#ccg are the cops
arsnof · 4 months
ArsCo Presents the Inaugural Arsnof's Great American Yard Sard Comics and Sundry Sale 2024!
Hello there! I'm Arsnof. You may remember me from content such as "Canadian Illustrator", "Dungeon Mentat", or even "Transformers Meme". I'm here today to host a celebration of buying things, thinking they're so super cool, and then putting them away and never looking at them again. Comics, books, toys, anime, manga, CCGs, rare webcomic goodies, tiny figurines of yokai, a Little Golden Book adaptation of Gremlins that ends before midnight, Chuck Norris's Karate Kommandos, can you read Japanese because I can't, official Soul Coughing stickers, a hoard of well read Wizards and Toyfares, Funko Pops, feet pics (you can get off, but only if you can correctly diagnose what's wrong first), Transformers...
I could go on forever, but I got it, you want it, we can make a deal (no tongue).
Why is this happening? I'm shit broke and getting shitter. Going down like a Trump Casino. Guy paying his bills on time? I haven't heard that name in forever.
I've been taking care of my ailing father (tried to die on us three times so far this year) and the rest of my family (I don't owe you an explanation, cop) and then someone just up and decided to make my automobile a notomobile.
They didn't have insurance, but that's okay because we have full cov-*hand to ear*-what? We don't? Only comprehensive? Since when? FUCKING shit... Okay, but we still have uninsured motorist, so-four thousand? Four thousand. Dollars. $4,000. To replace an entire ass truck.
We are in desperate need of a car. I've got a lifetime of memories. You, on average, have some change sitting around. Can I have some? I'll trade you stuff.
I'm starting with my comics because they're easiest to catalogue. See something you like? HMU, as the kids say (please God don't let that be a sex thing) and I'll see what I can do. I'm giving the comic shop at which I used to work a vague preference, but I can be swayed.
Next up will be the trades and manga, DVDs of varied origin, toys, and so on.
If life can stop kicking us in the gender neutral pain zone for five fucking minutes, @paulyollyoxxenfree and I will get back to handicrafts. They're getting back into the amiguroove and I'm going to hit the pad - finish and print Kitty, start Dr. Doctor. Stickers and stuff. I'm not shaving for a while to put me in mall Santa shape by Thanksgiving.
But what if you've got too much money and you're sick of it, but you hate being given things? I take donations. If you put a special request in the memo, I won't even give you the thanks. I'll just spit. I take requests.
Fuck, I don't know, antelope? My email - [email protected]
I might make one of those kofi things.
Oh and, heheh, one more thing...
Launching in the fourth quarter 2024, ArsCo is proud to announce Alone With Arsnof, the happening new app that gives you the power to have some one-on-one time *gunshot* wit- *sudden fade to red-tinted black, gunshot echo. Sirens fade in. HE'S DOWN! OVER THERE! THE ROOF? A high-pitched whine. Bright light. The late afternoon sky comes into focus. Fireballs? The sun is so bright. Automatic gunfire. No, jets. Falling. Screams. Recognizable screams. Unrecognizable screams? Inhuman? The sun blinks*
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tatatatatara · 2 months
Takizawa, pilled with cops propaganda: i want to work at the CCG! I bet it's full of people with strong sense of justice and desire to protect the city from evil ghouls!!!
The CCG members: weapon maniacs, violence lovers, traumatized orphans, ghouls, ghoulfuckers, inbred products, eccentrics, antisocial psychos, poor people, rescued scrappers
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 2, Side B, Match 7
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propaganda under the cut!
"Submission 1 Let me tell you, when I say they should have been canon, they should have been canon! Let's start from the beginning, shall we? (Major spoilers for the whole series lmao)
Hide and Kaneki met as children, around the ages of 7-10. Kaneki has always been a big bookworm while Hide has always been a big extrovert. Unbeknown to anyone yet, Hide had recently lost his father and was just adopted and was having a hard time adjusting and fitting in at this new school despite his cheerful personality. He kinda just walked up to Kaneki and asked to be his friend and he said yes.
They grew up together, Hide being Kaneki's only salvation in the world as he lost his mother and was stuck in a neglectful, nearly abusive situation living with his aunt. They usually just talked about stupid stuff, but Hide's friendship meant everything to Kaneki. Eventually, they began attending the same university, Kamii. Kaneki took literature while Hide studied foreign languages, majoring in English. They were only in their first year when Kaneki was involved in an accident. In this world, creatures known as ghouls exist among humans, look and act just like them, but they eat human flesh. It's the only thing their bodies can digest, everything else tastes disgusting and makes them sick.
Kaneki went out with a girl, but found out she was actually a ghoul when she tried to eat him. He ran away into a construction zone where steel beams fell on the girl and he passed out. He was rushed to the hospital and needed a kidney transplant, but the hospital had none and so they used the girl's, or so the doctor said. In reality, the doctor transplanted the girl's kakuho, an organ unique to ghouls, into him. Slowly, Kaneki began to notice changes to his body. Food tasted gross and people started to sound appetizing (this all sounds off topic but trust me it's necessary to understand the depths of Kaneki and Hide's relationship).
While dealing with this revalation, Kaneki skipped out on quite a few days of class. Once he retuned, Hide immediately hugged him, saying that he's been lonely and that rabbits die of loneliness. Later in the day, Hide is attacked by a ghoul and knocked unconscious while Kaneki tries to fight the ghoul off. Kaneki is very weak at this point and can't do much, but tries to defend his friend until the bitter end. When it really looks like Hide is about to die and be eaten, Kaneki is able to unleash his kagune (a hunting limb/organ thing ghouls use to fight) to fight off the ghoul and save Hide. The two of them are saved and cared for, and Kaneki talks to another ghoul about how he's no longer human in the same room Hide is sleeping in but little does he know that Hide is actually awake.
They started drifting away because of this, with Kaneki wanting to keep Hide out of danger. At one point, Kaneki is kidnapped and goes missing and so Hide spends his time looking for him, tailing shady people, and joining the CCG (Comission of Counter Ghoul, aka the ghoul cops) as an intern to look for files on him. Eventually a few months later, they find each other again. Kaneki has changed a lot, having been tortured and been through a lot of other stuff. The CCG is on a mission called the Owl Execution Operation to locate and kill an extremely powerful ghoul known as the Owl with Kaneki fighting on the side of the ghouls and Hide (technically) with the CCG. Kaneki is beginning to lose his mind while struggling to regenerate a severe wound when Hide shows up. Kaneki freaks out because he doesn't want Hide to know that he's a ghoul, but Hide just pats him on the shoulder and says ""I knew all along man!"" There's a very strong CCG fighter blocking the only exit to the area and Kaneki needs to be at full strength to have a chance at winning so Hide tells Kaneki to eat him. Kaneki gives Hide one hell of a kiss, eating his lips and part of his cheek and neck.
Flash forward three/four years later, Kaneki had amnesia but regained his memories at this point. Kaneki is fighting an extremely strong adversary and is losing horribly. He is about to drown when Hide appears in his dreams. They talk about the situation, joking around a bit too. Kaneki cries, saying how much he misses him, with Hide responding ""what are you, a rabbit?"" Hide convinces Kaneki to keep fighting and not to throw his life away, saying ""it may not be stylish, but live."
Meanwhile, the real Hide has dedicated his life to finding help for Kaneki these last few years. After some really big stuff that I can't even begin to explain happens, Hide comes out from the shadows and takes the lead in helping Kaneki out of this shitshow of a situation. When one person asks ""why go this far for Ken Kaneki?"", Hide simply responds ""Because I love him.""
Submission 2
They're lifelong friends. Kaneki has a bad family history and Hide looks like a sunflower and has the personality of a golden retriever. When Kaneki gets turned into a ghoul, Hide figures it out pretty much immediately and doesn't say anything, because he's waiting for Kaneki to feel comfortable enough to confess. Even as Kaneki drifts away, Hide gets more and more involved in the world of ghouls so he can continue looking after him. At the end of the first series, Kaneki ends up starved for human flesh and on the brink of being captured. Hide, who has joined the enemy side because it's the only way to stay close, finds him in the sewers and offers himself to be eaten. Fade to black.
In the second series, when Kaneki regains his memories, he wants to die in style, like he thinks Hide did, protecting the people he loves. His hallucinations of Hide talk him out of this. He gets ghoul-married to another ghoul by leaving non-fatal bites on each other. This is relevant because Hide isn't dead; just heavily scarred (his jaw and throat are just gone, like a makeout session gone very badly), and he's been going around in disguise as a scarecrow for the past several years, manipulating things so that Kaneki will be as safe as possible.
Submission 1
they are the cutest thing ever with 5 books of slow burn
Submission 2
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Nightcrawler and Nightwing:
I'm not saying all circus kids know each other, but these two do. Dick's circus was doing a tour of Europe and met Kurt's circus and they traveled together for a while. Dick and Kurt bonded and became pen pals. Kurt's circus was in America when the Grayson's took their infamous dive and he comforted Dick afterward. He also teleported Dick into the trunk of the Batmobile and Bruce didn't find out until he got to the Cave. That's the real reason Dick became Robin. Batman and Robin were in Europe for a mission and Dick went to see Kurt's circus. He saw his friend was all drugged up and staged a rescue. Thus began the long standing tradition of Batman dropping mutant's off at Xavier's. Dick and Kurt still write. Two blue boys who spread happiness and joy and are freaking terrified when ticked.
Matsuri and Ainosuke:
So they're both /very/ closeted flamboyant gay men in powerful houses that could make them disappear any day if they ever found that out. Both were/are being set up for arranged political marriage. Ainosuke is a politician, very into infrastructure for the youth and the environment. His father was also a very renowned politician and he basically took his place in the party after his death. Said father was a piece of shit. Ainosuke appears very clean on himself, the perfect boy. However, hidden from everyone, he's a skating god, dressing as a matador named "Adam" and skating down mountains, with a cigarette in his mouth (it cannot be made public he smokes). In Tokyo Ghoul, Matsuri is the heir to the CCG, basically cops that fight against ghouls. However, the family leading it, the Washuu, are actually ghouls! Matsuri is very emotionally restrained, and despite his actual personality being more extravagant, he always only show other his cold, ruthless, exterior when there is anyone around. His true self only comes out when he's alone. Unlike Ainosuke, Matsuri really loved his father. Said father's murder destroyed him thoroughly, making it the first time we readers saw Matsuri's emotions. Now another funny more common point the two have: they both have someone considered to be their human dog. Their closest subordinate, Tadashi for Ainosuke, which fully assumes his position as dog and even seeks it out - and Urie Kuki for Matsuri, who only proclaimed to be his dog in order to be closer to power. Fun fact, both Tadashi and Urie have a mole under their eyes, never express what they actually feel, and rarely ever talk. Ainosuke is def a Dom, it's actual canon. Matsuri is very much coded so. (Matsuri's in love with Urie btw bc he craves actual loyalty and friendship. He sees himself in Urie, too (who's also in an unrequited love with his colleague and very much gay and closeted)) Now my crossover started as a joke. Despite Ainosuke being from Okinawa and Matsuri from Tokyo, I definitely thought they would could have met in Tokyo given Ainosuke's profession. I thought "oh wouldn't it be fun if they meet at an event and their gaydars go absolutely bonkers" and off my brain went. Meeting at an event in Tokyo, they recognize themselves in the other. For the first time in the evening, Ainosuke's smile is true. Matsuri's hands shake slightly but no one takes notice of it. They meet again few times. With time, they grow closer and as they know each other better, both on a personal level and political one (but especially that one), they decide to ally politically, as they both long for a life that's more free, where they can be who they actually are (both in the sexuality aspect and the ghoul aspect for Matsuri - though Ainosuke wouldn't know about that as it's very much illegal to be a ghoul) I've also entertained the idea of making them meet sometime in a dungeon or a gay bar or club but I ultimately never did anything with it as Ainosuke wouldn't go to bars or clubs and Matsuri can't eat human food in the first place. I kinda want to do something with the BDSM dungeon but I haven't researched that enough yet haha There's also the fact that Ainosuke has red eyes which is a features ghouls have in TG. Now Matsuri would know right off that he's human as ghouls can recognize themselves by smell, but I love the thought of Ainosuke being suspected of being a ghoul and investigated for it. Ainosuke would be very supportive of ghouls as he'd see their struggles as an oppressed minority that have to suppress their true selves in order not to be killed. Yeah. They are my favorite guys. I relate a lot to them as I also grew up in a strict family not accepting of queerness and well. If I don't get to meet them well at least they both can have each other as friends!
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tg-headcanons · 2 years
I’ve been debating asking about this but what the hell. Do you think ghouls, both before and after decriminalisation, would resort to vigilantism to try and prove to humans they weren’t all bad? Idk if that sound stupid or not but the idea of having ghouls running around at night in their masks stopping human on human crime seems interesting to me.
As well as that technically it could prove to be a source of food justified by ‘removal of criminals from the streets.’
Another thought is would they stop ghoul on ghoul or ghoul on human crime?? Idk if any of that made sense tho lmao :)
Oh ghouls ABSOLUTELY do this
In episode one we hear that cop asking why ghouls don’t just go after criminals if they need to eat people, but unbeknownst to humans, many do. It’s difficult to hunt humans safely, so they have good reason to just grab whoever they can, but plenty have targets
It often goes unnoticed when ghouls hunt criminals, and that’s because, as a whole, ghouls have a different idea of what constitutes a crime. Rob a bank? The bank should have been stronger, it deserved to be robbed. But hitting a spouse? Kill on site. Nonviolent or “deserved” crimes don’t make people a target for ghouls, but things such as abuse, sexual harassment, and needless theft from people who could not afford to lose things are what tend to get noticed. These are what ghouls police among themselves, given that they also can’t talk to police and have to make their own general laws, and this is what they will judge humans on
There’s also the issue of what goes unreported. If someone is harassing and assaulting people, or if there were drugs involved, or if the victim is in legal trouble already, chances are it isn’t safe to go to the police. The person is then never reported, and counted by the CCG as Just A Random Ghoul Victim.
There is a whole underground network of ghouls who do this. Enter gangs and teams that have to quietly make it known that if someone can’t go to the cops, they can come to them. Often even human gangs and crime organizations have some idea of a person or gang that will make people disappear without even a body found if they’ve done something, and meeting locations and methods of communication are passed by word of mouth between people who need them
There have been ghouls who tried to make their work known, and the classification “Vigilante” for ghoul hunting type has become a controversial category in the CCG. There’s the ongoing argument of whether or not it should be officially recognized as a hunting pattern, whether it makes sense because they don’t know if ghouls are playing some trick or, possibly worse, actually trying to help people. It’s an avoided topic because how awful would it be to try to convince one another to hunt and kill a ghoul consciously choosing to hunt blackmailers and abusers to save human lives?
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ithoshi · 10 months
SAITAMA ( One Punch Man )
An unassociated hero, hails from Z-City and performs heroic deeds as a hobby. For three years, he has trained enough to defeat any enemy with a single punch, his unmatched strength leaving him bored. He becomes a reluctant mentor to Genos, a cyborg seeking revenge against another cyborg who killed his family and destroyed his hometown, after Saitama defeats a monster that defeated Genos. With Genos, Saitama learns about a heroes organization who are also fighting the monsters.
Has a lot of great qualities that make him the best character ever. He is kind and loyal, he knows when to be serious, and he always does what it takes to protect those important to him, the sheer power of Naruto’s chakra is unlike anything the world has ever seen before, Kurama, one of the tailed beasts, he has an incredible amount of chakra, he befriends Kurama, and the two join forces, making fighting against this incredible ninja virtually impossible.
MONKEY D. LUFFY ( One Piece )
Granting him a rubber-like body, his powers make him immune to electric attacks and most blunt forces, but he is susceptible to attacks made with a sharp object or weapon. His rubber devil fruit powers grant him the ability to stretch his body at will. He uses his elasticity to accelerate part or all of his body to deliver punches, kicks, head butts, and many other varied attacks as seen throughout the series. Although like others who have eaten a Devil Fruit, Luffy cannot swim; when he is submerged in water or contacts the Sea-Prism Stone, he loses his strength and cannot move on his own. In addition to his Devil Fruit powers, he has immense strength, durability, speed, reflexes, agility, endurance, and stamina.
KEN KANEKI ( Tokyo Ghoul )
Ken Kaneki is a first year college student, and after narrowly surviving a Ghoul Attack finds himself transformed into a Human-Ghoul hybrid. He struggles to find a balance between his two natures, and is taken in by the moderate organization Anteiku. In the climax, Anteiku is raided by the CCG, and Kaneki's fate is left unclear after facing the CCG's ace Kishou Arima in a duel, After working under the CCG as Haise Sasaki, he eventually regains his past memories and becomes Ken Kaneki once more. Unable to deal with his feelings of guilt, Kaneki eventually betrays CCG to save his imprisoned friend, Hinami, and then goes to fight his mentor, Arima, in hopes of commiting Suicide by Cop. However, during an ordeal, Kaneki realizes he wants to live, and after unlocking the full potential of his kagune defeats Arima, reveals he had been hoping for this from the start, proceeding to slit his own throat and explain that he was the One-Eyed King and Eto's mole in CCG, but needed a successor due to being a half-human hybrid suffering from increased age. Per Arima's final wish, Kaneki takes responsibility for Arima's death and the title of One-Eyed King, to become a Hope Bringer to all those victimized by the Washuu clan.
GOJO ( Jujutsu Kaisen )
A sorcerer working as a teacher in the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. He uses his self-proclaimed and he was self-respected, most allies and enemies alike never actually dispute the title and generally consider him to be one of the most dangerous people alive. Gojo is introduced in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 a Jujutsu Sorcerer, under the guidance of the young Yuta Okkotsu whom he convinces to join the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School to control Rika and avoid his solicitude. During this time, Gojo makes Okkotsu train with Panda, Maki Zenin, and Toge Inumaki to help Okkotsu control his own Curse while helping him develop friendships. Okkotsu's Curse attracts Suguru Geto, a sorcerer friendly with Gojo but at the same time keeps an antagonistic relationship with him. Geto wishes to create a shaman-only world. When Okkotsu's Curse gives him the power to take down Geto, Gojo appears and kills Geto. He then helps the young Okkotsu to understand the true nature of his powers.
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elmaxlys · 2 years
If I may...
Qs Amon AU: Amon's body is recovered by the CCG instead of Aogiri at the end of vol 14. Kurona having been previously caught, Chigyou and Shiba try a prototype of their Quinx surgery on Amon in a desperate attempt to save his life.
Mermaid AU: There are three types of people: the merpeople, the birdmorphs and humans. Koutarou is human but has somehow been saved and then raised by the ruthless king of the sea: the merman Crown (Donato). Most birdmorphs hunt merpeople because merpeople feed on humans. So when birdmorphs (Doves) capture Donato and "save" Koutarou by taking him in, there starts his vengeance. This AU also features Aogiri trying to take down the Doves.
Just an Intuition: Donato has never been found or captured. His son Koutarou becomes a ghoul investigator to protect his father and siblings. Koutarou's partner, Mado Kureo, once meets Donato. Mado's intuition screams that Donato is a ghoul but he has no proof and Donato just doesn't slip. Mado desperately tries to prove Donato is a ghoul, Koutarou, bless his soul, refuses to belive him, and Donato laughs in the background (and brutally ensures that his son will not be harmed)
Family is a Big Word: Kuzen decides to leave Eto in a remote orphanage led by a ghoul skillful enough to escape from scrutiny, instead of the dreadful 24th ward. Years later, a young boy fleeing his family ends up half dead at the orphanage's door. Or: Eto, Souta and Koutarou are raised as siblings in Donato's orphanage.
Burnt Cookies: Human AU, about the friendship of Harima Touko, Gori Misato and Amon Koutarou who were once childhood friends. The consequences of Harima's death.
Fairies Don't Lie: changeling inspired: a human child taken by fairies and replaced by a fairies in his human family is raised among fairies, not understanding why he's so different. Self discovery journey. The child is, you guessed it, Koutarou. He was raised by the Fairy King (yup, Donato) and some of his close associates (Roma and Ganbo)
Human AU: Koutarou, around 20yo, in an attempt to protect his friend Harima from thugs, ends up killing someone. Harima dies anyway and Koutarou, in a panic and pretty beaten up himself, flees after calling the cops on a public phone. He ends up passed out somewhere and Donato finds him. It has not yet been decided whether Donato is a priest or a teacher at Koutarou's uni, but in any case he's a killer and cannibal on the side. He patches Koutarou up and accidentally becomes a dad in the process
Heir to the Crown: Pirate Captain Donato, specialized in human trafficking, once found a baby among the flames of a burning ship. Thinking that he could sell it when it becomes older, he keeps it. He charges Kanae, a prisoner, to take care of the kid. Later he captures another ship and finds Miza among the prisoners. Finding out she has experience in child raising, he keeps her and charges her to raise the baby. (the baby is, you guessed it, Koutarou)
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Oh wait we can make the slave thing interesting. Like, she buy them and free them because she's an angel, and Eren decide to come back a few years later as a rich gentleman to marry her for obvious reasons 🤔
This is giving more Mikasa lol! I can see Tokyo ghoul vibes where she’s an undercover cop in an auction and she’s supposed to be there strictly to gather intel but like she can’t bring herself to leave them! K but all the better if it’s Tokyo ghoul arc and they’re half ghouls, more chaos! Let’s them join the CCG and Eren spends the entire time going crazy with the training bc his goal in life is to catch up to detective Ackerman 🥵🥵he’s so unhinged.
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katsukikitten · 2 years
oOOO we getting his past huh 👀
Y'all he's fucking fighting in slip ons
How embarrassing to be a half ghoul which is allegedly stronger than a regular degular ghoul and getting your ass kicked by a HUMAN
Damn sucks to suck huh.
Touka's brother better not fucking die.
I didn't know these twins long enough to give a fuck. Okay so not dead?
Damn so who's the cleanup crew for the CCG? That looks like a rough ass job 😂
Bro has a cannon arm 👀 listen I hate only seeing one eye change. I need to KNOW
Humans are no better than ghouls and I said that from the get
I can't 😭 not the flash back. I swear to God if he DIES Ayato pls 😭 you still gotta make up with Touka.
What the fuck is a kakuja? Can we talk about how it's like a centipede though 🥺
Kaneki are you not going to be able to maintain your humanity 🥺
Can we talk about the piano tho being all wild and yes I went back to watch the part where the music dies and Kaneki moves so fucking fast and it's the climax of the battle I held my fucking BREATH
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scrcrow-a · 6 years
give me that tg mafia au where the ccg is the police force trying to get the crime out of the cities caused by the ghoul run mafia organizations ( aogiri, clowns, goat, etc. )  but the joke is that the washuu are the real seedy crime bosses running things behind the scene while keeping up the appearance of law abiding cops. 
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kokkuri3 · 6 years
Idk if the narrative wants us to sympathize with the Doves or not because it almost seems like it does but A. Why and B. Juuzou kinda fucks any positive feelings I had for the group
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stayskrunchyinmilk · 4 years
Stays Krunchy in Milk Episode 355: Generic Puerto Rican
We hit the ground running this ep because the week we recorded it was a week of great change. Tee runs through a list of things that should have already been gone but made it to 2020 before getting the boot. We discuss the goings on at Bon Appetit, their former EIC and how Black and People of Color suffered mistreatment there. In the midst of that discussion we got some sports racism. Policing in this country is in need of reform. We discuss why, and how that reformation would work when compared to the present. BIPOC, where did that come from? Does it function like it should with many POC’s experience being very different than Black people?  Dan describes his first outing in a partially reopened state. We have begun backing away from various social media platforms. For this week’s AITA, The Podfather himself chimes in with a story from his past. We then hit a couple of AITA’s from Reddit and decide who’s the asshole and why.  
Alternate Title: Racism Easter Eggs 
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#Comedy #Culture #Social #Entertainment #Skype #NovelCoronaVirus #Covid19 #GoodieMOB #CellTherapy #Racism #Magig #MTG #CCG #LadyAntebelum #NFL #ColinKaepernick #Statues #Cops #LivePD #BonAppetit #MLB #BostonRedSox #ToriiHunter #PoliceReform #DefundthePolice #BIPOC #SocialMedia #AITA          
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lokahjarta · 2 years
so I’m gonna get red string and corkboard here
but all this doesn’t even begin to touch on the narrative and thematic details between Twin Peaks and Tokyo Ghoul; all this below just to name the narrative and visual devices that are used to impart uncannily similar stories told in VERY FUCKING DIFFERENT MEDIUMS but with One or Two (where there’s one there’s two) common denominators between them
As Dale Cooper says;
“When two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object of inquiry, we must always pay strict attention.”
I could easily do a Part 2 on this if anyone else seems interested.
“The Owls Are Not What They Seem”
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Owls are used over and over again in both stories to communicate a character that is actually something else.  
Something sinister, unknown, and existing between worlds.  
In Twin Peaks, these are spirits from The Black Lodge, existing between their world and our own in the form of owls.  They are ever watching, living on the outskirts, but never far away.  
In Tokyo Ghoul, these are the One-Eyed Ghouls, specifically Eto and Seidou.  They’re animalistic, insane, and belong neither to the world of the ghouls nor the world of humans.  They fight with berserker like frenzy and strength, battle hungry and blood thirsty.  
Eto, as Sen Takatsuki, observes the world of both humans and ghoul and becomes a worldwide best-selling author, while likewise she is Eto of the Aogiri Tree, while she is also The One Eyed Owl, and the daughter of Yoshimura - truly, Not What She Seems.  
Seidou’s rebirth as a One-Eye parallels Eto’s story.  A former CCG agent turned medical experiment, he exists in the extremes of the stories’ factions, the righteous and lawful good Commission of Counter Ghouls and the clandestine, terrorist organization, Aogiri Tree.  In the end, neither Seidou nor Eto choose a side or pick a team.  They inhabit the In Between both physically, morally, and metaphorically.
A Damn Fine Cup of Coffee
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The central hub and the narrative heart of both shows is in the kitchen; specifically, the coffee shop.  
In Twin Peaks, the Double R Diner serves every type of person who comes through the door.  Cops and robbers, vagrants and regulars.  It hosts the clandestine meetings of the Bookhouse Boys and hires criminals who use the cheery front to disguise their true identities and nefarious dealings.  
Anteiku serves hot mugs of damn fine coffee to both ghouls and humans.  The one “food” that ghouls can enjoy that isn’t human flesh, coffee is a bridge of common ground between those who would seem as natural enemies.  Anteiku also operates as a sort of ghoul foodbank, handing out human parts to the most vulnerable in their communities; ghouls who can’t hunt on their own.  The Double R operates Twin Peaks’ Meals on Wheels program, delivering and serving food to those who need it.
Over and over we return to Anteiku, return to the Double R, return to what feels like warmth and like home, the one safe place in the world.
Dream State
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And then there’s this little stretch of the imagination.  It’s more than just a high contrast floor pattern, it’s a pattern that repeats itself in various forms through both mediums, but no where else is the shared territory more clear than in the similarities between Twin Peaks’ Red Room and Jason’s Torture Chamber.  In the Red Room, where Dale is trapped for 25 years, he is enthroned where he sits, a chair that will become his prison.  He is visited, or perhaps plagued, by visions of Laura Palmer.  Or at least, who we think is Laura Palmer.  Likewise, Kaneki is enthroned, chained, and tortured.  All the while visited and tormented by visions of Rize - but she isn’t really there. Rize’s dead - right?
The pattern comes back to haunt us whenever Kaneki faces extreme distress and crises of identity.  He is brought back to the crux of his tragedy, falling through checkered floors in dizzying cacophony, attempting to find a way out of his own mind only to be lost in chess-tiled labyrinths.
Likewise Dale Cooper, trapped in the Red Room for 25 years and looking for a way out, turns down endless corridors, throws open curtain after curtain, and is drawn further into the Red Room’s tesseract.  He is blown from room to room by a malignant wind and when he finally returns to us after all this time, he does Not Come Back The Same.
Hair and Nails
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And no one can come back the same.  This is shown visually in opposite and drastic hair and nail color changes.  After Kaneki is tortured, his hair turns completely white and his nails turn black.  In Re:, after his defeat by the stark haired Arima, and the after the subsequent loss of all his memories, he becomes Haise Sasaki. His black hair begins to grow again over the white, only to have this reversed and reverted back and forth several more times as Kaneki undergoes extreme mental duress and becomes different versions of himself, before settling as white at the end of the series when he is able to accept himself and unite human and ghoul.  
Kaneki isn’t the only one to go through this change.  The Owl, Seidou, is victim to the same anomaly following his torture and transformation at the hands of Dr. Kano.  
Finally there is also Kuro and Shiro, twin sisters with black and white hair (and whose names mean black and white), respectively.  Inseparable to a fault, the two willingly undergo Dr. Kano’s procedure and become one eyed ghouls.  When Shiro is killed, Kuro attempts to absorb her body into her own.
In Twin Peaks, the first and most obvious example of this narrative device is that of Leland Palmer.  As he spirals into grief and madness following the death of his daughter, Leland’s hair turns white after he kills Laura’s “doppleganger” and cousin, Maddie, in an encore and near exact replay of Laura’s murder. 
Diane, in Twin Peaks: The Return, also undergoes a drastic hair color change following the White-Haired Diane’s unmasking as a tulpa and her triumphant return after the defeat of BOB.  
Finally, there is Laura and Maddie, themselves.  “She’s my cousin,” says The Arm in the Red Room.  “But doesn’t she look almost exactly like Laura Palmer?”  Played by the same actress, Maddie lives out Laura’s life and final moments in Twin Peaks when she comes to visit after hearing the news of Laura’s murder.  The only thing that differentiates the two is their hair color.  Fair haired Laura, and dark haired Maddie.
She Who Started It All
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And then there’s she whose death begins the story.  
It’s Rize’s murder that begins our journey in Tokyo Ghoul.  Revealed only at the very end of Tokyo Ghoul: Re, Rize’s death was not accident, as we are lead to believe, but an intentional homicide at the hands of her sexual abuser.  
Likewise, Laura’s murder is what brings us into the world of Twin Peaks, and she too was murdered by the man who sexually assaulted, raped, and abused her; her father Leland.  
Neither are truly gone, however, as it’s later revealed Rize has been kept alive.  She is tortured, dissected, and experimented on in order to create new life, both One Eyed Ghouls for Dr. Kano and “dragons” for Furuta.  
In fact, we learn this was her purpose from birth, and she is used as a weapon and a prize, with no more agency than an incubator.  
Even after her death, Laura, too, remains a sought after object of desire.  Her introduction into the world we learn is a  direct response to the dissemination of BOB’s darkness.  Laura is unleashed as an idea, a concept to combat BOB, destined to die before she is even born.  
She, like Rize, lives on throughout the entirety of her story even when we believe her to be completely deceased and incapable of return.  Her presence is felt in ripples that touch each and every character and create shockwaves that change the entire narrative.  She haunts dream territory and mindscapes before returning flesh and blood, only for us to remember that Death is Catharsis and No One Comes Back The Same.
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side B, Match 29
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propaganda under the cut!
Submission 1:
Let me tell you, when I say they should have been canon, they should have been canon! Let's start from the beginning, shall we? (Major spoilers for the whole series lmao)
Hide and Kaneki met as children, around the ages of 7-10. Kaneki has always been a big bookworm while Hide has always been a big extrovert. Unbeknown to anyone yet, Hide had recently lost his father and was just adopted and was having a hard time adjusting and fitting in at this new school despite his cheerful personality. He kinda just walked up to Kaneki and asked to be his friend and he said yes.
They grew up together, Hide being Kaneki's only salvation in the world as he lost his mother and was stuck in a neglectful, nearly abusive situation living with his aunt. They usually just talked about stupid stuff, but Hide's friendship meant everything to Kaneki.
Eventually, they began attending the same university, Kamii. Kaneki took literature while Hide studied foreign languages, majoring in English. They were only in their first year when Kaneki was involved in an accident. In this world, creatures known as ghouls exist among humans, look and act just like them, but they eat human flesh. It's the only thing their bodies can digest, everything else tastes disgusting and makes them sick. 
Kaneki went out with a girl, but found out she was actually a ghoul when she tried to eat him. He ran away into a construction zone where steel beams fell on the girl and he passed out. He was rushed to the hospital and needed a kidney transplant, but the hospital had none and so they used the girl's, or so the doctor said. In reality, the doctor transplanted the girl's kakuho, an organ unique to ghouls, into him. Slowly, Kaneki began to notice changes to his body. Food tasted gross and people started to sound appetizing (this all sounds off topic but trust me it's necessary to understand the depths of Kaneki and Hide's relationship). 
While dealing with this revalation, Kaneki skipped out on quite a few days of class. Once he retuned, Hide immediately hugged him, saying that he's been lonely and that rabbits die of loneliness. Later in the day, Hide is attacked by a ghoul and knocked unconscious while Kaneki tries to fight the ghoul off. Kaneki is very weak at this point and can't do much, but tries to defend his friend until the bitter end. When it really looks like Hide is about to die and be eaten, Kaneki is able to unleash his kagune (a hunting limb/organ thing ghouls use to fight) to fight off the ghoul and save Hide. The two of them are saved and cared for, and Kaneki talks to another ghoul about how he's no longer human in the same room Hide is sleeping in but little does he know that Hide is actually awake.
They started drifting away because of this, with Kaneki wanting to keep Hide out of danger. At one point, Kaneki is kidnapped and goes missing and so Hide spends his time looking for him, tailing shady people, and joining the CCG (Comission of Counter Ghoul, aka the ghoul cops) as an intern to look for files on him. Eventually a few months later, they find each other again. Kaneki has changed a lot, having been tortured and been through a lot of other stuff. The CCG is on a mission called the Owl Execution Operation to locate and kill an extremely powerful ghoul known as the Owl with Kaneki fighting on the side of the ghouls and Hide (technically) with the CCG. Kaneki is beginning to lose his mind while struggling to regenerate a severe wound when Hide shows up. Kaneki freaks out because he doesn't want Hide to know that he's a ghoul, but Hide just pats him on the shoulder and says "I knew all along man!" There's a very strong CCG fighter blocking the only exit to the area and Kaneki needs to be at full strength to have a chance at winning so Hide tells Kaneki to eat him. Kaneki gives Hide one hell of a kiss, eating his lips and part of his cheek and neck.
Flash forward three/four years later, Kaneki had amnesia but regained his memories at this point. Kaneki is fighting an extremely strong adversary and is losing horribly. He is about to drown when Hide appears in his dreams. They talk about the situation, joking around a bit too. Kaneki cries, saying how much he misses him, with Hide responding "what are you, a rabbit?" Hide convinces Kaneki to keep fighting and not to throw his life away, saying "it may not be stylish, but live."
Meanwhile, the real Hide has dedicated his life to finding help for Kaneki these last few years. After some really big stuff that I can't even begin to explain happens, Hide comes out from the shadows and takes the lead in helping Kaneki out of this shitshow of a situation. When one person asks "why go this far for Ken Kaneki?", Hide simply responds "Because I love him."
Submission 2:
They're lifelong friends. Kaneki has a bad family history and Hide looks like a sunflower and has the personality of a golden retriever. When Kaneki gets turned into a ghoul, Hide figures it out pretty much immediately and doesn't say anything, because he's waiting for Kaneki to feel comfortable enough to confess. Even as Kaneki drifts away, Hide gets more and more involved in the world of ghouls so he can continue looking after him. At the end of the first series, Kaneki ends up starved for human flesh and on the brink of being captured. Hide, who has joined the enemy side because it's the only way to stay close, finds him in the sewers and offers himself to be eaten. Fade to black.
In the second series, when Kaneki regains his memories, he wants to die in style, like he thinks Hide did, protecting the people he loves. His hallucinations of Hide talk him out of this. He gets ghoul-married to another ghoul by leaving non-fatal bites on each other. This is relevant because Hide isn't dead; just heavily scarred (his jaw and throat are just gone, like a makeout session gone very badly), and he's been going around in disguise as a scarecrow for the past several years, manipulating things so that Kaneki will be as safe as possible.
Two best friends that grew up together in a small village! 
At the end of Drawn to Life, they have their own vocal song about their budding romantic relationship! Jowee is offered to go adventuring around the world, which is his dream. But he chooses to stay behind with Mari! It's very sweet. 
Earlier in the game, Jowee goes on a dangerous quest just to find Mari a pretty flower to give her. 
In the second game, Jowee (using a magic promise conch that binds any promise) promises Mari that he'll always do his best to support and protect her. He then throws the conch into the ocean, making his promise unbreakable. 
ALSO! They get engaged at the end of the newest game!
Some quotes for you: 
“. . .And when it's done, we'll have another crazy story to tell our ki- Umm...” -Jowee 
“So... Hero what do you think of Mari? She's a cool Rapo eh? ... forget I said anything.” -Jowee 
“I'm glad we're together.” -Mari 
“You remember our secret beach? We used to stare out to the sea... You were obsessed with leaving, and I was obsessed with keeping everyone happy. I'm glad you came back... When I saw that ship sailing off, I thought I had lost the one thing I couldn't live without...” -Mari
 “Jowee… I... I will. There isn't a greater adventure I'd rather be on... Than this one, with you.” -Mari
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satoruvt · 3 years
keep you there, wanna keep you all
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pairing → choi seungcheol x reader
word count → 1385
genre → tokyo ghoul au!! mostly angst with a tinge of fluff ↳ tags: seungcheol’s a ghoul hehe, reader’s a human, fuck da cops, chan is mentioned like twice, romantic tension, i think a lot of intimacy, ambiguity, holding hands, cleaning wounds but make it... loving
song inspo → give it all by foals
warnings → mentions + non-detailed descriptions of blood and wounds! also for this fic, you don’t need to have watched/read tokyo ghoul! all you need to know is: the ccg is the organization that hunts ghouls (doves are high-class investigators and their weapons are quinques), ghouls eat humans, and ghouls can heal themselves!! OH SWEARING ALSO HAHA
a/n → HI SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE 5 DAYS TO GET OUT. honestly im excited for it ive been binging tokyo ghoul and well </3 its sad LOLL so i knew i had to do cheol for it. either way i hope you like it !!!
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It’s almost ten minutes after Seungcheol stumbles into your apartment through your window, bloodied and wet from the rain, that you speak up.
“What the hell happened to you?” You ask, even though you’re sure you know the answer already. The 20th ward’s security has tightened in the last few months, doves and other investigators seemingly around every corner. It should make you feel safe. It only makes you worried.
You press a wet washcloth to the tender skin around Seungcheol’s wound to clean the blood off. “Doves,” he says, hissing, holding onto the end of your countertop like it might ease the pain. It’s a big gash on his chest, and it’s taking longer than it usually would to heal. Investigators are no joke these days. “God, their quinques fucking hurt.”
“And you just happened to be in the way of them?” You ask, taking your eyes away from your work to look at him directly.
“No, Chan -” Seungcheol starts, biting his lip through a harsher drag of the cloth. “They were gonna kill him. I had to get him out of there.”
You sigh, knowing you can’t really reprimand him for that. Not that you would, anyways (the ghouls you’re closest with try to avoid investigators at all costs, fighting is a last resort) - Chan is a good kid, and investigators are ruthless to any ghoul. Given Seungcheol’s state, you can assume that Chan is safe, maybe a little hurt, but nothing he can’t heal. The minutes tick on and you clean as gently as you can, watching as his wound heals slower than you know it should.
“I should stop coming here,” Seungcheol says, voice quiet and rough. The light in your kitchen buzzes and he looks up at you from his place on your counter. You toss the bloodied cloth into your sink (you hope it doesn’t stain) and move, deftly, to the buttons on Seungcheol’s shirt, about halfway down. The rest were torn apart in your haste to see the damage.
“You don’t really have anywhere else to go,” you hum.
“I could go to Jeonghan,” he says, like it matters. The argument is weak, and anyways…
“All the way in the 14th ward?” You question, reaching the last button. “The coffee shop is safe, but it’s too far.”
“What if you get caught helping me?” Seungcheol questions in return, sitting up on his elbows. You push his shirt away from his torso. “The CCG isn’t going to be any better to you than they are to ghouls -”
“We can deal with that if it happens,” you cut him off, voice stern but calm. Seungcheol just sighs, and with your help he’s able to sit up on the counter in front of you. You push his shirt off of his shoulders and down his arms, soft. 
“When I offered to help you, I meant it. I still mean it,” you say, throwing his shirt into your sink with the soiled washcloth from before. You’ll burn them later. Your eyes meet his and you put a hand on his leg. “You can always come here.”
Seungcheol reaches an arm forward and pushes hair away from your face, behind your ear. His hand cups your cheek and you lean into it. “I don’t want you hurt,” he murmurs back to you, and you let out a sigh.
“And I don’t want you dead,” you respond. “I’ll take my chances.”
You look at his gash again, the skin around it rubbed red from your cleaning. It’s smaller than it was even just a few minutes ago, but it’s still a big injury. You wonder if…
“Do you...” you pause, furrowing your brows. “Would it be better for you to…”
You’re not really sure how to say the words eat me out loud, so you huff and motion to yourself vaguely, hoping Seungcheol gets the idea of what you’re saying. Even with your horrible charades, recognition flashes across his face, and then a second of red irises. “No,” he says immediately. “I’ll be okay, I fed a little while ago. Besides, you know I wouldn’t.”
“If you need it,” you say, moving towards your sink, but can’t help a huff of a laugh when you turn and see Seungcheol looking at you like you’re crazy. He manages to get down off of your counter by himself. “Shower’s all yours. I’ll lay out some clothes that should fit you, shampoo’s under the sink.”
It’s almost routine at this point, but Seungcheol nods all the same, a quiet thank you on his lips as he walks, slow, to your bathroom. When you hear the door shut and the water start running you sigh, walking back to your room and pulling out a t-shirt and sweats from your drawer, then setting them on your bed for Seungcheol to find when he’s done.
You head down to the back alley of your building with his old clothes and the washcloth from before, discreet as you possibly can be. You burn them in a small fire, hope that the light isn’t too bright to wake people. You stare at the flames for a long time, even after you know that everything has long burned to ash.
Seungcheol is sitting on your sofa when you come back. He stands when you enter, and you know what he’s going to say, so you speak before he can. “You should stay,” you tell him, taking your jacket off and slinging it over your arm. “At least until morning. The doves are probably still out.”
It doesn’t surprise you when Seungcheol nods.
It doesn’t surprise you when, after double checking the lock and turning off the lights, you hear his footsteps trail behind you as you walk to your room.
It doesn’t surprise you when you get into bed, under your sheets, and feel the opposite side dip with his weight.
It’s too familiar now, in a bittersweet way.
The only light in your room comes from the cracks in the blinds on your window, a blue glow that barely illuminates anything at all. Your back is to Seungcheol’s, but you know he isn’t asleep. “I’m glad you’re okay,” you murmur into the dark, because you haven’t said it yet. Usually you don’t, but you think this is where the familiarity breaks and you enter new territory. Things are bad and they might only get worse. “Really.”
“You shouldn’t be,” is what Seungcheol responds with, and you press your lips tightly together, adjusting in your spot. You barely feel him do the same.
“Seungcheol,” you say, tone something sad and warm all at once. 
“I know.”
You turn around so you’re facing the middle of the bed, and the second unfamiliarity of the night is that Seungcheol’s already facing you. Without much thought (or rather, refusing to think) you reach forward and grasp his hand, holding it in one of yours. He lets you, squeezes your hand gently even when he thinks he shouldn’t.
“I hope one day things won’t be like this,” you say. Thinking about it makes you ache, florid feeling in your chest. “Even if it can’t be us.”
Seungcheol hums. He says, “it won’t happen for a long time.”
You say, “maybe it’s good to think it’ll happen at all.”
Because really… some days all you can think about is a normal life. One where you don’t have to be afraid to walk home from work, one where you don’t have to see news reports on S-ranked ghouls wreaking havoc, one where Seungcheol doesn’t have to run from the CCG every other week, one where kids like Chan aren’t dehumanized before they even know what it is to be alive. Maybe it’s wishful thinking. You just want a second of peace, because this (black scleras and red blood and unpromised safety and a kiss that tastes of iron) is no way to love. Not for long, at least. Not when you’re scared of losing him every day.
You scoot forward a fraction of an inch but Seungcheol knows you, reaches out to you to pull you into his chest. He smells like your soap, and laundry detergent, but still somehow just like himself. His arms wrap around you.
“One day,” he whispers into your hair.
“One day,” you echo.
One day.
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tg-headcanons · 2 years
Hello, I was wondering if you have any cute headcannons for Yomo Renji? Like anything at all. I love this man. Thank you.
Ah the dilf, as we have all probably assumed, he has had a difficult start to life. Those massive badonkers are full of struggles. By the time he was about 9 and his sister was 16, they were on their own. His father died first shorty before he was born, killed by the CCG while hunting, and his mother died later just by the bad luck of getting a prion disease from eating an infected human that she wasn’t able to survive. His sister took care of him from then on, hunting and providing and teaching him to survive. She was notorious for going overboard to defend her territory to keep her brother safe, and her reputation as a cannibal kept him from getting attacked until he was old enough to stand a chance
Renji’s father was Russian, specifically, he was a Russian subspecies of ghouls that evolved in the northernmost settlements to survive in colder environments and with a limited number of humans. Because of this his anatomy is a little weird, his kagune is higher on his back than a normal ukaku and retains heat better, his saliva contains an anticoagulant, and he can survive on way less meat and more on blood. He and his sister had different fathers and she never thought to question her adoptive dad’s anatomy, so she had no idea why he would go for the major blood vessels first to suck them dry before digging in. It wasn’t until later in life that he heard rumors about northern ghouls going months without killing because they would just drink the blood of living humans since there were so few bodies to go around, and now he’s very aware that he’s a creature humans based vampire myths on
Renji does his best to take part in society but let’s be honest, he’s bad at it. His parents were known ghouls so he doesn’t have a birth certificate or anything, nor is he actually registered as existing, so finding a job was hard. He worked briefly for a shipping company as a teenager to get some cash to support him and his sister who was starting a human-passing family. It was shady as hell, but they paid in cash so he could ignore the fact that he could smell the cocaine. He had to run when they got busted by the cops which was easy enough considering how much faster he is than humans, but it’s a shame since he actually liked how easy the job was. Even years later though he still sometimes sees an old coworker from there from time to time. He’s in the mob now and Renji told him he can get rid of bodies easily. They’re sorta weird friends, they meet to exchange a corpse, talk a bit, and part ways, the guy just assumes Renji’s in the mob too and has no idea exactly what he’s doing to “get rid” of the body. It’s a win-win though, Yomo even gets paid to take a free corpse
It will surprised no one to know that he shops in exactly two places: the dollar store and the thrift store, and he’s mad when he has to go to the thrift store because it’s more expensive. His dollar store t-shirts that are too small for his absolute mommy milkers both entice and infuriate his partners. One one hand, boobs. On the other hand, PLEASE WEAR NORMAL CLOTHES. Every so often Itori and Uta will drag him to a real store and make him try things on and by now he knows that he has no say in this. He is their Barbie doll today. And yes it’s a whole day. Itori smuggles in an old wine bottle they’ve refilled with bloodshine. They bring fucking martini glasses. Itori is wearing one of those whole mink pelts cause this is an event worth dressing up for. They turn the Old Navy dressing rooms into a private show and make no attempts to keep the absolutely filthy things they have to say about his ass in various jeans quiet. They are banned from every clothing store within an 18 mile radius except for a Handful of small shops and a Gap in the 4th ward. They do not know what it’s limit is but they will fucking find it. Renji says he hates it but, though he will never admit it, he loves those days of getting drunk with his partners and being treated like one of their projects and causing problems together
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