#character: Leia
hacked-wtsdz · 8 months
You can’t win as a woman in fiction. Be too positive, you become a Mary Sue, have flaws and those flaws are why almost nobody likes you. Be moderate, you have wet-cabbage personality, be exuberant, you are an unrealistic example. Have strong morals, and you’re badly developed, be morally corrupt and you’re hated with such vigour fans will send hate mail to the actress who plays the character. Be kind and soft and in love, you’re a representation of sexism, be cruel, harsh and cold and you’re just a bitch. Be a complex, realistic, ambiguous character, and either your flaws or your positive traits will be ignored or blown out of proportion and into oblivion. There is no winning for female characters.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I love it when pre Original Trilogy era shows how much effort went into making the Death Star. It took decades, literal decades, and it took so much money and so many people and it was such a secretive thing and it’s staffed by millions because it’s the size of a small moon.
I cannot express how much all of the added information makes it so much funnier that Luke blew it up.
Luke destroys literally everything Palpatine built. He blows up the Death Star, which was referenced in universe as early as the second movie. He blew up the weapon of mass destruction twenty years in the making. And he blew it up pretty much directly after it’s first and only successful attack. It was operational for fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes that Palpatine had the thing he’d been building for longer than Luke has been alive, and Luke blows it up. First day retirement, but first hour retirement.
Luke convinces Darth Vader to turn back to the light side, a feat thought literally impossible by literally everybody. Sidious clearly doesn’t see Vader’s betrayal coming. Vader’s betrayal was not in his plans, nor was it something he was prepared for. Sidious is a powerful Force user with all four limbs while Vader is a man in the tin can Palpatine put him in. If Palpatine had seen Vader turning coming, he would not have allowed it to happen.
Luke literally should not even be alive. Palpatine almost definitely got Padme out of the way on purpose, and he almost certainly was trying for her unborn child as well (there was way too big of a risk that a cute liddol bebe would bring some humanity back to Anakin, and Palpatine did not want Anakin to have any humanity) Luke living is literally the first step in Palpatine’s ultimate downfall, especially once Vader finds out that Luke is his son. His very alive son. His son that is not dead, despite Palpatine claiming Anakin killed Padme. Implying that Anakin killed Padme and she posthumously gave birth. But, she didn’t give birth on Mustafar, which was the last place Anakin interacted with her. And once the mother dies, you have to get those fuckers out fast or they die too.
I imagine Darth Vader piecing all of this together is that meme with all the math floating around his head, because how could Padme have died by his hand and then given birth like two hours later?
Luke killing Palpatine is what ultimately leads to the dissolution of the Empire as an omnipotent entity. Luke killed the Empire. Luke spends a good amount of his adult life killing Empire remnants. We see that in the Mandalorian, since he’s so recognizable that Gideon immediately knows he’s fucked just by seeing an X-wing. We read it in Legends’ continuity, where Luke terrifies Imperials because he can walk into their changing room and stand in their for a minute and they don’t even notice.
Luke destroyed Palpatine’s life’s work. Everything Palpatine spent his whole life working towards, and Luke kills all of it. He blows up not one, but two Death Stars (he may not have pulled the trigger on the second Death Star, but without him, it never would have been destroyed). He convinces not one, but multiple Sith and Dark Jedi to return from the Dark Side. He is the only reason that Obi-Wan Kenobi, the biggest pain in Palpatine’s ass ever born, lives long enough to make it to the Death Star.
Palpatine went through so much effort. And just when he had finally won, when he finally had a weapon capable of destroying entire planets with a single blast, making it impossible for any planets or peoples to go against him, Luke shows up nineteen years late to the Jedi party with space Starbucks and a droid twice his age and almost singlehandedly destroys everything Palpatine ever had a hand in creating.
Luke manages to become even worse than Obi-Wan Kenobi, the ultimate thorn in the side of politicians, and Luke doesn’t even understand any politics. He wasn’t trained in diplomacy like Obi-Wan and Leia, no, he’s a farmboy who left home for the first time in his entire life, just this morning. And he is the one to destroy the Empire.
If they rewrote Star Wars and had it entirely from Palpatine’s perspective, Luke Skywalker would be his greatest foe. Luke Skywalker would be the final boss. Luke Skywalker is the antithesis of everything Palpatine believes in and he is the one character that Palpatine cannot predict. He isn’t as moldable as Anakin, he doesn’t respond to threats very well, he’s apparently impossible to kill via Force lightning (still the funniest scene of all times, the progression of Palpatine’s face falling and him looking like “what the fuck??? Is this kid rubber??? I’ve electrocuted him eight times???”), his unwavering faith in his father’s goodness makes Darth Vader want to be a better person, Luke Skywalker is the big bad of Palpatine’s story and—
There is nothing in this world that is funnier than someone’s biggest antagonist being Luke fucking Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, who saved the galaxy with the power of love and who shouldn’t exist, by Jedi rules and by Palpatine’s own attempts, and whose best friends are literally droids, which Palpatine canonically hates!
Everything about this is hilarious, this is the funniest thing in all of media, Palpatine loses absolutely everything to some backwater farmboy who fucking likes droids.
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getooine · 7 months
More Space Twins- from ESB
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Almost forgot about these as they’re a bit older : Pencils, gouache paint and a bit of digital touch up on my phone
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girlrandomstuff · 1 year
“leia would have loved anakin, she just hated vader” Leia Organa, literally raised in a matriarchy, would have HATE Anakin ‘as your husband i demand’ Skywalker
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the-force-awakens · 2 years
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#the lineage we deserve
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tossawary · 1 month
So, it was not initially planned for Leia to be Luke's sister in the original "Star Wars" trilogy, and we can relatively easily come up with in-universe reasons as to why Bail Organa never told his daughter that her biological father was Darth Vader and that Darth Vader was arguably responsible for the death of her biological mother, without even needing to read any additional materials like novelizations or EU books.
Firstly, Bail presumably doesn't want his righteous daughter to have even more reason to try to murder Darth Vader. Secondly, Force-users are telepathic sometimes, and it's probably really hard to Not Think about the fact that you're Darth Vader's secret daughter when Darth Vader is right in front of you.
I can imagine for myself that Leia has at least always known that she was adopted, and also that she's aware that she should do everything in her power to keep her genetic material away from the Empire. Just going by the movies alone (in which the fate of Kamino and its cloning facilities is unknown), it seems reasonable to fear that the Empire might create and install clone puppet rulers of various planets. Kill Leia's parents, clone her a few times, and forcibly install a new Queen of Alderaan backed by the Imperial military for "security" reasons? Yeah, that sounds like something the Empire might do. Sure.
But now I'm thinking about what might have happened on the Death Star if Leia HAD known that she was Darth Vader's daughter, had known about Padmé Amidala, and maybe also that she had a twin brother out there somewhere. How well-known is Vader's tendency to murder military officers who piss him off? It's delicious to imagine Tarkin about to destroy a planet, and Leia turning to Darth Vader and, out of sheer, furious desperation, saying something like, "Padmé Amidala's child survived and was taken to Alderaan in secret. If it's destroyed, your child will die."
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tending-the-hearth · 1 month
my favorite trio dynamic is "romantic couple who would do anything for each other and their Platonic Guy that they would also do anything for"
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lovegrowsart · 7 months
it's pretty wild to me that people don't see that aang running off to save katara in CoD is his luke in empire strikes back moment, where he runs headlong into his want and attachment and he's narratively punished for doing so and not learning his lesson - aang runs after katara despite guru pathik's warning, like luke runs after leia and han from yoda on dagobah despite yoda's warning; similarly, as a result, things go to hell in ba sing se like they do on bespin - aang enters the avatar state before he's ready and gets killed, and ba sing se falls to the fire nation, luke fights vader before he's ready, loses a hand, and symbolically commits suicide after vader tells him he's luke's father.
the difference between their character arcs is that george lucas and co. actually went thru with luke's hero's journey and understood the fundamental difference between attachment and love, whereas I don't think bryke understood this difference and then dropped this from aang's arc pretty much completely and replaced it with aang digging in his heels into his want and attachment and he gets rewarded with energy bending from a lion turtle, the avatar state from a random pointy rock, and his forever girl from the self-indulgent white men that couldn't bring themselves to give their hero a compelling character arc that meant he might not have gotten everything he wanted at the end.
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rebeljyn-moved · 1 year
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↳Get to know your favorite princess(senator and general), Leia Organa!
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
Saw this post about Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and:
I think we need to turn Vader into a cat that, for reasons, is stuck with Leia Maybe before Alderaan explodes
@professorsparklepants: SCREAMING Leia, day 1: I hate this man and everything he stands for but I can't kill a cat. Like come on. Leia day 100: (with Cat Vader standing on her shoulders) I hate this man and everything he stands for
I can't decide how many of his limbs are still mechanical. I know it's at least one (the one Dooku cut off). Tiny kitty prostheses.
I do know he's a little bit blind (not fully, but idk kitty cataracts to parallel whatever burning alive did to his corneas), and at some point starts 'grooming' her by licking at her hair and she hates it but also laughs at him, meanly, because he hates the fact that he was too distracted to stop himself from trying to groom her like an actual cat.
He can talk, but he has Anakin Voice.
Which freaks Leia out a bit because she didn't expect him to sound so… normal.
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pbandjeveryday · 1 year
Thinking about how on Leia’s childhood birthdays, Alderaanian holonet channels would be broadcasting Empire Day specials all day long. Thinking about how Bail would turn it off and they would celebrate her day with an abundance of presents and desserts and Leia would feel like the happiest little princess in the galaxy, but she would always associate that day with the Imperial March.
Thinking about how on Luke’s childhood birthdays, Aunt Beru would make him a simple birthday cake and Uncle Owen would give him the day off of chores. Thinking about how Luke didn’t even know it was Empire Day until the year that Owen took him to Tosche station and someone said something about it, and how he didn’t really associate his birthday with Empire Day until Imperial presence on Tatooine began to increase.
Thinking about how on Ezra’s childhood birthdays, he had to watch the people who took his parents away marching down the Capital City streets to applause and cheers. Thinking about how the only birthdays he could remember were filled with misery and anger until he turned fifteen on the Ghost, and how even though his birthdays got happier with his new family, he always associated that day with pain and fear.
Thinking about how much their adopted families meant to each one of them on their birthdays, and how hard it must have been once those families were torn away from them.
Thinking about how much destruction and pain the Empire caused in all three of their lives, from the very day they each drew their first breaths.
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phresya · 5 months
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I love THE space buns as much as the next guy, but you gotta admit they are at their peak when disheveled
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an-old-lady · 1 year
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Princess Leia/General Organa
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
My favorite trio trope is “the main character who is also the 3rd wheel”
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hanafubukki · 4 months
Kingsroad: The Sword for the Crown
We assume that The Knight of Dawn was forgotten by history because we haven't heard about him until recently in Book 7: Part 5. But, what if that is not the case? What if his story was passed down orally? What if Princess Leah lived and that's how his story was told?
And it was right in front of us all along? Specifically in Rook's Endless Halloween card, as can be seen below.
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I talked to Mumble, @irafuwas, about this and isn't the lyrics rather interesting and very reminiscent of the Knight of Dawn?
King of a Land, Knights that he led were capable, fact that Lilia is singing and telling this story to Malleus. The parallels with Lilia, who's also in history books. (Altered as we know now, in this case, it might apply to KOD as well since we don't know much about him yet.)
Rook never mentions his name, but as we don't know the King's name, we also do not know the Knight of Dawn's (please tell us soon twst devs). This song symbolizes the Knight of Dawn from his hardships to his contributions to his kingdom.
On a further note, look at the lyrics. Those lyrics can apply to the KOD but they can also apply to Silver.
Hear me out. There is a sword in RSA. What if that is the KOD sword? And the one who pulls it out is Silver?
There are many connections of the lyrics with Silver: he's KOD's son, Silver has the sword symbolism, and the title also is "Kingroad: The Sword for the Crown," It can have two meanings here. Silver, who is the prince of a fallen kingdom, but he's also The King's Sword. The Sword of the Crown (Malleus' Sword).
Additionally, Silver has fought in land, the dream squad has been traveling by air In the dream world and I wouldn't be surprised if we fight Malleus in the air if we have a fight with his dragon form. We might even fight in water in Octa dream chapter thus fulfilling the lyrics in this musical. (As if it is a prophecy, as if it was foretold, who else do we know that can "see" the future? 👀)
Let's also think about Silver as a character. The current struggle can be considered a King's road, trying to bring back Malleus to his senses. Also, Silver as the Sword for the Crown, does this not also remind you of Silver's determination? His embrace and renewed dedication to Malleus and Lilia. He wants to be a knight and he's more determined than ever to bring a smile back to Malleus' and Lilia's faces.
Now let's talk about Princess Leah and her role. It was never confirmed she died, but that she ran away when the castle was being invaded.
What if Princess Leah lived and helped founded the RSA and helped pass on the memories of her kingdom. After all, we don't know much about the curriculum of RSA nor do we know who they look up too. With the Inter-School SpellDrive possibly being in Book 8? We might just get some of the answers we seek.
Moreover, RSA seems to be a newer school especially since General Vanrouge never mentioned RSA. He mentioned NRC but not RSA. Knowing General Vanrouge? Who made fun of NRC's capabilities? Would he not have also made fun of RSA if it existed back then?
According to Book 5, Ambrose mentions that if they win the inter-school tournament in May, it would be their 100th victory. So the school is at least 100 years old.
This tournament is also in May, and do you know who else's birthday is in May? Silver's, the one who this musical has such great ties with. It also brings into thought, Silver was recently found and woken up, he's 17. What we know now from Lilia's dream world, the treaty with the humans was signed around the time Silver was found. All of this has some interesting timing. 👀
(maybe it took so long because of the treaty negotiations, because it takes time to found a school and their dorms, maybe Ambrose's ancestors plays a role since we saw those animals in part 5 of Book 7, but you have to admit; the timing is all suspicious, especially considering that the dark mirror has been picking students since only a hundred years ago. 👀)
If I extrapolate even more, we saw RSA students using wands like how the “Fairy Godmother” does. If the Fairy Godmother is an actual fae and a diurnal one at that, would that not be another connection?
We know KOD was blessed by a diurnal fae and we saw Silver was put to sleep by them too. Wouldn’t it be interesting if RSA was somehow connected to diurnal faes? Especially given the fact that Silver took part in the Fairy Gala If Event with said type of faes? An event where he wishes for all races to live in harmony?
This card is also interesting because we have Rook, Idia, and Malleus in it. Characters we have seen recently in Book 7 part 8. Who are talking about kings, knights, and history. Topics that have been emphasized in both gameplay lessons and in Book 7.
Geographically, Briar Valley is considered "North" in the twst world map. The king in the musical ruled a small northern country. Meleanor's castle could also apply here could it not? After it was taken over?
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Recently, we have also seen an emphasis on music and dance and its importance. Giving us more clues to focus on this tidbit of lore. Importances in cards such as Ace's Endless Halloween Card, this Rook card, Malleus' Glorious Masquerade, Silver's Platinum Bday. (Events and characters who might/have play a important role in the future)
History being passed down orally usually has some ties with music and dance. Even now, in modern times, such methods are used. With the musical being one of the three greatest in the twst world? It will never be forgotten, so the Knight of Dawn will never be forgotten and will always be loved.
I can't wait until more lore is revealed. I feel many of our questions can be answered when we find out more about RSA, especially in terms of the Knight of Dawn and Princess Leah. I always find it amazing how cards and events from the past still gives us main story hints even now and how intricately laid out the entire twst lore is. It always has me in awe. 😊💞🥰
Translations and Credit to @/mysteryshoptls
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wearesociety · 7 months
i’m so serious about female characters that fandom tries to diminish and erase. I WILL keep my girl alive by all means, years from now a new generation will fall for her and she will mean everything to them.
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