#cause there’s like Justin beiber and shit
boomerang109 · 4 months
yeah maybe you’re a great music fan but actually i think you should be jealous of the joy and whimsy that my audio processing issues bring into my life
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zombholic · 1 year
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“dude you raided your closet for like the millionth time, you have cute things!” dina groaned trying to help you find a cute outfit for your lunch date with the doctor. “yeah but dina it’s a fancy restaurant! i have nothing fancy oh my god i will kill myself” you sat on the floor defeated.
“wait, wait this is so cute! and so simple what the fuck” she held up a small, plain black spaghetti strapped dress, taking the dress for her you quickly threw your pajamas on the floor and slipped into the fitted dress “dina i look like a slut” the dress riding up your legs making you pull it down only for it to ride back up.
“bro hello? where was this damn body hiding?” looking at yourself in the mirror you turned to the side to check if your ass looked good “where was all this ass y/nn?!” dina laughed slapping your ass in a friendly way “stop being gay weirdo” you laughed grabbing your makeup bag “can you get my jewelry? just like a few rings and earrings, should i wear a necklace?” you started to apply a small amount of makeup but enough to make a difference.
“yeah wear a necklace, show your tits” she joked handing you small sliver hoops, silver rings and a necklace with your zodiac sign on it. “wow can i fuck you?” dina bit her lips and rubbed her hands trying to be seductive “girl i will kill myself” she rolled her eyes before you both bursted out laughing at her stupidity.
“ok lightskin justin beiber, which shoes should i wear?” dina told you to stand up before grabbing a pair of wedged heel boots that stopped at your shins “but wear your slippers cause i don’t need you crashing while driving in those” she handed you the boots.
“girl you got legs for fucking days” and yes you did, long legs that stood out “i’ll invite you to my wedding if you behave” you messed with her before slipping in some slipper and heading out to your car.
buzz buzz
starting your engine you checked to see if it was dina trying to be annoying.
Hey Y/n, I’m about 10 minutes away from the restaurant. I’ll see you there Sweetheart ❤️
hiii doc, im heading out right now, cant wait 2 see you! 🫶🏼
parking at the closest parking spot you could find on a saturday, you quickly slipped into your boots, grabbing your one and only expensive black coach purse that your mom got you for your birthday you threw your keys in the bag. walking into the restaurant you approached the hostess stand “welcome to vue rooftop, may i get your last name for your reservation?”
oh shit
you didn’t know abby’s last name “i’m so sorry give me one second” you moved to the side to quickly text abby.
hey, what’s your last name?
Anderson, are you here?
forgetting to respond to her question you told the hostess the last name “ok ma’am please follow me to the rooftop and i’ll show you your table” she gave you a sweet smile, guiding you to a very fancy elevator that seemed to go up for a good minute “i’ve never seen an elevator be so fancied up” you commented making the hostess giggle “i know, it’s really nice, you’re with doctor anderson right?” you raised your eyebrows surprised she knew abby.
“yeah, i am! do you know her?” “yeah! she comes here all the time but never have i seen her bring someone else” you felt something explode in your stomach, your face heating up as you tried to hide your smile. finally reaching the rooftop she guided you to abby’s table “a waitress will be with you shortly, have a pleasant day” she softly placed the menu on your side.
your heart beating fast when you see abby, “hey sweetheart, let me get that for you” she got up and pulled out your chair for you before going back to hers “you look stunning y/n” you placed your phone down by the table near your glass cup “and you look amazing doctor anderson” she chuckled at the name “you can call me abby” “i know but whats the fun in that?” you shrugged, giggling as you looked down at the menu, abby’s blue orbs never leaving you.
you stared at the menu wondering what the actual fuck majority of it says, you being you the facial expressions said it all “you look confused sweetie, what’s wrong?” she farrowed her brows “i’m not dumb i swear but-“ you whispered to her not wanting the other tables to hear “what does this even say? i can’t read it” you huffed out a confused laugh “here, you can get the same thing i do when i come here” she closes your menu.
the waitress came by to take your guys order “oh and can we a bottle of bourbon please” abby smiled sweetly at the girl before handing her both of the menus “i get to choose where we go our next date” you laughed messing around with the ring wrapped around your index finger “and where would that be?” she looked you up and down.
basically eye fucking you
“chilis, my favorite restaurant” she giggled at your choice “you’re so simple” you puckered your lips giving her a silly look “not really, not reallllyyy” she raised her brows before a waiter came by to drop off the expensive alcohol that was basically your whole paycheck.
she poured you both half a glass of it, handing you your glass you twiddled with the cup, smelling the alcohol as you tried your best to hide your ‘fuck this is strong as hell’ expression “do you drink? i’m so sorry if you don’t, i should’ve asked you beforehand” she apologized profusely “no no, abby i drink but i like very fruity drinks, i’ve never had strong liquor before” you took the smallest sip from the cup almost before pushing it away slowly trying your best to hide your very expressive face.
abby laughed even harder “you’re so cute, i’ll drink it for you babe, i’ll get you sweet tea?” you nodded preferring that instead.
the waitress came by with the bill and placed it on the table “just flag me down whenever you’re set” she smiled before walking off “i can pay half of it at least” you took out your card, abby grabbing your hand and pushing it down, shaking her head “no, i said i would pay, don’t even think about it” you huffed “ok but can i at least tip her?” she chuckled handing you the book, opening your wallet you pulled out a fifty dollar bill and placed it in the book “you think that’s a good tip?” “i think that’s more than enough ms. generous” she smiled.
after paying you guys headed back down “do you want to grab something sweet? i can show you a great ice cream place” she put her black leather jacket on before you two headed over to her car “oh my god is this a vintage bronco?” you gawked at her black car, amazed at how intact and beautiful it is “yeah, i restored it myself, i have a thing for fixing older cars” she opened the door for you to get in “oh we’ll have to come back because i parked my car in the garage” you hopped in dying at the beige leather interior.
she pulled up to this small outdoor soft serve place, waiting in line you felt yourself getting shivery and cold, feeling your nose and fingertips get colder by the minute, abby taking a notice quickly slips off her jacket to wrap around you “how are you cold sweetie? it’s only sixty-five degrees” she rubbed your shoulders trying to warm you up, you giggled looking up at her “sorry, i just get cold so fast out of nowhere it’s so annoying because i can never wear anything cute” you fake pouted “my friends like to make fun of me and call me cold blooded because i’m always cold” you two giggled.
“c’mere” she wrapped her giant arms around your frame, pulling you into a warm embrace, her hand on the back of your head rubbing your hair.
after getting your ice creams you guys sat in her car, as she heated the car up a tiny bit for you “what flavor was yours again?” you were licking up your ice cream cone making sure nothing dripped onto her car.
abby sucked in the air watching you, jaw tensing up, eyes never leaving your mouth “uh, sorry uh” she let out a breathy laugh “i got strawberry shortcake” you looked at her with your big doe eyes, confused why she was acting strangely.
“you got something on your face” she wiped her thumb slowly against the side of your sweet lips “thank you” you smiled sweetly at her “oh shit” she checked the time on her watch “work?” you questioned “mhm, i’m so sorry sweet girl, i’ll drop you off to get your car then i’ll have to head out ok?” you nod a little sad the date ended already.
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AUTHORS NOTE: yall dont EVEN my adhd is hyping me up so much im already writing part 4 SHORTIES
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satelitis · 7 months
dal winston hcs (as a dallas kin)
he smokes in public places like restaurants
-> bro has smokers cough like no tomorrow
gets sun burnt so easily it's not even funny
-> the gang definitely teases him for it n calls him like a tomato n stuff
dallas definitely has like permanent eye bags fml
he also has busted up knuckes n dry skin
bro loves the smell of diesel
and you KNOW he loves those gross ass ham cheese and cracker lunchables
he has a staring problem, for both reasons, he zones big time and he's judgy, either way he doesnt care
he doesnt like elvis presley
he's left handed fs
sharp ass ny accent that he cant shake loose from
-> two n steve always mimicking him
-> two and steve biting their tongues when dal kicks their asses over it
vanilla guy for life
he's so forgetful
pony: "dal where were you we were supposed to go to the dingo" " oh yeah i forgot"
he needs glasses, and REFUSES to wear them
-> hence why he gets raging headaches!!
he would cheat in poker or cards or whatever BUT he doesnt need to cause hes just naturally gifted at it, plus he's been playing since atleast 6 i wanna say.
-> his grandma DEFINITELY taught him
dals a grandmas boy
he loves his grandma
he also knows how to dance and you cannot tell me otherwise
he FUMES whenever someone calls him austin, san antonio, houston, fort worth or any of it
-> the jokes get old
-> but not for two bit
-> modern day two in every minor inconvience saying to dal "houston we have a problem"
dallas knows the most random shit ever
he'll be spitting out info from the most random event in history
n the gang is js like 🤨🤨🤨tf??
he does the justin beiber hair swoopy thingy but only bc HE DOESNT CUT IT OMG
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spacerockwriting · 1 year
I just wanna show of some random bits of part 4 of Soft Bitch. Mostly the chaotic parts.
“So, middle school,” Mickey says, leaning against the counter. Finn’s been in and out of school for the last three weeks of the year, going to all sorts of doctors’ appointments, therapist appointments, and whatever else. On top of Ally’s speech, and Monnie’s new desire to start dance, their schedule is getting pretty full. “What the fuck do we do?”
“Pray Finn’s not the next King of the Southside?”
Mickey laughs. “Kid’s already getting that title.”
“Finn doesn’t have tits. If anyone needs those things, it’s Ian.”
Ian lightly swats his husband, causing Trevor to laugh. “God that tattoo is ugly.”
“Who the fuck put tits on a portrait of their dead mother?”
“I know!” Trevor laughs.
“Mick, we gotta do something about this.”
“Leave Chuck Norris alone. It’s punk.”
“Mick,” Ian says, gently combing through their son’s curls. “He’s got scrambled eggs in his bangs.”
“Monnie had oatmeal in her hair, and I don’t see you making a fuss over that. Thought we were being all gender affirming and shit?”
“Mickey,” Ian says, shaking his head. “This isn’t about Ally being a boy. This is about you and your dumb obsession with their ginger hair.”
“It’s not an obsession.”
“I still remember your stupid expression when I rolled into prison with black hair.”
“That shit was fucking ugly, and you know it.”
“You still got upset when I shaved it.”
“Yeah, well, you looked even more fucking insane with it growing out, but damn, could’ve left a little bit. Didn’t want anyone thinking I was banging one of Terry’s fucking racist assholes.”
Ian shakes his head. “Kinda wanted to actually know what I was learning. How I tested out of English.”
“I married a fucking nerd.”
“Newd!” Ally repeats. “Fucking newd!”
Mickey lifts her up, placing her on the counter. She stands up on little feet, taking off her plastic tiara. Beaming, she shoves it in Mickey’s hair. “Baba pwincess,” she says, loudly.
“Monnie, careful,” Ian calls from across the room. “And yeah, Baba’s a pretty princess.” Ian beams, taking his phone out to take a picture.
“You send that to Lip and I will end you,” Mickey threatens. But the threat is empty.
There’s even more laughter and Carl is the one who blurts it out. “Did Debbie fuck a Milkovich? ‘Cause I think Finn’s more like Mickey than us.”
“Well, there was Sandy,” Mickey adds.
“You know what I mean.”
Ian grins at Mickey after they put Finn to bed. “Now I remember why I liked these books.”
“Matt Dillon’s fucking hot?”
“Yeah, and his characters always remind me of you, all bad boy and in juvie and shit.”
“Hey, isn’t he trying to get with a redhead in one of the movies?”
Ian snorts, covering his mouth. “He is you.”
Mickey smirks. “Least I’m one of the hot guys. Not unlike that fucking Justin Beiber or whatever that you liked.”
Ian scoffs, playfully swatting at Mickey. “Justin Timberlake. Justin Timberlake,” he repeats. “Do I need to bring out that chart that Mandy and I made back in high school?”
. He prefers plugging in the inflatable Santa, the penguins, and the humping reindeer décor. They’re supposed to be grazing grass, but Mickey prefers them grazing ass and Ian doesn’t care either way. Plus, the kids think it’s funny, so there’s that.
“You’re not even hanging lights,” Ian says, stepping down the ladder. “You’re just watching my ass.”
“Ladder says do not leave patrons unattended. Just following basic safety, Man. Isn’t that what Tommy always says on his worksite?
anyways, enjoy those little excerpts! Just some bits I love that don't showcase the plot much.
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goongiveusnothing · 11 months
I am laughing at the outrage from Harries on Twitter over Anne’s IG post. They are crying and throwing up that Harry’s mom supports Israel…who wants to tell them that Harry 10000% has the same views?? The thing is, he’s smart enough to post NOTHING on social media but there’s not a chance in hell he doesn’t support Israel. Considering how people are losing their minds over all the crap celebrities are posting this week, I truly wonder what would happen if his actual beliefs came out. Would they actually unstan? Or would they make excuses for him? Honestly Anne’s post is very low on the level of offensiveness IMO and she probably just wants to say she’s for peace all around. So many celebs have posted way worse (Justin Beiber 😵‍💫) I have no idea why or how people think he would be fully and unequivocally pro-Palestine. There’s no way in hell he would ever speak out in full favor of them without also supporting Israel. He’s a white British man with a TON of Jewish friends. I would cackle with glee if the swarm of Harries who think he can do no wrong and that’s he’s the worlds greatest ally for all causes actually showed them who he was. This is one instance where his silence is really helping him stay in good graces.
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every single person around him hasn't just been pro israel, but ferociously pro israel. ben winston is now sharing photos of himself at the western wall in jerusalem even as his country massacres thousands of people. not a word about that. just avid support.
i think in the future if an israeli flag is thrown onstage he will prance about with it more loudly. if a palestinian flag is thrown that man will react like a cartoon character escaping gunfire.
there is not a chance in HELL this man supports palestine and would say so clearly.
irving azoff even signed a disgusting outlet to show their support for israel while at the same time claiming that within these days iran would be starting propaganda to make israel look bad and we all needed to ignore it. how disgusting is that. they want us to ignore what we can hear and see for ourselves. that israel is an apartheid occupying state and that they're keeping a starved water deprived group of 2.2 million people hostage in what's essentially an extermination camp, with mothers and children and fathers crying every day about their family dying. and they want us to ignore that as "iranian propaganda". the azoffs, harry, winston, his mother, can all get fucked.
notice how they all started with their big "i stand with israel" shit and were updating constantly because they thought for the first time the world would agree, but now that israel has brutalised and massacred thousands of bloodied people every single day. bombing hospitals, schools, animal shelters, people escaping on "safe" routes they told them to escape on, threatening to bomb aid entering the country. they go silent. ben winston won't say a peep. because they all support it because they're sick racist fucks.
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undressrehearsal · 2 years
14, 18, 21 (for 2023 lol)
14. What high school stereotype were/are you?
I was easily an emo kid in high school lmao. Less so into my junior and senior years, but definitely in the first few years. I wore the band shirts and the converse and had the side bangs and then basically a justin beiber haircut lmao and i was always listening to some emo shit. and i was always dying my hair some bright fucking color. in my last 2 years, i'd say i was still an emo kid but started leaning more towards being a queer theatre kid (i was one of the only kids that was out at my school so everyone knew me as the lesbian girl)
18. What is one skill you want to learn?
I really want to learn to like crochet or knit or something it seems fun and i love making things. i also wanna learn how to make clothes but sewing machines are expensive
21. Any goals for 2023?
lmao this is so silly but i made a bingo card for myself of my 2023 goals cause i saw somebody saying that it helped their ADHD to be able to get bingo and shit lmao but yeah i have a lot of goals for the new year but I'm trying to pace myself cause i always have a habit of making too many goals and getting overwhelmed
Ask me
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behbuh · 3 years
so, aaron carter ey?
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Have you been on tumblr for too long?
I like your shoe laces
Infinite chocolate
Do you love the color of the sky
|| |I
|| |_
Man door hand hook car door/gun
You can not kill me in a way that matters
Then perish
None with left beef
Supernatural has a gif for everything
All or Nothing
Ball pit
Tumblr university
Skeleton war
“Not as much of an asshole as you could have been” award
John Green
Every fandom teaming up against Justin Beiber
Websites as people
Don’t Cry Craft
Porn (rip 😢)
Thomas Jefferson Miku binder
Anime Mount Rushmore
To become god is the lonliest achievement of them all
Bendthatdick Cuminbitch
Editing posts on reblogs
Science side of tumblr
Now you’re thinking with portals
Sexuality playground
Citrus scale
Being sold to One Direction
Sherlock season 4 episode 4
Valentines Day video
Ominous floating fruit
|||| Whatever
||| This
|| Shit
| Was
My dash did a thing
Moon Moon
White boy of the month
This is what Yahoo spent $2 Billion on
Alexandria’s Genesis
The Earth is lumpy
Knife wielding tentacle
Y’all need Jesus
A stupidly long sentence about literally anything that you can think of by Fallout Boy featuring Panic! at the Disco
Drugs pencil
Black pool tiles will cause cannibal zombies
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spartanxhunterx · 3 years
why is the ml fandom so obsessed with torture and humiliation??? every time i wanna read a ml fic i ALWAYS have to take off the ‘Lila Rossi Bashing’ tag because the most popular fics are always torturing her/exposing her. sorry for the little rant i’m just tired ughhhh
Ok, this’ll be the only thing I answer in a long time and I didn’t want to keep you waiting. But there’s a “sort of” answer for this.
It’s cathartic.
What I mean by that is, a lot of people who express themselves via writing, more likely then not, were bullied during their youth (Me included) and the bully often got away with it via lying or having people, usually other bullies, back them up as “the truth”
I can’t tell you how many people got away with bullying me cause more people supported them over me.
So, when they write “Lila’s lies get exposed” or “Lila Rossi bashing” or you know straight up dragging her for breathing. What the author could be doing, is projecting. They could be imagining their past bullies in Lila’s place, giving her Lila’s personality and then crumbling everything down so they can watch it happen.
It’s not about destroying Lila… mostly, it’s about people getting a sense of justice over their past. At being able to look at their work and go “this is how bullying should be treated.” Even if it is exaggerated beyond measure in most cases, like those Fics where celebrities and important people literally climb over each other to sue her first.
That’s… ugh
Most rich people wouldn’t give a shit, honestly. (I hate that I’m gonna say this) But how many girls lie about being Justin beibers girlfriend? A lot, do they get sued for it? No, cause they are so far below his radar that he doesn’t even know they’re doing it.
Maybe, if Lila’s lies spread out and got big, they’d send a cease and desist order but they wouldn’t sue immediately, if she continued then maybe they’d sue her, maybe. If they themselves couldn’t put rumours and stories to rest before it got to that point.
Everyone believes they are the hero to their own story and their bullies are their arch nemesis. So they like to take control of this by crushing their bullies, it makes them feel like they have power over their bully for the first time in their life.
Some people are so wrapped up in this they don’t think about realism for the fic or what happens after the events that destroyed Lila. It’s why a lot end in “Lila lives with her grandparents” or “Lila goes to juvie back in Italy.” Or other endings where Lila fades into nothingness.
Cause they want things to be about how they overcame the bully, how they beat them. How they “Won”
And… I get that, I get it. I understand how it feels to be powerless against someone bigger, stronger, better supported and generally feared to the point people will side with them over yourself.
But, I would never wish what people do to Lila on those guys. I’m confident that they’ve grown up since then or at least, got hit with consequences real hard and learned from it.
Like sure, I’d probably try to deck the fuckers around the face for what they did but after that I might try to start fresh, assuming there isn’t a lot of bad blood between us.
So, just understand that, a good majority of the time, Lila bashing Fics are about a sense of cathartic retribution.
Sometimes people just hate Lila though… nothing we can do about that other then blocking tags and setting restrictions while searching.
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Lisstennnn I love the boys but tbh if u notice the western artists they collab with or “look up to” are very mainstream, the type to make songs you hear whilst shopping at the mall u know what I mean? Like no doubt they have a couple bangers but cmon anyone that has worked in any clothes store is TIRED of artists like Ed Sheeran, Halsey, Shawn Mendes, Justin Beiber etc. And I hate to see the boys having them as inspirations bc they end up w songs like PTD which are not very good compared to their songs in Korean and I feel like Army is just giving them the views, trying to reach the “goals” and shit withou really liking the songs which isn’t good cause they are just gonna keep making songs like thisss😭 I love my boys but PTD was kinda eeh for me. Lmk what u think 🥺
Hi! Thank for the ask, first of all. People rarely read or respond to my posts, but tbh I can't blame them. I don't even think my posts always show up in the BTS tag lol, and I talk too much. Anyway...
I find it super ironic that BTS seem to love artists that make the kind of music a lot of Armys don't want. The thought of a BTSxJB collab makes me shudder. I love the music BTS make but often not the music BTS listen to. Still, Agust D, RM's music and collabs, Hope World, some of the vocal line's solo songs (especially V's) are not at all the kind of music they've recently said they listen to. Is the music they make and the music they listen to inherently different, or are they just making music that fits their "concept" and the musical identity they've carved for themselves and not necessarily the kind of music they want to do?
This also makes me think of something else, which is that Army literally goes on and on about Black Swan, but BTS have never once said they love the song. I honestly think it's another one of their songs they enjoy but don't think about much. I bet most of them prefer Butter over Black Swan. Some of their favorite songs from MOTS:7 were Zero O'Clock and Louder Than Bombs (both mellow tracks). That's kind of why it's not surprising that they're going in this direction - not only because of the popularity thing, but because they do like more generic pop music, and don't mind doing it (especially if it's only three songs so far).
I think BTS will be surprised by the reaction to this song. When Butter came out I (and some people) didn't like it, but the comment section here and on reddit was mostly positive. The song is cool and trendy. But that's not the case this time around. PTD sounds like a HSM song, and that's not exactly what's fashionable right now. On here and on reddit people have been dissing the track a lot. I don't know what's going to happen in terms of streams and stuff, because Army is powerful and the song might be well received by the GP, but I think they will reach the lowest point in their careers since Dynamite. I don't think the song will bring in a huge number of fans. It won't be a "flop" or whatever, and it's not a title track so it's fine that it doesn't perform super well, but it might hurt them more than benefit them in the long run. They're a lot of disgruntled fans right now and I think their image will take a slight hit. This is the culmination of fans' worries and complaints about their English releases. This time they don't have the excuse of the song being good or a bop. It's truly not a bop, so even Army is outright complaining.
I know people want the song to not do well so BTS can learn a lesson, but even if the song doesn't do well they won't change their current direction. Once the pandemic is over they might drop another Korean album like MOTS:7 and BE, but these albums still have songs that are more poppy and generic than desired. Their next album will have people complaining and their next songs will be blander than the norm too. This is just BTS now imo. Fans talk about ON and Black Swan - and, yes, those songs are amazing and creative - but MOTS:7 also had tracks like Louder Than Bombs and WABP: The Eternal, which, to me are American-y enough. However, fans like those tracks. Current fans don't mind the more American pop sound as long as there are meaningful lyrics and BTS put their own spin to it. BTS will never go back to their Wings era. I don't mind that because I love LY: Answer and MOTS:7 is my favorite album (even though I don't like all the songs). The point I'm trying to make is that, no, BTS won't stop releasing Butter-style music. We can hope that with PTD not doing amazing (it will probably do much better than expected), BTS might try to release a darker song or something.
Sorry for the rant. What do you think?
PS: Am I the only one that felt genuinely embarrassed for BTS watching the MV and listening to the song? I know it's stupid but this was the first time I felt kind of embarrassed being Army. There's nothing wrong with liking 1D or HSM, but, yeah...
Thanks for the ask :)
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leejieunah · 3 years
Lisstennnn I love the boys but tbh if u notice the western artists they collab with or “look up to” are very mainstream, the type to make songs you hear whilst shopping at the mall u know what I mean? Like no doubt they have a couple bangers but cmon anyone that has worked in any clothes store is TIRED of artists like Ed Sheeran, Halsey, Shawn Mendes, Justin Beiber etc. And I hate to see the boys having them as inspirations bc they end up w songs like PTD which are not very good compared to their songs in Korean and I feel like Army is just giving them the views, trying to reach the “goals” and shit withou really liking the songs which isn’t good cause they are just gonna keep making songs like thisss😭 I love my boys but PTD was kinda eeh for me. Lmk what u think 🥺
Definitely! I really wish they didn't work with these Western artists because they're not even....good? Ed Sheeran hasn't made a good song in years. I absolutely love BTS and always will but PTD was embarrassing lmao. They don't need bubblegum pop to do well in the english markets.
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jeonqquk · 3 years
Ok so listennnn I love the boys but tbh if u notice the western artists they collab with or “look up to” are very mainstream, the type to make songs you hear whilst shopping at the mall u know what I mean? Like no doubt they have a couple bangers but cmon anyone that has worked in any clothes store is TIRED of artists like Ed Sheeran, Halsey, Shawn Mendes, Justin Beiber etc. And I hate to see the boys having them as inspirations bc they end up w songs like PTD which are not very good compared to their songs in Korean and I feel like Army is just giving them the views, trying to reach the “goals” and shit withou really liking the songs which isn’t good cause they are just gonna keep making songs like thisss😭 I love my boys but PTD was kinda eeh for me. Lmk what u think 🥺
anon! yes! i was talking about the same thing w my mum today😭 so i’m p sure we’ve all noticed how after dynamite they’ve been making mainly pop english songs right? it’s what their company is making them do for, y’know, fame? but now bts are global superstars. they’re not k-pop idols anymore and they have a global audience. so, of course, it’s a lot more easier for i-armys to have english songs but i feel like their korean songs, the ones they sang in their own language, had a lot more soul and meaning to it. i really like their new songs as well but there’s just something about them singing in korean that is a lot more meaningful.
tbh, same, i prefer butter over dynamite and ptd but i guess it’ll grow on me eventually idk😭
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honeyshae · 3 years
Lisstennnn I love the boys but tbh if u notice the western artists they collab with or “look up to” are very mainstream, the type to make songs you hear whilst shopping at the mall u know what I mean? Like no doubt they have a couple bangers but cmon anyone that has worked in any clothes store is TIRED of artists like Ed Sheeran, Halsey, Shawn Mendes, Justin Beiber etc. And I hate to see the boys having them as inspirations bc they end up w songs like PTD which are not very good compared to their songs in Korean and I feel like Army is just giving them the views, trying to reach the “goals” and shit withou really liking the songs which isn’t good cause they are just gonna keep making songs like thisss😭 the amount of auto tune also like?? I can stand Butter and Dynamite and I love my boys but PTD was kinda eeh for me. Lmk what u think 🥺
I completely agree with what you’re saying.
It’s very obvious that after dynamite’s success HYBE is completely focused on continuing to market BTS to the western market. Which is fine, but the material they’re putting out is so completely different from anything BTS has done before that it feels really inauthentic to me.
I honestly believe that the English songs they’re releasing are 100% only to make money and appeal to the wider western audience and not music that BTS themselves are interested in making. Just look at the members’ solo projects, they’re completely different. Dynamite didn’t fit in at all with the Korean songs on the BE album.
I hate that there’s this thing in kpop fandoms where you have to love every single thing a group releases or you’re “not a real fan”. I’ve been a BTS fan for years and I am really really happy for everything they’ve achieved and all of their success, but I’m not going to listen to generic songs that I don’t like and I’m not going to pretend to like them. Basically the only time I listen to Dynamite and Butter are when they come on the radio at my retail job.
Unfortunately, I don’t think any of these collabs (or the excessive auto tuning 😭) are going to end anytime soon, since they’re doing so well. In the end HYBE is a company and whatever’s lucrative will continue to be priority for them.
So yeah, this whole thing honestly just makes me really sad, because I really do love BTS and I want to keep supporting them, but I’m finding it harder and harder to get excited for their new releases, because it just doesn’t feel like them anymore. :(
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koda-krom · 3 years
Somebody look at this!
Ever since this bitch assumed she was black she been doin her hair like this. Afro's and all. Like Idgaf who likes her or not shes playin on black culture and profiting from it.
If youve been following her like I USED to, yall can see she NEVER did any of this stuff before. It was all soccer comb overs and bitchy ass music. Now she has a rape album coming out? Like why tf did the internet allow this shit? And why havent we canceled her?
Fuck it...imma cancle her ass. Don't give af!!! Cause if lil Miley decided, out of nowhere, that she was half black and started doing her hair like we do everybody and they mama would be pissed tf off.
Remind you,she didn't want the public knowing her dad was black until black people started takin tf ova. She was doing covers to fuckin Justin beiber....dont fuckin know how to spell dat lame ass shit, to producing a rape album?? Like com'on man!!
Again imma say dis shit and I dgaf who feel some type a way bout it. Fuck that lil girl and her kid. I honestly dont care that she half black (unless its mixed with white then eww), its whatever ya feel me. But for you to completely switch up and try to look that particular way is fuckin stupid. I was chill wit you singing "fuck yourself" and....all those other songs she did but not this shit.
This shit just looks like clout to me. All of a sudden your half black, got ya edges done up, afro lookin biracial, shit ya prolly had a kid with a weak ass nigga but at the end of the day....you look like a full on try hard and im tired of seeing white girls do or mimic black girls slang and style. Like ugh stay you flaky ass ova there and stop stealin our men!!
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peachithings · 3 years
Lisstennnn I love the boys but tbh if u notice the western artists they collab with or “look up to” are very mainstream, the type to make songs you hear whilst shopping at the mall u know what I mean? Like no doubt they have a couple bangers but cmon anyone that has worked in any clothes store is TIRED of artists like Ed Sheeran, Halsey, Shawn Mendes, Justin Beiber etc. And I hate to see the boys having them as inspirations bc they end up w songs like PTD which are not very good compared to their songs in Korean and I feel like Army is just giving them the views, trying to reach the “goals” and shit withou really liking the songs which isn’t good cause they are just gonna keep making songs like thisss😭 the amount of auto tune also like?? I can stand Butter and Dynamite and I love my boys but PTD was kinda eeh for me. Lmk what u think 🥺
frankly, i don't actually have anything to say with whoever they want to collaborate with and such because at the end of the day they agreed in the collaboration because they wanted to work with the person. i mean, i could see the happiness they feel when singing the song so that must count for something, right? idk, i really like PTD :( it's nostaligic to me because it reminds me of the good times i had during my childhood, it brings back good memories.
just enjoy the music, my love. they'll release their own songs when they're ready but for now, let's be happy, stay safe and manifest a better and stronger world to live in ✨💜
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sorrymomandcat · 4 years
Tues. October 13 2020
3:24AM I wish I was writing this on a laptop brb
5:26AM No laptop but I did install about 10 new app, check them out and delete about 8. There’s a cool one called ‘Thyself’ which I like and ‘Punkt’ a funny name. One is where you can essentially message yourself lmao which I guess I could always do on messenger anyways but regardless there’s a certain novelty to it being an independent app. The other is like a mood checker with a spot to barf feelings. Basically a whole bunch of other apps to do esentially this but not here.. technically they could be more inconvenient than helpful. I write a lot in my IRL journals too. When will I run out of shit to say? Perhaps once I get a laptop to comfortably type on to say anything anyways. Get it all out at desk. Properly. Give ya a timeline other than backwards spotted vague brain jargon. Yes - I relapsed again. I pray to God I don’t start thinking I’m being cheated on while stalked and mind read causing me to keep an uncomfortable forced smile on my face for 6 hours hahah High Priestess has a serial cheek biting addiction. Sugarleaf is the only other person I’ve met with an addiction to the same intensity. I had been doing it a lot less the last few months as I seemed to have redirected the biting to suckling my bottom lip. ADHD. #undiagnosed - imagine I got an EEG. Imagine I spoke to a psychiatrist? I feel fine right now. A bit about me, I’ve gone to counselling never. Once I went to talk to a shrink at 2 Homeless Adults when I was 16.. she chatted about an hour before prescribing me Prozac. Great band, not necessarily a medication I’d wanna take from a stranger. I barely tried any meds. That was the first, only and last time I was close to getting any type of mental health recognition. Actually not that great of a band, it was just one good cover of Running Up That Hill. Which I think we all heard first from The OC. I haven’t been working my job as the Vutton agent, I’ve been stuck sick at home self-loathing. Self isolating, I mean. I don’t think I hate myself. Maybe just being myself. You know? Get Thyself and text the cell.
6:07AM I just Googled it and 51 months. Almond Eyes has been gone for 51 months. That means 51 for Pear as well. Cow. It feels 2x as long ago but yesterday. what have I been up to? It’d be nice to look good everyday.
10:44PM I just typed in Justin on Spotify and Beiber came up before Timberlake. That’s how old I am. That’s how many talented Justin’s we have now.
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