akutagawa-daily · 3 months
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Akutagawa daily 1047/★
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kookoofufu · 11 months
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I follow @beanghostprincess who posts about sanuso all the time, which gave me the idea of going through the color spreads to collect all the moments where the boys are together as a fun little project. This led to me finding a HUGE collection of art from the color walks I'd never seen before, so this little project became an hours-long rabbit hole, and I found some extra sanuso on the way. So uhhh here, hope someone enjoys :)
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larkreadsop · 2 years
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Momo having this little flashback to his mother asking him to go to the future and him reacting the same way by saying he can’t do it being the motivation he needs to keep trying I think works here because it’s very...like he knows the stakes, obviously, but he’s still a kid and ‘I’m doing this to make my mom proud’ is much easier for an eight-year-old to justify than ‘I’m doing this to save an entire country.’
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alexblakeisgay · 1 year
Between the Blues and the Pinks (Ch. 9)
Ship: Alex Blake/Emily Prentiss
Summary: The Baby Blues: The temporary feelings of sadness following having a baby. Also known as Postpartum Depression. The Baby Pinks: The mild mania experienced following having a baby. Also known as Postpartum Euphoria.
Warnings: Mental health issues, postpartum mood disorders.
Word Count: 1047
"I'm really sorry," Emily murmured, crawling into bed with Alex the next night. "I feel really awful about what I said and I can't stand having you mad at me..."
Alex set aside her book to look at Emily over the rims of her glasses. "So, my concerns over Lindy's health aren't pissing you off?" she asked pointedly. Her stare may have kowtowed weaker people, but Emily was long since used to her wife's bitter anger on the rare occasion when she was the unfortunate victim of it.
Emily sighed softly. She knew Alex wasn't wrong to be upset, but that didn't mean she was glad to experience said upset. "I said that in the heat of the moment and I truly regret that I did – it was more out of misplaced anxiety than any actual anger at you."
She nodded as if she'd expected as much. "Well, I forgive you," she said primly, setting the book in her lap and resting her hands on it. "But you can't just belittle my feelings like that – it's not easy dealing with all these hormones and emotional changes and..." She trailed off, shaking her head.
Emily moved to straddle Alex's lap, cupping her cheeks and forcing her to meet her gaze. "Alex, I need you to know that I am so amazed by how strong you are. I know it's been rough on you lately and I'm sorry I haven't been more supportive. I'll do better because I absolutely cannot stand it when you're angry with me."
For a few moments, Alex stared into her eyes with unreadable emotion behind her gaze. But only briefly before they flickered to life with levity. She leaned in to kiss her, softly at first, then with hunger.
With a soft little whimper, Emily wrapped an arm around Alex's neck, fingers tangling in her hair. Between kisses, she managed to utter, "Someone's feeling frisky..."
Alex hummed in agreement, pulled back to fix Emily with a raised brow. "Is that a problem?" she asked playfully, a little smirk playing about her lips.
"Of course not," she was quick to insist, letting her lips wander along her throat to nip at her collarbone. "It's just...been awhile since we've done this..." she added, lips brushing the skin of Alex's clavicle.
"Well, I want to do it now," she husked, tilting her head to give her better access.
Emily seemed about to question further, but Alex didn't give her the chance, flipping them over so she could hover over her, her hand slipping past the hem of Emily's nightgown in search of her clit.
Before they could get very far along, though, the baby monitor crackled to life with Lindy's cry. Emily groaned audibly, her body going slack as her arousal quickly ebbed. "Fuck..." she said under her breath, then sighed. "I'll get her," she said louder.
"Are you sure?" Alex asked, rolling off her, "Because I could..."
She stood, pulling on her robe. "I'll be fine. You stay here and stay horny..." she said with a wink.
When she returned, Alex was eager to know why Lindy had woken. "Is she okay?" she asked, rather anxiously.
"Fine," Emily assured her, "She was just a little hungry." She knelt on the bed, once again capturing Alex's lips, eager to pick up where they'd left off. "We're out of bottles, by the way," she added between kisses.
"Then what did you feed her?"
Emily pulled back to give her a look that seemed to wonder why they were still talking about it instead of having sex. "Formula."
In the next moment, Alex had pushed Emily away with an exclamation of, "You didn't!" She was scrambling out of bed and grabbing her robe before Emily could protest. "Emily!"
"What?" Emily wanted to know, genuinely mystified as to what it was that she'd done wrong. "I know we agreed to primarily breastfeed, but we said occasionally formula was..." She was forced to get out of bed to follow Alex as she headed to the nursery where she found her feeling for a pulse on Lindy's arm, checking her breathing. "Alex, what is going on?"
Without words, Alex proceeded to move through the house to the pantry, inspecting the cans of formula. "I threw these out!" she said, turning to Emily with an accusatory glare. She brandished the can at her like it were incriminating evidence of some heinous crime she'd committed.
"Alex, formula is like a dollar an ounce! We can't just throw it away," she protested. "We won't use it all the time and whatever we don't use, we can donate. It's fine."
"It's not fine!" Alex snapped, slamming the canister in her hand down on the counter. "This poison is going to kill our daughter!"
What followed was several long moments of bowstring taut silence.
Emily's mouth opened, closed, uselessly several times. "Are... Are you...suggesting I'm poisoning our daughter?"
"No! But someone is."
"Alex, I love you, but do you hear yourself? How would someone even do that?" Emily asked, trying to keep her voice level and calm.
She shook her head urgently. "You do not get to call me crazy. You and I both know formula poisoning has happened before..." She let out a shuddering breath, clearly struggling to hold back tears.
"Al, I know," she murmured, reaching for her hands and squeezing them tight. "But those cases were all for a specific motive – what would be the point in poisoning just Lindy?"
"I don't know!" Alex said on a sob. "I have no idea, okay? But someone is!" Her breath came in shudders and gasps, tears spilling down her face. "I need you to believe me right now! As my wife, I need you to be on my side!"
Emily cupped her cheek, breathing slowly so Alex would mimic her, calming her down. "Okay, Al. I believe you." She smiled softly, waiting for her wife to mirror the expression and hoping like hell it looked so much more comforting than it felt.
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one-piecee · 2 years
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From the new chapter - One Piece chapter 1047.
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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lovingalways37 · 2 years
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- One Piece Chapter 1047
Colourspread by Oda Eiichiro
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ninhaoma-ya · 2 years
Chapter 1047 — The skies above the capital
Nearing the end of the fight, which is nice.
I also appreciate the nods to Momo’s growth as a future leader. Although we’ve seen him act as the eight-year old boy he is, he has also grown so much.
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Yes, he is still a kid. And kids are selfish. They want their mum and little sister to come with them.
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But that step away? That shuddering determination as he steps away from his mother/childhood and towards his retainers/future? That half-shaded panel where he moves from memory to present?
Something is also wonderfully wrong with Toki’s hand in the lower right corner. Can’t really parse the perspective.
And favourite page of the chapter:
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Love the way Kaido is, like Luffy, also a proficient at using the other dude’s powers against him. See how he smashes Luffy into the rubber ground! See how he uses the upstroke to get in a perfect hit! See the futility of Luffy’s tiny totty arms against his BIG BAD CLUB! And of course the confirmation that Roger didn’t have any fruit powers, just ridiculous amounts of haki.
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No idea what happens here. It looks like Luffy should be slashed to pieces; I’ll chalk it up to rushes drawing and/or bad perspective.
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We always return to the smiles. The forced mirth of the SMILE-fruit, Luffy’s eternal sunshine, the laugh at the end of the line. And here people are laughing and smiling because they know that although they may die, they die for a better future; they die for their families, fighting an invading horde.
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The dramatic art style used on Orochi is cool. Oda’s inability to give women agency, not cool.
If Hiyori doesn’t defeat him, but someone else suddenly appears (like Sanji who conveniently woke up or Denjiro who’s been missing for a long time), I will be cross. Not surprised, because Oda and female fighters hasn’t had a good run so far, but still very cross.
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The perspective here is really cool! Kaido, in the lower third of the panel, looks tiny and insignificant against the Hand of God that bears down on him from the heavens. Now with HAKI(TM) as he himself pointed out earlier in the chapter. Luffy does listen! Not often, but sometimes!
And speaking of, Luffy is still keeping his grip on Kaido, stretched from heaven to hell.
All right chapter, although the fight could end about now. I give it the Hand of God and the smile of Kaido.
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l000sunny · 2 years
Gomu Gomu No Lightning !
Animation by Kieferca on instagram
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larkreadsop · 2 years
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Franky’s just having fun riding on Momo there in the back
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tarnishedxknight · 2 years
{out of dalmasca} I realize that I have never explained why I prefer Basch with long hair and why I’ve always imagined him keeping longer hair despite his drastic and messy hack in the canon game. I do think it looks better aesthetically speaking, but that’s not the main reason why. A bit of a rant about hair below, haha. Enjoy. XD
We’re all familiar (those of us in the fandom, of course) with his canon game hair, atrociously cut, perma-stiff, barely moving with the wind except somehow often oddly indoors???, and quite honestly apparently hairsprayed? Does hairspray even exist in Ivalice? Because if not, his hair isn’t just a crime against nature and fashion, but also in defiance of the laws of physics. Yes, we know it, we love hate it, it has been the subject of many a joke and meme, I present to you... TheBasch™:
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*sigh* Sweetheart, what even do you call that? Aesthetically, it’s an absolute abomination. In my head, Basch has semi-normal, average medieval fantasy man hair, one of many reasons I use CH in T:TDW as his live action FC:
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So this is around the length I imagine him with and that’s his usual hairstyle, maybe minus the braids, but yeah. Half-ponytail, tied in the back with a leather strip, and yes, messy with strands hanging down. All dungeon imprisonment and sweaty adventuring aside, assuming he has access to proper bathing facilities, Basch keeps himself and his hair very clean. He’s just... a clean guy, when he can help it. So his hair is clean and all that, but... messily styled. Because there is no style. He puts it back in a half-ponytail without the use of a mirror, and just... that’s how it is. He doesn’t take it down again until he retires to bed, and he doesn’t do too much about strands that don’t make it into the ponytail. I’ll come back to that later.
Although this is 1047% better aesthetically speaking, the reason I imagine him with this hair is actually to do with his mental health. First, I will clarify that I imagine him with this length of hair and general style post-Nalbina-dungeon. Before that, I hate it, but I accept his canon hair. But after he’s busted out of the dungeon, the game chooses to have him almost immediately hack off the two years’ worth of hair growth (which honestly to me looked like way more than would grow in two years) to reset him back to his canon terrible hair. I... kindof reject that, and I say he keeps the long hair.
The reason for this is kindof nebulous in that I don’t have a clearly definable reason why, but I do have an explanation. It’s a coping mechanism for him. A security blanket, if you will. A way of protecting himself mentally. How does one do that with hair, you ask? Well first of all, it isn’t deliberate. He doesn’t even realize that that’s why he’s keeping his hair long. It’s just that he feels calmer, more grounded, and strangely enough, safer with the feeling of having long hair around him. Like... around his shoulders and framing his face. That’s why he doesn’t overly pay attention to the loose strands that don’t make it into the ponytail. Leaving it completely down would be a problem during combat, because it would constantly be getting in his face, so the half-ponytail fixes that, but the loose strands against and around his face still give him that feeling of mental security. They don’t obstruct his vision enough to be a problem, but they do the trick well enough with regard to his mental health.
Again, I don’t have a reason for him wanting to do this, and if he was asked, he would probably not be able to give much of a response. He doesn’t know. It’s a subconscious feeling of comfort that he gets from the feeling of his hair around him. It makes him feel more closed off, I guess? Not in a bad way, but just... the world seems a bit smaller and more under control with that feeling of something draping around his shoulders. I know it makes no sense at all, but this is actually something that people in real life sometimes experience when they’ve had a lot of trauma. It’s almost in the same vein as wearing oversized, baggy clothing or maybe something with a hood. That’s another type of just... draping yourself in something to kindof put this buffer between yourself and the world. Of course neither oversized clothing nor long hair really protects you from anything, but like I said, it’s an issue of mental security, a coping mechanism.
Since the majority of writing I do for Basch takes place after his stint at Nalbina, he’s got the longer hair. It’s a trauma response from what he experienced in the dungeon. Regardless of what he tries to tell people or deny to himself, that imprisonment changed him and left him with both physical and mental scars. He’s managed to repress a lot of it and he hides the effects of it from most people, but his long hair is a side-effect of that trauma and he doesn’t even realize it. I headcanon that he’s got a little bit of a fuller beard post-Nalbina too. It’s his armor against the world, in a mental health sense.
And there you have it, folks. More than you ever wanted to know about Basch’s hair. XD
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dcmkscreenshots · 4 years
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I would feel at ease surrounded by them too! :) 
(Ch. 1047-1050: Sisters’ Birthday Party Murder Case)
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wheresyumeno · 5 years
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Last seen: Vol. 8 ch. 31 (released around 4th September 2015 in Japan) or Second season, episode 9 (released 30th November 2016 in Japan)
It has been 1047 days.
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crowkingwrites · 6 years
Worlds Apart (Ch.2)
Pairing: Ramsay Bolton X Reader
Summary:  You were born in a world filled with magic. He was not. You were born with two parents who loved you. He was not. Now, he attends the same school as you and wants everything you have–including your life.
As the daughter of Jack frost and Queen Elsa, you know to be afraid of magic. As the son of Pitch black, Ramsay knows everyone should be afraid of him.
Words: 1047 // Ao3 Link //Game of Thrones Masterlist // Chapter One
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You looked around at your nearly empty room. Things were packed away in trunks and your furniture had been covered with white sheets. It made your eyebrows knit together in concern. You bit your thumbnail over and over.
“Y/N,” you heard your father behind you. The white hairs on the back of your neck stood straight up.
“Whoa now. Didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart,” King Consort Jack aged slowly, if even at all. He looked more like your older brother than he did your father. He didn’t don any king’s wear in private. Just a casual blue sweater and pants. He lowered his hands from surrender and stuffed them back into his pants.
“I’m sorry. I’m—
“Nervous. I know,” Jack’s smirk turned into a firm line. “I am too.”
“You are?” You bit your lip down. You knew it. You were going to disappoint your parents at this school.
“Yes,” Jack admitted. “Your mother and I don’t necessarily agree with other noble children’s parents.”
“Is that why I haven’t met any other nobles outside of our family?” Your father looked you up and down. Yesterday, you were nothing but a wild, white-haired toddler running about Arendelle. Now, you were a teenage girl. Your white hair was neatly braided just like your mother’s. Your navy blue dress was a gift from your dear aunt Anna. You were all grown up in a snap. Jack couldn’t believe where the time had gone.
“Yes. We wanted to protect you from them.” Your father started to pace your room. His voice turned cold. “We don’t share the same ideals. Or morals. I’m nervous that we sheltered you too much. You’ll be in the company of some noble people I hate.”
“Why send me then?”
“Your mother was forced to. We. We were forced to,” Jack leaned against the window, looking outdoors. Your trunks were being loaded into a carriage. “Your aunt, Rapunzel, informed us that Queen Belle expected to see you there this year. We wanted to homeschool you, but she had a point.”
“And the point was?”
“We can’t shelter you like this forever. Your aunt should know more about that than I do.” “What about mom? Wasn’t she locked away too? Confined in her room for years?”
“Yes, but Rapunzel was taken. She was forced. She didn’t know any better. Now that Rapunzel has learned of the world and the people, she wishes for you to see the world and experience it. I didn’t like it, but she was right.”
“And if I hate Auradon Prep?”
“You won’t.”
“But what if I do?”
“Then you can run away to your aunt’s home. Rapunzel would be more than happy to have you.”
“I can’t come back?” you choked back a sob and bit your lip.
“It’s time for you to go into the world. You can’t stay here forever and you know that.” Your father wrapped his arms around you tight. Your buried yourself in his chest. One of the safest places in the world. It didn’t feel good. None of this felt good. Jack continued. “You’ll be surrounded by your cousins. You’ll have so many books and classes that you won’t even be homesick. You’re going to make me proud.”
The next afternoon you watched Corona come into view. While you were used to seeing snow and ice cover the grounds, you watched your carriage go over street bumps while inhabitants sold wares on the streets. Each one was happy and friendly just like home, but they enjoyed the warm sun. Green hills are rich soil covered most of the mountain and then you arrived at the palace steps. Your cousin, Fredrick, was there to greet you on the steps.
He took mostly after his father, Eugene. His dashing brown hair and smolder got him the attention of many, many girls. He was a bit of a flirt and very popular among other nobles. He flourished in social circles, but he preffered certain company. Fredrick claimed you as his favorite cousin
“Y/N!” he gleefully shouted, running down the steps to you. You jumped out of your carriage and into your cousin’s arms. His strength showed in how tight he hugged you.
“Freddy!” you hugged him back. He set you down and took your arm.
“I’m so happy you’re here! Ugh, Auradon Prep needs more people like you. I’m so excited that all of us get to leave in a week! Together as a family!”
“All of us?” you questioned. Then you remembered. Your other cousins. Anna’s twins. Navi and Link. The whole family was here to leave for Auradon Prep with you. Maybe you were overthinking everything. You saw the twins running at you from a distance. Boarding school wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Ramsay Bolton held the invitation in his hands. The envelope’s broken seal was the royal rose. It was thick and held a potentially big change in his future.
“The experiment with the four children was successful,” Pitch Black spoke from his chair. “They have invited all of the children from this Isle to be educated with the rest.”
“And what if I don’t want to go?” Ramsay spat.
“Oh, you’re going. You should be more grateful,” Pitch stood up. “Some boys wait eleven years locked in a cupboard to have a chance to go away to a school like this.” Ramsay rolled his eyes.
“And learn magic from those who took it from us?”
“You’ll be learning how to defeat them. Do you think the other children are wasting their time?”
“I know some of them turned good,” Ramsay chuckled. “They’re pathetic.”
“You’re not like them. You know what’s important to you. You’re going to Auradon Prep to learn everything you can. We’re going to destroy all of them.”
“There are others. Other nobles here who understand and are taking advantage of this opportunity. We’ve formed an alliance. You leave in a week. Prepare yourself, my son.” Ramsay left his father’s company and let his fingers run across the walls of his father’s palace. A darkness left his fingers like smoke. There were awful children on this Island. Ramsay smirked at the idea of his new friends destroying every happiness that the good children ever had.
A new nightmare was coming.
Ultimate Tag List (People who wished to be tagged in EVERY work I post.)
@angelicshinigami @sugarwastaken @carilov09 @i-theredqueen@sleepylunarwolf  @loki-0fasgard@ravenqueenbr
Ramsay Tag List (People who wish to be tagged in everything Ramsay Bolton related)
@boltonblade  @why-so-red @sj-thefan@sunshinesydney@drunkenpoets@antiscocialfanwarrior@fnnexua @parkerplexed @fraueninflammen
If you wish to be added, removed, or switched from any taglists, only ask friend!
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thecdtales · 2 years
Uncle's Bride |CH.09|
Uncle’s Bride |CH.09|
SYNOPSIS Kevin’s parents are away for half a year. So he has to stay at his uncle’s place. But he doesn’t know what awaits him in his uncle’s house. CHAPTER |09| THIS STORY IS SUITABLE FOR READERS OF ANY AGE GROUP. ENJOY YOUR HASSLE-FREE READING ! C A T E G O R Y Non-IndianForcedNovelette 1047 Words Read It Here. For inline asset(s) related issues, refer Credits page for more…
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ramshariraut · 3 years
Global Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics  Market: Analyse umfangreicher Finanzstandards, Indikatoren und Umsatzprognose 2021-2028
<strong>Marktübersicht</strong> Der Bericht führt eine eingehende Untersuchung der auf dem Markt tätigen Fahrer und Beschränkungen durch. Der Bericht bewertet auch die auf dem Muttermarkt beobachteten Trends zusammen mit den makroökonomischen Indikatoren, den vorherrschenden Faktoren und der Marktattraktivität nach verschiedenen Segmenten. Der Bericht schätzt auch die Auswirkungen verschiedener industrieller Seiten auf die Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics  Marktbereiche und Regionen. Die Studie unterteilt den Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics -Markt auch auf der Grundlage von Endbenutzer, Produkttyp, Anwendung und Demografie für den Prognosezeitraum 2021–2028. Anschauliche Analysen kritischer Seiten wie resultierender Faktoren und Wettbewerbslandschaft werden mit Hilfe von aussagekräftigen Ressourcen wie Diagrammen, Tabellen, Grafiken vermittelt. Die Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics -Marktstudie ist eine Recherche und eingehende Analyse der Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics -Branche mit Fokus auf die internationale Marktsituation. Der Bericht soll einen Überblick über den globalen Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics -Markt mit detaillierter Marktaufteilung nach Produktanwendung und Geografie geben.
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/reports/bio-pharmaceutical-logistics-market/sample-request-67647>Request For View Sample Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics  Market Report </a></strong>
<strong>Methodik</strong> Beim primären Forschungsansatz werden sowohl die Angebots- als auch die Nachfrageseite befragt, um die genauesten Informationen für den Bericht zu erhalten. Zu den Hauptquellen auf der Angebotsseite gehören Produkte, Meinungsführer, Forschungseinrichtungen, Distributoren, Händler und Händler usw. Auf der Nachfrageseite gehören Branchenexperten wie Unternehmensleiter, Marketingleiter, Technologie- und Innovationsexperten, Supply Chain Executive, End -Benutzer und verschiedene miteinander verbundene Führungskräfte aus verschiedenen bekannten Organisationen, die auf dem Weltmarkt tätig sind. Der Sekundärforschungsansatz beinhaltet die Nutzung verschiedener Sekundärquellen wie Pressemitteilungen, Geschäftsberichte, Regierungsbehörden, Unternehmensabteilungen, Handelswirtschaften usw. Dieser Ansatz wird verwendet, um Informationen für technische, marktorientierte und kaufmännische Unternehmen zu identifizieren und zu sammeln Aspekte des Marktes. Alle in dieser Forschungsstudie enthaltenen potenziellen Faktoren, die die Märkte beeinflussen, werden bewertet, ausgearbeitet und durch Voruntersuchungen untersucht und analysiert, um quantitative und qualitative Daten zu erhalten.
<strong>Berichtszusammenfassung</strong> Regelmäßige Berichte sind heute die wichtigste Art von Dokumenten in der Organisation, in denen verschiedene Elemente im Zusammenhang mit der Organisation gründlich studiert und überprüft werden und verschiedene Geschäftsprotokolle angewendet werden, um viele nützliche Vorschläge und Lösungen zur Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung des Unternehmens zu entwickeln . Der von uns erstellte Bericht dient als Medium zum Verständnis wichtiger Geschäftsumstände auf industrieller Ebene. Es wird mit vielen visuellen und grafischen Werkzeugen erstellt, die die verborgensten Einblicke in die Fakten und Zahlen bieten. Das Hauptziel eines von uns erstellten Berichts besteht darin, Wachstumschancen zu identifizieren, um dem Unternehmen zu helfen, einen Marktführer vor den Wettbewerbern auf dem Markt aufzubauen.
<strong>Marktsegmentierung</strong> Die Recherche wird Ihnen helfen, die wichtigsten Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics  Marktmerkmale kennenzulernen, wie Produktionsbereiche, Produktspezifikationen und Anwendungen, Herstellung, Preisgestaltung, Preis, Bruttomarge, Produkt-/Geschäftsportfolio, Marktposition, finanzielle Leistung, geografischer Anteil, Einkommen, SWOT Analyse und Schlüsseldarstellungen. Die Recherche wird mit der richtigen Marktsegmentierung viel einfacher und anschaulicher. Die Studie liefert eine detaillierte Segmentierung des globalen Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics -Marktes basierend auf Umsatz, Umsatz, Wachstumsrate und Marktanteil jedes Segments. Die untersuchten Hauptsegmente sind Programm, Endbenutzer und Region. Die in der Studie gezeigten Datentabellen und zugehörigen Diagramme machen die Übersicht leicht verständlich. Die Analyse diskutiert marktbeeinflussende Punkte, die Entwicklungsprozesse und -methoden, Wachstumsnetzwerke und das Produktmodell umfassen.
<strong>Globaler Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics -Markt nach Produkttyp und nach Anwendungen:</strong>
By Application ( Ground Shipping, Sea Shipping, Air Shipping,)
By Type ( Cold Chain Logistics, Non-cold Chain Logistics,)
<strong>Top gelistete Unternehmen:</strong> Deutsche Post DHL,<br> Kuehne + Nagel,<br> FedEx,<br> AmerisourceBergen,<br> UPS (Marken),<br> DB Schenker,<br> XPO Logistics,<br> Panalpina,<br> Nippon Express,<br> GEODIS,<br> VersaCold,<br> Agility,<br> DSV,<br> Sinotrans,<br> Kerry Logistics,<br> SF Express,<br> CEVA,<br> CH Robinson,<br> Air Canada Cargo,<br>
<strong>Gründe, diesen Bericht zu kaufen:</strong> Der Bericht enthält eine statistische Analyse einiger kritischer finanzieller Fakten. Diverse Informationen im Bericht wurden in Zahlen, Übersichten, Diagrammen und Bildern dargestellt, um den Markt unverwechselbar abzubilden. Der Bericht schätzt die Trends 2021-2028 mit Hilfe der jüngsten Trends und der SWOT-Analyse. Der Bericht enthält ein Szenario der Marktdynamik sowie die Wachstumschancen des Marktes in den kommenden Jahren.
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/checkout/?currency=USD&type=single_user_license&report_id=67647>Do Inquiry Before Purchasing Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics  Market  Report</a></strong>
<strong>Die Forschung liefert Antworten auf die folgenden zentralen Fragen</strong> Was sind die größten Bedrohungen und Herausforderungen, die das Wachstum des Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics -Marktes voraussichtlich behindern werden? Auf welche großen Chancen können sich die Marktführer verlassen, um Erfolg und Profitabilität zu erzielen? Wie groß werden der Markt und die Wachstumsrate im Jahr 2028 sein? Was sind die Schlüsselfaktoren für den globalen Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics -Markt? Was sind die wichtigsten Markttrends, die das Wachstum des Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics -Marktes beeinflussen?
<strong>Regionale Analyse</strong> Der Umfragebericht dient als Indikator für die Möglichkeiten der Markterschließung in den verschiedenen Regionen der Welt. Zu diesen Regionen gehören Nordamerika, Europa, Lateinamerika, asiatisch-pazifische Nationen, Indien und China, Australien usw. In Ländern wie China, Indien und anderen asiatisch-pazifischen Ländern werden viele Entwicklungsaktivitäten durchgeführt, die nach oben bringen werden Trends im Geschäftswachstum in diesen Regionen. Der Marktforschungsbericht wurde anhand verschiedener praktischer Fallstudien aus der ganzen Welt von verschiedenen Branchenexperten und politischen Entscheidungsträgern unter die Lupe genommen. Steigende Zinsen, Zahlungsausweitung, Innovation und revolutionäre Ideen werden den Markt maßgeblich entwickeln.
<strong>Anpassung des Berichts:</strong> Der subjektive Bericht liefert maßgeschneiderte Daten zu einem vernünftigen Preis. Es hilft, qualitative und quantitative Daten mit verschiedenen Methoden zu erhalten, um einen genaueren Bericht zu erstellen. Der gelieferte Bericht ist gut beschrieben, illustriert und präzise.
<strong>Leistungen:</strong> 1. Zwei Unternehmen können nach Ihrer Wahl hinzufügen. 2. Gut illustrierter Bericht. 3. Rabattangebot. 4. Excel-Datenblatt. 5. Wir haben Dienstleistungen in verschiedenen Ländern.
<strong>Dienstleistungen:</strong> 1. Aktualisierter Jahresbericht. 2. Zusammenfassung des Marktes wird bereitgestellt. 3. Jederzeit Hilfe. 4. Bereit, Ihre Fragen zu beantworten. 5. Expertenrat.
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/bio-pharmaceutical-logistics-market>Full Report Summary of Bio-Pharmaceutical Logistics  Market </a></strong>
<strong>Über Statistify Market Research</strong> Statistify Market Research ist eines der führenden Unternehmensforschungs- und Beratungsunternehmen, das Kunden hilft, neue und aufkommende Chancen und Umsatzbereiche zu erschließen und sie so bei der operativen und strategischen Entscheidungsfindung zu unterstützen. Wir von Statistify Market Research glauben, dass der Markt ein kleiner Ort und eine Schnittstelle zwischen Anbieter und Verbraucher ist, daher liegt unser Fokus weiterhin hauptsächlich auf der Unternehmensforschung, die die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette und nicht nur die Märkte umfasst.
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