#certainly professor
sunwarmed-ash · 9 months
Sinful Sunday
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Silence isn’t Golden: Chapter 6
TW:s mentioned/implied sexual assault, needles, physiological torture, physical torture
Tags: Drarry, post HBP, first person pov, Sequel fic, sad Draco, tortured Draco, mute Draco, hedge witch Draco, post battle for hogwarts, world is anti death eaters, evil Snape,
Counting the seconds as the seemingly endless days pass in isolation and agony become comforting. It's the only reason I know how many days have passed. There are no windows in my cage. No clock. No art on the walls in the small room in front of me either. Absolutely nothing to look at or be stimulated by. Just three concrete pillars, an electrified glass wall, and my shattered psyche to keep me company in the darkness.
I don’t even have Harry’s hallucination relientely anymore. I’m facing black outs from hunger and dehydration more often than not and all of my brain's remaining computing power is going towards keeping me alive. Not happy. Or comforted.
It's day 17. It’s also coincidentally the first day the door to the upstairs opens again. It feels monunimental, if not fucking terrifying.
The man who comes down the stairs is not the man who purchased me. He’s younger, taller, and strikes a familiar chord in my brain though I can’t be sure of any facts any more. Maybe I’ve met him, maybe not.
“Oh how the mighty fall,” the man chuckles cruelly, eyeing the surely pathetic shell of my former self cowering on the cell floor. Whether or not I know him, he knows me, and I push myself further back in my cage. He continues his hateful monologue. “Though it does give me peace to see two Malfoy’s behind bars. Metaphorically in your case.” He takes as many steps forward as required to reach the glass. When his hand touches the wall, it doesn't electrocute him. “Can’t say I don’t love this. Seeing your posh ass so fucking destitute. I don’t even think your father would spit on you if he could see you now.”
The man cackles then, hard, like I was missing out on some part of the joke, before spitting a harsh truth I hoped I wouldn't have to face yet. “If he was still alive that is.”
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crispycreambacon · 5 months
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Profe-dino-ssor. Everyone clap.
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essektheylyss · 2 years
It remains so funny to me that Caleb's idea of 'settled' is definitely "stirring up revolutionary talk in the capital like a 19th century philosophy professor while his wanted criminal boyfriend shows up on his front porch once a week in the flimsiest disguise imaginable." Icon shit.
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kamwashere · 25 days
hey. watching x-men for the first time. (seen the first 2 in release order) and LOVING it so far but.
charles and erik fucked right?
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what they have going on is much, much worse (affectionate)
fucking would have probably solved it, but then again, it might also potentially make it so much worse
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short-wooloo · 2 months
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Well I said I wanted a Transformers story to do with Optimus and Megatron what Revenge of the Sith/Kenobi did with Obi-Wan and Anakin
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whirlybirbs · 28 days
Clapping my hands like a toddler after reading the Endeavor related ask, before I start I just wanna say I was kicking my feet when Derecho was going on about “my Toshinori” while staring at endeavor, these two lovesick losers are so fun to read about and their dynamic is so cute.
Back to my original question, we know Derecho is completely loyal to being by Toshinori’s side in his agency. However I wanna know if Toshinori knows that, like does he ever wonder if she’s gonna swap agencies or at least have that as an option for her. Especially with you mentioning how she paired really well with Endeavor, it got me thinkin.
"Don't freak out."
"You know," he starts slowly without looking up as he leans back against his desk. You nudge the door to his office closed with the back of your boot, "Leading with that doesn't exactly inspire confidence, Derecho."
Toshinori's looking over a handful of work-study applications. With the shuffle of each manilla folder, he's left feeling older and older. These kids are barely sixteen.
"Yea, well," you grumble, moving to cock a hip in front of him and offer your phone his way, "I said what I said."
Toshinori squints. First at you, then at the email pulled up on screen.
Then, his lip twitches.
← from: [email protected] subject: Agency Position Opening I'm reaching out to inquire about your current agency affiliation. My agency is willing to negotiate salary, as well as offer a comprehensive benefits package. You'd be a valuable asset to our agency. Please let us know your decision at your earlier convenience. — Enji
"You've gotta be kidding—"
"I told you not to freak out," you remind him, paying close attention to the way he abandons the work-study applications in favor of hunching over your phone in his hands. Toshi's blue eyes flick across the screen rapidly. He's re-reading it, over and over.
"He's got some nerve—"
"Take a breath, Tosh'," you roll your eyes, "I already replied."
His face falls. He tries not to look utterly terrified.
"...What did you say?"
You snatch your phone, click the reply, and hand it back over.
→ to: [email protected] subject: RE: Agency Position Opening get bent. d.
All Might's laugh can be heard from down the hall.
— a reference to this fic here ;
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Vic Chaos, bringer of destruction and doom, compulsively obsessed with making money and morally corrupt clinically insane man who destroys hundreds of people’s lives within the blink of an eye, started and funded Dr. McCormick’s career. That’s some YA “would burn down the world to make his girl smile” villain shit
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As grim as it sounds, the way Mario and Luigi look at each other when the former holds out his hand to the latter feels like them both wordlessly accepting their fate if they don't lunge for the star in time: if they're gonna get engulfed in flames, then at least they're gonna die together (kinda like the incinerator scene from Toy Story 3 but if it was a millisecond long)
Just 👏 like 👏 the 👏 incinerator 👏 scene 👏 from 👏 TS3.
For real tho, that whole little scene before their star power-up says so much about these two and their deep bond.
For a split second, Mario thought he was a absolute goner until Luigi managed to step in with a freaking manhole cover and stop the blast,
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and he looks so shocked and in awe that his little brother, his shy and timid brother who had flinched in fear at a crumbled up piece of paper being thrown at him earlier in the film, was now holding back a blast of fire with something heavy and twice his size in order to protect him.
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(And mind you, even though he's wearing gloves, Bowser's fire is basically like dragon fire and the heat was probably starting to burn through the fabric and parts of his skin too since he had his face pressed up against it as well, but he still held strong against it even when the metal was starting to melt)
And as Luigi looks back at him, almost as if he's reading Mario's mind as to why he was crazy enough to do something like this, he merely answers, "Nothing can hurt us, as long as we're together".
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The same exact words his brother said to him as an ease of comfort mere moments before they got separated within the tubes and was now using it again in the same manner in this moment of peril.
Knowing that whatever is going to happen, Mario accepts the fact that he isn't going to face it alone and reaches out his hand, full of determination and ready to face it head-on with him as the cover starts to give way.
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And with that, Luigi takes his hand, masking the same look and full of courage before they take off towards the star before the flames surround them both.
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Just like they both said, nothing can hurt them, as long as they're together .
Goddamn, I just....I can not get over this whole little scene, you guys. It speaks just wonders for the both of them.
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isdalinarhot · 8 months
me signing up for my science fiction and fantasy class last fall: lmaooo imagine if i got to write an essay about my cosmere hot takes for this class. of course this could never happen because the cosmere is Books For Reading For Fun and not Books For Reading For School
the syllabus: during week 10 we will be reading hugo award winning novella The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson
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descalled · 1 year
for anyone who has been yearning for an actual reference for Descole's sword like I have:
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spittyfishy · 8 months
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
How long have you been writing fics?
A long time now, though it doesn't feel like it!
I think the first fanfiction I ever attempted to write and still lives in the WIP graveyard on my phone and Docs was a Max\Jude fan fiction from across the universe 👀 that was maybe 2011?
The first piece I ever got the balls to actually post was Certainly professor in 2013, a Drarry mini love story that launched into something completely different by the sequel 🤣. Those two are also the only fics of mine written in first person POV
So 10+ years at least!
I know you didnt ask but I think the first fanfic I ever read was Panic at the disco fan fiction on adult fan fiction . com and I'll tell ya, that shit CHANGED ME as a person
Bless The bandom 👏🤘🔥🏳️‍🌈
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
Thinking about how the retcon of Membrane having robot arms and the way he responds to a cry for help from his child with "Wishing isn't very scientific, son" mirrors Zim having a "cold, unfeeling robot arm" as the closest thing to a parent.
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ijustlikebooksalot · 2 years
Me, after listening to that Hippo song:
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shhh-secret-time · 6 months
Baby please, I am begging you to get out of the tags!! You can't keep those headcanons there! Because when I read that Butters is the museum owner in your Au I squealed so loudly!! He would be so cute! Getting all stary eyed everytime you bring something in??? AHHHH! 💖💖💖💖
Yes!! He starts off just so sad that the museum doesn't have anything. Constantly cleaning the display cases even though there's nothing in there.
But the farmer (you), come around with the little trinkets you find at the mines. Digging things up or finding them while fishing. And like you said he just gets these stars in his eye. (Yeah he still lost the other one)
Goes on for hours if you'll let him! Speculating the history behind the dwarven artifacts. He polishes those gems with such care! Butters is the happiest he's ever been since leaving the big city.
I think Kenny and him decided to just runaway one day. They grabbed Karen and moved out to the valley!
(That way if you ship Bunny it works, and if you don't it's just two besties supporting each other.)
As you start bringing in more things he starts looking over at the front door more. He perks up expecting you to come in covered in dirt, but he thinks it gives you a certain charm. He can smell the earth on you and immediately associates you with a flower of some kind. He'll change the flower pinned to his shirt to whatever that flower is. Got red hair? He's got tulips. The prettiest blue eyes ever?! Hydrangeas put carefully next to his heart. Oh you think your brown eyes are boring? How dare you, they're patches of soil that help support life!
Dude practically has hearts fluttering around his head when he sees you. Lips quivered into a smile, trying not to giggle just because he's nervous.
I swear his one heart event would be him crafting you something. He works with Scott to build a display case for it and sends it to you. It's not so big that it won't fit in the mailbox, maybe like a little box. It'll be something that doesn't belong in a museum but maybe one day it'll be in the house you share.
I'm working on Stan's sheet right while I'm at work! I'm writing up heart events like he's gonna be in the game ☠️
Tag List: @hunnysnoops @apple-butter-tea
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demonicseries · 11 months
in my personal headcanon, before being taken to the tva, mobius was a mathematician who specialized in chaos theory. That's why he studies Lokis at the tva, and has the name mobius (named after the 1800's mathematician August Mobius who invented the mobius strip. He worked in analytic geometry and topology AKA analyzing multiple dimensions including time. This represents his new job here, since he is studying "chaos" from his new identity of a time analyst.)
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