#chris hackett x you
Oh I’m sorry?! Do you not like smut about Travis and Chris Hackett on your dash or tags
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icedteainthatbag · 2 months
in case anybody’s curious
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albeit my wings obsession was short lived and verdict’s still out on northern exposure (i figure it’ll last at least a little longer cause it’s a more timeless show but we’ll see haha)
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larabiatasstuff · 2 years
Brothers ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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somewhereinthepines · 2 years
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this convo kills me everytime. it never cease to amaze me, how ryan would go to such hilarious lengths merely to justify smth weird, that chris does/involved in. he just straight up denies everything, or makes up shitty excuses on a spot, and seems to even believe in these made-up things himself. he’s always so reluctant to call in the cops, to make chris look bad, even tho, the evidences is all over the place. at this rate, chris could have murdered a random dude in front of him, and ryan would have been like well, i saw nothing. *put in earbuds and just looks the other way* just you know....
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a typical ryan thing lol. he’s a good boy. does what he’s told. mister h trusts him to be ‘responsible’. all while being irresponsible himself lol. 
i mean, i honestly disappointed that they didn’t do more with it. they just teased the opportunity of ryan flipping to the other side at the last moment. but never went through with it. *sigh* this would have been a good twist. like a call back to the whole thing with Josh in Until Dawn. 
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lucigoose · 2 years
hello! my name is lucifer and i finally have the energy to write my requests post.
im going to be accepting requests for quarry characters because it's my current hyperfixation!! i write headcanons, fluff, ships, and suggestive content but as of right now my nsfw requests will be closed.
the only real warning that i have for you folks is that depending on the request, i may write something either really short or really long. it's a pretty 50/50 between either one!! this is my first time ever opening tumblr requests so all i can ask is that you let me down gently lmao.
im also a firm believer in shy uwu 'y/n' slander so please give me a personality trait along with your request!! if not im good to just come up with personality that's fitting to the plot.
im most comfortable writing male reader, as im a guy, but ill also do gender neutral. im good with writing a fem reader but it's not my favorite thing to do lol.
characters ill write for is literally everyone except for constance, jedediah, and bobby!! im super excited to show off my writing. reminder i also do poly stuff <3
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illusioninfnty · 8 months
day 28 ; dubcon
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↠ jacob custos x reader
fandom: the quarry word count: 2.4k warnings: nsfw 18+, heavy emphasis on dubcon, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, creampie, light gore elements (wolf transformation)
kinktober m.list || read on ao3
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“It’s okay. You’re okay.” Your voice is hushed as you try to remain as calm as possible.
But Jacob was definitely not okay.
You should have known this whole night was going to go to shit once you and your fellow counselors decided to throw a last minute party before you would all go your separate ways.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. The teenagers always die that way!
You didn’t have time to dwell on your stupidity now, though. Jacob had been bitten–yes, bitten–by one of those werewolves just like the one that was trapped with you two in the red room.
You don’t think you would’ve believed anyone who told you that werewolves existed. Especially the bony, hairless, freaks of nature that you had witnessed attack the two of you before your very eyes.
When Ryan showed up with Laura, one of the counselors who didn’t make it for the summer, and freed you two while revealing their plans to kill Chris Hackett, you probably would’ve thought that they were insane if it wasn’t for the hideous creature that was locked into the cell right next to yours.
Now, you and Jacob were lost in the middle of the woods, you with an injured foot and him being bitten in the shoulder by one of the creatures when he pushed you out of the way of its attack. The open wound was bleeding profusely and the skin surrounding the area was starting to darken. You wince at the sight as you inspect it.
“Oh my god, Jake. I think it’s infected,” you mutter. 
His eyes widen as his head swivels towards you. “What the fuck! Don’t tell me that!”
“Sorry!” You rip off a piece of your already torn pants in a feeble attempt to stop the bleeding. The fabric soaks up all the blood within seconds and you curse as you throw the useless scrap aside. “There’s a lot of blood here. I don’t know what to do.”
“Fuck–just, I don’t know, just think of something!” His words are sharp, in a tone you rarely ever heard from him, and you could hear the impatience and struggle in his voice.
“No need to get pissy with me; you’re not the only one injured here.” You gesture to your foot that was caught in a bear trap just moments prior. Trying to make your way back to the lodge had been proven a failure when another one of those goddamn werewolves appeared out of nowhere. It caught you off guard but was spooked off by a gunshot in the distance, which had led to your current situation.
“Sorry. It just really fucking hurts,” Jacob says, gripping his shoulder as he hunches over in pain. Exhausted, you plop down on the ground next to him and lean back against the tree.
You try to remain calm and wrap your head around what the actual fuck was happening tonight, since no one was around to explain to you what was going on now was.
 “Okay, so I’m pretty sure that with all this shit—” you throw your hands in the air to motion to everywhere around you, “—there’s probably not a single person coming to look for us. I think our best bet is to just…wait this out. Whatever this is.” You put your head in your hands and sigh. “It’s also no use trying to move, with my leg and your arm all fucked up. Hopefully the thing that just attacked us won’t come back for seconds.” 
Jacob awkwardly pats your shoulder. “Hey, hey, don’t worry about that now. At least we…” His eyes seem to glaze over as he stops talking in the middle of his sentence.
You pause at his sudden shift in behavior. Jacob was usually never this quiet, and you assume that would extend to when he was in pain. Even though this night turned out to be absolutely batshit insane, you weren’t expecting Jacob to act so unpredictable. You were worried he was hurt more than you initially thought. “Jacob…you all good?”
He blinks rapidly, as if that’ll give him the answer. “I…I don’t know, it’s like…” he rubs his chest with a closed fist, his other hand swiping across his forehead to wipe off some sweat before running it through his unkempt hair. “I feel so…hot.”
You let out a sigh of relief. That was a lot better than him saying he was in more pain. There had to be some water source close by that wouldn’t be too far for you to walk to on your own with your incapacitated foot. You could work with hot.
“Okay. Okay, that’s good.” You go to stand up from your place next to him. “Stay here. I’ll try my best to find some water to cool you down.”
“No!” Jacob grabs your arm with so much force that it knocks your head against the tree as he pulls you down to him again.
“What the fuck, man!” You rub your forehead where you made contact, wincing as you got to your knees once more. “That fucking hurt. Watch it.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” He calls out your name, more gentler than his abrasive tone. He still hadn’t let go of your arm. “I-I guess I don’t know my own strength anymore.”
You give him a once-over. Jacob was definitely much paler than minutes before, save for the blackness that sprang from the bite wound, and his skin was glistening with a layer of sweat that was extremely concerning given the practically freezing temperature of the night.
“Look, if you don’t want me to leave, that’s cool. But I don't think it’s a good idea for you to stay like this. You need something, anything. You’re not doing too well.” Jacob appears as though he registers your words, as his grip loosens enough for you to wriggle free from it.
“Thanks,” you breathe out. You begin to leave before being interrupted again.
“Wait!” Jacob calls. You turn around, now completely fed up. You were trying to help him, but he was making it so goddamn difficult. “I—I wanted to apologize.” Jacob audibly gulps. He’s clearly starting to become delirious, slurring his words and panting profusely. But you let him finish. “I didn’t think all of this would happen. It was only meant to be one more night.”
The implication behind his words makes your heart drop. “Jake,” you start hesitantly, “what are you talking about?”
Jacob continues to ramble. His eyes are glazed over, and you’re not even sure he heard your question. “I didn’t picture any of this to happen. I wouldn’t have done it if I knew of the—the werewolves and shit. I wanted us to have one more night together. I didn’t want you to leave.” He coughs, giving you time to register his words. “Needed another night to build up the courage, you know?”
You inhale shakily, reeling in your anger. “Are you saying that…that you purposely ruined the van so we’d get stuck here?” “Just for the night!” His voice rises defensively, and he grabs onto your arm. “Don’t be mad! I didn’t know it would end up like this!”
You try to wriggle free from his grip, but it’s iron tight. “Let go of me!”
“No! Let me explain!” He pulls you down to the ground and crawls on top of you, trapping you with his body.
From your position, you’re able to get a better look at Jacob. The blackened area that was around his bite wound was clearly spreading across his body. The veins in his neck were black and bulging, and the color was starting to move up his face. He was sweating profusely, his skin slick with moisture and his face turning a deep shade of red.
Your eyes widen in concern, the anger rushing out of your body. “Oh my god, Jake, you look bad. I need to get you help. Like, right now.”
He lets out a growl, so inhuman it has you pausing in your struggle to be let free.
“Not when you're angry at me.” Jacob’s breathing gets more noticeable as the black in his veins spreads more rapidly to his face, and at this point you’re too afraid to say anything. His eyes go bloodshot as he looks down at you, panting heavily. It’s then that you feel the hardness against your stomach.
“Jake…” your voice shakes with fear, unsure of what he was going to do.
It seems as though he’s trying his hardest to restrain himself. His body trembles and his jaw clenches. “I’m sorry,” he chokes out. He begins to grind himself on you, and you can feel his leaking cock through his boxers.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” Jacob pleads. “It feels like I’m going to die.” He continues to push his length against you, whining. “I need to—to—”
“O-okay, just,” you gulp hard. You didn’t want to hear him say it. “Just be gentle.” You shut your eyes tight, and try to hold in your tears. If this would help Jacob from whatever that werewolf bite did to him, you would accept it, and hope that it’ll be over quickly.
With your approval, Jacob wastes no time in ripping your clothes off. The shreds lay limply on the dirt next to you, and that’s when you notice that his fingernails had grown sharp, too. He pulls off his own boxers, and you turn away after getting a glimpse of his throbbing cock, leaking with precum.
Jacob forces you to turn over, positioning you onto your hands and knees. Without any warning he rams his whole length into you with so much force it knocks you over, unable to balance on your forearms. You collapse into the ground beneath you, feeling your body get caked in the loose dirt as you’re shoved back and forth. You barely register the pain you feel where Jacob just entered you.
“J-Jacob wait!”
He ignores your protests and continues with the ruthless pace. You cry out—in what was pain or terror you aren’t sure. You can feel warm liquid running out of your pussy, what was most likely blood from the intrusion.
His balls slap against your ass as he thrusts in and out of you. His tip reaches the furthest parts of you, having you moan involuntarily. Your nails dig into the dirt beneath you as you get pummeled into it, trying to find a way, any way, to stabilize yourself.
You don’t think Jacob is coherent anymore. All you can hear from behind you is low grunts and growls, and his saliva dripping onto your bare back. He takes his hand and smashes your cheek into the ground, giving himself more momentum for his thrusts. Your body gets dragged across the ground as he moves you every which way.
“Jake…” You don’t even have the strength anymore to push back. His cock feels so big, so full inside of you, and you feel as though you’re about to break from the force of his hips against your own. The pain has subsided for the most part, and some pleasure takes its place. All you can do is allow yourself to enjoy it as best you can.
You reach your hand down towards your clit, wanting some relief. If Jacob’s going to get something good out of this, you may as well, too. Your hands are caked in dirt, but at this point nothing about what is going on could be sanitary.
You rub your hand fast against yourself, trying to match the pace of Jacob but failing. He moves faster than what you ever thought was possible, and you shakily give up after mere minutes.
Jacob’s now sharp fingernails dig into your sides as his cock pulses inside you. Your walls squeeze him tight and he lets out a loud groan from above you. Your own arousal wets his cock even more, and the pap, pap, pap of his thrusts are louder than ever.
Feral is the only word you could use to describe him now. His strength seems to have increased by a tenfold and he has you completely still by the force of a single hand. His other one grips your hip, drawing blood, which only seems to egg him on. He forces his cock deep inside you over and over to the point where your vision goes completely black.
His cock throbs furiously, and you can tell he’s about to cum. Another wave of fear washes over you. You didn’t think Jacob had any plans to pull out, not with the state he’s in. “Not inside!” You try to struggle against his hold, but it’s no use.
Jacob doesn’t listen—rather, doesn’t hear you—and his hot semen floods your pussy. You let a choked sob escape you as you feel the warm liquid drip out of your thighs.
You can’t focus too much on that now when Jacob is making strange sounds above you. He grunts, and his voice changes from his normal tone to one much more deeper and animalistic. You hear him let out a low curse behind you, and with him distracted you’re able to remove yourself from his still-hard cock.
As you cover your head with your arms all you hear from behind you is a loud burst, and the sensation of hot liquid coating your back and making you flinch. You turn to look and choke out a scream and frantically scamper away in the ground as the weight of Jacob’s body leaves you.
In your friend’s place is a werewolf, almost identical to the one in the basement with gray skin and gangly limbs with a mouth full of sharp teeth. You stare in terror, covered in Jacob’s blood, just waiting to be gored to death by the terrifying beast.
But instead the creature stares back, and for just a second, you think you see recognition in its eyes. Then it scampers away, snarling as it passes between the trees and out of your sight.
As Jacob (should you even call that thing by his name?) flees, you fall apart, choking on the sobs you tried your best to hold back before.
You pray to whatever god is out there listening that the sun would rise soon to save all your friends, and to pretend that this entire night never even happened.
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alessiathepirate · 8 months
The Quarry
TAKING RISKS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: Chris Hackett x fem!reader
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Summary: This is quite risky, she thinks but the thought disappears as soon as his lips touch her skin...
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I may have made while I wrote this short story.
Warnings: swearing, suggestive themes
This is quite risky, the thought appears at the back of her mind, but it disappears just as quickly when Chris Hackett's lips touch her neck.
His kisses are slow, lingering; the kind that makes her forget about everything other than him. Her right hand runs along his back, caressing it even if his shirt is in the way - the gentle touch becomes rough a few times, when his kisses roughen up, making her whole being burn.
"Chris-" she tries to get his attention unsuccessfully, because the man is paying more attention to her skin and how his touch makes her act.
She can hear the music downstairs, she can hear the kids singing - her friends are probably there too, wondering where she went. They are doing their job, the job she also should be doing. Instead she's feeling really close to Heaven with her back against a door and Chris' body so close to hers.
"Chris-" she tries again and this time she's successful.
Her lover looks her in the eyes as his kisses come to a stop, but even then his hands are still moving. One is beside her head, keeping the both of them steady; while the other is holding her waist, his thumb gently drawing shapes into the material of her shirt.
"What is it darling?"
The way he says 'darling' sets her insides on fire and she almost forgets what she wanted to say in the first place.
"They'll figure it out." she starts explaining. "We both disappeared on them."
"Let them." he says as he presses a kiss to her cheek. "At least they'll have something to gossip about."
It would be so easy to forget about the dinner downstairs and let Chris love her and prove his love to her. She could easily let them gossip, let herself be the reason for those gossips as well.
She could let all of that happen. They aren't doing anything wrong after all, they're both adults who can date if they want to. She could let Emma call her a whore playfully, she could let Dylan send her teasing looks...
She could let go just this once...
She's about to let her feelings rule her body, when she hears a pretty scary sound from behind the door. Someone stepped inside Chris' office, the room what's right behind her. For a second she thinks she forgot how to breath.
"Mr. H?" a voice calls out and she bites her lower lip to keep her sounds of pleasure back after Chris playfully bit her skin as his hand kept on drawing those shapes.
She knows that voice. Ryan is the one in the other room, he is the one who could hear everything if they aren't quiet, he is the one who could open that door and make them fall in any second.
She puts her hand on Chris' shoulder, pushing him back. Their eyes meet and Chris smiles, his gestures hiding a special kind of mischief, the kind only she could see and no one else.
"He isn't here?" another voice speaks up and she freezes completely - that's Dylan. God, it's a risky situation!
"No." Ryan answers. "But I really need to talk to him."
"About the swimming lessons?"
"Yeah, about those too."
Her gaze must be full of fear. Chris must be able to read that correctly, but he doesn't seem to care. Instead he leans in and kisses her, their lips meeting in a slow and loving kiss - later forming into something more passionate.
Her mind is blank, empty, unable to focus on anything else but him, not being able to care about her own fear of becoming the whore of her friendgroup. She can't think that through, because Chris' kisses are too good.
"Did you check in here?"
The kisses linger and soon her neck is bitten and sucked again, and she has to press her lips tightly together to stay quiet.
Only then does it occur to her that Dylan means the door - the door behind which she is being kissed and loved. She tries to make Chris listen to her even if she can't speak up. She tries to tell him silently that if they don't stop they are screwed. She tries all of that with the last pieces of care she has in herself - and then, after a kiss right under her ear and the feeling of his fingertips touching and grabbing her naked skin under her shirt, she whimpers. She gives up and prays, not finding anymore power to refuse all the affection.
She hears a very quiet click. She feels Chris' other arm move and realizes with a grin that he just locked the door.
"Dude, just let it go. We'll see him at the firepit later anyway."
The doorknob still jiggles and the wood still shakes. Dylan still tries to open it, unsuccessfully.
"I always wanted to know what's behind that door."
It'd be a great surprise, she thinks.
As Dylan's steps fade away a bit, the kisses stop and she hears an almost unnoticeable whisper: 'Be quiet now...'.
She hears the smile in his voice even if she can't see it. She can imagine the almost smirk like curl of his lips.
Stay quiet.
She leans back, tilting her head to the side to give Chris more access to her neck.
Damn what the others think or know. Damn Emma's teasing words and Dylan's playful looks.
She can feel good about herself for a day too.
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grievedeeply · 2 years
Hear me out- Ryan x fem! Reader, yk the whole Hackett house scenes but instead of Laura it’s the reader? Especially the biting part~ [ make it flirty tho LMFAO ]
this. i love this. thank you anon. a note before we begin!! laura is still present in the game, but she's in a different area of the house (to avoid you essentially taking her place). nick is the one who bit you, and you're at the hackett house because you want to save him from the curse (you don't know chris isn't the one that bit him).
this might not be super flirty at first, but it is VERY flirty at the end. but it's sweet and reader is so clearly in love with ryan
fem!reader (no pronouns used, can be read as gender neutral)
tags: @alisblackgf @seasidesamir @pra-xiis @willowroom @blackhoodlea @tywrites @yawagucci | tag list form
tws: violence (as expected), near death experiences, blood, tension. a lot of tension.
all you cared about — ryan erzahler (the quarry)
you felt strong.
you practically felt the energy and adrenaline surging through you as you ran through the hallways of the hackett house, bobby only paces behind you. your heartbeat was in your throat and your legs were moving you as quickly as they could. you heard the hammer of a revolver clicking come from behind you, and you ducked your head, your hands covering your ears as the bullet came flying at you. you swerved into another hallway and into a room a few doors down, blood rushing through your ears as you evaded him.
you heard a sigh from outside the door from the hallway. he lost you. you rested your hand over your heart, taking a few deep breaths to try to calm yourself down. you glanced down at your wrist, and bit at your lip. nick. your thoughts drifted over to your best friend, the once smiling and awkward, but friendly boy who was given the short end of the stick. attacked at the beginning of the night, turning into a werewolf only to bite you, too. 
your eyes were now a bright, golden yellow as you looked at yourself in the mirror. you were running out of time. you could only hope that laura was doing a better at finding chris than you were. you felt bile rise in your throat. chris. you could hardly believe that he was a werewolf if you hadn't seen them for yourself. you remembered how kind he was to you, and cringed. you were plotting his death. it was a crime, and you felt guilty. 'it's for nick.' you told yourself, your feelings never fading no matter how many times those three words repeated in your mind.
stumbling out of the room and into the hallway, you thought of ryan. why did he come with you? he didn't have that werewolf immunity that you and laura had. one wrong step and he would wind up hurt, or dead. you pressed your lips into a thin line, your previous wounds fading away quickly with the healing capabilities you'd been given, and you wandered the hallways once again.
it wasn't until you heard labored breathing that you focused back in on the situation. peeking your head around the corner. a familiar figure was lying on the ground, wheezing and writhing in pain while bobby stood over them. ryan. it had to be. holding back the urge to step out into the light where he could see you to give him hell, you listened in on their conversation.
"come on, man. you gotta help me." ryan breathed, urgency in his voice. "i do?" bobby replied. "yeah! i promise, i won't tell anyone anything." ryan pleaded. you bit harshly at your lip, preventing yourself from breathing too loudly. if you didn't gain control of yourself in this moment, it could mean death for both you and ryan. "no, man." bobby continued, taking a few steps closer towards him as he pushed himself backwards against the concrete with his feet. "family first. besides, i'll get in trouble."
"please." ryan winced. "you stole my knife!" bobby said, his voice increasing in volume as he ripped the weapon out of ryan's side. he screamed in agony, and you couldn't handle it anymore.
you stepped around the corner, your hands in fists at your sides as you glared daggers into the older man. "you been bit!" he exclaimed, taking his attention away from ryan, bleeding out on the floor beside you. "run." was all you said in response. crying out for his brother, bobby turned on his heel and fled out of the door and into the hallway.
you focused on the entrance, your gaze unmoving until you heard ryan's soft voice come from beside you, calling your name. your breathing faltered as you looked over at him, and his head fell back against the ground. you quickly snapped out of your trance like state and sat down beside him, looking at the stab wound on his side. given the positioning, it was likely his lung was punctured.
"ryan.. ryan what happened?" you asked him, "can i look?" you asked, being met with a nod as his reply. bracing yourself for the injury, you lifted up his shirt as gently as you could, trying not to make it any worse. "how bad is it?" you heard him ask. you clenched your jaw as you stared down at the damage. the wound was clearly as deep as you thought, and he was losing blood fast. "um.. it's not doing so hot." you muttered, your lips pressed into a thin line. he let out a soft chuckle, a smile still on how face as his eyes fell shut. "yeah. hurts." he whispered, his voice getting quieter with each word he spoke.
"stay awake, ryan. please." you mumbled desperately, taking his hand into your own. "please." dejectedly, you searched his face for anything at all. he squeezed your hand, taking in a deep breath. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have dragged you into this. you should be back at the lodge, where it's- where it's safer." your breath hitched in your throat, and he shook his head. "no, no. you didn't.. force me into coming. i came because i wanted to." he replied, his eyes opening again to meet your gaze.
the color was quickly fading from his skin, and you knew he didn't have long left. you felt tears well up in your eyes. how could you do this to him? you cursed at yourself. if only you didn't get yourself caught while listening to travis. maybe things would've gone differently and ryan wouldn't be bleeding out on the ground in front of you.
"am i dying?" ryan's voice rang out in the silence. "yeah." was all you said in response. you watched as he bit at his lip, his eyes showing everything he was feeling. anxiety, nervousness, fear.
"i wanna save you." you whispered, hoping your voice was loud enough for him to hear even though he was drifting in and out of consciousness. "i really can't lose you, ryan." you rested your hand on top of your already entwined hands. "i'm.. i'm okay." he blinked a few times, managing a weak smile as he looked up at you. "i shouldn't have let you come. you're not like.. me."
you froze.
you could bite him. it would work.
it would infect him, but it would work.
if you bit him, his injuries would heal and he would live. he would still be alive. a werewolf, but alive. hopefully, the werewolf part wouldn't last much longer. if your plan worked and you actually managed to take out chris, ryan would be cured as quickly as he was infected.
"ryan?" you spoke again, met with a weak hum in response. he looked awful. you knew that this was your only chance at saving him, but if he said no, you would have to deal with it. you wouldn't force him into doing something he didn't want. you wouldn't blame him. you don't want to be a werewolf either.
"ryan, if i.. if i bite you.. it'll heal your wounds. you'd be okay." you whisper, your throat feeling dry and raspy from holding back your emotions in front of him. if he were going to die, you'd be right beside him. "what?" he asked, even though you knew that he was aware of what you were talking about. "if i bite you. you.. you'd live."
you wondered what you looked like. you were already aware of the bright yellow in your eyes, but you thought on your facial expression. did you look at him like a friend, the boy you fell in love with over the months you'd known him, or like your next bite victim? you could feel it. fighting to get out and to devour him where he laid. you bit at your tongue. you couldn't. you wouldn't let anything happen to ryan.
"ryan, you have to.. to give me an answer, please. i don't have much time. i can feel it, it's.. please." you practically pleaded, your gaze meeting his. he looked so weak. so vulnerable. it scared you, thinking about what you would do to him after you turned.
"yeah. yeah, okay." he took his free hand, pushing himself up with his arm to sit upright. he hissed as his wound moved, and you breathed a sigh of relief. maybe, after all of this, both of you would be okay. realistically, you didn't want to get too far ahead of yourself, but the thought put a smile on your face.
little victories.
"where do.. you want me to do this?" you asked him, looking back and forth between his eyes to search for an answer. you were losing time faster than you thought. "anywhere's.. fine. it'll.. get the job done." he chuckled. how did he still have his sense of humor? you laughed, "yeah? you want me to bite you on the neck like one of those cheesy vampire films?"
"i mean," ryan smiled, looking over at you through hooded eyes, "if that's what you want to do." you furrowed your eyebrows. why was he being so serious about it? "yeah?" you smirked, letting go of his hand to prop yourself up with it to lean closer to him. you weren't sure on what made you feel so bold. was it the rush of adrenaline from this situation? was it how close you were to turning and becoming a werewolf for the rest of the night? both were plausible options, but you couldn't even think about it. you were only focused on him.
"i can do that, if you want me to."
you could've swore you saw his face flush even in the darkness of the room. "i want that." he replied back to you. your eyes met his, and you smiled. "okay." you said back. for a moment as tense as this, your voice was so gentle and so soft in his ears.
you got up onto your knees and took in a deep breath. you had to lean over him to reach the side of his neck where you could bite. you maneuvered your way across him, making sure you weren't hitting any injuries as you did so. you propped yourself up with you hand, and you looked at him again. his gaze flickered between your eyes and your lips, and his breath became stuck in his throat. he focused back on you, and he nodded. he noticed the uncertainty in your eyes, and he nodded, "yeah. it's okay." he smiled.
his hand lifted up to your hair, tucking a loose strand of it behind your ear with a reassuring smile. you felt your knees go weak and your heart pound against your chest as you stared down at him, and you managed a nod. "it'll be okay." he muttered, his eyes falling shut as they did before. he relaxed into your touch, and as soon as your lips touched his skin he melted.
until he felt your teeth.
you bit into his neck, trying to be as gently as you possibly could, but failing as you got lost in him. you couldn't let this take control of you. not now. you sighed against his skin, pulling away after you felt him tap your arm a few times. it took him to get you out of your trance.
you pulled away from him and looked down at the damage you caused, feeling blood rush to your cheeks, embarrassed. "kiss it better." ryan said, sounding completely serious as he glanced over at you. "yeah.. yeah, okay." you smiled, pressing a few kisses to where you bit.
you never imagined this before.
well, you did. but in a different scenario.
you pictured something a lot sweeter than this. you pictured a heartfelt confession before you went to town on his neck. you imagined yourself as more human than you were currently, gently kissing at his skin, not tearing it away as you had.
"hey, it'll heal, right?" ryan's soothing voice pulled you out of your thoughts. "it didn't hurt that bad." he chuckled. you knew he was lying. you heard the hissing sound he made when you bit into him. you just nodded, not wanting to talk about it any further.
the color was already starting to return to his skin after a few moments, and he looked much more alive than he had before. you hoped you made the right decision, but you couldn't care about that in the moment. ryan was in your arms, alive and breathing.
that was all you cared about.
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I can see Chris Hackett having an obedience kink. He likes when people do what he tells them to, follow all his orders.
YES!! Approve
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dreamqueenkala · 2 years
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WARNINGS: Mentions of Alcohol; Making-Out; Oral(Male Receiving); Biting/Marking; Teasing; Submissive!Dylan; Anal Penetration; Unprotected Sex
Male Reader x Dylan Lenivy
Another night to be spent around the firepit and I was already dreading it. It'd been a long fucking day at camp. As the security counselor, it was my job to protect the kids from potential harm, including each other. Unfortunately, kids their age fought. A lot. That meant bruises and scratches in places I wouldn't typically get them unless attempting to restrain a kid throwing a fit over crayons during art with Abigail.
I had a massive headache, there were fresh bandages wrapped around my right bicep and a small patch on my cheek, a bruise was forming around the left side of my rib cage and my back fucking ached. I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was go to sleep a little early since the kids were on the island with Chris Hackett and Nurse Kelly for a 'survival' task. I was so grateful for one day off. Just one.
And then Emma found me outside the pool house, having just taken a fresh shower. She cornered me near the entrance with the full intent to guilt trip me into spending time with her. She did this often, and I unfortunately adored her preppy outgoing self. She was like the little sister I never had.
However, she forgot to mention hanging out with her meant hanging out with everyone else tonight. More specifically, hanging out with my crush. Yup. That's right. I had a crush on one of the counselors. Surprising? I know. Never thought I'd see the day I liked someone.
But this wasn't just a crush either. I was desperately in love with the guy. His soft chocolate locks, his doe brown eyes and and his dorky half smile. His stupid jokes and his stupidly brilliant mind. Those hard abs, long legs, and wide, athletic hips. All it took was a smile my way for me to melt like putty. I wanted him. I adored him. And damn did he make me fucking horny.
What? I can't help it. I've got needs and they just so happen to revolve around one guy in particular. His name is Dylan Lenivy, and he is the quirkiest, sweetest, funniest and smartest guy I've ever met. It was only month two, and we'd made it a habit of hanging out all together one way or another every week. We hadn't done something together this week just yet but it seemed that was to change tonight.
With a groan, I changed into a pair of black sweats, my boots and a baby blue v-neck short sleeve, ruffling my (h/c) locks lightly. I yawned slightly as I exited the cabin I shared with Jacob, moving towards the firepit. Nick, Ryan, Emma and Kaitlyn were already there chatting and stoking the flames. I sat beside Emma, my closest friend here, and she smiled at me.
Turning to face me, she grinned, showing off her pearly white teeth. "So."
I quirked a brow, my voice hoarse with fatigue as I replied. "So...?"
"You gonna fuck him?" I choked on my spit and smacked her arm, eliciting a giggle of glee from the blonde. "Oh come on! The sexual tension between you two is practically howling."
"Yeah, dude, Dylan's got his legs spread for you." Kaitlyn chipped in from the other side of the fire near Ryan.
"Fucking shit, shut up, good God." I groaned, covering my face with my palms.
"Hey, man, literally all of us can see it." Nick piped up, grinning playfully. "Shoot your shot, mate."
I groaned and tossed my head back, my (e/c) eyes catching sight of three figures walking towards the firepit, the largest of the three carrying a huge wine cooler. Jacob grinned as he joined us, followed shortly by Dylan and Abi carrying snacks.
"Yo dudes! Got the beer!" He cheered, and we joined in as he handed out bottles. I gratefully accepted a bottle, popping the cap with my key ring and tipping it back.
"Oh my god, I needed that." I grunted with a sigh of relief, cracking my neck as I rested the bottle against my knee. My head still throbbed slightly but it had already begun to grow numb, replaced by the soft buzzing of the alcohol in my system. Sitting up straight, I gazed around the group, watching everyone shuffle into place. Jacob took the spot on Emma's other side, Abi next to him followed by Nick, then Ryan, Kaitlyn and Dylan. Now with everyone present, we settled for mostly idle chatter and jokes.
It'd been about an hour since we'd started and I was feeling plenty buzzed, which made me very bold. I giggled at something Emma said, completely oblivious to the doe-like brown eyes watching me from across the fire, a small grin on the owners face. Emma clapped her hands, drawing everyone's attention to her.
"Alright! Now that we're all at least somewhat intoxicated, let's get to some party games, yeah?" She hummed, smiling with delight at the cheers she received. Kaitlyn and Emma shared a look and a grin, the former taking the wine cooler and setting it between the open area of the circle, an empty bottle laid on top.
"Spin the bottle? Really?" Ryan didn't seem to like the idea, scoffing at the implied party game. "Yeah, I'll sit this one out."
"Party pooper." Kaitlyn pouted, but nonetheless the game began. It went around the circle twice before myself, Dylan or Emma received a turn. The bottle, now spun by Jacob, landed on me. I smiled and offered the big teddy-bear of a guy a hug before spinning the bottle myself. It spun round four times before coming to a stop, my gaze following its neck til my (e/c) eyes met brown. My breathe caught in my throat and I had to bite my lip to hide a smile.
"Dylan! Kiss the man already!" Emma encouraged, urging the brunette to stand. He did so hesitantly, moving to sit beside me on the edge of the log. He smiled, though it was awkward, that same half-smile he did when he was nervous that absolutely drove me nuts.
"Hi." I cooed softly, setting my beer down in the grass. His doe eyes gazed at me so shyly, so innocently, I felt my heart skip a beat. His cheeks were slightly flushed, whether from embarrassment or the alcohol, I couldn't tell. His tongue swiped over his lower lip, my eyes following the movement with hitched breathes. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but he didn't get the chance. A soft gasp left him as my lips met his abruptly, my hand caressing his hip lightly as I drew him in. I tuned out the cheers and the catcalls thrown our way, solely focused on the boy in front of me.
His fingers curled into my shirt as I coiled my arms around his waist, guiding him into my lap. His fingers moved up to thread into my hair, tugging at the soft (h/c) strands lightly. My tongue pressed against his, caressing it so gently as my teeth gnawed at his lower lip. My thumbs pressed into his thighs lightly, guiding him forward over my lap. A sharp groan left me and we parted, a thin string of saliva linking us together.
Panting, I gazed up at the flushed boy in my lap, smiling affectionately. Glancing around the group, I stood up, hoisting the male into my arms with general ease. "Goodnight you freakzoids!" I called over my shoulder, ignoring their laughter as Dylan clung to me. His arms were coiled around my neck and he was gazing up at me in both awe and surprise, anxiety bubbling in our bellies.
"I adore you, Dyl." He perked up at that as I carried him to my cabin, carefully opening the door before setting him down. "I mean it. I adore your smile and your stupid jokes and how smart you are. I adore seeing you laugh and seeing you smile when someone makes you happy, even in the smallest way." As I spoke, I crept towards the tall boy with adoration and lust in my eyes, pinning him to the bunk. He swallowed thickly, gazing down at me slightly due to the small height difference. His pupils were blown and his breathing staggered, his fingers twitching as he reached up to cup my face in his hands.
"I adore everything about you, Dylan. I adore you." I hadn't realized I was crying until I sniffled, burying my face in one of his palms. His grasp drew me closer and he pressed a sweet kiss to my temple, nuzzling my nose with his.
"I adore you, too, (Y/N)." His lips met mine again, this time more fervently, aggressively. His lips sucked on my tongue, eliciting a sharp groan from me. My hands caressed his body, tugging at his shirt and lifting it over his head. My shirt followed, tossed across the cabin til morning. His hands caressed my pecs and abs, tracing the bruises on my rib cage lightly. "I'm sorry." He murmured, leaning in to pepper kisses over the yellowing flesh. I gasped and hummed, tugging him up by the back of his neck to kiss him again. My fingers traced down his bare torso and tugged lightly at his shorts dragging them along with his boxers down to his knees.
I pushed him to lay down on the low bunk, clambering over him. I kissed his jaw and guided kisses down his torso, breathing hot against his erection. It twitched and throbbed slightly at the cool air, a soft whimper leaving his lips. I gazed up at him with a smile, extending my tongue and caressing the head of his cock lightly. Dylan gasped and his hips bucked involuntarily, his fingers digging into the bedsheets.
"F-Fuck, (Y/N)!" I grinned, suckling at the head as my cheeks hollowed and my fingers caressed his base. My eyes fell closed as I took him slowly deeper, my nose brushing his pubes lightly as he bottomed out down my throat. I could hear him whimpering and mewling, the sound muffled by the hand he'd placed over his mouth. His hips twitched and shuddered, resisting the urge to buck against my face. I continued to suck him off for a short while, toying with him before I pulled away.
Panting, he gazed down at me with slightly teary brown eyes, gripping the pillow his head rested on. "(Y/N) please." He murmured. I leaned forward to kiss him, my fingers kneading the flesh of his ass. "N-No, you don't have to..."
"I need to prep you, Dyl."
"N-No, I mean...I've a-already done that." I paused, leaning back to gaze down at him with surprise, finding his shy expression absolutely adorable. Chuckling, I peppered light kisses to his cheeks and nose, slipping my sweats and boxers down slowly. His breathing hitched slightly as my bulbous tip pressed against his ass, his eyes widening at the sight. "Y-You're big."
I snorted softly, mouthing at his pulse point along his throat lightly, rubbing the head around his rim. "I'll be gentle." After he nodded, I pressed my hips ever so gently against his own. The head slipped past his entrance and elicited a short cry from the thinner boy. I gritted my teeth and nipped at his pulse point lightly, sinking deeper til I was buried about halfway. Dylan's arms coiled around my shoulders, hugging me close as he trembled beneath me, his toes curled and his knees bent. I gave him a moment to breathe and relax, settling for just enjoying the soft mewl he made everytime I kissed or nipped at his throat and collarbone.
"So beautiful." I mumbled, punctuating the compliment with a thrust of my hips. Dylan gasped, back arching slightly as I continued to roll my hips, cradling him close with my face buried in his neck. "Mine. All mine."
"Y-Yours, (Y/N). I love you." I smiled and leaned back, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before doing so. I shifted his legs so they were wrapped around my waist, pressing myself ever deeper into him.
"I love you, too." Dylan screamed as I bucked forward, the head of my cock hitting his prostate right off the bat. His nails dug into my back and shoulders, raking harsh pink lines down my (s/c) skin that elicited hisses of pleasure from me. I leaned back, sitting upright for a better angle as I railed him into the bunk, the frame creaking oddly with each rock.
"F-Fuck, you're so tight, Dyl. My baby." The brunette mewled and keened at my words, reaching up to cup my face and drag me back down for another kiss. This one was messy, wet and desperate, teeth clashing as he sucked on my tongue and nibbled at my lip.
"P-Please, f-fuck, please!" He repeated this demand like a mantra, a sign he was growing ever closer. I reached down and grasped his cock in my hand, stroking him gently in time with my thrusts. His lips parted and he cried out, hips bucking and body shuddering as his chest heaved, thick spurts of sticky white warmth coating my fist and dripping over his abdomen. I thrusted a few more times as he clamped around me, bursting inside him as I sucked a mark into his throat. We both shuddered, clinging to each other for a long moment, then he chuckled softly.
"That's one way to ask me out." I snorted and kissed his cheek, reaching under my bunk for the towel i used to shower earlier on.
"Yeah yeah, shut up and let me clean you, babe." I loved this man more than anything, especially when he laughed and smiled so brightly. Dylan was my boyfriend, my love, my light.
My little jokester.
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vampzzi · 2 years
can you pleaseee write emma mountebank x female reader, as a lesbian i never see my quarry girls get enough love 😭
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REALIST RISK ﹒ ☆ Emma x Female reader.
cw; anon did not say if they wanted the story, to be smut,angst,fluff so by default story is an angsty story for jacob but suggestive and romantic for emma and reader, heated kissing and thats it, not beta-read I'm tired, reader is 19-21 (take your pick)
author's note ; As a lesbian I agree, there's not enough for these gals as I have a love / hate relationship with Emma but she's so hot it's just ughhh. So, I decided to write a fic about Emma leaving Jacob for reader because Lesbian Emma 4 the win!!
<3; 2.1K words
You were in the golf cart, the sun shined bright in the sky – headphones in your both ears as you rode through the rocky dirt path while your favorite song blasted in your ears, driving around the area lost in your thoughts. You had been a camp counselor for 2 years now and you were well found with Chris Hackett and Ryan and Jacob. You had nothing against Jacob, sweet guy..sweet…insecure guy. He was super possessive around Emma even around women, he felt as if anyone could take Emma away from him and all this insecurity and shit is what drove her off. Well not entirely, they’re still together and it angers you. 
You loved Emma first, you’d been friends with her in middle school for fucks sake! Her platform shoes clicked against the marble floor as her hair was down with a pretty hair clip, earthy colors and a pretty design attached to it. She had come over to you while you were sitting in the corner on your school chromebook playing some kind of game as she sat next to you and smiled “why are you sitting alone? She’d twirl in circles and do some pretty cool tricks but back to her question she’d ask you, the kids at this school were weirdos, like they made you uncomfy so you sat it out by being a loner.
You two talked from that point on as the school year went by, you sat at lunch together, walked to class together. Hung out after school, sneaking out of your house and running to her house in the cold rain as she laughed at you as you fell onto her floor with a wet plop “Aaaa! It’s a wet monster in my room” she’d fake yell out and chuckle as you’d grumble and laugh – she’d help you get up and get you a towel and wrap it around your body as you’d both exchange jokes about the situation. 
Her voice ringed through your head as her hands were on top of yours “You know.. We’ve been friends for a while and I want you to add this to your collection, to remember me when yk I’m worldstar famous streamer!” you chuckled at her and looked down at the same clip you’d seen her the first time you met her. You sighed out as you almost crashed, making a quick turn and thinking it’s best to go back to longue with the others. 
Jacob,jacob,jacob. You’d met him the first year of highschool posing as the cool kid with inhuman strength and funny humor, you’d crack at a few of his jokes as you saw him through the hall arm wrapped around Emma, this caused you two to be distant when he came into the picture they did a lot of things we use to do. It felt out of place almost like being played like a violin, my heart strings being played as it responded with awful tunes. You’d been supporting her from the start, helping her build her channel up the first video on her channel “emmanation” had 22K views and she couldn't thank you enough from that blast of a start. You loved Emma, you just wished things played out differently. It seems like she’d show no interest in women as everytime you mentioned her dating a girl, she’d respond no and giggle about it.
I can say my proper breakdown and I’m not afraid to share it is when you came to the prom before the summer as a third wheel and you had to the bathroom, to fix up your hair and give your mind some words of encouragement as you were drowning in your insecurity, anger and guilt. As you left to return to the booth you could scream, you should have. As Jacob’s lips were on Emma’s soft plump lips, their bodys shuffling back and forth, this was the beginning of their “summer fling” as you wanted to stomp off and cry. You didn't deserve this and you and everyone else knew it, as you fumed about it for days before she sent you a text “We should hang out at Summer camp, miss seeing your energy x” you smiled at the text as you put your phone down and started packing 2 weeks early before it was even time to go. 
But as time went on summer was over with, you’d waste all that time watching them being lovey dovey that you didnt even attempt to get with Emma, how stupid. Your bags were the first into the car as you were forgetful and didnt wanna go on a golf cart ride and forget them while riding, Mr.Hackett seemed pissed off as he slammed the hood of the car down and screamed “We can just stay here one more night until the morning.” 
Jacob suggested and Hackett growled “No!” grabbing his keys and grumbling a bunch of instructions to Ryan – Ryan responding with a quick “Yes sir” as Hackett smiled got into the car and said “be good, and keep the noise down for fuck sakes!” as he drove off until he couldn’t be seen. Jacob suggested a Party while everyone was in it but Ryan as he wanted to follow the rules and you wanted to understand the dude, Chris seemed shaken up and you guys could be in danger and they wanted to party? To hell with that.
Jacob gives Emma the instruction to sit still and be gorgeous and she rolls her eyes and laughs as your blood boils. He wants Emma to join him on his mission and she kindly declines as she says she needs the women's room and he dismisses her.
 You sneak off to see where she’s going as she goes to the doc and where the water moves back and forth, she sits on the dock and breaths slowly as you sit next to her and she looks up at you with a bright smile “Hey (name!!)” “Hey Emma, what’s up?” She tilts her head back and thinks “the usual, jacob. He won’t let me go, it was a summer fling. it's over now.” You listen to her rant about him as you let your feet dip into the cool water while she talks. “I just you know don’t want this energy on my shoulders, I wanna be able to carry my positive attitude around to everyone” “I understand you Emma.” 
She smiles and wraps her arms around you as you hug her back, she feels warm – nice to hug as you didn’t even notice you’d lay your head on your chest as you brought it up to her face and apologized “sorry, got in the moment’ she let out a small “it's alright” as you two looked at each other deep in the eyes, the moment felt way too serious, too into depth – too real.
Her lips laid on yours as you finally realized what was going on. You kissed her back as you two fought in the kiss as Emma slid her tongue into your mouth, swirling it around as you let her dominate your mouth holding onto her hips with a firm squeeze before pulling away. “I - I thought you weren’t into girls?” staying so quickly it’s slurred together as Emma runs her fingers over your lips. 
“That was in our Freshman year of Highschool Name, it’s different now.” You only nodded and planted another kiss to her lips as she accepted the kiss and kissed you back but loud footsteps interrupted the kiss as Jacob went down the stairs with a loud shout “WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?! Are you serious?” The rest of your friends came to see about the loud noises and you looked back at them, puffy lips, struggling to breath as it was enough evidence to see what had happened. 
 “That’s my fucking girlfriend you’re tonguing (name.)” “Jacob, I’m not your girlfriend, I belong to nobody — it was a summer fling that you need to get over” emma snapped at him as he looked breathless, tears running down his cheeks as he ran up the stairs past Dylan, shoving Nicks shoulder in the process and pushing him into Abi and she almost falls and he catches her “Sorry about that”. 
“It’s fine Nick” Abi regains her footing and looks at the both of you guys “Sooo, whats going on here” Ryan cuts off Abi before she can speak. “Whatever your imagination can come up with is what happens” Emma says with a smile as she looks back at you as you’re incredibly embarrassed “i - it just kinda happened, y’know?”  “Guess I can understand” Ryan said with a sly sink, oh how you wanted to slap the smirk off his face but you’d rather not. From that point on Jacob started being different around you, he was meaner, snickering at you and saying sly stuff under his breath until the sun and moon decided to switch places.
The fire roared bright and warm as the cool air chilled your skin – taking small sips from your drink as the members asked each other simple truth or dare questions, watching Ryan and Dylan kiss as you clapped them on and Dylan’s face was bright and warm. The game pretty much went to shit when it was Kaityln’s turn and Kat chose Emma and asked the truth or dare question and she immediately answered dare as Kaityln straightened her posture “Kiss me or Kiss (Name)” She said bluntly as her eyes shifted between her and you “This one’s super easy, I chose (name).” 
Jacob looked widen eyed in shock and horror at what his ears deceived him, he watched in silence as Emma made her way over to you – towering over you as her lips took yours for the second time that day, the kiss was long and eager as your eyes were widen and Jacob yelled for Emma to stop as she pulled away and sat down, you placed a hand over your lips. As Jacob knew he couldn't swing at a woman it’s unprofessional, not manly. But was crying over a girl who said it was over multiple times manly? He ended up running off again into the woods as Dylan said he’d go look for him and cheer him up.
“I hope this doesn't make me a bitch” and everyone looks at you even Emma, Kaityln responds “it doesn’t make you bitch, Jacob just needs to let go and move on. Emma’s not interested anymore and that's final” Everyone could agree on that and the game felt dead and odd without Dylan or Jacob so everyone called it a night and went back to the lounge, everyone sat down and talked about plans for tomorrow, discussing food, showering and cell phone life and everyone had a job to be done. The small meeting was dismissed and You and Emma were on cell phone duty and figuring out how to charge the phones as Dylan was taken off the job because he was too distracted on his phone that he ran it dead.
You were fine with it and the meeting was dismissed as you and Emma got up and Dylan raised an eyebrow “Where are you two going? Sneaking off to start a forest fire?” “No Dylan, we’re gonna sleep somewhere else for the night because I snore weird and I don’t need anyone hearing that” that was a straight light everyone fell for except Ryan and Kaityln as Ryan added on “But you’ve slept in my room and you never snored.” “It’s been colder lately Ryan, you know how my allergies are.” Now, that one was true. “Ah, you’re right. Goodnight then.” He put his headphones in and laid down snuggling to the blankets as you and Emma waved and wished everyone goodnight. You both quietly made your way through the halls searching through the closets and drawers to find a blanket and two pillows making a nice comfortable place to sleep far from them.
As you laid the covers and comforter down and tossed the pillows down, Emma took off her shirt and you side eyed her before looking away “What are you doing?!” “Getting comfortable” Yeah. Comfortable. Emma’s and your lips on each other again except this time, you were alone and comfortable. Back against the comforter and head on the pillow as Emma was on top of you – using your hands to plant your hands on her hips and draw patterns on them while she kissed you, she was shirtless this time, everything was a lot more intimate but you two decided to not go as far today. Maybe tomorrow when everyone would be out doing things like getting firewood,getting their bags back out the car and ect.
 Then you two would take it up a few more levels, until then just kissing and small neck kisses which she planted some kisses to your collarbone and neck, running her finger down your neck as she whispered “I love you” into your ear. Yep, Emma Mountebank was the one. The one you absolutely needed.
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Travis Hackett x Laura Kearney
Summary: Laura feels guilty that, out of all the scars Travis has, the biggest, ugliest one is from her bite. 
Post canon. Fluff. This was supposed to be a drabble but it got out of hand. (Definitely more than a little inspired by this fanart + ty @norrington-hell​​ for the title!)
960 words
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Before lifting the next wooden beam, Travis mopped his forehead with a flannel sleeve, then rolled the fabric up over lean but well-muscled forearms. Laura couldn’t help but glance over—under the guise of surveying construction, of course.
Her ogling turned into—not a gasp, but the playful comment she was preparing died on her lips.
Travis’s tanned arm is spiderwebbed with pale scars, but the biggest, ugliest one is right in the middle, in the meatiest part just below the elbow. While the others are pale and flat, this one healed red, and raised in places, while dipping hollow in others, as if something had tried to tear a chunk out of him with jagged teeth.
Because something had.
“Don’t,” Travis said gravely.
She realized she was staring, and not being subtle about it, either.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“Sorry,” she said, quickly finding somewhere else to put her eyes.
They landed on the organized piles of lumber, wire mesh, and tools that would become the newest aviary for the North Kill Wildlife Rescue and Sanctuary. Max had wanted to call it the Rescue Association for Wildlife Rehabilitation for the funny acronym, but Laura said calling it RAWR made it sound like an AOL Instant Messenger anime chatroom. Then Max said she was insane for going back to Hackett’s Quarry and he wasn’t going to help her get killed. She said she didn’t want him there anyway. And that was that.
Going back wasn’t as strange as it sounded.
Travis and Laura were a team. Maybe he had stolen a summer of her life and left her with scars the werewolf infection couldn’t heal as easily as a missing eye. Maybe she had killed his niece, mother, brother, and gotten his only surviving family thrown in prison. But for that one night, they had been an unstoppable team.
They stood together under the full moon and ended a curse.
So when Travis invited her to use his family’s land to open the wildlife rescue she had always dreamed about, it felt right for them to partner up again. After the bloodbath of that summer, and with no one left to run it, the camp closed its doors. But Hackett’s Quarry still had so much space—acres and acres of pristine forested landscape, with unused buildings in various states of repair.
When she saw him again for the first time in four years, SUV tires crunching on gravel as she parked in front of the run-down lodge, he waved, and his smile lit up so brightly Laura hardly recognized him.
Travis must have been so alone with all that space to himself. It’s too much for one person. And the taxes didn’t pay for themselves… unless it became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
The wildlife rescue was a mutually beneficial arrangement.
“Really,” Travis said. “It’s fine. Six years hunting werewolves, I’ve got plenty of scars. You know how it is working with dangerous critters.”
“Still…” She placed her palm over his scar without even thinking, and sighed.
Goosebumps ran up his arms at her touch, and didn’t stop until they were zipping up and down his spine.
He said it was fine, but that wasn’t what he meant.
The truth was, of all the scars he carried, the deep, red, mangled one on his forearm was his favorite.
If his arms had shocked Laura to silence, he trembled to think what her reaction to the rest of him might be. There were twelve full moons per year, times six years, times three cursed family members. Do the math.
He didn’t have to mess up often. Just once too slow with the needle, too gentle with the restraints. Add to that his appendix scar, the time he’d hit himself in the leg with an ax when he and Chris were kids running around the camp collecting firewood… Normal life stuff. It all added up. Live as long as he had, you end up with scars. Live with werewolves for six of them, and…
His family had always lashed out at him with their claws. At the time, he’d felt lucky—he never got infected, so he could always remain the one to take care of them. Protect them during the full moon. That was his job as the big brother.
But the scar Laura gave him was different than all the others.
He thought it was luck, until he felt Laura’s fangs sink into his flesh. Then a small voice in the back of his head, one he’d almost forgotten, sighed: “Finally.”
Finally, a wolf wasn’t trying to rend him with claws meant to eviscerate and kill. She wasn’t trying to kill him.
Finally, someone wanted him to join their pack.
No matter how far away she traveled, he could look at his arm and think of her. Part of her was always with him, her bite indelibly etched into his body as deeply as the mark she left on his soul.
He covered his teammate’s hand with his own and squeezed. Her eyes widened, as if suddenly becoming aware that she had been touching him now that he was mirroring her intimacy. An adorable tint colored her cheeks. She didn’t pull away.
“Quit yer dawdling and grab the nail gun. Haven’t got all day.” He gave her a light shove.
She snorted with surprise then marched off toward the power tools bench, twisting as she went to throw him a mocking salute. “Aye aye, officer dickwhippet!” She grinned.
The nickname made his lips want to curl into a scowl, but he’d learned that sometimes when Laura insulted people in that way, it wasn’t actually to insult them, but to indicate they were close friends. 
He let her.
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thefanficmonster · 1 year
hi ! can you write jacob custos being jealous/angry when his girlfriend starts hanging out more & more with someone else, please
Aww my baby Jacob 🥺🥺🥺 Definitely sweetie! Hope you enjoy 💕
Childish Idiocy
Pairing: Jacob Custos x Reader (Female) [The Quarry]
Warnings: Jealousy, Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Humor
Summary: see request above
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Jacob had been pestering Y/N all of May to join him in working at Hackett's Quarry. She'd originally had plans to work elsewhere and closer to the college she's been planning to go to but when those plans fell through, she'd overjoyed her boyfriend by asking him to put in a good word for her with the owners of the camping grounds and the resort in hopes of finding a spot among the summer staff.
Needless to say, Jacob wouldn't have taken no for an answer even if Chris Hackett's answer had been 'no'.
Although they had been hoping to take on the same responsibilities, their expectations weren't fulfilled. Instead, because of her culinary expertise, she'd found a spot in the kitchen alongside another guy who'd proven skilled in that field named Nick.
The two made fast friends, forming a strong - but still platonic - bond over their work and interests. In fact, she's been like an older sister to him, mentoring him through easier culinary strategies and crushes he can't confess.
Too bad Jacob fails to see that factor.
Rightfully so. If the other counselors hadn't known him and Y/N are dating, they'd definitely arise dating rumors of Nick and Y/N. All would be terribly wrong, but they wouldn't be entirely to blame - what meets the eye seems a lot more romantic than platonic. Poor Abi would agree too.
Jacob took it harder than her though. And showed it in a very out-of-character way that alerted Y/N to his change of mood right away.
The super friendly, happy, himbo teddy bear started being much colder towards you. Sitting next to Dylan instead of you, hanging out by the lake with Ryan afterhours instead of spending time with you, picking other people to supervise his group of kids along with him.
It's all strange and very off-putting. So she wasted no time asking him about it.
Or tried to not waste any time - she just couldn't catch him alone until the night he was walking back after cleaning up from the bonfire. Luckily, he was alone.
And luckily no one heard the scream he let out when his arm was grabbed and he got dragged amidst the trees near the counselors' cabins.
“Shhh! SH!“ Her hand clamps over his mouth. It’s a funny situation they’ve found themselves in. He’s quite a bit taller than her and yet he’s practically shitting his pants with fear.
That is, until he realizes it’s her, “Y/N?! What the hell?!” He removes her hand, allowing him freedom of speech once more but he once again forgets the tonal rule.
“Shhh! For fuck’s sake, shut the fuck up, Jacob!“ She’s forced to shush him, her tone brought up to a whisper yell.
“I shut the fuck up? You freaking kidnapped me?“ He hisses back but at least he does it quietly.
Y/N rolls her eyes, “I just pulled you slightly, don’t be dramatic.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she gives him a particularly bitter glare, “If you avoided me for a couple more days I might’ve even gone the whole eleven yards. A van, rope and everything!”
Jacob’s features twist in confusion, the shadows of the moon’s light venturing between the tree branches dancing across his way in a way that makes his expression almost funny. But she can’t allow herself to find any humor in the situation currently.
“I’m not avoiding you...“ He defends himself but his words have no heft when he doesn’t believe them either. So, he switches to an even worse approach, “Ok, fine, so what if I am? It’s surprising you even noticed.“
Taken aback, she just now notices her hands were resting on his chest and one of his arms. Now she’s about five feet away, offended, “What’s that supposed to mean?!”
She can tell he immediately feels sorry for his choice of words but his not-so-rational side prevails, “I’m sure Nick would have been perfect substitute for me! Oh wait, he already is!!”
“Fucking hell, Jacob, seriously?“ You suddenly feel just as ridiculous, exasperated even. You can’t remember when this argument became one straight from middle school but you’ll be damned if you let it carry on.
“Yeah, seriously! You can’t tell me I’m wrong, Y/N!“ He’s quick to try and back up his claims but you’re quicker.
“Yes, you’re wrong.“ Just as he opens his big mouth to argue, you beat him to it once again, “Cause I fucking love you, dumbass.“
Let me just tell you, that shuts him up real quick.
“You love me?“
It’s safe to say it’s all water under the bridge when his lips find their way to yours. And they stay there, only pulling away briefly to return you an “I love you too” before you two go on to break one of Chris Hackett’s main rules.
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
The Quarry
SLEEPING IN: Chris Hackett x fem!reader
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Summary: Realizing she slept in when she shouldn't have was scary - until it wasn't.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
The Quarry men need some more appreciation.
Warnings: swearing, reader is an adult (even if I only reffered to it in like half a sentence)
Waking up when the sun is already high up and shining, immediately blinding her as soon as she openes her eyes wasn't anything new to her. Sleeping in always felt nice - but then again it must feel good for everybody. It reminded her of those way too short weekends in high school, when she was finally able to rest and forget the stress the school system and her parents put on her shoulders.
She yawned and pulled on the heavy duvet to hide under it from the light. And that's when she realized - this wasn't her duvet; or at least it wasn't the duvet the counselors had down in the shacks. Down there they had some simple white, pretty light quilts what felt cheap and uncomfortable, but this one was some lighter shade of brown and felt heavier and much nicer.
She sat up quickly and looked around, exploring her surroundings and the fact that this wasn't an unknown place for her calmed her down a bit. But just a bit, because after the realization that she was in fact in Chris Hackett's bedroom and she was currently sitting in his bed made her nervous.
"Shit!" she muttered to herself as she pushed the quilt off. "Fuck..."
She looked around in a rush, trying to find the clothes she was wearing when she sneaked out of the shack she shared with Abigail and Emma - the clothes she was supposed to wear to sneak back at like 4:30 when the sun isn't up and the darkness has her back. The clothes she didn't remember where she put.
Standing in the room wearing some comfortable shorts and one of Chris' shirts she tried to make herself remember... The bathroom, it has to be in the bathroom.
She opened the bedroom door already seeing herself getting dressed in a rush to run back to the shacks - but God it has to be past nine, the kids must be at the pool with Ryan... she has to be at the pool with Ryan -, but she stopped when she saw that the door to Chris Hackett's office was open and the owner was sitting in his chair going through some paperwork.
Looking at him made her stop what she was doing and calm down, just like his presence only always did. No matter how stressful looking after the kids became, just taking a look at the man who shared his bed with her for the past few weeks made her racing heart and stressed state finally settle down. The certain looks they gave each other, the hidden touches they shared and the secret inside jokes made their daily struggles easier. No matter how much work she had to do around camp with the others or how much Emma could piss her off, the moments she could later share with Chris in the safety of his office or room could always send her to a state of mind where the pain was gone and where positivity was everywhere - and it was the same for Chris as well; no matter how much crap he had to deal with or how many hours he had to sit over papers after papers, a single touch from her made everything better.
He sensed the movement from the corner of his eyes and looked up with a small smile what, given the situation, made her blush.
"Look who's finally up." was the first thing he said, but it was more playful than scolding. Then he turned the playfulness into honest, happy affection. "Good morning, darling."
She folded her arms around herself as she smiled back, the rushing she was about to do long forgotten. No matter how many hours, days or weeks they spent together, the first meetings in the mornings - no matter where they occured - still made her shy. "Good morning to you too."
"Do you want to join me for coffee? I made you one as well, it was time for you to wake up."
God, this man was cute - cute but masculine. Sometimes she wondered how they got to the point where they were now or how she deserved someone like him. She couldn't remember the last time her date, her friends or anyone close to her offered her to make her something to drink of eat.
"I'd like to." she answered with a wide smile. "But what time is it? I think I'm late and today I'm supposed to help Ryan around the pool-"
"Don't worry, Dylan is helping him out today since I sent you to town this morning." the smile he had on while he said that made her heartbeat faster. "So you can calmly join me for coffee, if you want to and aren't trying to escape from the invitation."
She just smiled back and walked towards him without a word, only stopping when she was standing directly in front of his desk. She leaned over it, keeping herself up with one hand while she put the other on his face, gently pulling him into a kiss.
They both smiled into the gesture making their teeth collide causing her to let out a small laugh.
She did her best to put every ounce of love she felt for him into that one simple kiss - what was also a way of saying thank you. Thank you for loving me, trusting me, covering for me, making me coffee, for accepting our feelings for one another...
When she pulled back he leaned forward giving her one last peck on the lips.
"You did it the way I drink it?" she asked before she completely let him go.
"Of course."
"God, I love you."
She took a seat in front of his desk, using the furniture as a coffee table while she tasted the liquid, giving him an appreciating hum.
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"You were too tired when you came here, I just thought you deserved a break." Chris answered with a smile making her heart ache.
"Thank you, I appreciate the thought."
They sat in silence for a while enjoying the other's presence. It was rare that they had time to be in the same room as the other during the day and even when it was possible, it was only for a short period of time. Not nearly enough.
She felt his gaze on herself as she silently drank her coffee and after a while she couldn't help but ask: "I can see you tonight as well, right?"
"Of course you can, darling."
"Good, 'cause I don't think I could sleep alone after staying in your bed for the past few days."
"It's good to know you feel the same as I do."
She tried not to blush, but her attempt was unsuccessful.
Cuddling in bed with Chris Hackett at night was the best part of the day and it was the best motivation ever - to finish whatever she had to do to sneak out and get to him. Whatever he did to her, however he touched her, it always made her forget how to breath. Most of the times it was simple: hugs from behind, kisses on the forehead or sitting together and having the simplest conversations ever. Other times it was more passionate or romantic, but no matter how it was or where it was it was still perfect. She wouldn't have it any other way.
"Would you like to have breakfast?"
The question surprised her and made her loose her train of thought. "I'm sorry?"
"Breakfast. Are you hungry?"
"You make me coffee and now you want to make me something to eat? You're spoiling me."
"With the amount of time we have together I must spoil you."
"Oh, are you getting jealous of someone?" she teased playfully and when he smirked she knew he understood what she was doing.
"Do you think that someone would make you coffee like I do?"
She just shook her head, giggling.
"Yes, Mr. Hackett, I would like to have some breakfast."
They just smiled at each other. She was about to stand up and get going, but he stopped her before she could do that. "As much as I love to see you wearing my shirt, I don't think the others would appreaciate it."
She looked down at herself and seeing Chris' grey shirt what reached the middle of her thighs made her cheeks red. "I'll get dressed first."
"Good idea."
She kissed him before leaving - almost not leaving at all when he kissed her neck.
"I'll wait here if you want to cook with me." he offered.
"Of course I do."
"Hurry up then. The kids will be back soon and I want to have you for myself for a while before you have to go."
"I'll be quick, I promise."
Later, when she met up with her friends around noon, she was happier than ever and that made her forget about the covering story. And that wasn't at all benefical, especially when Ryan asked her where the letters were.
"What letters?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"The ones you were sent to town for?"
In the next second her face was red as she tried to look anywhere but directly at him. The change in her mood and her reaction alone caused Kaitlyn to look at her with an amused expression.
"My God, we are idiots."
"What? Why?" Jacob asked, not understanding the sudden statement.
"What's his name?" Kaitlyn asked, but as she observed her expressions further, she almost shouted: "No you're not... You aren't serious, are you?"
She just folded her arms around herself protectively as she let out a long sigh. She better get ready for the next few days - or rather weeks -, because knowing Kaitlyn, that girl won't leave her alone until she admits that she is in fact dating Chris Hackett.
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alisblackgf · 2 years
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chapter: one! :)
trigger warnings: NONE! just sweet things
pairing: ryan erzahler x gn!reader +  nick furcillo x reader at the end (reader will have chemistry with everyone)
summary: after healing from a bad breakup, you decide being a camp counselor at hackett’s quarry summer camp would be a great experience, especially since your best friend emma was going; but then you see ryan, the guy you broke up with, and all hell breaks loose.
taglist: @sweet-daisies @tywrites @walkingus @boggoswife @yawagucci @rainbows-dreams @aspendvd @bloodverz @laracrof7s @raeluvserzahler @jjkk1m @zomworlds @homebyeleven @starjane312 @m-maxie-ie​ @hardcore0simp @wolfsquad @fallingwings26 @sugxrbxbyqueen @elliesbeautifulwife @renbittt​ 
author’s note: i have an odd feeling that this is gonna flop but oh well (if it does i’ll cry). this chapter is boring but i can’t just jump into the action IM SORRY. also enjoy the nick x reader at the end to make up for the boringness! ALSO im planning to make reader a badass so stay tuned for the character development pls
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“hurry up, we’re gonna be late!” emma squealed.
“i’m trying!”
“well, try harder!” she walked over to you, shoving all your stuff into the bag and zipping it up with ease.
“how did you-”
“c’mon!” she grabbed her bag and waited for you outside the front door of your shared apartment. you two had the bottom floor which meant it was less time consuming to get to the car, which also meant you’d be there at least only a little late. you picked up your bag and rushed out the door, and emma locked it after making sure you had everything. as you two started walking to the car, she looked over at you to see the anxious expression on your face.
“what’s wrong?” emma asked.
you shook your head before answering, “what if ryan’s there?”
“we’ve been over this, (y/n),” she took out the car keys and unlocked the car, making her way to the trunk with you following behind. “he won’t be there.”
“what makes you so sure? he’s been going for years. years!” you emphasized.
she opened the trunk of the car and placed her bag inside. you did the same with yours and she closed it.
“you told him you’d go this year when you two were still together, right?” she asked, more of a know-it-all statement than a question. she opened the driver’s car door and sat, closing the door and preparing for a 5 hour drive. you sat in the passenger’s seat.
“yeah? what does that have to do with anything?” you asked, closing the door behind you. she turned on the car and began to reverse out of the parking lot.
“if you’re gonna be there, why would he wanna be there?” she questioned matter-of-factly. she shook her head at your silence. “don’t worry about him, worry about how much fun we’re gonna have!”
“oh yes, so much fun out in the woods...away from all civilization..” 
she laughed at your pessimistic response and kept driving to your destination. there was silence for a few minutes, before emma asked you to put on some music. you connected the aux cord to your phone and put on a playlist full of your favorite songs. emma seemed satisfied, so you let it play. you quickly fell asleep after, since you were bored and had nothing better to do for the next 5 hours.
“okay, we’re here!” emma exclaimed.
“we’re where?” you quickly lifted your head and clearing your throat to get rid of the rasp in your voice. as you unplugged your phone from the aux and placed it in your pocket, you observed your surroundings while getting out the car. the area you were in was pure dirt, with some parked cars. a metal gate surrounded the perimeter of it.
“it’s where we drop off our cars, mr. chris hackett comes and picks us up from here.” emma explained, rolling her eyes at your lack of knowledge. a group of people who looked like they were around your age were standing at the gate across from the one emma had parked at. you two walked over to them after taking your bags out the trunk.
“are you guys also counselors for hackett’s quarry summer camp?” you asked drowsily.
“yeah, are you?” a buff guy with a hat responded. 
emma nudged you and whispered into your ear. “ooh, he’s cute!” you rolled your eyes and laughed quietly before nodding at the guy. emma looked around and didn’t see ryan anywhere. she nudged you once more, whisper-shouting that he wasn’t there, and you loosened up at the fact.
“name’s jacob,” he introduced. “what about you?” 
you would’ve thought he was talking to both of you if he wasn’t eyeing emma so hard. you left them to hit it off as you took out your phone and attempted to occupy yourself until someone tapped on your shoulder. you turned your head to see who it was.
“hi, my name’s nick.” he held out his hand for you to shake.
“hey, i’m (y/n).” you smiled and shook his hand. he stood next to you wondering what to talk about before you finally spoke up.
“i would be lying if i said your accent wasn’t alluring. are you from australia?” you asked, curiously.
“oh! uh, yeah, i am.” he nervously chuckled, smiling at your compliment.
“how’re the spiders?” you gave a smug look and he laughed.
“they suck.” he responded, winking at you.
“i can only imagine.” you gave a bright smile, putting your phone back into your pocket. “did you...want to listen to music with me?” you asked, unzipping your bag to retrieve the wired earbuds you brought. you plugged them into your phone before zipping the bag back up.
“yeah, of course.” he stammered, quickly but gently taking the one you handed him. he scooched closer to you.
emma subtly poked her head to see what you were doing, and gave a genuine smile when she saw you with nick. she poked her head back in and continued speaking to jacob. both of the conversations were cut short when a van pulled up to you all. you could hear it turn off as a middle-aged man, who you could assume was chris hackett, stepped out.
“ready to go?”
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fayeriee · 2 years
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and so i did 
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fandom: the quarry  relationship: none? slight nick furcillo x reader if you want  genre: angst(ish), then a bit of crack warning/s: violence, blood, nick being touchy and then rude, coarse language word count: 2.2k (whoops) notes: gender neutral reader. only one use of ‘Y/N’. no physical descriptors used (it is mentioned that you have hair, though). sorry bald friends ♡
more notes at the end (i explain some stuff that I didn’t want to spoil here) i hope you all like it and thank you to everyone who replied to my original post ♡
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The night had gone badly extremely fast. A sputtering minivan engine had caused you and your fellow camp counsellors to stay at Hackett’s Quarry for another night. At first, Chris Hackeett’s (your boss for the summer) panic over it had seemed like an overreaction - but after Nick and Abigail were attacked by “some kind of animal” and Jacob showed up briefly to say that he had run into some kind of hunter, you were beginning to understand. 
Things took another turn when you stood outside with most of the others (Jacob had left again to try and find Emma), looking down at the pool you’d been using all summer, that now served as Kaylee Hackett’s final resting place - turning the clear water around her body red. 
You gasp, and take a stuttering step backwards. Your shoulders knock into a firm chest, and before you can turn to see who it is, long arms are wrapped around your waist and pull you into a warm - hot - body. 
A face lowers into you neck, hot breath hitting your skin in heavy pants. 
“N-Nick?” Abi mutters, looking at you awkwardly. Your eyes widen. Nick? What is he doing? Didn’t he and Abi…
“Fuck off, Abigail,” his accented voice grumbles, close to your ear. 
Your eyebrows furrow and you begin to try wiggling away from his grip. 
“Nick, let go,” you demand sternly, hyper-aware of everyone’s eyes now locked on to the two of you. 
“You smell so good,” Nick mutters, pressing his nose further into the junction of your neck and shoulder. His arms go from firmly holding your waist to curling around your stomach like vines, his chest pressing against your back. 
“Nick, I’m serious! Get off!” you exclaim, fingers digging into his forearms as you attempt to pry him away. You could feel the fast beating of your heart in your throat. Nick’s behaviour is not just uncomfortable, it’s extremely out of character. 
“Hey, man…” Ryan mutters from beside you, shotgun still in his hands as he looks at you worriedly. Nick’s arms tighten around you in response, and you swear you heard him growl. 
“I want to taste you,” Nick hums, you can feel his lips moving against your skin. 
Heat rushes through you, and you can’t tell if it’s from some kind of indignity or… something else. 
“Woah,” Dylan mumbles, his eyebrows raised high. 
Abi lets out a small, sad sound, and Kaitlyn places a comforting hand on her shoulder. You look at the two women desperately, your fingers finally getting between Nick’s arms and your body. 
You don’t want to be too brash, Nick is injured - probably in shock - but then there’s a sharp and sudden pain just above your collarbone. 
You let out a screech, mostly from surprise, as your skin gives way and is punctured.
Your body reacts instinctively, any friendly favour lost as you roughly rip Nick’s arms away. 
Dylan would tell you much later that you looked like ‘a ninja’, but all you can feel in the moment is your body stepping and turning away from Nick before you lash out and push him. 
You watch in horror and disgust as Nick falls backwards into the pool with Kaylee’s dead body. 
It’s silent for a long, worrying moment before Nick finally surfaces, yelling and screaming like the water was actually acid. 
But as pain throbs through your neck, you can’t find it in yourself to feel bad. 
“Did that fucker bite you?!” Kaitlyn yells in surprise as she takes a step forward to comfort you - Ryan and Dylan awkwardly pulling Nick out of the pool. 
“I-I think so, yeah,” you stutter, shaken by the whole thing. Your hand rises to the spot on your neck, and you immediately hiss as the stimulation causes the pain to blossom brighter. 
You pull your hand back, surprised by the amount of blood coating your fingers. 
“Are you sure? The marks aren’t… blunt,” Abi notes worriedly, assessing your wound alongside Kaitlyn. Before you can think properly about what she means, Dylan is piping up. 
“Uh, Nick is really cold. Like, freezing.”
Ryan nods in agreement, but still regards Nick’s shivering body with caution. 
“Let’s get inside the poolhouse. Nick can get dry and I’ll try and find something for you,” Kaitlyn instructs, looking at you as she finishes. You nod in agreement, and concede yourself to her care. 
Nick was laying alone on the floor with a space heater while you and the others sit in a corner to discuss what had just happened (including finding Kaylee’s body and the lady with the eyepatch). 
Your wound had gone from simply being painful to… Burning. 
From your neck, it felt like you were being burnt from the inside out. And it had started to spread throughout your entire body, like the bite is the fuse and your body is the bomb. 
Your senses feel focused. You can smell… A lot of iron. Blood. Yours. Nick’s. Dylan’s. Even Abi was bleeding slightly from a scrape on her arm caused by an outreaching tree branch. 
You hear a call of your name by a gruff and trembling voice. You look over, Nick looking back at you pleadingly. 
“C-could you come here? Please, I-I want to apologise,” he rasps. You hesitate, taking a quick glance at the others. Kaitlyn and Dylan shrug - not seeing the harm, Ryan stares at Nick intensely - clearly waiting for him to do something, and Abi looks very concerned - not wanting you to get hurt again. 
You sigh as you get up and go to Nick hesitantly, eyeing his every movement. From the dark veins that cover his face, to the slight shudder of his chest as he breathes. 
You kneel next to him, pushing the space heater away for your own comfort. He didn’t seem to be wet anymore - definitely didn’t smell wet - but even if he was, you already feel like you’re about to melt from the inside out, and the heater is not helping. 
“I-I’m sorry… For before,” Nick mutters, looking up at you from his spot laying on the ground. You look away awkwardly. 
“Uh… Yeah. Y-You were probably just in shock… right?” you chuckle nervously. You want him to nod and agree, because up until about fifteen minutes ago you had liked Nick. He was a sweet, funny guy that was always soft spoken and gentle with the kids. He’d even remembered that you disliked certain foods when he cooked for you and the camp. 
You can hear Nick swallow. 
“Y-yeah… C-can I ask you something?” his voice is barely above a whisper, but you hear him clearly. 
“Sure,” you shrug, wanting him to keep talking to distract you from the sizzling heat in your veins. It’s getting worse, and your joints are beginning to ache like you’re being stretched out, spread thin. 
“Do you like me?”
You blink, surprised. Does he mean…? No, surely not. Literally everyone has been talking about how Nick and Abi like each other - and he’d chased after her during truth or dare. 
You come to the conclusion that he was using ‘like’ as a general term. 
“Sure! You’re nice, and thoughtful, and-” he cuts you off. 
“That’s not- ugh… that’s such- such a copout answer,” he scoffs, and even in the low light you can see him roll his eyes. 
Heat burns your throat. You’re angry. More than you can ever remember being. 
“If that’s what you think,” you snap in annoyance, your arms still aching as you cross them against your chest. Nick’s eyebrows furrow. 
“You’re not really very smart, are you?” his lips are beginning to curl, snarling with each word. 
“Excuse me?!” your voice is gravelly, and it almost comes out like a bark. 
Kaitlyn, Ryan, Dylan and Abi have gone quiet, looking over at the two of you. 
“You’re so dumb, honestly. The most clueless idiot,” Nick sneers, dark eyes glaring up at you. 
You make a move to stand up, and an insult dies on your tongue when Nick grabs your biceps roughly to stop you. His skin is as hot as yours - you’re sure that if you were in a cartoon you both would be steaming like a kettle. 
You both stare at each other, wondering who will be the first to do something. It’s Nick. He tugs you roughly towards him, moving lithely to get his legs under you. He springs you away with a kick, and your senses explode when your back makes harsh contact with the wall. 
Your vision is overcome by grey static, the room falling away as you writhe on the ground. All you can hear are your own screams of pain as it feels as if you’re being torn apart, limb from limb. 
A hand is placed on your shoulder, intended to be comforting, but it just burns brighter against the inferno of your body, making you scream louder and jerk away from the touch. 
Then, your mind goes completely blank. 
“Ohoh~ you’re quite different, aren’t you?” 
An old lady’s voice floats through your head. You can’t exactly think straight enough for words, but every thought is a question mark. 
“Hm… Maybe you could be of use. If you kill to protect those friends of yours…” 
She pauses with a small hum, like she’s thinking something over. 
You’re hungry. You want to run. 
“Yes, protect them from those wretched hunters. Murderers! That’s you want to do, isn’t it. We can definitely use this to our advantage…” 
Her voice fades and everything comes back into focus. 
Your body doesn’t hurt anymore, and while you’re still relatively warm, it doesn’t burn anymore. 
A scream pierces your ears, and you turn to complain, only to see Abi being held up against the wall by… Something. 
It stands on its hind legs, seven or eight feet tall, with elongated limbs that end in razor sharp claws. Its face is mostly teeth and tongue, which are snapping in Abi’s face as she cries and tries to push it away. 
Anger fills you at seeing your friend in danger, and, with bravery not entirely your own, you leap forward. Instinct drives you, and before you really know which parts of your body are doing what, your jaw snaps down onto the thing’s arm. Using your leverage, you push against the ground to pull the creature’s arm away from Abi. 
She falls to the ground when released, and quickly scrambles across the ground to regroup with Kaitlyn, Dylan and Ryan. 
The thing turns its focus on you, trying to pull its arm free. A growl rumbles in your throat, and your teeth clench harder before you shake your head harshly, the muscle under your teeth ripping. 
The taste of blood fills your mouth, and a very quiet voice tells you that the creature you’re attacking is Nick. 
You let go, and the creature doesn’t look for a further fight, crashing through the window and running away with a howl. 
You watch the window for a few more moments. Even though you hear the retreating footsteps, you need to make sure it doesn’t return. 
“Is that a fucking dog?!” Dylan’s voice exclaims from behind you. 
You turn around to look at your group of, fortunately, safe friends. But they’re all looking at you strangely. 
“It’s way too big to be a dog,” Kaitlyn scoffs, but she doesn’t look away from you. Confusion fills you, and you glance over your shoulder to try and find said ‘dog’, but there’s nothing there. 
Oh, there’s a tail. 
Upon noticing it, it starts to move, shaking from side to side. It’s large, and very fluffy. 
“Like a dire wolf!” Dylan chirps, sounding excited. You look away from the tail to watch him, and he meets your eyes with his own wide ones. He still smells like blood, but it's not as fresh as before, which is slightly reassuring. 
“Like from Game of Thrones?” Abi asks, still looking nervous. 
You go to take s tep forward, wanting to comfort her and reassure her that Monster-Nick is gone. 
But as soon as you do, everyone edges backwards - looking scared. 
“Guys?” you try to question, but all that comes out is a drawn out whine. You go silent quickly, eyes wide. 
“Aw,” Abi softens, holding her hand out towards your face. When you go to slap it away (insulted), however, you see your hand. That is… Not quite a hand anymore. A very large fucking paw is what you’re moving instead. What… the fuck?
Turning around, you realise the interesting tail from before is, in fact, yours. 
Ah, fuck.
“Um, guys… Where did Y/N go?” Ryan asks, looking at a spot on the ground just behind you that was covered in blood and fur that looked to be the same colour as your hair. 
Things are beginning to add up for the others just as they have for you. 
You’d let out a little bark at the sound of your name, getting everyone’s attention. 
“Are… you…?” Dylan is the first to entertain the thought, looking at  you in amazement. Everyone lets out a sound between a laugh, a gasp, and a groan when you nod your head up and down. 
“Then… the thing that attacked Abi… Was that Nick?” Kaitlyn asks, looking unsettled when you nod again. 
“So… why are you a friendly, fluffy… ‘wolf’, while Nick and those… other ones are… not?” Ryan asks awkwardly. You try to shrug, and while it doesn’t feel entirely right, they seem to get the point. 
You all stand there for a moment, looking at each other in disbelieving silence. 
You’re interrupted by a knock at the door. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
HEHEHHE thank you for reading! 
A few things for clarification! 
So, when Nick bites you, he has sharp teeth like Emma does just before she turns (if she’s alone in the storm shelter and infected). In this story, Nick’s turning was delayed by his dip into the water, which is why you both turn at the same time. 
With the reader and Nick being really hot, that’s taken from when Max is turning, he says that he’s really hot and asks Laura if she’s hot. 
We also know that it’s possible to become infected if someone who is infected bites you even before they turn, since Ryan still gets infected and heals when Laura bites him (before she turns) to save him. 
The old lady voice that you hear is Eliza (the tarot card lady you see between chapters). She calls you different and the reason behind that is... whatever you want. Maybe you had fluffy!werewolf ancestors, idk. Maybe you’re the chosen one, I don’t care, don’t question it. 
I didn’t want to specify how tall you are, so I couldn’t put in any comparisons (like, after you turn you’re taller than (character) because what if you’re already taller than them before turning? that wouldn’t make any sense). But basically I made you kind of hilariously large. You look like a normal wolf, your fur being the same colour as your (natural) hair (sorry, i wasn’t really envisioning a pink wolf), but you’re roughly the size of a polar bear (please google it those fuckers are huge) 
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