#cause it was DEFINITELY shippable
locklylemybeloved · 2 years
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first things first i just wanna say ahead of time that i have no hate to anyone who ships a specific ship that i mention, these are just my opinions :)
caution to everyone btw, im not a malina, nikolina, or darklina shipper but out of the three i like nikolina best since i genuinely liked them but i like zoyalai way more and nikolai also basically just wanted to marry alina for political purposes so yeah
lets start with the darkling. this ones probably the easiest. his stance, position, and where hes standing kind of reflects how he only wants to control and use alina. idk if u can tell, but i have a passionate hate for him.
ok next: mal. hm. where to start. to me, the way that hes looking at alina but not fully taking her hand is like showing that he loves alina, but in the end he never gave her anything. he wasnt there for her in the end and so hes not meeting her halfway. also he has the personality of a wet paper towel
lastly: nikolai. my beautiful amazing nikolai. he gave alina so much, and tried so hard to love her but he stated HIMSELF that he didnt love her (he said he liked alina and COULDVE grown to love her, but he didnt love her). and u can see this in the way he holds her hand firmly (giving her a lot) but he doesnt truly love her (hes not looking at her)
i just wish that alina ended up with someone who truly did love her and actually SHOWED her that they did. and believe me, genya and david is amazing and i love them sm and row mentally damaged me but genya and alina had a good setup for being ✨romantically involved✨
yes ik it never quite reached the level for me where i was like SHIP SHIP SHIP THESE TWO ARE ALL THAT COULD EVER BE YESS but there was def some potential for those two.
anyway yeah 🥲 this is mainly just my opinions on the ships and the whole alina ship quarrel but the fanart reminded me of it
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xanty8sau · 2 months
✨My opinions on KNY ships✨
This is something no one asked for but anyways. (This included platonic and romantic ships, and I'm a multishipper) No hate please on some of my opinions and only the ships that I know will be mentioned and NO adult x minor or sibling x sibling.
Uzuren (Tengen x Kyojuro): I love these two as either platonic or romantic, I wrote a fanfic about these two that is over 80k words so it hold a special place in my heart. This ship was also the reason I got into demon slayer. (Yes I am aware of Tengen having three wives but their dynamic was appealing)
Obamitsu (Obanai x Mitsuri): I think these two are really nice. When I first started demon slayer I didn't hold strong opinions on them but I think they're very cute now and their ending was heart breaking😭
AmaKaga (Amane x Kagaya): I love these two, they're my favourite canon couple in the series and I'm so upset that they died but at least they died together and for a greater cause.
AoIno (Aoi x Inosuke): This ship seemed to come up out of nowhere for me, like they interact and some of it's funny but would've never seen these two as a couple. It's a ship I'm meh on.
Butterfly girls (platonic, Kanae, Shinobu, Kanao, Aoi): I love the found family bond they have and I want to know more about Kanae but over all any pairing out of these four is only seen as platonic for me.
ObaSane (Obanai & Sanemi): honestly these two just seem like friends to me, like two bestie that like to talk shit about others. I know these two gossip when they get the chance and they definitely talk shit about Giyuu.
RenGiyuu (Rengoku & Giyuu): I like their dynamic of being opposites, it's appealing to me but tend to see them more as friends than anything but still a decent ship.
RenMistu (Rengoku & Mitsuri): Love the sibling bond they have but not really into them being romantic with each other.
Rengoku x Obanai: I don't have mush thoughts on this, it's meh to me.
RenKaza (Rengoku & Akaza): I used to like this ship but now I find it really weird like I'm pretty sure Rengoku hates Akaza and Akaza literally killed Rengoku, so it's a no for me.
RenSane (Rengoku & Sanemi): When Rengoku was my favourite character (he's still in my top five) I shipped him with a lot of characters so that included this ship. I personally don't see now, looking back on it.
GenMui (Genya & Muichirou): I honestly have no idea how I got into this ship, for me I ship Genya and Muichirou romantically and platonically. They're both my favourite characters and I like their personalities and possibly the height difference and their fighting style and strength. I could go on and on, I like these two :) (please don't come after me because these two don't have many interactions)
TanKana (Tanjiro x Kanao): It's cute I think this is one of the few ships I like with Tanjiro, I don't know it sits better with me than some other ships.
MuiTan (Muichirou x Tanjiro): I can see where some people are coming from, Tanjiro is a very shippable character but personally I don't ship Muichirou with anyone other than Genya from occasion-to-occasion.
ZenNezu (Zenitsu x Nezuko): ehhhhh, I'm not a big fan of Zenitsu especially in the earlier seasons but he's kinda grown on me, I don't hate this ship but I also don't really like this ship.
InoZen (Inosuke x Zenitsu): not much feeling about this other than I think Zenitsu is very straight but that's just my opinion. :[
InoTan (Inosuke x Tanjiro): I kinda shipped it but I now see them as more of brothers than romantic partners.
InoTanZen (Inosuke x Tanjiro x Zenitsu): My found brothers pairing but honestly these three are chaotic and I love them but it's definitely platonic.
GenTan (Genya x Tanjiro): These two are my babies but it's more platonic than anything, I love how their friendship had developed over the series.
MuiNezu (Muichirou x Nezuko): Similar to MuiTan I only really ship Muichirou with Genya but this ship makes less sense to me than Muitan because Nezuko and Muichirou interact less Genya and Muichirou so the ship seems to be coming out of nowhere for me.
Sanemi & Genya: God their relationship breaks every time, I love both of them and I just want them to be happy and I tend to ignore canon when comes to the ending anyways.
SaneKana (Sanemi x Kanae): Some people will argue that this ship was partly canon but I don't care, it's cute the idea of it but it's not something I personally ship.
Sanegiyuu (Sanemi x Giyuu): I'll be honest I hated Sanegiyuu when I first started getting into demon slayer, it could've been because I didn't like either Sanemi or Giyuu and thought the ship was over down. I will say it has grown on me a lot still not in my top three but I don't hate it and can kinda see where people are coming from. (I have started a plan for a Sanegiyuu fic anyways).
Shinogiyuu (Shinobu x Giyuu): Similar to Sanegiyuu but I don't ship it.
That's it for now I'm too tired to keep going I might edit this later, these are just my opinions but I would love to hear yours :3
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the--highlanders · 7 months
I hope you don't mind me asking but what are your favourite Jamie EU stories?
oh my god not at all, I never mind being asked about my favourite little guy <33
I'm gonna break this down by media type, but there's some parts of the eu like comics that I'm not super familiar with, so if anyone wants to add some of those on (or any other eu stories) then go ahead!!
putting this under a cut because it got LONG rip
big finish
the jigsaw war
jamie is trapped inside a puzzle, experiencing events out of order, and has to figure out how to escape. this is THE audio for me in terms of like. recognising that jamie isn't stupid just because he comes from the eighteenth century. he really gets to shine on his own rather than being relegated to 'dumb exposition prompter' (which I feel like some audios can be kinda guilty of.....) also the fact that two and jamie canonically have a strong enough connection to form a psychic link over long distances makes me chew through glass. this audio GETS it in a way some others just don't.
the glorious revolution
two, jamie, and zoe travel back to the time of the glorious revolution, the event that set the jacobite cause in motion, and jamie grapples with not being able to change the past. if you saw that audio snippet going around a couple days ago you'll have an idea of why I'm reccing this one. it has been a while since I've listened to it & I do really want to relisten and check it out for historical accuracy. but regardless it's another one that gives jamie some of the depth he deserves, this time in terms of emotional depth and his feelings about his backstory.
the selachian gambit
two, jamie, ben, and polly get caught in the middle of an alien bank heist. this one is pretty focused on ben, polly, and jamie as a trio - they're largely taking on the action while two keeps the detective work of the plot chugging along. jamie doesn't hugely stand out here in terms of the audio really adding something to his character, but it does show his dynamic with ben and polly pretty well. in particular there's some great scenes with him and ben working together, and I love their friendship a lot so that's always a good time.
honourable mentions: helicon prime (I do feel this one underutilises jamie a bit and undersells him in some weird ways, but if you're looking for two/jamie content you can't get much gayer than this. plus it's the origin of the whole 'jamie and kirsty get married' thing which I hate on principle & am obsessed with in practice), the phantom piper (it's got so much more potential than it gives imo but the tidbits that we get are so good. jamie's relationship with his grandparents.... his best friend taking a bullet for him and dying in his arms...... I just wish I could explain to the author that there's no such thing as a bedroom door in a blackhouse)
the roundheads
two, jamie, ben, and polly travel back to the 1600s, and get largely split up by events unfolding around them. this is a pure historical and it delights in that. if you're after ben and polly content, the roundheads delivers on that too - but it really is some great early twojamie content. (whatever way you choose to read them - it's definitely a shippable book if you're into that). they spend the majority of the book together, both for plot reasons and just hanging out (they go to a frost fair!! two buys jamie treats and then makes himself a flower crown!!) and you get a great sense of jamie figuring two out early into his travels, and how he's far more interested in the doctor as a person than some other companions - he's the only one to show interest in susan when the doctor namedrops her, for instance. this is the best two-era book to me.
the wheel of ice
two, jamie, and zoe visit a space station built a little before zoe's time, and find that not everything is as it seems. again, this is a great one for zoe content as well as anything else, and for some very sweet moments with zoe and two. I don't necessarily feel this one always nails two and jamie's dynamic, but they don't spend a massive amount of time together here, so it's not too jarring. really I'm reccing this because of the scenes where jamie falls in with a bunch of teenagers from the space station, and finds himself kind of responsible for them. it's just nicely done and gives a good sense of jamie as a caretaker character and someone who feels a drive to be responsible for other people.
honourable mention: the episode novelisations (these are a lot of fun, especially if you have particular episodes you enjoy. they often add in extra details, background for side characters, or just little things from the episodes that were cut from the script. I really like them for adding a bit more depth and life to existing stories, and just little things that make you go 'yeah I'll add that to my belief system').
short stories
the time eater/across silent seas
two and jamie give a massive time-eating creature a funeral, and save a space whale from being turned into a weapon. both from the compilation destination prague. literally nobody gets me like the destination prague stories get me I'm not even kidding. these are THE eu two stories to me. both of these are arguably 6b, and they really work in that position - both in showing two and jamie with a very settled, devoted dynamic and in their themes and subject matter. the time eater is a story with no villain, and even the incidental threat of the dying creature causing havoc in time is secondary to the emotional keystone of jamie helping two accept death rather than running away. across silent seas has jamie nearly being aged to death and two absolutely losing it. they're both really about age and death and loss, which hits hard for 6b, with jamie's determination to stay with two forever and two's growing realisation that even if jamie doesn't choose to leave or survives their adventures, his lifespan is still going to be far shorter.
the age of ambition
two, jamie, and victoria land at the house of one of victoria's father's friends, only to find he has been trying to reanimate the dead. from the compilation life sciences. this is really a victoria story, probably the defining victoria story for me. it's got backstory, it's got gothic horror/victorian scientific ambition vibes in a similar way to evil of the daleks, it's got victoria character moments. but it's also a really crucial story for jamie, to me. as a character, I don't think jamie never quite forms into the brawny action man stereotype he was originally drafted as - and that's one of the things I love most about him. again he's too much of a caretaker, he's a piper rather than a soldier. he's rarely truly angry, even when he fights he never seems out to cause much actual harm, and you get the sense his protectiveness over his friends wars with this almost inability to do harm. the age of ambition GETS that and pushes it to the extreme, with jamie being unable to fire a killing shot to save his friends, to the point where victoria has to do it herself. it's such a compelling character moment for both of them and their dynamic.
on a pedestal
two, jamie, and victoria travel back to meet william wallace, who jamie idolises. from the compilation the quality of leadership. this is another one that really gets and hones in on a particular nuance of jamie's character - in this case, the strength and rigidity of his morals and sense of responsibility, and his dislike of people who fall short of that. he's faced with the fact that someone he admires was once careless, lax about taking responsibility for their actions even when other people are at risk, and just a bit childish. it shakes him, and he spends much of the story grappling with that. it's such a good look into the qualities that jamie admires versus the ones that he can't stand. but that's balanced out with some very sweet moments (the whole scene with two, jamie, and william wallace going fishing is very fun and again gives a nice little snapshot of two and jamie having this very settled, secure dynamic). AND jamie gets recognised as a basically supernaturally gifted piper which. love to see jamie actually getting to be a musician, love to see him piping without it being the butt of a 'bagpipes suck and everyone hates them' joke.
honourable mentions: that which went away (this is the 'jamie turns into a bear' story I'm always talking about. I do think it has some major issues in terms of weird primitivism, both in terms of the side characters and how it treats jamie, but also. jamie turns into a bear. and two begging him to come back to him is just *chefs kiss*), undercurrents (two vanishes from the tardis and another man mysteriously appears. jamie believes this newcomer has done something to harm two, and very nearly kills him for it. this is one of the few moments where jamie gets really, properly angry and is willing to actually cause harm and I LOVE to see him pushed past the breaking point of his usual moral code), the slave war (two, jamie, ben, and polly in the roman empire. also really good for ben and polly content, but there's some interesting stuff with jamie grappling with the idea of becoming involved in another rebellion, but ending up getting involved anyway)
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ramshacklestar · 27 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I do not actually have a OTP for Yuuna, and she's relatively open to anyone and everyone. I however do not personally care for (though rare but it exists) GrimxYuu and humanoid OrthoxYuu, but I'd be open to an au scenario where Ortho actually survived~.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
There really isn't a limit when it comes to what I'll rp, I personally do not have any triggers but the concept of non intimate related physical abuse (ie: spanking, grabbing onto each other in the heat of the moment, etc.) is not something I'm comfortable with. So as long as we remain tame in that sort of department, we'll be golden.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Age of consent varies country by country, so long as our muses are at the age of consent you're not too young.
Are you selective when shipping?
Big yes, though I do enjoy a lot of the Yuu ships I see I'm not the type to straight up throw my muse at my rp partners without discussing the idea with them first, and would love if I was given the same courtesy.
I do also prefer to be writing with my rp partner and have some semblance of chemistry formed between our muses before we start to talk about that. If you have the idea to ship your muse with mine I'll certainly hear you out at any point but Yuuna's not the type to be instantly head over heels in love.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I'm not uncomfortable with writing NSFW, I'm just also not very good at it, so when we get to the point in which the passionate hugging part is happening I will typically fade at that point.
However; kissing, touching, pressing up close to each other, clothing discarding, that is open and welcome.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
At this current time I have an AzulxYuu ship, a RuggiexYuu ship, and a FloydxYuu ship but those are not exclusive and I am definitely willing to ship with duplicates and potentially other Yuu's as well if the other rper and myself agree on that.
Yuu is a open character and I am adaptive to many different fandoms (so long as they aren't part of my hard no fandoms cause of the toxicity), so Yuu is shippable in any sort of situation. Just know though, she is complicated to ship with due to her being pretty oblivious to someone having feelings for her.
Thus why I only really have 3 ships at this time
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
I do prefer we at least talk about the idea first but you don't directly need to ask if we can ship our characters. Just popping in my dm's and being like 'hey I think our characters would work well together' will get you a response either ranging on some form of yes or agreement or it'll be a matter of me saying perhaps we should rp a bit first and feel it out.
I'm not going to outright say hard no on any ships, aside from the underage thing or one of my two NOTP's but if I'm just not feeling it I will let you know that at least.
I will say though despite the relationship between Mc, Ace and Deuce I will not immediate ship simply because the characters get along in the game. This also goes for the McxMal relationship; so please just don't do that :3
How often do you like to ship?
I love exploring shipping ideas with people, and if I happen to be feeling it I will also likely slide into your dm's. But that's not the point of this rp blog either and Yuu is more that character that wants to primarily be your friend before being your girlfriend/lover.
Are you multiship?
Yes, it is also not limited to just the twst fandom.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Ship more-or-less typically, again I didn't make the blog for the sole purpose of shipping. I certainly enjoy shipping though.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
All I'll say is there's at least 3 at the top cause I can't decide which I like more. >;3
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Talk to me :) my discord is available for mutuals or if you just want to dm me here that works just as well. I'm a pretty open person and will certainly respond when you send me a message, may not be immediate cause work and life, but I'm not the type of person to fully ghost another.
Tagged by: @wishkept
Tagging: @kkriitters, @sleeplesswork, @halfafishandawholehuman, @paramythas (whoever you're feeling)for the 4 of you) & anyone else who wants to do it~
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cyberfunsupporter · 29 days
1,7,19,27 for omori!!!
1) what otps in your fandom do you just not get?
i just do not get sunflower at all. i’m very sorry but it makes no sense to me. those 2 boys are not ready to date and they are DEFINITELY not going to date each other after basil had the idea to make mari’s death look like a suicide??💀💀💀 that’s just. not happening sorry
other ones are aubrey x any of the guys sorry. the one i hate the most is definitely p/hotobomb though like are you actually seriousssjxjdhfh that’s a gay man and a lesbian AND ALSO. basil? would not be interested in aubrey and aubrey would Not be interested in basil. not to mention everything that happened would make that even more impossible too like i don’t know if aubrey could look past the suicide thing + i don’t think basil could look past aubrey bullying him enough to Date her lol. i used to hate s/unburn more than p/hotobomb but seeing p/hotobomb genuinely makes me uncomfortable. s/unburn just feels dumb to me cause they’re more of friends imo, it’s the same deal w k/elbrey although i’m def more uncomfortable when i see s/unburn just cause i do not like the idea of sunny dating anybody in that friend group. w k/elbrey to me idk they’re just friends so they wouldn’t date yk but if the fanart is cute maybe i’ll rb it
7) is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
…basil. i’m unashamed to admit that. he’s so fucking awful idgaf. it’s lowkey the same way i feel about sun (2/3.5) but 10x worse. basil is genuinely terrible to me he used to be my favorite character but now seeing him just annoys me LOL. “he was 12” when i was 12 i would definitely not have framed a death caused by falling down the stairs as a suicide, but okay. and i wouldn’t have let that ruin my best friend’s life and just not told anyone what happened sorry that’s just so fucked up and for whatever reason everyone thinks that’s a normal tween behavior which it’s not… i don’t hate him for his bpd symptoms i hate him for ruining sunny’s life when he could’ve gotten help from an adult or like. 911. thereeee is a difference and i’m actually sick of being lumped in w ableists that hate cluster b disorders cause that’s literally so far from the truth ?|]£~€>{} you guys will hate aubrey for her bpd but if i don’t like basil because he’s actually lowkey a bad person then i’m evil?? i get maybe he was so scared to get sunny (his fp) in trouble he didn’t call for help but that just doesn’t excuse what he did at all actually 🩷 accountability still exists and you also don’t have to like somebody if they fucked you over, regardless of if they apologized or not. so i don’t like him! also his design is lowkey ugly to me
19) what is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
nobody interacts w the characters w much thought which is so fascinating considering the game is so well written and explores a lot of deep topics with tact lol. yes this is referencing basil likers mostly
27) least shippable character?
Sunny. that boy does not need a relationship i think he needs time to chill and be normal actually. he needs to have friends irl first. things got really bad for him and he was isolated for 4 years like jumping into dating would be very bad actually
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melisusthewee · 2 months
What's your favorite ship? FitoxMarcelo, EduardoxMarcelo or DanielxMarcelo (Daniel Fernández)? 👀👀👀
This answer isn't going to surprise anyone, but Fito/Marcelo.
My interactions with fanfic (both as a reader and a writer) is based primarily on the fictional versions of the individuals that we see in the LSDLN film (if you've ever been a part of either Band of Brothers or The Terror fandoms then you get it). So it's a bit complicated wherein yes, the more you read from other sources or learn more about the real events that make up the story and the real individuals (versus their fictional selves) that can definitely start to shape and inform things. Which is to say that LSDLN leans hard into meaningful looks between Fito and Marcelo and while it's probably primarily because Fito's role was arguably elevated to one of the lead characters (alongside Nando, Roberto, and Numa), I've said it before and I'll say it again...
Everyone involved knew exactly what they were doing.
Which is basically my defence whenever someone tells me "But Marcelo and Eduardo were best friends so that's the ship that makes more sense!" As if multishipping isn't a thing.
That is to say I think that the way the Strauches were written in the film (as a single character split into three parts) makes them all shippable with Marcelo especially because if you stop and think about how the three of them formed the leadership group after Marcelo's death they all kind of embody different aspects of Marcelo's leadership and I think that's a really interesting idea to explore.
Daniel/Marcelo: Everything I've read about Daniel as well as the way he's portrayed in the film, he and Marcelo were essentially polar opposites in terms of personality but not necessarily in a way that would be incompatible. I think there's a lot of potential to explore in terms of the responsibility both of them were very aware of having to weather - Marcelo being the team captain and the one who primarily organized the trip, and Daniel because he was the oldest of the survivors (aside from the Methols). To be honest, though, I've not really gotten into it very much? There was a fic once on AO3 that had some potential, but I think the author abandoned it after only a couple chapters, so in terms of pairings, I'm kind of still waiting to be sold on it.
Eduardo/Marcelo: If your favourite trope is childhood friends to lovers, then this is the ultimate pairing. Personally, I'm into it more as a platonic pairing, I think because writing it as a straightforward romance feels too much like I'm retreading an identical pairing from the Dragon Age fandom and I guess I just was looking for something different for a change? There also isn't a lot of film content to take from because of how little screentime Eduardo gets so most of the pairing content has to come from the books and memoirs and... I don't know, my feelings about it are strange and complicated and difficult to put into words. I think that their friendship was incredibly special and precious and because of that, I think that personally I prefer to write them as friends and explore the deep meaning of that connection. Though I admit I do sometimes kind of straddle the line with it, but I think I might even like it as one-sided or unrequited thanks to a fic I read once.
Fito/Marcelo: Okay, longing looks in the film aside, I think what drew me to this pairing initially is that Fito's someone who is always quietly observing people in a way that feels like he's trying to see deep into their core. And I feel like my observations about him were confirmed when he addressed Marcelo directly in his chapter of SotS (which surprised me!). Something I find interesting is that in his memoir, Eduardo talks about the change in Marcelo and the way he seemed to fall apart and how he saw the change in his friend and the way he was suffering but couldn't understand what had caused the change and therefore didn't know how to fix it. A friend of mine described Eduardo as being too close to Marcelo and while that meant he understood him probably better than anyone else, he also had a blindspot for him at the same time. Eduardo is so close he can't see the forest through the trees. While Fito had a little bit of distance and seems to have seen and understood or at least come to his own conclusion as to what was at the heart of Marcelo's despair on the mountain. I think they make very good foils for each other with Fito being the youngest of the three cousins but arguably taking on the most responsibility after Marcelo starts to wane as the leader. And he does it without any real complaint or resentment. So many times in the movie, you can tell from his expression that he disagrees with Marcelo's belief in rescue, but he never openly argues with him. It drives me crazy in the best way because to me it shows how much Fito understands the need for co-operation and that open argument and dissent is dangerous. With everything Marcelo went through and with everything he had to shoulder, I feel like Fito is the one who saw it and understood it the most.
(At the end of the day, though, the real answer is that Fito/Marcelo/Eduardo is a complicated OT3.)
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dead-or-lie · 3 months
♛ : OTP for my muse , ☠ : NOTP for my muse, ♠ : Character my muse would have a one night stand with, ♥ : Weird ship I have for my muse. I want to say for all of them, but uh... Gundham, Mikan, Kiyotaka, and Kaede
I was so tempted to do all I tell you.
Otp for my muse
Look I know OTP usually means one pairing..but I have two for Gundham.. It’s both Sonia or Hajime. Love both of those. You can also count Mikan for a polycule. Though I also love him and Amai on @/hopes-memorial
I like a lot of Mikan pairings ngl because I love Mikan and happiness. Other than anyone in the polcule which is probably my favorite is her and Ibuki
Kiyotaka and Mondo 100% brain off don’t have to think
Kaede is the same as Gundham to me as I have two. I like her and Shuichi along with Maki. Has a things for goths //jk I do also like her and Tsumugi on @/blueberryseamstress
☠ : NOTP for my muse
Uh..I don’t really think of NOTPs for Gundham..but I would probably go with Teruteru cause I hate him and all ships for him lol. Are they even a ship or not? Whatever here it is
Mikan and Junko 100% for obvious reasons. Though Mikan and Hiyoko is a close second cause while I like both characters how Hiyoko treats Mikan is gross.
I can’t see Kiyotaka with girls at all, expecially Celeste after what she lied about in canon.
Kaede is also..really shippable. Though I’ll go with her and Korekiyo due to him planning ro kill her in their free time events I guess
♠ : Character my muse would have a one night stand with. 
Gundham and Kazuichi I can see I guess. I do like the actual ship so why the hell not. Gotta love enemies pairings
Hm..Maybe Chiaki for Mikan? Have a little soft girl time I guess.
Uhhh I gotta be real I have no real ideas for Kiyotaka lmao. Can Nagito count again? Sorry for a boring answer
With how she is, can definitely see Kaede and Miu having a one night stand so that can work
♥ : Weird ship I have for my muse.
Well I don’t know if this counts as wierd for Gundham..but I think him and Chihiro sounds like it would be a cute pair.
Hehe Mikan/Sonia is so fun to me. I mean girls with freaky interests my beloved. Kodaka is a coward for not making them at least close friends in canon
Does Nagito and Kiyotaka count as weird? Because I like it a lot enemies to lovers arc. They can also have those arguments a lot and kiss afterward
I really really like Kaede and Izuru. They actually have a cute dynamic in the bonus modes making me like it both ways. May be wierd but oh well
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ubtendo · 4 months
3, 4, 11, 22, 29 for soda and scout :]]
3. Speed, Flight or Power type?
Soda is the power type for sure, she doesn't seem like it but she is the strongest hedgehog of her family, strength wise.
Scout is the speed type, totally taking after Sonic in that sense
4. Do you ship them with anyone?
(Quick Juli sidenote: when I'm talking about relationships, romanticism and sexuality, I specifically mean the older/adult versions of the fankids)
Scout isn't really the type to be in relationship with anyone really so a no for him
Soda I could see with a few ocs, tho not sure if it's shippable
In general if I could see them in a ship with someone in the future, Scout no - Soda yes
11. Do they have any rivals?
I think as siblings they are always going to be each others biggest rival and trying to out-compete the other
Outside from either, Scout, if he met him, would strangely see Metal Sonic as a rival
Young teen Soda wouldn't really have anyone she would call a rival, late teen/young adult Soda would see Wave as a rival when she starts getting into the mechanical and racing stuff
22. How are they with technology?
You could get Scout to hold a game controller and he would play any game decently but you couldn't ask him to turn on the game console, so, debatable
Soda likes to act like she knows all the technology and that she is up to date with all her digital knowledge, truth is that she only knows how to write a code when it's relevant for a mechanical project to her, so she's clever with it but not as clever as she seems to be
29. How would you describe their personality?
One word for each of them:
Soda: friendly
Scout: adventurous
But in longer form:
Soda is definitely the friendlier one out of the two, she may be quieter but not shy. That makes her better at just listening, but she sucks at comforting people, which sometimes comes of as uncaring. You come to her to vent she will be all ears, she just likes to be a shoulder to cry on if you need one. The world is sometime unfair, but she will have your back and defend you. She would be a person to pick up a litter of stay kittens in the middle of a rainstorm to warm them up inside. But she is not unreasonable, because she would know that she couldn't keep them, so she seeks out people she knows take good care of them. She's very clever and likes to think her stuff through, that only works tho when she is in a calm and not hectic mindset. There are also a few insecurities that she carries but she tends to hide them well from others. She's tough tho, she will power through anything. But sometimes she forgets to settle down and drags others with her.
Scout is a ball of excitement if you let him be. He likes to talk and explore and to find stuff that interesting to him, keywords: interesting to him. Cause if if he thinks somethings boring he won't even bother to acknowledge the task. He's a bit of a trickster and a rebel. In his mindset rules are ment to be broken. Scout likes making friends, doesn't matter who or how if he likes you you are stuck with him. Even if his older self calms a little bit the trill of adventure never leaves him and he is always on the chase for the next big thing. Just like Soda he will stand beside someone to help them through hard times. He will always act with his best intentions but he messes up often, he doesn't mean to, but he does. He doesn't let it show but that irritates him a lot. He rather let's his anger build up than talk about it, something he unfortunately inherited from his parents.
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helloimamistake · 1 year
Rating Spiderverse Ships that no one asked
"Miguel O'hara Edition"
(Since miguel is so shippable and fuckable lol)
Motorfang/Miguel x Jess (5/10)
Honestly, it's not a bad ship it's extremely underrated in my opinion, im pretty neutral of this ship ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Almost forgot to mention.. People would definitely shipped this more than spiderdads if jess is a dude
Holofang/Miguel x Lyla (6/10)
I don't actively shipped this but im fond of it, and it's lowkey hilarious of how much this reminds me of Plankton and His robot wife karen lol, anyways it's nice :)
Ben99/ Miguel x Ben (5/10)
Again, im pretty neutral of this ship but, there's potential for them to have a fun dynamic lmaoo, honestly i still can't find myself to shipped them cause ben called him dad sarcastically one time, but some couples do that i guess
Lego99/Miguel x Lego peter (???/10)
Honestly i missed the hyped of this ship 😭😭😭
Bagelbites/Miguel x Spot (7/10)
I have a confession... This is my guilty pleasure leave me alone 😭😭😭 it's just... Thinking about their dynamic judging by their different personalities is hilarious, buttt they haven't met yet until probably the next movie... But tbh i kinda like this shipped but i definitely don't want it to be canon lol, also they have a massive beef with a teenager and they want his dad to die lmao
Flo**rF**g/Miguel x M**es (-0/10)
The fuck is this?????
Spiderdads/Miguel x Peter (2/10)
This ship is fucking overrated i don't care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Also Peter doesn't have the balls to top anyone and MJ put a plastic in his booty and im definitely right, i don't care that there's valid reason to ship them, it's mid as fuck
Im not forcing you to not shipped them tho, you can ship whatever you wants as long as it's legal, im just saying this ship is overrated
(I actually don't mind the ship at first but the more it appears on Twitter, tumblr or any social media's on my phone, i was like get the fuck out of here)
(???)/Miguel x Spidersona Ocs (6/10)
Honestly it's just depends on the oc, but honestly if you want to ship your oc with this shippable men go ahead make yourself happy lol, honestly i kinda like this ship but again it's depends on the oc
Anyways that's it lol
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unknownarmageddon · 6 months
Most shippable character?
Least shippable character?
Tumblr media
most shippable to me definitely has to be reaper i think!! i dunno what it is about him but he’s so easy to ship with fucking whoever CACKLES
and least shippable is kinda hard actually?? maybe ink. or killer or cross cause i’m just biased weeping
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zeroducks-2 · 8 months
For the ask game
Levi from AoT, or if you prefer a DC character- Damian Wayne!
Oh Levi! I would have never expected him tbh, and I'm going to go for it since someone already asked about Damian
(Ask game here)
1: sexuality headcanon - I was writing gay but I'm not sure if Levi being homosexual is even a headcanon at this point. I used to be in an extremely Dudebro reddit server and even the fucking. Alt-righters. The staunch homophobes. Everyone agreed that there is not one single straight atom in that little man.
2: otp - I really like Zevi but if I have to pick just one, I go with Eruri. Levi is pretty shippable though tbh. I don't think I've ever seen anything I dislike when it comes to his ships. Levi/Miche? Sure why not. Levi/Kenny? ...I mean is that a thing? Cause if it isn't it definitely should be lmao.
3: brotp - Levihan! Despite lots of anime are about friendship and whatnot, not many duos I've seen can top Levihan in terms of people who just really fucking love and respect each other (and the chemistry is through the roof).
4: notp - I know there's going to be people from the backstage who want me to say Ereri but nah, I don't hate it. Surely it's not my favorite ship but you know what, 20 yo Eren who stopped giving a fuck harassing his smol Captain works in my book. I think I'm not into anything in which Levi is a top, though. It just doesn't work with my brain.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - He's been drinking tea for as far as he remembers because there's no way any Underground dweller can just drink water down there, they need to boil the shit out of it and use whatever they have to give it even the bare minimum of flavor.
6: favorite line from this character - It's got to be "Don't die - survive! ...who am I kidding, they're all going to die like flies..." from Return to Shiganshina, it floors me every time.
7: one way in which I relate to this character - I'm uhhhhh short? I'm still taller than him tho I'm pretty sure lmao
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - The hardcore character assassination Isayama subjected him to when he made him choose Armin over Erwin for the Titan serum. There's only one man, huh. Fuck off Hajime, I hope kids pee in your Onsen.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Whoever calls Levi problematic is either under 16 or has read an entirely different manga.
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laufire · 11 months
Gotham Knights for the meme xD
my favorite female character: Duela but they’re all incredible.
my favorite male character: Turner. I like Cullen a lot too, but… Turner.
my favorite book/season/etc: well-
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): that’s a question that’d need more rewatches for a definite answer, but I’m going to go with 1x08 “Belly of the Beast”. I love a good undercover/masked plot.
my favorite cast member: NOT MISHA COLLINS. All the young actors were pretty solid, really. I think Stephanie’s and Carrie’s actress were the ones that surprised me most, and Duela’s is simply perfect lol.
my favorite ship: Duela/Turner! The teens are pretty shippable in general but they are top-tier. Also, this meme doesn’t come with a question for platonic relationships but the crumbs and hints we’re given regarding Turner-Bruce, Carrie-Bruce and, in a more twisted way, Duela-Joker?? I WANTED SO MUCH MORE. It’s a problem.
a character I’d die defending: call me Bruce Wayne ‘cause I’m adopting them all. And a little extra for Duela (what do you MEAN she grew up in Arkham?? Who thought that shit was ACCEPTABLE?? SHE WAS A BABY???? *coughs*).
a character I just can’t sympathize with: I mean, ig the Court is as unsympathetic as they come xD
a character I grew to love: love is a very strong word lol, but a few choices made with Dent towards the end made me curious about the character & where they'd take him (or, more accurately, one particular dynamic involving him). Still wish he’d come with a different actor though.
my anti otp: n/a.
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i-like-sticks · 8 months
1, 2, 4, 25, 26 and 27 !
What OTPs in your fandoms do you not get?
This one really depends on which fandom I'm in since most of the time I just veer away from the canon characters and do my own thing with my own OCs. Though often times OTPs that I see are always taking apart what is canon in favor of something overtly ridiculous for rather petty reasons and I just roll my eyes and ignore it.
You know exactly which ones I am talking about, haha.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BROTP?
Answered this one in a previous ask!
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Eh, I'll throw in the Dark Crystal for this one but there are a small few. SkekGra and urGoh, SkekMal and anyone tbh, SkekSa and anyone as well, SkekUng and SkekSil especially. Nothing wrong with them if anyone ships them, I just really don't see the appeal of any of them.
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending to XXX?
I'm not in this particular fandom per say, but if I had the power to, I would definitely fix up Hazbin Hotel. What a mess.
The pacing could definitely have been better handled and fixed, we could have less pointless sex jokes. Nothing wrong with it but if you're going to throw a dick joke or something about someone getting fucked here and there for "the lolz" it comes off as cringe. Adam definitely would be fixed up in general, make him way more imposing then being some dudebro looser. Lucifer could be fixed too. Literally, there is A LOT to fix...
Ending wise, I would have had it where maybe Adam just barely survives and leaves after Lucifer and him duke it out and now he has to go back to Heaven and now face judgement from God for the sins HE has done. Snake dude can get his pass into heaven, I actually was happy for him and now he can throw a middle finger to Adam's face to saying no one is capable of redemption. I would have also made this fight at least a two or three parter, to make the whole ending feel worth it in the end. Give Charlie a redo too cause damn, that was just meh. Vaggie too could have had a bit more of an epic throw down too. IDK, just focus more on how dire this situation was and show the action with more pizazz.
And the other characters idk, just a lot to do.
26. Most shippable character?
I think this one really depends on the fandom and which one I am pretty active in along with the process of IF I am interested in the canon characters and care about them enough to do any sort of shipping.
Most times I tend to just veer away from canon and do my own things with OCs, heh.
27. Least shippable character?
Same as the last one unless I REALLY despise a particular canon character because fandoms ogle over said character 24/7 and never shut up about them.
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andvys · 9 months
Tattoo Kiss part 26
- Chrissy helping Robin with something that has to do with Steve??
- Lucas and Max throwing balloons and confetti at Steve HAHAHA
- Steve looks like the kids´ mom with how he acts towards them, it´s cute
-Steve going to the Hideout??? Ok...
- “You´re here. You´re here with Eddie” Oh gosh! He´ll feel more sad
- Y/N wearing the jacket that Steve hates, that hurt him, again
- “Eddie can see that Steve has changed for the better” You´re maybe tired at this point (sorry!) but it´s giving Enemies to Lovers vibes…
- I´m still team Eddie x Reader, and I know Steve has changed but the trauma I think it´s still there bc of the what if? what could´ve happen if?
- “No one should be alone on their birthday” OMG Eddie is so so cute and sweet
- “The fear that any moment with you will be your last one before you find your way back to Steve, before you say goodbye to a friendship that might´ve saved your life” OMG! He is so sweet, like he doesn´t care if it hurts, he wants Y/N to be happy! I love him so much!
- Y/N wanting to spend time with Steve and Eddie it´s another Steddie x reader moment!!
- Y/N telling Eddie that Stev can be funny when he´s drunk!!! But then when she says that “Unless he decides to break your heart” like, poor Y/N
- “He raises his brows at you surprised that you are making a joke about that” Yes, I think that´s how I feel too
- “Right now, I´m not, though, you´re here” “Yeah, I´m here” aww, (but i´m still team Eddie)
- “When Eddie appears by your side, Steve tries not to let his smile fall” AHHHH! Sad and Jealous Steve??
- Steve and Eddie talking only makes me think more of the three of them (Eds, Steve, Reader) as a throuple
- Eddie remembering that night when reader kinda confessed! AHH! Like if I was Eddie, i´ll feel very anxious being near to someone who had told me that
- AHHH! Robin calling Steve a liar!!!
- “You think that´s funny, Munson?” “Actually yeah” HAHAHA! But like, how can I not ship them?
- “Came here for a couple of drinks and then we found this sad puppy” HAHA!
- “A part of him always thought that´s why you were with him, because you pitied him. You stayed even when you shouldn´t have” AHHH! So he knows that past Steve (or maybe even actual Steve) didn´t deserved being loved by Y/N or something like that?
- Steve and Eddie fighting because of Eddie calling Steve a certain way.. OK, that´s funny!
- “He threw up in the pool, Robin” HAHAHA, oh no! that´s… Ew, but funny
- Eddie has a birthday present for Steve?... They´re so shippable
- “Is it expensive?” “You always give me some for free” AWWW, she doesn´t know that he likes her! Oh gosh
- To Eddie´s surprise, he not only directs these words at you and Robin, he also directs them at him. Enemies to Lovers!
- “Let´s go, ladies and… Steve” HAHA, I love Eddie so much!
- “You two can cuddle is the back” How am I supposed to not ship them with this? They´re so enemies to lovers coded!
- The “What´s that?” Oh gosh! Yes, I definitely prefer Steve and Reader as friends.
- “If you wre his, he´d spend day and night on his knees, worshiping you” AHHHH! I love him
- Y/N´s jealous of the other girls Eddie has been with? Cause I´m too!
- “This won´t hurt you right?” YES! THIS WILL HURT ME!
-NOOOO, two or three months ago? He should´ve flirted more with Reader, and maybe, they could´ve been a couple by now (this is just like another what if, not that i´m trynna telling you to change your fic or something!)
- Steve and Robin noticed that Reader´s uncomfortable, hurt, sad???
- “When was that? Was it the weekend you couldn´t spend time with him? The night you couldn´t come to his gig? Was it before or after he had gotten angry at you for kissing Steve?” AHHHH, She´s an overthinker, like me! And I think that she feels anxious, like too much info
- “He was angry at you when he found out about it” “he hated the thought of you kissing Steve. Yet he was out there fooling with other girls” AHHHHH, i´m angry now
- And Steve ate someone who wasn´t Reader, like… Reader may be mad or sad at them after this…
- “With tears in your eyes, you stare at yourself in the mirror. Whether it´s tears of anger or tears of sadness, You are sick of it. You are sick of yourself, You are sick of crying. You are sick at the pining, the jealousy, of the sadness” I´ll be mad at them. Like, Steve tries new things after Reader, Eddie likes Reader, flirts with her, but doesn´t makes a move, so he goes with other girls, when he knows that Reader likes him, bc of what she had said about wishing she met him first, but it seems like Eddie acted without thinking.
I liked this chapter, the angst was too much for me! The first part of the chapter was so good!!!!
I’m glad you liked this chapter despite all the angst here! I think that you will love the next chapter! I promise, you will really really love it!
I would’ve loved an enemies to lovers situation with Steve and Eddie ugh.
Eddie was with other girls because he tried to forget… And he never really did it again when he realized that his feelings for her wouldn’t disappear.
I promise, I will fix everything in the next chapter 🫶🏻
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narhinafan · 1 year
People in the Boruto fandom only use Salad as a shipping character. Most of them want her to end up with Boruto, and some (very little) want her to end up with someone else. They say, "oh, BSA's already confirmed, Kishi's in love with Sarada, that's why she's so pretty," but we all know how Kishi feels.
Salad's become a shipping foddler like her useless mother.
Even in Two Blue Vortex, the very first chapter, Salad needs saving, and because she was useless, Boruto had to save her, yet again. And people took that romantically, yet again.
They say that BSA's canon because Salad gain a new power because of Boruto and Boruto lost and eye for her. And they were fawning over how Boruto swooped in to save his princess Uchiha in Boruto Two Blue Vortex.
Salad ain't no Uchiha, let alone princess. No wonder Sasuke left for years, not bothering to meet her, because he knew what a slut she'd turn out to be, like her whore of a mother.
People even believe that she's stronger than Fugaku, Itachi, Shisui, even Madara and Sasuke. And they're excited that she "broke" the "Uchiha curse" of hatred or some shit like that.
Unrelated, am I the only one who ships Ada and Kawaki? I haven't met anyone who does, most of them who I've met ship KSA and think Kawaki belongs to Salad.
Completely unrelated, I'm still waiting for Team 5 and Team 15's timeskip design. Am I the only one? Wasabi's my fav character, and I'm disappointed that they haven't shown her design. Like, Team 5 and Team 15 are still apart of the Konoha 13/14, but apparently, the don't exist.
Btw, I saw people comparing slutkura to Minato and Kushina, saying that she reminds him of them. People in the comments were saying that Sakuhoe and Salad were so shipable and how slutkura reminds them of anyone in the series, and apparently she's the definition of perfection.
I feel bad for Sasuke, having a useless wife and daughter, and I feel bad for whoever ends up with Salad because, no matter how strong the genes are, they'll be made useless, thanks to her.
Some Hokage she's gonna be if she constantly needs saving.
I know I don't think anyone of them actually cares about Sarada otherwise they wouldn't have put up with how Sakura treated her and Sasuke being MIA for 10+ years.
Sarada is just a female version of Sasuke I wouldn't even call her pretty.
Seriously any true Uchiha destroys Sarada easily. Also her making Boruto lose an eye cause she was too dumb to activate her Sharingan isn't somthing to celebrate.
I support Ada and Kawaki more then I do him with Sarada.
Yes I want team 15's post time skip as well I really hope they show up in the manga at some point.
They have to completely change their characters to make her shippable.
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beyondplusultra · 2 years
Ryuji Sakamoto for the 'send me a character' post
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual but he doesn't know yet Gender Headcanon: cis male A ship I have with said character: pegoryu is the obvious choice here, but he's just so. shippable. with everybody in the thieves group. he's got that golden lab energy. i've gone on before about how my self-indulgent daydream ship is him and goro, though. it HAS to be one-sided, it HAS to happen for them at different times. something about ryuji seeing him on TV and mocking the way he talks in interviews, every single time, enough that people will realize it's more than just a bit. ann makes knowing eye contact with akira on the side. A BROTP I have with said character: okay this is DEFINITELY him and akira. 100%. two bros. sitting in a hot tub. no feet apart cause they're fucking besties A NOTP I have with said character: if i had to pick a single person from the thieves cast that i think has the least amount of potential romantic chemistry with him... then it's futaba. she's sister-shaped. A random headcanon: he has a very sharp intuition, the kind that he can never really explain. he always just follows his gut, and he's always right, and only gets things wrong if he tries to think too much about something because that's when wires start getting crossed. the best example i can think of in game is during maruki's palace, when they were doing the multiple choice thing, and ryuji didn't even hesitate on an answer for the last question while akechi had to do a whole song and dance routine to show his math just to arrive at the same conclusion. i simply think that people should listen to ryuji more often General Opinion over said character: he is the BEST. BEST BOY. never did anything wrong in his life, ever. give him whatever he wants.
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