#child s play
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videolamps on etsy
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emo-batboy · 5 months
I'm sorry but your taste in Bruce Wayne is horrible. None of those guys in the pictures have what it takes to be a Bruce Wayne. They can be a Robin or something but they're so young. They're also all so ... Well I know Bruce is white but your picks are like obnoxiously white looks wise I'm really sorry I don't know how to describe it but you picked the a Bruce Wayne so bad I had to say it in some way shape or form. Wishing better taste upon you
Do you…do you not know about Matt Reeves’ The Batman?
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viviebeevie · 5 months
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Jake and Sherry play dress up
feat. Leon’s old memorabilia
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sceebybeeby · 2 months
yakuza 7 restaurant healing cutscene save me…
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manygreetingsfriend · 3 months
i’m sooooooo normal about the god of war series. so incredibly normal i liked it a normal amount and would be so chill talking about it. don’t worry about the sign
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#god of war#i’m so so so so so normal about it it’s so whatever it’s so haha you know#something something when it comes to yourself you’ll let yourself drown before you change. you’ll die before you change who you’ve become#to survive this long#up to and until it affects the ones you’ve come to love in this life you’ve made for yourself and you suddenly have no choice but to change#it’s fine it’s ok it’s chill. everyone does this.#it’s becoming a parent and loving your child so much you HAVE to change. you HAVE to be better#we MUST be better. than they were.#who’s they. our parents. the gods that come before us. yes.#i’m screaming i’m crying i’m wasting away im disintegrating. there’s no coming back there no return#you are on your knees. you are gripping your son’s shoulders like they’re the only thing keeping you tethered to the earth.#you are struggling with who you are and who you want to become. you are promising to be better.#i’m so normal about parent(al figures) taking responsibility for their actions and choosing to do better#i’m not high enough to really express what’s going on here. can you feel it? can you fucking feel it?#this series has destroyed me.#dad of boy. dad(s) of boy. i will never be the same (affectionate)#can’t remember the last time i finished a series and went ‘oh well i’ve GOT to play it again Now That I Know’#AND I HAVENT EVEN TALKED ABOUT THE BROTHER HULDRA!!!!!!!!!#sindri’s face. has not left my memory#i’m dying scoob#gow#gowr
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cheruib · 2 years
my cats my reason to be happy
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sarxzu · 5 months
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Early 80's moments ♡ ↳ previous part
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loveandmurders · 1 year
Hello, neighbour (gn!reader x Tiffany Valentine headcanons)
Based on this request :  “ could I request gender neutral!reader x tiffany valentine headcanons about her kinda being obsessive and madly in love with reader whose her neighbor at the trailer park, but reader is completely oblivious to her attempts”
Hope you’ll enjoy <3
Warnings: no proof reading, mentions of sexual desire/activites but nothing explicit, one or two strong words, mentions of Tiff's killing activities, mentions of kidnapping and tying reader up.
When Tiffany first saw you settling at the trailer park, she couldn’t deny that she was very interested and curious about you.
She was sunbathing, with her sunglasses on and a glass of lemonade in one hand while lazily reading a magazine.
She was quite bored, so she quickly enjoyed having something new to observe.
She stopped reading and watched you over her glasses, sipping at her drink, like a cat watching a new toy arriving.
You felt her eyes on you so you turned around and greeted her.
“Hey, I’m your new neighbour it seems!” you said as you extended your hand toward her before introducing yourself.
She was quick to answer the gesture and she offered you her most delicious and charming smile.
“Hello, sweet pie. It’s a pleasure to see someone new there. Gonna stay here for a while I hope?” she asked and her smile only widened when you nodded.
“Well yeah, until I find better of course” you hummed
“Can I help you with anything?” she offered as she got up, showing off her beautiful body and quickly invading your personal space.
You watched her and blushed a little before nodding.
You were quite glad to make a new friend so quickly here, because you had been a little bit worried about being left on your own. You wouldn’t have been able to stand it, you needed to socialise.
It wasn’t the best time of your existence so the thought that you could befriend your pretty neighbour right away was definitively lifting up your spirits as well.
You spent the day with her and you really enjoyed yourself.
She seemed to also enjoy your company because she insisted for the two of you to eat at her place.
You had to admit that it was almost looking like a date, with the little table, the comfy atmosphere and the candles lit up all around you.
But you just thought it was Tiffany’s aesthetic and you didn’t think much of it.
After the food, she asked you if you wanted to lay down on the bed with her. You missed her wink as you looked toward her "bedroom area".
“I really should go rest in my own bed, it’s been quite a long day already” you politely declined
She pouted at you and you could tell that she was very disappointed to see you go “so soon”. You apologised and promised to spend more time with her the next day, but for the moment you were really tired.
She tried to convince you a little longer to stay but you finally went to your own place.
Once you were gone, Tiffany started to grumble to herself about you being too perfect for her own good, and about how she should tie you up to her bedframe so you wouldn’t be able to leave so easily.
She didn’t sleep a lot that night. She was imagining all the delicious things she could do to you. Not just sexual, even if it was a great part of it. She daydreamed about a little domestic life with you. It looked so perfect in her mind, that she couldn’t wait for her fantasy to come true.
She used to be obsessed with Charles. But the obsession blossoming inside her was way more powerful.
She wanted you. She wanted you to be hers and all hers.
She wanted to have you by her side every second of her existence.
When she saw you leaving the trailer park in the morning, trying to find a job, she frowned. She realised that not knowing where you were going was upsetting her very much.
She needed to find a way to always have an eye on you, no matter where you were or with whom.
Oh boy, she started to imagine you with someone else. And it made her go insane. She would kill whoever was going a little bit too close to you.
You were hers, even if you didn’t know it yet.
When you came back “home” in the middle of the afternoon, she opened her door before you could open yours.
“Hey Y/N” she greeted you with a very seductive smile but you only thought she had a flirty personality and that it didn’t mean she was interested in you.
“Hey Tiff. How are you?” you asked with a gentle smile
“Good, good. Was missing you though. Where did you go this morning?” she asked with a little pout on her lips
You also thought she might be a little bit clingy, but you didn’t mind the attention that much.
“I had a job interview” you explained
“Hope it went well, darl’, you deserve the best” she hummed before opening her door even wider “Wanna come inside for a minute? Have you eaten already? Cause I can fix you something, like a good housewife” she giggled
You arched an eyebrow, before laughing “You are that bored, Tiff, that you want to cook for me?” you chuckled but she waited for your answer with dark eyes “Well, I can’t refuse food but let me cook for you tonight” you finally agreed because you felt you couldn’t say no to the woman.
And because you were hungry too.
She seemed very satisfied with your answer and she let you come inside her home before locking the door behind her.
You started to chat around together.
And days after days, it started to become your routine.
You would go out in the morning to work, and Tiff would wait for you in the evening with a good meal. And you would speak together all night.
More than once she convinced you to sleep at her place, in her bed.
But nothing ever happened because you never caught on her flirtatious comments.
You just thought she was touchy, clingy and very friendly but nothing more.
Tiffany started to wonder if you weren’t interested in her.
Which seemed completely impossible to her, because she was the hottest thing God ever created. You had to want her… You just didn’t know it yet.
During the weekends, Tiffany never let you be on your own. She needed to be with you.
However, you noticed that she was sometimes leaving in the middle of the night, and you believed she was earning money from some traffic or that kind of stuff. But Tiffany was too good to you for you to really care about any of this.
You sometimes tried to ask questions, but she always found excuses to not answer or she would find a way to distract you.
Also, Tiffany wasn’t known for her patience.
She needed what she wanted right away, or she was going even crazier than she already was.
And truth to be told, the fact you hadn’t caught on her attempts to flirt with you for months now was making her go wild.
And the more she thought about the situation, the more she was monitoring all of your gestures, and the more she wanted to lock you up in a basement where she could have you all to herself forever.
She decided to step up her game one afternoon.
It was really sunny that day and a lot of people were chatting around, with not a lot of clothes on.
You were outside, waiting for Tiffany to bring back some drinks she promised you. It was then that a new girl you didn’t know started to talk with you.
She was quite flirtatious with you as well, but as usual you didn’t really read the signs and you simply thought she was friendly with you.
When Tiffany came back and saw that woman all over you, she felt rage burning inside of her. How could people not know you were hers?!
She intervened and very coldly asked the woman to leave, saying that it was a very private and intimate party. The woman obeyed but she gave you one last glance before leaving.
You were so shocked. You had never seen Tiff so upset or pushed someone away so rudely.
“What’s wrong, Tiff?” you asked and she scoffed at you before cupping your face into her palm
“I don’t like whores turning around you, that’s all, love” she replied, her eyes still so dark with anger. Your own eyes widened at her words.
“Tiff, don’t speak like that!” you exclaimed and she let out a little laugher
“Oh yeah, give me orders, I like that” she purred as she moved closer to you. “You know, it’s not the first time I chased away someone who is being a little too friendly with you. I don’t like that. I want you all to myself. I’m a little selfish girl, but I can’t help” she continued but you couldn’t understand what she was saying to you.
“What are you talking about?” you asked
“I can show you” she hummed as her lips were now almost touching yours.
You started to understand what was going on, but you really weren’t too sure what to do with that information
“Tiff, is that really a good idea?” you asked and she laughed some more, but there was something dark in it
“Com’on, sweet face, come inside my trailer and I’ll take such good care of you that you will never want to leave it ever again. I really would like to be your little housewife. But if you prefer we can lock you up away, I would eagerly kidnap you for you to be all mine” she whispered and you weren’t too sure how to react to that.
You thought she was joking, because Tiffany had always been nothing but adorable and gentle to you; she would never kidnap you.
You quickly thought for the best answer.
“Well… I guess I wouldn’t mind having a little housewife” you finally said and she gave you a bright smile.
She grabbed your hand and guided you to her bed, where she showed you how good she could be to you indeed.
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𝔍𝔞𝔭𝔞𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔬𝔯 𝔪𝔬𝔳𝔦𝔢 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
Good afternoon everypony!! Last night my partner and I got a little silly and rewatched the episode of PPG where Utonium and Ms. Keane start dating and ugghh....why he so FUCKING cute 😭😭💖💖
And tbhhh the reason they sorta didn't work out is cause they weren't able to balance the lives they had with their infatuation with each other (tbh if the cat argument hadn't happened when it did any ol thing would have caused them to break up methinks) and y'know...I think that's why he'd work so well with my s/i 🥺👉👈
Theyre allowed to still be their own people and have their own things even if they do become a couple! Even if they get married! They're still individuals who support their own passions as well as each other's. And they certainly don't need/want to change themselves for each other 💖💖💖
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littleragondin · 1 year
"I want to eat you."
TIW?! SIR?! Boy said "I've been patient and restrained and apparently far too subtle the last ten episodes, it's OVER I am CLAIMING that cardigan wearing, keyboard playing little cook and that's IT."
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stinkysstuff · 3 months
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Glen fetus
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Glenda fetus
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
Alright I think I’ve sent a ask in before and you answered it, I’m not sure if I’m just repeating myself but if I am feel free to ignore!
Alright I wanted to talk about changes in the gerudo culture, now naturally culture norms will change and fade as time goes on. But with the gerudo I can’t help but feel that they were forced to change much of their culture just to appease the other races.
Like why did they stop training Molduga? Why did they change their style to be more feminine etc.
Personally I feel like they were forced to change their culture so they wouldn’t get attacked. Why? Well example the sheikah, the sheikah are a tribe very close to the royal family. They will take out anyone who is a threat to the royal family, correct? Well who used to actively oppose the royal family, the gerudo.
I believe the sheikah still have a prejudiced against the gerudo because, you cannot find a single gerudo in kakariko village. You can find gerudo npcs outside the village thought, on the dangerous rode. Wouldn’t it be easier and safer for them to just cut through kakariko village? Unless there was still bad blood
I’m sorry to bother with my my insane ramblings I just wanted to share and I felt this place appropriate to share my thoughts.
Thank you for reading and thank you and have a nice night/morning/afternoon
Hey, thanks for the ask!
I mean, regardless of what actually did happen in canon, if anything did, I have to say that BotW, and then TotK's internal narrative regarding the gerudos feels rather worrying to me --for several reasons, some of which you do mention here.
The gerudos, by virtue of having the strongest culture that differs from hylians, is the one that is also the most dynamic in these games' shared reality (so TotK's mythical past, BotW, and then TotK modern era), the one that is the most malleable and ongoing internal change.
The first time we see the gerudos, historically, they have a certain political structure that seems to rely on kinghood, have certain skills related to war (the molduga situation), and even have fashion sensitivities that are relatively different to modern era's gerudos (the mohawk, etc, and I Will Not mention the ear situation for the inconsistent mess that it is). Then, the whole shenanigans with Rauru happen, we see the Sage of Lightning having a fashion sense that feels closer to what we know, and we get to see active collaboration happening.
Fast-forward hundreds-to-thousands of years later: not only are gerudos vassal to Hyrule pre-Calamity, but, while their town is still closed behind walls, the gerudos have a strong cultural focus on seeking (mostly) hylian husbands. We get to hear about the younger generations pushing against the strong rules keeping the city closed, and that the walls aren't as closed as they used to be.
In TotK, not only is the actual language evolving (so even if old hylian seems to have been a thing, the speed of language evolving is to be noted imo), but we see clear examples of the ancestral rules being challenged to the point of near annihilation. By the time we leave the gerudos behind, two hylian men have snuck inside the walls/forced their presence upon them, and we have heard of at least another group who have been working for years to make them bend the rules for their sake. Zelda came around and influenced their war techniques, and even their ancient legends get recontextualized as involving hylian men with the Eight Heroin, or as monstrously evil and something to seek forgiveness for in the case of Ganondorf. Subtextually, I'd argue we are assisting to a culture being assimilated in real time. It might be portrayed as a good thing, as old, useless or even arguably bigoted traditions being cast aside, but I still have to insist that while gerudos are yielding their cultural identity under (mostly) hylian pressures, hylians spend the *entire game* rediscovering and reinforcing their own culture and pushing forward a cultural heritage that is thousand of years old --even reinjecting lost elements of its roots into its prosperous future.
And, yeah. It's kind of worth noting at least.
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caluupin · 6 months
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ARCHONS TO SEND OFF THE YEAR!!! (kind of a redraw from last year's September)
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ysali · 2 months
ive had a lot of interesting adventures in my little fallout 4 playthrough but now.... i don't know how and why danse and i are now the legal guardians of a child solider. but anyway now this small family has to brave the perils of the commonwealth to go to the unfamiliar and dangerous land of far harbour to find a missing person. and take a still indoctrinated by the brotherhood danse to the colony of synths there. Just so we can fulfill this child's dream of clearing out the feral ghouls from eagles cove tannery
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