goodend14 · 9 months
از بین بردن ترس کودکان در دندانپزشکی
اولین ملاقات یک کودک با دندانپزشک و تجربه ای که به دست می آورد تاثیر قابل توجهی در آینده و سلامت او دارد.
یک تجربه خوب با دندانپزشک، زمانی که کودک هنوز مشکل های حاد دندانی ندارد، می تواند باعث برقراری رابطه خوب کودک و دندانپزشک شود و زمینه همکاری کودک را در آینده فراهم کند.
کودکانی که هنگام درد دندان و بروز مشکل به دندانپزشک ارجاع داده می شوند معمولا به دلیل تجربه ناخوشایندی که به دست می‌آورند، دچار ترس از اعمال دندانپزشکی می شوند و هنگام درمان و حتی معاینه از شدت ترس فریاد می زنند و دست و پای خود را تکان می‌دهند. این رفتار کودکان در مطب دندانپزشکی غیرعادی نیست.
چرا کودکان از دندا‌نپزشکی می‌ترسند؟
در پاسخ به این پرسش باید گفت که عوامل زیادی مثل اطلاعات منتقل شده از والدین و دوستان، تجربه تلخ و دردناک قبلی از درمان‌های دندانپزشکی، کم بودن سن کودک و عدم برخورد منطقی با مشکل هنگام درمان دندانپزشکی، در همکاری نکردن کودک با دندانپزشک در این ترس فراگیر تاثیر دارند.
زمانی که کودک خود را برای ملاقات با دندانپزشک آماده می کند، نباید از کلماتی مانند سوزن و صدای مته که کودک را می ترساند، استفاده شود.
جایگزین کردن کلماتی مثل نیشگون گرفتن، آب خواب آور و قلقلک دادن دندان، برای کودکان قابل قبول تر هستند و از ترس آن ها کم می‌کند.
راهکارهایی برای از بین بردن ترس کودکان در دندانپزشکی
اگر در دفعه اول کودک رفتار مطلوبی از خود نشان داد، او را تشویق کنید و مورد ستایش و تقدیر قرار دهید.
بهتر است اگر کودک یا نوزاد شما هنوز در سن های خیلی پایین قرار دارد، او را در چند جلسه اول در آغوش مادر مداوا کرد تا کم کم بتوان او را با دندان پزشک تنها گذاشت.
بهتر است در هر جلسه درمان در دندانپزشکی، یکی از والدین همراه کودک باشد و به طور ثابت هر دفعه او را همراهی کند، این کار به کودک اطمینان خاطر می بخشد و کمی همکاری اش با دندانپزشک بیشتر می شود.
 بهتر است کودک را برای چکاپ دهان و دندان، به صورت منظم و طی فصل های مختلف به دندانپزشکی ببرید تا ترس او کم شود، در صورت رویارویی یک دفعه ای کودک با دندانپزشکی و عدم داشتن تصویر مناسبی از آنجا، کودک دچار ترس و وحشت می شود.
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Prompt 56
Hear me out: Au where GIW took Vlad while he was in the hospital or close to it. They learned about the ecto-contamination, how somehow he was still alive, continuing to live even while his temperature fluctuated between extremes that should kill a person, that should be impossible. So they sweep in- wipe all files on the man, and slip away. Of course this means that Vlad never becomes Plasmius, his Obsession never gets to form around Maddie It’s Freedom he just wants to be free, to see the sun one last time nor does he become an antagonist. In fact, he has no idea about what his old college friends are up to, nevermind the existence of their children. But that doesn’t stop Danny from becoming a Halfa himself. 
Ultimate Enemy came into being from Danny getting captured and also tested on, to where he nearly shattered. He lost everything, he just wanted to be left alone, but they wouldn’t stop, and well, they have two specimens now, they don’t need the first now, do they? Dan is still a fusion of sorts, of a Danny who ate Vlad’s ghost. But he didn’t have a choice. Vlad was already splintering, was already dying, and they both agreed that the GIW couldn’t get a Core, that it would be catastrophic. And maybe, just maybe, with the power boost Dan could escape, do something. But that core? That grieving, broken core that Hates just as much as Dan does, it doesn’t just raise his power. 
Danny, he learns all of this. Looks into the eyes of a him who has lost everything, not just once, but thrice, and has an epiphany. He’s not the only one, not the only halfa, and it’s earlier in the timeline, all this not come to pass and…
“We can save him this time.” 
Bonus DCxDP crossover on if they flee to Gotham or Bludhaven- a heavily traumatized Dan, a visibly sick and injured Vlad, a worried Danny, and a new clone they manage to stabilize along the way while breaking Vlad out of that hellhole. Or maybe they did a half blind dimension hop with wishing for somewhere safe to hide where they could actually get help. 
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jnoodlee · 7 months
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That question.....👀 Zelda's daughter spends the night in Kakariko! But it seems like Impa hates babysitting.
Edit: In my AU, the issue of Zelda having a second baby won't happen! Before she had this little girl, she had suffered a miscarriage, and was left with huge trauma💔 As soon as she found out she was pregnant again, she said it would be her last try!
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jakelinestradlin · 4 months
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iamcinema · 7 months
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irunaki · 2 years
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Watercolor drawings
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
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No comment.
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marivelsblog1503 · 3 months
Ꭲꮋꭼ Ꮇꭺɴꭰꭺꮮꮻꭱꮖꭺɴ ꭺɴꭰ ꭲꮋꭼ Ꭱꭼᏼꭼꮮ ║ Ꭰꮖɴ Ꭰꭻꭺꭱꮖɴ х​ 𝙵ꭼꮇ!ᏫᏟ ║
Descripción de la historia: La historia sigue en proceso, este índice será publicado, pero, será editado una vez que tenga el borrador listo, lo que están leyendo en estos momentos será eliminado y se reemplazara por otro que si sería la descripción como tal, y la playlist será agregada y también las aclaraciones.
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1. Ꮲꭱꮻ́ꮮꮻꮐꮻ: 【 Próximamente. 】 2. Ꮲꭺꭱꭲꭼ Ꮖ: Ꭲꭱꭺꮪ ꮮꭺ ꮯꭺꮖ́ꭰꭺ ꭰꭼꮮ Ꮖꮇꮲꭼꭱꮖꮻ. 【 Próximamente. 】
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Todavía no posee una playlist, aún.
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Barbertology Basics - Essential Skills Every Student Should Master
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Top 5 Warning Signs Your Teen Needs Counseling In Peachtree City GA
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As a parent, worrying about your teenager's well-being and emotional health is natural. Adolescence can be challenging, filled with transitions, hormonal changes, and societal pressures. It's not uncommon for teens to face emotional difficulties during this time, and recognizing the signs that your teen may need counseling is crucial. This informative blog will explore the top five warning symptoms that indicate your teenager may benefit from teen counseling in Peachtree City, GA.
Sudden and Extreme Changes in Behavior
Teens are known for their mood swings, but sudden and extreme changes in behavior can be a cause for concern. Watch out for abrupt shifts in personality, interests, or social circles.
If your once-outgoing teen becomes withdrawn or vice versa, consider counseling for children in Peachtree City, GA.
Academic Struggles and Decline in School Performance
A noticeable drop in grades, chronic absenteeism, or a sudden lack of interest in school can indicate underlying emotional issues. Seek help from an adolescent counselor in Peachtree City, GA, if you notice these academic warning signs.
Social Isolation and Withdrawal
Adolescents often value their friendships, so significant social isolation can be a red flag. Addressing this issue is essential if your teen withdraws from friends and family.
Counseling for teens in Peachtree City, GA, can help your child navigate social challenges and regain healthy relationships.
Frequent Emotional Outbursts
Emotional outbursts, like anger, frustration, or tearfulness, are common during adolescence. However, if these outbursts become frequent and uncontrollable, it may indicate more profound emotional struggles. An experienced child counselor in Peachtree City, GA, can help your teen learn effective coping mechanisms.
Engagement in Risky Behaviors
Experimentation is a normal part of adolescence, but excessive risky behaviors like substance abuse, self-harm, or reckless actions can be alarming.
If you suspect your teen is engaging in such behaviors, seeking counseling for children in Peachtree City, GA, is essential to address the underlying issues.
Recognizing these warning signs is the first step in helping your teenager get the support they need. It's important to remember that seeking counseling for teens in Peachtree City, GA, is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step toward ensuring their mental and emotional well-being. If you observe any of these symptoms in your teen, don't hesitate to reach out to a qualified adolescent counselor in Peachtree City, GA, who can provide the guidance and support necessary to navigate the challenges of adolescence. Your teenager's future happiness and success may depend on it.
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pankaj-joshi1 · 1 year
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jnoodlee · 7 months
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A basic doodle!! And I had to make this meme 😅🤭
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90-ghost · 5 months
Please help Ashraf by donating or sharing the campaign.
Ashraf is one of the brightest minds in IT in the Gaza Strip, lost almost everything; his job, house and other things and his wife gave birth to his second child during the genocide.
He lost most of his family members.
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insightful-mother · 2 years
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Just gonna go straight home, don’t question things.
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irunaki · 2 years
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And Arty is questioning her sanity.
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