#chronicles of the red king prologue
jumpscaregoose · 1 year
Shaman King (2021) rewatch: ep 1
I decided to rewatch the 2021 anime (again) because it's been a few months since I last sat down and watched it. chronicling my opinions on each episode because why not
I always forget 2021 opens with this scene because literally no other version does lmao. makes sense because the first few episodes are kind of episodic/meandering but with how much they sped it up we get to the shaman fight within 5 episodes? and even though the hao/yoh siblings thing is pretty obvious it still feels weird to put it here
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soul salvation may be my least favourite shaman king op but it still slaps (over soul is the best one fight me. and also go listen to the peaky p-key remix of it. my friend who plays rhythm games sent it to me and they were right. it good)
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absolutely iconic shot it gives me so many brain noises
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manta suddenly being able to see ghosts is never explained, I don't think. takei my guy holy shit
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one day I'm going to take the time to stand on a bridge for a while. not anytime soon I don't have the patience
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I have nothing to say about this screenshot yoh's just adorable. he does look a lot younger in these early episodes too
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I love how despite yoh's general persona his first response to someone messing with his friend was moderate violence
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hyoi gattai is very cool and should have been used more after they introduced over soul. every time they bring it in after over soul (ren vs nichrom, jun vs hon hon in red crimson) it's one of the coolest scenes imaginable
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and so the descent of ryu's hair begins
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I didn't think local smithies were that common until I was talking to my dad and apparently my hometown has one. so that's neat
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totally 100% just friends and not gay at all you guys
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2021 really just throws ren in immediately. it's like prologue over here's an emo with the most ridiculous design you've ever seen. I actually randomly found a jacket like his at the thrift store for like $6 and it's one of my most prized possessions
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and of course the 2021 eds are the best pieces of shaman king animation I've ever seen. they're like those funkuro still images in motion. and this first one is The Best it has pirica in it
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so excited to watch through this series again it's my beloved. I am also watching through 2001 currently but they're Different ok.
episode 1 is fun because I always remember watching it for the first time on a road trip in the middle of the night and just being. so confused. by everything. and now it's just oh yeah ren's hair we've all seen it
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youngestrunningleek · 2 months
Urchin of the Riding Stars
This is gonna be a long one, because I liked this book!
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Content warning: this review will discuss culling “unwanted” parts of the population, and vomit.
Urchin of the Riding Stars is the first book in the Mistmantle Chronicles. It was written by M. I. McAllister and illustrated by Omar Rayyan, and published in 2005.
The book is about the island of Mistmantle, which has a castle and magical mists around it. The protagonist is a squirrel named Urchin. That’s a little confusing since urchin is also a term for hedgehogs, and this is a world with hedgehogs, red squirrels, otters and moles… but that’s his name.
He is an orphan with a prophecy around his birth. He’s also different because he’s honey-colored instead of red, except at his ear- and tail-tips. Yeah, it’s one of those books. It’s not challenging writing, since it’s meant for children, and personally that was just what I needed when I read this.
“Fantasy with small woodland creatures” is a relatively small genre, but this book is one of the best examples of it that I’ve read. This is the first book I’ve reviewed that is truly in that niche, so it’s a great opportunity to talk about the genre as a whole.
One thing that I think is notable is the violence. My opinion is that having little critters, instead of humans, lets you get away with more in a children’s book. The prologue is about a mother in labor, and she’s dead by the second page. Shortly after that, we hear about culling “undesirable” babies. And then we see the body of the prince, a baby hedgehog, after he’s been stabbed. That’s all within the first three chapters.
Some notes on their level of anthropomorphism:
Clothes are optional. They wear them for special occasions, or for warmth.
They might be human-sized? There’s an important detail about marking leaves with claws, like a signature. That implies the leaves are hand-sized. And, the book cover has a sea urchin next to Urchin, and it’s sized like it would be next to a human.
They have priests, monarchy, and marriage. Fantasy often has those elements and you take it as a given, but when there are no humans it does feel a little more odd.
I’m not certain if they live human lifespans, or if they age like their actual species, but it seems like human aging.
Generally, their species matters a lot. Squirrels easily leap, otters swim, moles are short-sighted. At points they use smell to see who has been in a place, and characters walk on all fours. They use claws or teeth like knives.
Overall, I’m a huge fan of this. I like that they aren’t just humans with flavor text. Using claw marks like a fingerprint is pretty unique.
They also drink alcohol. There’s a great deal of giving the king wine so he’ll be drunk and look bad, and then other characters try to give him spring water instead… You can also tell that McAllister loves the word “cordial”. They talk so much about cordials.
I mention that because squirrels probably wouldn’t drink alcohol in real life. Rodent’s can’t vomit, so mice and rats don’t drink alcohol.
People aren’t trying to poison squirrels in the same way, but I’m pretty sure in real life squirrels would not drink alcohol. I do know other animals drink alcohol. I’m less sure about otters, moles, and hedgehogs. Two minutes of internet searching didn’t find anything other than a few cool pictures of Sonic.
They imply a kind of racial hierarchy. That’s pretty common in fantasy, and it’s obviously a whole conversation.
What I found interesting was that it seems to have changed, over the years. At the time of the story, the king is a hedgehog, and squirrels could be considered as second in power. The usurper is a squirrel who wants to be in control. Then, broadly, are otters, and then moles. But in the past, there was a legendary Old Palace made by moles. And even before that, a squirrel was king. There’s also an assassin mole in the modern day who thinks a mole should be king, instead of a squirrel. I really like that the history is bumpy, in a way. It’s not as simple as “hedgehogs always get to be king”. We have a little bit from different species saying “we’re the best”.
Another thing I appreciate is that the person/nonperson distinction is relatively clear. You definitely run into that problem, with books like this, but it’s pretty distinct in Mistmantle.
They kill and eat fish, as well as worms and beetles. Those are clearly not people, and they’re not closely related. It’s not like there are fish-people at the same time as we’re eating fish, or even squirrel-people while we eat rabbit meat.
I’m also tremendously appreciative of what species populate Mistmantle. It would really eat away at me if we had, say, otters, weasels, badgers and hedgehogs (three mustelids and then a whole different family). Or mice, rats, squirrels and moles (three rodents and then the family Talpidae). When it comes to evolutionary closeness, squirrels, otters, hedgehogs and moles feel like they’re on the same level of closeness. It’s just something that really satisfies my brain.
There is some gray area with birds— another island is ruled by swans, who talk. But on Mistmantle they mention birdsong, which makes it sound like birds are just another animal. They never employ the songbirds as spies, or anything. But they also don’t eat bird meat or farm chickens for eggs, so it’s not terribly jarring.
I was pleasantly surprised by the number of female characters. I found myself expecting someone to be “he” and then catching my assumption when the book said “she”. The cast has so many gender-neutral names, like Apple, Needle, Crackle, Spindle, Tumble, and other things that don’t end in -le.
I wouldn’t mind fewer characters, though. Or a list of who’s who.
There’s one case of fridging, IMO. The captain Crispin meets another squirrel while banished, who helps him get through it. But she dies tragically before he returns to Mistmantle. She doesn’t really exist independent of him.
I will say, there’s a bit less sword fighting than I was expecting, and more court intrigue. The middle bit of the book gets a little slow because of the machinations and back-and-forth, but I guess that’s to be expected when it’s Macbeth.
Yes, this book is heavily drawing from Macbeth. We have a traitorous murdering couple who aspire to the throne. The bad guy is supremely confident because he thinks the one thing that could stop him is impossible. He is extremely sleep-deprived because he has nightmares about the murder he’s done.
It makes me really happy to think of all the kids who grew up, read Macbeth in English class, and thought “hey wait a second, this is just like that squirrel book!”
Another small note- squirrels do a lot of eavesdropping and rumor-spreading in this story. Intentionally or not, it’s reminiscent of Ratatoskr! That’s the squirrel from Norse mythology who runs up and down the World Tree sending insults from the bird at the top to the dragon at the bottom.
There’s kind of a lot of baby-culling content. I personally wouldn’t have included so much in a book for young people but, hey, whatever works, I guess?
I would say it’s broadly a good depiction. The good guys want to save the babies even though the bad guy wants to kill them for being “too weak”. The language they use is derogatory, but I can sign off on the overall premise of hiding away the children so they can survive. That’s good.
I really like that Urchin is good with children. That’s a very endearing trait, especially from an orphan who was raised by a community. I don’t know if a young reader would feel the same way, but I liked that he was nurturing in that way.
This book also made me think about connection with nonhuman protagonists. Sometimes people think that a nonhuman protagonist is hard to relate to. But, you’re telling me we meet the hero as a baby squirrel shivering in the cold? You’re telling me we gotta defend a baby hedgehog? Of COURSE I’m attached to that character! Obviously I’m rooting for him!
Some other fun worldbuilding things:
I already mentioned the leaves-as-signatures. There are also capital-T Threadings, which I’m curious about for the future books. They seem like just tapestries that tell a story, but it’s capitalized. So they have to be important!
One of the coolest things is that “falling stars” is not metaphorical. Urchin is “of the falling stars” because he was born on a night when the stars leave their orbits. That’s freakin’ sick!
Also, the illustrations are well done. They’re simple and small, at the head of each chapter, but they get the job done. Good job, Omar Rayyan!
One final note about rats, since rats are my faves: the only mention of them is when the swans call squirrels tree-rats. So, that’s treated as a derogatory thing.
Overall, I am pleased as punch with this book. I was approaching it thinking “oh well, it’s in my genre so I might as well read it”. Maybe it’s just that I needed a light read, but oh boy, I really loved it. I would 100% recommend it as an example of little critter fantasy. I’m going to read the next book in the series right away.
My personal rating: 4
Overall rating: 4
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Chronicles of the Red King: The Secret Kingdom Prologue
Link: https://books.google.com.au/books?id=nQWaokA9WfMC&pg=PP10&lpg=PP10&dq=chronicles+of+the+red+king+prologue&source=bl&ots=R2wHdR8EZz&sig=ACfU3U0R3o9oY-Cn5coS1O_nB0TQpLWWaQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjx8M-60efzAhUV7XMBHcVaALwQ6AF6BAgKEAM#v=onepage&q&f=false
Things to note:
* Charlie is thirteen years old when he is narrating the prologue - at least a year after the events of Charlie Bone and the Hidden King. 
* Charlie canonically helped Paton write the three books in the trilogy detailing the Red King’s story.
* While travelling in Africa and Europe, Bartholomew Bloor heard stories about a magical boy and a flying camel. Eventually he realised that the boy was the young Red King. He recorded the stories in his journals, and Paton looks at them while researching and writing his book.
* Charlie has met an older version of the Red King, by going into the Red’s King’s portrait at the Academy. The Red King was pleased to see Charlie, but never said much about his past.  
* The portrait in the Academy was painted at a time when the king was in mourning.   
* Bartholomew also drew maps pointing to cave wall pictures that the Red King carved nine hundred years ago.
* Paton suggests to Charlie that if he goes to the places marked on Bartholomew’s maps, he can see the carvings for himself and potentially travel into them and meet the young Red King. 
* Paton and Charlie talk about getting Gabriel’s help to learn more about the Red King. Gabriel could put on the Red King’s cloak and use his ability to reach into the Red King’s life and see the world as the king saw it.  
* During the summer holidays, Charlie and Lyell travel to Africa to follow in Bartholomew’s and the Red King’s footsteps. They find the caves Bartholomew mentioned in his journals and see the pictures and mysterious lines the young Red King had drawn. Charlie is able to travel via these carvings to meet the young Red King.
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talesofsonicasura · 3 years
Stone Novas
Prologue: Tail of Three (Revised)
A lone traveller accidentally find themselves in the wrong destination, wrong place and wrong time. Consequences for this unfortunate mistake? Some unwanted attention of a more magical kind. Ch1
Life is a journey. You don't know where you will go, the path to follow or even if there's a destination. What happens next is the decision of the traveller. Some find fortune, others run into tragedy and there are those who get lost.
Sometimes a leap of faith is needed to get back on the marked path and sometimes one needs help from another. Where every individual being will end up one day or there last step is unknown.
This is the tale of one soul whose path interwoven with a group of individuals and changed everything.
Flower Fruit Mountain
Flower Fruit Mountain, this vast mountainous region is home to various types of flora and fauna. You can find all sorts of flowers and fruit trees on the mountain with rarity ranging from common to nearly extinct. A large monkey population lives on the mountain side, a unique one ruled by a king. It said that the mountain housed the temple of a legendary warrior known as Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.
A strange being born from a stone egg who would face harsh trials, the greatest being the chronicle known as the 'Journey to the West'. This arduous challenge led the immortal guardian to be revered as a hero to the innocent but also a dangerous enemy to the wicked. Nowadays the Monkey King is considered a myth to people knowledgeable of him with few believing he still exists.
Even now, the mountain remained peaceful and a location that many would find impossible to travel. Sometimes visitors who do seek out and make it to Flower Fruit Mountain have all been through a fortunate accident. No one had ever ended up there unintentionally.
"Where am I?" A feminine voice spoke through the quiet ambiance of nature. It was smooth like silk, light in pitch and held a spicy zest to the tone similar to hot peppers. The voice belonged to a young woman in her mid-twenties around 5'3 in height who seemed a bit lost.
Bright cherry red hair that curled up at the ends, soft caramel skin to a modestly curved lithe figure, an large X shaped scar across her face that went over bright apple green eyes unharmed, and a patch of freckles decorated her cheeks.
Her clothing consisted of a plain white tee shirt, a pair of black aviator goggles that sat on her head, long red jacket bearing white flairs around the collar and sleeves to mimic fur and the silhouette of a monkey that had a fire crown was located on the back. Deep black jeans with gold Xs across the knee caps, a dark violet wrist brace on her right arm that held a bright red crystal bearing a black fire pattern inserted inside, dark blue sneakers and a large mahogany carrying bag on her back.
The ginger could only scratch her head at the unfamiliar scenery. Shrugging her shoulders, the youth took out a small notebook and pen from the bag and began to write in it. "Ok. I must've been at least off by 19° degrees in latitude and 5° degrees in longitude from my travel route to end up here instead of my intended destination: the Ultra Desert."
The redhead softly hummed as she wrote it down in the notebook. Her muttering had a few monkeys poked their heads out from the leafy brush of the trees in curiosity. "Might as well have a look around since I'm already here." The mystery woman swapped her notebook out for an old vintage camera.
She quickly turned her head upon the sound of ruffling leaves. Whatever it was had vanished as the area became silent with nothing but the sounds of nature. Shrugging her shoulders, the young woman descended into the mountain's deep forest.
During her exploration, the mountain seemed to be home to more than just the vast forest. A large waterfall basin that led to an impressive river, steep cliffs bearing different kinds of vines or moss against the rocks and the oddest being a vast field of different flags or weapons that looked old, even worn. Signs of a former battlefield weren't uncommon depending on the area's history.
Nonetheless, each had a picture taken by redhead's antique camera with a set of notes written down. Although the large number of monkeys she found on the mountain so far was kinda insane. "There must be a lot of these little fellows living in this region! Barely walk 14 steps without seeing one!"
She currently stood in a little clearing filled with a decent variety of fruit trees. The monkeys here were either eating some of the fruit within the foliage or watched the strange human in their territory. Rest of them had their eyes on something that stood silently behind the woman.
A large man around 6'2 in height that was more monkey than human. Peach skin paired alongside brown wild fur, the hair on his head and the rough sideburns were wild like fire, a lithe yet sturdy body from the powerful lean muscle glimpsed through the clothing. Short yet sharp black claws on fur covered humanoid hands, a monkey-like muzzle home to razor sharp teeth, large pointed end ears, thick dark brown eyebrows, and pastel peach markings around hot amber gold eyes and a long well groomed tail.
Two red ribbons were tied to a small gold cap on the back of his head, a red scarf long enough to be mistaken for two was wrapped above a large hanfu robe held firm by an old brass armor chestplate, red hanfu trousers, black boots and a large red sash around a gold hanfu embroidery that ended in blue and red rims. He stood behind the redhead, amusedly looking over her shoulder while she wrote.
Mischief shone in the monkey man's eyes. He kept his presence unknown to the young woman yet stood close enough to easily touch her. "If my brother was here, he would flip out! He will have a lot of inspiration for his new clothing brand. Leona would also be interested in any possible history found here."
She was about to turn the page when her pen slipped out of her hand. Before the redhead could grab it, a long bushy tail caught it instead. Those apple green eyes turned around to see the large monkey-man. "You dropped-" The male's suave, playful, and rich baritone voice turned into a squeak when a foot met his crotch.
She quickly jumped away from the giant ape while he clutched his wounded pride in pure pain. An incident that had monkeys split between laughing or cringe painfully at the sight. "Who or what the hell are you?! A rip-off Infernape?!" Exclaimed the woman at her apparent stalker.
Trying to ignore the pain, the monkey-man stared at the young woman in disbelief and confusion. "Infern-what? You don't know who I am?!" The ginger just stared. She was either going insane or this monkey had a problem. "Sun Wukong? The Great Sage Equal To Heaven? THE MONKEY KING?!"
All he got was a confused look in return, something that shook the Monkey King hard. It was practically impossible for someone not to know of him! How can someone not see the various merchandise, movies, games or memorabilia based on his legends?!!
"Okay… You clearly have a huge ego. Don't see me shouting: I'm Astra Valorous, Frontier Brain of the Battle Observatory!; up to the sky when someone doesn't know me." The woman now known as Astra crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow.
Sun Wukong stood completely lambasted. A problem he'll rectify for the Monkey King skulks up to the redhead with a suave smile. "Then let's get better acquainted with each other, lovely cherry. We can share some peach chips over a movie at my place." He wiggled his eyebrows before bending down to kiss Astra's hand.
She immediately ripped her hand from the monkey's grasp then promptly poked his eyes. A glint of unnatural fear etched in her eyes. The Monkey King howled whilst tightly clutching his head. Wukong blinked through the stinging pain to see Astra was gone. No doubt the young woman used that short moment of blindness to run.
A shadow moving fast out of the forest had the Monkey King look up in mild surprise. The missing redhead sat on the back of the weirdest bird he had ever seen in his life. It looked like a giant crow around 9 ft in size and mostly covered in thick dark ebony armor.
Armor plating covering the wings, bulky steel armor across the body, jagged helm around the beak and piercing red eyes to even metal claws equipped to the talons. Or the fact that the bird was freaking fast despite all the weight on it's body plus the passenger it carried.
"Don't know where the hell she got the bird but I ain't so easy to get rid of! No normal person can reach this mountain after all!" With a somersault, a large gold tinted cumulus cloud manifested underneath the Monkey King's feet and flew after the peculiar woman.
Astra let out a sigh of annoyance much to the concern of her large bird companion. "I'm fine, Siegfried. Never thought there would be a day where an Infernape-ripoff calling himself the Monkey King flirts with me." She patted the bird on the head then looked at what laid ahead of them.
A large volcanic area complete with smoke billowing mountains, scorched earth lined by streams of lava or cracks that glowed from the magma underneath, a literal inferno in the form of an island. "Corviknight!" Siegfried bellowed worriedly at the sight of the molten landscape. Concern for his rider no doubt.
"Don't worry your silly Corviknight head about it. We aren't going anywhere near that place unless needed." That train of thought was derailed from a familiar yell that had hit the redhead's ears. "Oh little miss cherry!" Astra was thrown for a loop upon the sight of Wukong flying behind them on top of a giant cloud.
"Change of plans bud! We need to lose him!" Astra held on tightly to the large bird's back and slid on her goggles before the Corviknight swiftly dove towards the volcanic area. The Monkey King was surprised for a moment until a playful grin spread across his face. "Game of air tag it is! Best to give them a fair chance and a better place to land instead of lava."
With excitement, the sage flew after the odd duo. The landscape proved itself to be dangerous as some of the volcanoes began to spew out geysers of molten rock and large burning smoke at the incoming fliers. Siegfried flew past the geysers, angling his wings to avoid the lava pillars and barrel roll through some of the smoke plumes.
The Monkey King followed close behind on his cloud easily dodging the spires of molten rock and bust through the ash veil unaffected. Astra let out an impressed whistle despite their apparent stalker now reaching the large raven's tail. "Let's kick it up a notch! Agility Siegfried!"
A thin blue aura washed over the Corviknight as it rushed forward much faster than before. Taken aback by the sudden boost, Sun Wukong decided to pick up the pace. Both fliers weave across the jagged cliffs, slip through a landslide of burning boulders and a sharp dive into the hole near the bottom of a rock wall.
Emerging from the other side, the Monkey King was now flying beside Astra and her Corviknight. His tail wagged enthusiastically from the excitement. "You don't give up, do you? Why the hell are ya following us anyway?" The redhead questioned, her apple green burning into the male's sun amber.
Wukong let out a hearty chuckle before speaking up. "I was wondering how you managed to get to my home! Flower Fruit Mountain isn't a place people can get to much less anywhere near my temple! Plus, I wasn't the one who got poked in the eyes and kicked in the nuts!" He gestured to the volcanic area then sarcastically himself.
The redhead stood silent for a minute before letting out a groan of annoyance. "Well, sorry pal, that's a trade secret! I rather not have an Infernape-ripoff following me back to my gym! Let's lose him, Siegfried! Swift!" With a powerful cry, the armored raven spun skyward spawning large yellow stars from its steel wings.
The Monkey King did a quick turn to avoid being swept up by the giant spiral of spinning stars. All of the starry pillar then split apart into golden dust with neither Astra or her avian ally anymore in sight. Wukong could only stare before grabbing one of the small star shaped objects that hadn't collapsed yet.
"Astra Valorous, you're one crafty human. Now I really want to get to know you better!" A soft yellow glow came from the Monkey King's paw. The energy seeped into the star as it crystallized and shrunk to the size of a quarter. Wukong looked at the newly made item curiously before pocketing it and went back to his mountain home.
Megapolis, Downtown
Megapolis, an advanced super city only found in China. Home to various people such as humans and yaoguai, different cultures, widespread technological advances, and many other peculiarities. Downtown of this giant city was quieter albeit more dangerous than it's livelier counterpart.
More shops with a wider yet suspicious line of goods, ongoing construction for apartments or new stores, eerie alleyways and an old theatre run by a mysterious man whose shadow is said to mimic a six eared yaoguai. Currently walking down one of these streets was Astra.
Her Corviknight Siegfried nowhere in sight so the ginger was all by her lonesome in the middle of the night. Bright apple green eyes taking in the various people, buildings and different stores with mild curiosity. In her left hand is a small brochure that read 'Introduction to Megapolis City' and a book in her right that read 'Yaoguai and Mythology for Beginners'.
"So that odd guy I ran into, Sun Wukong, is a monkey yaoguai. The book says that his species are as rare as they're crafty and can be born from objects like stones, bamboo and peaches than just the normal way. Strange but interesting." Astra mumbled to herself, thoughts still on that encounter back at the mountain.
She stopped when something had caught her eye. It was an old shrine with a torn red tapestry hung over the front. Judging from the gate's curved wooden pillars, the style of the green roof, and architecture, Astra assumed it to be a citang type of shrine found in China.
The really interesting thing was the small stand that sat at the front. It read: 'Shadow Fang Theatre presents The Hero and the Warrior'. An advertisement for a shadow play that would start within a few minutes.
"Might as well check it out since I'm already here. Hope I can get a decent seat or even a ticket." Astra then wandered into the theatre. The darkness halls were lit with soft light of various candles, and the redhead could see how old the place was from the fading painted walls, chipping ceiling to the thin dust on various knickknacks.
Sitting on a small chair by the curtain door to the showing room is a man cloaked in a black cloak bearing red flames across it. His face was obscured by the hood but the redhead could make a thin beard on a slightly angular chin. Walking over to the booth caused the man to look up.
Apple green met with dark reddish amber that glinted intrigue. "Hello. May I get a ticket for 'The Hero and The Warrior' please? Or am I a bit too late?" The man took out a pocket watch hearing Astra's question before softly smiling albeit it felt a bit...impish.
"Actually you have good timing. I was actually about to close for tonight if I hadn't got a customer. One of those rare slow days that every shop tends to have." His voice sounded a bit rugged and rough but oddly fit the quiet yet charismatic tone.
"Alright… Crap! Did I forget to exchange some items for the local currency?" Astra grumbled looking into her bag only to accidentally knock something out. It would've hit the floor if the theatre's owner hadn't caught it. His eyes widened upon the object itself, a small red crystal shaped like a four point star.
It wasn't like anything he had ever seen before. "If you give me this, then it'll suffice as payment for not only this showing but a few others if you wish to come back in the future." She juggled the offer for a moment before nodding in agreement.
Astra had been led to the viewing room by the man before he left to begin his show. The young woman decided to take one of the front row seats and sat her bag on her lap. Her bright apple green eyes focused on the white screen of the window box once light soon burned behind it.
The shadow of the puppets then emerged both ironically shaped like a monkey or monkey yaoguai to be accurate. It showed the two monkeys growing up separately, one in the light alongside others with a sun in the background and the opposite raised in the shadows with the moon. It transitioned to the two meeting each other.
A friendship formed between the two as they grew older and stronger. Astra noticed that the monkey who grew up alone or the 'warrior' began to be left behind by his opposite, the 'hero'. The hero grew stronger with new companions, unfortunately leaving his old friend in the darkness.
It soon ends with the two clashing and the hero leaving the warrior in the shadows. Astra remained silent despite the theatre's owner now sitting next to her. "So how was it?" The man questioned inquisitively. She looked at him for a moment and gave a bittersweet smile.
"Beautiful yet tragic. I honestly feel bad for the warrior." Astra, unaware of the man's eyes widening continued. "Growing up all alone no doubt hurts but being betrayed by someone close to you must've broken them. To be forgotten or betrayed can break someone to the point they'll never be the same again. Lost in dark twisted thoughts all alone."
The way she spoke, it almost sounded like a personal experience. Whatever the case, it felt a bit too close to the man as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Astra's eyes grew wide in seconds, instinctive fear burning in those apple greens. She shot from her seat and suddenly slapped the owner.
The blow had knocked him back rather than just losing his grip. Before she could apologize, dark violet smoke burst from the man forcing the young woman to step back. Astra could only groan in pure annoyance once the smoke fades to reveal that the man wasn't human.
He was actually a monkey yaoguai who looked almost exactly like Wukong but bearing large differences. His fur pitch black instead of brown, the markings on his face were larger and red, teeth were sharper, skin slightly darker and he had an aura that radiated vengeful malevolence.
His clothing consisted of a half black and half yellow shanku paired with brown trousers, a blood red slightly worn cape, a black sash around the waist and black training boots. And oh boy did he look mad. "Goddamnit. From a monkey yaoguai that looked like an Infernape-ripoff to one that looks like a bootleg Zarude." Astra groaned to herself, but the obsidian monkey caught it.
"The name is Macaque, Six Eared Macaque. I don't know what the hell a "Zarude" is but I do know that you aren't some normal first time traveler." Shadow energy burst forth between Macaque's hands in the form of a violet outlined shadow staff with spike ends which he pointed at the ginger.
Astra quickly jumped to the side grabbing her bag before that large staff smashed the floor and seats instead of her. She took something from the bag then tossed it into the air. Macaque saw it was a pure red ball around the size of a baseball with a button at the center. Not an ordinary one as Astra cried out. "Bao Chang, lend me your strength with Shadow Claw!"
A bolt of crimson lightning shot from the sphere the very moment it opened. And the monkey yaoguai barely had a second to block a large claw of pure shadow with staff. His eyes widened at the sight of another monkey before him. One he knew wasn't any yaoguai.
The beast stood about 2'11 in size with bright orange fur, a blue mask around amber eyes with a red stripe in-between them and light brown short blunt muzzle that held sharp teeth in a grimace, a small collar of white fur on the neck, gold band markings on the arms that end with 5 fingers yet no normal hand, a long tail with a large flame burning from the tip, three toed feet, and a small spiral marking above its chest.
Their left arm is currently engulfed in a coat of dark violet shadowy claws. Bao Chang quickly jumped back before Macaque could shove the monkey off his staff, the shadow appendage dispersing in seconds afterwards as he landed in front of his master.
"Monfero mon?" Bao chirped, pointing worriedly at the monkey yaoguai. Astra merely shook her head making sure to keep her eyes on their current opponent. "I'm fine, Bao. We have bigger things to worry about!" Macaque let out an amused chuckle as his tail wagged wildly in excitement.
"Good to know my assumption was spot on. Bao Chang, huh? Clearly he isn't a yaoguai, maybe a demon beast? I'll get my answers either way." Suddenly some of the shadows rose from the ground, each taking a violet form of the monkey yaoguai. All of them viciously smiling at the two partners. Despite the increase in the threat, it didn't seem to deter the odd duo one bit.
"He's a Monferno who's going to steamroll ya! Light em up with your Flame Wheel, partner!" Bao leapt into the air with fire burning from their throat and the flame on their tail expanded. The monkey spun his body morphing the fire to form a wheel shaped coat. All the shadow clones manifested staffs of their own and charged towards the burning beast.
One shadow had reached Bao but to Macaque's surprise the copy was eaten away by the scorching light. Almost if the monkey's flames were too intense for it. That fiery wheel mercilessly ripped through a clone before circling around to mown down each doppelganger.
Macaque watched Bao grow faster with every shadow clone the beast destroyed, quickly readying his staff when the flame wheel went straight for him. With a mighty swing, the monkey yaoguai slammed his spiked bo straight into the spiraling wheel of fire.
He didn't expect Bao to quickly uncurl himself so the monkey could grab his weapon by the last second. "Thunder Punch!" Fire became replaced with fierce crackling lightning that coated the right arm. The smaller monkey using the shadow staff to slingshot himself straight at Macaque.
An electric covered fist met the monkey yaoguai's gut which sent the larger of the two simians skidding across the ground. Macaque could feel every single volt from the punch hitting all of the nerves in his body but managed to hold his stance. Small jolts of electricity spark from his body seemingly at random, a sight that made Astra let out a small sigh.
"Just a little more Bao! We have to make sure Macaque doesn't have a chance of following us. Focus Blast!" Cupping their hands together, a large ball of blue energy manifested between the Monferno's palms. Quickly pulling up his staff, the monkey yaoguai swat away the incoming energy fast ball.
Bao kept creating and tossed more of the large energy spheres at Macaque in rapid succession. Each blast that yaoguai struck either broke on contact, was batted away into another energy sphere, struck some of the clones who managed to spawn in the now minimum shadows or were countered by Bao.
With each swing that odd tingling sensation spread across Macaque's body. It soon reached its boiling point as the monkey demon crumpled to his knees. The numbing made his staff disperse and allowed for a Focus Blast to strike him face first.
His back harsly met the theatre walls from where the blast flung him. All of his clones dispersed from the lost magical connection whilst he slumped to the floor. Dark amber orbs manage to spot the large sparks of odd electricity crackling all around his body.
Whatever the case, it had gotten Bao to stop attacking. "Looks like the paralysis finally kicked in. Thunder Punch has a good chance of paralyzing a target upon contact. Sorry about the slap but I have an issue when it comes to particular touches. The paralysis will wear off in a bit but not before we're long gone. Let's go Bao!"
Astra and her partner fled out of the theatre leaving a paralyzed Macaque behind on the floor. It took at least 20 minutes for the paralysis to wear off but it had been enough time for the monkey yaoguai to think. While he began to repair some of the damage to his theatre, Macaque spotted something on the hardwood floor.
Picking it up, he discovered it was a holographic foil card bearing the image of the woman and her 'Monferno' from earlier. "'Astra Valorous, Frontier Brain of the Battle Observatory. Main Pokemon is Bao Chang the Monferno, Fire/Fighting Type.' It seems the Frontier Brain left me a little clue. Let's see what else this card might reveal."
With a soft chuckle, Macaque pocketed the card and continued with his repairs. He had a feeling he would see the redhead again but for now it could wait. There were bigger fish to fry and that fish's name…
...was Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.
And that's it! Sorry if either Wukong or Macaque might be a bit OOC, this is the first time writing either of them. For those who don't know much on Pokemon, I can fill in some of the gaps for ya.
What happened to Macaque during the fight with Bao was a status effect called Paralysis. Basically, it not only halves the speed of the afflicted target but has high chance of making them unable to move or attack.
Frontier Brain are trainers whose skill can rival the Elite Four to even Champions but have their own facility and badge like a Gym Leader. These people are taticians and their Pokemon are very powerful.
I often use Frontier Brain title than the stereotypical Champion for an OC since they are the least utilitized.
Astra only fought Macaque because unlike her situation with Wukong, they weren't in a large open space and the former meant harm. Wukong would've grounded her and Siegfried if he'd caught the two.
The items Macaque got ahold of were a Star Piece and Astra's Trainer Card. Trainer Cards are the equivalent of baseball cards and were introduced in Gen 8.
This takes before episode one of the series but after the special debut. Basically after MK defeats DBK and the city is rebuilt. Macaque's story displayed here is my interpretation instead of the canon one seen in Shadow Play! Also, I took liberty of giving Macaque's theatre a name since I couldn't find the actual name for it.
Until next time folks, we'll see where Astra and Bao ended up!
Btw: This is the pictures for the Pokemon Corviknight and Monferno!
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Update: Corrected some grammar, corrected certain details and such.
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the-historywhore · 4 years
The Chronicles of Æthelstan, and his fiery Wife.
The Prologue.
This doesn’t really follow the story of Vikings, I just really love Æthelstan and wanted him to have a little Viking wifey :)
Part 1/?
“You are troubled, I can see that, Friend.” Ragnar said, his smaller, Saxon friend stood looking out at a small hut on the hill opposite the longhouse of Kattegat. “There is someone who may be able to help you, you know.”
“Who?” Æthelstan replied, his odd visions and confusions within his faith had lead him to be desperate.
As Ragnar had told him, the Saxon hiked up the hill opposite Kattegat. He passed weary willow trees and climbing vines, mushrooms and all manner of nature. The hut on the hill was as small as it had looked from afar, puffs of woodsmoke rising from the chimney. There was a goat skull hung above the door, bones and pieces of horn hung from cords suspended from the canopy. He looked to his feet to see flurries of wildflowers beginning to sprout from the earth, they seemed such a contrast from the mystical charms and trinkets hanging above his head.
“He- Hello?” He called.
The door opened a crack, a striking grey eye gazed up at him.
“Who’re you?” They asked.
“I’m Æthelstan, King Ragnar told me that you might be able to help me” He stated, fiddling with his sleeve simultaneously. The door shut, and then opened again to reveal the owner of the eye. It was a small woman, a very small woman to be honest. She was perhaps shoulder height to him, still broad shouldered and quite obviously a strong Shieldmaiden in her own right. Her grey eyes were underlined with black, smoked out to intimidate her opponent - and her face was framed by short nutmeg hair that swirled and faded into a fiery red. What puzzled Æthelstan the most was the shortness of her hair, it was level with her chin. All the other women at Kattegat had hair that flowed down the plane of their backs, but this woman’s hair barely kissed her shoulder.
“What are you staring at?” She gristled. Æthelstan apologised. “Are you coming in or not?” She snapped.
Æthelstan made a note of her short temper, he was used to many women being quite gentle and soft-spoken around him but perhaps this would be a good change for him, perhaps she would be able to bring clarity to his existence.
As he entered her abode, he took in her decorations, there were coloured candles, various animal skulls, inscriptions hung up on the wall - she had runes and cards on a table as well as a hearth with an iron pot suspended above it. It was clear that this woman lived by her lonesome.
“You live alone?” He asked. She said nothing, but she nodded. A woman of few words, he thought.
“Take a seat by the hearth, could I offer you a drink or some food perhaps?”
“A drink would be appreciated, I ate this morning, but thank you.” He replied.
Æthelstan spied her as she took a seat opposite him, she poured him an ale and handed it to him.
“Are you sure you would not like some food? It is hard to face the evil within your mind on an empty stomach” she asked once more.
“How did you...?” Æthelstan side eyed her quizzically as she smirked at him, she had eyes like a doe he thought.
“It’s my talent, to know and not ask.”
“I wanted to know if you could help me.” He asked.
She scooted closer to him, as he turned to her, he found her eyes fixated into his. This was strange, he thought. Nonetheless she kept his gaze, and he too. It was as if the Norse mystic had hypnotised him and the only thing he could set his eyes upon were hers, like an axehead finally slipping onto its handle.
“You see visions of your god, but you see Visions of our gods too. It troubles you, greatly I see” She acknowledged. He nodded, she was not wrong.
“What do you suppose I do?” Æthelstan asked, he would take any suggestions just to end his torturous dreams.
“I can aid you with appeasing our gods, but I know nothing of how the Christian god can be appeased.” She replied, earnestly. He nodded, he understood. This was like asking a chicken farmer why a cow would not produce milk. This wasn’t her area of expertise. The mystic looked sad, like she wanted to help the Saxon in any way but she knew she couldn’t. “Do these things keep you awake at night, Æthelstan?” She asked, stroking her hand against his beard.
He nodded. They did.
“Ah, now that I can help with. It is enough that you should be tortured during the day - without having the visions at night too.” She seemed to walk to a table and place a collection of dried plants into and small woven bag. She walked over to him, smiled and held the bag up to her nose to smell it. The mystic then passed the bag to the Saxon and he copied her actions, smelling it. The contents of the bag smelled floral and earthy, this confused him,
“How does it work?”
“You place it next to your head when you go to sleep, it helps to relax you and sleep through the night.” She informed.
Æthelstan smiled, he knew of other ways of getting people to sleep that Ragnar had subjected himself to but he thought, perhaps, that this woman wanted to give him something that would be acceptable in his faith. Something that would spare him the pain of more torture from his god. “Come back to me tomorrow and we shall make a sacrifice to our gods, then perhaps we can try to appease your god.”
“Thank you, I didn’t catch your name?” He asked.
“My name is Frida, I shall see you tomorrow Æthelstan.”
Chapters are coming soon!
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
Okay! I have a burning question for you, my dude. Music is my life, and I wanna know what kind of music the OPM casts listen to. Thanks, my guy!
I had a feeling this would be inevitable lol. I don’t really know a whole lot about music or genres or anything like that so I’m just gonna give you a rundown of each character individually and some song recs along with that just to smooth things out a little. Thanks for your ask, by the way! ❤️ Now my playlists will be put to good use.
A Brief Rundown of the Major OPM Characters’ Music Tastes:
Blast: hc that he doesn’t even have ears since he never fucking LISTENS
Terrible Tornado: Stuff that makes her feel powerful. Loud vocals and good instrumentals. Also, she’s a little angsty since she’s saltier than the gotdamn Pacific almost all of the time. (Recs: Florence and the Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful, Susanne Sundfør - Delirious, Florence and the Machine - What Kind of Man, Kali Uchis - Dead to Me, Let’s Eat Grandma - Falling Into Me)
Fubuki: some of that real classy shit. Slow songs that are nice to just have a cup of tea with. Nothing too meaty or fast-paced, she enjoys taking a moment to breathe every once and a while since life gets pretty hectic when you’re managing a gang of some 30 hooligans. (Recs: Wes - Midnight Low, any song from Lana Del Rey’s entire discography lol, Florence and the Machine - Grace, The Marìas - I Don’t Know You, Yellow House - Ain’t Gonna Call, Feng Suave - Toking, Dozing)
Silverfang: Stuff from his time. I hc that he was a bit of a party animal back in his prime so he’s gotta have those grooves. Disco to the extremo. Also, another hc: Garou absolutely hates his music. He would play it during training and Garou would contemplate homicide. (Recs: Frankie Valli - Grease, The Edgar Winter Group - Free Ride, KC and the Sunshine Band - I’m Your Boogie Man, Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride, The Main Ingredient - Everybody Plays the Fool, Andrea True Connection - More, More, More)
Bomb: save as Silverfang, although I hc that Bomb was a little more of a nerd growing up. Still, he never missed out on a good party. (Additional Recs: KC and the Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight, The Trammps - Disco Inferno, Tierra - Together, Cornelius Bros and Sister Rose - Too Late to Turn Back Now)
Atomic Samurai: Old shit. Shit older than Silverfang. He’s really not that old, but his soul is fucking ancient and he’s got that classic “grrr music these days sucks” kind of shithead attitude. (Recs: Jim Croce - Time in a Bottle, Dion - Runaround Sue, The Carpenters - The End of the World, The Band - The Weight)
Child Emperor: Upbeat synth. Stuff to listen to while he’s working on his machines and whatnot. Probably has meaty beats to keep him in tune with what he’s doing, like working around a clock. Probably some groovy citypop in there too. (Recs: Taeko Ohnuki - 4:00 AM, Junko Ohashi - Telephone Number, Tatsuro Yamashita - Magic Ways, Hiroyuki Sawano - NEXUS, Superfly - Kakusei, Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love)
Metal Knight: Intrumentals that Disney villains listen to. Deep, dark shit that makes you feel sad. He probably feeds off of negative emotion. What a toolbag. (Recs: Lucas King - Sociopath, Abel Korzeniowski- Table for Two, Max Richter - Never Goodbye, Max Richter - She Remembers, Evelyn Stein - Quiet Resource, Mac Quayle - Adagio in G Minor)
King: video game soundtracks, obviously. Might be some electro funk in there too, as a treat. (Recs: Metal Gear Solid 3 OST - Snake Eater, Mick Gordon - Rip and Tear, Xenoblade Chronicles OST - Main Theme, Persona 5 OST - Last Surprise, Daft Punk - Verdis Quo, Toby Fox - Hopes and Dreams, Disasterpeace - Prologue, iamthekidyouknowwhatimean - Run, Darren Korb - Old Friends)
Zombieman: Dad Music. Old rock that makes you wanna rail some lines of white thunder and dance on top of a car. He’d be reluctant to try out new stuff but does so nevertheless. Just a little bit of weird alternative here and there. (Recs: Poison - Unskinny Bop, Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood, Black Sabbath - War Pigs, Def Leppard - Animal, CRX - Walls, MGMT - Little Dark Age, Pink Floyd - Money, Queens of the Stone Age - Villains of Circumstance)
Drive Knight: Dark synth, obviously. Need I say more? (Recs: El Tigr3 - She Swallowed Burning Coals, Trevor Something - Enjoy the Silence, Greg Drombrowski - Devour, GUNSHIP - Woken Furies, GUNSHIP - Thrasher, Carpenter Brut - Invasion A.D., Kavinsky - Nightcall)
Pig God: this guy probably just listens to ASMR of people eating food lol.
Superalloy Darkshine: Upbeat stuff that’s good for exercise; loving those new jams along with some of the old. He’s got a pretty groovy style. (Diane Ross - Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Saint Motel - Puzzle Pieces, CRUISR - All Over, Barry White - Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up, Sade - Kiss of Life)
Watchdog Man: 10 hour loop of wolves howling on a summer night.
Flashy Flash: classical. Some nice instrumentals to listen to while training. Stuff that preferably doesn’t have any or very little lyrics so it’s not too busy on his ears while he’s fantasizing about killing someone. (Recs: Vaughn Williams - The Lark Ascending, Debussy - Rêverie, Grieg - Peace of the Woods, André Laplante - Une Barque sur L’Ocean)
Metal Bat: Modern alternative. A little bit harder than say, Mumen and Kama, but not as hard as Zombieman or Death Gatling. He’s that middle ground where he’s still got some real bangers, but Zenko can listen as well. He’ll play this stuff loudly as he’s doing chores and working out, no headphones ever. It gets pretty annoying. (Recs: Foals - Exits, The Blue Stones - Black Holes, Solid Ground, CRX - Broken Bones, Jungle - Happy Man, The Strokes - Reptilia, We Are Trees - Girlfriend)
Genos: synth. But not just any synth, some heavy, fast-paced synth that’s just like him: speedy, relentless, and powerful. He listens to shit that’ll make you wanna get up and start killing Terminators. Probably. There’s some other synths in the mix too because we love a three-dimensional king. (Recs: Carpenter Brut - Division Ruine, The Protomen - I Still Believe, Carpenter Brut - Leather Teeth, Gunship - Tech Noir, TWRP - Phantom Racer, Le Castle Vania - Red Circle)
Tanktop Master: Dad music but the type of dad music that makes you think your dad was a sappy nerd back in the day. Long tracks that are good for workouts. (Tears for Fears - Woman in Chains, Pink Floyd - Us and Them, Duran Duran - Ordinary World, Billy Idol - Eyes without a Face, A Flock of Seagulls - I Ran, The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky, Tears for Fears - Sowing the Seeds of Love)
Puri-Puri Prisoner: Pop. Dance music. He doesn’t really get to listen to a lot of music in prison, so he holds on to whatever he can and savors every second of it. (Coldplay - Talk, Bruno Mars - Runaway Baby, Lady Gaga - Bad Romance, Flo Milli - Beef Flomix, Doja Cat - Say So)
Mumen Rider: Hes a lighthearted, soft boy. Likes some fluffy indie tunes. It helps to motivate him when working out or doing hero stuff. He might need to cry every once in a while though, so there’s some sad songs in the mix too. (Recs: Varsity - The Dogs Only Listen to Him, The The - This is the Day, Amarante - Don’t Look Back, Alvvays - Saved by a Waif, The Monkees - As We Go Along, Acid Ghost - Hide my Face, Mogwai - Take Me Somewhere Nice)
Sonic: same as Flash. He’s a little more hip with the times however, so he’s got some more groovy, electronic instrumentals to listen to in addition to some elegant stuff and isn’t opposed to having a little bit of lyrics sprinkled in there as well. In fact, he’s not opposed to uppity pop either. He thinks dancing is frivolous but he secretly does it when he thinks nobody is looking. (Additional Recs: Odesza - Bloom, Pretty Lights - One Day They’ll Know [Odesza Remix], BØRNS - Electric Love, Hembree - Culture, The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival of the Birds)
Garou: same as Metal Bat. Bang let him have a little MP3 player during his time at the dojo and has since collected a few songs on there. They’re very near and dear to his heart since it’s one of the few good things that came from his absolute disaster of a childhood. (Additional Recs: Foals - Inhaler, CRX - Slow Down, Deep Sea Arcade - Close to Me, Gorillaz - Empire Ants, The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger, Glass Animals - Take A Slice)
Death Gatling: Shit your old Vietnam-vet grandpa would blast on the back of his F150. He gives me self-righteous asshole vibes, if I’m honest. Like, don’t get me wrong, I like Death Gatling, but he seems like the type of trailer park-dwelling sewer rat to carry a revolver into a Walmart for “self defense” and that’s probably the type of music he listens to, too. (Recs: Megadeth - Trust, Megadeth - Angry Again, Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son, Glen Campbell - Southern Nights, Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart, Quiet Riot - Cum on Feel the Noize)
One-Shotter: I hard hc that he had an emo phase he never quite grew out of. He doesn’t quite listen to emo anymore but he’s still into that alternative shit. Homeboy also likes some slow tunes every once and a while because he’s an emotional dude who’s not afraid of a good cry. (Recs: Anything from Blink-182, Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?, MGMT - When You Die, Mazzy Star - Fade Into You, Cigarettes After Sex - Dreaming of You, Yon Ort - Other Matter)
Lightning Max: Same as Genos but without the terminator-killing. Fast-paced stuff because he’s a fast lightning dude. A little more upbeat because he’s not as much as an edgelord as Genos, however. (Additional Recs: Carpenter Brut - Hang’em All, The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize, Worn Tin - Sensitivity, B.E.R. - The Night Begins to Shine, Martin Hall - Different Kind of Love)
Stinger: he’s all about that FUNK! Stuff that gets him moving! Stuff that makes him wanna dance! (Recs: Daft Punk - Doin’ it Right, TWRP - Body Image, Wild Cherry - Play that Funky Music, Chemise - She Can’t Love You, Saga - Wind Him Up, Saga - On the Loose, TWRP - All Night Forever)
Okamaitachi: they give me electro vibes! New, modern shit that’s good to dance to or to just sit down and have a listen! Also, some shit that’ll probably play in a coming-of-age teen movie or something. They don’t really vibe with heavy music and that’s alright, babey! Keeping it light and bouncy. (Recs: Tei Shi - Bassically, Varsity - Must Be Nice, Class Actress - Weekend, CHVRCHES - Richard Pryor, Alvvays - Marry Me, Archie, Sobs - Telltale Signs, Goth Babe - Sometimes, ALASKALASKA - Meateater)
Iaian: Nice, low tunes that are good for meditation and to be used for background noise during training sessions. He never really sits down to listen to music, it’s always in the background of something else he’s doing so he prefers to have some soft beats that don’t really interfere with his senses. Tunes so quiet, he sometimes uses them as lullabies; especially since the trauma of losing his arm has since made it hard to sleep. (Recs: Boy Scouts - Saddest Boy, Susanne Sundfør - Mantra, Vashiti Bunyan - If I Were the Same but Different, Starman Jr. - Blue Fairy, Patrick Watson - Je te Laisserai des Mots, Sibylle Baier - I Lost Something in the Hills)
Bushidrill: same as Atomic Samurai just without the shitty attitude. He’s happy to listen to some newer stuff, he just doesn’t like it and that’s okay, baby! Probably some classy shit your wise old grandpa would listen to. (Recs: Dean Martin - Volare, Dion - The Wanderer, Peppino Gagliardi - Che Vuole Questra Musica Stasera, anything from Luis Miguel lol, Franco Micalizzi - Sadness Theme)
Amai Mask: probably just listens to his own music like a putz. If not, he’s listening to the sound equivalent of glittering diamonds. He’s probably got this shit playing at the end of a long day while he’s chilling in a hot bath or something. (Recs: Fergie - Glamorous, Rita Ora - Hot Right Now, Lana Del Rey - Freak, Lana Del Rey - Art Deco, Tame Impala - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards)
Saitama: He doesn’t listen to music much anymore, sadly. He did, however, have a killer motivational mix to get him through his vigorous training prior to becoming a hero. (Recs: Paul Engemann - Push it to the Limit, Journey - Don’t Stop Believin’, College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero, Joe Esposito - You’re the Best Around, Survivor - Eye of the Tiger, The Bee Gees - Nights on Broadway)
Here’s the playlist with all of these songs in order (mostly):
It’s on YouTube because I’m allergic to Spotify. I’ve got a doctor’s note. Also, all of my other playlists are on my little profile thingy so if you want to listen to my pile then go right ahead.
Thanks for your ask, my dude! ❤️ this took up ALL of my energy lol but it was fun.
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avatarinspirations · 4 years
Avatar Kyoshi music
Here are some songs I like for Kyoshi’s story. It’s gonna get random XD
“Again” by Flyleaf.
“Anything” by Mae.
“Are You With Me” by Trapt.
“Baby you wouldn’t last a minute on the creek” by Chiodos.
“Bionic” by Christina Aguilera.
“Bite To Break Skin” by Senses Fail.
“Breath” by Breaking Benjamin.
“Breathe” by Michelle Branch.
“Broken Crown” by Mumford & Sons.
“Build your own Disaster” by Ice Nine Kills.
“Calling All Angels” by Train.
“Calls Me Home” by Shannon LaBrie.
“Carry On” by Fun.
“Change” by Taylor Swift.
“Change your mind” by All-American Rejects.
“Coffeeshop Soundtrack” by All Time Low.
“Cold” by Crossfade.
“Colors” by Crossfade.
“Crawling” by Linkin Park.
“Dare you to move/Meant to live” cover by Anthem Lights (original songs by Switchfoot).
“Dead in the Water” by Ellie Goulding.
“Demons” by Imagine Dragons.
“Don’t Tell Me” by Avril Lavigne.
“Dust & Gold” by Arrows to Athens.
“Everybody’s Fool” by Evanescence.
“Evil Angel” by Breaking Benjamin.
“Explosions” by Ellie Goulding.
“Fight Song” by Rachel Platten.
“Fix You” by Coldplay.
“Fly from the Inside” by Shinedown.
“From Yesterday” by 30 Seconds to Mars.
“Fully Alive” by Flyleaf.
“Gives you hell” by All-American Rejects.
“Headstrong” by Trapt.
“Helena” by My Chemical Romance.
“Hero” by Skillet.
“Heroes” by Alesso.
“Hit me with your best shot” by Pat Benatar.
“Hit the Floor” by Bullet for my Valentine.
“Hit the Floor” by Linkin Park.
“Hold Me Down” by Halsey.
“HTML Rulez Dood” by the Devil Wears Prada.
“Hurricane” by Bridgit Mendler.
“I’m So Sick” by Flyleaf.
“In the air Tonight” by Nonpoint & Phil Collins.
“Innocence” by Avril Lavigne.
“It Only Hurts” by Default.
“It’s My Life” by Bon Jovi.
“Justify” by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
“Karma” by Alicia Keys.
“Kings & Queens” by 30 Seconds to Mars.
“Monster” by Skillet.
“Move Along” by All-American Rejects.
“My Hero” by Foo Fighters.
“Never Too Late” by Three Days Grace. 
“One Girl Revolution” by Superchick.
“One Woman Army” by Porcelain Black. 
“Only One” by Yellowcard.
“Over & Under” by Egypt Central.
“Papercut” by Linkin Park.
“Prelude 12/21″ by AFI.
“Rain on Me” by Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande.
“Ready to Fall” by Rise Against.
“Rebirthing” by Skillet.
“Reverie” by Megan McCauley.
“Savior” by Skillet.
“Shake It Out” by Florence & the Machine.
“Shattered” by Trading Yesterday.
“So Cold” by Breaking Benjamin.
“Somebody that I used to know” by Mayday Parade.
“Sorrow” by Flyleaf.
“Supernatural” by Flyleaf.
“Tears don’t fall” by Bullet For My Valentine.
“The Cave” by Mumford & Sons.
“The Climb” by Miley Cyrus.
“The Greatest” by Sia --> I especially love Madilyn Page’s cover.
“The Rescue” by American Hi-Fi.
“This is Gospel” by Panic at the Disco.
“To Hell & Back” by blessthefall.
“Waiting for the End” by Linkin Park.
“What have you done” by Within Temptation. 
“What I’ve Done” by Linkin Park.
“Whisper” by Evanescence. 
“You’re Not Alone” by Saosin.
Score Music (Mostly epic)
“A Building Panic” from the Titanic soundtrack.
“Air” from the Angels & Demons soundtrack.
“All or Nothing” by Brand X Music.
“Antrozous” by Hanz Zimmer (Batman Begins soundtrack).
“Attack at the Wall” from the Mulan soundtrack.
“Battle on the Tower” from the Beauty & the Beast soundtrack (the Gaston vs Beast half).
“Birth of a Hero” by Soundcritters.
“Blossoms” from the Mulan soundtrack.
“Bonded for Life” from the Indian in the Cupboard soundtrack.
“Bring the Pain” by Brand-X Music.
“Bumblebee Captured” from the Transformers soundtrack.
“Caeser’s Home” from the Rise of the Planet of the Apes soundtrack.
“Call to Arms” by Two Steps From Hell.
“Chatting with Clark” from the Supergirl Season 1 soundtrack.
“Coffey on the Mile” from the Green Mile soundtrack.
“Destiny” by Filip Olejka.
“Destroying the Corpses” from the Haunting in Connecticut soundtrack.
“Evolve Nation” by Sub Pub Music.
“Farewell” from the Pocahontas soundtrack.
“Firebird Suite” by Igor Stravinsky.
“Floating Away” by Epic Score.
“Glory Seeker” by Immediate Music.
“H2O” from the Angels & Demons soundtrack.
“Here comes the King” by X-Ray Dog.
“Heroes” by Randy Dominguez.
“Jim Saves The Crew” from the Treasure Planet soundtrack.
“Kill ‘Em All” from the Carrie 2013 soundtrack.
“Lacrimosa Dominae” by Immideate. 
“Legion” by Randy Dominguez.
“Like a Fire” from the X-Men: Apocalypse soundtrack.
“Love & Loss” by Two Steps From Hell.
“Marriage Proposal” from the Young Victoria soundtrack.
“Neodammerung” from the Matrix soundtrack.
“Person of Interest” by Immediate Music.
“Prologue” by Jeremy Zuckerman from the Legend of Korra soundtrack.
“Ready for the Fight” by Epic Score.
“Redemption” by Andreas Christodoulou.
“Red Sea” from the Prince of Egypt soundtrack.
“Remember the Titans” by Audiomachine.
“Return of the King” by X-Ray Dog.
“Rise of the Abyss” by Two Steps From Hell.
“Sands of Time” by “Audiomachine.
“Shenzhou” from the Gravity soundtrack.
“Short Hair” from the Mulan soundtrack.
“Silver comforts Jim” from the Treasure Planet soundtrack.
“Superhuman” by Baby Rattle.
“The Age of Man” by Fringe Element.
“The Battle” from the Chronicles of Narnia soundtrack.
“The Burning Bush” from the Prince of Egypt soundtrack.
“The Doll Survives” from the Mulan soundtrack.
“The Fall of Man” by Groove Addicts --> this is the music I imagine when reading the Kyoshi vs Xu Ping An <3
“The Great Eatlon” by James Newton Howard.
“The Huns Attack” from the Mulan soundtrack.
“The Master Plan” from the Mulan soundtrack.
“The Moon & the Superhero” from the Hancock soundtrack.
“Their War Here” by Hanz Zimmer & Junkie XL (Batman vs. Superman soundtrack).
“The Ultimate Gift main title” from the Ultimate Gift soundtrack.
“Tornado” by Hanz Zimmer (Man of Steel soundtrack).
“Trilogy” by ATB.
“War is Coming” by Epic Score.
“We Shall Rise” by Epic Score.
“World on Fire” by Ninja Tracks.
“All I Need” by Within Temptation.
“Arms” by Christina Perri.
“Beside You” by Marianas Trench.
“Back to Life” by Hailee Steinfeld.
“Boom Clap” by Charlie XCX.
“Can’t Help Falling In Love” by A*Teens.
“Crazier” by Taylor Swift.
“Everything” by Lifehouse.
“Falling in Love” by Falling Up.
“Fearless” by Taylor Swift.
“Flashlight” by Jessie J.
“First Time” by Lifehouse.
“For you I will” by Teddy Geiger.
“Hands on Me” by Vanessa Carlton.
“Here in your arms” by Hellogoodbye.
“How you get the girl” by Taylor Swift.
“I’d rather be in love” by Michelle Branch.
"Impulsive” by Wilson Phillips.
“Juliet” by LMNT.
“Love Me Like You Do” by Ellie Goulding.
“Salvation” by Gabrielle Aplin.
“She is the Sunlight” by Trading Yesterday.
“She looks so perfect” by 5 Seconds of Summer.
“Smile” by Uncle Kracker.
“Starving (feat. Zedd)” by Hailee Steinfield & Grey.
“Start of Time” by Gabrielle Aplin.
“Stolen” by Dashboard Confessional.
“Stuttering” by the Friday Night Boys.
“Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran.
“Whenever, Wherever” by Shakira.
“Wish you were here” by Avril Lavigne.
“With Me” by Sum 41.
“Yellow” by Katherine Ho.
“Your body is a wonderland” by John Mayer.
“Your Guardian Angel” by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
“I Lived” by One Republic.
“I’m Alive” by Celine Dion.
“I won’t give up” by Jason Mraz.
“Part of Me” by Katy Perry.
“Release Me” by Agnes.
“Superheroes” by The Script.
“Undefeated” by Jason Derulo. 
“Wild Heart” by Sabi.
“You’re a god” by Vertical Horizon.
Please, feel free to add to this list!
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the dragon chronicles - prologue
(this is gonna be a series of short drabbles very much inspired by shadowy whispers’ “dragon chronicles” series on youtube! it’s an awesome series and i highly recommend it if you’re into asmr!!)
“Seven trites, no less.” The old farmer chewed on a piece of straw as he held his hand possessively on the handle of the woven basket, where five eggs lay carefully wrapped in brown cloth. “These are as fresh as a winter’s morning, they are.”
The marketplace was filled with Sol and Asa’s early morning light. The scent of sweet hay dominated the air as merchants and traders and farmers all shouted out their prices for their goods. So loud they were, that Ahzrel strained to hear the farmer in front of her.
“Seven trites? For five eggs? This is St. Midd, not the capital!”
Old Jack laughed a bit, the wrinkles around his mouth deepening as he smiled. Ahzrel was quite the sight, indeed. Just barely in her tenth year, the suns-kissed child was always running about, this way and that, her mess of curly hair bobbing along after her as she ran errands for the baker. Freckles dotted her tawny skin, as if someone had taken dirt and threw it on her, and she simply decided not to wash it off. “Always the haggler, child. Seven trites. My final offer.”
Ahzrel crossed her arms, sighing as she glanced around at the other farmer’s stalls. “I suppose I’ll have to go ask Danil, then…”
Jack cocked a brow and glanced over to Danil. He was a young, enterprising business man -- as much as one could be in St. Midd, anyway -- shouting out prices for his fresh eggs… Prices noticeably lower than Jack’s.
Well, he was losing business to that lad...
“Six trites,” Jack said.
“Five. No less.”
Ahzrel hummed to herself, counting on her fingers. “One trite per egg… hm. Seems fair.” She reached into the pocket of the small, dirtied apron tied about her skirt and pulled out five copper trites, placing them on Jack’s wooden stall. With no small amount of reluctance, the old farmer handed her the basket of eggs. She shouted a quick thanks as she grabbed the basket and raced off down the south road.
She dodged to avoid the swing of the butcher’s arms as he greeted a friend on the road, ducking under old Miss Partridge’s cart as she delivered her latest batch of fresh bread to her step-daughter’s wife, as she did every day. Ahzrel hopped over a pile of horse dung, scrunching up her nose as she made her way. She paused on the corner-road for breath, when she heard her name being called. With a tired grin, she raised her hand in greeting as a few of her friends waved to her. They beckoned for her to come over, mischievous grins on their faces, but she mouthed an apology and raised the basket of eggs. Then, she took flight again, turning east and bursting into the door of the baker’s home.
“I thought you’d never get here,” Miss Jaesmin said with a smile. She was a middle-aged woman with warm brown skin and a voice like honey. “Got my eggs?”
“‘Course I got your eggs!” Ahzrel bounded over to the counter, gently placing the basket in front of Miss Jae. “I was real careful with ‘em. Walked slow over here and everything.”
“I’m sure you did,” Miss Jae said, glancing at the panting child. She dusted her hands off on her apron, plumes of flour filling the air. “All five?”
“Mhm!” Ahzrel took in a deep breath through her nose. The smells of Miss Jae’s bakery were always the best -- baking loaves of bread, pastries set carefully out on display, sweet treats of all sorts laid out… It was enough to set Ahzrel’s stomach growling. 
“Atta lass,” Miss Jae said, digging in her pocket for something. She mumbled to herself, her brows furrowing as she searched, before she pulled out a silver signes. “Here’s your pay, child.”
Ahzrel took the coin and placed it in her pocket, shooting Miss Jae a bright smile. “See you tomorrow?”
“You better. I may have a special delivery or two, depending on how the day goes…”
Ahzrel nodded and gave a playful salute, before racing out the doors - smacking her head in the process.
Quickly, she glanced around, searching for her friends - ah! There. They had gathered on the road-corner that Ahzrel had rested on earlier. She cleared her throat and walked very calmly and sophisticated-like over to them.
“There she is!” Jessa said. “Just the girl we were looking for.”
There were four of them, three boys and a girl, all older than her. They played rough with her sometimes, and Miss Jae had told her to steer clear of them, lest they pull her into trouble again - but so few others her age would give her the time of day! She could be friends with whoever she so chose, thank you very much.
“Heya!” Ahzrel bounced on her feet. “What’s the plans for today? We doin’ anything --”
“We have a dare for you, Rel,” Mikael said. He was the oldest and the roughest of the group. He liked to play mean tricks on Ahzrel at times, but she figured that teenagers were just like that sometimes. “If you do it, we’ll give you ten signes.”
Ahzrel’s eyes widened. “Ten? I’m not going to steal Danil’s necklace again for you…”
“Oh, no,” Mikael said. The others giggled. “We found an old cave.”
“A cave?”
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Mikael grinned. “They say a dragon lives in there…”
“If there was a dragon,” Ahzrel said, “Then our village would be on fire and we’d all be dead.”
“So, you think there’s no dragon?”
“Nope,” Ahzrel said. “The king killed ‘em all.”
“Except for one, apparently,” Jessa said. “But you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?”
Ahzrel turned bright red, crossing her arms as she shifted from foot to foot. “I just… I found her, that’s all! It’s not like I let it into the village or anything…”
Mikael coughed, interrupting. “Why don’t you go exploring and find out? Who knows? Maybe it’s that baby dragon, and you can make up for letting it go…”
“...That’s all?” She bit back a laugh. “Go to a cave?” That would be the easiest ten signes she’d ever make!
“Do we have a deal or no?”
“Deal,” Ahzrel said, sticking out her hand. Mikael  crossed his arms and eyed her.
“Good,” He said. “Be sure to come back tomorrow and tell us all about it.”
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drkreviews · 5 years
Album Selection of 2019 | July
DuelJewel - Zincite (24.07.2019) [★★★★★]
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Shura (Fighting)
It’s just love
Dead man’s hope
Kikokushuushuu (Crying ghosts)
Red Rose
Jiga (Ego)
Yuki no asterisk (Snow asterisk)
Frantic Emiry -Second Crisis- - Eden (17.07.2019) [★★★★★]
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Cruel Pain
Dusty Miller
Holy Night with Emiry the Witch
Amethyst Rain
Blue Romance
J - Limitless (24.07.2019) [★★★★★]
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the Beginning
Now and Forever
at Midnight
Don’t let me down
Love Song
Falling Star
Come Alive
Can’t Get Enough
Fly Again
Head Phones President - Respawn (24.07.2019) [★★★★★]
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Until I die
Fucking Day
I’m not you
For you
Devil inside me
Life goes on
Ayasa - Chronicle VII (01.07.2019) [★★★★]
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Boureitachi no budoukai (Masquerade of ghosts)
Pied Piper
Shumatsukessen (Final battle)
Mihatenu yume (Impossible dream)
Swan Song
Nocturnal Bloodlust - Unleash (24.07.2019)
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Thank you
Macho of the world
Satanic Corner
Shonen jidai (Boyhood)
Gyze - Asian Chaos (10.07.2019)
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Far Eastern Land
Asian Chaos
Eastern Spirits
King Kamuy
Dragon Calling
Japanese Elegy
The Rising Dragon -Reiwa-
The White Territories
1945 Hiroshima
Asian Chaos -Far Eastern Mix-
Chopin Revolutionary Etude -bonus track-
Oldcodex - Ladderless (31.07.2019)
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One side
Heading to Over
Sight Over the Battle
My Background One
Deeply Mind
Growth Arrow
Falling down
Follow the Graph
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turtlerabbit590 · 5 years
The Big Masterpost
Masterpost of games-
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If the game has a masterpost, it will be linked! Also! If the game is a long series and I have played multiple games, their masterpost will merge, so there won’t be hundreds of masterposts for the same series. You’re welcome. 
How is this post organized? Well, to be quite honest- it could be better. Basically, it’s separated by series, and will continue to remain that way. Keep in mind that this post is constantly being changed and updated, so please understand that. Thank you for being patient.
Assassin’s Creed
Assassin’s Creed II
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Assassin’s Creed: Origins
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
{Assassin’s Creed Masterpost linked Here}
Dragon’s Dogma
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Spiderman PS4
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Detroit Become Human
{currently playing}
Dragon Age Inquisition
Elder Scrolls Online
Assassin’s Creed: Rogue
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India
Fable III
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Complete Edition
{Witcher Masterpost Linked Here}
{To be played}
Fallout 2
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout: New California
Fallout 76
Mass Effect (obtained)
Mass Effect 2 (obtained)
Mass Effect 3 (obtained)
Mass Effect Andromeda 
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption 2
Far Cry
Far Cry Insticts
Far Cry Vengeance
Far Cry Primal
Far Cry 2
Far Cry 3
Far Cry 4
Far Cry 5
Far Cry New Dawn
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (obtained)
Assassin’s Creed III (obtained)
Assassin’s Creed III Liberation (obtained)
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia(obtained)
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China(obtained)
Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry
Tomb Raider(obtained)
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Sleeping Dogs (obtained)
Watchdogs 2
Watchdogs Legion
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Fable II
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age II
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend Of Zelda: Tri Force
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Coded
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
Kingdom Hearts X
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Kingdom Hearts III
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
The Last Of Us
Shadow of the Colossus 
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Until Dawn
Borderlands The Pre Sequel
Borderlands 2
Borderlands 3
The Last Guardian
Super Mario Odyssey
Styx: Shards of Darkness (obtained)
{will be continually added to over time}
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
Day 7 - Fanfic Author Appreciation Week
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(thank you @betty-cooper for this gorgeous gif!)
*waves* Hi everyone! @bugggghead here. Both @theheavycrown and I have been trying our hardest to spotlight every single author in this fandom but did you know there are more than we originally anticipated?!?! Did you know we have so many authors in the Bughead fandom alone that 70 just wasn’t enough?! Because we have too much love to give, we’ve chosen to do some author spotlights on the @bugheadfamily blog as well and spread AS MUCH love as we possibly can!!!
Today is the final day of Author Appreciation Week! So we will be highlighting fifteen authors today and two of their works that we recommend you check out right here!
@quirksandcaffeine (ao3)
It Happened One Night  (E - 7/?)
Summary: "'How about a toast instead?' he said, raising his glass.
'Sounds like perfection,' she said, leaning her elbow onto her crossed knee and placing her chin into her hand, holding up her glass with the other.
'To tonight,' he said as he clicked her glass with his own.
They each took a sip, looking each other in the eye as they swallowed. Her eyes flicked down to his lips as he leaned into her ear. Her heart started beating harder at the smell of his aftershave.
'Go wait for me in my office,' he whispered as he kissed her on a cheek."
Gods and Monsters (E - 1/1)
Summary: "In a land of gods and monsters, I was an angel." Betty, her cheerleading uniform, and her dark side visit Jughead at FP's trailer.
@nimmieamee (ao3)
Three Wishes (E - 18/18)
Summary: Betty Cooper wants to return to a time when her mother was more consistent, Jughead was more hers, and a looming civil war wasn't breaking up her friendship with Veronica. Veronica wants to keep her friendship with Betty and for the town of Riverdale to recognize everything the Lodges have to offer. And Alice isn't being upfront about what she wants.
But at least one of them will see all her wishes come true.
Are We Dark Enough Yet? (T - 1/1)
Summary: Scenes from the town with pep! (That is, Perpetually Enraging Plots).
@cheryllclayton​ (ao3)
I Could Be Your Hero (T - 1/1)
Summary: After a tragic end to her relationship results in bullying and hate, Betty Cooper struggles to hold on in a world where she feels invisible...where she feels nothing except for the siren call of Sweetwater River....And after a nasty encounter, Betty makes a decision that will change her life forever...Will this once vibrant soul be lost to the icy abyss of her sorrow before an unexpected hero can convince her to live...
Til' There Was You (M - 5/?)
Summary: Betty Cooper's life has been anything but easy and at 25 she was still struggling to find herself.
Jughead Jones wasn't the type to go looking for love, but what happens when it finds you? Or more correctly, when it hits you like a ton of bricks when you least expect it....
@shirlygallagher​ (ao3)
What’s Past is Prologue - series (M - 9 works)
Summary: A chronicle of firsts...A tale of discovery...A story of love...~~~
In Between The Sweet Hereafter (M - 1/1)
Summary: What could have happened in that kitchen? Takes place during and after episode 13.~~~
@fictitiousoshine​ (ao3)
Mercy (M - 13/?)
Summary: Innocent and Naive Betty Cooper wants to run away from heinous man who has her captive for years. She seeks Toni’s help for arranging cash but Toni has different plans for her that include Serpent Prince Jughead Jones.
@kazookidissosoabuggie​ (ao3)
A Night To Remember (NR - 1/1)
Summary: Jughead and Betty went through a bad rough patch, something they almost couldn't fix. When they did eventually reconcile, Jughead feels terrible for what he had done to her. After he pulls a romantic stunt, the night they spend with each other turns magical instantly.
Anything's Possible with Us, Cooper. (M - 1/1)
Summary: Jughead punches somebody after they body shame her and Betty finds odd but extremely sexy.
@hbiccjsblog (ao3)
Citas Amor (T - 11/11)
Summary:   Betty Cooper works for Scarlet magazine along with best friends Veronica Lodge and Kevin Keller. Veronica wants to work in fashion but has been stuck on the desk for a couple of years now. Kevin runs the social media plat forms. Betty Cooper well she's a journalist after all. It runs in her blood. After having a very heated conversation with her mum about setting her up with a boyfriend. Before there family holiday to Spain. Her Best friend Veronica Lodge suggests a fake boyfriend. Her publisher over hears the conversation and wants her to write an article about fake relationships.
Touring Flame (M - 9/?)
Summary: Betty Cooper has just been deployed to Afghanistan for her first tour of her career. She is the medical solider for the tour. Joining the army way a spur of the moment decision. If she didn't get through well at least she can say she tried. Jughead Jones was on his 4 tour in Afghanistan. He was the Head of his group. A fairly experienced soldier. He has a heart of steel. He's seen and experienced a lot. He was expecting this tour to be the same as his other tours. Expect this was different. A certain blonde pony tail, green eyes type of different.
@judgejuggie (ao3)
from pink perfection to seduce scarlett (T - 17/?)
Summary:  Betty is living in her sister Polly's shadow, darkness clouding her vision, afraid to show her true colors to anyone. With a little push from a new student named Veronica Lodge, Betty joins the vixens and gains the confidence she has always wanted. Her bright smile and confidence get noticed by Southside Serpent Jughead Jones in a diner at Pop's, and Betty for the first time in her life feels something other than the darkness that's been following her around.
Of course, there will be some obstacles along the way, one by the name of Cheryl Blossom, and the other may be a gang. But Betty wants change, and she's finally ready to go for it.
love and the law (M - 5/?)
Summary:  What if there was more to Betty’s vendetta against Chuck Clayton, more to her darkness? What secret is Betty working to keep buried? Can Jughead help her through? And, what else will come their way? Join this emotional, heart-breaking journey to heal and learn that love really can conquer all.
@jordansconnor (ao3)
some aces up your sleeve (M - 5/9)
Summary:   In Las Vegas, the only things hotter than the summer days are the card tables on the Strip. High roller Jughead Jones lives for the heat, spending his days in board rooms and his nights at high stakes poker games, until the night a mystery girl takes the seat across from him. From that moment on, his luck starts to change in ways he may not be able to handle.
Keeping Up with the Joneses (E - 1/1)
Summary: Jughead Jones is the undisputed king of Riverdale. His grandfather is the mayor, his father owns half the town and controls Riverdale’s shady side as leader of the Serpents, and Jughead is Riverdale High’s student body president and editor of the school paper. His relationship with Betty Cooper, Southside student and new Serpent recruit, could bring it all crashing down.
@soyforramen (ao3)
Cry to Me (G - 1/1)
Summary: Quick one-shot. When Betty and Jughead find themselves stood up by a certain red-head, a little dancing goes a long way.
Persuasion comes to Riverdale - series (T - 2 works)
Summary: Years after he left without a word, an engagement throws Jughead Jones back into Betty Cooper’s life. The only question is, will she let him back in? Or, Persuasion comes to Riverdale.
@srainebuggie (ao3)
Stronger Than Me (M - 11/11)
Summary: Betty Cooper wasn’t like most girls. She was strong and independent, leather was her skin and hitting the punching bag her saving grace. Betty didn’t commit to people, she had fun. When she moves to Riverdale, she shows up at the White Wyrm looking for a job.
Jughead Jones wasn’t like most men in the Southside. He sported his Serpents jacket rarely, lived in a penthouse apartment, and was the owner of their towns infamous club, the White Wyrm. Jughead didn’t give his heart to anyone, he had fun. When a new woman moves to Riverdale, she shows up at his bar looking for a job
As Betty and Jughead spend more time together on the job, will they break their own rules and admit it’s more than just fun?
Future Bughead - series (NR - 5 works)
Summary: Jughead and Betty broke up years ago and reunite at the grand opening of Veronica's clothing store in New York, the dress she is wearing reveals a small tattoo on her ribs, when Jughead notices, he asks about it. At first her face goes red and she tries to ignore her embarrassment, but he pulls up his dress shirt and reveals his own small tattoo on his side 
@sweetbettycooper (ao3)
The INXS Life (M - 8/?)
Summary: Two gangs alike in tyranny both holding two souls that are destined to be forever entwinned.
Was their love tragic or the circumstances around them or was it the events that would occur in the coming months that would make their love the most tragic of all.
Jughead feared on this afternoon in summer, of the consequences that were hanging in the stars.
She was gorgeous. Like the angel of death had come to Riverdale. Jughead new he had to have her.
Or Serpent Jughead meets Ghoulie Betty, forbidden love, Gang wars, Love, Passion.
@witty-tv (ao3)
Exhale (M - 7/?)
Summary: Anxious stoner babes Cheryl Blossom and Betty Cooper have been best friends and roommates since freshman year of college. Cheryl and Toni Topaz are seriously dating, drawing Betty and Toni’s best friend Jughead Jones together. Betty is instantly attracted to Jughead and Jughead is immediately intrigued by Betty. The two become friends, and as they grow closer, Jughead slowly but surely starts to fall for Betty - and eventually Betty shows Jughead the ways weed can help his insomnia.
@dreamer757 (ao3)
The Typewriter (G - 1/1)
Summary: Jughead goes to Betty's house after he opens her gift in 2x09.
The Sad Breakfast Club (T - 11/11)
Summary: A Breakfast Club AU where Archie, Betty, Jughead, Veronica and Kevin aren't friends, but end up spending a whole Saturday together at school.
@merrybughead (ao3)
Announcement  (G - 1/1)
Summary: “I - I know it’s personal, but are you guys thinking about it?" Jughead shrugged him off. “Wait, you look weird.” Archie narrowed his eyes to study Jughead’s appearance, “Are you smiling?” “I don’t smile.” "Why are you so happy?” “Betty and I are just...Happy,” She smuggly stated. Cocking a brow to the side, he said, “Oh, I get it.” “Honestly I don’t think you do,” Jughead laughed which sent his ginger friend into laughter as well.
How were they supposed to tell their friends if they had already been guessing and hinting towards it?
Leather and Cotton - an unlikely combination (G - 1/1)
Summary: In an alternate universe where Jughead was raised as serpent king and has been attending Southside schools. Barnes & Noble, Betty's secret safe place from all the rumors and stress that school brings...until she realizes there's a certain leather clad wearing serpent that is most definitely sitting across from her. She knew men like him. They weren’t after girls like her. She's been compromised. Where the unlikely combination of leather and cotton elicits a spark between two polar opposite people.
Recognize YOUR personal favorite fandom authors because the more love we can spread around, the better.
Our fandom is a vast and wonderful place and everyone deserves a little recognition!
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lokimostly · 7 years
Untitled in Space (Ch. 3/4)
Summary: After Ragnarok, the people of Asgard must learn to forge a new identity, under the guidance of a new king. Everyone must do their part to ensure the survival of their group: but with adventures to be had, mishaps guaranteed, and trouble both inside and out of the spaceship, the journey will be anything but uneventful. Word Count: 3,527  Warnings: Thor: Ragnarok spoilers, blood, bad writing A/N: yay, i’m back, and for the 86th time, i’m sorry for being inactive for so long ;A; please give me feedback <3 
Prologue ~ Part One ~ Part Two ~ Part Four
The noise of Knowhere was overwhelming. The potent smells flooding your nose threatened to make you nauseous. Everywhere you turned, there were too many people to count. A cacophony of voices washed over your ears, both authentic and synthetic, vibrating in your skull as you stepped off the platform.
“One of a kind product, gents, from the fiery heart of–”
“–Blue and Gold X-Model carrier on deck B, your headlights are on–”
You felt your heart leap into your throat anxiously, though you couldn’t tell why. The advertisements had triggered a warning in your mind, that you were in danger … but it disappeared just as quickly as you’d felt it. How could anyone hear their own thoughts surrounded by this noise? It drowned your senses, leaving you wanting for clarity in touch or taste. The desire to run back to your rooms and crawl back into bed was almost overpowering. All you could feel was sound, and it wasn’t until you felt a strong hand on your shoulder that you realized you’d been wobbling.
You frowned, looking up at Loki’s face. It maintained a careful neutrality, but his eyes betrayed concern. A beat of silence passed between you before he let go, shifting his gaze to the moving crowds around you. You could still feel where his fingers had pressed gently into your skin, reminding you of times when he’d held you in his embrace, with both gentleness and strength so profound that you’d felt safe no matter the circumstances.
The sudden, overpowering nostalgia brought a flush to your cheeks, and you quickly cleared your throat, calling attention to the members of your small party.
“We shouldn’t waste time.”
The four of you descended into the massive crowds. You were reminded of being submerged by the waves of the warm ocean foam on a windy day. It surrounded and enveloped you, moving you where it pleased without any real rhyme or reason. But the ocean’s noise was deep and rhythmic, harmonic and synonymous. This was chaos.
“–on the run? Customizable escape rates–”
Before you knew it, you had joined the crowd and were being pushed along by the masses, standing on tiptoes to try and spot the rest of your party. Nervous anxiety rose in your throat again as you tried and failed to identify your friends. All sorts of creatures were here, none of them with the familiar raven hair and emerald eyes you were looking for.
“–scrappers, come to Red Plaza, submit your goods for pawning–”
“–live races starting in one hour! place your bets inside–”
A familiar hand grabbed yours and pulled you to the side of the wide walkway, out of the swell. Loki’s shoulders were set firmly, gauging the crowd like it was a threat. Then he looked down and let out a grunt of surprise.
You frowned. “What?”
He raised an eyebrow, letting go of your hand and bringing his fingers to his lips, as if deciding how bluntly he wanted to phrase his question. “Have you already been robbed of your footwear, no less than five minutes into this excursion?”
A sudden laugh bubbled in your throat and you covered your mouth quickly, shaking your head. “No, um – no, certainly not. They were recommissioned into an arm brace several days ago.”
His expression cleared, nodding in understanding. “I see. That may be our first order of business, then.”
“There you are,” Heimdall called, stepping towards you. While you had blended in with the swarms, Heimdall and Korg seemed to repel the crowds. To be fair, Korg’s size and Heimdall’s sword were both rather rugged and imposing. No wonder they were given space.
Heimdall glanced over the two of you, one eyebrow raised.“I think it would be wise for us to stay together, if at all possible.”
You bowed your head, nodding. “Apologies.”
He raised a hand dismissively. “No need for that. You’re not under my authority anymore, remember?”
This cracked your lips into a smile, looking up at your former partner-in-exile with a twinkle in your eye, wiggling your toes. “Old habits.”
Loki’s eyebrows were pulled into a frown, watching your easy interaction with Heimdall. The two of you obviously had no lost time to make up for. Had you been with him, all this time?
For a god of mischief, he hated this riddle. In hindsight, your initial anger towards him on the ship was unsurprising, and your hesitation now to interact with him equally so – but Loki felt obnoxiously impatient. Why couldn’t the two of you simplify things by sitting together and discuss what had happened? Though, if he were that close to you, he was certain you’d be doing more than talking.
Loki’s eyes fell to your face. He was so busy watching the shape of your lips, thinking of how they would feel against his, that he didn’t absorb the words coming out of them.
“Mm?” his baritone hum was almost dreamy.
You pressed your lips together with a flat expression and repeated your question. “Do you know anything about the city’s layout? Where we can find subsistence resources, fabrics, shoes…”
Loki’s eyebrows raised briefly before he shook his head. “Unfortunately, the nature of this changes all the time. Street vendors move constantly.” He shrugged, reaching up to rub his neck, and chuckled dryly. “Significant landmarks are the only indications that they don’t rebuild the place each day.”
“ – grafted nebula charms, all colors–”
You sighed, nodding. “Better get started exploring, then.”
You quickly became thankful for the height advantages of your companions. They became your eyes in the seas of the crowd, alerting you to stalls and wares you’d expressed interest in specifically. Though Loki had offered to lift you onto his shoulders at one point, you’d politely declined. Just being around him was almost more than you could handle.
Two years. You could chronicle them entirely by Loki. The first few months of denial, unable to believe that it wasn’t another mischievous joke or wicked plot. Then mourning– immersed in a sadness so deep that you couldn’t explain or understand it. The kind that only came from losing friends, or more-than-friends.
And resignation. Leaving the populated city to find solace, and devoting yourself to Heimdall’s mission once Hela returned to Asgard. That had been a safe place for you to heal, to allow Asgard’s forests and mountains to provide you with a sense of safety. You’d begun to think of yourself as one of the elder trees– only a sapling –but standing beneath the bows of ancient giants and knowing, despite all this, you would grow as tall as they had.
And now you were here, and the one person who had caused your life to shift so dramatically in such a small space of time was walking in front of you, eyes flitting over the crowd, strands of tousled raven hair falling over his ears despite the long fingers that repeatedly tucked it back. Acting, for all the world, like he didn’t know how much you’d hurt him.
Perhaps you hadn’t healed at all. The wound felt fresh whenever you looked at him, pulling hard on something deep in your chest that spurned emotional chaos inside. 
“There, past the building on the corner,” Heimdall motioned to something up ahead, speaking over the clamor. “A botanist.”
“Thank the Norns,” You murmured, pulling yourself out of your thoughts and reaching for Heimdall’s cloak. “Lead me to them.”
Your party began moving against the crowd, gradually breaking free of the swell and headed towards the small, inconspicuous stall propped up next to a loudly painted building. Once you were no longer surrounded by a swarm of bodies, your ears tuned into the various hearsays and announcements.
“–lady like some clothes? Several different styles–”
“–couple of healing gems and aryonite crystals, if you’ll come and see–”
“These vendors are shameless,” Loki muttered irritably. The corners of your lips twitched, trying not to smile. Your expression dropped quickly when the doors of the corner building, obviously a bar, burst open, and the noise of the row filled the air.
Two individuals staggered drunkenly in the center of a fast-forming circle, chanting and whooping. They jostled with the preexisting crowd, upsetting the flow of traffic and pushing around wildly as the two began to brawl in the center. Someone slammed into you and you staggered, letting go of Heimdall’s cloak for an instant and immediately disappearing into the swell. You felt panic rise in your chest, amplifying the screaming and shouting around you. Bodies mashed against each other, stepping on your feet and slamming into your body until you couldn’t have told up from down if you tried.
Then you were in the circle.
One of the drunkards – the blue-skinned one – had obviously won the match. He took a few dizzy, unbalanced steps, looked at his unconscious adversary drooling into the dirt, and grinned at you wildly. A pair of hands shoved you forward amidst whooping and cheering.
You grimaced, knowing your numb feet were bloody. Your mind churned, spurring anxiety and bitter thoughts. These people were so impaired, they couldn’t tell you from Korg if they tried. No amount of reasoning would convince them that you weren’t eager to brawl.
The last thing you wanted to do was involve yourself in a bar fight. The man was obviously hammered, and you seriously doubted he’d be much of a challenge sober. Still, you were in no condition to spar on rough ground, in bare feet, and a tattered dress. Your anxiety grew, weighing down your chest and filling your lungs. Where was Heimdall?
Someone in the crowd kicked you hard behind the knee. You shouted and fell to your knees, feeling broken glass cut into your skin, slicing your palms. Your vision blurred red around the edges. You ripped your tattered sleeve and wrapped the soiled material over your fingers, reaching for a long shard of green glass with grim determination.
Fine. If you had to fight your way out, so be it.
The volume of the circle rose as you did, standing unsteadily, gripping your weapon in your hand. The man’s lazy eyes drifted from your face down to the shard of glass, and back up again. His mind registered slowly, an ugly scowl forming on his face. He sniffed, shrugged his shoulders, and brought two fists up. The crowd roared in approval, amplifying the blood roaring in your ears.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek nervously. You didn’t want to instigate this. It would be easier to defend yourself against his sluggish movements than to predict them.
Luckily, he made the decision for you with a swing to your face.
You inhaled sharply and pulled your head back, his knuckles missing your jaw by inches. The ground shook with the approval of the crowd, thrashing around as they taunted the both of you.
Acting quickly, you ducked under his next punch and swung your arm towards his chest. You felt resistance in your arm as your weapon sliced through his leather jacket and the skin beneath.
He gasped, both hands going to his waist in shock, surprised to feel hot pain amidst his alcohol-induced numbness.
You wasted no time in his response, shouting as you raised a foot and slammed down his kneecap, bringing him to a kneel before you swung your other leg up and connected with his jaw.
The noise was deafening. The people swelled all around you, breaking the circle as some of them returned inside, others gradually dissipating when they finally realized it was over.
You stood still, watching the crowds move, your expression pained. Now that you could feel your own heartbeat, the rest of your body regained feeling as well. The most potent pain was your feet, cut open and covered in dust. They stung angrily, sending waves of pain every time you shifted your weight and pressed against open skin.
Maybe I’ll close my eyes, you thought, and end this dream. I’ll open my eyes to the morning sun, and go out to the gardens with Loki.
Loki’s voice was nearly hoarse by now. He’d never realized how truly obnoxious the noise here was. He couldn’t hear a damn thing, not even his own thoughts, which were screaming at him more relentlessly than all the tumultuous sound outside his head. How could he let you slip out of his fingers? One moment of chaos, and you’d been swept away. His stomach churned in self-loathing as he pushed through the crowds, ignoring the vendors and announcements calling out from every direction.
“–one-way tickets to Zandar, tourist destinations–”
“–skin dyes! Multi-colored shades and–”
Loki set his jaw and closed his eyes briefly. He could feel anger simmering below his skin, coming to a boil and bunching his nerves into knots. He’d been up and down this avenue for the better part of twenty minutes, but neither you nor your other companions were anywhere to be found.
He swore quietly, opening his eyes and shaking his head before pressing his lips together. Two shadows of himself stepped out from behind him, slipping through the crowd as translucent green ghosts. It was draining and dangerous, but perhaps he would find you faster this way. That was all that mattered.
The corner building where he’d first lost you came into sight. The crowd outside was still thrashing about drunkenly, though it seemed to have dissipated somewhat. Loki wondered absently if the fight had been at all interesting. 
He came closer, stepping out of the traffic and looking for you. Between three pairs of eyes, his vision was becoming incredibly stretched and blurry. He stopped walking and huffed angrily, flicking his wrist and extinguishing the two shadows. There was no point looking for you when he couldn’t actually see.
Loki counted his breaths as he waited for his vision to sharpen completely, flicking over the intoxicated bar crowd, and noting the blue figure lying in the dust. He raised his eyebrows briefly as the crowd shifted and another figure on the ground came into sight, sprawled on the ground like his adversary.
He was certain there had only been two men in the fight. Then who…?
Loki’s eyes sharpened and came into focus on you, standing in the midst of the crowd like a star orbited by careening asteroids. His stomach dropped when he saw blood splattered over your feet, crimson dripping from one wrapped hand. Your eyes were far away, staring off into the crowd as if your soul had already departed to someplace warm. Then your legs buckled.
He ran, hitting his knees against the ground as he caught you. You gasped, dropping the shard of glass as his strong arms wrapped around you, lifting you onto his legs and leaning back on his heels to keep your bloodied feet off the ground.
“You really need shoes,” he laughed weakly, grimacing internally at the break in his voice that betrayed how frightened he was. But you hadn’t noticed. Instead, you laughed, your own chest shaking as you dropped your head onto his shoulder. You stayed there for a moment, the pain in your muscles lessened slightly by his closeness, holding you firm, still and quiet despite the chaos around you.
“I’m glad you’re here,” you admitted ruefully, wincing as you leaned away from him. “I don’t think I could’ve made it back if I tried.”
His eyebrows pulled together slightly and he stared at you for a moment, his eyes deep and quiet as they searched your face. His silver tongue laid still in his mouth, choosing his words with scrupulous care.
“If you wanted to be found,” he said finally, his voice low, “then I swear I’d never rest until I reached you.”
Your lips parted in surprise and you stared at him, repeating his statement over in your head. Loki must be joking. But his gaze was so earnest, flickering over your face with nothing but fondness in them, that you felt unbidden tears spring to your eyes.
You reached up quickly, making a motion of brushing your hair out of your face, making sure to whisk away any tears. Now was not the time.
You inhaled deeply, nodding, waiting for the beat of silence to pass before cracking a weak smile. “So, shoes?”
His eyes glossed over slightly and he pressed his lips together, keeping his expression carefully neutral. Loki slung one arm under your legs, grunting as he stood with you in his arms, and shifting you slightly with a nod.
“I do think that’s our first order of business.” He shifted his shoulder to gesture down the alley. “There’s a leathersmith a little ways down.”
You nodded absently. “There, then.”
Loki tightened his grip on you and began walking, holding you close as you travelled through the crowd. From this higher point of view, it didn’t seem as daunting, but no less loud. You settled your head onto his shoulder again and closed your eyes, letting the waves of noise wash over you.
“–bidding starts in 30 minutes! Dri–”
“–be right back, I left my lights on–”  
Your eyes snapped open. The feeling of dread you’d experienced before had returned, clenching the airways in your throat. Loki felt you tense in his arms and looked down, slowing his pace.
“Are you alright?”
You nodded, silently chastising yourself for giving away your anxiety. Besides, there was nothing you could do about it now. You fingered with the torn hem of your sleeve, stretching the fabric as you tried to pull it over your wrist, but to no avail.
“Shoes for the lovely lady?”
You realised Loki had reached the vendor. You stammered slightly, coming out of your thoughts. “Um, sorry. Yes, I need–”
“No need to apologize,” the wrinkled woman rasped. Her stall was simply a blanket, with various chests and leather pieces surrounding the old chair she sat in. Her lined face had a curious expression, almost scheming. “Show me your feet.”
Loki knelt on the blanket and set you down gently, keeping an arm on your waist as you pulled up the ragged hem of your dress. If the woman noticed your state of disrepair, she paid no mind to it– or to the dried blood on your soles. Her aura felt charged with forced serenity, as though she existed in a constant state of willing herself towards calm. Somehow, you were unsurprised when she ran over the dried blood with a wet rag, murmuring under her breath.
You felt Loki tense as soon as she touched your skin, his fingers stiffening against your waist. You reached back with one hand and set it on his knee, glancing at him with eyes that said it’s fine. He stared back at you with equal resolve, but shrugged his shoulders moved his hand away from you, turning his head to watch the crowds pass.
“Never let someone buy shoes with dirty feet,” the woman spat, although her bitterness didn’t seem aimed at you in anyway. She folded the now-stained cloth and set it aside, standing up slowly and rummaging through one of the open chests. You vaguely wondered if the shoes were clean. Considering her aversion to unkempt feet, it wasn’t entirely unlikely.
Her gravelly voice drew you from your thoughts once more. “Try these.” She held a pair of soft brown boots with hard soles. You reached out to take them, your torn sleeves shrinking back and exposing your red-stained wrist from where you’d held the shard of glass.
The woman’s eyes flickered to your wrist as you took the boots, licking her dry lips. The wrinkles in her face were deepened as she squinted, tilting her head to watch you put them on.
“Get in a skirmish?”
Your heart skipped a beat and you fumbled with the laces  as you tried to reply. “Y-yes. Nothing bad.”
“I’d hope not,” the woman said, sounding like she meant the opposite. Her eyes were fixed to the red stains on your hands. You watched her, slowly tying a knot in the first boot. Suddenly the air felt uneasy.
She knelt down quickly, her face twitching as she smiled. It was an unnatural, stiff expression. “Here, let me.” Her bony fingers reached for the strings and you let go reluctantly, glancing to look at Loki. His eyes were glazed over as he looked around, obviously absorbed in thought.
Suddenly the woman snatched your wrist and you shrieked. Her yellow nails dug into your skin and her wrinkled face contorted in a wicked smile.
“Thought so,” she crooned, tightening her grip on your wrist. 
You gasped in pain as her nails pressed painfully against your veins. Below her fingers, engraved on the skin of your inner arm, was a faded red code.
Thanks for reading, the tag list is still open! <3
@deans-little-huntress, @adventure-awaits13, @donkeysblog, @be-fantastic, @lloyd-g, @asometimestroubledmind, @superfangirl2004, @eleniherondale, @deefified, @alijulia87, @hayleysangston, @nihilistic-lampshade, @ohimjustpeachykeen, @undiscoveries, @cykvcii, @kayla-mayhem, @westoftheglass, @kjones533, @bittersweet97blog, @asexualmarauder, @meunicorn, @dudebrosquadfam, @xclo02, @astudyoftimeywimeystuff, @shieldmaidn, @captainxcam, @dreaddoctorsraeken, @doct0rstrange, @cakeisforchumps 
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
Danganronpa: Multiverse of Despair
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cmZeKl
by Micbot37
Attempting to get to Professor Oak’s lab Red now finds himself trapped within a mysterious city with 23 others. The situation, they are trapped in that city for the rest of their lives. The ticket out… murder.
With a total of 7 chapters Red will have to work with the other ultimates to explore, investigate, and discover the mysteries of this island. All while resisting the impending despair and figuring out two questions.
1. What’s going on back on their home worlds? 2. Can they get through without a body discovery announcement? 3. Will anyone even survive?
All art in the story is done by myself unless said otherwise in the corresponding chapter.
Total Chapters: 7 Current Position: Prologue
Words: 5969, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Metroid Series, Persona Series, Octopath Traveler (Video Game), Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game), Fire Emblem: If | Fire Emblem: Fates, Metal Gear, Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy VII Remake (Video Game 2020), New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Star Fox Series, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Kingdom Hearts (Video Games), 光神話 | Kid Icarus (Video Games), Dragon Quest XI, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong Country, 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney, ARMS (Video Game), Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Red (Pokemon), Min Min (ARMS), Sakuraba Neku, Akechi Goro, Meleph | Mòrag Ladair, Otacon (Metal Gear), Wolf O'Donnell, My Unit | Kamui | Corrin, Revali (Legend of Zelda), Elizabeth (Persona Series), Higana | Zinnia, Zero | Niles, Tifa Lockhart, Hero | Luminary (Dragon Quest XI), Tressa Colzione, Pit (Kid Icarus), Princess Rosalina, Samus Aran, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin, Oma Kokichi, Zero (Rockman), King K. Rool, Kasugano Sakura, Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa)
Relationships: undecided but not likely
Additional Tags: Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Fan Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Crossover, Multiverse, Character Death, Murder, Murder Mystery, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Post-New Dangan Ronpa V3, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Spoilers, Post-Dragon Quest XI, Persona 5 Spoilers, Persona 3 Spoilers, references to many games, Post-Octopath Traveler, Post-Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Reader-Interactive, video games - Freeform, Dimension Travel, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cmZeKl
0 notes
ygdraen-blog · 7 years
The Fate of Ysiwena.
Tumblr media
While a hundred bestial throats roared supernaturally, the massive battering ram smashed against the golden gates of the City of the Roses. The proud defenders rained arrows down on the attackers from the battlements and unleashed the most powerful magic they knew, but nothing stopped the demoniacal advance of the war machine. A single blow by the head of the battering ram, carved in the grotesque form of a demon’s head, smashed the wood into splinters and melted the magic gold strengthening the defenses. A wave of pitiless warriors flooded into the beautiful streets. The tide of black cloaks and red armor swept through the avenues and trampled the gardens, setting fire to the first houses and defiling the temples. Hundreds of merciless warriors yelled for blood and slaughter.
The last defenders stood before them. Soldiers in bright golden armor and spotless white cloaks formed the desperate defense of the White Tower, the last bastion of the Powers of the Law that was left in the whole continent. War spread through the streets and avenues, across parks and squares and into houses and mansions. Dozens of skirmishes took place across the city, and the defenders fought gallantly and bravely in a desperate hymn to valor and heroism. Thousands of souls arose to the Holy Halls that tragic day, thousands of  the Birthkind died before the most absolute evil and diabolical of powers. Swords rose over and over again, blood stained the graceful statues along the Avenue of the Kings, and the screams of the dying filled the schools and colleges.
So unstoppable was the advance of the hordes of Death that in a few minutes the defenders were taking cover behind the bodies of their comrades at the foot of the Tower of the Rose. While clouds thundered in the sky and darkness spread over the world, a thin wall of bright white cloaks formed around the tower, bastion and pillar of life. Amongst the faithful here were warriors who had come from every corner of the continent, soldiers who had never failed a mission. They now watched with terrified eyes as the crazed beasts attacked them again and again. The flashing blades of the protectors repelled the attacks of the Vloen and Selaen time after time, massacring entire lines of Nuimbrans and destroying armor and shields. The sounds of battle crazed the soulless beasts, which threw themselves against the line of defenders, howling promises of eternal torture.
But not even the strongest of defenses could withstand such powerful attack for so long without weakening. The Selaen invoked their powerful Daertacks, and the sinister figures of demons with massive jaws threw themselves against the guards. Magic reverberated between the allied lines, and the Daertacks writhed under a hail of fire and ice, lightening bolts and unleashed power. The magic caused the ground to split open, buildings were cracked by the pressure of brute force, and the proud towers of the palaces of the nobles fell while the battle continued. The lines of the defenders were dispersed into isolated groups, and they all fought fiercely, knowing that nobody would leave the streets alive. Lightening exploded over the combatants while the storm approached, imposing and impassive before the massacre.
Through the attackers, illuminated by the occasional flashes of lightening, strode the tall figure of a man, valiant in appearance and firm in gaze. He was dressed in simple black garments, and his cloak was darker than the very night around him. His black hair moved in the wind, while his face, which was beautiful and sadistic, showed his delight at the massacre. Galbert, the Lord of Death, walked toward his goal with his sword Loarnar in his hand, gloating over the innumerable souls being laid to waste by swords and knives. The Tower of the Rose stood before him, a spiral of pristine whiteness surrounded by flames and smoke. It was far higher than any of the other tallest towers on the continent,  and its beauty moved the souls of the faithful who looked upon it. Minarets emerged from its surface, and at the top an open ivory rose formed balconies of hanging gardens. At the bottom of the tower a single crystal door gave access to the inside. This door was flanked by a small lake, and it was protected by three captains of the defenders.
They were wise and powerful warriors, and alone they were capable of defeating entire armies. The combined force of their magic did not even touch the flesh of Galbert, and their weapons did not even scratch him. The Lord of Death was the greatest warrior who had ever existed, powerful amongst mortals in a way that had never been possible before. His dance was simple and elegant, his sword killed the three captains, the last of whom fell infuriated to the ground, clutching his cut throat. The gaze of the lord moved upwards, and then came down to rest on the lake. Around him, his troops were finishing off the last of the Birthkind who had opposed his plans. Raising his evil sword, Galbert invoked the power it held and thrust the black blade strongly into the life-bringing water.
The water boiled and bubbled, while foul steam arose from it and the bottom of the lake turned into corrupting black slime. The stain of evil spread through the water, darkening the crystalline liquid. The stain spread to the base of the tower, growing while the lightening of the storm and the sounds of battle thundered, splintering the crystal door. Galbert walked inside, and climbed the stairs while the tower was consumed from the bottom up, its surface becoming scaly and oily. With each step he took and each step he climbed he came closer to his goal. Galbert had killed with his own hands the few powers of light that had opposed his designs. He was death and was approaching life to smother it and destroy it. His breast heaved with longing, and his eyes watched the doors that gave access to the rooms occupied by the Lady of Life. He was enjoying her suffering in advance, and took delight in desperation.
He knocked the door from its hinges with a blow of his hand, and strode firmly into the unsullied room. His gaze sought the Lady of Life. A figure was silhouetted against one of the windows. Slim and beautiful, dressed in white cloth and gold armbands, she was waiting for him. Galbert strode over to the woman. When he reached her, the corruption spread swiftly across the walls, while it withered the gardens and destroyed the charm of the most sacred of places. The woman was holding a white rose and was looking at the floor. Her hair flowed over her face and shoulders, and her hands were trembling slightly.
The Lord of Death approached his nemesis. For long moments he delighted in her defeat, in the stain of black corruption that surrounded her, moving closer and closer to her delicate feet. While death encircled her destiny and the threads of life left her, Eeilina, Princess of the Roses and Lady of Life, raised her face and looked with her iridescent eyes at Galbert.
And the Lord of Death saw neither fear nor anger in her eyes, and noticed that a single tear was running down her cheek. While Eeilina turned into a black rock, an onyx statue in the midst of a burning and corrupted city, Galbert saw that she was crying out of pity for him. In silence he put out his hand and while the pale pink cheeks turned to sinister black he plucked off the tear she had shed. For the first time since he had felt the power of death in his blood, Galbert looked at someone with fear in his eyes.
The first drops of rain fell among the flames of a thousand fires while the savages yelled. The pitiless Selaen spread out along the walls, and the butchery lasted for three days and three nights, while heaven cried for the death of the Lady of Life. During these three days, Galbert, Power of Death and the Lord of all the Armies of Nuimbra, did not move from where he stood, his hand firmly closed around the tear.
This is the Prologue to Chronicles of the Princess of Magic...
Illustration by the excelente Enrique Vegas...
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elysianempire · 8 years
The Multiverse chronicles: Book 1; The Beginning;Prologue
Zene Moath is pronounce Zeni Mo-th
0 BM(zero Before Multiverse)
 He was in his second century but had the appearance of a twentyfour year old and was shackled, heavily bruised, shirtless, covered in wounds and crimson designs that painted onto him, he was escorted by the guards to the courtyard. The courtyard was crowded with townsfolk, guards, and a few city/state rulers or also known as lords; one of which was his friend, comrade, supporter, and spy. He also spotted other former comrades.
When he and guards reach the middle of the crowded courtyard  the guards shoved him to his knees in front of the king with an inquisitor, several bowls on a table behind them with for maids behind it, a red oval shaped stone, and an old,worn, and tattered book. The guards chained him to the ground, there was a large design carved into the ground, taking up a fifth of the courtyard  and that he was in the middle of it.
“ well Zene how does it feel to have your army abandoned you at the sign of defeat,” the king asked smirking.Zene glared, saying nothing.
“Very well, inquisitor,” he said, his tone that of disappointed before becoming serious as he turn to the table behind him.
The four maids walked to the north,west,east, and south positions of the design, each holding a small vase when the inquisitor open a scroll vertically and begun reading its contents, “ Zene Moath you have been charged with crimes against the capital including treason, warmongering, piracy, slaughter of thousands of innocents, and oppression. You shall be cursed to reincarnate for the rest of existence.”  
When he was finish the maids poured a scarlet liquid from the vases into the trenches of the carved design. When they emptied out the vases the maids then went back to their original positions behind the table when they emptied out the vases, as the liquid filled in the design.
The king turned back to Zene with the old worn down book in his right hand and the crimson stone in his left,with a smirk.
“The liquid is a mixture of the blood of your captured comrades and a liquid version of this stone as well as the paste on you was made from the same mixture. This stone is also made of your comrades,” he said holding the scarlet stone between his index finger and thumb for Zene to see.
Zene’s glare transform into a death stare, struggling against the chains to reach the king. A few in the crowd gasped, others were afraid but most shared the same look as Zene’s even a few guards had the same facial expression.
“This is what happens to traitors but don’t worry the same thing isn’t going to happen to you. No, you're going to be the first to test out a new sentence,” the king said. “You’ll be forced to live with inhabitants of other universes, you’ll reincarnate every time you die, and as long as this curse is placed on you you will never return back here.”
He open the old worn out book, holding it as he read its contents, “stone of blood curse this fool to reincarnate and to wander for all of existence, never able to return to this realm again as long as he can reincarnate.”
The stone began to glow a bright crimson when he finish the chant. He quickly handed the book to the inquisitor, who quickly took it. The king then clapped, going to his knees at the same time and touch the stone against the scarlet mixture on the outer edge of the design. The mixture glowed the same crimson color as the stone when it made contact with it. A red beam erupted inside the design, filling it. Zene’s screams could be heard from within the beam. The air around the beam was tainted red before erupting into a bright crimson huge, blinding everyone.
When the light faded Zene had vanish but for Zene, he was in a white void with huge stone french doors. The doors open and multiple long black arms drag him in as the doors slowly closed at the same time.
“I guess he was cast out into the multiverse,” the king unsurely said.
“But your highness how can you be sure he’ll never be able to return,” a male lord nervously asked.
“I can’t but even if he does he’ll be too mentally traumatized from reincarnating  to be a gravely serious threat. Even so if he does return I'll  modalive an army at the moment word reaches me,” the king replied.
The maid of a female lord that supported Zene’s army asked, “what’s the resistance going to do now,”only audible enough for her master to hear.
The lord turn to entrance/exit of the courtyard and started walking at the same smiling, she replied to her maid in the same tone, “We’ll wait. Zene will return with help and more eager than ever.”
Zene awoke to the feeling of grass against his face. He stifle sat up with a groan, putting his hand on his forehead. Feeling that his hand felt different,strange,wrong, Zene brought it down and was shocked to see his hand changed. It was a black and blue pattern clawed hand. Zene looked over the rest of his body finding had change into that of his species’ mythical cousins; The Beast. He look at his new surroundings,his new environment,his new home.  
*No, he has to find a way home,trillions of trillions will die if he doesn’t, trillions more will be tortured, the inhabitants of the multiverse will become slaves to the king, he has to finish what he started,*Zene thought as he stood up and began exploring the new landscape.
“That’s just who he is,” the lord said with a smile to her maid.
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