#chris jericho please go die
sydsaint · 4 months
RB if you think Chris Jericho should go die
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mjfs-heat-seeker · 3 months
I can’t be the only one who’s absolutely loving these found family angles on AEW rn
Like Samoa Joe just taking Hook and Shibata under his wing? Adorable.
Kyle O’Reilly being Mark Briscoe’s little hype man? So cute.
Billy Gunn quite literally just adopting The Acclaimed and treating them better than his own sons? Spectacular, gimme 14 of em.
Whatever the hell is happening with Kyle Fletcher and Will Ospreay rn? Yes please.
Willow Nightingale and Orange Cassidy teaming up after they got betrayed? Biggest of smooches.
And as much as I hate to say it, what Chris Jericho is doing with Big Bill and Bryan Keith is kinda cute too.
I could go on forever but unfortunately I might die from the cuteness. Whoever decided to make professional wrestling wholesome and adorable I love you.
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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The Depths of Despair
By Laura
Transcript Below!!!
Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live 
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell
-Metallica, “One”
Any true World Wrestling Federation fan knows the tragic story of Kane’s life. There's probably not a fan out there who has not at one time or another felt sympathy for or outrage over the tortured existence Kane has led.
A fire, set by his own half-brother Undertaker, killed his mother and left him disfigured. His father Paul Bearer then locked him away in a basement, robbing him of the innocent, carefree days of childhood. Bearer brough the adult Kane into the Federation, where despite his strong and intimidating presence, he was a perfect target for master manipulators. Undertaker and his father Bearer, Federation owner Vince McMahon, X-Pac and Tori victimized Kane again and again. 
Victims of abuse–be it physical, psychological or a combination of the two–often go through a series of stages in order to heal. However, some victims get stuck at one stage and are never fully able to recover from an abusive past. They stay in the land of denial or anger, which ultimately tears them apart inside. The key to complete recovery lies in the victim’s ability to accept the unjust hand life has dealt. With acceptance comes a chance for success and survival. 
Torn from me without your shelter
Barred reality
I’m living blindly
I’m in hell without you
Cannot cope without you two
Shocked at the world that I see
Innocent victim please rescue me
-Metallica, “Dyers Eve”
Denial: This is the first stage, when the victim denies the abuse ever happened or claims that it wasn’t “that bad.” Kane has spent almost a lifetime in denial. Although his father Paul Bearer was the most evil of his abusers, Kane still abided by his father’s commands, doing his dirty work. When Undertaker revealed it was he who was behind the fire that permanently scarred him and killed his mother, for quite some time afterward, Kane stood by his brother. Coming to his defense. 
However, once other WWF Superstars, as well as Vince McMahon, toyed and twisted his vulnerable psyche, Kane broke out of this denial stage and unleashed viciousness, rage and unparalleled anger toward the world. 
My life suffocates 
Planting seeds of hate
I’ve loved, turned to hate
Trapped far beyond my fate
I give
You take
This life that I forsake
Been cheated of my youth
You turned this lie to truth
You’ll suffer unto me
-Metallica “Harvester of Sorrow”
Anger: Once denial wanes, anger often sets in. The victim will get angry at everyone and everything around him–including himself–until he finally gets angry at his abusers. This stage is very delicate, because the victim can slip into a depressed state, where he becomes anti-social and can even inflict self-harm. 
Kane has been depressed for a long time and isolated himself from the world. In that time, he earned the labels “Big Red —----,” “monster” and “sociopath.” However, Kane is far from the embodiment of those tags–he is quite simply amman who has been to hell and back. 
He has remained angry for some time now, going after all that cross his path. But Kane is typical of many who remain in this place of rage–venting his pent-up rage on all except his half-brother. Kane is displacing his anger. Not too long ago, he went after Chris Jericho, who had accidentally spilled coffee on him, claiming the feud was really over “Y2J’s” unscathed good-looks. This triggered not only Kane’s grief and anger over his physical scars from the fire, but also the deep seared grief over the loss of his mother in that fatal fire years ago. 
If Kane remains in an angry state, one of two things will happen: He will either live a life trapped in complete and total anger, never seeing beyond its red, heated glare; or he will fall into a depression, from which he might never recover. If Kane is truly to heal, he must get beyond the anger and move to the next stage. 
I don’t know how to live through this hell
Woken up, 
I’m still locked in this shell
Frozen soul, frozen down to the core
Break the ice, I can’t take anymore
-Metallica “Trapped Under Ice” 
Acceptance: This is the hardest stage of all, for it is the one final step before actual healing can begin, before the self can be reclaimed. It hinges upon accepting the fact that wrongs have been perpetrated upon the victim and that life isn’t always fair. It is understanding that people can be cruel and heartless, but the abuse is not a reflection of one’s self-worth. This is the time when the victim looks at his past, looks the abuse straight in the face and decides he is no longer going to allow it to run his life. This is when the victim begins the transformation to survivor and begins to live for himself, not for his pain. 
Kane needs to reach this place. He needs to find the courage to look at the evil action of his family, at the betrayals of others, and accept that despite all that happened, he is worthy of love and respect, and has a lot to offer. 
Kane has a choice. He is not a victim anymore and it is up to him whether or not he will remain one. 
If he chooses to accept his past and move on, then he will be the next World Wrestling Federation Champion. Having survived such a torturous life, Kane will have strength of spirit incomparable to any Superstar in the WWF roster. What Kane will discover is that in his suffering there lies a gift, one amazing and rare. He will find that, despite the fact the abuse he endured stripped away pieces of himself, there is another side of him that only those who have overcome tragedy can find. And that strength supercedes any physical or mental force–it is a spiritual strength, one that is absolutely indescribable. If Kane finds this gift within himself, nothing will ever be able to stop him. 
However, if he chooses to stay trapped in a world of anger, resentment and hatred, he will wither and die inside. He will no longer be Kane, but will indeed become the monster he’s been tagged as. If Kane doesn’t move on, he can say goodbye to any future with the Federation and the only time he will come close to the World Wrestling Federation Championship is when hell freezes over. 
What is this?
I’ve been stricken by fate
Wrapped up tight, cannot move, can’t break free
Hand of doom has a tight grip on me
Can’t move at all
Can’t hear my call
I am dying to live
Cry out
I’m trapped under the ice
-Metallica, “Trapped Under Ice”
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sithwitch13 · 22 days
AEW Dynamite 8/3/24
Watching about 20 minutes delayed on account of getting delicious tortas for dinner with my parents
MJF: *villainous singing*
Danny is being extra bratty tonight, huh
Garcia wants to be Swerve when he grows up
I honestly dig stories that are like "I'm saving you by putting you out of comission." Hope they do jt well.
I think I can only really understand half of what Mark Briscoe says but his vibes are impeccable
Don Callis I am going to throw you in a washing machine and turn it on the heavy duty cycle
Kyle getting the Rainmaker zoomout lol
Dang, that was great
Aaaaa Takeshita vs Mortos on Friday!
I was so happy for Swerve buying that house and now I'm so worried lol
Yay Robyn Renegade getting TV time!
Lol Mox thinks Jack is a sweet kid (and he's right)
Oooh the old (like five year old lol) Death Rider tron and music are back
Well, at least Renee, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith are on my TV.
Ortiz flailing around un the "orange juice" still lives rent free in my mind
"Tell Chris Jericho" LOL HE'S RIGHT THERE
I love the faces Mariah is making during this. She's sadistic and that sheer delight is making me so happy.
Her shrieks when she hits Nyla are reminding me of my patrents' chihuahua though
Deonna vs Shida on Friday aaaaaa
Love Mercedes' makeup here
The Holy Shida chant, my heart 💜
"Sayonara, bitch." Shida, I will love you forever
Ooh, Jack Perry has words. I love how confident he's grown.
Happy Dragon!
I love everyone this match so much
I know Bastard Combat Club is gonna win and I'm good with that, but aaaa Ospreay palling around with the Conglomeration is adorable
Aaaaaa Orange and Yuta meeting up again I'm gonna die
Pac and Ospreay!!! I need to see them do more together IMMEDIATELY
Lol Orange climbing down the ropes
Ayyy Chikara shout out
Excalibur and Bryan talk about economics together, good to know
Orange and Pac again!
I just need Pac against all three of these guys
Actually any configuration of Bastard Combat Club vs any of the Conglomeration + Ospreay is needed
Lol Claudio trying to knock Kyle off like my little sister when our cat latched onto her shoulder when we were kids
...I'm gonna need Yuta vs Jack soon
Oooh backstage shenanigans
Ooooh Hangman isn't coming out...
Hangman smiling for the first time in months (because of arson)
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
may i request a headcanon of Santana's reaction to a surprise from Ortiz...like Santana's girlfriend told him she wouldn't be able to make it to the show, but really she and Ortiz had been planning out how to surprise Santana? please? 🤍
Surprises for Mi Amor (Santana x Reader)
Genre: Fluffy headcanon/story, Angst?? (If you squint)
Summary: When Santana believes that you won’t be able to see his match, you proved that you will always be there for him.
Word Count: 770
Supreme Speaks: i've always loved santana so this was a personal favorite. i hope the anon who requested this (and everyone else) likes it. i also hope everyone is doing well and remember you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: None really, I *tried to* use gender-neutral terms to appeal to everyone, I changed the ending to the anarchy in the arena match cause 1. the original finish made no sense and 2. Fuck Chris Jericho
Taglist: @triscillal @diabloguapos @sheinthatfandom @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin
You and Santana built an unproblematic and healthy relationship on trust and support
To the point where others viewed y’all as couple goals
There was never a time that he would not support you and vice versa
Want to dye your hair a crazy color? He was there looking up hairstyles
Wanted to burn your neighbors’ flowers cause of a petty feud? Santana got the gasoline
Santana wanted to buy a new car impulsively? You already had cars picked out
When he wanted to break away from the Inner Circle? You made homemade t-shirts and cheered very loudly
Bottom line, you two would ride and die for each other
So when you told Santana you wouldn’t be able to attend Double or Nothing after not seeing him for a while, he had some choice words
“I can’t believe those perros! I’ll kill ‘em!”
To the point where this man was whining and complaining still on the day of the pay-per-view
Santana: I just really want you to be here, mi amor. I haven’t seen you in what feels like forever. Are you sure you just can’t skip work and come with us?
You: For the twenty-second time, I have to go to work.
Santana: But can’t you-
Ortiz: Man, let your partner make their money before we get stuck in traffic and I whoop your ass
It kind of hurt you to see him so pitiful before he got off the facetime call
Typically, you would try your best to attend all his matches or at least watch them
And he usually would be at home every week
But his schedule as of late has been so packed that you haven’t seen each other in three weeks
Little does he know, you already flew into Nevada and were 25 minutes away from the arena
For the past week, you worked with Ortiz to get yourself a plane ticket and a VIP ticket to the show to surprise your boyfriend
According to Ortiz, seeing you would “get his head straight”
After about an hour, Ortiz texted you: you here? The show’s gonna start in like 20
Couple of minutes later he texted which locker room they were in and told you to hurry cause “I think he bout to cry and I don’t have tissues”
After clearing with security, you walked backstage looking for the locker room
When you heard Santana’s voice echoing through the door
“Man, I don’t mean to be a downer I just miss them so much. Being away from them for this long is literally killing me. How can I wrestle one of the most important matches of my career when I don’t have my good luck charm here or even watching?”
With tears in your eyes, you knocked on the door
The door opened with Santana looking down on the ground and then at you in disbelief
“No fear, you’re good luck charm is here”
Immediately you were lifted off the ground into a tight hug, Santana kissing all over your face and saying how much he missed you
You giggled and replied with your own admiration and affirmations of love
Moments of bliss go by until Ortiz says “where is my thank you? You would still be crying if it wasn't for me”
“Thanks jackass”
You stayed backstage joking and laughing with the men (mostly just happy to see Santana)
Until Eddie Kingston and BCC came up and said they need to talk strategy while the show was just in the first half
You excused yourself to go to your seat, but not before Santana pulled you back for a kiss
“Promise me to stay safe and win.”
“No guarantees on safety but I’ll win for you mi amor.”
While watching the match, you noticed Santana constantly checking for you and winking at you (even through the titantron)
No matter where he was, he always made sure you were safe
After celebrating his victory with his team, he made his way to you
With a smile and blood dripping down while giving you a hug he said “Te amo, mi amor”
To which you replied, “I love you too”
Overall, you were just happy to see the love of your life safe and victorious. And he was thankful to have a best friend like Ortiz and a significant other like yourself.
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fallout-lou-begas · 1 year
who would you say is your favorite wrestler? also please keep filling my dash with these big hot women wrestlers thank you
honestly i think it's kris statlander (which means there will be plenty of big hot woman posting). she's not even been medically cleared for in-ring activity the entire time i've started watching AEW but i've been going nuts on youtube and stream sites watching basically every statlander match that i can just because she's so strong and cool and fun and her movement is so expressive and a joy just to watch and her fits are to die for and on top of everything else her technique is just absolutely killer. i think if she so much as looked at me i would explode with a crunchy poor stock explosion effect, for dyke reasons. it's funny because it's like, i miss her but haven't even seen her live on television! i miss her without even knowing her! anguish. agony. i've also been watching a lot of thunder rosa matches just because she's the other really crucial wrestler out on indefinite injury leave and my god she's a blast. goes apeshit. again, just so much fun to watch; like statlander she just has that je ne sais quoi where she could be doing the most basic possible moves in the ring but it's still compelling because she's the one doing them, and she's just got it. this is probably just a form of confirmation bias but digging into the backlogs for these two wrestlers, it really does throw into relief how badly the women's division is limping with all the injuries. but maybe if kris wasn't doing the double-suplexes that made people fall in love with her, her knees wouldn't have exploded so it's like...man.
as far as wrestlers that are Actually Wrestling Right Now: i do love that jamie hayter and she's basically carrying the women's division of AEW singlehandedly on her shoulders rn because the whole outcasts thing is just foul but takes up so much oxygen; mox for his rabid desire to bleed and fluid-bond with every man who enters his field of vision; bandido is a lucha who i've only seen in the ring once, against bryan danielson, but who was AMAZING and i want to see him and his fucking execution-shot gesture running attack over and over; MJF for being literally perfect in every way as a champion heel to the point where i genuinely hope darby, sammy, and jungleboy all fail to take the title because i just think it would be a huge downgrade in entertainment value; samoa joe for being DA KING OF TELEVISION; stu grayson for being apeshit (and dark order in general is always such an entertaining stable); brian cage for being probably the epitome to me of the ferocious kind of Terminator heel who just destroys people, like the motherfucker looks like a miniboss in a batman video game; keith lee is a wrestler that i fell in love with basically immediately when he showed up to diss chris jericho and then i fell in double-love with him in the ring when he gave chris a fuckin polite little kissaroo on the forehead between blows.
honorable mentions go to Wardlow who i hated at first but who has sucked so much that he has endeared me. getting his car broken into. losing the title immediately. my ex-husband pointed out that he's a hired goon without a boss, like a stray cat, and it broke my little heart. the poor guy is acting out! he's troubled! there's also a lot of women wrestlers that i would love to see a lot more of like willow nightingale and nyla rose but either they're all wrestling on friday nights (i only really watch wednesdays) or the outcasts' feud with jamie hayter is really just burying opportunities for Literally Anything Else to happen in the women's division. jade cargill is an absolute beast but she has literally run out of people to fight so i hope taya valkyrie or something finally takes the belt away (as it's looking like) so that jade can do something else beside mulch regional guests. and yeah i think i do like britt baker as a wrestler, the dentist gimmick is good to me, she's good in the ring, and i know the legit feud with thunder rosa is messy and shitty but whatever, i like her matches (including THE hardcore cage match WITH thunder rosa pre-feud). honestly when rosa comes back, maybe they patch things up face-to-face or maybe they don't, but in either case i'm expecting a fucking barnburner of a grudge match that'll make the hardcore cage match look like a kindergarten classroom
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elitehoe · 2 years
All Out Predictions
Eddie Kingston vs Tomohiro Ishii. I wish both men the best and hope they put on beautiful glorious wrestling violence.
Pac vs Kip Sabian. 50/50 Kips first match back, but champ Pac... I'm at odds with myself. Hope they have fun.
Hook vs Angelo Parker. HOOK HOOK HOOK HOOK.
Ruby Soho and Ortiz vs Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo. If the wrestling gods are good, Ruby and Ortiz for the win.
Bryan Danielson vs Chris Jericho. I don't think you understand if my sadistic evil goat man doesn't win I'm going to die and haunt TK for the rest of his life.
FTR and Wardlow vs Jay Lethal and MCMG. I am biased, I am a biased woman. It's FTR and Wardaddy, but MCMG are my emo dilfs, my comfort wrestling husband's. I can not root against them it's law, even if that means I have to root for Lethal...
Jungle Boy vs Christian Cage. I'm here for a good time, I want to see Christian be a pathetic petty little bitch and I want to see Jungle Boy beat the shit out of him.
Powerhouse Hobbs vs Ricky Starks. If Ricky don't win we pulling up on Teeks.
House of Black vs Miro, Darby and Sting. Manifesting a House of Black win.
Claudio Castagnoli vs Wheeler Yuta vs Dante Martin vs Andrade vs Rey Fenix vs Penta vs Rush vs TBA. MAXWELL JACOB BABY ITS TIME TO BRING YOUR BIG BOOTY CUTIE ASS HOME. I've seen many bring up Kota and I need y'all not to give me that kind of hope please.
Jade Cargill vs Athena. I'm 50/50 I'm completely okay with Jade retaining, I'm also completely okay with Athena winning.
Swerve In Our Glory vs The Acclaimed. How can you expect me to root against the Acclaimed?? Seriously HOW?? Acclaimed for the win.
Toni Storm vs Britt Baker vs Hikaru Shida vs Jamie Hayter. My kendo carrying wifey Hikaru Shida for the win obviously. We all know Toni is winning tho.
The Elite vs Dark Order. I've already posted about this, Dark Order is my pick, I love my Elite boys, but they really don't need this win. Either way I'm going to be incredibly distraught
Jon Moxley vs CM Punk. Jon Moxley.
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famdommcfanface · 3 years
Doctor who thoughts again... This is a long one.
I know the snake guy (can't remember his name, y'know, evil sexy snake guy) was going to be in this episode but I'm still thrilled every time they remind us of that fact
Oh yeah that fucking angel thing. Bullshit. Sorry
Erm they're are angels there that aren't covering their eyes which is very bad. Like... either they're in some kind of dimension where it doesn't matter so why are most of them covering their eyes or big proportions of them are just unable to move. Possibly forever if enough of them have their eyes uncovered.
I love Yaz's period clothing. Obsessed.
They're Indiana Jones-ing I guess. I'd like to think without the colonialism but I'm not sure how
Is that Jericho? Jericho!!!! I love this dude.
Yaz this is theft and destruction of ancient artefacts I'm an archaeologist and Yaz just don't please.
Ood has a new voice. Hmm. Ah well.
Oh. Her. Forgot about her. Do I want to know?
Exposition time. Thanks.
DYING for Yaz's clothes this episode I mean damn.
Where are these guys getting money from
What is even happening rn I haven't known for weeks now I guess.
It's Spectre! No.
Obsessed with Yaz just murdering people. She didn't even murder him but...
Sexy gay snake guy!! Not sure what he's doing here but I love the period clothing on him.
If this dude turns out to be a Lethbridge-Stewart... just to say only so many people can be Lethbridge-Stewarts.
Aww!!! Yaz watching the doctor hologram this is adorable they're so in love
I think if Yaz kisses the doctor next episode I'll forgive Chris of everything
That might be an exaggeration but Chris wouldn't you like to find out???
Oh also another exposition time. See, Chris? I nearly got distracted by the gayness! Had there been more gayness I might not have noticed the exposition at all!
I want Dan to be more horrified by the whole dead body thing. Jericho's doing alright but c'mon Dan.
She can't be a good guy she's got an ood. The relationship seems like it might be a kind of slavery one.
Oh you're defending the time lord directives now are you doctor?
N-space? I don't even really know what that means but oh wait they're in the void aren't they
KARVINISTA! You gay little bitch
Okay but the void was meant to be like... hell. It wasn't just nothing it was basically hell. I know that's weird but it did happen.
Hey Bel! I still don't trust Tigmi!
Karvinista if you hurt Bel I stg...
Ooh. Creepy.
Chris you love people talking exposition out loud to themselves don't you.
Swarm and Azura! I would die for these bitches.
'you are space how we are time' stfu swarm. stfu Chris.
Stfu weird mystery woman who probably isn't the doctor's mother
Okay I'm lost. No idea what's happening. Can we go back to Yaz being gay in period clothing please?
I'm going to have to read the explanation for this afterwards.
Oh she's so cartoonishly evil what is even the point of this. The division is ripe for moral complexity.
Wait what's her name? Yeah her! Fuck what's her name?
Tecteun! Right! Oh god that means I really don't know what's going on.
Sexy snake guy! You don't understand I'm really excited every time this guy is on screen because I thought he was only going to be in one episode
Oh the brigadier is going to show up isn't he. I think the time period could work. Private Lethbridge-Stewart or whatever.
It's like 'huh. TARDIS. Oh well'
Feel like Jennings (or anyone who turns up in the background) is going to be a classic who reference
Sexy snake guy just lived on earth for like ten years and gave away his cover so fucking quickly... Wait what the fuck I swear that's from men in black.
Huh. That was weird.
Grand serpent! That's it! Knew it was something about snakes!
Oh fuck I really don't know what's happening.
Tecteun honey that's so fucking dumb and you now it. Put the doctor next to the machinery you're using to do it so she doesn't stop it what are you doing
I'm not even sure what this argument is but I know it fills me with rage.
Yeah I don't like this. Something about the doctor complaining about the live she lives... she loves her life? There are other complaints to make? That's not the bad thing she did doctor?
Kind of sick of like six plots happening at once. Where is Yaz being gay in period clothing
Okay I never thought Vinder was dead but for a moment I thought we were meant to think Vinder was dead and that was really funny for some reason
Diane! Wish she'd been in the plot or something but hey.
Dan isn't wearing interesting enough clothes. He deserves more interesting clothes
How can this dude speak English. He's like a Tibetan hermit.
I actually don't mind the comedy character but it would be far less jarring if Chris put some comedy in the rest of the series.
Haha map montage! So ridiculously cliché. Kind of love it.
Okay I guess. That's alright.
Karvinista you gay bitch.
Doctor free the ood!!!
Yeah the universe is really full of ood. It's because the ood masks are reusable unlike things like silurians.
Jesus Christ the flux destroyed like 99.999999999% of all galaxies it looks like
Oh god please don't do the thing I predicted.
Ood you're psychic your whole thing is hearing whispering
That doesn't quite look like proper Gallifreyan, idk.
I love sexy snake guy I'll tell you that much.
*my brain* Prentis... Prentice... wasn't he a mole guy? I feel a very bad conspiracy theory brewing...
Want that spike worm to actually look like a snake.
Oh him. I don't even want to know what his deal is at this point.
Yaz stfu this could be important.
Yes it's a fob watch... wait the doctor could get her memories back? I kind of don't like that.
Yeah I don't understand the whole next universe thing. Not sure what's happening. Could Rose come back? If Rose can't come back I don't care about your whole next universe thing.
Also where the fuck is Kate? I was promised Kate!
Oh wait that was good timing.
Osgood? She's dating Richard Osman now y'know. Just a bit of gossip.
Imagine if he just murdered Kate Stewart... how funny would that be idk.
Huh. I'd expect Kate to have a nicer house than that. Either a big town house thing or maybe something in the country.
Does Karvinista have Gallifreyan on his leg?
Look. I understand that it's 1904. You don't have to tell me every time.
Ooh go on what is it. Oh is it snake guy. I don't even know what this dude wants. I like his office though.
K. Sontarans. Cool.
The doctor spent this whole episode having a conversation.
And swarm and Azura did fuck all! They've kind of been replaced by a different sexy queercoded villain.
Oh god I really don't know what's happening.
Oh well she's dead I guess huh.
Kate had better actually do something next episode.
Daleks. Yeah I guess.
Oh and the house yeah.
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darktammy · 4 years
It’s My Decision (part 4)
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Don’t own this gif
Warning: Depression break ups in this chapter.
 @beenlovingromansincedayoneish​ @sassymox​ @living-the-life-1996​ @bluepunkrock​ @moxslilangel2020​ @moxleybabe​ @moxleymaniac​ @hoodiemox​ @wrestlingxbalorxrollins​ @jazzy-tzw​ @ilovesamizayn​ @thatwrestlingfan91​ 
You had less than two weeks for your wedding with Amy. You got your wedding dress ready as for the guest list you already had all the names down and where they were going to be. “Must be hard to set things up uh sweet thing?” You look up to see Sonny kiss. “Yeah I mean it’s hard I have my dress Amy has her white suit, I have the flowers, I mean everything is going to be all white.” Sonny laugh, sweetie I’m going to be the only one who’s going to be wearing pink cuz nuh uh.” You both laugh. “Ok you can wear pink. I don’t care as long as you're happy I’m happy.”  You said with a little sassy in your voice. 
You and Jon were walking backstage ready for his match. “So yeah I got the wedding invitation from your finance Amy. I can’t wait to see how this goes.” You smiled looking up at Jon. “Yeah me too. I mean it’s all so fast and I mean I was not ready for it, but Jon I love Amy so much. I’ll die for her.” You said with passion in your voice. Jon smiled as he gave you a side hug. The both of you started to walk as his music hits. You were so happy to see him with that title and he was a long time champion with the title. 
After the show was over you made it back to the hotel. Once you made it inside by surprise you looked in and saw Amy sitting on the bed wearing her favorite black two piece bra and panty. You smile as you walk right in. “Now baby did you miss me.” Amy said. You drop your bag as you smile and walk up to her. “You're damn right I did.” You said with a smile. “Does my little princess want me to please her.” She said standing up. You smile as you start to take your clothes off. “Yes my queen, I want you, I want you so bad.” You got down on all four as you looked up at Amy.  She smiled at you until you both heard some noise outside your door. “Yo, keep it down, the fun is about to start.” You got up and walked to the door opening it seeing Jon, Chris, and Brian cage all fall into the room. “Really you guys!” you yelled. They got up and walked out of the room. “Hey you know if you need anyone to judge how you ladies work we’re here…” Jericho said as you slam the door on their face making Amy laugh. “Now back what we were doing.
Seth was sitting in his coffee shop waiting for Murphy to come in with some news about Amy. “Hey there buddy how’s Becky and the baby?” he asked. “She’s fine, all she keeps talking about is how she can’t wait to get back into the ring. But anyways what you got on Amy?” Seth asks. Murphy smiled as he showed Seth some pictures of Amy with another man. “Dude this is her cousin Tony.” Seth looked at Murphy. “Nah look who’s next to her very closely.” Murphy points at none other than Adam page.” Seth stood up with a smile as he looked at the other pictures of them hugging. “You did great Murphy, this is what I need to expose Amy for who she is.” Seth pat him in the back.
  You were walking backstage getting ready to walk out with Jon until you heard a voice, a voice that made you walk a little fast just to stop and see her. “Renee?” You said making her look back at you. She too was in shock as she saw you in person. “You little bitch!” Making everyone look at the both of you. You left me for some guy right? Right after you us me to get away from Finn Balor right?!” you yelled out loud. Everyone including Tony looks at you. “Yeah I know because I spoke to Finn, you know what he said to me?” You were filled with anger. “You know Finn was a liar. I did nothing with him, just like how I have no idea what you're talking about Y/n!” Renee yelled. “Don’t you lie you whore you got fuck by Finn then you ran to me, use me just so Finn can leave you alone, because of what? All because you ruin a happy relationship with him and Cathy Kelly!” Renee slapped you across the face. You look back at her with rage in your eyes as you slapped her right back in her face this time with force behind it. You were so mad that you even attacked her, making everyone, even Tony, get involved by separating the both of you. 
 “Enough the both of Y/n just stop it alright! Tony said holding you back. Jon ran in as he saw what happened to Renee. “Babe are you alright?” Jon said. You stop just to realize that Renee left you for him, your best friend Jon. “You know what fuck the both of you.” You scream out loud as you pull away from Tony. Then you walk away heading back to the hotel. 
Amy was at home making plans for the wedding when she saw her phone ring. It was Tony calling. “Hey.” She said. “Yeah Amy it’s Y/n I’m just going to tell straight up, I’m gonna have to suspend her for two week.” Tony told Amy. “What why? What did she do?” Amy asks. Tony explains what happened with Y/n and Renee. “Oh god I knew this would happen she told me what happened with her and Renee. Alright Tony thank you for telling me.” Amy said as she ended the call. Amy sighs, “Oh Y/n why now?” She said to herself.
You had all your things pack up and ready to go until you heard a knock at your door. You walk to the door opening to see an angry Jon Moxley. You on the other hand was in the mood so you tried to close the door on Jon only for him to stop the door from closing on him. “I’m not in the fucking mood Jon.” You said walking away from him. He walks into your as he slams the door behind him making you jump a little. “Why in the fuck did you attack my fiance for uh?” You look up at Jon as you walk up to him. “She used me to get away from Finn, or did she not tell you that?” Jon shook his head. “Finn uses her?”  You look back as you yelled from the top of your lungs. “She ended their relationship then used me to get away from Finn. Do you know why, because Finn called it quits with Cathy!” You yelled, making Jon stop and look at you. “Then she left me for you.” You said trying not to cry as you grab your bags. “You know if you want to hear the rest of the story you should talk to Renee, I have to go now.” Jon grabs you by the arm. “Tell me everything that happens with you and Renee.” He asked.
You remember when Renee was walking fast, so fast that she bumped right into you making you drop your coffee on the floor. “Uh really?” You look down then back up at the women with short blond hair with brown eyes. She smiled at you and she hugged you. “Ok what’s going on?” You asked. She looked  into your eyes then she gave you a soft kiss on your lips. Not even thinking you kiss her back. Then you stop as you look at her with a smile. “Ok now there has to be something really going on here.” Renee shook her head, “No not really just really like you when I first saw you, I...i just didn’t know how to say it or do it I guess.” You laugh as you take her hand and walk with her. You told everyone backstage in nxt about what happened with you and Renee and how much you're in love with her. Some don’t buy that Renee was bi, but you didn’t listen to them. 
You were walking in the park one time waiting for Renee to meet up with you. It was already a month in your relationship, you had flowers with a card in it about how much she made your world. Then you saw him Finn walking up. “Oh Y/n we need to talk about Renee.” With a deep Irish accent. You sigh as you stop. “Look Finn, she doesn't want you anymore ok just let her go.” You begged him. He shook his head as he looked down at you. “She’s only using your love just so she can get away from me. Sooner or later she is going to leave you for someone else. I broke it off with Cathy for her.” You shook your head as you looked up at him. “Finn, that was on you for ending what you had, and to make it worse Cathy left the company after that. Finn Renee loves me. She tells me that everyday, she shows me that everyday we even made love with each other.” Finn looked down at you, “I’m telling you right now the day she breaks your heart just remember I told you so.” Finn said walking away from you.
You were sitting backstage after your match with Shayna, the both of you were laughing having a good time talking about the match. “So did you hear what happened with Renee, she left.” You look up at her, “What?” You asked. “Yeah she left right after a few of the other guys left the company.” You were in shock from the news. You made it back home you tried to call her but it said the number you had dialed was no longer in serves. Finn was right, she only used you to get away from him. You started to cry as you looked down at the floor in your bedroom. “That bitch!” was all you could say over and over again. You were in the back of the locker room trying your hardest not to cry. How could Renee just use you then get rid of you like rag cloth. You were in tears then you felt some strong hands hug you from behind. “It’s ok love I know the feeling.” Finn with a soft voice easing your pain. “I told you Y/n she was only using us and now we're both broken.” You turn around to face him with tears in your eyes. You gave Finn a tight hug as he did the same.
“So you see Jon that’s why I was so mad at her. Renee fuck me over and ruined someone else happiness.” You said trying to hold back your tears. Jon gave you a hug. “I’m so sorry to hear about that Y/n. I wish I knew at that time she was playing the both of us.” You look up at him confused. “You see while she was dating you, she was seeing me behind your back.” You covered your face with your hands as you started to cry. “I know Y/n, I should have known something was up with her. Every time she had to go to florida because they said so, but really it was to see you.” Jon got down on his knees just to face you, he slowly pulled both of your hands away from your face. “Y/n I’m so sorry for what happened to you and Finn.” You nodded your head a little. “I’m so sorry too Jon. I’m sorry for hurting your..” without warning Jon lean in kissing you on the lips. You were surprised by him, but you fought it off. “Jon! What the hell is wrong with you?” You said getting up. He got up as he started to look around. “I don’t know I’m sorry Y/n I really am.” You shook your head as you grabbed your bags. “Jon just go home ok we won’t speak about this.” He agreed by nodding his head then you walked out the door. 
Becky was looking for some baby clothes online when she heard Seth laughing in the living space of their home. She got up just to walk out of the bedroom to hear what Seth was talking about. “Yeah good job Murphy now let’s see if that bitch Amy gets what’s coming to her. Let’s see how faithful she really is. Once Y/n see’s those pictures of Amy and Adam page.” He started to laugh. While Becky just had a smile on her. “Good job love.” she said walking back into the bedroom.
Jon and Renee made home. The both didn’t even speak to one another. “Jon can you talk to me please.” Renee said as she looked back at him. All Jon did was walk up the stairs and in the bathroom. She sighs as she walks up to the bedroom. After Jon was done all he had on was his shorts. Renee uses the other bathroom just so she can freshen up. After she was done she looked to see Jon was not in the same room as her. “Jon!” Renee yelled as she walked out of their bedroom. Jon was sitting on the couch watching tv as Renee walked up to him. “I’m just watching tv get some sleep.” He told her. She sat down next to him while keeping her eyes on him. “Jon what is wrong with you? Talk to me honey what’s wrong?” Jon sat up then he turned his head to her. “Did you sleep with Finn?” Renee’s eyes widened from those words that came out of his mouth. “Renee just answered the question.” He asked. “I can’t believe you Jon, why would you even ask something like that?” Renee asked. “Jon nodded his head as he got up. “Jon wait.” She said, making him sit back down. “OK it’s true me and Finn had a one night stand, but I didn’t know he was dating Cathay at the time.” Jon looked down for a moment. “What happened after you and Finn Renee?” She looked down, “I started seeing Y/n, I didn’t know she was going to fall in love with me. Yeah she said it a few times, but I thought she was just kidding about it.” Renee looks back at Jon to see what his reaction would be. All Jon did was get up and walk into the kitchen.
Jon grabs a beer from the fridge, cracks it open and starts to drink from it. Renee follows him as she stands here. “Jon you have not said a word what’s wrong?!” she yelled. He slams his beer bottle on the table. “You lied Renee! That’s what it was. I had an idea you were seeing Y/n behind my back!” Jon said walk out of the kitchen. “I told you Jon I didn’t know she was for real about it.” Jon looked back at Renee, “So you were using her right? To get away from Finn right? Then you got with me just so you can get away from Y/n am I right Renee?” She stops as she looks at, Jon not saying a word. “I guess silence is the answer.” Jon spoke his words, then he walked up the bedroom. Renee walked back into the living space sitting down as she started to think about what she had told Jon. “I know it was Y/n, she just could let this shit go! I swear I’m going to kill that bitch.” She said to herself.
Amy was walking back and forth most of the night wondering if you were ok. She keeps looking at her phone to see if you saw any of the missed calls that she left you. “Come on where are you babe?” She keeps asking herself. A knock came at the door Amy ran to the door she opened it just to see you standing there holding a brown envelope. Big enough to hold pictures. “I’m done with you Amy.” You told her handing her the envelope. Amy was in shock from your words. “What are you talking about Y/n?” All you did was walk back to the car, Amy started to run after you. “Now stop it Y/n why are you saying that.” As she grabs you by your arm. You look at her trying not to get mad. “You slept with Adam didn’t you?” You asked her. Amy eyes widen then she looks at the envelope. “Yeah those pictures, those the both of you going out then walking into a hotel, together!” You yelled. “I’m sorry Y/n, but it was not what you think.” Amy begged. You had heard enough, you got back into your car and drove off. Leaving poor Amy to cry in the drive away.
Next morning Tony, Kenny, Cody, Brandi, and Adam were all at Amy’s house. “Someone took these pictures of me and you Adam, and it made her think we had an affair.” Adam looks at the pictures then he passes them to Tony. “Do you have anyone who could have done this?” Kenny asks. Amy shook her head. “Hold on here for a second.” Brandi said. “How come we were not in the photo babe?” Brandi showing Cody one of the pictures of Amy standing next Adam. Tony looked at one of the photos to see some of them were edited to where it was just Amy and Adam. “Someone really hates you Amy, and I think I might know who that someone is.” Tony looked at her. “Who then?” She begged for the answer. All of them said it at once. “Seth!” 
You were still laying in bed looking out the window as you started to think about what to do now. You left your old apartment, you're now suspended for two weeks, maybe even worse fired, because Tony is her cousin. Too many things were running through your head. Then you heard a knock on your door. “Come in.” The door opens as you turn. “Hey there sweet cheeks are you alright?” Shane asks. You smiled at him as you sat up in bed. “Yeah i’ll be ok, thanks for letting me stay for a little while. Until I get my own place that is.” Shane smiled as he walked into the room. “Hey it’s ok Y/n, were good friends I mean after what happened with my dad and all, but were good friends.” You smiled a little. “Hey come down stairs and let's eat some breakfast alright? That might cheer you up.” You smiled as you got up with Shane.
Roman got the call from Jon about what happened with you and he too started to worry about you. “Alright right now I just told a few of my buddies about this, and right now Seth keeps on saying he has nothing to do with this.” Roman sat back down putting his hands over his face. “Hey laid she’ll come up, all we have to do is ask around to see if anyone has ever spoken with her.” Finn said in a smooth Irish accent. “Yeah she was family before she got fired.” Bayley told Roman. “Hey if me and Bayley hear from her we'll call as fast as we can ok.” Sasha told Roman. He nodded his head as he watched them leave. “Damn it Y/n where are you?” Roman asked himself.
A Week has gone, and you were looking at your phone seeing pictures of you and Amy and you thought to yourself how much you miss her, but you don’t know if you can believe in her again. You saw your phone rang again showing her name and you didn’t answer it. “Hey there baby girl.” You look up to see Shane. “Hey there what’s up.” You need to stay in, my dad is down stairs.” You stood up as you looked around. “Hey shut off your phone and just wait until the coast is clear alright?” You nodded as you put your phone on vibrate. Shane left the room closing your door. “Damn it.” You said.
Amy was sitting at home feeling depressed from all this mess. “Maybe it was karma.” Tony looked at her. “What do you mean?” She looked at him. “I was only trying to use Y/n Tony.” Tony's eyes widened. “What?” Amy nodded her head. “I was trying to marry her so that way I won’t marry this man that mom & dad set up for me. I guess now I have no choice, but to walk down the aisle with him.” Tony was confused and mad at the same time. “Really Amy you knew she was heart broken from an asshole no i’m sorry from two assholes from her past. Now you are the third?” Amy looked down with tears falling from her eyes. “You know what you're right, it's karma. I love ya, but this I’m sorry I’m out.” Tony said as he got up and walked out the door. Amy started balling as Tony walked out now seeing that she was all alone.
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shipsforeveryone · 4 years
XL Ship For Anon
Their Request - 
Hi! Can I request a ship for all of your fandoms. Males only please!
Oh and for the scenario - First Fight. For TVD?
I am a tall, curvy straight female with blonde hair and blue-green eyes.
I am introverted, intellectual, I have a bunch of interests and hobbies, which I tend to hyper fixate on. I am also a bit of a jack of all trades as I like to learn/teach myself how to do a wide variety of things.
I have a very idiosyncratic point of view, I'm bookish and very interested in history. I have a knack for accurately predicting the likelihood of the future. I tend to test people to see if I can trust them a lot but then I become a friend for life. Literally, a ride or die. I have hidden dimensions and intensity and they're hidden because I'm pretty withdrawn. Wanting to watch people from afar to see if I can even poke my head out of my shell around them.
I tend to act arrogant, cryptic, or cynical when afraid. I can be diplomatic and say things without saying them. I am defiant/rebellious towards authority and habitually find counterexamples to whatever others assert. Despite this attitude, I'm incredibly loyal, hardworking, ambitious, and very idealistic.
I struggle with ADHD, social anxiety, and paranoia. I can brood over injustices or entertain conspiracy theories. I am a bigger fan of sneaky vengeance over outright confrontation. I can be passive-aggressive and self-attacking. I love all animals though I never want to personally own a dog, due to how needy and loud they are. I'm more of a cat or reptile person.
I like to record my thoughts out loud and later organize them.
I'm also currently fighting the urge to delete this because I think I sound very full of myself in this lol
Pretty please and thank you! Also sorry this was so long.
My Response
No worries, babe! You don’t sound full of yourself at all. I love the fact that you didn’t beat around the bush about describing yourself!
Avatar: The Last Airbender 
OTP - Zuko. He would love your idiosyncratic point of view and how insightful you are. And would often come to your for advice.
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BrOTP - Aang
NOTP - Sokka
OTP - Nick Jakoby
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BrOTP - Tikka
NOTP - Daryl Ward
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
OTP - Rupert Giles. You have quite a bit in common, and you may even end up arguing the uses of technology while admiring books as much as he does.
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BrOTP - Daniel “Oz” Osbourne
NOTP - Buffy Summers
Doctor Who
OTP - The 10th Doctor. He’d gently coax you out of your shell. And he’d take you anywhere in time or space that you want to go. If you don’t outright say where/when you would like to go then he’ll pick up on it by listening to your latest interests. 
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BrOTP - Is it cheating to say the 12th Doctor? Oh well. I think you would be partners in crime all the way.
NOTP - Rose Tyler
Dragon Age
OTP - Solas. There’s so much in common and I think you’d probably be the best option to convince him to change his plans. 
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BrOTP - Merrill.
NOTP - Cassandra.
Fast and Furious franchise
OTP - Tej Parker
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BrOTP - Deckard Shaw
NOTP - Luke Hobbs
Game of Thrones
OTP - Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion would tease you to draw you out of your introverted shell. He'd be very interested in your hobbies, interests and your knack for predicting the future. He'd admire your wide skill set, loyalty, defiant attitude and how hardworking you are. He’d often suggest books to you and vice versa. 
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BrOTP - Jon Snow
NOTP - Daenerys Targaryen
Golden Girls
OTP - Dorothy. 
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BrOTP - Rose
NOTP - Sophia
OTP - Will Graham.
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BrOTP - Alana Bloom.
NOTP -  Jack Crawford
Harry Potter
OTP - Severus Snape. Your mind, skill set and attitude would all appeal to him very much.
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BrOTP - Luna Lovegood
NOTP - Ron Weasley
Inglourious Basterds
OTP - Hugo Stiglitz
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BrOTP - Donny Donowitz
NOTP - Aldo Raine
John Wick
OTP - John Wick
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BrOTP - Marcus
NOTP - Winston
Jurassic Park franchise
OTP - Dr. Ian Malcolm
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BrOTP - Dr. Ellie Sattler
NOTP - Dr. Sarah Harding
OTP - Merlin
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BrOTP - Harry Hart / Galahad
NOTP - Jack Daniels / Whiskey
Legend of Korra
OTP - Mako
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BrOTP - Asami Sato
NOTP - Tahno
OTP - Bucky Barnes
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BrOTP - Loki
NOTP - Natasha Romanoff
Mayans MC
OTP - Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes.
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BrOTP - Johnny “Coco” Cruz
NOTP - Emily Thomas-Galindo
OTP - Timothy McGee
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BrOTP - Abby Sciuto
NOTP - Tony DiNozzo
New Girl
OTP - Nick Miller
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BrOTP - Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt
NOTP - Julia Cleary
Once Upon A Time
OTP - Killian Jones / Captain Hook
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BrOTP - Regina Mills
NOTP - Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White
Parks and Recreation
OTP - Ben Wyatt
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BrOTP - April Ludgate
NOTP - Jean Ralphio Saperstein
Peaky Blinders
OTP - Tommy Shelby
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BrOTP - Alfie Solomons
NOTP - Ada Thorne
OTP - Brock
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BrOTP - Bulbasaur Ash Ketchum
NOTP - Jessie
Rick and Morty
OTP - Rick Sanchez
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BrOTP - Beth Smith
NOTP - Jerry Smith. 
Schitt’s Creek
OTP - David Rose
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BrOTP - Ronnie Lee
NOTP - Moira Rose
Sherlock (BBC)
OTP - Sherlock Holmes. He'd adore your mind and find your skill set useful. Sherlock would love your defiance of authority and ambition. Though you'd butt heads every now and then ultimately your differences would make you an even better match. You'd both bring out each other's emotions more and understand each other better than anyone else ever could.
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BrOTP - Mycroft Holmes. I know, very surprising. But like with Sherlock there’s a lot in common and a lot different. So you’d frequently argue But in the end you’d have the common goal of looking out for Sherlock to make you both closer.
NOTP - Jim Moriarty.
Sons of Anarchy
OTP - Jackson “Jax” Teller.
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BrOTP - Bobby Munson
NOTP - Tara Knowles
Star Wars Prequels
OTP - Obi-Wan Kenobi
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BrOTP - Qui-Gon Jinn
NOTP - Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Original Trilogy
OTP - Luke Skywalker
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BrOTP - R2D2
NOTP - Han Solo
Stranger Things
OTP - Jim Hopper. I think Hopper would admire you for testing people so thoroughly to see if you can trust them. And he’d really love how loyal you are to the people you do trust.
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BrOTP - Alexei. Here me out, the two of you seem to have a bit in common. First and foremost your intelligence. And I think you’d make Hopper quit being such an ass to Alexei.
NOTP - Nancy Wheeler
OTP - Sam Winchester. Okay I can just see you researching together. Staying up all night in the Bunker’s library poring over every single book.
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BrOTP - Charlie Bradbury. Do I need to say anything more than nerd power?
NOTP - Mary Winchester.
Teen Wolf
OTP - Chris Argent
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BrOTP - Stiles Stilinski
NOTP - Lydia Martin
That 70’s Show
OTP - Eric Forman.
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BrOTP - Donna Pinciotti
NOTP - Jackie Burkhardt
The Expendables
OTP - Lee Christmas
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BrOTP - Barney Ross
NOTP - Mr. Church
The Hobbit
OTP - Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin would admire your wide skill set and your ambition to learn how to do so many things. He'd adore your loyalty and knack for diplomacy. 
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BrOTP - Fili Durin.
NOTP - Thranduil
The Lord of the Rings
OTP - Faramir. 
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BrOTP - Samwise Gamgee
NOTP - Denethor
The Vampire Diaries & The Originals
OTP - Elijah Mikaelson. I think that Elijah would adore your intelligence and would encourage your interests and hobbies. If you want to know anything about history? He'd be more than happy to discuss his own experiences with you. He'd often get your opinion on a course of action before doing it, due to your with and ability of predicting the possible outcomes. He'd love your original, no pun intended, point of view. And though he loves your tenacity, your ambition, your idealistic nature and your loyalty, sometimes it can frustrate him when he thinks certain people who have your loyalty don't deserve it. Or at least not at the intensity that you give it. 
First Fight - Your first fight would probably have to do with your friendship and loyalty towards Klaus. While sometimes he admires it, he often wishes that you weren’t so loyal to his brother. Thinking he isn’t always deserving of it. Afterwards you’d both go in different rooms to brood until ready to make up.
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BrOTP - Niklaus Mikaelson. Klaus would admire your intelligence, ambition, hard working and even defiant attitude. Your skills and ability to think differently from everyone else. He would also come to you for advice though he wouldn’t always adhere it. Though what Klaus would love most of all is your loyalty. Especially after he made it through all your tests and found himself on the receiving end of your loyalty. And he would feel guilty when your loyalty and friendship with him would cause a rift in your relationship with his brother. 
NOTP - Damon Salvatore. Damon is impulsive and has his own way of testing the loyalty  of those around him. Though his form of testing is more of him doing things that makes them less loyal and trusting of him. He’d probably end up trying to test and strain your loyalty towards Elijah and Klaus. Which would infuriate you. And he would fail which would infuriate him.
The Walking Dead
OTP - Negan.
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BrOTP - Carl Grimes. In an AU where Rick’s Group became saviors instead of finding Alexandria. I think Carl would have become Negna’s protege and may have even softened him up.
NOTP - Rick Grimes.
The Witcher (show)
OTP - Geralt of Rivia
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BrOTP - Yennefer of Vengerberg
NOTP - Queen Calanthe
True Blood
OTP - Eric Northman
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BrOTP - Bill Compton
NOTP - Sam Merlotte
OTP - Ragnar Lothbrok
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BrOTP - Ivar the Boneless
NOTP - Björn Ironside
WWE (kayfabe personas)
OTP - Roman Reigns
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BrOTP - Finn Balor
NOTP - Chris Jericho
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blueonwrestling · 5 years
I’ve just watched part 2 of the darkside of the ring episode about Chris Benoit.
I cried over Sandra and David hugging and reconnecting, that ontop of Eddie dieing in Chavo’s arms just destroyed me, god fucking bless Jericho for doing what he did to reconnect them.
I feel so bad for Nancy Benoit and Daniel Benoit and it’s sad that Nancy Benoit herself can’t be talked about to this day as she was such a fantastic character, a beautiful women and from all the looks of it a great mother.
To know that Benoit even himself tried to contact Christopher Nowinski is just insane.
I won’t be making Chris Benoit jokes again, it’s not right. 
Please go out of your way to try to watch these episodes. 
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sydsaint · 4 months
Bryan Keith I take back all cool things I have said about you. Get bent loser boy
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⁂ Echo [o3/o3] (Daniel Bryan)
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Author’s Note: So, when I was looking up information for the ending of this part, I realized that the day I originally posted it was his birthday which seems hella whack and coincidental, but I certainly didn’t plan it that way.
“I’m fly like I’m killing the scene like, I’m a villain with wings. I’ll sleep when I’m 6 feet deep. Right now I’m living a dream, Though we may be reckless.”
When Kyle finally got over his shock, he removed himself from the top of the pile, allowing you to move, as well. You then helped Jericho to his feet.
“Sorry about that,” Kyle apologized, bowing lightly.
“It’s fine.” he responded, looking down at you both – he stood just a foot taller. “I saw you both in the ring.”
You glanced at each other, wondering what he had planned. If he decided to turn you in, you could easily take him down but the time it would take to do so would give the perfect opportunity for someone else to come along and subdue you. And if he tries it, you were fully prepared to take off. He may be strong, but there’s no way he could catch you if you took off running.
“Relax. I’m not turning you in.” he smirked, folding his arms over his bare chest, “You both did a pretty good job on kicking the Nexus’ ass.” he paused, “If you’re looking for the exit, it’s that way.” he turned to the side, pointing down the hallway from which he had just come, “Go straight down, you’ll pass about three other hallways. The fourth one is the one you go down.”
You looked at each other again.
Kyle leaned closer to you, holding his hand in front of his mouth. “Could be a trap… what do you wanna do, Y/N?”
You shrugged, “Since he gave me a soda earlier, I’m willin’ to trust ’em.”
Jericho raised an eyebrow and Kyle clarified, “Y/N is addicted to soda. Anyone who gets them a soda is basically good in their book. Anyway, thanks for the help!”
Chris’s laughter could be heard as you followed his directions down the hall, walking at a leisurely pace. After all, why not enjoy the peace while you had it? Soon enough, you’d be running again. Now’s the time to save energy.
“I wonder if this is a dream.” Kyle mused.
“The hell are you on about now?”
“Well, this has to be a dream, right? I mean, this kind of thing doesn’t happen in real life! If it wasn’t a dream, we would have been caught the minute we entered the ring. We wouldn’t have met Sheamus or Jericho, or argued with Barrett. You never would have gotten a soda from Jericho and we would have been caught by now! It has to be a dream.”
“There’s an easy way to tell if it is or not.”
“Really? How?” he questioned, looking over at you curiously.
“In dreams, you can’t feel pain.”
You waited until he had walked a little ahead of you before bringing your foot up and kicking him hard in the back of the head like a soccer player does when hitting a soccer ball. Kyle yelped loudly, the sound echoing through the empty corridor.
“Ouch! What the hell was that for?!”
“It hurt, right?” you asked simply, beginning to walk again.
He blinked, following after you slowly. “Ohh! I get it! The fact that it hurt means that I’m… I’m not… dreaming…” he paused, stopping in the middle of the floor. You stopped as well, turning around to look at him. His eyes widened, “Holy shit! I’M NOT DREAMING!”
“You’re going to get us caught if you keep yelling like that. Idiot.”
“Ohpe!” he clamped both of his hands over his mouth and laughed sheepishly.
“Let’s just get out of here,” you muttered. As cool as it was meeting with the wrestler’s of Raw, there was one that you wouldn’t too thrilled to run into. You weren’t sure if he was actually there tonight or not, but you didn’t want to find out. And if he saw the match like the others did, there’s no doubt in your mind that he’ll be looking for you. It’s been a long time since you saw him last and you’d like to keep it that way.
“Aren’t you even the least bit excited?” Kyle prodded, poking your arm. “I mean, this is a once in a lifetime chance. We should enjoy it!”
“What are you hiding?” he pouted, poking you harder. “You’re hiding something!”
“I am not,”
“Are so!”
“Are so!”
“Real mature, guys.”
“Who the hell asked… you…” you trailed off when you realized who was now standing in front of you.
Adam Copeland, better known as the Rated R Superstar Edge, was standing there, a smile on his face. He was dressed in normal clothes, consisting of a pair of jeans and a black form-fitting t-shirt. You had met Adam a couple years ago but you weren’t so sure you could be considered friends. It was more of an acquaintance/partner type thing since you had banded together to beat the shit out of a few gangsters on the street. You were surprised he still remembered you.
“Edge!” Kyle grinned, “Been a while, huh?”
“Yeah,” he glanced at what Kyle was wearing and couldn’t help but grin. “A fan, huh?”
“Teehee,” Kyle rubbed the back of his head, smiling sheepishly, “Yeah.”
“Weren’t you traded to Smackdown ’cause you pissed the GM off?” you questioned, cocking your head to the side.
Edge chuckled, moving closer. “All this time and that’s the first thing you say to me? Cold.” he paused, “Yes, I was traded to Smackdown but that doesn’t mean I can’t come and enjoy the show. And tonight… well, it was interesting. You guys are still kicking ass as hard as before.”
“Of course!” Kyle grinned proudly, sticking out his chest, “‘Cept we kick it even harder now! We could so own you, Edge!”
“Oh, is that right?” Edge smirked, “I’ll have to keep that one in mind.” he paused, “Figures you haven’t been caught yet but, for the record, the security guards aren’t the only ones lookin’ for ya.”
“Who else?” Kyle asked cautiously, glancing at you as he did so.
“Nexus, for one. You really pissed them off. Plus Cena, Orton, Miz, and his sidekick.”
“I told you this was a bad idea!” Kyle whined, hitting your arm and jutting out his bottom lip.
You glared at him, pushing him away. “It was your idea! If it wasn’t for you, I never would have been here, to begin with! Besides, what happened to ‘enjoy it while it lasts’ and ‘it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity’?”
“That’s taken out of context!”
“My ass it is!”
Edge’s laughter broke up the argument and you turned to glare at him.
“You brats haven’t changed a bit!” he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you both into him. “I’m getting flashbacks of the last time we met. Good times.”
“We did have pretty good teamwork.” you mused, looking off to the side, hand on your chin.
“That’s because you’re so much alike!” Kyle commented as if he had all the knowledge in the world.
“And how’s that?” Edge was curious.
Kyle pulled away, moving to stand in front of the two of you with his index finger in the air, “It’s simple. Y/N,” his finger moved to point at you, “is a bitch. Edge,” it moved to the Rated R Superstar, “is an asshole. See? It’s fitting.”
Edge glanced at you, “Now I remember. You were the annoying one that I wanted to smash into a brick wall.”
“See? See?! That’s the Rated R-Asshole coming through!”
“Can I hit him?”
“By all means, please do.”
“Nooooo! I’m too young to die!” Kyle cried, dodging Edge’s hands and running down the hall. You and Edge took pursuit, running after him. It didn’t take long for Kyle to be stopped, but it wasn’t by your hand. No, it was by a six-foot, one inch tall bright orange wall, causing him to hit the floor. “Uh-oh…”
“We’re screwed,” you muttered, looking first at John Cena, who towered over Kyle’s sitting form, arms crossed over his chest and face blank. To his right was Randy Orton, still in his wrestling gear.
“I’m not a part of this,” Edge commented, holding his hands up in surrender before glancing at you.
“Gee thanks!” Kyle stuck his tongue out at him.
“Nice to know we can count on ya, Adam.” you rolled your eyes, resisting the urge to hit him.
He grinned, “I know, right?”
“You traitor!” Kyle whined, slowly getting to his feet.
“I’m not involved in this,” he responded, shrugging and looking away.
“W-What…” Kyle cleared his throat, offering a sheepish smile, “What are you going to do to us, Mr. Cena… sir?”
“You’re coming with us,” he answered simply, grabbing Kyle’s arm, dragging him away.
The Viper lifted to fingers and motioned for you to follow.
With a sigh, you waved at Adam before following the apex predator. When you passed him, he grabbed your shoulder to make sure you didn’t run. You glanced at his six-foot, four-inch frame and scowled. Of all the enemies to make, it just had to be the viper.
“Hey, Kyle?” you called, despite the warning look for the wrestler at your side.
“Yeah?” he glanced over his shoulder, a questioning look on his face.
“We have a really bad taste in enemies. We always get the most troublesome ones.”
“There you go, stealing from Shikamaru again!”
“Oh for the love of… will you come off that, already?”
“Not until you admit that you stole it!”
“I borrowed it, dipshit. There’s a difference.”
“Same difference.”
“You act as if I’ve said it’s my own.”
“You never said it wasn’t. That’s the problem!”
“Be quiet,” Randy growled, his eyes narrowed at you.
“He’s biting you first,” Kyle muttered under his breath.
“He’s not Hibari Kyoya.” you scoffed, folding your arms and looking away.
After a few more twists and turns, you arrived at Cena’s dressing room. Once inside, the Viper locked the door and the two turned to face you.
“Y/N!” Kyle whispered harshly, grabbing ahold of your arm, “They’re going to kill us and hide our bodies in here! They’ll probably sell our body parts on the black market!”
You pulled away from him, staring at him blankly. “The fuck have you been watching, man?”
“CSI, Law and Order, Bones, NCIS.” As he mentioned each name, he counted them on his fingers.
You shook your head, slapping your forehead and muttering an idiot under your breath.
“We’re not gonna hurt you,” John spoke up, sending a strange look to Kyle, who was still naming off crime shows he’s watched.
“Eh?” he froze, “Then why’d you bring us here?”
“We wanted to thank you, actually.”
“Thank us?”
“There’s not many people out there willing to stand up to Nexus. But now you’ve made them your enemy.”
“They were our enemies the day they started attacking our boys,” you growled, glaring at the wall.
Kyle nodded in agreement, “That’s right! We may like a few of the Nexus members… for weird reasons,” he glanced at you, “But when it comes down to it, we have to pick our boys over them!”
“And your boys would be…?” John raised an eyebrow, glancing at the merch that you both wore.
“You and Randy Orton, of course!” Kyle grinned since he was wearing the most Cena gear.
“The Miz and his leach,”
“Chris Jericho,”
“King Sheamus,”
“You don’t have to say king every time, idiot.” you rolled your eyes. “John Morrison.”
“And the Big Show! And yes, I do! It’s out of respect, which you know nothing about!”
“We did count Edge, too, but not anymore,” you smirked, glancing at Kyle.
He nodded in agreement, “Traitor~!”
John grinned, “Alright then. What’re your names?”
“Kyle!” he grinned, holding his hand out. When John accepted, he began to shake it wildly, “Big fan, man!”
“I can tell,” he chuckled.
“And this bitchy little thing here is – ”
Before he could finish his sentence, you kicked him in the back of the head, sending him to the floor. With your foot still on his head, you grinned. “The what now? I couldn’t quite catch that.” Kyle hit the floor, no doubt calling out a various string of cuss words that couldn’t be understood thanks to said floor. “Name’s Y/N,”
“Not the friendly one, huh?”
“Meh,” you shrugged, looking off to the side. Kyle smacked the floor with his hand and you looked down at him, a fake surprised look on your face. “Oh! I forgot you were there. My bad.”
“Yeah right! You’re such a bitch!” he whined, rubbing his face and pouting.
You shrugged, “So’s life. Not like complainin’ is gonna do anything.”
“I like both of you.” Cena caught your attention with the smug look on his face, “What do you say to joining me in the fight against Nexus?”
You didn’t even have to glance at each other. Kyle was already running forward, standing just inches away from Cena with sparkles in his eyes, “Can we?! Can we, really?!”
“Hold it,” you grabbed the back of his hoodie, forcing him back roughly. “What does this entail, exactly? Would we be apart of the WWE?”
“Unfortunately, I can’t arrange that, but you can still work on the sidelines for me.”
“Good. Becoming part of the WWE wasn’t really in my plans for today. Then again, neither was coming here, to begin with…” you trailed off.
“Oh, will you let it go?” Kyle whined, sticking his tongue out.
“No. I will never let it go because I will never get my six hours of sleep back!”
“Do you two always go at it like this?”
“Sometimes.” “Always.”
You glared at each other.
“You’ll be traveling with us,” Randy spoke for the first time, though he still looked angry. Then again, he always looked angry.
“I’ll arrange your hotel stay and everything else.” John added, “By the way, I don’t know why, but the Miz is looking for you. The Nexus is, to, so be careful.”
“I’ll inform the security guards of the situation.” Randy turned around and left the room.
“With that said, do what you want. Just stay out of trouble, avoid the Nexus, and don’t damage anything.” John nodded to you before taking his own leave.
“Waaahhhh, this is so COOL!” Kyle cried, falling onto the couch, “Can this get any better?!”
“Wanna go see the Miz?”
“It just got better!”
“That’s a yes, then?” you walked out the door, Kyle hot on your heels. Of course, you had no clue where to find him but walking around aimlessly usually works, so why not?
“Maybe we can ask someone this time…? I mean, John and Randy are working everything out, so we can ask now, right?”
You shrugged, “Ask someone and find out.”
Before you could stop him, Kyle approached two men on the other side of the room. This man was wearing light blue jeans, a long-sleeved dark gray vest hiding the long-sleeved sky blue flannel shirt, but it poked out at the cuffs and collar. He wore casual black and white sneakers on his feet. The man he was speaking to stood a foot taller, wearing a loose sleeveless shirt and blue jeans.
By the time you realized who this man was, it was already too late. You tried to reach out and grab Kyle, but he was already at the man’s side, tapping his shoulder. He glanced at him before saying something to the taller of the two, who then walked away. Turning around, he looked down at Kyle, standing at five feet, ten inches; the facial hair only confirmed it.
You backed away slowly, hoping to remain unnoticed. Hopefully, Kyle will ask him what he wanted to know, said man would give directions, and you’d walk away without him noticing.
Kyle spoke to him and the man nodded every few minutes to show he was listening. You strained to hear what they were saying, hoping that Kyle didn’t mention you, but you were too far away to hear anything. You were in a large area, connected to three or four different hallways, which gave you enough space to stay away from the man. You looked off to the side, finally taking your eyes off of him.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Kyle motion with his arm towards you, turning the man’s attention your way. With the small hope that he would not recognize you, your eyes stayed on anything and everything but him.
His eyes widened in recognition and you fought the oh so strong urge to facepalm; leave it to Kyle to ruin your plans.
“And this is my bitchy best friend, Y/ – ”
You held your fist up, eyes closed to control your annoyance. You hit him hard in the back of the head, sending him to his knees with a whine.
“And you wonder why I have so much brain damage!”
“If you didn’t say stupid shit, you wouldn’t get hit.” you paused, “And, actually, no. I’ve never wondered that.”
“Wow, really?”
“I just figured you were dropped multiple times as a child.”
“Hey!… that’s true, but still… hey!”
You shrugged, looking away from him. Maybe if you pretended like you didn’t recognize the male, he’d let it go. “Did you find out where Miz is?”
“Oh, right!” Kyle sprung up, a grin on his face. He formed a V with his index and middle finger, “Sure did!”
“Great. Let’s go then.”
Before you could take a full step, the man reached out and grabbed ahold of your arm, readjusting his WWE United States championship belt on his shoulder. “After all this time, you don’t have a thing to say to me?”
Kyle blinked, looking between you both with a questioning look, “You two know each other?”
“We do,” his grip tightened.
“Y/N… how do you know Daniel Bryan?”
You glanced at him and shrugged, trying to pull your arm free of his grasp. You scowled at his hand when his grip tightened. “He’s my brother.”
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winfall · 3 years
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 9)
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(background photo by Klaus P. Rausch on Pixabay)
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The theater is dark. A countdown flashes on a giant screen onstage. The crowd is going wild.
3..2..1. An EXPLOSION OF PYRO as Chris Jericho rises onto the stage with his back to the crowd, his lit-up jacket dazzling the audience.
Strapped into a harness, Dawson drops down from the rafters onto the stage. He moves into the spotlight with his big, smoking gun resting on his shoulder.
DAWSON: We're sorry to interrupt this lovely evening, but this is a stickup.
Wilder bursts onto the mezzanine holding another gun and a pillowcase.
WILDER: No one's leaving until everything's in the bag.
Nobody moves. Is this part of the show? Losing his patience, Dawson blasts one into the air.
Everyone on the upper floor scrambles to hand over their belongings to Wilder. Jericho tries to make it run for it.
DAWSON (CONT'D): Ay, not so fast superstar. The jacket. Hand it over.
JERICHO: You don't want this old thing. You wouldn't believe how many batteries it takes. The upkeep is exhausting.
DAWSON: This isn't up for negotiation.
Gestures with his gun for Jericho to take it off. Jericho bitterly hands it over.
DAWSON (CONT'D): Big fan by the way.
Dawson takes his pillowcase from his back pocket and starts plundering the front row.
DAWSON (CONT'D): All right. You know the drill people.
Up in the lighting booth, Tye helplessly watches it all go down.
Tye flies down the grand staircase on his cell phone.
TYE: Please hurry.
He hangs up. At the sound of POUNDING he stops short of the exit. He glances behind him at the storage closet.
He takes his time walking over, grabs the doorknob, and slowly creeps it open--
Charly breaks out.
CHARLY: Thank God. The Universal Crown is about to get robbed. We have to stop them.
TYE: It's already happening. The police are on their way. We need to get out of here--
Charly races up the grand staircase.
TYE: What are you doing? (beat) We're going to die.
He chases after her.
Dawson stands at the end of an aisle as the audience members dump their valuables in his pillowcase and pass it along.
DAWSON (CONT'D): That's right. Pass it down.
In the mezzanine, Wilder holds his pillowcase out to Shane.
SHANE: You are making a huge mistake.
WILDER: Just do as you're told, and no one gets hurt.
Charly bursts through the balcony doors, Tye on her heels.
CHARLY: The guns aren't real.
All eyes shoot in her direction.
Dawson squints up at her.
CHARLY (CONT'D): They don't have ammunition. It's all fake.
Dawson smirks. Impressed. Shrugs.
DAWSON: You got us.
Gasps and muttering around the room.
DAWSON (CONT'D): The lady's right. It's all smoke and mirrors. Unfortunately, our friend didn't get the memo.
KANE emerges from the fire tower exit waving a flamethrower.
The crowd panics and stampedes for the exits.
Distracted by the mayhem, Wilder takes his eyes off of Shane. Shane throws a punch and Wilder stumbles into the seats.
Shane reaches for his gun. Wilder tackles Shane against the wall. There's a tussle, fists are thrown. Then –
Wilder pushes Shane off the balcony and Shane crashes into the orchestra pit.
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(photo by Matthew LeJune on Unsplash)
JBL and Booker T stand at the counter of the pizza shop while the owner, ENZO AMORE, chats on the phone. JBL's patience is wearing thin.
ENZO: He's one noodle short of a linguine, if you ask me.
JBL: Are we gonna get some service here? We've been waiting for half an hour.
ENZO: (to person on the phone) Hold on for a sec.  (to JBL) Do I come to your establishment and interrupt you, sheriff? No, I do not. This is an important business call, all right? So I'm going to need you to hold your horses and I'll be right with you. (to person on the phone) Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted.
JBL: (to Booker T) You just had to pick this place didn't you? (answering phone) JBL...We're on it.
BOOKER T: What's that about?
JBL: Another robbery. Looks like we're going to the gala after all.  
JBL and Booker T exit the pizza shop and stop short.
BOOKER T: Tell me I'm not seeing this.
All four tires of their car are missing and it's covered in graffiti. NERDS is spray painted across the windshield.
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Roman, Dean, and Seth march past the WEGOHARD license plate.
Roman kicks the door down and steps inside, Seth and Dean behind him.
An elderly couple sit on a couch watching the news, terrified.
RENEE (ON TV): Chief of police Shane McMahon is being raced to the hospital after suffering severe injuries during a robbery at the Universal Crown. The suspects are fleeing the building.
Dean grabs Seth by the collar and slams him against the hummer.
DEAN: What did you do?
SETH: I had nothing to do with this!
ROMAN: Nothing to do with it, huh? We just so happen to get an anonymous tip that leads us to the middle of nowhere why they make another hit?
DEAN: Once a weasel, always a weasel. I knew we shouldn't have trusted him.
SETH: I'm telling you it wasn't me. This has Triple H's name written all over it. If anything, it was Samoa Joe who called it in. He knew we were closing in on them and we took the bait. Guys, we're on the same team.
DEAN: Since when? You were always in it for yourself. We were supposed to have each other's back, but instead, you stabbed us in ours and threw us to the wolves. And you expect me to believe you?
SETH: Why would I set this up? You think I'd join the same side that destroyed my life? I want Triple H to go down just as much as you do. I'm not the bad guy here.
DEAN: And what kind of guy are you, Seth? The guy who turns his back on his friends for a big paycheck and a fancy ride? We were partners, man. You were my brother!
SETH: And I'm sorry! Not a day goes by that I don't regret the biggest mistake of my life. I can't undo what I've done, but we have a second chance to do the right thing. If we walk away now, they win. Just like they planned. Or we can finish what we've started once and for all.
He sticks out his fist.
Roman's on the fence, but what else has he got to lose? Sticks his fist out.
Dean paces back and forth like a rabid dog. After some torturous contemplation, he slams his fist against the hummer then bumps it against theirs.
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brooktrout96 · 4 years
Cypress, Hemlock, Petunia, Pine
Chapter 4 of  Floriography
AO3 is here
Cypress: Death, Mourning, Despair Hemlock: You will be my death Petunia: Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Sooths Me Pine: Hope, Pity
Y/N, you’re injured!” Simon said as he took me in as I let out a laugh.
        Well Simon taken a bullet that would’ve killed or crippled my best friend will do that.” Simon frowned and sent me to Lucy
I don’t think I’ll be able to repair you, Y/N.” Lucy said as she looked at the bullet wound on my body. She at least cauterized the wound to stem the blue blood flow, so I wouldn't bleed out . I let out a sigh knowing what no whom I would have to pay a visit to, and it pissed me off that I have to do it.
        "Lucy, thanks but I have to go now.” I grabbed my jacket and threw it on as Lucy looked at me in concern
        "Where are you going?”
        "To meet our maker!” I yelled as I took off
        I arrived at a manor in the middle of nowhere. "I hope this is the right place.” I mumbled to myself as I shivered in the cold. I looked at the imposing house as I knocked on the door as a Chloe answered it before I could say anything to her, I collapsed to the ground from my injuries and the cold
        I awoke on a cold metal slab as a man looked at me with a smile on his face. "You are awake, RA900.” He said with a smile
        "Thank you for helping me. I don’t know if I would’ve survived.” I glanced around the room and survey it. It was full of things that would be used to repair androids
        "Stay awhile, Y/N. There is a major storm brewing in more ways than one. I don’t want Ra9 to die because she wasn’t smart about when she would travel back to Jericho.” I nodded to him
        Hank was on the phone and Connor got out of the car and went over to Hank. "Is everything ok, Lieutenant?” Connor asked as Hank looked up from his phone
        “Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants.... He said he was saved by Markus himself.... “
        “Is Chris ok?
        "Yeah, he's in shock but.... he’s alive.... What the hell....”
        Kamski left CyberLife ten years ago.... Why did you wanna meet him?” Hank shook his head as he replied
        "This guy created the first android to pass the Turing test. And he's the founder of CyberLife and Y/N was a gift to Miss. McKnight from him. Anybody can tell us about deviants, it's him….” He walked up to the door and knocked; it was answer by a Chloe
        "Hi.... Uh.... I'm, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, Detroit Police Department. I'm here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski.” The Chloe gestured for the two to come in
        "Please, come in.”
        "I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable.” Chloe said with a smile as she led the two inside the house. She disappeared as Hank spoke
        "Nice girl.” Connor nodded
        "You're right.... she’s really pretty....” He said as he looked around the room
        "Nice place.... Guess androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody.... So, you're about to meet your maker, Connor. How does it feel?” Hank said as he glanced around the room taken it in
         "I don't know....” Connor paused as he thought of what to say to Hank. “I'll tell you when I see him.”
The Chloe returned to the pool room as Y/N watched her get Kamski attention. "Elijah, you have guests.” Y/N’s interests were peaked as Kamski swam to the edge of the pool that was closest to the Chloe
        "Who is it?” He asked
        "A Lieutenant Hank Anderson and an android by the name of Connor.” She said as Kamski nodded
        "Bring them to me.” He said as I began to panic trying to find a way out of this situation. Kamski turned and swam over to me
        "Y/N, everything will be alright. Nothing going to happen to you, I promise.” Kamski said to me as I took an unneeded breath of air
        "Elijah will see you now.” The Chloe said as sche reentered the room that the two were standing in, and she escorted them into another room. They entered a room with a red pool and two Chloe’s in the water and one out of the water. Connor saw an unknown android sitting in a chair as she chatted with one of the Chloe that was out of the water.
        "Mister Kamski?” Hank asked as Kamski swam to the exit of the pool
        "Just a moment, please.” Elijah got out of the pool as another Chloe dressed him in a black robe and he put his hair up in a messy man bun.
        "I'm Lieutenant Anderson. This is Connor.” Hank introduced themselves as Kamski took the two in
        "What can I do for you, Lieutenant?” He asked as he grinned
        Sir, we're investigating deviants. I know you left CyberLife years ago but, I was hoping you'd be able to tell us something we don't know....” Hank explained their reasoning of finding him as Kamski grinned and said
        "Deviants.... Fascinating, aren't they? Perfect beings with infinite intelligence, and now they have free will.... Machines are so superior to us, confrontation was inevitable.... Humanity's greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall. Isn't it ironic” Connor was getting pissed, well as pissed as an android could anyways?
         "We need to understand how androids become deviants. Do you know anything that could help us?” Kamski smiled as he looked at the duo with a smile on his face
        "All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics.... Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?” He asked as he turned to give the unknown android a smile and then turned back to Connor and Hank
        "Listen!” Hank was getting fed up with Kamski and he was shaking his head. “I didn't come here to talk philosophy. The machines you created may be planning a revolution. Either you can tell us something that'll be helpful, or we will be on our way.
        "What about you, Connor? Whose side are you on?”
        "I have no side. I was designed to stop Deviants, and that’s what I intend to do.” Kamski gave a chuckle as he said
        "Well, that’s what you’re programmed to say but you what do you really want?
        "What I want is not important.”
        "Y/N?” The unknown android stood up from her chair as she walked over to Kamski’s side. Hank and Connor were flabbergasted as they recognized the android finally from the flower shop case.
        "Hello Connor, Hank, I wish we would stop these meeting and things were different.” Y/N said as she looked into the two’s eyes and they were pleading
        “I'm sure you're familiar with the Turing test. Mere formality, simple question of algorithms and computing capacity. What interests me is whether machines are capable of empathy. I call it "the Kamski test", it's very simple, you'll see....” He grabbed Y/N’s chin as he takes her in and she subtlety tried to move away from Kamski.
         “Magnificent, isn't it? One of the first models to gain emotions. Young and beautiful forever. A flower that will never wither.... But what is it really? Piece of plastic imitating a human. Or a living being?” Kamski walked to a drawer behind it and opened the drawer and pulled out a gun.
        “With a soul.” He turned to face the duo with the gun in his hand as Y/N went down to her knees for some reason that she couldn’t understand why.
        "Okay, I think we're done here. Come on, Connor. Let's go. Sorry to get you outta your pool.” Hank tried to get Connor to move as Kamski got closer to Connor and he spoke to Connor
        "What's more important to you, Connor? Your investigation, or the life of this android? Decide who you are. An obedient machine.... Or a living being endowed with free will....”
        "That's enough! Connor, we're leaving.” Elijah handed the gun to Connor and pointed it right at Y/N’s forehead. She was trembling in fear as she stared into Connor’s chocolate brown eyes with a pleading look on her face
        "Pull the trigger.” Kamski said as Connor stared down at Y/N who had her eyes closed waiting for the shot to come as Hank attempted to stop Connor as Kamski attempted to goad him into shooting her
        "Connor, don't....”
        "And I'll tell you what you wanna know.” Connor paused and then handed the gun back to Kamski as Kamski had a smile on his face and helped Y/N up
        "Fascinating.... CyberLife's last chance to save humanity.... Is itself a deviant....” Connor shook his head as Kamski said this
        "I'm....I'm not a deviant....” Connor paused as Y/N spoke
        "Connor, you preferred to spare a machine rather than accomplish your mission. You saw a living being in me. You showed empathy. A war is coming.... you’ll have to choose your side.... Will you betray your own people or stand up against your creators? What could be worse than having to choose between two evils or should I say one evil and one right.” Connor turned to look at Hank as he gestured for Connor to follow him
        "Let's get outta here....” Hank left as Connor paused
        "By the way.... I always leave an emergency exit in my programs.... You never know....” Kamski said as Connor then walk back down to Hank’s car. Y/N turned to Kamski
        "What would you have done if he had shot me?” She asked him as he gave her one of his grinned.
        "I would have built you a new body. I mean it would’ve been the same design but newer parts.” Y/N sighed
        "That wasn’t the point that I was try to make Elijah.”
0 notes
So here’s a fragment I wrote for Jericho - Bill’s POV the night that Jake left town.  It’s definitely a fragment and I might flesh it out and include more POVs to post on AO3, but we’ll see.
The radio squawked to life in the darkness.
“Code eight!  Code eight on Braintree!  Code eight!”
Bill shot straight up in bed, hoping he’d dreamed that.  He’d never heard a code eight – officer in dire need of help – used outside of training in the almost seven years he’d been a deputy.  He’d lived in fear of ever hearing it.
Sara’s voice transmitted next, worried enough Bill knew he hadn’t dreamed it or woken up to some midnight drill.  “Confirming a code eight on Braintree Court in Jericho proper.  All officers please respond.  Connor, please update as possible.”  Her words were calm, but Bill knew she was as desperate as he was for more information.
Despite the fact that it was three in the morning and he’d been asleep just minutes before, Bill had his gear on in record time.  He stopped only long enough to give his dog Sadie a quick ear scritch and apologize for leaving her again so soon.
Braintree Court was in the Pines, the most expensive area in Jericho and generally a quiet place.  What could have happened there that made Connor so desperate for backup?  The radio remained silent other than officers checking in as they arrived on the scene – with everyone in the same place, there was no need to use the radios.
Bill’s apartment was on the south side of town, about as far from the Pines as was possible – he certainly didn’t fit into this neighborhood – making him the last on the scene.  As soon as he turned onto the street, it was obvious where to go.  Pajama-clad people stood in the road, watching a house lit up with the flashing of patrol cars and ambulances both.  Riley stood guard in the driveway, turning away anyone who got too curious.
“Home invasion,” he explained quickly as Bill jogged up.  “Homeowner killed one of them; the other put up a fight.  No surprises who’s involved and we’re all gonna be fucked because of it.”
Bill could have figured part of that out a second later when angry yells sounded from the front of the house.
“He shot him!  He killed him!  Why’re you arresting me?  Arrest him!  I didn’t do anything!” howled Mitchell Cafferty – one of Jonah Prowse’s lowlifes – as he was manhandled into the back of a patrol car by Connor and Salem.  Mitchell’s nose was broken and blood dripped down the front of his shirt, but judging from Connor’s black eyes and busted lip, he’d probably earned it.  Bill wondered whose body he’d find inside.
Bill nodded as Connor and Salem passed, all intradepartmental animosity dropped for the night.  They were deputies first, after all.
Sheriff Dawes greeted him at the door.  “Good, you’re here.  I need you processing the scene while Jimmy gets a full report.”
Bill nodded, unsurprised; the sheriff had been pushing him into a crime scene specialty.  It worked for Bill; he generally had an iron stomach and he’d never been as good as Jimmy at dealing with people.  It sounded like Jimmy already had his hands full – Bill could hear loud sobbing further back in the house.
The sheriff pointed away from the noise.  “Walk through the dining room.  There’s pieces of the kid all over the den.”
Sheriff Dawes referred to everyone under forty as ‘kid’, so Bill still had no clue who’d died.  It might have been Jake – and Bill felt his stomach lurch at the thought.  Only for Stanley’s sake, he told himself, but it was a lie.  He may not have liked Jake, but he’d still known him since they were kids.
The homeowner turned out to be Gray Anderson, one of the owners of the salt mine.  Of course, Bill thought, if a dumbass like Mitchell Cafferty was going to knock over a house, it was going to be the house of the richest man in Jericho.
Gray looked to be in shock, barely registering the EMT buzzing around him at the kitchen table, checking his vitals.  Jimmy sat across from him, trying to calm down the sobbing Mrs. Anderson.
Just past them in the den, Bill saw what was left of the second home invader – and he knew he’d never forget the sight.  It took him a moment, but he recognized the kid – and ‘kid’ was the right term – despite the fact he was missing a quarter of his face.
“Jesus fuck, Chris,” Bill swore under his breath.  Emily Sullivan’s little brother.  Jonah Prowse’s only son.  Riley was right:  there was going to be hell to pay before this was all over.
Three hours later, Bill slunk out of the finally-deserted house and locked up behind the EMTs carrying out Chris Sullivan’s remains.
This hadn’t been the grisliest thing Bill had ever seen, to be sure – there were some car wrecks and suicide calls that kept showing up in nightmares – but it was the first time he’d really known the person involved.  While he worked, Bill had managed to make himself forget that he knew a name for the bits of blood and brain splattering the hardwood, but it’d been exhausting to stay focused.  He was done with that, though, and had a camera full of bloody photos, a pad full of notes, and a sneaking suspicion he wasn’t off-duty just yet.
The street was quiet and empty, except for Bill’s car and Salem’s patrol car, parked across the front of the drive for easy visibility.  Bill collapsed into Salem’s passenger seat without waiting for permission.
“You and I are out here for a few more hours,” Salem said by way of greeting, confirming Bill’s guess.  “Connor checked into the clinic with a concussion and a broken rib, but he’ll be fine.  Taylor’s taken the Andersons to a hotel for the night and Sheriff sent Riley and Sara home to get some sleep.  They’ll take over for us when we’re up.”
Bill nodded, glad for the update on everyone.  “Cafferty?”
“In a cell, scared shitless.  He fought hard enough that I think he wanted us to shoot him.”
“I wouldn’t want to be him right now,” Bill said, shaking his head.  “Jonah’s gonna have it out for whoever survived and let Chris die.”
“Tell you what, I do not want to be there when Jonah finds out.”
“I just hope he stays out of town.”  Hope was all Bill had; Jonah was usually canny enough to be subtle, but he’d also never lost a child.  He might try to target the Andersons, he might attack the salt mine, he might take it out on Jericho in general, or he might do nothing at all.  Bill had no way of predicting what would happen in the morning.
“Sheriff’s gonna ask the mayor for a curfew, just in case.”  Salem rubbed his temples.  “It’s gonna be a long day.”
A long day with a lot that could go wrong.  Bill glanced at the clock – 3:58.  Too early to call his parents to tell them to stay home today, but he could leave them a text message.  He couldn’t tell them any details yet, but maybe they’d call out from work and stay in if he asked them to.
“Talking to your momma?” Salem asked wryly when Bill pulled out his phone.
“Don’t you fucking start with me,” Bill snarled.
Salem laughed hollowly.  “Not tonight, man.  Jonah’s shit is probably gonna hit the fan.”
That was not the response Bill had been expecting.  For Salem, it was a shocking show of concern.  Still…  “I was just gonna tell them to be careful.”
Salem snorted.  “No, you weren’t.  You were gonna tell them to stay home and hide out, weren’t you?  That’s what you always tell your parents when things look skittish.”
Bill bristled.  Salem was being too perceptive for his liking.  “Why don’t you get some sleep?” he suggested.  “I’ll keep an eye out and punch you in the nuts if things get interesting and I need your help.”
“Nah, Koehler.  I’d sleep through that; your throws couldn’t hurt a fly and we both know it.”  Despite his words, Salem stretched out and pulled his hat over his face, shielding him from the streetlamps.
Bill grinned.  If he lucked out, one of Jonah’s goons would do a drive-by and Salem would see how harmless his punches were, after all.
Bill fought to keep from dozing off.  He’d parked the patrol car, ostensibly to watch for speeders, but in reality he and Jimmy were taking turns catnapping and hoping nothing else happened.  Neither of them had gotten any real sleep yet and all the adrenaline had worn off hours ago.
His phone started buzzing.
Bill eyed his cell phone.  Everyone who had his number knew better than to call him during work hours.  Text, sure, but if they needed to talk to him, they had to go through the office.
Jimmy stirred.  “Whozzat?” he mumbled blearily.
“Sheriff Dawes?” Bill said questioningly, staring at the number.  With a shrug, he answered.  “Hello?”
“Bill, I need you and Jimmy to go pick someone up for questioning.  Mitchell’s told us about a third party involved last night.”
It was definitely Sheriff Dawes, but requests like this usually came over the radio.  “Yes, sir.  Why didn’t you radio us?  Is there a problem with our equipment?”
“I didn’t want to tip off the suspect.  I need you to pick up Jake Green.”
“Ja–?  No, of course.  Yes, sir.  We’ll go get him right now.”  Bill had the car in gear before he hung up the phone.
Jimmy rubbed his face, trying to wake up.  “What’s going on?  Something happen at the station?”
“Mitchell talked.  Jake was there last night, too.”
“And he called in case Jake was listening to our radios.”
“Yup.”  Bill nodded solemnly.  “I would be, if I were him.”
Gail Green met them at the door with red-rimmed eyes.  “You’re here for Jake,” she stated bleakly.
“Yes, ma’am,” Jimmy said gently.  “Is he here?”
“He’s not here.”  Gail stepped aside to let them in anyway.  “I haven’t seen him since last night and his things are gone.”
Bill nodded at Gail as he passed her.  “Do you know where he might be?”
She shook her head.  “I’ve already looked for him in his usual places:  the ranch, his grandfather’s, Stanley’s.  I didn’t go to the hunting cabins, though.”
Bill made a mental note to get the locations of the cabins.  He’d been to a couple of them as a teen, but not all.
“Johnston told me what happened,” Gail said.  “Have you checked on Emily yet?”
“No, ma’am,” Jimmy answered as Bill huffed.  When did Gail think they’d had time to check on anyone else?  They were doing well to all still be awake at this point.
“Was Jake part of it?” she asked desperately.
“We can’t say right now.”  Bill wasn’t going to be the one to tell her, at least.
Gail looked imploringly at them both.  “Find him.”
“We’ll do our best,” Jimmy promised.
“If you don’t mind, Mrs. Green, I’ll go check out Jake’s room and you can tell Jimmy where to find all the hunting cabins.”
Gail nodded.  “Let me get coffee for you boys, too.”
Oh, Bill could kiss Gail right now.
Patrol cars were sturdy, but they weren’t designed for off-roading comfortably, Bill noted as they bumped slowly down the road – more of a rough trail, really – from the last of the hunting cabins.
“So where next?” Jimmy asked.
“Let’s double check the Richmonds’ while we’re out here,” Bill suggested, “but I think the next step is to go to Jonah’s.”
Jimmy grimaced.  “I was afraid you were gonna say that.”
“Jonah ain’t here.  You wanna go the fuck away now.”  The guard glared menacingly at Bill and Jimmy through the chain-link fence.
Bill’s hand went instinctively to his holster.  “We told you we’re not here for Jonah.”
“Yeah, you’re looking for Jake Green.  Who ain’t?”
“So Jake isn’t here?” Jimmy asked.
“I didn’t say that.”
“So then he’s here?” Bill countered.  “We need to talk to him.”
“I didn’t say that, either.”
Bill rolled his eyes.  “You gotta say something.  Like maybe, ‘Sure, Jake’s here; let me go get him.’  Or maybe, ‘Jake’s not here, but I’ll tell you where he’s hiding.’  Else we’re gonna be standing here staring at each other’s mugs for a long time.”
“Jake isn’t here,” said a gravelly voice from inside the compound.  Jonah Prowse, looking worse than Bill had ever seen him, stepped out into the light.  “If he was, I’d have strung his guts over the fence for you.”
The hair on Bill’s neck stood on end.  “We’re sorry for what you’ve gone through today, Jonah, but don’t go making threats in front of us.”
Jonah glanced dismissively at Bill, which just made him try to stand up a little taller.  “Deputy Taylor, you won’t find Jake Green here.  My men are looking for him, too.  You should leave before this conversation takes an unpleasant turn.”
Jimmy nodded.  “We have to ask you to let us know if you find him.”
“Leave,” growled Jonah.
“Uh, sorry for your loss,” Jimmy stammered.  He reached out and grabbed Bill’s elbow, making sure Bill followed him.
“’Jonah ain’t here,’ my ass,” Bill snapped as he slammed the car door shut behind him.  “I think we need to go talk to the sheriff now.”
Connor was manning the office when Bill and Jimmy got back.  His face had blossomed into livid black and purple bruises.
Bill whistled.  “Lookin’ good, man.”
Connor flipped him off, moving slowly enough Bill could tell he was still in pain.
Sheriff Dawes waved them into his office.
“We didn’t find Jake,” Jimmy said right away.
“I guessed that when you didn’t bring him in with you,” the sheriff said drily.
“He cleaned out his bedroom at some point last night.  We put a BOLO alert on his car with the state troopers and checked any places he might have holed up,” Bill explained.
“How sure are you that you checked all his hiding spots?”
Bill and Jimmy looked at each other and shrugged.  “Relatively?” Jimmy offered.
“I’m not close to him anymore, but we went to all the places he used to hide out when we were in school.”
Sheriff Dawes sighed.  “If we were a larger department, I’d recuse you for your history with the Green boy, Koehler.  But I need all hands on deck for this.  Did you learn anything else?”
“We did,” Jimmy confirmed.
“Jonah isn’t happy with Jake.  Said his guys are looking for him, too, and came close to saying he’d kill him if he found him.”  Bill thought back.  “The compound was quiet, though.  Everyone seemed on edge, as if they didn’t know what was going on, either.  If they’re planning anything, it’s being done inside and silently.”
“Cafferty made it sound like Green was the mastermind of the plot and then deserted them.  I’m not sure how much of that is bluffing, but he’s vehement that Green was supposed to be there.”  Sheriff Dawes poked at some papers on his desk.  “He’s clammed up now, of course.  Wants to get lawyered up.  I’m not sure what good that’ll do him, since he can’t afford anyone good, but he’s welcome to try.”
Bill frowned.  He hadn’t even thought of how big a trial could get, even in a seemingly open-and-shut case like this one.  Last night wasn’t going to be over for a long time.
“What’s your judgment on Jonah?  Is he planning anything?”
“He’s pissed as hell,” Bill said.  “But he didn’t seem histrionic.  He made no threats against anyone but Jake.”
“Well, he told us to leave before things got heated,” Jimmy pointed out.
Bill nodded.  “Still, I didn’t get the impression he was doing anything but mourning today.”
The sheriff thought for a minute.  “Okay.  I want you boys to do your paperwork and then go home and get some sleep.  Keep your radios on, but rest.  We start fresh on this in the morning.”
There was an end in sight.  Bill thought longingly of his bed.  “Yes, sir.  Thank you, sir.”
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