#chocolate pudding and oreo crumbs and gummy worms
kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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supercantaloupe · 11 months
more random food qs: favorite kind of ice cream?
love a good cookies and cream. or a variation upon that theme
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itsreaditandwow2 · 9 months
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(I remember making this in kindergarten. I can't say it was around Halloween-time, but who knows?)
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shmowder · 10 days
I have some more dessert headcanons 🍰 I doubt I can explain but it's just a feeling I have. Daniil would like Turkish Delight. Lara and Artemy both like fruit pies, best is blueberry for Lara and rhubarb (it's a vegetable but whatever) for Artemy (oh god I'm stereotyping based on colors again). Candy corn for Clara. Candy corn is divisive but I actually like it. I think Grief would like candy in general, maybe those little chocolates with liquor inside, and cinnamon flavored things. Big Vlad - mincemeat pie. Rubin - bread. Just bread. Red velvet cake for Katerina, meringues for Eva. For Aspity, those dirt pies made out of oreo crumbs, pudding, and gummy worms lol. I think Grace, Notkin, Sticky, and Murky would like those too :o)
There's probably some obscure dialogue that contradicts something there but oh well~
What do you think of Victor's animal being a tiger? I keep thinking Basset Hound and yes that's almost entirely because they both have a high likelihood of being found sitting on the floor by the clock. He's some kind of scent hound to me - more calm and deliberate than sighthounds, and once they have their mind set on something, focusing on it to the extent that it's nearly impossible to pull them away. But at the same time, I can sort of see the cat thing.
🐿️ anon
Your brain is big and wrinkly all of those fit perfectly omfg. "Rubin = bread" I LOVE IT.
Here's what I think their preference in sweets would be in addition to yours.
Turkish delight, Honey soaked rose baklava, kanafeh with sweer syrups. The intensely sweet desserts are her favourite, think heavy caramel chocolate cakes. She'd sample a lot of desserts from different cultures but those would be her comfort ones.
Victor Kain
The dishes he eats are an acquired taste that wouldn't appeal to most people. Think blue cheese and something along those lines. think bitter chocolate, coffee, and pistachio flavours. Traditional creme burlee and dark chocolate mousse.
I like to think that Khan abhors these flavours and desserts out of rebellion and only demands the most sprinkle filled bubblegum bonbon cupcakes for his birthday.
Maria, however, goes for flavour-rich desserts that explode in the mouth, something with a heavy taste and an aftermath of wine.
Cheesecake, lemon tarts. Subtle sweetness with the spin of something different sate her appetit the most. French Vanilla chiffon cake for special occasions, a blueberry muffin with her morning light cream cappuccino.
He's absolutely not a dessert person, so when the craving strikes, he would rather go for a baked good. Almond bread, rosemary-walnut brow butter cookies and biscuits, English muffins too.
Fairy bread cookies, strawberry shortcake, and orange puddings. Fruit based desserts with cream are her favourite. Peach pie and cherry jello. Sadly, most of these would only be found in the Capital, and exporting them into the town wouldn't come easily. The kin might adjust their recipies to accommodate her sweet tooth and include more fresh fruits.
For Victor's animal, I was surprised to learn it's the same one as Rubin! They both have tiger in their descriptions. Especially when Khan's animal is an adorable hedgehog. Oh my god, so cute. But it fits. He really does go hide in that spiky polyhedron whenever life gets too troubling. He also has the Kains and Capella ready to protect him.
It's because of Victor's animal being a tiger that I add the "predatory" lines in the story. The sharp claws hidden in his clapsed hands.
He's a tiger in the aspect of the danger rather than the ferality. His mind is as sharp as a tiger's tooth and his focus and patience when hunting a prey or a goal is unmatched. You never expect him or hear him, how he'll as stealthy as a tiger when it comes to mind games.
For Rubin, however, I do see the symbolism centring on the ferality instead. He's like a caged tiger, one with filed down claws and broken teeth. He used to be so sharp and had so much potential. He's truly a force to be reckon with, but the cruelty of life stole away his prime. He's overcome with grief and appears as a docile, tired predetor because of it, like a circus tiger not caring anymore and just jumping through the fire hoops of whoever orders him to. Which is why he is so quick to join the army, he needs a purpose, a mentor, an end goal, a firey ring to make him feel useful because nothing is more terrifying to an imprisoned animal than absolute freedom.
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asjjohnson · 8 months
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It's inspired by this recipe: https://foodpluswords.com/graveyard-pudding-cups/ (but I used Oreos and added a brownie layer)
Bake a box of brownies.
Make a box of instant chocolate pudding.
Twist apart several Oreo cookies and scrap off the cream. Crumble as finely as possible.
Melt a few white chocolate chips (heating them back up every time it starts getting sticky). Use toothpick to write on the back of cinnamon graham crackers (broken on perforations). Use toothpick to make bone shapes on parchment or wax paper.
Put Oreo crumbs in the bottom of a clear cup or bowl. (Shaping Oreo cream worms and sticking them to the side of the container is optional.) Spoon a little pudding on top. Cut a brownie approximately the right size. Poke a gummi worm through the center of the brownie (it helps to cut the brownie in half). Squeeze brownie into container. Spoon in more pudding. Add more Oreo crumbs on top. Push graham cracker gravestone through the Oreo crumbs and pudding. Add a few white-chocolate bones. (If not eating immediately, don't add the graham cracker until right before eating, or it'll get soggy.)
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doodle-last · 1 year
Remus is obsessed with the dirt desert!!! The one where you put the oreo crumbs and gummy worms into chocolate pudding!! He just loves to eat up the yummy dirt.
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stardustshimmer · 9 months
Oh can I join on candyland? I'll make the dirt oreo crumbs-
Yes, great idea!
I'll even throw in some gummy worms to rest in the dirt!
(I'm sorry this just gave me flashbacks to this one dessert I used to get at this one restaurant as a kid called Cup o' Dirt. It was chocolate pudding, crushed Oreos, and gummy worms. Literally delicious.)
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Trick Or Treat! 👻
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[Image ID: A picture of two "cups of dirt", a dessert of layered chocolate pudding and oreo cookie crumbs, with gummy worms on top, sticking out of the top layer of crumbs]
treat!!! one of my favourite desserts of all time, enjoy!
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bluepoodle7 · 3 months
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#Lunchables #LunchablesDirtCake #DessertSnackReview
I tried the Lunchables Dirt Cake Dessert Snack and it was pretty good.
The gummy worms had a light fruity flavor while also softer than Haribo gummies.
These just taste like generic or store brand gummy worms but mini in size.
The chocolate marshmallow creme frosting you dip them in tasted like a light chocolatey pudding with a light marshmallow taste at the end.
The chocolate cookie crumbs just taste like crumbled Oreos and were lightly crunchy in texture.
These flavors together just tastes like a chocolate covered fruit gummies with a light chocolate flavor from the cookies and the chocolate marshmallow creme frosting.
This was lightly sweet to me.
This reminded me of the Tony Roma's dirt cake dessert.
I would eat these again but on sale.
Got at Walmart.
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thegayknee · 2 years
Auctober Day 9: Comfort Food
Food can be difficult for me, especially since I often prefer Ingredience to complicated hot meals. But there are some hot foods I like, such as mac and cheese! Baked with bread crumbs on top, please!
Here are some other foods I would consider my "comfort foods":
Papa John's cheese pizza with chocolate pudding on top
Smorgasbord: a family tradition! Fancy cheeses, cured meats, fresh cut bread, fruits, and assorted desserts.
Sliced cheddar, Ritz or Saltine crackers, and salami. Plus Capri Sun! Pacific cooler is my favorite
Peanut butter waffles (toaster waffles with peanut butter on top)
Things that remind me of childhood, like dinosaur chicken nuggets, goldfish crackers, apple juice boxes, etc
DIRT AND WORMS (chocolate pudding with a layer of crushed oreos on top and some gummy worms stuck in)
My food preferences can be very restrictive, but I also like that it can lead me to some stuff other people might never try! (Chocolate pudding on pizza haters don't interact.) (That was a joke :D)
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20cm · 3 years
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goodmorning mwah mwah love you hope you have a lovely day 🍊💗💛🧡
i hope u also have a great day!! handing u an orange and a slice of cake<33
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love-takes-work · 3 years
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Amethyst ate dirt in “Prickly Pair” so I made it a recipe.
See more SU food tutorials!
Amethyst ate dirt in "Prickly Pair" so I decided to make a recipe out of it.
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This doesn't exactly qualify as a recipe by my usual standards, I should say. As long as it's food and someone ate it, it counts, but I consider Amethyst's habit of eating non-food items exempt from my recipe reproductions.
Still, watching Amethyst eat potting soil made me want to eat dirt so here's a recipe for dirt cake.
1 (3.5-oz.) package of instant chocolate pudding mix
1.5 cups of whole milk
1 cup of sweetened whipped cream
1 package of Oreo cookies
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Whisk the pudding mix and milk together until it's become smooth. Let it thicken for about 3 minutes.
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Pour in the whipped cream and fold it into the pudding.
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Put about 7 ounces of Oreo cookies in a bowl and use the handle of a spoon to crush into nice crumbs.
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Mix 1/3 to 1/2 of the cookies into the chocolate pudding mix.
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Sprinkle the remainder of the cookie crumbs on top.
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I wrapped it up in a paper bag to look more like it's dirt in a sack.
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I ate it too.
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Mmm. Tastes like garden.
Most of the time, people who make dirt cakes are serving them at gross-out parties, so sometimes they'll make it more realistic by putting the "dirt" in a pail or a flowerpot and adding fake flowers or gummy worms.
But I am content to emulate our Amethyst and simply eat dirt as Sugar intended.
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I hope that you enjoyed this, and that you'll consider making a dirt cake whenever you want to channel your inner Amethyst.
See more SU food tutorials!
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supercantaloupe · 2 months
nooo i forgot to check tumblr and send you ask… here is your sleepover saturday ask from me, top 5 ice cream flavors?
well this is a difficult question. like are we talking classics or are we talking "you saw this bizarre flavor once at a random street vendor and never again anywhere else"
anyway. for the classics:
5. strawberry
4. moose tracks
3. raspberry sorbet
2. dark chocolate/fudge brownie/similar
cookies and cream
and for Weird Flavors:
5. peanut butter and jelly
4. Dirt Ice Cream (chocolate w/ oreo crumbs and gummy worms. like the pudding)
3. fresh coconut ice cream in thailand. the kind that they serve to you in a coconut shell with sticky rice and peanuts. i don't even like coconut that much but damn they know what they're doing over there
2. one time i had pineapple ginger basil gelato in rome. that kicked ass
1. this shit
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thecrowslullaby · 3 years
those mud cup things w chocolate pudding n Oreo crumbs n gummy worms
You are onto something here anon. My art really is a Mish mash of everything (at least in my opinion)
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toadsandtiels · 4 years
Happy Super Worm Moon!!
I wanted to do something special instead of just taking a picture, so I’ve decided to share my favorite fun & easy dessert a day early so everyone can make and enjoy it tomorrow night (March 9th)! 
Here’s what you need:
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Oreo crumbs
gummy worms & frogs
pistachio, chocolate and butterscotch pudding
That’s it! 
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Make and set the pudding!
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Get a serving bowl!
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I like to layer the chocolate and butterscotch...
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... and put a layer of Oreo crumbs between them!
(you absolutely don’t have to do this if the textures/flavors don’t work for you. You can just use chocolate, or butterscotch on its own if you like! Get creative!)
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All done! But wait .... 
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Put a little leftover butterscotch on top ...
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and some pistachio, you can spoon it in carefully to look like lily pads, or just pretend it’s pond scum or duckweed or whatever! 
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put some more crumbs up there! And then ...
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you’re ready for the frogs! Hmm, but they look like they need some more friends! Frog bogs are very biodiverse places! 
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Big boys, coming through! Now give ‘em a snack! 
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Hooray! It’s Frog Bog time, baby! 
Happy Super Worm Moon, everyone! I hope you enjoyed my little treat! (I sure did!)
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
what if mk sated kirby's want to eat dirt with those cute little dirt desserts that r like chocolate pudding, oreo crumbs, and gummy worms. i haven't had one in years but they're so fucking cute and delicious -mod kirby
I’ve been trying to remember the name for the past few hours wHAT THE HELL WERE THOSE CALLED
Alright older brother to the rescue it’s literally called “Worms In Dirt.” Appetizing!
but yes meta ABSOLUTELY gets those for kirby. blessed
-Mod Susie
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