#cause there's no one else its just you two or three against the world
deathfavor · 2 months
joining a fandom where there's only one other person is like we are now automatically best friends. it does not matter how shy or anxious we all are, seeing someone show up makes us instantly just !!! friend !
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ellecdc · 3 months
Could I request a fic with either poly moon water or poly marauders where reader has had mental health issues but they were getting better and then they slip back into them. This happens to me in moments and I have to remind myself that it’s part of my progress but it would be so nice if I had someone else to say it too. No pressure lovely!!!!
I ADORE all of your marauders work!! Like OML I never know how much I needed poly moonwater until youuuu❤️❤️❤️😘
hi babes! totally get where you're coming from re: mental health issues. It's a marathon, not a race. and I'm so glad you love moonwater! my evil plan of converting the entire fandom (lol) is succeeding. I opted to go with the marauders but it's quite sirius centric
poly!marauders x fem!reader who is struggling with her mental health
CW: non-sexual nudity [nothing is described], discussion of dark mental headspace and anxiety/depression [again, nothing is described]
You felt awful.
You knew the boys would be understanding, but it didn’t make you feel any better about your behaviour.
You’d found yourself slipping back into familiar and darker headspaces as of late, and though you couldn’t deny the disconcerting comfort that familiarity brought, you knew you couldn’t allow yourself to fully fall back into it; you worked so hard to move beyond this, and you had been doing so well.
It hurt worse now that you felt like you weren’t just disappointing yourself anymore, but also disappointing three other people who - for whatever reason - cared an awful lot about you.  
You’d been inching closer and closer to a panic all day and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed when you got home and pretend the world didn’t exist for a few hours days weeks. 
Those kinds of plans don’t work when you live with three other people, two of which have the tendency to coddle you.
You knew that irritability was one of the symptoms of your anxiety, but knowing that didn’t stop the sting of your words as they left your lips. 
James was too nice, too bright, too happy, too lovely. You felt like the polar opposite of your sweetest boyfriend, which made you feel even more disappointing than you already had. And Remus was a fixer; he had a tendency to see a problem and immediately start problem solving, but that’s not what you needed right now.
Of course, you didn’t say that.
Of course, you got angry and lashed out at them before storming off to your room and slamming the door.
What started off as feeling blue quickly spiralled into a low affect. Feeling low left you increasingly anxious. Your anxiety left you feeling disappointing and less than, which caused you to feel depressed. The more depressed you got, the more anxious you became. The more anxious you became, the more depressed you felt.
It was a vicious cycle and you were stuck in its seemingly never ending assault on you.
And now, you weren’t just depressed and anxious; you were also feeling terribly guilty and overwhelmed at the thought of having upset Remus and James. 
Remus, who only wanted to help, who only wanted you to feel better, who only wanted to care for you. 
And James, who only wanted to perhaps share a little bit of his joy with you on the off chance it could brighten your day.
You were awful.
You didn’t deserve them, and they didn’t deserve you - they deserved better. You deserved nothing.
You’re not sure how long you had been standing under the spray of the water with your head against the cool tile when you heard a gentle knock against the glass of the shower door.
You felt the irritability surge in your blood again at the intrusion of your pity party, but tried your hardest to take a steadying breath before you hummed a quiet “yeah?”
“Can I come in?” You heard Sirius’ voice ask from the other side, apparently having gotten home sometime during your meltdown.
He could, though you weren’t sure he should.
You were terrible after all.
The glass door popped open and Sirius shoved his face in. You didn’t bother turning your face towards him but you could feel the questions permeating his being nonetheless.
“I’m coming in.” He announced, deciding on your behalf. 
You heard the sound of his clothes falling to the bathroom floor, and you knew if Remus were in here he’d be scolding him: “there’s a hamper right there, Sirius.” 
But Remus wasn’t here because you were awful and you couldn’t bring yourself to care about the sodding hamper nor Sirius’ clothes littering the floor.
Some of your steam escaped as Sirius opened the shower door fully and you were accosted with cool air that left your body covered in goosebumps. He corrected it quickly by standing under the spray with you and pushing his front up against your back, leaning his chin on your shoulder.
“Fuck, you take hot showers.” He commented.
Usually you’d laugh.
“Sorry.” You said instead.
He rubbed at your hips where his hands had fallen with his thumbs, eliciting another layer of goosebumps on your skin. 
“You’re not feeling too good, are you baby?” He asked quietly.
You let out an exhausted breath. “I don’t feel good; I’m no good.” You responded just as quietly.
Sirius ducked his chin down to kiss your shoulder before quickly replacing it.
“That’s not true.”
You didn’t respond, glad that the water streaming over your face hid the evidence of the tears escaping your eyes.
Wordlessly, Sirius pulled away and grabbed your shampoo, working it into your hair. You did nothing to help him in his task, keeping your head pressed against the shower wall as he lathered the soap on your scalp. He pulled the handheld down to rinse it out, paying special attention to point the spray away from your face since you didn’t seem too fussed over protecting your own eyes. He combed some conditioner through your hair and rinsed it out in much the same manner before grabbing a loofa and lathering body wash over your form.
“Sometimes it’s two steps forward and one step back.” He commented, finally breaking the silence that had long been only the sound of the water falling and each of your breaths. “But that still means you’re one step forward.”
A sob escaped you, causing Sirius to pause in his ministrations and pull you back into his chest again.
He didn’t say anything else; he knew better. Of course he would, Sirius sometimes understood this side of you better than the others did. Sirius had a tendency to fall into darker times too, also having a penchant for lashing out at those closest to him when things felt like too much.
He let you cry, standing under the likely too-hot-for-his-tastes water, as he rocked you back and forth with your head leaned back, resting on his shoulder as you faced toward the ceiling. 
“Do they hate me?” You whimpered eventually, trying to convince your lungs to take in slower, deeper breaths.
“Of course they don’t; you know they don’t.”
“Are they mad at me?”
You could feel Sirius shake his head, but he answered you verbally anyway.
“No, doll. They worry, is all.”
You didn’t like that. You didn’t want them to worry. “I’m fine.”
“I know you are.” He agreed readily. “They do too.”
You let that sit in the foggy air for a little bit.
“Do you know that?” He asked eventually.
“Know what?”
“That you’re okay? That you’re just fine?”
You thought about that for a moment. You were sad, and you were anxious, but were you fine?
You admitted to yourself you felt the familiar tendrils of your darker self pulling at you, but you could also admit it was different this time. You were better, you had been working hard, and most importantly, that hard work was paying off.
You may have been two steps forward and one step back, but you were still one step forward from where you started.
“You’re sure they’re not mad at me?” You asked instead, earning you a chuckle as Sirius turned you in his arms to hold your face between his hands. 
“No one is mad at you, love. I swear it. You are, however, very loved.”
You offered him the best smile you could muster and let him pull you forward for a chaste kiss. 
“Then… yes, I know I’m fine.” You agreed eventually, earning you a beaming smile from your boyfriend.
“Atta girl.” 
Your felt your cheeks heat up at the praise and pushed your forehead into his chest.
“Can we get out of this torture chamber, now? I swear this water is being heated by hellfire.” He joked, leaning around you to turn off the shower without your consent.
“It’s really not that bad.” You argued, earning you a scoff.
“I’m red, doll. The water has marred my skin, perhaps permanently.”
You continued arguing about proper shower etiquette as you rubbed lotion into your skin (and then into Sirius’ for his troubles [he really was sort of red]), and changed into your comfies.
You headed towards the living room before you remembered you were sort of ashamed with yourself for the way you had spoken to the other two boys, but Sirius didn’t allow you to hesitate in the hall as he caught your elbow when your steps faltered and ushered you into the room.
“Boys, we’re really going to have to do something about her shower habits.” He commented as if a) nothing had happened, and b) you weren’t even there. “I’m surprised she hasn’t completely melted her skin off." 
“Perhaps hot showers are how she gets so beautiful, Sirius, ever think about that?” James jested back, earning him an indignant scoff.
“Are you saying I’m not pretty, Jamie?”
“As pretty as Y/N?” Remus interjected, looking between the two of you as if assessing. “No, not at all.” 
“Well I-” Sirius began, but you interrupted.
“I’m sorry.”
Everyone’s shoulders fell as they turned to look at you, clearly willing to brush over the tension if that had been what you wanted.
“I was rude and irritable when I got home, and neither of you deserved that. I’m sorry.”
“Angel…” James started, opening his arms for you which you readily accepted and tucked yourself into his chest.
“I was never mad to begin with, but I’ll go ahead and forgive you right now if that’ll make you feel better, okay?” He murmured into your wet hair.
“Okay. Thank you.” You murmured back.
“You’re too sweet for us, dove.” Remus commented, moving to place a consoling hand on your back.
“I was the opposite of that earlier.” You chuckled at your own expense. 
“Please.” Sirius scoffed derisively. “These two are too nice, especially when you feel like shit; I’ve given them a far harder time than you have, dollface.” 
“It’s true.” James said quickly. “He once told me he’d rather have a cup of tea with his mother than snuggle with me when he was in one of his moods once.”
You gasped and looked at Sirius in horror. “You did not.”
Sirius, not at all guilty, shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure did, and I meant it too.”
“Oh come off it.” Remus chided, pulling Sirius into his side who broke out in a grin, effectively eliminating his earnest facade. 
“No, of course I didn’t mean it.” He relented, leaning further into Remus’ side. 
“I don’t like myself very much when I’m like this.” You admitted quietly.
“We’ll love you enough for all of us in the meantime then, yeah?” James asked, pulling you into his arms tighter.
“Just be patient with yourself dove, you’re much too hard on yourself. We’re here now and we’ll be here when you feel better too.” Remus added.
“Can’t get rid of us that easily, dollface.” Sirius concluded, shooting you a wink.
Two steps forward and one step back.
But you were still one step forward.
You knew you would make two more steps forward again soon.
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not-neverland06 · 1 month
How About a Nuke?
Part I / Part II / Part III
The ghoul x fem!reader A/N: Part three is going to be when it gets juicy, this is just them becoming reacquainted. You’ll get the good angst in the next parts. Summary: Your dreams of stardom and fame have been blown away. Your old life is lost to the sands of this new world and you find yourself utterly confused. There’s a man who looks an awful lot like Cooper yelling at you, but it’s not the man you remember loving. Not anymore.
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For two days he’s been following the sound of sirens. With no new bounties, he hasn’t got much else to do with his time. Plus, he’s hoping that maybe if he figures out what’s been causing all this noise he can shut it the fuck up. Didn’t matter how far he walked, the blaring wail was echoing across the whole damn wasteland. 
A cough started up in his chest, itching into his throat and rattling his whole body as it ripped its way out of him. He tried to walk through the discomfort but it wouldn’t let him. He leaned over, hands braced on his knees, and coughed so hard he could feel ass jerky coming back up from his “dinner” last night. He clamped a hand over his mouth and forced the bile down. Frantic hands dug through the bag on his side, shaking as he ripped the box open and grabbed his inhaler. 
It took a minute before the drugs had the desired effect, and even then he was still fighting back nausea. He’s got to find a new dealer, that bitch in Filly was watering down her supply and he knew it. Not just that, she was overcharging too, on account of his being a ghoul. 
Even in the apocalypse money still managed to rule the world. Even if it was in the form of Nuka caps. He walked a little further before leaning against a boulder for a break. He wiped spittle off his lips and surveyed his surroundings. 
There was a faded old billboard sunken into the sand, only half of it sticking out. The paper was curled and browned from age and the sun, but he could make it out well enough. Quench Your Thirst, it wasn’t one of hers, though. It was the girl they’d replaced her with. He contemplated shooting it, just so he wouldn’t have to stare at the girl anymore, but it was a waste of bullets. 
Instead, he pushed off the rock and forced himself to keep going. The noise was unbearable now, rattling around his brain and making his ears bleed the closer he got. He must be right on it, only a little while longer and he’d finally turn the damn thing off. 
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He lifted a leathered hand to block the sun out of his eyes. He kept squinting, disbelieving in the sight before him. Vault 111 was sitting pretty among the skeletons and dunes of sand. It’s big white numbers upside down as the door was slid open, alarms ringing out and red flashing lights dancing around within the vault. 
He couldn’t believe it. Vault dwellers were practically extinct in the Wastelands, nevermind actually getting into their vaults. But here this one sat, open and ready for the taking. Normally, he wouldn’t risk it, even just to turn off those fucking alarms. But he had just used his last vial and if he didn’t get his hands on some good shit soon, well, best not to imagine it. 
Hand on his holster he started forward, eyes darting back and forth to make sure this wasn’t some sort of trap set by raiders. He didn’t imagine they were smart enough to do that, but apparently Muldaver’s been on the move, this could be her people’s doing. He’d rather not have to listen to someone whining on about a better life and a kind society. 
He’d believe it when he saw it. All people were capable of was greed and lust, it’s been the same before the bombs and it will be the same after. 
He stepped inside, eyes pained as they adjusted to the stark contrast of the glaring sun outside and the soft fluorescent lights within the vault. He spotted a big red button and slammed his palm down on it. The sirens, thank fuck, shut off, but the lights kept going. 
There was a gap between his platform and the next. The control panel clearly needed a Pip-Boy to be operated but he didn’t see any nearby. He sighed and took a running leap, just barely making it to the other side.  
He took another suspicious look around, still not quite sure he was completely safe. His chest tightened with the irritating feeling of an oncoming coughing fit. “Fuck it,” he muttered, starting through the open doorway without a glance back. 
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Whatever had happened in here had been messy and recent. He kneeled down next to a puddle of blood and dipped an ungloved finger in, still warm. He popped open his holster and tugged out the gun, better to be safe than dead. 
He had been following the direction the lights had been pointing this whole time, hoping maybe he’d stumble across an infirmary. These vault fucks had to have left at least one bag of radaway behind. So far, though, he didn’t have high hopes. Everything was ransacked. The bodies that were left behind had been stripped naked and beaten to unidentifiable pulps.
So far, the vaults had at least been air conditioned. If nothing else he was getting a break from the sweltering heat that trailed him on the surface. He’d already tested out one of the sinks down here, their water was still functioning. Maybe he could get some of the blood caked under his nails cleaned out. 
While the air conditioning had been nice, the breeze that was coming from the door across the way would have had goosebumps rising on him if he was still capable of that. His head tilted in contemplation as he stared at it. Above every door was meant to be an indicator of what went on in there. 
There wasn’t for this one, though. And despite knowing better, he had to admit, he was pretty curious. He strode forward, tucking the gun back in his holster and slamming the button on the right side of the door. The second it slid open, whatever had been sealing the noise inside broke. 
He flinched away from the sounds of sirens and covered his ears, cussing up a storm as he slammed the button once more. It clicked uselessly but didn’t send the door down again. “Fuck,” he hissed, stepping inside and grunting as the cold bore down on him ten times worse than before. 
Cryogenics, well, the temperature made sense now. 
He stared at each of the pods, the windows frosted over with cold and making it impossible to see the people within. He took his time examining them, trying his best to see if anyone he knew was in one of them. Despite it all, he held a little hope that he might see Janey, maybe even Barb. 
Without any luck he headed towards the terminal, he could probably get the sirens to shut the fuck up this way. Or maybe just get this door closed again. 
In neon green a warning sign flashed over and over across the screen. 
He glanced back over his shoulder and scoffed. Rich fucks hadn’t thought to have a back up, or did they really think their buddy Vault-Tec would keep them safe? He shook his head and clicked away the warning. He peered through the list of commands but couldn’t find anything except a list of who was in the pods. 
He figured he might as well see if he spotted a familiar name. If they were alive he might be able to get some information off of them. It wasn’t until the bottom of the list that he saw anything helpful. Your name stood out bright and bold and beside it the message:
The colon blinked a few times and he drummed his finger impatiently on the sides of the terminal. Finally the risk analysis loaded and he let out a rough exhale. 
His eyes widened and without thinking he clicked the little button. A moment later he heard something creak open, the seal of the pod broken as air rushed out. He turned around and faced your pod, of course it was the one right beside him. 
He ran forward, catching you just as you slumped out of the seat. Your skin was like ice, your lips blue and face purple from choking. It was all swollen, like you’d been struggling to get air in for a while before he came. He frowned down at your limp form, shaking you slightly as he waited for you to take in a breath. 
“Hey,” he brought a rough hand down on your cheek, the leather striking loudly against your skin.
Your lips parted and you took in a deep breath, gasping as your hands flew up to your throat. You turned over, falling out of his arms and landing roughly on the metal grates of the floor. He took a step back, watching as you hacked yourself back to life, your lungs nearly coming out with how hard you were coughing. 
His head tilted as he observed you. You looked damn near the same as the last time he saw you. The only real difference being the slutty little black slip you had on. He scoffed and shook his head. So that’s where you’d disappeared to, sold yourself out to Vault-Tec for some apocalyptic protection. 
Lot of good that did you. 
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You clawed at your throat, air feeling like razor blades as you greedily inhaled. You’re not sure where you are, you can barely feel your extremities, you’ve got an uncomfortable draft on your backside. You wince as you sit up, wiping your blurry eyes in the hopes they’ll clear up, metal digs into your skin as you do. 
It’s like when you get too cold during winter and your eyes frost over a little bit. Except, this doesn’t feel like a little bit. You can’t even see your own hand right now. All you can make out is faint outlines of everything, blurry little clouds of color. 
“Hello?” Someone was here, you could tell that much. You just didn’t know who. Metal creaked in front of you and you scrambled back. They weren’t saying anything. Why weren’t they saying anything? 
You wracked your brain for the last thing you could remember and felt tears building along your lashes. Oh god. “Tom?” You called out hesitantly. Maybe they’d changed their minds. Maybe the men who’d grabbed you had dumped you off somewhere. 
You didn’t want to think about what they’d done while you were asleep. You were slowly becoming more aware of your surroundings and very aware of the skimpy slip you had on right now. Not even close to what you’d been wearing when they grabbed you. You wrapped your arms around yourself in a meager attempt at comfort. 
“That who you fucked, sweetheart?”
Your brows turned down. “Cooper?” He sounded a little rough, his accent more pronounced, but you’d know his voice anywhere. It was as familiar to you as your own. “Cooper, where am I?” The tears were spilling freely now the longer he stared at you in silence. At least crying was starting to thaw out your eyes. 
You could more clearly make out his form now, looming overtop of you like some sort of dark omen. You always felt safe with Coop. When someone pushed you too much or got a little too aggressive, you could go to him. 
Right now, though, you felt like prey in front of a wolf. There was no kindness in his words and only a cruel accusation in his tone. Dear god, where were you? And why would he think you would ever fool around with any of these sick fucks behind his back? 
“Cooper, please, what happened?”
He barked out a laugh and you flinched back, “What happened? Well, lets see what the fuck happened.” You heard more than saw him pace across the metal floors, the spurs on his boots clanking loudly. Had he been at a party and come looking for you?
“You told me you’d be back for lunch and I didn’t see you for another two hundred years.”
Your stomach dropped to the floor, “What?” You whispered. 
He knelt down in front of you. “Your eyes still foggy?” You nodded your head mutely. “Well,” he chuckled but it wasn’t the one you knew. This was something mean and sharp. “When those clear up, I’m not gonna look like you remember me, darling. Should probably get out of here before you realize what you’re talking to.”
He made to get up but you shot forward, blindly groping at the dark form of his torso until you latched onto his duster. “Cooper, please, I’m confused. I-” you looked around blindly, hoping to find something to explain how the last thing you remembered was eating pancakes with him. There’s no way in hell it’s been two hundred years. 
“I went to Tom’s to get the script. He made me come in for drinks. There- there were all these men there, they grabbed me and I don’t remember anything after that. Cooper, please, I wasn’t wearing this when they snatched me. What the hell happened to me?”
There was a moment of silence before he let out a sigh. “You didn’t leave to find some safety in Vault-Tec?”
You frowned and let him go, shoving him away from you with as much force as your frozen muscles could muster up. “Fuck you, you think I’d do that to you? How little do you think of me?”
You reached out for the pod beside you, using it to get to your feet. You felt about as graceful as a newborn foal right now, all gangly limbs and stilted movements. You leaned over, catching your breath as you tried to walk forward. 
“If I were you, I’d get back in that pod and let the world rot away. You’re not gonna do well on your own out here, honey.”
You heard his spurs moving past you and then made out his form as he walked through the doors of the room. “Cooper?” You called out, but you knew it was pointless. He was gone. The man you knew was gone and you had no clue what the fuck had happened. 
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He managed to finally find the infirmary, lucky enough that a few bags of Rad-Away had been left behind. They’d only had IV bags, so he’d spent a while trying to find a spot where his skin wasn’t so tough a needle could actually get through. 
She had to be lying. 
He felt himself trying to look at the door, like she’d step through, and forced his head down. He flicked at the IV bag, hoping that maybe it would speed it the fuck up. He needed to get out of here. The longer he stayed, the more he wanted to talk to her. 
He’d changed a lot since they’d last seen each other. Whatever he had once felt for her was gone. The man he had once been was dead. There was no point in hurting the girl by giving her false hope. He sighed and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes and trying to relax some. 
He’d finish this bag, pack the others, and then he’d leave this vault behind. She could figure out what she wanted to do on her own. He didn’t have time for strays or old flames. 
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You stumbled around for a while before you finally got your bearings. You managed to make your way into what looked like an office and sat behind a curved desk. A terminal on top sat blinking bright green letters at you. You went through each of the logs, your dread only getting worse the longer you read. 
Tom wasn’t in this vault, that’s for sure. The other names you only recognized from the credits of some movies you’d watched a while back. The men who had taken you from Tom’s house. 
According to the scientist using this terminal, they’d wanted to ensure they had some fun before they went underground. 
You weren’t the only one Tom had sold out. Your entire cryogenic chamber had been filled with other women, each of them dead because of a life support failure. You were meant to be their entertainment while they waited for the world to be ready for the taking. 
You took a break, forcing your eyes away from the screen and staring down at your hands. 
Well, Cooper hadn’t been lying at least. Two hundred years you’d been frozen, you hadn’t even known it. It was bizarre, what felt like only a few hours ago was over two millennia. You’d only just kissed Cooper goodbye and now he was acting like some asshole who wouldn’t even stay to help you to your feet. 
Feeling yourself getting angry and panicked you went back to reading. There was nothing you could do. You’d been screwed over by someone you trusted, you were stuck here. No point in pouting about it. 
The scientist wrote more about the men’s intentions and you forced the bile down as you read. Then he got to what Vault-Tec’s real intentions were. Something about experimenting with cryogenics, seeing how long a body could last, what all it could preserve. You didn’t understand most of it, the language far above your education. 
The men were just guinea pigs, same as you. It brought you a modicum of satisfaction. Barely, though. 
The lead of the whole project gets more cryptic and paranoid the further he writes. Something about Vault-Tec never sending the all clear signal to get the fuck out of here. Security was getting antsy the longer they stayed and supplies were running low. 
It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together when you looked at the blood splattered walls and the white coated corpse across the room.  
Underneath the last entry was a fail safe. In case the experiment was going wrong and there were no other options but to abandon it. 
The green pointer blinked as you stared at the question. Your mind traveled to the way they’d swarmed you. How ruthlessly they’d taken you like you were nothing more than cattle. The other women they did it to. You could only imagine what had happened while you’d been knocked out. 
That familiar feeling of anger, disgust, and shame welled up in you. You had always been typecast. The sexy bombshell with nothing else going for her. It bled into other aspects of your life, people treating you like you were nothing more than a walking doll, for their enjoyment and nothing else. 
You’d be damned if you let these men survive what the other women couldn’t. 
You hit the button and listened as the sirens quieted down the hall, the hiss of oxygen as the pods killed their inhabitants. You didn’t allow yourself to linger on what you’d just done for very long, you went clicking through the rest of the terminal. 
Most of it was password locked, you only gleamed enough information to figure out what had been going on while you slept. Bombs dropped, the world went to shit, just like you always thought it would. You’d never considered that you might survive it. 
Maybe those men had done you a slight favor, just barely. 
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He sighed as he ripped the needle out of his arm, pulling his sleeve down he moved away from the wall he’d been leaning on. He’d definitely been getting cheated out of his caps. Next time he saw that bitch Ma June, he’d show her what he thought about her watered down bullshit. 
A shadow passed by the doorway and his hand drifted down to his holster. He slipped out of the room and took a peek around the corner. She had her back to him, but he’d recognize her anywhere, even with that ridiculous vault suit on. 
She jumped and whirled around on him. For a moment he forgot that this was a completely new reality for her. She didn’t know what a ghoul was, she’d never seen one before. Her last memory of him had been his prime. When he’d had a fucking nose. 
Her eyes widened and his grew cold while he waited for the inevitable disgust. He was used to it by now, but he was pretty sick and tired of hearing about it. Especially when the few people who managed to get their hands on his old movies would recognize him. 
The disgust never came, just obvious shock and disbelief. She took a few hesitant steps closer, her eyes darting across his face while she did. He nearly missed her hand coming up, like she wanted to touch him. He caught it at the last second, bringing his hand up to swat hers down. 
She winced and backed up a step, the wonder on her face gone and replaced with hurt. “Cooper-”
He darted forward and snatched her chin in between his gloved fingers. “Now, darling, I’m gonna need you to get this through your fucking head,” he hissed, eyes boring into her terrified ones. “That’s not my name anymore, I’m nothing but a ghoul. I’m not the man you know and I’m never going to be. Let it go and if you know what’s good for you, move the fuck on.”
He could see the tears welling up in her eyes and grinned, she had always been pretty when she cried. “Understand?” When she didn’t respond fast enough for his liking he shook her roughly, “Speak!”
“Yes,” she shouted, clawing at his arm and wincing when her nails scraped across the leather of his skin. “I understand.” He took a moment, looking into her eyes, before he nodded and released her. 
She stumbled back, choking on a sob and glaring up at him. “So, what? Am I just supposed to call you an asshole?” He scoffed, barely laughing. Everything that happened to her today and she could still get a fucking attitude. It was nearly impressive, if not stupid. She didn’t watch who she spoke to and she was going to get killed before the day was up. 
“You’re not gonna call me anything. We’re not working together, you’re on your own.”
She glared at him and rubbed her jaw where he’d grabbed her. Her cheeks were already changing colors, bruises blooming where he’d snatched her. His eyes darted away from her hands and back to her. “Why’d you stop me then?”
He looked her up and down and grinned at the way she shivered, seemed he hadn’t lost all his charm just yet. “That tight little suit of yours is gonna get you killed. People up there don’t take too kindly to people from down here.”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, glaring at him. “So, what? I’d be safer walking around in what they had me in?”
He shook his head and started walking back towards the door of the vault. “No.”
He heard her huff and race after him. “You’re fucking infuriating, you know that? What the hell am I supposed to do, Co-” He shot her a warning glare but she’d clamped her mouth shut before she could finish the sentence. She still had that stupid hurt look on her face, like he’d kicked her puppy. It kind of made him want to just shoot her. 
“I don’t have any supplies, all I have is this stupid suit. Please, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
He sighed and stopped. She stumbled forward, nearly ramming into his back in the process. “Go to Filly, I’m sure you’ll find something there.”
“I’m supposed to just know where that is?”
He didn’t bother responding to her, there was no point in it. She would be dead soon, anyway. This world wasn’t made for pretty girls like her, especially not on her own. If she was smart she’d just starve herself down here, at least she’d have running water. 
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You watched him walk off and felt like your chest was going to cave in. You couldn’t handle this, he was just Cooper an hour ago. Making you breakfast and kissing you goodbye. And despite the odd deformities, you could still see him. Sure, he was missing a nose, but he was still there. Your Cooper. 
Except he wasn’t. 
You couldn’t quite believe he would be so cruel earlier. He was always mean when he was hurt. You figured maybe he was still sitting with the fact that you hadn’t actually left him behind for Vault-Tec. But his eyes gave him away. 
They were cold, devoid of anything you used to know. The man you had known was no longer there. And if he was, he was buried far deeper than you were interested in digging. You watched him walk away and felt your chest squeezing painfully. 
This was not the fucking time to start panicking. If the carnage around you was anything to go by, then the surface had to be so much fucking worse. Cooper seemed to think vaults were safer, but right now you were staring into the gouged eyes of a corpse who’d been killed by a friend. Clearly, nowhere was safe. 
You couldn’t afford to pity yourself or cry. You’d have to keep moving, process it all later. You pushed off the wall and leapt over the corpses blocking your path. Cooper must’ve stepped in a pile of blood because you could clearly make out his footprints. He seemed like he was going to leave, you bet if you followed him you would find the way out. 
You followed the prints up a set of stairs, but they had faded out completely by the time you got up to the vault door. You winced, blocking your eyes from the bright glare of the sun. Barely a second out of the vault and you felt like your skin might already be peeling. 
Whatever had happened while you were out, this was not the world you remembered. The sun seemed bigger, brighter, more violent. If the skeletons littered throughout the sand were anything to go by, everything was more violent now. 
You tripped over a particularly deformed skull of a beast and scrambled up to your feet. You glanced around, spotting a figure in the distance and ran after it. You hoped it was Cooper you were following, but he was already so far ahead of you that he was barely a dot on the horizon. 
You followed the footsteps he left in the sand and prayed he didn’t notice you trailing him. You couldn’t very well stay down there with all of those corpses. There had been no supplies to protect yourself with except a bloodied scalpel. You wouldn’t make it down there on your own and you certainly wouldn’t make it up here. 
You planned to just follow Cooper until you found something resembling civilization. He didn’t want you around him and you got the message, you’re not exactly eager to share his company. He’s a stranger, the only part of him you recognize is his name, and you’re not even allowed to use that. 
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You kept your distance as long as you could. Keeping him as far away as possible so if he turned around he wouldn’t be able to realize he was being followed. But you’re already struggling. He’s not showing any signs of slowing anytime soon and you can barely see anymore. 
Your lips are peeling, throat raw and aching for water. Your eyes are completely coated in sand and being damaged by the sun. You wished you had been better prepared for this but it’s been at least four hours and you’re about to keel over. 
You wheeze, dragging yourself over to a fallen billboard and slumping against it. You’re not paying enough attention to your surroundings, or you just don’t care anymore. You find yourself drifting off and you don’t stop it. You’d prefer if the heat stroke took you while you were asleep, at least then you wouldn’t be aware of it. 
Your eyes drift closed and your head slumps forward, the sun bearing down on your neck and burning away at the skin there. 
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You cough and splutter, frantically brushing sand off your face and spitting it out of your mouth. Cooper’s standing over you, frowning and glaring, which seems to be his go to expression now. You glance down at his outstretched foot and realize he kicked the sand in your face. “What the fuck?”
“You know,” he tilts his head and rests a hand on his holster, grinning at the way you shrink away from his gun. “I thought you would have lasted at least another hour.”
You wipe your face off and struggle back onto your feet, nearly teetering over as you did. “You knew I was following you?” You groused, glaring up at him. You’re not sure your anger translates well, though. You can barely hear your own voice, your throat too dry to produce any proper words.  
“‘Course I did, sweetheart. I’d be a pretty shit bounty hunter if I didn’t recognize when someone was trailing me.”
You finally manage to get to your feet and glare at him. “Congratulations, you want a prize?”
His smile drops and he darts forward before you can move away. His hand clamps around your arm and he drags you behind him. You’re stumbling, barely able to keep in stride with him. Mercifully, you notice the sky is starting to turn pink in the distance. Soon, the sun will be down and you’ll get a moment's reprieve. 
“Where are you taking me?” You demand, tripping over a rock and wincing as he jerks you back to your feet. He turns around to glare at you like he isn’t the one dragging you around. 
“Filly,” he grunts. He finally comes to a stop, you ram into his back wincing as your nose slams into him painfully. He doesn’t even flinch and you wonder if he felt it. If he can feel anything with how crisped his skin is. 
“I thought you weren’t going to help me.” Maybe you shouldn’t be pushing your luck. If he is helping you, and that’s a pretty hesitant if, you’re sure he’ll be quick to change his mind. Still, you can’t help but push him. You’ve always had that problem, except before he took it in stride and teased you right back. 
Now, your eyes dart down to his gun, you’re not sure he wouldn’t just put a new hole in you. 
“Changed my mind.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes, “Yeah, I’m aware. I’m asking why,” you cut yourself off sharply, mouth clamping shut because you almost called him Coop again. Your jaw is still aching from the last “warning” he gave you. You’re not looking for another. 
He whirled around on you and you didn’t even realize his gun was in his hand until it was digging into your throat. “Why don’t you stop asking me so many fucking questions, hm.” He sneered and you winced at the sight of his yellowed teeth. Finally you nodded and backed away from him, he kept his eyes on yours for a moment before he holstered his gun again. “Let’s go,” he started walking and you couldn’t do anything but follow him. 
At least this time you weren’t trying to track a dot in the distance. 
The sky was getting dark quick and the temperature was dropping even faster. You hunched into yourself and ran your hands up and down your arms to try and keep warm. It seemed everything was done in the extremes now, even the damn weather. 
Cooper whistled and you hurried to catch up with him. He stood in front of a decaying old house, nearly all of the roof gone. The walls looked like they might cave in soon and it had clearly been unoccupied for a very long time. He opened up the door and walked inside, letting it slam back into your face. 
You caught it and huffed. You followed after him and saw that he was already setting up his spot for the night. He leaned against the half-rotted couch, his hat over his eyes and his arms tucked under his coat. You glanced around for a clean spot to curl up and laid down on the ground. You winced at all the dirt on the floor but figured it was better than sleeping out in the sand. 
Despite your oh-so comfortable sleeping arrangement, you found it hard to pass out. Maybe it’s because you’d just taken a two hundred year nap or the man across from you. Your eyes refused to stay shut and you couldn’t stop staring at him. 
You told yourself you would process your emotions later but apparently your mind had decided now would be the best time. You could feel the tears trickling down your cheeks again and you tried to wipe them away.
Too much had happened for them to be so easily dismissed. You were struggling with the thoughts of what those men did to you. You’re certain your imagination is worse than anything that happened, but not knowing was killing you. You felt violated, just being knocked out like that and being left vulnerable to them. 
And Cooper. 
Cooper was practically dead as far as you both were concerned. You felt like you were grieving for someone who was lying right across from you. You were staring right at him and he was just out of your reach. 
You sniffled and wiped your nose. A loud sigh came from the man in front of you and he spoke without bothering to tilt his hat back up. “I’m gonna take you to Filly and you’re gonna help me with some business there and then we’ll go our separate ways.”
“What?” Your voice was an embarrassing croak and you winced. 
“They don’t take too kindly to my folk down there-”
“You mean zombies,” you interrupted, propping your head up on your hand. 
He finally lifted his hat up and glared, though it was half-hearted at best. “It’s ‘ghouls,’ sweetheart. Never knew you to be racist.” You rolled your eyes and he dropped his hat back down again. “You’ll get me what I need and I’ll have delivered you to, well, not safety, but as close as you can get out here.” He leaned forward, arm outstretched and grinning at you. “Deal?”
Well, it wasn't like you had any other options. You leaned forward, grasping his gloved hand in yours and shaking, “Deal.”
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SERIES TAGLIST: @pixelatedprofilepic @o0mellowdramatic0o @bisasterbisexual @julianmarie @v3n1x @weakling-grace
end. — I do not own the characters or the game/show Fallout, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: What Do You Need to Let Go Of?
Hello beautiful people! Today is Saturday aka Saturn Day. In honor of Saturn Day, the day associated with banishment, protection and responsibility. Today is the day we let go of what no longer serves us; the day where we can no longer ignore what sits heavy on our spirits. So without further ado, please choose your Saturn.
**If you really loved this topic then you should book a reading with me, please read my guidelines and then message me privately! Also, if you had received a reading from me, don’t be afraid to leave a little feedback! Please and thank you in advance. 🫶🫶🫶
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-6)
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PILE ONE: “No More Mr. Nice Guy” is what I heard. I feel like you tend to have a lot of love & compassion for people. This doesn’t necessarily translate over to the other person/people though. You need to stop being so nice, Pile One. I think you have a lot of growing up to do. There is good and bad in everyone but what really matters is how this person makes you feel. Stop caring about the feelings of other people if you aren’t going to take yourself into consideration. This is why you always get taken advantage of. It’s okay to be a moody bitch sometimes. Having a sunny disposition 24/7 just isn’t realistic. Don’t act naive when you know the truth about certain situations. Move intentionally and with wisdom. If you don’t think they won’t do that, think again.
Cards Used: The Star, King of Cups, 7 of Cups, The Fool, The Moon, The Tower, Judgment.
PILE TWO: The movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind may resonate with you. I feel like you need to let go of your ex, seriously. You don’t have to forget about them but you do need to move past this person. They have caused much turmoil in your life, especially when it comes to your mental health. They could have indirectly negatively affected your finances as well. But there is someone else who is on the horizon. They want you to see the bigger picture. They want to show you better. If you have been writing notes about what you would like to see in your future partner, expect for these qualities to show up in someone that will soon approach you. They have a beautiful, colorful aura and they will let you shine. Your ex fucked you up bad but you can recover from this. Don’t be afraid to see what love has in store for you, my love.
Cards Used: King of Cups, The Magician, 2 of Cups (RX), The Star, The High Priestess, 5 of Wands, Judgment, Strength, The Fool.
PILE THREE: You’re a Virgo/Sagittarius, aren’t you? You don’t have to know and control everything, honey. Let go of the need to be involved in everything. You have been neglecting your soul’s needs. You have a lot of potential to grow but you don’t know how to accept help nor do you allow yourself to just be. You’re so uptight and burnt out right now. It would benefit you to just walk away from stress-inducing situations. If you know you can’t take that extra shift at work, why even bother? Who are you trying to please? You are making it hard for yourself to maneuver through this world peacefully because you do not know how to enjoy what’s in front of you. If only you could see the beauty of your labor. Slow down. Why are you going so hard for? You’re so used to making things happen that you get frustrated when things don’t work out your way. A word of advice: Please just allow time to do its thing. Don’t work against it.
Cards Used: The Sun (RX), Ace of Cups, Strength, 2 of Discs (RX), King of Wands, 7 of Wands (RX), 3 of Discs, 10 of Swords, The Magician, The Hierophant.
PILE FOUR: Christmastime must be your favorite time of the year, huh? I feel like you could also have a strong connection to Mariah Carey as well. Her book is on my mind heavy as I’m reading for you. I feel like you are so used to dysfunctional relationships. You have the tendency to move fast with people. I’m going to hold your hand when I say this, they ain’t going nowhere! Let go of your lovebombing tendencies and show up as your real self. I don’t think you see this as that but it is. You don’t seem to be big on communication. I don’t think you had the best role models for any kind of relationship so you just do what you know. But this does not translate well with other people, which results in chaos. Unpack why you interact with others the way that you do. You too, have a lot of growing up to do, my friend.
Cards Used: Knight of Wands, King of Swords, Queen of Cups (RX), Four of Wands (RX), Ace of Wands (RX), The High Priestess, 8 of Wands, 3 of Cups.
PILE FIVE: “Shut up and dance.” No seriously, shut up and dance. I feel like you are someone that refuses to be seen dancing in public or just in general. There is no need to feel like that. Let go of your shyness, babe. I feel like you actually have good dance moves, you just don’t want to be seen for some reason. Dancing will help you get more comfortable in the spotlight. You have gotten too comfortable in your little bubble. The next time someone asks you to dance, accept the offer (especially if it’s zydeco, salsa or kompa 🙈). You’re never too cute to dance, pookie.
Cards Used: The Hermit, Knight of Discs, The Chariot, 6 of Wands, The Empress, King of Discs (RX).
PILE SIX: Why are you wasting your time arguing with everyone? You need to master the art of preserving your energy. Let go of the need to prove yourself/defend yourself to other people. You exist just like everyone else on this planet but somehow you always end up in a verbal altercation. Is it worth it? I’m sure there’s plenty of alternative options you could choose. Just walking away could do you some good. You are the type of person to catch someone in a lie. Instead of cursing them out, you could just laugh in their face or block them. You could channel this energy into something else. It is normal to experience anger. But just know that you could always get in trouble if you never control it properly. Get a handle on your emotions. Be more logical & cutthroat. I think you definitely could benefit from taking the high road. Your soul is tired. Give it up, babe.
Cards Used: Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, The Lovers, 8 of Cups, Ace of Swords, The Hermit, Justice, The Moon, The Star.
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡ 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 "ℝ𝕠𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤" ♡
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♡ Mature Content! Minors DNI! Warnings below the break ♡
♡ Pairing: ot8!boyfriend!ateez x chubby!fem!reader
♡ Summary: A nice, calm, wholesome movie night with your boyfriends except I lied and nothing but absolute filth happens.
♡ Genre: smut with a sprinkle, a smidge, a barely visible flake of plot
♡ Word Count: 3.6k-ish
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♡ Warnings: (issa lot happening so pls lmk if I miss anything) masturbation (f), use of toys (f receiving), oral (f & m receiving), anal penetration & eating (f receiving), unprotected sex (ya'll know not to do that irl!), creampies, edging, double vaginal penetration, things get rough, scratching, gagging, pet names (good girl, bad girl, slut, le usual)
♡ A/N: I wrote this with the intention of writing this soft, romantic piece but my mind got lost in the gutter and built a home there so here we are. Thanks to @anyamaris for supporting me in my nonsense as she always does.
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Even with the air conditioner on, a wave of heat washes over you. Two fingers---your fingers---press firmly against your clit. You know your body better than anyone in this room. Every flick of your wrist makes your walls clench around the vibrator Hongjoong’s fucking you with. The ultra-soft silicone curves to rest its flat tip directly on your g spot. He keeps it at medium speed, the low hum of the toy a hypnotizing instrumental to the weakened moans leaving your lips. “You’re so beautiful” he whispers, delicately kissing your thigh. And you are.
Lying in the middle of your living room floor on a pile of the fluffiest pillows, you’re the prettiest thing any of them have ever seen. The plan had been to watch a movie. Horror---comedy---who cares? How could they watch anything but you? Legs spread wide. Pussy weeping, begging you to keep going just like that. Your panties, moist beyond measure, are looped around your ankle. The tight plaid mini skirt you wear is pushed up, not denying them a bit of your plush belly. Your nipples are two, tightly beaded indentations in your black crop top. They brush against the cotton each time your chest rises, turning you on even more.
It’s getting harder to play with your clit. Your muscles are tensing like a rubber band stretched near its breaking point. Your wrists are going limp. Your legs are shaking, causing your thighs to jiggle so deliciously that Hongjoong can’t resist nibbling at them. What he loves, what gets him off the most, is simply to watch you make a mess of yourself. “Mmm, Joongie. I’m gonna cum---” you gasp, arching against the pillows. Hongjoong’s laugh is nearly undetectable but you hear it, oozing lust. He’s happy with himself and with you. Pulling the soaked vibrator from your core, he pushes three fingers into you.
“Cum for me, princess. Cum around my fingers.” Hongjoong moves your hand away from your clit, wrapping his lips around it in a small O shape. Your arms fall above your head, your head turning to catch Yunho staring at you from the couch. Yunho looks spaced out. It’s as if his mind is off somewhere far away but that couldn’t be further from the truth. His mind is on you and no one else. It's fixated on the way your eyelids flutter when Hongjoong suckles at your clit. It’s committing to memory that sweet little smile you shoot him right before you lose control of your body. 
Hongjoong’s been edging you for an hour all for this moment when he can finger you hard and fast, tonguing your clit as pleasure rips through your body. You’re grabbing at nothing---at anything---to ground yourself but it’s no use. “Hongjoong. Fuck” you whine, struggling to find your breath, “I can’t. Too much. Too---fuck.” Wooyoung rises from his spot on the recliner to kneel above your head. “Let me help” he coos, kissing you on the forehead. His fragrant sable locks dance around your cheeks like curtains, shutting out the rest of the world.
Smooth hands massage their way up your arms, loosening your muscles as they tighten. Fingers press into your shoulders---tickle your collarbone---traverse the arches of your breasts to circle your nipples. Woo slips your shirt up, laying his hands flat on your breasts. He kneads them, pinching your nipples in his palms. “Woo---” you moan, “Joongie---ah.” You mindlessly writhe beneath them. Hongjoong’s knuckles are grinding against your slit. His fingers---they’re so deep---spreading you open even wider. 
Woo smiles down at you and there’s something so genuine about it because it is. “He’s right---” he says, “You’re so beautiful.” Woo drags his tongue across your lips just as Hongjoong’s tongue swirls between your pussy lips. There’s an audible squelching sound when his fingers pop out of you, the suction of your walls holding onto him for dear life too relentless to let him go quietly. Hongjoong gets up on his knees, sucking at his fingers, and admires the way you’re still clenching for him. He’d edge you more---keep you like this all night---but he knows he has to share.
With one last kiss which he plants on your lower belly, he leaves you in Woo’s capable hands. Woo reaches over you to run a finger across your slit and you giggle at how much it tickles. When he leans forward you get a clear view of how hard he is and catch yourself salivating. You bring a hand up to rub against his bulge. A groan emerges from somewhere deep within him, “Bad girl.” Still a tad loopy from your orgasm, you fumble your way up onto your knees. “But you love it, don’t you?” you tease, your hand reaching down to rub against him again.
Woo nibbles at his bottom lip, pulling you closer to him. You run your fingers through his hair, tucking a rogue strand behind his ear, “Up.” One word spoken in the singsong voice of an angel such as yourself has him up on his feet without question. Just as you reach for Woo’s zipper, strong arms grab you from behind, locking you in their embrace. “Choi San!” you gasp, admiring that dimpled grin of his, “I’m kinda trying to focus here---” San kisses down your neck, dipping one hand between your thighs.
His other hand cradles your chin, fingers pinching into your cheeks, and turns your head back towards Woo where a throbbing cock, arousal moistening the tip, waits for you. “Then focus---” San says, lightly squeezing your cheeks. You let your tongue fall free, resting it on the underside of Woo’s cock. Rolling it around his sensitive tip, you collect the warm salty liquid on your tongue. San lets go of your cheeks, giving you the room to bring your hand up and grip Woo’s base. You glance up at him and he’s already fixed on you. They stay that way as your fingertips trace the veins traveling up his shaft, stroking back to his base and starting all over again.
San raises your ass enough to slip his cock between your thighs. Somehow he’s even harder than Woo and you haven’t even touched him yet. “You wanna fuck me, Sannie?” “Hmm, is that how we ask?” he growls into your neck, grinding against you. Poking your ass out, you lay your head back onto his shoulder, “I want you to fuck my tight little cunt, Sannie. Please.” San grips you by the hips, sinking into you with zero patience. A vibrator has nothing on San’s cock. Woo tangles his fingers in your hair, sliding his thickness between your lips.
Bobbing your head back and forth, you suck your cheeks in---fan them out---mimicking the exact thing your pussy’s doing to San’s cock. It’s a flawlessly choreographed dance between the three of you. San bucking his hips, feeding you every inch. You rolling back against him, taking him like a--- “Pretty little slut---” San’s panting, the slobber dripping down your chin from sucking Woo off making you look like exactly that. Woo holding your head steady while you pump his glistening length, your hand and mouth working together to put his stomach in knots.
With Woo stuffing your cheeks, your screams are muffled when San picks up his pace. “Is this what you wanted, baby?” he says, slapping you on the ass. “Mmpphh” is all you can manage, Woo’s cock hitting the back of your throat. Woo and San bounce you back and forth, whispering praises that have you back on the edge in no time. Your hips stutter, cluing San in that you’re close, and his pace becomes unforgiving. Woo scoops up one of your breasts, pinching your nipples, feeling their weight in his hand. “Don’t stop---shit---y/n. So good. Don’t---” Woo twitches between your lips, pumping his seed directly down your throat.
Never one to be wasteful you drink him down, massaging his balls with your free hand. “Fuck---pussy’s so good y/n---gonna cum” San hisses and you’re cumming again. He cums with you, ropes of white painting your insides from the other end. Woo leans forward, kissing your puffy lips, “I’ll get you some water.” “And a popsicle please.” Woo and San look at each other---back at you---at each other---back at you. San straightens out your skirt, “What for?” Your gaze dances over to Seonghwa and the two of you immediately begin to blush. “We---uh---” Seonghwa stutters, “Don’t worry about it.”
Yeosang politely moves Woo and San away from you. “Excuse me. Sorry” he apologizes, moving between them to sweep you up into his arms, “We’ll get the water.” It’s not that you don’t know Yeosang can pick you up but every time he does you melt. Yeosang carries you toward the kitchen and Seonghwa’s right behind him. “And the uh---yeah.” Jongho hops up to follow them, pushing through San and Woo with zero of the politeness Yeosang offered. “Thanks though” he grins, patting Woo on the shoulder, “But not really.” 
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“Oh my---that’s---that” you gasp, pleasantly surprised at how much you enjoy the sensation. Seonghwa bending you over your dresser and swirling a popsicle in your asshole wasn’t on your 2023 bingo board but he has you wondering why it never was. The chill of the popsicle is calming in a way. You were overheating for a bit there but now? You feel tingly all over. With the popsicle melted and your thighs coated in drips of sticky, strawberry syrup, Seonghwa goes to work licking it off of you. His long tongue trails up your left thigh---down your right thigh. It comes back up to your ass, nibbling at the plush cheeks and making you squeal. He stays there for a second kissing them, massaging them, tickling them with the tip of his tongue.
“Hwa---mmph” you moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he tongues your candy-coated asshole. Imagine having an itch. Not just any itch. One of those itches that makes it difficult to focus on anything else. One of those itches that refuse to be ignored. But you can’t reach it. No matter how hard you try, your arms just aren’t reaching until---oh god---you finally do. You scratch it and it’s so good that your legs could give out. Nothing, not a single thing, compares to how uniquely amazing that feels. That’s what it feels like to have Seonghwa making figure eights in your ass like his tongue's a professional figure skater.
While you’re bent over seeing stars, he maintains a shaky hold on his cock. Each stroke is slow and deliberate, in sync with yours. “Fuck, you taste so good” he mumbles, fully prepared to smother himself if it means tasting as much of you as possible. You hear a moan you’ve heard a dozen times before. Seonghwa tries to suppress them when he cums even though you wish he wouldn’t. Usually, he hates being messy but his cum has already glazed over his hand and the afterglow is heaven. “Fuck it,” he says to himself, falling across the bed. Spinning around you come face to face with Jongho. “Hey ya cutie” you beam, poking his cheeks.
Sometimes people say that he’s scary, mean even, but when you look at him all you see is your cuddly bear. You drape your arms over his shoulders for support, “Your turn?” Jongho effortlessly lifts you onto the dresser, kissing you like he’s been waiting forever to do it. And he has. “My turn.” He presses the head of his cock against your clit and there they are again. The hot flashes. That thin layer of perspiration on your skin. Jongho grabs your arms, pinning them behind you, and drives into you. “You’re still so wet.” “Not still” you whisper, “This is just for you.” Jongho thrusts into you and you’re full again, his cock much thicker than you remember.
Your exhausted muscles can hardly hold up to being fucked this hard but you don’t have to worry about that. In his arms, you don’t have to worry about anything besides feeling good. He could keep you steady all night if Yeosang weren’t snatching you away, tossing you on the bed. “Yeosang!” you shout, sliding back on the bed, “You can’t just throw people around like that!” Yeosang climbs on top of you, pushing your shirt up, “I can’t?” He brushes a thumb across one of your nipples, lapping at the other as his fingers massage your breast. “You can---shit---do it again” you surrender between shallow breaths.
Yeosang slips into you, his cock pulsing in time with each rise of his hips. His defined arms slip beneath your body, hands locking just behind your back. When he flips you over on top of him, it’s like your whole world’s been turned on its side. He bounces you up and down in his lap, the tremors traveling far behind your core. Just as he picks up a rhythm Jongho tears you away from him, propping you up against the wall. You’d make some smartass comment about Jongho not being good at sharing. If only there were time enough for that.
His arms are already tucked behind your knees, supporting your weight as he fucks you against the wall. “You’re such an addictive little slut, you know that?” he says, and your heart flutters. You just love when he sweet-talks you. The angle he has you at is perfect for stimulating your g spot. He’s bumping right up against it and you’re clamped down around him, as addicted to him as he is to you. “Can I borrow this?” Yeosang asks, peeling you away from Jongho and tossing you back onto the bed. 
This time you’re on your knees. All fours is simply out of the question with how completely destroyed you are. “Are you just gonna toss me around all night?” you whine, burying your face in the blankets. Seonghwa lays his head beside yours, nuzzling up to you. “Of course not” he assures you, his voice warm and comforting, “I won’t throw you around when I have you. A light roll maybe---” 
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“Pirates! Cowboys! Biker gangs!” you mumble incoherently, jolting awake. Shaking off those incredibly strange dreams, you realize that you’re still in bed. Judging from how dark it is in your room, it’s well past midnight. You must’ve fallen asleep after what your aching muscles are telling you was a wrestling match with a bear. A barely awake Yunho tightens his arm around you from behind, “Cowboys? I’ll do anything for you but I am not putting on a cowboy costume.” “I will,” Mingi yawns, cuddling up closer to you from the other side, “I get nice boots. Probably a cool jacket. Ooh, some guns---”
“There are no guns!” you interrupt, “When did you two even get in here?” Yunho shrugs, “A few hours ago. You never came downstairs and we missed you.” The “we” he’s referring to is obvious when you notice how hard he is against your back. “You fell asleep on us” Mingi pouts, a hand running up your thigh to squeeze your ass. You drape a leg around his waist, smooching him on the nose, “Don’t do that.” “Don’t do what?” Mingi pouts even more, knowing how soft you go for him when he does this. “That! You guys are both being so---” “So?” Yunho asks, his long fingers reaching between your legs to stroke your pussy. 
You shiver at the contact. Having Yunho behind you, his cock pressing into the small of your back, his fingers teasing you, makes your heart race. Mingi spreads your thighs, giving Yunho more than enough room to curl his fingers into you. “Finish what you were saying.” “I---uh---” “Uh---uh” Mingi mocks, petting your cheek. You move to playfully slap him but he grabs you by the wrist, kissing you before you can even consider trying anything else. Yunho eases a third finger into your core, “You like it when I play with your little cunt, don’t you?” “Mm-hmm” you hum, lidded eyes glossing over.
Yunho stays focused on tapping your sweet spot while Mingi hypnotizes you with his lips. Mingi has you so drugged, so completely entranced, that you don’t even notice when one of Yunho’s fingers is replaced with his. It’s not until there are four of them inside of you, two of Mingi’s and two of Yunho’s that you feel the difference. Feel the intensity of the stretch. “I think she likes it” Mingi grins, rubbing his thumb against your clit. Yunho follows suit, slipping a thumb into your ass. “Fuck---yes---Yunie---Mingi---mmm!” you cry out, so overstimulated that your eyes begin to water. 
They grind into you harder, forcing out screams louder than any you’ve made tonight. “Please---inside of me---wanna feel you. Both of you” you whine, so lost in how badly you want them that you don’t realize what you’re asking. Mingi slides his hand out, smearing your juices between your folds, “Aah, she’s adventurous tonight. You sure you can handle that?” “I-I can. Ah, shit. I need it.” Yunho spreads his fingers in a V, rolling them around inside of you, stretching you from every angle. Mingi brings the head of his cock to splash in the juices leaking from your needy core and Yunho pulls out of you, focusing instead on freeing himself from his pants.
For a fleeting moment, it occurs to you how fucking insane you are. Mingi and Yunho at the same time? It’s not only the thickness, it’s the length. You wonder if you have a death wish. Mingi guides himself into you, only the first inch, sending shockwaves through your system. If this is how you die, you figure, at least you’ll die happy. Yunho spits into his palm, moistening his length before he brings it to meet your already occupied slit. Mingi slides in another inch or two, keeping his cock flush against the roof of your walls. Yunho raises himself into you, taking his time to watch for any signs that you’re uncomfortable, “Let us know if it’s too much, okay?” You make a little squeak to acknowledge how nice it feels to be protected, even when he’s in the process of tearing you in half.
He begins to slide up into you, pausing to let Mingi push in a little more, then taking his turn again. It’s a toe-curling, lip-biting back and forth to get them both inside of you. Once they are, you're falling apart, screaming, digging your nails into Mingi’s arm. Pulling his shirt up over his head, he gathers the material and shoves it in your mouth. “We don’t want them to think we’re killing you.” You’re so full, stretched beyond your limit, that only one of them can fuck into you at once. There’s no room for anything---or anyone---else. You belong to them. “You’re always worth waiting for but shit” Mingi grunts, his length throbbing, as much as it can given the space.
There’s moisture on your cheeks. You’re crying. Not from pain. No. That initial sting gave way to pleasure once they were both finally inside of you. You’re crying, drenched in your own tears, because parts of you are shifting that you didn’t even know could. Every stroke has your ears ringing, your heart in your stomach. You feel heavy and weightless all at once. The darkness of the room swallows you while somehow managing to be blindingly bright. There’s an explosion somewhere inside, releasing the building pressure. You’re at your peak again, legs kicking like you’re dangling high up. It hits you hard. So hard that you’re not breathing. Breathe, girl, breathe!
Just as you catch your breath and think that you’re maybe---maybe---coming down, Yunho's filling you up like a donut. Mingi pulls out, tapping his head against your clit as warm cum sprays against you. Correction: Filling you up like a glazed donut. The three of you collapse, unable to do much else besides make a series of broken noises. “Hmph mmm mm hmph,” you say? Scream? Mumble? Mingi throws his arm across his chest, understanding your incoherent huffs, and takes the shirt out of your mouth. You pat him lovingly on the head, “Thanks.” 
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Readjusting yourself on the toilet, you rub the partially melted popsicle between your legs. This is nowhere near sexual in nature. You’re just in desperate need of relief from how sore you are after the day’s events. “Aah, yup, that’s the spot” you sigh, “Seonghwa really was onto something.” “Was I?” Seonghwa asks, rubbing his eyes. You jump a bit, startled by his sudden appearance in the doorway. Seonghwa stretches, dragging his feet into the bathroom.
As adorable as he is in his pajamas, his hair a complete mess, seeing him right now isn’t ideal. He shakes off the sleep, taking his time to process what’s going on. “Is that a---” “Ssh, if you tell anyone---” Seonghwa’s cheeks turn rosy, a smile spreading across his face. He takes you by the hand, bringing you to your feet, “Come on.” “Hwa, hold on, do you think? I wasn’t--no. No!” You reach back to drop the popsicle in the sink but Hwa pulls you along. “Hold onto that.”
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shadowdaddies · 5 months
Wings of Desire
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Azriel x Reader
based on this request
Summary: meeting your mate’s family for the first time doesn’t go as you hoped
This can be read on its own, or as a part three | Part 1 | Part 2
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Your body hummed with content, a soft smile gracing your lips as you savored the moment. The cup of tea in your hands spread warmth through your body with each sip, its spices filling your nose with a pleasant aroma as the sound of Azriel frying eggs on the stove echoed through the quiet cabin. 
Biting your lip, you admired how your mate’s exposed muscles moved, his large dark wings relaxed half-open at his back as he swayed slightly over the pan. Nearly a week had passed since you had recognized the mating bond, and while you hadn’t known Azriel long, you were already certain there was no one else you would rather spend your life with. 
Memories of the past week flooded your thoughts. From finding ways to show his tender affection towards you in the cabin - cooking for you, picking out books he thought you would enjoy, affirming you with his words - to being your fierce protector whenever you were training at the Illyrian camps, Azriel was a constant source of both excitement and security that you were shocked you had ever managed to live without.
A shadow curled around the spymaster’s ear, Azriel turning over his shoulder with a knowing smirk, hazel eyes darkening as they raked over you. 
“See something you like?” Azriel teased, his gravelly morning voice causing you to clench your legs instinctively. Flushing under his gaze, you licked a drop of tea from your lip, moving to rest your chin on your hand as you gazed up at your mate.
“I like everything I see,” you replied, your own tone breathless as Azriel turned, his tattooed chest bared to you as he scraped the eggs onto each of your plates. As he held a plate out towards you, you popped up in your seat, leaning across the table as you grabbed it. With a kiss to his lips, you whispered a “thank you,” the both of you taking your seats across from each other to eat.
Humming quietly, you spread strawberry jam across a piece of golden toast, grinning at the tart smell of the fruit as you raised it to your lips. Just as you crunched down on the bread, Azriel cleared his throat, drawing your gaze back to his.
Hazel eyes honed in on you, a thick swallow working down the Illyrian’s throat before he reached a scarred thumb to the corner of your mouth. It was a challenge to focus your breathing as you watched Azriel draw his thumb away, his tongue flicking out against the jam he’d collected from your lips before wrapping his own around the digit and sucking.
Seemingly oblivious to what he was doing to you, Azriel cleared his throat once more before speaking. 
“I would like to take you to Velaris.” He spoke so casually, leaning against the counter as he used the side of his fork to cut through an egg, scooping it onto a piece of his toast.
He had told you of Velaris last night - his safe haven, treasured home where he lived with his family. It struck you then, what a monumental moment this was for him - for the both of you - as the spymaster of the Night Court offered to bring someone from another court to his home. 
But you both knew that you weren’t just ‘someone.’ And you both knew that what was happening between you two was not a fling. This was Life Altering, World Tipped on its Axis, Head over Heels, Love.
You must have been quiet for a moment too long, because Azriel’s relaxed demeanor vanished in favor of widened, anxious eyes and a stiff back. 
“I just mean that I would like for you to meet my family... And, if you are comfortable...” he trailed off, searching for words. “I would just like to show you my home.”
You couldn’t hold back the bright smile that took over your face, the joy that could not be held back as you imagined it. So far, your relationship with Azriel had been limited to your stay at the cabin and spy work. But this, this was real. This was confirmation that this incredible, beautiful male was not a dream, but your mate, and you could have a future with him. 
Leaping up from your seat, you ran to embrace Azriel, his warm chest relaxing in your hold as he returned it. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to your hair, murmuring against you. “So, is that a yes?”
You giggled against him, noting the rapid thumping of his heart at the sound as you said, “Yes. Of course I would love to, Azriel.” 
An overwhelming sense of bliss flowed through the bond as you felt Azriel’s lips curve into a smile against your hair before tilting your head to look up at him. “We will go there for dinner tonight, then, if that is alright. Rhysand and Feyre are having dinner with the family at their home.”
You had met the High Lord and High Lady twice now, both in meeting with Tarquin and at the camps. Their kindness had surprised you, the Night Court’s leader nothing like his reputation. With an eager nod, you suddenly found yourself anxiously awaiting this evening, overcome with the excitement of meeting Azriel’s loved ones. 
Adjusting the straps of your gauzy periwinkle dress, you thanked the Cauldron for Emerie. Dressing for a nice dinner was not something you had planned when you left for Illyria, but neither was Azriel. Your wings twitched in excitement as you took in your appearance in the mirror. Gowns weren’t something you wore often, and you were astonished at how beautiful you felt.
Boots scuffed, rubber soles hitting the wood harshly as the sound of liquid sloshing and splattering perked your ears. Turning over your shoulder, a gasp escaped you at the sight of Azriel, one hand on the floor in front of him as the other held a nearly-empty glass. 
While you had not known Azriel long, you were certain that tripping was an uncommon occurrence for the spymaster. “Azriel, are you okay?” you breathed out, rushing forward to kneel next to him on the floor. 
His cheeks flushed a now familiar pinkish hue that made you melt. Az simply gaped at you, awestruck as his eyes shone with emotion. “You are the most beautiful sight. I am not worthy of your presence,” he admitted, almost more to himself as he stayed dazed in front of you.
The sound of your laughter, like morning bells that awoke his soul, brought Azriel back to reality. You shook your head, standing as you offered your hand to help him stand with you. 
“I will have Feyre paint that image one day. You, standing in the mirror - a female so ethereal that everything around her is abhorrently ordinary. You are incredible,” Azriel breathed the last words, a scarred thumb rubbing your cheek as he pulled you in for a kiss. Lightning shot through your bones, as though his kiss was an effervescent light that gave you life. 
Reluctantly, the both of you pulled away, catching your breath as Azriel wrapped his arms around you. With a nod from you, he wrapped you both in darkness, carrying you away to the City of Starlight. 
Darkness faded away, Azriel pulling back slightly as he took your hand in his and turned towards a large mansion. It was understatedly beautiful, clearly a modest home where the High Lord and High Lady often hosted family. Behind the home, you could see the mountains upon which you stood moments ago, now playing the part of a backdrop in a stunning painting. 
Azriel led you forward, hand sliding to the small of your back as he held you close in a protective, claiming manner that made you smile with pride. As though she sensed your presence, the High Lady swung open the front door, a smile on her full lips as she greeted you. 
“Hello! You look beautiful, please come in,” Feyre greeted, catching you off-guard with a warm hug before moving to greet Azriel the same. Rhys came up behind her, the lack of power emanating from him making the male seem almost normal. It was jarring to see them like this - so domestic and comfortable, a true family. 
The couple guided you and Azriel down a grand hallway, the home simple in decoration with the exception of grand, beautiful paintings that lined the walls. “Those are all painted by Feyre,” Azriel whispered in your ear.
“They’re beautiful,” you whispered back. Raising your voice slightly, you gushed to Feyre as you passed a picture of Rhysand on the balcony of the Summer Court palace. “Your art is so beautiful. I didn’t realize how talented you are.”
With a small laugh, Feyre waved off your compliments. “It’s a nice outlet. I like to commemorate moments with my family that way,” she explained, ushering you into a dining room where several people stood around a table. 
You weren’t usually nervous when meeting new people, but finding yourself face-to-face with your mate’s family, you suddenly became very conscious of everyone, intent on making a good impression. Cassian greeted you first, the war general much more jovial than he had been when you’d met prior in training. He introduced you to his wife, Nesta, who greeted you with a polite, knowing smile. “I’ve heard much about you from Azriel... and Emerie,” she added with a wink, her eyes moving to Azriel as the stunning Valkyrie pulled him in for a hug.
You laughed at her comment, gesturing to your dress. “Emerie lent me this dress for tonight, actually.” Nesta opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted.
“It is a beautiful dress,” a small voice sounded from Azriel’s other side. You stepped around your mate to see a petite female, similar to Nesta and Feyre but breathtakingly striking as her brown doe eyes assessed you. Her stiff form betrayed her kind words, tension building in the room as everyone turned towards her.
Fae instincts took over, your need to claim your mate guiding your hand to grip Azriel’s arm more firmly than necessary. “Thank you, very much...?” you replied, a polite but questioning look prompting the gorgeous fae for her name. 
“I’m Elain - Feyre and Nesta’s sister,” she explained with that same strained politeness that had your hackles rising. You didn’t miss the scathing look Rhys shot towards Azriel, everyone else seemingly oblivious as the High Lord bode everyone to take their seats.
Azriel pulled out your chair, placing a kiss to your hand before taking the seat next to you. The muscles in his hand stiffened slightly, alerting you to look around him where you saw Elain taking the seat on his other side.
While everyone else continued to eat their meals, enjoying the casual conversation, you could hardly breathe as Elain continued whispering to Azriel, giggling at everything he said. Rhys watched you with caution, sending an encouraging smile as Nesta attempted to make conversation with you about the books you had been reading. 
The world stopped turning when Elain put her hand on Azriel’s thigh, your vision red as an animalistic growl left your lips. Everyone in the table turned towards you in alarm, surprise on their faces as they took in the situation. 
The usual dark power that Rhysand emanated returned, bringing a chilly air to the room as he spoke in a deathly calm voice. “The three of you,” he nodded at you, Azriel, and Elain, “come with me.” Like ashamed children, you left your seat, yanking your hand from Azriel’s when he attempted to reach for it.
Fists clenched, you stormed from the room and followed the High Lord into his office, his eyes matching yours in their glowing fury. Azriel timidly clicked the wooden door shut behind him, just in time for you and Rhys to shout at him in unison.
“What the fuck, Azriel?” You screamed, both regret and pleasure snaking through you at how he and Elain flinched at your anger. 
Rhys put a placating hand on your arm, stepping forward as his power granted him a raw authority over the room. “Azriel, it appears as though you did not inform Elain,” violet eyes flicked towards you, “or your mate, of the situation.” 
Elain’s jaw fell slack, brown eyes lining with silver as her long curls whipped around her face. She glared at Azriel. “I thought that mates didn’t to you, Azriel. At least, that’s what you let me believe when you pursued me despite my having a mate.”
It was as though you had been shoved in ice water, floundering for breath in the shock as you began to comprehend the situation. Your voice cut through the air like a knife, Azriel flinching visibly as you spoke. “You are in a relationship?” 
It was Elain and Azriel’s turn to speak in unison. 
“Yes,” she spoke.
Just as firmly as he said, “no.”
The two of them stared at each other for a long moment, hatred shining in their eyes before Elain broke into tears. “Of course not,” she whispered. “I should have known. I’m a pretty face, but not worth fighting for. Isn’t that right?” Her voice broke on the last words before the beautiful female ran from the room, leaving heavy hearts behind.
Rhysand only paused for a moment before following Elain from the room, closing the door behind him in a silent request for you and Azriel to speak alone. A long moment passed as you stared at the door, half-ready to walk through it yourself when Azriel sounded next to you.
Daring to turn your head, your heart cleaved in two at the sight of tears running down your mate’s cheeks. His eyes never left yours, body angled fully towards you as he stayed determined to remain with you. He spoke slowly, carefully, in a measured tone. “I did not have a relationship with Elain. There was mutual interest, and she clearly thought it was more than I did. We never even kissed.”
Hating how your heart softened hearing that, you began to pace back and forth. Thoughts formed, and you stopped in front of Azriel with anger and sorrow in your voice. “She has a mate. So clearly you don’t care about what that - what this - means in the same way that I do if you were with her.”
“NO.” Azriel spoke louder than you had ever heard the quiet male. He sighed, walking towards you cautiously, reaching out a hand before dropping it cautiously. “I didn’t care about mates, because I didn’t think I would ever have one. I have been labeled as ‘different’ my entire existence - mocked, ridiculed, tortured for it. I settled for what was in front of me because I thought I would never find someone so perfect. Not just perfect for me, but the most incredible, kind, clever, ethereal female I have ever met. I still do not know how the Cauldron could bless me with you, but I will fight until my dying breath to keep you happy. I am sorry that I hurt you. I promise to spend the rest of my life loving you.”
A tear fell down your cheek at his words, sniffling through a small laugh as you replied. “And I promise to spend the rest of my life showing you how worthy you are of extraordinary love, Azriel.”
A burning sensation at the tips of your wings drew a gasp from you - your eyes searching Azriel as you saw dark swirls of ink appear on the tips of his wings. “That makes a bargain,” he whispered. You looked up, seeing swirls of black decorating the tips of your white wings, a beautiful contrast to their color. “I’ve never seen a bargain mark left on wings before,” he murmured, his finger lightly tracing the marks on your feathers.
You bit your lip, head growing dizzy with pleasure at the feeling when Azriel pulled away, smirking. Stepping closer to him where you were now chest to chest, you brought your fingers to trace the marks on his wings, reveling in his reaction to your touch. “Well, there’s never been anyone like us,” you whispered, pulling him in for a passionate kiss, breaking apart as you both smiled too broadly to continue.
“You need to speak with Elain, and apologize,” you stated. Azriel nodded in agreement, taking your hand in his as he opened the door to leave the study. You were shocked to find Azriel’s family all standing around, turning towards the two of you and your matching tattoos with intrigued looks. 
With a glance back at you, Azriel broke the silence. “I need to go speak with Elain.”
Amused smiles filled the room, knowing glances being exchanged. Feyre let out a small, almost choking laugh. “Maybe another time, Azriel. Lucien stopped by. He and Elain went for a walk.”
You didn’t miss Cassian’s especially broad grin at the mention, but dismissed everyone else when Azriel turned towards you. “I will talk to her another time, love. For now, let me show you Velaris,” he promised, and you gave his hand a loving squeeze as you nodded, following him outside towards the city and your future.
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chrollohearttags · 6 months
THEY DON’T KNOW | e. jaeger
synopsis: your life and relationship in the spotlight seemed nothing short of perfect..that was until everyone else convinced you otherwise.
content + themes: slight angst, engagement/proposal, musician eren x influencer reader ofc, fluff, drama, mentions of infidelity, kissing, brief mentions of suggestive things, nothing heavy, just a sweet story for my favorite ship
word count: 3.2K
📝: this is for my sweet @honeybleed ‘s 90-00’s R&B collab event! (I’m a little late to the party, I’m so sorry about that! 😭) Congratulations to you again on 600, my love. You deserve every bit and so much more!
SONG 🎧: They Don’t Know • Jon B.
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noise…it all seemed so much louder than usual nowadays. Everything sounded so much more amplified now matter how hard you fought to drown it out. The music thudding from the speakers on stages that you danced on, the rain droplets splattering against your window pane and lately…the opinions of every envious naysayer and supposed friend alike.
Telling you that your relationship was a moot point. A mere sham and that in due time, it’d come crumbling to its core. Regardless how strong the foundation was between the two of you, outside forces could still cause it to shatter at any moment. But that was only if you allowed it. You couldn’t escape it either…every other scroll and headline on every media outlet was a photo of you two..some flashy shot of you two kissing and holding hands. Appearing happily in love, only to be followed by droves of comments full of negative and downright nasty things about you guys. Saying that it would never work and you were only a temporary thing who ‘just so happened to make it further than the rest..’ it certainly wasn’t a vote of confidence considering you were about to spend the rest of your life together. For the better part of three years, you had come to know and love the renowned artist, EJ the Don. A man who’s music transcended all of time and pushed boundaries..a generational talent with exceptional skill. At least those were the words used to describe him by a plethora of magazines over the years. On the contrary, others would acclaim that he was a bit of a playboy. That he hurt people at will with no regard for their feelings..sabotaging relationships purposefully so that he was no longer bound to them. He didn’t care about anyone other than himself.
However, you knew otherwise. EJ, as far as you were concerned, was an entirely different entity of itself. You had fallen for Eren..the man who’d leave the studio at night tired and exhausted but still managed to have fresh flowers and your favorite treats in hand. The man who’d curl up with you on rainy days and binge movies. The Eren you loved would comfort you relentlessly until you were far batter. Making you laugh and cheer up with the dumbest jokes..that’s the kind of person he was. So it came without question, when one night on the rooftop of a hotel in Greece; surrounded by fluorescent blue lights, a lavish table filled with wine and rose petals next to the serene pool waters where he asked you to be his wife, you’d immediately accept. Saying yes faster than he could get the proposal out. You were elated to not only spend the rest of your life with him but share the exciting news with the world and those you loved. To your surprise though, you weren’t met with the warm reception that you had pictured in your head.
once the announcement came, the rumors followed and there was no escaping them. Even so called friends were hesitant. Telling you that he used to go with this model and date this girl so it was best to watch out. Some even suggested calling the whole thing off to spare you from future heartache...and you’d be lying if you said that they hadn’t worn you down. That you hadn’t wondered if there was a bit of truth to them. But if there was anything he was dedicated to doing, it was setting your mind at ease and proving all of them wrong.
“…room for one more?”
the voice ringing from earshot and sending flutters throughout the pit of your belly. You’d flip over onto your side with a faint beam as your fiancé made his way over to you. “For you? Anytime..” Kneeling into the mattress as he brushes a hand along your bare shoulder blade, leaning forward to place a kiss on your temple. It seemed that the effects of the dreary, rainy day had taken its toll on him as well. Sporting a pair of sweats and a tank top, indicating that he was finished with his work for the day and ready to relax with the one person who brought him serenity. Ironically, there was something rather tranquil about weather like this..whereas most people saw it as something negative; a literal damper in their plans, some took it as an opportunity to purify themselves. Not so much in a literal regard but it was perfect to just lie here and let all of those feelings that normally wouldn’t make their way to the forefront be known. Coiling one of those toned, tattooed arms around (y/n)’s covered torso, Eren began to mumble into your skin..simultaneously leaving gentle pecks along your arm. “This rain kinda sucks, doesn’t it? It’s so depressing..” “..yeah..it is.” The dryness in your response caused an immediate alarm for your fiancé. That was the thing with Eren..even when it seemed as if he were completely nonchalant and not paying you much attention, he focused on the smallest details and kept note.
there were things about you that he had noticed early on in your relationship and still to this day, could remember them better than you could. “I see it’s already working on someone…” making an attempt at a light hearted joke and even smirking afterwards, hoping that his humor would bring at least a faint smile to your face. He hated seeing you like this..hated knowing that something was obviously bothering you and you wouldn’t tell him the cause. In fact, he picked up on it three days ago when he saw you sitting outside near the pool, glaring off into space at what seemed to be nothing. In the same regard, he wasn’t the type to pry..he knew how irksome he felt when someone pestered him so he figured it best to wait for an opportune moment to confront you. Now seemed like as good of a time as any. He never did well with communicating his feelings either so he used jokes and humor as a means to break the proverbial ice. But luckily, he wouldn’t need some awkward segway because you’d ask him something that would make his stomach turn.
“..do you think we did the right thing?”
admittedly and rightfully so, he was a little confused. What ‘right thing’ were you referring to exactly?
“As in what?”
“Getting engaged..moving in together. Are we really meant to be here?” The words seemed to be spilling from between your lips as if they had been sitting there for quite some time. It was a little insulting nonetheless. As if you had waited for this exact moment. But he’d be lying if he said that they hadn’t stung a bit. He figured the two of you were equally yoked and on the same page. Happy to be marrying your forever person. At least that’s what he felt..were you having doubts? Did you not love him as much as he loved you? What had he done wrong? Swallowing the hard lump that had instantly formed in his throat, Eren proceeded to ask questions, seeing if he could maybe get through to you to figure out what was wrong.
“Is there something that would make you think different? I mean, personally..I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life. Honestly, it still doesn’t feel real..”
for a moment, he began to reminisce on the moments leading up to the night he popped the question. Searching relentlessly for the perfect ring..enlisting the help of his best friends and even your girls to ensure that it was one that you’d love. He took extra special care to make the night unforgettable. Eren had even flown to go see his mom to ask for the gift she had given him years ago that he now wanted to give to you..if that wasn’t enough, he’d even taken you to your granny’s grave and asked for her blessing of sorts. He was a wreck, even crying because he was so happy and wanted her to know that he’d take care of you from now on..for the first time in his young twenty seven years, he was truly grateful and he wanted nothing more than to be the ideal man for you. A husband that you’d be proud of..one that you bragged to your friends about over lunch, one that you’d dip out on plans early to get back to. That was the type of relationship he had envisioned; one where nothing else mattered when you two were together. Now it seemed that you were having reservations..
“I’m so scared…” Just then, the sounds of your words were muddled by whimpers. He had no idea that you were this conflicted by the matter..and if so, why not say something?! Flipping you over, he’d be met with your beautiful brown eyes that always seemed to burst with love and excitement were welling with tears that were only moments from spilling. Brushing your cheek, Eren gazed upon you with a worried expression over taking his face. How could he have been so dumb?..here you were hurting and he hadn’t even clocked it. “Why, baby? I don’t understand..of what?” Truth was, you were afraid of marriage in general but even more so, if not being what you envisioned. You were afraid of things not being picturesque and perfect. That you’d wake up one day and end up just like the rest of the girls he’d supposedly dumped. Discarded to the wayside after he grew tired of them. You didn’t want everyone to be right about the two of you! Another passed around Instagram model with nothing of substance to offer, a philandering rapper with commitment issues..the headlines were certain to be brutal. But above all else..you only wanted to do this once. You only ever wanted to walk down that aisle one time in your life. You loved this man more than anything in this world so the last thing you wanted was to take his hand in marriage only to be sliding that ring off a few years down the road. It was a sacred thing and you never wanted to lose sight of that.
“Of this..of us not working out. I mean, I love you so much and there’s nothing I want more than to be your wife but everywhere I turn, it seems like somebody wants the opposite. As if we’re not meant to be. I thought everyone would’ve been as happy as we are. But it’s always something..”
granted, he was no stranger to the gossip either. Between his fangirls and the blogs, they wouldn’t give you a break. They were furious that someone had snatched up their precious EJ and it was some girl who seemingly came out of nowhere. According to them, you weren’t his type, you couldn’t possibly love him the way he deserved and there were at least ten other women who were more fit to take your position. It was insane. Although he was never much for social media and its sick antics, he’d done his fair share of defense for you. Which spoke volumes. After a while, he rid himself of all accounts and focused solely on you. Despite it being how you made your living, he wished you’d do the same. He couldn’t imagine petty accusations with zero basis being the reason that he lost you. It would crush him, truly. Even so, he’d done as he always had at times like these and pulled you close to his chest, swaddled you in those muscular arms and peppered your forehead with gentle kisses.
“Do you remember the first night we met? At the club?” It seemed like such an odd time to be going down memory lane but that’s how Eren was..he could tolerate a lot of things but seeing you cry was not one of them. So he wanted to try a different approach.
“I couldn’t forget. I had such a good time..”
“So did I..hell, I was so nervous around you, I almost messed up my whole performance that night.” The two of you break into a small fit of laughter as you look back on the antics of your earlier days together. The wild nights, the hookups, the tension leading up to you making things official..it was all a journey. You’d find yourself giggling as he held you close to him. You seemed far more comfortable and vulnerable now; able to express your feelings more freely. Which was a great thing for him.
“Please..I couldn’t even concentrate. You kept teasing me and shit. I don’t know how I made it through that without embarrassing myself.” But alas, he’d think it was cute. Watching you stumble over your words, seeing you squeeze your thighs together when he switched up those steamier lyrics to fit you and when he ran a finger underneath your chin, you nearly collapsed! Being on stage with your celebrity crush was not for the weak..
“Yeah, but you did and do you remember what everyone was saying after that? All the bullshit they said about us?” It was something you’d never forget, truthfully. For days after, the infamous photo of you guys hugged up on a lounge couch in the VIP section circulated the web for an entire week. There were countless headlines, alleging that you two were an item, that you were hooking up..the game of telephone had become so terrible that three days later, stan accounts and grown adults alike had concocted stories of you two having sex backstage and him doing inappropriate things right there in front of everyone. Even so called ‘witnesses’ backed up the claims. Naturally, all of it was false but it still didn’t stop people from running with whatever narrative they saw fit. Despite the fact that prior to that appearance, you’d never ever laid eyes on this man, less known did all of the things they accused you of. You were complete strangers..again, it stopped no one’s rumor mill from running!
“Yeah..I do. All of it just sounded like people had too much time on their hands.”
but his point wasn’t quite driven home yet..still clutching you, he’d chuckle once more and just nod. “Mhm..and what about when we first started dating? Remember the dumb shit they said then?” Once again, you’d answer his question, giggling when you recalled how stupid it all was. From the accusations of him being nothing more than a pay pig for some lavish lifestyle they claimed you were flexing online. Or that he wasn’t really faithful because he did a show with a former ‘partner’, who was nothing more than a PR stunt to begin with. Nevermind the fact that she was a lesbian! “Like when they said you were cheating on me with your ex? Trust me, I couldn’t escape that one even if I wanted to.” “Which was crazy because she was way more interested in you than me. Even asked me for your number..” seeing his expression furrow into a silly pout and you couldn’t hold it together another second. You’d burst into laughter at the thought. “I’m serious! She got mad because I didn’t bring you with me..must think I’m stupid or sum’. Little Miss Hoes always pulled more girls than I ever could.” The mental image of a one hundred thirty pound, five foot four blonde stealing his potential prospects had you rolling around and in much better spirits. “You’re a mess, you know that?” Which was his one and only goal.
“Well I’m glad somebody found my lack of game funny.” But truthfully, the only woman he wanted was right here. Which was the entire point of this little roundabout trip down memory lane..it didn’t matter what happened back then or what people claimed to know about him..he only cared about what was to come. The life, the future that he was building with you trumped over anything that they could say. They didn’t know how drastically he had changed for you. How he was hopelessly in love..how much softer and compassionate he had become so he was a better man for you. Even when you weren’t around, his beloved (y/n) was the topic of conversation..oftentimes, his boys would make fun of him for how much of a ‘simp’ he had grown to be. How his voice changed in pitch when you were on the phone, his eyes radiating whilst talking to you..it was the cutest thing! So if there was one thing he knew for certain, it was that he was all in. He had no regrets or doubts about asking you to marry him. He was ready. Anybody from his past was a mere afterthought and he wasn’t missing out. All he could do was pray that you felt the same. Turning your head towards him, EJ looked you directly in the eyes and began to speak.
“Listen, princess..I know it isn’t easy. Being with someone like me. I’m not perfect..not by a long shot. Truth is, I was really selfish back in the day. I wasn’t thinking about anybody but myself. Hell, until you came along, I still didn’t. I had always told myself I’d never let anyone get close to me just so I didn’t have to worry about another person. Marriage, dating..seemed like a foreign concept to me..” this was the first time in his life where he was able to be vulnerable..where he could lay all of his emotions bare. Intertwining your fingers together, Eren pulled them close and placed gentle kisses across your knuckles. A comforting tactic for the both of you.
“But right now...there’s nothing else I want more than to be your husband. To keep making more of these memories..(Y/N), I couldn’t imagine doing this without you. I can’t take back what I’ve done or who I was. And I’m so sorry that you’ve had to be on the receiving end of it. But I don’t care about what happened back then or what they say about us. I love you..I love you so damn much. Please believe me when I say that.” By this point, faint traces of tears began to stream once more. You were no longer sad, hurt or worried but rather..relieved. Relieved that his heart was equally devoted to this as yours. You’d do whatever it took to make this work. Outside interferences and opinions aside..
“And I love you more, Eren. I promise, I won’t let anything or anyone come between us.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
No relationship was ideal and obviously, just like rainy days, bad ones were guaranteed as well but you could always weather the storm as long as you were together..
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Mirror: The Fiction and Essays of Kōda Aya translated by Ann Sherif
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The papers in those days always had some amazing news in them - from the attempted military coup of February the year before to the start of fighting in China just three months later. A ferocious gale had come sweeping through, causing small whirlwinds some days and, at other times, a tremendous commotion that stirred up everything, even the dust in the forgotten corners of the world. I was just a speck of dust in one of the narrowest, most remote niches. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
A kimono worn by a woman immature in her emotions can be a powerful thing. Or, to put it another way, clothes have the strength to control one's psyche. To me, the striped outfit was a uniform; it gave me a sense of direction and a feeling of pride in my work. The apron shielded me from all arrows; it acted as a cast to brace me against all blows. It was a metal fire door behind which I could hide the anguish of my heart. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
What other child would fail to rise to the occasion when her father was being so honored? He was my only father, and I his only child. Is this any way to behave? I had lost my way at the bottom of a deep abyss. I cast my eyes upward, toward my father, only to see him dimly shrouded by mist. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
I know nothing about the breadth of my father's learning, nor do I pretend to understand the scope of his art. I could not tell you what came to him as a matter of luck, what he accomplished through his own talents, nor about his stature among men. Though I may be vastly ignorant, I do have enough sense not to entertain the foolish notion that he is some kind of lion of literature, a king among writers. He was just my father. From my own biased viewpoint, I would say that Father possessed some lionlike qualities, but there were those of a lion who would finish you off or give you the push-off-the-cliff test. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
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Father was an unusual man. He would point out the beauty of blossoms or clouds in the sky with the very whip he had cracked a moment before. With the same knife he had just used to rive your innards, he would slice up a wedge of some delicacy for you. No one else I knew could perform such feats. There was something solid about him. I felt all at once like a contrite sinner and a puppy dog who is eager to please. I wanted to cut all ties with him, but at the same time I needed him to recognize me as worthy of his love. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
Higuchi Ichiyo's nephew Higuchi Etsu once said about [me and my father]: "The parent dons a medal, and the child an apron." I made a show of laughing at his comment, but only because I wanted to hide my weakness. In fact, that apron chafed against my hands and my heart with its unyielding roughness. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
One often hears about the magical powers of mirrors. Certainly the mirror's ability to reflect creates this feeling of mystery. The objects around the viewer look so different in the mirror - what was one may multiply into two or even three. Objects that had appeared to be piled up come apart. Something might look real in the mirror, but then when you try to touch it, you can't. It seems to be there but it makes no sound. Is it real or just an illusion? Sometimes you can see through things in a mirror. Some things seem actually to be alive inside the mirror, but once the reflection stops moving, the illusion of life is gone. The mirror's power resides in this ability to confound. - Kōda Aya, "A Friend for Life"
My life was not going smoothly. I could not handle the problems that confronted me and became unbelievably nervous and stubborn. At times, any little thing would set me off in a rage; often I would get upset and break down in tears. I had so many things on my mind. In those days I consoled myself by leaning up against my mirror. To think how proud I had felt of it on my wedding day. Now all I could do was crouch up against it and sigh. In that house it was the only place where I felt calm. The mirror served more as a support for my emotions than as a glass in which I could see my reflection. The sunny location I had chosen for it had been part of my effort to avoid sadness and gloom in my life, but ironically it ended up lodging a darkened, tired soul. I did, in any case, feel most peaceful when I sat by my mirror. - Kōda Aya, "A Friend for Life"
The first time I wiped the glass, I was shocked to discover how dirty a mirror can become. One usually does not notice the dust; a mirror will reflect even when covered with a heavy layer of grime. And once you get used to this, you may end up looking at yourself and trying to make yourself presentable with powder and lipstick, unaware that you are seeing yourself through a haze. But who bothers to dust mirrors? If even smoothly polished glass attracts dust how much more would accumulate on a troubled heart? - Kōda Aya, "A Friend for Life"
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Kōda Aya has also been added to the BSD-Bibliophile Online Library!
You can find more information about Kōda Aya-sensei on the following pages:
List of Books in English Quotes and Facts Collection Fun Facts
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eelnoise · 8 months
zoro x afab!reader nsfw!! cw: aggressive sex, drunken sex, piv sex, sex sex sex, zoro is a bit of a smug smartass an: @kaizokuniichan this is your fault btw
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One drink turns into two.
The briny, salty scent of the open sea has become something you associate with home. Surrounded by your crew as they chat amongst one another, collected and dotted around the deck as the sunset bathes the world in an amber glow, there's nowhere else in the world you'd even dream of being.
Two drinks turn into three.
The sounds of the world around you begin to fade into one another. Whatever conversation you had been a part of had now fallen to the wayside, now simply half-listening to whoever is closest. The ice cubes in your beverage clamor as you take a sip, the sweat from the glass running down onto your hand in the warm evening weather.
Three drinks turn into four.
You’re taking a stroll around the ship, wanting to stretch your legs in a bid to rid yourself of any remaining energy from the flow of the day. Unsure if it’s the rock of the ship or your inebriation that has each step weary, you take it slow - idly watching your fellow pirates without really paying attention to what they’re doing.
You only realize that you’re being moved when a large hand reaches up to grasp your wrist, and suddenly you land in Zoro’s lap, having absent-mindedly wandered his way during your laps around the Sunny. Sideways across his thighs, your legs stretched in whichever way they fell when the swordsman dragged you onto him. “What was that for?” you ask, unable to stifle a giggle at the way his arm snakes its way around you to grasp onto your thigh.
“Dunno,” he admits, a lazy grin dashing across his lips, “Just wanted ya here with me.” His other hand brings his drink to his mouth, taking a long and rather loud sip from the mug as he squeezes you closer.
Your gaze roams along Zoro. His cheeks are flushed from the alcohol that’s also hot on his tongue, the smell of insobriety stinging your nostrils. His shirt is open, as per usual, unbuttoned and leaving little of his broad chest covered, the warmth radiating from his bare skin encasing you in its hold. Just out of the corner of your eye, something glistens in the waning sunset.
A gold chain around his neck.
Despite his current disposition, Zoro is still very observant. He notices where your eyes have gone, and a smirk crosses his face before he leans back slightly, holding the gilded links in between two fingers. “This?” he asks, holding it up between you, “Ya like it?”
Like it? You’re absolutely enchanted by it. The way the necklace blends in beautifully with his tanned skin - it’s infatuating, to say the least. “Yeah,” you confirm, one of your hands reaching up to trace the outline of the accessory slowly, earning you a slight shiver from the bulky man in reward. “I do, actually.”
Twisting around on his lap, you move to straddle his legs. Zoro’s hands almost instinctively find purchase on your hips after placing his drink down onto the wooden deck, fingers pressing into your flesh in an undeniable hunger. “I like it a lot~” you hum coyly, voice low and words slurred as you slide your hand up to his neck, then to his right ear where you let your fingers clink his earrings together.
Zoro’s eyes darken at your words, a predatory gleam in them as he watches you straddle his lap. His hands tighten their grip on your hips, pulling you closer until there’s no space left between you. “Good,” he growls, his breath hot against your ear, “‘Cause I love when ya get all over me like this.”
His lips brush against yours in a rough kiss, his tongue pushing past your parted lips to explore your mouth hungrily. A hand moves to occupy your ass, squeezing it firmly through the fabric of your pants. Despite being drunk, he’s still incredibly strong, and you can feel every muscle in his hand as he grips you tightly.
Zoro's eyes flash with lust at your touch, but he doesn't pull away from the kiss. Instead, he deepens it further, his tongue dueling with yours as he tries to assert dominance over you. But despite his best efforts, there's something about the way you touch him that makes him weak – something that makes him want more than just control.
Four drinks turn into five, into six, into the blurred lines of the abyss.
It feels like the entire cabin is shaking violently alongside the dangerously loud creaking of the bed, the wooden posts threatening to crack into splinters as Zoro fucks you deep into the mattress.
His large hand presses into the underside of your right thigh, keeping it locked in place with ease tightly against your chest. Straddling your other leg with his own, he rails into you at a pace that doesn't even feel real.
His three earrings clash together with each harsh thrust, the gold chain around his neck bouncing against his chest as he bottoms out within you over and over. 
You're mesmerized by not only the way he's making your toes curl but also by the sheer beauty that he seems to radiate like this. The golden jewelry he's adorned himself with sheens and shimmers in the light of the newfound moonlight coming through the window, stunning you each time the glimmer catches your fucked-out, hazy gaze.
Zoro's movements are rough and unrelenting, his body fully giving into his desires as he takes what he wants from you without hesitation or remorse. The bed creaks and shakes under your combined weight, the sound echoing throughout the cabin like a warning call to any who might try and interrupt.
His free hand explores your body, finding new places to leave marks and claim ownership. Each thrust drives deeper into your core, filling you with a sense of complete depravity that leaves you feeling vulnerable yet exhilarated.
Your eyes threaten to close, a long sequence of elated whines rumbling out from deep within your gut as Zoro hits that heavenly spot within you with fury. As soon as you start to loll your head against the pillow, a hand captures your face, squeezing your cheeks together and forcing your gaze back up to the man ravishing you.
"Eyes on me," he demands, a devilish smirk across his lips. "You wanted the chain to stay on, right princess? Then pay attention."
His voice is rough and vulgar, filled with a raw power that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. His eye(s) burn into yours, daring you to disobey him. The thought of not obeying him sends a thrill through you, but you know better than to test him right now. With a weak nod, you lock your eyes onto him once again, letting him see the fiery desire burning within you.
With renewed energy, Zoro picks up the pace, driving himself deeper and deeper into you with each harsh buck of his hips. The sensation is overwhelming, and you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to release. The chain around his neck moves in tandem with his pace, the golden links catching the dim light in a mesmerizing dance that only serves to heighten the intensity of the moment.
He's just out of your reach, and so desperately do you want to pull on that stupidly sexy necklace, to drag him downward into the needy kiss you so badly yearn for. That damn look, that smug expression he's clad himself in as he takes you to heaven - you lose it, finding the strength to quickly latch your hand around the accessory and tugging it to get what you want.
Zoro's face twists into one of sudden surprise, but only for a moment, as you grab hold of the chain, yanking it sharply towards yourself. The movement causes him to pause, his body frozen in mid-motion as he looks down at you with a mixture of shock and something more... diabolical.
His eyes narrow, and a dangerous glint appears in them. He knows what you want, and who is he to deny you?
With a low growl, he resumes his relentless rhythm, pushing himself as deep as he can go. Lips clash onto one another. Zoro's grip loosens on your leg and you let it fall around his waist, both of his hands now on your cheeks as his tongue slips past your lower lip.
Zoro's mouth claims yours in a fierce kiss, his tongue tangling with yours with muffled moans. The combination of the rough, passionate kiss and the pressure of his body against yours is almost too much to bear, sending waves of pleasure through your veins.
Despite the ferocity of the kiss, there's also tenderness there - a hint of vulnerability that shows through in the way his lips brush against yours softly before returning to their bruising assault. Your hands find their way to his broad shoulders, clinging to him as if afraid that if you let go, everything will come crashing down around you. The heat between you both builds to a fever pitch, and you feel yourself nearing the edge once again.
The chain tickles your chest, causing you to writhe in overstimulation and twitch away from the kiss, sloppy, wet strands of saliva binding you before snapping. "Z-Zoro~!" Your cry seems to fall on deaf ears, the swordsman's pace doesn't let up.
Zoro's eyes are locked onto yours, his focus solely on taking you to the brink of ecstasy. He ignores your cries, lost in the passion of the moment. His body moves with a primal urgency, each thrust driving him further into you until you can feel the very essence of him inside you. The chain around his neck rubs against your chest, adding another layer of sensation to an already overwhelming experience.
The combination of pain and pleasure is almost too much to bear, but you hold on tightly to Zoro, determined to ride out the storm with him by your side.
As you approach the edge, Zoro's movements slow slightly, allowing you to catch your breath before plunging back into the depths of passion once more.
When he sheaths himself back inside of you, hips meeting flush against each other once again, you wail. The move brings you ever closer to the edge, so close that you can peer over it into the valley of ecstasy below. "Gonna cum for me again?" Zoro taunts from above you. "Or have I ruined ya enough already?"
Zoro's voice is low and rough, laced with a hint of egomania as he teases you with the words. You're far past the point of ruination, and he knows. You can only moan in reply, unable to form any coherent thoughts or sentences. All you can do is lay there, panting and writhing beneath him as he slams into you with relentless precision.
He pushes you to the very brink, and you can feel yourself trembling, on the verge of falling over the precipice into a sea of blissful oblivion.
You cry out, managing a sputtered, raspy sound that sounds close enough to his name to make him growl in pleasure as you reach that high for the umpteenth time that night.
Zoro's face contorts into a mix of pleasure and exhaustion as he feels you climax yet again. He holds himself deep within you, letting the wave of sensations wash over him before pulling back slowly, savoring every last bit of the experience.
As he withdraws from you, he looks down at you with satisfaction and slight weariness. Despite the fact that he's nearly spent, there's still a fire burning in his eyes - a hint of determination that tells you that he won't be happy until he's taken you to the absolute limit.
Despite your overstimulation, he leaves you empty and wanting. Before you can oppose him, he rolls you onto your stomach, a breathless gasp leaving you at the sudden change of position. For a while, nothing happens. You hear him fiddle around with something behind you, and soon enough you feel him moving your hair out of the way to clasp something around your neck - the chain.
And in a nanosecond he's pushing back into you, resuming his pace as if there hadn't been a brief pause. One hand uses the gold links to aggressively pull you upward toward him, allowing him access to your shoulders where he doesn't hesitate to bite down.
Zoro's movements are relentless. The chain that now sits around your neck adds an extra level of intensity to the experience, pulling you upwards with each thrust and creating a delicious tugging sensation across your skin.
He bites down on your shoulder, marking you as his own once again, and the combination of pain and pleasure has you panting and clawing at the sheets like a fucking animal below him. The feeling of being claimed like this is incredibly arousing and primal, and it only serves to push you closer to the edge once again.
Frantic howls of pleasure are all you can muster as you see stars again. Drool runs down the side of your chin and down your chest as he tugs on the chain as if they were reins. Zoro feels that familiar tension pooling in him, and he knows he's about to join you in the throes of final satisfaction. "Gonna fill that pussy up until ya leak all over this fuckin' bed."
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Smacking their ass
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Sukuna, Toji, Itadori, Megumi, X Fem!Reader
Genre: Humor
Format: Drabble
Warnings: Suggestive content, Mild NSFW content on Toji's part cuz he's daddy
Word Count: 0.8K
A/n: For a person who hates her ass to get slapped and loves to slap her man's ass, I'm a bit bold.
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It wouldn't take him long to notice your small steps approaching him from behind. He can tell how hard you're trying to remain unnoticed from the way you hold your breath and avoid making the slightest noises, and it might have been efficient, really; if you hadn't chosen the wrong person to mess with.
"Don't even think about it"
His serious tune is enough to freeze you in the spot, your eyes twitching with surprises as you watch his figure from behind.
Not even bothering to turn around. Of course.
"I... I was..." "No need to make up excuses, brat. I already know about everything going on in that little head of yours"
He now turns around to show off that playful smirk of his, and you both know that he doesn't need to remind you that you can't play anything funny on the strongest creature in the world. You then gasp when you feel a harsh slap against your butt, which has enough force to make you jump in the spot.
"See? That's how it should be" He gives you one last chuckle before going back to whatever he was doing, leaving you all sulky and unsatisfied with how things turned out in the end.
Years of going to secret missions and slaying people earned him an amazing hearing ability, so he will sense your appearance the minute you step inside the room. You were never good at sneaking up to people, but that doesn't mean he can't pretend like he isn't aware of your presence. He's curious to know what you're planning on, after all.
So when you stand behind him and aim for his butt, you think that you've won; but just a second before your palm lands on his ass, your hands are suddenly seized by his,twisting them so your body falls into his embrace, your back facing his chest.
"What do you think you're doing?" His low pitched whisper against your ear is enough to send shivers down your spin.
"Misbehaving now are we? Well, I guess I don't have any choice but to teach you some manners"
When he slaps your ass for the hundredth time as youre bent over on his lap, you low key regret planning on doing something like this to him; but deep down, you knew it would turn out like this, and you would be lying if you say that your wetness Is caused by something else, not the amount of power he has over you.
It's a casual date night, you on the couch watching TV as your boyfriend prepares dinner which he got its recipe from Itadori. The only difference is that tonight your favourite show got cancelled and the now the news is being broadcast instead. It's only natural for you to feel bored and peek in the kitchen to check on Megumi, right?
And when you do, you see that everything is clean, the dishes are all washed, a pleasant smell has filled the room, everything is so perfect; yet all that catches your attention is how nice his butt looks from behind as he's standing in front of the cooker.
Target locked, processing attack, three, two, one...
"Nice ass man!"
He doesn't have to turn around so you can see his reaction. From how he suddenly froze and his whole body tensed up, you can tell that the poor man is stunned.
When you leave him behind cause apparently, "your job is done", he can clearly hear you burst out into laughter, and he cannot help but to think about how you're going to be the death of him.
Watching Itadori doing literally anything is pleasant to the eye. The way his muscles protrude against the fabric of his hoodie when he bends to pick up things from the floor has you drooling over the sight. But the thing that's giving you the massivest brainstorm at the moment is, how come you've never noticed how much of a fine ass this man has?
You can't take your eyes off it because, it's right there? In front of you? With nobody touching it???
Maybe God is trying to give you some hints, which you'll gladly pick up.
So when he bends over, again, to reach out for the tray that used to contain sweets, suddenly something hits his ass, not so gently.
Of course the man is shocked; so when he turns around to see who's this trespasser that has violated his privacy, he's met with your huge ass smile and your brightened face.
"Quite a nice ass you got there, my Friend"
Itadori would've thanked you when he got through the whole situation eventually, but all he can think about now is how you called him "Friend" instead of "boyfriend"
Reblogs are appreciated! :)♡
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Dear Covey if you would be oh so kind and write a daughter persephone x percy x platonic solangelo. would love for it to be one of the vlog ones of the 4 of them going to the beach and how will and percy r with the two underworld kids
✮⋆˙ let's go to the beach-each, let's go get a wave; platonic! nico di angelo x daughter of persephone! reader blurb (ft. will solace and percy jackson)
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content: nico di angelo x daughter of persephone! reader blurb (ft. will solace and percy jackson) warning: language, like majorly, i was cursing like a sailor this time lmao, but other than that silly goofy times author's note: AHHH I LOVE I LIVE I LAUGH. also, i have FINALLY discovered what im gonna make the angst and yall get a hint of what its gonna be on the last comments, bc i cant keep a secret to save my life 🤭🤭🤭
'cause i'm just ken, anywhere else I'd be a ten is it my destiny to live and die a life of blonde fragility? i'm just ken where i see love, she sees a friend what will it take for her to see the man behind the tan and fight for me?
will and you must have been in the driver and passengerseat, as it was the only reasonable explanation as to why 'im just ken' was blaring from the yellow jeep at eight in the morning. nico and percy knew this, as they could see it...and hear it. it was off-pitch and screechy and just bad over all, but will and you didn't seem to mind as you just kept singing. naturally, you had the camera facing you as you dramatically leaned over the center console and basically into your brother's boyfriend's lap as he drove, still singing along despite the camera in your face.
"do not post that, you're gonna burst eardrums around the world if you do!!" nico called over the music and rushing wind from the open windows and you took a break from 'serenading' the car to laugh.
"whatever. your just jelly that i get to be next to will and you dont!" you called back, turning in your seat to make sure you get nico's reaction. which was choking on his own spit before shoving your camera away with threats against your life. all of which you responded to with an eye roll before turning the camera to percy, who was typing away on his phone with a love sick smile.
"is that the mrs. jackson on the horn??" you giggled and percy looked up with a cheeky smile.
"duh. i just need everyone to know that my smart and hot ass girlfriend got accepted in college with, like, a huge scholarship. so she is, in fact, better than all of you," percy rambled into the camera, which you flipped around to you as he was yapping away and pretending to gag.
"you all are in relationships and it's making me sick!" you cried, pretending like you weren't desperate for that kind of love.
"awwww, is someone jelly?" nico teased, which earned him a glare and smack from his sister.
"yeah, how's that college thing going for you, percy?" will asked from the driver seat, glancing in the rearview mirror and winking and nico before returning his eyes to the road like he didn't just break the son of hades.
"not nearly as good," percy replied, completely stone faced, which caused the whole car to erupt in laughter once more. then percy shot forwards, leaning into the space between you and will, his finger pointing out your window.
"beach! look, the ocean!" he cheered, happily, causing everyone (save for will, thank the gods) to look out to their left. a few more twists and turns and will was parking his yellow jeep.
"okay, get out!" he laughed, all four of them scrambling out of the car. the trunk was quickly popped open and unloaded, will taking the bags with the snacks and nico taking the bag with the towels whilst you and percy worked together to get the left over random stuff.
"ahh, speaker!" you cried shooting forwards and grabbing the yellow speaker before chasing after the three boys who left you behind and already picked a spot.
"hey, sun boy, who's speaker is this?" you asked, holding it up before pulling it back into your lap to connect your phone.
"kayla's. i'd say she lent it to me, but that'd be a lie," replied will as he tossed sunscreen to nico with a pointed look, the gloomy boy rolling his eyes but rubbing it into his pale skin.
"hmm. figures, don't wanna have an allergic reaction, huh?" you teased, glancing up at will, who instantly shot a glare at nico, who smirked to himself.
"you said you wouldn't tell anyone!!"
"she's not just anyone!!" nico argued and it made your heart soar, knowing that his own strange way of telling you he loved you.
"yeah...but now all these people know too," you winced, holding your camera up. will locked eyes with the camera before shooting towards it with outstretched hands, which had you jumping from your seat and running to avoid the son of apollo's hands.
"PERCY, SAVE ME!!" you cried, hiding behind the son of the sea god and his surfboard. percy rolled his eyes at your antics before continuing to walk towards the surf, tugging his shirt off and throwing it to you. you instantly turned your camera to him, not above selling your friends off as thirst traps for views. percy threw up a shaka and winked at the camera.
"that's a married man yall. he is engaged with a girl that will beat yo ass. been simpin, down bad, since he was twelve. you better behave in those comments," you whispered to the camera before you and then camera were send thudding to the sand, will having tackled you in a desperate attempt to get the camera.
"sooo, y/n has lost the right to camera," nico mused into the camera, post tackle incident.
"i've been robbed by the gays," you grumbled from where you were laying, tanning in some expensive bikini and sunglasses that hades couldn't say 'no' to buying.
"reverse hate crime," will laughed from beside nico, who snorted at the comment. you threw your middle finger into the air before your timer went off, causing you to roll onto your back.
"that's not how you get your camera back, you know," percy commented, shaking the salt water out of his hair and tugging his shirt back on. you flinched as some of the water landed on you, causing you to slap the boys ankle, the only thing in reach.
"go shake like a dog somewhere else, jackson. and you're blocking my sun!" you whined and percy mocked you but moved. nico spun the camera to himself again, rolling his eyes but then will shot forwards and pressed a kiss to his cheek, the skin instantly blooming red. will laughed as he pulled away and nico quickly shut the camera off, not before it caught his empty threats agaisnt will.
"haha, i got the camera back. those fuckers were stupid enough to leave it unattended. don't worry guys, mommy's home, no more bad camera angles," you whispered into the camera, smiling as you glanced around. it was later in the evening, the sun starting to set on the sea, a sure sign that they'd be heading home soon.
"y/n, i swear, if you have that damn camera-" nico called, peeking around a corner. instantly, you were jumping up to your feet and the view from the camera became blurry as you were sprinting.
"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!" you called back, grinning into the camera once more.
the video ends with you buckled into the passenger seat, arms crossed and a pout on your lips.
"they got me," you muttered towards the camera before the door was shut by percy.
@/user.1: you can't just show us percy shirtless and expect us NOT to fall in love 😍😋🤩🤭
@/annabeth.chase: i will find you
@/underworlds.favs: I TRIED TO WARN YALL-
@/user.2: is- is yn being held against her will at the end?? GIRL BLINK TWICE IF YOU NEED HELP-
@/underworlds.favs: no, yn has never done anythings against her own will. right, y/n?
@/user.yn: they're good people, they'd never do anything wrong and they'd def never take away my camera and force me into the car, no they'd never do that.
@/user.3: why yn kinda fine in that bikini like what that throat do fr
@/underworld.favs: gross. talk about my sister like that again and you'll suffer a fate worse than death.
user.3 has been blocked by underworld.favs
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chrisevansonly · 8 months
𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭’𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 (𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲’𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐀𝐔)
ʚharry styles x female reader
ʚviolet is growing so quickly and before you know it, she’s saying her first word and harry is a mess
ʚno warnings just lots of fluff:)
ʚi’m back with harry’s angel! i know its been a while since i put anything out for this little series and im so sorry i promise im working on it🥹
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Violet was growing up before your eyes, really it was quite scary seeing her get bigger and beginning to get more curious, even starting to crawl. It was almost like it was yesterday you were welcoming her into the world and sharing your first cuddles as a family of three. Now you were smiling at her as you sat on the floor, rolling a little coloured soccer ball her way, giggles flooding into the living room.
“Come on roll it back to mama!”
Violet giggled pushing the ball back your way as she clapped
“Yes! My smart girl!”
You couldn’t help the laugh that spilled from your lips as she began to wiggle in place, hearing your laughter only intensified her wiggles, god you couldn’t get enough for her
“What in the world is going on down here?”
Harry’s voice caused you to smile, turning to see him walk into the room
“Hi lovie, we’re just having such a good time with our soccer ball aren’t we baby?”
Violet giggled clapping her hands as Harry leaned down to kiss your forehead, moving then to go sit near his little girl
“Are you being the silliest little baby? Hmm?”
If there was anyone who loved Harry more than you it was your daughter, her wide eyes watching him with so much excitement and love as he sat on the carpet. He couldn’t help but smile at his baby girl as she began to babble, almost having her own conversation with him
“Oh yeah? Okay m’love i’ll be sure to tell mummy, oh yes, you’re totally right”
Watching the two of them was something you would never get bored of ever
“Are you and daddy conspiring against me?”
Harry sent you a wink
“Tell mummy we are doing no such thing!”
Harry smiled
“Yes exac-what did you just say?!”
The room got quiet as you looked at Violet, shock evident on both yours and your husbands face
“Dada! Dada!!”
“A-Angel did you hear her?”
Sniffling you wiped your eyes coming over and sitting with them as Harry was quick to pick her up, cradling Violet to his chest, tears in his eyes as well
“Yeah baby, i’m dada, yes!”
Violet giggled touching his cheeks gently as she looked between you both
“I can’t believe she said her first word”
“She’s growing up to fast!”
Smiling sweetly you kissed Violets cheeks before moving to rest your head on Harry’s shoulder, providing him with a little bit of comfort as he experienced a whirlwind of emotions
“Oh lovie she’ll always be your little girl I promise”
“Not little enough!”
Violet just smiled at the two of you, having absolutely no idea what you were both talking about, all she knew is you both made her happy and that was what mattered.
“You said your first word my little bee, I’m so proud of you”
Her face lit up in your direction, Harry now pressing a few kisses to her cheeks
“I guess all our late night talks worked didn’t they baby?”
You raised an eyebrow looking at him
“What late night talks…”
“Exactly Vi”
You shook your head at the two of them, a laugh escaping your lips there was quite literally nothing else in the world that would beat the time you got to spend with your loves. Times like these would always be so special, even if your little one was getting older.
Especially when Harry and Violet had been working on the word Dada for a few nights now…but you didn’t have to know that.
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runaway-dreamers · 1 year
Could I ask a Wally x Reader reunion request? Like reader found a way to leave Home and go back to their world, but they learn they can’t return for at least a month or two.
And they do eventually come back apologizing to Wally and then to everybody else. Some angst ending with fluff?
I may have gotten a tad bit excited by this ask.
[Part 1 ◇ 2 ◇ 3]
At the end of all I knew, I find the beginning of you and I.
The Everyday Life of Wally Darling
Word count: 2,070
Demands piled high, and you were only so fast to fill them. You were tucked in a corner by the espresso machine. The revolving door of needy customers never slowed, their unspoken requests needing tending to. The jaded opening baristas were already planning what to get from the bar a few stores down . One coworker was taking orders and making small talk at the register, another was next to you pulling shots. Your feet remained in two squares, turning to and from the machine grabbing milk for the sweating ice cups and hissing steam wands.
A whisper from a passing shadow, "Smile more, you're scaring the customers."
You duck your head pulling your cap low. With shaking hands you attempt to pour milk into a pitcher only to have it spill, split by the edge. Rag in hand you wipe away the mess, but the blurring of your vision makes it difficult. The room threatens to spin as if wanting you tossed off your feet. Your stomach twists pushing your heart into your throat. Your body steels for the expected impact. Nothing changes, and the line keeps moving. Standing there inside your head allowed orders to pile.
Idling there disrupted the flow, "Y/N, this one needs regular milk, did you grab the right one?"
"Mhm, yes, yes. Regular." You barely finished your sentence, your voice fading. The cup had been placed on the counter where a hand extending from the growing mass snapped it up. You watched it until it was out of view, absorbed by the bustling chaos.
Turning back to the machine, something red glints off of it. Your single dangling earring taps against your jaw, but the weight of it soothes you. You sigh softly and the side of your lip lifts into a quick smile. It was a bright red apple cut in half with two little black seeds on it. When you touch it you can feel the smooth rise and fall of its shape.
A tap on your shoulder caused you to jump in surprise, "Take your break, Y/N, you're distracted."
With a nod you stepped away. The smile on your face flattened to a thin line as you grabbed your bag. For a moment you thought about leaving and heading straight home. The comfort of your couch called to you, but you knew leaving would cost your coworkers their break. Instead you slipped out of the store and walked to the gas station a few blocks away.
Reddish-brown leaves were falling from twisted branches high above you. The breeze rattled them, shaking them loose until they fluttered down, settling on the ground. Life felt like it slowed to a crawl with the colder months rounding the corner. You briefly thought about what sort of soups Poppy would be making, and if Howdy was stocking caramel apples. The gas station came into view.
Inside the parking lot, tucked behind the old building, was a dumpster. Around it were old buckets, crates, and wood in various stages of rot. Reaching tree branches from the other side of the fence formed a canopy overhead. There was a touch of coziness here as the sound of busy life faded into the distance.
Your favorite overturned crate was still here just as you had left it. Before sitting down you removed a carefully wrapped container from your bag. Half of this morning's blunt rested inside along with your lighter. Held between your lips, you attempted to light it. The flint struck once, twice, three times before a strong enough flame was lit. You held it to the snubbed blunt letting it take hold. The embers burned a bright red as you inhaled. On the exhale you let yourself comfortably slump against the fence, shutting your eyes.
This passing summer had been unbearable, but in the autumn chill you found yourself asking for its return. The cold ran deep soaking into your bones and mixing with your blood. You pulled your scarf up over your ears. Each puff untethered you. Smoke drifted out from your nose caressing your skin as it drifted up, the wispy tendrils passed easily between the strands of your hair.
Your hand trailed over the earring feeling along the shape of it. It was originally part of a set, but the other side had been lost in a pocket between here and there. It had been a gift, one made specially for you. Lovingly shaped by careful hands. If the other side remained in Home, you imagined he kept it close to him at all times. This gave you comfort as you remembered the time spent there.
When you first arrived in Home, you were greeted by a whole cast of friendly faces. Julie created games for you to play. Frank and Eddie would take you bug watching. Howdy always found ways to indulge your sweet tooth. Barnaby invited you out on strolls, imparting wisdom and bad jokes. Poppy taught you how to bake. And Wally was there every step of the way. Life back in your reality wasn't as grand, as you came to remember, but it hadn't been your choice to go. Just like it hadn't been your choice to leave. You were ripped away from all you knew and fell through a hole in the universe.
On an outing you brought up your confusing feelings while bug watching. Eddie had suggested that you at least keep it an open idea, and Frank agreed. There were no clear paths and not many options. Choices weren't a choice unless they were found to be possible. Everyone stressed that should the time come, the final decision was up to you.
You weren't fully convinced to stay or go, but at the time you couldn't rule out any foreseeable options. Despite how close you all had grown, you had felt that you couldn't fully belong. They all knew how homesick you were, especially Wally, and his words were still clear in your mind.
"Hmm, that is a tough one," Wally spoke slowly, his eyes looking thoughtful, "If you found a way home, you could properly answer that question. It would be undeniable, neighbor, whatever your deepest desires are."
You tried to remember things as clearly as possible, but every memory led back to the end. His laughter turned to screams, his hopeful eyes brimming with terror, hands struggled to hold on. The pull of the void was too great, and you fell into the endless darkness. All you remembered was his face laced with regret. He was shouting frantically as you were swallowed whole. All you could do was watch as the darkness consumed your vision. Twice you had fallen, twice you had to confront your mounting losses.
That day played on repeat in your head. You tried to scrub the fading fragments in search of subtle meanings. Were those little glances something more? The softening of his eyes, the pink of his cheeks, was that something you only imagined? Your bag was crumpled on the ground near you. With a rough shake you undid the partially closed zipper and pulled out a beaten up notebook.
Page after page were filled with grainy crayons and smooth colored pencils. Splatters of smudged paint obscured the already warped images and words. Those scribbles had been notes you kept while living in Home. You smiled fondly as your thumb rubbed the coarse texture. It ended up a collective journal meant to be shared. Everyone had pitched in and wrote something about their day.
It looked like the pages had been stained with a painter's used water cup. Over these stained pages you had tried drawing each of them from memory. It became harder to remember what they looked like, but eyes remained. Each one detailed and alive, but lacking familiarity.
Drops of rain fell onto the page popping your bubble of solitude. Your break was over all too soon. As you put everything back in your bag the thought of walking away returned, nagging and incessant. It coiled around your stomach and squeezed itself into a ball. Nothing about this was right. You left the gas station without a word heading towards the bus stop. They managed without you for five months, they'll survive one shift.
"Howdy has some caramel coated apples all neatly packaged at the bodega." Frank was at the kitchen sink washing a pumpkin. They were scrubbing in particular circular motions, dunking it into clean water every now and again.
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Howdy said he got them specially ordered." Eddie was at the table sorting through some letters.
"I know it's just you at the post office, but I wish you wouldn't bring work home." Frank dumped the brownish water down the sink. They took a clean rag and patted the pumpkin dry.
"You're right, there's always tomorrow." Eddie chuckled as he packed the partially sorted mail up and slid the box under the table. He leaned back in his seat with a loud sigh. The sound of a knife splitting the gourd filled the kitchen.
Frank spoke up, "So.. Have you noticed Wally around lately?"
"I see him walkin' often. More so than usual, and very slowly, too." He drawled, waiting for Frank to share what was on their mind.
"Earlier today, he declined another invite from Julie." Frank's words dripped with growing concern. Their frown was even more pronounced than usual. Eddie could read the tension on his husband's body.
"I noticed that change in him, yes, but it's to be expected. Loss can-"
"It's our fault." They spoke harsher than expected.
Frank left the knife in the flesh of the pumpkin. The piece flopped to the side as it was let go. They leaned against the edge of the sink. Each passing second marked by the dripping faucet.
Eddie started, "Now, Frank, don't think that way. It won't help nothin'."
"No, Eddie, no. We both told Y/N to keep it an open option," Their eyes filled with tears, "And now look, they've gone! Vanished!"
Another long silence. Eddie was staring at the table. Though he wanted to remain strong for Frank he knew that he couldn't deny those feelings any longer.
Eddie spoke with emotion thick in his voice, "Wally leaves letters addressed to Y/N."
"Yeah?" Frank turned away, pain evident on their face, "And what does he say?"
"He says he wants to find a way to get these letters to 'em. I told him I'd find a way," Eddie chuckled at this, but his eyes were wet with unshed tears, "There's no impossible task for a guy like me."
They eyed Eddie's profile, "I think we could make that a reality," Frank spoke quietly.
Eddie narrowed his eyes as he sat up straighter, "How so, darling?"
"Dear, and don't be mad," Stepping away from the sink, a flicker of fear crossed Frank's face, "I was looking around the area Y/N was last seen, uh, for the void Wally keeps talking about."
"And why would you go and do something dangerous like that?" Eddie was trying his best to remain calm, he stood up from his seat and walked closer to his husband, "What if you went and got dragged down, too? Who knows what's on the other end of that thing!"
"I get it! I really, really do!"
"Is that so, Frank?" Eddie responded.
"Hear me out, please?" Frank stepped closer to Eddie, arms crossed and eyes searching.
Eddie softened as he looked into Frank's eyes, "Please be careful, that's all I'm asking of you," Eddie spoke softly as he embraced Frank.
Frank sighed, relaxing into the hug, "I think I found the hole."
"What? What do you mean?" Eddie looked down at Frank. He was holding him by his shoulders squeezing ever so slightly.
"I.. dropped a note through it not too long ago. It's right next to a field of wild pumpkins." Frank shifted on his feet.
"Was the note for Y/N?" Eddie asked. His hands rubbed along Frank's arms.
"Yes, and, well, see this is where it gets strange."
Frank stepped away from Eddie. Their bag was resting by the kitchen doorway. They picked it up and brought it over to the table where they dug around for something. Eventually Frank removed a notebook, and inside the notebook was a neatly folded note.
Frank looked at Eddie, "I got a response."
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bluegalaxygirl · 3 months
Obsession's Grip (Zosan X Reader) P4
Plot: After saving some of the straw hat crew from a prison, the crew help takes a young man away so he can have a fresh start in life. He's shy but seems to grow attached to Reader in an unhealthy way.
Warning: Snakes, Bad language, Violence, Panic attack and Hurt.
Reader is Female (Sorry), Zoro X Sanji X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship. Reader has the ability to control the snake tattoos on her arms that come alive when she commands, they can change size and are connected to her emotions.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14
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Sitting on your knees on a small cushion you pull the gardening gloves over your hands before grabbing a gardening fork and mashing up the dirt packed around Nami's tangerine trees, loosing up the dirt you get rid of any unwanted insects that you throw into a bucket along with any dead leaves, moss and dead roots before grabbing some compost sprinkling it around. Lost in your own world you don't notice someone standing behind you watching you work until they spoke "Where's your tattoo?" Jumping while letting out a yelp of surprise you quickly turn to see Percy looking quite confused, sighing to get the rest of your panic out you wipe your brow with the back of your hand "You scared me, please don't sneak up on me" You sigh again going back to your job now that you know its only the young man, moving around to your side Percy leans against the pole watching you continue to work "Sorry, i didn't mean too. Where did your tattoo go?" He asks again pointing to your empty arm, a small smile forms on your face at the thought of your moss head "My snakes come from my tattoo's, it's currently training with Zoro in the crows nest, I'd stay away though, you might get hurt" Percy hums at your words while looking up at the crows nest not too far away "I've been meaning to ask, what's your relationship with Zoro and Sanji? I've never seen one like it" Turning you look over the young man who's still looking up at the crows nest, there seemed to be no ill intent behind his words just curiosity and a want to understand so going back to your work you deiced to explain the best you can "Use three are in a relationship together, we love each other, spend time together and go out just the three of us."
Percy turns to look back at you slightly tilting his head but stays quiet letting you continue "We all feel the same way about each other, I love the two with my hole heart, and they love me and each other the same way. Its called a polyamorous relationship" You try your best to explain, the young man hums trying to process it all before smiling and taking a step towards you "Oh! so its like an open relationship?" He asks causing you to cough on your own spit in shock, pulling away from the dirt you cover your mouth with the back of your hand trying to control the coughing, taking a breath you manage to control your breathing again "No, Nothing like that" you yell back at him before turning to face him, guilt hits you hard at the look of fear on his face and his tensed up body "I'm sorry i didn't mean to yell, i'm not angry you just caught me off guard" speaking in a calm voice seems to make Percy relax and nod before leaning against the mast again "It's not an open relationship, we don't see other people, were exclusive to each other and only each other" There's silence between the two of you so you go back to your work wanting to give the young man time to calm down and process what just happened, you really didn't mean to snap but the way he was so happy about it made you feel slightly uneasy, now though you just feel bad for scaring him. Percy trusts you, he's lost a lot and doesn't have anyone else so when he comes to you there's this feeling of obligation. "What if you fall in love with someone else?" Percy suddenly asks catching you off guard again but at least this time you catch yourself before coughing.
Putting more compost down you shake your head at his question but decide to answer it anyway "We'll I'd talk to Zoro and Sanji about it before anything else but i don't see that happening, i love them so much and can't imagine being with anyone else" a smile spreads across your face as you let out a small laugh hoping after that he'll stop asking but unfortunately the questions keep coming "But what if you like that person, and they don't?" Percy asks pushing off what he was leaning on and stepping closer to you, trying to continue your work you try and ignore his eyes on you "We'll than i wouldn't date that person, but like i said i don't see myself falling for anyone else" Your voice becomes less kind as you speak just wanting him to stop asking questions but you don't want to yell at him and make him feel scared again. "What if they fall in love with someone else?" the young man takes another step closer starting to get you mad but you bite your tongue "They would tell me, and we would talk about it" it doesn't matter how quick or slow you are to answer, the questions keep coming getting quicker and quicker each time until he asks one question your heart stops at "Do you ever fear they would cheat on you?" Anxiety wells upside of you unsure of what is going on and why Percy is suddenly acting like this "N-no, they wou-" You stutter trying to get the words out only for the young man to hit you with another question. "What if they fall for someone else and you said no?" Starting to shake your mind is struggling to process, you want to run and get away from the situation but your body can only shake and your eyes can only focus on the ground.
The young man tilts his head while bending down waiting for your answer "W-Why are you asking all this?" You stutter again your gloves hands struggling to hold the garden fork in your hands "I'm just curious plus Sanji flirts with Nami and Robin all the time, doesn't that bother you?" He asks pushing a strand of loose hair behind your ear to get a better look at your face "That's different" Your mind runs as it thinks of all the times the cook has fawned over the girls, it never bothered you before so why does it bother you now? Why does saying those words hurt? "How? he runs after them, gives them anything the want when they want, has hearts in his eyes when ever he see's them. I mean the other day he praised Robins work asked if she wanted anything and fussed over her while you only got a kiss on the forehead, he didn't look at you with hearts in his eyes, he didn't ask if you needed anything else or thank you for helping Robin" Your heart pounds in your chest making you feel like your ribs might crack, you try shaking your head trying to tell yourself that it wasn't true, that he loves you but your heart breaks thinking of how he swayed over to Robin. "That Zoro guy isn't any better either, he's more of the opposite quite, mysterious, only focused on fighting, i mean your down here doing gardening which is tiring in of itself while your snake is up their getting beat by your boyfriend which is also zapping your energy. If i were him i would have made you at least sit down, brought you a snack or something" Tears form in your eyes as he speaks so casually about it all, like its common knowledge, it makes you think, do the other see this too? if so why haven't they said anything?
Standing back up straight Percy sighs while holding his hands behind his back "Honestly i feel like both of them could hide going off with someone else, Sanji most likely wouldn't go off with Nami and Robin since their your crew mates but when on land he most likely can flirt his way into another woman's bed and then leave before you even meet her while Zoro seems to hide things quite easily. If he doesn't want to be touched or is in a mood, most of you put it down to him being grumpy and not having a good fight or training session that day instead of something else. The others also told me he gets lost a lot and some times it takes days for him to come back. What if thats fake, and he's going off to find someone else?" he rambles as you slowly look up at him with hurt teary eyes and shaky breaths, everything he says starts to break your heart more and more pieces falling apart and sinking down to your stomach leaving an empty hole where you heart once was. Unable to form words you sit there starting up at his face, you can't read how he's feeling but your not sure if its just him or your own broken heart, "Miss Y/n?" Percy asks bending down to be right in your face but you quickly stand up taking off your gloves and throwing them aside before turning away form him "I'm fine, i-i remembered something i have to do" Quickly you run past him and through the door into the library hot salty tears streaming down your face as your mind and body go numb but you push forward wanting to wash your face in hopes it'll calm you down.
Nami looks up from her map making with a smile happy to greet you only for it drop when seeing tears running down your red face while scrambling up the ladder as fast as you can "Y/n? You ok?" The navigator calls out after you but gets no response, your mind races as tears uncontrollably fall down your cheeks, rushing into the changing room you don't even make it to the girl's bathroom before falling to your knees and crying into your hands. Your body reacts on its own your mind unable to control its actions, cry's that sound more like wailing leave your mouth with every long outtake of breath, your chest hurts more than you can bear, a knife would feel less painful than this. "Y/n" Nami calls out running into the changing room with wide eyes, she doesn't know what's going on but walks over to you being careful not to spook you or make things worse, lowering herself to sit on her knees the navigator places her hand on your hunched back starting to slowly rub up and down "It's ok, i'm here, I've got you" Nami whispers unsure if you can even hear her over the sound of your own wailing and sharp intake of breaths, the navigator wraps her arms around you pulling your body into hers and letting your tear stained face press into her lap. Curling up you crave the warmth and comfort that Nami is giving you as your mind runs with everything Percy has said, it feels like you've been cheated on, lied too and yet Sanji and Zoro haven't done that, have they? It seems clear that if they did you wouldn't know and if you asked they would deny it. Did they cheat? if so how many times? are you not good enough? Do you need to do more? Nami strokes your hair while whispering reassuring words to you waiting for you to calm down before she can ask what's wrong.
Up in the crows nest Zoro is training with your snake, everything was going normal, the large snake would attack but refuse to use its fangs on the swordsman while Zoro made sure to only hit the snake with the back of his swords. Like always the swordsman would tease the snake from time to time but this time your snake didn't shake it off, in fact its attacks got more heavy, its body growing tense until it stopped attacking all together. Panting the swordsman smirks up at the large snake thats hovering over him "What's up? Tired already?" He teases with a smirk, when you snake doesn't respond just keeps staring down at him, the swordsman stands up straight putting one of his swords away "Something wrong bud?" Again their no response causing worry to build up, walking over to the window Zoro looks down seeing you working on the garden but suddenly you look up at someone, he couldn't see who it is since the post is in the way. Gripping his sword hard Zoro turns deciding to go out and see if your ok while kicking someones ass for making you upset only for your Snake to appear in front of him, its eyes are clouded over white due to its second eyelid being closed while its body expanding with each big intake of breath and when breathing out, a deep rattly growl leaves its open mouth. "Hay bud it's ok, I'll go check on her" Zoro sighs moving around the snake only for its heavy tail to land right in front of him stopping the swordsman from going anywhere "Hay what the hell? Training over, we're done for the day" Unsure of what is going on the green haired man takes a step away while placing his hand on his swords.
The large snake starts to shake before moving towards the hatch, for a second the swordsman thinks it's going to block the exit but instead the snake lifts the hatch up with its tail all while staring at the swordsman. Your snake lets out one short high-pitched hiss as a warning before quickly shrinking down and leaving the crows nest, sighing the swordsman relaxes since he honestly thought your snake was going to attack him for real. As much as he wanted to follow and see if your ok he knows the snakes will get angry with him if he does, theirs nothing worse than a pissed off snake who is now protective over the person he wants to see, so he heads back over to the window. The garden is empty but your stuff is left out and the dirt around the tree's hasn't been put back, you left in a rush, his hope is if something happened you went to Sanji, but he can't tell from here. After a few minutes and no one showing up or coming into the garden the swordsman heads down the ladder and into the kitchen. Sanji looks up from cleaning the counter to smirk at his lover who just walked in "Tired already? Does someone need a nap?" The cook teases making his way around the counter, Zoro raises an eyebrow while looking around, your not here, your snakes not here and Sanji is way too chipper so you didn't come in here "Have you seen Y/n or her snake?" Zoro asks his eyes still scanning the room ignoring the confused look on the cooks face, Sanji sighs crossing his arms over his chest giving his lover a glare "Well her snake did come in here and up the ladder, it… growled at me, what did you do?"
The swordsman quickly turns to face the cook a look of anger and surprise on his face "I didn't do anything, it just started acting weird. I sore Y/n talking to someone but i thought her snake was gonna-" Zoro sighs rubbing his forehead, the cook sighs pulling out a cigarette and lighting up to calm himself down. "I really thought that it was gonna kill me" The swordsman whispers his eyes fixed on the ladder leading to the garden, he knows your not there but where did you go and what happened, the blonde blows out some smoke managing to relax his shoulder and not snap at the swordsman "We should go check on her, I'll ask Nami where she went" The cook sighs heading towards the ladder soon followed by the swordsman, the garden's a mess tool's scattered around, dirt and compost covering the floor, you weren't the type to leave it in this state. "What the hell did you do?" The two jump as Nami burst though the door glaring at them with fire in her eyes "Its clear one of you did or said something so what was it?" The navigator yells stepping closer and grabbing Sanji's tie, the two freeze in place unsure of what to do and what to say, this isn't normal Angry Nami, this is enraged Nami "W-what? Nami-swan" Sanji stutters as he's shoves back by the navigator who then turns to Zoro clenching her fists "I don't know what happened, Is Y/n ok?" The swordsman asks knowing this is about you, Nami starts to shake with anger her eyes burning holes into the green haired man "Ok? No she's not ok, in fact she's staying we me tonight and the two of you are going to leave her alone. I don't want either of you even looking at her" The navigator jabs her finger into Zoro's chest before turning to Sanji who's eyes turn sad and worried.
Placing a hand over his heart the cook steps forward knowing your beyond hurt if your refusing to sleep next to them. "Can you please tell us what is going on? i swear we didn't say or do anything" Nami crosses her arms over her chest while looking the two over trying to decide if their telling the truth or not, soon she sighs relaxing her shoulders "I don't know, she went running to the bathroom crying, she asked to stay with me tonight but thats it… She just needs time to think and its best if you give her space" Now much calmer the Navigator turns heading back to you, things were a lot more confusing now but hopefully later she can get something out of you. Sanji takes a big drag of his cigarette trying to clam his nerves while Zoro stares at the now closed door, neither of them have any idea what is going on but its clear someone said something to you about them. "What do you think?" The swordsman asks turning to the cook who blows out the smoke he was holding before turning to all your gardening stuff "I think Nami's right, we should give her space, hopefully we can talk tomorrow" the blonde bends down putting on some gardening gloves to start cleaning up, nodding Zoro walks over picking up your tools and putting them away. Silence falls over the two as they work putting everything back to how it should be, once done Sanji takes off the gloves and puts them away before turning to the swordsman "How was she talking to?" The cook asks, Zoro sighs standing up while knocking his knuckles on the beam of wood "I couldn't see, this was in the way." Sighing Sanji runs his hand through his hair, it looks like their just gonna have to wait to find out what happened.
You couldn't face going to dinner and seeing Sanji and Zoro, you didn't want to talk to them right now or even have them looking at you. Red puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks and tissues littering Nami's bed that your laying on, trying to calm down so you can hopefully getting your mind and heart in the same place but it's proving difficult since your brain is telling they would never cheat on you while your heart is shattered feeling like its already happened. Laying under the covers you look up at the ceiling, your tears have long since dried but the headache persists. The door to the girls room opens but you pay it no mind too tired and emotionally drained to even turn your head in their direction, "Hay we brought left overs" Nami smiles sitting on the bed and placing a plate of food on the side table while Robin heads over to her bed taking a seat on the edge. "Do you want to talk about it?" The black haired woman asks reaching out and taking your hand in comfort, sighing you shake your head, you want to talk about it but with your body deciding to shut down you can't even from words, patting your hand Robin stands up and pulls the covers over you more "We can talk tomorrow, for now just get some sleep" Nami nods in agreement while standing up and starting to turn out the lights only leaving the one next to Robin's bed on "If you need anything just ask" The navigator smiles sitting on Robin bed and pulling out a book not ready to sleep yet. Nodding you close your eyes letting your body and mind fall into a deep sleep, the two girls keep quiet doing some reading.
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A Wacky Nonsense of an Idea
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We know nothing about this chaotic darling except she man crazy and she died during the 1950s. Her death appearing to be three gunshot wounds to her torso.
Guess who else we know from the show so far, who died in the 1950's? This guy:
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Wouldn't it be whacky if they caused each others deaths?
My last post, I headcanon Vox being a popular television game show host.
Easy eye candy for Niffty to be infatuated by every night. Niffty was a crazed fan. She sent overwhelming number of weird, creepy occasionally threatening fan letters to him. She eventually tracked him down and started to stalk Vox.
At one point, she broke into his home. Vox called the police but grabbed a gun he had stashed to defend himself with as he waits for help. Thinking the intruder was committing burglary. He pretty well off after all with his fame. But it wasn't a burglary. It was worse. It was crazed Niffty approaching him. He knows her by sight at this point. First time Niffty got to met Vox, Vox immediately knew who she was when she gave her name. She sign her perfumed letters with lipstick stained kisses. She the one with the alarming letters. He try to vacate ASAP. Only for her to show up everywhere he goes He had to file a restraining order on her. Now shes inside his house. She probably saying some really off the wall scary crap she thinks is romantic. Like how shes going to cut his heart out because it always belongs to her.
Vox panicked and shot her. I mean, how can you not when she looks like a human version of this?:
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So the shots were fired when she lunged at him. She always did seem to jump and climb on people during the show. She died by her wounds but her body did land on Vox knocking him down. The fall having him crack his skull on the corner of a console Tv (Those things are sturdy!) Which may explain Vox Tv head.
They didn't live virtuous lives, and well, both end up taking a life so they landed in Hell.
It may give another reason why Alastor adores having Niffty around. After Vox started to make a name for himself, and started his rivalry against Alastor, Alastor happenstance ran into Niffty not long after that. He eventually learned there was a bit of a connection between the two. He befriended her to get information and well, she so chaotic and entertaining! No way Alastor was going to pass up this tiny spitball.
I don't headcanon this at all but its wacky nonsense that is possible.
Did I just created a new weird ship? I hope I did, more chaos into the world!
It may make a decent fun crack fanfic if anyone up for it. Love a link if someone one took it upon themselves to write it.
At the end of this post I got Niffty vibes as crazy Shia Labeouf vibes, and Vox panic fear vitum from that song, actual cannibal Shia Labeouf.
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captainjacklyn · 5 months
So this is part two of my first sagau post, I could turn this in a more detailed fic but knowing that it'll remain in my drafts to catch dust. I think I'll go against it and just give brief ideas for anyone who doesn't have my procrastination problem.
Now I was pretty vague about the other Primordials who watch over different realms as well as Teyvat. But I decided to give them their respective names and personalities (I suppose you can consider them OCs?) just so that we don't get too confused about the whole thing..
For a first born you have Barabath, at current times he's now an empty shell. He was the first realm to ever be created by you, born from an explosion of gas. And out of it poured a thousand dragons who all drank the fire of the first ever sun And yes I did steal that part from game of thrones, sue me. Each every one of them proceeded to descend upon their respective home, all seven of them forged from calamity. The world inhabited Erkanos (guardian of the earth), Belzo (guardian of the sky & stars), Lystéria (guardian of air & moisture), Akarnis (guardian of life), Erghyr (guardian of the mind), Steparyd (guardian of magic) and Valvers (guardian of decay). A war erupted between these gigantic yet majestic beast after your physical descent upon the lands. Their abilities were so great that it only doomed the realm after their final attack annihilated all that was left.
The second child did not end up passing like the former, you had managed to save him when disaster struck upon him. His name is Larbosa, and he is known as the god of wisdom, strength and honor. It was then that the first humans were created. So when you descended once more, they welcomed you with joy and love. But as centuries passed and wars for conquering broke out, people forgot about their creator to the point where all you became was a prize to win. You were sheltered in one of the old temples, its priestesses looked after you every passing millennium. Not as their creator, but as a simple individual who needed a place to stay. You were subsequently sold off to marry a warlord (do you see where this is going?), had three sons with him (whatever your gender is doesn't matter cause you are quite literally capable of anything), he passed, you took over, fell in love with a mortal who devoted him to you, he died, your mortal sons all perished in battle and once the people captured you, they dubbed you AN IMPOSTOR AND DISGRACE TO THE ALMIGHTY THEMSELF you were beheaded.
So what your children do when you die is that, your body will disintegrate and just turn into nothing. Then in order to in a sence 'reincarnate' you back into god hood, the realm needs to open itself and sacrifice its own part of you to rebuild you. You saved him because, you're the primordial why could you not, the first son is dead and you learn from your mistakes as a parent/jk. Larbosa is righteous and dutiful, as the second ever world to be created he takes great responsibility in aiding you. Most of the acolytes who follow him learn how to live a life of authority and perseverance through hard work. Like his second sister, he either speaks when spoken to or whenever something needs to be told. Dude is protective, will shove his arm so far up an enemy's ass it'll reach out of their mouth and wear them like a sleeve.
...Yarrhh I'm not cool today.
THIRD KID- THIS ONES A WOMAN! We have Alysia, goddess of love, beauty, and hatred. She's heavily based off of Hathor from Ennead, Aphrodite and Hera with a double personality. Because on one side she is the embodiment of what the 'ideal woman' was expected to be back in the olden days but on the other, her negative side goes against that entire facade of purity. One thing that she favors above anything else is lust, she loves toying with mortals and sees them as beings beneath her. Meanwhile you look after them like your own infants and it's something she uses to manipulate said mortals whenever they go against her judgement. Although she is is typically bright and cheery in public, she easily becomes flustered, particularly around strong beings, or when awkward situations occur. She does indeed become furious when people disrespect her or when she doesn't get her way. The only one who she holds the greatest respect for is her creator YOU, she is highly protective of YOU and will get frustrated when people use her love for YOU as a way to blackmail her. Alysia deeply cherishes her siblings though she has a tendency to call her younger sister a heartless little sh- they all get along, especially with Larbosa.
Second daughter I've mentioned in the past, holds the title of Cymbalia. Her people were known for their truthful justifications and judgment. They knew not of the creator as you were afraid that showing yourself to its collectives would cause yet another loss. Cymbalia, however, was fully aware of her birth-giver’s existence so she chose to be reborn in order to regain their godhood. Though she continued to watch over her people. This had been the first realm to survive complete wipe out but at the cost of being ignorant to your love for them. Cymbalia is mainly stern and focused, and she also often stands up to other powerful gods, like the former : Alysia or Larbosa. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind and utter her words of judgement at any given situation, this trait isn’t appreciated by her older sister who considers her a stickler for the rules. Cymbalia speaks in a assertive tone to display her power to those around her, whether it be a younger sibling or a simple acolyte. She can get especially irritating when commanding people, blackmailing them into obeying her orders. Strangely enough, she favors souls that go against the rules to reach new lengths, people like Il Dottore who quite literally break the laws of life. Goddess of Harmony, Truth and Justice.
Rhymar was the fourth attempt, once again unsuccessful. It only inhabited dry land with no life whatsoever, Rhymar felt insanely bored and began creating their own creatures which unfortunately resulted in a never ending time loop. You tried to help your child but Rhymar ended up insisting on their plans pushing its boundaries so far that the realm began to close in on itself (this was when the multiverse was created, Rhymar controlled the essence of time within himself and could rewind any event they deemed unfruitful). Leaving you no choice but to rebirth them and have their being ascend into godhood as well. Rhymar is quite sarcastic and unfazed, they are more sassy than straightforward. This was shown when you once tried to cheer up Alysia by telling her that she was doing a wonderful job but Rhymar had a change of heart and instead commented with : “I’d say no.” making their older sister feel terrible. Unafraid of defying the rules simply because they feel like doing so, Rhymar was baptized as the troublemaker in the family. When needing to apologize for anything they are stubborn enough to refuse unless their mother comes to them, requesting otherwise. They're the youngest kid, the most chaotic and the god of God of abundance, fertility and foresight.
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