#cerebral palsy strong
belovedskies · 1 year
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diazsdimples · 1 month
Fuck It Friday!
Hi! How are we all doing after the episode? I've had the most insane week of my life last week, and spent around 60 hours at the hospital (I think), with active shooters and emergency caesareans so didn't manage any words until this morning. I think I live in the Grey's Anatomy universe lowkey dsfkdfs. Please enjoy a little bit of Eddie Lore from Frostpunk AU!!
Tagged for FIF by @wikiangela @smilingbuckley @daffi-990, @hippolotamus and @steadfastsaturnsrings, please go check out all their works! Daffi has a new Rivals chapter out and it is INCREDIBLE
It takes a couple of weeks before the doctors think Eddie and Christopher are strong enough to leave the hospital. Christopher recovers fast, much to Eddie’s relief, and he would be allowed to leave the hospital a week before Eddie, but there’s nowhere for him to go, and Eddie doesn’t want him to leave his side. He’s almost lost his son once; he’s not going to let it happen again.
He’s got a feeling Buck is plotting something. The man has been by his and Christopher’s bedside almost every day since they woke up – and, Eddie suspects, every day before they woke up – with a short break to go out on another mission that he’d grumbled no end about. But lately he’s been talking in hushed tones with Hen and Chimney, and even Bobby, before returning to his chair and pretending nothing had happened. It’s suspicious, to say the least.
Eddie’s still not entirely sure why he feels so at ease with Buck. He barely knows the guy, with only the vaguest, blurriest memories of him before the hospital, but he’s started to wonder if the calm, angel-like presence he felt during his coma might be the same as he feels when Buck is nearby. If Buck was his angel.
They talk a lot. There’s not really much else to do, and Buck seems content to sit and listen to Eddie talk about their life back in Sector 126. Eddie tells him about his parents and his sisters, and what it was like growing up with them.
He tells Buck about how Sector 126 was very devout and focused a lot of their laws off the word of God. How his parents raised him as a good, God-fearing boy but he never felt he was entirely there with them about it all. How he met Shannon and they immediately clicked, becoming inseparable as two teenagers, rebelling against their Sector’s laws as often as they could. How Shannon had come to him 5 months into their relationship to say she hadn’t bled in two months and couldn’t stop throwing up. How Eddie had immediately escaped to the Army Warehouse, claiming it was to support him and Shannon so they can move into a tent of their own.
He tells Buck about raising Christopher with cerebral palsy in a Sector that didn’t believe in taking drastic measures, instead believing that God would provide. How he’d had to resuscitate his newborn son because none of the medics would. Buck holds his hand as he gets choked up, and Eddie feels a relief as the weight of the last seven years lifts off his shoulders. Buck listens and listens as Eddie relives the worst moments of his life as he talks about how he and Shannon decided they couldn’t be together, but they also couldn’t stay in Sector 126 with Christopher, because their son needed help they couldn’t provide him.
When he tells Buck about how Shannon had died 3 days into their journey, frozen overnight because she wouldn’t let Eddie hold her in their shelter as they’d had a fight and she was furious with him, Buck holds him while he cries. He lets himself sink into Buck’s arms, tears streaming down his face and eyes listing shut as Buck scratches his fingers through Eddie’s hair and whispers soothing words into his ear.
He'll never forgive himself for what happened to Shannon, but Buck makes him wonder if maybe he could move on. To allow himself to be happy for the first time in his life.
No pressure tagging
@theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @bidisasterevankinard @neverevan @babybibuck
@aroeddiediaz @spotsandsocks @bibuckbuckgoose @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg
@jesuisici33 @loveyouanyway @cal-daisies-and-briars @exhuastedpigeon @epicbuddieficrecs
@kitteneddiediaz @hermscat @worriedbisexual @thekristen999 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@actuallyitsellie @idealuk @dangerpronebuddie @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss
@thewolvesof1998 @loserdiaz @elvensorceress
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Disability pride month post
It is completely legal and not an ADA violation for potential employers to deny a disabled person a job or accommodations if they can argue that the accommodations requires are "unreasonable" and cause "undo hardship" to the company.
A potential employer can look you in the eye. Tell you "I'm not hiring you because you're disabled". Fill out and sign a notarized memo saying "I am not hiring this person because they're disabled". If they can prove that the person's disability will cause the company "undo hardship" to the company. So while yes. TECHNICALLY it's entirely possible for a person with cerebral palsy (using that disability as an example because it's the first one to come to my head) to work at Walmart scanning groceries. If the Walmart manager says "Yeah. But part of that job description is stocking shelves and if the person with cerebral palsy can't do it. Then I need to hire 2 people instead of one. And that'll put financial strain on the company."
I state this because a lot of disability requests get denied because the judge may say "This person could work as a hotel clerk or at a cleaning service." (Or any other number of jobs especially if the disabled person is capable of walking or standing).
But a lot of employers put strange shit like "put be able to lift 15 lbs over your head" for basic jobs like "data entry" even though no one in that job has ever needed to lift 15 lbs over their head. Because that way they can have an excuse to discriminate against disabled people.
(I'm not saying this because any of this is OKAY. I'm not okay with any of this. It's abelist bullshit. I'm only stating it to raise awareness. Because I've seen similar arguments used against hiring women. "We can't hire women because they aren't as strong. What if we needed someone to carry a 25lb server down a flight of stairs." Bitch, I've never had to carry a 25 server anywhere. Because I write fucking code not install servers.)
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serpentinespider · 2 months
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Earth-6198 Flash ref!! Yippee!!
His appearance and personality are based almost entirely off of MCU Flash (with some of my own personal touches obviously), though the reasons he acts the way he acts are different. I also took several aspects from the comics, story-wise. He’s probably the character I’ve put the most thought into for this AU. I love him dearly :]
Abbreviated info under the cut! (It’s still pretty long, though.) Content warning for ableism.
I wouldn’t call Flash a bully exactly, because that would imply aggression; he’s just, well, a teenage boy. He also comes from a pretty wealthy family, which makes him entitled, plus his parents don’t really give him any positive attention. He makes insensitive jokes and generally tries to keep himself as the center of attention because he’s insecure and seeks approval from his peers. Will do pretty much anything to be liked, and if that fails he’ll act out for attention. He’s very resentful of anyone he considers to be smarter or “better” than him. Flash has a running rivalry with Harry Osborn. Harry is somewhat GNC, has stereotypically “cringe” interests, and is disabled (t1d) so he’s an easy target for Flash’s mean jokes. (Flash thinks that he’s “allowed” to make ableist jokes at others’ expense because he himself is disabled.) 
Flash has cerebral palsy which affects his fine motor skills and ability to walk. His parents got him into physical therapy as early as possible, and he responded well to it— but not well enough for their liking. In Harrison Thompson’s mind, the goal wasn’t to improve Flash’s quality of life, but to “fix” him. Flash grew up with his parents constantly looking down on him, insinuating that his disabilities were his own fault. Sentiments like “you just have to work harder to compensate; if you fall behind, it’s because you’re not trying hard enough” were common. He’s taken that mentality to heart, and has very little self-worth + large amounts of pent-up stress and anger that he takes out at anyone else who is also “abnormal” (hence his meanness towards Harry). 
He has also latched onto Spider-Man as a more… positive(?) reflection of these feelings— his father, who’s a police chief, hates Spidey, so liking him is like Flash’s small way of going against the stuff his parents say (even if it’s subconscious/he doesn’t fully know that’s why). 
In sophomore year, Flash dated Felecia Hardy. They were the world’s most obnoxious couple, always getting in very public fights, breaking up but then getting back together dramatically a week later, etc. Felecia and Flash both have huge crushes on Spider-man, leading Flash to have a sexuality crisis and Felecia to break up with him for good after a few months of dating.
Black Cat was commissioned by an anonymous benefactor to steal an “alien clone” from Alchemax… she’d never done anything NEARLY on that level, but she was being offered a lot of money so she agreed. She did manage to steal the thing, but the deal fell through, and suddenly she had one lab-grown alien and no money to show for it.  At a loss for anything else to do, panicking a little, Felicia dumped the alien onto the only person she could think of: her ex-boyfriend Flash. 
Now, despite what his parents might tell him, Flash is very smart, and figured out what the thing was. Flash is, at first, very hyped about this. His first thought is, of course, to become a vigilante like his idol Spider-Man. Flash has a strong desire to be useful— not in the “I want to help other people” sense but in the “I need to prove to others that I have worth” sense. So, he crafted the Anti-Venom identity for himself!
Around this time, Spider-Man was in the process of fighting his first big villain, Hobgoblin, so the two ended up teaming up to try and take her down (in the least violent way possible). This caused some internal conflict for both Flash and Spidey… 
Flash centered his whole identity around "fitting in" to the point that he actually has no identity of his own. He doesn’t know what he likes, he has no concept af his own style outside of mimicking others that he sees as influential, obviously the most prominent of these being Spider-Man. Which obviously comes with its own twisted irony since Spidey himself is so insecure in his own masculinity (mainly because he’s trans). The two of them were sort of trapped in this feedback loop of insecurity and validation when they first teamed up... Spidey longs for connection, but was unable feel comfortable around Flash as he felt like he has to perform to live up to Flash’s expectations. Meanwhile Flash had based his whole personality off of liking Spider-Man and put on this macho facade to try and impress him. But that just made Spidey feel more inferior, afraid he isn’t passing well enough, etcetera… their dynamic made even more complex by Flash’s very obvious (and unrequited) crush on Spidey.  They’re awful, I love them :3
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goodluckclove · 2 months
Hello! It's Storytelling Saturday, so I figured I'd drop a question in your askbox :D
Which of your 'side' character/s are responsible for moving the plot forward? How do they do this?
So there are a few very clear answers to this question that I genuinely cannot say in a public setting because they are major spoilers for Book 3. To put it broadly, I can say that Scott's dad, Doctor Scott Levi Kaufner, is a massively important person in this story. Just huge. I can't say to what extent yet.
Here's some stuff about my gal Ollie, Scott's childhood best friend from Migration Patterns. She kicks ass. It's a rant so I'll put it below.
Uh, Ollie Goose Bergeron grew up in the same generation of Bluerose birthrights as Scott. She was his best friend, and him being given the choice of what gendered puberty to go through allowed her to feel safe transitioning around the same time. She was born with cerebral palsy and learned to play the bass as a way to practice hand dexterity, and it was her idea to form a rock quartet with Scott and two other birthrights.
Once they grew up, Scott became the leader of the Ambassador Program that mentors and guides birthrights into interacting with clients that live in town. Ollie was qualified early on to become a Distiller, which are the birthrights that manufacture Petrichor - a potent liquid medicine that's meant to subdue birthright magic.
She was already able to create stronger pain salves and tonics to ease her muscle tension, but was only interested in learning how to make Petrichor so she could brew a versions strong enough to treat Scott's symptoms.
The thing about Petrichor is that it works, but it sucks. People usually dilute it with tea or juice. Because of Scott's broken soul bond, he had to drink it straight and drink a lot to get any sort of effect, which usually left him sick for hours afterwards. So Ollie devised a blend that would essentially be poisonous to any other birthright, but allowed Scott to continue living without completely losing his mind.
Without Ollie doing that, Scott absolutely would've lost himself in one way or another before ever leaving Bluerose to find Eddie. The entire plot of Songbird Elegies pivots on the actions of a transfemme drug manufacturer.
She and Scott also lost their virginity to each other when Scott suspected he might be asexual. Scott doesn't remember this yet. He's going to be pretty embarrassed when he does because I'm pretty sure he freaked out and ended up crying. She wasn't offended, though. Ollie had a huge crush on him but as soon as she knew that was the situation she was like well I mean that's not either of our faults then, I guess.
Ollie's great. She uses multiple mobility aids depending on pain level and has them all decked out in stickers and patches. I love her.
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johnschneiderblog · 2 months
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Harmonic convergence
The first night of the Capitol City Film Festival (right here in River City) brought us the documentary "CAMP RiCSTAR", which will be a hard act to follow, indeed.
The film tells story of the Eric "RicStar" Winter Music Therapy Camp in East Lansing, which, for 20 years, has allowed people with disabilities to unleash their inner musicians
I can't claim complete neutrality here. Sharon and I have strong connections to "CAMP RICSTAR":
The movie was produced by our friends, Dick and Judy Winter, who, by the way, created and nurtured the camp in honor of their son Eric, who was born with cerebral palsy and died in 2003 at age 12. Judy and Dick were determed to mine some good out of their tragic loss and, boy, did they strike gold.
As you can see from the photo the film is dedicated, in part, to our daughter Jessica, who died in 2002 at age 25. Jessica also had disabilities. An endowment we established in Jessica's name through the MSU School of Music provides financial support to the camp.
Lord Huron's front man makes a cameo appearance in the film, speaking not only as a musician, but as somebody who witnessed the positive, soothing effect of music on his sister.
The film already has won some big awards and is bound to win more. It's a compelling portrait of the power of music to change lives.
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mintyscuriocabinet · 3 months
Why do you headcannon Juldarami as having cerebral palsy? Not trying to be mean, just curious.
Thank you for the ask, I'd love to talk about it!
Of course, there isn't any evidence in the show to suggest that he has it, but I like to think that he does because it makes me feel closer to him as he's sorta like a comfort character to me.
There isn't much representation for people with invisible disabilities in the media (especially for those with mild CP like me) so I've got loads of headcanons. The idea of a character who is very strong and sprightly but also has the same disability as me feels very inspiring, even if it has no basis in canon.
Sorry this is a little long, I hope this answers your question 💚
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(Edit made by me)
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When [Marie] had her 20-week scan doctors found that Ava had a lot more amniotic fluid surrounding her body than did her sister Mila.
As Loftus and Corrigan explain
They drained some of the fluid while the girls were still in the womb, but it continued to build back up. This confirmed their diagnosis that Ava had esophageal atresia and tracheo-esophageal fistula as she was not swallowing the fluid.
These conditions cause an abnormality where the esophagus, the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach, is not attached correctly, ending in a pouch further up her body. Ava was also diagnosed with a brain condition called rhombencephalosynapsis, which is a rare abnormality of the cerebellum, has varying degrees of severity and can cause other disorders such as cerebral palsy.
“Because the condition is so rare, doctors had no idea how severely it would affect her, and I was offered a termination,” Marie said. “It was never an option though, I had to give her a chance to fight.”
Marie underwent an emergency caesarean. Doctors then determined that waiting was no option: it was best for her to have surgery that same day. “Surgeons closed the gap between Ava’s esophagus and windpipe before sewing together the upper and lower parts of the esophagus.”
When Ava was five weeks old, she underwent her second major surgery, to lift her aorta and fix it to the sternum so she could breathe correctly. “Mila and I had been discharged but thanks to the support of The Sick Children’s Trust, we were able to stay with Paul at Crawford House, just next door to where Ava was,” said Marie.
Finally, after 8 weeks, Ava was strong enough to go home.
Loftus and Corrigan conclude their story on an optimistic note
Ava is currently being tube fed as she has no sucking reflex and has regular physiotherapy to help her with head control and general movement, but her surgeons are pleased with her progress. “They’re both little characters, Mila is very chilled out and patient and Ava is really happy and smiley,” said her mum.
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disabilityhorizons · 10 months
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Topple Tray single-handed serving tray
The Topple Tray is a new and improved design of the Tipsi Tray, it’s much smaller, lightweight and portable.
Weighs 750g
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The Topple Tray - a single-handed serving tray - is a new and improved design of the Tipsi Tray, it's much smaller, lightweight and portable.
Weighing in at 750 grams (26.5 ounces), this no-spill tray is 50% lighter than the original Tipsi Tray. The Topple Tray is easier to carry and more functional with a comfortable stainless steel handle.
Rather than removing the handle, the Topple Tray has a folding and locking handle that folds down on top of the tray and locks in an upright position simply by sliding the tube down into place. When folded, the Topple Tray is thin and easy to store and when the handle is upright, is strong and secure.
With the magic of physics, carrying drinks has never been easier and safer. Keep a spare hand free to hold a bannister on stairs, use a walking stick or mobility aid, open doors or carry other items.
It is held from above allowing drinks and food to swing beneath. The swinging motion of the tray counteracts the sloshing or movement of items on the tray keeping them completely balanced. Super intuitive with no practice needed.
The Topple Tray has a removable neoprene cover, which simply lifts off the grippy rubber surface for a metallic tray beneath depending on your style or use.
The Topple Tray is an excellent alternative to traditional trays for people with conditions that cause shaky hands or tremors, such as Parkinson's disease or cerebral palsy.
It also benefits those with a limb difference or has the use of only one arm, have been affected by a stroke or anyone needing to use a walking stick or handrail to steady themselves with one hand whilst carrying a tray with the other.
Watch the Topple Tray in action:
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TAGLIST: @evansabove1981 @eddiesquinnsworld @elizabetharegina @littlefreya @henrycavillfan @resowrites @cavillsthighs @confessionbrain-writings @angryschnauzerwrites etc)
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Dating was always a nervous process, for many a person but for Y/n L/n it seemed impossible, she hated being alone though she had one particular view, ' that she's only jumping into book worlds to find friends because they don't judge you as people do in reality' so the dating game is back on, her friends in tied out one Friday evening at the local pub in Kensington where you regularly go out (not that you see anyone of note) you got ready and planned your outfit, sexy but not too sexy.
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(Y/n's night out outfit)
Your disability forbade you from wearing heels so it was your black flat pumps you were going to have to wear.
You tried accepting it, but it just was far too hard to so you gave in. Not complaining about the pain you suffered sometimes from the distance you covered about your house and about in public.
You never cared what other people thought you just got on with it no matter what the world threw at you.
Cerebral palsy was a not illness it's a condition which affects either side of your body the medical term was Hempligia Cerebral palsy where the weakness could appear in either side of you.
Most Friday nights you spent watching The Tudors on DVD as you were a huge fan of Henry Cavill.
The taxi arrived right on time you smiled grabbing your bag you headed out the door. Your friends from work greeted you with a enthusiastic waves from inside the london cab.
" We so have to get you with someone tonight y/n"! Your friend Hannah told you.
" I've told you I'm not looking for anyone"! Came your reply.
" that's rubbish! Y/n we'll find you someone tonight you'll see"! Hannah continued.
A short while later the cab pulled up outside the pub named The Builders arms.
You were nervous about stepping out of the cab, until a tall dark haired fimilar faced well known stranger came to assist you.
" May I help"? He asked that fimilar white broad smile and those muscles and bright blue eyes.
" Yes please! If you could .... take my hand and help me down I'd be more grateful"! Y/n repiled
" yes of course in fact why don't you give both of them then I'll help you out that way"! He suggested, his breath was warm as it wafts across your cheek, you no idea who this guy was who was helping you.
You readily complied and placed your two hands in his warm, large and strong, that gentle gracious smile across his face as he helped you down out of the cab.
" Right now gently because this path isn't the easiest to stand on"! He warned, you stepped out with him still gripping your hands in his, " I'm Henry by the way! Henry Cavill"!
You couldn't hide your smile you knew it was him but you were just too shy to say anything, knowing what your friends were doing to you or going to do you were in luck.
" I'm y/n l/n! Thanks for helping me again"! You gave him you most beautiful smile. That was it he was gone he saw you and fell for you.
" it's a pleasure to meet you Miss l/n"! A lovely young woman like you shouldn't out in scruffy old place like this"! He teased with a wink.
" I wouldn't have come out tonight but these two insisted"! You nudged your head toward the two other women getting out the taxi with you! Hannah watched you have a conversation with Henry while the two of them left you to it.
" Well may I say but I'm glad they did! You look rather .... i hope I'm not being too foward very beautiful this evening"! Henry beamed at you. His eyes seemed to be glued to yours, as he spoke.
" Thankyou I never would have expected to see you here"! You say shyly.
" I do come here when im not working letting my hair down! So to speak ... Come let's get you inside you must be freezing here take my arm"! Henry offered you his arm as you continued toward the door to enter the pub. " you didn't have to do that Henry I can walk myself although with a wobble here and there but otherwise I'm fine"! You reply
" Nonsense! What kind of man would I be if I allowed you to slip and hurt yourself hmm"! Henry smiled
You were struck by how handsome and good natured he was. You thanked him again " thanks for your help henry"! You smile you're blue eyes ablaze with hope. " My pleasure you're more then welcome"! Came Henry's reply, from the look hannah was giving yo u it was quite clear that she thought Henry was the one. " In fact why don't you and your friends come and join us outside I promise you we're safe under my watch anyway"! Henry invited you and your friends to have drinks with him, you're throat went dry you didn't know what to say you knew he was a mega famous movie star but Jesus this was intense.
" okay if your sure"! Your reply came, " Absolutely! Besides it would give me a chance to hey to know you a little more"! Henry confessed whispering in your ear. You were nervous about telling him about your disability and how you got it was hard for you to explain to anyone let alone a mega famous movie star.
As you were a fan of him, your hid that fact away from him too you didn't want him thinking you were a complete lunatic with thing for well seeking actors out on purpose. When in fact it was Hannah who suggested it, " May I ask why your still alone? In the sense of no sufficient other"! Henry asked whispering in your ear you hummed a little then breathed out thinking to yourself " get ready for the pity looks"!, " well I've always been a bit of loner and a bookworm you see I have a condition called Cerebral palsy which affects my right side I don't usually do this .... tell strangers my medical story! I was born with it I lost all hope i guess finding the one"! You told Henry, Henry looked at you and smiled broadly " Miss L/N! You are an absolute amazing young beautiful woman why on earth no one has even snapped you up .....is frankly ashoning"! You felt yourself warm into him, he saw you shivering and he placed his jacket about your shoulders with his strong arm about you slightly unconsciously leant into his touch, he felt it and kissed you on the head while your two friends Hannah and Jess weren't looking.
A few hours later ......
It was getting late and Henry and you had hit off straight way, you're eyes were dropping and he knew you were tired. Hannah and Jess had gotten to chatting to two guys standing inside the pub. " Would you like me to take you home sweetheart? Come on darling your done in .... let's get you home and safe hmm"! Henry offered as he stood to help you up. The two of you walked toward his place and he let you in his massive American Akita coming bounding toward you regnoized him he was your favourite dog Kal. " Come on Sweetheart lets get you settled first"! He guided you over to the setee in the lounge it was grey and very comfy, he noticed how incredibly cold you were. Kissing the top of your head again he left you snuggled into the setee when he returned he came back with a hoodie and a pair of warm slacks. " Come here gorgeous let's get you out of this hmm don't worry I've seen it all before"! He assured you with a tender smile he turned away like the gentleman that he is. " I'm ready"! You squeaked low, when he turned to face you you were wearing his hoodie that buried you his slacks went over you're feet. " My goodness how cute do you look y/n hmm too cute ..... Come here let me cuddle you"! Henry smiled as you leant into his welcoming warm strong embrace. Before long you had fell asleep in his arms and he carried you bridal style upstairs into his bed.
He gently set you down in the bed, stripping himself of all his clothes he climbed in the bed beside you. Lifting your head so it lay on his chest he sighed and whispered into hair. " Goodnight my gorgeous y/n sleep now I'll see you in the morning"! Henry whispered into your hair. What he didn't bank on though was how you could dream about him and literally whisper his name in your sleep he had to smile when at one point he turned on the lamp on the nightstand only to hear you talking to Charles he guessed it was Charles Brandon from the tudors you were talking to. He bent to kiss you twice on the brow " shh Sweetling! It's okay I'm here"! He soothed you stroking your hair as you slept in his bed
Next Morning .........
Henry was up bright and early usually working out in his basement gym with Kal. You woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting though the house, you swung back the covers that Henry lay over you the night before and padded out of his bedroom you felt like an utter plank for falling asleep on him.
Henry finished his work out and was stood in the kitchen with his broad bare back to you after he thrown his t shirt in the wash, he was all sweaty and wet, his biceps were something to marvel at. When he felt your gaze on him he turned and held out his arms with a smile " Goodmorning princess! I'd have brought your breakfast in bed had you stayed there"! Henry told you as he wrapped his arms about you, nearly crushing you to death. " Hen! I can't stay un bed I have move about or my legs get stiff"? You repiled with a tired smile. Henry knew that last night he fell for you he just didn't want to scare you off by telling exactly that. " Now what about that nice cup of machine made coffee eh then we can go and get showered .... what we after that I'll leave your hands"! Henry smiled holding you at arms length kissing your forehead you closed your eyes. You could nor remember a time when you felt so happy. " b...but I can't use your shower"! You protested.
Henry decided that was not a statement to answer he just merely picked you up into those strong Superman arms and carried you back upstairs to the bathroom where he then turned on the shower and stripping you of your dirty night out clothes and the ones youd slept in. While you weren't looking he stripped himself of his clothes and got in behind you loving that sensation that your body felt against his. He pulled you back his against his furry chest you lay your head on his muscular toned chest, " Shall we get that hair washed hmm sweetheart"! He gently asked you kissing your cheek as you tentatively took a step forward for him to help you wash your hair. He begun rinsing your hair with the shower water as he hauntingly instructed you " bend your head back angel sos the soap doesn't go in your eyes"! You did exactly what he told to unbeknown to you yoire body was unconsciously reacting to him touching you it felt so tender and somewhat intimate between you the way he caressed your tender skin it sent goosebumps all over you. " Darling! What are you up hm are you thinking naughty thoughts young lady tut tut"! Henry teased as he ticked his tongue. You felt rather cheeky at that moment so you bobbed your tongue back at him. " Oi you! You're being a cheeky madam aren't you"! He playfully smarted at you with in a wink.
You couldn't say anything you were stunned that you even in the shower with him behind you. " whose my gorgeous princess,then hmmm"? He mused at you rinsing the soap away from your hair you laughed " I am"! Henry couldn't stop his smiling as he turned off the shower he stepped out wrapping a white fluffy towel round his middle holding one out and open for you to walk right into the warmth sending goosebumps trailing your skin again. You shivered from the cold hitting you as you stepped out. Despite you wanting to walk back into the bedroom Henry ever the gentleman Carrie's you in. You laughed at him at having to carry you everywhere about the house. " oh Henry! What are you like"! Henry wriggled his eyebrows at you choosing again not to answer you placing you down on the bed, he kissed the tip of your nose. He sat behind you gently towel drying tour long hair, " I'm not hurting you am I bunbun"? Henry asked tenderly, you silently you're head sending shower water droplets over him. After an hour your horn back downstairs you haunting though Netflix when you came across THE TUDORS you're favourite thing that you loved watching at home, Henry walked back into the lounge with Kal curled up at your feet keeping them warm, he smiled at the screen then at you. " Have you watched this before Sweetling"? Henry asked you as he settled beside you with his arm round tour shoulder you passed the remote to Henry, before you confessed to him " a dozen times when I'm at home alone and I'm left to dream about you beside me"! Henry's smile grew wider " well in that case angel ..... I think that's earnt you a kiss come here"! You relaxed into him as he pulled away as it begun to start.
" Huury Henners your going to miss it"! You yelled to him. Henry knew how beautiful you were he just didn't think it was the right time to tell you considering you'd only just met just last night. Now here you were with him actually sat on his setee watching THE TUDORS with him hopefully. Eventually Henry returned with two piping hot cuppas for both if you and your favourite biscuits too on a plate .... " English dunk tea"! He winked at you, carefully handing you yours " Careful angel its hot"! Henry pre warned you. As he retook his place at your side the two of you snuggled in the setee in Kensington happily watching THE TUDORS together.
That's what I call bliss and a dream come true! Want to know more second part will be coming soon so watch out!
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oldtvandcomics · 11 months
Happy Queer Media Monday!
Today: Margarita With a Straw (2014)
Starting Disabled Pride Month strong in a way I know for a fact I won’t be able to live up to in later posts.
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(Laila and Khanum introducing themselves to one another.)
Margarita With a Sraw is an Indian movie about Laila, a teenage girl with cerebral palsy. The story follows her as she fumbles her way through multiple crushes and relationships with three boys and a girl. Being queer is explicitly discussed. Laila even comes out to her mother, who first doesn’t understand what “bisexual” is. Both Laila and her longest-time partner, Khanum, are disabled, and said disabilities seriously influence the way their relationships work. Laila has difficulties moving and speaking, and Khanum is blind.
The writer and director explicitly set out to make a movie that deals with physically disabled people’s difficulties in all things sexuality. While she didn’t succeed in finding actresses with the disabilities of the characters, she did make sure to get advocates as consultants. Many elements are taken directly from her own personal life and that of her disabled family members.
You can read the Wikipedia article, if you like, and the movie itself is available on Netflix.
Queer Media Monday is an action I started to talk about some important and/or interesting parts of our queer heritage, that people, especially young people who are only just beginning to discover the wealth of stories out there, should be aware of. Please feel free to join in on the fun and make your own posts about things you personally find important!
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brightlotusmoon · 2 months
According to Dr. Jack Engsberg, Director of the Human Performance Lab at Washington University in St. Louis, “Children with CP are weak almost everywhere, so why not try to get them as strong as their able-bodied peers? Then get them to apply that strength and flexibility to whatever they want to do in their lives. I think the same principles for strength training that apply to people without disabilities apply to those with disabilities. But you have to consider what the disabilities are, and design a program based upon that.”
Engsberg, who is also a Professor of Occupational Therapy, Neurosurgery, and Orthopedics, suggested that those studies which did not reveal optimal results from strength training most likely failed to aim for enough of a strength increase. “These kids are already at 30% in terms of strength versus able-bodied kids, so a 10% increase isn’t going to really benefit them,” he said. “You want to show a dramatic change in the strength component—60% or more—so you have to tailor the training accordingly.”
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colorcodedbeanies · 1 year
This format is likely going to be very "figure it out as I go" but for now this is the template I imagine these posts will follow, me pulling together my scattered thoughts into the form of bulletpoints. Also this is a bit longer than I imagine they'll typically be. Pilots, turns out they're important.
TW: Racism, police brutality, misogyny
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I think its very funny that I've decided to start this analysis of middle class suburban white guys through a guy literally named Walter H. White. Nomenclature aside this guy is so prototypical American normie that its almost painful. His heavily academic background is clear from the outset, with him staring at his awards for "research contributing to a Nobel Prize". Its the kind of thing the average joe equates with unimaginable success and brilliance and yet as soon as the rest of the world wakes up around him its clear he's struggling to make ends meet. I think it's fitting he's introduced to the audience in his tightie-whities. It's a visual metaphor that works on two levels. One, he's stripped bare, this archetype taken down to its essentials and exposed uncomfortably to the light. Two, he's literally caught with his pants down. Clearly he's in over his head. Its a simple (and effective) means of garnering audience sympathy and endearment. Most of us wouldn't know how to start being a drug kingpin either.
Despite both the high octane chase sequence and the Nobel Prize accolades Walt is pretty quickly brought back down to the audience's level. He handwrings with his wife about what card is appropriate to use to buy printer paper. He clearly feels pretty unfulfilled as a high school teacher, not to mention taking on a second job where he experiences further disrespect. His life seemingly revolves around money, with most of his conversations centering around the topic. There's almost a bureacracy to their home life, with the every day minutiae of coordinating schedules paired with bill discussions, and Skyler's time as a housewife occupied by buying and selling second hand knickknacks and writing short stories for a little bonus income. They're holding down the fort. Like most Americans, however, they're one emergency away from some serious strain. And what an emergency they will get
The veggie bacon is a dark joke made darker by Walter Jr.'s offhand comment that it smells like bandaids. Its a laughably ineffectual solution to what the problem actually is. No one at the table yet realizes Walt's not going to be around long enough to really worry about things like cholesterol.
Speaking of Junior, he's another big reason I wanted to do this rewatch analysis. Naming your child after yourself is already a pretty big red flag. It indicates something that will only be drilled down on further in: Walt sees his family as an extension of his identity. Some due credit, Junior is the subject of very little disability porn in the show. There's no heroic moment of him dragging himself crutchless towards his mother or anything like that. He's a fairly average 17 year old, with the usual flippancy and ego and selfishness and kindness that comes with that territory. However, its undeniable that his cerebral palsy, at minimum in universe, is used as yet another signifier of Walt's emasculation. Instead of strong proud heir he gets a """"broken""""" one. Walt harbors those feelings himself. Him tearing the disabled parking tag off his rearview mirror as he drives home is one of those things that doesn't make Logical sense. Its not like he can be flagged for misusing the tag for parking at his own home, it would've made far more sense to take it off when he left the school without Junior. However, coming on the tail end of him being mocked by his students for cleaning their car, its clear Walt wants to tuck away any other symbols that might indicate he's lesser than. I also want to point forward to him attacking the bullies: the only thing he can think to do is answer humiliation for humiliation, bringing him low by putting him on the level of his son physically ("having a little trouble walking there?") as a punishment. This doesn't change the fact that on a literal level it was probably pretty good for Junior to see his dad punch out some assholes on his behalf. But it does establish a subtext that Walt regards Junior's cerebral palsy as a punishment of some kind
The party scene is a great establishment of Walt's in-laws as our current in-universe standards for gendered performance. Marie snidely remarks on Skyler "showing a little" and Hank's entire scene is nothing but a series of jabs at Walt's masculinity. What I want to zero in on here is the fact that Hank projects a particular kind of blue collar masculine sensibility (as opposed to Walt with his "brain the size of Wisconsin [which] we won't hold...against ya"). He positions himself as a working stiff. Despite this its clear from the house that Hank and Marie are doing a lot better than Walt or Skyler.
This is further expounded on when Walt goes on a ride-along. Which apparently you can just....do. Hank is all jokes and bravado, swaggering up with functionally a fully armed squadron to take down one twenty something guy unaware that they're coming. He gives off the impression of being unrattleable. However, based on the way Hank reacts to Tuco later on, its honestly unclear how much active combat action Hank's actually seen. Not without 10 armored guys going in before him.
Final Hank note. I rarely see discussions of his racism. Little surprising considering how loud and constant it is. Perhaps it feels softened by Steve Gomez there, but the fact of the matter is this is a cop joking blithely about the high numbers of brown people he's arrested and anticipates arresting. Emilio Koyama being half Asian literally doesn't fit into Hank's worldview. He instead has to insist on "at least half a b**ner". This is all so loud and in your face that I have to assume its doing something with this.
After the disastrous handjob on his birthday (god that scene is well done) I think its notable that Walt's first glimpse of his future protege/victim is paired with him stumbling around post coitus. Eroticism being paired with criminality is a major theme in the BBCU and it starts here with Walt ogling the neighbor lady's tits and Jesse's half naked body rolling around off the roof. Its the contradiction at the heart of the character. Crime may be dangerous and the odds may be against you...but to the repressed suburban dad it's nonetheless titillating.
Jesse's own whiteness is worth focusing in on here. Despite the frequent AAVE usage and his pretenses of getting his education from "the STREETS, yo", Jesse's background is a lot closer to someone like Walt than Emilio. His family is also comfortably suburban, enough to want to pretend their burnout son functionally doesn't exist. The fact that Walt found his aunt's address on file makes it likely Jesse inherited her house either in senior year or shortly after, immediately jumping from his parent's home into another house in a nice neighborhood. The "street talk" seems to be an affectation, though likely one that's gone on long enough for it to verge on authentic. Notably, he dials it the hell up when he's around someone like Krazy-8, who he feels a need to perform for (lot of "ese"s and other Spanish tossed around that he doesn't often use when he's speaking to Walt). I think its worth questioning if this is authentic codeswitching, or a performance of a particular kind of (brown) masculinity that Jesse feels called to give in order to fit his mental image of a what a "gangster" is.
Whether or not the language is his authentically its definitely policed. Walt expresses a lot of aggravation with how Jesse talks, for the frequent slang and the imprecise wording. To someone like Walt, who prizes intelligence and education as a sign of worth, someone who says things like "cow houses" can't be worth very much at all.
And speaking of policing, Miami Vice reference brings me neatly into the discomfort Walt feels with addicts. Despite literally planning to profit off of them he nether wants to be involved in the sales process or let Jesse use it. There's a business reason of course, that its just smart not to use the product when it eats out of your profits. But it also starts us on the path of exactly how Jesse is going to be treated as a "junkie"
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Mo Shíorghrá - Chapter Five.
Thanks to the few people reading and interacting with this, you make the effort worth it.
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Words - 5,870
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“Oh my god. Oh, Jesus, Fil. Look at them. They’re so little.”  
A sob followed those words, Abi reaching for his hand as she blinked tears down her cheeks after being wheeled into the NICU to see her sons for the first time, her own condition now stable enough to allow for her to leave her bed. She’d taken her first steps the day before on her new hip with the physiotherapist and the aid of a frame, finding it much easier than she’d anticipated it would be, but still very painful.  
Painkillers following that had helped, but there was nothing she could take to get over seeing her precious babies within an incubator, wires and tubes sticking out of them. Her husband had been very right when he’d told her they were not much bigger than one of his hands.  
He crouched by her side, kissing her hand, his other skimming her inner forearm while she reached in to touch Henry for the first time, her little finger stroking his hand, the baby responding instantly to his mother's touch, his tiny fingers flexing at the contact. Still, she continued to cry, Chibs wiping her tears, kissing her head tenderly as he gently wrapped an arm around her.  
“They’ve gained just over half a pound each since their delivery, they’re gaining at the upper end of the expected weight gain, so this is great progress. Bearing this in mind, we hope for you to be able to hold them when they reach four pounds, so realistically it’ll be around another three weeks," Tara explained, handing Abi a tissue.
“I hate that I can’t hold them, though I understand.” If Chibs could identify with anything, it was that. His arms ached to hold his babies close, strong as his fatherly protective streak was. For Abi, it was a hugely emotional moment, reaching through to Riley as well to gently stroke his foot where he wriggled, pleased to hear that it had only been in the last few days he’d become strong enough to do that, their steady progress reassuring. Still, seeing them so small, compounded by the upset she felt at not being able to hold them, colliding with the rage that someone had put their mortality at such grave risk, it all stirred up within and left her very emotional.  
“Shhh, darlin’. Try not tae upset yourself,” Chibs told her softly after she’d returned to her room, Abi crying uncontrollably. “Do you need anything?”
“A hug. I need a big hug.”  
“Okay. Shuffle forward a wee bit.” With his help, she edged down the bed, Chibs kicking off his boots and shrugging himself out of his jacket and kutte, climbing onto the bed behind her, letting her rest back against him as he held her carefully. Oh, she’d needed that, to lie back against the steadying, comforting embrace of her husband, breathing in his scent, turning her head and listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat against her ear. Still, for a time, she couldn’t quite rest, though.  
“They’re not even out of the woods yet, the fucking list of issues they could go on to have. Cerebral palsy, hearing and sight trouble, learning difficulties, psychological problems, asthma, increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome. It isn’t going to be as simple as they put on weight, leave incubation and eventually come home. This could be something that leaves them with afflictions for their whole lives!”  
“Abi, you’ve got to calm down, darlin’,” he began, taking her hand. “If they do, then they do, and as their mum and dad, we support them through it. If they’re deaf, we learn sign language, have cerebral palsy, get them to the right specialists to cope with it, blind, train the pups to be guide dogs. We adjust and we cope.” She smiled a little, at hearing his suggestion to train their dogs to guide dog standards. They’d be distracted at the first sniff of an ice cream cone. That flicker of amusement didn’t last long, though.
“I want to fucking murder the bastard that did this.” Of course, he knew that her upset was fuelled by a burning rage within to exact revenge upon the man who had almost taken hers and her children’s lives. It was very much in line with the woman she was, after all.
“You’re not alone there, hen. It’ll happen. As soon as he’s found, I’ll make him suffer, you have my word there.” He stroked her face gently, Abi sobbing against his chest, twitching with discomfort when her broken clavicle began to throb. Turning slightly to her right side made it bearable, tucking her head beneath his chin, tracing the top line of the bill tattoo on his chest with her thumb. He could have used that moment to reveal they’d at least found which direction her attack had come from, the Russians responsible, but calming her down again was of greater importance at that moment. Fuelling her anger wouldn’t do her any good, she didn’t need it while recovering.  
What she needed was his comfort, of which he gave, stroking the side of her neck as he felt her breathing steady, her crying beginning to cease. It was nice, to simply hold her close again. For Abi, that closeness was the kind of comfort she’d craved, just to be near to him, to feel his warmth. It made her physical pain a little more bearable to withstand, too. God, the c-section site hurt like hell, all her muscles burning with fury from being yanked apart and cut. Listening to his breathing calmed her further, her fingers coming to stop against his chest as she began to drift, Chibs smiling down at her as he kissed her head.  
“I’m here for a while, then.” There was no way he was walking her up. Whenever he visited her, she always looked so tired, her sleep mostly pharmaceutically induced rather than naturally occurring. Now that she’d fallen asleep without the aid of such, he wasn’t prepared to disturb it. Instead, his mind wandered back to the first morning he’d ever woken up with her lying against him like that, which from memory was likely after the fifth occasion he’d ended up in her bed...
Belfast, 1994
“Well, I think it’s fair to say I knackered you out plenty last night," he spoke when Abi finally roused from slumber, sitting up, her eyes widening a little when she realised where she’d been resting.
“Oh Jesus, I’m sorry.” Embarrassed, she scooted back over to her side of the bed, Chibs raising an eyebrow.  
“For what?”
She pointed at his chest, the place she’d been very comfortably sleeping against. “Sleeping on you. Probably the last thing you want.”  
He was amused at her assertion, leaning close to her. “I’m not made of stone, Abi. Not averse to a pretty wee thing falling asleep on my chest. What I’m not so fond of is feeling like a badger curled up in my mouth and died. Can I borrow your toothbrush?”  
She laughed there, sitting up, finger combing her mountain of unruly hair, wondering what kind of state she looked. “Yeah, no worries. There’s a spare one in the cabinet, actually. Just use that.” He got out of bed, Abi treated to the feast for the eyes that was him naked, all lithe muscles and tattooed arms.  
“Stop staring at my arse.”
She snickered, looking amused. “Why? It’s gorgeous.”  
And he knew he was gorgeous, and had an enviably trim body, but still, a sexy, seventeen-year-old who could have her pick of any bloke she wanted was the one who wanted him. He’d never get over the inner gleam of such knowledge. While he was cleaning his teeth, Abi made a few rounds of toast and some coffee, taking it all back to bed with her.  
It had been just over a week since they’d first had sex, and this was the first time he’d stayed over after finishing doing a superb job of shagging her utterly senseless the night before. He joined her, Abi pushing the toast plate over a little, Chibs thanking her before taking a slice.  
“Oh, thank fuck you use actual butter. Fi buys that Flora crap and it tastes vile,” he exclaimed, Abi shuddering.  
“So does my ma. Da got me this from the farmers market yesterday, we sat there eating it with fresh soda bread while watching Men Behaving Badly. Ma won’t have it on at home, absolutely can’t stand it but it makes us cry laughing!” Rubbing her eye as she remembered the antics of Tony and Gary, she then looked at her finger, seeing a huge, black smudge. “God, I bet I look an absolute state, so I do!”
Chibs turned, eyeing her. “You look smoking.”  
“Even with my makeup all smudged?”
“Especially with your makeup all smudged,” he grinned, leaning to kiss her shoulder. Once they’d finished eating, Abi found herself back against his chest, very content to lie there being lazy. She hadn’t really thought he’d be all that fond of little moments of affection and closeness like that when they weren’t actually having sex, being that she was just a casual bit on the extramarital side, but he surprised her greatly. “Has anyone ever told you just how gorgeous your eyes are? I swear, you’ve got the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.”
“You think?” she asked, tilting her head back a little, Chibs leaning to kiss her.  
“Aye, they’re like the fucking sky. You’re bloody beautiful.” He kissed her again, Abi humming happily. She honestly didn’t expect him to be like this, so it took her by surprise greatly. She didn’t truly know how to feel about that either. He was married, after all, and despite the fact he seemed very invested in having sex with her whenever he could, he loved Fiona. She knew that. The way he behaved with her that morning did seem somewhat contradictory to her assertion, though.
Or was she just being seventeen and naïve? Being nice to her didn’t mean he loved his wife any less. Thinking differently to that, she knew, would lead to her getting hurt.  
While she was chastising herself for overthinking something that was merely supposed to be a bit of fun to be enjoyed, she had no idea that the man whom she lay against was struggling with something quite similar. Even though he found himself making it sexual very quickly that morning, he’d be lying to himself if he said that was solely what he felt towards Abi, sexual interest and nothing more.  
Apart from her being gorgeous, funny, cute, crazy as hell and into a lot of similar things he was, he felt a connection to her that he truly couldn’t explain, a link, something unseen, undescribed by words, but which stirred his emotions heavily. He found it a little distressing, if he was frank, that what he felt, he’d experienced with no other, not even Fiona. It scared him a bit, that he could fall so headlong into something, something that was likely the last thing a fun loving seventeen-year-old wanted from him.  
So, he kept to what he knew she definitely sought.  
They shared fervent kisses as his fingers raked at every depth inside her soaking cunt, one of her gorgeous, long legs rested over his waist as they lay facing one another, Chibs glad that Fiona was away visiting her mother in Ballymena, so he didn’t have to hurry home. He could spend as long as he wanted sending his young lover to the edges of heaven, so that’s exactly what he did.  
He moved his kisses to her neck, fingers retreating to begin stroking at her with long rubs through her slit, spreading her wetness around, the heat of her against him absolutely blazing. Moving his focus to her clit, he softly circled, touching her so gently he was barely making contact, little by little increasing the pressure, watching her intently as she lost herself to what he inflicted upon her.  
“Is that nice?” he chuckled in whisper at her breathlessness, Abi’s helpless groan making him laugh a little louder.  
“Oh, you’re too bloody good by far!” He loved it when she was utterly beside herself with pleasure.
“Just you wait until it’s my tongue.”  
“I can’t wait, don’t make me!”  
Oh, what a state he’d worked her into, dark eyes watching her as she continued to softly mewl, his fingers suddenly speeding up. “Be patient.” Kissing her again, he silenced her until sliding his mouth to her breasts, sucking her nipples, having her practically sobbing with bliss, his fingers now working a quickly rubbed circle at her bud. Abi cried out as she broke apart against the hot throb they evoked, the flames of her release licking her spine, her shuddering body spent, yet craving more. “Okay, now you get my mouth.”  
He laid open mouthed kisses down the centre of her body, the smell of her arousal, her fragrant womanhood calling his mouth, beckoning the swipe of his tongue, which he duly laid after levelling his face with her burning slit, wet pressure bathing her sensitive bud, a slow swirl to begin with, gentle flicking added, his hands stroking her slender thighs as she tipped her head back and moaned prettily for him, his mouth gorging upon her as he began to suck, stopping only to bob his tongue inside her a few times, feeling her clench on him as she gasped and shook.  
“Fuck, you have such a pretty little pussy.” He complimented, moaning as he sucked her, her insides sparking with incandescence. Her hands held his head, nails flexing in his hair as he took a mouthful of her and sucked again, evoking her wail, watching her with lust blown pupils, covetingly gazing at the beauty who he was aroused out of his senses by.  
The wet drag of each lick languidly rolled through her slit, up to her clit again, circling, nudging, glimmers skittering through her when he aimed his next suck right there, her breath catching in her throat, her little bud sucked plumper before bathed in the fast beating of his tongue. Fast... faster... faster... oh... how was he real?  
Her body arched off the bed, her toes curling, an orb of fire rolling through her groin before boom, it exploded and she came hard, her legs wrapping around his head, her clit throbbing against his tongue. He moaned against her slick pink, tongue continuing to explore her, hands roaming up to grasp her breasts and roll her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.
“You look so goddamned pretty when you cum.” he praised her with, taking mouthful of her and sucking thirstily, eyes closing, hands continuing to stroke her curves, Abi gently writhing against his face.  
There was no other way to explain it, she was lost in pleasure, unmoored, adrift on the wide, dark sea that was a man who knew exactly how to turn her on until she felt senseless and boneless. She had never known arousal like it, never been tended to quite so thoroughly, by someone who held such extensive knowledge of a woman’s body and exactly how to play with it.  
His fingers pushed back within the heat of her core, laying soft kisses all over her slit, up her abdomen, tongue circling her navel before slipping down again to continue eating her. He granted her no clemency with the sublimity of his tongue, rapid and unyielding as he gratified her fervently, her womanhood the altar where he laid his worship of such beauty, given unto him.  
He was almost predatory with his mouth, not ceasing or slowing, his fingertips seeking the place they had before to press precisely, her insides twitching aggressively as his tongue swept her bud with rapid circles, her body keening as she felt herself driven closer, her core close to absolute convulsion as she panted and wailed, the surge of orgasm tearing through her.  
“Oh... my... fucking... god...” she panted, Chibs kissing her thigh, watching her fighting for breath. She then looked at him with a glint of utter feral desire. “Get on your damned back.”  
“I’m not much in the habit of being ordered around, but since it’s you.” He turned at speed, cock rigid against his hip, Abi climbing astride him and sinking down on that big, thick hardness with a shuddered breath. Oh, how she’d ridden him into that bed. Fuck. It was a memory that hadn’t left him, sex so good it still made him tingle when he thought of it, as well as what followed. Just six days later and they’d told each other how they knew they felt, not able to fight the fact that against all odds, they’d fallen deeply in love with one another.  
“Filip, have you got a hard on?” Abi suddenly spoke, waking after napping for half an hour. His chuckle confirmed.  
“You’re bloody unfair! Lying there like a bloody tepee and I’m too broken to enjoy it!” It was a moment of comic relief they both needed, Chibs stroking her arms as he leaned to kiss her head, waiting for himself to calm down a little before moving back to the seat. “I suppose I should take it as a compliment.”
“Yeah, you should. What can I say? I miss my wife, in more than one way.” His wink cracked her up, Abi holding her side as she tried to compose her chuckles. Her lung was still very sore, but she guessed having a shattered rib poke a hole in it would do that to anyone. “I was lying there thinking about the first time I slept over at your old flat, when you woke up and freaked out that you’d fallen asleep against my chest.”
She remembered it like it was yesterday, her mind revolving in the horror of ‘oh my god, as if he wants his shag piece all curled up around him. Abort, Abi! Abort!’ before she’d scrambled away from where she’d so comfortably rested. She laughed about it now, now of course that he was hers, the humour of trying to remain somewhat aloof with the man whom she’d fallen so hard in love with. She thought of it later that night after he’d left, the day he’d taken her down to Armagh to get the tattoo she wanted for her birthday, the artist of her choice residing there. Kevin Dougherty had been the man who’d done her first, a snake winding around her right wrist, his work famous throughout Northern Ireland.  
She could picture it so clearly in her mind, walking towards his shop hand in hand with her outlaw...  
Belfast, 1994
Armagh. Nobody knew them in Armagh, meaning that for the first time ever, Abi could walk along with her boyfriend hand in hand, and it didn’t matter. There’d be no prying eyes ready to run back to either her father or Fiona with the scandalous information, so if she wanted to suddenly stop in the middle of the street and kiss him, she could.  
“What was that for?” he asked after she’d done just that.  
“Because I fucking love you.”  
He arched an eyebrow. God, she loved it when he did that. It made her throb, both in her heart and between her legs. He was just too sexy for his own good. “Good enough reason as any, CB.” He kissed her again then, a big, open mouthed, tongue swirling kiss, drawing a few comments of disapproval from passing elderly people, neither of them caring at all over the distain their filthy kisses provoked.  
While walking, Abi noticed that they attracted further attention too, as was the norm with outlaws. People knew who the Sons were, even if nobody there knew him personally, the stories of the club travelled, of course they did. Outlaws spelled danger, and while Abi thrived on such, others did not.  
They were the men mothers warned their daughters to steer clear of, and Abi, she was the kind of girl those same daughters were told never to end up like. Her dress code alone raised eyebrows of disapproval from women, and looks of longing from men. That day, she’d chosen her standard fishnets, a pair of platform PVC boots, and a black cropped top and hot pants set, her usual plethora of necklaces and chains and her old, battered leather jacket on top.  
Yes, the outlaw and his barely dressed young girlfriend raised more than a few eyebrows as they walked the street, even more so when they entered the tattoo shop, the men within it giving Abi some very favourable glances. One of whom had Chibs in fits while Abi was checking the placement of her tattoo in the mirror as Kevin looked on.  
“She your girlfriend, fella?”
“Aye,” Chibs beamed, the large man with the shaved head and the near full bodysuit of tattoos shaking his head as he looked back at her.  
“You lucky fucking bastard.”  
“I know.”
“How do you let her out of bed? I swear, I’d never be off her if she was my girl!”
Chibs laughed, winking at her when she blew him a kiss. Of course, she could hear their entire conversation, the large man next to her boyfriend not being particularly quiet. “Trust me, she gets ridden more than my fucking Harley.”  
“Fucking fair play, sonny.” He offered his hand, Chibs shaking it with laughter before joining Abi.
“So, all ready for your tramp stamp, crazy baby?”  
Kevin snorted laughing, loading the tattoo machine with black ink.  
“Stop calling it that!”  
“Never!” he leaned forward and kissed her, Abi grumbling at him before wincing as Kevin began.  
“Arrgh, bloody hell! I forgot how much is fucking stings to start with!”  
“Yeah, like a cat with red hot claws scratching the shite out of you, isn’t it?”
“That’s exactly what it feels like, so! I remember Monica getting hers done on her ribcage, remember, Kevin? She likened it to hot razors.”
“I do, aye. You having to fan her with a copy Skin Deep so she didn’t pass out, bless her. I miss that girl,” he lamented. Kevin had once dated Monica very briefly after she’d originally gone to him for her first tattoo and they’d hit it off, the relationship fizzling out due to neither of them having the time to travel the near hour journey to see each other regularly. “Not half as much as I bet you do though, eh?”
“Likely not. She was the best.”
“She was, a bloody grand lass, so.”  
She continued to wince and grumble as the outline was added to, having her mind taken off it by gripping Chibs’ hand and receiving kisses from him. At doing so, once again he was the envy of all of the men within the shop, grinning to himself smugly. Sexy, heavenly body, utter badass, and she was all his. As for Abi, his affections took her mind away from feeling a little mournful over her sister, and the fact that her lower back was currently on fire.  
“I’ve a good plan to take your mind off it later,” he whispered, kissing the side of her neck. He was never really one for public displays of affection, but with her, he truly couldn’t help himself.  
“Oh? And what does this plan of yours entail?” she inquired, looking at him with a lower lip biting grin.  
“Letting you sit on my face until you forget how sore your tramp stamp is.”  
She narrowed her eyes immediately, but the grin that followed was that of megawatt magnitude. “The first part, I like. You continually referring to my lovely tattoo as a tramp stamp, not so much.”
“I’m paying for it; I get to call it whatever I like. Happy birthday, beautiful.” It had been her actual birthday two days previously, but Kevin only had space to tattoo her after the event. Besides, she wanted to get drunk off her face all day, and alcohol and tattooing didn’t mix, so there’d been that, too. And god, how drunk the SAMBEL lads had gotten her. As soon as she’d walked into the clubhouse with her friends in tow, the roar of ‘shots!’ had gone up like a siren.
“I could do with some of that right now.” she grumbled back in the present, shifting in order to get comfortable, placing her arm back in the sling to alleviate the pain in her broken clavicle. It always did hurt after her walking physio, having to take weight on her left arm to support herself as she walked, getting the muscles working around her new hip. At least it all wasn’t quite as painful as she remembered in the moments between her morphine dazes upon first waking after her accident. She thanked god that apparently, he was watching out for her.
Her healing was progressing just as it should have been, meaning that after a further twelve days in hospital, she was given the all clear to head home. Not that she particularly wanted to. Not without her boys.  
“I’ll be back to see you first thing in the morning. You get to meet your aunt Venus too, she’s going to bring me up here while daddy is working, yes, she is,” Abi pledged to her babies, stroking their hands lovingly. “I love you both so much. See you tomorrow.” It took her a few moments to compose her tears before she stood, aided by a crutch in one hand, holding onto Chib’s arm with the other. Walking was still painful, but not as bad as it had been, now three weeks on from the accident and subsequent replacement. She just had to be careful not to overdo things, since she still got out of breath fairly easily after the trauma she’d suffered to her lung.  
She could have killed for a cigarette, but didn’t think it wise beyond taking two puffs off the one Chibs lit once they got outside, with him eyeing her disapprovingly. “Don’t come crying to me when you cannae breathe right,” he warned, Abi tightening her jaw a little.  
“I think after everything I’ve been through, I can be forgiven for wanting a small hit of nicotine.”
He nodded. “Aye, I suppose you’re right.”
“I might need you to put that on a t shirt, since you so seldom concede,” she teased, walking steadily to her car.  
“Shut up, you wee shite.” She laughed, and it felt good, good to laugh and joke with him, to see him smile rather than look perpetually scared to death. Once he’d helped her into the car, he took her home, carrying her things in and then grabbing hold of two very excited dogs so they didn’t dive all over her as she carefully made her way inside. “Steady, lads, steady.” he told them, letting go of their collars once she was seated in the armchair, Ozzy and Jimi staying low, their entire bodies quivering with excitement that their mum had returned, receiving scratches and tummy rubs from her, Abi thrilled to see her again.  
Looking around, she was glad to be home, the sights and smells comforting to her. “Is that furniture polish I smell?”
“It is.”
“Oh. Venus came by and cleaned, then? She said she’d call in to make sure the house hadn’t reverted back to, and I quote, a bachelor pad comprised of dusty surfaces, overspilling ashtrays and the scent of ripe underpants.”
“She did, but I did the cleaning.”
“Pardon?” Her eyes widened so much, he couldn’t help but laugh softly.
“Just because I don’t like to, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to. I cleaned and did laundry, and Venus cooked enough food to feed a small army so you’d be all sorted and wouldn’t have to do anything other than take things out of the freezer or fridge. And she walked the dogs as well. That woman is an absolute diamond.”  
Abi smiled, certainly believing so. “Anyway, my love. I have to shoot off. Duty calls, but I’ll try not to be too late home. Love you.”
“Alright, don’t worry about me. I’ll just be sitting here having a 90’s film marathon. Love you too.” While she relaxed with her very happy dogs and the first of a long run of her favourite films, Chibs rode out with the rest of the club to meet with the remaining west coast based Russians, determined to get to the bottom of who the hit and run driver was.  
The bar they met at was seedy and stank of vodka and stale urine, a typical meeting place between men who most definitely fell upon the wrong side of the law. It was the kind establishment regular, law-abiding patrons eschewed by a very wide berth.  
“Gentlemen, welcome,” Leo Lenkov, the man who had ascended to power within the west coast fraction of the Russian mob spoke, gesturing to the red leather seating section he and his guys rested within. “Although, I am at a loss to understand the purpose of this meet. Your Mexican friends tied up any, ah, loose ends between us, shall we say.”  
He eyed them carefully from behind the thick framed glasses he wore, his turnout immaculate, smelling strongly of expensive cologne, his suit pressed crisply, the top buttons of his black shirt undone to reveal a similar tattoo to that of the man they were attempting to locate.  
“Except for the one that lead a Russian to attempt to murder my wife and unborn children,” Chibs spoke, his dark eyes practically boring into the back of Leo’s skull.  
“And you know this, how?” Clay took the image from his kutte, unfolding the paper and sliding it across the black, chipped lacquer table. Leo lifted it, studying it carefully. “Russian, he most definitely is, this is obvious. Alas, I do not know his identity. I know of course from his tattoos that he is indeed bratva, but not of my particular franchise.”
Chibs virtually snarled at his reply. “I’m calling bullshit on that.”  
Clay moved on instinct, halting the reach for his gun with a hand pressed to his arm. Leo remained passive, unmoved. “You can call it whatever you want, mister Sergeant at arms. No number of bullets will jog a memory that is simply non-existent. This was not a planned hit from my side. We did that already, of course, as you know. Your wife, I would likely assume, was a target on a personal vendetta basis, for nothing was sanctioned by me. This, I swear on the pride of my motherland. Also, a personal code of mine would forbid me from calling for the harming of children. Especially of the unborn kind. A man has to have his uncrossable line.”
He sank a shot of vodka, placing his glass down. “Does she have any links to my people, perhaps there is a hostility there which needs to be uncovered. Is she Russian herself, your wife?”
Chibs intrinsically knew when he was being lied to, knew the little tells to look out for, the plays, the gestures. Leo Lenkov did not display any of them. He was telling the truth, and from the looks of it, did actually want to offer assistance. “No, Irish. And yes, there’s a tentative link. She used to date a man you’ve likely heard of, Vladislav Morozov.” He was, of course, one of the men whom had died at the hands of the club in their retaliation against the Russians, on the night of Opie and Lyla’s wedding.  
Immediately, Leo’s eyebrows fluttered in recognition. “You are married to the gadyuka?”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Clay questioned, about as perplexed as everyone else not fluent in Russian.  
“Gadyuka is the Russian word for viper. Vlad spoke of her to me once, told me of the insane IRA arms dealer he had been with for around half a year. Her reputation precedes her. Gentleman, I would not personally go after a woman with that kind of propensity for blowing up those who anger her, for I am not a stupid man. Whomever did this, I would likely wager is either a stupid man, or a man hellbent on revenge for something she did to him, but I state once more, this did not come from me. Perhaps your net needs to be cast further afield. I am sorry I can be of no further assistance, and I do mean that. As far as I am concerned, we are even now.”
Clay looked to Chibs, who nodded, satisfied by what Leo had stated, but not why his wife had been targeted. He mulled it over as they left, suddenly stopping outside of the bar when it hit him, his eyes widening in realisation.  
Jax turned, pausing from placing his helmet on. “What is it, bro?”
“He’s fucking right, about it being personal.” How it hadn’t dawned on him until that moment, he didn’t know, but he could have fucking kicked himself. “Who was it that got us the information to begin with over where Jimmy was hiding out? Who reached out to her ex-boyfriend, a call that ultimately led to him ending up dead?”  
Jax closed his eyes momentarily. “Jesus fucking Christ.”  
“We need to start digging into Vladislav’s family.”
“And you need to get home to your wife, because that guy is still out there, and if he knows she ain’t dead...” Clay began, Chibs racing to his bike.  
“Shit!” Of course, there’d been no sniff of further retribution while she’d been at the hospital, the guys considering their debt paid in the harm that had befallen Abi. But now they knew differently, with the perpetrator still out there in the wild and Abi now released, anything was possible.  
“Hey, Chibs. Take this with you. For all we know, Abi is the best person to ask, if she met any of his family back while she was with him.” Taking the picture, he stuffed it into his kutte before departing at speed, Clay ordering Ratboy to follow him back and keep a lookout, sending Phil to the hospital to be stationed outside the NICU unit, just in case an attempt to harm the babies was made. Chibs must have broken every speed limit there was in racing home, his heart calming immediately at entering the house to the sounds of happy barks from his dogs and a content looking wife. Thank Christ.  
“You’re back much earlier than I expected,” she spoke, pausing the film, receiving a kiss from him happily.  
“We spoke to the Russians, and while we’re confident it didn’t come from their specific fraction of the bratva, it did throw up a line of thinking we hadn’t pursued,” he began, reaching into his kutte and unfolding the picture. “This is an image of the man who hit you. Do you recognise him at all?”
Taking the picture, Abi only needed to study it for a second, her body stiffening slightly. “Aye, I do. That’s Ivan Morozov, my ex-boyfriend Vlad’s elder brother.”  
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pine-arten · 11 months
I wonder , does Ruskat need any mobility aids? Or use any , for that matter
yes!! his cerebral palsy mostly effects his legs, making it difficult to walk. while he doesn't use his mobility aids as much when he's at like, home, he does outside of it
he most commonly uses arm crutches, as his disability doesn't effect his arms (meaning he can be strong with them). however he does have times where it does get bad, meaning it can hurt to just try and walk (even with the crutches). So he also has a wheelchair he can use for those times.
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here's him with his crutches. i don't have any drawings of his wheelchair, because wheelchairs are super hard to draw. just imagine it would be as decked out and cool looking.
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babsbadass · 4 months
I have been living with cerebral palsy since birth and can only get around with the help of crutches
This is a very important part of my life and dc comics took away from people like me One of the most prominent representatives of disabilities in comics, a woman who in many ways became an example for me
This suggests that people even in our time. People with disabilities are afraid and misunderstood
We don't need a miracle cure, we don't need a story about how a magic chip cured Barbara
We need this world to respect us and our rights and... So that he doesn't take away and not destroy the heroes who help us be strong
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