#chansoo fanfiction
soft-jihoonie · 10 months
#Whipped - Chapter One
TaoTao: Does anyone wanna help me with this essay i’m stuck on?
Read by 11 people
TaoTao: Y’all can go suck a dick
Jongdae’s hoe: gladly
Chanyeol is obvious, Kyungsoo is oblivious and no one says no to Yixing.
Chanyeol x Kyungsoo | Jongdae x Baekhyun | Sehun x Jongin | Minseok x Luhan | Yixing x Tao | Kris x Junmyeon - chatroom style fic - 1.3k words
Disclaimer: this fic was started prior to Yifan’s arrest and I do not support him in any way. Any further chapters including him merely write him as a character for continuity
The members chat names are:
TaoTao: Tao
Dog lord: Kai/Jongin
No.1 Vivi supporter: Sehun
Lu: Luhan
Kyungsoo: D.O/Kyungsoo
Kris: Kris/Yifan
Myeonie: Suho/Junmyeon
XingXing: Lay/Yixing
Jongdae's hoe: Baekhyun
Baekhyun's hoe: Chen/Jongdae
Yeol: Chanyeol
Hot dad: Xiumin/Minseok
Chatroom: Fuck This
TaoTao: Do you guys ever think about how many toes there are in the world?
Kyungsoo: I hate this chat and everyone in it.
Lu: ^
Hot dad: ^^
Yeol: but not me right soo?
Kyungsoo: Especially you.
Jongdae’s hoe: and that kids is the sound of all of Chanyeol’s hope dying
Yeol: soos just joking!! i know that
Kyungsoo: Do you guys ever think about how much quieter life would be without Chanyeol around?
Yeol: but i love you soooooo
Kyungsoo: That’s nice.
No.1 Vivi supporter: Why did no one tell me savage Kyungsoo hyung was out?? You hoes would really let me miss that??
Myeonie: Sehun! Language!
No.1 Vivi supporter: But hyung you know you’re my favourite hoe?
Myeonie: Awhh Sehun
Baekhyun’s hoe: and here comes Jongin in 3
Jongdae’s hoe: 2
Baekhyun’s hoe: 1
Dog lord: Sehunnie I thought I was your favourite hoe?
Hot dad: I can’t believe that works every time
No.1 Vivi supporter: I -
No.1 Vivi supporter: Shit u right, sorry not sorry Junmyeon hyung
Dog Lord: ^-^
Yeol: #whipped
Kris: you can hardly talk Chanyeol
Kris: and babe you’re my favourite hoe
Myeonie: I would hope so if you want to get any tonight
TaoTao: I would like to delete that image from my brain
Lu: But then your brain would be empty
TaoTao: @Hot dad Your boyfriend is being mean
Hot dad: Last I checked, there’s nothing mean about telling the truth
TaoTao: Xiiiinnnnggg
XingXing: Come on guys, leave poor TaoTao alone
TaoTao: Luv u XingXing
No.1 Vivi supporter: Suck up
XingXing: What was that Sehun?
No.1 Vivi supporter: Nothing Yixing hyung!! I was just saying how hot you looked today
XingXing: Thank you Sehunnie ^-^
Dog lord: “Sehunnie” ??????
Lu: Uh oh
Dog lord: “S e h u n n i e” ?????
Myeonie: Okay kids, don’t you think it’s about time you get on with uni work?
Kris: you know they’re not actually our kids, right?
Myeonie: W u Y i f a n
Kris: okay kids, listen to your mother
Yeol: #whipped
Kyungsoo: Shut up Chanyeol.
Yeol: anything for u soo
Jongdae’s hoe: i’m gonna puke
Baekhyun’s hoe: don’t worry babe, i’ll hold your hair
No.1 Vivi supporter: Do you think chanyeol realises how obvious he is?
Kyungsoo: Obvious about what?
Dog lord: .....
Jongdae’s hoe: .......
Baekhyun’s hoe: .........
No.1 Vivi supporter: I give up
TaoTao: Does anyone wanna help me with this essay i’m stuck on?
Read by 11 people
TaoTao: Y’all can go suck a dick
Jongdae’s hoe: gladly
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Chatroom: Fuck This
Yeol: @Kyungsoo can u come to the studio to record vocals?
Kyungsoo: Why?
Yeol: youd sound so good on the song we are writing
Kyungsoo: You think I have the time for that?
XingXing: Come on Kyungsoo, your voice is perfect for this song!!
Kyungsoo: Alright then, i’ll be there in 10 minutes hyung.
XingXing: Yay!!
No.1 Vivi supporter: @Yeol Ouch you okay hyung?
Yeol: never been better hahahaha
Yeol: hahaha
Yeol: ha
Yeol: i have to get back to the studio bye guys
Lu: Great, you broke Chanyeol
Chatroom: The Hoes™
Yeol: hahahaha dont you love being rejected by ur crush
Baekhyun’s hoe: oh boy, here we go
Jongdae’s hoe: dude he’s still coming to the studio
Baekhyun’s hoe: okay but no one says no to Yixing hyung
Jongdae’s hoe: yeh it’s the rules
Yeol: maybe ur right i mean he wouldve said no too if jongdae was the one asking
Baekhyun’s hoe: I am offended
Jongdae’s hoe: woah babe, a capital “I”? calm down
Baekhyun’s hoe: i’m chill i’m chill
Yeol: asdfghjkfhfsfnlkjgoerhgerlrgndkfsm
Jongdae’s hoe: you okay there hoe no.3?
Yeol: whydoeshehavesuchaperfectsingingvoiceplsENDME
Baekhyun’s hoe: you need me to come to the studio for moral support?
Yeol: p l e a s e
Baekhyun’s hoe: i’ll be there in 5 mins
Yeol: jongdae ur my best friend ily
Jongdae’s hoe: uhm bitch i’m right here
Yeol: srry dae ur my best friend after baek
Jongdae’s hoe: too late bitch go choke on Kyungsoo’s dick
Yeol: dtfyguhijonfwpmdksuwuohgfiejhfuck
Baekhyun’s hoe: do i need to call an ambulance?
Yeol: i choked on my drink bc of baeks text and soo started patting my back HE TOUCHED ME GUYS
Jongdae’s hoe: why am i friends with you
Baekhyun’s hoe: i’m at the studio, Chanyeol looks like he’s dying and Yixing hyung is v concerned
Jongdae’s hoe: don’t care let the hoe suffer
Baekhyun’s hoe: this is why i’m the nice friend Baek
Jongdae’s hoe: it’s more fun being a bitch Dae
Yeol: j o n g d a e
Baekhyun’s hoe: gotta go, the hoe is struggling
Jongdae’s hoe: Jongdae: i’m the nice friend
Jongdae’s hoe: Jongdae 2 secs later: calls Chanyeol “the hoe”
Chatroom: Fuck This
Hot dad: Why do Monday’s drag so much? Work seemed to last forever today
XingXing: Tell me about it, Yeol and I spent hours in the studio today
XingXing: It’s 8pm and I only just got home
No.1 Vivi supporter: Yeah Chanyeol hyung only got home 10 minutes ago and went straight to his room
Lu: Speaking of, Chanyeol hasn’t said anything here since Kyungsoo rejected him
Kyungsoo: I didn’t reject him, I still went to the studio.
Lu: Because Yixing asked
Kyungsoo: You don’t say no to Yixing hyung.
Jongdae’s hoe: it’s the rules
Baekhyun’s hoe: where did these rules come from?
Hot dad: Junmyeon probably
Lu: Junmyeon
Kris: Myeonie
TaoTao: Probably our literal mum Junmyeon hyung
Kyungsoo: Luhan hyung is right though, Chanyeol’s never this quiet.
Jongdae’s hoe: .......
Baekhyun’s hoe: ...........
Yeol: @No.1 Vivi supporter pls come to my room
Kris: is anyone surprised anymore that Chanyeol shows up as soon as Kyungsoo mentions him?
Yeol: oh hey soo didnt notice you there
TaoTao: I call bullshit
Kyungsoo: What do you mean Tao?
TaoTao: I.....
TaoTao: @Yeol What do you need Sehun for?
No.1 Vivi supporter: Yeah we literally live in the same house, come to my room hyung
Dog lord: is that a good idea?
Yeol: what if i cant leave my room and you clearly have headphones in so i have to message you here
No.1 Vivi supporter: .... You got stuck under your bed again didn’t you?
Yeol: maybe...
Myeonie: Again? This has happened before?
No.1 Vivi supporter: Sigh i’m coming now hyung
Baekhyun’s hoe: Sehun is done on a whole new level
Yeol: ur the best dongsaeng!!!
Kyungsoo: Idiot.
Yeol: soooooo dont be mean
Yeol: comfort me in these hard times
Kyungsoo: Oh, would you look at the time, I have to go.
TaoTao: Every day I lose more and more faith in Chansoo being real
Kris: ^
Lu: ^^
Dog lord: ^^^
Jongdae’s hoe: sorry Chanyeol but ^^^^
Chatroom: Hot dad + Kyungsoo
Kyungsoo: AGAIN.
Kyungsoo: WHAT A DORK.
Hot dad: Y’know, instead of just yelling to me every time he does something you apparently find cute, you could just be nice and stop pretending you can’t stand him?
Kyungsoo: Sounds like hard work.
Hot dad: Lord knows I need at least a bottle of wine to deal with this...
Hot dad: Okay but y’know maybe he’d realise your feelings then?
Kyungsoo: That’s exactly why I act the way I do hyung
Hot dad: But Kyungsoo if he knows your feeling then you could maybe idk, act like normal people and date?
Kyungsoo: But Chanyeol doesn’t have feelings for me?
Hot dad: Breathe Minseok breathe
Kyungsoo: ?
Hot dad: Sigh whatever go back to telling me about your dork
Kyungsoo: Well considering you asked.
Chatroom: The Gays
Hot dad: Babe I need like a bottle of wine right now
Hot dad: Oh god he’s gushing about Chanyeol’s ears now
Hot dad: Make it two bottles
Lu: Babe it’s Monday night, you have work tomorrow
Hot dad: Did I fucking stutter?
Lu: I’m about to head home, i’ll pick some up on the way
Hot dad: I love you
Lu: I love you too baby
Hot dad: Buy me the good wine and i’ll suck your dick later
Divider is from this post
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bomchevique · 2 years
O dia está lindo lá fora
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→  “O dia está lindo lá fora e ainda estamos enrolados em nossos lençóis.”
→ (Eng) “It's a beautiful day outside and we're still curled up in our sheets.”
→ Leia: spirit; ao3; academia de contos; ao3 (English translation)
→ capa por @kodalindissima
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tis-i-the-potatoe · 1 year
The Story of Us (A TragiComedy) by xiuweety_mint: Park Chanyeol is oblivious about feelings and emotions and anything generally related to that. And Do Kyungsoo never complained.
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iinterludia · 2 months
Doh Kyungsoo e o Alto Rei Elfo
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Sinopse: Após um acidente que o dispensou do exército, Kyungsoo decide recomeçar sua vida em outro país, buscando escapar de seu passado e encontrar alguma normalidade. No entanto, sua rotina é abruptamente interrompida quando ele se depara com um homem misterioso, alto e vestido de maneira estranha, que o observa intensamente antes de desmaiar. Chanyeol, o rei elfo, foi transportado para um mundo diferente do seu durante um ataque ao seu reino. E após 600 anos de busca, finalmente reencontra Kyungsoo. Sem saber como retornar ao seu reino, Chanyeol é acolhido pelo ex-militar, mesmo este duvidando da sanidade do rei elfo. Kyungsoo, surpreendentemente, se sente bem ao lado dele e aquele vazio que ele sempre sentiu, estranhamente diminui. Por estar em um lugar onde a natureza élfica nunca existiu, o rei corre perigo, por isso Kyungsoo precisa decidir entre cortar a comunicação com a realeza élfica e deixá-lo ir, ou embarcar junto para a Terra média sem a possibilidade de voltar para sua casa.
TÍTULO:  Doh Kyungsoo e o Alto Rei Elfo AUTOR(ES): Interludia CATEGORIA:EXO  COUPLE: CHANSOO (CHANYEOL & KYUNGSOO) GÊNERO: ROMANCE, FANTASIA TAGS: chansoo, soulmates, elfos, terra média ONDE LER: Spirit Fanfiction ◈ AO3 ◈ Wattpad ◈ +Fiction ◈ Nyah Fanfiction
Oiê, o post de hoje é uma divulgação! Yaay!
Como puderam ver pela capa, sinopse e detalhes da fic, essa chansoo lindinha é minha baby de reestreia depois de 12 anos sem escrever uma fic.
A verdade, maninhos, é que eu tenho uns plots e outros que vão surgindo do nada. Às vezes fico pensando se o que vem na minha cabeça já não é uma das fics que eu li e acho que é um plot novo kk.
Vamos ao que interessa:
Doh Kyungsoo e o Alto Rei Elfo, apelidado carinhosamente de DKARE, conta a história de como o rei elfo, Chanyeol, reencontra seu amado após 600 anos. Adivinha quem é o mô dele? Isso mesmo, o ex-piloto da aeronáutica, Doh Kyungsoo. 
Mas como eles se reencontram se eles fazem parte de diferentes mundos? Kyungsoo vive sua pacata vida com uma estranha e interminável sensação de vazio e Chanyeol detém o título de maior autoridade élfica na Terra Média, mas está definhando de tristeza, qual a probabilidade de Kyungsoo ser a pessoa que Chanyeol procura? E qual a probabilidade do Kyung acreditar no cara maluco que apareceu no seu terreno às seis da manhã?
Para os amantes de EXO e do Universo Tolkien, descubra acompanhando DKARE, toda quarta-feira nas seguintes plataformas de fanfics: 
Spirit Fanfiction ◈ AO3 ◈ Wattpad ◈ +Fiction ◈ Nyah Fanfiction
Sim, eu joguei em todos os lugares que eu tinha conta. 
XOXO, Interludia.
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chansoobookshelf · 4 years
city streetlights (3,838 words) by Carcharias Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: EXO (Band)   Rating: T Relationships: chansoo  Genre: Angst, Fluff AU:  Friends to Lovers, Busking!AU Summary:   Kyungsoo sits up straighter on the low brick wall, coughs lightly into the mic, and amidst the hustle and bustle of the late night Hongdae crowd, sings. Follow chansoobookshelf to see more Chansoo fics. :)
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kyungsooyona · 6 years
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MC: The Best Couple award goes to... Chansoo 💓✨ If this was a real award I'd be crying on the floor right now 💓
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kingyeoly · 7 years
Privilege : Masterpost
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Synopsis: Kyungsoo lands halfway across the world in Seoul after his mother’s death. Cue the rich long-lost CEO father and a spot at one of the most prestigious boarding schools in The Republic of Korea. It doesn’t take long for Kyungsoo to get mixed in with a troublesome group of elite boys. Or,  Where Kyungsoo finds out he’s actually the Korean Cinderella. Suho, the untouchable semi-evil stepbrother who rules the school with an iron fist. Sehun, the adorable little (big) brother who defends Kyungsoo at all costs. Jongin, the heir to a hotel empire and a LITERAL model (possible prince charming?) and Chanyeol, the best friend/volleyball star who challenges Jongin in winning over Kyungsoo’s heart. Who will win?
Rated: R
Warnings: Fluff, Slow burn, Boy X Boy, Smut, Love triangles
Pairings: D.O & Kai, D.O & Chanyeol, Sehun & Chanyeol, Suho & Lay
Chapter 1 : I Promise
Chapter 2 : You’re The Pepero Boy!
Chapter 3 : Welcome to Seoul National Academy
Chapter 4 : Reunited
Chapter 5 : Phase One
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ddksoo · 6 years
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2 AM AND HE'S IN LOVE. Paring: Chanyeol/Kyungsoo Genre: fluffy Word count: 1,139 Requested: Yes. ___________________ Somehow, Kyungsoo has a heavy, and sleeping Chanyeol laying on his chest. All because of exams… It’s a miracle he hadn't woken up by the beating in his rib cage, or by the sheer amount of heat produced by the hefty blush spreading about the younger’s body. Either way it’s miraculous that the larger boy hasn’t crushed Kyungsoo with his large limbs. Chanyeol stirs slightly, moving his head to burry further into Kyungsoo’s neck. His breathing evens out. If you were to ask him on a different day, he’d accuse his next move to be subconscious; one of kyungsoo’s hands moves to cradle Chanyeol’s head softly, the other holding him closer by his waist. It’s 2 in the morning and he’s in love. Just too frightened to admit it. Too afraid to admit that the boy in his arms has became his entire universe. His smiles and happiness his job to create, to fight away any sadness, to keep him out of any form of danger; He wants to stay in the space they’re in now. Soft music playing from a random music channel, looking at projections of stars on his dorm room’s ceiling. Just he and Chanyeol, Both of them alone. (right before Chanyeol had arrived, 2 hours prior to the current situation, Jongdae rushed out of the room in his toy story pajama pants screaming about how his baby needed him and he’d be staying at Minseok’s tonight.) it was peaceful for the most part, and he wishes desperately he could control time to keep it like this. and in a perfect world, he would. ‘Maybe I'm in too deep.’ Kyungsoo had thought last week, when he realized that Chanyeol being away for too long made him the saddest he’d been in forever. ‘maybe I should distance myself’ but he knew deep down that that wouldn't work.   He's so in love that it almost hurts. Chanyeol stirs again, and his lips brush past Kyungsoo’s Adams apple. it tickles, but he resists the need to laugh. He looks down at Chanyeol, a gummy grin presenting itself, one that rounds his cheeks. Kyungsoo is happy, but he's still scared about his true feelings being shared. He wants him to know, but doesn't all at the same time. It drove him insane, but moments like this make the temptation to confess stronger than ever. Imagining the words leaving his lips alone make him nervous enough, so he pushes that away. “Kyungsoo-ah...your heart’s beating too fast.” Chanyeol sleepily mumbles. “S-sorry.” He mumbles back, changing the music channel to a random network, hoping to hide the fact that he was very obviously watching him sleep, and casually imagining what it would be like to kiss him. Chanyeol moves his head to rest on Kyungsoo’s shoulder. Kyungsoo can feel his stare on him, but he pretends he doesn’t notice. “How’d you sleep?” he asks him quietly. “Good...you make an excellent pillow.” Chanyeol sits up a little bit. “Sorry for randomly passing out on you though…” Kyungsoo turns to look at him. Chanyeol’s basically straddling Kyungsoo’s shins, but he doesn't say anything about it. “It’s fine. You needed the sleep...and i can’t complain since you kept me warm.” Kyungsoo mentally kills himself for saying the last part. But Chanyeol smiles brightly, so it makes up for his embarrassment. Sorta. “You’re never cold around me though.” Probably because i'm typically blushing. “Weird...i'm anemic so i am for everyone else…” Chanyeol lays back down. “Then i’ll continue doing the only thing i seem to do right.” He says as he nuzzles into Kyungsoo’s side. “What are we watching?” “Um, some romance film…” He replies.  Chanyeol’s breath fans across Kyungsoo’s neck. His heart beats a bit faster, and a blush spreads down his cheeks and neck. “Kyungsoo?” “Hm?” He looks down at the eldest. “Is it a bad thing...that l-l-love you?” His confession is more than sudden; His face turns almost as red as Kyungsoo’s. And that’s hard to achieve. Kyungsoo smiles, and shakes his head. “No, it’s not.” he says softly. He moves down so he can look at him easier. “Because I love you too.” his voice is weak due to being incredibly shy. Chanyeol beams at him, moving his sweater-paw clad hand to cover his face out of embarrassment. It nearly melts Kyungsoo’s heart. Chanyeol snuggles closer to his chest, tucking his head close to Kyungsoo’s. So he cradles him, a smile refusing to wipe itself off his face. “Baby are you okay?” He mumbles into his hair. “Wait--sorry I didn’t mean to call you that--” Chanyeol laughs, more like giggles, peaking at Kyungsoo. “Babe I’m fine, and you’re fine. I’m very happy right now.” a warm fuzzy feeling spreads through his chest at the usage of the pet name, both the one that passed his lips and the one that left Chanyeol’s. So he kisses the taller’s forehead. Chanyeol angles his head up. “Can I have a real kiss?” He asks curiously. Kyungsoo nods. He gently leans in a bit further. He looks into Chanyeol’s eyes, as if he needs to double check that it’s okay to do this. Even though he’s quite  bit taller, Chanyeol looks so small, and oddly innocent. Chanyeol’s hands reach up and cup his face. “Are you okay?” Chanyeol asks him softly. “Yeah. just admiring.” Kyungsoo replies. He then presses his lips firmly against Chanyeol’s.   It’s slow. Very slow. But passionate. it’s shy and unsure as most first kisses are, but there's one thing Kyungsoo can confirm; kissing Chanyeol in real life is a lot better thaan thinking about it. He melts into Chanyeol’s touch, allowing himself to move closer him, and immerse himself in all things Chanyeol. He’s all that matters to him right now, after all.   Chanyeol is warm, and stupid as it sounds, he feels like home. Like Kyungsoo could stay in his arms forever. They continue to kiss slowly, but deeply. They pull away for air. “Wow, Just when I thought I couldn’t love you anymore, You go and kiss me like that….” Chanyeol mumbles. Kyungsoo smiles at him. “You’re such a sap…” He whispers to him. Chanyeol chuckles. “I know, but it’s you so I can’t help it.” “God I love you.” Kyungsoo replies, pecking his lips again.  Chanyeol wraps his arms around Kyungsoo, rolling over so he’s now laying on his chest. “You’re...adorable.” Chanyeol smiles so bright, that it puts the sun to shame. “‘m  gonna kiss you again.”  The eldest responds. And he does. It feels great.  Everything does. Even the uncertain beating of Kyungsoo’s heart, and Chanyeol’s strong hands on his hips. Every touch made him feel ecstatic and he hoped he’d always feel this way, especially if it meant Chanyeol was staying by his side. “I Love You.” He whispers again. -THE END -
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hearmei · 6 years
My new fic of chansoo. Please check it out and have a nice reading, lovelies. 
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besternatexo · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: EXO (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Do Kyungsoo | D.O/Park Chanyeol Characters: Do Kyungsoo | D.O, Park Chanyeol Additional Tags: Supernatural Elements, Vampires, Demons, Angels, Vampire!Kyungsoo, demon!chanyeol Summary:
Kyungsoo, a vampire, meets Chanyeol, a demon. And he falls really hard…
SO I wrote and actually published a fic XD I just wanted to write a ficlet for two of my fanarts:
Fanart No 1 Fanart No 2
And it is like my first published fic so don’t expect too much >u<
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fairyixingstuff · 3 years
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— 🍀: mão na massa - chansoo.
— 🍄: capa teste.
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jongyulover · 3 years
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"Amalgama: Mezcla confusa de personas o cosas de distinto origen y naturaleza y algunas veces contrarias".
Historias de diversas parejas, diversos géneros con una cosa en común: 500 palabras.
Esta es la nueva historia, podríamos decirlo, que está en mi perfil de Wattpad. Una recopilación de historias de las parejas que me gustan, con una máximo de 500 palabras.
Llevaba ya un tiempo queriendo hacer algo así, y San Valentín me ha dado la oportunidad.
Las tres primeras historias que subí son:
* Monocromático | ChanSoo
* Ascensor | YeHyun
* Los secretos del universo | JongYu
La puedes hallar en Wattpad, aquí
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girixoy · 4 years
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queima de arquivo | chansoo
capa para doação, dê os créditos se inspirar em mim.
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lunaticaxx · 4 years
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+ cover for training
↺ or ♡ if you like it | don’t repost my edit
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hyggeligbirch · 3 years
Hanukkah 2020 Ficlet
An EXO Fanfiction
In-universe with TCE (unpublished) Summary: Kyungsoo gets stuck making the latkes. Words: 511
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It’s incredibly warm by the stove, but Kyungsoo doesn’t mind much.  It’s just nice, to hear the bustle of everyone around, now that they’re all safe, and he likes cooking, anyway.  He can hear Sehun whining about something-or-other over in the living room, while Jongin and Baekhyun flirt teasingly with each other.  The heavy anticipation that has weighed on all of their shoulders for the past few months is noticeably absent, and what a fucking relief that is.
He hisses as the oil splatter hits his hand.  He doesn’t have much of a pain tolerance, no matter how much he cooks; it’s one of the reasons he’s avoided making latkes the last several years.  But it’s no matter, because this is the last batch, and if the boys want sufganiyot, they’re going to have to go to the bakery to get some.  Boy, it’s been years since he’s had fresh latkes, and he can almost taste them already.
Kyungsoo turns to place the finished latkes on the pile that’s been growing throughout the night. Doesn’t find the pile.
“Seriously,” he says. “Did you seriously eat all of them?  Because no-one else is in here.”
Chanyeol gives him an anxious grin.  “They were really good!” he defends.  “And the others took at least ten of them into the living room!”
“There were twenty!” He takes a moment, centers himself.  “Right, okay, fine.”  Kyungsoo sighs.  “These three are mine, okay?  I just. I just want three.”
“Okay,” Chanyeol replies, thankfully looking respectfully sheepish.  “They were really good.”
“You said,” Kyungsoo says, “I’ll be back in just a minute.”
When he gets back, there’s even more disappointment.  They’re out of toppings.  And just like that, the room seems suddenly far-too-warm, everything just too close to him, and he’s on the verge of crying.
“Whoah, hey, it’s okay,” Chanyeol is on him, big hands on his arms and his head and yeah, that helps. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know,” Kyungsoo says, and it’s mostly true.
It’s been a long time since he celebrated with anyone.  Maybe that’s why it’s hard?  Tiny straws, all stacked together.
He pulls himself together, sitting heavily at the table.  “Would you get me some water, please?” he asks Chanyeol, who immediately obliges.
“This is my Zayde’s recipe,” he says.  “I haven’t made it since he died.  Doesn’t feel right, you know?”
“Yeah, I get it,” says Chanyeol – wonderful, caring, understanding Chanyeol.  Chanyeol who’s seen his own fair few of deaths. Kyungsoo really believes he does understand.  “Do you want to talk about him?”
Kyungsoo stares over Chanyeol’s shoulder into the living room, where the chanukkiah flickers tall in the window and light, easy, happy conversations flood the space.
“Yeah, I’d really like to,” he says.  “He died when I was twenty, and then Opa – his husband – died a few months later. So suddenly it was just me.  But he’s the one that taught me to paint, and y’know, he’s the Jewish side of my family, so it’s kind of like I see him everywhere these days…”
And he goes on.
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lowkey-sexing · 4 years
Anything to help you get over a writing phase~~~ wut abt “Touch yourself for me.” with chansoo -u- ?
What’s up it’s been over a year since I got this request and I’m so sorry. Please enjoy some horrible porn because I haven’t written in so long.
It wasn’t often Kyungsoo indulged Chanyeol; he preferred more pliant submissives like Jongin who’d take what he was given without complaint or Sehun when the boy was in a mood for praise. They were more fun to play with so delicate and thankful to serve. Chanyeol, however, easily annoyed Kyungsoo; he was a too needy attention whore who cared more about his own pleasure than truly being submissive to his partner and that kept him out of Kyungsoo’s bed most of the time.
Kyungsoo looked to Chanyeol with mild interest when the older entered his room unexpectedly. It didn’t take more than a few seconds to realize what the boy was after; he was already hard and his face was flushed. Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow waiting for Chanyeol to speak; his demeanor sent a wave of embarrassment through Chanyeol. He knew Kyungsoo was rarely willing to help him, yet he still decided to come to him when he got too horny to be satisfied by masturbating.
“I, um, I’m sorry for coming and bothering you, but I really need your help, Kyungsoo,” His eyes focused anywhere except for on Kyungsoo, too nervous to actually meet his eyes. There was a long pause as he waited for a reply.
“Touch yourself for me then,” before Kyungsoo had finished the sentence Chanyeol was already protesting
“But I’ve already been masturbating! I wouldn’t have come in here if I could get off properly like that! Soo, please just fuck me,” he whined like the selfish whore Kyungsoo knew he was, moving himself closer to Kyungsoo in the hopes that proximity on its own would change his mind. “Need you to touch me; it’s not working when I do.”
“Too bad; I’m not going to waste my time fucking you if you’re too useless to even touch yourself properly.” Kyungsoo turned his attention back to the show he had been watching on his phone, ignoring Chanyeol all together.
Chanyeol whined again in a failed attempt at getting Kyungsoo’s attention back. He quickly gave in, pumping his dick fast and being entirely too loud about it with exaggerated moans. Kyungsoo hated everything about it, especially when Chanyeol stopped a minute in to complain.
“See it’s not working! I need you to fuck me, Kyungsoo, it’s not fair!” Chanyeol let out an annoyed huff and pouted at Kyungsoo hoping it would get him to do something.
“God, you’re absolutely useless, Chanyeol. It’s not working because you’re focusing too much on your dick; you’re a bitch you need something in your ass to actually get off.”
“I know that! That’s why I need you to fuck me!” Chanyeol was getting haughty at this point further fueling Kyungsoo’s disinterest in the situation unfolding before him.
“I told you to touch yourself for me. I’m not fucking you unless you do it properly.”
“But I don’t have any lube” the annoyance in Chanyeol’s voice was beginning to make Kyungsoo mad. He stared at Chanyeol trying to figure out if he was fucking serious. Once Chanyeol realized he wasn’t getting anywhere with the excuse he climbed onto Kyungsoo’s bed, he stuck two fingers in his mouth to get them slick with spit before bringing his knees up so he could finger himself in front of Kyungsoo. It was too dry and too tight, but the bored look on Kyungsoo’s face made him work harder. He fisted his dick with one hand as the other stretch his hole out. Despite his adamance about Kyungsoo needing to fuck him for him to get off, Chanyeol was quickly reaching an orgasm. Too greedy to stop himself and too selfish to ask for permission first he came, making a mess of his hand and stomach. Chanyeol was proud of himself since he had done what he was told until Kyungsoo told him to get out of his room.
“Huh? But I did what you asked me to!”
“Yeah and you also got to cum; you’re welcome, now get out.”
“But that’s not fair you have to fuck me now! I know you want to; I got you hard!”
“I don’t actually, but you should tell Jongin that he needs to come see me when you’re on your way back to your room. Now get out.”
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