#chelsea x grant
nikkiruncks · 2 years
Just finished Pretty Smart and wrote a season 2 au fic
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taylorkellyreporting · 9 months
there are 3 pretty smart fics on ao3 and only one of them is a chelsgrant fic…😵‍💫
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trulyhblue · 9 months
Media Duties (Pt 2 of Communication)
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Kyra Cooney-Cross x Dutch! Arsenal! Reader
Warnings: fluff, REALLY bad translated Dutch, language barrier, suggestive if you squint really hard.
While your English was far from great, it was slowly improving.
You spent most of your time at training listening to the conversations around you, trying to match words to emotions and faces to sounds. Your Netherlands teammates had slowly integrated the second language into your Dutch conversations, and your Arsenal teammates urged you more and more out of your shell.
You were still very soft-spoken, ushering a few words here and there, smiling when the group set off into chuckles at something one of them — primarily Katie — had said.
After games and training, Vic and you would go out to dinner, listening to her order before doing so yourself. It was embarrassing at first and continued to be until you memorized the pronunciations entirely.
Viv often invited the two of you over for dinner. It became a sort of tradition after training on Mondays and Fridays; when neither of you were willing to cook. You would listen to Beth talk about everything because she regularly did so whenever she had the chance. Viv would tease her for talking too much, but you enjoyed the blonde’s bubbly personality.
Alessia would come over to yours when she wanted to, using the few Dutch phrases she knew to bond with you. The ex-united player was very giggly, and wouldn't stop giggling until someone had to physically restrain her. In your opinion, she had the easiest accent to read.
Kyra’s on the other hand, was not.
Kyra was stuck to your hip the moment you met. You weren't used to having someone as physically clingy as the Australian, but you didn't seem to mind it. She would bring you a chocolate every morning, cheekily popping her one in her mouth with a smile. She would give you her packet when you left yours in your cubby, and when the two of you were subbed off, she’d sing your ear off with the strangest songs you ever heard.
When she first slept over with you, Victoria and Alessia, she refused to play Monopoly if she wasn't the dog, and you had to remind her that she wasn't actually going into debt — she could've just mortgaged her properties — but she threw her hands up and claimed everyone was gaining up on her. She took the blankets all to herself when you went to sleep, and when you whinged about how you were cold, she curled both her arms around your waist and cuddled you like a teddy bear.
Unrecognizably, Kyra’s Dutch started to improve. Neither of you noticed it at first, having used Google Translate in the first few weeks of meeting each other, but ever so slowly, the Australian found herself talking small phrases to you in your native language.
It wasn't like she went home and practised them on Duolingo, no, she’d never…
“My jacket looks good on you,” Kyra said to your hunched figure. You don't look up at her, but from her tone, you can tell she is smug.
Today's game against Chelsea was a big one. The famous London Derby was well awaited, with the Emirates banking up to pretty much sell out by the morning of. You kept seeing the anticipation of the game on social media. Tweets on the starting eleven predictions and score prognosis were being thrown left and right, causing you to feel slightly displaced regarding the upcoming match.
You had sat next to Kyra on the bus, having done so for every game this season so far. The trip to the stadium wasn't far, yet the suspense of the crowds daunted you as your head leaned against Kyra’s shoulders.
You were a part of the starting eleven, meaning you’d be up against Jessie Fleming and Erin Cuthbert. The young Aussie beside you wasn't, which rattled you even more. The combination of you, Vic, Kyra and Katie in Midfield was unstoppable, but on the rare occasion that you were all on the field at once was rare. Vic and Lessi were sitting in front of you, making TikToks. Vic had gotten up early this morning, but you two still managed to nearly miss the bus. Alessia was wearing her usual multiple layers of clothing, while Vic was only in her kit.
You matched Kyra’s silence for most of the ride, her small conversation being met with your distant hums. She could tell you were nervous, you didn't know how, but she knew.
“Domme meid.” Silly girl. She muttered. This nickname wasn't new to you. In fact, it was used quite frequently by your Netherlands teammates. Nonetheless, the quip made you look up, meeting the Aussie’s beady, brown eyes and childish smirk.
“I am not silly.” You retorted. “You are.”
“I am what?”
Kyra shook her head, running her hand through her hair, her smile brighter. “Je stress te veel.” You stress too much.
“Ik niet. Je bent te relaxed. Ik benadruk omdat ik het goed wil doen.” I do not. You are too laid back. I stress because I want to do well. Your voice was pointed, the glare from your eyes making your point known.
But your gaze softened upon seeing Kyra’s eyes widen, her nose twitching as her lips fell into a frown. She didn't understand.
“Sorry.” You sighed, smoothing your shorts out with your hands. “I am… I am stressed… I want to…”
“Do well?”
You nodded, her face smoothing over. “Yes.”
“You are a very good player.” Without much thought, Kyra took your hand, her thumb drawing patterns over your palm. The blush that fell over your cheeks was noticeable. You could tell by Kyra’s smile. “You play very well.”
You could tell Kyra was struggling to find the right words to say. She bit her lip in thought, pulling out her phone. You knew what she was doing right away.
When she finished typing, the familiar voice rang out.
“Je zult niet begrijpen wat ik zeg als ik Engels spreek. Je moet je vandaag geen zorgen maken, want je bent een van de beste middenvelders die ik ken. Je hebt ongelooflijke vaardigheden. Je verdient het om trots te zijn op wat je kunt doen.” You won't understand what I’m saying if I speak in English. You shouldn't worry about today because you are one of the best Midfielders I know. You have incredible abilities. You deserve to feel proud of what you can do.
Your cheeks were very red by this point, your grip on Kyra’s hand tightening as you listened to the voice pour out of her phone.
“I want you to… play.”
“I might come on. You never know.”
You shook your head, telling her you didn't understand. She started typing up a storm once more, and you watched in adoration as a concentrated crease formed between her eyebrows.
“Als je je nerveus voelt, kijk dan rond en tel hoeveel mensen je trui dragen. Elke week zie ik hoop. Dat zal je laten zien hoeveel mensen in je geloven, zelfs als je dat niet doet.” If you are feeling nervous out there, look around and count how many people are wearing your jersey. Every week I see heaps. That’ll show you how many people believe in you, even if you don't.
You beamed, moving closer to Kyra by hugging her waist, using one of your arms to push underneath the hem of her shirt. You fiddled with the fabric to whole way there, feeling a wave of calm and peace flow over you.
Not once had you interacted with a reporter throughout your time at Arsenal. Never once did you find yourself in the awful situation of being caught out after a game.
Until now.
The game went incredibly well for the Gunner, coming away with a four-one win against the top of the ladder in front of nearly 70,000 people. You played the whole game, assisting one of the goals, and receiving player of the match.
This was your first time accepting an award at Arsenal. Kyra got the fan’s Player of the Month in November, which was definitely well deserved. At first, you had thought Alessia wouldn't obtain today’s award, but you were pleasantly surprised when Kyra came running up to you with the trophy, probably snatching it off someone so that she could be the first to hold it.
“Look at you go, Y/n/n.” She spoke, slipping her arms around your waist, spinning you around. “So proud of you.” This was a very special moment for you. You were trying awfully hard in your new club, and it felt like all of the tough work was paying off.
You were about to answer Kyra, praising her on the game she had, being subbed on in the second half, when you felt a presence come up behind you, alongside several cameras.
This was not your first time in front of the media, being known for your charismatic media presence back at AFC Ajax. You noticed fans loved the challenges you did with your old teammates and the joy you’d bring to the videos that would gain so many more views than all the others. You’d been tagged in all these tweets begging you to be in an Arsenal video, but you knew it wouldn't be the same.
You’d stutter, unable to find the right words you were thinking of in Dutch. Your humour wouldn't be as quick and witty in English. While you had grown an uncanny friendship with all of the Arsenal girls over these last months, you had known your Ajax teammates for four years, some even longer if you played with them at youth level.
“Y/n, congratulations on the game today and, of course, on Player of The Match, how would you describe this moment?”
The reporter was quick to point her microphone at you, waiting as you stood there speechless at her words. You only caught onto snippets of her speech. You hadn't heard the first part of her question, being too caught up in your moment with Kyra.
The Aussie was standing next to you, her arms still wrapped around your waist. She must've caught onto your stunned disposition since she swiftly moved you from side to side, stalling the moment by dancing with you cheekily.
The reporter laughed at the interaction, the cameraman panning to catch Kyra’s cunning smile and your flushing cheeks. She took the trophy from your hands, holding it up like Simba from The Lion King. You were giggling at the sight, and the camera caught Kyra’s beaming, proud response to your reaction.
“Well, I think this moment speaks for itself. Kyra, do you think Y/n’s commendation was well deserved?”
Kyra took her arm and swung it over your shoulder, giving you the trophy back with a toothy grin. “Who else would they give it to?”
“Lessi.” You suggested, modest in your attempt to calm the hyper state Kyra was in. The reporter laughed as Kyra gasped.
“You’re just being humble. She's a stress head, y’know, always worrying about the game. But look,” She pointed at the trophy, specifically your engraved name. “The amount of jerseys with her name on it says enough.”
“How are you going to celebrate now?” The woman asked, the microphone now between the two of you.
“Play a game of Monopoly.” Kyra smirked, watching you scoff.
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Liked by leahwilliamson, and 32,363 others
victoriapelova — disgusting, the two of them 🤢
Tagged : yourusername, kyracooneyx
comments :
bethmead_ — let them be!!!
user1 — I wonder what they’re smiling at 🤔
^ yourusername — google translate 💗
alessiarusso99 — I'm already motion sick! Don't need that 🤧
^ victoriapelova — AGREED
^ kyracooneyx — your TikToks make us sick. Keep them in drafts, no one wants to see them ‼️
user4 — my two pookies 💞
* liked by kyracooneyx
katie_mccabe15 — @ yourusername where is my cuddles?! 😡
^ kyracooneyx — why cuddle you when she's got me?
^ charligrant — your cuddles are lethal, Kyra. I've nearly been suffocated to death.
^ alessiarusso99 — blink if you need help.
yourusername — Vivi in the back 🤣
^ viviannemiedema — I was sleeping, shush.
^ user5 — looks like she's manifesting a win
^ viviannemiedema — I was.
user7 — they are so dating
^ user8 — they literally met like four months ago I doubt it
^ user9 — call me delulu, but they are trululu
^ user10 — no one can tell me otherwise after her POTM interview
^user10 — “who else would they give it to” “lessi” LIKE AWWWW SHES SO HUMBLE
(pretend its the Arsenal jerseys hahahaha)
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kyracooneyx — Domme Meid
*comments are limited*
yourusername — silly girl 💗
alessiarusso — cute ig
*liked by victoriapelova
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soovermyself · 1 year
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Sophia & Grant at Chelsea Handler’s show in Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 6.
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alotofpockets · 8 months
The one that got away | Leah Williamson
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Pairing: Leah Williamson x Arsenal!Reader
Summary: Many years ago the timing wasn't right for you and Leah, will the timing be righ this time around?
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.2k
After playing for Barca for years, you get an offer to play for Arsenal. Your management wasn't sure if you would like the deal, since you played for Chelsea before you moved to Spain, and also having clearly stated that you didn't not want to play in the wsl for the time being. You had always loved Arsenal, supporting the club while growing up even. Your management asked if you would be open to play in the wsl again, since it was a really good deal. You asked them if you could take the day to think about it, which they granted.
Moving away from the wsl had been a tough choice at eighteen, but it had been what you needed mentally. You had just gotten out of a relationship, and since your ex played in the wsl too you were constantly surrounded by her, which wasn't good for you. You didn't just have to make up your mind about joining the wsl again, but also joining the club that she still played for. You decided that the opportunity was too good to let it pass by. It had been eight years, and you had moved on. So, you call up your manager to let her know your decision.
The next week the announcements were made, and you tried to stay off social media as much as you could. Usually football fans had big opinions on transfers, and you didn't want to deal with all the comments before the move.
Your teammates at Barca were sad to see you go, but knew that it was a great opportunity for you. Plus being closer to home was something all your international teammates understood well. “I'm going to miss you all so much.” You told the group with tears in your eyes, as they were all seeing you off at the airport. You gave them all a quick hug, knowing that if you stayed longer, leaving would be even harder. As you were walking off Ona yelled, “Don't be a stranger!” after you. You smile and blow a kiss in their direction.
That same afternoon you had your contract signing at Arsenal, along with a staff member showing you around the training grounds of London Colney. The team wasn't there today, as they had an away match, so you would meet them later. Today was focused on signing, doing interviews, and a photoshoot of you in all the kits. 
You had a few days to settle in before you would have your first training session with Arsenal, where you would meet the team. You spend a day visiting your family, and the rest of the days to get yourself situated in your new place. 
When your first official day at Arsenal arrived, you were nervous. It had been a while since you had joined a new club, and needed to meet a bunch of new people at the same time. Jonas had everyone meet in the conference room, where he introduced you to the team. The moment your eyes landed on Leah, all the feelings you thought you had put behind you came flying back. You quickly shake it off, and introduce yourself to the team before everyone heads down to the field. 
You tried avoiding Leah the rest of practice, hoping to be able to keep the feelings that came flying back to the back of your mind. Wanting to focus on your first training session. Once you’re done with practice you find yourself in the locker room sitting next to Beth, and start talking with her and Viv. At first the conversation was about the dynamic within the team which you were very interested to get to know but you could feel that Beth was way more interested in getting to know you. “So, where are you from originally?” The girl smiled like a giddy kid, finally being allowed to change the topic to you. “Milton Keynes.” Beth was immediately intrigued, “Wait, Milton Keynes, do you know Leah already then by any chance?” You move your eyes up to Leah, for the first time since that morning, and find her looking at you already. “You could say that, yeah.” Before Beth could ask another question, a staff member asks if you can come with her. 
When most of the girls have left the locker room, Beth turns to Leah. “What did y/n mean by ‘you could say that’?” Leah knew Beth was going to ask about it. “She’s the one that got away, Beth.” Back when the two were still in the England youth team Leah had confided in Beth.
-- 2015 --
Beth walked into her shared hotel room with Leah, only to find the girl quickly wiping away her tears. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Beth was by her side instantly. “I was dating someone, and we broke up before I left for camp.” Leah says between sobs. “Oh, sweetheart, come here.” Beth pulled Leah into a hug, and let the younger girl cry into her chest. 
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” Leah knew she had to confide in Beth, not for Beth, but for herself. She hadn’t told a single soul about what happened, since no one knew of the relationship, but going through this heartbreak on her own wasn’t going to do her any good. Beth seemed like the right person, as Leah knew that she was into girls as well, and was therefore the teammate that would most likely understand her situation the best. “We had been dating for almost a year, but hiding our relationship was slowly breaking us. So, we decided that it was best for us both to end it.” 
“May I ask why you didn’t want the relationship to be public?” Leah nods, to give herself a moment before she would come out to her friend. “Well, for starters, neither one of us is out. We both just started our professional club careers, and both felt like coming out and sharing our relationship to the world would overshadow our talents in football.” Leah lifted up her eyes to meet Beth’s nervously. Beth simply smiles and brings her back in for a hug. “So, you still love her?” Leah smiles sadly, “Yeah, I don’t think I will ever not love her.”
-- 2018 --
Leah’s career had skyrocketed, and over the years she had come out to friends and family. She never explicitly told the media, but she was aware that fans knew, and that was enough for her. She was of the opinion that coming out shouldn’t be such a big deal, that people could love who they loved. She had had a couple of short term girlfriends over the years, who she had posted about, hence the fans knowing. 
She had never told anyone besides Beth about you, and even Beth didn’t know who it was that she was talking about. Though, every once in a while Leah would bring up ‘the girl that got away’, and Beth would know who Leah was referring to.
-- present --
“She’s the one that got away, and now she’s here.” Beth knew instantly what Leah was talking about, while Viv looked confused. “Can I?” Beth nodded over to her girlfriend, “Yeah, go ahead.” She turned to Viv, “So, I didn’t know it was y/n until now, but Leah and y/n dated a long time ago, but eventually broke up because they were keeping their relationship hidden, since neither one of them were out, and it was hurting them to keep it a secret. Let’s call it the right person, wrong time situation.” Viv nodded along. “And now that you're both here, out, and single, do you still think she’s the right person?” Viv questioned. “She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. I never stopped loving her, but it’s been eight years, so I’m sure she has moved on.” You walked into the locker room just as Leah spoke those words. The room went silent when the three of them noticed you. Beth and Viv quickly packed their things, so the two of you could have the room to yourselves. Once they leave the room, you finally find your voice. “I thought I had moved on, but the moment I saw you this morning, it turned out that I had just boxed the feelings up and pushed them to the back of my mind, because when I laid my eyes on you they all came flooding back.” Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, at the confession you had just made. You had sat in silence for a moment until Leah spoke up, “Do you maybe want to give us another chance?” You nod slowly, “I would really like that.” 
It had been two weeks since that conversation. The weeks had been filled with training, and matches, so there hadn’t been a lot of time to go out and do things together. You spend a lot of evenings together, you would talk for hours, or cuddle on the couch while watching a movie. Leah loved all the moments the two of you had together. She was overjoyed that the two of you met again after all these years, and that the feelings you had for each other all of those years ago, were still just as present as they were back then. 
You would have the weekend off, and Leah planned on doing something special. So, when you woke up on Saturday morning to the smell of breakfast coming from your kitchen, you happily made your way towards the smell. Leah was standing behind the stove with her back towards yours, wearing one of your sweaters. You snake your arms around her waist, and place a kiss on her shoulder. “Good morning baby, to what do I owe this wonderful breakfast?” Leah leans into your touch, “I want this weekend to be special, since it will be the first time we get to go out and do something as a couple.” 
The two of you had talked about it, and had come to the conclusion that you weren’t going to hide your relationship this time around. You had told your teammates and family already, and media wise, you decided to just post whatever you wanted.
After breakfast, Leah took you mini golfing. It was a lot of fun, but to say you had skill for the game was far-fetched, you were terrible. When you hit the ball so hard that it bounced off of a rock, and came flying back at you. You narrowly escape the ball hitting you in the face, and start laughing at just how bad you were at mini golfing. 
Leah was watching you with a big smile on her face, she loved your laugh. She also loved how carefree you were. The latter was a stark difference to back in the day, back then the two of you would hide away who you really were, scared for the world to find out. Now, you were comfortable with who you were, and it showed in your confidence. 
You walked back over to Leah after grabbing your escaped ball, and pecked her on the lips, “How about you give it a try?” It was the first kiss you had shared in public, which was a big deal given your past. The way you had done it without even giving it a second thought warmed her heart.
y/n_y/l/n just posted to their story
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Leah’s special day didn’t end there. When you were still asleep, she had made a basket and a cooler full of snacks, and packed it in the back of her car. She was taking you on a picnic for lunch. When you arrived at a local park, Leah opened the trunk, revealing the surprise, “A picnic?” You said enthusiastically, you loved how much thought and preparation Leah had put into this date. 
The two of you settled next to the pond, and Leah started arranging the food that she packed. You laughed when she opened the cooler, “Still big on ham sandwiches, I see.” It was nice to see that even though you hadn’t known each other for the past few years, some things would never change. 
It was the perfect day in Leah’s eyes, she loved being with you, and was enamoured by your smile, and the way your face lit up when you were talking about something you loved. She realised that you had only been together for two weeks, but since it felt like you had never not known each other, she knew that she wanted to tell you the three words that she has always connected to you. 
You were laying with your head in Leah’s lap, looking at the way the trees were moving from the wind, and the clouds that passed over, when you felt Leah staring at you. “You’re staring.” You commented, when you connected your eyes with hers. Her eyes were filled with nothing but love, and it made you blush. “I love you.” She said softly. “I love you too, Lee.” You both smile wide, and Leah leans down to place a kiss on your forehead. 
leahwilliamsonn just posted to their story
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mendingbone · 1 year
i keep seeing people in their late teens/early twenties having a "[X] content intended for younger audiences does not feel satisfying to me anymore but i don't know where to start to branch out into adult fiction" moment and i thought i would give some recommendations for adult fiction for my fellow creepy crawly queer people. all or at least a LOT of it will be on the darker and more fucked up side bc i primarily engage with horror and thriller media personally but feel free to add on with more or recommendations from other genres :)
edit: i am continuing to add to this list so there might be new recs (highlighted in pink) in here every once in a while! also want to add that there's a variety of POC, queer, and disabled authors in here as well, i am also all of the above (asian, aro lesbian, poly, disabled) and tried to incorporate as many wickedly talented, compelling narratives as possible. that's all, happy reading!
A Certain Hunger, Chelsea G. Summers
A Darker Shade of Magic, V. E Schwab*
A Dowry of Blood, S.G Gibson
Animal, Lisa Taddeo*
A Ripple of Power and Promise, Jordan A. Day*
Bunny, Mona Awad*
Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyemi*
Cursed Bread, Sophie Mackintosh*
Dark Places, Gillian Flynn
Dead Girls Don't Say Sorry, Alex Ritany
Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead, Olga Tokarczuk*
Eileen, Ottessa Moshfegh*
Fruiting Bodies, Kathryn Harlan*
Goddess of Filth, V. Castro*
Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn
House of Leaves, Mark Danielewski
If I Had Your Face, Frances Cha*
Into the Drowning Deep, Mira Grant
Iron Widow, Xiran Jay Zhao
Jackal, Erin E. Adams*
Juniper and Thorn, Ava Reid*
Kindred, Octavia Butler*
Manhunt, Gretchen Felker-Martin*
Mexican Gothic, Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Ninefox Gambit, Yoon Ha Lee*
Rabbits, Terry Miles*
Scorched Grace, Margot Douaihy*
Sharp Objects, Gillian Flynn
She is a Haunting, Trang Thahn Tran
Slewfoot, Brom
Sorrowland, Rivers Soloman
Summer Sons, Lee Mandelo
Supper Club, Lara Williams*
The Centre, Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi*
The Change, Kirsten Miller
The Death of Jane Lawrence, Caitlin Starling*
The Dreamer Trilogy, Maggie Stiefvater
The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson
The Hollow Places, T. Kingfisher*
The Human Origins of Beatrice Porter, Soraya Palmer*
The Jasmine Throne, Tasha Suri
The Locked Tomb, Tamsyn Muir
The Luminous Dead, Caitlin Starling*
The Red Tree, Caitlin Kiernan*
The Unfamiliar Garden, Benjamin Percy*
Vicious, V. E Shwab
Wake, Siren, Nina MacLaughlin*
We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Shirley Jackson
What Moves the Dead, T. Kingfisher*
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seeingivy · 1 year
lacy, oh lacy
actor!eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting series
content: oopsie. mentions of blood/injury. I think drinking is like briefly mentioned at one point.
an: ok. ok. the song line up in this one is so random i swear.
songs mentioned: peace by taylor swift, city of stars by ryan gosling and emma stone, promiscuous by nelly, lacy by olivia rodrigo
previous part linked here
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You return home and stay there for an entire month, despite protests from Danny and Sareen. But anytime they try to push back, you remind them. 
Your older brother split his head open because someone threw a brick through his window. Because of a situation they got you involved in. 
Granted, they’re not fully to blame since you did agree to it, but Levi and Hange vehemently disagree. The two of them were very passionate about the fact that managers have a responsibility to protect their artists and the fact that Danny and Sareen even asked you to do something like this has them fuming. And by them, you mean Levi. He yelled at them on the phone after the pictures dropped. 
Regardless, your contract with them won’t be over until the end of the year. The only way you can terminate is if you break the deal with the record company, but then you have to promise them majority royalties that you make with any other songs you release until the two years are up. 
Which isn’t bad. You could just not write music for two years. But there’s some sense of loyalty, a need to maintain face so someone else does sign with you later on, you’ve proved you’ll be loyal. And that your records won’t suffer because of internal politics. 
But for now, all you’re focused on is Colt and Falco. 
Falco, who is quite literally a human cat (in the cute way, not the Catoru Gojo way), is currently nestled up in your lap and fast asleep. After two hours of playing Rocket League, which you actually suck at, and then another two hours of arguing about how stupid the game is (cars playing soccer???), he finally passed out. 
Colt knocks, the scar along his hairline bright red, as he hands you a bowl of cereal and settles onto your bed with his laptop. Which he’s been doing often lately - lingering around in your room, never leaving you alone. Hovering. 
He’s applying for summer internships, because apparently that’s a thing that normal people and not celebrities do. Not that you would know anything about that. 
“Thanks Colt.” 
He gives you a hum as he types away on his laptop, his jaw clenched in concentration. But all you can do is stare at that bright red line near his golden blonde hair and how angry it looks. There’s four sets of stitches in place, the area around the entire mark so pink and swollen. And he’s blinking too hard, eyes squinting at the laptop even though the brightness is all the way down. Meaning, his head is still hurting. You make a mental note to call the doctor again tomorrow. 
“Quit staring.” 
“I’m not staring. And stop being so loud, Coco is sleeping.” you whisper. 
“Were you born yesterday? He’d sleep through the apocalypse if he had to.”
You bring your hand down to Falco’s hair, soft under your touch, as he snores into your legs. 
“Not lately. Y-yesterday, he came into my room crying in the middle of the night. Said he had a nightmare of glass shattering but it was just someone parking across the street.” 
Colt looks over, his glasses resting against his nose, and gives Falco a worried look. 
“He just- he was there when it happened, that’s all.” Colt murmurs, voice all quiet.
“You never told me what did happen.” 
Colt closes the screen of his laptop and sets the computer in between you, as he readjusts on his side. His hand is now in Falco’s hair, making a mess of his already matted hair. 
“I-I was sitting in your room.”  
“Huh? Why?” 
“I do that when I miss you. Just sit in here, with Chelsea and all these god awful posters you have.” 
You smile, reaching forward to squeeze his hand which he rolls his eyes at. 
“You’re cute. You miss me?” 
“Shut the fuck up.” 
“Okay, Jesus.” 
“Falco came to sit with me too. Also, he totally ate chocolate on your bed and spilled some on the carpet.” 
“Remind me to kill him when he wakes up. Is that what’s under that god awful rug you guys put in here?” you respond, grating your teeth. 
He ignores the comment all together and keeps going. 
“I kept getting a lot of texts from my classmates and stuff like that, like a few hours after. About the pictures of you and the rumors and all that. And I called you and Eren picked up and he told me about how you came to him, all bloody and cold. He told me that you were finally sleeping so he didn’t wake you. Said to call him back if I needed something.” 
Sweet, sweet Eren. 
“And then I heard it. This rustling, by the side doors. Now, I know that Sandra putting the trash cans back is really loud from your room, but it was Friday. Trash day is on Tuesday. So I peeked my head out the window to see what the noise was and that’s when they threw the brick. It went through the glass and hit me.” 
You clench his hand, which he shakes his head at. He’s rubbing small circles into your skin as he keeps going, his voice so hollow it bothers you. 
“I fell over. Started bleeding onto your carpet and Falco finally noticed. And, and he was holding my head trying to stop the bleeding. He figured it was the right thing to do after how much Grey’s Anatomy you’ve forced him to watch. Mom and Dad came in and I told them to call Eren and not you, because you were probably still asleep. Eren sent us a security detail super fast, he said it’s the one he’s been using since he was a kid so we can trust them. They got here in like twenty minutes and did the stitches on me.” 
You look at him and he wraps his arms around you, Falco meshed in between the two of you. And you stay that way for a while, in each other's embrace, as the guilt sits with you. And when Colt falls asleep too, you reach for your notebook and scribble the lyrics down. 
As long as danger is near And it's just around the corner, darling 'Cause it lives in me No, I could never give you peace
You slide out of their embrace, leaving the two of them tangled on your bed as you hike your knees to your chest and sit on the floor to write properly. And when you lift the rug on the ground out of curiosity and piece it all together - that they’re covering up the dark, brown mark of Colt’s blood on your carpet, you keep writing. 
I’ll give you my sunshine, give you my best But the rain is always going to come if you’re standing with me  Would it be enough if I could never give you peace? 
Your phone buzzes three times and you reach for it, sliding it open to read the notification. 
eren: attachment, two images 
eren: saw you earlier today. ur face card is insane. 
You open up the picture, one of him and Lana in Los Angeles with a billboard of you in the back. You had seen them on Twitter, Spotify putting up big pictures of the Ribbons album cover, with Multi-Platinum in shiny letters right next to it. 
The first picture is of Eren and Lana blowing kisses towards the billboard of you and the second is Eren choking Lana a few seconds after. The photos are live, so you hold down and watch Eren and Lana move in the picture, Eren’s laugh coming through. 
you: please don’t choke my wife. she’s too hot to die young. 
eren: i hate you guys. i really do. 
you: are you jealous? 
eren: you were mine first >:P
eren: how’s falco? he hasn’t responded to my text since yday :/ 
you: please stop texting my thirteen year old brother. you’re such a loser. 
you: idk. he had a nightmare last night about what happened. i don’t think he’s taking it too well. 
eren: it’s hard. he’s still so little. how’s colt?
you: his cut looks like it hurts and he keeps squinting at his computer still. i feel like he’s trying to put on a brave face for me or something. 
eren: he’s older than you and he’s always taken care of you. he’s going to do that still, and you should just let him. how are you? 
You pause. 
You’re sick to your stomach. Because all you’ve been able to do is read what people say about you online. And what gets you, is that everyone thinks you’re so fake. And you think so hard, read so much into what they’re saying, that you almost start thinking it’s true. 
Is the “I’m a small town Canadian girl an act?” You haven’t lived here in years. And you can’t say you’re not famous anymore  - because you’ve literally broken records before, multiple times over. And you’re not really a fraud anymore, despite the fact that you still feel like one. You fake relationships, your friends don’t like you, and…and…..
You’re fake. Your mistakes are on display and some people think you deserve to die for it. 
eren: where’d you go?
you: sorry. im trying my best to hold on. i was just writing a song. 
eren: LEMME SEE. 
you: no. 
eren: LET ME SEE. 
You take a picture of the lyrics, messily scribbled in your book and send him a picture. And then nearly a minute later, Eren’s name is flashing across your screen and he’s calling you. You quickly walk into Falco’s room and take a seat by his little balcony, sliding the call open. 
“Hi Eren.”
“Oh, Y/N. Sweetheart.” 
And at the sound of him calling you that, of him calling you sweetheart still, has tears burning down your face and tiny sobs leaving your mouth. 
“If the rain is always going to come if I’m standing with you, I’ll just hold an umbrella.” 
“That’s how they feel about it too. Both of them. I know it’s different when it’s me because I understand, because we’re used to this, but they love you. You are enough for them, even if you come with this thing behind you. That you can’t control, mind you.” 
“I know that, Eren. But I want them to have that, I want their lives to be peaceful and I want Falco to sleep through the night without waking up. I don’t want to give Colt to get hurt because of me-” 
“Every time I call them, all I hear is them worried about you. That you’re going to pull away from them, because you’re scared of hurting them. And-and I told you how much it sucks when you’re on the other side of that. Granted, Zeke’s a sick fuck who did it to mess with me but…please don’t do that to Colt or Falco. You’re going to actually hurt them if you do that. Pull away.”  
You pause, taking in Eren’s words. Eren and Zeke. Zeke got canceled and stopped talking to Eren all together. Insulted him, made fun of him, and didn’t say anything at all. And, and it hurt him so bad that when Eren told you, that he was crying. 
No. You’re not doing that to Falco or to Colt. God forbid they feel like they’re unlovable because you can’t let them in.
“You-you’re right, Eren. Thanks. That-that actually helps.” 
“Yeah. I-I didn’t even realize. I forgot that this has happened to you. Are-are you okay? I know this type of thing can be triggering, I should have asked before.” you respond. 
He’s quiet. 
“Yeah. It-it wasn’t easy.” 
“I’m sorry. I should’ve-” 
“No, no. I don’t mean like, it wasn’t easy and you shouldn’t have come to me. It was more…eye-opening I guess. It hadn’t happened in so long that I forgot about it. It was a harsh reality check when it was you of all people knocking on my door. I hate that I can’t protect you from these types of things.” 
“I’m sorry, Eren. You-” 
You pause. What do you say? What do you say to him when this is all he’s known? All he’ll ever know? And when you know all too well that there really is nothing he can do? 
“You don’t have to say anything, Y/N. Knowing you’re here with me is enough.” 
Fucking mind reader. You hate it when he does this. 
“God. Quit reading my mind.” 
“Can’t help it. I know you like the back of my hand. And I am saying that in earnest. This shit sucks, I’ve dealt with it forever. But you make things easy. Your presence is enough comfort, okay?” 
There’s a beat on the phone call. He doesn’t speak and you don’t either. And you can feel your cheeks burning. 
“Since when do you call my brothers?” you ask, sniffling. 
“Ah, you know. Since it happened. But in all fairness, Falco calls me first most of the time.” 
“How many times have you talked to him?” 
“Like every day or every other day at least. Kid is so ridiculous.” 
“Eren. You don’t even call me that much.” 
“Do you want me to?” 
“No, it’s not the same if I have to ask you to do it. And plus, your new best friend is probably going to get all mad at me.” you tease, trying not to laugh. 
“Oh, don’t be like that, sweetheart. I’ll call you more, yeah?” 
“Don’t say yeah like that.” 
“Like what?” 
“God, Y/N. Quit flirting with me or I’m going to fall in love with you.” 
Your heart does a somersault, a cartwheel, a back handspring, and everything in between. Eren throws blankets over your barbed wire and shamelessly flirts with you after like it’s nothing. 
The song comes out in the middle of your preliminary press tour for Ten Things I Hate About You and instantly becomes a hot topic the interviewees focus on. You’ve been stuck working all day. You can’t even comment on whether or not the song is about you if you wanted to. 
Historia released her latest single, for her new and upcoming album, called Lacy. And everyone thinks the song is about you, that it’s a response to dorothea. And when you get home from the warm lights nearly cooking you on the stage, you immediately run and pull up the video on your computer, Yuuta and Rika taking residence in your room while you do. 
The music video is simple, a black and white video of Historia and Eren in a recording studio, singing the song. Eren’s nimble hands are plucking the strings of the guitar and Historia’s sweet, soft voice is carrying the vocals. 
Ooh, I care, I care, I care Like perfume that you wear, I linger all the time Watching, hidden in plain sight And ooh, I try, I try, I try But it takes over my life, I see you everywhere The sweetest torture one could bear
You keep listening, focusing intently on how anyone could even connect the song to you. Granted, from what you’re gathering, the song is about someone Historia knows that she idolizes, focuses on so much that it makes her feel bad about herself. Like an obsession. 
You are put into constant competition with each other, down to the time your records come out. People make it a point to comment on who would become a triple threat first - her or you - or pigeon hole the tiniest details into some big feud between the two of you. The only time your song leaves the #1 spot on the top of the charts is when Historia releases a new one, the only time her movie falls in popularity is because yours comes out. 
But that doesn’t mean it’s about you. 
Ooh, I care, I care, I care Like ribbons in your hair, my stomach's all in knots You got the one thing that I want Ooh, I try, I try, I try Try to rationalize, people are people But it's like you're made of angel dust
You freeze. That’s where the connection comes in. The ribbons in your hair. Not only is your record literally called Ribbons, but the entire tour, press, even the cover of the album is you with varying colors of ribbons in your hair. 
If that’s true, then…Historia stopped talking to you because of it? Because people pit her against you one too many times and it makes her feel bad about herself? You reach for your phone. 
you: eren. 
eren: y/n. what can i do you for?
you: is lacy about me? 
eren: just saw ur lip sync battle with sukuna. i’m inconsolable. 
He’s changing the subject. Though, you were waiting for him to bring that up. Your final stop on the press tour before finishing and returning to filming was doing the infamous lip sync battle - with you and Sukuna against Yuuta and Rika. And in true Yuuta and Rika fashion, they did a super lovey dovey rendition of City of Stars, from La La Land. Which only made it funnier that you and Sukuna just sang Promiscuous and made it rain dollar bills on each other. 
you: i’m sure your heart is very broken. but quit changing the subject. 
eren: it is. i’ll never love again. 
you: eren. answer the question. you know how much this entire hisu thing has bothered me. 
eren: i’m sorry, sweetheart. you know i can’t talk about things historia told me in confidence, as much as i want to. 
you: eren. are you seriously telling me that historia stopped being my friend because OTHER PEOPLE were comparing us? that’s so stupid. 
eren: don’t pigeon hole the lyrics. you don’t even know if it’s about you. and even if it is, give historia some slack. this entire thing we do is complicated. and she’s always felt things so deeply. 
you: you’re a traitor. you’re supposed to be on my side. 
eren: sometimes being the devil's advocate is being on your side. 
you: don’t quote me back to me. being annoying isn’t a good look on you. 
You throw your phone back and replay the song. Four times, each time doing exactly what Eren told you not to do and pigeonholing the lyrics. But you keep going over it in your head. That if it really is about you, then the way you are, the success you have is so obsessive for Historia that it made her start hating herself. That she feels like she can’t compare, so much so, that she’d avoid you all together. 
It stings. You were girls together. 
The last time you talked to Historia was months ago, when you were still taking your month off and staying with Colt and Falco. And even that was an exception to her normal radio silence and the miles she put between you two. 
The call came in the middle of the night, right after you made sure Falco and Colt were both asleep. What you were expecting was Eren - who was too overprotective and kept calling to check if you were okay. But instead, Historia’s name and the picture of the two of you - fast asleep on the couch on the Attack on Titan set - was flashing across the screen. 
“Hisu? Is it really you.” 
She awkwardly laughs. 
“Yeah. Hi. I was just calling to check up on you. I would take time off to come see you like everyone else but I’m stuck on set.” 
“No problem. I-I’m staying home anyways. With Coco and Colt.” 
“That’s nice. I’m glad, you-you never were one to take a break.” 
You pause. 
“So. Um-” 
“You’re okay, right? I-I saw the pictures. The entire thing is really shitty and I’m sorry it happened to you.” 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. How are you?” 
“I’m about to go on release my album in a few months. Then go on tour. ” 
“Yeah, I’ve been watching all the press. You’re amazing, I-I’m really excited to listen, yeah? I’ve always been your number one fan.” 
There’s a beat. She doesn’t respond right away and the silence sticks in your mind, even if it’s only for a few seconds. 
“Thanks, Y/N. You’ve always been really sweet.” 
“You too, yeah?” 
“Listen. I have to go. But take it easy, yeah?” 
“Okay. Bye Hisu.” 
It’s static. 
You reach for your phone and pull up the chat between you and her and text. 
you: just listened to lacy, hisu. another hit, once again. 
And after you can’t help but think about it. Are these the compliments that hit like bullets on skin? She never responds. You take that as a yes. 
You stare at the screen, eyes focused on the texts. That have been bothering you for a few days. Five texts, all left unanswered by Eren. 
Your novelty is wearing off. Eren’s done talking to you. 
You’re making it up. You’re making it up and it’s only because you’re so used to his quick witted responses that it’s bothering you. That he hasn’t responded yet. You read them over again, double, triple checking what you said. 
you: saw this ugly toad ceramic at the store. reminded me of you. 
you: i’ll buy it for you. 
you: i think jean is going to propose to mika. and i know they’ve literally been together since we were fifteen but we are ONLY TWENTY TWO. 
you: it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other!!! 
you: armin and i were thinking of coming down for your birthday! meet all ur lil set friends and see connie again and stuff :’) 
It sits with you in a weird way. Because you know that he responded to Armin an hour ago, about his birthday. And said that it was best that you both didn’t come just because of how busy it was, that he’d probably only get to spend an hour with you guys. 
Armin is insistent on going anyway. And you just miss Eren. Sukuna pads into the room and finds you like this, with your phone flat on your bed and the way you’re leaning over the covers and staring intently at it. 
“Just climb in, why don’t you?” he mutters, falling flat on your bed. 
“Hello to you too. Why are you in my trailer?” 
“Bored. Lonely. Horny. Take your pick.” 
You roll your eyes and side shuffle to make room for him, his stupid musky smell enveloping the air. What you were expecting to be an unpleasant co-star was anything but, because you and Sukuna have slowly been sweeping hearts. 
From the way you guys argue during press, how Sukuna shamelessly flirts with you, to your shared need to fight with each other - you’re quickly ramping up the popularity around the rom-com you aren’t even done filming. 
“So. What the fuck are you staring at?” 
“Talk.” he says sternly, lifting his hand to knock on your head. 
Absolute caveman. 
“Can I ask you a weird question?” 
“How are you so blunt?” 
He turns over, a look of confusion spread on his face. You follow suit and turn over too, eyes focused on the tattoos that litter his skin. All the way around his neck and his arms and on instinct, you nervously reach for your own. 
“Are you tired of being a pushover, Y/N?” 
“What? I’m not a pushover, I’m just-” 
You stop. Maybe not the word you would use, people pleaser seems more like the explanation for it. Maybe if you cared less about Eren, about what he thought of you, it would be easier. Maybe if you wanted him less it would be easier to be his friend.  
“I’m going to tell you something and you can’t repeat it to anyone, doll. I’m trusting you here, okay?” 
“Okay. I promise I won’t tell anyone.” 
“I learned quickly that you can’t let anyone have a pull on you. Because when you do, you’ll do anything. Believe anything. And it’ll be your downfall if you let it.” 
You take in his words. And he doesn’t talk for a while, eyes focused on the brown ceiling of your trailer. 
“I went a long time without doing what I felt was right. What people were pulling me to do this and that, what I had to do. And when I reached a certain point, I didn’t even know who I was anymore. Hundreds, thousands of people loved me and I didn’t even know who I was looking at in the mirror.” he says. 
“Well, I hardly doubt it was thousands, Sukuna. You’re quite irritating.” 
He brings his hand down on your face, laughing. His face is uncharacteristically soft and he resembles Yuuji too much. Granted, they are fucking twins but the expression - it’s one you’ve only seen reflected on his face and never Sukuna’s. 
“You’re tolerable when you’re like this, Y/N. You’re always such a pain in the fucking ass.” 
“You’re normal like this. It’s nice. You should do it more often.” 
There’s a beat. And he’s thinking. 
“Being blunt is the only way I’m sure. That I’m being myself, because that’s what’s coming to mind. And in a place where almost everyone is lying, trying to pit everyone else against each other and bring them down for entertainment, honesty is the only way I make it out.” 
You nod, sinking in his words. Thinking back to Sukuna, when you met him. When he was on again and off again with Hyla, how he said that he would just get pulled so deeply into things that he didn’t even realize what was going on till he was out of it. That it was blinding.
“So what was bothering you?” 
“Ah. You know, the whole Historia thing.” 
He laughs. 
“Lacy, oh lacy. Skin like puff pastry.” 
You snort. 
“I can’t even tell if that’s a compliment or not. Aren’t puff pastries really dry and crumbly?” 
“I think she meant to say pasty. Like a ghost.” he responds. 
“I don’t know, Sukuna. I guess I feel bad. That we’re always in competition and that it seems like my mere existence just makes it hard for her.” 
“You know what Historia does when she puts you on a pedestal?” 
“Gives herself no room to stand next to you. And leaves you up there alone.” he says, the tone in his voice definitive. 
You pause. 
“When the fuck did you become so wise?” 
“Beauty and brains, Y/N. There isn’t a thing I can’t do.” he responds, giving you a stupid smirk. 
The pictures drop on Twitter three weeks later, on your last week of filming, and give you a bittersweet reaction. The first one, when you see it, makes your heart drop. Maybe even break a little. 
Eren and Hyla, all curled up on a yacht kissing each other. Eren looks great, phenomenal even, and people make no point to keep that information to themselves. He’s getting more and more fit as time goes on, the stupid sunglasses he’s wearing, and his hair long again - people are going feral for Eren Jaeger. And Hyla is Hyla - gorgeous, brilliant, and beautiful. 
Granted, this entire feeling is on you for making the assumption. That Eren taking care of you after the Ricky thing, that you guys constantly text again like you used to, is any inclination that he likes you. Especially when he started slipping away. 
It’s simple. Eren’s your best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. You dropped the ball and let him go and now he’s someone else’s. 
You’re fish together because you’re friends, because you get each other. And that alone is a testament to your relationship. That it can’t be replaced. 
But it doesn’t make it sting any less. Especially when he gives you no warning beforehand. 
But in a nice, karmic way, the second picture makes it all better. It’s Eren throwing up over the side of the boat. Right after kissing Hyla. 
Eren and his sensitive stomach save the day. He’s trending for both how great he looks and for how ridiculous it is that he literally vomited after kissing his girlfriend. 
“Sukuna. Come here.” 
“Hm? What do you want?” 
“Let’s send him a picture.” you say, pointing at the pictures. 
Sukuna, in true Sukuna fashion, has printed out both pictures and framed them for the trailer. 
For Sukuna, the entire ordeal is priceless. Because Eren and Hyla being together is funny, but Hyla being so atrocious that Eren throws up after they kiss is even funnier. He’s already tweeted so much about it that everyone’s dying over Sukuna and how petty he is. Truly, the only person who could get away with this. 
You debate addressing the elephant in the room with Eren. Granted, calling a model like Hyla an elephant is almost ironic but, you digress.
If it was a big deal, he would give you a warning. So you shouldn't. But maybe you should tell him you don't care and that it's okay that he's with her.
What are you saying? He doesn't need your permission. Ignore, ignore, ignore.
You put the frame against the mirror, making sure Eren can see you and Sukuna laughing in the reflection as you take a picture of the frame. And the fact that Sukuna’s not wearing a shirt, that he’s leaning all over you, should trigger some type of reaction. Or you at least hope it will. 
“Give him hell, doll. Stupid prick.” he says, shuffling away back to the other side of his trailer. 
You give him a smile as you slide open your phone, sending him the picture. And then you follow and plop onto Sukuna’s bed, which has him nearly trying to cut off your circulation by smothering a pillow in your face. 
A gentleman. 
you: eren jaeger, the man that you are 
you: an instant classic. you are never living this down, my friend. 
you: the fact that connie has said nothing yet is almost concerning. this has him written all over it. 
eren: tell sukuna i will kill him. he’s got his dirty paws ALL OVER YOU TOO
you: possessive much? 
eren: i am a simple man. and you two together has been a sore spot for me since i was sixteen. there’s only so much i can stomach. 
you: protect your peace, king. this movie is not going to be easy for you. 
eren: WHY?????
you: has a lot of smooching. and you KNOW sukuna gets carried away. 
eren: blocked. I hate you. 
eren: never talk to me again. i refuse to come to the premiere. 
you: hehe. 
eren: do NOT hehe me. im going to cry myself to sleep. do you relish in my pain? 
you: a little bit. sweet dreams!!! 
eren disliked a message. 
Sukuna leans over and reads the messages as Yuuji and Rika walk in, with Yuuta and Annie in tow. You give them all a smile as they fall onto the bed with you two, stuck in their own conversations. Annie and Rika are talking about Rika’s birthday that’s coming up and Yuuji’s too busy trying to swipe Annie’s phone, for god knows what reason. 
“This is insane. He’s all but fucking another girl on a yacht but talking to you like this? After ignoring you too?” Sukuna mutters, glaring at you. 
“It’s not like that. We-we’re just friends. And it’s funny to joke about it.” 
“You’re just friends. Yeah, and I’m the Thirteenth Disciple of Jesus, Y/N.” he responds, bitingly sarcastic. 
“You and Judas would get along.” you respond. 
“You’re being stupid. I’m not buying you ice cream when you come to me crying when he stops texting you.” 
“You would. Begrudgingly, probably while hurling a bunch of insults at me, but you would.” 
He reaches forward and flicks your forehead. A telltale sign that even he knows he would, because he isn’t rejecting the notion. Yuuta scoots over and flicks Sukuna’s hand off, giving you a smile. 
“What are you arguing about over here?” he asks, giving you a warm smile. 
“Oh, I just saw the pictures. Poor guy.” Yuuta says, an awkward hand rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Yuuta. Got a question.” you say, propping up on your elbows. 
You explain the whole situation to Yuuta. That you and Eren dated. And then you didn’t. And then he saved you from Ricky, that you guys were texting again, but he’s dating Hyla now, full on and out in the open. And then let him read the texts and ask him. 
“Now tell me, Yuu. Who is in the wrong?” 
You give Yuuta a glimmering smile as Sukuna rolls his eyes, reaching forward to headbutt both of you down into the mattress. You both protest and smack him off, giving him the finger. 
“The only person on this Earth who is more goo goo ga ga and down horrendous than you is Yuuta. You picked a biased person to intervene.” he says, seething. 
“Did not. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” 
“Oh, quit playing dumb, doll. Yuuta and Maki are worse than you and Eren. Break up, make up, argue loud as fuck in the middle of the street, just to be kissing in the park the next day.” 
“You just don’t get it. You can’t relate to the situation, Sukuna. Sometimes you just can’t stay away. Have you ever been in love?” 
“Every time I look at you, doll.” 
“Ugh. You’re disgusting.” 
“You love it.” 
The bell rings outside the trailer, signaling the call time for set, and Sukuna makes it a point to give you his warning. 
“You’re treading on thin ice, doll. And when you fall, it’s going to be no one’s fault but your own.” 
“For someone who claims he’s not a disciple of Jesus, you sure like to act self righteous as fuck all the time.” you respond, pushing him into the food cart near the directors chair. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes as he drags you by the arm to your chairs, propped up, as you watch Yuuta and Rika take their marks, with Annie and Yuuji in the back. Sukuna’s glaring at you, bloody murder, unable to drop what he’s talking about. 
“Look. Even for normal people, it’s never a good sign to be friends with your exes. And I bet he’s already being suspicious as fuck, despite the fact that he puts this whole goofy best friend persona on and flirts with you once in a while.” 
“He does not. He-he’s not like that, all calculated and manipulative. You know him, he’s like a walking cheeseball.” 
“He was a walking cheese ball. But at some point, you become the people you surround yourself with.” 
“Okay, Sukuna. I fucking hate it when you’re all cryptic as fuck. You go on and on about how fucked up the people Eren’s around are. But you never once say what they actually do.” 
He frowns, glaring at you. 
“Why do you think Connie and Eren are fighting?” 
You pause, thrown off by the question. 
“Connie and Eren aren’t fighting. They’re like best friends. Connie’s even going to be in his next movie, Sukuna.” 
“You said it yourself. It’s weird that Connie hasn’t commented on Eren’s whole vomit-gate moment. They’re filming a movie together, but they haven’t taken any pictures. And I can bet you ten bucks that Eren hasn’t said shit about him being there.” 
You don’t respond. Because he’s right. Eren hasn’t said anything about being there. And Connie hasn’t even talked to you in weeks. 
“It bothers you, doesn’t it? That he’s pulling away?” 
“Eren isn’t pulling away, Sukuna. He just has a girlfriend, it’s obviously not going to be the same between us as before.” 
“Bullshit. You know he’s pulling away. What does he do? Forget to text back once in a while but then flirt to make it better? Tell you you’re pretty when pictures of him and Hyla drop? You’re ignoring every gut feeling you have about him because you want to keep him around.” 
“Fuck you, Sukuna.” you respond, warm tears filling your eyes. 
This is what you hate about Sukuna. His persistent need to point out things you so blatantly choose to ignore. That he pokes holes in what you and Eren have, valid holes that bother you at night, that only validate what you think is true. 
You need Eren more than he needs you. You like Eren more than he likes you. And he’s going to leave you far behind, at the end of all of this. 
Sukuna reaches forward, fingers swiping the tears off your cheeks as he rolls his eyes. 
“Stop fucking crying.” 
“You’re so rude.” 
“I’m not rude. You’re just a bitch.” 
You smack his face out of your space. 
“When you’re ready for it, I’m here to help you. There’s nothing I do better than revenge, doll.” 
You scoff. 
“Save your unadulterated rage for the camera. And don’t get too excited when I lean in to kiss you.” he responds, tucking your hair behind your ear and giving you a wink as he slides over to his mark. 
You’re going to kill him. 
Six weeks of freedom from Sukuna and you’re hiding in the bushes with Armin, Annie, Connie, Sasha, and Marco next to you. Hands locked together as you watch Jean and Mikasa in the distance. And you make your best efforts not to cry, to not fully sob at the second time you’ve been able to witness a love so warm. 
It’s all so soft. So warm, so sweet, so much like Levi and Hange’s vow renewal that it makes your heart swell, to the biggest of shapes, for the two of them. 
Mikasa is getting engaged. Engaged to Jean, who has always been so sure of her. So quick to run to her defense, to love her like it’s his second nature. They’re going to be together, by each other's side, drunk at award shows and holding hands in taxis for the rest of their lives. 
Mikasa is wearing a white dress, soft and willowy, with her low cut Doc Martens. You convinced her that you just wanted to take her out for brunch, drive by the ocean a little bit before you leave town again. Because Jean had approached you, all squirrel like and antsy, and showed you the beautifully ornate ring he had gotten her and asked you to help her. 
And Jean. Sweet Jean, he’s fumbling with the box in the pocket as he talks to her. You can’t hear what they’re saying, but you can quickly tell that Mikasa is comforting Jean. That he’s stumbling over his words, his feelings, but she’s standing there and holding his hand. Walking him through them. 
And then Jean’s on one knee. Smiling up at her so hard he’s squinting, soft tears falling out of his eyes and her surprised expression. And she brings her hand up to her chest, right over her heart and falls to her knees to meet him, the two of them hugging each other so hard that it makes your chest squelch. 
“Crybaby.” Marco mutters, reaching over to swipe your tears. 
“Shut up.” 
You look back at them, at Jean and Mikasa lying down in the grass tangled in each other's arms, and can’t wait any longer. The five of you - Marco, Annie, Armin, Sasha, and you - run up and pile on, the six of you crying in each other's arms, pink faces. Armin snaps a polaroid picture of Jean and Mikasa - her hands wrapped around his face and the softest look on his face when he smiles back at her. And then one of you and Marco crying, holding each other for good measure. 
You reach for Mikasa’s hands the second Jean finally lets her go to hug Armin and Marco and your eyes are positively burning. 
“Oh, Mika. I’m so, so happy for you.” 
She’s crying. Her cheeks are pink, her eyes are red, and she has the full marks of love on her face. The softest kind of love. 
“Thank you, Y/N. You-you’re a treasure. I love you. Thank you for not letting me wear that ugly green dress earlier.” 
You laugh, wrapping your arms around her, and press a kiss to the side of her face. 
Your heart aches. For green eyes, brown hair, and a soft smirk that no one else gets to see. For snarky comments, for shameless flirting, for every hurt feeling in your chest being smoothed over like it was nothing. 
Jean and Mikasa make you long, long so ruefully for this feeling. The way they look at each other, the way he keeps tissues in all his pockets because she gets sniffly outside, how Mikasa is the only person who can handle him. The feeling you used to have. 
You’ve decided then and there. You’re going to get him back. And luckily for you, you’re flying to Seattle and in nine hours you’ll be there with him. On his birthday, with all this love you’re going to share again. 
You’re fish together. You’re not swimming forward without him. 
“Hey. Where’s Con? We should get ready to leave soon.” Armin asks, pointing at his watch. 
You look around at the crowd of you, Marco holding Mikasa’s hand in his as he admires the ring and gives Jean a smile. 
Where is Connie? 
You shrug as you tell Armin to stay, to keep taking pictures of the two of them, as you march around the garden, looking around for him. And you find him, knees hiked to his chest, crouched over with red eyes and a pink nose. You immediately reach for him and place your hand on his shoulder, which he immediately flinches at and then releases.
“Connie?” you ask, caught off guard. 
He relaxes when he realizes it’s just you and aggressively wipes the back of his hand against his nose and smiles. 
“Hey. My bad, they just got me too emotional in there. Fucking saps they are, I just love them so much.” 
“Okay. Con, are you okay? You-you don’t look so good.” 
He smiles again and it doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s sweating and…green. He places his hands against your cheeks and squeezes, his voice soft when he talks. 
“Always the type to worry, aren't you? I promise I’m fine, Y/N. Help me finish packing because I actually didn’t start.” 
“Huh? We leave in like an hour.” 
“Exactly why I need your help!” 
He stands up and pulls you along with him, your arms linked together, as you recruit Armin and Marco to help you pack. And you ignore the feeling, as you climb on the plane, nestled in between Armin and Connie, and focus on the important thing. 
Brown hair, green eyes, and the soft smile. 
You’re getting him back.
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next part linked here
an, again: guess who is getting blocked on his birthday. eren no middle name jaeger.
@k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @mykyoon @violetmatcha  @rebeccawinters @cutiejg @bokutosthings @bookwrmm @mblrrr @wheredidmycrowngo @somethinginyoureyes7 @chilichopsticks @okaystopwhore @you-always-made-me-blush @itzmeme @firelordazulaaaa @whoami-72 @g-ghostly @intimacywithceline @erensmoodygf @cocomellxn @princess-ackerman @jaegerfiles @cacapeepee @squirrelspoetry @rui-0836 @moonmalice @invisible-mori @sofiasber @bbybeeb @timetobegone @tee4str @ttokki2 @leave-rae-alone @ec3lipsy @officialsimpp. @gojojang @yookayyo @lordbugs @multiplefandomthings @iobeyfandoms @camilo-uwu @justanotherkpopstanlol @mel-star636
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reaper2187 · 5 months
Countess Chelsea x sinner female reader
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In the twilight's embrace, you sauntered towards Chelsea's lavish estate. Your heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. You had heard whispers of her reputation—a femme fatale who ensnared men with her magnetic charm and left them shattered in her wake. But tonight, it was different. Chelsea had sent for you, the notorious and unapologetic sinner.
As you approached the towering gates, a shiver coursed down your spine. The air crackled with an enigmatic tension. You lifted the heavy knocker and let it fall with a metallic thud. A moment later, the gates swung open, revealing a world both alluring and menacing.
The sprawling gardens were bathed in golden moonlight, casting an ethereal glow on the manicured lawns and towering trees. You followed the winding path that led to the magnificent mansion, its opulent facade a testament to Chelsea's wealth and power.
At the top of the grand staircase, you paused, your breath catching in your throat. Chelsea stood before you, an enigmatic figure enveloped in a shimmering gown that revealed glimpses of alabaster skin. Her piercing gaze held you captive, sending a surge of electricity through your body.
'My dear, I've been expecting you,' she purred, her voice a velvet caress. 'Chelsea, they call me. And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?'
You swallowed hard, your voice trembling slightly. 'You...you sent for me.'
'Indeed I did,' Chelsea replied, a knowing smile playing on her lips. 'Your reputation precedes you. A temptress who revels in the forbidden. I have a proposition for you.'
She extended her hand towards you, its touch sending shivers of desire up your spine. 'Become my mistress, and I will grant you untold riches and indulgence. But be warned, my love, your soul will belong to me.'
You hesitated for a moment, torn between the tantalizing offer and the perilous path it would lead you down. But curiosity consumed you, and you couldn't resist the temptation.
'I accept,' you whispered, your voice barely above a breath.
Chelsea's lips curled into a triumphant smirk. 'Excellent. We will begin our illicit affair immediately.'
She led you down a private hallway, her hand gently guiding yours. As doors opened before you, you were transported to a world of forbidden pleasures. Lavish banquets, aromatic wines, and seductive company awaited you at every turn.
Chelsea was like a spider weaving her web, luring you deeper into her lair. She showered you with attention, whispered sweet nothings in your ear, and ignited a fire within you that you had never felt before. But with each blissful moment, a seed of doubt began to germinate in your heart.
Chelsea was not just a woman of beauty and desire; she was a predator who fed on the souls of those who dared to love her. Her promises of riches and happiness were nothing more than empty words. You realized that you were not merely her lover but her puppet, a pawn in her treacherous game.
As the days turned into weeks, your once-strong spirit began to crumble under Chelsea's relentless manipulation. You found yourself consumed by guilt and despair, your life spiraling out of control. But even in your darkest hour, a glimmer of hope emerged from the depths of your shattered heart.
You knew that you had to escape Chelsea's clutches, no matter the cost. One night, as she slept soundly by your side, you slipped out of the mansion and ran for your life.
The world outside was cold and unforgiving, but you were determined to rebuild your broken existence. You sought solace in the depths of your pain, vowing never to become entangled in Chelsea's web of deception again.
And so, my dear sinner, your journey continued. A journey of redemption and self-discovery, where the scars of the past became badges of your resilience. You emerged from the darkness, not as the temptress you once were, but as a warrior who had escaped the clutches of the wicked and lived to tell the tale.
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gunnerfc · 9 months
❄️ WOSO FICMAS: Dec. 14 - Charli Grant❄️
Charli Grant x Reader (Chelsea & Matildas) | WC: 964
Dec. 14 prompt - Ice Skating
-> woso ficmas masterlist can be found here!
With the last game of 2023 for Chelsea being so close to Christmas, you weren’t able to get a flight back home to Australia. Despite being upset about being away from your family during the holidays, your main focus was on the game against Häcken. You were also upset about not being able to spend time with Charli. 
The game against Häcken was a successful one, giving Chelsea a win to end the year with. When you arrived back in England after a recovery day off in Sweden, all you wanted to was rest. Walking through the door of your apartment, you failed to notice the pair of shoes by the door that weren’t yours.
Leaving your things by the door to be unpacked later, you moved through your apartment to the kitchen, having not eaten since before you left Sweden. In the middle of making something to eat, you jumped feeling arms wrap around your body.
“Surprise, baby!” your brain hardly registered your girlfriend’s familiar accent, your heart still racing.
“Oh my god, Charli!” you squeaked. “You scared the shit outta me!” with wide eyes you turned to face your girlfriend, a bright smile across her face, finding your reaction amusing. 
“That was the plan!” Charli grinned, once again wrapping her arms around you, but this time around your neck.
You rolled your eyes at the blonde, you couldn’t be mad at her no matter how hard you tried. Your hands moved to rest around her waist, pulling her into a long kiss, having missed being this close to her.
“What are you doing here?” you asked once you pulled away from the defender. 
“I wanted to surprise you! I knew you couldn’t come home for Christmas, so I thought we could spend it together, just the two of us!” Charli cooed, her smile never faltering.
Your heart soared at your girlfriend’s words as you pulled her into a tight hug. The two of you stood together for a few minutes before you pulled away, remembering why you came straight to the kitchen in the first place. You resumed making something to eat, but this time making enough for two.
A few hours later after eating and showering, you and Charli were cuddled on your couch watching a random movie that was on. Neither of you were focused on the movie, more focused on each other and catching up on things you hadn’t talked about during your numerous phone calls.
You were currently telling the blonde about how some of your teammates were going to a Christmas market in London tomorrow when Charli let out a small gasp, remembering something she meant to tell you.
“That reminds me! I scheduled us to go ice skating tomorrow night!” the blonde beamed, excited for the opportunity to finally have a date night after so long.
Your eyes widen at her statement, worry about either of you potentially getting hurt on the ice.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, darlin’.” your worry came through as you spoke.
“Trust me, baby! Everything will be fine!” Charli asserted, having full confidence that you’d both be fine.
When the time to head to the skating rink approached the next day, you were still riddled with worry but seeing how excited Charli was about the two of you getting to spend time together, you couldn’t help but also be a little excited. 
You arrived at the rink and as soon as you were out of the car, Charli was pulling you to the skate rental booth. Both of you struggled trying to walk on the sharp skate, Charli almost falling before you even stepped foot on the ice.
You both looked like a baby deer trying to stand up for the first time, holding on tightly to each other and the side railing. You ignored the small children skating past you like it was nothing, more concerned with keeping yourself upright. 
“Watch me, y/n!” the defender grinned, letting go of the railing and your hand, attempting to skate away from you.
Before you could warn her, you watched her feet slip from under her as she crashed onto the ice. You heard her mutter a soft “ow,” grabbing her wrist as she sat up. With hesitant movements, you moved to where she had fallen to check on her.
“Are you okay, love?” you gasped, reaching to try and look at her wrist. 
“Maybe you were right,” Charli joked, pain evident in her voice. 
You tried to laugh at her joke, wanting to say “i told you so,” but decided it wasn't what she needed right now.
“C’mon, darlin’, let's go home and get you some ice,” you could tell her wrist wasn’t seriously hurt, but would most likely be sore for a week or two.
Once you arrived home and got an ice pack for the blonde, the two of you moved to the bedroom to cuddle a bit before going to sleep.
“I’m sorry I ruined our date night, I should’ve listened to you yesterday.” your normally cheery girlfriend sniffled, trying to hold back tears.
“Hey, no crying. It’s okay, love I'm just glad I got to spend time with you,” you mumbled, trying to comfort Charli.
“But maybe next time we have a date night, we should do something that doesn’t require being on ice,” you joked, pulling a small laugh from the blonde. 
The two of you spent the rest of the time Charli was visiting exploring the city you lived in, showing her around. The two of you spent Christmas together, exchanging small gifts and just being grateful that you were able to be together during the holidays. Having Charli around felt like having a piece of home with you at all times.
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captainmartin20 · 4 months
they most likely waived dyaisha bc chelsea is getting healthier and she should be getting back on the court anytime soon. i mean dyaisha just was not getting playing time at all so i feel like it’s almost better for her to not be on the team and go somewhere where she can get the playing time she deserves. definitely an amazing player but the aces are so stacked with great players it just wouldn’t make sense to keep her just to not play her. hopefully she finds somewhere good to land 🫶🏾
I saw a few people on twitter speculate about this, which I do agree is plausible, but they didn't NEED to cut dyaisha though, so why did they?
then I saw people speculate that maybe the aces are trading in someone new, which is also possible, but like im just bumped that it had to be on Dyaisha's expense. I was really looking forward to seeing that Fair x Martin rookie connection that we've seen glimpses of. And I heard she would've been shadowing Chelsea Gray which would've been scary for the league lol
I 100% agree with the last bit. Dyaisha's obvious a great player and her numbers speak for themselves. She deserves to be played regularly in a team that won't take her skills for granted. She made the initial final roster of an already stacked Aces team and that's pretty impressive too. I have no doubt she can land a team soon, and I hope she scores a few buckets on us just because (but not too many though!)
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alitgblog · 4 months
litg characters I'd cast in romcoms
When Harry Met Sally: Seb as Harry!! Then Genevieve as his ex, Tom as MC's (Sally's) ex, Nicky as Seb's best friend, Elladine as MC's best friend
I actually have this all sorted how this would work out but my post got deleted 😭
Notting Hill: Jin as Hugh Grant's character (forgot his name lol) because in my head he's history nerd so like just imagine him in cozy sweaters okay. He's got that wacky roommate whose name I have also forgotten and naturally if we had to pick from S8, Liam, but I also think Jamal would be a fun pick (make the roommate less wacky and more just fun and wild though). The other version of this is Jake as as the main character with his roommate Tim.
Legally Blonde (and I'm going based off the musical): Literally only here because I know I can cast the lawyers, like clearly Suresh as Warner (and oh lean heavily on the implication that he cheated on MC while they were dating) and Blake or Marisol as Vivienne (I like her being cut throat but still looking for love). I'd really like Hari as Emmett because they have a backstory of working hard for their dream and would have a fun banter with the main character without being overly cheery and also is very competitive when needs to be although may be an underdog, but lowkey could also be anyone that has the very grounded boy next door vibe so like Tyler, Rohan, Jake, James, and Lewie are also good picks imo. The other sorority girls needs to include Chelsea, Thabi, basically any of MC's besties (...minus Amelia). It's hard to think of anyone as Paulette because she's an older character and everyone in the game is pretty young but we can further my Angie x Cora agenda and have it be Angie talking about her lost love and then in comes the hot deliverywoman, Cora. She also has like sage advice vibes when she's in the villa sometimes so I think that works.
She's All That: Gary as the main guy. Eddie as his shitty best friend. I don't know why but this came so quickly to me I'm not sure I'd even have to explain but like Gary gives off cool guy / player vibes but I'd also see him absolutely get into or at least support whatever weird artsy stuff his girlfriend is into and have a character arc and all that.
While You Were Sleeping: the OG "I fell in love with your brother while you were away" story, so clearly Ozzy as Peter, Marshall as the brother, Grace as the girl Ozzy's actually dating
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days: Because I've already said Gary for a different romcom, I'm inclined to have the suave ladies man esque character be Will or Youcef. I also think an evolved Suresh or Finn or Mason or Levi could work. Often I forget about her but I think Lulu would be a fun whatever Kathryn Hahn's character's name is.
A Cinderella Story (the Hilary Duff version): I think the fandom's go to "I don't wanna do what my dad says" character may be Lucas but I want to give Oliver a chance as the sweet lead even though I remember nothing about his backstory in game. MC's best friend can be someone a little dorky and the only person coming to mind right now is Felix.
Ten Things I Hate About You: Again, a reformed Finn could've been so good. Instead, we're going for mysterious and brooding so I think Joyo is a good choice for Patrick. Then to continue the streak of me remembering S7 characters, I think Raf could be a good Cameron because he's got that innocence and silliness that works. Then we need the friend that gives Raf an explanation of how things work and I could see that going to Andy because he's a little silly and dorky but mostly pretty confident (slightly different vibe from the character but that's fine). Other option, Bruno. In the movie, I believe he also ends up with Kat's best friend, who I just remember being very confident and alternative vibes so I think Najuma, Cora, Bella, or Lottie for her. We also need Kat's sister Bianca, and that could be easy and I say it's Amelia, or we could pick a tolerable option like Bea. There's also the guy Bianca initially has a crush on, and dare I say we pick Toby?? Just a character that's full of nothing. Or it could just be someone pretty like Levi or someone rich and an asshole like Miles or Jasper. All I remember about Bianca's bestie is that she backstabs her at the end and since fusebox hates women that could be a number of characters but my pick is Sophie or Erikah.
I could go on forever so I must I choose to stop now before I get carried away 🤣
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Because they’re them, new ideas for crossovers for Richie and Simon? 🥺
my precious boys
Amanda Weston
Annabel Harkness
Antoinette Kensington
Asia Bardot
Bekah Chamberlain
Blythe Langford
Brady Mariano
Bridget Hearst
Brielle & Brooks Livingston & Austin Geller
Carlie Hayden
Chelsea Geller
Cherry Gilmore
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Eleanor Gilmore
Elsie Lyons
Evan Mariano
Freya Morgan
Heather Belleville
Holland Bass
Jacqueline Grant
Jane Forester
Jocelyn Gilmore
Kaitlyn Lister
Kathryn Gilmore
Kaylee Hayden
Lili Gilmore
Loretta Mariano
Marley Tinsdale
Meredith Astor
Paige Huntzberger
Pippi Gilmore
Romy Danes
Sage Hall
Sam Gleason
Sara Topaz
Sienna Elliot
Verity Huntzberger
Virginia Gilmore
Viviana Lozano
Avery Stiles
Bekah Chamberlain (poly with Jess?)
Brady Mariano
Char Howard-Danes
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Delilah Bloom
Eliya Rygalski
Evan Mariano
Freya Morgan
Gabi Mariano
Heather Belleville
Holland Bass
Hyacinth Nelson? (If he goes to California with Jess)
Ilsa Gilmore-Danes
Jacqueline Grant
Jane Forester
Kaitlyn Lister (x Jess?)
Kathryn (ft his dads)
Kaylee Hayden
Kippi Doose
Laney (ft his dads)
Lia Belleville
Loretta Mariano
Lucas Gilmore
Marley Tinsdale
McKenna Doose
Pippi Gilmore
Romy Danes
Sage Hall
Sam Gleason
Sara Topaz
[ band verse? ]
Vicki St James
Verity Huntzberger
Willow Dell (ft. Squad)
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soraarchives · 9 months
high card s2 ep 1
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trying to force myself into the fandom. sorry, i'm awkward
now coming to the main part. spoilers under the cut
first season's last two eps had me by making me think both chris and michel will be fine because chris was interrupted while he was playing the x hand. michel was still shown in the hospital. it can be because of her illness and that she is yet to recover fully from it.
or it can be that she is gonna face the side effects of not having being fully benefitted by the x hand. chris definitely has some problems now with his healing ability. watching the ep i thought he may be experiencing his ability slowing down or what if there is a limit on how much he can use his ability now or to what extent can he use it.
this further brings me to think what if he himself is being rendered to not use the card or the card is losing it's power. the latter seems unlikely tho.
if an x hand can grant a life by taking one away it doesn't seem impossible to me now that it can cut both the people involved lives' short by making them both live at the same time. i so so so hope this doesn't happen.
finn's backstory is something. i'm inclined to think that at least tilt if not the other high ranking klondike family members has something to do with or some sort of control over the knight thingy.
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his smile aaaaa
not to mention love both op and ed!
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pffcollection · 2 years
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Latoya Hobbs Born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas, LaToya Hobbs is an artist best known for her large-scale portraits. She enrolled in the University of Arkansas to study biology until she realized that art was her true passion. After earning her BA in painting in 2009, she went on to pursue an MFA in printmaking from Purdue University in 2013. She currently works as a professor at the Maryland Institute College of Art.
Hobb’s works highlight the ideas of black beauty and cultural identity that center around being a woman. By combining different mediums in a single piece, she produces works that are “marked by texture, color, and bold patterns.” She has earned many prestigious awards, including the 2020 Janet & Walter Sondheim Artscape Prize in Baltimore, the 2020 Artist in Residence at Joan Mitchell Center in New Orleans, and the 2019 Artist Travel Grant from the Municipal Art Society of Baltimore. Her works are part of private and public collections, including the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, the National Art Gallery of Namibia, the Getty Research Institute, and the Milwaukee Art Museum.
Featured Works: LaToya Hobbs, “Chelsea,” woodcut on paper, 2012, 49 x 33 ½ in. & LaToya Hobbs, “Angelica,” woodcut on paper, 2012, 49 x 33 ½ in.
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kylewalker-peters · 2 years
what's frustrating is we get managers who have won before. we're not pulling a chelsea and being shocked that we aren't winning trophies when we have a manager (potter) who never has. so it just makes US look shit rather than the manger. like idk how much this is the players just being shit or the manager being awful with this group in particular
the thing about us getting managers who've won before is that the ones we've gone after specifically have a philosophy and management style that doesn't fit the club's reality. this club has lost its way in terms of a clear philosophy or way of playing/recruiting BUT regardless of any of the theoretical "we want to be a club that does X" talk - this club realistically cannot and will never operate as a "win now" club under our current ownership. that's not even inherently a criticism of them, when done correctly and successfully that can be a fine club model - the issue of course is we are acting delusionally.
we're not a club that will spend half a billion in 2 transfer windows. We can afford to spend a lot more than we do but we do not have the funds to start throwing money around like that and quite frankly given our high profile flops year after year i can see us announcing the £150 million signing of alvaro morata if we did. but if you're not a club that will do that why are you bothering to bring managers in that demand that sort of backing? why are you hiring a manager you immediately don't completely see eye to eye with from day 1? what exactly is the plan here? what vision have we sold these managers on?
out of poch, jose, nuno (gone too soon fly high king), and conte the most shocked I've been at us not winning anything has been under poch. not the "serial winners". there was an idea, a project, a concept etc etc under poch with young players coming in and ACTUALLY BEING COACHED to be better and create a squad that all bought into what the manager was trying to do. the transfers themselves had the usual Tottenham hit or miss to them but you had a sense that every single person involved was moving towards the same thing.
us not winning under jose or conte is v embarrassing (even though i find us being the one blip in jose's resume so funny i cant begin to explain) but i don't think it's a sole reflection on us. it's never just one thing that goes off the rails. it's a combination of players and the manager and the ownership coming together to maximise their joint flop.
it's not all on jose/conte for us not winning things (player mentality and ability and the general squad are all absolutely massive factors) but those managers should have improved our performances. granted jose got us to a final he never got to manage so it's hard to fully judge his legacy in that way but he flopped in enough competitions and oversaw as much crap football as conte so if he'd been sacked at the end of the season no one would have cared too much which says everything.
since the end of poch's tenure we have been on a downward spike so bad it wouldn't even fit on a graph if i tried to show it visually. the fact none of those managers have improved our style of play or the player's mentality or managed to win anything with players that let's face it are shit but mostly bloody internationals for god's sake makes a lot of the "back the manager" rhetoric feel hollow and like a scapegoat which is insane because it is an actual problem. it means the manager absolutely 100% HAS to take a minimum of a third of the blame.
these players are playing like shit though. part of that will be on conte because of his tactics, his subs, the information that the players may or may not understand it's hard to tell from how they play and what seems to be an inability to actually improve players other than bentancur. i mean good god perisic is literally a conte type player who has played and done well under conte and he is a disaster out there - how are you failing to improve your own good player???
like yes romero and davies and dier (and perisc and royal) is not the defence from heaven but it should be conceding less. son, kane and kulu actually IS an attack from heaven and yet I'm not convinced they could tell me what a goal looks like let alone how to score in it. part of that's on conte and whatever he's doing with them. part of that will be on the players and this mentality block/ lack of effort/ no concentration/urgency they tend to display for no rhyme or reason. it's like the style of slow backwards passing lethargic wasteful play is ingrained in our DNA at this point because 4 managers haven't escaped it. and so at a certain point that's on the players.
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ulkaralakbarova · 29 days
A small circle of friends suffering from post-collegiate blues must confront the hard truth about life, love and the pursuit of gainful employment. As they struggle to map out survival guides for the future, the Gen-X quartet soon begins to realize that reality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Lelaina Pierce: Winona Ryder Troy Dyer: Ethan Hawke Vickie Miner: Janeane Garofalo Sammy Gray: Steve Zahn Michael Grates: Ben Stiller Charlane McGregor: Swoosie Kurtz Wes McGregor: Harry O’Reilly Helen Anne Pierce: Susan Norfleet Tom Pierce: Joe Don Baker Tami: Renée Zellweger Rick: James Rothenberg Grant Gubler: John Mahoney Damien: Eric Morgan Stuart Grant’s Produzent: Barry Del Sherman Troy Groupie: Chelsea Lagos Truck Driver: Bill Bolender Waitress: Helen Childress Phineas: David Pirner Rock: Andy Dick Roger: Keith David Louise: Anne Meara Stand-Up Comic: Mick Lazinski Psychic Phone Partner: Amy Stiller Janine: Afton Smith Cashier: Pat Crawford Brown Stage Manager: Jeff Kahn Actress ‘Elaina’: Karen Duffy Actor ‘Roy’: Evan Dando The “Wienerschnitzel” Manager (Uncredited): David Spade Cheryl Goode (uncredited): Jeanne Tripplehorn Self (uncredited): Tony Robbins Film Crew: Executive Producer: Wm. Barclay Malcolm Director of Photography: Emmanuel Lubezki Screenplay: Helen Childress Director: Ben Stiller Producer: Michael Shamberg Producer: Danny DeVito Editor: Lisa Zeno Churgin Executive Producer: Stacey Sher Casting: Francine Maisler Production Design: Sharon Seymour Costume Design: Eugenie Bafaloukos Set Decoration: Maggie Martin Music Supervisor: Karyn Rachtman Stunts: Barbara Anne Klein Stunts: Charles Croughwell Hairstylist: Claude Díaz Makeup Artist: Deborah K. Larsen Hairstylist: Peter Savic Hairstylist: Donna Spahn Makeup Artist: Marja Webster Editor: John Spence Art Direction: Jeff Knipp Foley Artist: Joan Rowe Foley Artist: Catherine Rowe Sound Editor: Elliott Koretz Sound Editor: Dean Beville Movie Reviews:
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