#chinese wisdom
as chinese wisdom says
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shamandrummer · 1 year
What is Taoism?
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Taoism originated in China between 600 and 500 BC, but the roots of Taoism can be traced back to shamanic practices from the earliest tribal communities. The Chinese word for shaman (wu) was first recorded during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC), but it is believed that these traditions date back to the very origins of Chinese culture. In fact, many of the stories surrounding Fu Hsi (or Fu Xi), the mythological founder of Chinese civilization are very shamanic. For example, Fu Hsi is considered the originator of the I Ching, an ancient Chinese divination text and the basis of Chinese thought. According to legend, he discovered the symbols of the I Ching in the pattern of markings on the back of a turtle that emerged from a river. This is a classic shamanic tale that combines nature and divination, resulting in the attainment of profound knowledge.
Philosophical Taoism, often represented by the yin-yang symbol, emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (the Way), or Ultimate Reality, a presence that existed before the universe was formed and which continues to guide the natural world and everything in it. Tao is the ultimate source and way (or process) of nature and the universe. To live in harmony with the Tao is to go with the flow of life rather than against it. It is a way to conserve life's vitality by not expending it in the useless ways of friction and conflict. Early Taoists perceived that the ultimate nature of this mysterious force was beyond intellectual comprehension but could be discerned by the intuitive mind. The sages observed that through meditation, one could attain Tao or communion with the way of the universe itself.
Through meditation and other devotional activities, Taoists seek to bring their lives into accord with the Tao. They believe that by abiding in the Tao, or in harmony with the Cosmos, one may attain a state of such inner clarity and insight that all actions become synchronous and spontaneously correct. They refer to this state of harmony with nature and the universe as wu wei, or "non-doing." Non-doing is not a withdrawal from action, but rather the achievement of a higher kind of action: action in accord with the natural order. The concept of wu wei more closely suggests a way of existing without conscious effort, as nature does. Such a person knows what to do by abiding in a state of quietism, by letting go of all worldly thought so that the creative force of the Tao may enter their minds and bodies. Such accord with the Tao allows one to accomplish things without effort in a way that benefits everyone.
Taoism is an inner way as well as an outward path. One should outwardly "go with the flow" while inwardly adhering to one's true nature. Taoists seek to integrate inner and outer experiences while uniting body, mind and spirit into a harmonious whole. Taoism views humanity as a  microcosm of the macrocosm we call the universe. Each human being is a hologram of the Cosmos, a weaving together of universal information from a particular point of view. Essentially, we are the universe experiencing itself in human form.
Taoists equate the body with the earthly realm, the mind with the human realm, and the spirit with the heavenly realm. By bringing the body, mind and spirit into accord, one transforms personal experience and influences the interactions of the three cosmic realms. Following the Tao is a journey requiring simplicity, balance and introspection. The lifelong quest of the Taoist is to identify their innermost purpose in life, and then use every means at their disposal to achieve it.
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chineseffect · 1 year
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Feng shui, an ancient Chinese art and science, focuses on creating harmonious environments to enhance well-being and promote positive energy flow. It is based on the observation that our surroundings can influence our lives, affecting everything from our health and relationships to success and prosperity.
At its core, feng shui seeks to achieve balance and harmony between humans and their surroundings. It takes into account the arrangement of furniture, colors, shapes, and elements within a space, as well as the external environment. By optimizing these elements, feng shui aims to create a supportive and nurturing atmosphere that aligns with the flow of natural energy, known as "qi."
Feng shui principles guide the placement of objects and the organization of spaces to encourage the smooth flow of qi, while minimizing obstructions or imbalances. It emphasizes the importance of proper orientation, the use of auspicious symbols, and the incorporation of natural elements like water, plants, and light.
By implementing feng shui principles, individuals can create environments that promote harmony, balance, and positive energy. While it is not a magical solution, feng shui can contribute to a sense of well-being and potentially enhance various aspects of life, such as health, relationships, and overall prosperity.
Start learning Chinese NOW.
With MAGIC PLAYBOOKs it is super FUN&EASY, really! :)
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conjcosby · 2 months
Stardate: 2024.4.17 ▫ Need I say more? 😊🙏 #ChineseProverb #ChineseWisdom #ChineseSaying #ChineseQuote #Proverb #Wisdom #Saying #Quote #WisdomQuote #Wednesday #WisdomWednesdays #ProverbOfTheDay #WisdomOfTheDay #SayingOfTheDay #QuoteOfTheDay #POTD #WOTD #SOTD #QOTD
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booksameya · 10 months
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traditional chinese firework 打铁花datiehua in spring festival/chunjie
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That's Why it's Called "Break-Fast"!
Happy New Year! What is your new year resolution? Going on a diet??
Working around Your Digestive System Becky sent me this YouTube link last year, which helped me to change my eating pattern in my daily life; “Fat Burning MAGIC Time Hack from Chinese Medicine” https://www.ganjingworld.com/video/Vkp2niVhcRPKz
Here is my summary of the video:
7−9am: Stomach meridian channel is most active, so eat a hearty warm breakfast.
11−1pm: Heart meridian channel is most active, so feed yourself with good protein.
5−7pm: Kidney meridian channel is most active, so have some soup or fruit. (A small amount of carbs is OK.)
In ancient times, people used to eat twice a day, and when it got dark, they just went to bed.
I do like the idea. Rather than being on a diet and punishing myself with a hungry stomach, I can have a gorgeous lunch every day. You know, after stuffing myself silly over Christmas dinner, you cannot possibly eat a full evening meal…So this eating pattern means “Every day is Christmas!”
I have been practising this eating pattern for about four months. To start with, I felt really hungry in the evening, and I was eating lots of fruits. However, psychologically, knowing I will have good food next day, I have been quite happy to accept a less full stomach in bed. Also my motive was not to reduce weight, but to be kind to my own body by working around the active meridians.
Breaking your Fast
To my surprise, “morning meal” is called “Break-fast” in English. Both in Chinese and Japanese, the word for a morning meal is “morning meal”. In French, the word means “small lunch”.
Did the ancient English work around the Chinese meridian channels?
A quick look on the internet told me that the word came from Middle English “brekefaste”, literally “to end the nightly fast”. Likely a variant of Old English fæstenbryċe, (literally, "fast-breach").
It seems that my new eating pattern fits both ancient Chinese and Anglo-Saxon cultures. I am looking forward to a lovely Christmas dinner on non-Christmas days for 364 days a year!
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e-adlirez · 4 months
Chinese/Lunar New Year
So uh for the past few days I’d been contemplating a Chinese New Year piece for this year in particular because uh it’s the Year of the Dragon and that plus dragon dance so perfect a combination it makes, but uh… admittedly I bit more than I could chew so uh :’D
I wasn’t able to make a full artwork in time, but I do have my cleaned up sketch to show for the holiday, so without further ado, happy Chinese/Lunar New Year Stilton fandom <3
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It’s very not complete and the dragon’s details aren’t even drawn in but I hope ya’ll like it anyway
I am planning on finishing this tho so stay tuned for that :3
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patron-saints · 3 months
fma rareship weekend: day 3, children
written for @fma-rareships's day 3! while intended to be an extension of the recognition 'verse, and therefore olivier x izumi, this one is also for sure olivier & al
“yeah,” al says into the phone, “no, all of the grandparents are here. yes, including olivier, she’s been here for three days. ostensibly, she’s here mostly to keep teacher from crying again, but personally, i think she might actually—oh, no, she heard me.” al covers the microphone with their hand and looks up at one of their newborn daughter’s many grandparents, who is valiantly trying to pretend she’s not tearing up.
“general,” al says, because even they have her permission to use her name now, sometimes it’s hard not to fall back on old habits, “did you think you weren’t—”
“i don’t like children,” she says, wiping her eye with the back of her knuckle.
this is amusing to al, given that yesterday, when she’d been holding zhiying for two uninterrupted hours, she’d audibly growled at anyone who tried to take her. so, they elect to ignore her statement for both their sakes. “you are her g—both mei and i consider you to be one of her grandparents. if… you want to be, that is.”
“alphonse,” olivier says, still pretending like she’s getting out of this, “i am your teacher’s wife.”
unafraid to interrupt her, al says, “are you going to tell me izumi and sig are anything other than…?” it’s a strong tactic. of course, al would rather tell her how much they love her. how she’s been a mentor to them in the last few years, how she inspires them, pushes them, and how they can’t imagine their daughter’s life without her in it. but that’s the kind of thing al knows they have to write in a letter, so she can cry about it in private and stoically thank them later.
olivier narrows her eyes. “of course not.”
after staring at them for a while longer, olivier sighs. “no child of yours, no matter how cute, is going to ever call me ‘grandma.’”
al raises an eyebrow.
“but. it would be my honor to accept that role in zhiying’s life.” she pauses, and something like a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. “thank you for asking.”
al is almost positive she's going to cry about this later.
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kamala-laxman · 25 days
He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived. Chinese proverb
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albertayebisackey · 4 months
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"When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills." - Chinese proverb 
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harmonyhealinghub · 5 months
2024 - The Year of the Dragon: A Majestic Journey Begins Shaina Tranquilino January 4, 2024
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In Chinese culture, each year is associated with a zodiac animal, which is believed to have certain qualities and characteristics that influence the events and lives of people born in that year. Amongst these twelve animals, one holds a special place of honor and reverence – the mighty dragon. Known for its power, wisdom, and good fortune, the Year of the Dragon is met with great anticipation and excitement by millions around the world. Let's delve into this awe-inspiring year and discover what makes it so extraordinary.
1. Symbolism and Significance:
The dragon symbolizes many virtues deeply valued in Chinese culture. It represents strength, prosperity, wisdom, success, and luck. Dragons are often seen as guardians or protectors who bring harmony and blessings to those they encounter. With such auspicious associations, individuals born in the Year of the Dragon are considered particularly fortunate.
2. Personality Traits:
People born under the sign of the dragon are known for their ambitious nature and unwavering determination. They possess strong leadership abilities and tend to stand out from the crowd due to their confident demeanour. Dragons are highly intelligent and innovative thinkers, always seeking new challenges to conquer. Their charisma captivates others effortlessly.
3. Historical Significance:
The Year of the Dragon has a rich historical significance that transcends cultural boundaries. In ancient Chinese dynasties, emperors were believed to be direct descendants of dragons; thus, this zodiac sign was closely associated with imperial power and authority. Throughout history, many significant events have occurred during dragon years, making them even more intriguing.
4. Economic Prosperity:
Just as dragons bring good fortune in folklore tales, their presence in a zodiac year is often accompanied by economic growth and prosperity. People believe that starting new ventures or making important investments during a dragon year can yield favourable outcomes. Businesses thrive, careers flourish, and financial abundance becomes more attainable.
5. Celebrations and Festivities:
The arrival of the Year of the Dragon is marked by vibrant celebrations and traditional festivities that span over several weeks. The most notable amongst these is the Spring Festival, commonly known as Chinese New Year. Streets are adorned with colourful decorations, firework displays light up the night sky, and families gather to share special meals, exchange gifts, and honour their ancestors.
As we embark on the Year of the Dragon, a sense of excitement permeates the air. This majestic creature brings hope, prosperity, and new beginnings for all who embrace its energy. Whether you were born in this auspicious year or not, it's an opportunity to tap into your inner strength, courageously pursue your dreams, and seek out the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. May this year be one filled with success, wisdom, and good fortune for us all!
So let us embrace this celestial guardian and embark on a journey full of wonder as we navigate through the Year of the Dragon!
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chineseffect · 10 months
Chinese energy practice SAVED me.
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It was during one night. My fiancée was already asleep, I couldn't fall asleep yet and I recalled two hot Western girls in g-strings that I saw that day at the beach.
When you stay at a place that is mostly of a muslim nature, which means that all women are decently and elegantly covered, then seeing almost any western girl in her standard western style beach outfit feels almost as if you just entered a porn movie production. It definitely pops out to say the least and I would suggest giving some thought to the concept of respect towards other cultures.
Anyway, here I am, recovering from the cultural shock by imagining approaching these two girls with a suggestion that I could make some pictures of them. They agree and I'm installing them in all these sexy poses for starters.
Read the full text for free HERE
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lunaetis · 4 months
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happy lunar new year !! hope everyone is having a wonderful day and weekend !!
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x-heesy · 2 months
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𝙰 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝. 𝙰 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚛𝚢. ⚔️
-𝙻𝚊𝚘 𝚃𝚣𝚞. 𝚃𝚊𝚘 𝚃𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝙲𝚑,68. 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚕. 𝙶𝚒𝚊 𝙵𝚞 𝙵𝚎𝚗𝚐
(𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕, 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚎, 𝚙𝚑𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚣) -𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚐0𝚍𝚜
#autosuggestion #pointofview #codingyourself #programyourself #endlessness #creatingyourself #neverstoplearning
#fantqasy #empathy #equality #respect #love #basics
𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚉𝚊𝚙 𝙼𝚊𝚖𝚊 🎧
𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚘𝚙𝚎:
𝚖𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚖𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 @bigbonzo
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wisdomshouts · 6 months
Getting Through the Dark Night
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