#cause they closed that shit down in 1917
dwreader · 1 year
From Fairplay to Azalea
if you're interested in set design this page has really cool images from the company that created concept art for the show. what's particularly noteworthy is this titled "fairplay revamp to azalea" where you see the transformation the space went through as it changed ownership from tom anderson to louis.
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when paired with the actual map of basin st. in which most of the luxury brothels were owned by women saved for the fairplay saloon owned by the real tom anderson, it gives us a fascinating look into louis's aspirations in buying that particular venue and altering it from 1910s mojo dojo casa house to the high femme second image. he had to pretend to be a tough guy on liberty street because it was rough and dirty but here?? his moral rationalization in ep2 about bringing people like brick with him to this higher end brothel on a street where mostly all the owners were women is perfectly reflected in the design evolution.
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Okay every answer HAS to mean something help me out
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Robespierre - a French Revolutionary, known as 'the incorruptible' who was the architect of La Terreur, the mass slaughter of 17k+ enemies of the revolution via guillotine (Henry)
Lab (obvious)
Plan (obvious)
Etiological - causing/explaining something via mythical terms OR causing or contributing to the development of a disease or condition (ie how Vecna talks about humanity?)
Barbara Streisand - no idea but released the song Kiss Me in the Rain in 1979, the year this crossword was done and also her 1976 album had this track list that's very El-coded (note the opening track: SUPERMAN)
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Sawfish - from the national geographic: the saws are both trackers and weapons. They're studded with small pores that allow the sawfish to sense the minute electrical fields produced by living things. Even in murky water, their prey cannot hide. Once the sawfish has found its target, it uses the 'saw' like a swordsman
Nagi - Japanese, calm/lull (before the storm?) Arabic, close friend, Polish, naked/bare (may be employed figuratively, as in naked truth)
Senga root (11 down) - milkwort (lmao) eastern North American plant having a terminal cluster of small white flowers and medicinal roots, to treat snakebite. Symbolises 'hermitage' (synonymous with 'lair', hiding/ reclusivity)
Rhine - a European river that acted as the crucial pathway into Europe for the Romans to set up strongholds in the days of their Empire and has the same origin as the English verb 'to run'
// Edit #1:
Big brained people thanking you:
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@likegoldintheair @skrittle-mix @zenon-karr
Shams could also refer to every character telling at least one plot-related lie in s4. Also means 'the sun' in Arabic.
Tsar - emperors of Russia up to 1917, and other slavic countries, derived from Caesar. Also used in the US and UK, the title "czar" is a colloquial term for certain high-level civil servants given dodgy jobs from the government to 'deal' with things (Brenner)
Edit #2: check the reblogs!
Barbara Stanwyck, an actress who has starred in movies such as California, the Night Walker, My Reputation, Forbidden, Cry Wolf and Golden Boy. Notably had a friendship with William Holden, who always wished she would get an Oscar. She received one after he died in a car accident and said:
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Edit #3:
Kalis - a double-edged sword (like sawfish), also Kali (Hindu goddess of death and destruction, and El's sister)
Yucca - a plant of the agave family with swordlike leaves and spikes of white bell-shaped flowers that are dependent upon the yucca moth for fertilization, also symbolic of new opportunities, loyalty, protection and purity
Rose apple - a tropical evergreen tree cultivated for its foliage and fruit, notably has poisonous roots and stems
Ariose - characterised by melody/songlike!
ASCII - some computer shit that allows them to talk to each other (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) notably: uses seven-digit binary numbers (there's that 7 again huh)
Fula - also Cuban slang (apparently) for a shady person who cannot be trusted
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ruckystarnes · 3 years
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A/N: Trying out my new pairing that I have been entertaining for the last few months. Now I am going to get this out of the way since this caused some issues a few weeks ago.
Yelena is ONLY confirmed asexual by Marvel and her character is HEAVILY contextualized to be aromantic, but that is not confirmed by Marvel, therefore, it isn't canon, and I am basing Yelena in my story on the canonic comic Yelena, who I know very well.
Asexual (and even Aromantic) people CAN have relationships, and can care for someone deeply. Relationships are not SOLEY based on sex. Ace and Aro is definitely a spectrum with different levels of attraction (have you heard of demi???) and reasons why a person would be in a relationship. You can find more about the Aro Spectrum here and Ace Spectrum here. Over all information can be found here
Now, after all that, if you don't want to read this, fine. Move along. This is fanfiction, it's taking a creative dive into an established story, and it's been going around for decades.
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Pairing: Yelena Belova / Bucky Barnes (Platonic)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: swearing
Words: 1,373
Square Filled/Daily Challenge/Prompt: U4 - Bed Sharing
Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
Summary: Yelena and Bucky use the same safe house in Chișinău, Moldova.
der'mo - shit!
zimniy soldat - winter soldier (duh LOL)
Solntsey- little sun
Brat, idi spat' - brother, go to bed
Idi - go
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Yelena could hear footsteps outside of the door that lead to the hallway of the building. She dropped the book she was half reading, her hand reaching for the Ruger she had in her lap and pointed it at the door as she moved from sitting on the floor to kneeling on one knee, the other leg poised for her to move. The door knob jiggled slightly before she heard the familiar lockpick tools at the keyhole. She took a deep and steady breath before giving the trigger a gentle squeeze, ready to shoot whoever came through the door. Grumbling followed the click of the lock; if there were words said, Yelena didn’t hear it. She waited on baited breath as the door opened, shaggy brown hair appearing around the wood. Wide blue eyes stared back at her.
“Der'mo! Belova. It’s me!”
Yelena cocked her head at the brunet who entered the small apartment, her own blue eyes narrowing at the person.
“Soldat,” she muttered, her gun still trained on the intruder.
“Belova, would you mind lowering that? I only have a lock pick in my hand.”
“Why would the zimniy soldat need a lock pick? You could just turn the knob and bam, you’re in.”
“Because I need a safe house? And stop calling me that. Barnes will do just fine. Bucky if you want to be friendly.”
Yelena rolled her eyes as she lowered the Ruger, but her finger was still on the trigger. “Friendly isn’t in my vocabulary, you should know that Barnes.”
Bucky gave her a shrug and closed the door, turning the lock back in place. “I would have thought that Nat’s sister would be a tad bit more welcoming,” he mused, tossing the backpack to the side. “So why are you in Chișinău?”
“That’s classified.” She watched him head to the tiny kitchen and opened the friend. “There’s nothing in there. You?” she called to him.
She could practically hear the smirk in the one word and it made her roll her eyes. She never understood why Natasha tolerated him. The thought of her sister made her heart ache with loneliness. She shook her head and moved back down to the ground, picking up her book again just as Bucky walked out of the kitchen with a granola bar in his right hand and a bottle of water in his left.
“Let me guess, Nat told you about this place?” he asked, mouth full of the stale cereal he found.
“How can you eat that?” She looked at him with knitted brows.
He looked down at the box, his shoulder lifting with indifference. “I was born in 1917...not much different than the food we had. Actually, I rather have this than half the foods I had during the depression. Ever tried a meatloaf without meat? Haven’t touched a raisin since I’ve got my mind back.” His gloved finger came up and tapped his temple. She watched him carefully, the gun she held at her side, but her finger was still on the trigger. He turned his back, not caring, and started to rummage around the kitchen
“I’m surprised you remember Natasha,” she called to his now disappeared form, “do you even remember me?”
There was silence. Yelena didn’t know if she struck a nerve with him or maybe he was planning on killing her anyway. Natasha said in her letters that the programming the KGB put into his brain was gone, but she was skeptical of a country that didn’t want anything to do with the world until it had a new king.
“There’s pieces that are still coming,” he finally spoke, his voice soft. “If I’d known that you were still in the Red Room, I would have came for you.”
Yelena scoffed and shook her head, her finger finally leaving the trigger.
“You and Natasha both believed that it was gone,” she stated, her voice wavering. She took a step back when he started to walk towards her. “She truly believed that she destroyed Dreykov and that place, but she didn’t. Did she tell you that?”
“She told me everything, solntsey,” he replied softly, a smile tugging at his lips, “the good and the bad, cliff notes versions really. Kind of busy trying to stop an alien force from wiping out worlds.”
“And we all know how that went,” Yelena glowered, her eyes shifting to the door. She wasn’t ready to have a sentimental talk with someone who she hadn’t seen in over two decades. “And I am not your solntsey, not anymore.”
“You and Natasha were the only light I had during that time, even if they made me forget each time.” His voice broke and when she looked at him, she could see the pain on his face.
“It was a long time ago, Barnes. We all came out of that with a lot of trauma and all that psychological bullshit people like to use to describe shitty pasts.” She set the gun down on the window ledge and leaned back against the wall. “Did you...you and Natasha…”
“I was snapped out before we could,” he replied sadly, “before that, I wanted all the programming out of my head, not wanting something she said to trigger the thing they created. She told me Dreykov had you and other girls under some kind of…” His finger circled next to his head. “...thing. Sucks, doesn’t it? Blindly following but have some sort of consciousness to know what you are doing but can’t control it?”
“So, you don’t know what happened to her?” Yelena asked softly, her eyes lowering to the ground.
“Steve told me.”
“That his buddy murdered Nat?”
“Murdered? God no, solntsey. I don’t know who told you that, but they’re wrong.” He looked her over, seeing how her body shifted, her breath becoming shallow. “Solntsey, are you the one that’s after Clint?”
“What makes you think that?” she defensively asked, her blue eyes narrowing on him.
“Why else would someone want Clint dead. Wait, nevermind. He’s a smartass. Someone else would get to him eventually,” he scoffed and took off his jacket. “As much as I love reconnecting, I’m tired. I assume there is only one sad excuse of a bed in there, so I’ll take the floor. Use to it anyway.” He threw the leather jacket to the floor, her gaze going to his black and gold arm.
“I see they gave you an upgrade,” she stated, pushing off the wall.
“Half the weight,” he mused, giving her a smirk as he sat down on the floor with a heavy sigh.
“You know, the bed is big enough for the two of us.”
“I already imposed on your safe house.”
“Brat, idi spat',” she groaned, “It’ll be like when I was ten and Varya had me sus-sous until I practically broke my ankle.
“You didn’t break your ankle,” he groused as he rolled his eyes. “Your toe broke and I promised Natasha to look after you when she was gone. And solntsey, you were ten then. I’m not going to share a bed with you.”
“Fine, take the bed now, and I’ll wake your ass when I get tired. You don’t have to sleep like an animal if there is a halfway decent place to sleep. You’re Bucky Barnes now, yes? Not some mindless weapon anymore? Idi, brat, I want to finish my book anyway.”
“You’re lucky you’re solntsey otherwise I would just lock you in that room,” he muttered as he got up off the floor and walked past her to the sorry excuse of a bedroom.
A car horn woke Bucky from his dreamless sleep, but when he went to turn, there was something against his back and draped over his midsection. It took only a second to realize that it was Yelena, wearing his jacket, face pressed against his back. It brought back the few times he was able to give her some solace from the Red Room before he was wiped. He smiled and shifted so he could be on his back, letting her sleeping form adjust as she needed, His flesh hand moving the flaxen locks away from her face.
“I got you solntsey,” he whispered.
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xsarcasticwriterx · 4 years
Wonderwall-part 3
Summary: While all of the avengers facility may be aware of your pregnancy there's someone else who also needs to know.
Pairing: Tony stark x reader x Bucky barnes
Warnings: swearing, Pregnancy shit, angst, 
Wonderwall masterlist
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It had been 2 weeks sense everyone found out you were pregnant including yourself. things were back to semi normal. Everyone was treating you like you'd break if things happened to fast and bucky and tony hadn't said a word to each other. Not that they ever actually did speak to each other but now its less than usual. Bruce banned you from going on missions which everyone agreed to. It was the only time tony and bucky had agreed on something so you grumbled and accepted it.
You were currently sat in the main lounge watching tv with your feet up on the table. You had to admit a 9 month break was awesome. you heard the door open and close. “Y/n?”  you heard tony call for you. “over here” you yell back. you see tony round the corner. “hey how are you feeling?” he asks sitting next to you.  “mmmmmm” you grumble closing your eyes. your head falls onto his shoulder. he laughs and you move your head to his lap putting your legs on the side of the couch. “hey so uh I was thinking.” he starts. you tilt your head looking up at him “wow that's a first you say.” you say laughing. 
Tony rolls his eyes. “sorry sorry go ahead what is it?” you ask. “Well sense things have calmed down here for the most part I was thinking of telling pepper. your going to be showing here soon and I just figured ya know” he says. you sit up “uh yea i mean obviously you'd have to tell her and sooner than later makes sense.” you said. “How and when you gonna tell her?” you ask. “Not quite sure. was thinking of taking her out ya know have her mood up before...” he trails off. 
“before shattering yalls whole world?” you say blatantly. Tony makes a face of nervousness. “sorry...just...honest when nervous.” you said messing with your fingers. “I’m sure it'll be fine...right?” you asked. tony shrugged. to be honest he wasn't sure of anything. He hoped she understood this was never intended and that the cause of it only happened because they felt so alone and hopeless.
You already felt sick but the nervousness of how pepper would react made it worse. You launched up running to the restroom hunching over and puking your breakfast out. you groaned and tony came over. he rubbed your back calmly “shh shh its ok” he said softly. you sat back looking at him “ugh i know im gonna love this little one when their born but my god does this suck” you grumbled. tony laughed and pulled you towards him. you laid your head on his shoulder. 
“hey i have an ultrasound next week they'll tell me how far along i am and we’ll see if the baby is healthy.” you said smiling. “that's amazing i'll definitely be there. Is bucky coming?” tony asked. you nodded “yea he's been really supportive actually i'm so happy he's been so ok with it” you say with a smile. “I hope pepper reacts similarly. you got lucky ya know with buck and all.” he says looking down. your smile fades “i know...really fucked this up...Bucky still loves me and I still love him its just....different, hes different.” it was true ever sense you told bucky he had been off. He cared for you and still held you close and kissed you but everytime he left he used to kiss you but this time he just says bye. Its usually in a neutral tone and anytime Tony comes around you can see him become pissed off. 
He cares for you and helps you with the side effects. Helps you with the morning sickness and cravings, dosent get angry when your mood changes every 2 seconds or when you watch sad movies and immediately fall apart. But hes still just...off. You knew he would stay and help but you wondered if things would be good again or if it'll only get worse when the baby is here.
“ok now” you start sitting up and walking to the bedroom, you sat on the bed and tony followed after. “tell me about the missions you know i gotta live through you now that i'm on house arrest” you say as tony sits next to you. “your pregnant not on house arrest last thing we needed was some dude giving you a sob story and you falling apart.” he said with a laugh. you hit his chest “uh huh sure that was why” you said. you moved and layed on the bed, tony laying next to you. “ok ok, the most recent a group tried to pull a major hack into a major bank” he said as you curled into his side. He spoke of how amazing it was to take them down. How steve and hom fought for control as usual. you laughed and smiled but over all you missed your team.
You missed being on missions, missed feeling included and missed the jokes and laughter and overall just missed being with them. you slowly fell asleep during his story. It was just so peaceful and nice you couldn't help it he was so warm and he was rubbing your back. Tony looked down at you and smiled, you looked so beautiful and at peace. Most days you held your guard up though it was falling more and more from your pregnancy. Moments like this you looked so vulnerable and at peace, he loved to just see you so...calm.
 Tony looked up as the door opened and bucky came in. Bucky saw you curled into tony's side and straightened up. He closed the door and looked back at you two. “hey” bucky whispered “hey” tony said back.
“I guess i should go” tony said ready to leave this awkward situation. “no no stay she hasn't gotten much sleep recently with worrying and ya know puking” bucky said walking to the couch and sitting. “im sorry” tony said “Really i am” tony wasn't sure on what to say but he knew he needed to say something, anything to fix this.
“I’m going to tell pepper tomorrow” tony said trying to make conversation. “Y/n tell you she has an ultrasound next week?” bucky asked. tony nodded “I wanted to come if thats ok” tony basically asked for permission. This was new for him he never asked to do anything but he felt like he was overstepping. “their your child of course its ok” bucky said. And with that it was back to silence
“Tony I’m going to ask you this once and i need you to be honest. Do you have feelings for her?” he asked. Tony was taken back by this. Did he have feelings for you? “no no of course not shes your girl.” tony said. bucky shook his head “not what i asked” bucky said. “No i dont i promise” tony said. bucky nodded with a small smile “ok, now on with that, how do you feel?” bucky asked. He felt relieved that tony didn't have feelings for her and it made it much easier to be around him knowing this.
“how do I feel? uh strange i guess. It's strange to look at her and know there's a human growing in there.” tony said. It was strange because she was starting to show slightly and knowing it was the start to a human a child that was his was strange to him. “yea i get what you mean its like you know there was going to be a child there but to see it happening is just something else.” bucky said. 
“yea...i also feel nervous you know, nervous of being a good father. My dad” tony started before looking up at bucky who had straightened up. They never talked of tony's father after word came out of bucky killing his parents. Not that tony talked of them much but it became nothing after the incident. tony looked at tony before looking back down at the bed. “anyways i guess over all else i'm happier than ever. I know i'll love this kid more than life itself so im just...happy.” tony said.
“how about you how do you feel?” tony asked. “happy i guess we talked of having a family before” he said. “what stopped you two?” tony asked hoping he wasn't pushing it. “Well being in the avengers and nearly dying on every mission mostly. then just us not sure on parenting not exactly like she had the best father and I was born in 1917 then when we finally decided to just do it....she went to space” he said looking up at tony. tony avoided his gaze looking anywhere but at bucky. he felt you turn in his arms and looked down seeing your eyes flutter open.
You looked up at tony and gave a soft smile before sitting up and seeing bucky. You looked between the two contemplating how no one got killed in the time you were asleep. “I should go now um guess i'll talk to you after i tell pepper” tony said to you. you nodded and smiled “sure don't get killed” you said before tony gave a small laugh and left. you looked at bucky “no one died” you said with a small smile. he laughed and nodded “nope no one died.” he said. “so does that mean things are ok again?” you ask. bucky nods “things are ok again” he said. you smiled “good” you wanted things to be the way they were where everyone could at least stand one another. where it felt like a family for those without one.
Later that night you sat on your bed watching tv while bucky and a few of the others were on a small mission. Anyone who wasn't on the mission was crashing from the last mission. You knew tony was going to tell pepper today which made you keep your phone on hand just in case. your phone dinged and you looked seeing a text from tony. “hide” was all it said. you of course not one to not listen when something says hide, hid in the secret spots you each had that no one other than you knew. It was originally in case bucky went all winter solider again but after that got fixed it simply became a spot incase some people attacked.
yours was a spot in the bathroom, figured it was least obvious, behind the toilet there's a small hole leading to a whole other room prepared with food and water and a bed that could last up to a month. you climb through still with your phone you text back “got it” and sat on the bed. Guess pepper didn't take it well.
You heard the front door slam and yelling. there was the sound of things being tossed around and door opening and closing, probably those who were sleeping and going to find out what the fuck was going on. You sat on the bed waiting and listening to the voices though it sounded like charlie brown teachers you could kind of tell by tone what was going on. Then you got a text from tony saying “come on out, don't worry steve and vision are down here so she won't kill you...or if she does you got back up” you sighed standing up and walking out.
You walked to the living room and saw pepper,tony,steve,vision all standing there pepper looked and stared you down. you slowly walked in “you” pepper said starting towards you. Steve moves in front lighting pushing her back. you hid behind steve “your ok” he whispered to you. “you absolute whore!” pepper yelled at you throwing glass at you. you screamed hiding behind steve fully. “we didn't know we'd be back!” tony yelled. “Pepper-” you wanted to apologize fix everything “No you shut the fuck up!” she yelled. you jumped back and steve put a protective arm around you.
“I don't want to hear it! Were done” pepper said “pep” tony said and pepper turned around slapping him. you moved from your spot by steve to tony. Pepper took the chance and slapped you. you stumbled back and tony grabbed your arm. “done” pepper said walking out slamming the door. steve moved to you “you ok?” steve asked. you felt tears brewing in your eyes. “guess its over” tony said. you pulled away and walked to your room curling up. A few minutes later there was a knock. “mmm” you grumbled. the door slightly opened.
steve came in and sat next to you “you ok?” he asked. you looked up at him and put your head in his lap “I just want to sleep” you grumbled. steve nodded and stroked through your hair. You fell asleep quickly and soon bucky came in. His face was washed in panic. “you heard?” steve asked. bucky nodded “is she ok?” he asked. steve shrugged “said she just wanted to sleep” he said. bucky nodded and sat next to you. “pepper broke up with tony” steve said. “figured” bucky said rubbing your arm. you curl up between bucky and steve. bucky's head rested back against the headboard and slowly fell asleep. steve wasn't sure on what to do so he just stayed stroking your hair as you fell asleep and looking at how at peace his best friend seemed for the first time in his life.
Tig tag list: @vicmc624​
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is-it-madness · 4 years
Metal Fingers
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A/N 1: This fic is for my lovely beta/bestie @wowjeena Heyyo, would you be up to writing a soulmate au with Bucky? You can choose which type of soulmate au but can you make the reader a normal person (so not an Avenger or anything related)?? Thanks girl and if you don’t wanna that’s chill 👉🏼👉🏼 So... it’s not exactly a soulmate au, but I hope this is okay instead ☺️💜💜 I’m also so sorry it took so long. I hope you like it, my dear.
A/N 2: The Bucky Barnes Exhibit states he was born in 1916, but at the bottom where it gives his life span, it says he was born in 1917. I googled it to find the correct year, and it said 1917… I don’t know what to do with that information, other than to tell you guys there’s a mistake in the movie. 
A/N 3: I apparently couldn’t make this a one shot, so it’ll be a multi part story. I’m aiming between 3-5 parts
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x single mom!reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.5k+
Part 1
A Fallen Comrade.
James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Born in 1916, Barnes grew up the oldest child of four. An excellent athlete who also excelled in the classroom. Barnes enlisted in the Army shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. After winter training at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, Barnes and the rest of the 107th shipped out to the Italian front. Captured by Hydra troops later that fall, Barnes endured long periods of isolation, deprivation and torture. But his will was strong. In an ironic twist of fate, his prison camp was liberated by none other than his childhood friend, Steve Rogers, now Captain America.
Reunited, Barnes and Rogers led Captain America’s newly formed unit, The Howling Commandos. Barnes’ marksmanship was invaluable as Rogers and his team destroyed Hydra bases and disrupted Nazi troop movements throughout the European Theater.
He knew these words. He read and reread them dozens— if not hundreds— of times. He wrote them down in every one of his notebooks as he was scrapping, searching for his memories that were just out of his reach. He could nearly taste them. They fluttered teasingly in front of him: close, but not close enough for him to snatch out of the air of uncertainty. 
He pulled a fresh notebook from his bag and a pencil, worried away from teeth and words. 
Start with what you know…
My name is James Buchanan Barnes. I was taken captive by Hydra and was used by them. I know a man named Steve. He was my friend.  
He trailed off. This is where he always was left floating in a sea of not knowing. He was left grasping for more. He was a starved man, empty without his memories. The few he managed to uncover did little to tide him over from insanity. He bit at that familiar indentation on his pencil, trying to think of something, anything at this point that was more than those four simple sentences he’s written everyday for the past several weeks. Sighing and pulling his baseball cap lower in frustration, Bucky returned his supplies to his bag, stood, and swung it over his right shoulder. Eyes low, and clutching his bag, Bucky made his way towards the exit of the crowded museum. Ever since the Potomac, this section of the Smithsonian was more packed than usual.
Nearly there. Nearly there. 
It was an understatement to say that Bucky Barnes didn’t like crowded areas. Too many bodies, pressing, and pushing against each other, loud noises, pointless conversations discussing mundane things. 
Nearly there. Nearly ther—
He wouldn’t have noticed the boy that ran into him if his bag hadn’t slipped from his hand, spilling out the contents onto the floor. Bucky hurriedly crouched to retrieve his precious memories. He barely registers the boy picking up the items that had strayed a bit further. 
“Here you go Mister! I’m sorry for bumping into you like that.”
Bucky silently takes his belongings back from the little boy standing in front of him. 
Bucky unintentionally begins to analyze him.
Probably seven or eight. Bright eyes. Tousled hair. Skinny. Doesn’t clear 100 pounds soaking.
He shakes his head. Stop. No more. 
“Whoa, cool! Metal fingers!!”
Bucky quickly retracts his fingerless-gloved hand.
The boy pulls his hand from his sweatshirt pocket. “Yours are cooler, but I have metal fingers too! Well, actually it’s a metal arm because the doctors had to get rid of my real one because I got hurt super bad, but I think it’s really cool.”
The boy said this all extremely fast, Bucky had to blink a few times to register what he had said. A compliment? For his hand? A hand that’s maimed, killed, and caused so many people to suffer?
“Uh… I… I have a metal arm too.”
The little boy’s eyes widened even more. He wasn’t sure what made him do it, but Bucky took off his glove and showed it to the boy.
He took Bucky’s hand in his and stared at it, looking back and forth at Bucky’s hand and his. Bucky stood there stiffly, unsure how to respond. The boy looked up at Bucky solemnly.
“Do you have super powers?” he whispered. 
Bucky couldn’t help but crack a smile at his seriousness, but before he could answer, a woman came running through the crowd.
The boy turned to give her a lopsided grin. “Hi Mom!”
“How many times have I told you to stay by my side, young man?”
The boy, Noah, dropped Bucky’s hand and took a step closer to the woman. “Sorry. But Mom!”
A raised brow silenced Noah. The woman looked up at Bucky.
“I’m so sorry if he was bothering you. He’s very social.”
Bucky forgot how to speak for a minute. The woman standing in front of him was… well, he’d never seen anyone as beautiful as her. Bright, sparkling eyes confirming where Noah got his from, a soft voice, and a sweet smile.
“Oh, uh, no. I mean, he is. I mean‒” When was the last time he had gotten tongue-tied?
Bucky cleared his throat, forced himself to try to ignore the sweet smile that was widening, and tried again. “He wasn’t bothering me. We were just talking about‒”
“His metal arm! Look at it, Mom!” Noah hurries back to Bucky’s side and holds his mechanical hand. “Look how awesome it is! And it’s huge!” He started poking Bucky’s upper arm and gasps. “And so are his muscles!! I bet he could crush anything!”
Noah began miming picking up heavy objects or crushing imaginary things, complete with sound effects. Bucky doesn’t miss Noah’s mother’s eyes widen slightly when Noah pointed out how massive his biceps are.
“Noah, honey, why don’t we go check out the exhibit?”
“Oh yeah! Let’s go, Mom!” He nearly takes off again before giving his mother a sheepish smile.
“What did you do?”
“I… I turned our map into a paper airplane.”
“And... it… flew out of my hands?”
“Mm hmm. I see. Well, I guess we’ll just have to come back another time.”
Noah gasps and clutches his mom’s hand. “No! Please Mom! Don’t do this to me!!”
Her laugh causes Bucky’s heart to skip a few beats, and it frustrates him that he doesn’t know why.
“Which exhibit are you looking for?”
Noah looks at Bucky and salutes. “We’re here to see the Mister Captain America exhibit.”
“I could take you guys there.”
What. On earth. Gave him that idea?!
“Woo! Let’s‒”
Noah’s cheer was cut off by his mother. “Oh, no that’s okay. I’m sure you’re busy and you probably have something to get to you.”
She’s right… Why did I even offer in the first place? I can’t‒
“It’s not a problem. I was heading over there right now actually.” 
Jesus! What’s wrong with me?
Noah grabbed his mother’s hand and followed Bucky to the famed exhibit.
“So, I take it Noah’s a fan of the Captain?”
The beautiful lady standing next to him nodded. “Yeah, Noah loves him; really looks up to him.”
“Makes sense, he’s a good guy.”
“Sounds like you’ve met him before.”
“You could say that.”
They were pulled away from their conversation when Noah ran up to them, grinning.
“Mom! Look how skinny Steve was! And, and his friend? Um… Bucky? Yeah! Bucky! He would always help Steve out because Steve would always get in fights! So Bucky would come and have to save him!” 
Noah then proceeded to animatedly tell his audience how Steve became the Captain and fought in the War. When he went to go read the display in front of Steve’s motorcycle, Bucky turned back to the woman.
“Is this his first time here?”
She nodded and smiled. “I promised I would take him when I had a day off. He’s been waiting for weeks.”
A pause.
“How ‘bout you?”
“What?” Damn that smile! He got distracted.
“I take it this isn’t your first time here?”
“No, ma’am.”
Her giggle caused his firm expression to slip into a small smile.
Bucky spent the rest of the afternoon showing Noah around. He learned that Noah and his mother had been in a terrible car accident two years before. The injuries Noah sustained to his right arm were irreversible, thus leading to an amputation, a prosthetic arm, and even though she didn’t say, expensive medical bills burdened on his mother.
When the museum closed, Noah was asking his mother when they’d be able to return.
“I’m not sure baby. How about next weekend?”
Noah did a little dance showing his affirmation. Then he looked at Bucky.
“Will you be here too, Mr. James?”
“Uh, yeah sure kid. I’ll be here.”
Noah fist pumped as his mother said goodbye to Bucky.
Holy shit. Holy shit! 
You had been trying to keep your cool ever since you found Noah with James. You were eating dinner and you still hadn’t gotten over him. That man was fucking stunning. Blue, blue eyes that were filled with such sorrow, a smile that made your insides flutter, and a deep voice you were willing to listen to for hours on end. Soft and sonorous. And he was so sweet and kind with Noah. That alone had you taking a liking to him.
“Mom?! Mom!”
“Oh— sorry, baby. What’s wrong?”
“Thanks for taking me to the museum.”
You ruffle his hair. “Thanks for being so patient for me.”
He smiles as he shovels pasta into his mouth. 
My Ride or Die:
@lehuka123 @thejournalman @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @rebloggingeverything @just-the-hiddles @confetti-its-an-imagine-blog @thehumanistsdiary @fanfictionaries @astheworlddturns @bbarnestan @buckyfan12
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anxiousstark · 4 years
S1 04 | Lunatic
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 1917
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, blood, swearing (always).
A/N: I’m sorry but this chapter is just a ‘filler’. We need this chapter for future things. I will let you all know that as chapters get published, there will be more action. For now, Season 2 is my favourite one. But the following chapters of Season 1 start getting quite interesting.
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The next day, Scott and Stiles decided to go back to school, while I concluded I wasn't ready. Not yet. I felt rare, something was going on, and I didn't know what.
I was relaxing in the living room. Melissa had tried to start a conversation with me. You know, even though she was the one who decided to let me stay here, I think every time she glanced at me, she saw me as a product of her lover cheating on her with another woman. I couldn't hate her for that because it was true. I'm sure she asked herself how was he able to maintain two different lives. At the end of the day, Scott and I were the same age.
We hear the door opening.
"Stiles." I chuckled while looking at him from the brown couch.
"Key!" Melissa exclaimed when she saw the object in his hand.
"Yeah. I had one made, so-"
"That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me." She grinned while Stiles let his bag fall to the ground. It made some unusual and loud noises when it touched the ground. "What is that?"
"Uh, school project."
"Mmm, Stiles. He's okay, right?"
"Who? Scott? Yeah. Totally."
"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to." My eyes got teary when I overheard her words. I wanted to miss my mom. But she wasn't like Melissa, and she wouldn't be like her, she was never worried about me. She never cared about our the emptiness in our fridge. She cared about that white cupboard, on the right side of the kitchen that was filled with alcohol. Nor did she care about going to jail, four times a year.
Scott was lucky because he had one parent. I didn't.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, um. Okay, uh. Be careful tonight."
"You, too."
Melissa went to work, letting us know that there were some leftovers in the fridge. Stiles grinned, sitting down on the couch next to me.
"You didn't come today." He left his bag fall to the ground. "Was it because of yesterday?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Kind of." I sighed. "I also felt like I needed to rest, and Melissa told us that we could stay home if we wanted to." I sneezed, looking at his bag. "What's there? I'm sure that's not for a school project."
He grinned, opening the bag. "Today is the day you get to know what is going on." He made a gesture with his head. I looked inside the box which contained chains. "It's for Scott."
My eyes traveled to him. "Uhm." The Hazel-eyed boy was looking at me with a big smile on his face. "Are you guys like..." I coughed a little. "Are you guys into some kind of dominant-submissive relationship?"
His face changed completely, and he made a gesture like he was going to puke. "Iugh. No." He was lost in his thoughts for a moment. "I just pictured that. Thank you so much for putting such a...picture inside my head." He shivered while I chuckled. "Let's go upstairs. When Scott comes home we will explain."
I nodded, getting up from the couch, Stiles following me. I started climbing the stairs when I was interrupted by one of his inquiries. "I hope that at least you thought I was the dominant one."
"Stiles!" I yelled while laughing.
He opened the door to Scott's bedroom while I searched for the switch with my hand to turn on the light. When I did, both of us jumped as we got scared by Scott sitting down on his chair. "Oh, my God! Dude. You scared the hell out of me. Your mom said you weren't home yet." Stiles let the bag fall again to the ground while I examined Scott's face.
"I came in through the window." How the fuck did he do that?
"Okay. Uh, well, let's get this set up. I want you to see what I bought."
"I'm fine. I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight."
"You sure about that? 'Cause you've got this kind of serial killer look going on in your eyes, and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect, 'cause it's really starting to freak me out."
Scott slowly kneeled on the floor, his eyes examining his best friend, sometimes gazing up at me. He grabbed the chains, tightening his grip on them. "You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?"
"Actually, no." Stiles threw himself at Scott. He had stolen one of his dad's handcuffs, and he had used it to handcuff Scott to the heat in his room.
"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" I murmured while my eyes scanned both boys, and my mind tried to comprehend what was going on.
"I'm protecting him from himself." He gazed at Scott. "And giving you some payback - For making out with Lydia." I glanced at him, his eyes were teary. It was obvious to assume that he had a crush on Lydia. You could see how his attention was on her all the time. The way he blushed when someone talked about her, and the way he hated himself for not being Jackson. Stiles was an open book. Did Scott kiss his best friend's crush? Damn, he is worse than I thought he was.
I was keeping an eye on Scott while Stiles went downstairs. I was going through some of the comics that were in his room. "He never wanted a daughter." I rapidly looked at my half-brother. "He never wanted a daughter, you know. I asked for a little sister and he told me that daughters were way too much trouble." He smirked. His eyes were darker, and for some reason, I knew that wasn't Scott. Something was going on, and I needed to know what.
"It's okay." I got up from his bed, leaving the comic in its place.
"You don't care?" He smirked devilishly. "I'm sure you care about your dad not loving you. Not wanting you."
"I don't care." I sought to look strong. "He didn't want a daughter, and I didn't want a father. But sadly, we can't decide that and we share the same fucking blood." I got a little closer to him, my eyes burning his. "But I have news for you too, motherfucker." He grinned, licking his lower lip. "If he left, he didn't want you neither," I smirked.
The grin that was previously on his face disappeared. He tried to set himself free from the cuffs, I could feel the anger. I could feel that he wanted to grab me due to what I had said.
"I brought you some water." Stiles returned to the room with a dog bowl that had the name 'Scott' written on it.
He left the bowl on the floor, but Scott threw it at him when we were going to leave the room. "I'm gonna kill you!"
"Go wait outside, please," Stiles begged with his eyes.
"He is being an asshole," I answered, and he nodded. I remembered what the sheriff had told me about boys needing their own space too. I went out of the room and waited outside. I didn't want to go too far in case something would happen.
"You kissed her, Scott, okay? You kissed Lydia. That's, like, the one girl that I ev- and, you know, the past three hours, I've been thinking, it's probably just the full moon, you know, he doesn't even know what he's doing, and tomorrow, he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend."
"She kissed me," Scott replied in a calming manner.
"What?" I could hear his voice crack, and I bit my lower lip.
I walked closer to the door, deciding to go inside the room. "Stiles, just...just come out. Don't listen to him."
"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me." Now, it was Stiles who bolted around, leaving the room after hearing those words. But I stayed. "She would have done a lot more, too. You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me." He raised his voice, knowing that Stiles was just outside the room.
I was getting mad. I didn't understand why he was being such a shitty friend towards the other boy. "Shut the fuck up." I clenched my jaw.
"She would have done anything I wanted. Anythi-" I didn't let him finish when my closed fist came in contact with his mouth. Scott looked at me angrily, he tried to grab me, but Stiles had come back to the room, grabbing me so Scott wouldn't touch me.
"D-did you punch him?" He asked while studying my red fist. His fingers caressed my red knuckles.
"He deserved it," I muttered. "I couldn't fix his uneven jaw tho," I smirked while looking back at Scott. He mumbled something about me being a bitch.
Stiles beamed, still stroking my knuckles. "Thank you."
Not even a couple of minutes later, Scott had started to scream and my eyes searched Stiles's ones, craving an answer. We opened the door to see Scott on the floor, being pushed down by Derek. Both of them had hair around their faces, and their eyes had changed. Claws, they had claws. My mind went back to the video store, that same day Stiles had asked me if I was sure what I had seen was a bear. He asked me if there was any possibility of it being a wolf.
"Wh-What the heck?" I started walking backward. Scott and Derek glanced at me.
"You haven't told her yet?" Hale asked as he continued to hold down Scott. "Have you ever heard about werewolves, sweetheart?"
"First of all," I swallowed. "You are hot but don't call me sweetheart. Second of all, yes, I have heard of them. Only in books and shit like that. What is going on? Is this a joke or some type of roleplay or-."
Stiles grasped my hand. "They are werewolves." He sighed. "I know, it's crazy to understand." I didn't understand at first either and I made fun of your bro-, of Scott. But it is true." Stiles glanced at the window where the light of the moon was caressing Scott's skin. A full moon.
My mind was going crazy. I normally wouldn't believe something like this, but what about the video store? What happened last night at school? And, how did Jackson talk in my mind by the end of the day?
"Sit down. They are going to explain how everything happened. How Scott became a werewolf." Derek ordered. I sat down on Scott's bed, my legs shaking, Stiles noticed because he hadn't let go of my hand while he sat down next to me. Derek Hale walked closer to me, his eyes looking deep into mine. "And I'm going to explain something to you," Derek started. "I'm gonna explain that I don't know what you are. But you aren't human anymore."
My heart started beating loudly, and it seemed like Scott had come back to himself. "What?" He looked between Derek and me.
"She smells like a human," Derek stated, his eyes never leaving mine. "But there's another smell coming from her. Something I have never smelt before."
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards​ - @cas-loves-pizza​ - @used-avocado​ - @mvrylee​ - @bilesxbilinskixlahey​ - @honeydoll-stark​ - @arieltheworldisamess​ - @softpeteparker​ - @kit-kat-katie99​​ - @thatsuperherosidekick​ - @bexbetterxthanxwords​ - @big-galaxy-chaos​​ - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer​ - @coldfreakeggsexpert​ - @merla123​ - @sammypotato67​​ - @weirdowithnobeardo​ - @maggiesblogsblog​ - @itskindyl​​ - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana​​ - @multifandxm353​​ - @irwxnhugsx​​ - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek​​ - @andreagf956 - @niawoods​​ -
People in black means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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supercalvin · 4 years
Hey quick reminder that you’re fantastic and here’s a fun merthur prompt! 20’s-30’s au where Arthur and Merlin were in the same platoon in the great war and got really close ((but just as friends)) and then afterwards they get separated and only meet again years after the war’s ended. What I’m thinking is a fic about the years to come as they grow close again, best of mates really, with lots of pining and eventually succumbing to their feelings and yeah, bonus points for slow dancing :-)
You have no idea how much I love this prompt. Do you know how much I love WWI AUs??? I do too much research and start thinking too much about it, which is a problem, so I will be trying to write this as quickly as possible to avoid intense research on WWI injuries and what kind of rum they drank in the trenches. And if it wasn’t obvious, watch 1917. What are you doing?? Go watch it.
Prompts + Ficlets
Arthur was honorably discharged in 1916. Like most of his fellows, it had been a simple bullet. The blasted things were so small and yet they caused such damage.
Arthur remembered not feeling much of anything for a long while. They had been running, trying to get to safety (always running, because it was either that or sitting on their asses freezing their arses off in the bunkers). It hadn’t been until they had skidded into the abandoned church that Arthur realized the sting was more like a burning and that it was tearing through his entire arm.
“Shit,” Arthur had hissed as his knees had crumpled.
He remembered how Merlin’s frantic hands had tied off a tight tourniquet around Arthur’s bicep. At the time Arthur had thought of it was a lost cause. He had breathed out heavily, telling Merlin to tell his sister that he was sorry. There had been so much blood and Merlin was covered in it.
Then Merlin had slapped his face a few times, but Arthur didn’t remember much else. Only Merlin’s voice screaming his name.
Later the nurse in the field tent had told Arthur that another solider had carried Arthur across German territory all night and day to get him back to safety.
That had been the last Arthur had seen of Merlin.
Arthur was shipped off to England almost immediately.
He stayed at the soldier’s hospital for weeks, even after he had recovered. The old manor had been converted to a war hospital and he often found himself wandering the grounds looking around the calm surroundings and feeling nothing.
He had been sitting at a bench, looking at nothing, when Morgana had found him.
She had been working as a nurse at another manor-turned-hospital and had found out he had been here for weeks without having told anyone.
“Arthur,” She knelt in front of him, catching his attention away from nothing.
They hadn’t seen each other in years and yet all Arthur could feel in that moment was anger at her for having found him.
“No hello, for your sister?” She teased, but there had been tears in her eyes. So unlike his courageous older sister and it tore something in him.
“How’d you find me?”
“Arthur,” Her tone shifted to testy.
He felt scolded and looked away from her.
She sat down on his left side, and he felt anger and relief all at once. She took his left hand in her own and squeezed it almost painfully tight. He squeezed back.
He felt his right arm twitch, as if it too wanted to squeeze, but it was nothing but a ghost. There was nothing left besides a scarred stump just under his shoulder.
“A party, you know,” Morgana gestured, “Music. People. Wine. Entertainment.”
Arthur rolled his eyes and poured her another glass of port. In the five years since Arthur had lost his right arm, he had gotten much better at using his left hand for everything. He could pour drinks, which was close to a miracle, but his writing was still atrocious.
Despite five years of adjustment, Arthur still wasn’t as able to go out and socialize the same way his sister did. She seemed to understand more than most, having seen the trauma first hand at the hospital, but that didn’t mean she didn’t push him to get out more.
Like usual, Morgana had gotten her way and dragged him out to the local dance hall for music and drinks. That was how it happened.
Arthur had turned to see a familiar profile. He had thought he had seen him in a hundred different places. Had seen a dark hair across the hospital. Had seen a young man across the street. Had heard a cheerful laugh in a crowd.
This time the young man had turned and when he caught sight of Arthur, he hadn’t turned away. His eyes focused with recognition. Arthur was walking across the crowded dance hall before he knew what he was doing.
It took Arthur a few seconds to recognize what was different about Merlin. The left side of his face was a bit mottled and his left eye was a lighter blue than his right. Mustard gas. Arthur recognized it immediately.
“Arthur,” Merlin said, looking just as breathless as Arthur felt.
Unlike his fellow, Arthur couldn’t get the nerve to speak. He only was able to fall into Merlin, wrapping his one arm around Merlin’s shoulder, gripping the collar of Merlin’s rumbled brown jacket. Merlin’s arms wrapped around Arthur’s ribs, squeezing the rest of Arthur’s breaths out of his lungs.
“God, they told me you made to England, but I was never sure…” Merlin’s voice cut off and Arthur was grateful. He wasn’t sure he could explain to Merlin that he had been terrified that Merlin had died in the war, one of the hundreds of men missing in action.
Arthur could never explain how he had missed Merlin more than he missed his arm.
Years later, Merlin had slipped back into his life as if he had always been there. They fit into each other’s life surprisingly well. Merlin was working as a nurse at a clinic close to the Pendragon Manor. They spent all their free time together. Morgana said they would turn into those bachelor old men who sat at pubs and ignored everyone but each other. Arthur secretly didn’t find this to be an insult.
When they walked through the park, Merlin always stood on Arthur’s left because Merlin didn’t like having Arthur where he couldn’t see him (his left eye could only see formless shapes) and Arthur didn’t like having another on his right side, where he could still feel phantom tugs on his right arm.
One evening they went back to Arthur’s manor, and spent the evening drinking brandy in the library. It was Arthur’s favorite room, not because he cared much about reading, but because Merlin liked to spend hours amongst the books, reading out passages to Arthur as he went over the estate’s books.
Now they had discarded their coats, ties, and even shoes, as they listened to the old grandfather clock toll out twelve o’clock. At some time in the evening Merlin had discovered the gramophone in the corner and had started going through all the records Morgana had collected over the years.
“Do you remember this one?” Merlin asked as he placed the needle.
Arthur made a vague humming noise. Merlin took that to mean he did and started talking about how it played on the radio in the spring of 1916. Arthur did not remember it, but he loved watching Merlin talk and loved the fact that Merlin didn’t mind when Arthur became too quiet.
Arthur had never been much for thinking, unlike Merlin. He was more a man of action.
Arthur stood, his bare feet padding softly across the rug.
Merlin’s brow raised. His left brow didn’t move, the scarring preventing most of the left side of his face from moving. Although he still smiled just as wide as he always had when they were just naïve twenty-year-old soldiers. Now they were thirty, a little bit scarred, and much more cautious, but Arthur still wanted Merlin by his side as much as he had back then.
Arthur stepped into Merlin’s space and watched Merlin’s right eye move over his face rapidly.
Arthur’s left arm reached out and took Merlin’s hand so that it came to rest tentatively on his right side. Then Arthur took Merlin’s right hand and guided Merlin into a slow dance. It wasn’t much of a dance, besides a shuffle of feet back and forth. Merlin’s bare feet shuffled against Arthur’s before he figured out what was happening.
Merlin stepped a little closer until they were cheek-to-cheek. Arthur did not miss the fact that Merlin had pressed his left side to Arthur’s face. Arthur closed his eyes, reveling in the level of trust.
Merlin’s hand slipped into the dip of Arthur’s back. Their feet shifted from a slow dance, to swaying back in forth, their feet hardly moving at all.
“Merlin,” Arthur’s throat clicked.
Merlin nudged Arthur’s nose with his own, a small smile on his lips. No words were really needed. Not after knowing each other for so long and after all they had been through together.
Arthur pressed a short kiss on the side of Merlin’s mouth, readjusting after a moment to properly tilt into him.
“Love you,” Merlin said, as if he had always said it. As if they said it every night. As if this wasn’t the first time Arthur had so much as acknowledged this growing feeling inside his chest, let alone labeling it.
Arthur wrapped his arm around Merlin’s neck, pulling him in again and deciding that his actions had always spoken louder than words.
Prompts + Ficlets
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dean-charleschapman · 5 years
The Weight
Dean-Charles Chapman x Reader
Requested: Yes / No
Summary: A sad Dean comes home from filming and you comfort him
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, 1917 spoilers!
Word count: ~1.5
A/N: My first ever fic! Please send me requests/feedback!
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Take a load off, Fanny
Take a load for free
You startle at the sound of your phone ringing, an instinctive smile curling at your lips as you hear the familiar tune of The Weight by The Band playing from your pocket.
“Hey, love! How goes the filming?” you answer Dean’s call brightly, smiling into the receiver as you relax against the couch.
“Pretty good, but I feel like I haven’t seen you in days,” he replies, a pout evident in his voice.
“You saw me this morning, silly,” you giggle.
It did feel as if the two of you hardly spent any time together anymore; the preparation for 1917 had taken longer than either of you had thought, and now that filming had begun, you rarely saw Dean during the day.
“I’ll be home early tonight, the weather’s shit so we can’t film much. It’s lovely outside, no clouds for miles. Absolute shit,” Dean chuckles quietly on the other end and you grin in response, forgetting that he can’t see your smile.
“I’ll try to be awake when you get home, but no promises,” you reply, crossing your legs and propping your feet up on the small coffee table in front of the couch.
“No worries, darling. I probably won’t be able to make it five minutes home without passing out,” he says, and you can hear the exhaustion in his voice.
You both pause, just enjoying each other's presence, speaking becoming unnecessary as you sigh into the phone. You hear muffled voices on Dean’s end, and a hushed reply as he tries to convince Sam to give him a few more minutes with you. You smile and wait for his reluctant goodbye. 
“I hate to cut this short, but duty calls...I’ll see you tonight.”
“Bye, love. Good luck finding some clouds,” you say, smiling as you hear both Dean and George’s laugh.
“I love you,” he says softly, as if trying to have one last moment with you away from the crew and cast.
“Love you more, D.”
You hang up, leaning your head back against the couch and feeling around for the TV remote. You might as well try to fill the time until Dean gets home. You flick through the channels and settle on an Our Planet special about exotic birds, letting yourself relax completely into the cushions. Before you know it, you’re fast asleep, the soothing voice of David Attenborough clouding your mind as colorful feathers float across the screen.
A quiet shuffling from the front hall causes you to wake up, and you slowly open your eyes to the blue shadows of evening. A warm yellow light filters in from the front door, and you realize that Dean has arrived home. A lazy smile settles over your face as you pull yourself off of the couch and make your way to the hallway to greet him.
“Hey lovie, you’re still up,” he speaks softly as he sees you approaching from the living room, still wrapped in a blanket that you had tangled yourself in during your nap.
“Mmhm,” you sigh, wrapping your arms around his torso and closing your eyes, letting his scent wash over you. He exhales into the embrace, placing his chin in the crook of your neck as he sways slightly with you in his arms.
“Missed you all day,” he murmurs into your hair, placing a kiss to your neck.
“Missed you too,” you breathe, pulling him in tighter as you feel his smile against your skin.
“Sorry if I woke you up. You still tired?” he asks, pulling back slightly to look down at you with warm eyes.
“A bit, though I took a nap so I’m not sure how successful I’ll be falling asleep again,” you reply, resting your head against his chest. You can feel his steady heartbeat from under his sweatshirt, and you focus on the lulling sound.
“Well I’m knackered. Feels like I haven’t slept in years,” he groans, letting his arms loosen around you as he makes his way to the kitchen.
“How was shooting? Any clouds?”
“Yes actually, we had a stroke of luck when the wind picked up, so we got to shoot a few scenes. Filmed one of the hardest ones today,” he says with a slight frown that doesn't go unnoticed by you.
“Yeah?” you reply, waiting to see if he’ll elaborate.
“Yeah, it was exhausting. One of the longest takes we’ve ever done, and really emotionally taxing,” he huffs out a laugh to lighten his words, but you can tell that it’s forced.
“Everything ok, love? You seem stressed,” you purse your lips, looking knowingly into his eyes.
He runs a hand through his hair and looks away, leaning against the countertop. “M’fine, just tired,” he brushes you off, his shoulders tense.
“I know you, Dean. I can tell when you’re upset.”
“I'm not upset, just...a little shaken I guess,” he replies, eyes closing as he rubs his face.
“What happened?” you ask with slight concern, coming around the counter to his side.
“Nothing, don't worry love. Blake can be tough sometimes, that’s all,” he turns to you, still leaning against the table as he tries to put on a smile.
“I can’t imagine what it’s like to have to be a soldier, even in a movie,” you look into his eyes, trying to pick out his emotions.
Dean stays silent for a moment, just looking back at you with sharp, blue eyes.
“It was Blake’s death scene. We filmed it today,” he finally speaks, his voice low as he continues to fiddle with his hair.
You reach a hand up to stop him, smoothing out his brown curls and giving him a sympathetic look. You know how attached he is to the character, you had seen his reaction when he had first read the script for 1917, and you can tell he doesn’t want to let him go.
“It was odd, you know. We’d all rehearsed everything for months, but at the end of the scene, I just couldn’t stop crying.” He tilts his head to meet your gaze again, emotion swimming in his eyes.
You give him a sad smile, reaching for his hands. He wraps them around yours, his grip firm and soft, and you give his fingers a squeeze.
“That’s understandable, darling. It’s a sad story,” you comfort him. 
“I think I just need a break. I don’t know why this is affecting me so much.” His voice wavers as he furrows his brows, trying to hide the tears welling in his eyes.
You feel your throat tighten up just from his broken expression, and you fight to stay composed so you can comfort him.
“It’s because you love Blake. And dying like he does...I don’t know how you do it,” you shake your head, watching Dean blink back fresh tears.
Dean nods and swallows thickly, stepping closer to you. You open your arms for him and he accepts the hug gratefully.
You stroke his back as he takes deep breaths against you, pressing a kiss to his temple. You hold him like that for a few moments before gathering yourself and breaking the silence.
“It’s ok to be upset about it, you know. I’m sure I’ll be a right mess when I see it,” you say softly, moving your face to rest your lips by his ear.
“Why don’t we go to bed now, alright?” you whisper.
“Yeah,” Dean sighs, his breathing steadier as he releases you from the tight hug.
You follow him to the bedroom, watching the heavy drag of his feet as you turn off the hallway lights and let the dark haze of night cast vertical shadows on the walls.
You don’t bother putting on pajamas and climb into bed wearing just your t-shirt, slipping under the comforter next to Dean who is already lying down with his eyes closed.
You turn to face him and he opens his eyes, weary and hooded with sleep. He blinks slowly and smiles at you, using his arm to pull you into him so that your head rests against his shoulder and his arm wraps snugly around your waist.
“Thanks,” he whispers, and you tilt your head up to meet his tired gaze.
“For what?”
“For being you.”
“Anytime,” you grin, your reply almost drowned out by a yawn.
He shakes his head, “I mean it. Thank you for always listening and caring. Most people wouldn’t.” 
“I’ll always listen. And of course I care, I love you,” you murmur against his chest, shuffling your body closer to his so that you are pressed completely against him.
“I love you too,” he says softly, his thumb rubbing your hip gently beneath the covers.
“Goodnight, D,” you yawn again, throwing an arm over his chest and placing your hand over his heart.
“Goodnight,” he breathes out, his hand coming up to rest over yours as he places a kiss on the top of your head.
It feels as if a weight is pulling at your lids as you attempt to take one last loving look at Dean before drifting off to sleep, feeling warm and safe with his arms around you.
That night, you dream of brightly colored birds.
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thefactsofthematter · 5 years
angst request: two lovers have been fighting to reunite for years. when they finally make it to each other, one is dying.
ohhhhhh boy. this request just spoke to me and oh my GOD this had me in genuine tears at the end and i’m the one writing it so,,, watch out y’all
post-canon, wwi era; javid; 2k; warning: gunshot wound, medical talk + hospital setting, major character death
When Davey sees Jack again for the first time in years, he doesn't even recognize him.
It's hard to believe it's been a whole ten years since Davey moved to Boston for school, and since Jack finally hopped on a train to Santa Fe. They went their separate ways, as even the best of friends or closest of lovers tend to eventually do. They meant to keep in touch— they really did— but none of the letters Davey wrote ever made it to Jack, or even to the mailbox for that matter.
He told himself it was because he didn't know Jack's new address, but maybe he was simply too heartbroken to bother reaching out.
"I'll be home every summer, and it's just for four years. If you think about it, that's not even very long."
Jack had just sighed and stared down at the train ticket in his hands. It had been hard enough, Davey doing his undergraduate's degree, here in New York. They never seemed to have any time for each other, and it was getting harder and harder to keep their relationship a secret. Now, with Davey headed all the way to Boston to go to medical school, things were bound to be even worse.
"So if you wanna go away and live your dream, it's fine, but when I wanna do it, I'm the bad guy?" The note of bitterness in Jack's voice had seemed insincere, as if he couldn't bring himself to actually be mad. "Maybe I'll only go for four years, then. We'll both come back to New York and find each other. If we write enough letters, maybe it'll be like we were never even apart."
Davey had just forced himself to laugh softly, while leaning into Jack's side to try and revel in every moment, as surely it'll be the last time they hold each other like this.
"Yeah, you're right." A lie. "We'll see each other again, I'm sure." Another lie. "I’ll love you forever, darling." Nothing but the truth.
The last place Davey expects to run into Jack is in a military hospital in France, in the midst of the Great War.
They hadn’t thought the war was going to be this long. When Davey had volunteered to go overseas as an army doctor, fairly early on in the war, the general consensus was that it surely wouldn’t last more than a few months. Now it’s 1917– Davey hasn’t seen his family in two years and the fighting just keeps barreling on. Every day, there’s a constant stream of young soldiers being carted in from the front lines with horrific injuries, and every day Davey has to put on a brave face and try to save their lives.
Jack isn’t the first of the newsies to come in— Davey has seen a handful of old friends and it’s bittersweet every time. The reunion is sometimes pleasant, but always difficult nonetheless: Albert had been missing an arm, Finch had been in agony from mustard gas burns, and the worst of it… Davey had been the one to call Elmer’s time of death. It was horrible and he hopes to never see another familiar face within these walls.
He’s jerked out of his thoughts by the wail of an ambulance drawing near outside— his two-minute coffee break is over and it’s time to jump back into action. He has mere moments to collect himself before the doors are slamming open and his world is back to chaos.
“Shot in the abdomen, already infected,” says one of the travelling field nurses, as they roll the patient in and Davey hurries to match their stride. She’s got a strong French accent and he struggles to make sense of what she says next— something about a fever and gangrene and septic shock, which makes Davey incredibly nervous.
“He’s in good hands,” is all he can think to reply with, as the resident hospital nurses take over and the field nurses head back out. He’s still fumbling to get his gloves on as they enter the operating room and he’s suddenly the one in charge.
Debridement, antisepsis, pack the wound. The three steps of trauma surgery are on a loop in Davey’s head as he takes in the situation.
“General anesthesia,” he orders. He can’t tell if the young man is actually conscious or not until a nurse’s hand gets too close to the bloody mess in the middle of his abdomen and there’s a quiet a groan of pain. “Start cutting his clothing away and cleaning around the wound.”
A fever. The field nurse had mentioned a fever, so he presses the back of his hand to the soldier’s forehead and winces at the heat that radiates from it. Shit.
That means the infection must be spreading, and she was probably right about sepsis, meaning as hard as they try, they might not be able to save him and—
He doesn’t even notice the patient’s eyes snapping open and staring up at him.
It’s hardly above a whisper and Davey almost doesn’t hear it. There’s a nurse about to put a mask over the soldier’s nose and mouth to put him under, but Davey quickly raises a hand, telling her to wait.
He watches the soldier’s face for a long moment, and then everything falls into place.
“Jack…” he whispers. “Oh god…”
Everyone has paused to watch them— his assistant and the two nurses— but Davey can’t stop himself from reaching out to carefully touch Jack’s face.
He’s changed— of course he has. They were hardly even adults yet when they last saw each other, and now they’re in their thirties. Jack had always liked his hair a bit long and messy on the top of his head, but he’s now got a close-cropped army cut, already greying just a little at the temples. His face is dirty and worn, but Davey can’t help but notice the smile-line wrinkles starting to form. At least that means he’s been happy in their decade apart.
This can’t be real. It can’t. There’s no way his first (and only) love is lying here on his goddamn operating table, dying of an infected bullet wound. Ten years apart and this is how they reunite… it isn’t fair.
“Remember when I told you I was gonna be a doctor someday?” he finally says, because it’s all he can do to keep from crying. Jack looks entirely disoriented, but he manages to crack a confused almost-smile at that. “You’re gonna be okay, Jackie. I’ve got you.”
And then he nods to the nurse, that she can go ahead and put Jack under, and he shoots a stern look to his assistant, a young doctor-in-training, telling him to keep working on the initial sterilization of the area around the bullet hole.
He’s gonna save Jack Kelly’s life, god damn it.
The surgery, miraculously, is a success.
The infection was somewhat milder than it had initially seemed, and Davey had managed to cut away minimal amounts of tissue and leave Jack relatively intact. Sure, he’s got a gaping wound packed with antiseptic-soaked gauze, but he’s alive and breathing with working organs, so Davey supposes he did his job.
It’s now a matter of hoping that Jack’s body can fight off what remains of the infection without going into shock— there’s nothing any doctor can do for him now.
It takes a couple of days before Davey has a free moment long enough to figure out where Jack’s bed is and actually have time for a visit. His shifts are back-to-back-to-back and he hardly gets a wink of sleep, but he finally manages to set aside some time in the afternoon for personal matters.
Jack is sleeping when Davey arrives. He’s in a room full of patients but his bed is tucked away in a corner, which at least affords them an illusion of privacy. Davey can’t help but check him for a fever, and his heart sinks a little when he realizes that Jack is burning up even worse than when he’d come in and sweating buckets. He carefully checks his pulse and winces at just how quick it is.
“Jack?” he whispers, trying to shake Jack awake as gently as possible. Slowly, his eyes peel open. “Hey… how are you feeling?”
Jack blinks several times and frowns in confusion, staring up at Davey. He seems out of it, as one might expect with being this sick and all. Davey can only hope he’ll at least be recognized.
“Dave…” Jack finally mumbles. “Am I dead? Are you… are you an angel?”
Davey can’t help but laugh softly as he takes a knee to get down closer to Jack’s level.
“No, no, it’s really me. You’re in the hospital— you got hurt pretty bad out there. Not really the best place to run into each other after all this time, is it?”
Jack sort of laughs, but doesn’t seem to have the energy for it. He smiles, at least, and Davey feels just as smitten as he did when he was seventeen.
“I’ve missed you,” sighs Jack, reaching weakly for Davey’s hand. He speaks slowly and somewhat slurred, but at least he’s conscious. “You… you said you were gonna be a doctor. Look at you— smart fella, I always knew it.”
There’s a lump in Davey’s throat as he takes Jack’s hand— it’s cold, another sign that his body isn’t handling the infection well.
“Look at you,” replies Davey, trying to keep things light. “A captain in the army. I suppose it can’t be that different from leading a band of newsboys, can it?”
Another almost-laugh from Jack. He can barely keep his eyes open and it makes Davey want to break down crying.
This isn’t fair. For ten years, he’d imagined all the ways that he and Jack might find each other again someday. None of them involved Jack dying. This isn’t how it was meant to go. They were supposed to be happy.
“Are you sad?” asks Jack, after a moment. He squeezes Davey’s hand gently. “Just ‘cause it ain’t how we pictured it… ‘least we still found each other. I knew we would.”
Davey can’t stop himself from crying.
“I love you,” he whispers, so low it’s barely audible. “Forever, Jackie. I’m always yours.”
Jack’s eyes are falling closed now, but he hums a little and nods as he rubs his thumb over the back of Davey’s hand.
“Love you,” he finally replies, before giving in and letting himself settle back into sleep.
This has to be it— Davey figures he made it just in time. If he’d delayed his visit even an hour, he probably wouldn’t have been able to see him.
He can’t watch it happen, so he pushes himself back up to his feet and wipes the tears from his eyes. He does a round of checking in with and making conversation with all the other patients in the room. He might be crying on the inside, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t have the best bedside manner of any doctor he knows.
Sure enough, when he circles back to Jack, he has to take his pocket watch out and bring a nurse over as a witness so he can call time.
When he met Jack, all those years ago, he never imagined he’d be the one signing his death certificate, but life has a funny way of kicking you in the ass, doesn’t it?
Well… like Jack said, at least they found each other. He always knew they would.
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schrijverr · 4 years
Will had always been quiet, this is the story of how he found and lost his voice again through a happy boy in the middle of an awful war.
On AO3.
Ships: implied Blakefield
Warnings: Canon character death, suicidal thoughts and war
Will had just turned eighteen when the war broke out. He was old enough to sign up for the war effort and he did along with millions of others. He’d always been a quiet kid, but he loved to read and he had been taken by the grand adventures the characters went on, so he hoped that this would be the start of his very own adventure.
This hope was crushed almost as soon as Will arrived on French soil. He was send to Marne to fight by the river Ourcq. Will didn’t know it was called this at the time, he had only learned that days later when they’d dug themselves in, Germans on the other side. When the battle was done, the fields turned into no man’s land and when the idea that this war was an adventure was beat out of him. He looked and only saw a new sort of slaughterhouse.
Yes, Will had always been quiet, but now, now he barely say a word.
He eventually got some friends, it was hard not to become acquainted with some people when most of your evening activities consisted of sitting around together. They talked about everything and nothing, Will learned more about people’s sex-life than he had ever wanted. He even shared some things about himself, although it was far out of his comfort zone to do so.
There was Hendrickson, who was full of smiles and laughs, with more jokes stored in his head than there was time to tell them.
There was Ryan, who had big dreams of becoming a politician and marrying a rich girl, never taking offense in the reverse marrying-rich jokes from the others.
There was Holland, who shared the silence with Will when the rambunctiousness got too much, but who also had a voice of gold that helped them when the nightmares got too bad and the days too long.
There was Graham, who was as dirty as he was religious, much to the amusements of others, but he was there to say the prayers when it seemed like their last moments had arrived.
Then there was the Somme.
Hendrickson fell in the first wave over the trenches, the closed formation proving a mistake. Ryan got stuck in the barbed wire and shot, the munition not enough to destroy them like they’d been promised. Holland blown up by their own mines that were timed wrong, too early and too late. Graham, who had bled out with his cross still clutched in his hand. And Will, the one who survived.
He survived every god forsaken day at the Somme, all 171 days he lived. He got a medal and a leave out of it, along with memories he could never forget and nightmares that would haunt him till the day he died.
His mother and sister knew he had never been a talker, but they weren’t prepared for the silence that Will carried with him.
He had been back for a few days, Lance Corporal Schofield, leading by example on the front lines when the new supply forces came. They were all fresh out of training with hope in their eyes and young unhardened faces.
Will avoided them as much as he could. He had done this song and dance before. He would sit with them, get to know their names and faces, personality traits and then they would die. And Will couldn’t go through that again, so he found a tree and made it his tree. He sat there when he had time off and he didn’t talk to anyone unless he had orders.
The new Privates soon learned to leave him alone, no one wanted to mess with the quiet one that had been here since the start. One of the longest surviving soldiers on the front and how he wished that fact was different.
Yes, everybody left him alone, just like he wanted, everyone except one.
Lance Corporal Blake, who had gotten that rank on good instinct at training before he had even arrived. He was young, just turned nineteen around Christmas. He was young and it showed, it showed in his enthusiasm, his smiles and in the stories he told. He was a goof and he lightened the mood around camp, always in for a game of cards or some small talk.
He was the opposite of Will in every way, but still he had chosen Will to follow around everywhere.
He was there next to Will when the man woke up and he would follow him to the Mess, they were assigned to dig together and to be the look out. Yet Blake didn’t get bored, he just talked and talked, with happy hand movements and open smiles. He wouldn’t look expectantly at Will when he asked a question, but Will didn’t answer, instead he would shrug and move on like nothing happened. He would even sit in silence next to Will and watch the sun go down.
Will was waiting for the day the smile disappeared and the stories ceased, when Blake would realize the hell he’d found himself in and give up on being lively or, even worse, when there was a battle from which Will would return once more, but there would be no Blake the next day, because his body had become part of the landscape while his soul went up to the heavens and all his mother would get was a letter about how brave he had been. Will hoped the day would never come.
It was early January 1917 when Will opened his mouth without having to for the first time in months. He had barely been aware that he had done it, he had only answered Blake’s question. The boy had been going on about his home and the fields when he had asked Will: “So yeah, I help in the fields in the summer. Where are you from? What do you do in the summer?”
Will had shrugged and said: “London, but not really the good part. I just work in the factory, or I used to at least.”
Normally after Blake had asked a question he would continue on talking, but now he had fallen silent. He was looking at Will with an open mouth, which Will only noticed after he looked at the other when he had fallen silent for a few seconds. He raised an eyebrow and asked: “What?”
His own eyes had grown wide the moment he realized what he had done. He had talked, but that wasn’t the thing that bothered him the most, it was what came with the fact that he had talked that worried him. He only talked when it was necessary or when he was close with someone. It hadn’t been necessary, so that only left being close.
He couldn’t afford it to be close with someone, but now he was. He hadn’t even realized it, but Blake had grown on him and now they were friends. He was friends with Blake and it was too late, when the boy died, the last piece of his heart would die as well.
His brain was screaming at him to run away, to get away from Blake and hope his heart hadn’t gotten too attached. That he could still cut his ties with the other if he ran now. He was almost turning away when Blake smiled and he realized that he was in too far. He knew he couldn’t turn away, not now and not later, his heart had gripped Blake close and wasn’t about to let go.
Still smiling and unaware of the turmoil he was causing Blake said: “That’s still necessary work, Scho. I mean, helping on the fields isn’t exactly glamorous either, but it is fun. You see, me and Joe used to go there and just fuck shit up when we were little and now those people are our bosses, but we were never caught, so they don’t know it was us. We made a game out of it: how many times can we vaguely mention the stuff we got up to before they figure it out? It’s amazing.” and Blake was chattering on once more, leaving Will to follow him, because there was nothing else to do.
He had been a quiet kid, whose silence was a shield that was now slowly being thorn down.
Three months later and Will said about one fifth of their conversations, not nearly taking the lion share, but still talking quite a bit, much to Blake’s excitement. In that short period of time Blake learned that Will had a mother who also worked in the factories and a father who had died at Verdun, but his sister had married quite a well off man and she didn’t need to work at all, she could care for her two children. Twin girls that Will loved a lot, he had jokingly commented that he was the fun uncle however unlikely that may seem, but that was also because he was their only uncle. He had surprised his friend with his dry comments and banter. Blake also learned about Wills love for books and poetry and he listened to Will softly recite them while they sat together watching the sunsets like they had always done.
It was now early April and they had fallen asleep by Wills tree that had slowly become their tree. The Sargent was waking Blake up telling him to pick a man and grab his kit. Will already knew, who Blake would pick, of course he did, because that’s what he had done since he arrived. He had picked Will and Will had followed his lead.
The mission they were send on seemed impossible and Will wanted to wait, to prolong their time together, because something deep down told him that this wasn’t going to end well. It wasn’t going to end well and Will would live, because that was all he had done, he had lived while everything collapsed around him. But Blake wouldn’t listen, he kept on walking and Will kept on following, because there was nothing else he could do.
When the rat tripped the wire he thought that his end had finally come, he vaguely felt bad that Blake would be buried with him, but an ugly and bigger part of him was glad that he didn’t have to live on while Blake died, but then there was a hand pulling him along and miraculously both made it out of there alive.
Will got a bit of hope, so far everything was going as well as it could. Maybe they would make it, both of them, with Blake chattering and he himself commenting here and there. Then they were suddenly talking about medals and Will almost said too much, laid himself bare for this boy, but he stopped himself.
He had never said a lot and he wouldn’t say too much after so long of quiet.
Blake took it in stride, he always had and he didn’t mind to continue chattering on and ignore Wills faults like nothing had happened. Will had never been more grateful for a person than he had been for Blake in that moment.
They walked on until everything suddenly went to shit. Stupid planes, stupid pilot and stupid naivety, they should have kept walking, they should have shot the pilot, but they hadn’t and now Blake was bleeding out in his arms asking the always quiet kid to talk and Will tried, he tried so hard. He told Blake he would write his mum and that he knew the way, that he would find his brother and complete their mission, but more than that he couldn’t say, no matter how much Blake was pleading.
The sounds were stuck in his throat, only exploding out when the soldiers in the truck wouldn’t help him when he had to go on, he had to.
He was focused, he just needed to find the Devon's, find Joe. Silently he was walking, but the quiet kept building up in his head until the dam broke when he found the woman with the baby. He recited a poem, it had been Blake’s favourite and he wanted to never stop telling it, but the church bells rang and he had to go, he had to keep on walking.
Not walking, running. He was running through the streets then he was flying through the air and then, then he was floating. For a moment he thought he was floating away, up to the heavens, but he couldn’t he had a mission. The boy that was singing reminded him of Holland, but Holland was dead along with Blake and soon these people would be as well. They would die if he didn’t keep on running, the mission wasn’t over yet, he could still save them.
Then as almost as suddenly as it had started the mission was over, he was standing in front of Joe and wordlessly gave him the rings that had been on the warm fingers of his brother not even a day ago. He stood there feeling empty, before stumbling over the field where he sat under a lone tree and looked out over the field. It was a sunrise and not a sunset. It was quiet and there was no chattering. He was alone and everything was opposite to normal and it would never go back.
He tried to write the letter, but the quiet kid that had found his voice again had run out of words to say.
The page stayed blank.
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attickit · 4 years
Getting to know me
Tagged by 💜💙 @bangtanloverboys 💙💜
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise? Jay or Han is fine. Pyn is just mainly a nickname I just use like a pen name-ish.
2. When is your birthday? Aug 4th
3. Where do you live? SEAsia but if you know me well enough and scrounge around you know where exactly.
4. Three things you are doing right now? "writing", watching videos, drinking water (i guess?? cause idk what third thing im doing but i have my glass next to me. Being alive maybe?)
5. Four Fandoms that have piqued your interest right now? BTS (I mean clearly...), CritRole, very interested in what the deal is with BDG, and trying to figure out what the hell is going down with the Homestucks (it's been awhile since I've touched it again).
6. How the pandemic treating you? I'm aight since this is just me on a daily basis but without a job so yeah... I do miss going out with JX and going to the library to see if there are new books to read.
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now? Hmmm... I've been going back to listen to We Are by One OK Rock every few days now.
8. Recommend a movie? If you're not to into historical war movies then I'm sorry I don't neccessarily know what to recommend. Please don't ask me why I like these kinds of movies either cause I have No Idea™. So yeah, recommendation: Saving Private Ryan, 1917, The Imitaion Game. Oh! Here's two Ghibli’s: Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke. I realise now it said A movie but we're too far in now. lol.
9. How old are you? Coming on 21.
10. School, University, Occupation or other? I'm trying to stay alive. *finger guns*
11. Do you prefer hot or cold? Cold cause you can put on another layer if you're cold but if you're hot, you just suffer. Also I just feel more comfortable in the cold and wearing more layers.
12. Name one fact others may not know about you. What do people not know about me?? Mmmmh, why is nothing coming up to mind when I know I have definite weird facts... How about just a terrible memory instead? I onced confessed to a boy and got rejected with him just saying "You may leave now." after I told him my feelings. What a great day that was.
13. Are you shy? Mmmm yeah? I look like I talk much but really I'm terrible at holding conversation.
14. Do you have any prefered pronouns? He/They
15. What’s your favourite “-dere” Type? I don't have a personal favourite but I like drifting towards Yanderes and Kuuderes. Of course Kuuderes being the non dangerous one to drift towards.
16. Any pet peeves? It's just a trivial one. People (mainly strangers or people I'm not as close to) touching my things.
17. Rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 means being the best you could ever be! We're at about a 4 so it's not as bad as it can be.
18. What’s your main blog? This blog!!
19. List your sideblogs and What they are used for!
I have too many? Like I have eight???
@dawndrms, my fanfic blog
@triptych-calamity, my shit post and reference blog shared with Kai and JX but neither of them use it anymore I think
@tinyhannie , a theme referene and wishlist-esque blog
I have two askblogs but no one cares about those
I also have a TXT update blog but I havent touched that in a while. 
I have a witch ref blog and a... nsfw-esque blog but that's nothing much.
20. Is there anything people need to know about you before being friends with you? I am terrible at holding conversations sometimes and I don't really start conversations. If I don't reach out to you first in a long long while, it doesn't mean I don't like you or anything, I just am useless at that. I probably think about you a lot tho. But I am trying to stop being such a coward about not reaching out first! :3
Tagging: @ditttiii, @aiimaginesbts, @rielleria no-one else is coming to my brain now, oof. Feel free to not do it if you don’t want to!!
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avengersmusings · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Steven Grant Rogers MEANING: Crown, Wreath NICKNAME: Steve, Stevie, Cap, Daddy MEANING: Steve’s a shortened version of his name; Stevie was a nickname started by his mom and picked up by Bucky; Cap is usually what the team calls him; Daddy is Elise’s name for him :) AGE APPEARANCE: Appears 30, is actually 102 BIRTHDAY: July 4th, 1917 ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Cancer SPECIES: Enhanced Human GENDER: Cis Male ALLERGIES: None SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Bisexual THEME SONG(S): America’s Suitehearts by Fall Out Boy; Dancing with Our Hands Tied by Taylor Swift, Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley; Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
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HAIR COLOR:  Dark Blonde/Light Brown HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Close cut in the back with a little bit extra on top. Think Infinity War style hair.  EYES COLOR: Blue EYESIGHT: 20/20, now. Holy shit it was terrible before the serum. HEIGHT: 6″2′ WEIGHT: 230 lbs OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: The uniform is a must on mission but when he’s being Steve and not Captain America it’s kahkis and plaid shirts and button ups and old man clothes. ABNORMALITIES: None. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Stretch marks along hips and stomach area from serum, small injection scars from the serum, and that’s about it. Maybe some moles here and there. SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Steve always looks put together okay, the 40s shoved that into him and won’t let go. FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: People either underestimate him because they think he’s a “dumb blonde” or immediately respect him because he’s Captain America. SKIN COLOR: White mixed BODY TYPE/BUILD: Lean, Muscular, built like fucking truck with a tiny ass waist.  DEFAULT EXPRESSION: It’s either “I have no idea what I’m doing” or “you WILL follow orders” there’s no in between. POSTURE: Honestly it depends? Steve makes himself smaller and tries not take up too much space but Cap? Takes up space and commands the room when walking in. PIERCINGS: None. DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Steve’s voice has a subtle Brooklyn accent and takes on a softer tone than you’d expect out of him. His voice hardens and deepens when he goes in Captain mode.
MOM: Sarah Rogers HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Steve’s mom was his whole world before she died. Sarah took care of him when he was sick and her death almost ruined him. DAD: Joseph Rogers HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Joseph died when Steve was young, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t remember how terrible his father was. The man was abusive and the day he got shipped off to WW1 was the best day for Steve and Sarah. SIBLINGS: N/A HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A CHILDREN: N/A HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: N/A PAST LOVER(S): Peggy Carter (Ex-Crush) CURRENT LOVER: Elise Burke and Bucky Barnes REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Steve can talk to anyone okay, he makes friends with everyone he meets. ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: Steve is a team player you cannot tell me he isn’t.  HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Steve is basically a puppy he’s sociable and outgoing. FRIENDS: The Avengers team, Wanda Maximoff, Elise, Bucky. PETS: Scout, a golden retriever. LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: Bullies, men who take advantage of other people. PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Protective, Will do anything and everything for his kid. FAVORITE PEOPLE: Elise, Bucky, Clint, Thor, the rest of the Avengers LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Red Skull, Bullies, ignorant people.
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: ? Distant, Confident, and Inspiring ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Affectionate, Warm, Funny. ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Intimidating, Closed Off, Guarded. FAVORITE COLOR: Blue FAVORITE FOOD: New York Style pizza, hot dogs, anything covered in cheese thanks. FAVORITE ANIMAL: Doggos FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Saxophone FAVORITE ELEMENT: Air LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: Yellow LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Anything from the 40s. LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: Emus, the bullies of the animal kingdom. LEAST FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Honestly none of them? LEAST FAVORITE ELEMENT: Water HOBBIES: Art, slow dancing, warm baths or lounging in sunlight. USUAL MOOD: Friendly and approachable but also keeping a slight aura of leadership.
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Nope, not really. None of them have much affect on him and he was too sick to get into the 40s habit of smoking. DARK VERSION OF SELF: Most likely brainwashed into believing Hyrda is right, follows any order without hesitate or regard for civilian life, the “perfect Soldier”. LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Intelligent, quick to make a call that will save as many people as possible, rushing headlong into trouble to help out a civilian. HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: In Cap mode? Full on serious nothing can make him crack, but as Steve? He’s somewhere in the middle. BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: No. If so his dad would probably be hanging around and he doesn’t want that. (IN)DEPENDANT: Both honestly? Like Steve likes to pretend to be this independent person who doesn’t need help, but he also secretly craves it. So I’d say somewhere in the middle. SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: BUCKY AND ELISE, failing the team or not saving something, doing something without regard to personal safety or well being. OPINION ON SWEARING: Steve won’t curse in public okay, that’s the 40s “good Catholic boy” upbringing in him but in private? He was in the army and BUCKY IS HIS BEST FRIEND :) DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Steve “I don’t know what a parachute is” Rogers is the opposite of cautious. MUSIC TYPE: Older, softer music. MOVIE TYPE: Romantic Comedies, Comedies in general, Musicals. BOOK TYPE: History books, and then he gets mad about facts that are wrong. GAME TYPE: Cards, maybe? Those have been around for a while so they haven’t changed that much. COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: Steve would rather die than be cold. He enjoys warmer weather and sunshine and just not being cold. SLEEPING PATTERN: Steve’s an old man that’s in bed before 10 and up at like 8. He also takes up A TON of space in the bed and basically smothers whoever he’s sleeping with.  CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Steve prefers things to be neat and orderly but isn’t bothered by a little mess. As long as it doesn’t get too bad or become a habit. DESIRED PET: So many dogs. HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Doodling on scrap papers, boxing, lounging around in sunshine or warm spaces. BIGGEST SECRET: I feel like Steve really doesn’t have secrets? Maybe his dad being abusive because he doesn’t really want to talk about it. HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: Bucky and Elise. WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: A golden retriever. FEARS: Being trapped in a cold, tight space, losing Elise or Bucky, failing the team and causing someone’s death, being lost in time again. COMFORTS: Elise’s perfume and Bucky’s aftershave, running laps with Scout, his mom’s old records, and reruns of old cartoons.
SAD: Steve distants himself when he’s sad. A leader isn’t allowed to show weakness and sadness is one. He also likes talking through things that make him sad. HAPPY: Playful, energetic, probably smothering you with his biceps on accident because he gets touchy feely and wants a hug. ANGRY: Depending on how angry; it’s either the “you’ve messed up” face of disappointment or cold fury with biting, harsh words. Fists will also be thrown if he gets angry enough. AFRAID: Again, this is a weakness a leader isn’t supposed to show so Steve tries to hide it as much as possible. He withdraws and hides away until he works it out on his own or someone finds him. LOVE SOMEONE: SAY HELLO TO YOUR NEW BODYGUARD/BEST FRIEND. Steve will literally do anything for someone he loves. Anything. He’s loyal beyond believe and up for anything they ask him. HATE SOMEONE: Steve doesn’t hate that many people but those he does quickly realize that an angry Captain America is not something you want coming at you. WANT SOMETHING: Steve? Allowing himself to get what he wants? Don’t know her. He’s the definition of “waiting over 70 years to tell my best friend i love him” type of guy. CONFUSED: You know that cute look dogs get when they’re confused and trying to work things out? That’s Steve thanks.
DANGER: Danger is Steve’s middle name because he cannot stop himself from running headfirst into it.  SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Steve gets confused because he still sees himself as the tiny 90 pound scrawny kid and nobody really wanted that. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Steve’s not against the idea of marriage, but it’s also not something he knows they can really do? So I don’t really know how he’d react to that. DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Each loss feels like a personal defeat for Steve so it’s twice as bad. But after losing pretty much everyone he’s ever cared about (even if Bucky came back) it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: That’s something that gets tossed aside until he has time to work it out, or send it to someone that can solve it quicker. INJURY: Steve gets injured and doesn’t realize it until after the mission is over like every time they go out. However, if one of his team gets injured, he’s taking down whoever hurt them. SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: Steve immediately wants to go over and hold whatever it is. Babies, dogs, you name it. LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: ........no this doesn’t happen.
LANGUAGES: English, ASL, French, a little German. SCHOOLING LEVEL: High School & Some Art School FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Art, History, & Writing INTERESTED CAREERS: An artist, maybe?   EXPERTISE: Combat, Shield Mastery, Master Tactician, Enhanced capabilities PUZZLES: Puzzles take him a minute but the serum helps him figure them out rather quickly. CHEMISTRY: Chemistry is probably NOT Steve’s forte but he can follow along with basic things. MATH: Again, not his forte but he understand basic things. Plus throwing the shield takes some math skills. ENGLISH: Steve was surprisingly good at English in school, from interpreting things to reading above grade level. It was one of the few interests he had that didn’t make him sicker. GEOGRAPHY: Steve can read and understand maps. POLITICS/LAW: Politics and the Law are Steve’s thing. He frequently fights against people on the internet about their political views and will fight against laws he doesn’t agree with. ECONOMY/ACCOUNTING: The economy doesn’t really interest Steve, but he’s fully aware of the class divide and how bad some people have it. Current situations remind him a lot of pre-Depression times so he tries to help out as much as possible. COOKING: Steve cannot cook, he tries but cannot. SEWING: Sarah taught Steve at a young age how to sew because “if you’re going to keep ruining your clothes it’s time you learned to fix ‘em yourself STEVEN”. MECHANICS: Steve knows OF cars yes. BOTANY (FLOWERS): Besides the fact that flowers are a thing? Not so much. MYTHOLOGY: This is probably another subject Steve doesn’t know much about, it conflicts with his Catholic views he had growing up. DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): God Steve hates even thinking about this because of the Cap tour. Ouch. READING LEVEL: Above average. Steve read for fun while sick so he’s well above where he should be. HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Steve lives off planning ahead okay. It’s his JOB as team leader to be 4 steps ahead of everyone and the bad guys. Rip Steveo.
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: No, not really. He’s more content to be pulled around and go with the flow. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): In public? Shy, 40s boy out to play. In private? Probably the same what a loser. GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Gentleman-like, please.  GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: S L O W as fuck. PROTECTIVE: Hi hello have you met Steve? ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS:  B O T H. WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: Steve’s always bringing home flowers or gifts just because. Things for Elise to wear or a plant for the house? Also a random homeless puppy? Yeah Steve’s probably brought it all home at some point. TYPE OF KISSER: Honestly, Steve’s probably soft because he’s a soft boy but that doesn’t mean there aren’t times when he can be rough :) DO THEY WANT KIDS: He can’t have them but he wouldn’t mind having one. DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: Yes, even though he really cant. MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Bad decisions are unintentionally made because Steve is a reckless idiot.  ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Y E S. HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Steve likes making sure both Elise and Bucky are well taken care of even at the expense of his own pleasure okay.  GET JEALOUS EASY: Not really? After everything they’ve all been through none of them really have to worry about anything. WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: You mean beating up people that do this? Hell yeah. MARRY FOR MONEY: Nope. FAVORITE POSITION: Steve enjoys being plowed by Bucky while Elise is on top of him thanks. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: Naked art time. Just using Bucky and Elise as a canvas and making a mess while doing it? Yes please. OPINION ON SEX: Sex was always something Steve wasn’t really interested in? Mostly because nobody wanted him (or so he thought) but now that he has two people that always want him? It’s a good workout and way to spend time with his two favorite people.
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xsarcasticwriterx · 4 years
Wonderwall-part 2
Summary: Y/n find out something that changes the course of her relationship and life forever.
Pairing: tony stark x reader x bucky barnes
Warnings: angst and angst and angst, panic attack, swearing, some bitter sweet fluff,
note: I know its a weird change cause i went from she/her to you and stuff but i like writing you more than her so here we are pfft also i mention civil war but this story doesn't fit in the timeline it just fit for the scenario.
Wonderwall masterlist
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You and tony sat on the ship with IVs being stuck into you. bucky sat next to you “hey... wanna talk about it? he ask softly. you shake your head. “not now not yet” you say with tears falling down your face. you had cheated on him. you cheated on the love of your life the person you'd been with for 3 years. Not only that but with someone who has tried to kill bucky on multiple occasions. Tony moved next to you. “Hey...” he said with a sigh. “Promise me we will never ever tell them about this” you say with a panic. he nods frantically. “that's exactly what i was going to say.” and with that you two spent the rest of the time in silence.
You sat in your room. It was 4 days after you got back. you felt weird and had been getting sick for the past few days. The others assumed it was due to your body still adjusting to being on land with consistent water and food. but you had other ideas as to why this could be happening.
Your hands shook as you paced the room. “fuck fuck fuck ok it'll be ok” you said to yourself. you walked into the bathroom and opened the pregnancy test box. panic was all you felt as you took it. you set a timer and walked back to your room. you continued to pace. what would you do if you were pregnant. what would you tell buck? what would you tell tony?! you two promised not to tell anyone. the timer went off. you put your head into your hands. “ok its probably negative i mean what are the chances” you say walking back to the bathroom. you heart was going at a pace that was scary. your whole body was shaking. you grab the test and flip it over.
you stared at the 2 lines. you felt tears fall down your face and your breathing become rapid. a panic attack that's what this was. you fell to the ground as your breathing became uneven. “no no no no no” you say getting louder. you curl up and feel your whole body shake. you try desperately to grab for every breath but its like inhaling nothing. you start to cough from lack of oxygen and tears. snot ran down your face. you grab onto your hair and scream into your legs. the door immediately opens and bucky rushes to your side. 
“hey its ok im here” he says putting his hand on your shoulder. “count with me ok” he says. you barely hear him it's like being underwater but you nod with what strength you have. “ now 1″ he says. “1″ you reply dryly your throat is dry and your lungs feel empty.
you two count to 10 slowly. you gradually catch your breath. the shaking stops and you feel more exhausted than ever. he pulls you close. “wanna talk about it?” he ask kindly. you look down seeing the pregnancy test and bucky sees it too. he grabs it and turns it over. his breathing gets deeper and he stands up. he walks back and forth and nods. “tony?” he ask with an angered tone. you nod. his nodding and pacing gets faster. 
he walks out the room. you stand up quickly and chase after him. “buck bucky don't” you say quickly seeing him walk towards the one door that would fuck up everything. he nods hard and fast. You feel the tears fall faster and faster. “bucky stop it!” you yell at him. Tony opens the door and immediately is met with a metal fist. “fuck!” tony says holding his nose. Bucky pushes him again which shoves tony down. bucky get on top and keeps hitting him. “bucky! stop!” you say going towards him you try to just pull him but that does nothing.ok next plan. you grab his shoulders “Stop!” you say using your powers. 
you keep pulling him and he does stop. he falls back into your lap. “you promised me you'd never use your powers on me” he says looking up at you. “i'm sorry buck” you say tears falling still. his head falls back onto your stomach. tony looks up at you his face bloody and beat. the metal fist definitely did not help. he looks at you confused. “im pregnant” you say to him. you see his eyes widen. “wha-what” he says shaking his head. 
“shes fucking pregnant with your damn child” bucky says trying to pull out of your arms. you panic and hold him with all your strength. “sleep” you say feeling him go limp in your arms. tony just blinks looking down at the floor. “your....” he says trailing off. his breathing gets deeper.
Doors open in the hall. natasha is the first to come out then steve. Bruce slowly emerges. Wanda and vision come out in a worry. Clint is the last to come out hes geared up ready for a fight. “what's going on?” nat asks. they see tony and bucky's bloody fist. “I thought we were past this?” steve ask in a panic. you look up at wanda and natasha. 
Steve takes bucky away from your lap and takes him to the main room and lays him on the couch. You stand up with natasha and wanda's help. vision,clint, and bruce still look concerned but less worried. “anyone gonna tell us what happened?” clint ask.  
Bruce hands tony a rag to put on his possibly broken nose. “uh let's go sit on the couch.”  wanda says leading you to the main room. bruce helps tony to the couch. “I should...” you say nodding to bucky. They nod as you slowly go to him. you put your hands softly on his head. “wake” you say and immediately bucky shoots up angry and tears edging his eyes.
“buck buck hey calm” steve says grabbing bucky's shoulders. Buck stares at steve angrily. “sooo?” clint ask sitting on the couch. nat and wanda sat down too. you were in front of all of them. “tony and I spent a month and a half up there.” you start off. everyone sits up more. neither you or tony had spoken of your time up there sense yalls return. 
“We saw no end and I was about to have a meet and greet with death himself. Tony was giving up his food and water to keep me going” you say looking down messing with your hands. “I don't understand why this led to bucky beating she shit out of tony.” Clint ask. “let her finish” steve said. “We got closer than ever and had agreed that there was no chance at us returning. We were desperate to stop the pain to just be with someone be cared for before the end. We slept together.” you state. bucky's breathing gets more rapid and his hands form fist. everyone starts to yell at tony natasha tried to silence it which only made her a target.
“Shut up!” you say yelling at them. They look at you surprised. “shut up before we end up with another battle and let me fucking finish what the hell i'm saying before attacking tony which by the way it takes two to tango so shut up please.” you say looking at the floor hands making fist. everyone turns to you and shuts up even bucky and tony.
“Now I am pregnant with tony child. Now before you all start yelling and attacking tony just try to understand the situation.” you say. “Understand the situation?!” bucky yells. steve tries to calm him. “no no just no ok. He mmm he saw her vulnerability and used it!” bucky says standing up and pointing at tony.
“Buck no that's not it he didn't do that. I saw a world without you with no one except me and tony on that stupid ship dying slowly and mercilessly.” you say feeling tears falling again. natasha stood up and walked to you. “I know your pissed as hell at tony and at y/n but right now” she points at tony “you are going to be a father” and she points at bucky “and if you stay, which i think you should, are going to be a step father so let's just try to deal with that right now.”
Natasha held you by her side. Bruce stood up “I’ll help it whatever way I can.” he said. “me too” clint said standing. “I will too” vision said standing. Wanda stood “You always got me.” she said with a small smile. steve looked at bucky then tony and then you. He sighed and stood up “you got me too” he said with a nod. 
you swallow “thank you all of you” you say softly then look to tony and bucky. “You definitely have me i'm not going to bail on my child just because its a complicated situation.” tony said standing up. bucky let a soft growl out. “buck?” you ask hesitantly. He looks up at you and shakes his head. He walks off and soon yall hear a door slam.
You dropped your head. “Give him time” nat whispered to you. you nod. she nods to steve and steve nods and walks after bucky. natasha takes you to your room nodding to tony who nods back and walks to the kitchen. sittin on your bed you look down at your stomach. there's a person in there well soon they'll be. nat sat next to you “how're you feeling?” she ask. “I don't know...Im going to have a child and it's not the child of who i always pictured it as. I broke the love of my life's heart and broke tony and I’s promise.”
“bucky just needs time is all steve is talking to him and i'm sure tony understands that you couldn't keep it a secret you two made that promise when you didn't know you were pregnant and don't worry you have all of us here to help and protect you.” nat said. “I’m an avenger...I had a father who used me as a testing subject and gave me powers i couldn't control till i was 17 how am i supposed to be a parent? Their father is a billionaire who is ready to die at any shot and their possible step father was born in 1917 and was brainwashed to be a murderer.” you spew out.
“you'll be ok we are all broken and a mess but together we can raise this child. I promise. We will figure it out” she says rubbing your arm. The door opens and in comes tony with a glass of water. “figured you could use this” he says walking towards you. nat looks at you and you nod. she stands up and walks out. 
Tony sits next to you. “i'm sorry” you say immediately scared of tony being angry. “no no don't apologize you had to say something its not like you could just avoid questions when your stomach grows.” he says with a chuckle. “y/n i want you to know i am going to be the best damn father i can be and if you and bucky stay together...because you and bucky will stay together i know he will have a huge role in that child's life and i'm so glad they get 3 parents who love them more than anything in this world. I will protect the with my life I will not die for them. I will live for them.” 
“Tony...” is all you can get out through choked sobs. you hug him holding him close. “thank you” you say pulling away “what about pepper?” you ask concerned. “I’ll tell her just need to let this” he moves his hand to the room “settle before any more people get mad” he says. the door slowly opens and an exhausted, messy haired, red eyed, wrapped hand, bucky opens the door. upon seeing tony he sighs.
“can I speak to her alone?” he says with no emotion. tony nods and walks past bucky out of the room. tony closes the door behind him and walks towards the bed.
he sits next to you and sighs. “buck-” you starts but he cuts you off “don't....let me speak” he says. “I am pissed as hell at you dont get me wrong...but i understand...you didn't see a possibility as being back here all you saw was death. I will be the best step father i can and the best boyfriend i can be. I am far from forgiving you but I still love you and I don't want us to end and this child is amazing news even if they aren't mine. I will be as much of a father to this kid as I can be and I will raise them as my own. I'm here for the long run.” he says looking at you. you smile and hug him. “I love you too bucky...thank you” you say. 
This journey was far from over but for now the world felt damn good. This kid would have 3 parents who love them more than anything or anyone in this world.
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nastybuckybarnes · 7 years
Quiet (Part Eight)
A Bucky X Fem!Reader series. 8/16
Summary: Steve Rogers makes an accidental discovery while on a simple hydra base raid. You. He brings you back to the Avengers Tower where they all try to figure you out. Your... interesting way of communicating makes that especially hard. Until one super-soldier proves otherwise.
Series warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Pregnancy, Injuries, Violence, Sickness, a few mild spoilers (maybe), Nudity, Embarrassment,
Chapter warnings: Fluff, Titanic Spoilers(?), 
Word Count: 1,543
A/N: I have some one shots just begging to be posted, so between the parts of this series will be smutty, fluffy, and angsty one shots. Enjoy!
You sit on the couch, taking deep breaths in time with Tony as you wait for Steve and Bucky to arrive.
When the two super soldiers come into the room you keep your eyes down. 
"Hey (Y/n)," Steve tries to ease the tension.
Tony rolls his eyes and kisses the top of your head. "Just be you. If he breaks your heart I'll break his face." You giggle and smile up at him as he walks into the kitchen with Steve.
 Bucky sits next to you and you sigh, glancing at the others in the room. 
Peter is watching Star Wars; Wanda and Vision are talking quietly yet animatedly; and Nat is playing a board game with Clint.
Bucky's fingers touch your palm gently.
I'm sorry.
You look up at him and your breath gets caught in your throat.
It's alright. I was just... startled by Steve.
He nods and looks down.
Well I guess you know I like you now.
Your cheeks heat up and you smile lightly.
If it's any kind of consolation... I like you too.
He grins a goofy grin and butterflies fill your stomach.
Do you want to be my girlfriend?
What exactly does being someone's girlfriend entail?
He chuckles and pulls your legs up so they're resting across his lap.
We'd be close like this. Hold hands. Kiss. Spend time with each other. Stay up late just getting to know the other.
That sounds lovely. I'd love to be your girlfriend.
He looks into your eyes and gives your hand a light but comforting squeeze.
I really like you. I want to know everything about you.
You giggle quietly.
I wanna know everything about me too.
He throws his head back and laughs from deep inside his body. 
Nat and Clint look at the two of you with raised eyebrows. You stick your tongue out at Nat and she chuckles, glancing at the board game and stealing a card. 
Clint's eyes flash down. "Hey I saw that you dirty rotten cheater!" He exclaims.
They might tease us about our relationship.
You look back at Bucky and shrug.
Let them. It doesn't matter anyway.
He smiles and looks into your eyes tenderly.
We came so close to kissing. If Steve hadn't walked in...
I know. But I think maybe taking things slow for my first relationship would be ideal.
He nods.
Of course. Whatever you want, Babydoll.
Your heart flutters and you sigh quietly.
God he's perfect. Oh shit.
Bucky chuckles and brings your knuckles to his lips.
You're beyond perfect. Everything about you is incredible.
Your face flushes bright red and he smiles.
You're beautiful, smart, fantastic, and totally incredible in any and every other way possible.
Bucky... that's... I can't even describe how happy you saying that makes me. I don't know why... but I just... I care about what you think more than I care about what anyone else thinks.
He smiles and looks down for a moment before looking up at you through his lashes.
I feel the same way about you. And there's this... part of me. It wants to keep you safe and protected from everything.
"Yes! I won!" Clint's voice startles you and you look over at him for a quick moment before looking back at Bucky.
Tell me about you. I want to learn about you.
He scratches the nape of his neck then sighs, scooting closer to you and rubbing your shin with his metal hand.
Um... I was born March 10th, 1917. I'm from Brooklyn. I was in the 107th infantry with Steve. We attacked a bunch of Hydra bases with the rest of the Howling Commandos until I fell off the train. I got experimented on, my left arm got destroyed then recreated... I got brainwashed then sent out as an assassin. Then Steve found me and brought me here where him and Tony helped me with my memory and get myself back together.
You nod and change your position so that your legs are curled into your chest and your cuddled against his side, his right hand in your left one.
And now you're here. With me.
He grins and kisses the top of your head.
There's a part of my that wishes Steve didn't interrupt us earlier.
Me too. But I'm sure you know that.
You nod and shiver lightly at the cool breeze in the room. He drapes a blanket over you and hugs you closer to his body.
"Hey how are my two favourite couples...." Sam trails off as he sees you and Bucky cuddle up together.
"Damn it Barnes." Sam shakes his head almost longingly and you frown.
What does he mean?
"Sam's just upset because he couldn't get into your pants." You frown and Sam shrugs. "Can't help it. You're gorgeous. And a man has urges... needs." You motion him forwards.
I am not an object for you to try and claim. I get it, you're a horny guy, but that gives you absolutely no right to try and objectify me and harass me.
He stands speechless for a moment before mumbling to himself and sitting on the floor beside Nat.
That was pretty wicked.
You smile up at your new boyfriend and peck his cheek.
"We should watch a movie. (Y/n), you've never seen Titanic, have you?" Clint asks out of the blue. You shake your head and cuddle closer to Bucky. 
"Well we've gotta fix that. Sam, go get popcorn and kleenexes while Clint and I set the movie up." Nat snaps her fingers to get Sam up. He rolls his eyes but walks into the kitchen to start making popcorn. 
You yawn and lean against Bucky's strong body. He shifts then pulls you into his lap so that your back is against his chest. 
Nat starts the movie and turns off the lights. 
"Be warned, this movie is like- three hours long," she warns. You nod and gently trace mindless patterns on Bucky's skin.
Steve and Tony walk into the room around half an hour into the movie. Steve sits beside you on the opposite as Bucky and smiles, patting your sock clad feet gently.
"I told you," he whispers softly in your ear, causing you to nod and smile, cuddling against Bucky more. He rubs your arm gently then sneaks his hand into yours again. He doesn't think anything directly to you but you understand why he does it; to be closer to you in a slightly more intimate way than everyone else.
Wow. This Leonardo Dicaprio fellow is pretty attractive.
Bucky frowns and looks at you.
But not as attractive as you, of course.
He chuckles and kisses the top of your head lightly.
You continue watching the movie with the team, you and Bucky making little side notes every now and then.
The woman in my lap is going to be the death of me. Her cute little concentrating face. The way she bites her lip. Her lips. God her lips are incredible.
You blush and look up at him. He's staring at you with a lost puppy look in his eyes.
They're so fuckin' perfect and they look positively delicious. God I just want to have a taste of them.
Your face flushes brighter and you turn away to watch the movie again.
You're so sweet. You... I can't even begin to describe how much you mean to me.
He kisses the top if your head and you cuddle against him more as the movie escalates. 
Rose and Jack are in the car... getting busy.
You watch curiously and Bucky chuckles.
What? It's not even that steamy. You should see some of the stuff on the Internet.
Your cheeks heat up and he kisses the top of your head again.
I've never seen anything remotely sexual. I've always avoided it in people's heads and memories. Too sensual and intimate and... private.
He nods.
Maybe when we're more... comfortable... you can experiment with me. I mean only if you... I-I don't want to y-you know? I mean-
Bucky. It's okay. I know what you mean. And yes, I would like to... experiment... at some point.
He sighs softly and runs his metal fingers through your hair lightly. You hum in contentment and nibble on the inside of your cheek.
Once the movie's over and the tears have stopped, you look up at Bucky with a small frown on your lips.
"What? What's wrong?" He murmurs into your ear. You smile and nuzzle your face into his neck.
M'tired. But I wanna stay up and cuddle with you.
He chuckles and smooths the pad of his thumb over your cheek.
Doll, we can cuddle while you fall asleep. And tomorrow we can go out together and get ice cream or something. But we have all the time in the world.
You smile and take a deep breath, inhaling his comforting scent then exhaling against the skin of his neck. He shivers and pulls you closer to him, holding you in a tight embrace.
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ghostsandmirrors · 3 years
y'know, I don't think my version of bucky has ever gotten over the fact that he didn't get any real chance to have a 'normal' life.
(under read more due to length and it's just kinda depressing, tbh)
I don't think he's angry about it, because he hasn't thought about it. he hasn't let himself think about it or process it, because thinking about what could have been feels ungrateful. like, he got to see the future that he was always kind of curious about. he got to see technology and cultures and the aftermath of stonewall and so much more, so to think 'but I could've had a 'normal' life...' feels almost rude, in a very specific, 'spitting in someone's face because they gave you an expensive gift but you wanted a doughnut' way.
like, he's seen things he never thought he'd see. technology has advanced to the point that telephones are small enough to fit in a pocket or bag, can play music, can be used as notebooks or for reading, and has the internet. the internet, which wasn't even close to being invented when bucky fell because the inventor was born in 1955. humans have been to space. people have walked on the moon. pluto was discovered (and then dropped from the lineup of planets). robots called opportunity and spirit roamed mars. humanity managed to get an image of a black hole.
cultures have become wider-known because people from those cultures have spaces to talk about their traditions and beliefs and why they're important. people can share videos related to their cultures and traditions. videos in whatever level of colour the person posting it wants, with full sound. the first motion picture was shot 29 years before bucky was born (shoutout to louis le prince). they needed projectors to be seen. 1927 was the first time motion pictures used sound.
stonewall happened! you think baby gay bucky thought he'd ever hear of a black trans woman inciting a riot by throwing a brick at police due to being tired of the raids, birthing a movement and eventually causing the state of new york to legalise gay marriage 42 years later? in his day, the community had to hide because they were blamed for the great depression.
so many rights movements are ongoing, including the movements started by stonewall. most of them are newer, at least to a white guy born in 1917.
the war itself had an aftermath and legacy that remains to this day.
things happened that other people born in 1917 may never have thought they'd see--people walked on the moon the same year as the riots, almost a month later--and he's gotten to see how things changed.
so when he thinks 'it would've been nice to have a family', regardless of what that family may have looked like, it gets chased down and buried with thoughts of 'but look at where you are now,' because the things that made him miss out on any chance to be normal also meant he survived. despite the memory loss and the trauma and the knowledge that he never had a choice--from the war (drafted) to the fall (fuckin gravity) to the winter soldier (hydra)--he still wants to be grateful for being alive and never think about ‘what if’ because he doesn't believe in a god, but on the off chance that there is one he doesn't want to seem ungrateful for what he's seen since 2014.
i mean, shit, he knows aliens are real after endgame. he’s met aliens. i think he even a shot a few.
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Anastasia AU
So I saw Anastasia (the broadway one) in June and it was amazing like if you get the chance go see it. But anyway, since i’m absolute trash i’m jotting down some ideas for a newsies anastasia AU. (based more on the broadway version than the movie but like the plots aren’t too different so). also yes this AU would make more sense with jack and kath as the main characters (love interest) but when was the last time I wrote something heterosexual?
Note: this turned into a somewhat humorous summary of anastasia feat. javid
-So its 1917 in russia and the royal family is having a great time (said royal family is the Jacobs, but we’ll stick with the name Romanov because ‘jacobs’ is not russian)
-David is like ten or something? Sarah is nineteen, and while she adores her family, she has plans to go to Paris to spend time with her girlfriend  lady in waiting, Katherine. David doesn’t want her to go, so she promises she’ll see him soon and gives him a music box and they sing a haunting lullaby together, etc, y'all now how the story goes.
-like five minutes after Sarah leaves a bunch of revolution people come and kill the nobility for the sake of communism. (i feel rlly bad that Les dies). Sarah finds out about this and is Very Sad
-Time jump like ten years. Russia is now Very Communist and people are generally upset about that. But there’s a Rumor in Saint Petersburg that hey?? Maybe that david kid isn’t dead??????? And it turns out his older sister Sarah, who is currently chilling in Paris with her gf, will pay a Lot for his return
-Jack Kelly and his bff Crutchie are basically poor con artists who are bitter about communism. they want to Leave Russia but that’s Difficult. (crutchie is like thirty something- jack’s 22- cause i need crutchie to be older cause he used to be a count or something?). Jack hears about the missing prince rumor and thinks, hey, i could make money off of that. he ropes Crutchie into helping him, and they buy a music box that probably belonged to David. they’re really pumped about this plan
-who else happens to exist in Russia at the time? a kid named Davey who is currently like 20, and can’t remember the first ten years of his life. he’s spent all of his life travelling Russia with close to nothing and no memories, and he really wants to Leave. someone tells him, hey, hit up Jack Kelly he can get you out.
-so he goes to see Jack and Crutchie, who decide, hey, this kid looks vaguely like David (and has a very similar name, because fuck you i didn’t want to come up with another name). Davey sings an angsty ballad about not remembering shit. Jack is instantly smitten. Jack and Crutchie (who i will now refer to as the Dream Team to shorten things up) convince him that he’s probably a lost prince and davey just. goes along with it.
-the Dream Team tries to teach Davey all the Things about being russian nobility and. don’t do well. its okay they tried. Crutchie actually tries to be nice and helpful. Jack and Davey engage in some banter
.-theres this whole subplot in the musical about this ultra-communist dude and his struggle between wanting to kill anastasia for being a romanov and being in love with her. hes v morally grey and actually kinda interesting but i just. dont want to deal w/his story in this. if yall have ideas on how to include him in this lmk
-Jack sings an Upbeat song about how much he fucking hates Russia but also he loves it???? Davey is smitten (My Petersburg is a Bop listen to it)
-ngl i don’t really remember how this part happened in the musical so im going to go off of what i remember from the movie. The Dream Team + Davey go to rehearse in some old ballroom that used to be used by nobility. Davey has intense flashbacks and ends up singing that lullaby he heard literally ten years ago. He may or may not hallucinate his dead family. 
-turns out everyone Fucking Hates Russia but also loves it.
-they leave russia. Crutchie is pumped to see his friend Katherine, who will hopefully take him, jack, and davey to see Sarah. Jack and Davey are both Nervous
-they arrive near Paris, and the Dream Team rush ahead to relish in the fact that they finally got out of Goddamn Russia. Davey stays behind for three minutes and seventeen seconds to sing about how he’s going to finally find his family??? He’s scared but also happy and just. My boy.
-Crutchie is Very Excited about being in Paris. He was there a lot when he was nobility I guess? He leads a very nice musical number about how great france is. Jack comes to the realization that, wow, after this, he’s probably never going to see davey again??? that sucks. Davey meanwhile is Shook by Paris
-Davey Crosses a Bridge
-also somewhere in here Jack and Davey dance with each other. Its cute and crutchie ships it
-meanwhile, in the Richest part of Paris, Sarah and Kath are a few minutes into Reading Letters and Chill when sarah gets sad. She’s angsty because there have been a bunch of fake Davids and she just misses her little bro:( Kath tries to comfort her gf and give her hope, but Sarah just insists they Close the Door forever. She can’t deal with any more pain. She asks to be alone
-kath goes to a russian club to get drunk (not with liquor!!! fame works quicker!!!) and sing a BOP about missing being russian nobility. (dudes. Land of Yesterday is amazing)
-Crutchie and Kath meet up and Crutchie is like “hey so me and my buddy Jack brought a guy who may or may not be David can we see Sarah?” Kath is worried at first but eventually she agrees cause she and Crutchie are Good Friends (the characters they’re based on have a relationship in the musical but none of that straight shit in my AU)
-Davey has nightmares about All of His Family Dying and Jack comforts him by telling him a story about a parade he was at when he was ten. ten year old Jack had watched a parade of russian nobility, and had such an instant crush on young David that he just. ran out in the middle of the street to see him. David had smiled at him and that was jack’s bisexual awakening
.-In order to Add To the Story of Davey Being David, Jack has Davey retell the story from his POV. he says basically the same stuff, but then adds on that Jack had bowed. But Jack never told him that??? Wow turns out Davey is David!!! What a surprising turn of events
.-Jack and Davey finish the song in a very romantic duet and they’re about to kiss but then Jack bows to him instead
-Crutchie comments on how in love Jack and Davey are and wow this might fuck up the plan
-They go see a ballet. Davey sees sarah and is excited!!! thats his sister!!!! he just needs to convince her of that. Sarah sees Davey and wonders if thats her bro?? but no she cant get hopes up. Jack wants to protect and support davey like a good bf
-Kath recognizes Davey as the kid crutchie told her about and takes him to go to see Sarah while Jack waits outside. Jack convinces himself that they can only win. But… even if it works, and he gets the money, he’s going to lose Davey?? He realizes that he loves Davey and pining ensue
s-in the meeting, Davey realizes that there was a reward for finding David and figures that Jack and Crutchie were just using him and he is pretty heartbroken. he storms off, but Jack stays to try to convince Sarah to talk to Davey again. she respects his boldness and agrees. Jack on the other hand, thinks Davey hates him now and is heartbroken. he decides to leave Paris
-Sarah and Davey talk but she still doesn’t believe him. He shows her the music box and sings their lullaby. Sarah is Convinced and joins in on the lullaby. They hug and share a sibling moment. Its very cute.
-theres a Press Conference about David
-Davey realizes he kinda doesn’t want to be a prince cause he’d rather be gay for Jack. Sarah is chill with that. Davey decides to go after Jack
-Davey nearly gets shot but doesn’t.
-Davey finds Jack being angsty as he’s planning to leave. Jack makes some bs comment like “leave me alone i don’t want to be in love with someone who doesn’t love me for the rest of my life.” Davey decides Jack is being stupid and kisses him. They leave Paris together and live happily ever after!!
-(Meanwhile, Sarah lives in Paris with Katherine- they are happy and in love. Crutchie mostly stays with them but also joins Jack and Davey regularly on their exploits. Everyone is happy forever.)
so yeah this is stupid
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