#celine is a strong queen
sugasiren · 2 years
☆ Astro Observations Pt 2 ☆
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**NOTE: This blog contains Mature Content.
💜 Scorpio Suns can "fake" smile A LOT - especially the women. They'll have big ass Cheshire Cat grins on their faces when trying to convince others that they care when they DO NOT. Shit looks mad weird! 🤣 Scorpionic Energy is meant to be dark, enticing & magnetic. So just embrace it!
💜 Scorpio Venus Women can be reserved Nuns or wild Wh0res! Lol. They can go hard in either direction. Either way though, they *hate* to be objectified and crave connection. Scorpio Venus Men are simply seductive AF. 🔥 Like dayummm! They're usually a highly sexual yet very choosy bunch. They can go years (by choice) without sex like a Monk. Many will "hold back" and repress their craving for an all-consuming love. Then suddenly FLOOD with emotions (and semen lol) for that special somebody - ready to devour your pu$$y & envelop your soul! 😎 These men are possessive & not for the faint of heart.
💜 Individuals with Mars in the 3rd House are MAJOR Sapiosexuals. Deep conversations turn them on!! Intellect gives these women many tingles and usually arouses *both* heads on the men. 🔥 3rd House rules short-distance travel... so these people may enjoy car sex, sex outdoors or sex while on a weekend getaway. Also, the women can correlate how a man drives/parks with how he fucks. 🤣 And you know what? It actually makes sense! A man who sucks at parking is probably a shitty lay. Lol. A man who handles large trucks with ease will probably dominate you.
*fans self*
💜 Libra Risings often look like walking works of ART from the Romantic Era. 💕 Paint these pretty bitches in ALL of their Venusian glory! Just sit them next to an elegant fireplace wearing *nothing* but a silk robe and a smile for Titanic vibesss. Often, the Men look like Sculpted Gods (like The Rock & Idris Elba) or Pretty Boys - like Leo DiCaprio & Harry Styles. And the Women are typically very lovely & voluptuous - like Beyonce, Doja Cat & Kate Winslet. Even when Libra Risings are average in appearance, they come across as pleasant & attractive to others.
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💜 Men with strong Capricorn and/or Leo in their charts (especially Mars, Moon or ASC) give hella Big Dick Energy. 💪💪 Take me from the back, Zaddy! And they often make for being the best Providers for their families. *King Aura*
💜 Women with strong Taurus and/or Scorpio in their charts give Big Clit Energy. 🔥 Women with heavy Leo or Capricorn definitely possess Queen Energy. 🥂 Ladies with strong Aries give BOTH! The Queens w/ the Juicy Clit. ♈
💜 Aries Suns are indeed the PIONEERS of the Zodiac in every sense of the word. They blaze trails everywhere they go. 🔥🔥 Aretha Franklin was The Queen Of Soul; Marlon Brando & Bette Davis were the King & Queen of Old Hollywood; Celine Dion & Mariah Carey created the female Vocal Trinity that dominated the 90's music scene; Steven Tyler taught us how to boldly "Dream On" and Marvin Gaye asked us "What's Going On?" and inspired us to think! Selena was the FIRST woman to became a megastar in Tejano Music; Loretta Lynn broke major ground for women in Country Music; Martin Lawrence made us laugh until we peed our pants; Lady GaGa is in a glorious class all by HERSELF. 💯 Van Gogh created timeless Art; Phoebe & Simone have inspired the masses to bring back real romance as the lead actresses on the smash show 'Bridgerton'; Halle Bailey is amazingly talented & is going to be the best damn ARIEL this world has ever seen. 🧜🏾‍♀️
You need a ground-breaker? You need courage & inspiration? You need to see the IDGAF spirit in action? Go find an Aries and they'll get the damn job DONE. ♈
That's all for now Darlings! 💕 Catch you again soon.
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thedemoninme141 · 9 months
A thing of beauty I know, Chapter 1: I guess I'm not strong enough Right now
I don't know how Celine wanted this to go, I am going with a mystery thriller with a bit of romance focusing more on Wednesday this time. Wednesday stood alone in the shadowy corner of the Raven, her disdain for the event etched into the deep scowl on her face. Dances were loathsome affairs in her eyes—frivolous gatherings where people exchanged meaningless pleasantries and engaged in awkward physical contact. Yet, here she was, an outsider amid the rhythmic movement of her fellow students, all blissfully unaware of her disdain for their merriment. Dances weren't her thing – she hated them. Social events? Even worse. Last year a Hyde asked her out but no one dared ask her to the dance this year, She is extremely pleased about that.
She surveyed the room with her piercing gaze. It was a sea of masks and fancy dresses, with shadows dancing to the haunting music. She sneered at the people, fake smiles and forced laughter everywhere. For her, these events were just a show, a game of pretending that she had no interest in playing.
So why was she here embarrassing herself as she wasn't even asked by anyone? Why was she wasting so much peace she would've gotten in her room alone as Enid was here dancing with Ajax like a dog around her master?
Oh right, You.
A week had passed since Wednesday had severed the ties between herself and the one person who managed to crack through the layers of her steely exterior – you. She couldn't fathom why she felt the need to watch you from the shadows, especially now that she had chosen solitude over companionship. But here she was, a silent observer to the dance that echoed the haunting melody of her own inner conflict.
She watched you, the ache of separation gnawing at her insides. The swirl of the dance floor mirrored the whirlwind of emotions within her, and Wednesday found herself ensnared in a paradox of her own making. The stoic facade cracked, if only for a moment, as a wistful gaze lingered on the one person who had managed to break through her walls.
Why did she break things between you and her again? Well, she couldn't remember as she was too focused on stalking you. You were a vision of grace, a silhouette against the dance floor's eerie glow. Your smiles were a currency freely exchanged, yet Wednesday detected a depth beneath the facade – a lingering hurt that eluded the casual observer. As you spoke with others, your eyes betrayed a vulnerability, a subtle sorrow that Wednesday could discern even in the midst of the festivities. It seemed as though you were putting on a performance, a masquerade of happiness for the world to see. But Wednesday, with her keen intuition, saw through the charade. Each genuine laugh echoed with a faint undertone of melancholy, a silent cry that only she could discern. It was a hurt she knew intimately, having been the architect of your pain just a week prior. Though you spoke with animated gestures and your laughter rang through the air, you didn't spare Wednesday a single glance. It was a deliberate act of avoidance, a pointed decision to deny her the solace of your gaze. And yet, the hurt still clung to your eyes like a ghostly echo of the past. Wednesday's heart, shielded by layers of indifference, felt an unwelcome twinge. She had chosen this separation, but witnessing your facade crumble in private moments gnawed at the fringes of her carefully constructed apathy. As the night unfolded, the haunting melody of the Raven became the backdrop to a silent exchange of glances – a connection fractured but not entirely severed.
"A drink might help." Bianca, the ex-queen bee told her, "What?" Wednesday glared. "The tingling feeling in your stomach." "My stomach is completely fine. I do not eat junk like you." Wednesday scowled "Come on, Wednesday. Admit it. You miss her, don't you?" Wednesday's scowl deepened, and she shot Bianca a withering look. "Miss who?" Bianca raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come now. Don't play coy with me. I've seen the way you've been watching her all night." Wednesday huffed. "I do no such thing. I am merely observing the insipid revelry around me." "Observing, huh? That's a fancy way of saying 'pining from a distance.'" Bianca chuckled. "Pining is for weaklings," Wednesday retorted, her tone sharp. "I don't pine. I observe with detached disdain." "Detached disdain, my foot," Bianca said, nudging Wednesday playfully. "You're practically a gothic poet tonight. Edgar Allan Wednesday, watching her lost Lenore from the shadows." Wednesday shot her a glare. "Enough with the poetic nonsense you know very little of. I have no interest in romantic entanglements." Bianca grinned. "Oh, spare me. You're practically drowning in teenage angst. It's written all over your gloomy face. So, what's the plan, then? Continue lurking in the shadows like a brooding spectre, or are you going to actually do something about it?" Wednesday scowled again. "I don't need a plan. I'm perfectly content observing." Bianca rolled her eyes. "Observing is for scientists. You're not dissecting a frog; you're dealing with matters of the heart. Go, talk to her. Dance. Have a moment. You might even enjoy it." "I'd rather be dissecting a frog," Wednesday muttered Bianca grinned knowingly. "Trust me, Wednesday. Love is far more interesting than any frog dissection." Bianca said as she walked away. Wednesday watched Bianca's retreating figure with a mixture of irritation.
The haunting melody continued to play, enveloping her in its melancholic embrace. Love, an emotion Wednesday had scorned, now lingered in the air like an uninvited guest. As Wednesday observed you from the shadows, her internal conflict intensified. Love, a concept she dismissed as irrelevant, now seemed to be the force pulling at the seams of her carefully constructed apathy. Wednesday found herself caught between the desire to maintain her fortress and the yearning to bridge the distance that separated her from you. The haunting melody reached a crescendo, a symphony of emotions echoing through the dimly lit hall. Wednesday's eyes lingered on you, then the stranger by your side, Wednesday hadn't seen him, didn't know his name yet, perhaps a day of investigation should reveal all his secrets but that didn't stop her from scrutinizing him with an intensity that mirrored her usual disdain. Every aspect of him, from his features to his mannerisms, ignited a simmering rage within her. As you and your date moved through the dance floor, Wednesday's scowl deepened. The Raven, already an insufferable affair in her eyes, took on a new layer of complexity. The melody seemed to mock her as she grappled with the unexpected surge of emotions. As you and your date twirled gracefully on the dance floor, Wednesday found herself clenching her fists, the desire to intervene clawing at her insides. She scoffed at her own weakness, berating herself for even considering such a deviation from her usual detached demeanor. Yet, the more she observed, the more the impulse to disrupt your connection with the stranger intensified. She couldn't bear it any longer. The internal struggle reached a breaking point, and with a determined scowl, she pushed herself away from the shadows and strode purposefully towards the dance floor. Her steps were measured, her gaze fixed on you and the mysterious stranger. As she approached, Wednesday could feel the weight of her own actions pressing down on her, an uncomfortable mix of vulnerability and determination. She tapped the stranger on the shoulder, interrupting the dance with an air of nonchalance that belied the storm within. The stranger turned to face her, confusion etched on his features. Wednesday's scowl deepened as she spoke with an icy tone, "You'll excuse us. I need to borrow her for a moment." Without waiting for a response, Wednesday took your hand, pulling you away from the dance floor and the bewildered stranger. "What is this, Wednesday?" you questioned, a mix of surprise and anger in your eyes. "You could do better than that ludicrous idiot," Wednesday replied. "Really? If you really cared then you wouldn't have broken up with me." You rolled your eyes. Wednesday's scowl deepened at your response, a rare flicker of regret crossing her usually stoic features. "That's not the point," she retorted, her tone sharp. "I… I didn't expect to care, but seeing you with someone else—someone beneath your standards—it's insufferable." You raised an eyebrow, a mix of confusion and disbelief in your expression. "And why do you care, Wednesday? You made it clear you wanted solitude, not me." Wednesday's jaw tensed, her grip on your hand tightening almost imperceptibly. "Solitude doesn't mean I enjoy watching you make questionable choices. You deserve better than a dance with that… buffoon." "I don't understand you, Wednesday," you sighed "Last night you came to me in the middle of the night acting all weird and then ignoring me in the morning, and now again getting in my life. What the hell do you even want Wednesday?" Now Wednesday herself was confused, what were you talking about? She didn't come yesterday, she was too busy thinking about… "Hello? Earth to Wednesday." She didn't reply. "Ugh, you know what? I don't have time to be played by you anymore, Enjoy your solitude Wednesday!" You said angrily as you freed your hand from her grip before storming out of the party, leaving Wednesday standing there who didn't focus on your departure as now she had another mystery to solve. Next Chapter
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saucyjothoughts · 25 days
What would be each of them's go-to song for sex?
I wasn't initially going to answer this because opinions are going to be completely different for every boo (and I don't know any Slovenian music they might be into) but I ended up spending way too long thinking about it so here we go.
Come Together - the Beatles
Kris prefers the Godsmack cover but Bojan prefers the classic.
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
So erotic and full of emotional turmoil that it's cliché - perfect for Bojan.
Lube - Adam Lambert
We know Bojan loves Freddie Mercury and Queen so it's not a big leap to find Adam Lambert's queer lustsongs.
Beggin' - the Maneskin cover
This song slaps and you can't tell be Bojan doesn't appreciate the opportunity to think about Damiano David when he's coming.
My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
You know why.
Toxic - Britney Spears
Jan probably has multiple Britney songs in his sexytimes playlist but this is his favourite.
FMLYHM - Seether
Fuck Me Like You Hate Me.
Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence
I love the idea of Jan finding this song/band as a teenager and being briefly obsessed. This song is still in his playlists.
Good Boy - Zee Machine
Kinda niche and Jan is always looking for new, lesser known artists. The fun 80s pop sounds that he likes, and shamelessly gay.
Beautiful Dangerous - Slash ft Fergie
You can't tell me Jan hasn't idolised Slash as some point and this song has such dirty female vocals.
Hit That - the Offspring
Jure gives me strong Offspring vibes and this song gives slutty stray cat vibes with a perfect thrust tempo.
You Could Be Mine - Guns n Roses
I really wanted to give Jure some GNR and this song is probably in his sex playlist and his motorbike playlist.
Batshit - Sofi Tucker
He particularly enjoys being physical to this song when enjoying recreational substances.
I Was Made For Loving You - the Yungblud cover
This is a brilliant fucksong and I think Jure would love these raspy, raw vocals.
Shake That - Eminem, Nate Dogg
Jure loves an ironically misogynistic party song with a good beat. He also loves ass.
Community Property - Steel Panther
Not sure if this would be in his sex playlist but I'd love to see him try to play it during soundcheck and have Bojan shut him down as soon as he realises what the song is about.
Slow n Easy - Whitesnake
I think Nace would appreciate the classics. And the way this song builds echoes how I imagine Nace fucks.
Suck My Kiss - Red Hot Chili Peppers
We know Nace loves Flea and this song is hot.
Crazy - Aerosmith
So smooth and soulful. And have you seen the video?
I Wanna Know What Love Is - Foreigner
Emotional sex and finally feeling like you belong? Yep, that's a Nace song.
Kiwi - Harry Styles
Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. It reminds him of someone.
Apocalyptic - Halestorm
A song about breakup hatefucking.
Feeling Good - the Muse cover
I just love how powerfully this song builds and relaxes and plays, especially for a man who loves edging.
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
There had to be some arctic Monkeys in here somewhere, and of course it's this song for Kris.
I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself - the White Stripes cover
A perfect lapdance song. The yearning is real.
Kitchen Light - Xana
A heartbreak fucksong for the king of pining. It's not about anyone in particular. Nope, definitely not.
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emblemxeno · 1 year
Tbh I don’t quite understand the sentiment that Engage doesn’t have good or any worldbuilding at all, like tf is up with that. First instinct would be “them 3H fans again!!!” but other long time FE fans also consider it lackluster and idk I don’t agree. 
Each of the four nations all have surface level distinctions, but in-depth internal layers, such as...
Firene values peace, gratitude, and its harvests, tea, and medicine. It’s the kingdom that would usually be taken advantage of, but the reason it maintains its peace is through aggressive policy done by its leaders, currently by Eve and very notably followed up by Celine. Medicine and health is taken seriously cuz the last king died from an illness, the same illness which the current and well loved prince is suffering from. The Firene retainers are all nobles sans Louis, who is noted to have gotten his role because of his domestic skill in tandem with his martial prowess; this implies a sort of status quo, one that’s maintained to keep things peaceful, though not overly enforced to the point of oppression. 
Brodia is wealthy and martially strong, yet prideful. The nobility is noted to take advantage of the constant wars on Elusia, as it fuels economy, which in turn fuels more wars. The wars against Elusia themselves are partly an extension of Brodia’s pride: aggressive expansion done in the name of “keeping a wicked nation in check” and to further Brodian way of life. Because strength is valued, the Brodian retainers are all common folk who proved themselves, sans Citrinne, who develops a complex about her strength because of it. Mining is the primary income source after warfare, something that Diamant wants to shift towards to the dismay of war benefitting nobles.
Elusia is the kingdom of knowledge, and as such, is the only nation noted to have a major place of education. The arts and the leisure seems to be highly valued here, due to an author, an artist, and a native to a hot spring centered village being recruited. Retainers, like in Brodia, are decided by strength or capability; after all, you don’t often have a Crown Princess’s servants be a former assassin and a former prince without skill and knowledge being paramount in the decision making. Hyacinth has too much love to go around, and so has a wife as well as many mistresses, and many children as a result. Knowledge begets avenues of possibility, which means one can use said knowledge to selfishly get ahead (such as the Elusian court where backstabbing and fake platitudes to appeal to the King and Queen were common place) or to benefit the world around you (Hortensia using her intellect and talent to help war victims, and Ivy utilizing Elusia’s creativity and innovative practices to better the public’s wellbeing). Seeking knowledge, however, can entrench one in dark practices, which is why the worship of the Fell Dragon went from notable to beligerent and dangerous.
Solm values freedom, and is notable for being a strict matriarchy. Only women take the throne, Merrin’s village is only ran by women, and Panette and Pandreo’s family church was headed by their mother. While open minded and easy going on the surface, Solm having its own elite vigilante group and having spies throughout the continent means that the queendom takes measures to ensure freedom very seriously; these actions are similar to Firene, which is brought up in Celine and Fogado’s support, and the two themselves are indicative of each of their nations cultures. Unlike the other nations, there’s no strict basis for who becomes a retainer, since you have a chef, a priest, and two runaways. The people of Solm live their lives how they want, and its culture is more open to entertainment and large gatherings than other nations.
And this is just what I whipped together from memory. I’ve no doubt that there’s tons of other minute details that, when pieced together, form more descriptions of the nations as a whole. This, to me, is on part with how the GBA games and Echoes built their worlds. Very solid in depth readings, with surface level broad strokes to entice the player in should they choose to put more hours into learning the ins and outs. And that isn’t even getting into the artistic directions of each nation and the characters (like outfits, seasonal representations, food/ingredients, etc.). Hell, the entirety of Elyos is shaped like a ring for crying out loud! It’s screaming “yeah the rings are this central to this world, enjoy your stay.”
I like that. Engage knows what it is and what it wants to present. No more, no less.
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inosukes-boar-mask · 3 months
Another 21st century au headcanons and right now this is.... The glorious inventor queen, Celiné Georges. 👀🙏🏻
Born on December 25th in Strasbourg, France and she's a Capricorn. (Lmaoooo ion fw with zodiac signs though I just literally like to put this randomly 😂) She's the eldest child and she actually has two younger siblings as well. She has a younger brother named Édouard and he's 5 years younger than Celiné. He's also a professional football player who plays in the Premier League. (Manchester City) and in the France national football team. And the other younger sister is named Daphné. Daphné is 11 years younger than Celiné. And she's currently a med student as well.
Her father is obviously French of course and her mother is of African descent. Celiné has a good relationship with her parents and with her siblings as well. Also she always have been a Mama's girl. She loves and cares for her mother so much.
Celiné can speak 5 languages. Aside from her native language (French), she can speak English, German, Spanish, and Portuguese fluently. She's currently learning Mandarin at the moment and she's kind of.... Struggling to learn about it.
She went to Massachusetts Institute of Technology thru an exchange scholarship program. She studied aerospace engineering here and this is also where she met Greta. (Who was also an exchange student like her back then)
She was just an average girl during her high school years in France. Not that popular but she's actually very smart. She likes physics a lot and also chemistry as well. She also likes astronomy and she wishes that she could work on NASA one day. She's a member of the science club there and she also used to do a lot of robotics and stuff in her high school years.
She's an introvert. She only has like, a small group of friends during her teenage years and even until now. She also doesn't trust anyone easily that's why her circle of friends are really small. (Quality over quantity though 👀) Also, speaking of being an introvert, she mostly likes to spend her time alone and she would just be with her friends when she's in the mood to hang out with them. (Which barely happens because she's mostly in her room all day inventing stuffs 👀😂)
She obviously learned German from Greta 👀 she was actually the one who taught her how to speak it and in exchange for that, Celiné also started to taught Greta French as well.
She likes her coffee strong. Like really strong and bitter. 👀 (She's literally me lmao i also like my coffee really strong)
Currently working as a aerospace engineer at NASA right now 👀 she's happy that she had achieved her dream of working there and she also work alongside Greta too. (oh and even Orville as well. 'cause that boi is an astronaut.)
Well, speaking of Greta, she's also in a long-term relationship with her as well. They got together during their sophomore year in college. (Oh and what if I told you that they are also engaged in this another universe that I've made 👀🤭) and they didn't start off really good. They were literally an academic rivals back then before becoming lovers 👀👀🤭
Did you know that Celiné also used to be in a band during her teenage years? 👀👀👀 Well yes. She used to be the lead guitarist in that band. They would mostly play at the school whenever there's an event there or they would even have a gig sometimes. But eventually, they disbanded after graduating high school because Celine and her fellow bandmates had to take on a different path in life. (She also doesn't see herself as a musician also. She prefers working on a STEM-related career)
She started inventing things when she was 9 years old. It just started with some simple wires and some other materials that she got from her grandfather's basement and then that's where she just started inventing things and her grandfather was even impressed by her inventions.
I almost forgot to put her hobbies here 😂 honestly aside from doing inventions and stuff, she also likes playing chess. She was taught by her father how to play the game because her father used to compete back then. She also does some mechanics as well. Like she can fix her own car something like that. 👀 She likes reading books too. Sci-fi is one of her favorite genres and she also likes doing photography as well. (Her camera are full of Greta photoshoot pics though 👀)
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creativesplat · 7 months
Do you have any head cannons for Alfred, Alear, Etie, and Veyle?
Thank you for the ask! :)
Has a massive scar where Sombron fatally wounded her, it occasionally still twinges, particularly when she’s stressed 
Likes almost every food under the sun. She's not the biggest fan of meat for breakfast, but aside from that, she isn't fussed. She loves practically everything.
She sometimes has nice dreams about children playing with her, or a sweet woman talking to her. These are vague half-heard things from her time asleep, like Queen Eve keeping her company when Lumera wasn't able to, or Alfred playing make-believe beside her bed when he was too poorly to go outside.
She never fully understands why the corrupted scare her so much.
Is the biggest sommie lover ever. She’s the sort of person to carry round photos of him and show them to everyone and then herself. She loves Sommie. So. Much.
Sleeps with Sommie on her bed when she’s frightened, or feels like she’s going to have nightmares 
She hates cooking but can. Like. Sort of. It’s bland and kind of meh, but at least it’s not what Alfred cooks. 
Sleepy. Always sleepy. Just a very tired bean. 
Only exercises and trains out of necessity, if she had it her way, she would do less of it. She is not the biggest exercise fan 
Slowly gains a few more memories after the war ends
The nightmares she gets are mainly memories that she repressed or half-forgot 
Enjoys playing with Veyle’s hair. She sometimes does haircare days with Seadall, Celine, and Veyle. 
She hated her red hair at first, but tries to start liking it, after Veyle mentioned struggling with accepting her Fell heritage. 
Plays the piano and sings well, that and polishing weapons and jewellery are some of her favourite hobbies 
If she was in a modern au she would be a bit of a gamer
Literally a menace of a brother. Has stolen Celine’s makeup, hair kit, and perfume before, but also buys her the best teas ever so, she doesn’t complain (too much!) 
When he was sick as a child he cuddled Sommie a lot (because his family visited the Somniel and Lumera was a family friend)
Very fussy eater, he only eats ‘healthy’ food, and also crepes on occasion. He does like crepes. 
The WORST cook ever. Absolutely disgusting. 0/10 never let him cook
Picked up the flute to strengthen his lung capacity, and has become rather good at playing
He didn’t have many friends as a child, because he spent long stretches of it bed ridden, so he would play imagination games with Alear the Dragon princess, and Alfred the cool-and-strong prince. Most of them involved playing tag together but sometimes he would imagine them battling against evil armies (there was always a bad wizard who caused sicknesses in those) 
As a child he needed mobility aids, and particularly liked his wheel-chair (which he used with a hobby-horse sometimes) and later in life, when he had attacks of his illness, he had to use mobility aids again
Like the Pinterest of the Somniel. If Rosado is ever art-blocked he’ll just go and sketch Alfred 
He’s canonically a very handsome guy (Sharina’s intro etc) but he’s fairly oblivious to it. 
With such muscular retainers, and people like Seadall around, he can sometimes feel quite insecure 
Buff as heck. I don’t care about the character model. She’s ripped
Quite intense as a gym friend. She and Alfred sometimes egg each other on too much, and Boucheron has to step in to make sure they don’t hurt themselves via overexercising 
She has given Alfred food poisoning before with one of her ‘muscle stimulants’ 
Can jog for longer than Alfred. He is very jealous. 
She can almost lift the same weight as Boucheron, if she really pushes herself, and is working up to beating him in deadlifts 
She keeps pieces of Alear’s dragon stone with her always, and eventually makes some of them into two rings, so she and Alear can always be connected 
Her spice tolerance is higher than anyone in the army
She doesn’t like milk or cream that much 
She needs her hair trimmed a lot, but mainly the black bits. She gets a lot of split ends. 
She really likes swimming, and is regularly at the pool 
Plays tactical RPGs with Robin and Lucina’s emblems. 
Sometimes imagines what life would have been like growing up with Lumera as her mother and Alear as her big sister.
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angelosearch · 9 months
Overthinking "Eyes on Me" and it's 3 AM and here is my crackpot theory with cited sources:
In an interview with Nobuo Uematsu, Final Fantasy VIII’s composer, in the 2005 Ultimania Omega, Uematsu says Celine Dion was considered for the Final Fantasy VIII theme, “Eyes on Me” (GameFAQs). This fact has been rolling around in my head since I learned it a few weeks ago. I started to listening to “Eyes on Me” with fresh ears. Sure, I thought, I could imagine Celine Dion singing this. It would be great.
Tonight, I was listening to Celine Dion (to be completely transparent, stoned) and “Eyes on Me” doesn’t just sound like something Celine would sing. It is a Celine song. Sonically, it sounds a lot like “My Heart Will go On” (1997) – especially the opening of both songs. Listen to them back-to-back.
Also similar in sound is “Beauty and the Beast” (1991).
I wish I knew more about music theory to explain what else sounds similar about these songs. But anyway.
It’s not just that these songs are sonically similar to “Eyes on Me.” The vibe is the same. The love stories, especially the ones told on her “most critically and commercially successful album” Falling Into You (1996), have the same intensity and drama as Squall and Rinoa’s love story (Wikipedia).
And isn’t that what Final Fantasy VIII (1999) is all about, an epic love story? Look at the logo. It’s literally Squall and Rinoa holding each other. The other Final Fantasy logos are not like that.
Celine is at the top of her career in the mid-to-late 90s. She is internationally known as the “Queen of the Power Ballad” (MTV). She tours in Japan in 1998 on her “Let’s Talk about Love” tour (that’s the album my “My Heart Will Go On” is on) and her tickets sell out in a day (Wikipedia).
And this videogame, where the love story is the focus, has the special opportunity of being the first Final Fantasy with a full-length live-recorded vocal track, something Squaresoft had been wanting to do for years (finalfantasy.fandom.com). This is a moment that needs to blow people’s mind.
Celine Dion would be the perfect choice for this song, from a marketing perspective. I believe she was a strong contender for the performance, and, honestly, I think they tried to get her but couldn’t.
Why do I believe they shot their shot with her and failed? Okay, this is where I go full conspiracy theory.
Because the song was such an integral part of the game, the developers wanted Julia to share similarities with the actual singer of the song. This is why, in the final game, Julia was animated to look like Faye Wong (finalfantasy.fandom.com).
But it turns out Julia has some things in common with Celine Dion. Celine started her career singing in a piano bar. Like Julia, she became an instant success with her public debut. Celine first got famous singing in French, and while I know she is French-Canadian, I find it interesting that Galbadia has a lot of French symbolism. Deling City, where Julia performs, has the Arc de Triomphe after all (finalfantasy.fandom.com).
Those are the strongest comparisons. But also, for your consideration:
The first song that she recorded ("Ce n'était qu'un rêve" which translates as "It Was Only a Dream" or "Nothing But A Dream" – also Final Fantasy VIIIish title) was sent to René Angélil who first became her manager, and, later, her lover. He was 26 years her senior. To me, this has a lot of tonal similarities to Julia/Carraway’s relationship.
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Does anyone else think this red cut-out Versace gown at the American Music Awards in 1993 kinda looks like Julia’s dress? Even if not, look through Celine Dion’s outfits from the 90s. This is the kind of thing she would have worn, and also red seems to be her color (BAZAAR).
Final Fantasy VIII also SEEMS like it was heavily influenced by “My Heart Will Go On” and/or Titanic in general. I think there’s a reason there are dozens of “My Heart Will Go On” Final Fantasy VIII AMVs on YouTube – The song fits the game perfectly. Have you SEEN the official music video for this song? I don’t know, I see lots of parallels.  
Some of the most romantic scenes in Final Fantasy VIII either take place on a balcony or in view of the ocean, just like in Titanic. Titanic has a dance scene too, though I cannot speak to how similar these are. This seems too outlandish to be relevant but I am going to throw it out there: River Phoenix, who Squall’s facial features were based on (Wikipedia), was considered for the role of Jack in Titanic (IMDb). Maybe the developers wanted a “Jack” of their own.
And DO NOT GET ME STARTED on the Final Fantasy VIII/Beauty and the Beast parallels. I’m just going to link to these gif sets: [x] [x]
And then in FREAKING 2007 Celine Dion comes out with, GET THIS, “Eyes on Me.” But it’s a completely different song. So if you Google “Celine Dion Eyes on Me,” you can’t find anything about them considering Celine for the videogame theme under all the other search results. CELINE WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!
So here is my stupid conspiracy: I think the game was written, at least in part, as a love letter to Celine Dion in an attempt to do anything to get her to sing for them. I am pretty sure videogames did not have big artists featured at the time, and she was literally the artist of that moment. It would not be easy to convince her to work with them, so they put in Celine easter eggs to try and get her to agree. Because imagine how much bigger Final Fantasy VIII could have been if they could say Celine Dion was attached to it? Hell, I am pretty sure my mom would have played it if that was the case.
I know that the story is that they went through CDs and Faye Wong was the top choice—and don’t get me wrong, she did a great job, and she still made the song super famous—But I just think this is A LOT OF PARALELLS to just ignore.
All I am saying is, what the fuck is Final Fantasy VIII about if not “The Power of Love”?
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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shay-creates · 1 year
Writblr Intro?
I have never done a writblr intro, so here we go.
Hello! You can call me Shay. I'm a writer and artist living in the US. Welcome to my art and writing blog!
About me: I'm 25, asexual, transmasc, nonbinary (he/they/it), and unsure where I fall on the romantic spectrum. Tag and Ask game friendly! Asks and conversation encouraged. I'm more scared of you than you are of me, so it may take me a bit to respond. I never know what I'm doing at any given time, so I'm very sporadic in talking about or making anything related to stories or art. I follow/follow back using Shay-Puppity (my main account).
I'm creating my world "Exalos" through stories and art, filling the world with my beloved characters (distant sobbing and screaming). I mainly write in the genre of fantasy with a smattering of mystery, horror, romance, and slice of life. Many of my characters are LGBT+ and the world they live in has no drama surrounding that.
I'm currently focused on my WIP titled "Dread Secrets," but I have several other stories in various stages of development. Dread Secrets is my first time planning with the intent of actually writing and finishing the story. Volume of projects not indicative of me being put together, it is quite the opposite.
Characters tagged by using- OC: Character name (Ex- OC: Celesto)
WIPs tagged by using- Shay WIP: Story title (Ex- Shay WIP: Dread Secrets)
Art tagged by using- Shay's Art
~My WIPs~
This part will be edited as I work on these stories, so there'll eventually be more information to read here.
Dread Secrets (current main project):
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Genre/Rating: Medieval Fantasy, mystery, action, romance, adventure, not young adult
TWs: blood, gore, violence, mental/psychological/emotional abuse mentions/vague depictions, slight body horror, war, war refugees mentions/depictions, deaths, murder,
POV: Xiang, Neph, King Ansellus Kestrel, Celesto, Mystery Plotter
Summary: (WIP intro link)
Fifteen years ago, King Ansellus Kestrel of the kingdom Wisea made a last stand against the Dread Queen Celesto, his first love, as the benevolent kingdoms banded together to lay siege to the aptly named, Dread Kingdom. Against all odds, Celesto was beaten. Turned against by the Ancient of the Dread Forest, an unstable Celesto's final moments saw her body transform into a dark and twisted tree that screamed angrily into nothingness without a sound.
They had been in love, Ansellus willing to give Celesto anything he could give her. In four short years, their perfect life together fell to shambles as Celesto betrayed not only Ansellus, but friends and even her own goddaughter, Hibiki, who, even now, clings to her father to feel safe.
Xiang, a student of Prophis, attempts to aid a friend who is cursed to sleep with Grim Twilight Ivy growing around and from his body. His good intentions are rewarded by having a similar curse placed on Xiang himself. A strange mark over his heart and plagued by nightmares of being hunted by the Dread Queen Celesto in the ruins of the Dread Kingdom, Xiang leaves the ancient towers of Prophis to find a way to break the curse before succumbing to it himself. He is given a protector in the form of Malianna Ash, a half-immortal from the fiery Kingdom of Rosha.
Neph, a half-immortal in their early twenties, lives comfortably in the independent city of Rudrian with caretakers Sasha and Bryn Creek and their soft-spoken friend, Celine. Neph longs to gain recognition so they may ascend to immortality in the hopes of reuniting with their immortal mother in Elorial, the realm of immortals. They seize their chance after rescuing Xiang after the Prophis student is separated from Malianna by the crowds. Through the use of incessant nagging and a sprinkle of charisma, Neph manages to join the two strangers on their quest. Celine, who has always been at Neph's side, joins the group to aid them as both a healer and strong nature magic user.
What secrets hide in the past? Will Xiang be able to lift the curse from himself before it's too late? What dreadful secrets hide within the ruins of the Dread Kingdom? Did Celesto find some way to survive and lay low all those years ago, or is the curse the doing of someone else?
Progress: semi-complete timeline, Character illustrations done
Cast: Xiang, Malianna Ash, Neph, Scy Drakenscale, Phelan Noctus, Lorne, Kubo Hibiki, No Eiko, Celine, Scorch (Malianna's unicorn), Flit (Malianna's magic pigeon), Celesto Krone/Kestrel (Dread Queen), Felix Kestrel, King Ansellus Kestrel, Queen Tianna Kestrel, Artos Oak, Kubo Mai, Ling Yazhu, Bao Mingmei, Bao Yating, King Snydus Ash, Silas Ash, Draco, Dissonantia, Bryn Creek, Sasha Creek, Leandra Ash, Xaver Ash, Ferna Krone, Obelus Krone, Imposa Kestrel, Mightrus Kestrel, Ling Chao, Bessarion Thorne, Characters
Gods/Ancients/Primordials of note: God of Memories, God of Sanctuary, God of Guardians, God of Passion, God of Vengeance, God of Lore (Lorne), Ancient of Wisdom, Ancient of Knowledge, God of Dreams, The 11 Immortal Villains (See: Corruption of Heroes), Ancient of the Dread Forest/Forests, Primordial of Death, Primordial of Life
Song association: Guns For Hire by Woodkid + What Could Have Been by Sting and Ray Chen.
Excerpt: Nothing written yet. :3
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, modern setting, dimension hopping, coming of age, suspense, adventure, series, not young adult
POV: Gong Jiahao, Soul Warren, Maddox High, Taeil, Fable Book, Kace Asher, Zhang Remy, Nym Cardinal
Summary: something goes here. Idk if each character gets a book or if characters share a book or whatever, but they do all get some POV. There will be some angst. Also there's a mysterious person who is trying to make a deal or contract with each of the characters. Idk what contracts yet, but there's shenanigans. Also a dumb and campy fight scene because it's dumb and makes me laugh. (They're using the power of dance and music to fight and distract a fucking dragon, it's so dumb. Dumb fight scene go brr.)
Progress: vibes and vague ideas, character concepts concepted
Characters: Primordial of Chaos, Gong Jiahao, Zhang Remy, Soul Warren, Fable Book, Nym Cardinal, Maddox High, Kace Asher, Ace Siren, Mirroh, Pavel Nox, Jung Taeil, Rune Siren, Neph, Xiang, Runais, Xadrian, Phelan, Mirroh Characters
Song association: Illusion by Ateez
Excerpt: Nothing written yet. :3
Heir of Chaos:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, modern setting?, medieval setting?, dimension hopping, mystery, series, not young adult
POV: Deimos Muse, Song Kwan, Adriel Sky, Warrick Red, Zhang Remy
Summary: Something goes here. You read that right! Remy is a POV here too. This story and Tinnitus are intertwined with reoccurring characters and that mysterious person is here too. Don't ask me how I plan to write these two stories, I just know they are intertwined.
Progress: vibes and vague ideas
Characters: Deimos Muse, Zhang Remy, Warrick Red, Song Kwan, Adriel Sky, Primordial of Chaos, Lucas String, Mirroh, Shen Saint, Gong Jiahao, Soul Warren, Fable Book, Nym Cardinal, Maddox High, Kace Asher Characters
Song association: Frost or Crown by Tomorrow X Together
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Corruption of Heroes:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: medieval fantasy, mystery, action, not young adult
POV: Kallista and/or Shysie
Summary: A fantasy story that follows the formation and eventual fall from grace of the Eleven Immortal Villains of the Dread Forest. A time when the citizens of Rusa and Centuros were ruled by Dissonantia Krone and her husband Draco Krone, before the two rulers became God of Chaos and Discord respectively. When Rusa and Centuros were constantly in a closely tied battle without bloodshed or animosity. Before the Dread Forest gained its name and the Ancient of Forests was worshiped by both Rusa and Centuros. When the Primordial of Life had curved horns upon its head and Immortals walked the same earth as mortals. How the mighty fall. How the Eleven Immortal Villains came to be (they're mentioned and may cameo in Dread Secrets). We've got Kallista, Shysie, twins Faraph and Gwin, brothers Leucis and Valrus, sapphic throuple Echo/Nyssa/and Whisper, sapphic couple Vasha and Eilla, and Lux as characters.
Progress: vibes and vague ideas, character concepts concepted
Characters: Lux, Shysie Crimson, Kallista Rose, Gwin Snow, Faraph Snow, Echo Song, Vasha Alice, Eilla Alice, Whisper Song, Nyssa Song, Leucis Bard, Valrus Bard, Dissonantia Krone, Draco Krone, Anarvale, Thronk, (more characters to come) Characters
Song association: It Seemed the Better Way by Leonard Cohen or Hunt You Down by The Hit House and Ruby Friedman
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Finding Family:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: slice of life, medieval fantasy, comedy?, pg/pg 13
POV: Pangari, Fintan, Demarcus, Amphon, and/or Yvonna
Summary: A fantasy, slice of life story about a family of Gods in the Immortal Realm. Amphon, God of Blacksmiths, and Yvonna, God of Seamsters, adopted three young Immortals who’ve ascended to godhood. Fintan, God of Flames, is often sleeping in Amphon’s smelter, his blonde hair and skin stained with soot and ash, and he only leaves the home if it’s for his twin sister, Pangari, or adopted brother, Demarcus. Pangari, God of Shadows, is a bubbly and kind-hearted young woman with bright eyes and light blonde waves. She spends as much time as she can with her family, often dragging Fintan out of the smelter to go on walks. Demarcus, God of Artisans, is dutiful and is often working hard on a new blueprint or helping his adopted father design a new sword or gift for Yvonna. This is a story about found family and the bonds that are formed by accepting each other and protecting each other.
Cast: Amphon, Yvonna, Pangari, Demarcus, Fintan, Bunsom, Lorne
Progress: vibes and vague ideas, some characters concepted
Song association: Family by Mother Mother
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Shadow of Doubt:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: Mystery, thriller, psychological thriller, horror, Crime, mature
POV: Kit Tong
Summary: something goes here. There's a single part that I will legitimately cry while writing, it's the only thing I know will happen and it makes me sad. Great character moment though. Kit has a cat named Milo and I love their cat, it's the beacon of light in the bloody dark. That's all I've got so far. One scene and the MC has a cute cat. That's all you really need though...right?
Progress: vibes and vague ideas
Characters: Kit Tong, Kim Jae-soon, Ito Genji, Sunnie Lee, Zander Blight, Freddie Smith, Mik Forest, (more characters to come) Characters
Song association: You'd Be Paranoid Too by Waterparks or Saints by Echos
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Background of Love:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: romance, comedy, slice of life, BL, GL, fantasy, modern setting, series, not young adult
POV: Elio, Tia, Season, Wins, Rowan, Mingi, Jun
Summary: something goes here. One of the MCs is probably the main MC because he's aro/ace and everyone around them is falling in love left, right, and center so it's like he's in the background if that makes sense? I haven't decided if that character is going to be called Season or Elio. This is the story with the most gay focus of any of my stories.
(old summary for some context: This story follows three couples as they pursue love. Elio has had feelings for his childhood friend Rowan for five years with the other not noticing and soon developing a crush on someone else. Elio decides to stop his feelings for Rowan, no matter how difficult, and allows his friends Dom and Dai to set him up with a temporary boyfriend Mingi. Once Elio decides to move on, Rowan soon discovers how much Elio has done for him over the years and abandons his crush to pursue Elio. Tia, friend of Elio and Dom and Dai has caught herself pining after her neighbor across the street named Mian. Despite all of her bravado and confident air, she can’t bring herself to talk coherently around Mian. No longer being pursued by Rowan, Wins begins to spend more time with Jun since they have many of the same interests. Jun stops spending time with Wins, putting Mingi first as the latter might have developed feelings for his temporary boyfriend. Can Amais, God of Love, help his heartless or will the God have them figure it out for themselves?)
Progress: vibes and vague ideas
Characters: Elio Santiago, Rowan Winters, Kim Mingi, Huang Jun, Xu Mian, Tia Amor, Season Light, Takara Haru, Dom Wong, Dai Angsan, Wins Michaels, God of Soulmates (Amais) Characters
Song association: Fake Protagonist by Getsunova or Lose (english version) by Wonho
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, medieval fantasy?, mystery, suspense, comedy, romance, not young adult
POV: Runais, Xadrian, and/or Lykos (maybe Mirroh?)
Summary: something goes here. Everyone else is having a bad time but Runais and Xadrian are just chaotic dumb and chaotic dumber and I love that for them. This story kind of absorbed another WIP idea I had called "Deja Vu" and I'm not mad about it. I like this story a bit more.
Progress: vibes and vague ideas, some characters concepted
Characters: Xiang, Neph, Runais, Xadrian, Lykos, Mirroh, Primordial of Chaos, Malianna Ash, Scorch, Flit, Phelan, (more characters to come?) Characters
Song association: Seraph by DPR Ian or Who Are You by Sam Kim
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Love Afterlife:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: medieval fantasy, romance, GL, not young adult
POV: Tahari or Nocturne/Aqualise
Summary: something goes here, but I know it's sapphic. The location is the afterlife and I do think I'm clever. Because...they...they find love...in the afterlife....so...love...afterlife.... A sapphic tale between the God of Death and an Immortal Spirit.
Progress: vibes
Characters: Tahari, Nocturne/Aqualise, (more characters to come) Characters
Song association: ???
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Demon Eye:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, action, dark fantasy, romance, not young adult
POV: ??? I don't have any characters thought up yet, no names or anything. RIP
Summary: something goes here. It feels really cool in my brain, cool fight scenes go brrr. Cool character concept vibes go brr too.
Progress: vibes
Song association: ???
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Deja Vu:
Moodboard Goes here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, modern setting?, dimension hopping, mystery, not young adult
POV: Pavel Night
Summary: (technically scrapped) A fantasy, mystery, suspense. Living under the same roof to save money with his six friends, Pavel has had the luxury of having a room to himself thanks to winning a long game of rock, paper, scissors. His ideal world is flipped when one of his friends, Lucas, asks if a friend of his could move in. Though Pavel doesn’t know the friend well, he trusts Lucas’ judgement of character and agrees to let the friend share a room with himself since it’d be easier than Malia moving her things out of one room and into another. As soon as this friend, Mirroh, arrives, Pavel feels a strange distrust of the stranger. Mirroh keeps to himself unless he’s with Lucas, and seems to settle in well enough. But when an accident leaves his friend Shen dead and Ambrose in critical condition, strange things begin to happen. Mirroh’s personality becomes stranger and he seems to know when something bad is about to happen, though he doesn’t seem to lift a finger to stop it. What’s stranger is Pavel wakes up to find himself back to the day of the first accident that began it all. What can Pavel do to prevent the accidents? Does Mirroh know something and is keeping it a secret? Who is the stranger that confirms that Pavel should not trust Mirroh? Should he listen to the stranger?
Progress: Technically scrapped, vibes, vague ideas, 5 chapters written
Cast: ???, Lucas String, Mirroh, Shen Saint, Ambrose Saint, Malia Shield, Pavel Nox, Rune Siren, Ace Siren, Pavel Night
Song Association: ???
Excerpt: ):
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emblematicemblazer · 1 year
World building and theories of Engage
Alfred and Alfred the Great
Alfred, The Crowned Prince of Firene, has a real life inspiration, the Anglo-Saxon king Alfred the Great (849-899). Alfred the Great is probably best known for successfully defending his kingdom, Wessex, from Viking attacks. The surrounding kingdoms of Northumbria, East Anglia and Mercia had fallen and the odds were stacked against him, Alfred the Great and his father King Aethelred, were driven back into the heart of their kingdom and had to employ guerrilla tactics.
Alfred has similar claims to fame, with the help of the Divine Dragon he successfully defends his kingdom from attacks by the corrupted and Elusian forces. 
There are other similarities between the two kings. When Alfred the Great was a young boy, he went on a pilgrimage with his father to Rome. This visit inspired a view of kingship based on religious morals and values. Alfred visited the Divine Dragon as a boy as well. These visits helped Alfred form a close friendship with the Divine Dragon. 
Alfred the Great was a champion of education and taught himself Latin so he could translate important texts into English. He also set up schools to educate all young men. He also made military reforms which included: a rota systems fields were not neglected, fortified towns which formed the basis of the English system of boroughs and shires and strengthened the navy with the aid of foreign skilled craftspeople. To restore faith in the economy he increased the silver content in coins and created a new design, he introduced a fairer tax system, and introduced written laws. Alfred the Great was a reformer who improved his people's quality of life.
Alfred the Great had a condition with symptoms similar to Crohn's disease. He often went through periods of great pain and sickness, especially after grand feasts. He died early, (early 50s), but still managed to marry and raise an heir. Alfred has a similar condition and dies early because of it. His dislike of spicy food and strong tasting food could be because they make him unwell. There is no mention of Celine becoming Queen so I imagine that Alfred also married and had an heir. 
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secretsliedevelopment · 9 months
Jan 2024 ||
G'day ;) I know I haven't been too-too active here, Mostly because I wasn't really sure HOW to start of this blog? I didn't want to suddenly Dump a bunch Of Info no one really knows about or random headcanons from characters that aren't shown too often . SO I thought I should start off by introducing the main cast ! Just so everyone Is familiar with them <3
NOW there are quite a few Important characters + Villains that haven't been shown yet (Or half shown ) . They are equally important for the story BUT Since they appear later we'll do The Trio + Sirens !
Look Under the Cut for The sillies ! V (Click their names for toyhouse !)
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Skylar Rosania || She / Her
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Skylar is a happy-go-lucky girl, full of life and adventure. She knows that her impulsiveness and naivety can lead her into trouble, but nothing can hold her back from trying new things and pushing herself to her limits.
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Amelia Krystallo || She / They
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Ameilia is courageous and protective of those They care for, but is often headstrong and blunt, keeping Their feelings to herself. Despite this, she is passionate in everything They do and cares deeply for those close to her.
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Lennon Delyis || He / Him
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Lennon works as a Lead investigator , He is often self-critical and Tends to overthink things, but when he sets his mind to something he truly cares about, you'll see his imagination run wild as he goes full steam ahead. He is Incredibly resourceful
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Jackson Almero || He / Him
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The Main guitarist In sirens + A renowned Model . He is a dangerous individual who will go to any length to achieve his goals. Appearing on the outside of a charming, Charismatic individual lies nothing more than a Deceitful, Cynical, monster. If not getting his way His temper will get to him and things will turn south pretty quickly.
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Xiu Lin || They / Them
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The main Drummer + High end Fashionista. Xiu is a cooperative, observant individual, who is always thoughtful and calculating in Their approach. they are skilled in using their resources and their wits to accomplish a goal, knowing exactly what needs to be done and finding a way to do it. On they outside they appear to have a Cold and reserved exterior.
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Celine Svana || She / Her
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Celine, Celine - The serene queen !
The leader, A singer , An icon - A legend ! Celine is a confident and sophisticated woman, with a strong work ethic that drives her to succeed. However, she can also be arrogant, with a tendency to look down on others and act superior to them. She is unwilling to compromise her ego Will be her downfall.
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Hmm.. I feel like we're forgetting someone .
. . .
OH, that's right ██████ :) Oh well- He's pretty much Irrelevant !
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That Is all of the main cast ! :D or atleast the ones you'll be seein Often ! I hope this helps familiarize you with my Lovelies ! I'll eventually start showing of concepts and possible worldbuilding so stay tuned and follow the blog if your interested <3 And ofc If you want info ASAP ! join my discord Linked in my link tree <3
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Regal Fairytale Academy Pixies {Remastered}
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(Some info I used from Pixie (Winx Wiki)
Pixies used to called as "minifate" , which means "little fairy" in Italian. Now it is not longer as call.
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Pixies formerly resided in the village where located in the forest of Aurora Empyrean.
In the present, they live in their village, city or realm.
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Powers & Abilities
According to the history, they can bond with fairies and help them in their way of becoming real accomplished fairies.
Currently, pixies can bond with other species like humans.
Various pixies have various powers and talents, like teleporting.
Not only a normal language, pixies can talk in others like ancient fairy language and nation language. They even can translate it but not quite correct.
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Pixies are small creatures with heads that are larger in comparison to their baby-like body. Their ears are point same as large fairies, while hybrids have other ears like fish fin.
In addition to butterfly wings, they have their own unique style of wings, such as a resemblance to dragon, angel or plants.
Their wings are bigger and colorful, some of are multi-layered.
Not only that, they wear different clothes of kinds and hair accessories.
Also, other fairies possess hybrid magic, either born or trained, such as a pixie born from a hybrid with a selkie.
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They are very helpful and sweet. But some of has their own personalities, like well-mannered and caring, cheerful, courageous and spunky, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Dorm Pixies
In order to have own little fairy, the dorm leader has to wait patiently for the pixie come closer. If they have a strong connection between, either emotionally or empathically.
Two will become inseparable, just like twin sisters.
The bonded pixie would become a vice leader, live in the dorm and take change of the rest of the duty that the leader needed.
They have their own bed in the owner's room. It's like a doll's bed with their unique style of design.
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Dulcie (Dragonroyal) - Bonded with Seraphine
Venus (Voguefleur) - Bonded with Celine
Desirae (Sezonatura) - Bonded with Rozebelle
Yue (Melodiamour) - Bonded with Cadence
Aura (Techneige) - Bonded with Sophia
Meridia (Aquadormancy) - Bonded with Alcina
Flutter (Paw Pflege) - Bonded with Valeria
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Queen Harmonia, the Ruler of Pixie take a charge of protect the territory. She sometimes come to the school for visit dorm pixies.
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Harmonia very kind and always stays alert. She loves playing card games and reading. She can at times get annoyed when someone is fooling around to much.
She is very helpful to people.
She is responsible for protecting the kingdom and care about various subjects, such as making sure the preparations for each season of the year are completed on time.
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Magic & Weapon
Harmonia's magic is elemental magic, just like her wings is golden with rainbow colored. She mostly use light, but also use nature power.
The royal scepter is served as Harmonia's magic conduit.
The scepter is only available to monarchies of pixies, and is used to defeat enemies.
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geographerdose · 2 years
Moon and Appearance, Pt. 3 featuring the diurnal luminary ruling the first house —> Leo Risings (Aries-Virgo Moon)
⏰ Picture descriptions go clockwise starting @ top left
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Leo Rising/Aries Moon: Ingrid Bergman, Eva Green, Selena Gomez, Celine Dion
👃🏻Noses with substance and structure; a cardinal nose thing. There’s a predictable pattern to them as in the hall have a similar shape more or less (vs mutable moons with their unique and varying nose shapes)
👯My childhood best friend has this combo and she was like a lowkey celeb in our small town. Everyone was always so concerned with what she was up to (good and bad). She was super popular on social media, hella likes. I think her 11H Gem Sun helped but overall popular and FUN
🪂Istg she is SO CONFIDENT. She takes chances with fashion too, man. And even if it didn’t really “work”, she still rocked it and played it off like it did. Even if she wasn’t feeling her body or the outfit wasn’t super flattering, you wouldn’t know any different. QUEEN 👸
🌞Have you tried sales? Cause I bet y’all would ROCK at it especially if you too have a Gem Sun! (Since we’re talking Leo Rising but I’m saying in general I think 11th place Sun people are typically well-liked and charismatic… UNLESS it is afflicted/poorly placed/maltreated ofc)
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Leo Rising/Taurus Moon: Meryl Streep, Brigitte Nielsen, Frida Kahlo, Demi Lovato
😶‍🌫️Alright so you may or may not recall my thirsty post regarding Sylvester Stallone being 76 and still fine as hell but I since deleted it, lol, sorry. Basically Virgo men are fine af.
💍Well guess who was married to the strapping Virgo man himself but Brigitte Nielsen!
✋🏻The hands though! Lol this is stupid but I’m gonna say it anyways: Leo is associated with the number 5, Taurus with 2 so 5-2=3 and 3 is associated with Gemini and hands… look! 2/4 of the ladies above have hands in their pictures.
🌰 Anddd that’s it. I’m sorry. Y’all are like silent, people probably tell you “you’re a tough nut to crack” often.
🙈No but seriously it’s always gotta be ONE that I cannot think of anything… I’m on it, guys.
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Leo Rising/Gemini Moon: Ambra Angiolini, Irène Jacob, Elisha Cuthbert, Tina Turner
💄Id like to start this with a shoutout to Tina’s bitchin’ do up there. I love it so much. Big hair, big life ✅
🍾I have this strong urge to just go up and talk to them, lol, I didn’t have this feeling with any others. Approachable AF. Can probably have a conversation with anyone. Probably get caught into a lot of unwanted convos too bc of this. ☠️
👃🏻Air moons and their dainty, structured and hella cute noses. I think Gemini moons might have the most enviable noses of them all.
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Leo Rising/Cancer Moon: Stephanie Seymour, Dorothy Dandridge, Catherine - Duchess of Cambridge aka Kate Middleton, Nancy Sinatra
🪩Something just captivating about these folks. As I have been scrolling through this entire post to update my notes multiple times, I keep finding myself lingering on these folks. Moreso than the Leo AC+Moon. It’s like they have both luminaries going on so they somehow have more of a balanced light that shin
👃🏻 Their noses are so small and cute! They are thin, on the smaller side and have a cute button tip! 📍
🌝Brooooo those cancer moons have such an unmistakable matte GLOW to them. The sun just extra emphasizes this!!
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Leo Rising/Leo Moon: Patricia Arquette, Kirsten Dunst, Meredith Clarke, Katie Holmes
🙂I feel like they are all smiling exactly the same. Makes sense as Leo is a fixed sign.
👀 smaller eyes but super bright, almost unmistakable like the sun. Also lighter in color as well… I feel like those with rising/moon in the luminaries in general have lighter features whereas Saturn-dom people have darker features
👃🏻 They all have this unmistakable circle at the nose tip, similar to the symbol for Leo ♌️ “the tippity tip” nose
🧹I think the witch from Bewitched has a Leo Moon. Remember, the one that like twitches her nose in the beginning sequence of the TV show? It’s in black and white... she has a Leo Moon looking nose.
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🌙 Pretty crescent-moon shaped eyes, they have such a pretty curve upwards to them. It’s like when you draw an eye “proper” aka not a perfect circle? Idk that’s the type eye shape they have
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Leo Rising/Virgo Moon: Betty White, Mary Kate Olsen, Michelle Williams, Summer Bishil
🧼Virgo on the appearance indicators gives such a clean, fresh look!
🐶The eyes say the opposite of the meaning behind “doe eyes” and “damsel in distress”, they’re like 🗿TRY ME: I can handle it and already know your “sneaky” plan, commoner
🎰Betty White was iconic for her ability to cut through BS and say it like it is in a way that others find appealing & amusing: the sun really brightening up that sharp wit, allowing it to be on display to the pleasure of an audience
👃🏻 Mutable moon noses are less structured.
👁Virgo moons have big eyes, fact! I believe I said the same for Cancer Rising/Virgo Moon… seeing a pattern here 🧩
🥸Obscure hypothesizing here —> Virgo moons most likely to have green/hazel eyes? Or some type of green in with the blue or brown. Kate Bosworth (Cancer Rising/Virgo Moon) has two different eye colors. Too lazy to look up the name of the condition but it’s gorgeous.
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raxistaicho · 2 years
Are we not Engaged? Part 7
Spoilers under the cut
Amber Alear C: He likes alpacas. This guy’s an idiot.
Alcryst Boucheron C: Alcryst wants Boucheron to be his fitness coach so he can be more confident, lol.
Citrinne Yunaka C: Citrinne is on to Yunaka and orders her to confess. Yunaka used to be a Brodian assassin but put that behind her. lol, “I’ll hear everything you have to say, but later.”
Heheh, Severa’s bond rings are better than Cordelia’s. That should please her.
Lucina Paralogue?
Oh this is one of those recycled maps. Figures.
“That fight was when I saw how strong my father really was,” Yeah he sure did abuse pair up to beat you :p
Oh I have to fight Lucina? I’ve already beaten her up a few times in the arena so this shouldn’t be hard lol.
Hmm her berzerkers are a bit spooky but that’s about all.
I fucking hate how I have to toggle network stuff back off after I check my relay trial thing.
So how best to tactically deal with the berserkers. I know, I’ll just do what I always do!
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Please eliminate the stuff that’s bothering me, Celine.
“I don’t see where I could hit :(” but Alear has a 100% hit rate.
“Compared to when we first met, you’ve grown strong and become a formidable opponent.”
Yeah she’s gotten really good at unleashing Celine!
Lucina says her bonds with her allies helped her change a hopeless future, but she came from the game where you lowman to win. Hah.
Oh nice, there’s a whole 10 extra levels on Emblem bonds.
Alcryst Ivy C: Alcryst is still mad about his father’s death. Ivy apologizes, which blows his fucking mind. She just wants peace. Alcryst is surprised to be working with Ivy but wants to try to move forward. Good support!
Diamant Ivy B: Ivy feels awkward to be working with Diamant, but thanks him for the previous support as a first step toward improving relations between their nations. Another good support!
On with the story.
Soln is a desert. Oh no.
Ivy’s melting D:
Hmm, the Four Hounds tried to attack Solm a few times without success.
According to Ivy, Ike is among the most powerful of the Emblem rings. Gotta shill for Ike XO
Party’s lost lol.
Oh, it’s not-Claude. Fogado’s cocky as hell. At least this time I’m not getting shot at. Fogado has a mission, sound like Corrupted are about in the desert.
I just noticed Firene was the only time I met the older sibling first.
Pandreo’s freakout was funny.
I think I already don’t like Bunet.
Jesus Pandreo’s bases are stupid
I really approve of Engage’s use of desert movement slowing.
Neither Alfred nor Diamant has met the royal family beyond the queen. The Queen doesn’t keep very close tabs on her family, oddly.
Big castle.
This joke about Fogado being the prince and nobody knows it is dragging on much too long.
Lol jesus he just shouts “Hey mom, visitors!”
Oh no, Evil Marth and Veyle laughing about it.
Also what’s Sombron doing? Should he be going on a rampage or something?
Alear Chloe B: Chloe gushes about how Alear is living like a fairy tale hero, whlie Alear counters she’d rather a more normal life. This is actually not a bad one and it makes me like Alear a little more.
Alear Framme B: Framme’s fangirling again.
Celine Alfred C: Alfred is... digging a hole. He’s trying to dig a well. By himself. Because he heard the kitchen staff saying they didn’t have enough water. Celine gets exasperated and says they can fetch water from the river.
Louis Ivy C: He wants to cheer Ivy up, she’s a little awkward.
Framme Diamant B: Framme’s upset because she’s learned that Brodia’s history is almost constant warring with Elusia for territory, and she fears Diamant didn’t tell her that because he was deceiving her. Diamant reassures her he’s not proud of Brodia’s history and wants to make amends (also, Brodia is Red!Faerghus, lol, they’re defined by a strong warrior culture), but Framme still has trouble trusting him.
Celine Chloe B: Recounts how they first met: Celine was traveling incognito to a tea farm when her vessel couldn’t depart and she was sad and Chloe gave her a ride without recognizing her. Why the fuck does Celine make a habit of traveling incognito by herself for tea? It’s bad enough that she’s a princess doing this, but Alfred’s sick so she could still realistically have to succeed the throne.
Lyn Paralogue. It’s based off the Mulagir gaiden from FE6. They chose one of the worst maps from a game she wasn’t in :(
Lyn talks a bit about living in the Lorca tribe, which is cute.
Lyn’s pretty weak but she’s annoyingly dodgy and can use her Emblem attack to attack at 10 range every other turn.
Chapter 13
Seforia’s a rather plain woman. She’s goofy though. Of course. She has no idea what’s going on. Also she doesn’t know where the ring is.
Why does Timerra look and sound younger than Fogado.
Fuck I hate her too.
Bandit twins!
Lots of fog and destructibles.
Lol Ike powers up axes which Timerra cannot use. He’s going to Diamant after this.
This time the bandit twins were treated rather seriously. Weird.
Solm has spies in all the countries so they found out first Sombron was back, but they didn’t ask for help because they were too isolationist, what the fuck? This game’s plot falls apart if people stop being fucking idiots.
Also they have Corrin.
Also Hortensia is back, fuck.
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Extras Profile: Mary
One of the grand positives of “The Owl House” is that it devotes exceptional care to what I call the Big Three story elements: setting, characters, and - even more in the second season - plot. One facet of the characters is the truly incredible variety and creativity of the character design, stretching even to the background extras that keep popping up. Several of the characters, mostly at Hexside, have even been given semi-official names by the crew. 
One is quite possibly named for a nursery rhyme.
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Horned girl, otherwise known by the cast as “Mary,” first appears in “I Was a Teenage Abomination,” being chewed out by Professor Hermonculus for her Abomination project failing for having too many toenails. Throughout the show, she’s had very few speaking lines, but appears enough for some interesting glimpses into her character. 
Her first appearance, as mentioned above, implies that she is middling in skill among her classmates. She doesn’t have Amity’s natural skill, but she has more talent with Abomination magic than Willow does. A possible hint at her academics is her attendance of the field trip to Belos’s castle in “Agony of a Witch,” which was most likely reserved for higher-achieving students. She also shows something of an admiration for the Emperor’s Coven. 
Her most revealing episode, though, is “Any Sport in a Storm.” Mary is recruited by Hermonculus as part of his flyer derby team to oppose Willow’s team, which may indicate he has some respect for her skills. Before the match, she seems more serious and determined than the rest of her team, possibly hinting at a competitive spirit, love for sports, or a desire to prove herself.
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Mary demonstrates an yet unseen skill with Abomination magic during the match, launching an exploding sphere of muck that captures Skara, a veteran grudgby player. She is also one of the last to have her flag uncaptured until the very end of the match, which shows skill on her part. She also works well with the spikey-headed student. 
Finally, the episode shows that Mary possesses a palisman, likely acquired from the Bat Queen. The palisman is not seen off the staff, but is carved in the likeness of a ram, which humorously flaps its horns while flying. 
As for her name, Mary seems to have been named for the nursery rhyme “Mary Had A Little Lamb.” She has a strong sheep and ram motif with her horns, fluffy hair, and palisman. Personally, I think that is clever and quite funny. 
It really is a delight to find little tidbits about these background students that the crew has clearly put some thought into and stitch together a narrative. Had there been more time, I would have been happy to see more of Celine. 
Thanks for reading! More to come …!
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farfallasims · 8 months
Madi, my aesthetic princess! I just found ”Women of Windenburg” and giiiiirl, I am completely OBSESSED with these beautiful, strong, colorful women. Especially Celine - what a QUEEN she is!! 👑✨May I ask where the Buchanan's come from? I’m curious since Celine is ”new to Windenburg”. Is it the Hamptons parhaps?Thank you for an incredibly exciting read and, as always, enchanting pictures, my friend. HAPPY NEW YEAR! 💫
Hi gorgeous, I hope you are doing amazing & having a beautiful New Year!
Such an interesting question, especially since I haven't been involved with my WoW women in a long time! But I believe her family stems from the countryside of Windenburg and would definitely be a known family in the community. Celine is a socialite and 100% a nepo-baby, and I'd argue her family's money starts from the early 1900s in Windenburg!
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crapmagak · 2 years
Fire Emblem Engage Final Story predictions
So, with Engage being two weeks away, here’s my final prediction for how the story’s gonna go.
Note: Because most of the footage we’ve seen is of the earlier game, my predictions are gonna be more specific at the start and gradually get more vague. 
Part 1: Fucking around in Lythos
Our story will begin with your standard foreshadowing plot dream. This leads to Alear waking up after a thousand years, and meeting the dragon guardians. They give Alear the basic rundown, “your the divine dragon, this is Lythos,” that kind of thing. Then you decide to get some fresh air and go for a walk. Uh oh! Corrupted have arrived. Time for a tutorial battle! After said tutorial battle, a whole lot more corrupted arrive, and Alear seems down for the count. Luckily, Lumera shows up and saves the day.
Some time later, Lumera decides that Alear and the dragon guardians could use some training, so she arranges a mock battle in the castle courtyard. Here we get tutorials on some of the newer mechanics and the like. Afterwards, our heroes rest for the night when suddenly, oh no, Elusia is invading! Our heroes fight the soldiers on the bridge, but there’s just too many of them. Thankfully, Alfred and his retainers arrive as back up. Once the soldiers are cleared out, Alear makes their way into the castle. There, the hooded girl casts a dark spell, only for Lumera to take the hit. She then dies in Alears arms, giving him the plot mission of “find the rings, stop the fell dragon”.
Part 2: Fucking around in Firene
After this, Alfred offers to grant our heroes sanctuary in Firene, and help them on their ring finding quest. Alear then discovers that the island of Somniel can float, and uses that to travel to Firene, thus setting up the game's home base system. When our heroes arrive, they come across a village under attack by Elusian troops. Princess Celine is there with her trainers, struggling to defend it, so you guys decide to help. Afterwards, we have another cutscene where  a corrupted almost does Alfred in, only this time they’re saved by Veyle. She basically goes “I am mysterious and will be important later”, then peaces out. Celine is thankful and joins your squad. Then the gang learns that Firene castle has been taken by Elusia.
Naturally, our heroes retake the castle. There, we meet queen Eve. She says she plans to make an alliance with Brodia and Solm to help curtail Elusia’s invasions. Then she reveals that there’s a second ring in Firene. Our heroes manage to find it off some bandits who stole it, hurray! And just in time to learn that Brodia has agreed to the alliance.
At some point in this part, the player is introduced to the four hounds via a flash to Elusia.
Part 3: Fucking around in Brodia
On our hero's way to Brodia, they arrive at the great Brodian bridge. There, they meet Prince Alcryst and his retainers who were sent to greet them. Unfortunately, Elusia has already invaded Brodia, and it’s up to our heroes to retake the bridge. Even more unfortunately, Princess Hortensia is leading the charge, and she reveals that Elusia already has some emblem rings in their possession. After our heroes manage to fight them off, Hortensia leaves without much of a fuss, foreshadowing Elusia’s true invasion plan.
Next, our heroes make it to the Brodian castle and meet with King Morion and Prince Diamant. Amicable alliance meetings happen, until Elusian forces arrive on their doorstep. A defense map ensues, and near the end Princess Ivy shows up, beats up our heroes and taking some of the rings before leaving.
This part ends with a big battle at the border of Brodia and Elusia, with both kings leading the charge. Our heroes but up a strong fight, but King Hyacinth whips out Lyndis’s emblem ring and manages to defeat Morion and the army. Brodia loses, and our heroes are captured.
Part 4: Fucking around in Elusia
Our heroes are brought to the church of the fell dragon to meet Sombron personally. Before that can happen, Diamant gets angsty about his fathers possible death. This leads to some dialogue with an Elusian where they say their invasion was justified since Brodia tried to invade them in the past. Next, our heroes meet the four hounds, where we learn that Veyle is also working with them for some mysterious reason. Finally, Sombron shows up, and steals Marths ring, and Alear gets some unsettling flashbacks to their past and them being pretty sinister. They then manages to escape with the help of a mysterious benefactor.
During the rest of this section, Alear is angsty for a while about losing Marth, and whether or not they were evil. As they try to evade Elusian forces, Ivy and Hortensia eventually grow sick of Elusia getting more and more evil and decide to help out Alears forces. Near the end, our heroes have a big fight with Mauvier of the four hounds. After defeating him, we learn that Mauvier is actually a cool dude who helped our heroes escape upon Veyle’s orders. He then joins our army, and arranges a ship to help them escape to Solm. Obviously, Elusia isn’t too fond of that, and a big naval battle ensues. Our heroes emerge victorious, and escape to Solm. With hope in sight, Alear manages to lighten up, and look to the future.
Part 5: Fucking around in Solm
Our heroes arrive in Solm and meet Fogado and his retainers while they fight off some bandits. Our heroes help and receive a warm welcome. Afterwards, they travel to meet Timerra and her retainers, helping her fight off some bandits as well. Our heroes then get word that Elusian troops are attacking Solm castle as well, so our heroes rush forward to save the day. Queen Sfoglia then gives our heroes the last Emblem ring not in Elusia’s possession. We also learn King Morion indeed survived. Unfortunately, our heroes receive word that Elusia is attacking Firene with the largest force they have.
Part 6: Cleaning up the four nations
Our heroes arrive at another Firene port town that’s really fucked up. Most of the Firenesse military have been crushed. It’s up to our heroes to take on the remaining four hounds and Sombrom. Somehow, our heroes manage to do this, and reclaim the last of the emblem rings. Big reunion with Marth, hurray!. The Elusian forces then retreat.
After resting, our heroes finally get to counter invade Elusia. During this, our heroes go through our obligatory volcano map, before re entering the Elusian church. There, they have to fight Veyle. Once she’s defeated, Veyle gives a nice big plot dump.
Basically, during the war 1000 years ago Sombron was a cool dude, and the mage/ dark dragons weren’t evil. However, some kind of ancient evil force possessed Sombron and caused him to start the whole war. She also reveals that Sombron is Alears father. During the war, a whole bunch of Alear’s friends died. This made them go mad with grief and lose their shit, full “kill every last one of them” mode. After Lumera sealed away her husband, she cast a spell to put Alear to sleep until they’d calm down, and even erased those painful memories of theirs. 
Next, we learn that Veyle is also a member of the divine dragon tribe, distantly related to Alear. However, she wound up in some kind of magic contract that forced her to do the fell dragons bidding, thus the chains on her outfit. Somehow, defeating her has undone the curse. She apologizes for killing Lumerra, and reveals that she managed to bind Lumera’s soul into a thirteenth emblem ring. With that, Veyle joins your partner, and Alear and Lumera have a nice reunion. 
Now that that’s out of the way, our heroes siege Elusia castle, and have a big final showdown with Hyacinth. Ivy and Hortensia make peace with slaying their father, but wait. It looks like the leaders of the other nations are also being evil in different ways, and now that Elusia’s out of the way they can fulfill their own mad ambitions. What follows is Alear and friends going to each castle and facing off with each king/ queen. Each royal pair of siblings has their angst and finishes their character arc. Once that’s all out of the way, our heroes learn that Sombron and his forces have taken up residence in Lythos.
Part 7: Endgame
Our heroes head to Lythos and battle a bunch of corrupted, making their way through the castle. This leads to them facing Sombron in the throne room. Alear tries to reason with him, but he’s too possessed for that to work. After defeating him, there's a brief moment where Sombron snaps out of it, only for the corruptive force to come back with a vengeance. Now at full power, Sombron becomes the complete fell dragon, giant, with front legs and everything. Even worse, the land of Gradlon rises from the sea. 
Before our heroes can go defeat Sombron once and for all, they must first go to some kind of sacred place so they can awaken the full power of the Liberation sword. With that, the corruptive force can finally be vanquished for good. Next, our heroes go through Gradlon, having big final showdowns with the remaining four hounds. During your final fight with Zephia, she’ll fight with her own unique dragon form. Afterward, you have the big final battle. Unfortunately, this kills Sombron. As he dies in Alears arms, he has a proper reconciliation now that he’s unpossessed for good. The typical “My child, I’m so proud of you,” type stuff. After a sad goodbye, Gradlon begins to sink into the ocean once again, and our heroes hurry off before it’s too late. Once safe, Alear and the gang smile at each other, and agree to be better leaders than their parents, and the credits roll.
Final Thoughts
And that’s basically how I think the story is gonna go down. Actually changed a couple things today based on what we saw in the new Japanese trailer (Which reminded me to actually post this thing) As for why I think certain things will happen in the late game, well…
Lumera has blue hair and eyes. Sombron has red hair and eyes. Therefore I think Sombron is Alear’s dad. And if those two got together, then obviously there was a time when Sombron must have been a good guy. And while I think his cobra dragon form is cool, I don’t think it’s final boss material. And “cool guy was possessed and turned evil” is a pretty common Fire Emblem plotline.
The only other major little girl character we’ve seen, who isn’t in Alear’s army, who could be that small, cloaked girl is Marni. And since she’s an axe wielding general, and Veyle uses tomes, I think it’ll be the later. But since she’s so prominently shown on the special edition, and since Fire Emblem loves its dragon lolis, I don’t think she’ll actually be evil.  I also don’t think she’ll be Alears blood sister since that’d make it so you can’t romance her. And obviously Intsys can’t have that.
If Gradlon exists in the first place, then at some point in the story it’ll rise back to the surface and you’ll have a map or two on it.
Mauvier has “token good general that joins you” written all over him. I don’t think the others will join, though. Gradlon’s a decently large landmass, so I doubt we’ll only get one map there, and you’ll need someone to fight. Also, the rest of the hounds have a certain sadistic and crazy vibe. Consider Zephia’s “we’re going to kill everyone in the room” speech. Speaking of which, Ivy already has the “sexy villainess who joins the heroes side” locked, so recruiting her would be a bit redundant. 
Over the past couple months, people have noticed Alear battling with a blank engage meter on him. You can see the ring, but no face is between it. This has led some to believe there's a secret thirteenth emblem ring in the story. Lumerra seems to fit the bill, considering she did fight in the first war 1000 years ago. In the latest japanese trailer, we can even see Veyle holding a white ring that doesn’t resemble any of the past emblems we’ve seen.
Finally, all the rulers being evil. First, I mean just look at Morion. He’s also described as an ambitious man, so… We hear Eve’s voice in the story trailer, when she says there's another emblem ring in her possession. Before there were captions, I thought it was Ivy because her voice has the same sexy and evil cadence. Also, this line is sandwiched right between all the other villainous lines. And if three of the four rulers are evil, then all four of them probably are.
Bonus Predictions
The rest of the unrevealed characters will be recruited during paralogue chapters. I predict somewhere between 3-6 characters we haven’t seen in total. 
There will be no beast shifter classes in the base game. If there were, they’d probably have their own unique class family. That means at least some of the emblems interact with them in unique ways. And since they showed unique skills for every class type with Corrin and Byleth’s rings, I doubt they’d keep an extra secret.
However, there will be a beast shifter character included in dlc, along with a beast shifter emblem. The emblem will turn units into different kinds of beasts for class type. Maybe not one for each type, but probably something like “Back ups and cavalry turn into lions, fliers and coverts turn into birds” that kind of thing. Said beast shifter will get access to all forms when using that emblem, like how dragon units can use all skills with Corrin and Byleth.
Timerra will get a vocal song of some sort in the game, possibly acting as a credits theme.
Liberation will be the only unique legendary weapon in the game, incentivising the player to use the emblems more.
Lumerra’s emblem ring/ engage form will function as the game dragonstone, usable only by Dragon type units (So Alear and Veyle)
Supports only go up to A. Like in Three Houses, many A supports tease romantic interest without ever outright saying it. Paired endings will return, with one of Seadalls fortune telling games having the power to lock them in regardless of who has the most points. Naturally, before the end of the game the player will be allowed to decide who Alear can have an ending with (as long as they have an A rank support). After beating the game, Alear and their chosen partner get a cutscene together before the credits roll. This will likely involve waking up next to them in your bed, making things go full circle. You can also  get more platonic endings with the emblem characters as well. Sadly, only a select number of characters can be romanced by either gender. My guesses are…
Framme (Divine Dragon fan club)
Merrin (Has the typical “princely woman” look)
Ivy (Major female character. Edeleth was fuckin popular, dude)
Timerra (Same reason as above)
Chloe (IDK. Just a hunch)
Clanne (Divine Dragon fan Club)
Rosado (If he’s not, what a colossal misread of your target audience)
Alcryst (Seems like the kind of guy the folks at intsys would assume gay players are into)
Fogado (Vibes, both in the character and which characters Intsys has made bi in the past)
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