#chiron transits
elminx · 1 year
Elminx rambles about Sun conjunct Chiron (personal)
Sun conjunct Chiron is a weird transit.
I know this because I live it every day of my life (my natal Sun is conjunct with Chiron) and because I'm living it right now - today - as the transiting Sun again conjuncts Chiron.
Sun conjunct Chiron, to me, is the great pain that comes with longing. I was born with an ache inside of me that never can be quenched. Today that ache has a name: Casey.
Casey was my first love. I met them while we were working at a summer camp together - Casey had long dark hair that fell in wild spiral curls, a ready smile, and deep grayish-blue eyes. We never dated (I ended up dating one of their closest friends and they were incredibly loyal) but we always carried a deep affection for one another.
This morning, completely by accident, I found out through the socials that they died almost a year ago today. Having your natal Sun conjunct Chiron (at least my experience with it) feels like being born with a wound in your soul. Today that wound has a name. A person that I loved so totally that I have carried that love with me for every further adventure of my life. Twenty-seven years of knowing that the world was a little bit better because Casey was in it. Chiron always feels, to me, like ancestral grief but perhaps that is because I was born into ancestral grief. My Grandmother lost her father to the pandemic of the Spanish Flu at the age of four and I gestated in my Mother's loss of her father. Grief has always been an old friend though I have lost surprisingly few of my own loved ones.
But for dear Casey. They had the kindest soul. They gave me gifts of rocks that they'd picked up in the forest and told me the truth. They saved me in so many ways by being kind and pure, and not taking advantage of me like so many others did at that time.
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
hey! i would like to know your thoughts on chiron transits? I was looking at why one of my fav hollywood couples and why they may have broken up and I saw one person was going through a chiron opposite venus and chiron square neptune transit. I haven’t seen to many people talk about chiron transits so just wanted to get some insight on them?
Hello, thank you for your interesting question ♡
Yes, we all strongly feel harsh Chiron transits. Chiron always challenges us and it hurts us in order for us to heal our wounds and to transform our trauma. During Chiron transits, we might be even more sensitive to our usual triggers and we might lash out to our partners. However, Chiron transits aren't always a bad thing since they do help us in fixing our issues, even if it means removing a person from our lives and focusing on ourselves. After extreme pain comes healing and peace. If the relationship lasts and if the other person helps you with dealing with your inner demons and flashbacks from the past, the relationship can be stronger than ever ♡
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softdreams888 · 2 years
sometimes it feels as if my heart is bleeding
why does being vulnerable hurt so much why do i find so much rejection when i don't care what others think and reach out to them and just have a casual attitude in general
overthinking i guess thinking the person thinks the worst of me
big feeling like a loser all the time energy like an outcast in the pits of my soul
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bluee08 · 1 year
Astr observations 《4》
Disclaimer: I am not an astrologer. This post is only for entertainment purposes, so whatever I have mentioned, if it is reasonates, well and good, and if it doesn't, then please take it with a grain of salt. Thankyou.
🛖 Aries in 3rd house may have a very reckless yet mature behind the scenes relationship with their siblings. They also fight a lot with their siblings for no reason. Surprisingly, this usually goes physical more than verbal. Very playful relationship. There is always a strong urge to hit the other person and irritate them to death. It gives them pleasure. When injured, you might immediately stop the fight no matter how serious it is and take care of each other. Oh, and if someone else dares to trouble any of you, hell would break loose. They can't hear anything bad about each other. In certain cases, this could also apply to mars in 3rd house.
🪵 Dirty mind, Dirty mind, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty mind~ Heard the song? Yeah it's made for those who have their personal planets or ascendant conjuct asteroid Prevert. Trust me, the dumb way to die is by sneaking a glance in their minds. You will be traumatized for the rest of your life and will never look at them the same way again. At any given moment their thoughts are always in gutter. Yeah I am calling myself out at this one. Do I care? No.
🛖 Mars in 10th house folks are really good at dancing. They dance so well.... like you can see the passion in their steps. Dancing can be one of the hobbies in their lives. These people can also be known for dancing professionally and being captivating as hell on social media.
🪵 Lilith in 7th house could indiacte having seen a lot of failed marriages in their life. This could be in their immediate family or even include their own parents. Hence these people have a really different mindset when it comes to marriages. They might even resent the idea of getting married and often question, what's the point?
🛖 Moon in 1st house are babies. Literally babies. Like they look so damn cute and adorable that I just can't help myself but give them a huge hug. They are the most genuine type of people I think because its rarely when what's on their mind is not on their faces. They look so innocent and naive (even if they are legit not.) People just wanna protect them at all costs. They bring out the maternal instinct for them from the other person naturally. But no matter what their warmth is the best comfort zone and their arms are home <3
🪵 Mars in 5th house would definitely be that uncle/aunt/cousin/sibling who spoiled small kids to death and taught them to do weird stunts and create a headache for other family members.
🛖 Transit Saturn in 1st house is really frustrating. It feels like you are doing nothing progressive for yourself and just wasting time. Your efforts go in vain and its really hard to maintain consistency. Sometimes you also realize what mistakes you are making but you find it difficult to correct them. Mental state is always fluctuating and self-confidence is very down. This mainly goes on until the very end when you realize that now you gotta be serious. But when you really do hardwork and break the cycle of laziness, it pays off. Its like an immature, careless kid suddenly becoming a responsible and serious person. Remember, our beloved saturn plays mind games with you. Its either you break free from this if you want the prize or pay the price.
🪵 The people that I have seen to be most likely get cornered, misunderstood and targeted are people having chiron in their 1st house. Its really concerning and hurtful. Because of other idiots these babies get hurt on a very deep and subconscious level. They occasionally have identity crisis and depression is their bestfriend. They try to be happy but life always seems to push something in their way.
For example, I have this relative of mine and she lost her brother a year before she got married. She thought if she starts fresh, it would help. But unfortunately turned out her in-laws were not good people. She was gravely misunderstood by everyone. Even if people knew that it was not her fault, they took great pleasure in gossiping about her, blaming her and literally named her a psycho. Which she is not ofcourse. She was just mentally fragile and instead of understanding her, supporting her, they made her more unstable for no reason.
🛖 Leo venus folks love Cats. They are an animal lover by heart and soul. They are someone who might stop their car in the middle of the road because they saw a really cute cat walking on the sidewalk. Just to go their and mingle with it while thinking, If only I could take it home....
🪵 Cancer moons in 3rd house, please, please stop imitating that baby voice just to butter me up and get your work done. You might think its cute but no, I can see through everything and its so annoying plus immature. Ofc now it doesn't apply to everyone out there but those who do, please take my advice and stop it. Usually I have noticed only underdeveloped people do this but until they realize, its too late and others already find them so annoying. Honestly Cancer moons are so smart yet sometimes they.....*sighs*
🛖 Nessus aspecting Mercury could mean that you often end up hurting people through your words or the way you communicate even when you genuinely don't mean it. These people are really misunderstood a lot of times. Also this works the other way too. For example, you get easily hurt or offended when people speak ill about you. They might just share their opinion on your new home decor but instead you would feel insulted when in reality that's not the case. Not that you would hold a grudge, it depends person to person but you will definitely not overlook that. It would just sting a lot for no reason. You will always wonder, why did she say that?
For positive aspects, this could work out well too, for instance they know exactly what to say and what not to. They can be great negotiators, entrepreneurs and social influencers. They also know how to handle people embodying nessus qualities like a troll or opposition hell bent on creating trouble. Hard aspect people will slowly learn to overcome their problems in communication with time and experience.
🪵 Mars opposite MC screams suppressed anger. The thick tension between their anger and self-image is unbelievable. They don't like to get angry in public. They often gulp down their anger to the last extent because they don't want their reputation to get spoiled because of it. Sometimes its automatic they wanna get angry at someone but end up swallowing it anyway. But please don't test their patience. They might just explode unexpected at any time like a nuclear bomb and destroy everything within their range, not caring about their public image whatsoever.
🛖 Lilith in first house/Conjuct Ascendant are the infamous bad examples of the family while Lilith opposite Ascendant are the good examples with secrets darker than nightsky- always holding their sanity with a single string. Ironically, both are siblings, two sides of the same coin.
🪵 Remember, in one of my posts, I said that I don't relate with Aquarius rising and their unique fashion sense? Well, guys, I finally cracked the mystery! It's not our fashion sense that's unique. It's us. We are the aliens. Ok, that was a bad joke. But really, for example, a few months back, I wore a very pretty dress at my cousin's wedding. And istg people were looking at me like I was an alien, like I wore something totally out of the blue. As if It was not something improper or overdressed but very different than what everyone was wearing, which, of course, was not the case.
Now the funny thing is, if it was someone else wearing the same dress, I don't think anyone would've said anything about it. And voila! It happened. A few days back, I attended a family function, and I saw a girl wearing the same dress in different color and design. And fr nobody uttered a word. Those same people overlooked her as if it was totally normal. As if they didn't just make me talk of the town for a whole week because of that dress. So yeah, finally figured out, it's me, I am the problem.
🛖 Its not always true when they say Earth Mars people are calm and collected. I mean they are but suppose you have a virgo mars but you also have a Leo or Aries or Sagittarius stelium, your Virgo mars will be crying in the corner while that fire stellium will create a havoc and burn down the whole world in matter of some seconds.
🪵 North node in 11th house people are so likable. They are that one friend who knows the entire school and vice versa. So many connections and so many new friends. They just keep making connections left and right no matter where they go. People like to be in their contact. This gives me 'popular girl' vibe.
🛖 You sneaky little thing, you think no one knows how much you love reading smut? Yeah you, I am talking to you, Scorpio Jupiter/3rd house. Look me in the eye, I dare you to deny this.
🪵 Mercury conjuct Mars.... man, they literally spit fire when they talk. Can't win any argument against them. Ngl, I told my friend that I would leave her if she doesn't keep her hands off me special mention to her love language that is playfully hitting me at any possible situation. She just laughed and said, "Go, nobody would take you." Me: Cries silently. Her: I know baby truth hurts. Lemme give you a hug.
🛖 If you have no positive aspect to sun in your natal chart, it might be possible that people don't like your personality much. They think you are too egoistical or full of yourself. They might also backbitch about you a lot. Now this is just what I have observed so far. So it may not reasonate with everyone.
🪵 People with Sun conjuct Ascendant make very great leaders. They have a king/queen Aura surrounding them. And when they speak or share their opinion, people actually listen and take them seriously. When they walk in a room, they make sure everyone knows who has the authority.
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punksocks · 9 months
Astrology Observations No.27:
*just based on my observations, pleas only take what resonates
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(Trying to write more posts and answer more asks lately, everything has been so busy omg- hope you all enjoy what I can put out there tho! c:)
-A perspective but I think Libra placements (big 6 but especially Venus and mars) are attracted to harmonious/balanced appearances, like I think having that glow from confidence in your aesthetic and it fitting you and things like that can make you just as attractive to Libra placements as conventional measurements of beauty
-Sun Conjunct Venus makes you really charismatic and you probably attract a lot of people by being yourself, and sometimes these natives can be people pleasers especially if they’re trying to impress others
-Quietly I associate your mars sign and your MC the most with the work you’ll do. Mars because you can’t divorce your passion from your work (says the Capricorn). And MC because it’s what you’re known for and that’s often tied to some sort of work/action. North node is tied in there too but it plays out so long term it can be harder to summarize. (I can do a post about the general fields that placements tend to go towards if folks are interested?)
-Aries and Sagittarius Mercury tied for most likely to accidentally blurt out your secrets
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-Chiron Venus aspects (especially square, opposition, and conjunction) may find themselves undoing a lot of pressure around their looks or being especially hard on themselves over their perceived flaws/imperfections
-The sign over your 5th house may denote if you have many or few casual romantic connections (Saturn/Capricorn pointing to fewer one end of the scale and Jupiter/Sagittarius pointing to many at the other end of the scale, depends on Venus and mars too)
-You may find yourself accidentally pouring your heart out to water moons (especially cancer over how emotionally in-tune they are and scorpio over traaaaumaaa oml)
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-I feel like Sagittarius can feel less mutable because Jupiter makes some of the forms of expression so big (ex. A Sagittarius Mars can get so mad at you and blow up, Sagittarius Mars/Venus typically date many partners, Sagittarius moons can express their emotions in a big way- I probably feel this way bc I’m Sag Pluto, the extremes lol)
-I’ve noticed that Venus dominants can seek more attention compared to like Leo/sun doms
-Fixed Venus can become codependent on their partner, putting heavy exceptions on their person for them to be their everything if underdeveloped— but if developed they can be very loyal to their person
-Mutable Venus aren’t quite commitment-phobic but they tend to be looking for a really special combination of traits to actually settle down with (when they’re monogamous), otherwise they get distracted very easily (or they treat their romantic options, and sometimes friends, like very temporary things- for better or for worse)
-Cardinal Venus are most likely to really go after what they want romantically, I think out of all the Venus modalities they have the most accurate idea of what they want at heart, from the start. But on the shadow side of this, they may be manipulative or try to conform their partner into what they want. (may play out differently for moon opposition/square Venus)
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-I feel like where ever Venus is heavy in your chart may be how people assume you’re gracious but in a somewhat shallow way (ex. Venus conjunct mercury, people may find your voice and expression charming but assume you’re not that smart)
-Venus/Saturn aspects/ Capricorn Venus tend to have a lot of unrequited love interests and crushes that don’t reciprocate their affections when they’re younger but as they get older they tend to get the most affection from suitors that are older than them (be careful out here! Sometimes these old folks don’t know anything and they have bad intentions- girl when I say I had to take my own advice)
-Leos (big 3, especially sun & Asc) often know the right thing to say to charm you, it’s like when they want to they hit that sweetspot dead on. So do Libra’s (big 3) but they tend to approach things less directly, like compliments that really sit with you and come onto you in quieter, sometimes less serious way (if they have both in their big 3 then they’re just -a charmer- and idk I take that at face value 80% of the time lol but I’m a skeptic)
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-I find that Pisces and Sagittarius placements (big 6 but especially sun for identity and moon for emotionality) often get VERY into spirituality at some point in their lives
-People with Jupiter in Virgo tend to work very diligently, almost too hard sometimes and they can be prone to burning themselves out from this behavior (something something don’t burn the candle at both ends- hypocritical from a Jupiter in Capricorn person lol but still)
-We talk about how Scorpio placements observe every detail about you, but I like Pisces placements (big 6 but especially sun, moon, Venus, and mars) have told me things about myself and habits I have that I’ve never noticed about myself. They’re super observant they notice a lot. I think they have this in common with their sister sign, Virgo. But I noticed Pisces will use their intuition in their observations instead of just analyzing. (I.e. you do x when you’re angry, is it because you feel defensive? Or I noticed you light up when you talked about him, you must really like him)- can also apply to Neptune Conjunct your big 3 (especially moon), and big 3 in 12th but it’s a bit more second nature to them than Pisces
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-The season of your Venus sign is the time you’re most likely to indulge in self care and purchases for yourself (Sag season started and all of a sudden I was like I need makeup now, even though I hardly wear it in the winter lol)
-The season of your mars is the time you’re most like to take major actions (starting a business, going on solo adventures, etc)
-The season of your sun is when you’re most likely going to receive the most public recognition (also when the sun is transiting your MC/10th house)
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youmeandthestarsss · 1 year
🫧Astro observations pt.3🫧
🫧Saturn in the 1st house individuals may have or had some insecurities surrounding their teeth since Saturn deals with bones. ( This can range from having a chipped tooth, a gap, overbite, underbite, crooked teeth, etc.) This may also be said for individuals with Saturn in their 2nd house since the the 2nd house is associated with the mouth
🫧Harsh aspects between Chiron/Mars or Chiron/Saturn may have dealt with or are just more prone to breaking their bones. Mars rules the 1st house(the body) and Chiron is about our “wounds”. And with Saturn it’s about our structure(aka the bones)
🫧Mercury in gemini people were the types of kids in school that the teacher had to tell to lower their voices or tell them to stop talking all together. They are very chatty
🫧Mercury in Leo people TALK SO DAMN LOUD!!!
🫧When a Saturn transit aspects your rising sign you may get acne, body acne, or just start noticing changes on your skin. This mainly goes for harsh aspects like the conjunction, square, or opposition
🫧When Jupiter transits your 1st and eventually your 2nd house, you’re very prone to gaining a lot of weight or just develop binge eating. Jupiter is about expanding things and the 1st house is the body. The 2nd house is associated with pleasures and our senses so essentially our taste and food
🫧4th house ruler in the 1st house individuals wear their heart on their sleeves. I think this because the 4th house is our emotions because it’s ruled by the moon and when it’s ruler is placed in the 1st house, which is how we present ourselves, these people may often have a hard time hiding their emotions from others
🫧Chiron conjunct Saturn or Chiron in Capricorn may have and dads that didn’t approve of their physical appearance, their style, or their careers
🫧The Leo degrees (5°,17°,29°) don’t always indicate fame imo. You have to examine the entire chart first. But whatever planet it’s on may gain recognition for that planet. (Ex. If it’s Venus the person may get recognized for their style, attractiveness, money, or material things. If it’s the sun then the person may get recognition for their talents, hobbies, or anything that makes them stand out from the crowd)
🫧Mercury in the 12th house or in Pisces may deal with intrusive thoughts from time to time
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🧡🐱🍊
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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🧡 Libra Chiron and Chiron in the 7th house native can often attract a partner with a “man child” behaviour. They might go that far to give nickname to their partner, such as “mamma”, “daddy”, “mamacita” etc.
🍊 Saturn in the 7th house people can divorce around the same age as their parents age were when they got a divorce. This native can disconnect emotionally from their partner around the age their parents divorced.
🐱 Why Sun in the 12th house often comes across as a victim is often, because they change the narrative. They present one story and later they change it or present another aspect of it, which people don’t end up accepting and would often accuse the person of trying to portray themselves as a victim.
🧡 Gemini IC or Gemini over the 4th house native: some of your family members tend to have allergies
🍊Libra Moon men inherently have a knack for what women like in partnerships and how they enjoy being seduced. They just have this natural knowing and instinct. They also think that they seem to prefer big romantic gestures (such as picnic) over gifts.
🐱 Saturn over the 2nd house transit: in the middle of the transit you might realize that money and financial stability doesn’t buy you happiness, emotional stability, confidence, optimistic outlook or status.
🧡 Cancer Venus loves the idea of marrying their first crush. Or someone they have known since teenage years or their whole life.
🍊 Capricorn Jupiter ends up marrying someone older than them. Or a bit younger, but often older. Similar Aquarius Jupiter, either someone a lot older or someone younger. Meanwhile, Libra Jupiter often marries someone with the same age, their peer, because they like an equal partner. Gemini Jupiter ends up marrying someone with whom they have 2-3 years age difference.
🐱 Pisces Venus really enjoys reviewing red carpet looks, fashion choices and outfits. They also really like to discuss fashion and they sometimes idealize it. They share this with Taurus Venus as well.
🧡Aries Moons love dance soo much. Even if they just broke up with someone, failed an exam, broke off an engagement, they are like... at least I can still have dance and have fun. They really express their emotion through dancing.
🍊Celebrities who have Libra MC are often known for their perfume. Such as Gabrielle Coco Chanel and perfume Chanel No. 5, which remains one of the best known perfumes of all time around the world.
🐱Taurus Venus women often face remarks of other people about their body, I would say even more so if the woman also has Taurus, Libra or Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising or Rising at a Scorpio degree. Much like in the case of Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez.
🧡 People who have Gemini Moon or Gemini IC: your parents might often criticize your partner.
🍊Virgo MC often perfects their craft to the last detail. Their clothes are really carefully chosen and curated when younger just to have nurture this image of being flawless. But with age, they tend to dress down, show themselves just as their are. Often they grow to understand that what their identity is and who they are (Pisces IC) is already enough on its own. That they don't need to be perfectly dress or put on a performance without any mistakes. Celebrity examples would be Kim Kardashian, who dresses down with age and likes to present herself in a more "natural" light. Also Justin Bieber, who used to plan out all of his performances with perfect dances and clothing. All was well curated for the audience and the public.
🐱Also, when you have Virgo Midheaven you are more likely to SELL something. Like your own perfumes, bracelets, tarot readings, astrology chart readings, your own music, clothing etc. Even if you are working as a waiter since Virgo is related to service, you are selling drinks and food in the end.
🧡 People with Libra MC or Libra over the 10th house might get accused of having a job or a career only because of their spouse or partner. Like "Kanye made Kim" who has Libra over the 10th house. These people can also end up working for their spouse's business.
🍊Composite Pisces Mars or Mars at a Pisces degree (12, 24) can often cause delays in who one person sees things and when the other learns about them. You might write them a love letter or decide to tell them your feelings months in advance. But they don't really know about your intentions and might hear things for the first time much later than you. Or you might plan a birthday surprise months in advance, but your person might only learn about it much later. Or they mention something they like that you have already bought them or plan to give them.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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acutexangle · 1 month
short astrology observation
jupiter and mars in gemini is doing a NUMBER on US political discourse right now.
the US is a sagittarius rising with gemini in the 7th house. the natal chiron and mars sit in 7th house at 8 and 21 degrees, respectively. transit jupiter is currently situated at around 16 degrees gemini, 5 away from its natal mars (i count this as a conjunction despite the wide orb). transit mars is at 14 degrees gemini. the 7th house is the house of relationships and partnerships. in mundane astrology, the 7th house is the house of treaties, war, and foreign affairs, as well as relationships/partnerships amongst the population. the transit jupiter-mars conjunction in the US’s house of relationships amongst the population (as well as the other significations) is causing an extremely intense, explosive, and volatile atmosphere in the realm of public discourse, ESPECIALLY in relation to the US’s foreign affairs.
moreover, transit jupiter is shining a light onto the US’s core identity in relation to its dealings with others (and its citizens)—an identity marred by the malefic of mars (and, to a lesser extent, chiron), a planet that represents war and domination. very fitting for the imperial core. public political discourse right now is very much focused on US activities overseas (such as the genocide and occupation it funds in Gaza and the nation of Palestine). discourse right now (gemini) is being inflamed (jupiter-mars) within the country’s population (7th house) specifically about foreign affairs (also 7th house). additionally, the 7th house dispositor—mercury—is in the natal 9th house: much of this discourse is highlighting the US’s founding/operative ideals. we’re hearing so much online discourse about the complicity of US citizens in the imperial/war-mongering philosophy of the nation. crazy!
reminder to breathe and be level-headed during this extremely dynamic time. remember nuance!
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black-lake · 1 year
astro observations 9
hey folks, I found new stuff to talk about. this is more of an outer planets and generations obs 🚀
✮⌁ when uranus conjunct pluto happened during 1964, we saw a lot of rebellious music, fashion and other forms of expression, the beatles, bowie's debut album, twiggy, bob dylan.. etc. It was an important decade for many changes and revolutions. It's why so many people are still influenced by the art, music and appeal of that era. Even though it was a relatively short period, the intense need for freedom was loudly expressed that decade. I think with pluto in aquarius we may see similar events, but on a larger scale and with a far more lasting impact. 
✮⌁ neptune will move into aries in 2025, and boy when I tell you I can't wait, I terribly mean it. I think neptune in pisces wasn’t doing it for me, I had creative expectations for it but it was all about spirituality and faith practices on the internet and an unhealthy addiction to it. this was right after neptune in aquarius which we all know made the internet an addiction in itself. 
✮⌁ It had its positive impact, being open-minded about different beliefs, exploring our intuition and faith and other abstract topics. but we've already seen the negative impact. It's mainly the spirituality addiction on the internet that has became almost inescapable, replacing reality, practices performed and consumed by really young individuals which could distort their view on the world at an older age. living in an illusion and assumption of everything and everyone, believing everything you hear blindly, because of your or someone else's false sense of intuition will make the world more closed-off and less likely to evolve. it can create a reversed effect, inducing fear of real life interactions, closed-mindedness and seclusion.
✮⌁ with neptune in aries, we will come out of our shells and live in the real world, we will explore the world with a new set of eyes and a fresh sense of passion and childlike wonder. We're less likely to listen to our fears and other people's assumptions and bs. It's a new astrological cycle. Our collective hopes, dreams, fantasies and passions are reborn. Now especially when uranus moves into gemini, the same year, people will be more encouraged to become social and intimate, more fun talks and activities, I hope 🥹 this will also help fuel the inventive ideas pluto in aquarius brings with it.
✮⌁ y'all there's more to astrology than just money, success and fame. you can explore the world with that tool, thousands of things to talk about. there're topics that aren't given as much attention here. if you have something interesting and new you posted or you wanna talk about and are shy plssss just share it in the comments I'm all for ittt I wanna see it. 
✮⌁ last time pluto was in aquarius 1778-1798, there was an industrial revolution going on, the peak of "the age of enlightenment", the french revolution, and many other political revolutions. the battery, hot-air balloon and parachute were some of the things invented. uranus was discovered in 1781. fun fact, the airplane was invented when pluto was retrograde in gemini in 1903, which makes sense since it rules over flying and air travel, also uranus was in sagittarius which rules travel as well, so interestingly enough there was a uranus-pluto opposition.
✮⌁ when uranus moves into gemini (ruling air travel) and with pluto being in aquarius, we literally may see spaceship inventions or spacecrafts and rockets that will launch to space. we may even be able to travel to a certain planet or at least find something new about it. we may find creatures or living things in space. air travel may look different, hydrogen-powered planes, cleaner and eco-friendly energy sources. at the very least we may hear of new scientists, and keep up with them.
✮⌁ any outer planet in libra, is a timeline I'd like to skip if I ever lived in, which I won't thankfully. It's by far the least sign that has potential to bring evolution and advancement to a generation, excluding aspects, it just ain’t doing much. Idk what it is, but maybe people are less likely to do anything considered immoral or unaccepted, they're more likely to do things like pleasing the generation's expectations and opinions. It brings a sense of connectivity, an understanding of comprise to connect and relate to our environment, and a focus on relationship matters, which of course is a building brick to bigger changes like all the transits are. but for me, not an exciting time, ig it's why I'm born in neptune and uranus in aquarius gen 💀
✮⌁ many of us have parents that have uranus or pluto in libra, and tbf, they likely were closed minded, people pleasing or even racist at times. but our pluto sag ass knew how to deal with it. how many of y'all gen z's gave your mommy a lecture on lgbt+ rights and the people with other cultures and backgrounds? 🖐🏼 also butting heads over someone wearing something on the streets, I'm like "THEY CAN DO whatever they want, let them live" 
✮⌁ speaking of pluto in sagittarius, I'm a little underwhelmed. dgmw we made so many changes and paved the way for future generations, but moreso, perspective wise. I didn't see many tangible changes from this gen compared to pluto in scorpio, which was wild in terms of sexual expression, experiments, conspiracies, institutional corruption, societal and medical change. pluto in sag was kinda mild, we allowed everyone's voice to be heard, explored other cultures and lifestyles, probably have friends from all around the world, we're willing to learn and are open to all sources of knowledge, we're truth tellers and we won't shut up. I guess our mission was too easy for us.
✮⌁ pluto in sag gen probably have challenging experiences relating to higher education, college years may have been dark and even traumatic for many esp if you also have it conjunct chiron 🏴‍☠️ even our sense of belief in ourselves and optimism is wounded, we put on a happy front because we see a better future for the world at large, but not for us, like we're some type of teachers or gurus raising a child.
✮⌁ if you have pluto conjunct chiron, you may feel dismissed or misplaced. things can hurt deeply with this. this also may indicate some family karma that needs to be resolved. your ancestors may have done shady stuff that cost them a lot. you are here to change that and find the light that future generations will thank you for. you got the resources to do so since conjunction is the most beneficial of all. you got a lot of healing and transformative powers. since it's in sag, it may be about clearing up nasty beliefs and perceptions of people and the world, even harmful actions and disrespect towards different individuals. you're the truth-seeker that refuses to take on outdated traditions and beliefs.
✮⌁ pluto in capricorn gen understand the value of monetary resources because they experienced a restriction of it at some point in their lives. there's this feeling of restriction coming from societal rules or memories of such repressive time, which they may feel the need to go against and prove themselves by working and gaining more power. they know how to survive in times of chaos and make the most out of what they have. they may have goals of creating some type of legacy for themselves and future generations. also maybe capricorn ruling the skeletal system is why caps give the 💀🩻🪦🏴‍☠️ impression, sry I keep making jokes about y'all, but ya dgaf 🫶🏼
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
Transiting Chiron stations retrograde
Friday, July 26, 2024, 13:59 UT, 23°32’ Aries
Caveat: this may not have much of an effect on you, personally, unless Chiron is prominent in your birth chart (closely in aspect to the Sun, the Moon, &/or an angle).
Martin Bulgerin (www . biopscinst . com) wrote this about Chiron retrograde:
This is a time to discover previously unrecognized abilities within ourselves. Often, the most beaten down parts of ourselves are actually our greatest strengths. However, they've never been developed or cultivated and remain in that wounded, beaten down state. This lack of growth somewhere in our lives is now holding us back, preventing us from breaking through to the next level of our evolution. It's time to let these wounds heal, to let go of old grudges, to wake up to how powerful we can be if we cease being a "victim". Chiron is an initiator, helping us break through to possibilities undreamed of. However, you must be willing to take the initiative, consciously stepping out of life-as-usual.
In Aries, the “wounded, beaten down state” tends to be connected to our right to be alive at all.
Well, between now and December 29 (the direct station at 19°00’ Aries), we can work on that. Inner work (it’s retrograde) and important work.
One thing to note - Chiron is quite close to the TNO Eris, and in 2025 the two will be conjunct. We might want to plan ahead for that one?!?
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kakiastro · 4 months
Chiron Aries transit: Wounded Identity
I think this gif reflects this transit so well. It’s time to see the beauty in you and heal
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We’re not discussing this transit enough because it’s playing a huge role in what’s currently going on.
Chiron is known as the “wounded healer.” It’s the wound that leaves a permanent scar on you. The pain never fully goes away but it can be tolerable. Chiron is also a healer, when you start to heal yourself, you can help others. He’s also a teacher, understanding those wounds and learning from them is healing for you on a soul level.
So how does this affect the collective?
Chiron can teach us and show us where we need to heal as a collective.
It’s been in the sign of Aries for 8 years and the year 2027 will its last until 2077(I’ll be in my 80s🥴😅). Chiron returns every 50 years back to a sign.
Aries is ruled by the warrior planet Mars. It rules our identity, Men, courage, our motivation, sex, the head.
What have we been and needs healing these last 8-9 years as a collective?
-the corrupt power of men and world stage leaders, and the downfall of them is a main theme I’m seeing here. I’m pretty sure this is when the Metoo movement became prominent in our conversations in society as a whole.
-Men/Masc energy folks are being asked to heal those old wounds that’s haunted them all their lives so they can be their best selves.
- women/fem energy folks are finding a courage and level of independence they never knew they had before.
-every single soul here is currently having an identity crisis and asking themselves “who tf am I? I know what I’ve been taught or what I’ve been who I should be, but is this really me?”
-standing up for yourself when you didn’t have bravery to before.
-lack of motivation is another theme.
Those who are going through there Chiron Return (gen x) those born in the late 60s & early 70s are really going through this. It’s the midlife crises of the self. Aries is the baby of the zodiac so that’s people are trying to relieve some sort of lost youth that they had.
Example : Leonardo DiCaprio-Chiron Aries 7h. His relationship wounds have been in the spotlight more than his movies. He has a problem with serious relationship commitment “hence him dating young non committal women”, he’s stuck in his 90s it boy youth days. I’m not saying needs to act old or anything but maturity and surrounding himself with mature (adults his age) is a big theme for him.
You know, the pandemic is also apart of this storyline. We were at home by ourselves(Aries). Life stopped and we had to face the music within ourselves.
-Anger and frustration is also a huge thing we are healing through. How we express this emotion in a healthy way. There’s lots of things to be currently angry about but Chiron is asking us “are you going to let it consume you in hurt and destruction or use it to light the inspiration flame inside you? Your choice.”
Ive always felt Aries and Scorpio chirons are the most intense because it’s Mars energy Mars is deep, intense, passionate. Scorpio is also ruled by Mars(if you didn’t know)
- with the NN Aries & eclipse Aries, this Wounded and healing energy is going to be more prevalent now than before. Neptune enters this sign next year, you’ll be asking “who am I, body and soul?”
We are in the “time to face the music and heal era” are you doing the work?
So as we move through these next few years of this transit, think on how much growth you’ve done since 2018. The person you are now in 2024 won’t even be the same person in 2027. Document everything because this is how you see astrology work in real time.
Im open for readings!
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elminx · 6 months
Hey, babes do me a favor and do a protection spell on yourself between now and next Monday, okay? (4/8)
Obviously, only if you feel called to, but...
Unless you are REALLY certain that you have all of the protections you might need, maybe do it.
Your Neighborhood Astrologer
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yrotic11 · 5 months
1st house Neptune conjunct Chiron /chiron trined Lilith core
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itsmeanyango · 7 months
The information I'm sharing will put you YEARS ahead. If you'd like a personal reading, just reach out to me in my DMs or reach out to me on my WhatsApp business here.
I was writing reports for clients who wanted to know how Pluto in Aquarius would affect them and this inspired me to write the following.
Initially this was going to be life transits from age 25 to 65 but I've decided to start from age 23 because I know how HARD that particular year is.
I won't touch on every particular thing each year, I'm just touching on the events(astrological) that will make or break you given your personal choices.
Since you have this information now, please don't break you❤️.
I am also just copy pasting things from different readings I have done because source tells me someone booked a reading for a client who paid them a lot. In short, someone stole my reading to masquerade as their own work. I hope one day someone googles particular words from their reading and comes across my post then wonders, “hey, why are you using the exact same words from a reading I had done yet I never booked with you?”
I want to start by saying that although I've chosen age 23 as the starting point, age 17/18 is where the shift usually begins because that's the first “real” taste of freedom experience because you've just finished highschool + feel like an adult. The snare here is drugs, alcohol,sex and or romance. It could be all, it could be one or it could be some. Different circumstances make one fall into those snares, not just being idle.
If you get into substance abuse it tends to get out of hand and interferes with your relationship with money and even your education (university/college).
If it's sex, it greatly interferes with your relationships + attachment style(this is a good opportunity to work on your attachment btw). You will grow to be in dysfunctional relationships of all types from friendship to romance to work/professional relationships. Your perception of relationships will be skewed.
If it's romance, well that's where most people actually go downhill real quick because they let love get the best of them.
Are you doomed for any of the above three? No. However, it takes a special kind of someone to turn their wheel around and fix it all(especially in record time, which is before 23 or your first Saturn return). You can come back from all your poor choices, so many people before you have done it and so can you. It just takes extra strength and determination ESPECIALLY when you are in an environment that's set to be your number one enemy.
Age 23
The major event here is your 12H profection year. I have a deeper post for each element(fire, earth ,air and water) on 12H profection years here, go read it.
12H transits are not fun. 12H profection years are usually the longest 12H experiences unless one has planets in their 12H. The shorter the 12H transit, the harsher it is because you have a short timeline to deal with so much. That's why some months you wonder why everything is working against you. Some people already have particular months marked out as their worst months because they have noticed a pattern (this does not mean 12H transits are the main astrological reason why).
Let's say two people of the same age(maybe even twins), present with the same burn degree on the same body part. One is writhing in pain, screaming and crying. The other is just there, even eating a pack of crisps as if nothing is wrong. It may seem shocking and one may say everyone has their level of pain tolerance.
Then you find out that the one who is not flinching has been living with chronic pain and now this new pain is nothing new to them, they are in pain almost every day and without painkillers anyway.
That is how 12H transits are. Some people just shrug off the harsh experiences like nothing. Or share the most life stopping experiences like it's nothing because those experiences have been the order of the day. Everyone else is like, “are you okay?” and they are oblivious.
However, to those who have never experienced earth shattering things, 12H profection years and transits feel like they have been walking in circles in hell. People with 12H placements don't feel that 12H transits and profection years are all that bad. They feel it in their 1H profection year, because it's more quite and peaceful yet this(quiet and peace) is something they are not used to.
Next is age 24, which has the 1H profection year.
1H profection year Jupiter return. This is your first significant Jupiter return. Your actual first one was about 12 years ago but you were too little to understand. Chances are you had some good luck that year or you went through absolute mental anguish. This may have also manifested through your parents having some great financial fortune or opportunities. That fortune was supposed to be used on you, if misfortune ensued then it's because they did not give to Caesar what belongs to Ceasar.
Anyway, at 24 most people are graduating from university or have graduated from university. They wonder about the next step and it's usually in hope of employment and financial gain. However, what tends to happen is a magnitude of misfortune because whatever Jupiter touches expands.
It's really just a huge big tower moment that's meant to wake you up to who you really are, to shake off societal beliefs and values that have been drilled into you through different systems like your family and educational institutions as well as religion. If you handled your 12H profection year without resistance, this may not be as harsh of an experience. You will probably be in a state of Por qué? Not in dejection, but acceptance to learn the lesson or let whatever is next come so that you can move to the next chapter already.
Some people however, are very fortunate. This is because their parents married well(spiritually) or the nature of their birth chart is favourable for this astrological life event.
However, Jupiter has power over both money and the psyche. Money makes man mad. So whatever happens this transit, your psyche is impacted and it's up to you to be grounded or not.
Between age 28 and 30 you have already started your Saturn return, although some people begin to feel the shift(tends to come with challenges) at 27.
When religious leaders say “the day of judgement is very near”, they mean hell but what the day of judgement being very near means is your Saturn return.
Your Saturn return is the day of judgement, but it lasts way more than a day You became an adult in most places at 18, but this doesn't mean you are ready for the adult world. You are just learning. By the time you are 23 you have been five years an adult. A five year old child can talk, walk, feed themselves but bathing not really. They also can't go anywhere on their own. Five years as an adult, you are just finishing university and now wondering about the way forward. At age 12 you are almost a teenager and looking ahead thinking that high school is nearby. You are also probably wondering if your peers will like you, especially the gender you are attracted to.
Twelve years as an adult, at thirty you are wondering if you have made the right choices in your twenties and if the choices you currently carry with you from your twenties will be good or bad for you. Just like how at age 12 a child starts following the crowd to fit in, you might do just that at age thirty because everyone else turned out fine…but that's just what you see, or that's just what they show you.
Now when you followed the crowd at age 12 or watched people follow the crowd, how did that work for you/them?
At age thirty when you are before Saturn answering for the twelve years of adulthood (keep in mind that it takes the sun going round twelve zodiac signs to count as an astrological year), what do you think will happen for having followed the crowd? What about following Yourself?
Following the crowd looks like keeping the peace by not addressing what bothers you, looking the other way in the face of injustice when you know that what's going on is wrong( i.e being an enabler or perpetuating abuse) not standing up for yourself.
Saturn does not just punish you for being a bully to others. Saturn punishes you for not respecting and loving yourself. Sad but true, that's why people get baffled when the sweetest kindest person goes through horrendous things.
If you are the sweetest kindest person to others but an absolute horror to yourself, Saturn will punish you for that. So you better start self loving yourself!
At around 36 you get your Jupiter return.
It's your second one, the first one was around age 24. Jupiter returns are seen as the return that brings you luck. But why would luck come to your door when you don't make space for it?
Jupiter returns to see if you learnt your last lesson twelve years ago and prepared a space for the gifts he bears. It's like not putting milk and cookies under your Christmas tree for Santa yet you have the capacity to. So Jupiter simply tears down everything you consider fortune and this time expects to have found you ready in 12 years time.
At 24, Jupiter returns to see if you decentered your caregivers and the systems you have been through. If not, that tower had to come down like the London bridge song.
At this same age you have your Nodal return and Saturn opening square. Your Nodal return is the North Node simply returning to remind you who you are and where you are going. This transit is not harsh, it's like a reminder in your phone to make that call. It's up to you to follow the reminder or ignore it.
For your opening Saturn square, Saturn is back to see if you are getting it together or using his rewards well. It's slightly challenging and will remind you of a time you went through something similar. All you have to do is learn from your history, apply the relevant lessons and you will be okay.
Between age 41/42 and 43 you have your Saturn opposition and Uranus opposition.
Uranus is the planet of change. Change and transformation are very different. When someone says you have changed, it's because they recognise you but you are somebody they used to know. When you transform, you can slowly walk past people you used to be close to and they will not even stop to say hello because that is now a total stranger they see.
Uranus type of change is revolutionary. Consider how the coca-cola bottles have changed over time. Even without the logos you can tell that those must be coca-cola bottles. Uranus opposition manifests as midlife crisis. At this age you find families having issues when the parents are 41-42. If someone had their first child at 28, when they are 42-43 the child is now 14-15. The parents are going through a crisis and the child wants to be heard but nobody at home was there to listen. Then when the child grows up they talk about how it all started when they were 14. 15 and pregnant sound familiar?
Saturn opposition on the other hand is feeling like being selfish. You know you have responsibilities and people depend on you but you are just so tired of doing the right thing. “I feel something so wrong doing the right thing, I feel something so right doing the wrong thing”. That's counting stars by one republic. But is it worth it? Is it worth losing all the hard work you have put in so far because of a "short" stint in the sky that is simply calling you to discover uncomfortable parts of yourself?
The next transit happens around age 46 and it's your Pluto square and Nodal opposition Let's start with the nodal opposition.
Remember that Nodal return ten years ago that came as a reminder? Well, now whatever that was is facing some opposition. This is also happening after the quarter life crisis has been building up. You probably have a child who is now turning 18 and leaving home. Maybe there are other children but if not, you may be too distracted in your vices to even start feeling empty nest syndrome. So now you decide to do exactly what you wanted to do because your child isn't there to judge you, but you say that your reason is that you didn't want them to see the mess and get hurt.
The most destructive period of ones life is between age 41 and 48. Seven years a slave. This is why one should strive to start getting it together by 25 then thirty and ultimately at 35 so that all these challenges don't shake their foundations because they already did the inner work. When you are young and have the energy, use it wisely because when you grow older and your body just wants to rest you will find it easier to become everything you said you would never be than to be the version of yourself five year old you wanted to become.
At 48 you have your Jupiter return again.
At 24 Jupiter wants you to detach from your parents so that you can have some “wealth” of your own to start your life.
At 36, Jupiter returns to see if you'd like something to help you through 41 to 48 or you are still living in the past.
At 48 Jupiter returns to see if you have the capacity to be a custodian of generational wealth or if you have decided to live like you're in the tower of Babel that is built and falls over and over again.
I want to add that Jupiter rules Pisces but also Sagittarius. When you look at the pisces symbol, the fish are swimming in a circle. That's a loop. Infinity is a loop. If you don't learn from the past, you will forever be in a loop that will make you loose your mind. Sagittarius in this sense under Jupiter means, “you should have known better”. So everytime Jupiter returns, Jupiter expects you to have known better.
From here at 48 you now have your Chiron return coming in from age 49 to 50.
If you have done the work, nothing will scare you. Especially you being someone whose weakness has always been visible. Own your weakness and nobody will ever use it against you.
Age 54 is your nodal return,
it's not the first one you've experienced but this is a good time to look at memories back then. Good or bad memories. At 54 you are also looking at all the relationships you've had in your life so far. They can act as guides to the question, “have I been true to me?” That's a good journal prompt. You don't have to wait for 54, you can start now so by the time you are 54 you look back with fulfillment at your life choices. Your relationships are a direct reflection of who you are.
You'll also find yourself wondering what you are here for and you'll hope you have accomplished your purpose. This is not like the existential crisis of the mid twenties or the adult realisation of the thirties. This one comes with peace or bitterness.
Between age 58 to 60 you have your second Saturn return.
This is heavily about self judgement. It won't be Saturn on your case like at your first Saturn return. It will be you against you, Like Jekyl and Hyde(read this story).
Thinking about your choices in life. Wondering if you should have done better. Feeling like you have been in the same place forever.
You're looking at all the lessons you've learnt, all your accomplishments and deciding if they were beautiful or vanity.
Most people have soul eating regrets at this age and these regrets start manifesting as disease.
Finally between age 63 and 66 you have your closing Uranus square.
Remember that rebellion that started boiling up in you from age 21 to 24? The one especially if 23 was a tough year and you felt like you wouldn't make it through? That's what's coming in this age.
Now, is it(rebellion) worth it? That's the question you'll need then.
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supermoongirl9 · 10 months
So far, Chiron in Aries gave us :
- the Epstein scandal
- the rise of Andrew Tate and the incels community
- the pandemic and lockdowns (dangerous for abusive relationships)
- the Amber vs Johnny trial and all the misogyny everyone felt free to express
It has been rough af.
I also think that's why when Megan was shot it was received in such a bad way - like, seriously how can people still question it and not be on her side ??? Misogyny is the go-to with that transit (adding to that misogynoir is her case), it's sad af.
You can also see how last week people has been criticizing and questioning Cassie's story of abuse and her accepting a financial settlement. It seems like having basic empathy/compassion for women is harder than usual for everyone - let's hope it will change once Chiron moves.
I feel like sisterhood is more important than ever then : support women, believe them when they tell you about anything abusive happening to them - even if you don't like them as a person, it doesn't matter. We need to do better than that.
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chiron in aries transit (2019-2026)
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have you noticed the aries suns in your life having a rough time right now? that's probably because of chiron transiting their sun right now. long held insecurities stemming from parental rejection come to light during chiron/sun transits. aries suns are reconciling with the parts of their identity that make them feel small and insecure. from their perspective, the world has not been kind to them, but this is all their ego talking. aries suns are being called to reclaim something about their identity that they feel shameful of.
for aries moons, the chiron in aries transit will bring up strong emotions surrounding the mother/mother figure(s) as well as your home. changes or uncertainty about moving and where you want to live can come up during this time.
for libra moon, chiron will be opposite your moon which can cause tension between you and your mother/mother figure(s). this can be an emotionally frustrating time especially if you are not in a comfortable living situation.
cancer moons are having a particularly rough time with chiron squaring their moon. sad emotions may come up around your mother and your relationship with her.
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