#christoff and Anna
yuis-art · 3 months
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Frozen if it was awesome (fem Christoff)
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happily-evil-after · 2 years
Between Happily & Ever After [Chapter 2: Beau]
            Beau can’t stop his feet from uncontrollably fidgeting, but luckily no one else seems to notice as they are hidden beneath the large table before him. He doesn’t want anyone else to realize how nervous he is. He feels kind of out of place in a room filled with so many important people. He has to muster up every ounce of control to stop his small iridescent fairy wings from twitching nervously. To get rid of some of his anxious energy he fiddles with the buttons on his light blue blazer vest but can already hear his mother’s voice ringing in his ears shouting at him to stop messing with them. So, he moves his attention to straightening the silver circlet that crowns his golden-haired head, the symbol of a fully-fledged fairy godparent.
           Next to Beau, at the table’s head, is sat Prince, or he supposes now its King, Dashing, the son of Queen Cinderella and King Charming. Dashing’s perfectly chiseled features and perfectly quaffed brunette hair gives the young man an air of leadership and courage. It is Dashing’s castle, in the kingdom of Aurelais, that this council of the rulers of Yensid is taking place. This is the first time since the Fade that things have calmed down enough for any such meeting to even be considered. The last two years have been consumed with despair, and mourning, and trying to keep the entire world from falling apart. Only a handful of the rulers of the realms were able to make it to the council, and some didn’t even bother to reply to the invitation.
           Across from Beau, the daughter of Snow White and ruler of the kingdom of Tabor, Queen Ivory takes notes on what is being said. Beau can’t help but think about how similar to her mother that Ivory looks, ‘the little fairest’ everyone would jokingly call her back in their youth. As the children of the most famous and powerful defenders of good, Beau has known the people in this room since he was a small child, some better than others. Though, as Beau looks at Ivory, he doesn’t see the young girl that would play chase with him around her mother’s apple gardens, now he sees the strong and confident queen she has grown into. Besides Beau she is the oldest of all the rulers that are there at 21 years old.
           On Beau’s other side Queen Briar, the ruler of the kingdom of Ulstead and the daughter of Queen Aurora and King Philip is slumped in her seat playing with her dirty blonde hair, not really paying attention to the council. Beau can’t really judge as he is not paying much attention either, but Briar’s lack of attention seems to be out of boredom rather than nerves. She is much younger than the rest of the rulers present, only 15 years old. Beau has heard that Briar is not Aurora and Philip’s eldest daughter, that they have another daughter who was meant to take the throne, but they hid her away for an unknown reason, which is why Briar was forced to take the crown when her parents vanished, but this is all rumor. Beau is sympathetic towards the teenage queen; it is hard enough to take over the job of your missing parents especially at such a young age.
           The last of the rulers that are attending the council are the twin bothers of Arendelle, King Sven and Prince Agnarr, the sons of Queen Anna and King Christoff. Agnarr always has a brooding look about him, but today he is especially grim, but Beau can only guess as to why. Though they are twins, Sven and Agnarr look nothing like each other, if it wasn’t for the matching Arendellian royal outfits they were wearing Beau might have mistaken them for being from entirely different families all together. King Sven, though the older of the two, is shorter than his brother by a good several inches, his brown hair a disheveled mess upon his head. Agnarr on the other hand is a tall lanky boy, with his mother’s fiery red hair burning bright, much more neatly lain than his twin’s, and his face seems to be set in a permanent frown. Agnarr is watching as his brother next to him is speaking to the entire room, reading something off a parchment in front of him.
           Beau suddenly notices that the talking has stopped, and everyone is staring right at him, looking expectantly. Beau feels his face growing red as he realizes he has been zoning out and has no idea what is happening or what even has been said.
           “Well, Beau, what do you think?” Dashing asks the fairy, a bit impatient, clearly awaiting the answer to what must’ve been a very important question.
           “I-I’m sorry your highnesses, I couldn’t quite hear clearly,” he tries to come up with a good excuse, but he can tell he isn’t very convincing. “What was the question?”
           “King Sven said that the disappearance of Elsa has left Ahtohallan without its fifth spirt and no one to serve as an ambassador to the magic of nature.” Ivory interjects to save Beau from any further embarrassment.
           “Yes,” Sven concurs, “and without the fifth spirit the spirits of nature are bound to become unruly and cause even more chaos than we already have to deal with.”
           “I thought that Elsa was training someone to take her place as the fifth spirit one day?” Dashing questions. “Where are they? Can’t they solve this problem?”
           Agnarr lets out a scoff, as if Dashing has just said the most stupid thing that anyone could have said. Dashing shoots, a look of disdain at the prince, clearly not used to being addressed in such a manner. Dashing and Agnarr have always had a bit of a rivalry, no one is quite sure why but ever since they were children the two never seemed to quite get along. Agnarr simply roles his eyes at Dashing, furthering the King’s contempt for the Arendellian.
           “Soren was Elsa’s apprentice as well as her adoptive son, but right before the Fade he was sent off to travel the world to better understand his powers, but it seems he as yet to master them.” Agnarr reveals to the room, as if this information is obvious.
           “What my rather rude brother says,” Sven glares at Agnarr for embarrassing them both in front of the other royals, “is true. We sent word to Sven right after the Fade occurred and asked him to take our aunt’s spot in Ahtohallan but he claims that he isn’t ready yet. He fears that his powers could lead to many people becoming hurt or worse.”
           Beau speaks up, still confused at this line of conversation. “So, what exactly does this have to do with me?”
           “Well,” King Sven begins. “I spoke with the rock trolls, and they think that if you could get a couple dozen nature pixies to temporarily leave Pixie Hollow and move to Ahtohallan than their power might be enough to keep the nature spirits at bay at least for a while.”
           Now Beau understood where he is to come in. As the Fairy Godfather, he is responsible for the management and training of all the fairies and pixies in Yensid as well as the keeper of all the happily-ever-afters, a huge responsibility. Beau has always dreamed of one day being a fairy godfather, he had sacrificed so much to ensure it was so, but he never imagined that one day he would be the Fairy Godfather. Unlike the others in the room, Beau was never expected to take his mother’s place, her fairy immortality took care of that issue, but the Fade left him with no choice but to take up his mother’s mantle.
           “I suppose I could spare a few pixies, but you must remember, for every human that was affected by the Fade, ten times the amount of faery-folk were affected. There aren’t as many babies laughing as their used to be, so the number of pixies is limited.”
           King Sven lets out a sigh. “I suppose that will have to do, thank you Fairy Godfather.” The King of Arendelle addresses Beau with his formal title, which still sounds strange to Beau’s ear.
           “Alright,” Dashing stands up, asserting himself as the center of attention, “since that has been taken care of let’s get on to the next bit of business.”
           For the next couple hours, the council goes on, taking turns giving statuses on the stability of their own kingdoms, as well as the problems that plague them. Ivory shares that the people of Tabor are doing relatively well, with only minimal increases to illness and criminal activity, but with all the working age Dwarves gone, it is impossible to use the gemstone mines that her kingdom rely upon, so Tabor is in an economic depression, even she has had to give up many of her royal luxuries.
Briar doesn’t speak much but she does say that Little Boy Peep has moved his criminal operation somewhere within her boarders and that he is terrorizing her people. Even if Little Boy can be found it is impossible to fairly jail him, his shepherding occupation is a front for his criminal activities and he rarely commits any crimes himself, leaving it up to his goons. Little Boy will have to wait for another day.
Dashing reports that Aurelais has weathered the Fade rather well on an economic and criminal front, but it seems that the souls of the dead terrorizing the living have become a problem in the north of his realm. Apparently with the disappearance of Hades, the lord of the Underworld, there is nothing stopping the malevolent dead from crawling through the gates of the Underworld near Mt. Olympus and dragging the living down with them. Beau has never seen the Underworld before, but he assumes that it can only be bad news for the dead to be invading the land of the living.
“Finally, we must talk about the royals who did not attend the council.” Dashing says as the meeting begins to wind down. “Sultana Amira of Agrabah responded to the invitation, she politely declined stating that it was not prudent for her to travel so far from her realm during such a time, which is understand able.” The others in the room all nod, mumbling in agreement. “That being said, not a word from either Corona or Tirulia. Have any of you heard any news from the courts of King Asterion or Queen Harmonia?”
Beau has heard rumors of what has been going on in Corona and Tirulia but he hasn’t given them any real consideration until now. When the Fade happened a few of the kingdoms were in a more vulnerable state then others. Beau remembers that the seaside merchant’s kingdom of Tirulia was ruled by King Eric and Queen Ariel, with their daughter Princess Melody next to sit the throne. When the three royals went missing, Princess Melody’s five-year-old daughter, Princess Harmonia was forced to take the throne. Some say that a mysterious stranger has taken the opportunity to take control for themselves and mold the young queen to whatever their intentions may be.
Meanwhile, the fate of the kingdom of Corona remains a mystery. Not even two months after the Fade, the newly crowned King Asterion, the son of Queen Rapunzel and King Flynn, closed the city to all outsiders going so far as to destroy the famed Corona Bridge that connected the island kingdom to the mainland. Since then, no one has ever made it in and out of the closed off city, not alive at least. A darkness has lingered over the city of Corona since King Asterion took the throne, a powerful and wicked darkness unlike any Beau has ever felt, something sinister lurks within.
“The people of Arendelle have been suffering at the hands of the Tirulian’s.” Agnarr retorts, an angered tone in his voice. “On the orders of Queen Harmonia, many coastal villages have been attacked by the Tirulian armada.”
“Be rational Prince Agnarr,” Ivory interjects, attempting to defuse the situation. “A seven-year-old girl cannot be held responsible for these attacks, Queen or not.”
“Tell that to the dozens of orphaned Arendellian children!” Agnarr stands, slamming his hands on the table in frustration.
“My brother is not wrong,” Sven chimes in, in a rare instance of agreement with his twin. “If these attacks do not cease soon, I will have no choice but to defend our people and declare war upon the kingdom of Tirulia.”
The rest of the room perks up at the mention of war, even the disinterested Briar sits to attention. War between the kingdoms hasn’t happened in the past 100 years, and no one is eager to break that streak. Beau can’t believe that war is even on the table, they have enough to deal with, between the aftermath of the Fade and the evil of the wicked villains, fighting each other is not the answer, that Beau knows for certain. Not to mention, the Tirulian’s are known for having the most powerful naval fleet in all the realms, if Arendelle goes to war with them they won’t stand a chance.
           Bickering breaks out amongst the royals, Dashing and Ivory attempting to assuage Sven and Agnarr from taking such drastic measures, with Beau stuck in between, the shouting only aggravating his anxiety. Then all of a sudden, in the midst of the yelling, Briar loudly clears her throat, obviously trying to grab the attention of the room. Everyone grows silent and turns to the young girl, an annoyed look upon both Dashing and Agnarr’s faces, expecting her to waste their time.
           “If anyone would like to hear what I have to say?” She questions flippantly, without even looking up from her nails.
           “No disrespect to you Queen Briar, but you were invited here as a courtesy to your parents, I believe it would be best if you just sat there and let the adults handle the situation.” Condescension dripping from every word coming from Dashing’s mouth.
           “Those are some big words from the guy with the most pretentious name in the room.” Briar shoots back. Agnarr can’t help but chuckle, a rare occurrence, at the undignified look on Dashing’s face due to the teenage Queen’s backfire.
           Ivory, ever the peacemaker, interjects yet again. “Do you have something to add Queen Briar?” She asks genuinely.
           “Well,” Briar starts off, drawing out her words. “If any of you had bothered to ask, I would have mentioned that I have an informant on the inside of the Tirulian court.”
           “And you waited this long to tell us?!” Dashing shouts angrily at Briar, who seems unbothered by his temper.
           “Calm down Dashing, it’s ok, we know now.” Ivory puts her hand on Dashing’s shoulder, calming the passionate king down. She turns her attention back towards Briar. “How did you even get someone into the Tirulian court? Whoever is pulling the strings there is taking every measure to ensure that Queen Melodia is kept under their influence.”
           “Let’s just say I know people, people who are really good at being in places where they aren’t supposed to be. The point is, I have information on who has been manipulating the child Queen. A woman by the name of Tethys, an enchantress, has Queen Melodia under her spell. From what I have been told, any who question Tethys’ actions are immediately imprisoned by the Queen or worse.” Briar dramatically draws her finger across her neck, miming a throat slitting motion.
           This is worse than Beau had thought, he didn’t want to believe the rumors, but it seems they are true. Despite this, for a moment, when Beau heard who the cause of Tirulia’s troubles are really, he sighed a breath of relief. When he had heard that Tirulia was possibly being run by a malevolent manipulator, his mind immediately thought of one person, the worst person that Beau had ever known, but part of him is glad to hear that it isn’t who he thought it was. That wouldn’t have been good for anyone.
           “This isn’t good,” Dashing muses, rubbing his chiseled chin.
           “Understatement of the century.” Briar remarks sarcastically.
           Ivory brushes past Briar’s comment, speaking up before Dashing can think of a retort. “Can your person on the inside do anything to stop this Tethys person?”
           Briar shakes her head in rejection. “She’s in a perilous enough position as it is, I can’t risk her life on this.”
           Agnarr stands up, facing Briar angrily. “If it was your people being ransacked and slaughtered you wouldn’t hesitate to do something about it, but because its only Arendellian’s that are being killed, you won’t lift a finger to help!” The prince grinding his teeth together in seething rage.
           The bickering breaks out once again, the room erupting in shouting and behavior undignified of royalty. Beau sinks back, not wanting to be a part of the screaming. Ivory and Sven are attempting to keep a fight from breaking out, only barely succeeding. Beau tries thinking on how this can be resolved. How were they going to get someone to infiltrate the city of Tirulia and put a stop to Tethys’ meddling without instigating a war. Besides Briar’s informant it seems like the enchantress is keeping her thrall far away from heroes of any kind. And then suddenly an idea hit Beau, a terrible and extremely risky idea, but the only idea that might work.
           Beau awkwardly raises his hand, trying to get everyone’s attention. For a few moments no one notices but eventually Ivory sees his meek attempt, and she speaks loudly to help him out. “It seems, like the Fairy Godfather has something to add.”
           All the attention turns towards Beau, his worst nightmare. He stands, and reluctantly he puts forward his idea. “I believe I know someone who may be able to speak with Tethys without causing anymore trouble.” He stops, having to force himself to even finish his thought. “But  no one is going to like it.”  
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strawbeetlesposts · 7 months
I think the Loki series should just go by the frozen story arch from here on out. Loki's obviously Anna making Sylvie Hans and Mobius Christoff because I am tired of the selfsest. you know who risks his skin for Loki it starts with and M and it's not Sylvie . I bet comic Loki would chose Mobius 🙄🤚 AND ISTG IF THE THE SERIES ENDS WITH LOKI AND SYLVIE REUNITING AND BEING TOGETHER I AM THROWING SOMETHING
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wallamaybungya · 7 months
"If only there were someone out there who loved you." Hans poured water on the fire he had lit.
Anna gasped, and feel back onto the couch. Her body continued to grow cold and she continued to shiver.
Hans tsked and shook his head tauntingly before walking out the door and locking it.
Anna's breath came out in gasps, and cold smoke came from her nostrils. She could Hans outside, speaking to whomever in low voices.
How could she have been so stupid? How could she believe that love act?
She should've been used to it. First Elsa, avoiding her through the entirety of her childhood, and now betraying her. Then Christoff, abandoning her at the foot of the ice bridge, mere moments before her sister's second betrayal. And now Hans. Fake love. Honestly, how cliché, Anna thought.
But this was Arendelle. The one thing she had left. And she wasn't going to let some stranger pull it from her cold, dead, frozen hands.
Anna rolled herself off the couch. This was her Arendelle. She fell to the floor with a thud. She managed to roll herself with a shivering gasp. She clutched her mother's shawl closer to her body. Her mother. The one person who didn't leave Anna disappointed. But even then, her mother was obsessed with Elsa and how to fix her. It's time Anna had something for herself.
On shaky legs, Anna managed to stand herself up, with the help of the couch.
One step. Her sister could've learned to control her powers while young. She didn't need to stay hidden in that room.
Another step. Her parents. They didn't need to cut her off from her kingdom. They didn't need to hide her from the world.
Another step. Christoff didn't need to abandon her when she needed it most. He didn't need to act so in love then run away from his feelings.
Another step. Hans. How dare he try to take away the one thing that had made her happiest in all her life.
Her hand grasped the knob. Ice spread around it and spread to the door. Anna ripped the door open. Each step she took left behind a trail of frost. She made her way to the room where Hans sat with the rest of her council. She could hear him talking about her "final words".
"Heed my final words to you, Hans," Anna spoke, stepping from the shadows. "You are hereby accused of the murder of Elsa, our former queen, and the attempted murder of Anna, yours truly. Your queen."
The council rose and bowed. Fire burned in Anna's eyes.
"B-b-but," Hans blubbered. "How?"
Anna strode over to him, leaning down to whisper in his ear.
"My heart has always been frozen, Hans."
She spun to her councils. "Burn him for his crimes."
"But Your Majesty. Snow still falls."
"Clear it. The cold never bothered me anyway."
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ilikelookingatthings · 11 months
Random thoughts on Frozen
So...its probably not a hot take at this point that Frozen has some issues the twist ending is shocking and emotional on the first viewing that you can forget about some issues...but on rewatches some aspects spring to mind.
Why the stone trolls? They cause the issue by traumatizing elsa further with their lightshow and advice that resulted in elsa isolating herself and the parents stuck between following the advice about control and sensing they are going wrong somewhere. Even more they erase Anna’s memory  of the incident but its never brought up if Anna remembers properly or not and she never confront them about it.
They also sing a dity shipping christoff and Anna which(while I ship it) I was confused by because Anna was literally dying and they were wasting time. They somehow shipped it despite Anna being a princess. They ignore that Anna said she already had a fiance. and Chistoff and Anna hadn’t really spent anytime together...I’m still confused when christoff is suppoused to have fallen for her?
He was annoyed but went along escorting her through the mountain because she helped buy him supplies and offered a big reward...but he roasted her about her apparently falling for and wanting to get married to a guy she met that day. His sleigh almost got caught on fire and fell off a cliff. He saw her fail at climbing a ledge which could be endearing and she stopped him from telling the olaf that he would melt...but she then kept him outside so he never got to see the ice castle. She also insulted the snowman and they almost got killed. ANY decent human being would be worried about someone almost dying..and she was still focused on that kiss with Han’s to save her life...so I am very confused when he fell for her?
Like...the trolls shipped them...but it felt like they would hsip him with anything with a pulse at this point and they roasted him and ignored what he was saying during the majority of it.
Like...I know it wasn’t true love or anything in the end anyway...but I’m confused when they are suppoused to fall for eachother? especially when they hyped him up as an alternative to save her life. Quest for Camelot had better action in showing why they could fall for eachother when the strongest shippers seemd to be ignoring the direness of the plot or that he thought she had a proper fiance from the begining.
Its even more confusing because they had a point that Christoff was a boy who ended up seeing Elsa and Anna taken to the trolls and seeing her memory wiped and Elsa’s powers and the advice given by the trolls....why wasn’t that brought up as a connection to both adress that aspect of why Anna was so in the dark on Elsa since Elsa was still refusing to properly talk..especially when he was being used as a bridge to help validate how Elsa was feeling(about Anna getting engaged to someone in a day is ridiculous) and he saw the beauty and wonder of Elsa’s powers in the castle immediately that he teared up. He also seemed to be chill with being isolated and alone and how there can be a sense of freedom in it which is similar to how Elsa felt which could have explored Anna’s aspect of reaching for connections more in contrast.
It also felt weird that he literally brought Anna in with her clearly out of it but no one invited him inside to stay? He was also skeptical on the strength of feelings after only a day so shouldn’t he have stayed incase it didn’t work?
Another thing....it kindof shows that Han’s wasn’t meant to be evil?
lots of people keep telling me the point is we didn’t suspect at all and that he showed his true colors of being power hungry...which I GET. the twist and the acting was done VERY well.
But it also feels odd because it doesn;t feel like he planned any of it?
He met Anna outside the castle with no way to know she was Anna the princess and he clearly showed a soft interest in her that the HORSE clearly noticed on him...even after Anna wasn’t watching him...so it was for us to see...which made his feelings feel sincere...so how was he suppoused to have planned from the begining any evil plots?
I mean yeah in the song we know he wanted his own place...but that not exactly evil? Anna was striving to connect with Han’s because she didn’t want to be alone anymore and she wanted a excuse to help keep the isolation from creeping back in since ELsa was deteremined they would close their doors again after the coorination. So him being drawn to Anna not just because she is cute but because if he marrys here he can leave home makes sense? Especially for a royal where political marriages can be a thing.
Any plans to kill Elsa or steal power doesn’t feel like they were there since just marrying Anna would give him a place anyway from his family. 
He also had no way to know Elsa had powers or that Elsa would freak out THAT much from the proposal. It was also Weaselton who hyped up the issues with Elsa and was trying to provoke going after her in a bad way. He also had no way to know Anna would leave him to take care fo things in the city while Anna went off to go after Elsa...he wasn’t even married or officially engaged at that point to her so if she got hurt or something happens to her wouldn’t that it worse for him?
He did go with Weasonton and those guards when no message from Anna  came and the snow kept going...but he also made it clear they weren’t to hurt Elsa were it was Weasonton to stirred up the attack on Elsa. Elsa was also op on powers......I’ve been told him knocking into the guard was deliberate to hit the chandeller to knock her out...but that was in a split second and how do you plan to knock someone out?  That could have killed her? if his plan was to kill her anyway then why save her?
I mean...maybe saving her could have been a plan to get on her good side so she’d let him and Anna get engaged or get married.
But its not like he knew or planned for Anna to get hit in the heart. People blame Han’s for Anna almost dying(which he did abandon her in that room) but it was Elsa’s powers that were going to kill her. its on him for telling Elsa about it when Anna wasn’t dead yet but it was still the city and weasonton who were planning to kill Elsa first. 
It was evil of him to lie to Elsa Anna was dead...but Elsa was still alarmed that she hit Anna in the heart anyways and that part wasn’t a lie. and Elsa still didn’t know how to turn off her powers.
I’m just.....I know evil Han’s was needed so that Elsa could fall into despair quicker and for Anna to save Elsa and do the act of true love. After all actually commnicating isn’t Elsa’s strong point.....
but.....I’m kindof curious about...was evil han’s REALLY nessacary? the twist was cool for a bit...but it feels weird because he both couldn’t plan a majority of what was happening (at best taking advantage of moments but planning feels like a stretch) and how it felt like he was genuinely interested in Anna at the begining and that it felt like he was trying to help Elsa when others were strait up trying to kill her...yes she got locked up...but Elsa on her own had run away and fought instead of discussing the issue of the ETERNAL WINTER. Where she was even willing to just drive Anna out even though that wasn’t going to fix the issue. 
and everyone else was trigger happy around Elsa...so putting her in chains to give the illusion she wasn’t a threat would calm everone else from trying to kill Elsa on sight and give a opportunity to talk.
As mucha s evil Han is a good lesson how people can take advantage and you can;t just trust someone who seems nice when you don’t really know them yet.....
Isn’t the implication that what Anna and Han’s have isn’t true love? even if they genuinely liked eachother(or seem like they do) they literally just met earlier. They also made a point that part of Anna’s motive was wanting someone and to not be alone and wanted a excuse not to cut off the outside like Elsa was plannning on doing again...now Anna definitly seemed to LIKE Han.
But its also clear they don’t know eachother that well yet.
SO even if Hans did genuinely like Anna back...isn;t the implication that the kiss wouldn’t have worked?
What would Anna have done if Han’s did kiss her...genuinely wanting to save her and seemed to like her...but it didn’t work?
Why did Han’s have to be evil as the reason for why Han’s kiss wouldn’t work so he wouldn’t even try?
Wouldn’t the plot issue still work if Han’s and Anna genuinely kiss but it didn’t work? like thy like eachother or they THINK they do but they literally just met so of COURSE the love isn’t true love strong?
If Han’s was genuinely distraunt by her dying and wanting to save her but somehow the kiss wasn’t enough? wouldn’t that still make her question her ‘true love’ reasoning that she used to dismiss elsa’s point earlier and reinforce the point christoff made about her not knowing Han’s well yet?
I mean yeah the kiss not working might point to it not being TRUE love or a ACT of TRUE LOVE but wouldn’t it give her more pause to reflect if its not like Han’s is a bad guy or anything or that there is no affection?
Like if it pointed that Elsa is right that getting married that quickly is ridiculous but Anna was also right that Han’s wasn’t a bad guy or anything like that.
like what would Anna do? think maybe Han’s doesn’t love her enough? or maybe the isse is her own feelings(since apparently Anna and Christoff are suppoused to have hit it off).
I mean Han’s could strill bring up maybe his more selfish reasons for wanting to get married so fast which is because he doesn’t want to go home again but if he doesn’t go evil about it then wouldn’t it still work? just like Anna convincing herself that she loved him despite the obvious they don’t know each other that well.
Wouldn’t that just point out that love is developed through time even if you click?
I mean....Anna could still do the quick marriage if she didn’t have a backup plan to live since she had been banking on this since Han’s at least seemed to have protected her sister...but couldn’t he have brought up that Elsa was there so maybe she could fix it? or while anna is being taken care of but now they don’t know what to do since the kiss didn’t work....the info could still get to Elsa?
Elsa’s go to at this point is to run away adn her worst fear happened...even without Han’s saying Anna is already dead wouldn’t it still alarm Elsa? I mean we wouldn’t have the dramatic save of Anna blocking a sword before it reaches Elsa in the same way probably....but wouldnt she still have a influx of emotions hearing Anna was dying? 
couldn’t weasonton or the other frightened people about the eternal winter be able to attack Elsa instead? even more if Elsa is frusterated even more because Else doesn’t know how to reverse the powers and can;t save her sister? couldn;t elsa bring up the rock trolls? like think to mind wipe Anna again? or think that Anna doesn;t deserve to be around her as a terrible sister since Elsa was self isolating due to her fear of hurting anna (or others again).
Elsa was pretty much despairing right? couldn’t it have her think maybe if she was killed maybe it could save anna or reverse the powers? so she could go out to be attacked by the mob? or lash out her emotions again sinceshe feels helpless? just for Anna to either come again to save her or talk her through it?
or Elsa could go to Anna? how would Elsa react if Han’s brought up how the kiss didn;t work? like would he bring up maybe Elsa was right to not want them to get married if it turned out he couldn’t save Anna when it mattered? would that hurt Elsa more because can Elsa judge when she loves Anna but ended uo hurting her the way she did as well?
I’m just saying....as much as the twist was fun.....it did feel like it gave Anna and Elsa a more easy way out from talking through the problems/communicating and it felt like Han’s didn’t have to be evil to make it work.
I mean...the red herrings o =f teh true loves I know have a point...
but malificent(the live action) did the twist already even before hand.
I also feel like it would make Weasolton have more impact(since what was the POINT).
I mean...it feels like they felt like they had to make Han’s evil so he couldn’t be a viable love interest for either of them which can be refreshing since you don’t need a man.
but on the other hand I think if they had made it so Han’s wasn’t actually a bad guy it would have a better impact on the guys?
like the movie stated that your options are an (handome) isolated dude who pees in the woods, eats reigndeer spit cover carrots, who likes money a bit too much, and who’s adopted family calls him a fixer upper which feels like it contradics his judgment about how you can’t fall for someone that quickly. or can;t even cut off a song him being shipped with you when he brought you there cuz your life is indanger that can disregard hpw you might have a previous relationship.
or a handsome guy who tuns out to be a crazy person who never liked you and planned to kill you and your sister to take over your kingdom(or just a manipulator who will take advantage of how your isolated to get you attached to them quickly).
which still feels a bit...icky I guess?
I mean the focus is of course on the sisters and their relationship so the guys don;t have to have that much spot light....but like....in most disney movies the guys don;t get that developed anyway?
like I know disney was trying to correct some of the disney views on love and true love and all that.....but theres nothing WRONG with love or wanting love. why not just show Chirstoff and Hans  as still good guys even if they not perfect?
Especially when there are sets ups in both of the dudes that could deepen the dynamics of Anna and Elsa as people by comparing and contrasting with what Han’s and Christoff bring to the table. I mean Christoff I think was great but the fixerupper song talked at me and just brought to light flaws instead of letting the character SHOW us aspects of the character and why that pairing works. 
Heck maybe explore at bit of the parent issues with Han and Elsa? I mean the whole reason the coorination was the parents dying! and Anna just found out her sister had secert powers and why her sister was so distant to some degree while Elsa finally had it out in the open and had her let it do aspect to contrast what her parents told her...but also seeing her worst fear that Anna was almost killed happen again.
Also the country strait up was resenting Elsa and thinking of her as some witch and the eternal cold? Why was that not adressed more? Weasolton definitly stoked the fire but it doesn’t change Elsa’s own people reacted like that. So wouldn’t it make more sense of Anna had some speech or even elsa had one to the city/country?
Also....Why didn’t Elsa have a worst reaction to Olaf...he’s nostalgic but he was also the snowman they made the day Anna almost died the first time?
I’m just saying I kind of wish ana and Elsa talked more and we got to see Anna actually fully understand Elsa’s fear.
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‘Suspect’ Season 2: Dominic Cooper, Tamsin Greig, Eddie Marsan & More Join Channel 4-Britbox International Drama Series
By Jesse Whittock
November 15, 2023 7:20 am
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Dominic Cooper, Tamsin Greig and Eddie Marsan are among the names joining Anne-Marie Duff on season 2 of Channel 4 and BritBox International drama series Suspect.
Filming on the drama’s second run is underway, with Vinette Robinson (Boiling Point, The Lazarus Project), Eddie Marsan (The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe, Ray Donovan), Celine Buckens (Showtrial, The Ex-Wife), Nicholas Pinnock (Top Boy, For Life) and Gina McKee (Bodyguard, Our Friends in the North) joining Cooper (Preacher, Mamma Mia!), Greig (Friday Night Dinner, Belgravia) and Marsan (The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe, Ray Donovan).
Duff (Bad Sisters, The Salisbury Poisonings) stars in the series as Dr Susannah Newman. In the eight-part series, she is on a desperate quest to track down a self-confessed serial killer before he kills again that night. When a mysterious new client Jon (Cooper) admits under hypnosis that he is a murderer and intends on killing another young female that evening, Susannah knows he must be stopped at all costs.
I’m so pleased to be returning to Suspect to be able to dig deeper into the character of Dr Susannah Newman,” said Duff. “Expect lots of twists, turns and revelations alongside more questions to be answered. I can’t wait for viewers to see what we’ve done with the second series.”
Suspects comes from Professor T and Before We Die producer Eagle Eye Drama and is written by Joy Wilkinson (Lockwood & Co, The Watch) and David Allison (The Couple Next Door, Marcella). It is for UK network Channel 4, whose outgoing Head of Acquisitions Nick Lee bought it, and co-produced by BritBox International for the U.S. and Canada. The eight-part drama is being distributed internationally by Fremantle and will air in 2024.
Ben Wadey, Channel 4 Drama Commissioning Executive said: “We’re thrilled to be working with Eagle Eye Drama again to be bringing back Suspect for a second series. With Anne-Marie Duff returning as Dr Susannah Newman plus a truly spectacular ensemble cast that includes Dominic Cooper, Tamsin Greig and Eddie Marsan, Channel 4 viewers are truly in for a ride when this hits our screens.”
Reemah Sakaan, CEO BritBox International and executive producer added: “I am absolutely delighted that such a stellar ensemble cast is joining the incredible Anne-Marie Duff to tell the next chapter of Suspect Season 2. Joy Wilkinson and David Allison have delivered brilliant scripts and I know our BritBox International viewers in the US will be gripped from start to end.”
Carolina Giammetta (Before We Die, Hollington Drive) will direct. Eagle Eye’s Jo McGrath and Walter Iuzzolino are the executive producers and Dylan Rees (Heartstopper, Alice & Jack) is the series producer. Sakaan and Stephen Nye are the executive producers for Britbox International, which acquired the series following a deal brokered by Fremantle’s Lisa Honig, EVP Distribution North America.
Suspect is adapted from the Danish original Forhøret (Face to Face), which was created by Christoffer Boe and written by Christoffer Boe and Anna Juul. The original series was produced by Miso Film, a Fremantle company, and executive produced by Boe, Jonas Allen and Peter Bose who also serve as executive producers on Suspect.
The series has been produced in association with Happy Duck Films and the Belgian Tax Shelter. Fremantle handles global sales.
SH is not in “Suspect” 2 in association with Happy Duck Films🦆 his character seems to still be in a very deep stage of coma since Suspect 1 💁‍♀️
The interesting thing is there are various British actors who have played relevant character parts, a competent group to work with Happy Duck Films. The actors who pivot from films to TV or the other way around are large. As you can see there are plenty of choices.😉
Dominic Cooper is so talented, he's very witty. So a perfect package! his Ian Fleming role was his best.
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jemand-someone · 1 year
We all know the tangled jegulus fic.
We also all know the Theory that Elso and Rapaunzel are Cousins.
Now I need a Nobelflower Honeymoon x Elsa fic.
Christoff and Anna are Andromeda and Ted.
If nobody writes this i am going to...
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theartifxce · 2 years
Do I still know you?
Are you still my answer to the question
I've asked since I was born?
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☓  —- |  With the smell of Kinderheim 511′s ashes still on his clothes, he arrived at their doorstep; Kinderheim number 47. His heart was so eager to see Anna’s smiling face that he felt like his knees could buckle at any moment. But outwardly, his expression did not depict the anxiety festering within. He held onto Christoff, one arm over his shoulder as the other propped him up; the kid was weak, tired and hungry. When the faculty of the orphanage took them in, Johan was immediately on high alert. His eyes observed every corner, every face and every door. So far, the orphanage here was nothing like Kinderheim 511; for the corners were clean, the adults did not carry such wicked and devious smiles with them and all of the doors did not have locks bolted on the outside. But he would not put his guard down – no, they were all the same; wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Johan sat outside in the nurse’s office, listening to the adults gossip their concerns and disgust in tiny whispers, specifically over Christoff’s condition and the fire still raging on that Johan had started. He had little time to find the tape he knew they recorded of him so; he burned down the archives and rushed out. He felt glad that it was still burning.
The classrooms were being emptied; the children brought out to play. Johan was lead  to one of the offices and he could hear the kids playing; their laughter feeling so foreign of a sound to him. It was weird hearing such warm joyful sonance when he had grown accustomed to the screams and crying of the boys around him over the years.  The headmaster of the orphanage relayed that she had some important questions she wanted to ask about how he survived and what happened to everyone else. Johan’s eyes could not conceal the irritation he was feeling, sitting in that chair and how small it was making him feel that he still could not see Anna even though he was finally so close.
But then the woman smiled and said, “I know your Anna’s twin brother.” And his expression naturally softened. “You look just like her it’s almost uncanny.” Then she stood up from behind her desk and said, “She told me yesterday when she was playing by herself…that you would be coming…” She gripped the doorknob and twisted but did not pull. “You two have much catching up to do…we can worry about the rest…later.” Her voice grew solemn, as if she knew the pain their separation had caused.
Then the door opened and Johan felt everything inside of him completely stop – his heart, his breathing. Anna stood there staring at him with the equal amount of shock. Johan hopped off the chair and turned in her direction, both of them frozen and Johan could feel his own heart beating against his chest. 
Anna was safe – not a bruise on her face; no stitches or head wrappings or burn marks, broken limbs – nothing.
“Come on Anna.” The older lady gestured for her to snap out of it and within moments, Anna took small steps into the room. The old lady then quietly shut the door, leaving the pair alone. Johan noticed,  Anna still had her pigtails but her hair was longer now. She was taller and her face was less round and baby-like. 
How did so much change in only 3-4 years?
Could it have been longer?
Johan felt scared that perhaps, Kinderheim did more than twist his memories. Did they disconnect his sense of time even though he had carved tallies for each rising of the sun on the walls in the basement?
Was Anna upset that he let them separate them even though he promised on the way to the border that no one would ever take her away from him again?
Did she…blame him?
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“Johan…” Her tiny voice called out, shaking the young boy from his warring cogitations. He nearly shook from the sound of her voice. He picked up his eyes and looked at her directly. He couldn’t move, his feet would not move. It was as if the world around him could shatter if he took one step in her direction. 
                                             He feared the dream would end.
“Johan, is that really you?” She continued and he saw how quickly her tears formed in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Anna was stronger; she stumbled forward towards him, holding out her hand. He still could not move. His expression was blank, not a smile could be forced. But his eyes displayed his fear, his shock, his grief and his longing.  He felt her tiny hand grip his hand, hesitantly at first. He remembered the last time they saw one another; he refused to let her hand go even when she dragged behind in that forsaken place.
Anna’s grip tightened and when she lifted her face to him, her still being considerably smaller than him because he had grown taller too, she cried out. “Johan, you’re here – you’re really here!” She was reassuring them both, her tears falling heavily as she cried for the both of them.
He doesn’t understand what overcame him; but he broke his own golden rule. Despite the quiescence forced upon him from the devils at Kinderheim; the part of him that was sleeping inside had trembled awake.
And against his nature, Johan wrapped his arms around her, pressing her so tightly against him that it was slightly uncomfortable against the bones of his chest. He’d rest his chin on the top of her head as silently he wept tinier tears as if the crevices of his heart were forcing them through. With his fingers curling around the fabric of her arms with such desperation that he could not keep them from shaking, he sighed so deeply  - sighed away all of the insecurities that festered since his memories had been warped.
The warmth of her body against his, the feeling of her tiny hands seeking out his back as she hugged him just as tightly, was enough to alleviate the fear and hopelessness pooling inside of him. He closed his eyes and did not dare speak a word without control, feeling as though if he did then all of his emotions would come pouring out.  He swallowed hard, taking in a deep careful breath to steady himself before he finally said to Anna,
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“…This is real, Anna.” He held his breath. “I am here.” His wings wrapped around her even more intensely before he uttered tenderly, “I won’t let anyone separate us again…”
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i fell like nini’s scenes are just to fulfill olivia’s contract. like they have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the show and it isn’t even doing anything for nini’s character. i honestly think they should have just cut her this season, as much as i love her.
also i feel like they’re just rehashing everything that already happened in this season but that’s okay bc that’s a common theme with this show lmao
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doodle-pops · 2 years
When you lost your bet against your friend, you could never have even begun to imagine, how much it would affect your life.
As a result you were to wear a costume of Elsa from the movie Frozen 2 and sing Into the unknown right before midnight on New Year's Eve, because according to your friends, you looked very similar to her. You hated singing in public. You were always so stressed, that your voice trembled and it was a wonder, if you were able to let out a few tones at all.
Maybe it was that strange drink some of your friends brought? It tasted nice, warmed up both your body and spirit. When your time came, you weren't as stressed as you would usually be. You decided to just get it over with, closed your eyes and started singing, your friends stopping their chatting.
As you kept singing, you grew more and more surprised by how crystal clear your voice sounded. Of course you practiced the song, you didn't want to embarass yourself completely... but this was far better than you expected from yourself.
You also felt strange. It grew more and more intense as your song neared its finale. It was as if the melody woke someting dormant within you. It resonated with your core and it made you feel alive more than ever.
Strong gust of Icy wind pressed against you, as the last echoes of your voice faded. Why was there silence (well howling wind aside), instead the voices of your friends? You finally opened your eyes, only to realize you were alone in darkness and what could only be called a blizzard.
The crushing weave of panic was overwhealming. You called all your friends frantically, hoping this is just a nightmare. It din't help at all. You fell on your knees, sobbing all frightened. That didn't help much either.
'I'm going to freeze to death soon,' or so you thought. Only, you realized much later, somehow, you didn't feel cold at all. You were sure you went mad. 'Did I somehow turn into a Disney princess or something?!' you laughed hysterically. 'Might as well build myself a talking annoying snowman...' you flicked your wrist.
You most certainly did not expect a figure to form from a snow. Thank heavens, it didn't look like Olaf. You could only stare at snowy figure with your own features. You shrieked with fright, when it extended it's hand to you.
Small (or maybe big) wonder you didn't faint on a spot. For some time you could only stare at it, unable to think or move. Finally you reached out tentatively.
"So, what now?" you asked your snowself. It shrugged and looked around shielding its face against biting snowflakes. "Yeah, this weather came probably from hell.."you sighed. Apparently, for some strange reason you had powers of disney princess. Putting them to use would hardly do any harm, right?
Only...you absolutely had no idea how to calm a blizzard. It was probably a lot harder than just building a snowself. You forced yourself to remember the fairytale you found yourself in. How was it? Fear caused only more of mess. Anger too. So, the first step was to calm down.
Definitely not an easy task, but as you just focused on your breathing, you managed, step by step.
Next step was to get a firm control of your emotions without suppresing them. Nearly impossible task. You remembered that LOVE makes the snow and ice melt - at least in that movie. As much as it all felt insane and stupid, you had little else to do, so why not test that theory?
Sadly, you were alone in this. There was no other soul around. No Anna, no Christoff, not even Olaf around. You wondered, where exactly you were now. That was, when your snowself urged you to stand up and motioned you to follow. You blinked, and after shor hesitation you shrugged.
About a few hours of walking later you blinked. You spotted lights ahead, small and flickering. You rushed towards them and before long you found a group of people. They were cautious, tired and definitely not from Arendelle. Their leader was a tall handsome elven guy, named Nolofinwë. That name sounded familiar a bit, but after all you had to deal with, you just couldn't remember.
Nolofinwë took care of you, seeing how terrified you were. It didn't take him long to recognize that you were completely lost and alone, without a cloue, what to do. You were hardly a threat to him and his host.
You were put in his daughter's charge. She made sure to feed you with what little provisions there were, and had healers chech you. When they confirmed that you showed signs of immunity against dethly cold of Helcaraxë, many of else looked at you as if your were some kind of...what exactly?
After a little rest, you joined Nolofinwë's host on the journey to Middle-Earth. You were introduced to the rest of Nolofinwë's family. All were curious about you and despite language barrier, you learnt more and more about them with each passing day. Well - day... you had troubles trying to guess how much time passed since your arrival, since it was dark. You blamed it on the weather and the obvious fact, how far north you must have been.
You had enough of it. After many tries, you finally got a hold enough control of your new powers to finally make the blizzard calm down and once the sky cleared, you saw far more stars than ever in your life. Even with what little light the starlight offered, it felt all much better.
Later, you joined the leading group, making sure the host would be walking a safe path. There was a moment when one lady with little girl slipped and nearly drowned. Thanks to you, both survived.
Since then, you became close with all members of Nolofinwë's family, especially with Turukáno and Findekáno. The latter even seemed to be slowly falling for you, which you certainly didn't mind. He was kind, caring, strong and even funny, despite all his people and family had to endure.
Weeks after that you felt the cold receding and finally, you spotted something else, then just plains of snow and ice. There was land ahead. Many also noticed, that the western horizon grew brighter for some reason.
You were there with them, when the Moon, or Rána, as they later called it slowly climbed up to the sky. It was bigger than the one you saw during nights in your home.
Your home, which was becoming a fading memory. Now you were here, and Findekáno's side. To him, you were the best, what winter could offer - the crystal clear eyes and voice, pure as freshly fallen snow in your heart and beatiful and just as unigue as every single snowflake.
In the days after this, you proved to be even just as dangerous and the Grinding Ice itself, when you helped defending your new friends against orcs and other monstrous creatures.
You could still not believe you truly became so very much like Disney princess, but since you were no longer alone, you did not complain. After all, you got your own prince charming - with golden ribbons adorning his rich hair and ever-present smile in his eyes.
Dream come true - Nolofinwëan edition
from scroll anon <(*u*)>
This came in at a great time 📜 anon. This was needed.
A little something soft to mellow my stressed out brain after staying up all night for my assignment. Thank you for feeding me some Fingon content
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atvrvxia · 2 years
new historical muses below the cut !!
anton wittelsbach / forty- forty two / king of germany / bicurious / he/him/his / the aeipathy / fc: hayden christensen ( john krasinski alt )
the king who is best known for his passion for the arts, music and architecture; a bit of a hedonist and tends to neglect his duties in favour of his passions. loosely inspired by king ludwig of bavaria.
céline glücksburg bernadotte / twenty three- twenty five / queen regent of kalmar union (modern day sweden) / bisexual / she/her / the bloodthirsty queen / fc: olivia dejonge
the incredibly vindictive and twisted queen; bloodthirsty, patient and cunning; not the ruler you ever want to go up against. loosely inspired by olga of kiev.
christoffer glücksburg / twenty two- twenty four / king of norway / pansexual / he/him/his / the puppeteer / fc: rudy pankow
the king whom everyone underestimated; seems sweet and naïve but is actually incredibly manipulative and charming. loosely inspired by empress anna of russia.
krista ascania romanova / twenty two- twenty four / empress of russia / pansexual / she/her / the appetance / fc: jessica alexander
the empress who overthrew her man-child husband; brilliant and a supporter of the enlightenment, but tends to be more known for her sexual adventures. loosely inspired by catherine the great of russia.
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happily-evil-after · 2 years
Between Happily & Ever After [Chapter 1: Damien]
            As the moon rises over the cobblestone streets of Arendelle a silvery light is cast upon the otherwise darkened city. The silence that permeates the streets is broken by the heavy sound of footsteps running to safety. A girl, no older than sixteen sprints down the city’s main street, she trips, scraping her knees on the stones beneath her. Quickly she picks herself up and runs for the secrecy and safety of a nearby alley way. The girl peaks out from behind the alley wall just in time to witness two guards running past.
           “I think the thief went this way, come on, before she gets away.” One guard shouts as they continue running down the main street, not noticing the cowering girl.
            As the light from the guards’ lamps fade off into the distance, the girl lets out a sigh of relief. She leans her back against the cool alley wall, sliding down until she was sat on the ground, her knees tucked to her chest. Her heart was racing, the sound of blood flowing in her ears filled the otherwise silent night with a roar. She still can’t believe that she made it out of there without being caught.
           The girl looks down at the item in her hand, a small thing easily concealed within her palm. She holds it up to the moon light to get a better look at it, a large white jewel, clearer than glass but it shines with a brilliance that she has never seen before. She had heard that the jewel resided in the home of one of Arendelle’s wealthiest nobles, she knew that her only hope at surviving the month was to get that jewel and pawn it for as much money as she could get. She hadn’t expected such extreme security measures though, but she knows she shouldn’t be surprised, Arendelle isn’t what it used to be.
           Two years ago, the event known as ‘the Fade’ occurred, and nothing has been the same since. Not even the most powerful magic users were able to explain why this happened, but a powerful dark magic infected the all the lands. Overnight, dozens of the most important people in the realm suddenly faded away without a trace, from royalty like Queen Rapunzel and King Flynn in the Kingdom of Corona, to powerful beings like the Fairy Godmother and Merlin the Wizard, none were spared. This left their children to take their place, for better or for worse.
           The strange thing is, at first the Fade was assumed to be the work of one of the many wicked villains that plotted the demise of all the good in the world, but when the matter was looked into, all the villains had been subjected to the same fate. All were at a loss, and with the disappearance of all the most important and powerful figures in the lands the realms were thrown into chaos. When Queen Anna and King Christoff vanished their son Prince Sven took the crown and has been doing his best to run the kingdom, but since the Fade, crime has been running rampant in Arendelle as many were left homeless and destitute.
           As the girl shakes her head, trying to push away the terrible memories of the last two years, she realizes that the silver light of the moon no longer lights the ground around her. She looks up at the sky and all she can see is a deep inky darkness. She looks around, her vision unable to reach farther than a few feet in front of her. The sounds of the night also cease to fill the air; the sound of a pin dropping could be heard it was so quiet. The girl’s heart began to fill with fright, she had no idea what was happening to her.
           “Well, it seems that someone has gone and gotten herself in a bit of trouble.” A voice echoes out from all around, as if the darkness itself is speaking to her.
           “Wh-who are you? Wh-what’s going on?” The girl’s voice trembles as she questions the entity.
           “Oh, how terribly rude of me, I have forgotten my manners…”
           As the voice trails off a dark figure steps out from the all-consuming shadows in front of the girl. The first thing she notices is his piercing green eyes, they were unlike the natural green that could be found in the eyes of regular people, these eyes glowed with an otherworldly energy that put the girl at unease. She might have assumed the entity before her was a man but the horns upon his head betrayed his unhuman blood, though she could have missed them for they were nestled in his raven black hair. In his hand, he held an intricate golden staff, in the shape of a deadly cobra and he was clothed in rich silks of red and black. He was adorned with various jewels with a golden coronet that wreathed his head, the sign of royalty, yet around his wrists golden manacles were clamped, the symbols of a servant.
           “…you may call me Damien,” he bowed with a flourish. “And your name is?”
           “I-Ingrid. M-my name is Ingrid.”
           “Well, Ingrid, today is your lucky day, for you seem to be alone and in trouble, and I am a very good friend to have.” A sly smile spreads across his face.
           “You, want to help me?”
           “Why of course, I mean what are friends for? I help you, and you help me, that’s what friendship is all about.”    
           “Are you my fairy godfather?” The girl asked, trying to search for an explanation as to why such a being would be offering to help her.
           A roaring laughter erupts from his mouth, ringing in the air, sending a chill up Ingrid’s spine. “Of course not, I would never count myself amongst the ranks of those loathsome do-gooders, besides, I do say that they would not approve of your sticky little fingers.” He wipes a tear of laughter from the corner of his eye. “But I, on the other hand applaud your thievery. You and I have come to know the bitter truth of the world, that sometimes the wrong thing is the right thing to do.”
           Ingrid feels the pit in her stomach lessen as her actions are validated. Damien is right, she did what she had to, to survive. Despite her rationalization she could still feel the jewel burning from within her jacket pocket, the guilt still getting to her. She never would have thought to do something like this in the time before the Fade, her mother had taught her better, but her mother wasn’t here anymore, another victim of the chaos. Yet, what had her mother’s good heart gotten her? Nothing but death and despair.
           “I-I’m not sure.” She stutters, her conscience conflicting in her heart.
           “Come on, what is there to be sure about?” Damien paces around Ingrid as he attempts to convince her. “I can take you far away from this land, just imagine, your own cottage in the countryside, with enough money to live comfortable the rest of your life.” Suddenly Damien is right behind Ingrid, leaning down, whispering in her ear. “All I require is that little jewel in your pocket and all your troubles are over. What do you say?”
           Ingrid stares at Damien’s outstretched hand, contemplating her choices. This is all she could ever want, this was the whole reason for stealing the jewel in the first place, to make a better life for herself. Still, there was something about her new ‘friend’ that she didn’t trust, something deep within her soul was telling her not to trust him, every fiber of her being was screaming that the moment he got what he wanted he would toss her aside, leaving her to a grim fate. But what choice did she have? No one else would make her a better offer, on her own she was lucky if the jewel could get her a spot on a boat out of Arendelle, and then what was she going to do?
           Ingrid takes a deep breath and stares Damien deep in his glowing green eyes. “Alright, you’ve got yourself a deal.” She grabs his hand, and with a shake their deal is sealed.
           “Splendid,” Damien’s face breaks out into a wicked smile, that makes Ingrid believe that she has done the wrong thing. “Now if you wouldn’t mind, the jewel, and I will send you on your way.”
           Ingrid reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out the brilliant white jewel, with a shaking grasp, and hands it over to Damien. He snatches it greedily from her hands, as if he fears it will dissipate into the darkness, and he places it somewhere amongst the folds of lavish fabric.
           “Nice doing business with you. Now stay out of trouble my dear Ingrid, or we may meet again, and you wouldn’t want that. Ta, ta.” And with that, Damien waves his hand, and a swirling cloud of black smoke consumes the young girl and whisks her away.
              Far away from the kingdom of Arendelle, across the Misty Sea, past the island kingdom of Corona, on the farthest shore of the kingdom of Ulstead, a dark castle rises from the midst of a cursed wood. In the highest room in the tallest tower of the castle, in a swirling mist of dark smoke, Damien appears, magically transported from Arendelle to his own home. He takes his newly acquired prize out and takes a good look at it. The white jewel shines with an unmatched brilliance, mined straight from the Gemstone Mountains by the Dwarves themselves. There weren’t many gems like this still out there anymore, but this one was particularly special.
           Damien still can’t believe how easy it was to manipulate that young girl into making a deal with him. Usually, the people he makes deals with want things like love, or extreme wealth, or power beyond comprehension, but all the Arendellian girl wanted was a cottage in the hills with a bit of gold, it almost makes Damien laugh just thinking about it. But anyways, she is unimportant, in fact Damien has already forgotten her name. Even this jewel was only a steppingstone, the real prize is lain out before him.
           Damien makes his way to the large table in the center of the room, a massive map inlaid upon it. The map depicts the entire world of Yensid, with all the realms and kingdoms, from the blistering heats of the desert kingdom of Agrabah to the home of the gods upon the towering Mt. Olympus. According to legend the world of Yensid was crafted by a powerful wizard by the same name, no magic user before or since has reached the power of Yensid the great, though many have tried, Damien included. Damien looks out at the land before him and sees what is his for the taking, he has aspirations larger than any villain before him, and one day he will rule it all.
           Damien takes a moment, staring at the kingdom of Agrabah, nestled in the farthest southwestern corner of the map, one of the largest kingdoms, though it is surrounded by a deadly desert. This is where Damien spent most of his childhood, many of the few fond memories he has are within the walls of the city of Agrabah. He thinks back, remembering the wafting scent of the various spices, the sound of the merchants haggling in the marketplace, the sweet taste of sugared dates lingers on his tongue if he thinks hard enough. But Damien hasn’t gone back to Agrabah since he was a child, the bad memories outweighing the good.
           Damien turns away from the map, steely determination in his eyes. He makes his way over to a large gold gilded mirror that hangs upon his wall. The strange thing about this mirror is that Damien’s image is not reflected into its glassy surface, only a deep darkness that one could get lost in if they were not careful. But Damien is no fool, he is an expert in enchanted items, in fact this enchanted mirror in particular he crafted himself, a feat which few but the most talented magic users have accomplished.
           “Mirror, mirror on the wall, awake and heed your masters call.” As Damien waves his hand in front of the mirror and speaks the incantation, a swirling energy gathers in the mirror’s depths. The energy coalesces into the image of a face, a young man, rather pudgy with a small tuft of messy ginger hair upon his disembodied head.
           “Yes, my master, what is it that you call upon your servant for?” The man in the mirror speaks to Damien with a begrudging reverence, as if he is being forced to comply with his wishes.
           The miserable look upon the mirror man’s face gives Damien great joy. The hardest part of crafting a magic mirror was that it needs to be inhabited by a living soul, which is easy enough, but for the mirror to be crafted properly the soul must willingly submit to be forever caged within the mirror, which few understandably wish to be their eternal fate. Luckily for Damien, his line of work has many people indebted to him, none more so than the youngest Tweedle brother, Tweedle-Dim. Dim’s borthers, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum were taken in the Fade, and without there guidance Dim made many bad decisions, decisions which led him with no choice but to be bound in service to Damien for all eternity.
           “I need for you to locate for me the location of Little Boy Peep, I have business with him.”
           “Are you so sure that is such a good idea master? The last time you did dealings with the kingpin of crime himself you did not end on such great terms, I’m not sure that he would be overjoyed to see you. Not that many people are.” Dim whispers that last part to himself, but Damien hears it and shoots the mirror a look of anger.
           “Just do what I say, or you’ll find yourself in a ditch smashed to a thousand pieces.”
           “As you wish master.” Dim’s face fades away and the image in the mirror swirls for a moment, before the Tweedle’s face reappears in the glass.
           Damien’s face fades from an eager smile to an angered frown. “What happened? Why am I not seeing Peep’s location? Do I need to teach you a lesion?!” A burning ball of fire grows in Damien’s hand.
           “I’m sorry master, but I am unable to locate your quarry.”
           “What do you mean your unable to locate him? The power of the magic mirror extends into all realms, even those not of this world. How is it that you are unable to locate a shepherd?”
           “Well, it seems that Little Boy has discovered some sort of protection from being magically spied upon.” Dim seems a tad satisfied with Damien’s difficulty. “Which given the company he keeps seems to be a rather good idea.”
           Damien growls at the mirror before turning away to think on how he is going to find where Little Boy Peep is hiding out. Little Boy has always been one of the more difficult people that Damien has worked with, being the son of the infamous crime bosses, Little Bo Peep and Little Boy Blue. The Little crime ring has networks and dealings in all the realms, Little Boy is the only person Damien knows with a reach as far as his own, and even though Damien doesn’t like to admit it, when he is unable to get his hands on something, it is Little Boy that he has to deal with. With Little Boy’s army of goons, he is virtually untouchable…wait, that’s it!
           Damien rapidly spins around towards his mirror, a proud smile on his face at having solved the issue. “If we can’t find Little Boy then let’s track down one of his accomplices, they are bound to know where their boss is hiding out.”
           “Clever as ever master, anyone in particular?”
           “Find me Giuseppe, that hollow headed piece of wood is never far from Little Boy’s side.”
           Once again, Dim’s face dissipates from the mirror, the swirling energy within morphing and changing until the crystal-clear image of a large man made entirely from sturdy oak appears within the looking glass. The living puppet seems to be lurking in a small village not too far from Damien’s castle, a day’s ride, two at most. Damien prefers to travel by magic but his trip from Arendelle has left him rather tapped out, and if he is going to face Little Boy, he’ll need every bit of magic he can muster.
           “Dim, tell the servants to get the carriage ready, I’m out to catch myself a puppet.” Damien’s trademark wicked smile grows across his face, causing unease to grow in, what would be the pit of the Tweedle brother’s stomach, if he had a stomach that is and wasn’t just a floating head in a mirror.
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sora-of-uranus · 2 years
So I remembered frozen exists and now can only picture Arisu passionately singing love is an open door with chishiya (arisu is clearly Anna and chishiya is…. Hans? What the fuck is that ginger bastards name). Oh and kuina is clearly going to be forced (and low-key enjoy) singing let it go. Usagi sung all of christoffs lines (low-key forgot the boys names ) and then idk hatter sung Olaf’s summer cuss honestly in a frozen au hatter would be olaf.
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art-of-rosie · 3 years
My love is not fragile.
Christoff, Frozen II
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yelloh · 4 years
sand siblings frozen au
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elavoyy · 4 years
Yancy is Elsa, Raleigh is Anna, and Chuck is a grumpier version of Christoff, with Max being Sfen.
This makes sense.
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