2-sleepy-for-this · 2 years
Our little brother au
Babes wake up, new au just dropped
I know I’ve already got aus I haven’t even written for yet but this one must be added to the list
the main plot is that its Neapolitan bros centric. Techno and Wilbur are twins that live together in an apartment because they’re both in college. They both have normal lives, or as normal as a stressed college student can get, and other than missing their dad, Phil, who lives hours away, life is great.
until they hear the crying.
both curious, the two brothers go check it out only to find a small creature.
it had golden curls and the brightest blue eyes, but what they really noticed was it looked no older than five.
it- they seemed almost completely human, except for size and some other more animalistic features.
and…they were crying, calling out for someone but based on how rough he looked, it seemed that person wouldn’t answer.
Wilbur and techno looked at each other, techno gave a silent nod, Wilbur stepped out into their line of vision.
the creatu- the young boy took notice of him and only seemed to cry harder, backing himself into a corner and curling up.
“hey…it’s okay little guy”
sooo, thoughts? If you have any questions about this or other aus my ask box is always open ! (´∀`)
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bluegiragi · 7 months
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early access + nsfw on patreon
more backstory that i wrote up for patreon heh:
Simon and Tommy had a complicated relationship as brothers. 
At a young age, Simon basically wrote himself off as a lost cause, and did the best he could to make sure at least Tommy had a chance to be a functioning human being. After all, Tommy was the gentler brother, the dreamer, the one who looked like their mother (who'd walked out on them years ago to escape their father). But Tommy got bitter, got sick of the one always being protected, being babied. He lost respect for Simon, for the way he wouldn't fight back, and in a twisted way, grew closer to his father as a way to learn how to be powerful, strong. It backfired, and Tommy got wrapped up in some bad business.
Simon's kid brother died while he was deployed. He got the news in the letter, and it broke him in a big way. In the story timeline, it was years and years ago but it still hurts like hell whenever Simon thinks about him. 
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sophsun1 · 3 months
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+ bonus:
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#it's giving "this new boy I met is kinda cool yet he won't pay attention to me, but whatever I don't care, I don't even like him anyway, he's a loser"
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cannibalhellhound · 4 months
I sprained my wrist in my sleep, so obviously I go draw something instead of resting 👍🏼 but it's not finished because it hurts and it's 2am
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Tommy is very happy watching his two favorite beings snoring in his couch!! So he must share with another favorite being aka Eddie (◕◡◕)
1. Curly haired Tommy is best Tommy.
2. Evan is a mood sleeping like that.
3. I gave Tommy a dog. As I usually do.
Her name is Nonni and she's a rescued fight dog. She snores as loud as Evan and by now Eddie and Christopher have many videos of those two harmonizing in their sleep.
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bugflies00 · 5 months
Do you think in 2024 people will realise that a) tommys not a 15 year old kid anymore he's 20 b) people thinking hes handsome isn't weird c) the way people made fun of him online in 2020/2021 for being cringe or whatever was fucked up and they felt way too comfortable calling a literal teenager ugly
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ilovenycee · 4 months
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digoload · 6 months
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part THREE! of drawing bedrock bros as kakashi & naruto screencaps (part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5)
i know i said "day 1" in part one and have continued to post every day since then but we're setting ourselves up for success so dont continue to expect daily art. however. having said this. therapy is expensive and drawing bedrock bros as p!kakanaru is free :sunglasses_emoji:
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evanbi-ckley · 5 months
Lou Ferrigno Jr, the man that you are
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don't mind me, I'll just be in a puddle on the floor for the rest of my life because of this 😭
(I couldn't afford a video on Cameo but the messaging was in my price range, and I'm so incredibly happy I went for it)
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cupidl0vesy0u · 5 days
Chat am I cooking?
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Tommy’s design by @3emlekop (pls tell me if you don’t wanna be tagged!)
@offtherailsraccoon and tagging I bcs ur cool >:3 and I think you would like this!
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diazsdimples · 3 months
@hippolotamus and I were bouncing around ideas the other day about Bucktommy gaining custody of Tommy’s younger sibling and it got me thinking. Full credit to Hippo for this idea.
What if Tommy had a much MUCH younger brother (say, 14 years old compared to his 42 years) who he wasn’t allowed to see. Tommy’s parents are Bad Parents, and they abused Tommy his whole childhood, so imagine the gut-wrenching panic he would feel what he finds out that somehow, his mom is pregnant again. The only thing he knows about this kid is his birthday and his name, and that’s it. He itches to meet the kid, to protect him from their parents but he can’t because they forbid him from coming to visit. They cut off all contact with Tommy, and he spends the majority of his 30’s wondering what happened to his brother and if he’s safe.
Fast forward 14 years, Tommy is happily in a relationship with Buck, they’ve moved in together and are contemplating taking the next step in their relationship (💍). Tommy’s happy, happier than he’s been in years. He’s found his family, he’s doing well in his career, he’s in love, life is good. Until one day, he gets a call out of the blue from his lawyer, who tells him that he now has sole custody of one Dillon Kinard. Tommy listens as the lawyer informs him of his parents’ arrest, and how they’re set to be charged with counts of abuse against his brother. As Dillon’s only other relative, he falls into his custody. And Tommy has no clue what to do. Of course, Buck immediately tells him that they’ve got to take the kid in. He sympathises with Dillon (I think his story resonates with Buck a little) and can see the hurt in Tommy’s eyes whenever they talk about the kid. So Dillon comes to live with them and Tommy and Buck get a sudden crash course in parenting a teenager.
Only problem is, Dillon doesn’t want a thing to do with Tommy. He’s spent his whole life hearing about this almost mythical older brother who never came to visit and never one reached out to them. All he knows is Tommy left him, and he hates Tommy for that. Tommy tries to explain that he wasn’t allowed to see him, that he would have killed to lay eyes on the kid just once, to know he was safe, but every step he took to reach out was thwarted by their parents. And Tommy doesn’t know what the fuck to do, but he knows he is going to love this kid and care for him and provide him with the safe, loving home he needed from the day he was born. So every day, he tells Dillon the things Tommy wanted to hear as a teenager. That he’s safe, that’s he’s loved. As Dillon slowly warms up to Buck and Tommy, he sees that Tommy did care. Tommy shows him the letters he wrote Dillon every year on his birthday, and how they got sent back to him every year. Tommy finds that loving Dillon and helping him heals Tommy’s inner child, the kid that had craved nothing but love and his parents’ approval.
Buck though, Buck is stressed. How the heck can he be a good pseudo-parent to his partner’s 14 year old kid brother? He feels like he’s barely old enough to be his father, having only been around 18 when Dillon was born. And Buck’s never been a dad before, he feels so out of his depth, so he pulls away. He doesn’t run, because he can’t leave Tommy, but he retreats into himself a little bit as he tries to process everything. And that hurts Tommy, because right now he needs his partner’s support, and he feels as though he doesn’t have it. Tommy thinks Buck doesn’t want Dillon in their lives and that hurts more than anything. They have an argument about it, and Buck gets so frustrated because he can’t explain what he’s meaning and he knows he’s hurt Tommy, so he runs to Eddie and begs his best friend to help.
Eddie immediately goes about talking some sense into Buck. He sits him down, listens to Buck rant and ramble about how he’s not good enough, and how he’s going to fuck everything up, and how he doesn’t know how to be a dad. And when he’s done, Eddie very very patiently explains to Buck that he is, in fact, a father. That he’s been a dad to Chris for over half the kid’s life now, that he’s loved his son unconditionally. And that he knows Buck loves Dillon just as much. He contemplates roping Chris in to back him up but figures he should probably leave the kid out of it. Instead, he lets Buck cry, gives him some water and some food, and then frog marches him back to his and Tommy’s home, where he sits the two men down and gets them to actually talk to each other, goddammit.
Tommy and Buck might not be perfect parents, and they’re not going to get everything right all the time, but they’re a damn sight better than Tommy and Dillon’s parents, and that’s all that matters. And sure, the 3 of them have difficult days as Dillon pushes boundaries and is just a typical teenager, but at the end of the day, they love each other and they want happiness for their kid.
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peppermintquartz · 10 days
Tommy Kinard knows his berserk button - he can't abide anyone striking a child. A person raising a hand to a child to "discipline" them makes Tommy's blood boil. He used to be "disciplined" that way by his father - hand, belt, ruler, his own grandfather's walking stick on one occasion - that Tommy's grown to loathe the very concept of corporal punishment.
So when he sees a man - average height, average size, expensive clothes - slapping a teenager across the face in the parking lot, he stops in his tracks, the bottles of shampoo and conditioner in his canvas shopping bag forgotten.
Evan doesn't realize Tommy has stopped until he is nearly at the car, and then sees Tommy staring at the man now shouting at the kid. There's another blow, heavy right hand across the boy's cheek that leaves a reddened mark.
"Tommy?" Evan calls out.
"I'll be there in a sec." Tommy grits his teeth and storms over to the man. He gets there before the guy can strike the boy a third time. He steps in front of the teenager.
"There's no need to use violence," Tommy says, cold and stern. He doesn't like to intimidate, but he pulls up to his full height and breadth. Without turning his head, he asks the teen, "You okay?"
The teenager mutters that he's okay.
"Who the hell are you? This is family business!" the man bellows at Tommy, as if Tommy isn't a full head taller and possibly twice as heavy.
By now Evan has joined them. Two tall, burly men should de-escalate the situation, but Tommy worries that it will cause trouble for the kid. He steps away.
"You don't have to hit someone to prove a point," Tommy says to the older man. He doesn't want to push it. The boy will have to bear the consequences. Turning to the boy, Tommy says, "How old are you, kid?"
"Old enough to understand then," Tommy says, keeping his tone calm and even, hoping the teen will understand what he's trying to convey, "you have to obey your father's rules until you're an adult. And that's three years from now."
Three years. Hold on for three years. Then you can get out.
The teenager raises his chin and glares at him, his eyes red-rimmed, and then maybe he sees something in Tommy's own face. Swallowing whatever he intended to say, the boy nods, holds his tongue.
"See? Even outsiders understand the rules!" The father huffs and stalks to a car. A navy blue Lexus.
As the man walks away, Evan quickly adds, "If you ever need help, if you're in actual danger, find your way to Fire Station 118 or 217. Ask for Kinard - K I N A R D - and you'll find either me or my husband. Don't tell your dad."
The teen rolls his eyes in the way teenagers do when they think adults are being stupid. But there's a smile on the corner of his lips. "Sure. Thanks, dude."
"You're welcome, kid," Tommy advises as he and Evan walk away.
Evan tangles his fingers with Tommy. "I've never seen you intervene like that."
"Never really had occasion to." He exhales. "I just don't like seeing shit like that."
It's testament to how well Evan knows him now that he doesn't poke or pry, trusting that Tommy will tell him later.
And Tommy will. Not immediately. Tonight, after he's soaked in a hot bath to release the tension in his shoulders and back and legs, forget the phantom stings and welts and bruises. He'll be ready to talk then.
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
Okay, but Buck being all "Eddie won't go go-karting with me to be with his girlfriend, but will go to fights with someone else, he won't pair up with me for basketball, does he hate me now? Am I just a coworker?" and full on panicking is actually great. Let the abandonment issues shine kspkpakpakspokplsps
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rozugold · 8 months
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froody · 1 year
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rosyhoneydew · 7 days
Against his better judgment, Tommy had actually been excited for the visit.
It had been over a year since he last saw Ron, longer since he'd seen his nieces and sister-in-law. They got along fine and all, they just got older and busier and life gets in the way, doesn't it? So when his big brother floated the idea of a stopover in LA on his way back from a business trip overseas, Tommy had looked forward to it.
Two full days to take him around, show him his city, let him see a little bit of what his life looked like these days. He'd definitely gotten overeager. He'd packed their weekend with stops in Hollywood, a proper tour of the city from the bird, and a few drinks with their friends, and Evan, of course. It'd been a while since anybody came to visit, in his defense.
They're at one of Evan's favorite breakfast spots when he starts to pick up on it.
Ron knows he's gay, Tommy had come out to his whole family a few years back, not really expecting much. A cursory this is who I am, take it or leave it was all that really needed to be said. He had been pleasantly surprised when his brother didn't so much as bat an eye. Sure, they didn't talk about it, but they never really talked about anything in his family. Par for the course on that one.
So it twisted in his gut when he noticed.
Tommy and I actually thought about taking a trip to Yosemite this fall. Maybe make a vacation out of our anniversary, Evan said. Ron had just grunted.
You should see Evan's place, Tommy had rolled his eyes, not without affection, I swear I should just move in there. Ron had cleared his throat and asked 'where the hell a guy could take a leak in this place.'
It's not a big deal, but Tommy feels his face growing hot. He feels stupid. Evan rests a hand on his back while Ron's away, but Tommy can't tamp down the impulse to shake him off when his brother makes his way back to the table.
The ride home is quiet, each of them unsure of what to say. Tommy invites Ron inside for a last coffee before his flight, but he declines. Gotta see what that LA traffic is about, don't I? Tommy nods, claps a hand on his brother's shoulder. See ya later, man. Ron's mouth tightens into something like a smile, nods once at Evan, and drives off.
He's quiet when they enter the kitchen, hands resting on the cool countertop. He feels Evan come up behind him, rest his forehead on Tommy's shoulder, wrap his arms tight around Tommy's chest.
I'm sorry.
Tommy sighs and fits his hand over Evan's. He lets himself wallow, just for a little while in his partner's arms. He's not okay today, but tomorrow he'll wake up in those same arms, he'll tell his friends at work about the docuseries Evan's been loving lately, he'll spend guy's night at Eddie's with his partner like they do every other week now. And he'll be okay.
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icebear4president · 4 months
It’s twisted and so, so sick, but c!Dream being the only one who will never leave c!Tommy behind is nothing but the truth. Tommy could drop everything and run back to him, and Dream would welcome him with open arms.
And Tommy knows this.
Everyone Tommy loves leaves in the end, no matter what the circumstances. After they’re done using him, they throw him to the wolves. Or if he ends up ‘betraying’ them they don’t stop and listen to his side of the story. He has to earn their love, and even then it’s only a fraction of what he deserves.
Dream’s ‘love’ doesn’t have to be earned, Dream cares about Tommy no matter what. The man who hurts you, taunts you, and manipulates you, is also the man who comforts you, holds you, and sticks by your side (even though you don’t want him to). The man who drags you down until you’re gasping for breath, but also pulls you up into his arms breathing life back into you.
Tommy knows that Dream is just manipulating these feelings that he has, he’s not stupid and he knows he can never trust that man. But on the other hand, didn’t Dream save him from his loneliness on some level?
“We’ll be immortals together” is nothing but the truth. People leave, and Tommy will be alone again. Except now he has Dream, and it’ll only be them, always and forever.
Together with his friend, his enemy, his abuser, his savior.
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