#cheshire cat x lucifer
annaberunoyume · 29 days
That crack pairing in the video above inspired me like a flash to make my own crack pairing, tonight as I was watching Pinocchio:
Monstro x Willie (from the Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met)
Willie: Now, now, dear, we don't need to chase those humans on that raft. How about we sing, instead?
Monstro: Grrrrr…
0 notes
jinkiezzsstuff · 3 months
At First Sight 3
Part: [1] [2]
Alastor x doe!fem!reader (gender neuteral pronouns)
warnings: 18+ SMUT, tentacles inclusion, tentacle bondage, predatory prey kink, breeding kink, creampie, male and female masturbation, in heat trope, tentacle masturbation, squirting, dirty talk, choking kink a tiny tiny amount, horror aspects, size kink if you squint, pregnancy although not in depth, you and al become parents, jealous alastor, alastor and lucifer hate eachother, lucifer disagrees with your relationship, swearing, babies given a name, girl dad alastor, NOT PROOF READ LADS I WAS LAZY, lemme know what i missed xoxox
taglist: @readergirlstuff @purplerose291 @chirimeimei @sirens-and-moonflowers
word count: 7.3K
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Alastor had to bite his tongue through many instances in his life he rather not bite his tongue through, but this was by far the hardest he’s ever had to hold back. Lucifer pulled you into a strong hug, cooing at how much you’d grown and changed, pinching your cheeks and kissing your head. Even Alastor’s shadows edged out angrily across the floor at the devil, however you seemed to pay no mind to your newly wedded’s distaste in the devils affections. In fact you were laughing and playfully swatting at Lucifer for treating you so childishly.
Moulting into a shadow slithering across the floor like a snake, he crept up beside you and when he fully formed from the black goop, he waited not a second to pull you into him, and when he did you gave him a dreamy love sick look. Lucifer's face wasn’t shy in his display of disgust, eyes darting to you and Alastor, mouth ajar. “No.” Lucifer uttered in theatrical horror, jumping back and pointing his cane at Alastor. Grinning like the Cheshire cat, Alastor puffed with pride. “Yes.” Alastor practically growled, meanwhile rolled your eyes at both of their idiotic behaviour.
“I mean Charlie said you had an…. interesting taste in men but HIM?!” You grinned nervously at the king, his face soured as he glared at Al. You were in the midst of saying some good old recovery words to ease Lucifers mind, when Alastor pipped up, head held high as he spoke. “Yes indeedy! This little darling and I have become quite the pair. A married pair.” Alastors words were sharp and punctual, like spears tossed forcefully right at the king himself.
You’ve been in Lucifers life so long you might as well be a second daughter, now this deer fuck is stealing both his biological daughter and the one he practically adopted? Lucifer was steaming and you were caught between the two, you knew you were mated to Alastor, but that didn’t change how near and dear the king was to you.
“Guys,” You ushered in a hushed tone bringing your hand up, looking quite meek between the two seething demons. “Please relax, it’s not that serious. Alastor is my mate Luc-” As you were in the middle of calmly explaining the situation Lucifer jumped up like the ground had burnt him, horns shooting out of his head. “His what?!” Lucifer shouted, wings splaying out, tone demonic. Alastor chuckled, his static overlay enhanced as he fixed his monocle. “Yes, I just knew this doe had to be mine when I laid eyes on her! Oh my what a night we had.” In any other situation, on any other day, Alastor couldn’t have those words waterboarded out of him, but just in spite of the devil, he knew he ought to push his own boundaries.
The devil face morphed into shock horror as he tugged at his hat in pure stress, meanwhile Alastor stood tall and smug, with a shit eating grin on his face. You could tell Alastor was going to exploit your relationship just to piss Lucifer off. “What the holy fuck!” The king exclaimed, running in a quick circle, trying to grasp the situation. By now Lucifers entire demonic form was out, eyes blood red, horns at full length, wings flapping occasionally behind him. Thankfully Alastor wasn’t visibly upset, keeping his form and tone fixed. “Guys, Luce, relax! I wanted Alastor the moment I saw him, trust me I know what he’s done and who he is, but there was something about him. You know I’m not that stupid hellion who falls for anybody’s charms, Alastors got something.”
Lucifer didn’t seem to care for your reasoning, instead he glared at Alastor even harder, and pointed his index and middle finger toward his own eyes, and then Alastors. “I’m watching you deer dick.” Then Lucifer turned and stormed off, ignoring your call to come back and relax. Sighing your platinum ears flattened against your hair and head, posture falling. “Come now my dear, don’t dwell on that silly little man’s equally silly and little emotional control! We’re married now! We should be celebrating our fantastical venture into domestic romance!”
Although Alastor was right, the timing was wrong, and his voice was too happy for your state. “I know, but he’s like a second dad, I want him to like you and it stresses me that he doesn’t.” Alastor hums, gently guiding you back upstairs to your now shared bedroom. “Things tend to change with time sweetheart, let this be one of those things that change with time. He can see how good we are together and how good I am for this hotel!” You hummed falling into his side, your tail wagging happily as you reached the bedroom.
“I was also hoping he’d be able to lend us some advice but now I'm doubtful.” The door closed behind you and him, you immediately kicked your shoes off to free the hooves. “What advice dear?” Alastor asked softly, attention focused on untying his bow tie. “Well i’m quite concerned about getting pregnant with a fawn, and I want to know if our mating it’s demon or animal specific.”
The air got tight at the mention of children, and immediately you looked over to him watching his movements stall. His coat was now off leaving him in just his vest and button up. Sighing you rubbed your hand forcefully your forehead, mushing your skin around in an attempt to relieve the conflict in your head. “You mustn’t talk like that, little doe.” Alastors tone was stern, pointed and lacking all radio static, it was just his raw vocals that sounded almost raspy. You felt a few emotions at the way he said that, upset, angry, shocked.
Momentarily you scolded yourself for being so ludacris, this was Alastor! A serial killing, cannibalistic overlord who dealt in black magic, not your fairy prince; there were going to be big bumps and hurdles along the journey and you shouldn’t twist yourself up in a rose coloured fantasy. “Would it be that bad for you?” You couldn’t help but ask, your gaze averted instead focused on the intricate details of the wooden floor.
Alastor growled, slithering up beside you, using his magic to his advantage. “Now my dear don’t look so glum, you’re the first being of any kind to capture my heart. Shouldn’t that be something my dear?” You melted into his side when his arms came up to wrap around your figure. You stayed silent for a moment, not wanting to say the wrong thing and upset either of you. “It just felt saddening I guess, to have you react like that. I know a child is so much work, it is its own being; but when you reacted that way it felt like rejection of me, and us as a couple. Like i’m not good enough to be mated to.” Tears began to gather in your eyes, and you tried your best to keep them at bay, not wanting to cry about something so silly.
Your ears lay flat above your head, Alastor slowly petting the space between them as you spoke. Guiding you to your shared bed, Alastor sat you down, and then himself beside you. “My sweet doe,” Alastor said, smooth as butter, nuzzling himself in your neck, inhaling your scent. “If you so desire a child, we can certainly play into the fantasy, however we haven’t a clue whether it’s truly possible for me to reproduce!”
Resting your head atop his, feeling his soft ears flick and fold, his hair soft and scented with a masculine foresty shampoo. “Alastor,” You whined, making him chuckle darkly. “What about the mating stuff?” Alastor blew air on your shoulder before dragging his sharp teeth up your exposed neck. “My dear I'm sure you and I can figure it out together, no need for some silly devil. Besides we’re the two mated, we know deep down what we’re supposed to do, we knew when we first met each other we were meant to be.” Alastor leaned back from you, cupping your cheek.
You smiled at him enjoying the hazed lidded look Alastor had in his eye. “You have to be nice to Lucifer though.” Alastor growled lowly, the sound reverberating through his chest loudly. It sent shock waves through you, hearing such an animalistic sound from him. “It’s extremely hard to be nice when it’s so easy to make him upset!” Rolling your eyes, you brought your hands up to his face and held his face as he held yours. His ears flattened to each side as his eyebrows quirked, you felt a little bit of pride at the sight, it had only been a few weeks since you’ve been together but Alastor was already way more relaxed around you, to the point of freely showing emotions through movements in his tail and ears.
Pulling him toward you, you gave a soft kiss, which he immediately returned with a hum of approval. Alastors body inches nearer to yours, pressing himself next to you. Alastor broke the kiss, looking down at you with bedroom eyes, you returned the look, grinning at him coyly.
Lucifer fumed, stomping around, a week had passed since Lucifer found out you and that god awful creature were a pair. He insisted on staying at the hotel in order to keep an eye on the demon; assure that you were safe. Lucifer kept a keen eye on Alastor, like a fly on the wall, but from what Lucifer could tell, Alastor was a perfect gentleman! It pissed him off entirely. Alastor bent over backwards for you, making your breakfast and coffee every morning, helping you style your hair, helping you dress, assisting you with tasks you loathed completing, hell one night Lucifer caught Alastor teaching you how to play the piano, and when you got angry at your consistent failures, Alastor would reassure you lovingly and patiently.
It drove Lucifer insane because as much as he cared for you, he selfishly wanted Alastor to be a bad partner, giving reason as to why he should leave his two daughters and the hotel alone! But everytime he looked for a flaw he found none, half the time he found himself impressed, Alastor knew what to say, and was confident in his charm. “Dad, you gotta relax! YN is fine.” Charlie said worriedly, placing a hand on her fathers shoulder. Lucifer sighed, slamming his head against the bar table. “They want to have kids, Charlie!” The man sulked, voice muffled by the wooden bar he tried to morph and become one with. “WHAT!? Oh my gosh! That would be amazing! Why wouldn’t she tell me?!” Charlie at this point was violently shaking her father with excitement, a slight bounce in her as she shook him.
Lucifer looked off to the side, guilt evident in his eyes. “They didn’t tell anyone; I overheard.” Today in fact, he overheard the two of you in the back of the hotel, having a picnic in the garden. You had your head in Alastors lap as he pet your hair and ears occasionally, and told you stories from when he was alive; which you greatly enjoyed since you’d been born in hell. When he began to speak about his mother the conversion shifted to parenthood, and then children. Originally Lucifer didn’t intend to stay long, he simply slithered through the grass to eavesdrop a bit, make sure all was well and leave.
But he couldn’t leave when he heard what Alastor had to say. “Y’know dear, I never considered having children, but then again, I never considered being married either. I’ve thought about children now, of course, ha ha,” Alastor laughed boisterously. You could tell it was to cover up the nerves he felt inwardly, but Lucifer found him to be insufferable and inconsiderate. “We don’t know if we can Al,” You said softly, reaching your hand to Alastors cheek. Alastor quirked a brow amusement visibly shining in his eyes that searched your face for something. “We’d just have to wait until mating season darling.” Lucifer gagged at that, you however didn’t quite understand and it made Alastor coo about how adorable you are.
“Oh so we’re not supposed to know they’re gonna try for a baby?” Charlie asked stunned, backing away from her father. “No,” He moaned, slamming his head back down on the table. Charlie gave her dad a look but brushed it off, this was very exciting for her, she’d only tell Vaggie, that way the two could both subtly baby proof the hotel!
Autumn in hell roamed around and it was one hell of a year, the hotel went under attack, Lucifer then made himself a whole quarter of the hotel his, and Alastor followed suit with his radio tower, Sir Pentious died, Adam died, there was so much hectic chaos you could barely keep up. Not to mention the beginning of October left you feeling odd, to say the least. You couldn’t completely understand why, not much changed in the recent days, aside from a few sinners checking in. Nothing bad happened between you and Alastor either; things have been fantastic, the two of you would have the occasional spat about morality and manipulation, but Alastor had your soul and was your mate, so in the end you’d give in to him, and he in his own way to you.
One of your biggest points of contention was Alastors multi-beneficial behaviour, if he was going to do something you knew it was double edged, one side benefiting him and the other side doing what he was supposed to with the illusion of being gracious. One of the biggest arguments was kids; Alastor talked about having them in ways that benefited him, how it would rank him above other sinners, he’d have bloodline in hell which would grant him further authority beyond the pride ring, he could train his offspring to be like him. In short, Alastor didn’t want children, he wanted mini hims, to run around killing and eating others.
You tried your best to convince him that a child was no means to power, but he truly couldn’t understand the point of having them besides that. You tried not to blame him, understanding he wasn’t a fairy prince he was Alastor, and you loved him for that, but at times dealing with his psycho was frustrating.
You’ve noticed him acting strange today, he insisted you wore his clothes he’d been wearing the day before, you thought that was the strangest thing and tried to squeeze the reasoning as to why he wanted you to wear his worn dirty clothes. Unfortunately you never fully got the answer out of him, aside from him tutting that he wanted to make ‘that devil’ seethe, so you did. It wasn’t like it really bothered you, hell he even went out of his way to magic the clothes to fit your frame baggily. You wore one of his washed out red button ups, and his slacks, thankfully you found the fit to be somewhat chic and enjoyed the idea of prancing around in clothes that were his, and smelt like him.
Walking down to the lobby like you did everyday, you were greeted by Alastor holding your cup of coffee as always, this time however his appearance looked worrisome. “What’s wrong Al?” You exclaimed rushing over to him, gazing up to him because his form was just slightly elongated. “Nothing my dear! Just a little bit of frazzle this morning!” You didn’t believe that for one second; his antlers were out and looked like they were peeling, his eyes were black and turned to dials, his neck elongated, smile strained and his hair puffed. “Was it you and Lucifer having some marital spat again?” You joke, taking your cup of coffee and following him into the kitchen.
“No dear, please refrain from commenting about that filthy devil, it’s insulting to replace you with him. It’s simply the change of seasons.” Setting his coffee on the counter top, he leaned on it, arms folded and looked over to you. Your ears folded down, a confused look taking over your face. “Is it a deer thing? I woke up feeling strange too, I’m sweating more than usual, and it’s hot, and sometimes my body will start tingling!” You explain hurriedly, slightly worried at what was going on.
Alastor swallowed, smile straining, he wasn’t equipped with how to handle the situation. “Well dear,” Alastor stalled, momentarily scratching the loose felt on his antler. You gazed at him waiting for a response, but it never came, he just filled the air with static, eyeing you up and down. “Hello, Al? I would prefer to know, you look stressed.” You urged leaning toward him, Alastor inhaled deeply, and exhaled a growl. Your body reacted instantly to the noise, feeling a travelling sensation of heat shoot from your groin to your head making you feel dizzy. “If we are to talk about such things, it will not be here.” He snapped eyes closed tightly, fists clenched, you had no clue what was up with him. Just as you were about to urge him further, Lucifer came skipping into the kitchen whistling a tune. “Oh heyyy guys!” Lucifer exclaimed in a valley girl-esque voice, strutting up to the two of you.
“Morning big daddy.” You say jokingly, it wasn’t that big of a deal to you two; you always referred to Lucifer by either his name or some variation of dad. Alastor however didn’t find this to be funny, you and lucifer watched as Alastor grew taller, his static deafening. “Uhhh morning pumpkin,” Lucifer muttered, eyes focused on Alastor as he spoke. You heard the clacking of heels against the floor and your attention turned to the door. Angel paused at the entrance looking between Al and Lucifer. At this point Alastor leered over Lucifer, bent abnormally so, you were eyeing Angel between the gap Alastor left open. You mouthed ‘help’ at Angel, but he only grimaced and slowly backed off. “Do not refer to them that way.”
The air thickened, Alastor was tall and violent looking, there was black substance leaking from between his yellow teeth, the lights were dimmed and flickering, while his radio played creepy and glitchy old timey music. His voice was nearly unrecognisable as he grit his words out at Lucifer, and for the first time in hell, you felt terrified of a sinner. Most of the seven sins weren’t this eerie when they got mad, neither were the hellborns, they mainly just killed whoever crossed them; no one had shown their true demonic powers in front of you before.
“Woah there, big fella… uh, alright! I’ll just leave you two to it! And i’ll be gone!” And just like that Lucifer scurried off in an extremely comical way. Alastor, despite Lucifer gone didn’t come back to himself, still hunched over breathing deeply, static crackling through the air. You didn’t exactly know what to do in this situation, so for a moment you just stood watching. Eventually, after about two minutes of silence, Alastor shrunk, ever so slightly, still tall and creepy but not nearly as much as before. The static ceased, and the lights returned to the usual brightness, Alastor looked down at you, his usual red eyes back. “I’m so sorry dear, I hope I didn’t frighten you.”
You swallowed harshly, you had a strange mix of fear and arousal swirling within you that you weren’t ready to share with the demon, so instead you shook your head, unconvincingly so. “No not at all Al, how come that made you so upset?” A soft record scratch came from him when you asked. “What ever do you mean?” He innocently asked, tone lifted in false innocence. Crossing your arms together, hip propped out, you eyed him closely trying to gage what you were dealing with. As your eyes ran from his antlers down, you stopped crudely at his hips, noting the strain that appeared.
Alastor wasn’t big on sex, and to be fair you didn’t exactly have a high libido either, you preferred make out sessions and sweet romance, not necessarily needing sex. So it wasn’t often you’d see him in such a state, normally he only showed arousal when he was actively involved with you. Without warning he leaned over you, hands splayed across the counter behind you, trapping you between him and the counter. “Naughty little doe, can’t keep your eyes off me?” Alastor mocked darkly, his breath brushing against your cheek. The way he contorted down from his stretched height didn’t look anatomically possible, and despite the terrifying look of him you felt giddy and cheeky, with the urge to egg him on further.
You couldn’t stop the smirk that crawled its way onto your face, biting your lip in an attempt to curb it, unfortunately Alastor saw. Forcefully he grabbed your cheeks with his claws, yanking your face upward to face him properly. “My dear, I’ve been playing nice but i can see the mischief in your eyes-��� Before he could finish you flattened your fingers and palm flat against the bulge in his pants. Alastor stilled as you gave him a pout, doe eyes blinking up at him and your white ears pulled back.
Alastor growled at the sight, shamefully bucking into your warm hand. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it, you're so handsome, y’know?” You whined, your other hand placed on his forearm beside you. Alastor grunted, something you rarely heard from him. “Upstairs, go.” He replied flatly, staring beyond your head at the cabinets above. Giggling manically, you ducked under his arms and sprinted to your shared room. Your body felt on fire and you could feel the arousal between your legs. As you rushed up the stairs you bumped into Angel who grabbed you by the shoulders. “Woah there toots, where ya headed now so cracked out, are things with big red all good?” Before you could respond, Alastors demonic form made way down the hall, shadows crawling out from his feet and knocking out the lights.
“Oh yeah okay, makes sense.” Angel said in a hurry, before taking off leaving you to your own devices. Laughing aloud with a giant grin on your face you continued sprinting down the hall, just barely out of Alastors grasp. His radio was a good tell on how close he was to you, the static was going crazy nearly giving you a headache. You broke out into an anxious run, unable to fight off the anticipation of what would happen. When you got to the room, you ran inside shutting the door. You glanced around and decided a good hiding place would definitely be the most cliche, not under the bed but under a computer desk. You squished yourself underneath the desk, which was incredibly uncomfortable and pulled the chair in to cover you as much as you could.
The door suddenly creaked open, the shadows consumed the floor, the lights dying out. Alastors static couldn’t be heard, but you could hear and feel the vibrations of his footsteps around the room. “Oh sweet thing, I know you don’t truly want to hide from me. Why don’t you come on out to me?” His voice was smooth compared to before, the static left his voice, leaving his unique and rich voice all bare to your ears. The burning sensation in your body worsened and it felt torturous to deny your body any friction, you knew if you moved you were done for.
Despite not being in real danger, your heart kicked up in speed when you heard his nails drag across the wooden desk above, his hooves coming into sight at the corner. Alastor pulled out the chair, humming to himself as he sat down. You held your breath as you watched him spread his lags out, shadows darker than the dark room swarming up behind him. You watched him unbuckle his belt lazily, his head obscured from your view, only his clawed hand and crotch in sight. “Up,” He ordered once his belt was undone, and his shirt untucked. Slithering out from under the desk, you used his thighs to balance and help you lift yourself up. Before you could fully get up he grabbed you by the neck and tugged you into a firey kiss. His teeth scraped against yours, and his tongue instantly took over your mouth, exploring and tainting every inch of your mouth.
You moaned into him as his other hand gripped your hip, digging his nails deep into it. Yanking your body up, you now sat on his lap just below the large bulge he’d been teasing you with. You jerked your hips forward, yearning the friction of him against you. Alastor pulled away a string of saliva still connecting the two of you together, you whined throwing your head back slightly in defiance. You’d never wanted someone so badly before, it was even worse then the first time you’d met Al. Panting you wrapped your arms around his neck, humping him mindlessly, the only focus being on cumming. “Look at you,” Alastor sneered, gripping your hips and pushing you down against him. “So desperate, you’ve got no restraint. I’m disappointed in you, little doe.”
You croaked out what could only be described as a plea, but really it just sounded like a meek shout. Above the two of you Alastors antlers grew out, looking large and broad. “Y’know what time it is my dear.” Alastor groaned watching sweat slip down your chest, eye twitching as he held himself back. “Answer me.” He ordered sticking his nails into your tights, you gasped and moaned finding more pleasure in the act then pain. “No,” You cried softly and breathlessly. At that Alastor brought his head down to nuzzle the top of your head, careful of his antlers, and whispered in your ear. “Mating season.” You stuttered breathing out a “ha” noise, lacking humour and instead being replaced by desperation. In this position you could smell only his scent, and the arousal you left in the air, it made you feel dizzy with lust. You knew what this meant and it edged you further to the fall; he was going to mate you; breed you. You cried his name and begged for nothing, just tugging at his coat and begging for him, and only him.
The demon chuckled darkly moving away from your hair, and with lidded eyes he looked down at you, messily humping him, nearly on the verge of tears. What a sight to behold. His tentacles emerged lifting you above his lap, just enough for him to get his slacks off. Once off, he leaned back, you hoisted in the air still squirming, he practically lit up with a light bulb of an idea. Gripping himself through his boxers, Alastor slowly stroked himself; grinning cheekily up at you as he did so, seeing how instantaneously you were captivated by him. Without your knowledge, the tentacles worked around you, undoing, and slowly pulling off your (alastors), slacks. With one tentacle around your waist, two under each arm, and two underneath your knees keeping your legs pulled apart, there was too many tentacles to notice that your pants and underwear were being discarded.
Not to mention Alastor had you enamoured with the way he stroked himself, humming out noises of approval, just for you. You moaned when you felt the coldness of a tentacle inch up the entirety of your vulva, practically cupping your entire heat. You let out a guttural groan at the sensation, immediately jerking into his magic. “Oh fuck Alastor,” You cried shaking as the tip of the tentacle swirled your clit. Alastor watched you tentatively, enjoying all the ways your body reacted.
Alastor loved watching how your toes curled, or how your stomach would clench visibly, or how you feebly tried to pull your legs together. He sped his movements, enjoying the feeling of himself through his boxers, a little dribble of cum staining a wet spot on his drawers. Alastor rarely jerked off, but god did it feel good to put on a show for you, he loved the ways your eyes only focused on him, never moving away from what he was doing. Alastor saw you were coming close to the end, but if you were to cum, it was going to be around him. With the flick of a wrist, the tentacles plopped you back on his thighs, disappearing and making you cry out.
“Alastor please, please, please, I need you,” You whined bucking up into the air. Alastor grabbed your wrists that were flinging around slightly trying to keep yourself stable. Alastor would be the first to admit, it was extremely hard to keep his smile right now, he wanted to give you other expressions to burn into your brain. “Look at me darling.” Alastor cooed, not enjoying the fact your eyes were squeezed tightly shut. You were still mumbling incoherent pleas as you cracked them open, being greeted by Alastors chest and lazily leaned back figure, he was still stretched out to an abnormal degree which gave you and him more leeway. The way he looked at you as if you were a god, it made your stomach flutter, not to mention how he made you feel so effortlessly small, which in a way felt nice, especially with him.
“You’re so gorgeous dear, I hope our children have your eyes,” You curled forward against your will, gripping his shirt like it was your lifeline. You nearly came at his forwardness not to mention the certainty in his voice, and he found it to be oh so adorable. Carefully he lifted you and lined himself up with you, thanks to the help of his tentacles. Inhaling deeply, he briefly enjoyed the smell of your scent throughout the room, from your sweat, to your fragrances, to your arousal, it all intoxicated him all at once with need. Slowly he sat you down on him, you had made yourself so wet there was barely any resistance, you did however clench making it extremely difficult for Alastor to hold back.
Groaning loudly, the demon smiled wide, straining to keep his composure. You had fallen against his chest, gripping onto him tightly, mouth ajar, drool dripping, and eyes shut tightly, you were in bliss. The only thing your mind could comprehend was him, all of him, and having him breed you, mate you, fill you full of him. At that thought your hips involuntarily bucked up, your clit brushing against the curly pubic hair he had, that trailed up to his bellybutton. Alastor drew in a breath, leaning his head back against the large seat behind him, feeling electrified by your walls around him. Feet planted on the floor Alastor used his footing to fuck up into you harshly, jerking your body upward as he did so. You cried out his name, letting him use your body as he pleased, and use he did. Alastors gentleman ways were far behind him at this moment, his mind was clouded with one purpose and that was to breed you. He harshly jerked his hips up into you, bouncing you up and down on top of him at his own will and pace.
His head was still laid back on the head rest, exposing his neck to you. Speedily, as he jerked up into you, you focused on undoing the buttons of his collared shirt, your mind set on leaving bites and hickeys all along him. Once you gained access to his neck fully, you dived in moaning and dragging your teeth against his warm flesh. This caused him to snap forward, his arms caging you from behind, pushing you into him future. You licked, kissed and bit at his neck occasionally groaning his name, Alastor started to pant violently, growling every so often. Lifting his hips off the chair with you still there, he stood up, his tentacles assisting where ever he needed. With the new posture granted new access, and a new pace. With your legs wrapped his waist you could feel his his tail that wagged and stiffened repeatedly against you, it made your own wiggle in response.
Alastor was a true demon now, pushing your upper half backward, you fumbled afraid to fall and hit your head on the desk, but instead you were pleased to feel four tentacles holding you up, and keeping you from falling. Alastor dragged his claws down your now exposed chest, straight down to your clit, marking the trail down your skin with a discoloured line. It gave you goosebumps and you clenched in anticipation, as his movements had stunted a little bit ago. Finally his eyes met yours, clouded with lust and a deeper red colour than before, speaking of which- he could barely keep them open, so fucked out in his own lust. His movements began, slow and deep at first, his eyes never looking away from yours, and you were too hypnotised by his to even think about looking anywhere else but him. Alastor made sure with every thrust you felt it through your entire body, every prod was deep and forceful, and it worked making you see stars. You cried out clenching your legs around him as he finally began to pick up the pace, jolting your body with ever thrust.
As he rapidly picked up the pace, you moaned, whined and grunted out high pitched noises of pleasure that you never knew you could make. Alastor was growling, and grunting, teeth bared as he jackhammered into you, skin slapping filling the silent room. Bending forward to lean over you, he nipped and bit at your chest leaving prominite triangular teeth marks that were unmistakably his. With the current angle he hit a spot in you that caused you to squeal, screaming his name at the top of your lungs, you reflexively gabbed his antlers. “More, more,” You cried squeezing onto the thick antlers. Alastor moaned, not growled or grunted, moaned. His pitch was lifted and his eyes closed in bliss as he began to hump you desperately, his legs jittery from the excitement. Panting, he lifted his head to meet your eyes, which weren’t facing him but instead the wall, your head turned away shyly. Grabbing your face, he forced your head in his direction and crash his lips against yours.
It was an opened mouth kiss with no rhythm, just teeth, tongue and desire. You both moaned and panted into each others mouths, and each time Alastor let out a breathless moan, you clenched around him. Wrapping his arms around you, Alastor pulled his mouth away noses still touching. “I c-can’t dear, not gonna last.” Alastor gritted, making you whine and mutter incoherently, you were already gushing fluids all down his legs and balls like a water fountain. “Oh fuck,” Alastor moaned his static glitching in and out. His pace suddenly quickened to a sickening degree, every thrust he let out a breathy growl. “Gonna breed you,” He muttered against your lips before crashing them against you, with the senstaion of wet pubic hair bumping against your swollen clit, and his body heat suffocating you, you couldn’t hold out any longer. The coil snapped in you, liquid gushing rapidly out of you painting his cock with your fluids, your body violently convulsed against him, screeching his name like a wild animals.
Alastors eyes turned to dials as his pace quickened, your orgasm bringing his own on as he felt the pressure break, without care he continually hammered into you, moaning and groaning your name into the nape of your neck. Around the room the lights violently flickered and flashed various colours, the radio off to the side flicking on and off with a strange tune. The amount of cum he strung out felt inhuman, and it felt like it was bloating you up. After a few moments of him whining and fucking into you, his cum so bountiful it ended up leaking out of you with every pump. Eventually he stilled falling against you and his tentacles that were also shaking with strain and exhaustion. The flickering lights and crazy stereo glitching ceasing. Alastor gripped you tightly, his shadows encasing the two of you, and releasing you on your shared bed. Alastor hadn’t pulled out of you, instead he pulled you closer, his body snapping back to his regular size, and snuggled himself into your back.
You were barely responsive, still dazed and confused trying to catch your breath. Alastor played with your fingers absentmindedly, kissing your exposed shoulder. Sighing happily, you wiggled yourself back up into him. “I love you dear.” Alastor muttered, silently voice muffled from the fact his face was buried against your shoulder. “I love you too.” You felt him freeze against you, suppose he didn’t expect you to be coherent enough for you to realize or respond.
“I just think there’s something more going on ere’.” Angel teased grinning at you, Lucifer hand his head down against the bar, Charlie and Vaggie sat on the couch, Vaggie looked tired and pissed off. Husk was, well Husk, and Nifty was nowhere to be seen. “What do you mean?” You say innocently sitting at a chair with your morning coffee by your side. “Oh please! The whole seven rings heard you two!” The king wailed, grabbing his hat so hard it may have ripped. You felt heat crawl up your neck at the claim, surely you weren’t that loud right? “Oh ya! The whole hotels hydro went out, thanks a lot strawberry pimp, made my stereo go all haywire.” Angel snickered poking your thigh with a raise of his eyebrows. Alastor stood tall behind you, a relaxed smile on his face. “I had to hear you two moan all morning yesterday!” Lucifer cried out throwing himself off the chair dramatically throwing himself around in despair. Alastor growled beside you, and when you glanced up you were surprised to see his ears pinned back.
“Guys cmon, you’re making me uncomfortable.” You say, you weren’t at all uncomfortable, but you worried that Alastor may have been, and you knew he wouldn’t enjoy being pushed under the bus and presented as weak to sexual teasing. Charlie thankfully ushered her father a way, and Vaggie walked off with her giving both you and Alastor a glare. The room was momentarily silent once they left, you eyed Angel, and Husk throwing back alcohol at the bar. “So, kids eh?” Immediately Alastor morphed into his demonic form at Angels words. You gave Angel a look but he wasn’t afraid of either of you, instead he giggled and skipped over to Husk.
Cuddled down in your brand new duvets, compliments of Lucifer, you waited for your husband to get back. Thankfully Alastor was always punctual and never kept you waiting long. Beside you on the left side of the bed was a crib, decked out in soft pinks and reds, with black accents all around. Attached to the crib was a demonic mobile, with little wooden runes, teeth, and horn hung on it handmade by Alastor. You had given birth to your baby only a week ago, and Alastor was doting, and a little obsessed. He wouldn’t let you leave the hotel, and very rarely the room. If you did leave you were followed by him, his shadows and Husk. He’d been out today all day, doing a special broadcast which involved slaughtering dozens of citizens and broadcasting it just as a friendly reminder as to not get in his way, or mess with him.
It felt a little wrong, Alastor had told you his plans and when you looked down at your baby girls face you couldn’t deny him, you wanted people to stay away, so neither of you told Charlie or Lucifer where he’d be going, just that he’d be gone. And he was supposed to return shortly, you made sure to listen in on his torturous journey, slightly enjoying how hot he sounded. Beside you, Mara, your baby girl, stirred making baby noises as she did so. Leaning over you peaked in to see if she was actually awake or simply shuffling and making noises in her sleep. When you looked over you were greeted with big (e/c) baby eyes of your daughter, she had alastors hair and ears, but thankfully lacked his yellow teeth, you loved your husband but it was uh, his aesthetic. Scooping her up you cooed to her and placed her on your bare chest, petting the tiny wisps of red hair that sprout from her head. She was warm, and smelt like brand new baby, fresh skin, with fragments of yourself and Alastor lingering. Being a deer certainly heightened the pregnancy process, and Alastors fears of being like the wild bucks above on earth were quickly dismissed.
Alastor was enamoured with Mara the moment you found out you were pregnant, it was a very trying time considering everybody was absolutely against it or absolutely infatuated, you had people telling n the news obsessively writing articles about you two, Vox was absolutely up your guys’ ass, and Lucifer was his own little problem. He never left Alastor alone always hounding him on how to be a good dad and to not ‘eat the baby’, which always made the room go silent. Alastor suddenly materialized in the room, black shadows crawling away from his form as he stepped in. Immediately his eyes zeroed in on you and Mara, eyes brightening at the sight. Slinking over to the bed, Alastor slid in beside you arm coming around your shoulder while the other pet the baby’s head and little ears. “She’s just a beauty! Oh if only my mother could meet her.” You looked over to him at that, a little surprised at that, you were very aware he was a mommas boy but never had you thought of the fact he’s been so far from her for so long, and that he may inwardly desire to have her back in his life.
Little hands came up and grabbed onto Alastors long fingered claw, brining it to her mouth, Mara began to ‘chew’ on him. You grinned happily at the sight, Alastor chuckling beside you. “So, I was listening over the radio, but regardless, how’d it go?” You ask twisting your body toward him, he hummed pulling his hands away from Mara. “Oh it was spectacular, everything went swimmingly. I briefly met up with Rosie and relayed the news, she's absolutely thrilled at the birth of Mara, says we must come by with her for lunch.”
“Will you let that happen, I haven’t seen the outside in days.” Alastor hummed flatly giving you a playful cut eye. “Perhaps a day will be fine.” You snorted, focusing your attention back on the baby, placing a kiss on her forehead. “So, whadaya think, grandpa Luc-” Alastor quickly interjected. “Immediately no, but go on.” You laughed aloud, shaking your head at his behaviour. “Grandpa Luci, Uncle Angel, Uncle Husk, Auntie Charlie, Aunt Vaggie, then we have Cousin Nifty, andddd.” You trail off thinking about who else could be added to the equation. “Godmother Rosie?” Alastor pipped up, seeming genuinely happy, you agreed instantly, loving the idea of Rosie being the godmother should anything happen to you two. Or Lucifer, or Charlie.
Alastor gently gestured to the baby, signaling he wanted to hold her, so you passed her over delicately watching as she melted into Alastors chest. “So dear,” Alastor said with a mischievous tone, head tilting towards you. “Shall we feed her deer meat? I think it’s good to start em young!” You groaned, and rolled your eyes it seemed your first fatal relationship argument was kids, and now the next will be what to feed them.
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onyourowndaisymae · 8 months
under where?
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content + warnings: nsfw, x fem!reader, flashing, discussions of oral
prompt: "Imagine sitting across from the brothers and nonchalantly spreading your legs to reveal no underwear under your skirt. Just IMAGINE their reactions…" (via: @shywritersblog)
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there's a tension in the air, a mixture of seven different reactions to the same action. seven demons who knew their master had such a commanding presence, had fallen victim to "stay" time and time again-- yet here you are, bringing all of them to their knees without uttering a single word.
lucifer pales when your legs spread. a low, possessive growl threatens to rock his chest, but he swallows hard and averts his gaze. you can see his cheeks flush a little. he meets your gaze-- he's very determined to show you he doesn't see you as a piece of meat-- and opens his mouth to scold you for such vulgar behavior. but there's this heat in your gaze, almost inviting as your eyes smolder with want. his mouth closes. he takes another look between your spread legs. fuck. you're so wet it's obscene. were you really that needy, working yourself up like that over there? he can only imagine what's running through your head, what depraved thoughts linger beneath that cheshire smile. no matter. just say the word and he's whisk you away to his room, alone, ready to please his master until dawn breaks through the darkened skies.
mammon whines, the sound loud and uninhibited, his cheeks engulfing in flames-- yet he can't bring himself to be ashamed. it takes everything in him not to pounce on you. he wants to yell, too. why? why're you so comfortable spreading your legs like that in front of all his brothers, huh?! don't you know the kind of filthy thoughts running through their heads?! the conflicting feelings make his stomach flutter. he wants to close your legs, guarding your entrance like a dragon to its hoard, greedy to keep its greatest treasure private. but he also wants to fall to his knees in front of you. to wait for your permission before burying his face in your cunt, fucking you on his tongue in front of everyone. he's getting impatient now that the thought's entered his mind-- so can you please stop looking at him like that and let him touch you already, before he loses whatever mind he has left?
leviathan can feel his shame rush to his face, burning heat pooling at the back of his neck. it's embarassing how quickly his pants grow tight and cumbersome. this-- this is too much for him. he needs to hide away, now, burrowing into a fort of blankets in his bathtub until a century or two passes and he's sure everyone's forgotten about this moment in time. but he can't. because you're staring at him. your eyes crawl up his body, lingering on his shifty feet, his quivering hands, his tented pants-- your gaze makes his head spin. he's going to pass out if you keep watching him like that. you wet your lips briefly, eyes darting to meet his before your gaze falls between his legs again, and he swears to every authority in every realm that he can feel his cock throb in need. please say something, do something. either let him retreat to lick his wounds or ride him until he's a puddle of drool and slick underneath you.
satan's cheeks flush, but he keeps his gaze steady as he thoroughly observes your sopping wet cunt. he wants to think of something clever or witty to say, but his mouth is so dry and his brain is so fuzzy-- do you know what you do to him? he's aware that you're teasing him. it's frustrating. all these eyes on you, and yet you're only looking at him. like a cat that got the cream, you're smirking, lounging in your chair like he can't see the slick gathering around your entrance. it would be so easy for his finger to slip inside you, finger fucking you senseless until you're so sensitive you writhe and dig your nails into the arms of that chair. but that would be too easy, wouldn't it? no, you're teasing the avatar of wrath. while patience is not his favorite virtue, it will be the one he has tonight-- because the moment you're finally underneath him, he's going to toy with you as much as he wants, prowl around your exposed body until he decides to pounce. after all, you're the one who wanted to play cat and mouse.
asmodeus can feel his lips curl into a grin. oh, you naughty little thing! a giggle escapes his lips as he watches you with rapt attention. oh, that slippery little cunt of yours is so cute! would you mind if he got a closer look? he wants to bask in this moment. you're biting your bottom lip and grinning right back at him, and it takes everything in him not to break the tension by letting honey filth spew from his lustful lips. sure, there's a lot he could say, but don't actions speak louder than words? in that case, he wouldn't mind running his tongue along that pretty clit of yours to taste your slick himself. he can't think of a better way to express his love for you than to ravish you as thoroughly as the tried and true avatar of lust can. the room is delightfully hot and intense, making his head spin as surges of lust bounce off the walls. oh, darling, the anticipation is killing him-- won't you just share all the dirty thoughts caught in that pretty little head of yours?
beelzebub suddenly feels like he shouldn't be here. he notices the change in the air before he notices your legs spread, ever perceptive to the emotions of his loved ones. and all of those feelings lead him to you-- specifically, that wet spot between your legs that's got everyone so riled all of a sudden. it makes him nervous. at first, he worries you've exposed yourself on accident. he looks away as his cheeks turn pink, ashamed of how quickly his mind begins to wander. but then he hears you shuffling-- so naturally, he looks back at you-- to find you pulling your skirt up further, bunching it around your thighs to give everyone a clearer view. he realizes now that you want everyone to see your cunt. now he doesn't feel so bad about staring, about the groan sitting in the back of his throat. he'll never push, never question your motives or try to touch you without explicit permission, but he can't help the way his mouth waters and his erection stirs in his pants. and judging by the way you're staring at him like a five course meal, it seems you don't mind much either.
belphegor's eyes widen in shock, before a predatory grin engulfs his face. oh. you're in for it now. you've given the game away by exposing yourself as a needy whore, and it's clear from your haughty smirk that you think you've won this game. that's cute. but you're playing with demons-- manipulative, scheming, needy demons that'd do anything to bury themselves deep inside of the very hole you're so determined to tease them with. or maybe you're just teasing one particular demon. because your eyes linger on his just a bit too long to be coincidental, flitting away to the ground or a nearby wall before meeting his again. are you feeling nervous now? you should be. make no mistake-- he sees what you're doing here, and he's already thinking of ways to handle it. you're clearly getting aroused by all the attention. he wants to help, but he's just feeling so tired. you're already so prepped and eager-- maybe he should let you sink onto his cock in this very room? he's curious to see how well you can perform with an audience.
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bigbadvoxbox · 4 months
AHHH, oh my god those Lucifer pegging headcanons were absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS (Same anon btw, hi!!) absolutely adored them. He’s been rotting in my brain since he first showed up on screen my goodness, anyway!! I have so many dirty thoughts about him, how about Lucifer smut with reader who’s been edging the poor baby for hours and he’s all whiny and needy and pathetic and begging for his mommy to let him cum like the needy little slut he is :(, thank youuu!! - 🪲
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Lucifer x Transmasc reader
warnings: edging. degradation + praise. lucifer is a sub, power bottom at best. he's a whiny baby (but we love it). pegging. mention of selling his soul.
Here he was, the big bad King of Hell himself, writhing beneath you, his chest arching up against yours as he whined pitifully.
"Awh. Poor baby." you feigned pity at the state Lucifer was currently in, pouting mockingly.
It had been hours. So many long, excruciating hours, of being brought right up to that edge, right on the precipice of ecstasy, only for all of the sensations to stop and send Lucifer tumbling back down the way he came. Each time he was brought back down from his near-release, his body began to ache more and more. His nerves were on fire, aching, begging, screaming for the orgasm he craved so badly. His eyes bubbled with tears as his lower lip trembled, whining and groaning about how "Please, please I can't- I need you to- fuck, please."
His tip was beginning to blush slightly red as drops of precum began to dribble down the length of his dick, not only was his body being stimulated by your hand around his cock, but also by your strap inside him, your hips alternating back and forth between a rough, quick pace that knocked the breath from his lungs, and an oh so slow pace that had him squirming with the need for more.
His pale skin was now marked with hickeys and bites, not only an expression of love, but a display of dominance, of possessiveness. Each kiss you pressed gently to his skin had him pulling such a sweet face for you, an expression so fucking pathetic yet so cute, like a puppy begging for a treat. You knew exactly what he wanted, and would you give it to him? That was for you to know and him to find out.
"Does it feel good?" You asked. He nodded frantically, failing to even speak through his pants and cries of pleasure. That wasn't good enough for you. Your pace became agonisingly slow, and he could feel your strap slowly caressing every sensitive spot inside of him. It was practically torture. "I need words, Luci." you said, your voice softening to a whisper as you used the sweet nickname you knew he loved, even if he wouldn't admit it. "Come on. Be a good boy for me, yeah?" you coaxed him, enough for him to force out the words you were looking for.
"Yes! Fuck- it- it feels good." He answered. He was almost immediately met with a harsh slam of your hips against his ass, your strap filling him so deliciously that it had him clawing at the sheets beneath him. As you began to fuck into him fast enough to leave him breathless, your hand matched its speed, jerking him off with a somewhat sadistic grin across your face.
Your lips crashed together, with you feeling the vibrations of his desperate voice against your skin. The kiss was fuelled by passion, and lust. This kind of affection was enough to have Lucifer melting beneath you, whining against your lips.
"So whiny, baby. Whats'a matter? Wanna cum, is that it?" you grinned like a cheshire cat at your question, hearing him cry out in response.
"Yes! Please!"
"Hm... I dunno, sweetheart. How about we make a deal?" You asked, before your voice dropped to a sinister whisper as you leaned in, close enough for him to feel your breath on his ear. "For your soul." you said. The gasp you pulled from his lips was almost comical, and you couldn't help but chuckle meanly as you caressed his cheek. "I was only joking, sweet face, but... do you like the sound of that? Me owning your soul? You being my pretty toy for all eternity? Hm?" Your teasing was no doubt getting him riled up, evident in the look in his eyes - that look of arousal on his face.
You then noticed something, the way he gripped the sheets slightly tighter, his breath hitching in his throat, and the way his legs began to tighten around your waist. He was getting close. Again.
"Beg." you commanded.
Almost immediately, Lucifer began to cry out, his voice frantic with desperation.
"Please! I need you to- keep going! I'll be a good boy, so please!- Fuck! Don't stop!"
His begging seemed to appease your inner sadist, especially seeing the tears in his eyes, that rolled down his previously pale cheeks, now turned red with the heat of your passion.
"Suuuuch a good boy." you praised as your hips kept their brutal speed, pushing him closer and closer to his long-awaited orgasm.
When it finally came, when he finally came, it was almost like he was seeing Heaven. (pun intended)
His body trembled as his jaw dropped, an unholy wail of a moan leaving his lips at the pure bliss that was like lightning, striking across every nerve in his body. His back arched as his cum squirted into a mess over his stomach, poor baby definitely was denied so much, but now he was getting exactly what he wanted. A string of blasphemous curses followed his orgasm, as his eyes screwed shut tight. His voice was loud and unashamed, just the way you wanted it to be. His aching cock was finally getting relief, as you used your hand to milk it of all he had.
The aftershocks of his orgasm left Lucifer quaking beneath you, his mouth hanging open, not only in awe, but also out of exhaustion. You couldn't help but chuckle as you placed gentle kisses over his neck, and jaw.
"You did so good for me, sweetheart. You're my good boy, aren't you?" You praised him, receiving only a soft whine in reply as you pulled your strap from inside him.
"My poor good boy just be so tired out after that. Let's get you all cleaned up." you told him, voice now losing all of its sadism as you carefully held his cheek in your hand, caressing it with your thumb.
You knew this would definitely become a more regular occurrence, the look on his face driving you wild, it was too good to give up any time soon. Lucifer seemed to notice this, and honestly? He couldn't say he was opposed to the idea. After being edged for so long, his orgasm had felt 10 times more powerful than any regular orgasm, and he knew it would become a feeling he'd be craving again very soon.
(that was hot if i do say so myself)
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vikkirosko · 1 year
Hello! Can I request Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Vox, Lucifer, Blizo, Millie and Moxxy with a female child witch reader?
Reader is 10 and an Umbra witch (like Bayonetta in Bayonetta origins : Cereza and the lost demon). She can summon a demonic creature (cheshire her plush cat made by her mother) to help her fight.
Reader is alive and is in hell because she's searching for a demon to make a deal with. A demon strong enough to help her fight the other witches who locked her mother away, where she will never see her again.
Reader is a nice child, and knows the dangers of hell and making a deal with a demon, but she will sell away her soul if she can be with her mother.
Platonic headcanons Umbra witch
🌈 Charlie Morningstar x child fem!Reader 🎶
When Charlie first saw you, she couldn't believe her eyes. A ten-year-old human girl was standing on the threshold of her hotel. Alive and inexplicably trapped in Hell before death. She didn't know how to react to this, but she hurried to you to prevent the demons from harming you. She had lived in Hell long enough to know that a living person trapped in Hell could suffer or die. However, she was even more surprised when you asked her for the opportunity to stay at her hotel until you find a strong demon who agrees to sign a contract with you
You were a serious child, cuddling an unusual plush cat. Charlie genuinely didn't understand why you needed to make a deal with a demon. She tried to explain to you what it could lead to, but you told her that you know perfectly well what it could lead to. You were well aware of the risks involved, but you had a reason why you wanted to make a pact with a demon and why you were even willing to sacrifice your own soul, but you didn't talk about what that reason was
For several weeks you have been staying in a hotel, periodically leaving to continue the search for a strong demon. Charlie took care of you and got to know you better. You were a sweet and nice girl who genuinely cared about those who were dear to you and Charlie also became such a person for you. After another unsuccessful trip to the city, you told her that the reason why you went to Hell was your mother. You had no one but your mother, but she was taken away from you. You and your mother were part of a witch clan, but witches from another clan locked up your mother and you didn't have enough strength to save her. That's why you went to Hell to make a deal with a demon. You were ready to give your soul to be near your mom again
By the end of your story, you started crying. You really missed your mom a lot. Charlie couldn't help but hug you tightly. She felt sorry for you and now she understood that she could not leave you in this position. She intended to take care of you and try to find a way to help you save your mom without signing a contract with a demon. She saw that you were a good person and didn't deserve your soul to end up in Hell. She wasn't sure if she could help you save your mom herself, but she was willing to help you find another way to do it
❌ Vaggie x child fem!Reader 🎀
Vaggie wasn't in Hell for very long, less than Angel or Alastor, but even so, when she saw you, she realized that you weren't supposed to be there. You were a alive ten-year-old girl cuddling a stuffed cat. She didn't understand how you ended up in Hell in the first place, but she wasn't going to leave you to your fate. She brought you to the hotel, saying you could stay there, but asked how you ended up in Hell in the first place. Your story surprised her
As it turned out, you were a witch and came to Hell to make a deal with a strong demon. You claimed that you needed the power to fight other witches, but you didn't say why you needed it. Vaggie found it hard to believe that you wanted to do this for some evil purposes, but she watched your behavior while you were at the hotel. However, you really weren't a bad person. You were a kind and sweet girl who did not wish harm to others. However, there was something that bothered you, which caused you to continue searching for a demon who would agree to make a deal with you
When Vaggie came into your room from which you did not leave after you returned, she saw that you were crying. She hadn't expected this. As it turned out, the reason for your tears was that you missed your mom. Only then did you tell her that you shouldn't have gone looking for a demon so early. Usually witches from your clan made a pact with a demon at a more mature age, but witches from another clan grabbed your mother and locked her in a place where you couldn't get in. That's why you went to Hell. You knew about all the dangers that awaited you and were ready to sacrifice your soul to save your mother
Vaggie felt very sorry for you. She couldn't help you save your mom, but she was going to protect you while you were in Hell. She knew how cruel the denizens of Hell could be and wasn't going to let them hurt you. She saw that your stuffed cat was an unusual toy and protected you when you were attacked, but that didn't mean that Vaggie would stop protecting you. She didn't want you to get hurt, because you were just a child and she didn't care that you were a witch
📻 Alastor x child fem!Reader 🎙
When Alastor was alive, he did not harm children, at least as much as adults. That's why when he met you, he had no intention of harming you. You were a ten-year-old girl who was alive. How you ended up in Hell was not clear, but when you approached him and asked if he could make a deal with you, he was surprised. Pretty quickly, his surprise turned to laughter.  It was hard for him to believe that a human child wanted to sell his soul to a demon, but when he saw how several demons tried to harm you, he decided to protect you and look after you until you changed your mind about making a deal with a demon
You often went to the city and looked for strong enough demons, but still could not find a demon who would be strong enough and would agree to make a deal with you. Every time you came back, Alastor would treat you to the food he cooked and tell you stories. When he once told you about his mom who always cooked him delicious food. When he finished cooking and looked at you, he saw that you were crying. He didn't expect such a reaction and tried to cheer you up. When he asked you what upset you so much, you sniffled and told him that you really missed your mom
You told him how you and Mom lived together. You and Mom were from a witch clan and she taught you everything she knew, but witches from another clan destroyed your quiet world. They took your mom and locked her up. You tried to save her, but you weren't strong enough. The only way to save your mom was to make a pact with a demon strong enough for you to stand up to other witches. Alastor listened carefully to what you told him. At the end of your story, he said that he, so be it, agreed to make a deal with you
Alastor wasn't as strong as the other overlords, but he decided he couldn't leave the girl who wanted to save her mom so badly in trouble. He saw that you were ready to give your soul to save a loved one, so he decided to help you and give you the opportunity to live happily until your time comes to die and when he decides to take the promised soul
🖥 Vox x child fem!Reader 📱
Vox is used to a lot of strange things happening in Hell. He saw a huge amount of what turned out to be in the vastness of hellish social networks, but when he saw you, he was surprised. You were the one who shouldn't have been in Hell. You were a living person. A child who ended up in Hell in some unknown way. But he was even more surprised when you approached him and with a serious expression on your face asked him how strong he was
You followed him, watching him, as if trying to confirm his words that he was strong. Vox didn't understand why you needed it, but it wasn't difficult for him to prove his strength to you. However, your next question has him stumped again. You asked him if he could make a deal with you. As it turned out, you had to make a deal with a strong demon, which is why you went to Hell, even though it was very dangerous
For several weeks, you tried to convince Vox to make a deal with you, but he didn't see the point in making it with a child. He didn't understand why you needed it until you told him the reason why you risked going to Hell. As it turned out, you were a real witch. You lived with your mom, but witches from another clan came and took your mom away. That's why you tried to save her, but for that you had to make a deal with a strong demon so that you had the strength to resist other witches
Vox doubted that even with his strength, you would be able to accomplish what you planned. However, he was interested in what you could do. He doubted that you could survive, but he wasn't going to stop you from trying to die and was even willing to help you live a little longer, realizing that if he didn't make a deal with you, someone else would
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x child fem!Reader 🐍
Lucifer is used to the fact that many called him to make a deal, but when you came to him, he was surprised. You were a child alive, a little girl who came to Hell herself to make a deal with a demon, and the demon you wanted to make a deal with was him, Lucifer. This surprised him and amused him. It was the first time that someone who wanted to make a deal with him came to him himself
He was wondering why it took you so much effort to meet him. He tried to find out from you, but you tried to evade the answer to this question. Lucifer felt a mystical power from you, which allowed him to understand that you were an unusual child. It wasn't until some time later, during which you tried to convince him to make a deal with you, that he found out why you actually needed to make a deal with him
You were a witch and lived with your mom all your life. You were part of a witch clan and lived a quiet life. However, one day your peace was disturbed and witches from another clan captured your mother. You sincerely wanted to save her, and for this you needed to make a deal with a strong demon so that you would have the opportunity to resist other witches. You knew perfectly well that going to Hell was dangerous and you could have been hurt, but you were determined to save your mom
Lucifer knew perfectly well how important family was and that's why he agreed to help you. He saw how you were even willing to sacrifice your own soul to save your mother, and he just couldn't leave you without help
😈 Blitzø x child fem!Reader 🐴
Blitzø is used to receiving orders from a variety of sinners, but when there was a knock on his office door, he expected to see a new client, but he saw you, a little girl, cuddling a plush cat.You were just an ordinary kid who shouldn't have been in Hell. At first he was very surprised to see you, but when you told him that you wanted to hire him, his surprise turned into a fit of laughter. It was hard for him to believe that you came to Hell just to hire assassins
As he soon found out, your goal was to make a deal with a strong demon, but you didn't know who could be suitable for this, so you decided to contact I.M.P. being sure that they could help you find a strong enough demon who would agree to make a deal with you. He tried to find out the reason for this, but you avoided this question by translating the topic. However, Blitzø couldn't help you so quickly, so you stayed in their office while he was looking for someone suitable to fulfill your order
When he came to check on you in the office late at night, he saw you upset. He asked you if everything was all right, to which you sighed heavily and said that you missed your mom a lot. You told him that you and your mom were witches who were part of the same clan, but your quiet life ended when witches from another clan attacked you and took your mom away. You couldn't save her on your own. You didn't have enough knowledge to save your mother on your own, so you decided to make a deal with a demon to use his power and save mom. You knew perfectly well that it was dangerous, but the dangers did not frighten you
He listened attentively to you, realizing that he could not refuse the job you gave them, because he knew better than anyone else what it was like to lose a family member, so he decided to help you find a demon who would help you save your mother. He wasn't sure he could get rid of the witches himself and help you save your mom, so he decided to help you with the method you both were sure of
😈 Millie x child fem!Reader x Moxxie 🎶
Millie and Moxxie met you when you came to the office where they worked. At first they couldn't believe their eyes. You were a human who came to Hell himself, and also a child. This greatly worried Moxxie. You firmly told them that you came to them to hire them, but not to kill them, but so that they would find a strong demon who would agree to make a deal with you. They did not expect such a job, but their boss was not going to give up such easy money
Millie and Moxxie took care of you for the time that you stayed in their office. You were just a child who needed love and care, so Moxxie and Millie began to play the roles of your parents. At first, you reacted calmly to it, but after a few days of their care, something happened that they did not expect. You cried. At first they thought it was their fault, but pretty quickly they found out the real reason for your tears
You told them that you lived with your mom all your life. She was the dearest person to you and you loved her very much. You were witches and she taught you everything you could possibly need, but one day your quiet life was destroyed. Witches from another clan came to your house and took your mother away. They locked her up and you were too weak to save her, so you decided to go to Hell and make a deal with a demon. The care from Moxxie and Millie reminded you of your mom and your emotions got the better of you
They were surprised by your story. They calmed you down, and then decided to try to figure out how to help you. They weren't sure exactly how to help you, but while they were looking for a way to help you, they intended to take care of you so that you wouldn't be left alone
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call-me-cheese · 3 months
Hello there! I was wondering if you could do Alastor with a reader who has a thick southern accent? It can be romantic or platonic, it’s completely up to you! Have a good day/night!
~ Angel <3
Alastor x reader(platonic)
а/n: Thanks for request Angel! I hope you will like it, I am not very in themes like this, but I tried my best!
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·       To begin with, Alastor lived in New Orleans, meaning he did deal with different languages as well as accents, so he doesn't have any direct problems with that
·       But he's also a radio host with an obviously set voice, and for his profession to have a speech that isn't quite right is not okay
·       Does he care about it? Most of the time, yes, but there's one exception, his name
·       HE asked YOU to call him "Al" because this type of twisting is simply not acceptable
·       Does it bother you a lot? Mmmmm, no
·       «Alustuuuh" you approach him with the most idiotic smile, just annoying your friend
·       "What do you want?" he slowly turns to you with a killer look, just hoping it's really important
·       "Hmm, nothing, just to see if you can hear" you liked to annoy Alastor, he's too suited for that, so with a "Cheshire cat" expression on your face and a crazy laugh, you run away at top speed
·       Sometimes he swears he hates you
·       He really hates you
·       He doesn't
·       Sometimes he corrects you just like that
·       Sometimes he randomly asks how you would pronounce certain words
·       Rosie also suffers, but less
·       He cursed the people (Lucifer) several times with your expressions
·       You're his official second-in-command for creating chaos
·       Now some phrases from the south are spreading, so I think in hell as well
·       If you've known him for a relatively long time, then sometimes you'll get summaries of changes in slang expressions in hell
·       As I've said before, you don't pronounce names quite correctly (you can actually pronounce them correctly, but it's not that fun at all) and he willingly uses it
·       Sometimes he borrows expressions/pronunciations from your vocabulary and uses them for the same purposes as you
·       He also irritates people (Lucifer)
·       You're annoying people together
·       It's fun to spend time with him
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I hope you enjoyed)
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
Basically something for my habzin hotel au called Alastor in wonderland
AngelDust as the mad hatter and Alastor as Alice, basically
Look at my au for more info about my au
Hiii! thank you for your request but i’m sorry to say I only do x reader fics
but i will say that everyone should go check out this au because it is incredibly interesting and well thought out!
I especially love Lucifer as the white queen, that feels so perfect to me. I also like Husk as the cheshire cat because Keith David would eat that up tbh
Have a good night, remember to drink water <3
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owlisbuffering · 8 months
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A Study in MC
Genre: fluff, introspection?, pre-relationship
Pairing: Satan x reader/MC (who is not present)
Word count: 2051
Summary: While retrieving your belongings from the Human Realm, Satan gets more glimpses into who you are and reminisces how his perceptions of you have changed.
Notes: reader/ MC is gender neutral; memories/ flashbacks are in italics; this is my first fic in years, be gentle with me
Cross posted on ao3
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Satan scowled and directed a rude gesture at Lucifer as he walked through the portal. It promptly closed behind him and he closed his eyes, releasing a deep sigh. A satisfied smile grew on his face and he turned slowly, taking in his new surroundings.
Though you'd been in the devildom for quite some time already, it had only now been determined that someone ought to retrieve some of your personal effects from the human world. It may never have happened at all, but somehow Lord Diavolo had learned about "homesickness," and he immediately determined that measures must be taken lest the dreaded ailment befall the precious human.
Thus, Lucifer had you compile a list of items you wanted along with their locations, and Satan was tasked with retrieving them. Lucifer would have taken it upon himself, but Lord Diavolo needed him to compile reports for an urgent last-minute meeting. That meant he had no choice but to assign one of his brothers to the task, and though he was loath to admit it, Satan was really the most reliable option. Mammon would undoubtedly steal some of your things to attempt to sell them, Levi and Belphie were out for obvious reasons, Asmo would probably go through your closet and drawers and post everything to Devilgram, and Beel would empty your kitchen.
Naturally, Satan was affronted when Lucifer informed him how he was to spend his afternoon and argued, citing a distinct lack of consideration of his time and schedule and how huge an inconvenience this would be. Truth be told, it was entirely for show: Satan was intrigued and thrilled at the prospect of seeing your home, especially your room. A person's room said a lot about them. Sure, he was intimately acquainted with your room in the devildom, but really it was only just starting to become yours rather than just the room you were staying in. In contrast, now he'd get to see the room you'd lived in for years, that you'd arranged and decorated and filled with things that you chose, everything coming together to paint a unique picture of you: your habits, your hobbies, your tastes. Yes, Satan was eager to say the least, but he wasn't about to let Lucifer know that.
The portal had deposited him in what appeared to be your living room. It looked much as he had anticipated, and as he surveyed the room, an array of pictures on one wall caught his eye. He approached them for a closer look, and to his satisfaction found it was a collection of family photos, many of which featured younger versions of you. He couldn't help a chuckle as his eyes fell on a baby picture of you having a bath, conveniently censored with a washcloth. He snapped a quick photo of it with his DDD, plus a few of some of the other photos, then turned his attention to the list.
Almost all of the items you wanted were located in your bedroom, aside from a few bathroom items and your favorite mug. Instead of any actual descriptive terms, next to "mug," you'd simply written "You'll know it when you see it." Interest piqued, he headed to the kitchen. Glass panels in the top cupboards removed the guesswork of which one contained the mugs, so he opened it and began perusing the surprising assortment your family had stowed. There were many novelty or souvenir mugs, ornately patterned ones, and some with humorous or snarky sayings, but none of them really struck him as befitting you. Then-
"Hello, what's this?" He reached into the back corner and withdrew a mug adorned with the original illustration of Alice talking to the Cheshire Cat from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, along with the quote "Well, I've often seen a cat without a grin,' thought Alice, 'but a grin without a cat is the most curious thing!" A closer examination showed that the cat seemed to be a slightly different color than the rest of the design. Curious, he moved to the faucet and ran the hot water. After deeming it hot enough, he filled the mug and waited. Sure enough, as he watched, the Chesire cat's body disappeared from the picture, leaving behind his smile.
Satan was elated! This alone was worth the trip. He found himself wearing a grin to match the pictured cheshire's as he dumped the water out and dried the mug, then carefully stowed it in the travel bag he'd brought to hold your things. It was enchanted to hold as much as he needed it to, as well as to ensure nothing would break or get damaged, but just to be safe he placed another spell on the mug itself to protect it.
As he moved toward your bedroom, a memory from early in your acquaintance came to mind:
You were staring at him again. This had been happening with great frequency as of late and was beginning to get on his nerves. He'd just finished discussing the most recent exam with the Devildom History professor; the fool had completely bungled the dates of the Brimstone Treatise, and while it was a more obscure event, wasn't accuracy part of this demon's job? But, ever the gentleman, he kept his polite smile on his face all through the infuriating conversation and now presently turned this smile to you.
"Is something the matter, MC?"
For a moment you just kept staring, your head cocked slightly to the side. Satan's irritation was on the verge of morphing into flat-out anger when you finally responded.
"You're a Cheshire cat."
That was unexpected. He managed to keep his smile in place despite his suprise, but just barely. "I beg your pardon?"
"I can't help but think of the Cheshire cat when I see you. I've watched you with plenty of different individuals, in all kinds of situations- flirting, debating, ordering, teaching- and you've always got that smile. If I didn't know any better, I'd bet it would remain if you vanished...which makes me wonder: how would you look without it?" You gave him a small half-smile, then grabbed your schoolbag and left the classroom. 
Ironically enough, that's when the carefully crafted smile fell from his face.
That interaction was a bit of a turning point in how he saw you. If you actually wanted to see his genuine expressions, then it wouldn't be a stretch to assume you wanted to know what he actually thought. And if that was the case, then couldn't it also be hypothesized that you cared what he thought? And so, he decided maybe it might be worthwhile to test his hypotheses. For research.
At the door to your bedroom, he paused with his hand on the knob. Why did he suddenly feel nervous? How odd. He took a deep breath to settle himself, then opened the door.
The room was in dissarray. Not messy per se, but perhaps a somewhat organized chaos, not too unlike his own room without the towering stacks of books. No sooner had he thought this than he felt his foot bump something. Looking down, he saw that a small stack of books had tipped onto his shoe. As he bent to right them, he discovered no less than four more book stacks of varying heights near your bed, with another five books stashed underneath the bed, nevermind the two large bookcases you had, both completely full. He let out a loud laugh at his discovery, only for it to turn into a gasp when he heard a plaintive "Meow!"
How could he have forgotten?! He knew you had a cat; he'd seen pictures and heard stories about it. He'd just gotten so caught up in his other discoveries about you. But there on your bed, curled up on what appeared to be an over-sized nightshirt was your cat, blinking at him blearily.
"Did I wake you? My apologies. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."
The cat stretched and sniffed Satan's offered hand, then meowed and gave it a lick. Satan sat on the bed next to the cat, making a mental note as he did so that your mattress here was a bit softer than the one you had in the House of Lamentation. The cat got up and climbed into Satan's lap, sniffing his jacket.
"I brought new smells with me, didn't I? You probably smell MC on me, too, don't you? Yes, MC and I are very.......good friends." he finished lamely.
To be honest, he wasn't entirely sure what term fit the two of you currently. You'd gone on dates and flirted often, but he didn't think you two were considered a couple. He wanted to be, and if the brushes of fingers and lingering gazes were any indication, so did you.
Your cat started purring loudly while Satan scratched its chin. "MC says you always slept with them. That's probably why you're curled up on their pajamas, isn't it?"
He glanced over at the nightshirt and had to smile again. Now that your cat had moved, he could see the design: a person sitting on top of a stack of books, reading, with the caption "So many books, so little time."
He held his bedroom door open, granting you entry. Technically, you'd been inside a few other occasions, but they were very brief instances. This was the first time you were able to actually gawk and really take in the sheer magnitude of books Satan had. Staring at the towers the many stacks formed, you moved forward slowly, so thankfully you managed to catch yourself before toppling one. Satan turned his back to you and rolled his eyes, waiting for the inevitable remark about the clutter and precariousness of the state of his room that everyone seemed to feel obligated to make upon spending more than a few moments inside. When it didn't come he turned to look at you.
"You're not going to say anything about my too many books or how I choose to house them?" he asked with some impatience.
You didn't even glance at him, still staring around his room with a look of awe and reverence. You gave an appreciative little nod. "I get it."
He felt warmth creeping into his face and had to turn away again.
Satan shook his head with a small smile. You got it, indeed. Slowly looking around your room again, much the same way you had done in his, he was suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to see you. Best to not take too much time so that he could return to the House of Lamentation about the time you'd be finishing your tasks for the day.
He looked down at your cat, reluctant to lose the feline's company. After some quick mental math, he determined he could allow himself three minutes to indulge himself. Once the three minutes were up, he heaved a deep sigh and gently picked the cat up and placed it back on your bed, then set about gathering the rest of the items you had listed......and some you hadn't: all of your books were put in the bag. Even if you didn't necessarily wish to have them, Satan intended to borrow them. As he collected the items he made sure to give your cat a scratch or a pet every time he passed it. He was sorely tempted to bring the cat with him, but you had foreseen that and had emphasized in no less than three places on the list, in all caps and with ample exclamation points every time: "LEAVE THE CAT!!!!!!!!!" Honestly, he still may have brought it had he not had the realization that if he did, the cat would undoubtedly monopolize your cuddling. While you and Satan may not have been quite to the point of cuddling, he did not wish to make it any harder upon himself to get there, nor could he help the mild jealousy that arose.
Finally finished, he sent Barbatos a text saying he was ready, gave the cat a final scratch and bid it goodbye, and walked into the portal that opened a moment later. A small, sincere smile stole across his face at the thought of returning to you.
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solreblogs · 5 months
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧ Art ☆⋆。𖦹°‧ ——> ☆⋆。𖦹°‧ masterlist ☆⋆。𖦹°‧
──────── Twisted wonderland ──────
is there really a princess in your college? 🪞
"habibi come to Scalding Sands."🪞
"So... Do you have any friends?"🪞
Miscellaneous art compilation
BLEH (ft. Ace and Grim )🪞
Savannaclaw boys study🪞
Malleus birthday pt.2 🪞
Malleus birthday 🪞
Ruggie overblot 🪞
Party Outfit Leona
Trans malleus🪞
Riddle & azul 🪞
Leona/ob Leona
Leona sketches
Riddle/leona ob
Vil selfship🪞
Jack Howl🪞
Mama leech
The bug🪞
Ruggie 🪞
──────── Pokémon ───────────
Ghost type Miku voltage project 🎶
Poison type Miku voltage project 🎶
Miku grass type ft Meowscarada🎶
miku + miraidon voltage project 🎶
More Project Voltage Mikus 🎶
Mikus voltage project 🎶
Pokémon Team
────────Dungeon meshi ────────
Dungeon Meshi - Laios/Falins Mother 🍲
restaurant au with chimera falin🍲
Marcille & Falin🍲
───────────IDV ───────────
Gardening (ft. Gardener, grave keeper, entomologist)
soul catcher fool's gold concept
─────────── Other ─────────
interpretation of readers demon form ( The Webs We Weave )
Mad hatter Lucifer & Cheshire Cat alastor
Alastor x Dolly Reader Interpretations
Face of the void, head of the sun.
butch princess peach (+daisy)
embroidery night in the woods
Alastor redesign redraw
loud fashion opinions
Vox breakdown
Proxy band ⁉️
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loudlyhappycupcake · 2 years
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Marco diaz hates Lucifer x pom pom and likes the cheshire cat couple.
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luna-the-moth · 3 years
Satan and Belphie having a Prank War on Lucifer (SFW)
This was a lovely request from @shymayfly ! SFW, with a GN reader, and my ask box is open! So basically, Satan and Belphie have a prank war, and MC attempts to stop them, getting themselves mixed up in the mayhem.          (Slight Lucifer x reader if you squint)             Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated!
Satan and Belphie having a Prank War on Lucifer (SFW)
...why in three realms did you tell them about April Fool’s Day?
You know they’re going to take advantage of that
Last week, you head offhandedly mentioned the holiday, where friends and family would pull pranks on each other, no holding back.
It’s too late now, you suppose
As you’re eating breakfast, you can already see the mischievous grins on Belphie’s and Satan’s faces
The two of them had a silent agreement to have a competition, a prank war, to be precise
It wouldn’t be too bad..right?
Your thoughts were interrupted by Lucifer taking a sip of his coffee, then violently spitting it out
“Which one of you put melted cosmetics in my coffee?”
Letting the corner of your mouth quirk up slightly, you silently watched as Satan and Belphie donned twin Cheshire grins.
“How exactly do you know how melted cosmetics taste like, Lucifer?”
You knew why, of course.
A few weeks ago, you and Asmo had made bath bombs that look exactly like food.
In his sleep-deprived and exhausted state, he had picked up a Princess Poison Apple bath bomb, and took a bite out of it.
It took a few seconds for him to realize, and he had quickly spat it out, chastising you and Asmo for tricking him
Your punishment? 
Making him actual Princess Poison Apples, a pain to make
You didn’t mind much, it was hilarious to see his expression, and completely worth it
As you watch Lucifer scold Satan and Belphie, your eyes widened, seeing a Little D come behind him, slapping a spoonful of whipped cream on the back of his neck.
It seems that Satan had blackmailed Mammon and his Little D into aiding him on his pranks...
As Lucifer starts to simmer down, you look on with amusement, finishing up your plate and cleaning it in the sink.
Leaving the kitchen, you rest in your room, working on some unfinished errands
A few hours later, you hear a loud, “Mammoonnnnnn!”
Leaping out of your seat, you prepare yourself to defend and help Mammon, as you walk in on one of the most hilarious sights you’ve ever seen.
Belphie had set up a small trap, while simple, it was effective.
Tied up in glitter and cling film, Lucifer was wrapped in a cocoon of plastic, eye blazing in anger.
“Y/n, get me down immediately.”
Taking pity upon the Avatar of Pride, you grab a pair of scissors and carefully release him from his bounds, and from that point on, you decide to deflect pranks in order to let Lucifer rest.
As the day continued, you deactivated pranks such as but not limited to: Packages that exploded with glitter and honey, books that bit your fingers, pens that leaked water, and towels that stained your hands with purple ink.
With each prank, you were either a victim, or you successfully turned it against its creator.
You switched out Satan’s favorite book with one that barked when you flipped a page, and Belphie with a blanket that played an alarm in his ears...constantly.
Luckily, Lucifer kept you by his side throughout the day, casting protection spells so you wouldn’t get hurt.
During which you kept him safe by giving him water, making sure he eats, and takes small breaks every few hours.
It was a mutually beneficial exchange, much to Satan and Belphie’s chagrin.
As the day progressed, they became increasingly frustrated, reverting to petty, small tricks to annoy you instead.
Switching out your toothpaste for mayonnaise, replacing the stuffing in your pillow with packing peanuts, and having your mirrors reflect a cat when you walked by.
Well, you weren’t exactly going to complain on the last part.
You looked so fluffy and soft as a cat, it was actually quite enjoyable to see how your movements translated into a cat’s.
By the end of the day, every one in the HoL was exhausted, having been a victim (by accident or on purpose) of Belphie’s, Satan’s, and your pranks all day.
You thought it was over before dinner began, as the house had been silent for over 30 minutes.
Oh you hopeful, naive fool
When Lucifer came out for dinner, he had appeared with neon green hair.
Satan had apparently switched out all his hair products with green hair dye, and it was a sight to see.
A bright green mess, Lucifer had quickly spun on Satan, teeth bared.
“You have the nerve to trick me all day, are you satisfied now?”
Before anyone could respond, you drew out a paint grenade, pin in hand.
Smiling a sinister grin, you drawled,
“You guys didn’t think I’d let you have the last laugh, now did you?”
Eyes wide and rushing to stop you, the brothers quickly ran to you, a desperate last effort.
But before any of them could get close, you threw it in the center of the room, drenching everyone in neon yellow and gold paint.
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therenlover · 3 years
Brutal (A Demon!Daniel Bruhl x Starlet!Reader Ficlet)
(So, this is the first little ficlet in my Sour series, which can be found HERE! I hope you enjoy it! Also, enjoy blurry Checo, because he’s who @creme-bruhlee and I imagine as demon!Daniel)
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“And I'm so tired that I might / Quit my job, start a new life / And they'd all be so disappointed / 'Cause who am I if not exploited?”
Synopsis: A crime of passion accidentally summons a handsome demon who offers to make your deepest desires come true... for a price, of course. 
Rating; M (16+)
Warnings: Vague Allusions to Past Dubcon/Noncon, Explicit Language, Implied Sexual Content, Non-Explicit Murder, Making A Deal With A Demon, Maybe A Tiny Bit Of Monsterfucking???? If You Squint??? Not Really Though
Word Count: 1500~
“What is it that you desire?”
The man- no, creature- before you was shrouded in the darkest corner of your dressing room, perched languidly upon the chaise lounge that had been oh so kindly included in the rider of your contract by whatever filthy fucker decided they wanted to have you this time. He didn’t matter now, though. No, not now that his brains were splattered against the carpet. The only thing that mattered anymore was the creature in the corner. 
Even in the darkness, you could see its razor-sharp teeth glinting in the low light. 
Trembling with unused adrenaline, you smiled back at it, hands still covered in blood. “I’m not answering that until you answer a few questions of my own,” 
Surprisingly, the thing seemed to lean further back into its plush seat as it nodded, long pointed tail undulating slowly, like a python preparing to strike. “Very well. It makes no difference to me how long you draw out our little deal,” slowly, the thing chuckled, “Besides, for you, pretty one, I’d wait all the time in the world,” 
You groaned at his exaggerated wink. 
Still, it was too late to turn back now. With the blood on your hands for the death of the man at your feet, both physically and metaphorically, there was nowhere to go but forward. Maybe making a deal with the devil wasn’t your original plan, but it sure as hell was better than prison. With a sigh, you sat down heavily into your high-backed makeup chair. 
“So I’m assuming you’re a demon?”
The creature in the corner made some sort of deep, proud noise in its chest as its two, shadowy hands came up to stroke its curved horns, much like a goat’s, with a certain puff-chested reverence. Even while beholding it in that darkness, its features shrouded in black, there was an allure to the strange monster, a strange, sick draw. You were helpless to whatever had appeared before you and all its powers. Somehow, though, you had seemed to intrigue it despite your comparative weakness. 
“I go by many names, but demon is one of them,” it purred, red eyes glinting with something more than bloodlust, “I prefer others,”
“What should I call you then?”
“Whatever you please,”
You scoffed. “You said you had many names, why can’t you tell me even one?”
It huffed a long sigh, and if you didn’t know better, you would’ve said that you saw smoke erupt from where its nostrils should be. 
That being said, it didn’t seem like the thing was frustrated. If anything, the creature seemed amused. From its words, you could only assume it had been hundreds of years since it had last entertained itself on the human realm. You could only hope your rage was entertaining enough to keep any of its less desirable emotions at bay. 
“Names have power, Schatz. I can’t just go around telling everybody who I am,” it’s accent felt thicker as it leaned back, “but I suppose, if you and I were to make a deal, that I could allow you to name me something. Or I could choose one for you,”
“What if I didn’t make deal with you?” you challenged the creature with a smirk. 
It hummed low in its chest as it pondered your question. “Now that would be no fun,” 
“For me or for you?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. Time was getting short now, with the clock on the wall ticking down the minutes until someone would arrive at your dressing room door to lead you out towards the set where the rest of the cast and crew were waiting. If they found you with the body it was over. Things with the demon needed to be resolved, and they needed to be resolved fast. 
Thankfully, it didn’t toy with you any more than you expected it to. 
“For both of us,” it replied, tail flicking almost excitedly, “I can’t touch you if we don’t make a deal, for better or for worse, and even then your soul wouldn’t be mine to toy with until the deal was complete. That being said, you’re in a pretty sticky situation. I think you need me just about as much as I need you, so I’ll ask again; What do you desire?”
You swallowed thickly. 
On one hand, you couldn’t imagine things would end up very pleasantly for you once the dark shadow who had staked its claim on that awful chaise lounge finally did have a chance to get its clawed hands on your soul. On the other hand, though, you had nothing left to lose. Fame, especially so young, always came at a price. You would wager to guess that even if your soul hadn’t been claimed by a demon, that it had already been stolen away by the producers and directors that pulled the strings of your life like you were some obedient little puppet dancing for an audience who wanted to devour you whole. 
In the end, an eternity in Hell with whatever was grinning at you like the Cheshire cat from the shadows might even be preferable to the horrors you’d already seen. 
Slowly, you answered its question. 
“I want to make every single person who ever took advantage of me suffer the same pain they put me through,” 
The creature’s face split into a toothy smile. 
“Now that’s what I like to hear,” 
Moving like smoke on water, it stood from its place on the chaise lounge, morphing in shape and size as it approached and held out it’s newly human-shaped hand to you. In his new form, at least, you assumed it was a he, the creature was handsome, all dark eyes and slick hair. He looked young, and somehow, even with his new, thin lips and human teeth, he retained his signature smile. You took his hand and shook it without hesitation.
Even with your heart beating almost out of your chest, you had to admit that, with a demon at your side, you felt more empowered than you ever had before. 
He noticed. 
“I am known to my kin as Asmodeus,” he cooed, long eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks as he drew near to you. You couldn’t bring yourself to mind, “You, though, my sweetest pet, may call me Daniel,” 
Somehow, even after you had seen the faintest traces of his beastly form, you had to admit that the name suited him. Maybe not as well as Asmodeus, but it worked well enough. You looked up at him through lidded eyes. “I’m-”
Before you could answer, he pressed a finger to your rouged lips. 
“I know everything about you sweetling, no need for introductions. There is one last thing we need to do to seal the deal, though,” 
A pit formed in your stomach as you gulped, caught in Daniel’s entrancing gaze. You had to assume there was some sort of magic to it, a spell that kept you trapped for all long as he could stare down into your eyes. Still, it would do you no good to fight it. Besides, the pangs that were making their way through your whole being weren’t fear. 
Oh no, they were something much worse. 
“What do we need to do?” You asked, wetting your lips with your tongue. 
Daniel replied with a sly smile and a soft chuckle. “I need you to kiss me, of course,” 
Who were you to disagree with the expert?
With all the strength and bravery you could muster, you surged up and met Daniel’s lips with your own, melting into the kiss as he quickly took over, skilled tongue darting into your mouth to claim it as his own. He bit hard on your lip, hard enough to draw blood, but you couldn’t bring yourself to mind, not when your hands were busy exploring up under his shirt and finding purchase on the firm muscles that waited below. 
To be fair, he wasn’t exactly keeping his hands to himself either.
Sooner than you would have liked, though, Daniel was pulling his lips away from yours. It was just a fraction of an inch, your swollen mouths still connected by a string of saliva tinted a dark red with your blood, but you were already keening from the loss of him the second you caught your breath. The sound pleased him. 
“What are we to do first, sweetling?” he purred, letting his nails run gently against the soft skin of your waist, “I’m at your command,” His breath was hot against your fact, and he smelled like gun smoke. 
It drove you wild. 
You snuck a look at the clock before turning back to him, eyes aflame. “In about ten minutes we’ll need to have the mess in here cleaned up with any evidence gone, but before we do that, I want you- no, I need you to fuck me. Can you make that happen?”
Daniel beamed. 
“Oh, sweet girl, anything is possible with me at your side,” As he whipped you around to push you against the chaise lounge, licking his lips, he couldn’t help but add, “I believe this is the beginning of a very beneficial partnership,” 
And against all odds, as you hooked a leg up around his waist and pulled him in for another searing kiss, you had to agree.
a/n: WOW WOW WOW THAT WAS GARBAGE BUT I LOVED IT. I finished season 5 of Lucifer yesterday, so I was in the mood for some demonic shit. I hope it was at least semi-enjoyable despite being straight up shitty writing lol. 
Taglist: @tatestripedsweater , @elaineygrace , @multiyfandomgirl40 ,  @lovelymischief , @be-cautious-around-bri 
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The First - Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia NSFW
A/N: Aneta remember, you asked for this. 
Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF THE BEST WRITERS @stanningtoomanypeopleatonce​​ Who is spending her birthday writers stories for others. This one is for you. 
Pairing: Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia x F! Reader 
Warning: 18 + ONLY Explicit (Language, Oral (F! Receiving) Finger, dirty talk, kissing) 
My Masterlist 
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Santiago ran his hands through your hair as your eyes closed, kissing him softly. He moans, scooting closer to you across the couch as the kisses grow a little bolder. His tongue swiped against your bottom lip, begging for entrance, and you open, allowing him access. He licks inside your mouth, and your tongues tangle together in an intricate dance.  Your hands wind around his neck as you glide through the soft salt and pepper curls at the top of his head. The stubble on his face tickles your cheek, and you giggle. He pulls back, smiling goofily at you before he puts his stubble to your neck, and you burst out laughing.
He chuckles with you before his lips find themselves on your neck, sucking at the delicate skin. You bend your neck back, giving him more access, and you scoot closer. He helps lift you, so you straddle across his waist. Whimpering as you feel his hard cock bursting at the seams of his jeans press against the delicate fabric underneath your dress.
It was date night, and Santi cooked for you; a delicious stew made with thick chunks of beef, vegetables, and a rich broth and warm crusty bread. After you moved to the couch and he put on a movie, but that was quickly forgotten for other after-dinner entertainment. His hands move your hips in a rocking motion as you push against his length. He moans against the shell of your ear, “I want to taste you querida.”
You freeze, looking away from him and crawling off his lap. He looks at you carefully before he places a hand on your shoulder, “Are you okay?” his voice snaps you from your thoughts, and you look over at him. He approaches you like a frightened deer, “Talk to me, did I do something wrong?”
“No! No, it’s not you, I just...I never…” you trail off, embarrassed.
“No one’s ever gone down on you before?” You shake your head and sigh, dropping your head to your hands.
“The last couple guys I was with told me it was offensive for them to go down on a woman, that going down was only meant for women to do.” Santi is fuming when you look up at him, but he quickly reassures you it’s not about you.
“Those men are fucking weak. To have the honor to worship you with my tongue, sucking on that gorgeous pussy, and make you cum in my mouth. Querida, those morons had no idea what they are missing out on. Can, can I taste you? I want to be the first.” You nod, and he beams back at you. He turns around and finds the remote turning off the TV. “I want to hear every single little whimper and moan you give me, don’t be quiet, okay?”
You bite your lip, nodding, wondering what he’s going to do to you to evoke such a reaction. You stand before him and slip off your dress, watching as his eyes widen as more of you is revealed. You reach for the waistband of your panties, and he stops your hand, “Let me do it,” he says quietly.
You watch as he kneels before you and starts at your knee, kneading the fleshy meat of your thigh and running his tongue up your thigh, placing gentle kisses as he goes. He repeats with the other leg, his stubble causing a burning trail following the path he makes. You shiver as his hands nudge your thighs further apart, and he places a kiss on your clothed center. Flicking out with his tongue at the fabric already soaked with your juices. “So wet querida,” he chuckles deeply, “all ready for me.”
You whimper when he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties and drags them down slowly, and tossing them to the floor. He sits and stares at your glistening cunt taking a deep hollow breath. “Lay down on the couch, Querida spread your legs. I want to watch you touch yourself.” You tremble and sit down, raising your knees to plant your feet on the couch as he kneels between your spread legs.
“Santi, what about your knees?” you ask, concerned.
“Querida, I want you to make yourself cum on my tongue. I want to pleasure you to the point of ecstasy. My knees can handle it. Now, show me how you pleasure yourself when I’m not there,” he sits back and watches as you reach between your legs and touch your aching clit, rubbing slow circles around it. “Hold on,” he reaches around you and unclasps your bra tossing it to the side with your panties. Your breasts pop free from their confines, and he twists a nipple between his fingers, trailing it over your stomach and through your folds, collecting your slick.
He pops the finger back into his mouth and swirls his tongue around it, pulling it out with a pop and smiling. “Fuck, I knew you would taste amazing. Keep going, sweet Querida.” You swirl your clit again and reach lower, sticking a finger in pumping them slowly.
“I don’t usually do it this way,” you murmur shyly, “I have a vibrator at home.”
He bites down hard on his knuckles and groans, “How about I take over then? Would that be okay?” You nod, and he smiles before pushing your hand away. He grabs your feet and slides them over his shoulders as he leans toward your pussy, giving it a tentative lick. “Squeeze your nipples like a good girl, pull tight. I promise it will feel good.”
You do as he says, taking your nipples between your fingers and massaging them, pulling tight to the ends and down as he commands. You whimper as he licks against your clit, swirling it between his tongue. When he sucks it into his mouth, you release one breast to run your fingers through his curls. Looking down to see his eyes dark and watching you as your mouth drops open and your breath grows erratic. He spears his tongue and dips it into your hot core, his thumb coming up to rub circles on your clit as he fucks you on his tongue.
Your hand pushing his face further into your soaking cunt, eyes never leaving your own. You mewl and cry out as the pleasure builds low in your belly. The sweat beginning to form a thin sheen on your brow. “Santi,” you cry quietly as he hits that particular spot making your eyes droop.
“Louder,” he rumbles against your pussy.
“Santi, I’m close,” you say louder, finally breaking eye contact and dropping your head back against the couch. He pulls away, and you whine.
“Eyes on me querida,” he commands, and you look down at him as he pushes two fingers into your pussy and sucks on your clit again.
“Fucking hell,” you curse, feeling the pleasure begin to flow over you. “Santi, Santi, Santi,” you whimper, and he smiles from between your legs before continuing to fuck you with his tongue.
“Louder,” he commands.
The combination of his mouth of you, his thumb rubbing your clit, and his command and the dam breaks. You scream out his name as you cum, coating his tongue in your pleasure as he licks up every single drop. Extending your orgasm for as long as he can. You push his head away, and he backs up, licking his lips and darkened eyes staring down at your clenching pussy. He slowly lowers your legs to the ground and climbs over your body to kiss you. You moan, tasting yourself on his tongue, the sharp tang from your juices.
“How was that?” He asks, pulling himself to sit next to you, interlacing his fingers with your own as you trying to control your breathing.
“All this time, that’s what I’ve been missing?!” you giggle and smile at him, “Can we do that again sometime?”
“Oh, Querida, we are not having sex tonight. I am going to eat you out on every single surface of this apartment. The kitchen counter, the dining room table, the bedroom, the chair….” he keeps naming places, sealing each word with a kiss to some exposed part of your body. “Tonight is all about pleasuring you, my love.” He stands and pulls you from the couch, walking over to the dining room table, taking a seat, and patting the tabletop. “I’m ready for my second course,” he grins like a kid on Christmas morning.
You hop up and lay back as he dives in again, not wasting a moment to let you settle. And he made good on his promise six orgasms later… The man grinned like a Cheshire cat everywhere you went for the next month, knowing he gave you your first experience with oral, and if he played his cards right, he would be the last.
Taglist: @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta​ @a-seeker-of-imagination​ @aellynera​ @lucifer-​ @houseofthirst​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @letoartreiides​ @josepedropascal​ @itspdameronthings​
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fellulahh · 3 years
The Point of No Return - Part 6/???, Diavolo x MC x Lucifer
Read Parts 1-5 here!
“You needn’t worry about her, Lucifer.” Diavolo insisted, “MC will always be safe while she is in my company.”
“Yes, my Lord.” Lucifer nodded.
Although that wasn’t actually what he was concerned about.
Satisfied with Lucifer’s response, Diavolo nodded before smiling once again.
“Well if that concludes our conversation, I’ll go and seek out MC if she’s free.” He stated, walking toward the door.
Lucifer opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself. Instead, he frowned as he watched Diavolo leave the room. Pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers, he muttered to himself as he turned back around toward his desk.
Worry filled his mind as he stared at his workload. The only thing that seemed capable of making Lucifer relax was MC and he could feel her slipping into the grasps of Diavolo.
As he took a seat behind his desk, Lucifer’s eyes fell on the blanket on the armchair that MC had been tucked under only mere hours ago. He wondered whether he should have stayed with her rather than go to his own room.
But just as quickly as the thought entered his mind, it soon vanished again. Shaking his head, Lucifer’s focus returned to his work as he rid himself of such pathetic thoughts.
How could it be that he’d grown so protective over MC?
Meanwhile, striding down the hallways, Diavolo had a cheery grin on his face as he made his way through the house. As he approached the stair case, his large hand gripped the bannister before ascending them.
Making his way toward MC’s bedroom, he could hear her voice as he neared it. And as he appeared in the doorway, happiness filled him when his eyes fell on the human.
Sat on her bed with Asmodeus, he and MC were gossiping to each other when they noticed the colossal prince nearby. MC was busy telling the demon all about her day at the palace when Asmodeus quickly shushed her; perhaps not very subtly.
Turning around from her seat on the bed, MC raised her eyebrows after seeing Diavolo stood behind her.
“My Lord.” She breathed, “is everything okay?”
Asmodeus watched the pair of them eagerly. As soon as Diavolo had arrived that morning, he sprinted to MC’s room to tell her. Ever since finding out the human had been invited to the Prince’s palace alone, Asmodeus has been very keen to find out what was going on.
“Yes, there’s no need to look so sheepish.” Diavolo chuckled, entering the room. “I came to see how Lucifer was getting on.”
“Ah!” MC nodded with an awkward smile.
Diavolo had never come to her room alone before and with Asmo close by grinning like the Cheshire Cat, MC was lost for words.
“I expect you’re wondering why I’ve come to see you.” Diavolo chuckled, as though he could read MC’s mind, “I know we agreed for you to arrive at the palace this afternoon but I thought perhaps now that I’m here, you’d like to come with me now? Providing you’re not already occupied of course.”
He had a smile on his face as he made his offer to MC. She reciprocated the expression, surprised by him.
“Of course, my Lord.” She nodded.
“Excellent.” He grinned, “I’ll be waiting in the entranceway.”
The room was silent as Diavolo left. It wasn’t until his footsteps could no longer be heard that Asmo grabbed MC by the shoulders and turned her around.
“Right you can’t beat around the bush any longer, MC!” He insisted, “Why does Diavolo keep inviting you to the palace alone?!”
MC laughed at how enthusiastic he was and desperate to find out the truth.
“He likes to watch me play.” She admitted quietly.
“Play with what? His dick?” Asmo furrowed his eyebrows.
“No!” MC playfully shoved him on the shoulder, “it’s nothing like that, As. He found out from Lucifer that I play the piano and asked me if I’d perform at his jubilee. He invites me over to the palace so that I can practice.”
“Since when do you play an instrument?” He scrunched his face.
“Since when did you start asking me so many questions?” MC laughed as she got up.
Walking across the room, she grabbed her bag from a nearby chair while Asmo remained strewn across her bed.
“I’ll see you later.” She spoke as she hovered in the doorway.
“Let me know if he plays with your keys, won’t you?” Asmo asked with a sly grin on his face.
Rolling her eyes, MC walked away from the door. “It’s not like that!” She repeated from within the hallway.
Once she reached the staircase, her eyes fell on Diavolo who was stood at the bottom. He had his arms folded as he stared at one of the portraits on the wall; observing the demon within it.
“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, my Lord.” MC apologised as she quickly descended the steps.
Hearing her voice caused him to swiftly turn on his heel.
“Nonsense!” He beamed.
As the pair entered the palace, MC prepared herself to walk in the direction of the room with the piano in. Beginning to take off her jacket, Diavolo quickly stopped her.
“Here.” He spoke, assisting her with the sleeve.
MC blushed at his gesture, unable to believe the fact that Prince was the one helping her. “Is Barbatos not here?” She asked sheepishly as he walked toward the cloakroom to discard her outerwear.
“I’m sure he’s here somewhere.” Diavolo chuckled.
Returning to MC’s side, he smiled warmly at her; causing the human to feel even more nervous than before.
“Now MC, I have a confession for you.” He started, immediately worrying her.
“Is everything okay, my Lord?” She questioned quickly.
“Yes, there’s no need to panic.” He assured before pausing.
Diavolo had a content look on his face as he momentarily just focused on MC.
“Then what might be wrong?” She asked quietly.
“As much as I adore your talents I was wondering if today you’d like to take a break from playing for me.” He pondered, “tell me, MC, do you like flowers?”
“Flowers?” She questioned completely baffled, with a small smile appearing on her lips.
“Yes!” Diavolo grinned, amused by her confusion, “I’ve just had Barbatos touch up the palace gardens and wondered if you’d like to see them?”
MC’s heart completely eased having just thought Diavolo was going to drop a bombshell on her. She couldn’t help but smile at the goofy grin on the Prince’s face as he anticipated her answer.
Her skin grew warm as she met eyes with Diavolo.
“You worried me, my Lord.” She chuckled, “but yes, I’d love to see the gardens.”
“Excellent!” He beamed, “follow me.”
Walking through the palace, MC remained a few steps behind as she followed Diavolo. Her eyes never left him as she pondered over what was happening.
Surely the Prince should have other matters that need attending to rather than showing one of the exchange students around the gardens? Do Simeon, Solomon and Luke also get the same treatment?
Nevertheless, MC couldn’t help herself as she realised she enjoyed being in Diavolo’s company. And the thought that he didn’t only want her in the palace to play the piano for him made her heart flutter. She was beginning to see a much more genuine side to him and she looked forward to discovering more about the Prince.
“Here we are.” He spoke as they approached a colossal, golden framed door covered in windows. Turning the handle, Diavolo opened it and gestured for MC to pass.
“Thank you.” She breathed as she stepped outside.
She’d never seen the palace gardens before and it was everything she’d imagined and more. Diavolo could see the amazement in her eyes and felt a sense of satisfaction from it.
“Well, MC, you are my guest so please tell me: what would you like to see first?” He asked.
MC bit her lip as she thought to herself. She could already see masses of impressive topiary across the vast space in front of them. But, thinking back to the human realm, she turned her head to Diavolo.
“Do you have roses?” She asked.
“Roses?” He repeated, surprised. Usually when anybody was shown the gardens, they immediately expected to see the bush maze or vineyard, “yes, I have plenty of them.” He smiled.
Walking down the marble steps, the stones at the bottom crunched as Diavolo stepped foot on the path. Glancing over his shoulder, he held a hand out to MC as she carefully walked down behind him; trying to avoid slipping on the wet patches on each step.
As she looked up and saw Diavolo’s extended arm, her eyebrows raised.
“Not to sound rude but you look like a deer on ice.” He joked, “Allow me to help you.”
MC’s face immediately went red at Diavolo’s comment before she sheepishly lifted her hand and placed it in his large one. He gripped her gently as he steadied her body. With his support, MC made it to the stone path. The slippery steps were the least of her worries after the way she felt her heart thud at Diavolo’s contact.
“Right this way.” He guided as he let go of the human’s hand to direct her to the rose bushes.
The pair of them travelled around the side of the palace, with MC gawping at everything they passed. She’d seen gardens back in the human realm but none of them compared to Diavolo’s.
Remaining quiet as she absorbed her surroundings, MC let out a breath as they reached their destination.
“Roses: as requested.” Diavolo nodded with a grin.
MC smiled as her eyes fell on the rows and rows of various coloured flowers. They reminded her of home and how her Mother would always buy MC a bouquet every time she visited.
“They’re beautiful.” She gushed, stepping forward to appreciate them more.
Diavolo didn’t say anything as he watched MC admire her surroundings.
With his hands in his pockets, the Prince had rosey cheeks as his gaze never left the human’s wandering body.
“I’ve never seen anything like it!” MC spoke, causing him to laugh. “I wish my garden looked like this.”
Shaking his head, Diavolo chuckled to himself before his focus turned to one of the bushes that was beside him. Turning his body, he carefully pinched the stem of one of the white roses before plucking it from the rest. He made sure to pick the biggest, most beautiful one.
He slowly stepped forward to where MC was currently stood before holding out the flower to her. “Here.” He spoke, “one for you to take home seeing as you love them so much.”
MC turned her head and bit her lip. She admired the sight before her: Diavolo looking as handsome as ever with a rose between his fingers.
“Thank you, my Lord.” She smiled, accepting his gift. “You’ve been very kind to me.”
“It’s my job.” He returned the smile.
MC nodded sheepishly as her eyes fell on the rose he’d offered her. Meanwhile, Diavolo found himself staring at the human again.
Yes, he did enjoy her company. He enjoyed it very much so.
A/N: well Diavolo certainly showed his Princey charms in this chapter! I wonder if MC will tell anybody about the rose he gave her. After all, it’s purely a professional relationship they have, right??
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vivalaluciforever · 3 years
Beelzebub x Reader - Roses
(Y/N) pov:
"Come on (Y/N)! Show us your true form!" pleads Mammon.
"Yeah! We just want to see it!" whines Levi in unison with his older brother.
Lucifer raises his hand and instantly the other six quiet down. "I must admit that I am rather curious (Y/N)."
"No. Absolutely not," I state, shaking my head causing my hair to fly all over my face.
Suddenly, Beel gets up and walks over to me, and the gentle giant wraps me up in a hug. "Please (Y/N). I promise that I'll like you no matter how you look."
Leave it to Beel to completely melt away all of my defenses. After some bargaining and pushing, I finally relented to the wishes of all seven. However, little do they know I did it because I have a teeny tiny crush on the sweet glutton. Regardless, after an hour of debate and a little more persuasion, we all agreed that I will show everybody at Dia's masquerade ball.
Now comes the tricky part, tailoring my outfit to my true form...
Two weeks later...
I twirl in the mirror and carefully examine my outfit. The dress hugs my waist and chest perfectly, and all of the accessories and hair are in pristine condition. The purples and pinks put so gaudily together, make for a truly stunning gown, and the accenting gold is just the perfect little tough. The back end of the dress hits the floor, and the front cuts off at my knees. My heels are cute little kitten heels, and they too are pink and purple with gold accents. Picking up my mask, I make sure to carefully position it on my face.
With that, I made my way to the front entry in my true form and to the ball. Thankfully, I forced the brothers to go ahead of me, and that way they'll have to find me in the crowd. At least I remembered to put that part in the agreement.
Walking in, Dia's ballroom is decked out in all sorts of gaudy and overly fancy decorations. The food table is laden with more food than any other Devildom gathering that I can remember, and the musicians are playing the most lively songs I've ever heard at one of Dia's gatherings. I guess there's no need to be prim and proper when everybody is wearing masks that make it difficult to identify people in the dim room.
Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. "May I have this dance?"
I realize that the song has slowed down and giving my attention to the man, I notice how sharply dressed he is. The orange, red, and silver clothes fit his frame well. (They also clearly show off his muscles.) His hands are covered in black and orange lace gloves with no fingertips, and his nails are painted a shiny silver. His eyes though, they are familiar. The warm pools of purple with pink accents welcome me and entice me into answering.
"Yes. I would love to have this dance with you Beel." I whisper, and he whisks me to the dance floor. Quite literally since he fully picked me up.
We make our way out into the middle and gracefully start to sweep our way across the dance floor. People begin to move to make space for us, and it almost feels like a perfect dream. We glide over the floor and let the moment take us away as my skirt billows out during the twirls and around Beel's legs as we dance closer together. His grip throughout the whole dance is sweet and gentle and he leads our steps with a protective and commanding, yet tender, grace.
Once the song ends, Beel bows, and I in return curtsy to him. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the other supposed brothers approach us. Before I can register it, Beel picks me up bridal style and runs out of the ballroom and deep into the royal garden.
"(Y/N)... you... you look so beautiful!" exclaims Beel, once we slowed down by a bench.
I blush and look down at my lap to try and hide my face. "Thank you, Beel."
"Why did you never tell us that you are a Neko?" he inquires curiously.
My ears flatten against my head as my tail starts to quickly swing back and forth. "Um... well..."
"Hey," whispers Beel as he pulls me into a hug. "Calm down. You're alright, and I think you are gorgeous. I understand now that you were nervous. It's alright."
I lean into Beel's hug and wrap my arms tight around his muscular body. "Thanks Beel."
"Hey (Y/N), what is your home like?" he whispers while sitting down and pulling me into his lap.
We sit there for hours talking about Wonderland. The food that can make you grow and shrink. How all of my family is very eccentric. I rant about Uncle Hatter, the Auntie Mirana, my father the Cheshire Cat, and more. On and on. I explain how everybody prizes being on time, yet no ever is, and how there is always tea at every meal and afternoon tea time.
"It sounds like you guys have a lot of yummy and interesting treats." states Beel with a wishful look on his face.
I let out a small giggle. "Yes, everything is very... unique."
"Can we go there... together... and can I meet your family... as your..." draws out Beel, his nervousness obviously showing.
I wrap my arms up and around his neck. "As my... boyfriend?"
"Um... yes?" he questions, not even sure of himself.
Even though I am already sitting in his arms, I tackle hug him to the ground and squeeze him to death. He lets out a deep chuckle and I can feel my tail swinging back and forth wildly. We stay right where we are, together, in each others arms.
"Beel, I'm so grateful that you still want me." I whisper into his ear, while we stay laying on the ground.
His hand brushes a few strands of hair away from my face, and he looks deeply into my eyes. "There is no one else that I would rather be with for all eternity. I love you (Y/N)."
"And I love you too Beel." I whisper, laying there amongst the red, and the white, roses.
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matth1w · 4 years
Enchantress, Part 2
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Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Summary: As the night ends, will you and Lucifer finally meet?
Warnings: None
Rating: All
Word Count: 480 words
Tags: @lilcutekittykat​ @kittenlittle24​
Note: Enjoy! Let me know your thoughts!
Part 1
As the night progressed and the late hours turned into the early morning, Lucifer wondered if you were going to ever leave.
He wouldn’t be too upset if that was the case. He could watch you for eons.
You continued your routine. Dancing by yourself and with partners as they came and went. Only stopping for trips to the bar for ice water and the occasional trip to the restroom.
You two continued your game of cat and mouse. Each time you left the floor, Lucifer tried to approach you but you snuck out of his reach time and time again.
Either by quickly taking your water a shot, getting out of his view somehow, or while someone else was striving for his attention.
Too focused on figuring you out, he turned down every invitation that night. Seeing as things were still relatively calm and it was nearing 2am, Lucifer thought he’d close on time for once.
Then maybe he’d have his chance with you. As the DJ announced the last song, Lucifer stood up and straightened his jacket, determined to finally catch you.
He finished the last of his whiskey, and turned to place it on the table. He was set on making his way to the center of the still thick crowd —
However, he wasn’t expecting to see you standing in front of him, smiling down at him as the multicolored lights framed your head like a stained glass halo.
Your sudden appearance and seductive smile surprised Lucifer and he was about to finally charm you when you reached your hand out to his.
He thought you were going to pull him onto the dance floor with you but instead, you held onto his hand as you moved to sit and pulled him down alongside you.
You seemed to be full of surprises.
You were seated close, but not too close together and finally looked away from his eyes.
Dad, is this how people felt when he charmed them?
You looked out into the crowd wistfully and Lucifer couldn’t help but comment.
“You haven’t sat out a single song.”
A smile played on your lips and you turned to again look at Lucifer.
“So why start now, darling?”
Hearing the pet name given to you and with his sultry voice that practically purred, ignited a small fire within the kindling that was your emotions.
You pretended to ponder for a moment,
“I knew you were coming for me.” You shrugged, an equal measure of nonchalant and confident.
“And I also knew if I danced with the devil, I’d never be able to stop.”
He gave you a curious look, scanning you up and down before letting himself get fully sucked in, damn any consequences.
“Is that so?” He murmured.
To which you replied with a demure smile that hid layers of unspoken words like a Cheshire grin.
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