oldxenomorph · 6 months
💭 the empress + those star beings from Elden ring can’t remember the name lol
💭+ topic headcanons
“You were not formed properly.”
Nyx’s ancient, ethereal voice made the being’s wings shiver. Its tail of moons and planets stopped thrashing. Its skeletal face wore a silent smile, jaws unable to close due to its multiple mandibles, its eye sockets empty and dark. She states the obvious observation, more accurate ones, the hurtful ones need not be vocalized: it had no mother, no lineage, no genealogy.
It is malformed.
We fell from the sky.
The Night’s slender hands adorned with rings gently hold the face of the fallen star. Within her touch, she confirms its story. The starlight wings of the being shimmer, the red rubies in the primordial skulls of her hairpins and mantle blink in return; the young and elderly stars around her glitter, unafraid of the being that should be like them.
Multitudes of large hands with too many fingers carefully touch Nyx in return. For the first time, it touches a sea of stars, each of them luminous; they touch the velvet night itself, the oldest darkness, that from which all other stars came from. Her hair is so beautiful, as deep as midnight, floating as though unaffected by gravity.
It makes a sound. It does not know how to go back from where it came from. It wants to go where the Night Herself goes. It wants to be with its mother.
Will you take us home?
Nyx’s amethyst lips form a small, yet gentle smile.
“There is room for you in the Ziggurat, child.”
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serenefig · 10 months
1, 34, 50 for serene!!
Oc Asks Game | Accepting!
1. What is your character's reaction to a minor inconvenience? Such as getting their jumper caught on a door handle?
How bad of a day has he had? A normal average day he might grimace or tut in annoyance but otherwise quickly move on. If it's a bad day, such as being too overwhelmed, or someone/something reminding him too much of Nathaniel? His anger will get the best of him and he will yell and curse and shout until either someone snaps him out of it or he runs out of steam.
34. Can your character drive? If so, what kind of driver are they? If not what's their preferred manner of transport?
Serene absolutely will prefer to take public transit. Does not like to drive. In not sure if he'll have a license or not as a last resort situation, but if given the choice he will choose public transit no it's not mun bias of course not
50. How does your sleep at night? Are they a heavy or light sleeper? Do they dream or have nightmares? Do they find it easy to sleep or are they more a night owl?
Serene is a light sleeper. Unsure how well he sleeps at night. I think maybe his sleep is fairly interrupted, especially in the beginning when he's out of his Parable. Probably has nightmares once he realises "oh hey wait I'm actually safe now", but the number dies down to mostly dreamless. This bitch is a night owl, but more importantly a morning person. Doesn't matter how little of sleep he had he is bright-eyes and bush-tailes in the morning.
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nocturnenebula · 11 months
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@charmemes you may :)
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c-53 · 9 months
🎧 🎧 🎧!
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Guerrilla Laments by Diablo Swing Orchestra
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queenburd · 4 months
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Uh oh my backlog is building again
Here’s some parable actors art including @charmemes who had asked to commission me ages ago…. Oops
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linearmoss · 2 months
Tagged by @fictionaldeity -- thanks for tagging!
Last song: Bones in the Ocean by The Longest Johns (I have been on a sea shanty kick for years. My dnd game is nautical so... I have strong opinions on my favorites!)
Favorite color: Green. Like, a dark forest green. Moss green, mayhaps? (Am I predictable?)
Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi! Also I just finished listening to The Magnus Archives so I'm beginning The Magnus Protocol today. So excited to follow along with this one as it comes out!!
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Spicy forever! I am quite proud of having a substantial spice tolerance B)
Relationship status: In a relationship with @positivelyapunovexponent-good (love you <3)
Current obsession: I'm gonna go with the DnD game I'm running right now. It takes up about 80% of my thoughts every day. Seriously, ask me about Saltmarsh, there's so much happening here and I could ramble for forever about the politics of the Nine Hells or the complexity of the King and Princes of the pirate nation we're in or or or...
Last thing you “googled”: "dnd doppelganger" (see above...)
Tagging ten people I’d like to know better: @positivelyapunovexponent-good @gay-victorian-astronomer @charmemes @nochocolatecookiesbefore10am @psych-is-the-name @arocrows42 @notjustanyannie @lightupthenigth @squidarts @wildmagi
No pressure! But I feel like I have a lot of mutuals I have literally never talked to but see in my notifs all the time so... hi! :D
Also tagging anyone else that wants to do it. Tag me with your response!
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birdy-bird-art · 9 months
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HELLO I finally finished the Parable Actors portraits!! There are a couple others, but they're not yet entirely developed.
EDIT 11/17 reuploaded Nancy with some minor tweaks
Part one here!
Stanford and Charles by @charmemes
Leigh's Narrator and Leigh by @queenburd
Barry and Bea by @mocksalad
432 by @qualitative-decay
The Narrator also by @queenburd
Nansen/Nancy and Perry by me!
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chirpbudgie · 2 months
holding hands while running through the rain
stanford & gidget :-) @charmemes
Peals of laughter echo through the street with the sound of pouring rain. Stanford leads, since he has longer legs, while Gidget is tugged behind from their latest adventure. He’s smiling so big it hurts. 
“Safe!” He scurries under the overhang of the bus stop, soaking wet. Their hands remain linked even as they sag against the cold metal bench. Gidget’s skirt makes a funny plap sound against it. 
[And we only got a little wet,] Stanford jokes, tugging the linked hand around with his signs. 
Gidget leans against him with a breathy giggle. “Maybe… more than just… a little…” 
[I told you to dodge the raindrops!] 
The younger boy laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s heard all day. Stanford bonks their heads together gently and kisses the back of his hand. Gidget does the same for him. 
They sit there for a while, catching their breath, as the rain drums against the tin roof. They’re both smiling the whole way home. 
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birdybirdnerd · 11 months
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@charmemes ur so funny
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airasora · 1 year
You know that one green screen meme where Henry (well, Christopher, since that’s what you call Charming now, I think?) jumps out the window? Well, I saw one where it had Jasmine involved. I’m pretty sure you might’ve seen it, but I was just letting you know XD.
Omg I forgot about this meme 😂 We haven't had this successful of a meme in the crossover community since this one. Well, the "it's me, Anastasia" was also a success, but #Charmeme was one of a kind ❤️
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oldxenomorph · 8 months
Aw dang I miss sending asks about Ariel, quick is The Emperor a dog or a cat person
and i've missed you and answering these kinds of questions 🥹
the emperor is a cat person who grew up with a dog. the hound of tindalos is kind of like the family dog and she's the only person it really listens to.
like that one time when cicada brood [insert number] emerged and the hound came home from hunting with one trapped in its awful mouth and neither alucard or lilith could get it to let go. but a teen shepard/emperor told it to spit it out and it did.
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chargeaznable · 3 years
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twistedsinews · 3 years
for the meme: Faris
High Seas Piracy!
OTP for them: Faris/Butz.  They both have this kind of devil-may-care attitude towards the world when it comes to their personal freedom, but a fierce devotion to their friends.  Moreover, Butz has all the traditional marks of a wandering hero, whereas Faris has a heroic side when she feels like indulging it.  They just kinda have this potential to mesh in an interesting way to me.  ...plus, he thought she was hot even when he thought she was a guy, which I find endearing.  Double plus, pirate booty jokes.
BROTP for them: ... hrm!  Reina.  Might it be cheating?  I suppose, but that they don't know one another at the start of the game and grew up so differently also makes for an interesting schism that could easily cause strife in the long run, particularly with Faris, but I like to think once they bonded they'd be supportive of one another regardless.  Faris might not be fit to govern a kingdom, but Reina's got that covered and Faris can always swing back into her life as the daring privateer if the need arises.  Syldra also is also worth mentioning, both because I find their dynamic fascinating and suspect Faris might've been closer to Syldra than to Reina.
Other ships: I think that Faris/Galuf would be an entertaining blast from start to finish, even if it still ended... well... yeah.  But I can see them both being loud and boisterous together and trying to outdo one another and no one else can sleep, because they’re up all night trying to outdrink one another.  Gilgamesh/Faris came to mind once upon a time, which could be interesting for all that I never took the time to hash it out properly.  Faris/Gilgamesh/Butz came up on my radar not terribly long ago, and it entertains me.
What kind of fic I’d write about them: All of it, all of the fic.  My favorite Faris to write is Faris on an adventure.  Which is, I think, why I ship her with Butz to the degree that I do.  They both strike me as the type who would enjoy trekking halfway across the continent to find some cave from beyond antiquity that might contain treasure or it might be a total dead end, but really they just have fun camping out and living life free to be themselves and if there is something shiny at the end of the adventure, Faris wants it for her collection.  Also, anything with utterly unrepentant pirate!Faris pirating and generally getting to be a pirate.
A favorite canon moment: Phew.  Quite a few, but getting thrown off a mountain isn't going to stop me from saving the woman who may or may not be my sister damn you comes to mind as one of Faris' more badass moments, and I live for Faris having badass moments.
Color that reminds me of them: That darker shade of purple.  For all that I generally swear by Amano's artwork.
Song that reminds me of them: Any time I write Faris, you can know I'm listening to Pirates, Ahoy off Dear Friends.  But if you want an actual song song... not one I think of her, but thinking of her The Soul Cages comes to mind as one that could be kinda fitting. (Challenging a Horror to a drinking contest + wanting to save your dad’s soul feelings?  Right here.)
A headcanon about them: I don't remember where Faris' affinity for pipeweed even came from in my head.  I think I just liked the visual of it.
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: . . . Faris and her crew investigate the Wind Temple (because treasure), and she gets corrupted by Exodus instead of King Tycoon?  'cause... uh... that... would go somewhere, I'm sure.  And for bonus The World is Now Fucked reasons, let her still receive the power of the Crystals right before it happens.
Anything else: So yeah, back when I was a kid and we had to extrapolate character from little pantomime sprites and about idek a thousand lines of dialogue?  I got this hard-drinking, pipe-smoking, self-driven androgynous King of the Pirates lodged in the back of my mind and my life has been absolutely better for it ever since.  10/10, would recommend.
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charge-aznable · 4 years
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queenburd · 11 months
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Worked with @charmemes on a finalized Stanford design! Was also sent some references for his Narrator.
Regardless of his aids, Stanford can hear his narrator and this ‘new’ Narrator in his head, and they can read his mind. So he’s never had the opportunity to really have privacy.
So when this other fellow offers to communicate with him like a person it’s a very quick way for him to trust and go along with him.
The Narrator and Stan are fluent in both ASL and BSL. They tend to default to BSL but not every stanley uses it!
Thanks charmemes! What an excellent boy.
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thenamelessdoll · 6 years
I simply had to join the madness. X,D
Watch Me Edit + More Animation Edits
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