#charles x georgiana
sillyandsensibleheart · 3 months
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Chapter 11 is out now! Georgiana takes matters into her own hands, and Darcy comes to a rather important decision...
After accidentally overhearing a conversation between Elizabeth Bennet and Charolette Lucas at the Netherfield ball, Darcy is forced to admit that he has made an embarrassing misjudgment. Elizabeth Bennet detests him. The trouble is, she might be the very person he needs most to help his sister out of her depression. Darcy must overcome his pride to ask a woman who does not even LIKE him to befriend his lonely sister, while Elizabeth must open her heart to a young woman in need.
Darcy and Elizabeth learn to know each other in broken pieces through letters sent to a mutually beloved girl.
Elizabeth Bennett and Georgiana Darcy become 'pen pals'.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 11 months
Tangled Hearts - Fitzwilliam Darcy X Female Reader
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Title: Tangled Hearts
Fitzwilliam Darcy X Female Reader
(Could be seen with either BBC Darcy or the 2005 Darcy; I personally see it as the 2005 version/settings based off the 2005 one)
Additional Characters: Reader's parents, Charles Bingley, Caroline, George Wickham (Mentioned), Jane Bennet (Mentioned), Georgiana Darcy (Mentioned), other random people (Mentioned), Albert Wright (OC), Mr. Took (OC) (Mentioned), and Duke Phillip Colston (OC) (Mentioned)
WC: 7,526
Warnings: Typical Pride and Prejudice era misogyny and so on, toxic parents, Reader is mentioned to wear dresses and heels, Reader hates balls, society sucks, Caroline, banter, gossip, arranged marriages, Darcy's in love, scandals mentioned, yelling, crying, Charles is the voice of reason, itty bit of suggestion (time period wise), angst, and fluff
Pemberley. Your home away from home. The large country estate was gorgeous, surrounded by vivid green grass, and which sat across a crystal clear lake. You loved Pemberley not only for its beauty, but because the place had become your own haven of peace and solitude. It was where you could be yourself without worrying about being judged or ostracized. 
Though, during the time, you always were forced to look so prim and proper, on days where you had no other responsibilities, you would sneak out to sit on the soft grass outside. That was the only time you really felt free.
As a child, you visited Pemberley more often than not. Your family were great friends with the Darcys and Bingleys, resulting in you spending a lot of time at the residence and within their presence. You had become close friends with Charles Bingley - his sister, Caroline, not so much - George Wickham, and Fitzwilliam Darcy. 
During your later adolescent years, you had briefly traveled to the Longbourn estate, where you had grown close to Jane and Elizabeth Bennet, despite your parent's wishes. Your mother specifically didn't want you spending time with those in the Middle Class. That didn't stop you though.
Out of the three, Charles, Caroline, and Fitzwilliam, you spent most of your time with the latter. And eventually Georgiana Darcy in the later upcoming years. Ever since you were a young child, you would travel to Pemberley with your parents, occasionally playing with the young Darcy if you were both not in lessons with your shared tutor.
You never really understood why both you and Fitzwilliam were tutored together, you never voiced your questions out loud, in fear of being scolded. But, during your many years in the company of Fitzwilliam, the two of you became very close friends, which was only natural having grown up together.
As the years went on, your parents began forcing you to attend balls, and at the age of twenty-two, you began to realize that they were actively looking for a suitable husband for you. You had a distaste for the idea, but were forced to comply, knowing that they would not end the search, no matter how many times you had voiced your own wishes.
Thankfully, Charles, Caroline, and Fitzwilliam were usually always attended. And occasionally, you'd spend time with Jane and Lizzie when they attended the same events, but otherwise, you would stand on the sidelines with Fitzwilliam as everyone else danced.
Your personality, though more reserved, wasn’t lacking. You had a great sense of humor, a sharp intellect, and an excellent memory. You enjoyed reading books and watching plays and operas; at a time wishing you could play a part in either one. You were kind, and generous to a fault; which, when you were younger, had gotten you into some trouble at times. You were very free-spirited, not afraid to speak your mind in certain situations; which your parents thought resulted in you spending too much time with Elizabeth Bennet. 
Fitzwilliam, though holding many similar interests, his demeanor was seemingly unfriendly, aloof, and unapproachable. He kept to himself, rarely engaging in social activities and never participating in conversations unless spoken to first. And while he was a bit arrogant and proud, he was actually very caring and understanding towards the ones that he held in high esteem. He still remained distant from most people, preferring to watch them from afar with a critical, often anxious - though, he was rather good at hiding it, gaze. 
You usually stood on the sidelines with Fitzwilliam at balls, only occasionally dancing with some random man your parents wanted you to dance with; in hopes some spark ignites. But, you disliked dancing, especially with strangers, and preferred to read books and relax in your room. Fitzwilliam, ever the gentleman, would start up some sort of conversation with you, albeit awkwardly. Though it happened rarely, it was always welcome; all the balls that you have ever been to have always been dreadful, but less so with Fitzwilliam there.
Balls had become associated with finding suitors and respectable husbands, rather than having fun and enjoying yourself, and you were beginning to resent that aspect of life. You knew that there was going to be a very low chance, or none at all, that you would be allowed to choose your own husband; or even have any say in the arrangement in the first place. If you did have a choice, you would choose Fitzwilliam. A few years prior, you noticed that you had developed feelings for him, feelings that were growing every single day. 
You greatly admired Fitzwilliam, his intelligence, kindness, gentleness, handsomeness, and overall good nature. But you said nothing of it. You knew you had no choice in who you were going to marry - whether you liked it or not. So you kept your head down and tried not to think of it too much. Though, it was hard to not think about him, you spent a lot of time with the man after all. But, being a very respectable and composed young woman, you didn't show most of your emotions to others.
As an Upper Class woman, you were required to follow every rule laid out by your parents and society. You also had a duty to act demure in public, especially during formal events, and to appear to be a perfectly poised young lady. This was something that you hated, not being able to express yourself freely, or to be your true self. But, you were really good at it. Being taught to hold unwanted emotions at bay, which you had learned to hold certain romantic feelings for Fitzwilliam in a tightly controlled manner.
Sitting in one of the many sitting rooms in Pemberley, you quietly sipped your tea with Fitzwilliam and Caroline. It was silent, aside from the occasional clink of a tea cup being placed upon a small saucer, the sound of Fitzwilliam's quill upon the parchment, and the sound of you turning the pages of your book as you read. Whilst your mind was elsewhere, you hardly noticed Caroline as she read some letter about a scandal some banker was in before hearing your friends, Elizabeth Bennet's presence being announced.
"Miss Elizabeth Bennet."
Shutting your book, you let a small smile grace your features as Lizzie entered, her hair down and mud on her shoes. She gave a polite smile, looking around the room as Fitzwilliam stood and gave a curt bow of the head. Setting your book on the table before you, you walked over to the young woman, greeting her with a quick hug.
After a moment of silence, Caroline quietly gasped, "Good lord, Elizabeth. Did you walk here?”
"I did..." She answered as you both pulled away from the hug.
"Lizzie, it is so good to see you. Are you well? It has been ages since we last spoke." You asked, "I hope you won't become ill. It was rather chilly out this morning."
"I am well, thank you. And yourself?" She asked softly.
Clasping your hands together before you, you nodded, "I am doing marvelously, thank you. We will have to have tea together sometime soon, I miss our riveting conversations."
Lizzie's smile widened, "Of course." After another slightly awkward moment, she continued, "I'm so sorry, how's my sister?" She brought her eyes to Fitzwilliam and Caroline.
"She's upstairs." Fitzwilliam answered and Elizabeth nodded.
"Thank you." With one last look and smile towards you, she left the room with haste. 
Letting out a small sigh, you walked back to the table, sitting back down in your seat and reopening your book. "My goodness, did you see her hem? Six inches deep in mud. She looked positively medieval." She mocked with amusement in her tone, and you rather hoped that she would finish speaking, but she wasn't done. Caroline then turned to you, and braced yourself for her words, "That was rather unlady-like, wasn't it?" She asked, as you flipped to the next page of your book.
"May I ask you to elaborate, Caroline?" You asked, barely giving the woman a glance as you continued reading. Ever since you were a young child, you and Caroline had never seen eye to eye. You weren't exactly fond of each other, and you didn't care to try getting along any better than you already did.
"Greeting her in such a manner." Caroline responded as she picked up a small finger sandwich.
You flipped to the next page, "Isn't it rather unlady-like to bring yourself into one's business, Caroline?" You asked, looking up to look at the women with a raised eyebrow. She only said nothing, letting out a small scoff as she looked away. "Oh, Caroline, dear... You have a little bit of something..." You began, lightly tapping the side of your mouth; even though she had nothing even blemishing her face.
Caroline quickly snatched a napkin from the table, dabbing the corner of her mouth. If she was embarrassed, she didn't show it, but you could tell by the way she fidgeted slightly in her seat that she was anything but pleased. Before going back to your book, you glanced over at Fitzwilliam, who had sat back down minutes ago, a very, very small smile on his face; his eyes held some amusement. Smiling lightly yourself, you went back to your book and tea.
It was a particular sunny day, birds singing in the trees, and clouds rolling through the sky. It was a beautiful afternoon, and you were enjoying it immensely. The weather was perfect for taking a stroll in the countryside, and if you were being honest, you loved being outdoors. The sun felt warm and inviting against your skin, the breeze gently blowing past you caused your dress to flutter a bit in the breeze. Carrying your book in your hand, you found a nice grassy spot to sit, not too far from Pemberley, but close enough to the lake that you felt at ease. You opened your book to where you had left off earlier and took a deep breath, trying to clear your mind of any unpleasant thoughts. 
You did not know how much time had passed before you heard footsteps, but you didn't bother looking up. When the person then took a seat beside you on the grass, you moved your gaze away from your book, looking up. There sat Fitzwilliam, his expression unreadable. "How may I be of service, Fitzwilliam?" You asked, placing your bookmark between the pages of your novel, closing it gently and setting it in your lap.
"I had been looking for you," He began, staring straight ahead, "May I accompany you for a while?" He added, and you nodded.
"As you wish." You replied, "I'd love the company, Fitz." He didn't say anything else, just giving you a short nod, a barely visible smile before looking off at the lake.
You went back to your book, opening it once more to where you had left off, but you didn't feel like continuing. It seemed that he had something on his mind, and it seemed that he wasn't in the mood to talk about it. Perhaps it would do him good to get it off his chest. But you knew better in asking him to do such, though he was pretty open with you in general, Fitzwilliam was quite reserved when it came to matters of the heart; he'd hide things behind a façade of calm and composure when talking to those around him. So you didn't say anything, didn't push him, allowing Fitzwilliam to take his time.
After a couple of minutes, he finally spoke, "What is it that you are reading?" He asked, turning his gaze to the book in your hands.
Looking up, you meet his gaze, "It's called 'Emma.' It speaks of a young woman who thinks of herself as a matchmaker." You replied softly.
"Ah. I suppose I should not be surprised that your reading has led you to romantic literature." Fitzwilliam commented.
"Well, I wouldn't say that." You countered. "I simply find them fascinating, as they give me new perspectives." You explained, tilting your head to the side slightly, "Have you read this publication?" You asked, motioning towards the book in your lap.
"No, I have not. I believe Miss Caroline had mentioned it in passing once." He admitted, and you gave a small hum in response. "Though she was not seemingly fond of it."
You lightly scoffed, turning to stare at the lake before you, "I would suspect that she finds it distasteful." Another silence washed over the two of you, and you found yourself looking at Fitzwilliam. You could sense an uneasiness in his gaze, though there was something else there, as well. You wanted to ask what was bothering him, but you decided against it, knowing better than to pry into the affairs of another person. However, you were curious, and as you watched his eyes dart across the water, you knew you needed to speak. "Are you feeling alright, Fitz?" You questioned softly.
Fitzwilliam looked over at you, staring at you before speaking, "I apologize if you feel that I am acting peculiar..."
"Do not worry. You are not behaving strangely." You assured him, smiling slightly, "I am just worried that something might be on your mind." 
Fitzwilliam pursed his lips briefly, his blue eyes locked with yours. The way you looked at him caused his stomach to flutter nervously, your overall presence made him nervous, and the overwhelming pounding of his heart was deafening. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy was completely and utterly hopelessly in love with you. How could he ever resist you? He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms, kiss you until the world disappeared, and tell you everything. But that would be highly inappropriate and perhaps even selfish, and he knew that. He had no right to ask such of you, and he knew that; he pushed those desires aside immediately and forced himself to think rationally. 
"Would it be presumptuous of me to inquire as to if you are going to be attending the ball this fortnight?" He finally asked, his voice low, his eyes flickering over your features.
Your heart skipped a beat upon hearing the question, and you could not help but swallow dryly. "Yes, I will be attending. As you know, my parents wouldn't allow me to miss the event, even though I would much rather be reading in my room." You answered, trying to keep the trepidation out of your voice.
"I must agree with you. I would much rather be alone in my room as well." He replied quietly, lowering his gaze back to his own lap. 
"Well," You sighed out, grabbing your book once more, "At least we will have each other's presence to distract us from the tedium of the events." You said in an attempt to lighten the air, but he only offered a small chuckle before he turned his gaze back to the lake. 
Silence fell over the both of you again, with the soft sound of the wind rustling through the leaves and the birds flying overhead filling the space between the two of you. The atmosphere was peaceful, as it always was whenever you were together. For you, the silence was comforting, and Fitzwilliam enjoyed the silence as well. It was rare when the both of you had the chance to have a quiet moment together, so this was always a treat for you both.
Standing at the edge of the room, in your best dress from the newest season, you stood beside Fitzwilliam as the ball was in full swing. Your eyes surveyed the large room, glancing from the dancing couples, people chatting amongst their family, friends, etcetera, and finally, your parents. They stood, speaking with a man, whom you couldn't quite place his name on. From where you were, you could not understand fully what they were saying, which worried you slightly.
And it seemed that Fitzwilliam had noticed your straying gaze on your parents, and how your satin-gloved hands fumbled together nervously in front of you.
"Do not mind them." He muttered to you, leaning slightly towards you so you could hear him over the music.
"It is hard not to, Fitz," You spoke, turning your gaze away from your parents and back out upon the dancing. "They've been trying to find me a husband for the past couple of months. I am hoping at some point they will give up in their search."
"By the way that you speak, it would seem that you do not wish to marry." Fitzwilliam said, and you turned your head to look up at him.
"You know me, Fitzwilliam." You sighed, shaking your head slightly, "I do not want to marry someone I am unsure of. Besides, there were many whom were willing to offer marriage to a lady like me, and many of them, if I must say so myself, were handsome in all senses of the word. But from the few who have offered me marriage, I have turned away. I know that they had only seen my wealth, status, and looks rather than my personality. And I find that I cannot fathom the idea of marrying someone so shallow, or lacking in depth and solidity for that matter."
"I admire your strength of character." He said, looking down at you.
"Thank you, Fitz." You smiled sweetly up at him. "I admire your kindness and integrity." You added, your smile becoming genuine as he returned your smile with one of his own; though hardly noticeable.
"Daughter," Your gaze swiftly moved from your long-time friend to your mother, who stood with your father, and another gentleman you have never met before. "I would like you to meet Mr. Albert Wright. He's the owner of the Wright & Co. bank here in England." She informed you, a smile on her face, but her eyes held such excitement.
This Albert fellow was certainly some character, judging by his attire. His suit had a deep black waistcoat, a dark green vest, black breeches, and black shoes. And despite his clothing being quite plain, he did make an imposing figure; he was tall and broad, with a strong jawline, and he appeared to be very well built. His hair was dark brown, curly, and cut short, and his eyes a brilliant green.
You curtsied to him, trying to be as polite as possible, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Wright." You greeted, forcing a smile upon your face.
"Please, call me Albert." He spoke, his voice deeper than you expected. Surprising you further as he bows his head and then offers you his hand. "May I have the honor of asking you to dance, my lady?"
The thought of taking his hand made you nervous, yet you took it regardless; not wanting to cause a scene or to upset your mother and father. Fitzwilliam stood helplessly as he watched you being led across the room by Mr. Albert just as another song began; his frown deepened, his eyes narrowing slightly as he watched as you danced with Mr. Albert. 
"Lovely match, don't you think, Mr. Darcy?" Your mother asked Fitzwilliam as she watched you dance with the banker.
Fitzwilliam reluctantly spoke, "I suppose so." He responded nonchalantly, averting his gaze momentarily before looking back over at you once more. Fitzwilliam had recognized the name Albert Wright from a couple of weeks prior. Having heard what the name had done, Fitzwilliam couldn't stop himself from warning your parents about Mr. Albert Wright's past scandal. "Madam, I understand wholeheartedly that you wish only the best for your daughter, but I feel that I must inform you that Mr. Albert was a part of a scandal many years ago regarding an older woman, whose husband was a respected merchant."
Your mother's eyes widened at the news, her hand coming to be placed upon her chest in shock, "Where did you hear of this, sir?" She inquired, your father mirroring his wife's expression, but he said nothing.
"From Miss Caroline, madam." He explained, turning to face the dancing crowd, his eyes following your figure.
Her mouth parted in surprise, her eyes widening further, "This is absolutely unacceptable! Our daughter should not associate with a man like this!" She exclaimed, her tone raising to one of anger as she glared at Mr. Albert.
By the end of the dance, Albert raised your hand and pressed a kiss to your gloved hand, bowing his head as you curtsied. Finally, you had thought, saying your goodbyes and thank yous to the man before heading back to your mother, father, and Fitzwilliam.
As you got closer, your eyebrows furrowed slightly, seeing your mother and father's angry expressions as they spoke to one another. Finding your spot next to Fitzwilliam, you leaned slightly towards the man to speak. "What has gotten my parents in such a temper?" You asked him, noticing his shoulders tensing slightly.
He glanced over at you briefly and shook his head lightly, "I am afraid I don't know. Perhaps it concerns Mr. Albert." He mused softly, keeping his eyes locked onto yours.
"But why is Papa so enraged? I haven't seen him this red since Mr. Took had tried to cheat him out of some money." You commented softly, looking up towards your parents once more.
"I believe it has to do with the fact that Mr. Albert had been a part of a scandal many years back." Fitzwilliam answered, making your jaw drop slightly, your hand coming up to cover your shock.
"And where did you hear of such a thing?" You asked quickly, wanting to know more details as to what scandal that Mr. Albert had gotten involved in.
Fitzwilliam looked down at you for a moment, turning back to the dancing, "If my memory serves me correctly, Miss Caroline had read upon it in a letter."
Trying to hide the smirk on your face, you lightly cleared your throat. "Well, isn't this unexpected," You muttered, amused. "And I could only assume that you had mentioned such news to my parents?" You asked, looking up at the name, eyes glinting with amusement.
Fitzwilliam looked down at you, nodding his head slowly, thinking, "Yes, you would be correct." He confirmed, saying nothing else which only made you smile.
"Well, thank you, Fitz," You began, "Without you, I wouldn't doubt my parents would have me married off to the man." You joked before another peaceful silence engulfed you both - that is, it was peaceful for you. 
Fitzwilliam looked down at you from beneath his eyelashes, studying you carefully, almost as if he were trying to memorize every feature of your face. When he realized that he was staring, he quickly turned away, clearing his throat lightly as he gained the courage to offer his hand out. You looked over, looking up at the man, to his hand, and back.
As you raised your eyebrow in question, he finally spoke, "Would you like to dance, my lady?" He asked softly, and you couldn't help the smile that grew on your face. You had your shock well, but you were surprised that 
"That sounds lovely." You whispered, placing your hand into his gently.
The sun was shining brightly as it peeked through the clouds, causing the water to sparkle with each droplet of rain that hit the surface. You love it when the sun's shining and it's raining at the same time. You had started your day as you usually did when you stayed at your family estate; waking up in your lavish bed, before getting ready for the day. Choosing one of your favorite day dresses, you style your hair neatly, grabbing a new book before leaving your chambers. Before breakfast, you did your daily practice on the piano for a moment before sitting in one of the sitting rooms and reading your book. 
Joining your mother and father for breakfast, you ate delicious small cakes, breads, and hot coffee. Breakfast was pretty peaceful and quiet, aside from your father occasionally speaking up. After a while, the topic shifted from the conversation regarding your plans for the afternoon, which included spending the time walking about the grounds, as you had previously intended to do earlier in the morning. 
You hid your feelings well, but you wished that you were at Pemberley at the moment. You had never really felt comfortable or a part of your family's estate. You loved both your parents dearly, but they were rather strict compared to how you're used to life at Pemberley. In truth, you missed staying there; however, you were happy that you were able to stay with your family once again and you didn't want to disrupt their routine. So, you continued to smile politely through your father's comments and continued to eat your food.
You had begun to zone out at some point of your father's speech, nodding along when you thought necessary when suddenly, you heard your name being called. You snapped your head up to see your mother with a small frown on her face. "Your father had asked you a question, young lady." She informed you. You bowed your head and apologized for spacing out. Your mother sighed, placing her small fork down on her fine China plate. "Your father had asked if you desired to attend the upcoming ball at Pemberley?" Pushing your shoulders back, your mind racking at your mother's words. But before you could answer, your mother cut back in, "We know that you don't have a fondness for such events." Your mother included, which you found odd and surprisingly thoughtful, that she was aware of your dislike for socializing, and was finally letting you have a choice in the matter.
Though, you couldn't help but wonder, why now? What had happened or what had been said that would allow your parents to change their minds? Looking up, your eyes met your mother's, "If I may, mother, I had thought that you would want me to attend such gatherings. Has something happened to change your mind so?" You asked her, tilting your head slightly as you spoke.
Your mother nodded her head, her smile widening with excitement, "Precisely so, but we have splendid news for you." Glancing to your father, he then decided to speak, clearing his throat before doing so.
"Your mother and I have found you a suitor. We have met with him many times over these past few weeks and we have deemed him to be most suitable. We have decided to arrange for your engagement with him." Your father announced.
Your breath caught in your throat, unable to utter even a word. You felt as if the world had begun to crumble around you, all your efforts of being independent forgotten as your father's words sunk in. You wanted the Earth to swallow you whole, the sky to open up and spit you back out, and any other form of escape would be welcomed by you. Your heart ached as your father finished speaking, your fingers twitching slightly as you grasped your fork tightly; your knuckles turning white. 
Your lips and mouth felt extremely dry as you opened your mouth and licked your lips, a shaky breath escaping you, "Who have you arranged me with?" You asked, "... If I may inquire?" Your voice was shallow and quiet, your gaze directed downwards.
"Duke Phillip Colston, a very wealthy gentleman who lives here in England." Your father replied, watching you closely as if waiting for you to react. "I believe you'll make a very respectable wife for him, just so as long as you do not cause him too much trouble. He is an eligible bachelor after all." Your father added quietly.
Sighing inwardly, you lifted your head to look at your parents, swallowing heavily, "Do I have any say in this?" You questioned, your voice still weak as your hands clenched into fists under the table. You could feel tears building in your eyes, and you desperately blinked them away, refusing to let them fall as you tried your hardest to keep yourself composed.
"I am afraid not, dear," Your mother answered, "We have gone countless months trying to find you a respectable and kind suitor - a man who is willing and able to take care of you and provide you with all the comforts of society. And yet, all of our attempts have failed." Her tone grew seemingly irritated. "Every man we had brought to you, offering marriage, you have turned away." Her voice rose into one of anger. "You are at a point where men will not even be interested in marrying you, your refusals are becoming the talk of the town, gossip, and blather, and I will not have it." She practically spat angrily, looking up at you with fire in her eyes, a fire that you could not seem to extinguish. 
You stared at your mother silently, a slight pain throbbing through your heart as you took in her words, "I understand wholeheartedly, mother," You began, pushing your chair back to stand, and setting your napkin onto your empty China plate. "I will say this, that I have no desire to marry such a man; duke or not. My heart belongs to someone who is worthy of it." You stated firmly. You then turned on your heel, walking out of the room without saying another word.
Once you were out of their sight, knowing that they weren't going to follow you, you ran. Rushing out into the hall, you ignored the odd looks from your family's servants and maids, swiftly making your way to the front doors and stumbling out into the chill air. Breathing heavily, you felt everything rushing through your veins and blood; flowing throughout your body. Without a second thought, you stepped out into the light rain before running once again. 
You kept running and running, your feet stomping into the wet grass, hair plastered to your face, cold rain falling onto your face; soaking your dress. You didn't care nor have any mind to where you were running or where you were, you just needed to get away. Away from them. Away from them all. Your life, you had no power, no control over it; no matter how hard you fought against it, you could not escape fate. 
You had known that at some point, your parents would grow tiresome of your constant rejection of the men they had brought to you. You knew it was going to be only a matter of time before they would just arrange for you to marry someone else. It was bound to happen sooner or later, considering your age. You weren't getting any younger, and no one wanted a spinster for a daughter.
Still breathing heavily, you came to a stop in a dewy field, your chest rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath. Finally, you let the tears fall from your eyes, your vision blurry as the water streaming down your cheeks. You wiped your cheek with your sleeve as a sob escaped your lips. You collapsed to the ground in a heap, feeling as if your heart was breaking all over again. The day of the shining sun and the falling rain, something that you had once adored, now only seemed to mock you. As you cried softly, ignoring how cold and drenched you were, you did not hear the sounds of hooves, and someone calling your name. Only when you felt someone touch your shoulder, did you look up.
Fitzwilliam's usually stoic expression was long gone, replaced with worry and concern. His brows furrowed together as he looked at your tear-stained cheeks, and your dampened dress. Fitzwilliam slowly helped you to your feet, helping you lean against him as he guided you to his horse. You did not remember much of the ride back to Pemberley, nor entering the large estate, nor when you were rushed off with a couple of housemaids. You felt numb as you were in the bath, hair being washed and skin being scrubbed. During that time, you had only wished the bath water to be scalding. 
You were quickly dressed in an afternoon dress - one of the dresses that you had kept in your room for when you stayed at the estate - swiftly, you were brought to your room. You sat on your bed, in the home that you'd grown to love more than your own, gazing out the window as the rain began to slowly cease, revealing a beautiful blue sky. A sigh left your lips as a knock sounded upon your door, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Enter," You muttered, surprisingly loud enough for the person to hear, as they opened the door.
Turning your attention from the window, you looked over to see Fitzwilliam, the same worry on his beautiful features as when he had found you in the field in the pouring rain. Silently, he sat beside you, leaving enough space to make you feel comfortable. It wasn't long until Fitzwilliam's curiosity and urgency to see whatever was the matter got the best of him. He watched as you fiddled with your fingers and sighed deeply, "What troubles you? Why were you sitting among the fields?" His voice was soft, filled with concern, and you raised your hand to your hair; brushed but not styled. 
You felt your eyes well up with tears once more, a breathy sigh leaving your lips before you spoke, "I have been arranged to marry Duke Colston." You answered, a voice at the same level as the man beside you. You couldn't even bear to look at him, if you did, you were sure that the tears in your eyes would become a waterfall.
There was silence for several moments as you awaited Fitzwilliam's response. When finally, you glanced towards him, his gaze was locked straight ahead as if lost in thought, "Is this something that you are unhappy about?" Fitzwilliam inquired, his voice calm.
"Incredibly so," You answered with a breath, "I do not wish to marry that man, nor ever." You said, your words laced with bitterness, looking down at your lap, "But I do not know what to do. Despite everything, I cannot bring myself to refuse." You admitted, feeling guilty as soon as you finished speaking. Though you did not agree with the society that you lived in nor the repressing of women's voices, you knew that this was something that had to be done. Not for you, but for your family, no matter how much you detested the idea. "I will have to go along with the matter, for it pleases my family." 
Fitzwilliam stared at the side of your face, subconsciously admiring you as he thought. In his heart, he despised that you were forced to marry someone who was unworthy of you - you did not deserve that, you deserved far better. But what could he do? Again, Fitzwilliam was hopeless. He was unable to do much of anything. Right before him, you were miserable, and he could do nothing but sit here and offer you comfort. He did not even know which he could offer you at this point. He could only watch helplessly as you felt like he was watching you crumble right before his very eyes. His time was up, his hopes diminished, his dreams crushed.
Fitzwilliam sat in his office, staring down at the many papers and letters before him on his desk. The ticking of the grandfather clock was loud within the silent atmosphere, its deep, heavy, and unenthusiastic noises echoing around the room, as Fitzwilliam tried to force himself to focus. He was not successful, however, as his mind drifted to you every time he closed his eyes. Every time, he would imagine you, dancing with the Duke, marrying the Duke, starting a family with the Duke. Everything that Mr. Darcy himself had desired with you. 
He sighed heavily and rubbed at his forehead, closing his eyes briefly as images of you danced across his mind. You, in his arms. Dancing at the ball from only a month ago. You looked up at him with those eyes, those eyes that held his heart. You laughed, and he swore to himself that he would do everything in his power to keep you happy and laughing; he could not lose you. But he did. Why did he not ask for your hand?
A knock sounded at his office door and Fitzwilliam snapped his eyes open, turning his head to face the door. "Enter." He called out, clearing his throat. He watched as Charles Bingley, one of his friends, walked in, bowing slightly before giving him a small smile.
"Her parents have sent a carriage," He spoke to Fitzwilliam, "She'll be leaving soon, Darcy."
Fitzwilliam nodded, placing his quill back on top of his desk as he stood, walking over to the window, peering down at the carriage, "How long before she leaves?" He asked, but before he could receive an answer, he watched as you entered his vision, seemingly thanking the driver, and though reluctantly, stepping into the carriage.
Charles walked over, standing beside the man as he watched you leave. The man then glanced at his friend, observing him. The stoic look on his face, though more brooding, did not mask the sadness and pain that resided in his eyes; clearly, he cared deeply for you. Charles, and anyone else close to either of you, could have seen that. 
"You care for her," Charles spoke softly, Fitzwilliam's shoulders stiffening slightly at his words, "I believe that you might even love her, Darcy."
Fitzwilliam turned toward Charles with an odd look on his face, "What makes you say such a thing?" He asked, though he already knew the answer.
"The way you look at her, the way you speak to her," Charles paused, smiling warmly at Fitzwilliam, "There is no one else that looks at her the way you do," Fitzwilliam said nothing, turning his gaze away from the window and heading back towards his desk once your carriage was out of sight. "You should go after her." Charles said suddenly before leaving the room.
Fitzwilliam sat back down at his desk, letting out a deep sigh as he let himself slouch a little. Charle's words were ringing throughout his mind, causing him to frown deeper. He didn't know how long he sat there as he stared at the paper and his quill in front of him before he suddenly stood and grabbed his coat.
Sitting in the sitting room, book in hand, your mind could hardly focus on the words written in the book. Your thoughts were all on Fitzwilliam, all on the future, and your upcoming marriage with another man you did not love. Your mind already distracted, you snapped your head over to the study's entranceway, hearing muttering coming from down the hall. You could not make out anything, only hearing that it was two men speaking, but you furrowed your brows; hearing the muttering quiet before hearing the closing of another door. Curiosity was clawing at you but you turned back to your book, trying your hardest to get back to reading it.
But as two hours passed, having checked the clock every ten minutes or so, you began to grow restless. Shutting your book, you stared at the doorway, trying to strain your ears to hear anything, but you could not make out anything. The large estate was quiet, aside from the hustling of the servants. You looked over at the clock on the wall, about to stand to practice the piano to calm your nerves before your mother walked into the room. 
She stood, tall and poised as usual, a small smile on her face. With a small gesture, she told you to stand and follow her. And you did so, forgetting your book on the velvet loveseat and following your mother to your father's office. With a steady knock, the door opened and a small gasp left your lips. 
Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy stood beside your father, who sat at his office desk, leaned back, and with a thoughtful expression on his face. Immediately as the door opened, Fitzwilliam turned to face you, bowing respectively, as you glanced from your mother and to your father. Looking back to your long-time friend, you tilted your head to the side slightly, "Mr. Darcy, this is a surprise." You then looked to your mother and father once more, "Whatever is the matter?" You questioned.
Your father gave you a soft nod, "Please, join us." More than confused at this point - bewildered - you stepped further into the room, your mother leaving your side to stand next to your father at his desk. "Mr. Darcy here has come to inform us of something rather pressing." Your father answered finally, standing from his leather chair with a small grunt. "We shall leave you both to converse," He added as he made his way out of the room, followed by your mother.
As soon as they were gone, you turned to Fitzwilliam, "Whatever is going on, Fitzwilliam?" You asked as the man in question took a step towards you. 
And though he had a small frown on his face, his blue eyes held such vulnerability, such tenderness. "My lady," He muttered, his eyes searching yours, "I must confess that I am… Somewhat troubled." Letting out a small breath, he continued as you stared up at him, "For many years, I have found myself longing for you, and I can not seem to help but fall in love with you…" At his words, your eyes widened, and your lips parted slightly as he continued. "I have come to speak with your father about your arrangement. I can not force you to continue, nor can I force you to end it. But I can only hope that you could consider me as a potential suitor - husband rather, if that is agreeable to you."
You felt your breath hitch, your heart racing as you stared at the man you loved confessing that he had feelings for you, as well. After a moment, you managed to regain your composure, though you still remained speechless. Licking your dry lips briefly, you spoke, "It is," You breathed out. The words were barely above a whisper, and yet it seemed so loud to Fitzwilliam. He blinked rapidly, almost surprised at your response. You brushed the stray tear from your cheek, a small crawling sensation taking residence in your stomach. "I would be honored to accept your proposal, Fitzwilliam Darcy."
And though it was brief, you saw his smile before he took a step forward and hesitantly took your hand in his. The skin-on-skin contact, though usually forbidden between a gentleman and a young woman, caused butterflies to fill each of your stomachs as you both pressed your foreheads together, eyes fluttering shut. 
The sun was shining brightly today, as were the birds who were singing their songs in the tree branches, which were swaying lightly in the breeze; the light rain drizzled down from the sky. A content smile spread across your face as you leaned against the railing, overlooking the beautiful gardens that surrounded the estate. Your smile only widened as you felt a pair of arms slowly wrap around your waist, tugging you back into the warmth of Fitzwilliam's body. You hummed and rested your head upon his chest, your hands coming up to cover his. 
His arms tightened around your body, pulling you closer to him. "Good morning, my love." He spoke softly, planting a gentle kiss upon your temple. His lips moved along the soft skin of your cheek gently, causing you to shiver as goosebumps rose along your skin.
"Good morning, Fitz," You whispered in return. "I do declare that this is the most beautiful day I've ever experienced." You sighed out as he chuckled, nuzzling into your neck before pressing his lips to the skin there.
"That it is," He agreed before lifting his head and looking into your eyes. He gazed at you lovingly, brushing the hair from your face before leaning in and placing a soft kiss upon your lips. You sighed as he pulled away, allowing his forehead to rest against yours. Your fingers ran through his short hair, gently scratching his scalp as he hummed contently, enjoying the feeling.
"What is the time?" You asked, breaking the silence.
He glanced at his pocket watch, "Just past eight," He stated, giving you a fond smile, "Shall we head to breakfast?" He then suggested, earning a nod from you. Taking your hand in his, you brought it up to your lips, pressing your own kisses to his knuckles before he began to lead you from the balcony.
Behind the both of you, outside the window, just as the rain began to fade away... A rainbow slowly appeared.
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boinin · 1 year
for @marcsnuffy and that one anon
Pride, Prejudice & Penalties
Blue Lock x Austen AU
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single football player in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a rival.
Causing immediate excitement among Ego Jinpaichi and his five young wards, Kunigami Rensuke, a wealthy young football player, has rented a nearby stadium in their locality. He arrives in town accompanied by his fashionable teammate Alexis Ness and their good friend, Michael Kaiser. While Kunigami is well-received in the sporting community, Kaiser begins his acquaintance with smug condescension and proud distaste for all the unsigned players.
Kunigami and Chigiri Hyouma begin to grow close despite Jinpaichi’s embarrassing interference and the opposition of Ness, who considers Chigiri athletically inferior.
Isagi Yoichi is stung by Kaiser’s haughty rejection at a local game and decides to match his coldness with his own wit.
Cast list and rambling thoughts under the cut.
I'll reiterate this was a 2am brainrot kind-of idea and I have no scope to actually write this, unfortunately. So if anyone feels like making their own version, go ahead! I claim no ownership haha.
Here's how I provisionally cast the different P&P roles:
1. Mr. Bennet: Noel Noa
2. Mrs. Bennet: Ego Jinpachi
3. Miss Jane Bennet: Chigiri Hyouma
4. Miss Elizabeth Bennet: Isagi Yoichi
5. Miss Mary Bennet: Igarashi Gurimu
6. Miss Catherine Bennet (Kitty): Raichi Jingo
7. Miss Lydia Bennet: Bachira Meguru
8. Mr. Charles Bingley: Kunigami Rensuke
9. Miss Caroline Bingley: Alexis Ness
10. Miss Charlotte Lucas: Nagi Seishiro
11. Rt. Hon. Lady Catherine de Bourgh: Barou Shoei
12. Miss Anne de Bourgh: Sendou Shuto
13. Colonel Fitzwilliam: Oliver Aiku
14. Rev. William Collins: Mikage Reo
15. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Michael Kaiser
16. Miss Georgiana Darcy: Hiori Yo
17. Mr. George Wickham: Itoshi Rin
On reflection, I agree Nagi and Reo are more fitting as Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth... if you want to go down the romance route. Nagi is that guy who means well but has no filter and doesn't express himself well. Reo has the spirited attitude of Lizzie and the cleverness/conviction to confront an asshole like Darcy. It definitely helps that Reo's canonically written to resemble a maiden in love 💜
But I envisioned this as a satire regarding rivalry, loosely following the events of P&P. There's no better rivals than Kaisagi IMO. Another good option would be Rin and Isagi as Darcy/Lizzie. Then you could make Sae a reeeeally shady Georgiana and Shidou Wickham. Igaguri can be Lydia lololol
Kunigami as Bingley and Chigiri as Jane is my bias showing - but Chigiri fits well as Jane, the beautiful lovesick sibling who yearns for a rival that has seemingly rejected them (hello, Wild Card Kunigami).
The other castings were fitting characters I personally enjoy to leftover roles. They're not particularly well thought-out. I loooove Barou as Lady Catherine though, especially where Isagi is Lizzie. He has a similar condescending vibe in Blue Lock and again, through the lens of rivalry, their confrontation would be hilarious. Otherwise, Noa or Ego would be fitting as Lady Catherine, playing on the difference in age and footballer status.
Kaiser as Catherine and Ness as Mr. Collins would also work beautifully.
I have Bachira and Rin as Lydia/Wickham because I enjoy their ship, but appreciate they don't fit the characters perfectly. But I can see Bachira running off to become Rin's rival, as well as Rin trying to convince Isagi to be his.
Ego and Noa raising football orphans with very different methodologies? Of course ✨ Isagi being closer to Noa is a nice nod to BLLK canon.
Here's my writing notes, on approaching this:
Take text of certain scenes and moments from P&P and flip them to read as if from Isagi’s perspective. Instead of marriage, it's rivalries, and they're seeking club offers rather than rival offers.
The dialogue should be similar but irreverent. Characters like Sendou and Nagi are present for a gag, rather than any actual serious reason.
So, lift the text from the original, make the dialogue contemporary with high degrees of snark, done!
I won't get scope to do this basically ever, but it's a fun concept. Would love to hear people's thoughts!
The Shakespeare AU I likely will write, when I finish my current WIPs. It'll be A Midsummer Night's Dream, but set in high school, in the same vein as Clueless and Ten Things I Hate About You. I'm excited to get stuck into that, as it'll be multi-ship and heavy on the crack.
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tales-from-the-abbey · 7 months
Your favorite P&P OT3 isn't there ? Tell me and I'll make a poll with them later
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unfortunate-arrow · 3 months
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general disclaimer: expect spoilers for both the books and the show amongst all of my bridgerton tags. my next gen ‘verse involves like 90% book canon and 10% of show canon (aka book canon supersedes show canon). auggie basset & ernest livingston are only in a modern au.
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𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓥𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓸𝓷’𝓼 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷
⤷ Edmund, Miles, Charlotte, and Mary Bridgerton
⤷ Charles, Alexander, William, and Violet Bridgerton
⤷ Agatha, Thomas, Jane, and George (“Georgie”) Bridgerton
⤷ Amelia, Auggie, Belinda, Caroline, David, and Edward Basset
⤷ Amanda, Oliver, Penelope, Georgiana, and Frederick Crane
⤷ John and Janet Stirling
⤷ Katharine, Richard, Hermione, Daphne, Anthony (“Ant”), Benedict (“Ben”), Colin, Eloise, and Francesca (“Frannie”) Bridgerton
⤷ George and Isabella St. Clair
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𝓜𝔂 𝓞𝓒𝓼
⤷ Juliet Knight, Grace Hill, Rupert Townshend, and Arthur Townshend
⤷ Helena “Nell” Shepherd, Emma Rutledge, Róisín O’Connolly, and Jonathan “Jack” Fullerton
⤷ Stephen Ridlington, Eleanor Dane, Morgan Howell, and Olivia Sharpe
⤷ Ernest Livingston, Phoebe Wycliff, and Molly Campbell
⤷ Alice Linfield, Christopher “Kit” Barrington, Leopold “Leo” Wivenly, and Beatrice Winslow
⤷ Adeline Meadows and Samuel Prentice
⤷ Gabriel “Gabe” Montgomery, Elizabeth Winslow, Neil Pemberton, Timothy MacMillan, Felicity Holroyd, Vivian Marsh, Evangeline “Evie” Wright, Adam Howe, and Nathaniel Moore
⤷ Lilliana Steele and Patrick O’Donovan
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𝓢𝓷𝓪𝓹𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮: 𝓐 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽 (coming soon…)
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general disclaimer: do not support or agree with jkr’s views or actions, but not here to explicitly discuss my personal or political views. canon storylines are utilized mostly for the hphm ocs.
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Orla O’Rourke | profile
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Vincent Fitzroy | profile (wip)
Brianna O’Rourke | profile
Fankids (wip)
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Maxwell “Max” Pembroke | profile
Georgie Parsons | profile
Edmund Kennedy | profile
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Ophelia Lovell | profile (wip)
Linus Sullivan | profile
Colm O’Shea | profile
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Rory O’Neill | profile
Aisling Lynch | profile
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Ruth Rosen | profile
Ryan O’Donnell | profile
Cara O’Donnell | profile
Sara O’Donnell | profile
Conor O’Donnell | profile
Minor OCs → Cian Jacob O’Donnell (wip)
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𝐀𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚𝐬
Oscar Lynch | profile (wip)
Nicholas Wraxall | profile (wip)
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Finn MacKade | profile
Nate MacKade | profile
Jack Whitten | profile
Thea Whitten | profile
Minor OCs → Paddy MacKade • Owen MacKade (wip)
Fankids (wip)
Tags: #hpma | #magic awakened
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Sophie Power | profile (wip)
Luke Battersea | profile
Declan O’Donnell-Lee | profile
Jude Cozens | profile (wip)
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Tags: #hp next gen | #hp next gen oc
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In Which William Bridgerton Is Born Prematurely
I’d Still Dance with You
To See My Son Become a Father
You Belong Somewhere You Feel Free
You Must Know You Are Beloved
The Aftermath
Bridgerton Writing Requests (closed)
𝐇𝐏 𝐎𝐂 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬
HP 12 Months of Magic (2023) one-shots
30 Day (2020) OTP Challenge
Valentine’s Day 2022 Challenge
Spring Break 2022 Challenge
Summer Break 2022 Challenge
Back to School 2022
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madame-r · 1 year
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Currently watching Sanditon Season 3 after catching up with the first two seasons.
It’s actually not that easy to find contents or analyzes about this show. If you have some, please send them my way. I won’t dive too deeply into Sanditon myself, but here is my quick take on it.
❤️ What I like :
The Original Soundtrack
Ruth Barrett did an amazing job in Season 1. Here is an interview which dives into her process as a composer.
The Overall Aesthetic
I am not immune to a slick take like Emma (2020) which is visually stunning, but I’ve noticed that my taste in period drama movies and tv shows leans toward a more naturalistic look.
Yes, Pride & Prejudice (2005) atmosphere, especially the cinematography by Roman Osin, ruined me.
Georgiana Lambe x Arthur Parker
It’s refreshing to see a friendship between a woman and a man for once. They balance each other out with one who can’t escape people’s scrutiny and the other being constantly overlooked.
Esther Denham x Clara Bereton
The Frenemies. Somehow despite their antagonistic relationship and their twisted behavior, at the end of the day, they have each other’s back. I want more women’s solidarity in stories.
James Stringer
Second lead syndrom ?
Sydney Parker’s death
Not that I wanted him to die but I enjoy the fact that they didn’t brush it under the rug and showed how this event affected his entourage.
Charles Lockhart
I didn’t see that twist coming. I was sad because I love him and his dynamic with Georgiana and Arthur. But I enjoy hating him while re-watching the show.
They did his character a disservice by bringing him back in the third season. It doesn’t ring true to me. Despite himself, I believe he caught some feelings for Georgiana and Arthur along the way.
Samuel Colbourne
I may have a thing for dark hair light eyes men ? Well, he is definitely less boring than his brother.
❌ What I don't like :
Basically? The romantic relationships.
Charlotte Heywood x Sidney Parker
Alright, yes the sexy low voice of Sidney works on me too. But what’s left when you go beyond physical attraction between them ? A man who belittles Charlotte at every turn.
It’s infuriating how many times she apologizes to him when he just barely apologize to her once.
To put a spin on his love declaration : I do not think that Charlotte is her best self with Sidney.
Esther Denham x Lord Babington
The man wore her down and for him, no means yes. Dude, let the woman become a rich heiress and decides what she wants in life. And the all thing about wanting a baby because it’s what Lord Babington deserves ? It reaaally rubs me the wrong way.
Charlotte Heywood x Alexander Colbourne
Oh the all “let’s hook up with my boss” thing. Charlotte wants to financially sustain herself but tried to be a governess once and then gave up ? Sure, she had to stay in Sanditon for the sake of the show’s name but still...
Also, Alexander is boring because he acts like a male lead, brooding, playing with dogs and riding horses but he is not fleshed out. And how many times can he change his mind in less than ten minutes ? Seriously ?
Too bad, I was really curious about the Colbourne household life. Mrs Weathley is such a mood.
And again : what’s left when you go beyond physical attraction between them ?
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robbiedaymonds · 2 years
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Look at how he lights her up.
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drrav3nb · 2 years
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aadmelioraa · 2 years
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Georgiana Lambe x Charles Lockhart, 1.8k, rated M
Georgiana returns to Charles Lockhart's studio alone—so that he may paint her, of course. No other reason.
Lockhart continues to watch her, and Georgiana finds she does not mind, for she has grown used to his eyes on her. He does not leer the way that some men do. Indeed, he has never raked his eyes over her body, nor attempted to brush against her skin or her hair. When he looks at her, it is with a peculiar kind of regard. He appears to find her fortune a curious attribute, but hardly the most interesting thing about her. She is not used to being seen this way. Perhaps she does not mind it, but she is not sure if she likes it either. It is unsettling in its singularity.
read on ao3
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ladyofglencairn · 2 years
Sanditon S2 (After watching a sum total of 1 episode)
• Yes I'm bummed TJ decided not to return, but honestly, I'm over it. The show is either going to work or it won't. But me crying over Theo won't change a damn thing.
• Full disclosure, I fucking DETEST love triangles. They are so polarising and fans end up either loving or hating a show depending on who ends up with whom.
• Colonel Francis Lennox seems congenial, attentive and charming. He also trusts Edward Denham. So yeah, he's not the most discerning of characters then.
• So who am I rooting for? Its early days, but personally give me all the deep, dark and broody. I'm a Darcy fan, a Colonel Brandon stan. I love a tortured, misunderstood hero with a complicated past. So yeah, Alexander Colbourne has piqued my interest. However, having said that, the season is young and much is still unknown about both of Charlotte's potential suitors.
• Georgiana and Charles Lockhart is giving me 'this is my S2 OTP vibes' and I'm here for it.
• I miss Lord Babbington 😭😭😭 Esther dealing with fertility issues shouldn't be done alone, absent of her husbands care and support. I REALLY hope Mark Stanley is able to come back next season. I would hate it if this couple ended up on the scrap heap. They were my personal favourite part of S1.
• Fuck Edward Denham !!!
• Yes for all the lady friendships I'm about to see this season. Plus Charlotte and the Colbourne kids!
• Alison Heywood and Captain Fraser is low-key serving enemies to lovers and I know it's going to be cute af.
Onward to Episode 2!
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So how soon should I rewatch that episode of Sanditon just to relive all of the Alison x Fraser, Charlotte x Colbourne and Georgiana x Lockhart moments?
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triviareads · 4 years
"How come your mama isn't here?" Oliver Crane asked Selina all of a sudden, perhaps noticing that Lord Bridgerton had no natural partner, and instead had partnered with the Hastings’.
Little Lady Caroline immediately elbowed him in the ribs and hissed, "You can't ask that, Oliver!"
Selina flushed. Her Basset cousins and Charles already had some inkling of her and Gee’s living arrangements, in that it was not… normal , to them, at least. But Oliver and Amanda Crane were newcomers, their Aunt Crane’s stepchildren after she married Sir Phillip last year, and they had obviously never been told why the Viscount Bridgerton was unmarried and instead lived with a woman most of the family had never met.
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harmonizingsunsets · 5 years
Bingley: Wait, that’s so great for Lizzie! Wickham is super hot.
Darcy and Georgiana: ...
Bingley: Wrong crowd, I see that now.
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anghraine · 6 years
Another chapter of the Pemberley fic is here!
She paced up and down the room, trying to piece together some approximation of composure. Mr and Mrs Gardiner asked no further questions, thankfully, but they exchanged startled glances that made everything worse, and eyed her with open curiosity that made everything worse than that.
Elizabeth dared not look at the window again, but she could hear the curricle’s arrival. She smoothed down the front of her gown;—if only they had come ten minutes later, she might have had time to put on a fresher one, and to arrange her hair more becomingly. It did not matter, of course, but she did wish to appear her best, and was more doubtful than ever that she would.
A knock came at the door; a servant bowed; and Mr Darcy entered, accompanied by a dark-haired girl.
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Georgiana Lambe x Charles Lockhart
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robbiedaymonds · 2 years
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