#chocobros need love too
tonberry-yoda · 1 year
hi hello okay i’m back because i just heard that FINAL FANTASY 16 IS COMING OUT AND IM SUPER PUMPED BC LIKE AHHHHHHHH! but with that being said, can you write hcs for the chocobo boys (if not just prompto is fine💕) with a medic s/o? they are kinda witchy but love cooking and handling animals but they also are the medic for the team bc the squad can’t all rely on noct😭😭 gaaahh tysm and BIG CONGRATS ON THE MAGAZINE THATS SO FRIGGIN COOL!!!💕💕
Chocobros with a medic s/o
notes - I HAD TO GET TO THIS ONE BECAUSE IVE HAD A SECRET FFXV BRAINROT AHHHH. And omg I am also super excited for FFXVI!!!! <33333 I just love this idea too so thank you so so so so much for sending it in <333 AND OMFG THANK YOU FOR THE CONGRATS IT MEANS THE WORLD I AM SO EXCITED TO SHOW YOU GUYS!!!
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this man is so grateful to you
like you are his saving grace
we all know this little dummy will find his way to fall in a ditch and hurt his arm by accident
without you, he'd probably be dead LMFAO
he will always walk up to you and in the cutest little voice be like... "y/n, I hurt my arm again"
and you'll just jokingly sigh and fix him right up
he always asks you about how you do it and all that and finds it really cool that you are able to fix him up with herbs and stuff
and when you cook for him??? he would never tell iggy, but he loves your cooking more ;)
also the fact that you're good with animals makes chocobos love you which means they are always just around you and that makes prompto love you more <3
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you two definitely were the enemies to lovers troupe
like you were competing
you both could cook and take care of the others so it was immediate competition
you were always pushing each other around in a kitchen or whatever
but then you realized it was easier for you to deal with stuff as a team
and ofc you fell in love <3
he thinks you are very talented and honestly, when he's hurt, he will come to you and always feel bad lol
like he will feel like a burdan
please remind him that he isnt <3
he will love to learn how you use your herbs and stuff <3
overall, he just loves how amazing and talented you are and is so thankful about how you help the rest of the group
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this man trusts you with his life
he is always getting beat up and needs you there by his side to help
he appreciates it a bunch
and you'll always call him a big dummy when he gets hurt and then get straight to working on him, but that always makes him blush
make him ramen
like homemade stuff
please stop this man from eating cup noodles
but yeah, he is always getting hurt so to watch you work on him and help him out means the world to him
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this man gets too embarrassed to tell you he's hurt, so you always have to spot it
omg what a child
you will always get on his ass about that and he'll just be blushing as you work on him
ignis gets mad because you are super nice about Noct being picky and will make him food he enjoys instead of trying to make him something he doesnt like lol
you will baby him a bit because he is the king and he needs to be protected <3
he gets blushy when you do and act like he doesnt like it, but we all know he does <3
final fantasy masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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zeroth-writes · 1 year
Frustrating Feelings -Noctis Lucis Caelum-
masterlist | request
Prompt: I would love to request a Noctis x reader where both of them fought non stop and the chocobros kept making jokes about the tension between female reader and noctis being a little NSFW and needed to fix it!
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum / Fem!Reader
Word Count: 846
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“When are you going to do it already?” Prompto groaned out of nowhere. The two of you glared back to find everyone else staring at you with crossed arms.
“What?” “Excuse me?” Noctis and yourself spoke simultaneously before stepping away from each other. You both making disgusted face while stepping further way from each other.
Gladio let out a booming laugh before stepping towards the crowned prince. “You really outta just admit it. Before we all go insane.” The larger man threw his arm around Noctis, who looked up with narrow eyes. “We know you have a thing for her. All this arguing you do? It’s all the frustration built up from lack of action, and you just really like her. Just get over it and ask her out for something. Better yet spend a night alone together. Locked in a room, just the two of you.”
Before Noctis would disagree, out the corner of his eyes he notices you and Ignis talking in the corner. At first glance it was easy to tell the advisor was simply trying to calm your emotions. Yet he couldn’t stop himself from having a unwelcoming feeling of jealousy at the sight.
He shook away the feelings before turning back to Gladio. “Why would I even want that?” The shield’s booming laugh could be heard to everyone in the group, causing everyone to turn and look towards the pair.
“Come to room 4, please. There is something we’d like to discuss with you”
Noctis stared down at his phone and frowned. It was rare for Ignis to invite someone out this late.
Cautiously, Noctis left the confines of his rented room and traveled town down to the requested room.
A soon as the door unlatched and swung open, Noctis was turning on his heels. Standing on the other side of the bed, facing away from the door, was you.
The sound of the door caught your attention, causing you to spin around with a smile on your face. Yet that smile dwindled away once you realized Noctis was standing in the doorway instead of Ignis.
Unfortunate for Noctis, before he could sneak out the room and back to his own, your voice rang through his ears.
“Why are you here?”
“I was invited here, what are you doing here? Before Noctis could stop himself, a response fell from his lips.
You scoffed at his response. “No. I was invited here by Ignis, and he promised you wouldn't be anyway near here.” You folded your arms with a slight pout forming on your lips. “Well i suppose that’s the difference between us. I’m mature enough to be around you.”
Your eyes went wide at his words before they narrowed in his direction. A noticeable smirk formed on his lips at the all too familiar sight of your anger.
Before you could stop yourself a strong rebuttal flew from your lips. The smirk fell for a brief second before returning with one of his own.
The two of you continued to argue. Throwing words and arms around, point at each other. All until the voices stalled out and left heavy breathing in its wake.
For a split second you’re eyes met. All the anger that previously filled you disbanded, leaving the feeling of need and want.
Two sets of hands flew around each other as you both drew the other closer. Your hands inching upwards as your nails begin to dig into his soft strands before pulling slightly.
A soft moan left his slightly parted lips while his hands moved down your sides. Feeling your figure along the while before moving back upwards, taking the thin fabric of your shirt with him.
The only time the contact was lost was when you were removing clothes from each others body.
In a messy mix of passion and overdeveloped frustration, the pair falls on the bed. Rolling around the sheets as it begin to jumble up underneath your naked forms.
After several minuets, Noctis finally pinned you down on your back. Before he could pull back, a pain pulsed through his body beginning at his lip.
The prince jolts back at the shock before bringing a fingertips to his lips then into his vision. He left out a soft ‘hmm’ at the sight of his own blood.
His eyes peered down at the innocent look resting on your face. A smirk falls on his lips at the sight. “You’re gonna regret doing that”
When the sun finally broke through the darkness of night. the other members of the group slowly crept into the silent room. Each head peeking in through the small crack between the door and its frame.
Prompto coven his mouth to avoid a loud squeal from erupting from his mouth.
Ignis let out a long yet soft sigh, hoping that the long arguments and one-upping days are long gone.
Gladio simply smirked. His eyes moved between the two bodies laying together in the bed to his two friends on either side of him before moving back to the bed.
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amidst-wonderland · 3 months
final fantasy: rebirth {a mess of emotions, not in chronological order}
this is more story-based, so heads-up spoilers below.
“question. does that make me a dumbass?”
not aerith asking about reno
chadley nearly outing cissnei and cloud getting real confrontational about it.
cloud is so much more conversational in this, i felt in remake he was bordering on joker level’s of player-character. he’s a lot more laidback, which is understandable since he didn’t really know anyone but tifa and midgar’s only like what a week long?
the game now feels like an ensemble piece rather an a cloud simulator.
cloud not realising he’s the one loner friend
americans aren’t the best swearers - put to much emphasis on the swear itself but cloud does it so well.
he’s a prickly, backchatting bitch in this game and i love every single second of it. he’s not mopey, stubborn and grumpy. he’s ‘i’m going to actively make myself your problem if you cross me, so don’t.’
barret immitating yuffie?! or, “oh, wow. tell us more.” it’s giving abridged.
yuffie’s little naruto run!
yuffie and cloud’s growing sibling dynamic is the cutest shit. like, he should be be pissed at her but immediately protected her from the captain.
all i hear is priscilla’s dad’s irish accent from abridged when ever someone says her name or, “mr dolphin, ye daft bastard.”
rufus shinra… the man that you are.
every rude and elena scene, just, yes. her with the ice-lolly, the corneo fight, rude’s pub club?! babysitting palmer. (also, they call it the clean-shaven club when rude literally has a beard).
i genuinely thought we were gonna at least get that iconic reno and rude scene outside of gongaga (and as a long-shot a reunion with cissnei - i stand by the fact tseng absolutely knows where she is.)
that final turks training facility was a bitch to find.
don’t get me wrong, yuffie, barret, tifa and red’s trials were sad but aerith’s absolutely wrecked me. like i’ve got a stuffy nose already and i literally couldn’t breathe with the tears.
same with dyne and barret, like what you mean you want me to fight palmer?! i’m sitting here ugly crying about two men who love their daughter and have been through hell and back.
i’d love to see cissnei and leslie get involved with the wutai turk team-up
as much as i love aerti’s ‘improved over og’ friendship. it’s not passing the bechdel test anytime soon.
fuck queen’s blood.
cloud saying “down boy” sir- THE WHIMPERING!
the kids locking yuffie in with the hooded men on the cruise.
nanaki walking in the cabin on two legs fucking kills me. i also caught barret admiring himself in the mirror.
the fact the name tag is, “???” when we can hear yuffie cheering on cloti.
did they kiss?!
so, we finally see loveless and it was everything i ever wanted. genesis, i’m sorry, you were right.
“death doesn’t suit a turk”
cloud jr is too cute and i love my chocobro protagonists
speaking of, i’m in two heads about ffxv. you can see a lot of the inspiration the team got from that game but i think they left out the one thing that made ffxv perfect, which was the constant chatter during traversal
cloud turning on tifa during the gongaga reactor mission is giving the ffxv: omen trailer
i need a tonberry robot for my desk
jessie’s poster! i really thought she’d be alive with biggs
cloud calling gus a prick is when it clicked for me, like cloud’s got bite
i need esther’s red boots
cid is played by j. michael tatum?! sebastian- france- kyouya-
elena stuck in the heat yelling at rude, omg this is the turk moments i love.
as someone who is scottish, i can’t believe i witnessed cait sith tell cissnei to “wheesht”.
not the biggest fan of cissnei’s new colour scheme. would’ve gone with browns, accented gold buckles and mustard yellow personally
wished they’d’ve put in an turk easter egg in her house.
cosmo canyon’s lantern scene is so pretty.
gold-fucking-saucer. woah
sitting at the water tower with aerith felt wrong, and i know that was intentional.
omfg vincent, why he kinda dressed like gyuvin in en garde?
jesus, roche.
still not keen on seph’s voice - mainly because i don’t like tyler and also zack is better but i’m still not keen
symbiote!peter to “OMG GUYSSS HAIIII” is like fucking whiplash. two minutes ago we were crying over harry, now hotels?!
i knew that’s what marlene saw! and now zack knows! i am not okay!
was low-key waiting on elena throwing the keystone to reno to catch for a grand intro but he kinda just appears, and i loved every second of it.
the way both tifa and aerith have had to stop cloud murdering a turk.
cloud with blood by his own hand on his face is such a chilling image. it’s like seeing someone like superman with it.
avalanche versus reno and rude’s fight was giving advent children, like specifically reno and rude’s fight with loz and kazoo. (which i rewatched recently. rude’s face when reno steps on his glasses is the funniest thing in that film, also i can’t unhear fred from scooby-doo when loz speaks even though i know it’s not frank welker - it’s the dude that plays corneo).
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hi, ash! i'd love to hear about your ffxv s/i and your ship with gladio! also, what does iris think about your s/i? :O
YAY!! I love talking about this kind of stuff!!!
(Some talk of death, injury, drowning, a bit of blood + spoilers for the game)
F.FXV Ash was born in the Crown City to two members of the Crownsguard (eventually the Kingsglaive). Ever since she was young, Ash was always fed this idea that her kingdom was amazing. She loved her home so much and she wanted to grow up there forever with her parents and her sister. It all changed when she was 16. She parents were killed in combat.
(In Episode A.rdyn, there's a boss fight against two soldiers... Those were her parents.)
Ash stayed in the city long enough to graduate high-school, but after that, she just couldn't keep going. She felt hollow and empty inside. The murder of her parents shattered her in every single way possible, wrecked her faith and her love to kingdom, ruined her life. She's messed up.
And so, Ash leaves. She makes a name for herself as a monster hunter, drifting from town to town and protecting the people. She comes to be known as Eos' Rose. Beautiful, but with thorns too. She didn't choose to be called The Rose, it's just that part of her outfit is a long, red coat. I still need to work out the details of her outfit and all that, but she has a red coat and quite a few earrings. She has a chain threader going through two lobe piercings on one ear, and a dangling rose earring on the other. Both silver.
(Whenever she was about 20, she met a lonely chocobo chick. This chocobo stays with Ash for a long time. She is a green chocobo named Sage. Sage is Ash's companion and best friend. Sage is very friendly to everybody, but she has a distaste for Gladio and has tried to bite him on multiple occasions. She succeeded once, but more on that later.
Again, Sage is naturally green. Prompto asks about this once.
"Hey, Ash! Why is your chocobo green?"
"Well, I dunno, Prompto. Why are you blond?"
It gets a good chuckle out of everyone.)
Anyways, early into the game, the Chocobros run into Ash! She actually draws her sword on Noct at first and then she realizes "holy shit, you're the prince. Oh my god, I tried to kill the prince. Oh no, oh no, oh no-"
It's a bit of a funny moment, but she ends up allying with the bros and she gets especially close with Gladio. They get along really well, both protectors of people and absolutely dorks too.
Ash is a gamer, so she gets along well with Prompto and Noct. They actually all played Kings Knight together online! So it's a bit of a "WAIT WE'RE KINGS KNIGHT MOOTS?!" whenever they finally meet. She gets along really well with Ignis too! Ash is very close with all of the gang. It's not long before her and Gladio are falling in love, kissing and sharing Cup Noodles under the stars.
And as for Iris, Iris ADORES Ash! Looks up to her as the big sister she never had. Iris thinks Ash is so cool and strong! And she tells Gladdy that if he breaks her heart, she'll kick his ass! Ash really loves Iris too. She was always the youngest in her family too, so it means a lot to her to be able to be an older sister figure to someone. Ash teaches Iris a bit about how to use a sword too.
Anywho, back to the plot.
Ash accompanies the bros whenever they go onto the boat to Altissia. Her and Gladio have a sweet, romantic date there. But that happiness doesn't last. It's been a bit of a running joke that Ash doesn't know how to swim.
The last thing Gladio expected was to lose her.
As Altissia falls, Ash sacrifices herself to save Gladio and Prompto. They both have to watch as Ash falls from a bridge and into the water. They watch as Ash dies. But there's not enough time to save her. Prompto sobs, Gladio screams in horror. Ash is content. She's going to die protecting the people she loves, right? It's not that cute and her almost drowning to death was the scariest moment of her life. She's choking and gasping for air, trying to grab any rubble she can just to stay alive.
Ash isn't seen again for a while. It's part of the reason why Gladio lashes out on the train—he's mourning his girlfriend's death. Whenever he's sitting there across the table from Ignis, you can hear him crying.
However, a few chapters later... Guess who comes back. She's injured, has scars on her face, and her coat is in tatters. Gladio hugs her and cries, Ash tells him to loosen up a bit since she has a few cracked ribs.
"What's the matter? Not a fan of ghosts?"
Gladio tells her that this isn't the time to crack jokes, but he hugs her so tight. She was alive. She was okay.
(However, during this time, Gladio actually found Sage and told her that Ash was dead. Sage bit him hard that day.)
But... How exactly did Ash survive..?
That gets explained in Episode Ignis. I won't talk about Ash's involvement in every DLC just to not make this to lengthy, but in Iggy's... Ravus sees her drowning. He grabs her out of the water and onto land. He's not gentle about it, and the impact of being thrown against rubble isn't great for Ash's bones, but she's alive. Ash is nursed back to health by the survivors of the town. There's a lot more detail there, but that's the gist of what happens.
Ash's relationship with Ravus is fascinating. They bond quite a bit and have a chat under the stars much later, right before Ash reunites with Gladio. I had to dig through like two years worth of discord messages for this but it went something like this
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Oh and you know that level that's just Gladio and Ignis? Yeah, Ash is there too. She cusses out Ardyn actually. Although I really like Ardyn, my S/I doesn't. He makes a comment that she's quite grown up now. You know how he gets those flashbacks of peoples' memories after he kills people in his DLC? He saw an image of a little girl with red glasses. And here she was, a grown woman.
She breaks off from the group before the Ravus fight. I don't want her to see him like that.
Anyways, then timeskip rolls around. Whenever Noct arrives at Hammerhead is met with a familiar "kweh-kweh!". Sage greets Noct after ten long years, and then Ash runs over. They have a cute hug scene.
However, Ash's outfit is different. Not only is her hair curly (pre-ts Ash had it straightened), but she's wearing... Kingsglaive armor?! Her outfit is vaguely inspired by Crowe from Kingsglaive, but Ash had become a soldier. Not just to follow in her parents' footsteps, but because she had spent her whole life feeling lost and she had finally found a purpose. Traveling with Noct and Co had made her realize that her life had a purpose. She wanted to spend her life protecting her kingdom.
After her parents died, she didn't know what to do with herself. Noct was both her best friend and her king. Noct says that the Kingsglaive outfit looks good on her. It makes her smile. Ash had finally come home to Insomnia, and she had finally found what she was meant to do.
Before the gang leaves, she gives Noct a long hug and tells him to come back alive. She gives Gladio a kiss too.
And that's basically it!
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theatregaymer · 2 years
A Royal Relaxation
Merry Early Christmas @tickleraptorss​! I’m your secret squealing santa this year! I absolutely love the Chocobros and was excited to see your prompt come my way. I hope you like it and have a wonderful end of 2022!
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Life in he royal capital of Insomnia was not the cakewalk some people thought it might be, especially for certain officials...most of all a certain heir to the throne of Lucis. Noctis Lucis Caelum had no idea just how much of his younger years were spent avoiding responsibilities of the crown until he had turned eighteen. Through hard work, medical science and a bit of luck he had overcome the crippling injuries sustained as a child and was now a rather physically fit twenty year old properly considerable for inheriting his father's legacy.
Of course he didn't do it alone, he learned from a young age he would need to surround himself with trusted companions to help keep him standing tall, and that's exactly what he did. Though he couldn't have anticipated that through their years together, Ignis, Gladio and Prompto would end up being more precious to him than just about anything else in the kingdom. Eventually the four of them moved into the same space together, Noctis citing that he needed Ignis to help with his scheduling, Gladio to keep him safe and Prompto to...well that one was more thanks to Ignis insisting that the blond could keep Noctis happy as his friend, but really it was more like he added that goofy element that just seemed to keep things lively in their large condo.
And such a thing was neccessary on days like today, as the prince got out of the car, met by Gladio at the front entrance so his royal guard escort could be relieved of duty...thank god. His tasks lately were so suffocating, listening to old men complain about policies that benefited the common people, how they should be demanding harsher repparations from the empire of Niflheim over recent petty squabbles. Some of them were also the crafty types already trying to butter up Noctis himself, hoping to gain their houses favor with the future king. It was so exhausting and depressing to see the state of the people who were supposed to have his father's back when leading the nation. "Tired Noct?" Gladio asked as the two rode the elevator upwards, the shield of the prince having this comforting air about him as the royal was able to let his hair down, figuratively at least. He leaned against the larger man, groaning slightly. "It's just a lot today...ugh all those bastards care about is their money and reputation. We narrowly avoided a war and all they think of is themselves." Gladio knew better than most how Noctis hated most of his own duties, but skipping out wasn't really an option for him...not if they wanted to avoid a chastising from the old man...or Ignis for that matter. "Well Iggy was whippin something up last I heard, and Prompto's off work today too so you can have the rest of today to relax huh?" He ruffled the prince's hair affectionately, earning a soft chuckle from the twenty year old. The two would then go on to enter the large condo that the four men all shared, curtosey of the crown of course. The smell of something delicious wafted through the air as they came in, Prompto apparently taking a shower before dinner. Ignis of course, greeted the two upon their entry, calling from the kitchen. "I do hope your recent responsibilities have left you hungry Noct...I decided tonight to make something a bit more labor intensive after all." The prince peeked into the kitchen, knowing better than to offer to help since his own culinary skills were lackluster at best. "Oh um...yeah, famished." He said, curiosity filling him to the brim before a certan blond seized him around the middle. "Noooct you're home!" The only issue with the normally welcome embrace of course being that the professional photographer was still wet from his shower. "Gah Prom come on, can't you fully dry off first?" He complained, though with a large smile on his regal face.
Thankfully for the blond, he quickly retorted so as to avoid a scolding from Ignis. "Hey I'm mostly dry. I'm not dripping or anything, I just couldn't wait to see you!" About now was when Noctis noted that Prompto had indeed rushed out after likely ensuring the minimal amount of drying neccessary, since he was only wearing boxers and not much else. "While blondie here puts some clothes on..." Gladio's voice chimed in, effortlessly lifting Prompto up and slinging him over his shoulder. "You should get in the shower next Noct, take some time in the hot water to cool off, ya know what I mean?" The prince nodded, "Ah yeah, I could use it." He replied, feeling a bit of his own exhaustion creeping in as he went to retrieve a set of evening wear before cleaning up. He didn't miss Gladio dragging him into one of the two bedrooms though, likely to chastise him for running around their place in his skivvies. Just before the rush of water overtook his ears however, Noctis could have sworn he heard the muffled sounds of laughter in the air...maybe it was just his imagination though. Of course, many thoughts were floating about Noctis' head as he stepped into the heated water. For some reason his three partners seemed very much....overly comforting today, in their own ways of course. It gave Noctis some fond sensations in his stomach, the feeling rising into his chest almost enough to ache as he felt like all he really wanted right now was to relax with the three of them, curled up in a cabin somewhere out in the wilds for a week or so. He couldn't deny that more than the others, he tended to crave affection a lot of the time, though sometimes Prompto could give him a run for his money. Once he finished cleaning up he dressed in a comfortable black top, some gym shorts and black socks to keep his feet warm. He spent some extra time blow drying his hair out of course, liking the extra fluff he got from it before making his way out. Prompto, now dressed in pajama bottoms and a tank top, was setting the table while Gladio helped Ignis bring the food over. "Ah right on time." Ignis stated, finally having the chance to come over personally to hug the crown prince. "Welcome home." He stated, before giving a small kiss to the boy's head. "Tonight is grilled barramundi, daggerquil rice and chiffon cake for dessert." As the two made their way to the table, Noctis had to wonder if there was some special event he missed, or celebration he forgot about, but no, apparently the three of them all together just agreed to take the night to relax together. Dinner was a fun and eventful time, the four men having getting plenty stuffed while joking around, soft flirtations being tossed into casual conversation and even a game of footsies under the table with a certain freckle faced photographer. Noctis felt at least somewhat relieved after things began winding down, with he and Prompto double teaming the cleanup duties, he was never quite as thankful as times like this for having a dishwasher. Soon enough while Ignis himself was taking some time to clean up, the other three boys were all on the sectional, watching some random cartoons on the television. Little did Noctis know however, that the tone of the evening was about to go into overdrive. "Hey Noct, you've definitely been in a mood lately yeah?" Gladio piped up, causing the prince to look over and blink. "Huh? Oh well, it's been exhausting yeah..." The prince admitted, hearing Prom chime in from his other side. "Emotionally draining, upsetting, nearly traumatizing?" He spoke with a clearly over dramaticized tone, giving the royal reason to pause his thoughts as he raised his eyebrow. The two of them were acting rather odd, well more than usual, even without Ignis around for the moment. "We figure you can use some tlc, somethin to help you relax and cheer up." His shield stated, the prince unsure as to what he meant before he saw Gladio hold out his hands, palms up.
This gesture seemed rather innocent to Noctis for the time being, as he placed his hands in the others. "I guess...I could definitely use a nice distraction after the week I've had." He gave a soft smile, an expression that unfortunately was replaced quickly by surprise and slight alarm as Gladio's hands closed tightly around his own before raising them up over his head, Noctis forced up into a kneeling position. 
"Huh? H-hey what the heck are you-" It was too late for questions, the realization hitting the dark haired young man at the same time Prompto's fingers did. Skittering up and down his now very vulnerable flanks, the blond happily sang out the words he dreaded hearing. "Tickle tickle tickle~" The prince spasmed, always having a weakness that was so easy for the others to exploit. He hated being tickled usually, finding it utterly embarrassing...of course that was usually just when he was on the receiving end. "GEHEHAHA AH ahahaha prohohomptoho nohohHOHO Haha guhuhys comeahahan!" He writhed about almost instantly, tugging at Gladio's grip to no avail. The blond didn't make things any better either, his hands dancing along the very vulnerable ribcage as he made sure Noctis couldn't get his legs off the couch to mount any sort of defense either.
For all his protesting and wriggling around, Noctis noticed that both Prompto and Gladio were tormenting him, and yet neither of them were being overly forceful, just enough to ensure he was able to laugh and not escape. While it was true tickling would never be his preferred method of unwinding, Ignis had always told them that laughter enacted an involuntary relaxed state...so it wasn't like this was the worst thing. "Ah I'm surprised you aren't going after these." An oh so familar voice was barely noticeable to Noctis, before he felt dexterous fingers make a quick dash along his upturned socks. "HYAHah NAha nohoht bohothha Ihihignis hehelp!" The caretaker to the future king walked around to Gladio's side, sporting a bit of casual yet fashionable evening wear of his own as he admired the laughing prince. "Why Noct it's been over a week since I heard you laugh so genuinely. I dare say you could use the break. So why don't I help make things a bit easier?" 
Easier!? Easier for whom!? This cruel four-eyes decided to take ahold of his wrists, freeing up Gladio's own larger hands to dish out whatever additional torment they saw fit. And it only got worse from there, with Prompto taking Ignis' words to heart and yanking his legs back until he was partially leaning on the armrest of the sofa. And as Gladio's fingers began wriggling into his taut stomach, the prince felt his best friend start clawing playfully at his soles. "GAHAHAa AHah ah ahah naha nohohoh nahaha this ihihisn't fahaairrhhehahha aha this is tohorture!" He cried out, tugging on Ignis's hold, though not with all his strength. "Now now, I believe it's perfectly within reason to want to help you relax, we do care after all...so long as you don't laugh yourself sick all over the furniture." Ignis was always so methodical with his taunts, it really got under the prince's skin. 
Though words under his skin was nothing compared to fingers under his shirt! Gladio making this point very clear as he felt those strong hands beginning to skitter up along his bare abdomen. "HYAHAHAha Hahah ah ahah youhuhuh suhuhckhahahaha hohohh AH AHAH NAHAHAH!" Tears of laughter began to form in the corners of Noctis' eyes, Gladio taking his words as a challenge as he suddenly chuckled with that sinister deep voice of his before his shirt was shoved upwards, fingers scrambling about in his bare underarms. "What was that Noct? Hah if I didn't know any better I'd say you were wanting something more challenging. And here we just wanna make you happy."
Noctis was shaking his head, trying in vain to kick his legs as he felt Prompto's lithe fingers peeling away his socks. His size ten and a half feet mostly bared for the blond as blunt fingernails began to scratch at his soft arches and claw at the plushy balls. "For real Noct, we want you to smile a bit more. You've got it tough enough already ya know? Least we can do is spoil ya with laughs yeah? Hehehe but uh if you decide to get payback, know that it was Gladdy's idea." The prince in peril shook his head quickly, feeling the tears beginning to dribble along his cheeks as his socks fell from his freshly bared toes now. 
For the briefest of moments, he felt like his worries were actually somewhat erased by the men he loved so much. Of course this was swallowed up in the storm of laughter from all four men at the hilarity of the prince's predicament. "Tickle these tooooes!" Prompto would sing out. "Here let's swap Iggy, I bet you want a turn." Gladio's voice was next. "Ah how thoughtful. If I recall, our young royal here always had a soft spot for these." Dexterous hands squeezed at his bare flanks and hips, Noctis cackling like some wicked witch when he heard the briefest intake of air before feeling the older man's lips press to his abdomen, right around his navel as he blew a wicked raspberry. "AAHAHAAAAHAHah! AHah STAHah STAHahap enahahaughheheha ah aha ah CHahaha Chocobohoo CHocoohohoho!" Long since decided on as a mutual safeword between the four of them during their roughhousing, the phrase almost immediately brought the tickling to a halt, a soothing palm rubbing affectionately at his stomach while Prompto massaged his feet, slightly reddened from their treatment. 
"Ahah...ahah hah....oh god you guhuuys." Noctis fixed his shirt as soon as his wrists were released, Gladio actually using a pocket tissue to wipe away the tears he'd accumulated on his face. "Heh gotta admit, you make quite the cute little tickle target...your highness." Noct playfully slugged his shield in the arm. "Shuhuht up." He retorted, finally getting into a normal sitting position before feeling Prompto practically wrap around him. "You guys are lucky I'm so tired and stuffed...mmph you owe me." Ignis chuckled softly, moving to sit at the far end of the sectional, propping his feet up on an ottoman before beginning to change the television to something they could all wind down with.
And as the films intro began to play, Gladio getting up to make some popcorn despite the massive meal they'd already had, Noctis was left to cuddle with Prompto, making the blond promise to reapply his socks for him before bed. The life of a prince could be tedious of course, but for Noctis at least, his companions ensured that there was never a dull moment.
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Here is the wrap-up of our third week of posting for the Promptis Gift Exchange. Individual works are listed below.
The entire collection can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Promptis_Gift_Exchange_2023/works
Please be sure to give our creators some love on Ao3!  
Weekly Wrap-up #3
Title: Clear Hearts, Cloudy Skies-(Fic)
Gift For: Akumeoi
Rated: General Audiences (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: “You made it-” Noctis started, getting cut off as Prompto quickly closed the distance between them and enveloped him in a crushing hug. He froze for a second before melting into Prompto’s embrace. “I thought you were dead, Prompto. Your phone-”
Title: Courage to Confess-(Fic)
Gift For: kiwiaste
Rated: Teen (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Now that Noctis has survived saving Eos, the Chocobros decide to go on another road trip to celebrate his return. Only the other three have been acting kind of strange lately and Prompto especially seems to be hiding something. Noctis decides he's going to get to the bottom of it while on the trip and doesn't realize that may be what the others plan for him too.
Title: Late night swim-(Art)
Gift For: Amarilly
Rated: Teen (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Noctis and Prompto sneak out of camp for some late night exploration.
Title: right here waiting for you-(Fic)
Gift For: Tsu_Yume
Rated: Explicit (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: It was a lifetime coming, Noctis dancing with Prompto in the crowded hall, a shiny new crown on his head. They've waited long enough to acknowledge this thing between them.
Title: In the Here and Now-(Fic)
Gift For: Banira
Rated: Mature (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Grounded. Prompto needed to be in the here and now. He could feel a faint beat pressed against his chest. Feeling another person’s heart beating was strange and wonderful against the silence of his own. The quick pace was exhilarating and he smiled, pressing another kiss to Noct’s face as he reached out blindly to slide the screen of the doorway closed.
Title: would you like your receipt in the bag -(Art & Fic)
Gift For: Toastie_Pan
Rated: General Audiences (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: or would you prefer my number instead?
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lem-argentum · 1 year
ahem. here r my most promcore songs/lyrics because i think about him a very normal amount n wanted to write them out….. <3
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-bread - yellow ostrich!! this is one of the first songs i associated with him the lyrics are self explanatory…..
“to go away for quite a while, if that is what will make you smile / is something i would gladly do, because i am in love with you”
-go to sleep kimberly - superet!!! IT. him. ok.
“do you think i look alright? / yeah, the bloodshot brings out the blue in your eyes”
-look better in gold - friday pilots club <3 this is actually a general chocobros song in my mind but he’s included. and my tag for him is also a different song by this band BUT <3
“if i could do just what i wanna / betcha would too, betcha you’re gonna, yeah / but you hate the change!” “tough luck, that’s bold / it’s safe to say we look better in gold!”
-unlikely skies - also by yellow ostrich! i made an animatic with this one :]c lots of tundra prom feelz.
“i’m burning leaves up to my knees / as the smoke, it clears my lungs / i’ll take my unlikely skies / over wherever i belong” “i ran out to the trees / looking for some protection, some embrace / but their arms are holding back / and they protest, ‘we don’t even know your name’”
-body of mine - LAST YELLOW OSTRICH SONG. this one gives me a lot of emotions..
“i’m on my side now / and i’m giving up / i don’t know when this body of mine has had enough” “oh, i want to feel alright / it seems this will take some time / can you fix it with just a line / oh, i would like you to drive”
-trying not to hide - the j. arthur keenes band. THIS ONE is extremely tundra prom. instrument-wise it also just sounds like him. you know <3
“and then it’s torn up, taken from my insides, taken for a ride / i’m somewhere on the tundra, trying not to hide”
-(i also have to include) even though i don’t deserve it - the same band. self explanatory as well..!!
“come honey, i’ll show you the well / where i keep my secrets, open to hell / i need someone, someone to share / the ones that come up, gasping for air” “i want help, even though i don’t deserve it / i want you, i just wanna leave my burden / want help, even though i don’t deserve it”
-don’t keep driving - the paper kites!! in relation to prom’s fear of change (which i could get into).
“there’s nothing wrong with a little time / for the memories / for the good times / don’t leave” “but the distance between us is half of this city / don’t keep on driving / let me say something”
-aaaand honorable mention to the rest of how to work a room - superet. because i love this album <3 in order these lyrics are from: farrington pond, blue age, and (how to: make an exit) <3
“yesterday’s apprehensions are fleeting and fading / and with the sunrise comes redemption for that empty feeling” “i don’t wanna leave this place, this empty space / and with the dull drums of the work week i think i’d like to stay / i don’t wanna leave this place, this empty space / and with the cold comforts of solo, you’ll never be lonely, lonely, lonely”
“young lovers face the glow / of iridescent telephones / swept into a social sea of faces to compare to / and pixelated memories / of photogenic families / an infinite scroll just to remind you”
“locate the nearest exit and leave abruptly. avoid eye contact. don’t say goodbye. no one will notice.”
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styrmwb · 7 months
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFXV)
4 bros go on a bachelor roadtrip, tragedy ensues.
I didn't appreciate XV's soundtrack enough when I first heard it, much like XII. It was too "generic" for my dumb, stupid, uncultured brain; and while it is definitely a lot more orchestral than your usual FF soundtrack, it has a lot of little bits that feel unique, that give the game that originality that FF is known for. it also helps that this is probably my favorite complete party in the game, and the emotional connection the story and characters create enhances my love for this soundtrack; I love the chocobros, I love the road trip with the boys, and I hate with every inch of my soul that final campfire scene (I love the final campfire scene). This time, the game was mainly composed by Yoko Shimomura, who I feel a lot of people know in the realm of largest video game composers (I don't have much else to say here but I've been sharing main composers in the previous lists so let's keep it on!)
I also need to preface by saying I love how this game can let me say "Stand By Me by Ben E King/Florence and the Machine is my favorite Final Fantasy song"; that being said I will not be putting it in this list because it is A Real Song but know EVERY time I hear it I Will cry
5. Invidia The rhythm and piano in this one. That perfect combination of the drum set with the classic orchestra. This song is addicting to listen to, and I always find myself banging my head along to it, even with that (especially with that) choir and piano. My favorite part is right after that sort of chorus solo, when the piano hits that mix of highs and lows that sounds like DIN doo.... DIN doo DIN! it's really fun, and I wish it played more in the game.
4. Bros on the Road This fucking song. This song is so silly. But it's also Perfect. Bros on the Road is what the soul of this game is, the boys together. It plays during the early morning, post camping bonding minigames where Noctis and one of the guys does something, like training, or cooking. It's what I love about this game and this cast together in one song. The cheesy guitar and that almost country vibe that is perfect for this fantasy Kansas this world is in is amazing. Also;
Something dawned on me when I was on my own. Any food you make tastes better when you use good ingredients, right? Then, if you take something already delicious like Cup Noodles and add in the finest, freshest ingredients, what do you get? The ultimate flavor experience! So I ask you Noct: what's your favorite ingredient?
3. Veiled in Black XV has several "normal" battle themes, and this one is definitely my favorite. This is the imperial battle theme, and it hits for a lot of the same reasons that Invidia does, but the constant beat, stress, the heavier focus on string instruments like the violin and guitar, combined with the melody, just put it above for me. The peak of the song is that violin focus where you can tell they are just putting their heart and soul into those high notes (I love high notes man).
2. Magna Insomnia Final boss battle!!!!!!! This is a long one, with several phases, and I love how it perfectly evolves with the fight. The first phase is slow and creepy, involving Ardyn's theme, a circular sounding string chorus, and that piano that sounds like it's collapsing and dropping like an ancient staircase. It's amazing for that simple fight on the ground between Noctis and Ardyn, almost sounding like he's playing with you and not Really trying with his sword swings. As usual, the higher notes in this song make my brain happy, that somber violin sounding grand yet dilapidated. Phase 2 turns up the intensity. The battle becomes some real Dragon Ball shit in the sky flying around, dual Armigers against each other. The intro and the song as a whole feel like a constant ascent, with only a couple interludes of (relative) calm. I love the rhythm in the back, and I especially love when that flute comes in occasionally with its sort of war cry. Phase 3 tunes it down. The fight has moved back to the ground, and the entire bit is a sad, solemn vocalist solo. It's perfect for the fight, cause ultimately, this Isn't a grand victory. This is a generations long fight against a very sad, angry man that doesn't have a purely happy ending for either participant. XV hurts, man.
1. OMNIS LACRIMA First of all, WHOOPS, I ended up making this list like, all of the more orchestral stuff. That's what you get when you write stream of consciousness style. Something about these just hit different, but please give the honorable mentions a look for more variety, cause this game's overall use of acoustic and down to earth instruments is really what makes it so charming and i definitely failed to express that in my personal favorites.
Now onto the song itself; Holy shit. That opening. I feel like I've just opened the gates of heaven themselves and this is what it sounds like. The song goes into that tense string rhythm which I think XV excels at for its battle themes, with the rising choir keeping up that grandiosity the song starts with. it's so funny that this is mainly just a sideboss theme, because it FEELS like the main boss theme for this game. It feels like the end of the world, the fight for the fate of the galaxy, but ultimately you're just trying to get an egg for your Cup Noodles! When that piano plays back into the intro again? Dude. This song absolutely caught me off guard when I first heard it, and it is the first thing that comes to mind whenever I think about XV and its soundtrack, this lives rent free in my head. Shoutouts to the Dissidia NT version which add a little guitar for some shredding, as a treat.
Honorable mentions go to: Somnus, Hammerhead, Stand Your Ground, Hunt or Be Hunted (hrnngg.... metal gear,,,,), A Quick Pit Stop (lmao), Galdin Quay, Valse di Fantastica, Crystalline Chill, Reel Rumble, The Fight Is On!, Lestallum, APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS, Rodeo de Chocobo, Cape Caem, APOCALYPSIS AQUARIUS, Main Theme from FINAL FANTASY (this game is heavy on the all caps I swear), and then from the DLC: Shield of the King, The Spirits Converge, The Trials of the Shield, and Battle on the Big Bridge (sorry chat I only played Gladio's)
0 notes
(an entire cohort of ffxv peeps were being sad about ffxv on a damn Saturday night. I got carried along. I made this. original twitter thread and sources here. dewdrops at dawn extended here. crossposted to ao3 here.)
Quick Fic Pick 106: to remember you by
Prompto can't sleep the night before the anniversary of the Dawn. (He hates that it's capitalized. Letters and case can't really describe the meaning of the date, not to him, but for everyone else it's a red date on a calendar and that's it.)
He tosses and turns for hours and then -- every year, he thinks, every year, even when he tries to drown the memories in drink and in worse things -- he gives up, throws his vest on -- yes, it's still the same skull-and-patch-and-plaid thing -- sends a text message to Gladio, a voice message to Ignis. (They're -- no longer in Insomnia, for reasons; Prompto has been the last to leave the city, entirely reluctant to leave, even though he can't actually stay and he's been telling himself to go for *years*.)
The message is the same thing every year, anyway. It's no longer as important as the ritual of actually getting it out and sending it. It always says, "Good morning Insomnia. Good morning Citadel. Good morning Crownsguard. Good morning Noctis."
As he gets on his motorbike and travels into Insomnia, the responses arrive. Gladio's changes every year; this one says: "Tell him to catch us some fish." Ignis's is the same every year. "Tell him the truth." 
 No one stops him when he gets to the ruins of the Citadel. (No one has rebuilt it and no one will dare, not when it's the one thing all three of them had agreed on. Noct is buried in there, and it will not be repaired, and the Astrals' idiocy will never be papered over.)
The Citadel is most of the way to overgrown, and the spaces that led to the throne room are shattered roof and half-standing walls. Wildflowers and grass in what used to be the corners. The real miracle is the presence of flowers where the throne had been: a single stand of sylleblossoms, the only one outside the borders of Accordo; and, growing up the ruined girders and stone pillars, the twining vines and huge pale-blue flowers that everyone has learned to call kingsheart.
Kingsheart will grow nowhere else but this one single place in all of Eos. Prompto knows that, because Gladio tried, because Ignis tried, and neither of them are in Lucis. Prompto tried too, and still only has the bare trellis in his garden to show for his efforts.
Camera out. He takes a picture of this year's flowers, and picks one single kingsheart flower to take away with him. The sylleblossoms he collects carefully, from the blown-down stalks, the wind-picked stems, and he bundles them together into a neat bunch.
He stands before what used to be the throne for a long time. Doesn't talk. Doesn't need to. There's a photograph in his pocket and it rustles when he takes it out, and tucks it into the bunch of flowers. Every year, he prints out a photo of Noctis and leaves it here.
The first time he'd done this, he had cried when he'd laid the flowers and the photo behind, because Noctis had been smiling so brightly and so unaffected, sitting on a dock with his bare feet dangling into river waters.
That was years ago. Now he's gotten to another one of the photos that makes him cry: Noctis, on that last night, hands gone still on the little kitchen shelf, where he had been peeling apples and then stopped and looked up into the shadowed sky.
He doesn't know how he'd had the presence of mind to take the photograph, but there it is. There is Noct, weary, kingly, just a man and also just a boy, in the suit that had fit and not quite been right.
Prompto sobs as he lays his offering onto the worn stones, and says, as he always does, "Thank you, Noct. For all of this. For everything." And he walks away, and he holds his kingsheart flower in his hand all the way back to his little house, all the way back to his bed, and then he doesn't get up until the next day comes. 
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
AHH srry these are late-
When did you start writing?
What requests are you favorite?
What’s your favorite category to write for? (Fluff, angst, fluff to angst etc)
First anime you’ve watched vs your recent one
What’s your favorite/easiest person to write for in each fandom
How many fandoms did you plan to write when you started?
Your first anon and your most recent one
Srry these are short but have a great day:)
NO YOURE TOTALLY GOOD! Sorry this is super late I had to go to the grocery store lmao
When did you start writing?
I have had a love for writing since around third grade (so since I was 9) and have been non stop writing since. As for fanfic, I was bored during COVID and pumped out some fanfic for just me and my sister before I joined here in 2022!
What requests are you favorite?
I have an enemies to lovers in here I'm stoked to write. I also love anything for my papa croc series, smooches series, and I do love a good fluff alphabet
What’s your favorite category to write for? (Fluff, angst, fluff to angst etc)
I'm really well known for fluff on here, so that's what I mostly write, but I love writing some angst too. But I do actually prefer fluff because it's more fun. As for actual writing (I know you were asking for fanfic, but I like to talk about my actual writing career sometimes lolol) I love writing fantasy and dark fantasy on the cusp of horror. So that's more angsty stuff. That's why I come to tumblr, it's to even out my dark writing with some fluff LMFAO
First anime you’ve watched vs your recent one
My first anime was Hunter x Hunter and my most recent was Record of Ragnarok
What’s your favorite/easiest person to write for in each fandom
Oh boy here we go LMFAO no i seriously love this question tho fr! JJBA - PUCCI! I love writing religious stuff omfg Final Fantasy - Any of the chocobros Kingdom Hearts - Any of org 13, but mostly Vexen and Xemnas Haikyuu - Tendou! Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo! Same deal as Pucci LMFAO The Arcana - I wanna say Julian, but I know the right answer is Asra One Piece - Usopp, Ace, and Zoro JJK - GOJO! (I need to write for him more) One Punch Man - Saitama MHA - Skeptic lmao Overwatch - I love writing for Ramattra because I am kinda known as the Ramattra girl on here lol Record of Ragnarok - Hermes (but I'm really good at writing for Jack the Ripper) Resident Evil - Leon (OMFG I NEED TO WRITE FOR HIM AGAIN... brainrot) Arcane - Viktor and Silco Into the Spiderverse - Peter B. Parker :)
How many fandoms did you plan to write when you started?
I have always been a multi fandom girlie, so however many fandoms I wanted tbh lolol I knew there was gonna be a lot, but seeing as I added a lot more makes me laugh lol. I didn't even know that some people had specific fandoms and stuff, so I just went in dumping for every fandom I loved. It makes me happier and more willing to write lol
Your first anon and your most recent one
My first anon was heart anon and my most recent is bubble anon!
Thanks for the questions!! I love getting these! I hope you have a super duper day <3
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
Final Fantasy XV Imagines and Headcanons
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-= Noctis Lucis Caelum =-
The Sylleblossom of Insomnia - Prologue | chapter 1 {Rating undetermined} {Older!Noctis with hinted Older!Ignis x reader}
Don’t Need a Prince Charming - {Prompto x Noctis}
Noctis Drabble 2
Marry Me
Can Hardly Breathe
We Need to Talk
“Don’t fall in love with me" - “I’ll never stop loving you” (NSFW)
I never stopped loving you
Love letters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
-= Prompto Argentum =-
Don’t Need a Prince Charming - {Prompto x Noctis}
I Always Loved You..
I look at you and all I see is love
Do you love me?
Love letters: (1) (2) (3)
-= Ignis Scientia =-
The Truth is Sometimes Equivalent to Love–Always Blind - {Commission}
Not Good Enough
Sing Me out of the Darkness
Please, Be Alive.. -  {Comrades DLC}
Pretend to be Mine
The Weight of One’s Confession - {Commission} {Ignis x OC}
I Love You, and I am Terrified
Shut Up and Dance With Me - {Drabble / to be series}
Don’t Say Such Things
I Need a Place to Stay  (Part 2)
Your Body is a Treasure as is your Heart
You Work too Hard 
As You Wish, My Lady - (Run Away With Me series)
Slipping Through my Fingers like Ash, Tasting just as Bitter
I Wanted You -  {HighSpecs} {Rejected Reader}
The Way he Kisses.. 
Unable to Wait
Allow Me the Honor.. 
Trying to keep it professional
The King’s Valor
I’m Not Going to Leave You..
There’s a First Time for Everything
A Touch Most Foreign, Yet Most Yearned For. {OC/Canon}
Fairy Tale {MerMay}
My Love is like an Endless Fire
Father Ignis
Relaxing day with S/O
Love letters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
-= Gladiolus Amicitia =-
Is that my Shirt?
I love you, not him!
I’m going to be late…
Stay with me
The Dog Loves Me More
You Say it Best, When You Say Nothing at All - {Commission} {OC x Canon}
I Feel Safer in your Arms 
Gladio’s Trainee
Camping with Gladio
Love letters: (1) (2) (3)
-= Ardyn Izunia =-
Love letters: (1)
The Bride of the Four Horsemen - {Older!Chocobros x reader}
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vanvietvor · 4 years
Me: *Sees one ( 1 ) gif set for FFXV* .....
*Starts the hour+ long download to play it again*
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queen-yalo · 3 years
FFXV | Headcanons | S/O getting hurt during a battle
Request: Okay then 😌 May I request HCs of the chocobros (separated) with a S/O that gets really hurt in battle? Like, almost dead xD Ohhhh and for extra angsty points, they argued before the battle 👀🔥 Pfff I forgot, with a fluffy ending in the end, like you wanted 😅💕 [by @kirahhhh​​​]
A/N: This is the stuff I need!! ♥ Hope you enjoy!
Pairing(s): Gladiolus Amicitia x reader; Ignis Scientia x reader; Noctis Lucis Caelum x reader; Prompto Argentum x reader
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• Gladio could be an ass sometimes, no doubt about that. You always knew he was protective and slightly on the jealous side... but sometimes it just got ridiculous and constricting. You couldn’t take this anymore. While you didn’t want to break up with him, something needed to change. So, you tried talking to him about it. Of course he would dodge all your attempts to talk this out with him. He would never admit that he was jealous. Or that this jealousy was just so intense because he was SO afraid to lose you. He felt so stupid for being insecure like that. But he couldn’t help it.  
• So naturally, you two ended up fighting. And fighting with Gladio was never pretty. You two would yell and scream at each other, throwing around insults and finally going over to ignoring each other. It was always a hell of a mess until you two would sit down and actually talk it out, which would usually happen the next day. In the end you could never go long without each other. 
• Until that one day where stuff went down before you two could make up. What was supposed to be a normal hunt, nothing extraordinary, ended up being a fight for life and death. Who could have known that a damn Behemoth would lurk in the forests? Gladio could punch himself for not checking beforehand. At least all of you got out of the fight alive. More or less as he had to admit when he saw the huge gash along your side where the Behemoth got you with his horns. 
• Gladio hated himself. Why did he say all those awful things to you? How could he ever let that happen? Why didn’t he protect you? You deserved so much better than him. What if those words were the last thing he ever said to you? What if he couldn’t apologize and make things right? Could he live with that kind of guilt for the rest of his life?
• He stayed at your side until you finally woke up. He was a mess. He actually tried to break up with you. Gladio was ready to let you go - to protect you. From himself and this lifestyle. But you wouldn’t let him. It took some time but in the end you convinced him that this is what you wanted. All you were asking for was a little more reason and communication when things didn’t go well between the two of you. Gladio was more than ready to work on that. You both were. It goes without saying that you both never had a fight like that anymore. 
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• Ignis spent a lot of time at the Citadel. It was frustrating sometimes. You always seemed to be on second place. Of course you knew that his jobwas important. But sometimes... just sometimes you wished you would feel equally important for him. It was almost impossible to really fight with Ignis. He could stay incredibly calm, even in the most stressful situations. Arguments or fights were no exceptions. But even Ignis had his limits. And when he felt like he was about to snap he “officially” ended the discussion and would simply ignore you if you tried to bring that topic up again. 
• But there was one time where Specs just... exploded. Not in public of course, but once you two were in the private of your own home. You went out with a friend of yours. A male friend to be precise. On a night that was usually reserved for you and Ignis - but he was working. Naturally you didn’t see a problem with spending that now free time however you wanted. If Ignis could turn you down for work, you could go out with someone else, right? It’s not like this was a date or something. Just two friends having coffee. 
• But Ignis was livid. You had never seen him like this before. He was yelling and swearing... and at one point you just walked out. You wouldn’t let him talk to you like that, nor would you get down on his level and talk back like that. How dare he? Treating you like property, pushing you away all the time only to act like he owns you when things don’t go his way? 
• When you left, Ignis finally cooled down. This wasn’t fair. It wasn’t and he knew it. He knew he was acting irrational. But he couldn’t help it. He had been botteling up his emotions for too long. He wanted to spend time with you. He hated disappointing you by cancelling yet another date. He hated it. But alas - what could he do? He had a duty to fulfill. But then again... he didn’t want to let you down. He was scared to lose you, which is why he snapped when he saw you with your friend. He couldn’t stand the thought of being without you. The thought of you finding comfort in another man’s arms. No. He needed to talk to you. Now. 
• Unfortunately... he was too late. You got involved in a fight just around the corner and were badly injured. Someone tried to rob a bank. Yes, you were able to stop the robber... but at what cost? Ignis was heartbroken when he stood next to your bed at the hospital, watching your unmoving form, being kept alive by those various tubes and machines. It was horrible. Would you ever wake up again? The doctors were unsure. Ignis knew you were strong... but... well maybe that was his punishment for being a disappointment. 
• He was so relieved when your eyes fluttered open after countless, excruciating days. He half expected that you would tell him to leave as your eyes landed on him. But to his surprise you smiled at him. Weakly... but it was there. Ignis knew as well as you did, that this was neither the time nor the place to talk about what happened between you two. For now you were both glad you had each other again. Life wasn’t finish with both your stories yet. 
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• “Princes will be Princes.” Prompto once said. And when it came to this... there was no Prince like Noctis. He was a spoilt brat. And sometimes he acted like one too. And sometimes... that was driving you crazy. He could have the worst attitude if something happened that he didn’t like. It was ridiculous. Frustrating. Nerve-wrecking even. It was like he turned into a pouty 4-year-old. You couldn’t talk to him properly, let alone reason with him. All you could do was to accept his pouting and wait for it to go away... or do what he wants to make him happy again. 
• You were so sick of it. Sick of that man-child always getting his way. Sick of always having to act like you were okay with his tantrums. And one night, you had enough. You snapped. Yelled at him. Called him out on his ridiculous behavior. And what did he do? He yelled back. It wasn’t pretty. You had never seen him like that. Did you go too far? No, it was about time somebody did something about his antics. Maybe snapping at him wasn’t the right way to behave. But him telling you that he didn’t need you and that you were annoying anyway, was definitely worse. 
• You two had your occasional quarrels, but it never escalated into a fully blown fight like this. Neither of you knew how to deal with that, so you both did what you thought was best: Ignored each other until the other one would cave. Who would have thought, that a Granhorn would run you over before you two could sort things out? 
• Yes, your head wasn’t fully in the game when the five of you went hunting - understandably. And the fact, that this Grandhorn was hidden, until the very moment it came out of the bushes and trampled you, didn’t make it any better. You instinctively curled in on yourself and wrapped your arms around your head, but you still took quite a bad beating. Bones were breaking, skin was tearing, and you felt all of it. 
• Noctis panicked. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to get injured like this? How dare you? He yells at Ignis to do something, to fix you. He can’t stand the slight whimper that escapes your throat, it tears his heart apart. You shouldn’t suffer. Not mentally, not physically. And now you were suffering in both ways - just because of him and his incompetence to deal with his life. He wanted to slap himself. It was all his fault. 
• Noctis refuses to leave your side once Ignis patched you up and tucked you into your sleeping bag at the camp. Night had already fallen, so driving back to Insomnia was much too dangerous. The men just hoped that you didn’t have any internal injuries and that you would make it through the night. Noctis felt helpless as he watched your unconscious form, your chest barely rising and falling. His hand stroked your hair gently as he made the decision to never let it come to a point like this anymore. He didn’t want to fight with you. He didn’t want you to hate him. He was determined to fix things as soon as you woke up. Until then, he would just sit there next to you and read you some of your favorite stories. That was the one thing he could do for you right now. After all, you loved listening to his voice. 
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• Fighting with Prompto was almost impossible. Almost. After all, he was a very soft individual and needed harmony at all costs - which is the reason he never talks back, even if he’s being pushed around. He never speaks up and he does everything to make everyone happy... without looking out for himself. Yes, it was great that he always wanted to maintain the peace and harmony within the group - but at what cost? 
• You were trying to help him with his insecurities, supporting him whenever possible, teaching him to stand up for himself and his opinions. But when it came to it, Prompto always caved and took the easy way out of a confrontation by backing down. This happened one too many times now.
• Yes, you were angry. Yes, you yelled at him. Yes, you were a tiny bit unfair to him. And yes, it was unexpected that Prompto found his voice right in that moment. Of course you were glad, that he finally stood up for himself... you just wished it wouldn’t have been like this. It was ugly. You were screaming at each other, throwing around harsh words and nasty insults - neither of you deserved that. 
• Prompto felt incredibly bad when you slammed the door shut as you left. He had such a bad conscience about lashing out at you like that. It wasn’t like him. What had gotten into him? Was it because it was a generally stressful time currently? Or was it because you were constantly trying to change him? He had to talk to you about that. He knew that you weren’t actually trying to change him, you wanted to help him. But maybe... just maybe it was a little too much. He needed to make things right with you. Now. 
• He sprinted after you - but it was too late. The only thing he found was your unconscious, bleeding form in the middle of the street. Prompto was freaking out. What was he supposed to do? Get you to safety. Get you to a doctor. Find whoever did this. Thoughts were racing through his head. He tried to sort them, tried to find the right thing to do. But... he only came around when someone was calling for help and tending to your wounds. 
• It had been the worst couple days of his life, until the doctors finally said that you would be alright. It was close. Too close. But you would make it. You would come back to him. Until then, he would sit right next to you and read your favorite stories to you and tell you about his day, how he finally managed to assert himself in a certain matter. He could have sworn that the corners of your lips twitched slightly when he told you that. Even when being in a state like this, you were still showing Prompto, that you were there for him. You truly were the best thing that ever happened to him. 
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
Could you do the bros trying to woo their comically oblivious crush? Like the boys are trying to drop hints but SO just does not pick up on it unless the boys straight up say something like “I want to kiss you. On the mouth. Romantically.” (I just get a kick out of the “oblivious love interest” because I also don’t understand subtle hints lol)
This is sooo me. I’m Autistic so I miss when people are flirting with me 😅
Also you’d be surprised how many people how already done a Chocobros with a oblivious crush.
I almost denied this request because so many have done it already but why the hell not?
Here we goooo!
He doesn’t know how much patience he has left. Your a lot more clueless than he thought...
He’s tried to flirt with you, but you just don’t pick up on them! He’s getting a bit frustrated.
“Is she/he/they doing this on purpose?!” he thinks.
Eventually, He turns to Ignis for help.
Ignis suggests that he should just straight up tell you how he feels.
It takes awhile but he finally builds up the courage to confess to you.
He invites you to his place and you curiously walk inside, unaware of what’s gonna happen.
“Noct... you said that you wanted to talk to me about something, is everything ok?”
Noct thought for a second before starting.
“Y/n...I really like you.”
“Aww! I like you to Noct!”
He annoyingly sighed.
“Seriously?” He said annoyed.
That caught your attention. Why was he annoyed?
“What’s wrong Noct?”
He turned to you and sighed one more.
“I have feelings for you.”
“I’m IN love with you Y/n.”
You were so shocked. You literally had no idea!
“Noct I-
“It’s fine. I know it’s sudden and probably weird and-
You stopped him mid-sentence and held his arm, tightly and lovely.
“I love you too, Noct.”
Poor baby. Frozen up like a scared kitty.
But it worked, so it was worth it.
“Me too Y/n.”
He’s always had a thing for you but you didn’t seem to noticed.
Not like it was completely your fault.
Prompto has a very bad habit of self sabotaging himself, before he can tell you how he feels.
Until today!
He invited you to a photo shoot at the river and you were the model!
You were so excited to be his model but obviously, he planned to confess his feelings to you.
Once you both reached to the river, Prompto awkwardly turned to you and tried to make conversation.
“So uh... pretty weather today eh?”
“Yeah! Perfect day for pictures!” You smiled.
That smile. That smile he fell in love with.
He started blushing hard and you noticed it.
“What’s wrong? Are you feeling ok?”
“Oh uh..y-yeah! I’m just uh damn.” He swerved away. Ashamed that he failed again.
You didn’t understand what was wrong with him but you wanted to help him.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Uhhh..” Oh my god, his face was red as a tomato.
“Listen, I don’t know what’s going on but I want you to know that it’s ok if you want to talk to me to about it. I’m all ears.”
“C’mon Prompto. Silence isn’t going to make me underst-
“WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?” He yelled out.
The sudden confession caught you off guard.
“Uh sorry! F-forget I said anything!” He awkwardly tried to playing it cool. Oh Prompto.
You gave him a small peck on his freckled cheek.
“I���d would love to go out with you.”
He said he would never fall in love. He dedicated his whole life to Noct. He didn’t need anyone else.
Well that was... until he met you.
You were so delicate. Did everything at ease. Calm and sweet, you were a beam of light.
A beam of light that went into Ignis’s heart. He fell in love.
He tried for so long to keep his feelings under wrap. He didn’t wanna come off as “unprofessional”.
But he couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. True love was a rare thing you see, and it shouldn’t be wasted.
He didn’t wanna lose you.
He made a plan. Make a fancy dinner with your favorite food, drink, and most importantly,
Confess his feelings towards you.
Since he was very aware of your nativity, he thought that a direct approach would help.
You entered his small but nice little apartment, smelling the delicious food cooking.
“Ah! That smells so good!”
Ignis giggled. Your positivity was something he deeply admired about you.
“Why, thank you darling. It’ll taste good as it smells.” He smiled back at you.
20 minutes passed, it was done and your both sat done to eat this wonderful meal.
It was delicious! Every taste was like heaven! You loved it so much.
But one thing was confusing you; what was this for?
Ignis didn’t speak to you much. And when he did, it was professional and monotone.
Tonight was different. He was smiling and seem beaming with happiness.
It was a different side of Ignis. A side that was rare but you were lucky enough to see it.
“Yes Y/n?”
“This was such a great meal.” You started “I’ve never had such a great meal until now.”
Ignis nodded contently.
“..But...” That ‘but’ got Ignis’s attention. “But what is this for?”
Although you his face didn’t show much emotion, his eyes does all the talking.
His eyes basically said “There on to me.”
Ignis coughed before saying,
“I made to show my feelings towards.”
“Oh.” You said. Thinking he was just being kind and wanted to share his feelings about you in a ‘friendly’ way.
“Well, thank you for for meal. I’ll be going.”
Ignis’s eyes deepen. “They didn’t get it, did they?!”
Ignis realizing his plan was failing and not waiting to wait anymore, he got in front of the door.
“Y/n. Perhaps I should be more direct.”
“What do you mean? I thought it was-
“I have feelings for you, darling. For awhile, I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“I wanted to show my feelings through food but that didn’t work.” He chuckled a bit. Laughing at his own “failure”.
The realization hit you. The Ignis Scientia was in love with you?
“Ignis I-
“You don’t need to say anything darling. I was-
You interrupted him by giving him a big hug.
Any affection was foreign to Iggy and usually, unwanted. But this was the few exception.
You snuggled to his clothing. It was warm and comfortable.
“I love you Iggy.” You whispered to his chest.
Oh his heart was on fire tonight. His plan was a success.
“I love you too, Y/n.”
This man was a known womanizer.
Every woman loved him and every man wanted to be him.
Who could blame them? He was strong, had a cool hawk tattoo, beautiful eyes and hair.
But he was also feared.
He looked intimidating. He could fight anyone if he wanted to.
But that’s a front.
Deep down, he’s a gentle giant underneath.
He wanted to love anyone just as anyone else wanted.
You saw the true Gladiolus.
A kind, smart, book reader, strong of course but more than his strength.
That’s what Gladio loved about you. You knew the Real Gladio.
He couldn’t help but fall for you.
But he was frustrated with his lack of progress with you, due to your lack of awareness to his feelings towards you.
He was sure he was so obvious but you mistook as “friendliness”.
He finally had enough and was going to tell you straight up, that he was in love with you.
“Y/n!” He called to you.
“Oh hi Gladly! What can I do for you today?”
“I love you.”
“Aww.” You touched. Gladio was never known to say ‘I love you’ especially to the people that were closest to him. “I love you to!”
“Really?!” He said suprised even that didn’t work!
“You don’t get it do you?”
“What? What’s up?”
“I’m in love with you!” He looked at you with a little smirk seeing your shocked and embarrassed face.
“I didn’t know.” You whispered.
“I thought I was being kinda obvious!”
You stood there awkwardly and having a hard time looking into his eyes.
You felt embarrassed for not knowing sooner.
Gladiolus smugly said “it’s ok, just say you’ll go on a date with me.”
You giggled. His blunt humor seemed to calm your nerves.
“I would like to go on a date with you, Gladio.”
A/N: This is different eh? I want to try something new.
Hopefully you like it!
Also sorry this took so long! Depression is a real bitch :/

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lune-hime · 3 years
Wakey Wakey (Chocobros x Reader)
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For you, your chocobro, and coffee. 
Coffee doesn’t do anything for sleepy boy Noctis.
I’m serious, it has no effect.
But does this really surprise you?
In highschool, when Noctis was struggling to stay awake studying for his astronomy midterm, Ignis suggested he drink a coffee with an extra espresso shot.
Then Ignis brewed another cup, this time with 2 espresso shots.
3 shots
No change.
6 shots
The prince’s eyes are still drooping.
8 shots.
And now his head is lolling to the side.
Ignis’ limit was 10 shots as he did not want to send the boy into a caffeine coma.
But to his surprise, and utter shock, when he returned to Noctis’ bedroom 15 minutes later the prince was knocked out and drooling over his textbook.
The future adviser didn’t know whether to be impressed or utterly concerned.
No matter how early or late you wake up, you will always rise earlier than the prince on most days.
So needless to say 99.9% of the time you are getting your own coffee.
If the Insomnia weather isn’t horrible, you prefer to slip on your sneakers and walk to the nearest chain coffee shop.
The gentleman he is, Noctis is ever insistent he pay for your coffee even when he’s fully immersed in slumber.
Now equipped with a steaming americano, you waddle back to your shared apartment, chasing away the frosty autumn air with the steam of your drink.
Crawling back in bed laptop in hand, you have a chill morning until you have to get ready for class.
Noctis’ arms are immediately around your waist like there is a magnetic force drawing him to your warmth through his unconscious state.
Definitely a coffee drinker, although the bouncing bean doesn’t need anymore energy than he already does.
In fact, you have to constantly limit his caffeine intake because when he has too much, he becomes too much.
His tolerance level is the polar opposite to Noctis; load more than one espresso shot into that boy and he is a vibrating mess.
He’s even more talkative than usual, touchier than usual, and wants nothing more than to drop everything and go out on some spontaneous adventure.
He is the epitome of a distraction.
Not that you would mind these things otherwise, but right now the two of you are trying to push through mountains of readings for your college classes.
And his foot keeps accidentally kicking you in the shin, to which he responds with profuse apologies and sheepish grins.
On road trips he will pull off to cute cafes along the side of the road. He knows that you will be needing your second cup for the day around 4 pm and plans accordingly.
He definitely did not research it ahead of time and will vehemently front that it is just a coincidence.
Knows your order by heart, even if you have multiple orders.
“You want an affogato right Y/N? You know, I affogetto where I am when I’m with you.”
The affection (albeit a chuckle at his cheesiness) that swells in  your heart drowns out the groans of your friends as they eagerly await to jump back into the regalia with their drinks.
His thoughtfulness just makes the trip all the more special.
Let’s just say the two of you are a match made in coffee bean heaven.
He wholeheartedly supports your coffee addiction as he completely understands the need for caffeine.
The two of you go on an immense amount of cafe dates, to the point that you have entertained the idea of opening a coffee shop from the sheer amount of time you spend in these establishments.
This is partly because being a college student calls for lots of cafe time but also because the two of you just love the atmosphere.
You have a favorite coffee shop a few blocks from your university that you have become regulars at.
When Ignis finishes work at the Citadel he pops back to the apartment to change and grab any extra work he needs to tackle before meeting you at your favorite place.
Cafe Ignis is best Ignis.
Sure you love his silken dress shirts and custom tailored (and bless the six just the right amount of tight) dress pants, but you are ever love to see the other side of the crown’s advisor.
Seeing your Iggy in his knit sweater and jeans is a truly delightful experience.
And although you both are swamped with work, the atmosphere allows you to unwind and just bask in the presence of one another.
Every so often he brushes a loving hand over yours.
Or a chaste kiss to your cheek when he gets up to use the restroom.
His head rests snuggly atop of your shoulder when you ask him to proofread a particular paragraph in your essay.
Knows whenever you need a refill.
Before you can drink the last drop of the golden liquid, he’s already up and ready to order you another grande cappuccino.
And he will stay with you the entire time even if he finishes early because he knows how stressful work can get.
The two of you should really find a 24-hour coffee shop.
Could Ignis ask for anything better? I think not
Not a big coffee drinker as he is a strong believer that caffeine will mess with his hard earned physique.
Supports your addiction but will never admit that he has discreetly tried to get you to cut down on your dosage.
Will follow you to your favorite coffee shop after your morning run with no complaints.
Though he will tease you about how you should have drank the caffeine beforehand because you ran so slow.
“Shouldn’t you be drinking water instead?”
To which he gets a playful jab in the ribs.
“Coffee is my water.”
To cool off from the work out the two of you take a detour through a park, the smell of hazelnut mingling with amber gazes and warm embraces.
If  you decide to skip the morning run, Gladdy will never fail to bring you a cup back on his way home.
Who could say no to awakening to the tantalizing smell of vanilla and featherlight touches.
Akin to Ignis, Gladiolus is never opposed to chilling with you at a coffee shop.
He loves it actually, because it's an excuse to do two things; read and be with his love.
The shield is a busy boy so moments like those are ones he cherishes.
He brings his book, you bring your homework.
Prompto isn't the only one who is good at photo taking.
Gladiolus is the master of sneaky photos.
He adores the way your brow lightly crinkles when your wrestling with what is the angular acceleration of the disk if its mass…
The candidness of the image brings a genuine smile to his face and roaring laughter from his chest when you struggle to confiscate the image from across the table.
Something that he would never admit to, though, is sometimes he does indeed sneak a few espresso shots in before a sparring match.
He knows you would tease the hell out of him if you knew.
He is right.
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mehbzz · 3 years
Got inspired by @weebsinstash posts again.  A/B/O Chocobros. Same pack dynamics as last time. This fic focuses on Noctis. Female reader, mommykink, lactation, breast feeding, NSFW. Never written these kinks before so excuse any clumsiness!
Hints at possessive/controlling behaviour, not sure how obvious they are so warning just in case. No beta reader so ignore all mistakes!
If you weren’t sandwiched between Ignis and Gladio, you were pinned awkwardly between Noctis and Prompto. Often falling asleep alone to wake in the early hours with one or both snuggled up against you. Which was how you found yourself this evening, Noctis with his head on your chest and Prompto awkwardly curled into your side, head resting against your stomach.
Noct shifts, his cheek nuzzling into your breast in a way that has you tensing slightly. It was comforting having them close but you were uncertain about the amount of physical contact between you and the two younger Alphas. Pack dynamics were still new to you, the relationship deepening between you, Ignis and Gladio even more so. Even with Ignis occasionally trying to teach you and Gladio helpfully reprimanding you, without explanation, for things you apparently shouldn’t be doing, it was still a confusing topic. Most of your questions were met with vague explanations or patronising dismissals of ‘they know what’s best’.
Noct moves again, “I can’t sleep” his voice is tired, nuzzling his face against your breast “soft” he mumbles before darting his tongue out to lick tentatively across your clothed nipple.   “Noct!” your tone is sharp, more out of shock than anger but he doesn’t pull away. Nothing had been mentioned or talked about regarding developing your relationship with Noctis and Prompto. The four were often openly affectionate with each other, and the thought that the affection ran a little deeper than purely platonic had crossed your mind more than once. Was this normal for packs? Are you setting yourself up for another reprimand from Gladio or a disappointed talk from Ignis? Your obvious apprehension does nothing to stop Noct from nuzzling against you again.  “S’ ok;” he mumbles sleepily “they don’t mind”. Don’t they? The fact neither Ignis nor Gladio had stirred from their side of the tent made you think he was telling the truth. Normally your every sound, movement or shift in emotion had them honing in on you with intent focus. Maybe this was normal for packs. It did feel good having Noct so close, the attention and the affection, almost soothing. "Noct!" your gasp is a little louder this time as he takes a broad stroke across your nipple before sealing his mouth around it to suck gently. Your cry has Prompto stirring against your side, blue eyes flickering up at you before they drift down to watch Noct suckling against your now hard nipple. “S’not fair,” Prompto half mumbles, half whines against your stomach, still half asleep. “Wanna taste”
“has two” Noct snarks back, fractured sleepy words smothered against your skin as he keeps suckling your nipple though your shirt. At Prompto’s discontented whine you instinctively card your fingers through his hair with a soft purr, trying to sooth him back into sleep. The hitch in your breath as Noct sucks a little harder, has Prompto shifting minutely closer “I can make you feel good too” even in his half asleep state you can hear his sulky tone and you bite back a smile. His hand slipping under your night shirt to brush lightly over your pussy before resting high on your thigh as he seemingly dozes off again.
Wearing panties to bed had become a pointless endeavour. Gladio more often than not tearing them in some way to make wearing them again impossible. The look of disappointment on Ignis face whenever Gladio ruined a pair had started making you feel guilty so you had stopped wearing them all together in the tent. Saving them more for the times you got to spend in hotels or in private with Ignis. The look of reverence on Ignis’ face when he got to see you in intact lingerie had made the awkwardness of sleeping without any easier to bear. And you certainly got no complaints from Gladio about it. Nudity in general was something that was slowly becoming easier to deal with, how comfortable and open about it the boys were didn’t give you, as with most things recently, much of a choice.
The nip of teeth against your nipple draws you attention immediately back to Noctis. “Jus’ me” his words are slurred and a little confused. He’s just as tired as Prompto, it’s easy to tell but he continues to suckle lazily against your breast. He shuffles closer, hand squeezing just a little tighter, and the first spurt of milk surprises you both, your back arching slightly at the sensation. You can feel Noct’s excited hum rumble from his chest as his hand drops to the hem of your shirt. “Please” It's one word, verging on a command more than a plea but you know what he wants and you acquiesce with a gentle nod. It feels right. You’ve never considered yourself particularly maternal but the sudden urge to nurture him is strong.
Noctis tugs your nightshirt up awkwardly over your breast, just enough to give him access to your bare nipple. He immediately wraps his warm mouth around it, licking and suckling on it gently as he starts to rock lazily against your thigh. He’s hard, and a tingle of arousal pulses between your legs as he grinds against you. It wasn’t the burning almost feral desire you felt with Ignis and Gladio, it was a gentle, cosy heat that made you want to be closer to him, to look after him and help him feel good.
“S’good” He groans a little louder as another spurt of milk coats across his tongue, his hand squeezing around your breast in an attempt to coax more milk from you. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, as your body adjusted to the new raging omega hormones lactation had become an occasional nuisance. One Gladio enjoyed immensely. The first time it had happened had been mildly alarming but Ignis had assured you it would cease as your body became accustomed to the hormonal changes.
  Your fingers still combing through Noct’s hair, you look down to watch him. His throat moving as he swallows, eyes closed in contentment as he continues to suckle. The faint press of his teeth and the glide of his tongue have your hips twitching slowly, more out of instinct than any genuine need to cum. Having Prompto resting on your stomach sleeping against your side made it difficult to really move anyway. The contented purr that escapes you has Noct’s hips immediately stuttering against you. He sighs as he cums, quiet little whimpers as he continues to rut lightly against you. “M’sorry, didn’t mean to.” He sounds embarrassed and the urge to comfort him is great. “It’s ok, it’s ok, you did good.” You let your fingers stroke slowly down the nape of his neck, “Good boy” the words slip from your lips in a quiet whisper before you can stop them and despite your tinge of embarrassment Noctis keens at your praise. “mommy” the word is quiet, almost whispered against your breast as his grip tightens in his attempt to snuggle closer. The aftershocks from his lazy orgasm are sending little shivers down his spine, and you slowly stroke your nails down his back in an attempt to sooth him, cooing praise softly into his ear.   After a few minutes Noctis finally releases your nipple and licks the stray trickle of milk that slides down your breast before nuzzling into the side of your neck with a contented huff. He’s scenting you, the behaviour has become second nature to you now and you tilt your head to the side to give him easier access. The awkwardness you expect isn’t there, and as Noct gently pulls your shirt down and lies back down against your chest all you feel is a calming rush of warmth and love. You’re aware Ignis is awake on the other side of Prompto, you can sense the contentment, and what you think is pride, in his scent and it helps relax you further. Noct’s quiet petulant whine against your chest once again draws your attention back to him. He rubs his head into your hand in a quiet demand for pets that has you biting back a quiet laugh. You do as he bids, letting your nails stroke gently across his scalp and down the back of his neck, both of you enjoying the slow, intimate contact. The silence as you started to drift off is warm and soothing, and although it’s still a little uncomfortable with Noct once again asleep on your chest and Prompto having somehow managed to wrap himself around your leg, head now resting on your thigh, the only sound as you drift into sleep is your quiet contented purr.
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