#child death cw
obscenicon · 5 months
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concept: kids meeting pre-game dead versions of themselves
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extra: karkat with some grubkats. supposed to be his dead grubselfs too but this is just cute on its own
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k1ttygam3r · 7 months
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She was only seven years old.
Don’t stay neutral about this. This isn’t a conflict, this is genocide. Innocent Palestinians, innocent children, all having their lives ripped from them and for what? For nothing.
Remember them. Remember the children, with bright ambitions and futures.
Remember Sidra Hassouna. Remember her family.
And pray that the monsters that did this to them get what they fucking deserve.
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specialagentartemis · 7 months
I have a different post in the works about Maddie not having children in the "Masters of All Time" timeline - it makes the emotional dilemma about whether Maddie should help Danny repair and reset the timeline straightforward and clean, but the thing is, the premise that "Masters of All Time" gives us is a FASCINATING and potentially really anguishing emotional dilemma if the writers were allowed to acknowledge it.
Maddie isn't happy in the MoAT timeline. When Danny shows up in her timeline, frantically trying to explain to her that he's her son with Jack Fenton from a different timeline, she accepts and embraces this explanation pretty quickly. It feels like she wants to believe it - she wants to believe that if things had gone differently, she would have married Jack, had children, had a ghost-hunting career she could be open and proud about. Everything Danny offers to her is something she wants more than what she has - a husband who has been lying to her, who dislikes ghost stuff and disapproves of her ghost research, so she has to do it in secret and hide it from him.
Something that goes totally unaddressed: Danny, her son from a different timeline, is a ghost. He's dead.
Never once does anyone stop to wonder what it means that her teenage son is a ghost.
And I know it's because Hartman & co. refuse to let anyone acknowledge that ghosts are dead people... but imagine they did.
Maddie Masters is... happy enough, she guesses. She married her college friend, and he is her friend, and she's not opposed to this. He doesn't support her work, but, well. She deals. She has her basement ghost research lab, even if she has to keep it secret from Vlad. She lost touch with Jack decades ago, and still regrets that, but that happens, sometimes, and his grievances aren't unfounded. She doesn't have children.
And then a ghost boy claiming to be her son shows up, and tells her that in a different timeline, the timeline that should have happened, she married Jack Fenton, she has two children, she is is out and proud about her ghost research and ghost-hunting and Jack enthusiastically collaborates with her on it. He tells her she's happy.
He doesn't tell her how he died.
And Maddie has a heartbreaking choice to make. Does she help him make this reality happen, restore time to how it's "supposed" to go?She wants to believe him, to believe in this alternate history where things went differently and she got the life she wanted! She has a wacky house full of Ghost Contraptions, a husband who loves her and supports her and collaborates with her, and two children she loves.
... and one of those children is going to die when he's 14. That comes with this choice.
Can she live with that? Consciously make this timeline happen, knowing she's going to have this child and then see him die.
It puts me in mind of one of the major emotional through-lines of "Story of Your Life" by Ted Chiang, the story of a linguist who makes contact with aliens and learns their language that allows her to see all of time at once, where it will go, what the outcomes of events will be. She sees her daughter dying. She knows from the moment she has this child that she will die in a rock-climbing accident in college. She sees it all at once, her whole life, and makes that choice to have a baby anyway.
I think MoAT!Maddie should have to consciously make a similar choice, and have similar feelings about it. Unlike the protagonist of "Story of Your Life," she doesn't know how it will all go. She only knows it as Danny tells her, and she herself won't really experience this, going forward. But she, another version of her, will. And Danny doesn't explain the halfa thing or the portal accident or anything, leaving Maddie to have to make her own hypotheses about what her alternate-life's future holds, about the grief that's going to come with the love, and make that choice to make it happen anyway.
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signanothername · 2 months
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A left foot trapped in a sensual seduction
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shadelorde · 2 months
Guys. Aaravos didn’t choose to sacrifice his child. What the fuck. Literally one of the first things he said was “take my life instead.” It was not him who sacrificed Leola. And choosing to live wasn’t an inherently evil act, and idk I find it a little weird that some of y’all are already saying that, as someone who has had a sibling die and watched the impact it had on my parents!!
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clonerightsagenda · 4 months
Had a dream that I got hired to deal with a haunting and I was like you know my blog is a bit right, I don't actually believe in ghosts unfortunately, but it turns out the place was actually haunted and the ghost was pretty pissed off at me for sticking my nose into it. So I went ok, they hired me for *my* skillset, so I started looking shit up and eventually found one oldish book on local urban legends speculating that the ghost was a woman who lived on the property when it used to be a low income lodging house who lost a baby and buried it in the yard, so I dug around and found the remains, which were in an area that the place I was hired by (I think it was a branch of NARA? which is weird, why would they need to hire an outside researcher) was planning to build a new addition on. So by the end of the dream I was going 'yeah ok I have two proposals, one you put these remains in a silver box, rebury it, keep on with your construction, and hope that'll do it, OR you add a covered walkway to your building plans, connect the old building to the new building, and have a nice little courtyard area with a plaque where we rebury the remains, maybe that would make her happy' except I was hired to do research at a history and records institution so I couldn't just write that report based on Vibes, so the rest of the dream was consumed with me trying to figure out which local newspapers would help me confirm the ID and make my case better than one speculative sentence in a trashy book. So yeah. Dreamed I was a ghostbuster but the real core of the dream was the challenges of public history when working with regular people who don't make the historical record very often. Wish you well, dead lady. I was really trying to get you that courtyard.
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Thinking about how dolls found in ancient sarcophagi were so loved that those children’s grieving families sent them to be companions for their little ones, where the family themselves could not follow
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"come on, jesse. come on, man. don't give up on me."
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"I'm telling you, she's the best bloody runes expert this side of the Mississippi," John Constantine told the other members of the Justice League as he raised his hand to knock on the old screen door. He hadn't expected his ex-wife to stay here, in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere, but Spittoon, Arkansas, was the hill-billy hole it was when he last left. "If anyone can decipher the ritual to summon the ghost king, it's her--"
The door disappeared before he could knock, and a shotgun was shoved in his face. John smiled the best he could. "Hey, sweetheart."
Alicia Walker glared back at him. "Constantine."
This is the "John Constantine used to be married to Danny Fenton's Aunt Alicia" AU. Some idea's I've had:
Maddie introduced them. Maddie had dragged Alicia into studying ghosts, but Alicia ended up fascinated by the occultism of ghosts, more metaphysical than scientific. Maddie, wanting to support the sister that was supporting her, found Constantine, introduced the two, and they got along enough to bang.
it was a shotgun wedding. Alicia got pregnant and damn if she was going to let her baby be born without a father, so John ends up marrying her. He doesn't really mind since Alicia's nice enough and the sex is good, but he isn't exactly an attentive husband.
The baby is actually twins! a boy and a girl.
The babies are born without complications, but the baby boy, the first born... goes missing.
In addition to selling his soul to multiple parties, John had also sold the soul of his first born... probably to multiple parties. And he'd forgotten all about it until Alicia calls him, sobbing, saying their son has gone missing.
Needless to say, once she knows, John is divorced within the week.
the newborn daughter is given to Maddie to take care of; Alicia can even look at her without remembering her dead son, she knows she wouldn't be able to take care of a baby the way it needs. she can barely take care of herself.
(Jazz finds out that her aunt is her biomom when Danny is born. She never hates her aunt for giving her up; in fact, it's Alicia's depression and grief that makes Jazz want to study psychology in the first place)
Alicia moves to Spittoon to isolate herself, but the close knit community won't let her self-destruct. They help her rebuild herself in the middle of nowhere and she discovers a love for farming rhubarb.
John only shows up once before for Alicia's help, but the town chases away that nasty ex-husband of hers before she sees him, with his yuppie-accent and dirty clothes. They don't want him around her.
Alicia grows content with her life. She keeps all her occult books locked in the attic, out of sight and out of mind, and while she might regret not having been able to raise her daughter, she loves her niece and nephew and spoils them when they come to visit.
All's right in the world.
Until one day, Jazz and Danny come to her door in the middle of the night, desperate and injured.
Not too long after that, her yuppie ex-husband come around, asking her to look over some nonsense summoning circle. What's Constantine trying to summon anyway, the demon of astrology!?
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transjudas · 10 months
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“Oh, God, don't do this to me.”
Alec Hardy + water trauma
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rathologic · 4 days
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pathologic_fest 17: notoriety
catchfly swept catchfly continued to sweep... catchfly inventor of shmowders voted best pathologic character by a landslide
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Cerise makes her way down the halls of her manor, towards a room only she knows of. She's kept this place preserved and secret, like a shrine to some long-forgotten god. In a sense, it is a shrine, a final resting place for those left unremembered.
She feels their presence here, among the scattered toys and broken picture frames that could never hope to fully encapsulate their all-too-short lives. Joanna, her perfect creation, the baby that never got to grow up. Jacob, the sweet, compliant son, smothered all too quickly by her fear and obsession. Ama, blinded and exiled, wandering under a name she'll never know. Xera, wasting away in her bedroom, ever resistant to genuine kindness. And poor little Bobby, taken away from her by the twister and turned into something that couldn't even be called a child anymore. Too soon. All gone too soon.
She weeps for them, but her choking cries are cut off by the sound of a stranger's voice. Someone is here. Someone who does not belong.
She whirls around, prepared to fight, only to stop short, her hands still curved into talons.
"What are you doing here?"
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veganpropaganda · 4 months
‘Oppressive’ child labor found at poultry plant’s kill floor after teen’s death, feds say
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article288585497.html
A U.S. chicken producer is again facing child labor accusations after a 16-year-old worker was killed at its poultry plant in Mississippi last July, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.
On May 1, four teenagers, including two 16-year-olds and two 17-year-olds, were found working on the kill floor at Mar-Jac Poultry’s processing facility in Jasper, Alabama, federal court filings show.
With three teens’ shifts starting at 11 p.m. — and a fourth teen’s shift starting at 8:30 p.m. — they were each tasked with “hanging live chickens on hooks for slaughter and cutting meat from the carcasses,” according to court documents filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama.
This violates federal child labor provisions in place to protect minors from dangerous jobs that have proven deadly.
On July 14, 2023, Duvan Robert Tomas Perez, a 16-year-old migrant from Guatemala, was killed while cleaning a chicken deboning machine at Mar-Jac’s plant in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, according to a wrongful death lawsuit, McClatchy News previously reported.
The Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration found Perez was fatally pulled into the “still-energized” machine because Mar-Jac Poultry MS LLC “disregarded safety standards.”
OSHA cited the company over his death in January, according to a news release.
Now, the Labor Department is seeking a court order to stop Mar-Jac from selling and shipping “poultry tainted by oppressive child labor” from the company’s plant in Alabama, court filings say.
An “urgent” request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction filed by Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su asks the court to prevent Mar-Jac Poultry of Alabama, LLC, from profiting off products linked to child labor.
Following the request, an evidentiary hearing was held on May 14 and May 15, Mar-Jac said in a May 20 news release provided to McClatchy News in response to a request for comment.
Instead of granting the request, the court ordered Su to submit a brief by May 28 and ordered Mar-Jac to submit a response to the brief by June 4, the release said.
What Mar-Jac says about the child labor accusations
In a response filed May 8, Mar-Jac contends it offered to stop shipping poultry produced on the May 1 shift, when the alleged child labor violations involving the four teens were uncovered by the Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division.
However, the Wage and Hour Division “rejected that offer and demanded Mar-Jac not ship goods in interstate commerce for the next 30 days,” the filing says.
This would “would put more than 1000 workers out of their jobs for that 1-month period and disrupt the supply chain, adversely affecting hundreds more workers involved in growing and transporting poultry products,” Mar-Jac said in its news release.
Mar-Jac refused the division’s demand and argues that the company was unaware three of the four minor employees were underage.
According to the Labor Department, Wage and Hour Division investigators learned the four teens “had been working at the facility for months,” a complaint says.
The department has declared all chicken produced by Mar-Jac up until May 31 are “hot goods” that are “tainted by child labor,” according to the complaint.
Mar-Jac maintains three of the four teens showed documents that claimed they were older than 17 and were then verified as over 18, according to the May 8 court filing.
The company says it “immediately discharged” the three minors after learning they were underage and denied that they worked on the Alabama plant’s kill floor, the filing says.
As for the fourth minor, Mar-Jac said federal investigators haven’t identified the teen, “making it impossible for Mar-Jac to end the alleged (child labor) violation,” according to the filing.
On May 14, the Labor Department called Mar-Jac’s response a “misguided attempt to persuade this Court to allow (the company) to flout the inherent dangers of oppressive child labor,” court records show.
Mar-Jac said in the release that the company “will continue to vigorously defend itself and expects to prevail in this matter” and that it is “committed to complying with all relevant laws, including but not limited to the child labor regulations.”
Following the death of Perez at the Mississippi poultry plant, Mar-Jac acknowledged he “should not have been hired” because he was under 18, according to a July 19 news release published online by WDAM-TV.
The company said the employee’s age and identity “were misrepresented” on his hiring paperwork, according to the release.
Seth Hunter, an attorney representing Perez’s mother, who is suing over his death, said in a news release provided to McClatchy News in February that Mar-Jac’s “working conditions have to change.”
He said Chick-fil-A “is one of Mar-Jac’s largest customers” and that Chick-fil-A and other companies “should insist on better working conditions or stop doing business with them.”
At the time, Chick-fil-A didn’t respond to McClatchy News’ request for comment from Feb. 5.
A few months after Perez’s death, the company told NBC News in October that “We are reviewing our own procedures for investigation and response as we pursue the steps necessary to effectively hold all our suppliers to our high safety standards.”
Similar to Perez, a New York Times investigative report published in September found many migrant children and teens are working dangerous jobs, including at poultry plants.
Mar-Jac’s plant in Jasper, Alabama, is about a 240-mile drive west of the company’s headquarters in Gainesville, Georgia.
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autumnhobbit · 10 months
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They would have lost nothing in allowing this child to be treated. There was absolutely no reason to deny a request to help her. They did this willingly and without remorse.
God comfort her family.
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qtubbo · 23 days
honestly I should just make a post about the effects of perma egg death from my experience with Pip at this point, I have very strong opinions on how this was handled on qsmp.
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beau-draws-and-cries · 8 months
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Asgore isn't really taking well the completion of his chores (click for better quality)
this was requested as a simple kingdings hurt/comfort then it became a full piece
Reblogs are deeply appreciated
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