they all agreed on the fact that it’s really popular overseas. They also briefly mentioned Evgenia Medvedeva but didn’t comment in detail though they were all kind of giggling.
The “short program” part ended here, yes it wasn’t very short.. And they started the “free skating” part.
They asked Kubo how she got into figure skating, and she said that in the beginning she was just a very light fan, like she would sometimes watch it on TV when it was on, but she had a friend who was really into it. She got more passionate after traveling to Europe with Yamamoto to do research for the series. Yamamoto explained her a lot of stuff about figure skating, and it’s also Yamamoto the one who was a hardcore fan from the start. (Kubo praised Yamamoto lots of times during this event and emphasized the fact that many things were her idea. I have the feeling that she feels a bit bad because since she’s the most “visible” one she gets all the appreciation by fans, even though Yamamoto had as big a part in creating YOI if not bigger, since she was the one who originally came up with it and was involved in the making until the end, even after the manga storyboard was completed)
She mentioned that recently she spent 18 days in Europe with Yamamoto, but she pointed out that it’s not for YOI’s 2nd season or something like that, they just had decided that after YOI’s end she and Yamamoto would go on a trip to Europe together. They went to see the European Championships in Ostrava (Czech Republic) and Art on Ice in Zurich. She mentioned how it’s really hard to get tickets for figure skating in Japan while in Europe it’s easier.
She told an anecdote about when she was in Ostrava. She said that she spotted two girls cosplaying Yuuri and Victor (not really full cosplays, just partial) at the ice rink, and after the tournament was over they were taking pictures in front of the rink. When they saw Kubo they spoke to her in Japanese and asked her if she was Japanese (they didn’t understand who she was and she didn’t mention it), then they told her she could take pictures if she wanted, and she was amused because of this curious happening (but she did take pictures). She also said that when she posted on Instagram that she was in Ostrava a person replied to her “if you want I can show you around!”, and when she checked her profile she realized it was the girl that was cosplaying Victor at the ice rink. And she said that she even saw her again on a train when they were leaving Ostrava, but she didn’t have the courage to reveal who she was. (I must say this is quite a coincidence...! I wonder if the girls will find out about this now that Kubo has said it). By the way of course she was really happy to find YOI fans, but she said she preferred not to post the picture online because Japan has different cosplay manners than many other countries in the world and she didn’t want to look like she approved of cosplaying at an ice rink when there’s a competition going on (in Japan it would be super taboo to cosplay at any ice rink, or any public space actually, unless you received a permit to do so).
Toyonaga said that he sometimes receives fanletters from overseas fans written in Japanese and he really appreciates the effort. He was amused by a fan whose letter started out very politely but then somehow turned into plain Japanese (with no honorifics etc). Suwabe said that he too receives letters from overseas and also he receives a lot of replies in other languages on Twitter. Kubo said that currently most of the replies she gets on Twitter are actually from foreigners and she is always worried when she wants to write a pun because it would be hard to translate into another language. She also mentioned how sometimes she gets replies from people saying in Spanish “I can’t understand what you say (because it’s in Japanese)” and she was like “I can’t understand what you say either...!”. (To be honest, I really don’t understand why people send her replies in languages that are not English, especially the ones writing “I can’t understand!”. What’s the point in tweeting that to her?? She isn’t even very good at English, I think Yamamoto is better..)
Suwabe said that he likes how YOI is realistic but it’s not just hyperrealistic and has some fantastic elements in it too, because he said they are balanced very well.
Kubo said that she is very happy about YOI’s popularity but she feels that she didn’t absolutely create it alone and it was the result of many people working together, so now she actually wants to do something to repay YOI for all the good things it brought to her.
After this it was the end of the FS part and the start of the interview part, aka Q&A.
Q: What do you pay attention to when drawing the characters?
Kubo said that first of all she decided to create designs that would allow to distinguish the characters even when drawn in very simple deformed ways (like how she usually draws them in the autographed shikishi). Since Yuuri is the protagonist she created his design so that he would be easy for Hiramatsu to draw. She drew Victor in a very detailed way, but actually in the beginning she didn’t make his eyelashes so visible, because she usually doesn’t make eyelashes on male characters very evident. Victor’s beautiful eyelashes are something that was added in the anime, but she liked it and now she also has fun drawing them like that. Yurio is actually the character that she designed first, and she took inspiration from other male characters with blond hair and light eyes that she used to like, like Rabi from Madou King Granzort and Hyouga from Saint Seiya.
Toyonaga said that indeed in Kubo’s storyboard he could understand the character’s expressions even when they are drawn deformed. Uchiyama commented that he misses reading the storyboard and that he wants more of it (in the audio commentary of the BD vol.2 he also says he really liked reading it). Kubo said that while in Europe with Yamamoto they decided the contents of the short manga that will be given as a present to the purchasers of all the BD or DVD volumes of the anime. She didn’t say what it would be about, but she said that it will not contain all the characters and that Uchiyama will probably like it (so I guess Yurio has a nice role in it). She also vaguely mentioned Barcelona so it might be set around eps 10-12, but yeah it was really vague so we can’t know for sure.
Q: If you were a skater, who would you want as your coach?
Toyonaga said of course he would like Victor, but he also commented that probably sometimes Victor would really get on his nerves because there are moments when it’s impossible to understand what he’s thinking. He also said that he wouldn’t mind JJ’s parents either, but Kubo said that they have a set of family customs, like sometimes you must hug them etc, so if you’re like Yuuri who prefers to be left alone you’d probably feel super uncomfortable.
Suwabe said that Yakov must be an excellent coach because in the end all the best skaters were trained by him.
Regarding Celestino, Uchiyama commented that he was surprised at how he’d say something as blunt as “Phichit has a radiance that Yuuri hasn’t”, considering that Yuuri used to be his pupil. They commented that he has a strong personality and that in the past we also see that he didn’t really get along well with JJ.
Uchiyama also said that he likes Lilia and Yakov, and that when they are together with Yurio they look visually striking, and almost like a family.
Kubo said that in Switzerland she spotted Alexei Mishin (the coach who was very likely the visual inspiration for Yakov) carrying a heart-shaped cushion that they threw to one of his students, and when they were outside he put it on his head, she guesses maybe because it was very cold. The picture of Yakov she uploaded on her Twitter after the talk show is a reference to that, lol.
Q: Who is the man together with Chris?
Kubo said he’s a member of the Swiss Skating Federation and maybe he used to be an ice skater, and for some reason is caring for Chris’ cat (mentioning that he cares for Chris’ cat probably caused people to read between the lines, because many around me were giggling, lol). The character design for him was not really made by her but by the animators. She said that she doesn’t know his name but that since she thinks he resembles Masumi from Glass no Kamen she calls him “Masumi”.
Q: What figure skating technique would you like to perform?
Toyonaga said he would like to do hydroblading (he didn’t know the name, he visually described it and Kubo said the name), and that he wonders how skaters see the surroundings while performing this technique. He also said he would like to know how the world around you looks while you’re doing figure skating jumps.
Suwabe said he wants to do a 100-rotations jump, or a quad axel. He would like to be the first in the world to perform a technique.
Uchiyama said “there isn’t really anything I would like to try myself (and here everyone laughed because really, the way he’s just emotionless about things, without meaning to sound offensive or anything, is just amusing), but I wonder, don’t skaters get headaches when they do spins?” Kubo said that, compared to Western athletes, the faces of Japanese athletes don’t really get red when they spin, like she said that Shizuka Arakawa’s face never turned red. They concluded that it probably depends on the single person’s constitution, on the way they spin and that maybe there are racial differences too.
This was the last question and then they just said the final greetings. In the end Kubo commented about the fact that YOI can be interpreted in various ways and that, even though in interviews they ask her details about the story and so she answers, she actually encourages people to interpret the series how they prefer, without necessarily being influenced too much by what she says in interviews. (And here I remind you something she said in the booklet for the BD vol.1, which is that it’s fine to interpret the series how you prefer, but do not go around saying that your theory is canon. In other words, she is fine with people creating their own headcanons and believing that they are right, but she would prefer that they do not try to force single interpretations onto other people unless they are officially confirmed. The recent Pash! interview actually gave me the impression that sometimes she is forced to point out some things because she sees people trying to convince others that their own interpretations are correct even though they are not supported by official material)
Beside that they all said the usual things about “please support the series because if many people support it maybe there will be a chance to see a sequel, since we all want to make one too”.
Bonus random facts about the screening of the anime (in random order): -For the first episodes they used footage from the BDs, not from the TV airing. -In the cinema I went to people were mostly silent and almost no one used penlights, but lots of people cheered (and laughed) on Georgi and JJ. -During the scene at the end of episode 7 I thought people’s reactions were very realistic, because you could hear muffled screeching, people holding their breaths and going like “ahhhh...”. I thought the audience watching the scene in the real arena within the anime must have sounded like that too, lol. -Thunderous applause when Phichit congratulated Victor and Yuuri for their “marriage” in ep 10. -Not as many people singing along JJ’s song as I would have expected, probably because the lyrics are in English. -People giggling during the scene where we see Chris’ mysterious acquaintance. -The close up shot of Victor’s naked ass from ep 1 on the huge cinema screen: priceless (Chris’ ass too). -All the close up shots of Yuuri and Victor all over each other on the huge cinema screen: priceless and more embarrassing to watch than the ass shots (I mean it in a positive way, lol). -The sound was very nice and you could hear the audience’s cheers much louder than from a TV or PC (for the first time I could hear people screaming “davai!” at Yurio in Onsen on ICE). -Applauses at the end of every character’s performance, and most of the times after jumps as well. -People crying during Yuuri and Yurio’s last FS performance (and some during JJ’s as well). -The OP footage was only shown before ep 1 and the ED footage only after ep 7 (both times they were shown creditless). The “special ED” of ep 10 was shown too of course. No next episode previews.
Unrelated: I received a few questions via private message, I will get to them when I wake up...
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fruit-gummi · 4 years
I'm making this post not because I want attention or anything, I just want to vent and screaming into the void that is tumblr is the best I can do rn. This also isn't directed at the like 1 person that follows me that i know in real life.
I am so alone. I have my boyfriend and thats about it. I ended highschool with pretty much zero close friends. Which, im not blaming it on other people, I was to to blame there too. I basically didn't show up to the second half of senior year and when i did it was pretty much just so i could do my work and not fail highschool my last semester. It didn't help that the year prior my ex best friend had spread lies and rumors about me and everyone sided with her so I left junior year with one friend. That eventually blew up even bigger and everyone was against her, but at that point the damage was done and I had no friend group. Which was partially why I sought out attention elsewhere. I also know that I wasn't the best person to hang around, I was depressed and at the time the only thing I was doing was sleeping with a bunch of guys because I liked the attention and I finally felt like I was worth something. Im 19 now, im not in college,so there's no potential for friends there, and while I could reach out to people from highschool, im scared to. I got the general vibe that no one really liked me at the end. I didn't get invited to anything, I felt the only reason people interacted with me in school was because I weaseled my way into whatever conversation was going on. I felt that I wasn't really wanted in any friend group, so I've stayed away. There's been a couple times I've seen old classmates at my boyfriends campus (when it was still open) but all it ever was was a passing hey, whats up and the one time I tried to start a conversation with two of them I got that same feeling, like i wasnt welcome there.
I met my boyfriend literally the last week of senior year. I moved in with him pretty much the first day I met him, which yeah, I know, kinda stupid. But it ended up being the best two months of my life so far and I dont regret it. He's got a fairly small friend group and they like me, but i also know im always gonna be just his girlfriend. Im can hold a conversation with them and it not awkward when my bf leaves the room, but I know they're never gonna really be my friends, theyre always gonna be his friends and im just his plus one to them. Im not complaining, cause at least its better than them not liking me at all and I've connected with all of them enough to know their interests and stuff. But it's also not like I'm ever gonna be able to talk to them about more serious stuff.
I think that part of why things went so south for me in February. I was having a mental breakdown and had no one to talk about how I was feeling except with my boyfriend and he had his own stress and stuff to deal with because of school and some other personal stuff going on. The two other people I could talk to about it were my exs best friend and a guy I had met on tinder before my boyfriend. Both of them contacted me first and I was hoping that maybe one of them just wanted to be friends. I had expressed to both of them that I had a boyfriend at the time and I only wanted a friend and they both said they were okay with that. The one from tinder still flirted with me, i figured that might just be his personality and never reciprocated other than calling him cute and we did talk about sexual stuff, but not about us together. I did the same stuff with my friends from highschool, so i figured it would be okay. I decided to hang out with him after he got off of work one day, at his house. He pretty much immediately tried to get in my pants. My boyfriend had been pulling away from me because of his own stress and I felt lonely and unloved, so i let him. And I cheated on my boyfriend for a second time. I regret both times wholly and completely and I wish I hadn't have done it, but I cant change the past and me and my bf are working through things slowly.
My exs best friend, T, contacted me around the same time and he seemed like he just wanted to talk, catch up a little. A lot had happened in both of our lives since my breakup with my ex and his two friends besides the girl he cheated on me with both liked me better than my ex. Again, I was hoping he would just want to be friends, and at first he did. We had both expressed that if we hadn't have been with our exes at the time, we probably would have gotten together, but that was about as far as the conversation went. I wanted a friend, so we met up to hang out. It was after he got off work, we just hung out and watched some show or movie or something in his room and I went home. I got clingy. Someone was actually giving me attention when I was a little starved for it and I wanted more. We started hanging out like every day, and after a few days of him treating me like a princess, even though we weren't an item or doing anything more than being friends, I was hooked. I decided I needed to take a break from my boyfriend and figure out if I wanted to pursue T and potentially actually have a relationship. While he is a great person and im sure he'll make someone very happy one day, i woke up in his bed one day and realized just how much i missed my boyfriend and wanted him back. I left T's place and I havent talked to him since. Me and my bf have talked about why this happened and were both trying to be better and communicate better so that it doesn't happen again.
Those two events plus the first time I cheated on him mean that trust is still being rebuilt. Yes, we still trust each other, but he doesn't completely trust that i won't do it again. Im not gonna fault him for that. Im the one that fucked up. However, because of that he gets suspicious of any one I have in my phone, especially guys, other than his friends. So i can't just start talking to people and not expect some sort of distrust there. Like I said, im not blaming him. Im the one that cheated and asked to take a break and then almost started dating another guy. Its my fault the distrust is there and im lucky that he took me back after what happened. I just feel so alone all the time. The only person I talk to is my bf and occasionally 1 friend from highschool and a couple that I met through work that are technically my friends, but also are like both of our friends.
Im so lonely and it hurts so much and I dont know what to do. Im spiraling back into my bad depression days and I dont know how to fix it and I kinda just want it all to end.
Like i said at the beginning. This is not a call for help or to try and get attention or someone from tumblr to be my friend. I just needed to vent and get it all out there, and this is pretty much the only way I can.
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candidateofloyalty · 5 years
2019 Fic Retrospective
I saw a number of people doing this, and since I’m always up for talking about my own writing, I decided to imitate them. Admittedly, I’m a bit late, but since I didn’t have computer access for a decent part of this week I think it’s justified.
Apparently I wrote 55k words of fic this year? Given that I spent half the year out of the country, that is higher than I expected. I guess suddenly allowing a podcast to become my entire personality is a powerful motivator.
The Clock Strikes Midnight, Fire Emblem Echoes, 3.5k words
The prince is throwing a ball to find a spouse, and Faye just knows that this is her chance to make her dreams come true. There's no time for her to worry about the messenger who brought her the news, not when she can finally live out her fairytale.
My birthday gift for star, this time only posted one day after their birthday. Someday I will figure out this timing thing. They wanted a Cinderella AU, and as someone who read approximately 5 million fractured fairytale novels in high school, I had an immediate idea of where I wanted to take the plot. I’m pretty pleased with how this one came out, especially since I never actually played Echoes. It’s also one of my rare fics where the title isn’t a song lyric.
Sacred Simplicity, Dangan Ronpa, 900 words
Sakura and Aoi meet up for their weekly donut date, but Sakura's mind is elsewhere.
I can’t believe it took a fic exchange to get me to write Sakuraoi. The request was cute and I had a good time, though. I’m always a fan of the concept of Hope’s Peak practical exams. The whole premise of the franchise is that these kids have crazy skills, so let them use them.
My Fantasies from Long Ago, Persona 4, 5.2k words
While walking home from work, Yosuke is hit on the head by a mysterious cat-dog-thing. This is the least weird thing that happens to him over the course of the next 24 hours.
Apparently I had a lot of outside sources of inspiration this year. I guess that’s what all fanfic is, but even so. This AU is from kawaii-bunny-mel, and is ridiculously fun to write. This one sticks pretty close to the source material, since I intended it as an introduction to the AU. I wrote most of it on trains while cross-referencing the original episode. As it turns out, writing is much faster when you don’t have to worry about pacing or coming up with original events.
The Present You's Daydreams, Persona 4, 7.2k words
Yosuke's been doing magical girl temp work for about a month, and it's pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to him, even if it does mean having a weird bear roommate. Then Souji invites him to a party, and Yosuke has to face something even scarier than magical enemies: social interaction.
The second part of the BAPC AU, and the one where I went off and did my own thing. As much as I love the source material, I wanted to fit the rest of the IT in somewhere, and there are like 6 characters in the entirety of BAPC. Really, though, a significant amount of this fic was an excuse to have Yosuke use his customer-service voice on a dragon. I’d also meant for this to be the one where they got together, or at least showed mutual interest, and then Yosuke went and made things awkward. I don’t know what I expected. I got to write Hamuko being cryptic at Souji, though, which was even better.
Dazzling Blue Sky on the Window, Persona 3, 3.9k words
After Erebus, Metis is prepared to vanish, but Igor suggests another option.
This one was my birthday present to myself. You might wonder what that means when all of my fic is incredibly self-indulgent to begin with, and the answer is merging two universes and saving my favorite minor character in the process. It was only after the fact that I realized how much projection was involved. It’s fine.
Bright-Eyed, Tireless One, The Adventure Zone, 2.2k words
Minerva is here, physically present, and Duck's so glad to see her. The only question is what to do with her. They've got enough people hidden in the Amnesty Lodge basement as it is. (Immediately post Episode 28)
I caught up to Amnesty right after episode 28 was released, which is what we in the writing business call good timing. I immediately wrote this in a haze of love for Minerva and have not thought about it since. I think episode 30 confirms it as canon, though.
Not So Nec-Romantic, Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, 1.7k words
Nene's been studying to join the Healers' Guild for years, and it's finally time for her admissions test. It doesn't quite go as planned.
Star egged me on to write this and then wrote their own, funnier take on an RPG AU, which would have been rude if it weren’t for the fact that I got to read the better fic without having to write it. My favorite part of this fic is Mitsuba and Kou charging in from their epic fantasy quest without noticing that they’ve landing in the middle of a comedy of errors. I kind of want to write what they were actually up to but also it’s funnier this way.
Open Seas and Ways Of Life I've Forgotten, Friends at the Table, 3.5k words
Cass is adjusting just fine to life on their own, thank you.
They'd be doing even better if their new teammate wasn't so eerily reminiscent of their sibling, but that's all right. They're definitely coping.
And here we hit the fatt tipping point of my year. The Kingdom Game was probably the point where I fully devoted myself to this show, and a large part of that was the ability to conspiracy-board all of Sokrates’ influences on Cass’ personality. I have not stopped thinking about the Pelagios siblings since.
Not the Only Ones Pretending, Friends at the Table, 1.2k words
It sounds so nice, in theory. Mako's just running into an old friend while going out for fried chicken. But even though the Chime has broken up, two of them in the same place can still throw the simplest of missions into chaos.
I wrote this in an hour after listening to the penultimate episode of Counter/weight because the Orth-Mako scene ended right where things got good, to my mind. I just wanted to know more about how the Chime interacted after the timeskip. This also marks the start of me defaulting to Mako’s POV in every other Counter/weight fic I write.
A Magic That Won't Go Cold, Friends at the Table, 4.5k words
Jacqui doesn't normally like being sent on bodyguard jobs, but then, she's not normally working for Joypark darling Aria Joie.
I’ll just come up with a fun Jacria AU to think about in my spare time, I thought to myself. There’s a lot to explore with an Aria who never left Joypark. I can come up with some neat bullet points and it will be a good time. Then I started connecting the bullet points and at that point I had an entire outline for a fic. It’s what they deserve.
Questions Ricochet Like Broken Satellites, Friends at the Table, 2k words
Kobus' entire life had been pointless, but for once, they could see exactly what they needed to do. Then Vicuna pulled them out of Liberty and Grace.
I could not tell you why I latched onto Kobus so hard, but that didn’t stop me from doubling the size of their ao3 tag in a month. This fic ended up pretty depressing, which is ironic since the whole point was to give them a happier ending than they got in canon, but at least they’re alive at the end of it.
Detect My Sudden Existence on Your Sonar, Friends at the Table, 3.1k words
AuDy didn't intend for the rest of the Chime to move in with them. They didn't object when it happened, though.
I had a lot of trouble trying to write from AuDy’s perspective but I’m pleased with the end result. Maybe next I’ll figure out how to do pacing and/or tonal consistency. I do like the Cass stuff at the end but I think my favorite scene from this fic is everyone helping Aria unpack her stuff and being goofy.
Telling Dreams from One Another, Friends at the Table, 1.3k words
Mako shows up on Kobus' doorstep holding a Divine, and doesn't even have the decency to bring fried chicken.
This started because I kept thinking about how Kobus’ form of Ambition would have been Faith and how close that comes to Loyalty, and then the more I wrote the more I liked the dynamic between Kobus and the younger Makos. A lot of it can be summed up as Mako being the mid-twenties upperclassman who looks at the freshman and goes “oh look, a baby” much to the freshman’s annoyance, except instead of being in college they’re both secret agents raised as weapons since they can remember. It isn’t addressed in the fic but I imagine this ends with Kobus following Mako back to Kesh and ending up with eight identical older siblings.
Find Out What Broke Me Soon Enough, Friends at the Table, 1.9k words
Kobus is still reeling from their failed attack on Grace, but when Aria Joie asks for their help, they can't think of a good reason to refuse.
Continuing the theme of “what if Kobus had friends,” I like the idea of Aria being worried about Righteousness consuming her and going to the one person she knows of who’s successfully stepped away from a Divine. Like the last fic in the series, I tried very hard to give Kobus a happy ending and they categorically refused. As it turns out, when you’ve been raised to see yourself as a sacrifice for the greater good, it’s hard to find other ways to make a difference, and Aria doesn’t know them well enough to push it. One day I will find the right combination of characters and circumstances to let Kobus rest.
Take Our Time 'Cause It Feels Like We're Dying, Friends at the Table, 1.7k words
When Cass coughed up the first flower petal, all they could do was stare at it in disbelief.
Yes, I know, hanahaki. I am surprised at myself too. I was just thinking about what it would take to get me invested in hanahaki and because of who I am as a person my brain immediately applied that to Counter/weight. I know where I’m going with it but I want to finish F&M before continuing, so keep an eye out maybe in February. Also, doing this retrospective made me realize that this is the second time I’ve used a line from this song as a title for a Counter/weight fic. Whoops.
The Movements of My Mind, Friends at the Table, 1k words
On his way back to Auniq for the negotiations, Throndir stops by the cave where he met Kindrali.
My first non Counter/weight fatt fic, and once again it is introspection about a Dre character, because without realizing it I ended up with a favorite player. I just like coming up with in-universe explanations for things that were probably mistakes on their part, and I’m always interested in how the Kindrali connection works. Even if I am now incapable of thinking of Kindrali without going “I wonder what day he remembers??”
Fantasy and Microchips, Friends at the Table, 9.2k words
Five times Mako hacks things accidentally because of Cass, and one time it's intentional.
The year ended as it began, with me taking someone else’s AU and writing a fic about it. In this case, it’s a comic done by drowzydruzy on twitter. I looked at it, went “that’s pretty funny, maybe I could write a fic about it,” and then two chapters in I realized how to exploit it for angst and pretty much didn’t stop. The trickiest part so far has been making Rigor references without getting too heavy-handed. I’m halfway through writing the last chapter now, so naturally I’m procrastinating by doing this meme. It’s actually a meta-narrative about defeating Rigor by not being too beholden to your own projects, or something.
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