#celtic pagans
god-of-annwn · 20 days
Pagans and fellow witchy people of tumblr: recommend me your favourite books on Paganism, folklore and witchcraft. Bonus points if you can recommend any books on modern day Paganism.
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cajunwitch101 · 1 year
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alyssa-the-witch · 28 days
Offerings and their Removal
Disclosure, this may not apply to everyone! Cherry pick it if that works for you, or take none at all. Just no hate or arguments in the comments!
Definition- Offering - Something given to an entity or deity to show appreciation. This can also be something done or said to show appreciation.
~~~~~Types of Offerings~~~~~
Food- In ancient tradition, specifically Greek, the first bites of food were thrown into the fire to be sent through the gods by smoke. However, this isn't an option for many people these days. Alternative methods are favored.
Fire - The old methods are still applicable if available. If one has a bon fire or fire-place/hearth, the first bite of food can still be "smoked" , per-say.
Prayer - A small prayer can be said over food before the first bite is taken. Just a simple "Entity/spirit, please accept this offering, Blessed Be" or something similar can suffice. This, for some deities like Hestia can be done at the end too. This is more convenient for a hidden practice and for those who can't afford to waste food.
Altar- If you have an altar, or ever a small bowl, they can place the first bite of food there for the deity entity too.
Objects and Trinkets- Just like us, deities/entities love little trinkets. Whether it be a few coins you find nice to a statue or an engraved candle. Whatever it my be, it can be given to an entity with a prayer and/or on an altar in their honor.
Removables - There are some things that can be placed on altar and taken off. I like to call them removables. When placed on an altar, one could say "Entity/Deity, bless this object, with your energy and blessings." let it sit for a moment or cleanse with incense. If a clothing item, accessory, or perfume, you can take it off and use/wear it. Just remember to put it back to refresh the energy and discuss before taking it off for the first time.
Actions - There are also things that one can do in offer of a deity or entity. They can be small things, like prayers, to full-on rituals.
Prayer- This is probably the easiest in my opinion. It can be a small "Hey entity/deity, I appreciate you." on the go, or reciting a hymn or a prayer by the altar. It's incredibly diverse and can meld to any practice.
Chores - This can apply more to some deities than others, but just Keeping your room and house tidy can be done in honor of a deity. Altars specifically can be cleaned or re-arranged as an offering
Art-In ancient times, arts of every kind were offered to deities ant spirits. And it can fit most anyone's style.
Music- written specifically or just a song you think reminds you of them. Drawings/Paintings- try thing that reminds you of the deity or how you see them can be drawn or painted. Others- Pottery, Dance, Crocheting or handy crafts, or even more. All can be done in offering to a deity. Specifics - If you have done research into who you're offering to, you can offer specific things. Sleep for Hypnos, Baking bread for Hestia, Rehearsing if in the arts for Dionysus, etc. Self Care- This not a lot of people think applies, however the gas most want you to be kind to your self. whether it be a bath with oils, flower petals, and all the works to just brushing your teeth at night. All would make the gods/entities very proud of you!!
This is something a bit more difficult; You did the thing, you think it's time, now what do you do? A decent chunk of this section was taken from @khaire-traveler. Obviously, actions cannot be "removed" Once the action is complete, the offering is sent.
Food- khaire narrowed it into 4 options that I really like. Just remember, when on an alter, don't let it sit too long for health concerns (rotting, bugs, etc.)
Consume - After praying aver the food like I had mentioned before.
Bum - Also mentioned before, but can be done after sitting at an altar for awhile.
Bury- Food offerings. if safe for local wildlife, can be buried. "My logic in burying them (only if environmentally safe) is returning the offering to the earth in a sense." (khair-3) (Yes its MLA cited, AP capstone has rotted my brain) If that fits Your practice, it is a good option.
Dispose, - This, like everything else here, must be done with respect. Clarify with the entity/deity that you aren't doing so out of disrespect, rather because this is your preferred disposal style or your only option
Objects/Art Pieces- If you have this ability, talk to your entity/deity about it, clarify there is no disrespect in the removal, and give the deity some time to de-attach to it. Slowly, the energy will fade from the object when kept away from the altar. This doesn't need to a ritual, but can be if that's what you prefer
Thank you for reading! This is my first fore into the pagan-sphere, so if this is something a lot of people like, I'll continue! Blessed Be, Alyssa the Witch!
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aleck-le-mec · 4 months
“Paganism is dead”
No man it’s just not organized and that’s the way it should be, creating a monoculture for paganism is potentially extremely dangerous to its themes of individualism and personal practices . Yeah we don’t have temples or pilgrimages but that’s because the grace of the natural world/ our deities can be found anywhere and everywhere we don’t need temples our own bodies are pagan temples. Our own flesh and bones are structures of divinity to us, we make altars in our houses and make those our blessed places. Most of paganism is heavily private of course you think it’s dead that and anytime western culture is faced with a polytheistic system it has an absolute hissy fit.
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arcusxx · 6 months
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photography by nicolaslenatti
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undeadmagick · 24 days
Broke Boy Guide to Altar Offerings
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Hey! Are you broke but still wanna offer something up to the gods? Don't worry! (So am i) So here's a guide of things that are either free, low cost or that you probably already own to slap onto those altars. Mind you: These are mainly modern offerings that I attribute to these different classification of gods. I'll likely update as time goes on with other classifications :)
General Offerings to Deities:
random flowers from outside
random sticks from outside
hand written letters/prayers
plushies of the animals they're connected to
raw/cooked meats as "sacrifices"
drawn symbols
Art/Creative Deities:
symbol painted bottle caps
old sketchbooks
comic books
Death Deities:
bones or meat from your meals
dirt from a dead plant
dying flowers
skull imagery
coins or other gifts for those passing
photo/belongings of your late loved ones
Familial/Household/Protector of Children Deities:
photobooth photos
jewelry gifted from family
baby teeth from your children
breast milk
old baby shoes
framed photo of family
homecooked meals
Fire Deities:
birthday candles
charcoal discs
burnt herbs
Healing Deities:
your current medications
vitamin gummies
spell jar in an empty pill bottle
Knowledge/Wisdom Deities:
old books & textbooks
mini chess pieces
written down philosophical quotes
good test scores/report cards/degrees
Love/Lust Deities:
origami 3D hearts
unused makeup
love letters to deities
love letters about S/O or crush
current perfume/cologne
current lotions
Nature Deities:
plants dedicated to them
herbal tea packets
spells using recycled materials (toilet paper rolls, etc.)
Sea Deities:
beach sand
sea water
tiny sea animal figurines
shared fish dinners
makeshift spell jar using a shell
Trickster Deities:
laffy taffy joke wrappers
cards against humanity packs
other comedy card games
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thegoodfellowpuck · 2 months
Sometimes I approach my shrines and just sort of stand there. Like, I don't pray, make offerings, or anything. I'll just stand there and look at it. Or sit next to it.
For a while, this made me feel strange and a little guilty, even. But now I look to how I do similarly with my parents. I'll just go and sit quietly with them, or go lean on them. Just take comfort in their presence.
The Gods ARE our divine parents, after all.
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witchygirlgray333 · 11 months
Some topics + prompts for your grimoire or book of shadows
books you want to read
local folklore / mythology / legends
the wheel of the year
plants you have in your house or garden (their care, properties, uses, draw them etc)
theban alphabet
days of the week and their correspondences
write about a deity you worship / are drawn to
draw art for / of a deity you worship or are drawn to
colour magic
the elements
write about the crystals you own (draw them, write their properties, correspondences, uses, how it makes you feel etc)
how to make your own crystals
your birth chart
your sun, moon and rising sign
natural medicine (as a chronically ill witch I love natural medicine NOT AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PRESCRIPTIONS! for example I take all my prescription meds and then if I'm having period pain I might drink some raspberry leaf tea)
positive affirmations / mantras that you connect with
how to manifest
history of witches
deities in a certain pantheon you're interested in or drawn to
write about a spell you've done (how you did it, why you did it, how you felt, the results of it, what you would change if you did the spell again etc)
write about a dream you've had
tarot reading tricks and tips
moon phases
zodiac signs
family tree
poetry / songs / quotes you connect to (i like to find ones that make me feel powerful or witchy, or remind me of certain aspects of my practice. a song i like for this is rhiannon by fleetwood mac and i'm going to post more things like this regularly on my page)
feathers and their meanings
simple everyday magic
some ideas for the next sabbat you plan to celebrate
tarot spreads you like
write about a tarot reading you've done (any prep you did, the deck you used, the cards you pulled, your personal interpretation of the cards based on the art and how you feel, the meaning of the cards, how the cards relate to the questions you asked, final reflection on how you feel the reading went)
interesting mythology
tree of life
glamour magic
money bowls
crystal shapes and their meanings
grounding techniques
cord cutting spells
essential oils
types of divination
planets and their correspondences
angel numbers
witchy wishlist
go to supplies and ingredients (herbs and things that you use regularly)
favourite crystals
working with your inner child
if you've had a really good or particularly insightful meditation session it can be nice to either draw or write what happened and how you felt during it
witchy arts and crafts and diys you want to do
altar ideas
read a witchy book / watch a witchy video and take notes
write about your ancestors
witchy things to incorporate into your daily routine
what is a tower moment
witchy reset / self care days
the history of the area you live in
how to make your own incense sticks
shadow work
shadow work prompts
ok, that's all the ideas I have for now and I hope that helps someone! I'll be posting some pages from my grimoire and some more prompt / topic ideas in the near future which I'm really excited for.
P.S. please remember that everyone's practice is their own and you should do what feels right to you while respecting that other people have their own beliefs (as long as they're not hateful).
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divine-crows · 2 months
I think one of the hardest lessons I've had to learn as a pagan, is that it's sometimes okay to not do anything.
Constantly dividing my mind between worship, work (gaining income), school, and my social life tore me apart. And I was ashamed to even talk to my deities when months had passed. But they weren't ashamed of me.
Sometimes doing your best is an act of worship. It's not about giving up what you need to survive. You matter. You always have mattered.
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Solidarity between all religions, especially between those threatened by colonialism! Pagans, polytheists, and witches of all creeds unite for Palestine!
Protest posters
And other symbols of solidarity colored by your faith!
Never before in history had we the tools for everyone, all over the world, to resist genocide simultaneously and with such fierceness. Everything you do to keep eyes on Gaza counts. Every prayer, every action, it all amounts to something grander.
Keep talking about Israel’s genocidal, colonialist ‘war’ against Palestine. Keep praying. The divine are with us.
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reejindeed · 5 months
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Another Lugh-inspired drawing. He’s easy to go for inspiration, especially right now when things are feeling their craziest.
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god-of-annwn · 20 days
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Found this waiting for me in my local used book store
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taking-thyme · 6 months
The Structure of a Pagan Prayer
When appealing to a deity or making an offering, it’s wise to know how this was traditionally done in the past so you can be as respectful as possible and build a true reciprocity with the gods. This type of prayer structure is found in all manner of pagan religions from Norse paganism, Hellenic (Greek) polytheism, Kemetic (Egyptian) prayer and so on. I got the inspiration and much of the information here from @Ocean Keltoi on Youtube who is a fantastic scholar and Norse heathen who actively stands against prejudice and is all around a wonderful resource. 
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Now, there are three main elements of a pagan prayer, which should be done in this order:
1. The Invocation. This is where you call upon the specific god you’re hoping to connect with. Think of it as writing the name and address on your letter to the Gods - it lets the deity know that this prayer is directed at them, which is important in a polytheistic religion with many gods. To start your invocation, address the deity directly by name, or use an epithet or kenning that they're known by. It's especially wise to choose an epithet that relates to what you're praying for, like using one of Apollo's healer epithets while addressing him in a prayer about a loved one's sickness,  for instance. It’s also a good idea to praise them highly and with a certain air of reverence. These are ancient deities after all. 
2. The Argument. Here you give your reasons for why a deity should fulfill your request and favor you. If you’ve brought offerings, cite them here. You can also include reasons for why you’re reaching out, such as love in a prayer for Aphrodite or matters of justice with the god Tyr. This is where you make your case to them. And if you’re reaching out to a deity you don’t have a working relationship with, which let’s be honest will be the case many more times than we’d like, then you can tell them this here also. A good example might be “Oh Tyr, one-handed war god and son of Odin, though we have not met before I have heard your name and been called to it…”
3. The Request. Finally you ask the gods to look kindly on your request and to grant you their blessing. Again, be as respectful and reverent as possible towards them. 
Prayer Example: “Grey-eyed Athena, daughter of thundering Zeus, if ever I have poured out sweet wine for you, look kindly on me and grant me your wisdom.”
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How to stand when making the prayer
This depends on which God you’re reaching out to and, of course, your own personal comfort. The most common ways of praying are to stand and perform some gesture of reverence, kneel while praying and even prostrate, kneeling fully on the ground with your head down as you appeal to the gods. Some might also choose to wear veils when performing prayers or rituals for deities, though this is naturally up to the individual. 
In Hellenic tradition, if you’re praying to an Ouranic god (deities of the heavens) you would traditionally wear your hair up and stand with your arms raised to the heavens while reciting your prayer. Meanwhile, if you are praying to a Chthonic god (deities of the underworld), you would kneel and face downwards towards the Earth with your hair flowing freely. 
Some Norse sources tell of ancient pagans prostrating before the gods, and yet this is still not entirely necessary. Pray however you see fit and what is most comfortable for you at the moment. 
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^ This is what prostrating looks like
Ocean Keltoi's video on pagan prayers
Hearth and Fire Work's blog post on Hellenic prayer structure
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Our deities love and care for us so much remember that especially when you feel distant from them not only is that emotion normal but they understand. The gods are here for us through hardship even when you don't think they are
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cherrycolaboy · 7 months
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E-offering to Lady Morrigan
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arcusxx · 4 months
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