#chaddi buddy
siya-sayani · 5 months
Okk so this is for my chaddi buddy @sauravisnotokk I made an appreciation post for everyone but forgot (aalas aara tha) the man who mattered... Lo & behold the man who poked me and annoyed me everyday to get back on Tumblr kyuki wo bore hora tha 😌😌 ( kutta kameena) lol jk.
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💕 my dramatic orange cat with black kitty vibes💕
To the people who always accuse this man of being dramatic or not being expressive...
Lemme tell u smt, he feels the most amongst us. He remembers every interaction and holds them close to his heart. And men like him get hurt often, so he just tries to protect himself from the pain, thus the non expressive part .
I cherish your presence a lot 💕 and no matter what people say or do.. I'll forever remember you . I'm glad we met 😊
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blurglesmurfklaine · 3 months
i made a 911 discord server bc i am the way i am. Please join so i can scream about the weewoo show!!
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manincaffeine · 1 year
Zaeden's song is fantastic, bro! Thank you for sharing this beautiful song. Sometimes I feel like you're my chaddi buddy (●'◡'●)
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shanti-ashant-hai · 2 years
how did you meet nitya?
bachpan se jaanti hu use, we're literally chaddi buddies
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xxvulgvtz · 1 year
nicknames for my pets, "pretty boy / dirt boy / buddy" "Sweetsie / My Baby" "Chadster / Chaddy Boy" and then there is just "Fatty"
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vyinter · 2 years
my tag for jiwoong seungwan gifs are gonna be chaddi buddies
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loganstealsblog · 4 years
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“Lot’s of people want to ride with you in the limo but, what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” After all, that’s what friends are meant for. ✌🏻😇 • • • #friends #cousin #men #boat #stone #1000 #boatstone1000 #nirvana #yaari #dosti #dilwale #bff #chaddi #buddy #vacation #vacationmode (at Guhagar Beach Resort-My Resort Guhagar, Kokan Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIRpOoJp1Ul/?igshid=1u96ml7bsckx8
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zainclaw · 3 years
i have no idea what maddie x chimney's shipname is but i thought of chaddie and how about we dont do that ahaha
Oh my god, both Buddie and Chaddie sound like the most Dude Bro shipnames, that's hilarious. Wow.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 4 years
Caught up on today’s episode...
That really was the most Aaron, Aaron has been in a year. Haha. Please let him do more crime. That was fun. 
Also, him and Mack at the Mill, even though he was still angrily playing video games, I think he actually still smiled more in that scene than he ever has with Ben. Haha. I mean, it was mostly a confused smile but isn’t that how it started with Robert too. I mean I don’t know if I’d really want the show to go there and they’re not going to cause they’re dumb but it would be significantly more watchable than whatever the fuck this Ben non story is. If you could get over the fact that it’s not Robert. But in a “I know this has to happen eventually” world, Mack would be sooo much better for Aaron’s character than Ben. 
But even if they don’t put them together, cause that’s not a thing that’s happening, please please let them be friends. Aaron needs a friend and he needs some excitement in his life and an opportunity to do some crime. I want more. Let me have it. Let me actually enjoy an Aaron scene again because today’s stuff was the most I’ve enjoyed him in a while. 
As for the Mack and Charity thing, I really kind of prefer them just as crime buddies. Other than knowing just how much it pisses off the Vanity fans and finding it amusing. I don’t know, I don’t feel like they’ve done enough with them to make any kind of relationship work between them, even if it is just a “what the hell why not” sort of thing. Maybe this is where the covid distance filming is affecting things because they have to have an awkward lead in to them running upstairs rather than actually just having them kiss. That’s definitely working against them. I don’t know, I’ll have to see where it goes. 
Chaddy are still nauseating but I did enjoy the Chas and Cain scene a bit. That’s a pair of siblings I still like. 
The Al stuff is still just bizarre to me. 
Oh and the Jamie saga continues to infuriate me with Kim back because since she wasn’t there for all of the hit and run nonsense that came to literally nothing, now she’s like “we have to get back at Cain for laughing at you one time in the street”. Just...let it go and move on. This is stupid and feels incredibly contrived and pointless. 
Overall though, as we head into the new year, they really need to work on figuring out how to make all of the scenes feel less stilted and awkward. I don’t really get it but it’s bad. And it’s pretty much every scene. I don’t know if it’s just because of the distance filming that makes it so weird. But I still feel like scenes are awkwardly slow. They don’t have a natural rhythm to them. I can sort of feel them working through the scene rather than it feeling like a natural conversation. It’s very strange. I don’t know if anyone else feels that way but they’ve really got to fix it somehow. 
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tahsinulhaquerudra · 4 years
Yet some people say skies don't bleed
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Took this picture after playing a football match near dokkhin gaon. Played against masud (kaala masud chaddi buddy from kindergarten) and his team. I don't quite remember who won but I'm positive it was soo much fun and overwhelming.
Ain't gonna say life was better then. But we had little bit of independence and cool fun activities before.
Miss playing football , the mountains , that thrill on the Hanif bus when we leave Dhaka to dive into a crazy stupid fun adventure.
This was taken years before the pendemic
#football #sky #sunset #redsky #bangladesh
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random-thoughts-pk · 4 years
Chaddi Buddies 👶👶
May 30 2020 Saturday
Son asks his father, "Why are you so crazy for your school and college friends"?
Father replies, "Because that's the one place I can be myself. I don't have to pretend. They know me through and through. It doesn't matter how rich or poor, how far or near or how long we've been separated. That's how childhood friendship is. Everywhere else I'm judged and therefore I have to put on a mask"!
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rodpower78 · 5 years
EWWW! Those eyes. Thankfully those eye drops got them back to normal.
Oh yeah, those dumbasses are under arrest. Don't drop the soap.
Also poker night with Buck, Maddie, Chim and what's his name from the call center. Nice to see this, although I have to say that this would be much better if Eddie was there. They had a golden opportunity for Buddie/Chaddie double date and blew it.
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BTW not much of a surprise that Maddie beat Buck's ass at poker.
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imagine not liking something (chaddy/aaron+liv) and instead of just staying in your lane and moving on, spend every waking minute criticising it while lambasting others for criticising your own fave. ugh makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. holy hypocrisy batman!
er.. i believe making posts on my own blog and answering the anons that i get in my askbox and not tagging it is actually the very definition of staying in your lane buddy 😂
imagine being so pressed about all this lol
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shanti-ashant-hai · 2 years
so apparently people from my school who don't know that nitya and i were best friends (shocker, really, how tf do you not know???)
are thinking that our relationship was an enemies to lovers
because he's the sports captain and im the discipline in-charge
and it is culture in our school for these two student council members to hate each other with a burning passion
because the sports captain is 'fun' and not too strict (nitya fits the description lmao)
and the discipline in-charge is 'khadoos' and very strict (the thing is... i'm none of these. i just befriend the kids and say, 'look we're bffs now, and lets play a quiet game' and they listen because im amazing)
so my classmates, and people who knew about our chaddi buddy relationship are frantically explaining to them that we never were enemies and honestly. it's the best thing ever
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sortofanobsession · 5 years
OTP Challenge Request
These look fun to tackle! I will wrangle plot bunnies tomorrow!
Original Request: Can you please do an OTP Challenge for FinnPoe, PoeRey, Buddie, Bathena, Chaddie, and Hen/Karen ? (any one is okay, really!)
Following List by the-moon-dust-writings
1. In a coffee shop AU, who would be the barista who keeps spelling the other person’s name wrong?
2. How would they describe one another’s sense of humor?
3. How do they calm one another down?
4. Your OTP goes to a carnival, where would they spend most of their time?
5. Who is most likely to blush when complimented?
6. What is one thing about their partner that they love? 
 7.What do their closets look like? Ex- Do they share? Does one over flow into the other’s? ECT. 
8.If they made a playlist for one another, what would their playlists look like 
9.Who said ‘I love you’ first
10.Who makes the pun and who is deadpan and shakes their head
11.What type of pet(s) would your otp adopt?
12.How do they hype one another up
13.What article of clothing do they steal from one another
14.What was the most thoughtful gift they got for one another?
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Morning Ride with Dad
Manu"!! " hajur daddy" .. i jump from my bed and get ready in a blink. As every sunday morning i wake up with full of energy to drop my dad till bus park. I then go to kitchen to make him tea and there mom was already doing it. After tea dad took scooter keys and started it. I carried his backpack which was so heavy that gravity was pulling me backwards. Then i sat on my back and we moved. I could hear moms shouting to drive safe and we waved at her. As we were moving, we started to chitchat as if we were long lost chaddi buddies. He asks me if i gave my scooter for maintenance, if i am reaching my clinic on time, asks if bhai is studying, says that he is taking his medications on time, orders me to drive safe. I give him all the details of my life though i say all the positive sides of my story which makes him so happy. I learnt this from him. He is a man with so much dignity, patience, kindness, strong will power, never boasted on anything he had ever achieved because for him his only achievement is to raise us a good human being.He asks my experience in donating blood shares his experience too. In the mirror of my scooter i can see his eyes twinkling when i said that i am reading few Nepali novels. A big truck passes by and he slows down the vehicle, i wished time to stop, and all i can do is to chat with my dad, and to see him smile. Then i ask him about his work too and like a teenager he gives all the details about the programs hes conducting, he changes loves of thousands of people but never mentions it. This makes me wonder where does he get this much courage, that energy , that kindness, away from home, calling up to know if we are doing fine every night, his wrinkles !!! We reached to our destination and i handed him his bag which was as heavy as his heart. He gives me gloves and helmet and checks until i wear it perfectly. Suddenly we both were sad but then i smiled and it brightens up his face too like that very morning sun amazing!!! He orders me to drive safe and i watch him getting into the bus. I drive back home feeling the sense of absence and saying to myself " Friday is coming soon" :) .
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