#celeborn & elurin
braxix · 10 months
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persephonedasilva · 11 months
Eluréd and Elurín Rescue Headcanon:
Daeron had disappeared from Doriath for years. But unknown to everyone, he resided in a small cabin he had built in Doriath. Mablung had come across him once, but he made the marchwarden swear to silence.
Every few years, Daeron would get close to Menegroth, but he never had the courage to go inside.
On one such occasion, on his way to Menegroth, he overheard angry voices and the whimpering of children.
"Your rotten father killed our beloved Lord Celegorm! Now you brats can freeze to death!" one voice raged.
There were a couple of blows landed, the children crying out in pain.
Daeron knew he was outnumbered and out matched, so he stayed hidden.
The children began to move away, unknown to the minstrel.
The adults left back to Menegroth.
Daeron was concerned for those there, but he knew he had to get to the kids.
He followed the tracks for a moment, finding the children huddled in a hollowed base of a tree.
They were twins with silver hair, gray eyes, and had features similar to King Thingol. They were both crying, each sporting a slowly forming bruise on a cheek.
Daeron talked with them, with the twins being too afraid to talk and come with him.
"You look a little like King Thingol. I was his minstrel, so you can trust me."
At the mention of their great-grandfather's name, the twins perked up. Daeron smiled softly.
The older Elf scooped up the kids.
"Pull my cloak closer around yourselves. It's quite cold," Daeron instructed, and they did so.
The minstrel quickly made for his cabin, tending to the twins.
A few days later, the trio went to the remains of Menegroth, packing some clothes, left behind food, and other necessities.
The twins had sobbed brokenly, seeing their home destroyed.
32 years later, they heard about Elwing still being alive, but her new home being attacked. It had been done by the same who attacked Menegroth years ago.
Nothing was known of their sister with rumors of her becoming a white bird.
Another 20 years later, the trio left Beleriand, surviving the sinking of that land.
100 years after that, the trio relocated to Lindon. There, Eluréd and Elurín met their nephew Elrond! He introduced them to his relative Celebrimbor.
Not long after, Daeron left, unable to ignore the call of the sea any longer.
Meanwhile, Eluréd and Elurín stayed until well into the Third Age, leaving in the year 2,713. They could no longer resist the call as well.
Once in Aman, they were happily reunited with Daeron. Only then did he go to see King Thingol. From there, they met their extended family: Maedhros and his siblings, their mom - Nerdanel, Celebrimbor, all of their relatives up to Fingolfin, and Finarfin, Eärwen and their descendants.
Celegorm apologized heavily to them, begging for forgiveness.
"Why do you ask this of us?" Elurín inquired.
"It was your servants, not you who abandoned us," Eluréd added.
"You are not them, and they are not you," Elurín told him.
"So do not burden yourself with their choices," Eluréd finished.
Celegorm smiled, crying due to how happy he was and the weight being lifted off his chest. He hugged the twins, thanking them.
Elrond came at the end of the Third Age, his sons in the year 471 of the Fourth Age, bringing Celeborn with them. The twins were happy to be reunited with their mother's uncle.
They also got to meet King Thranduil as well, telling him what had happened to them during the attack on Menegroth.
(Sorry this was so long. I didn't know how to make it into a one-shot fanfiction. But thank you to everyone who read through it all.)
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raointean · 1 year
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I made a PowerPoint for the English club at my school and I thought y'all might appreciate it.
Art of Dior and Nimloth is by Jenny Dolfen.
Art of Celebrian is by Veronnikka of Deviantart and posted on tumblr by @elf-esteem who might be the same person? Idk
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everythingnumbs · 6 days
1. Celegorm in Doriath post 2nd kinslaying
2. Gal’s cursed necklace from Aules forge
3. Sad baby elves ft. Tiny Elwing
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
I Know Your Face
Fandom: The Silmarillion Characters: Elurin & Celeborn Rating: T Summary: The first words that slip out of Celeborn's mouth are, "I know your face." Words: 957 Notes: Prompt from @flashfictionfridayofficial​. No Warnings Apply
Read @ AO3
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The first words that slip out of Celeborn's mouth are, "I know your face."
Amdír gives him a rueful smile and pulls him into his office. He knows that there is no avoiding this conversation. "Come, my Lord, lets us have some wine and we'll talk."
Celeborn follows with a narrowed gaze, and sits when he offers him a sit. Takes the wine in his hand and takes a large gulp. "How is that I know your face. You look like..."
"The Lady Nimloth?" He finishes. If the way he says it makes Celeborn suspect anything, he's willing to risk it. Because he knows that there is no hiding his face, his blood. Specially when Celeborn happens to meet his twin. Because Celeborn is just not anyone from Doriath, Nimloth, his mother, was his niece.
"Yes." The word is spoken slowly, but he can almost hear the command hidden in the amiable tone Celeborn uses.
He sighs. "Well, since you've recognized my face, there is no denying it. Uncle, I am Elurín. Son of Dior, son of Nimloth. Brother to Elwing." He doesn't look away from his uncle, and he watches as Celeborn freezes, then his gaze narrows once more and he can tell that Celeborn is trying to find something to say.
"You lie."
"I do not lie, uncle. Lord Maedhros found us."
It is that statement that finally makes it and the goblet that Celeborn is holding onto slips from his grasp. "How..."
Now it is his turn to take a sit, and he does so next to Celeborn. "I am sure you are eager for the details, and I will not spare them for your sake. Nor will I lie to you, everything that I will tell you can be verified by going to the Greenwood."
He looks away for one moment. "It is true that the servants of Celegorm left us in the forest to die, and we came quite close. The snow and lack of proper dress affected me a lot more than what you can think, Eluréd and I cried out for our parents. For anyone really, but the cold....
"I fell asleep. The next thing I remember is Maedhros carrying us to the camp they had made back in Doriath. He took us to his tent and he and Maglor tended to us. Fed us and gave us warmer clothing." He sighed. "We stayed there for a week, Maedhros wanted to make sure that we survived. And when we did, he took us to a band of green elves he knew of and gave us to their care.
"I know that I am asking too much, that what I am speaking is hard to be believed, but as I said, if you want someone you can believe, then all you need to do is go to the Greenwood and speak with my brother. Eluréd changed his name to Oropher, as I did to Amdír. My brother and I wanted to separate ourselves of the Silmaril as much as possible, that is why we never spoke about it. Nor why we did not tell anyone we had survived. But... I believe you met our main minder, her name is Nellas, once of Doriath. She lives with my brother and sometimes she comes and visits here."
The silence that followed his statement was long and heavy. In the end, Celeborn lowered his head and wept. He let his do so, but he was not so cold as to not hold onto Celeborn's hand. He relished in the tight squeeze that Celeborn gave him.
"I am sure," he said softly, "that your Lady will be able to know the truth should we speak with her."
Celeborn's laughter was something in between a choking sound and a sob. "I mourned you." He said, grief etched in his face and voice. "I... we..." he shook his head. "And now you are here. A king of his own kingdom."
"I know that this too much, Uncle. But I promise you, I am glad that you know now."
Celeborn did not waste time and stood, pulling him firmly into an embrace. He let it happen and relished in the joy of adding to his family. "I am glad you live, Nephew." Celeborn managed to say. "And for once, I shall thank the kinslayers for their one good deed."
Celeborn did not waste time and stood, pulling him firmly into an embrace. He let it happen and relished in the joy of adding to his family. "I am glad you live, Nephew." Celeborn managed to say. "And for once, I shall thank the kinslayers for their one good deed."
He snuggled to his uncle and closed his eyes. "Eluréd is harder than I am." He admitted. "I think he's still angry that no one came to look for us. We did not changed our names until we were fifty years old, and well, he is unhappy."
"Do you think he would forbid us from entering the Greenwood, nephew?"
"No." He said quickly. "But he might not be as open to welcome more elves into knowing who we are. To him, the wound is still fresh. But I am sure my brother and nephew would welcome you and your Lady."
"Then, I shall write to him." Celeborn vowed. "I give you my word that now that I know you both live, I will do my best to be a better uncle. For your sakes and in memory of the niece that I loved so dearly."
He smiled, "I believe you, uncle. Now come, I dropped this news on an empty stomach. Let us have some lunch, and I will introduce you to my son."
"Lead on, nephew, lead on."
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feanoryen · 12 days
Excluding members of the House of Finwe like the Arafinweans, Elrond/Elros, & Maeglin
+ Didn't add Eol because no one likes him (I think?)
+ I didn't have space for others like Elmo, Elured, & Elurin (who have no characterization anyways) & Amroth
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doriathweek · 3 years
Thoughts on Doriath Week 2021?
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Hey guys, wonder if anyone ever had any theories about how the two male heirs of the Elu Thingol are abandoned in the woods after the second sacking of Doriath, never to be found (though elven legend says they survived in a very Anastasia way where they almost certainly didn’t but people believe it anyways)-
-then, wierd, around the same time two new woodland kingdoms are founded by Sindar princes. And Tolkien never quite places king Oropher and king Amdir decidedly in the family tree of the Sindar royal family. (Though most assume they must be the sons of Elmo and therefore Thingol’s nephews).
Like. I’m not the only person who thinks that’s odd right?
click below for full crack theory
Like I doubt Oropher and Amdir are Elured and Elurin, because the latter were children at the time.
But hypothetically, if some survivors of Doriath had found the children in the woods, and escaped with them… and then decided to split up so it would not be commented on that someone just showed up with twin sons, and weren’t some twins missing? And establish realms amongst the Silvans to keep them safe…
I’m just saying Thranduil and Amroth could be Elured and Elurin. Which would make Legolas Elrond’s baby cousin. And technically a Peredhel, in the same way Elrond’s children are, children of a half elf who married an elf. In this case probably a Silvan elf, like Amroth tried but never quite accomplished with Nimrodel.
Thranduil has always struck me as Thingol-lite.
He’s that other Sinda King who’s name begins with a Th has an N in the middle and ends with L, whose weakness for white gems causes beef with dwarves, lives in a series of caves in a forest (which is intentionally modeled after Menegroth) with one entrance, which you must cross a bridge to reach, and who wants to stay out of the war with the enemy and just preserve his people.
I remember reading somewhere that “the elven king” in the hobbit was supposed to be Thingol, but when he had to place the Hobbit into the larger legendarium as part of using it as a prequel for lotr, Tolkien changed that because the timing now meant it couldn’t be.
Which is probably why the Arkenstone is also like a Silmaril-lite (extra lite), because he was using pieces of his ideas for the story that would become the Silmarillion in the Hobbit, when the Hobbit was just a stand alone that wasn’t meant to overlap with his greater world.
Of course while technically possible, this is all highly unlikely…
But I enjoy it because if it were true, Legolas being blindfolded when entering Lothlorien gains an extra level of absolutely hilarious.
Because if Legolas is Amroth’s nephew, and of Thingol’s direct line he has a higher claim to rule Lothlorien than Celeborn, and Haldir might not know that but LEGOLAS WOULD.
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arrivisting · 3 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿) (if you feel like it)
just looking at my Tolkien fic:
birds in the hand (gen; Maedhros, Maglor, Amras, Elurin, Elured; 7k)
This is one of those stories you write like you're possessed and then you look back and go, where did that come from? My changeling child!
A friend said 'write Maedhros finding Elured and Elurin in the woods', perhaps expecting sweet fix-it fic, and so I naturally wrote unfix-it fic about what it might actually have meant to find and have the Doriathrin twins while the child Elwing was at Sirion with the Silmaril. If you give the Feanorians leverage for negotiation, what does that do to the story - and to them?
How do you still get the Silmaril to Aman?
woman into bird (gen; Elwing/Earendil, 6k)
I love this a lot. In my head there's a whole sequence of character-study stories for Tolkien's women that I dare not make an actual project or I will feel crushed by the weight of my own commitment, but this is my Elwing story, and all my Elwing feelings about her trauma, and her extreme youth, and her relationship to Sirion, and to Earendil,and to the past, and how she is remembered in the Legendarium.
annunciation (Fingon/Maedhros, Maglor, Caranthir, 6k)
This is easily the worst thing I have written in Tolkien and also the thing I enjoyed writing the most, because (sorry to anyone who respected me) I am Like That.
A good time for me (not for Maedhros).
all my war is done (gen; Gil-galad, Fingon, Finrod, past Fingon/Maedhros, 13k)
I'm so mad at this story for miring me in wip hell in terms of the sequelae (there are at least three or four other stories in scion-verse I am stuck on) but I love what I did here, I think. I love taking a deranged idea and driving it home all the way into the earth. I love Gil-galad's textual instability compared to his linchpin status in the mythology. I love making his very being an existential problem. I also love Finwean daddy issues... too much?
in the family (gen; Celebrian, Celeborn/Galadriel, Celebrimbor, Narvi, 1.5k)
This is a little slip of a story that has nevertheless burrowed so far into my head it is canon behind every Second or Third Age fic I imagine. Life in Eregion was full of joy and fractures, and Celebrian danced over the thin ice of them. She was fond of Celebrimbor and he of her. There was a thing almost like a family there for a time, built on dangerous faultlines of history.
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theelvenhaven · 3 years
Do you know who was realated to Thingol? I mean by distant nephews and nieces.
Okay I am going to try and list everyone? Not just distant.
Olwë, Elmo
Nimloth, Dior, Elwing, Elured, Elurin
Elrond and Elros
Ëarwen, Galadriel, Angrod, Finrod, Aegnor
Galadhon, Galathil, Celeborn
Celebrian, Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir - let it also be noted that Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir are also his great grandchildren too due to Elrond.
Orodreth, Finduilas, Gil-Galad (if you go by Christopher Tolkiens amendment of the Silmarillion post publishing)
Aragorn and all his ancestors up to Elros
Eöl, Maeglin
In some versions:
Daeron and Amroth
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elvenaurelia · 2 years
I’ve come up with a partner Pokemon for many characters in the Silmarillion (etc). I actually put a lot of thought into this and so I might as well share it because why the hell not. I call this “Pokemon Legends: Beleriand” or “Noldomon.” Can’t figure out which one I like better. 
Finwe - Entei
Feanor – Charizard (shiny) Fingolfin – Glastrier Finarfin - Serperior
Maedhros – Ninetales Maglor – Vaporeon Celegorm – Arcanine - Talonflame Caranthir – Liepard (shiny) Curufin – Houndoom Amrod - Plusle Amras – Minun
Fingon – Ninetales (Alolan) Turgon - Flygon Aredhel - Absol Argon - Raichu
Finrod - Ribombee Angrod - Skarmory Aegnor – Chandelure (shiny) Galadriel – Primarina (shiny)
Celebrimbor – Starmie
Orodreth - Gigalith
Idril - Hatterene
Maeglin - Excadrill
Gil-Galad - Luxray Finduilas – Marill
Nerdanel – Lycanroc (dusk form) Anaire - Mienshao Earwen - Swanna Amarie - Butterfree Elenwe – Vivillon (fancy pattern) Findis - Gardevoir Irime - Froslass Miriel - Musharna Indis – Florges (yellow) Eldalote - Eldegoss
Ingwe - Raikou Olwe - Suicune
Thingol – Weavile Melian – Celebi Luthien – Umbreon (shiny)
Mablung - Dragapult Beleg – Aegislash
Nellas - Whimsicott
Daeron – Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Saeros - Scrafty
Celeborn – Aurorus
Oropher - Lilligant Thranduil – Sawsbuck
Eol - Honchkrow
Dior - Noibat Nimloth - Floette
Elwing - Altaria Elured - Lunatone Elurin – Solrock
Earendil - Lapras
Elrond – Togekiss Elros - Slowking
Cirdan - Kingdra
Celebrian - Meowstic
Duilin - Swellow Egalmoth - Stonjourner Penlod - Duraludon Galdor - Trevenant Glorfindel – Venusaur (shiny) Ecthelion - Gyarados Salgant - Kricketune Rog – Metagross
Elemmakil – Klefki Voronwe - Manectric
Gwindor – Marowak (Alolan) Gelmir - Cursola
Edrahil – Clefairy
Pengologh - Audino
Beren - Espeon
Tuor - Corviknight
Turin – Zorua (Hisuian) Nienor – Deerling
Andreth – Frosmoth
Haleth - Wooloo
Eru - Arceus
Manwe – Ho-Oh Ulmo – Kyogre Aule – Groudon Orome – Calyrex/Spectrier (Shadow Rider Calyrex) Mandos – Yveltal Lorien – Jirachi Tulkas – Victini
Varda – Lunala Yavanna – Xerneas Nienna – Mesprit Este – Tapu Lele Vaire – Dialga Vana – Shaymin Nessa – Meloetta
Arien – Solgaleo Eönwë – Reshiram Ilmarë – Cosmog  Ossë – Tapu Fini Tilion – Cressalia Uinen – Manaphy
Melkor – Giratina
Gothmog – Heatran
Sauron – Moltres (Galarian) Annatar - Mimikyu
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ceescedasticity · 2 years
yet more time-sink
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(Additional spackle-notes:
Daeron was adopted after his parents died -- his closest blood relatives had left with Olwë. His grandfather is Néthalinda's great-grandfather, though they're about the same age.
Elmo was killed in early orc incursions, even before Melkor's release. Afterwards his wife Galadittā went back east of the Ered Luin. She probably reconnected with Celeborn sometime in the Second Age, and sailed with Celebrían if not earlier. 'Galadittā' should maybe have a more Sinadrin-appropriate form but I haven't made one up.
Galadhon and his wife Tinthilthas both died as captains in the First Battle. (Really legitimately died.) I forgot to add Tinthilthas's approximate dates, oops. And her patronymic.
Tinthilthas has two brothers who are the fathers of Oropher and Amdír.
Lossentaureth was lost in the First Battle. Did not die.
Galathil died in the first sacking of Doriath, the dwarf-related one. His wife Maidhwen died in the Second Kinslaying.
Elured and Elurin did not die in the Second Kinslaying; they got lost instead. Very, very lost.)
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iminye · 3 years
hey this is mirkwoodchangeling dropping in from my main, but I read your elladan and elrohir post and it really resonates with me. I‘ve seen a lot of interesting meta examining Elladan’s name and I definitely can see how it implies that he chose mortality but also…… :( I feel like after all the shit they probably saw Elrond go through and the loss of Arwen and Aragorn, as well as with their mom being in Valinor, I always liked to imagine they chose to stay together in the end and sail to Valinor with Celeborn.
Yes please do not seperate them.
I just want them to step of the boat alongside their Grandfather and being pulled into a hug by their parents, all of them are crying out of pure joy and once they have calmed down Celebrían tells them that she is proud of them. Just this please.
Also it would sort of complete the fates of all the twins in Lúthien's line if I think about it.
Elured and Elurin died, presumably a mortal death because they weren't given the choice. Elrond and Elros chose different paths, one mortality one immortality. If Elladan and Elrohir both chose immortality for all the reasons you listed then all possible choices would have been made.
The post in question
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lesbiansforboromir · 4 years
Impossible LotR Quiz Answer sheet with explanations!
As an addendum, since people have been doing the quiz I’ve seen a few mistypes and awkwardnesses that are my own fault so I’ve corrected them. This means some people got a higher score than was shown, know that when I looked over your answers I saw your actually right answers and fully appreciated them! It’s good to not that the ‘fill in the blanks’ questions will not take two words in one space, so I’ve had to get creative with how I apply two named folk like Mardil Voronwe, or people who have numbers like Hurin I.
I would also like to say, to everyone talking about how they’ve never read the Silmarillion, this quiz is very purposefully almost entirely based outside of the Silmarillion. This is Appendices stuff! Indeed there is only 1 question even tangentally related to elves in here, this is by design. 
@magaramach, @brynnmclean and @apojiiislands asked to be tagged in this! Answers under the cut. 
Q2. Who was Dora Baggins in relation to Bilbo Baggins? - Second cousin on his father's side Dora Baggins is a very elderly woman who was the daughter of Bilbo’s father’s brother. She likes writing people a lot of unsolicited advice! THIS WAS WRONG AND SAID FIRST COUSIN FOR SO LONG AND I AM DEEPLY SORRY FOR IT.
Q3. How many pairs of biological twins are mentioned in the whole of Arda's timeline and what races do they belong too? - 2 for men, 1 for elves and 3 for half-elves Fastred and Folcred, Haleth and Haldar (men) Amrod and Amras (elves) Elured and Elurin, Elrond and Elros, Elladan and Elrohir (half-elves) Now, admittedly Elladan and Elrohir are never actually described as twins. However they appear completely identical and have the same birth date, so it is assumed.
Q4. Baldor is who the skeleton scratching at the door used to be. When Aragorn and co pass through the paths of the dead they find a skeleton clawing at a door to the mountain. It is finely dressed and described as mighty and was later essentially confirmed to be Baldor, the eldest son of King Brego of Rohan, also called Baldor the hapless, who foolishly wandered into the paths of the dead on, apparently, a dare. (the answer to this was originally Brego because of a foolish typo from me, many apologies!)
Q5. When was the Ondonóre Nómesseron Minaþurie written? - During Meneldil's reign. “Enquiry into the Place-names of Gondor” was a text written by settled numenoreans about their new kingdom during Meneldil’s reign, who was the first sole King of Gondor after both Anarion (his father) and Isildur had perished.   
Q6. Farmer Maggot's particular friend was Tom Bombadil  It is stated that Farmer Maggot sometimes peacefully passes through the Old Forest to go and meet Tom Bombadil, who very much enjoys his company. However! Those who answered Merry or Pippin still deserve excellent recognition, Farmer Maggot was indeed fond of Pippin and respected Merry greatly.
Q7. What was the office of the Steward originally created to do? - Keep the Tradition of Isildur When Romendacil I went to war in the east, he realised that if he died then the secret of the Tradition of Isildur would die with him. Hence he wrote it down in a sealed scoll and gave it to a trusted confidante, to be given to his heir if he should perish. This tradition was maintained by further kings and those trusted confidantes became the Stewards of Gondor. This, admittedly, is a more suggested progression than explicit, but it’s a Impossible evil quiz so :) Q8. What was the 'Tradition of Isildur'? - Remember where Elendil was buried. Elendil had been secretly entombed in Calenardhon, supposedly the midpoint between Gondor and Arnor. This was a hallowed space for only Kings at first, but in later years when the Stewards came to rule Gondor they also were permitted the secret. Cirion had the remains moved when Calenardhon was gifted to the Eotheod to eventually become a part of the Kingdom of Rohan. 
Q9. At the time of Pelargir's founding, is the world flat or round? - Flat. Pelargir was founded as a ‘Faithful Numenorean’ haven on the river Anduin. Therefore it was built before Numenor’s destruction in the Akallabeth, the reason for which being that Eru turned the world from flat to round. 
Q10. Which of these monarchs were indolent and had no interest in ruling? - King Atanatar I - King Narmacil I - Tar-Vanimelde King Atanatar I ruled during Gondor’s richest generation and seemed to believe that meant he didn’t need to put any work in. Narmacil I, his son, didn’t want to put any work in, but he at least assigned his nephew, Minalcar, as ‘Karma-Kundo’ or regent during his reign. So he at least did something to keep the country going. Tar-Vanimelde had no interest in ruling and allowed her husband to do most of the governence. This backfired when she died and he organised a coup against his son to hold power.
Q11. When looking back on the Ship-Kings of Gondor, King Tarannon Falastur began the invasion of Harad and expanded Gondor's borders, King Earnil-I finally took Umbar but died at sea shortly afterwards, King Ciryandil spent most of his reign trying to defend Umbar and died in it's seige and King Hyarmendacil defended Umbar against seiges for 35 years before making war upon all Harad and claiming Harondor as a province of Gondor, ending the line of the Ship Kings.
Q12. What happened during the reign of King Romendacil II? - I don't know! Nothing? Yes I know this is particularly evil of me but Romendacil II was originally called Minalcar, yes the same Minalcar who became REGENT of Gondor due to Narmacil’s indolent nature. Minalcar indeed did everything else listed as answers to this question, but none of them happened during his reign as king. Indeed, his reign was said to be peaceful and we have no real information on it, so technically saying we don’t know, and suggesting nothing happened, is actually the most correct answer :)
Q13. Who succeeded Tar-Telperien of Numenor? - Her nephew, Minastir Tar-Telperien was a lesbian Queen of Numenor who never married and never wanted too and did an excellent job and I love her. Her nephew built a tower to mope in about how much he wanted to be an elf. They are not the same. Absolutely terrified about what Amazon could do to her. 
Q14. Whilst his brethren, the nazgul, were attacking the Prancing Pony, The Witch-King was waiting in the Barrow Downs and probably had a really nice time. Not much to this! Witch King was chilling with the Barrow Wights. 
Q15. Which of these characters are described as 'beautiful' at least once in the Lord of the Rings? - Galadriel, Denethor, Eowyn, Frodo, Elanor, Celeborn, Boromir Yes, Arwen is never described as beautiful, but Denethor is :)
Q16. We all love Boromir II, select the similarities he and Boromir I did NOT share. - Renowned relationship with the Rohirrim. - Destroyed the Bridge of Osgiliath - Feared by the Witch King - Retook Ithilien. - Had a brother. In case you’re wondering, yes, I love both Boromirs. But this question is a fun highlight of how many similarities Boromir II has with his namesake. These are the only things they didn’t both do. Although! Boromir I’s son was Cirion who allied with the Eotheod and created Rohan in the first place, the Uruk-Hai destroyed the Bridge of Osgiliath in Boromir I’s lifetime, Boromir II was PROBABLY feared by the witch-king we just don’t know, Boromir II held Ithilien and Boromir I had two elder sisters like Denethor II did.
Q17. Hey, did you know that, from Boromir I's war with the Uruk-Hai of the Morgul Vale, Gondor didn't know peace until Sauron's death on the 25th of March, 3019? Hah hah! How gut wrenching is that? About how long do you think it has been since Gondor knew peace then? Hey wait does that mean Boromir I's valiant victory that came at a personal sacrifice was the beginning of Gondor's wars and then Boromir II's valiant sacrifice was the end- oh god... oh fuck - 550 years To everyone who answered the crossed out answer,,, you’re correct in my heart. You get bonus points. Also hey! What the fuck :) 
Q18. Who was Borondir? - The rider sent to find Eorl who made it to him after starving himself for two days but who then rode to the Celebrant with Eorl anyway and died in that battle. Literally couldn’t love this fellow more. Big Hirgon energy. A hero of Gondor for time immemorial. 
Q19. The Ruling Stewards, from first to last (with their numbers typed as so Turin-I Hurin-II etc), were as follows; Mardil ; Eradan ; Herion ; Belegorn ; Hurin-I ; Turin-I ; Hador ; Barahir ; Dior ; Denethor-I ; Boromir-I ; Cirion ; Hallas ; Hurin-II ; Belecthor-I ; Orodreth ; Ecthelion-I ; Egalmoth ; Beren ; Beregond ; Belecthor-II ; Thorondir ; Turin-II ; Turgon ; Ecthelion-II ; Denethor-II ; and for like two seconds ; Faramir ; Alrighty, we had a bit of a fight in my discord about this but eventually I did relent in agreement that Faramir IS... very briefly... legally considered a RULING Steward. Ruling Stewards being Stewards that ruled a Kingless Gondor. But! With Aragorn RIGHT THERE is just seemed very redundant. Still! I’ll allow the pedant to win out, ten minutes is still a Ruling Steward. ALSO! I decided that having an extra box for the ‘voronwe’ part of mardil voronwe was just mean as it set everyone’s answers off kilter, so I removed that. ALSO for all of those calling me a bastard for adding this question, @illegalstargender was the one who requested it! I wasn’t going too! 
Q20. The Stewards, despite ruling through very tumultuous and violent periods, were often known for boring things (because they simply ruled better than the Kings did, I said what I said) But what boring thing was Steward Turin I remembered for? - Being the only monarch of Gondor that married twice This skeezy bastard really did marry a second time during his OLD age just to father a son. I can only imagine what a dreadful cultural and social effect this had on this prude country. It’s so unnecessary! He had daughters, many of them! One of them certainly had a son before he did. He was just being a controlling arse, down with Turin I!!!!
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matchasparrow · 3 years
Exploration of a Maglor AU - part 3 - On Doriath and the fate of the Silmarils
Part 1 Part 2
Now the important question - the first kinslaying - what happens?
Dior has a Silmaril, her brothers need the Silmaril.
Maedhros sends letters after letters, asking, explaining, apologising.
There is no reply, no other answer than Dorinthian pride.
Maglor goes. She travels through the dense forests and spell woven woods, through wildlands and settlements of Nandors alone. Her sole company being the memory of Aredhel speaking to her.
She stands before the proud lords and ladies or Doriath, before beautiful Dior, and sings as Luthien sang before Mandos. She pours her grief and guilt and the darkness that is the doom. Sings of a future, free of blood oaths and darkness and hateful fueds. There were few dry eyes in the audience. But Dior still sits, eyes sombre but unglistening on Thingol’s throne. Even her voice does not have the power to erase the sins of the Noldor in the eyes of Luthien’s son.
She kneels. Both knees on the ground. Scarlet dress stained with mud spread out on pristine white marble floor. Voice still carrying the lingering notes of the song.
“Please. Give me a chance to make this right. “ she pleaded, tears flowing unabashed.
A heavy pause. They look into each other’s eyes, hooked and searching.
Dior waveringly stood, and treaded towards her. He bent down and delicately took the starlit gem from around his neck and dropped it into her palms.
“Then make it right.”
Or at least, that’s one version of the events.
In this version, Maglor collects the Silmarils. So how did Eonwe and the host of the Valar come to middle earth without Earendil and Elwing and the Silmaril? How did Earendil even meet Elwing?
The Silmaril leaves Doriath, Morgoth attacks. Doriath’s been vulnerable for years, and he wants revenge. The slaughter was merciless. Reinforcements poured in from Himring and the Pass of Aglon on Maedhros’ orders, but they were too late. Dior and Nimloth were dead, along with a fifth of the people in Doriath. Elwing survives, carried by her nursemaid and a horde of guards, they fled to Sirion along with the rest of their people. Elurin and Elured were missing. Taken by the enemy, perhaps. They hoped that they were dead. Weeks passed, and there were no taunts, no mock ransom from the enemy. And thereafter nothing were heard from the sons of Dior ever again.
(Perhaps, in the chaos of the invasion, the boys ran and ran, directionless and fearful, till they reached the dark lands of Nan Elmoch. There the boys clung unto each other, cold and famished in the abandoned, drowsy woods. They curled up under tall, unfamiliar trees as they breathed in air laced with heavy magic. - except - it was not wholly unfamiliar. They were the scions of Luthien, of Melian. And the life of the forest responded to these part Maian creatures. They unfolded their secrets to them - the sweet honey and rich purple fruits offered themselves up for their tastes, the low humming plants sang them to sleep at night, moss and vine stitched themselves up to be their blankets and cloaks. Leaves sheltered their way and white luminescent flowers bloomed for them, lighting their way to each other whenever they became separated. They were enchanted, and the enchanter. They loved these woods and the woods loved them. And together, they sunk to the bottom of the ocean as tall waves rolled over Beleriand.
Perhaps the trees again wove themselves into a net, warding the forest from the water, sealing themselves off from the world, and forever hence Elured and Elurin wandered the woods as princes of an Atlantis. )
Back to Maglor.
So there is a greater force this time since they were on heavy guard against an attack and reinforcements, though late, did arrive.
And the survivors were stronger, Sirion was a refugee camp, but it was also powerful - and now all the forces of middle earth were united, martyred by evil.
Maglor was a Feanorian. Her brothers felt no urge to snatch the Silmaril from her hands, so in turn, Maglor used the light of the Silmaril to help Sirion grow whenever she visited Sirion, which was often. The Feanorian forces defeated much of Morgoth’s forces when they attacked at Doriath, so Maglor could worry less about retribution and attack on their own forces, at least for the next few years - so Maglor, guilty about the sacrifice of Doriath, spent a lot of time with Elwing in Sirion, and almost helped raised her along with the courtiers and Celeborn and Galadriel.
Being at Sirion was an advantage in other ways too. It was at the crossroads of many lands and peoples, and a perfect place to perfect strategies and alliances.
Elros and Elrond are born. They adored Maglor with her stories and songs. And always they want more, more, more. Their hands always tugging on her dress and getting her to play catch with them on the beach.
They are stronger, but it is not enough.
It was peaceful. Too peaceful. The calm before the storm, the silence of a predator before he pounces.
Sirion and Himring and Nargothrond are attacked. They win. They lose more than a quarter of their people. Celegorm and Caranthir die. They cannot hold on much longer.
Idril and Tuor left, and they have not returned. Earendil sits at the docks every day, sometimes with his family. Elwing lace her fingers through his, but there is a disquiet and restlessness in his heart that she cannot understand.
Earendil sails. He comes back more tired and defeated every time. He cannot reach Valinor.
“He thinks he needs the Silmaril.” Elwing said to Maglor.
Maglor stands with her on the edge of the cliff, looking at the far horizon for lands that she has not seen in centuries. She sees nothing. She closes her eyes and searches within her bond with Nerdanel, and she feels nothing. This is the long defeat, and she will lose her brothers one by one, with or without the one Silmaril she has by her side. “I think so too.” she replied.
She gives the Silmaril to Earendil, and says nothing of it to her brothers. For all they know, the Silmaril is still with her. She could tell them, she suppose, what could they do to Earendil, far out at sea. But she is caught between lying to them, and betraying their trust in the worst way. She feels sick to the bones, as she answers them with cheerful letters from afar, casual to ease suspicion. “I’ll come to visit soon” She lied.
Could she tell Maedhros? Who’s now aloof and half-mad with grief? Curufin was the one brother she has never quite been able to control. They loved each other, despite everything - every fight, every hair pulled, every disappointed look - but Curufin would be the last person she would confess to. She could not bear looking into the ghost of her father’s face to tell him that she has given away his most prized creation (prized above his children, she’s sure) to the Sindar, all for a chance of bribing the Valar to their aid. A bitterness grows in her heart, and she cannot swallow it down. The Ambarrusa are good secret keepers, but she will not burden them ...with what? She asks herself. With the task of forgiving you? So you can feel absolved of your guilt? And feed your fantasy? The days without a reply or sign grew longer, and she began to despair.
Her brothers grow uneasy, something burns in their chest. They think it’s the other 2 Silmarils calling to them. “We must attack.” Curufin seethed at every opportunity, eager for revenge.
The time is indeed coming, Galadriel has sensed as much.
A new star appears in the night sky. And that’s when they knew. Hope and despair and fear jugged for space in her heart. But in the end she will not be conquered, she gathered her troops, checked the defenses, and prepared for attacks.
No letter of accusation and rage came from any of her brothers. No letters came at all. She writes to them, letters of confession and apologies and firm reasons. Still, there is no reply.
Finally, Maedhros writes a letter telling her to return to the gap, for they sensed an attack was imminent. It was signed “Regards, Maedhros Feanorian”
She goes.
The Ambarrussa dies. She never got to apologise to them face to face, nor hear their forgiveness. She would hold their hands again, hear them laugh, and run through the woods, free and unburdened, she resolved. She would not let them fade in the void. Curufin's empty eyes stare into her, and it burns her promise into her fea the way the oath burns into theirs.
The host from Valinor arrives.
They finally got the other 2 gems together, this time, she did not have to steal them.
Earendil descended from the night sky. He could not touch the ground, but there was no rule about her going up. The last 2 Feanorians stood on Vilgront and held the 3 Silmarils together for the first time in an Age. She feels no different, but Maedhros slump in relief. “We’re free’ he said, and he gave the Silmaril back to Earendil. “May your hope shine on middle earth and bring aid to all those who need it” He gave his blessings and turned to Maglor.
“Thank you, for eveything” and clasped her so tight she couldn’t breathe. She held him, wrapped her arms round his tall, slender frame and tried to picture that she’s embracing Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, Amras and...father.
She cries, tears flow unabashedly and she’s just so happy that they’re free - free from darkness, free to start anew, free to go home.
They readied the ships back to Aman. One Silmaril they gifted to Earendil, one they gifted to Gil-galad and Elrond, to give aid and light to whoever is in need in middle earth, one they brought with them back to middle earth, as a symbol of victory and remembrance.
When they go back, their brothers and mother are waiting for them on the shore. This time, the Valar were merciful.
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Okay, Erestor is secretly Maglor.
Elrond had three counselors: “one an Elf named Erestor, and two other kinsmen of Elrond, of that half-Elven folk whom the Elves named children of Luthien.” There is no room anywhere on Elrond’s family tree for a full-Elf kinsman. 
The other two could be unnamed siblings/nephews of Dior, are probably Elured and Elurin, could just be Elladan and Elrohir. But the full Elf can’t. We have pretty good family trees for the royal house of Gondolin, and if Erestor is related on Nimloth’s side then he’d more likely be with Celeborn’s household than Elrond’s.
But you know who’s definitely a “kinsman” without being on the same family tree, is adopted dad Maglor.
The name “Erestor.” No one’s sure what it means, but this site says it’s Sindarin for “one who names.” Appropriate if it’s a self-chosen Third Age pseudonym. Or it might just mean “kinsman,” which, same. (Multiple meanings/puns would be very Feanorian.)
The name “Erestor.” Could be related to Quenya “hresta,” meaning shore or beach, i.e. the places associated with Maglor. 
The name “Erestor.” This site says it could be from Quenya “eresse” + “otorno,” meaning “lonely brother.” I rest my case.
He probably got the idea from Glorfindel, who has been using a pseudonym since the First Age.
Or, even better— Elrond’s top advisors are Elured and Elurin, Elenwe as Glorfindel, and Maglor as Erestor.  And none of them know about each other.
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