#cause she does lose something not being an elf
elliot-ayy · 2 years
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a private moment between friends
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annoyinglandmagazine · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about Miriel and her impact on the House of Feanor on the whole, as you do, and I was thinking what if she haunted the narrative even more? I think it’s pretty well established that she was depressed in some shape or form, that there were mental health problems contributing heavily but there were definitely physical aspects as well, ‘But in the bearing of her son Miriel was consumed in spirit and body; and after his birth she yearned for release from the labour of living.’ And I know that Feanor being Feanor was ascribed as a huge cause of this, that he was just so much stronger than the average elf that his birth was particularly taxing but I’m going to go ahead and assume that even if Feanor had been a perfectly normal baby Miriel would have been impacted. It just feels almost like this infant is being blamed for his mother’s death which, while definitely plausible as something that happened in universe, doesn’t really feel fair to him.
I’m theorising Miriel had underlying conditions from long before she became pregnant that made her prone to things like fainting, exhaustion, chronic pain and that in all honesty her having a child was never going to be a good idea. But they wanted a family together and where could be a safer place to raise one? Everything was perfect and safe, why shouldn’t they be able to overcome this little obstacle to doing what everyone else seemed to be doing without issue? Towards the end she was entirely bedridden, not even strong enough to sit at her loom.
Finwë was relieved beyond measure when Feanor seemed to grow almost exceedingly strong and healthy, as if he’d gotten all the strength Miriel had been missing, and he thought that was the matter laid to rest, Feanor was fine and any children of his would be as well. Except they weren’t. Nerdanel’s pregnancies were always a time of great panic, not for her health really because it wasn’t Feanor’s genes they were worried about it was Miriel’s. And Nerdanel was nothing like Miriel but her children…..
Ñolofinwe watches Feanor pacing the palace in a frenzy while a crowd of healers stream in and out of a room down the hall, some five times the standard amount, and he wants to try and reassure him but knows he, with his perfectly healthy baby boy, delivered with no fuss by one midwife just like his two perfectly healthy sons beforehand, to go home to, is the last person in Arda his brother could stand to converse with right now.
The sons and daughters of Fingolfin and Finarfin grew swiftly, strong and athletic with hearty appetites and bright dispositions. Feanor could not bring himself to hate children so he settled for hating his brothers instead. He does not envy them their children, he loves his more than he could ever have loved anything and that’s the problem right there, he loves his sons and he’s absolutely terrified that he’s going to lose them if he lays them down too long. They’re so small and as soon as they leave his or Nerdanel’s arms they seem to tremble with cold so he sleeps with them against his chest for more of the first years of their lives than was usual. After those many sleepless nights he always finds it hard to sleep without being able to feel the rise and fall of their breathing.
Their cousins often do not understand what the difference between them and the Feanorians is, most of them have vague memories of getting scolded within an inch of their lives for fighting one back when they got into childish arguments. Mostly they just resented it or assumed it was favouritism if it were by Finwe or fear of Feanor’s wrath if by their own parents. Angrod did not think too long on how easily Caranthir crumpled to the ground at an unexpected shove, after all he was the older wasn’t he? Surely the rules about being gentle shouldn’t apply? He was equally puzzled when Fingolfin came running and scooped Caranthir into his arms, pale and panicked as Maedhros assured him he’d make certain Feanor wouldn’t hear about the matter if he was alright.
They train and become agile and skilled with blades and bows if not physically broad and strong in the way of their cousins but no matter how their health improves there are always concerns and during their approaching adulthood it becomes clear their worries are not only in body. There are migraines that leave them in dark rooms unable to bear even the sound of footsteps outside, days where Curufin and Maedhros struggle to allow any food past there lips, days where Caranthir sobs for hours with some inexplicable ache, weeks where Maglor cannot find rest no matter how much exhaustion he feels, little cuts and gashes on Celegorm’s arms that seem too frequent to be fully accidental.
If you were to look at this from a modern perspective it would probably be some genetic tendency to bipolar disorder and major depression but they wouldn’t have that kind of language because in my headcanons about Valinor they have very little experience with mental illness and no idea how to respond to it. I’m citing the whole Miriel incident to back me up there.
And just to make this even more angsty have a Tyelko quote from the fic of this I may or may not write ‘Amme always said we were her miracles, that our survival and strength was a blessing from the Valar. I was lucky to make it to my first winter. I wonder now if things wouldn’t have been better for everyone else if I hadn’t.’
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batsyforyou · 2 months
Random Pet Peeves: Feanorians Edition
Tags: Pet peeves (things that annoy people)
Pairings: None
Author's Note: I have Eonwe coming up as well as the pokémon one. Just thought to post this while I was at it.
Taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese
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Fidgeting. He hates it, between the noise it can bring and the constant movement it drives him insane and causes him to lose focus. Like when you're on your last nerve and someone keeps making McDonald straw music insane. Like just stop already! 
Jokes about his height and comments about his missing hand. The 'How's the weather up there?’ jokes and the constant questions about his hand from those less informed drives him crazy. I mean honestly, how many times can you hear the same thing before it gets old? Now imagine being an elf with centuries of experience with these things. 
Open mouth chewing. Most of the time Celegorm doesn’t care about anything anyone does but when it comes to eating and everyone is at the dinner table it's gross and noisy and he is sometimes convinced that their saliva food spatter somehow got in his food. Which he will promptly make a scene for and refuse to eat. 
Even worse is when he is feeling overwhelmed and stressed and chewing noises begin to drive him nuts like, oh my word, I’ve been there.  
Mud and dirt tracked all over the floor. Especially if Celegorm is the one who couldn’t be bothered to take his shoes off before coming inside. 
When someone touches his stuff. Most of the time he can handle it with grace and be completely chill with finding his harp being moved into a different room. Because while it is annoying it isn’t world ending. So he’ll just roll his eyes, sigh and politely remind the culprit *coughs* Celegorm *Cough cough* to not move his things around. 
But if you really want to get his goat do what parents (and some absent minded friends) do best. 
When he goes to show you a journal with his music notes and ideas, flip into the area he didn’t show you. Like when you show someone a photo and they start SCROLLING THROUGH EVERYTHING. 
That will get him raging mad lol. 
Amrod and Amras
They both hate it when they get called by the other's name. And I don’t mean like when a stranger, like a servant, just makes a mistake (they are very understanding about this) I mean when they’ve known this person for literal years and they still can’t tell them apart. 
They also can’t stand it when family members confuse their hobbies with the other twins. While it isn’t big it doesn’t really feel good and can really upset them on days they aren’t doing well mentally. 
When someone refers to his family as the monsters under the bed and uses them as scary ghost stories. Yeah, his family did kinda do it to themselves but that doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying. Especially when they get the details wrong like, “No, Maedhros didn’t have dark hair. His hair was red and curly.” Like if you're gonna try and scare people using real life people at least get the basics right. 
It also sucks because people will also turn him into a story character as well. Coming up with different assumptions and making weird rumors about him eating worms or something. It can be really bothersome and isolating. 
Besides all that he still loves his family and remembers them more as people with troubled pasts rather than monsters that hide under beds.
His Uncles and Atar are way too big to hide under beds anyway. 
When someone questions his work and decisions. Not just once out of curiosity but over and over again. It grates on his sanity. 
When someone talks about her children and husband leaving and doing all those horrible things. Like honestly can’t they have some class and not shove it in her face? Or even when someone asks her how she didn’t see Feanor’s behavior change or why she didn’t try to stop him sooner or the classic, “What did you ever see in that elf?” 
She loves her family very much and hates when people act all snotty about things.
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yandere-fics · 6 months
Omega secretly stalking them?
♡ Their Omega Darling Is Stalking Them ♡
(Normally I would exclude Miriel and Runa from this since one is an omega and one is a beta but I thought it was too cute not to do Miriel's and Runa can't be the one one excluded.)
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♡ Miriel doesn't have as strong of a nose as the other ones on account of being an elf but as an omega her nose is at least a bit better than it would be regularly and as such she can tell that her mate is following her around. She giggles every time she gets to come back to her nest and smell that her mate took something from it but replaced it with one of their own, she hopes you'll get to merge nests soon, as soon as she makes you move in with her you're making nests together from now on. ♡
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♡ You're such a cute little puppy, of course she knows you're there, you really can't hide from her, she thinks you want to play hide and seek so every time you're following her around, trying to be sneaky she beelines straight for you to go get her reward, hopefully a kiss or something since she's such a good alpha and she found you. Eventually she does realize you're following her and that's equally cute. She'll make it so easy for you to follow her because she knows you aren't as good of a tracker as her but she wants you to be able to play your cute little game. She won't let you know she's making it easier though, she wants you to still feel the thrill of chasing your target. She does get frustrated you aren't pouncing though and eventually pounces on you so she can show you how you should pounce on her when you stalk her though even if you did pounce she'd also just as easier turn the tables on you soooo... ♡
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♡ She's extremely frustrated by this behavior, she can smell her mate has been all over her office and her apartment but they still haven't talked to her yet and so she gets spy cameras for her apartment and office o she can watch what her mate is doing in there and why they haven't approached her yet, she wants to be patient but this is just testing her far too much. She's very pleased when she sees you snatching things from her office and apartment and although she's still extremely pissed you haven't approached her yet she thinks you must just be so shy and upset she hasn't approached you first, guess she needs to let the more aggressive alpha side out since she has such a shy omega. ♡
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♡ Nikki doesn't understand this behavior, human omegas are so strange, an angel omega would just walk up to their alpha and present if they wanted attention but you're just following her around. Well she doesn't know what you're supposed to do with your human omega but she knows what's supposed to be done with an angel omega so obviously she catches you when you're laying in her bed while she's supposed to be at work and fucks you to sleep with her knot deep in you. That's what you wanted right? Good now cuddle with her. ♡
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♡ This is extremely cute behavior and she loves it, while she would normally pretend to be a beta, since she has a cute omega following her she can let out the alpha side just a bit, at least for you. She makes herself very easy and rewarding to stalk by leaving lots of things that smell like her around all the time so that way you won't lose interest in following her around. If you did stop following her as much then she'd have to tie you up forever and that really is her last resort. ♡
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♡ She's extremely annoyed at first when things go missing from her apartment, not even noticing you're only taking the items drenched in her sweat or her underwear and sports bras, she's just mad someone got into her apartment until she checks her cameras and sees it's a very cute girl and then she's mad cause they probably aren't her soulmate but they're still taking her precious things and so she hunts you but then she sees you're her soulmate and now she's salivating everywhere because that idea makes her way too horny. ♡
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♡ Sawyer is a tad bit bothered by this, you really need to use your words if you want something from her. She will not leave a single thing behind for you to take in her office if you can manage to sneak in and her penthouse will be heavily guarded since she has an omega who can't just ask for things. She admits she likes the attention but not being able to hold her omega and spoil them properly pisses her off, you won't be getting anything from her until you come to her like a big girl and ask for it. ♡
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undercat-overdog · 4 months
So I was reading some of your older answers to questions about your fics when I became curious about something. Let’s pretend that there’s an AU where a more corruptible version of ‘Bones’ Celebrimbor accepts Sauron’s proposal to marry and rule with him. What would happen to Sauron if Celebrimbor were to die? (Let’s say in battle fighting for Sauron) Comparing it to Melian’s reaction to leave everything behind after Thingol’s death.
Hey anon! Thank you for the ask, and sorry for my delay in replying.
You know, I was thinking about it a while back and I definitely think there's a tack Sauron could have used that could have led to Celebrimbor's darker side coming through. I thought a bit a while back about how to do that and mostly they wouldn't work as an AU from that particular point in Bones (things like insidious mind control using the One, C being captured and through a mix of stockholm syndrome and wanting to make S's rule less horrible comes to participate - if you're curious about such AUs, simaetha on ao3 has some fantastic fic), but had Sauron framed it as less "let's rule the world together" and more "Gil-galad's not ambitious enough, you are, those less knowledgeable and skilled and smart as us 'wander here untaught', we need to raise them up, even if not all of them like it at first, etc." Basically the appeal he made to the Elves of Eregion in the Silm but upping the imperialism. Because Celebrimbor is prideful and is ambitious and does have a sense of superiority, and I definitely think it could be appealed to more.
Of course, Sauron didn't think he needed to hide his eventual plans, though he certainly planned to keep hiding his rather unique biography. He is also hiding his current extra-Eregion activities - he is at this point (c. SA 1200-1500) occasionally traveling around working on his evil empire. I like to imagine he sent back regular letters to Celebrimbor talking about how lovesick he is all the cool, definitely not evil-empire-related stuff he's seeing. Probably some rock samples or pressed flowers. He is being dishonest and deceiving Celebrimbor about a lot of stuff, but he is for the first time open and honest about his true goal in the proposal scene.
Anyways! In the scenario you propose, Sauron would react very, very poorly to Celebrimbor's death. Many people would die horribly. However he felt about Celebrimbor at the time - and I think he would probably end up respecting him less and Celebrimbor becoming somewhat less important in his life, thought certainly still very important - Celebrimbor is his and it is unacceptable that someone (else) hurt him. And elf soulbond! (I do love elf soulbonds.) I think it would cause a lot of pain to Sauron. Emotionally of course, he would be incredibly distraught and bereft, but metaphysically too.
To go to Melian's reaction, there's the interesting question of how she returned to Valinor. She is shapelocked, due to "begetting", but I find it logistically unlikely for her to have left Beleriand physically; I imagine she shed her form, which implies to me some sort of metaphysical change? She is no longer capable of being tied to Thingol physically (maybe a little desperate necro, but Thingol's no longer in that body). Likewise, in a situation where S loses his elf husband, I imagine it would create some sort of 'wound', if you will (and that Melian experienced that). Different in scale and effect than the loss of the One in canon, certainly not permanently incapacitating, but not too different in quality. A part of Sauron was wretched away, leaving a gaping, bleeding wound.
Many people would end up dying, horribly. But Sauron certainly isn't going to Valinor, as Melian did. I imagine the timeline and plot here would draw closer to canon. If the One wasn't already made (and I'm uncertain if a married Sauron could make the One as it is: his soul isn't just his own anymore, there's another soul that's intertwined with it*), I don't know if Sauron would make it, because I'm not sure there's the same incentive as there is in canon, but maybe something like it. But certainly going full on dark lord, Sauron the Great, King of the Earth, as he called himself in canon.**
*as a general rule I prefer 'soul' in writing, but yes, technically eala and fea and the two are different. Sauron has no "true" physical form and is whole without a fana, but Celebrimbor or any other elf are only whole when his fea and hroa/soul and body are together. But for the terms of a marriage bond, they function more or less interchangeably.
**what name he ended up using here is also open to debate. "Sauron the Great" is a title he did use canonically, but does anyone know he is Sauron/Gorthaur in this AU? Maybe not, aside from some Orcs! He's probably going by Annatar in this AU and he might end up keeping it. Well, as one of his names: I imagine he had many in different local languages.
(Also, please don't worry, your asks made me very happy to receive!)
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OKAY so because this canon confirmation has me ABSOLUTELY MELTING DOWN, I need y'all to know that "Adar wants children but his spouse does not and this leads to tragedy" has been THE ENTIRE THESIS STATEMENT OF MY FICVERSE ADAR SINCE DAY 1.
awake, arise or be for ever fall'n
excerpt from chapter 3: Shadow (adar = eren)
There have been fell winds swirling about the lake of late, Tata says, carrying whispers of a dark hunter who walks abroad, seeking for wayward elves who stray from their home. Two of their kindred had vanished days after Eren and Erenyë had set out, along with six of Enel’s people. And he counseled that none of the kindreds should pass beyond the boundaries of the forest that ringed around the lake at Cuiviénen. “Rather,” he says, raising his voice so that all who stood close could hear, “let us look to the propagation of our people. For we will find strength in numbers—but as all who slept have now awakened, we must bring about our own kindred, and conceive sons and daughters who will themselves multiply in turn.”
A shadow passes over Erenyë’s face at Tata’s pronouncement, and as they sup with their kindred later, he notices her steely silence. Later, at the resting time, as they take their place beneath a willow by the lake that they had come to call theirs, he prods her gently:
“Might not it be best to follow Tata’s counsel? To settle here awhile, and have a child of our own?”
His voice is hopeful as he thinks of young Finwë, and of the elf-mothers who he’d seen holding their babes in their arms, and the elf-fathers who taught their sons to swim in the waters and forage the hills. How wonderful it must be, he thinks, to have a life so fresh and new to tend and teach!
He imagines Erenyë cradling a child—their child—in her arms, how she might sing to them of trees and far off lands, and how he would teach them to number the stars. It is an image so pure and good, that it fills his body with warmth, and he desires it almost as fiercely as he desires Erenyë herself. A son or a daughter, it did not matter—for he knows he will love either beyond imagining, being the offspring of their blissful union.  
But Erenyë’s face grows darker still.
“I cannot,” she professes. For the coming of a child would surely put an end to her wanderings, and she cannot bear the thought of giving up her beloved wilderness.
“Surely it need not be forever,” he coaxes. “For our child will grow, as all children do. And then we can return, together, to the forest paths you love so much.”
“And what if nothing remains of those paths?” she asks, sitting up from her reclined position and turning to face him squarely. Her voice is urgent, and he understands now just how heavily what they’d seen in the Greenwood weighs on her. “There is an evil that stalks the forest. Maybe it is this hunter of which they speak. But we have seen the threat, and we cannot turn away from it. We must discover its cause. And if none of our kindred are willing, then I must go alone.”  
Her words are a blow to his heart—a splintering sensation that cracks between his ribs—as he realizes she means not only to defy Tata’s will, but to forsake him if she must.
She has handed him a choice yet again, and it seems even harsher and more bitter than the last.
Her face blurs before him as his eyes sting with the onset of threatening tears, so deeply had her words struck him. For a moment, he is confused; he has only ever known tears to come with happiness and laughter—but these tears are something new entirely, his first taste of sorrow.
It is a powerful, murky emotion that quickly takes hold deep within. And while sorrow holds sway, fear, also, is re-kindled in his heart. His mind is filled suddenly with a conjured image of Erenyë alone, standing before a great, gaping darkness that threatens to consume her, utterly—and he is overcome by the thought of losing her to it.
He feels her arms encircle him, words of apology tumbling from her lips as she realizes just how deeply she has wounded him. He buries his face in the crook of her neck, shedding quiet tears both for the child he is to be denied and for their now-uncertain future and the dangers that await.
He marvels grimly at the contradiction of his spouse: at the same time, she is both sweetness and stone—soft, and yet unyielding. He knows their course is set—and he could sooner change it as re-arrange the stars in the heavens above. 
read more on ao3
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cookisugarrdraws · 1 year
Okay this is kind of a vent but am I the only one who thought s4 of The Dragon Prince felt really,, off?
Like it was good and well executed and all of this could very well just be a consequence of COVID and Netflix messing with season four's production but something about this season felt really weird. And, truthfully, it's kind of the everything that feels off.
A lot of the characters felt very out of character. I'm sorry but Callum should've been rightfully VERY upset with Rayla. She abandons him on the day of his birthday after he nearly loses her to the moon lake, after she makes a promise to stay with him and get through all of their shit together, and she DOESN'T COME BACK FOR YEARS. And when she does come back, they're suddenly just really awkward but still in love??? HUH??? Did I miss something?? Why are they still in their "awkward, before they get together" phase??? Callum should rightfully be extremely upset with Rayla if not furious with her!! You could have kept them amicable when Rayla comes back! She could be a bit distant but still hopeful that Callum will forgive her easily but realizes Callum is angry and is trying to be kind to her even though he's clearly not happy! Let him tell her off! Why didn't he do that??? You could still have him be nice but there's a bittersweetness to it.
Speaking of Rayla, she felt off too. Idk she just,, wasn't distant enough. You'd think after being alone for years on end she'd be a bit less trusting of others, even the friends she knew. But people change! She shouldn't have been sure how much Callum would've changed. Also her lemur doesn't look right. She noticeably stands out amongst the other characters and creature designs. Bait, although he looks a bit like a plushy, works because he feels like a unique creature to this world. Rayla's lemur just straight up looks like a doll. She doesn't look right. Also she's just a lemur with extra limbs. That's it. And she's kind of purple. Why not get weirder with her and mash her up with another animal? Like a squirrel or maybe a hawk? Idk she just doesn't look right.
Claudia also feels,, very strange. Like yes she's funny and dorky but her antics felt really amped up this season. She feels dumber somehow. And Claudia isn't dumb. She's very smart actually but she can be oblivious sometimes. But I dunno she feels too comedic this season which creates such a whiplash for me. She's the villain and brought her father back from the dead. So why is she so,, dumbed down? Also her boyfriend,, he's fine I suppose? But why would Claudia be dating an elf? HE'S AN ELF. He also doesn't like dark magic?? Huh?? Wouldn't it be more of a novel concept for him to be an elf who also wants to do dark magic? Shouldn't he be in favor of that? Why was he against it? Terry never feels like a proper villain. And outside of dating Claudia, he has no motive to stay with her or her father! He doesn't like dark magic so why is he with Claudia? How did they meet? How did they become friends? What made her like him?? CAUSE HE SEEMS THOROUGHLY ALIGNED WITH THE ELVES in terms of worldviews on magic! Terry also feels out of place in terms of his comedy. The fart joke thing got old fairly quickly for me as well. I get it, it's a kid show, but I dunno it felt a little too much like writer's weird fetish in certain places.
Ezran feels fine though in terms of writing. He still feels in character and like he's evolved. He's wiser and has been ruling as king for a while now. And I like that they kept the friendship with him and Zym the same, that was nice! I just wish Zym could talk now that's he's older. Also, shouldn't he be a bit bigger? Tbh I always thought dragons grew super quickly as adolescents. Ah well, not issues with them. Also Soren. He is still the loml and I can't ever hate him. I do wish he could've bonded with and kept a wyvern though. That would've been cool as hell.
Now for the animation. It was too smooth for me. I love the choppy uneven Spiderverse inspired look of the second and third season so much! But in s4, I could barely find spots where the animation wasn't super smooth. The colors of this season are also way off. We spend a majority of the time in (what I am assuming is) Earthblood elf territory but the colors don't look right. They don't gel together very well. This is especially noticeable in the cave scene towards the end of the season. All of those crystals were so deeply saturated and NONE of those colors looked nice together. Especially on gray speckled rock. It was hard for me to see what I was supposed to be looking at! Emphasis and focus were two aspects which this show really seemed to struggle with this season in terms of visuals. The updated character designs look nice though, I don't have any qualms there (aside from the lemur).
Except for the Earthblood elves. WHY DID YOU TAKE AWAY THEIR COOL TREE BRANCH HORNS CONCEPT ART. They had moss and leaves on their shoulders and bodies. And cool swirly carvings. Why did they take that away :(
Idk maybe all of my issues with this season will be remedied by s5 which I still need to watch. Just needed to vent this out. I still like this show and I'll keep watching it but man, it's gained some problems for me I can't really seem to ignore. Especially since the first 3 seasons were so well paced.
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winterstorm032802 · 10 months
"I know I failed to do as ordered, but there was a good cause to it! It... I couldn't let the cycle continue. The Dragon Prince is home now. Isn't that what matters?" Stubborn Elders, the council is. Rayla knows this. Strict rules, especially for an assassin. If she can even call herself that.
"You left. You failed. To carry out your task, to do something good for the realm, is if the King and Prince of Katolis were dead. The Dragon Prince's return has been taken into account, yet your punishment stands for the same fate you must suffer that night alone." The old Moonshadow Elf points to Rayla, his crooked nose and wrinkled features catch her eye as his blue eyes shine with conviction. "We banished you, and yet you crawl back. At least your parents had the decency to remain banished, not to mention the human you brought here."
Rayla scowls at the mention of Callum, who is currently being held prisoner and watching the trial from afar. "My parents were the last Dragonguard! They went down fighting! They aren't dead, I will save them and Runaan because I have-"
Flowing white hair that reaches her waist, the elder of all, the one in charge. Her braids going down her cheeks, the braids entwined with flowers given to the ones in charge. One of the greatest assassins. She slams her cane down and looks down at Rayla. "There is only one punishment and one punishment alone for an assassin who has failed. Death. So, Rayla, you are to be executed as you should have been like your fellows that very night. Died for a cause we believe in, instead of running away."
Rayla's ears ring, her body freezing. "All those in favor of this punishment upon Rayla, say aye."
A chorus of agreements rings among the council. This is what I get... I ran, Runaan... I'm so sorry. It's all my fault.
Spears clang as Callum tries to get close to Rayla. "No! You can't do that to her! She's given up so much to protect Zym and save everyone! Don't be that stupid!" Rayla glances at Callum before her eyes meet the stone ground. "Rayla! You can't seriously agree with this?! There has to be another wa-" "There isn't... I won't run or fight. You can kill me." Callum goes silent.
The leader approaches Rayla, twisting her cane to the right as it changes to a sharper weapon. "Goodbye."
Rayla's body is shoved harshly, but she doesn't hit the ground. Brown feathers float in the air as the leader's weapon has come down. "Callum?" "Hold on." He commands, and Rayla, in a stupor, does as told. "Shoot him down!" Arrows nocked, Callum takes off to the sky. Just barely missing him as he takes off with Rayla.
As soon as his feet touch the ground and she lets go, he's already glaring at her. "What the hell was that?!" Rayla blinks. The whole situation felt like a dream. "What?" "Don't what me, Rayla! The whole "I accept my death" crap!"
"I... I had to, they said-"
"And you just went along with it! That wasn't you, you wouldn't do that!"
"Callum, I failed those other assassins! I deserved to be executed. It was my fault for leaving and letting Runaan and everyone else be killed!"
"It wasn't your fault!"
"How can you say that?!"
"Because you don't deserve that!"
"I'm not worth saving Callum! I failed, over and over! I left you for two years for a mission that I failed! I can't do anything right! I-"
"Shut up."
"Why should I? Why didn't you let me be executed?!"
"Because I love you!"
The tree swaying sounds louder than anything as the two go quiet.
Callum crosses his arms, looking away. The red of his cheeks, from anger or embarrassment remains unknown. "I... I love you. Those assholes were wrong... you've sacrificed so much for others. You didn't deserve to be banished, and you don't deserve to be killed. I won't let that happen to you. I care for you, Rayla." He got closer as he spoke, his hand on her cheek.
She was crying, and she didn't even feel it. She does feel the warmth of Callum's hand as he rubs his thumb to wipe some tears away. "I can't lose you again."
I'm not that great at describing looks so I tried my best with the unnamed two council Elders. I'm not sure how to end this fic so I'll leave it there and yeah.
Here you go @ok12857
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Oh! If you're still doing the headcanon ask game, can I get Vanessa and Morgen please? 🥰
Of course I'm still doing the ask game! I've only just started it today in fact!
And those headcanons you ask for are here now!
Vanessa Enoteca
Realistic Headcanon: Vanessa’s Red String of Fate spell is a two-way street. There’s gotta be a mutual sense of connection for the spell to protect anyone. The spell can get around the elf possessions because the souls of Vanessa’s friends are still in the bodies. But if Vanessa and a person’s bond isn’t super stable, the spell won’t work for them. Zora and Nacht would have a high risk of not being under RSoF’s protection because of the walls they keep up. Nacht is definitely worse off than Zora. While he said he was gonna live with the Bulls, he would take growing accustomed to them at a snail’s pace, and even then his connection to most Bulls would probably remain as coworkers. Even with Nacht’s history with Yami, I think Vanessa wouldn't warm up to Nacht quickly. He is an acquired taste after all. Plus (and this is a personal me thing) I don’t see Nacht and Vanessa having much chemistry. (No hate to people who imagine them with a friendship or even romance. My mind just draws a blank when imagining them interacting. 😔)
While it might cause Vanessa some grief to learn that her spell does have conditions like that making it slightly harder to protect the squad/friends she considers her “family,” I feel like conditions like that would make for an interesting test of trust. Like, imagine if an enemy tried to infiltrate and bring down the BB? But RSoF outs them as an enemy because the spell won’t protect someone who doesn’t value Vanessa as much as she values them.
Not realistic but hilarious Headcanon: Vanessa has never won a drinking contest against other Black Bulls members. Either the members are too young to drink (Noelle, Asta), they aren't interested in competing (Grey, Secre, Gordon, Henry, Nacht), they'd rather compete with food (Charmy, Luck), or they agree to the drinking contest and in her overconfidence, she drinks ahead of time and ends up dooming herself to lose (Yami, Zora, Finral, Magna). Vanessa has won countless contests elsewhere but within the squad, it just never works out in her favor. 😅
Heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends Headcanon: Vanessa remembers how her mother looked when she smiled. When she was first put in that cage, she hoped to one day be able to do something to make her mother smile again and thought that was how she'd get her freedom. She gave up on that hope eventually. But even years later, Vanessa would like a chance to make her mother smile again.
Unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own Headcanon: Vanessa's actually a talented writer and has written a few romance stories (both the innocent and not so innocent variety). None of them are very long with 30,000 being the average word count. She's managed to write one short novel per year since joining the Black Bulls (which means her writing process might actually be "write drunk, edit sober" 😆). She bases the stories on the romantic gossip from other squads that she hears about. And one might've been a self-insert fantasy with a knock-off Yami. But you didn't hear that from me.
Morgen Faust
Realistic Headcanon: Morgen trained himself to specialize in healing magic. His magic had a natural inclination for offensive spells. But he wanted to heal and use support spells and so he underwent intensive training to get the spells he ended up with. He wasn't without any attacks in his repertoire but he was mainly a support mage with healing, defensive, and other utility spells. Morgen is not a noble who would coast by on his naturally strong magic and just take what's given to him. He will commit himself to learn how to use magic the way he wants to.
Not realistic but hilarious Headcanon: Morgen's go-to response to anything he really didn't want to do (meet with a suitor, clean the bathroom after Yami used it, do a spicy food challenge, etc) was to go to the nearest window and jump out of it. He wouldn't say anything, but walk to the window, open it, and jump out like it was nothing. If he wanted to make it clear how opposed he was, Morgen would run and leap out the window without even opening it. It was so bad that anytime Morgen was told something people knew he wouldn't like, they'd arrange to meet him in a windowless room. (Don't worry, he'd cushion his fall with a bit of Light Magic, that or he'd make a pair of wings and fly off.)
Heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends Headcanon: Morgen's first loyalty was always to his family. Not just Nacht. But his parents too. Even if they didn't truly love him, he loved them. Because they were his parents. They gave him life and a home and clothes. He was quietly neglected, but he was never fully cast aside and abandoned. And they loved Nacht (albeit for the wrong reasons, but they at least values Nacht) which meant that the brother Morgen cared for didn't face the kind of cold treatment that Morgen got. And when it came to the matter of devils, Morgen was more scared of his family hurting themselves rather than the illegal nature of it (hence why Morgen brought absolutely zero back-up when he confronted his family; he didn't want them arrested, just out of harm's way). Morgen loved all of his family, in a desperate and one-sided way where he could only want for their love back, but it was still a deep and honest love. Because that's the only kind of love Morgen knew how to give.
Unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own Headcanon: Building off how I said Morgen was more concerned about the dangers of working with devils rather than it being illegal, Morgen would've jumped at the chance to learn about Forbidden Magic. Not so much as to use it. But he'd tear through whatever books were available and watch with deep fascination as Nacht learned to control the powers of the Bremen devils. While not a scholar, Morgen is the type to like learning new things. And knowledge about devils isn't something you come across easily. Finally, it's his family's secret practice and Morgen would want to be in on that! Screw the law, the Faust family's devil knowledge is really cool!
Headcanon ask game
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raayllum · 2 years
I: It’s really interesting to me that it’s Rayla who kicks off the gift giving and sets the tone for what’s important in a gift here, because I think sacrifice is a deep core part of Rayla’s entire character, and I think that you know, if you go back to her childhood, like she was told it was great and noble that her parents were leaving her behind, leaving her — their family behind, that was a big sacrifice they made for the good of everyone. You see her through seasons one through three like — just seems like any opportunity, she’ll be the one to make the big sacrifice. She’ll go out there to try and save the dragon, she’ll go and try and fight Viren and his army alone to protect everyone and so on. So the fact that once again she defaults to ‘I have to give up something painful to myself.’ She kinda is starting to see sacrifice as a noble good in and of itself, and then it’s the reality check from Rex Igneous, it’s like ‘What does this do for me? What are you talking about’? [Laughs] 
B: Yeah. It’s — I think you’re right, it’s super on brand for Rayla to go first. And it’s interesting to me to think about the denial of self as a form of sacrifice, and this is kind of what seems to be Moonshadow elf culture — at least Rayla’s upbringing. And so this sacrifice of self to the point of me is — like, denial of ego, denial of self, in order to serve others, right? In this case, the Dragonguard, right, for her parents, and you know, being an assassin, being willing to lose one’s life, the whole ritual of tying the ribbon that cuts off all your limbs situation, like that is a denial of self, that’s a sacrifice people are making for a cause. And so — it — I have problems. And so I’m [laughs] I — it’s hard for me to think about what that does to one’s psyche growing up in that environment. Like I’m just… I’m curious, what are y’all — how is that resonating with you? What are the thoughts that are streaming through, talking about this?
I: Many of them. I mean, all the way down to when Runaan believes he’s failed, his whole mantra is “I am already dead,” like it’s complete denial of self, and—
B: Absolutely. 
I: And I mean — I think, you know, and I don’t think the show completely sidesteps this, [sacrifice] is often powerful, it’s sometimes, maybe often, I dunno, noble, to be able to do that, to have the strength to put everyone else in front of you. I could talk for hours about the competing instincts of individualism versus you know, collective action, and being one part of a greater whole and so on. But I think you don’t do the — usually, you don’t do the greater whole any good by completely sacrificing yourself, and I do think that is often the lengths, like you said, a lot of the Moonshadow elf culture norms and mantras go to eventually is ‘You have to be willing to completely forget who you are’ and I think that kind of comes across in — I’m not gonna keep going because pretty much every other story kinda touches on this as well. 
B: Name a story and it happens, right, it’s everywhere. It’s so — I’m, the thing that came up for me as you were speaking was actually Callum in the previous episode. You know, Callum being like ‘You gotta kill me,’ and this is a really interesting form of this too, right, the denial of self for the greater good. I’m saying ‘Hey, I need you to do this for me and take me out, in order—‘ and Rayla — and it came up because Rayla’s like, ‘[laughs] No.’ And it’s one of those things where that’s really interesting to me too because when it is someone else that I care about, that sacrifice is seen as dumb. Right? But when it’s me, I’m like no this is noble, this is what I have to do, this is what I’m being called to do, I have to do this because this is the way I was raised, and so it’s this double-edged sword that is saying in you, you don’t have to sacrifice, no no no, but me, I do. And again, that kind of mentality is so true in our lives. I imagine people listening have definitely come across the people who are like, “No no no, don’t do that, I’ll clean up, I’m gonna do the whole thing, it’s all about — I’m gonna do this,” and it’s the sacrifice of their time, their energy, consistently, so that other people don’t have to and we’re constantly trying to comfort and make other people feel good. And again, I think to an extent, that’s beautiful, until it becomes problematic. And so I guess that’s the line I’m trying to identify and I’m curious, how do we find that line?
D: I don’t know how you find that line [all laugh]. But there’s probably no universal answer, but I think like, it’s interesting, for Rayla, she’s struggling with that exact thing, like where is the line, because she, herself, believes ‘I must continue to sacrifice, I must go off on my own to try and fight Viren, I must do all these things, but Callum, you don’t have to,’ and it’s sort of like, he’s a little bit exempt from her entire philosophy, because her philosophy in some ways exists to protect him. Like the whole reason she left between seasons was to quote, ‘keep him safe,’ but she really only ended up hurting him and herself by doing so, despite the fact that it suits this greater philosophy of quote ‘sacrifice—
B: And I think that’s what happens.
D: For some greater good.’ Yeah, it’s like, you do — if you blow yourself up to protect the people around you that care about you, like you’re hurting them too, right? Cause they care about you and they want you there and they want you to be a whole and functional and, you know, present person in their life. And so it’s an impossible question to wrangle of where exactly that line exists, of where do you stop giving pieces of yourself for that other person versus where you preserve yourself because you are the thing they care about in the first place? It’s — it’s really impossible, there’s no way to solve this, which is why we explore it in fiction.
B: Yeah exactly. 
I: Might be one starting point to solving it in the very least. 
D: No, there’s none, shut up. [All laugh]
—The Dragon Pod Interview with Devon Giehl and Iain Hendry, 4x08 “Rex Igneous”
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trashcatsnark · 1 year
Just rambling because I really wanna be feral about my bg3 tav and dont have a place to really do so lmao but my little rotted brain wanted to play with the whole- tadpole fucks with previous conditions/characters shit. Ala making Astarion able to walk in sunlight and and seemingly making Gale's orb hungrier/less stable (judging off the first artefact helping him as usual but then the second one doesnt)
And I don't do fantasy often but since arcana Ive always wanted to play with a character with a enchantment/spell on them that makes people forget them shortly after meeting them. Unable to form lasting connections and living a life thats almost entirely in isolation (i love lonely transient bitches)
So, my tav, Petra (half wood elf, rogue/ranger) ran away from a shitass abusive life with her now dead partner who casted the enchantment on them both, so only they could remember one another. Being each other's entire world. Shit happens, her lover dies, but the enchantment is binded to their instrument (lover was a bard)
Which is all build up to say, she had and only wanted a cozy insignificant existence, because significance just means giving people the power to hurt her/being known means vulnerability and yet now thanks to the tadpole, she is being perceived and thats horrifying enough- i also really love the extent that Petra contradicts with many of the companions in terms of the idea of ambition and desire.
For so many of the companions (except Karlach really) insignificance is their like nightmare. Gale has both an innate hunger f for power because he derives his sense of self-worth from being a powerful, significant, and impressive wizard. Gale of Waterdeep, chosen of Mystra, deep down he does want a more simple life of relaxing in his tower and idly reading, and cooking for someone he loves but he can't ever seem to fully shake this feeling that when he sees power or opportunity he must grasp it because without talent, power, significance, magic, utility- he thinks he has no worth at all. Astarion craves power, once you start to enter act 2, he starts to talk about how he thinks the player has ambition and that maybe heyyy you can use that ambition for me? Because to him ambition and power, his own or using someone elses is how he'll find a way to permanently escape his abuse. He says he's not content to sculk in the shadows, what good is freedom if he doesn't have the power to make sure he'll never lose it. Wyll, the blade of frontiers, wanting desperately to help everyone- be a hero, make the sword coast proud in a way he never could make his father. He wants to matter, he wants to be important, he is forever burdened by the weight of his mistakes- the pact that binds him, never able to feel free of it and just wants the world to look at him and see something good.
Lae'zel fears insignificance, this is stated plain as day in the scene where she threatens the player, if you choose to probe her thoughts. She's doesn't care if she dies, if her skull splits, and tentacles writhe through her flesh- she's terrified it will happen before her queen ever knows her name, that she'll never be more than a failed soldier, that she'll never wield the silver sword or ride a red dragon. That she'll die before she feels she ever mattered.
Shadowheart wants to be a dark justiciar, she wants to be of value to her god, she wants to matter- similarly to Lae'zel, ironic given their hostility, but it is the same ultimate goal. She doesn't want to be no one, she doesn't just want to be another follower who's struck with pain, mind wiped tirelessly, and nothing to show for it- she wants her pain to have purpose, meaning, even if it's just serving the god causing it. Karlach is already a bit of an oddity in terms of, she never really seems to be scrounging for power and signficance and in fact- her power, her strength, her ability is what led to Zariel choosing her as her attack dog. So, while she's a bit more similar in not having a heavy desire for power, ambition, and a goal beyond- not wanting to be hurt, the desire for freedom and life on her terms. They still differ so greatly in terms of- Karlach lost out on getting to be a part of life for so long, she misses people, connection, and she doesn't want to avoid life because it hurt her, she wants to take back the parts stolen from her- she wants to live and be apart of the world finally again on her terms. Even if it kills her.
And my brain just kind of buzzing and feral for this idea of how she somehow finds herself thrusted into not only being perceived, being surrounded by people who are learning who she is, knowing parts of her she hasn't shared, and also being asked to... lead. When it's never truly been something she craves and even overwhelms her, but it finds her regardless and how she helps ground for many of them their grappling for power/ambition while for her they help her find that... she deserves to be a part of the world around her, that she can touch the world around her and make a difference. And she's no less guilty of wanting something that's bad for her, that she's been alive but not truly living and returning to that loneliness once the tadpole is plucked out won't be peace, won't be contentment, isn't freedom, because it was never that to begin with- she was just languishing in isolation and grief as a living ghost.
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vickyvicarious · 5 months
Lately I'm totally stuck on the song Wax & Wane by Alana Henderson. I love it.
And the more I listen to it, the more I keep thinking of Marcille. (I feel like it'd be great for a fanvid of her, particularly when the entire series is animated.) But regardless, I can line it up so well with her story, so I just wanna ramble a bit about the lyrics now.
Under the cut for spoilers for the whole manga and length.
The song's clearly originally about a het relationship breaking up, but I don't have to interpret it that way! It gets better for her the further in the song you get, in my opinion.
I could blame our partin’ For the fact that I’m not startin’ All my mornings at the time they ought to start And I could summon up a sisterhood Cry lead me out of widowhood But that is melodrama on my part
Least fitting lines in at the beginning, but you could still sort of make them work in a fanvid at least, with slow reaction/not being ready or prepared, being caught off guard, being dramatic and then taking it back every time with food. It makes me think more of lighthearted stuff mostly, though also perhaps with Falin's original death scene maybe?
I could blame my grieving On the fact that I’ve been leaving Us behind, the ones we were when this began But I have rose-tinted us ruby And I’ve conjured up a new me Who bent freely to her newly molded man
Marcille remembering dead Falin and also her father can be the 'rose-tinted' and the newly-molded man could sorta be the life she leads now. In a sense, she's idealized both of them and their happy times with her, without being willing to linger on the negatives. Even though those drive her completely.
But we bent and we broke and I meant what I spoke And the blame game does not produce a winner We went as far as we could go, we had to go that far to know That we had nowhere left to aim And no one left to blame but The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide
This refrain matches so well with the dungeon living pushing her (and all of them, but her especially as this is her song to me) to her limits and beyond as they go deeper. I picture this first refrain as earlier, the first effort to go back and get Falin back, and succeeding but only briefly.
And I could blame my parents For my vices so inherent That I cannot shake them much as I may try But how much have I inherited Or picked up since I was a kid? That nature versus nurture paradigm I could blame wrong turns that I take On decisions that my head makes Then trace each error right back to my heart And is it broken ‘cause you toyed with it Or was it formed with a little split That grows each year further and further apart
My favorite Marcille verse. It matches so well to her grief (often in advance) for her loved ones' shorter lifespans, and the way she never fit in growing up. Is the enormity of this desire due to her parents giving her this half-elf life, or is it her own personality focusing on it too much by dedicating herself to studying to 'fix' it? Is her heart broken because Falin died too, or is this something that's always been building, only increasing the more she pursues this path... (Stuff like the nightmare attack, or that one scene where she has to animate everyone with necromancy and it's funny up until you see her break down after and realize how terrible that would have been for Marcille in particular...) But we love and we lose and we lash-out and we bruise And the name of the game’s just the living We go as far as we can go we’ve got to go that far to know That we have everything to gain By knowing we can blame The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide
You have to eat to live! Pushing further into the dungeon! This time around I see it as much later scenes, as they work to get monster!Falin back. Even when that means going against other people, even when it means planning on (arguable?) cannibalism, etc.
And so I look to Karma And if I try not to harm another I will not be harmed by anything
This one bit actually really makes me think of Falin, but it also in a way matches a more naive earlier mentality, before the various characters all accept that in order to live they have to eat (and thus hurt other things). Not to mention, it leads in well to Marcille becoming the dungeon master because she wants to protect her friends and also wants to extend everyone's lifespans. She doesn't want to cause any harm, at least in her eyes. But it rapidly goes wrong throughout the rest of the verse:
If I salute the magpie, knock on wood Will I be doing any good? Am I strung up or do I pull the string? Will the fact I cling too tightly To my dreams come back and bite me Am I trying to make a science of an art? And will the very fate I wish to woo Be the one that I undo By thinking I can steer this crazy cart
Dungeon master Marcille here! It's perfect for all of those parts of her story. Getting the power to control things on such a huge scale, but being manipulated and lacking control over herself. Her dreams and desires overtaking her, leading to destruction, the warped version of her father and life with her friends that are offered to her. Her efforts to try and steer it...
But I’ll live and I’ll learn And I’ll light and I’ll burn ’Til the flame simmers down to a spark I’ll go as far as I can go I’ve to go that far to know that I have everything to gain By knowing I can’t train The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide
And then the endgame! She struggles to get it back, to undo what has begun. Her friends reaching out to her and her realizing this is as far as she can go, pushing too far was wrong. Accepting the possibility of Falin's death being permanent, accepting death in general. The lingering changes pointing out ways they didn't and couldn't achieve everything they wanted, like Falin's legs, Laios's inability to get close to monsters, Marcille's loss of the desire to do her hair. I never said it was your fault I only wanted to blame someone I never said it was your fault I only wanted to blame someone The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide
And the final refrain is more of that acceptance. Marcille didn't precisely want to place 'blame' but she wanted to see it as a problem that she could fix, rather than accepting life and death (which = the moon's wax and wane and the turn of the tide).
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*bursts my head through your wall*
Can I have a male romantic baldur’s gate 3 matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration (like make insensitive jokes or don’t consider the comfort of others or are mean just cause they can) people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
My Tav: basically a self insert she’s an elf sorceress noble
Thank you
A/N: Ooh, this one was a tough one! Mainly because I see you as being so good with either Wyll or Halsin… Hmm. Let’s see… 
For you, astralmysteria, I’m thinking the male companion best suited to you would be… Wyll!
Tumblr media
🗡 Wyll is the best companion for you. He’s kind and noble and self-sacrificing, very similar to you. He prides himself on being the best he can be whether it be in sword fighting or in dancing. He is a very responsible and empathetic person as well, choosing to take on burdens for the sake of others, as long as it means he can’t prevent villainous acts like the harming of innocents. 
Raised under a Duke, he was brought up to care about others' opinions of him, in both private and social settings. This gives him a desire to please the people around him, even in instances where he might start to resent certain parts of himself in order to do so. It was evident that he doesn’t regret what he sacrificed to save Baldur’s Gate from the Tiamat's worshippers having to form his pact with Mizora the half-devil. But he does appear discouraged when she gives him devil horns. Appearance is something that matters to him. And while he may have the odd doubt about his new look, he absolutely loves yours. He thinks you’re beautiful, practically a goddess in your own right. And he can’t wait until the two of you are properly partnered to show you just how much he reveres your body. ;) 
And he secretly thinks you look extra cute when you’re wearing your glasses. He’s had to adjust his vision a couple of times, from losing an eye in the fight with the Tiamat cultists to having his one good eye left turned into a devil’s. So he understands the need for such appliances. And don’t worry about being clumsy, it’s just another thing he finds absolutely charming in you. 
Wyll himself is more extroverted (I think of him as an ENFJ), but he gets that having to perform socially for many people can be, well… a lot. He did attend several masquerade balls growing up, and as fun as they were, there was always a point where he was beyond ready for all the guests to just go home already lol. 
In terms of Enneagram, I think you overlap there as well with you being a 2w1 whereas Wyll is a 3w2. Both of you are driven and take your goals seriously. As a 2w1, you may lose sight of your needs when prioritizing others- which Wyll gets as his large sacrifice was him doing exactly that. But he has trouble seeing it in himself, just like you have difficulty seeing it in you. This way, you guys can help each other out; you remind Wyll to keep his own needs in mind, and Wyll does the same for you. For example, on his own, he might skip meals and keep going, but with you by his side, of course, he’s going to set camp and make sure you eat something. Unfortunately, as a #w2, Wyll often fears rejection, or that he’s unworthy of love. And while your enneagram doesn't exactly suggest the same thing, your on/off low self-esteem does. The two of you will need to make it a point to remind the other how much you mean to them. He loves you dearly, and he will say it as often as you like if that’s what it takes to get through your stubborn skull. Just, please, be sure to say it back to him. He may look rugged on the outside, but on the inside, he’s dying to hear it. In this way, your love language of words of affirmation gets fulfilled. 
And don’t worry about being too innocent or chaste. Wyll wants to do things the proper and slow way. He wants to savor each and every little moment, every milestone with you, and not just rush into all of them at once. 
Wyll enjoys the company of animals as well if his reactions to Scratch are any indication. And he doesn't seem to complain when the party keeps encountering cats, so I think he’d probably enjoy the company of you and your cat. Maybe after a long day of adventuring and heroics, he’d like to sit with you, with your cat on his lap, and just rest in your presence. 
I would say he’s scared of spiders, but I doubt he likes them too much, as they probably remind him of all his battles against goblins and devils. He has no problem removing them from your tent or home should you ask him to. He promises he won’t let any of them come near you on his watch. And while he can’t exactly ‘protect’ you from math, he’s more than happy to figure out the calculations needed for an incantation or a spell. He’s actually pretty good at it, I mean he is a Warlock after all. 
Wyll’s grown accustomed to roughing it the past few years, but he remembers what food was like living as the son of a Duke in Baldur’s Gate. He tries to get you what you like- things with the correct textures, and foods that won’t make your nausea worse when you're having an attack. It’s not always possible when you're always setting up and taking down camp, but he does what he can. He wants you to feel just as special as he believes you to be. Because to him, you are- you’re his future, his everything. 
And with your Tav being an elf sorceress noble, wow, that just makes you an even greater match! He himself comes from a degree of nobility, and he’s a warlock! 
I mean come on! It’s like you two are a perfect match made in the stars! ✩✩✩
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 1 Episodes 7-9
Episode 7
-“good try, doggies” she’s so cute
-“snow elf.”
-“I need something more personal than a shirt”
-also if Soren or Claudia make any bad choices in the future I’ve decided that it is not their fault in the slightest thank you
-When Rayla said she was gonna ask nicely I didn’t think she was actually gonna ask nicely
-“I’m just a simple human girl who like the human things like bread and complaining all the time!”
“No, you’re an elf!”
“Fine I’m an elf.”
-bruh if that didn’t get it off what the heck will
Episode 8
-even if the healer can heal her hand it wouldn’t be any use because the band is still on
-could not be more unrelated but I just remembered that Callum mentioned a jerk face dance in episode 1 or 2 and I can’t even describe how much I NEED to see that
-“How do you plan for indescribable terrors? I feel like you need to be able to describe them first”
-“Flash! Woof! Whoosh! Slish-slash!”
“…is he okay?” “I think he’s finally cracked under the pressure”
-“Callum you may be a dummy but you’re not a fool!”
-don’t worry Callum, I appreciate your weird way of explaining plans
-bruh why does Viren even care about the elf anymore
-if y’all don’t start appreciating Callum’s humor RIGHT NOW-
-Bait you had one job
-I can’t believe they almost got killed by an oversized earthworm
-why am I getting weird vibes from Ellis all of the sudden is she gonna betray them or something? Like I have a feeling him telling her about the primal stone was a mistake but I can’t put my finger on why
-“knowing you is definitely worth losing a hand for” AWWWWW
-“I’m just a guy who can draw and make wry comments from time to time” yeah that’s why I love you what about it
-how did they just blind a creature with no eyes
-“Get zapped! Hahaha get zapped by the zap hand!” I love him so much
-“I knew whoosh should have been part of 🫡The Plan🫡”
-oh yeah and Ellis I’m sorry I ever doubted you
Episode 9
-boy the heck do you mean you can talk to animals how did we not know this
-like talk talk to them or just communicate cause those are two very different things
-“fitting in is boring anyway”
-so is this a magical ability or is he just really good with animals and he thinks it’s more than that because he’s a kid, like I’m not saying he’s lying but I also don’t blame them for not believing him
-“you might say it’s, the ka-tallest” HAHAHA that was funny idc
-hey for every only child out there who doesn’t know how to write an accurate sibling relationship, just watch Soren and Claudia
-bruh there’s MUMMIES in this universe???
-her hand looks so bad oh my gosh
-Callum is me when I lose a spider
-“I’m disgusted, and a little impressed” hahahaha
-I don’t understand this animal thing at all he’s being so ominous about it
-“then you have to do the thing” JERKFACE DANCE????
-“I should have figured it out, they were all illusions” um no actually I think you investigated a little too much
-ok but is she gonna give the collar back tho cause ik we love Ava but she’s gonna have it rough without it
-ik for a fact the egg’s not dead cause the show is literally named after it so stop teasing me with this
-Callum honey great idea but we gotta think these things through
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-so he DOES know exactly what they’re saying?? Is there a magical explanation for this or do we just have to except it, I’m good either way I just wanna know
-you have GOT to be kidding me, the indestructible knife can’t cut the band but a dragon nibbles on it a little bit and it snaps?
-Zym has already done something amazing and he was literally just hatched, most useful character on the show rn
-that short gust of wind that blew in Soren’s face right after he said “couldn’t you do this someplace warmer” was personal
-I was gonna ask why no one but the old elf lady was phased by the giant purple beam of light but then I remembered everything they just went through to get up there
-is Viren gonna just look like that from now on I still don’t even know what he did to the elf, put him in a coin?? Does putting someone in a coin make you look like that?? Remind me to never put anyone in a coin
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klngfili · 2 years
Perhaps a very random request but do you have any hcs about Legolas and Arwen being friends, either before or after the trilogy?
aaaaaaaaaaa tysm !!!!!!! i love headcanons for those two!!! there are just so many!!! so im sorry if this has gotten a bit long and rambly its just THEM yknow
they actually started out as penpals when they were younger because they are cousins basically
legolas is still a good deal younger than her tbh so he was slightly intimidated by he at first because omg she's elronds daughter!!! and galadriels granddaughter??!
but yeah penpals they exchange all sorts of gossip and hairtips, fashion and jokes
but as is the thing with all long distance friendships they always go 'omg we should meet up!! wish i could send u some of the lembas i just made with my grandma!! next you're in mirkwood!! maybe you can come to my dads next council!!' is as far as the whole meeting up in person thing goes
there's always something coming up when legolas is supposed to leave for lothlorien, or his father thinks rivendell is too far and when arwen and celeborn visited mirkwood legolas was away ons some of his travels o whatever and then the two left before legolas got back
and then they finally get to meet after being penpals for like almost 2100 years and they hang out a ton in rivendell and basically cannot be separated (unless for aragorn or her brothers but legolas is almost like a brother to her at this point) they laugh and chat and sing and play music together and leggles keeps her up to date on like mirkwood stuff and ofc leggles knows all about aragorn but actually seeing the guy?? the pimply teenager she mentioned in a few letters a couple of years ago?
and that time in rivendell passes way too quickly for both their likings
after the trilogy when legolas moves to Ithilien with some elves they get to hang out a lot more
they still tease each other endlessly, they still sing and they still stay up all night to gossip but it still feels different somehow, less likes its just the two of them, young and carefree, with legolas pining after some guard captain or some other elf, arwen teasing him about it and vice versa when it comes to aragorn
because one of them is now mortal and the other very much not but they tend to forget about about that quickly after legolas once teased her about being the older one of the two after all (arwens response to that was 'at least im still prettier')
legolas shows up unannounced in Minas Tirith plenty of times, with gimli of course
and ofc when Arwen and Aragorn leave and visit the shire legolas comes with them, of course and while gimli does drinking game w the hobbits those two sit back with some old vintage and like judge elfily and arwen snort giggles cause gimli loses!!! he actually loses and legolas is so embarrassed
and like when he bursts out laughing and tips over the table he and arwen are sitting on and they both unceremoniously land on the floor absolutely no one saw that (or so they tell themselves)
and then after aragorn's death legolas is there for her ofc and he really wants to stay and help her as much as possible but she sends him away in the end, tells him to sail and leave her to her shadows
she sends him away with a letter to her parents because elladan and elrohir have decided to stay
anyway ~THEM~
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herbalsingularitea · 2 years
Okay lemme just gab about my Scott Santafication hc real quick
Cause like in tsc1 he asks that one elf “who’s your boss?” and she’s like “you are” right? But then he asks “no no who’s the head elf?” and she says “YOU are”
But Bernard is the Head Elf, isn’t he? Okay, so I have some thoughts.
Spoilers for the series.
I feel like there’s alot of hc you could create from this interaction. Maybe Head Elf wasn’t actually a position until after Scott became Santa? Maybe previous Santa’s were called Head Elf and Bernard took over that particular role and some of its duties because Scott was human and not fully able to perform like previous Santas were? Maybe there was a distinction between Head Elf and Arch Elf as titles and things just evolved to where there was just Head Elf and Santa instead? Maybe that elf thought Scott said “head of the elves” and it was a miscommunication? Lots of possibilities.
But personally here’s what I think. I think original Santa, a “celestial being”, was something like an angel, but not in a religious way. More like a fae who’s actual species was slightly more powerful than the elves who would also be considered fae. Fae here being used as an umbrella term for magical folks/creatures. In fantasy, there’s sometimes the concept of elves vs high elves. I’m thinking something similar to that.
So previous Santas were high elves. They were ageless and beautiful ethereal beings. They had snow white hair, jolly temperaments, and most likely they had pointy ears. (Side note: I also hc that Santa isn’t ‘old’ physically, he’s albino. When Scott turns into Santa, he isn’t aging, he’s just losing all his melanin and that’s also why Santas are so rosy)
Santa held the title of Arch Elf and he performed many of the duties that Bernard does now in the ‘Scott as Santa’ era. Over time this just became known as Head Elf.
Sometime around the 20th century, the popularity of Santa began to skyrocket and more children began believing in him. Of course, this increased their workload exponentially. The Santa at the time, the one right before Scott, then appointed Bernard as Head Elf instead and gave him a lot of his duties to help deal with the added work. Was there a leader elf before that? Yes, probably. And that was most likely still Bernard, but he did alot less work back then and wasn’t officially called Head Elf. At the same time, that Santa and Bernard were probably beginning to talk about making a human the next Santa. A human isn’t an elf, so of course they wouldn’t be able to have the title of Head Elf.
So when Scott asks who’s the Head Elf and that elf answers that he is, it’s an understandable mistake. Usually Santa would be the Head Elf. But the old Santa gave that title to Bernard within the past century. Making new titles as time goes on and work increases would also explain why in the series Noel is Number One and Betty is the Head Elf when Bernard was both before. It’s just more delegation.
Anyways that’s it, that’s all. Back to work, please. Thank you.
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