classicalartdark · 2 years
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Edit after George Ellery Hale (Rijksmuseum) (Ed. Lic.: CC BY-NC 3.0)
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quiltofstars · 8 months
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Part of the Sun's surface on December 5, 2023 // Oleg Pyrozhynskyi
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simpsforscience · 7 months
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Sun's not all fire! 🌞 It's got a 4-layer atmosphere of scorching plasma. Corona's the hottest, millions of degrees! Read through to know more about these layers.
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stoovrs · 10 months
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today is #IndieAnimationDay and i thought it would be nice to highlight 4 immensely underrated independent projects through fanart! they’re all available on youtube and/or newgrounds so go check them out
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YUKI 7 @chromosphere-la
based on concepts by @kevindart, this one is a stylish micro-series with some slick action, beautiful 3D animation, and a sweet 70s aesthetic. also check out the new series, hotel kolkata
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BARBER WESTCHESTER @jonniphillipsart
part of the larger BLINDFOLD series since 2015, this film is similarly unique in its direction and visual style, and it’s as brilliant as it is captivating. imo my favorite of the series has to be the WASTELAND anthology.
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this one is just filled to the brim with expressive character animation and some fantastic writing and storytelling. on top of being funny as hell, it’s also got a lot of depth and character growth. criminally overlooked
COMPLETE SERIES (on season 3)
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THE DUST PIXIES (anthony liotta)
part virtual band, part wacky cartoon show, part whatever. this only has a couple shorts and a pilot, but its surreal nature and vibey sound already make this one of a kind. there’s an album too!
“music to sell tickets to” available on bandcamp and streaming
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slack-wise · 9 months
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animationscout · 11 months
Carmen Sandiego | Theme Song [HD] | Netflix Futures
The most recent take on Carmen Sandiego features some gorgeously slick art and animation, like a storybook come to vivid life.
I love the transition from location to location, and the motion blur as she swings from the grappling hook. There is just this polish and shine thanks to the skilled team of Chromosphere. Kevin Dart, whose work I knew from The Powerpuff Girls, helms the Creative Director role.
Be sure to check out Chromosphere's behind-the-scenes breakdown of the intro, including concept art and anecdotes:
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neverendingsatam · 1 year
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Solar prominence liftoff captured while solar imaging today!
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whirligig-girl · 2 years
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Photosphere and Chromosphere of the Sun, sketched while at the eyepiece of solar telescopes.
Disclaimer: This should only be attempted with a safe solar filter on the front of the telescope, or a safe hydrogen-alpha solar telescope. And only if you know what you are doing. Solar observing is the only potentially dangerous type of astronomy--magnified sunlight can permanently fry your eye if you do not know what you are doing.
I took my Coronado PST out today, Monday 2023-January-16 around noon EST, and I was so impressed with what I saw on the Sun that I had to go in and drag my 6" Dobsonian and 5" white light filter to see the Sun's photosphere at high power. And I was so impressed with that that I had to go and drag out my astronomy log and solar h-alpha log, and do some sketches.
Here are two sketches of the Sun, one of the photosphere at 109x with a Baader AstroSolar filter, and the other of the Chromosphere with a Coronado PST at 36x, both using an 11mm Explore Scientific 80 degree eyepiece. The sketches have been scaled to match eachother, since the actual sketches themselves were close to the same size on the page (the h-alpha drawing was a little smaller). The sketches have also been colorized to be more realistic and given a nice black border and eyepiece field circle. The poor transparency depicted is mostly for dramatic effect; the contrast was poor when I went out but got better while I was sketching.
In the Photosphere (the light-emitting "surface" of the Sun) we see white sunlight that has been darkened 10,000x. The sunspots are where magnetic fields are so strong that heat flow from inside the Sun is interrupted, so the surface is cooler and glows more dimly. The heat is redirected to make the outer region of the sunspot brighter, though it's an effect so subtle it usually must be seen through the limb darkening at the edge of the Sun. A subtle bright region, called a Facula, is visible on the leftmost limb.
With the red view we use a hydrogen alpha filter to block out the photosphere and see only light from the Sun's Chromosphere (the dimly glowing magenta-colored upper atmosphere of the Sun). We see sunspots here too, but also eruptions on the edge (prominences) & dark lines (filaments)--these are the same thing but from a different perspective--where magnetic fields channel hydrogen plasma into huge loops. The light spots, called Plages, are yet more regions of strong magnetic field activity.
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Begin image ID
Image 1: There are two pencil sketches of the Sun that have been digitally edited to appear more realistic, on a black background. On the left is a white ball, labeled Photosphere of the Sun. It gets slightly dimmer towards the edge. Four main groups of sunspots are visible as black splotches surrounded by a thick gray border. The upper right sunspot is very large, with a few smaller gray dots surrounding it. The lower right group is a complex group of chains of sunspots. Two small chains of three spots, and one slightly larger chain of two, with smaller gray dots trailing farther right. The lower left group are another large sunspot made of three linear splotches arranged up and down, and a second smaller fainter group to its right. The upper left group are two small black dots with gray borders and a few small spots to the left. An extremely subtle splotchy brightening of the left edge of the ball is visible.
Text reads: Photosphere of the Sun, sketched as seen through the eyepiece. Apertura DT6 Telescope. Baader AstroSolar 120mm OD 5.0 Filter. Explore Scientific 80 degree 11mm Eyepiece. 5″ f/10, 109x magnification. 2023 January 16 12:00 PM EST. Moderate Transparency & seeing.
On the right is a dark red ball, with the same sunspots, except without their gray borders. The image has somewhat less detail in the sunspots, but many more features. Surrounding nearly every sunspot group are bright red splotches. There are also a few smaller bright splotches which don’t correspond to a sunspot group. There are also several dark scratches on the ball, some of them straight and some of them with curves. Mostly they hang around the sunspot groups but there is one very noticeable linear dark scratch in the top middle, between the top left and top right sunspot groups. Faint wispy eruptions can be seen on the edge of the Sun at the 2:30 position, 5:30 position, 8:00 position, 10:00 position, and 11:00 position.
Text reads: Chromosphere of the Sun, sketched and digitally colorized as seen looking through the eyepiece. Upscaled 3x to match photosphere image scale. Coronado PST H-alpha Solar Refractor. Explore Scientific 80 degree 11mm eyepiece. 40mm f/10, 36x magnification. 2023 January 16 12:40 PM EST. Poor transparency & moderate seeing. Sketches by Luna G. Brannon.
Second Image description:
Same as the last image, except the photosphere is larger and labelled 109x, and the chromosphere is 3 times smaller and labelled 36x.  Text reads: Difference in image scale between 5″ f/10 Dobsonian and 40mm f/10 Coronado PST w/ 11mm 80 degree eyepiece.
Third image description:
Sketch of the photosphere of the sun as previously described, but as a pencil drawing on white paper. The page has writing on it which reads MLK Day 2023 January 16 11:58 AM. Sun, DT6 w/ 5″ Baader Filter (so 5″ f/10). ES 11mm 80 degree eyepiece. Amazing sunspots in size, number & complexity. Around the edge of the sun some features are labelled. At 2:00: Enormous Sunspot. At 4:00: complex spot chain. At 7:00: Large Complex Spot. At 9:00: subtle faculae. At 10:00: an arrow pointing away from the Sun labelled W. A ball with stripes is drawn 1/10th the size of the Sun, and a smaller dot 1/2 that size, and an even smaller dot 1/100th the size of the Sun, is labelled Jupiter, Neptune, and Earth, very approx scale.
Fourth image description: Sketch of the chromosphere of the sun as previously described, but as a pencil drawing on gray paper. The sun is bordered by a black ring, with the eruptions drawn over it in white. Sunspots and filaments are drawn in black pencil and plages are drawn in white.
End image ID.
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marywoodartdept · 2 years
Sawyer, our animation blogger, shares the inside look at Kevin Dart's animated Yuki 7 and behind the scenes take on it's inspiration and craftsmanship. #MarywoodArt #Animation #Yuki7
Although Yuki 7 unabashedly wears its map of visual influences on its sleeve, simultaneously, there exists no other series that looks or moves like it. The creative director of Yuki 7, Kevin Dart, credits the look of the microseries to various sources— from “old spy movies, 1970’s Sci-Fi TV shows, Hong Kong action flicks, and 80’s cartoons.” Additionally, it seems 60s Modernism, Low-Poly CGI,…
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smallmouthfrog · 2 years
Have been obsessed with this podcast over the past couple of weeks. Ed is an affable and enthused guide to our rainbow world, and highlights some awesome pioneering women in the history of colour theory. The topics are an accessible and fascinating mix of physics, psychology, history, art, and biology. It's even made me consider going to the actual library to look at actual books!
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quiltofstars · 2 years
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The Sun’s chromosphere on October 8, 2022 // Oleg Pyrozhynskyi
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pangeen · 4 months
" These Prominences made of hydrogen and helium plasma were photographed on 2 May 2024. 90 minute Timelapse, 290 sequences at 20 second intervals, 800 frames per sequence. Captured in Hydrogen Alpha (656.28nm) with a monochrome camera. HA allows the camera to see the Chromosphere which is located between the Photosphere and the Corona. Telescope: Lunt 130mm Double Stack w/BF3400 Camera: Apollo M Max Powermates 2.5 / 4.0 / 5.0 Mount: Skywatcher EQ6R Pro " // © James and Chips
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apod · 24 days
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2024 September 2
A Triangular Prominence Hovers Over the Sun Image Credit & Copyright: Andrea Vanoni
Explanation: Why is there a triangle hovering over the Sun? Although the shape is unusual, the type of structure is not: it is part of an evolving solar prominence. Looping magnetic fields on the Sun channel the flow of energetic particles, sometimes holding glowing gaseous structures aloft for months. A prominence glows brightly because it contains particularly hot, dense, or opaque solar plasma. The surprising triangular structure occurred last week. Larger than our Earth, the iconic prominence was imaged by several solar photographers and documented by NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory to form and violently dissipate in about a day. The featured image was captured in a color of red light emitted strongly by hydrogen. Below, solar fibrils carpet the Sun's chromosphere, while the background sky is so faint in comparison that no stars are visible. Our Sun's surface has been quite active this year.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240902.html
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neverendingsatam · 10 months
Always leave 'em singing.
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