#chubby girls and gays - i love you and i’m here for you babes
bl00dhoundsfang · 2 years
i swear bro, when this semester is over, i’m writing some cute/filthy fics with the Men of COD x PlusSize!Reader (gn). too many of y’all cater to skinny white girls in your xReader fics and i’m SICK OF IT. SICK AND TIRED. i do NOT have a narrow waist and porcelain skin, i have BROWN SKIN and a MUFFIN TOP and my thighs rub holes in every pair of pants i own, aite??
also i’ve always had a headcanon that König prefers chubby girls/bois and absolutely nothing and no one can convince me otherwise. he’s a big boi, he’d want someone that he wouldn’t snap like a twig, u feel me?
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bl--ankhaeji · 4 years
Pairing - Jisung x chubby*Reader
Genre - Fluff
Warning - Suggestive content, insecurities 
A/N - Soo this is a Jisung timestamp but this is done differently than how most do their timestamps also the Jisung in this is different than “usual” Jisung just to let y’all know. He’s getting older so I feel as if the content in here is not that bad and if any of you have problems with Jisung being a regular teenage boy with hormones then oh fucking well. If you want to keep seeing him as a child then this is not for you.  
W. Count - I don’t really know I didn’t look this time but ik it’s longer than I intended
As you laid sideways across your bed trying to find the perfect position. You heard your mom in the kitchen cooking what you hope is dinner. Your stomach wailing as soon as the thought crosses your mind. ‘Ah I found it’ you think as the immediate comfort of the perfect laying spot begins to set deep within your body.
 You take a look at your phone and start back reading your story that was shining on the screen. It was starting to escalate as the currently featured side gay couple finally stopped lying to themselves and admittedly jumped each others bones. You feel the little tingle start in the pit of your stomach, it was just getting good when a message came through.
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
Come play mario kart with me 
But I just found the perfect laying spot 
And my mom’s cooking dinner 
Tell me why I should get up and come over? what’s in it for me 
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
Maybe because you love me and dont wanna see me
 suffer from boredom 
Do I really love you that much though?
That’s the question of the hour
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
First off that hurt 
Second of course you love me or else you wouldnt be 
dating me for 7 years now 
You forget about that time we broke up in fifth
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
That was for ONE DAY ok 
If you come over I promise to let you win at mario kart
     “What the hell?” you exclaimed slightly outraged at the bullshit he just sent to your phone. Sitting up you feel the competitiveness start to spike. “Did he really just challenge me like that?”
     You get out of bed and start to put your shoes on, “He knows damn well that I can beat his ass without him ‘letting me win.’” 
Stop fucking lying whore you know damn well I can 
beat your ass I mario kart 
See now I have to come over and whoop you at your
own video game
I’ll be over in 10
     Part of you knows Jisung said that on purpose but that didn’t stop you from taking the bait still.
     Walking out of your room you go into the kitchen and see your mother almost done with dinner, the sweet aroma of the food has your mouth watering, stopping for a second you ponder if you should really go play mario kart. 
     “Hey sweets, dinner is almost ready.” your mother turns to you and smiles, taking in your jacket and shoes and she looks at you questiongly.
     Walking around to your mom you give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as you grab your car keys that sit behind her. “Hey I came to let you know that I was gonna head over to Jisung’s for a little to beat him at mario kart. He threatened me so I have to show him what’s up.”  Hearing your statement, one that she has heard before, your mother laughs and gives you an ok before she recommends just staying the night, knowing that you won’t be back anytime soon. 
     Thinking about it you go and pack a bag. Going towards the front door you’re about to step out when your mom calls you back in the kitchen to which you see her sitting at the table with a plate of food as she slides a container with enough for both you and Jisung. “Thank you mama.” you say smiling so wide that it almost hurt, feeling happy that you get to eat some of f/f(favorite food).
     “You’re welcome sweets. Oh and before I forget, be safe.”
     You left out a huff of air telling your mother that you will be careful driving so she has nothing to worry about.
     In a sing-song voice she goes,“That’s not what I meant.” As you open your mouth to ask what she meant she cuts you off by sliding something across the table. 
     “Mom...what is that. ‘Please don’t let it be what I think it is.’ But as you read the box your fears are confirmed. It is condoms. “Mom what the- EW mom no it’s not, we’re not-” she cuts you off with a raised hand. 
     “Sweetie you’re not in trouble. I know you and Jisung have been together for a very long time, and I trust and love you both. But you’re of the age where you do things like that and you may not feel comfortable telling me, but love safe sex is nothing to be ashame-”
     Never having been this flustered in your life you frantically tried to get her to stop,“MOM. I…” Fidgeting with your hands you start to awkwardly look around the kitchen as if it was the first time you had ever seen it. “...We don’t do those types of things.” 
     “Ok darling, but you never know what might happen.” She states with the smuggest look on her face, winking as she hands you four condoms. “I’m not endorsing it but I know that if you want to do it then there’s nothing I could do to stop you so take these. Also you might want to go ahead and get to his house, your phone has been buzzing for a while now.” She states whilst she started to eat the food that was on her plate. 
     You couldn’t get out of that house quick enough, seeing as how you almost fell walking out of the door. Settling down in the car you release the biggest cringe you’ve ever had in your life. “AHHH ew what the fuck was that!” you exclaim feeling the condoms that burned in your pockets, as if they were trying to set your pants on fire so that they could get put to good use. 
     Finally calming down your phone buzzes with another message from Jisung. You see that he’s left various messages questioning where you are or what's taking so long. Some stating that you must be dead. You shake your head at your silly boyfriend as you reply to his many messages. With a light sigh you put the key in the ignition and back out of your driveway.  
     It was then that you started to look back at you and Jisung’s relationship. You guys started dating in fifth grade when you both got dared to spend seven minutes in heaven at you guys long time friend, Jeongin’s, birthday party. He still holds the fact that the only reason you too got together was because of him, but ever since then you and Jisung have been going strong. 
     Except for that one day in fifth grade when you guys broke up a week after you had gotten together because Mina Jameson had convinced you that Jisung would never want a ‘bludder whale’ like you. Ha jokes on her she’s had five STD’s this year alone and at least two pregnancy scares and she didn’t even know how to say blubber so who’s on top now. 
     Ever since you were a child you’ve always been bigger than most girls and it did make you feel insecure for a very long time, but if it wasn’t for Jisung who reassured you and showered you with as much love as he could every time you slipped you don’t know what life would be like. 
     You loved him with everything you had. 
     You and Jisung had never gone past small makeouts. They barely even involved tongue, there’s no way that things would just escalate tonight out of basically nowhere. Right?
     Yea. Anyways Jisung is too shy for that even though sometimes he could be a cheeky asshole and I don’t know if I’m ready.  
     Seeing that you’ve made it to Jisung’s house you take a look at the time and see that it had been almost two hours as it was 6:45. Damn, well at least I brought food. 
     You greeted your soft looking boyfriend clad in a hoodie that is slightly big on him and Nike joggers, he almost tackled you to the ground when he saw the food in your hands. When he asked what took so long you just told him it was the food. You guys ate the food that your mom gave you and started playing mario kart.
     After about 15 rematches most of which you won Jisung’s mom called him into the living room. She had an emergency at work and she wanted him to know that she wouldn’t be back till tomorrow.
     “So babe, what are we gonna do now? We could watch a movie or...” Jisung whispered, trailing off as he got in bed next to you and started to survey every inch of your face. It felt as if he was looking into your soul. You felt like he could see every single flaw on your face and you did not like it. As soon as he started leaning in moving his hand to your pillowy waist your mind flashed to the conversation you had with your mother. 
     ‘Is this it? Does he want to do it?’ Overwhelming thoughts started to cloud your mind and pretty soon you found yourself jerking back once you felt the tip of his nose touch yours. The sound of the sheets moving filled the room as you stood up off of the bed. 
     “Uhh it’s getting late, A movie sounds nice I think I’m just gonna go shower right quick and we can watch the movie when I get out, ok?” You state as you quickly gather your shorts that you brought and a hoodie out of Jisung’s closet, and rush into his en suite bathroom almost slamming the door behind you.   
     Turning on the shower to make sure he didn’t hear you, you immediately start to whisper shout, “Ah! What the fuck was that, who the fuck was that and what did he do with my boyfriend. Jisung has never been like that before.” Tying your hair up you hop in the shower feeling the water pelt your skin as you decided to forget about it, but you couldn’t deny the twinge you felt in your stomach every time you thought about how he looked when he stared at you like that. 
     The movie was boring so you guys decided to play games again. Only for Jisung to see that he was about to lose against you in Mortal Kombat and in an effort to be a little bitch he tackled you. Now wrestling you yell at him in mock anger for ruining the game before you could kick his head off. As you flipped the both of you over so that you were on top you started to pettily slap his arm. 
     “Ahh Park Jisung you dick! I almost won why’d you do tha-” You had gotten too comfortable and loosed up your legs that were caging him in and he was able to flip you mid sentence. It was then you noticed what a compromising position you both were in, it looked somewhat akin to the basic missionary. 
     Letting out quickened breaths you started to heat up as Jisung stayed in between your legs. You could see the slight perspiration sort of dampen his hair. The game made a sound that surprised you a little causing you to sort of jerk your body. At that Jisung let out a groan that sounded like it was painful. 
     Your body alerts and you start to question him,“Jisung I’m sorry are you ok? What happened?” A ferocious blush starts to race across his cheeks. He avoids your eyes and tells you that it was nothing and that he’s fine.
     “Jisung stop lying and would you let me up now, you’ve been laying on me for a while an-” Cool slightly wet lips touch yours. A little startled at first you tense up but then his lips start to move against yours and the tension in your body slowly unwinds till nothing is left but pure bliss. His lips slowly caress yours and this feels like nothing you’ve ever felt in your life. The passion and the want that he puts into kissing you has you going crazy. 
     Once a steady rhythm is set you move your lower body in an effort to get comfortable and Jisung groans again, and you immediately feel something against your leg and you get flustered because now you know why he groaned and you feel like an idiot for not figuring it out sooner. 
     Jisung wants more, more of you, more of this. The high that this is putting him on is euphoric and for now he doesn’t want to stop. He didn’t say anything but when you came out of his bathroom in his hoodie that fit just like a dress because of the height difference and the illusion that you had nothing on under got him so riled up that he almost couldn’t breathe. It was always like that when it came to you. He loved you so much that it was at most times suffocating. He slips his tongue out of his mouth and just barely grazes it against your bottom lip as if he was testing out the water temp in a pool. 
     You feel something wet against your lips realizing that it was Jisung’s tongue and you quickly almost embarrassingly so open your mouth to let him in. His tongue ventures farther into your mouth and for a little bit there you both are, in the middle of the floor in his room exploring each other, tasting each other, and it is as if there is no one or nothing in the world except for you two. 
     Soon enough without realizing Jisung starts to slowly grind his semi-erection right on to your heated core. The feeling was heavenly and neither of you wanted to stop. 
     He lifts off of your lips so that you both could breath but he soon started to kiss all over your neck, and you throw your head back and release a moan that sounded like heaven to his ears. Grabbing your soft plushy sides he starts to feel anywhere that he can and you tense up out of slight fear at what could be his reaction. He runs one hand down to your thigh, lifting it so that it’s placed on his hip softly squeezing while the other starts to make its way to the hem of your hoodie pulling it up slightly, and that’s when the thoughts came. 
     You quickly pushed Jisung off of you and sat up trying to pull the hoodie as far down your body that it could reach. You looked toward Jisung to see that he had a blush the color of a strawberry and his lips were swollen to look even more soft and inviting than normal. Standing up you rush to his bathroom and close the door leaving a severely confused and turned on Jisung on the floor.  
     Looking toward the mirror, multiple hickies are splattered across your neck and when you lift your hand to rub against them you jolt a little at how tender they were. You could also see where it looked as if you had taken a shot at the kylie jenner lip challenge. But that wasn’t where your mind was at, you were focused on what just happened out there. Thoughts of Jisung possibly seeing your chubby stomach riddled with stretch marks made immediate panic course through your veins. 
     You normally were so good with not thinking about things like that Jisung having helped you be able to get here, but now when he was on the precipice of Jisung seeing your body you couldn’t think about anything but the possible disgust at what you really looked like. 
     It’s not like you didn’t trust him or anything but when insecurity strikes it strikes hard. You consider telling Jisung about these feelings considering you always have in the past, but what if he feels as if you’re doubting his love for you and he gets mad.
     You realize that you’ve probably been in the bathroom for a long time and you didn’t want Jisung to worry so you muster up the courage and with a determined release of air you open the door. Only to see that Jisung is not where you left him. 
     “I wonder where he’s at?” You speak into the air until you wonder what time it is and see that it’s 10:15. ‘WTF we were making out for that long’
     Thirty minutes have passed and Jisung is still not back. As soon as you get up to go look for him he walks into the room. 
     “Where were you? You’ve been gone for a little over half an hour.” 
     Jisung looks at you and when he sees your truly confused face he shyly thwarts his eyes and lifts his hand to rub his neck at the realization that he’ll actually have to explain. But before he can you see his shy gaze and it clicks in your mind what he could’ve been doing regarding what you felt earlier. Biting the inside of your lip you tell him nevermind stating that you already know. He apologizes and says he had to do something because he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.      
     The last fifteen minutes have been filled with an agonisingly awkward aura in the air. You and Jisung have been sitting up against the headboard of his bed staring at some movie on tv but you knew that neither of you were actually paying attention. Jisung’s warm hand slides toward yours and upon contact you jump up and away. 
     “Babe what’s wrong? You’ve been jumpy ever since what happened a while ago. Is everything ok? Did I do something wrong?” Jisung asks with slight guilt in his voice thinking he was the problem. You told him no but he didn’t believe and you kept trying to deny his accusations saying that you were just tired but he wouldn’t take that for an answer.
     He grabbed your chin and sort of gently forced you to look at him and when you saw his warm eyes filled with nothing but love you had no choice but to break down and tell him. 
     Hot salty tears ran down your face and he took his thumb and used it to wipe your tears as you described what happened when he tried to go under the hoodie. You had to continuously reassure him that it was not his fault, but your own. 
     “I promise Jisung you did nothing wrong. I love you so much we’ve been through everything together. It’s my fault for feeling this way even when you constantly shower me with love. I just sometimes, I feel like you shouldn’t like me and when you tried to reach under my hoodie it’s just like I didn’t want my fears to come true once you see my body.” 
     “...Babe I- I don’t know how to approach this like I want you to know how much I truly love you. I honestly love your body so much but I don’t want you to think that's all though.” Jisung stated nervously mildly irritated at himself for not being able to properly express his feelings for you. Starting to think you honestly couldn’t believe why you didn’t trust him. He was your mouse, your tall boi, your marshmallow, your love, and possibly even your life.
     “C’mere” Jisung stated in his deep soothing voice as he pulled you into his lap in a straddle position. 
     What Jisung didn’t know was that you loved whenever you got to sit in his lap, it made you feel giddy inside. 
     Jisung totally knew that you loved to sit in his lap.
     “It’s ok, we don’t have to rush. If you don’t feel comfortable showing your body too me yet then that’s ok...One request though.” He states with a small smile and a single finger held in the air. “Can we at least keep making out like this because I’ve been holding myself back and after tonight I don’t think I can do that anymore.” He promptly flashes a slightly cocky smirk to which you answer with a smack on the arm earning a laugh from him. 
     Wondering why you even date him you give him a lingering kiss on the lips and snuggle into his chest. 
     “Y/n, I noticed that earlier when you were talking about what happened you called this hoodie yours. I just wanted you to- ACK stop choking me- AKKK.” 
Although he was currently being choked he was happy, because he knew that you were ok.
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homosociallyyours · 6 years
2,7, 29.
GAY ASKS!!!! thank you, love!!
2) whats your “type”?I have often said that my types can be lumped together in a non-conflicting grouping of 3 of the following 6 traits: tall, dark, and awkward/short, chubby, and jewish. My first gf was tall, awkward, and jewish; my long-term crush was short, dark, and jewish. My most recent ex was short, chubby, and awkward. 
BUT ALSO! idk, it’s weird? I’ve been more attracted to femmes for the past few years (my last sex hookup was with a lovely hard femme babe who’s tall, fat, and...self possessed, actually. But in that queer awkward way we all know and love. Sometimes I’m attracted to men who are tall and lanky and a bit like the human equivalent of greyhounds? Listen basically my type is awkward af, but very comfortable with that fact. 
7) are you a morning time gay or night time gay?LOL the most night time gay ever invented
29) what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have?UMMMM my coming out to my mom was hilarious and uncomfortable, and it’s possible I’ve not told this story here? So. 
My mom actually asked me if I was gay when I was a sophomore in college, and because I was totally clueless I told her I wasn’t. I mean, I didn’t think I was! Then a year later I realized I was maybe gayer than I’d initially thought. But I didn’t see a reason to come out to anyone, because I really hadn’t dated anyone at all and I didn’t wanna say “mom and dad, I fuck girls,” so much as I wanted to say, “here is my girlfriend, whom I love as I love all women, that is to say: gayly.” 
So fast forward to the summer of 2005. I met my first girlfriend at a cruising party and then hooked up with her after a butchies concert about a week later. It was magical. We were in love in a very first girlfriends sort of way. A college friend was getting married, and my gf offered to road trip with me down to the wedding (she was the consummate driving gay) and then spend some time with my fam. Which meant it was time to come out. 
I called my mom and started talking to her about this and that, and then said, “oh, and I have some good news! I’m coming to visit. Friend is getting married, and the person I’m seeing has a car, so she’s going to drive us there and then she’ll come back up with me to meet y’all.” (I thought I was being smooth, just throwin’ in that “she” all casual style.) 
Mom comes back with, “um, did you say she IS a car?” 
I laughed and made a joke about it (”my girlfriend the car”) and then the conversation kept going, relatively chill. It was awkward but funny! The next day my mom called to literally cry about me never having children, unfortunately, but she got over it pretty quickly and was always sweet with every person I dated. She would ask about them and include them on cards/gifts and such. She was a good, mostly
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the-voice-of-hell · 3 years
Rent is Theft, part 23
Read from the beginning here, read the previous chapter here.  Note:  My MC is a Filipina trans woman and I am not.  If you have notes on that or anything else, hit me up.
      I turned on the fans, turned off any lights I’d missed before.  Don’t panic.  The quick increase in the heat was counter to what the internet said about concrete, but maybe that was just because it’s a rather thin layer of the stuff.  Nothing supernatural in that, right?
      We drank our water.  I unlashed the twine that bound the ottomans into my fake bed, so we could space our bodies out a bit more as we lay there.  I retied them into two beds, as much as I didn’t want the extra labor.  You lay on three ottomans in a row, they’ll slide apart on you over time, and your body will be unconsciously tense as you try to hold them together.  That would be more work, ultimately.
      So we were on two improvised mini-beds, three feet apart, like a Hays Code era film about a married couple.  No implied fucking in this household.  The conjugal bed is hidden in the attic, along with the gay stuff and prospering criminals and other contraband concepts.
      “Did I apologize for this yet?,” I asked.
      “Yeah, stop doing that.”  She rolled the bottle on her forehead.  The cooling effect wouldn’t last.
      “Maybe we should talk about something to take our minds off the heat.”
      “I can’t think of what.  I don’t wanna tell cute stories when it’s like this, because when I think about the story after that, I’ll think about being hot.”
      “Yeah.  I could play music.”
      “But... same thing.”
      “Oh yeah, even worse.  I know whenever I hear a song I’ll remember other stuff that was going on when I played it before.  Maybe we’ll just talk about cold things, see if we can trick our imaginations.”
      “I don’t think my imagination is that good.”
      “Alright I thought of something I can do, but will you be OK just layin’ there alone?”
      “You’ll be here with me, right?”
      “You bet.  I was gonna go on my laptop and try to get more job interviews.”
      “Good idea.  Thank you, Courtney.”
      “You don’t have to say that.”
      I got my laptop out of the living room and brought it in.  I knew running it in that heat was a bad idea, but was getting desperate.  I lay down on my belly, chin propped with a thin pillow, arms dangling over the edge of the ottoman to my compy.  I turned it on.
      It took only a little longer to start up from nothing, but once I was past the loading screens, I found performance still very laggy.  Slow background startup operations, I’m sure.  But I had a bad feeling and kept my eye glued to the bottom right of the taskbar.
      I was waiting for a specific program to load - one that monitored motherboard performance.  I wouldn’t have to open it, because once it loaded from startup, it would display the processor temp right there in thumbnail.  A useful little thing.
      The thumbnail was only part visible glowing red beneath a pop-up window from the program.  “Excessive heat alert.  Shutdown recommended.”  Shit.  That made it official.  I couldn’t afford for my computer to melt now, so I turned it off.
      “My computer won’t work.  There goes that idea.”
      “Ugh.  I’m sorry.”
      “We apologize a lot, don’t we?”
      She seemed like she wanted to turn her head to face me, but that it would be too much exercise in her current state, and gave up after the most fleeting glance.  “Sorry about that.”
      “Love you.  I’ll think of something to talk about.”
      “OK.  Just remember.”
      “Nothing that will remind you of this later.  Roger.”  I drank my warm water and pondered it.  There was another knock at the door.  Fine.
      The doorknob was as hot as a hot shower now, initially shocking to the touch, but not scorching.  I got it open.  “Deandre.  Kids.  Pretty messed up, huh?”
      Deandre said, “Yeah.  Feels like we should all get out while we can.  This can’t be safe.  What are the odds they see us if we just use the stairs, go down one more floor, and hide out in the hall?  Ain’t nobody lives on that floor.”
      Knobby asked, “Are we gonna be alright?  I’m, eh, gettin’ kinda...”
      “I don’t know guys.  You could try it, I just...  I’d hate so much for any of us to get caught now, y’know?  It makes me sick.”
      “Heat can make you sick,” said Olivia.
      “I know it,” I said.  “I say, do what feels right.  I can’t tell you what to do and I wouldn’t want to.”
      “That’s the problem.  Nothing feels right,” said Deandre.
      “Well, until you make a move, drink plenty of water and rest as much as possible.  Guy said one hundred twenty-five degrees for three hours, but that’s up there.  Shouldn’t be that bad down here.  It shouldn’t.”
      Me and Leimomi drank more water, as best we could.  It’s hard to chug when your body is starting to cook like a hot dog.  I searched my mind in increasing desperation.
      “Erotic Grime thriller.”
      “What?  Why?,” she asked.
      “Because it was the first thing I thought of, and the less we think of that guy sexually, the better.  You won’t wanna remember this later and you won’t.”
      “Heh.  Fuck it, OK.”
      “So Grime is a fast-paced computer programming man in the fast-paced world of computer programming.  The office is abuzz with activity.  It’s crunch time.  That’s when a product is about to hit a big milestone and we’re lagging behind expectation, so we all have to work extra hours.”
      “You’re there?”
      “Naw, no thanks.  Funny I was thinking of myself as part of that world.  I never do that, these days.  Maybe it was because I’ve been looking at job listings.
      Anyway, Grime is burning the midnight oil.  He’s wearing his skinny jeans and one of those ‘communist party’ t-shirts that has Karl Marx and Lenin with lampshades on their heads and bottles in hand.”
      “Don’t know that one.  Hard to imagine.”
      “It’s a bright red t-shirt.  It shrank in the wash a little bit.  Not enough he would throw it away, but a tighter fit than he’d usually go for.  In the cold late fall weather his nipples are pressing against the cloth.”
      “Yeah, they’re ‘green’ buildings, so management skimps on AC in summer and heat in winter.  So Grime is there, nippin’ out, but typing so fast, like Sick Boy in Hackers, green matrix code raining down across his screens.  He’ll win the day.”
      “Does he have cool sunglasses?”
      “Is that hot?”
      “We’re all too hot right now, Courtney.”
      “His midnight black wraparound shades are ink dark portals to a level of Hell that is pure ice.  I think there was one of those in Dante’s Divine Comedy.  But yeah, frost is forming on the keys.  He has to step back, lest he freeze the whole desk like a liquid nitrogen bath.”
      “I can’t imagine it.”
      “Point is, he’s sexy action cool.  And he thinks he’s alone, but he’s wrong.  A sound from several cubicles away makes him leap for the katana at his deskside.”
      “Like a ninja sword?”
      “Exactly.  They let guys have those if they have enough corporate spirit.”
      “His blade flashes like blue lightning, but nobody falls to his deadly moves.  He sees a guy step into the hall.”
      “A guy?  Huh.  A guy?  Are they gonna..?  Is there a girl in this one?”
      “No way.  It’s old school slash, baby.”
      “Does that mean..?”
      “Yup.  So he sees the guy stretching and is embarrassed.  He tosses the sword into a nearby cubicle, hoping he isn’t noticed.”
      “What’s the guy look like?”
      “He’s a silver fox.  Name is Michael Haeckel, he’s like six foot four.  Not chubby like Grime but not too skinny either.  You can tell just because he’s that tall and has big hands, he’s packing *redacted*”
      “Whoa.  Is he real?  Did you used to work with him?”
      “Is it OK to make a dirty story about somebody else?”
      “I dunno.  We’re getting broiled like baby back ribs in here.  Ethics can wait.  Anyway, Michael was kinda sleepy and started to get *redacted*”
      “Can that happen?”
      “If you’re sleepy enough and you are packing *redacted* in my story.  So the outline of *redacted* is pretty visible in his acid wash jeans, and Grime is like, whoa, shit.  He hopes he wasn’t noticed.  He lucked out.  Michael does notice his situation though and picks up a clipboard fake casual to hold over his *redacted* while he goes to say hi.
      ‘Hey Graeme,’ Michael says.  ‘Hey,’ says Grime.  They talk about work, and how other guys don’t have the dedication like they do, to work so late on crunch.  Randomly, the subject of donating to charity comes up.  All the tech boys do it for tax breaks.”
      “That’s nice.”
      “It would be better for the world if any of those pricks paid their taxes.  Michael mentions that he’s giving to some LGBT charity.  Grime says that’s cool, but wonders why Michael feels like that’s a good one.  After all, he’s married to a lady and stuff.”
      “He says he’s actually bi.  One time in college he had sex with a dude and feels like it was beautiful and nobody should be judged for love.  Grime is like, cool, but you have been with nothing else but ladies forever.  Do you still feel bi?”
      “That seems rude.”
      “So does the funky bass music starting to play out of thin air - the sounds of love are soon to come.  Michael says, ‘Yeah,’ and they have a big moment.  Sexual tension in the air so thick you could cut it.”
      “Hm.  He’s six foot six?”
      “Silver fox?  Like a furry?”
      “Sure, why not?  So the guy says, ‘Maybe my wife doesn’t mind if I do stuff sometimes,’ and Grime is like, ‘Oh shit, I’ve never been with a dude before.  Is this really happening?’  And Michael is like, take it slow, and they do.”
      “Like taking off their clothes slow and stuff, or *redacted* slow?”
      “The first one.  Michael suggests they just watch each other *redacted* for a few minutes, see how it feels.  Grime and him are alone, think it’s funny.  Why not take advantage?  They *redaaaaaaaacted*”
      “Cool.  But I can’t *redacted* myself right now.”
      “Good.  That would be unethical, maybe.  I don’t know, whatever.  So the guys are showing each other what they got, and Michael is like, ‘Damn, Graham, what you wanna do now?,’ and Grime says ‘Graeme,’ but kinda chokes on it because he’s *redacted* like it’s water in the desert.  Oh. reminds me, drink some water, babe.”  I did the same, hard as it was.
      “So,” I continued, “Grime is *redacted*  Michael has to push him back a little and say, ‘Easy there, tiger.’  And that makes Grime all sad because he was fixin’ to experience *redacted*  That thing is too magnificent.”
      “What’s it look like?”
      “It’s like a white dude’s *redacted*, y’know, all *redaaaaacted, includes missile metaphor*”
      “Wow.  Haha, his *redacted* is the bomb.”
      “True.  So Michael says he wants to *redaaaaaaaacted*”
      “What’s it feel like, for somebody to have their *redacted* on a *redacted* ?”
      “Kinda crazy, like you got two *redacted* in a wrestling match, daring each other to make a move, but they can’t.  Not without help.  So Grime grabs *redacted*  He remembers to check in with Michael, because he doesn’t want to lose his privileges.  Michael lets him know, yeah, he’s doing it too *redacted*
      So he loosens up his grip a bit, and *redaaaaaaaaaaacted*
      “Yeah.  So they’re *redacted*?”
      “Yeah, y’know *redacted*  Does that make sense?  Anyway, it feels real good.  They’re feeling it, because *redaaaacted* lightly while *redaaaacted* tightly.”
      “That was a rhyme.  You should be a rapper.”
      “Oh yeah.  That’s a good job.  Where do I interview for that one?”
      “Sorry.”  She drank more water.  “Go on.”
      “They can’t take much more of it.  *redaaacted* so they gotta step back.
      So Grime is looking at the big man’s *redacted* and feeling inadequate, feeling like a child.  The guy senses his hesitance and says, ‘I like what you got, kid.  Let me see that.’  Then he goes down to his knees, taps an office chair to suggest Grime sit down in it.  Our boy rolls into position.
      He isn’t feeling it that much, like, *redaaacted*  But Michael gives him a look, so kind and beautiful like Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Then the older guy nuzzles Grime’s *redacted*  He feels Michael’s beard on his *redacted*  It feels crazy, but he knows he can't just *redacted* because it would scratch up his *redacted*
      Then Michael *redaaacted*  Grime is lightheaded, feeling like he might *redacted* at any moment, *redaaaaaaacted*
      But then Michael relents, right as Grime is about to *redacted*  He leans back and says, ‘You wanna feel this *redacted*?’  He’s gesturing to his *redacted*  Grime is speechless.  How can he say yes?  He’s never done anything like that before.  But still, he agrees.  Sometimes you hafta jump in the deep end.”
      “Whoa.  You think Grime would take a *redacted* in the *redacted*?”
      “Probably like it better if it was *redacted* but I bet he would.  Y’know, it’s just a story though.  Grime could have two *redacted* and taste like rose water if we wanted.”
      “Two *redacted* and he can *redacted* a furry?  OK.  Tell me about it.”
      “For real?  Grime has two *redacted* now?  And I’m supposed to get real about the furry thing?”
      “You mean he wasn’t really a furry?”
      “I guess he could be.  What kind of furry do you like?  Wolf boys?  Horse boys?”
      “Um, you said he was a silver fox.  And now Grime has two *redacted* and he wants to get a *redacted* in his *redacted* for a first time.”
      “Hm.  So Grime’s *redacteds* are kinda hanging there, like *redacted* but as soon as the older guy suggests *redacted* they both *redacted*
      “Why couldn’t Grime have had two *redacted* instead of the red hands thing?”
      “You really picturing that?  Because it’s just kinda abstract to me.  Hard to call the image to mind, really.  For me.”
      “I was thinkin’ like what it would feel like to have both in my *redacted* at the same time, be all filled up like that.”
      “Damn, baby.  I’d like to see that.  But I can’t *redacted* right now.  It’s too hot.”  I took a drink.
      “I know.”
      “Before I go on, should I describe the fox *redacted* looking like a fox *redacted* or a human *redacted* that maybe has some more hairs on it?”
      “What’s a fox *redacted* look like?  Don’t do it if it’s real weird.  That’s just gross.”
      “I don’t know, but I’d imagine they look like regular dog *redacted* which are pretty fuckin’ gross.  Moving on then, the silver-furred fox man stood up to his full height, his long human-like *redacted* brushing against Grime’s *redacted*  It was time for Grime to *redacted*
      They pushed all the printers and folders and three by five cards and highlighters and shit off of the desk, and Grime sat himself there with his legs up in the air.  Fox Michael probably made a sound like a fox makes, whatever that is.”
      “A howl, probably.”
      “Probably he howled.  Sometimes a howl is a mournful sound, the baying of bloodthirsty creatures on the moors, singing how theirs is a life of pursuit, of famine and violent feast, and eternal scraping in a social order from which the only escape is death.  But for the horny fox man, the howl is of Looney Tunes-esque hubba-hubba awooga-styled lust.  He rubs Grime’s *redacted* all over with his big fox paws, giving him little scratches with his short sharp claws.  Grime finds that exciting and bites his lip.
      Then Michael *redaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacted*
      “What are Grime’s two *redacted* doing?”
      “They’re wondering why they only have three *redacted* between them and not four.”
      “Three *redacted*?  What would that be like?”
      “Three *redacted* is good when you’re rubbing them on a regular set of two, because the *redacted* go between each other, don’t butt against each other and get sore.  It’s pure sensation, like God intended.”
      “Damn.  That makes me wish I had three *redacted* Courtney.”
      “Would you also like two *redacted*?  While we’re handing out body parts, it’s OK.”
      “No, I don’t know if I could have *redacted* right.  I don’t know.”
      “It’s OK, I prefer you with *redacted*  I mean, if you have a *redacted* and three *redacted* that might be kinda hard to *redacted* without being like you’re getting kicked in the *redacted* all the time, so you have some decisions to make.”
      “I don’t know what to do.”  She seemed a little upset.
      “It’s OK, babe!  It’s just a game.”
      “Ugh, sorry.  It was just the heat.  That would be weird if I was sad about pretend *redacted*”
      “Oh good.  I love you too much, honey.”
      “I’d laugh but it’s too hot.”
      “I understand.  Do you want me to keep going?”
      “Can you?  It’s bad in here.  Real bad.”
      “We’re just trying to kill time.  How much time have we been doing this?”
      “I dunno.  Feels like hours.”
      I got up the will to look at the time on my phone.  “Oh Christ.  It’s only been eleven minutes.”  I sobbed once, before I even noticed what I was doing.
      “Don’t cry, Courtney.”
      “You’re right,” I choked it down.  “Gotta conserve my water.”  I took another drink.  “So Grime is holding his *redacted* together loosely, one palm over the *redacted* kinda *redacted* so he doesn’t *redacted* before the fox even gets started.  Michael *redaaaaacted*”
      “Uh huh.”
      “Maybe I should be doing Goldilocks and the Three Bears.”
      “Whatever’s easiest.”
      “I guess we’re already here.  And I’ll have time to get through the whole fucking Grimm Brothers catalog.”  I almost cried again.
      “It’s OK.  You can stop, and we’ll just...”
      “No, no.  I can do this.  So Michael has his *redacted* all *redacted*  It’s *redaaaaacted*  I think if Michael is basically so humanoid his *redacted* looks like a *redacted* he’s gotta have a tail and an animal head.  So his tail is wagging like a happy dog and his face is all, again, awooga awooga.  You know, like a cartoon wolf when he sees a hot chick.
      He *redaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacted*
      Meanwhile, Grime is losing his mind.  He’s insane with ecstasy, didn’t even know it was possible to feel that good.  But he can’t get it together to help out, or say something, or do anything yet.  His mind is a technicolor CG explosion, like a commercial for expensive fruit juice.  Meanwhile his grip on his own *redacteds* has firmed into a stiff claw shape, like he’s clutching a stick shift in a muscle car.
      Finally, sometime around *redacted* Grime gets his brains back.  He says, ‘*redacted*’  Michael is ready and *redacted*  Grime knows if he actually *redacted* he’s gonna *redacted* on the spot, *redaaacted*”
      “Holy shit, Courtney.”
      “So Grime knows it’s basically game over, but he doesn’t wanna go out like a bitch.  He’s gotta get Michael to *redacted* somehow.  He knows he has practically no chance, but he begs for it, hopes that’ll work.  ‘Michael, *redacted* please.  I need your *redacted* dude.’  Michael likes that, but will he do it?”
      “I don’t know.”
      “You could make that up.  No pressure.  But does he *redacted* first?”
      “Yeah, but I can’t say it like you.”
      “OK, maybe I can teach you how someday.  You can be my bard apprentice.  In the meantime, Michael felt his *redaaacted*  His mind turned inside out, his mirthful expression went slack as lust stole the blood from his brain, then his eyes bulged and nostrils flared as...  I forgot he has a fox head.  Let’s say his long pink wet tongue flopped out the side of his mouth and he rolled his muzzle around and his ears went like... helicopters or whatever.
      Just for funsies, let’s imagine *redacted*  When it’s *redacted* hitting Grime’s *redacted* he feels a thrill *redacted* and he knows he actually won.
      He gets each *redacted* in a medium firm grip and they *redacted*  For whatever reason, *redacted*  Each got *redacted*  Grime’s *redacted* was *redacted* but in his excitement, and with his *redacted* it *redacted*  A *redacted* in a magic instant, then *redacted* their *redacted* like in the fancy grocery store, where they got those little pipes that spray water on the lettuce heads.  You know what I’m talking about?  Remember seeing one of those?”
      “OK, but it’s *redacted*?”
      “Yeah, it’s Grime’s *redacted* and it’s *redacted*  He yells in joy and then sucks in his mouth and bugs his eyes.  Oops, he thinks, somebody might be around.
      Michael *redacted* hastily, but not too fast, just to avoid accidents or discomfort, and uses his tall vantage to look around over the tops of the cubicles.  There’s nobody in sight, and he says as much.  He takes a wad of tissues out of a box and dabs up the *redacted* on himself while he watches Grime recover.
      He’s not recovering fast.  When Michael *redacted* the sensation prolonged his *redacted* even more, though there wasn’t much *redacted* left to *redacted*  It was kinda pathetic, just his two *redacted* rapidly *redacted*  Michael could see Grime’s *redacted* in the crappy green lights and the way they *redacted*  Grime’s head lolled and all he could say was ‘oh man’ over and over again.”
      “Oh fox man.”
      “Good catch.  I guess Michael’s probably lapping up the *redacted* from his muzzle and chest, leaving dabbed tongue shapes on his shirt.”
      “They didn’t get naked?”
      “I don’t remember.  That’s a missed opportunity.  Coulda said what they look like naked.”
      “Fox man and two *redacted* Grime.”
      “It’s true.”  I exhaled.  It would have been a sigh but I didn’t have the strength to muster a good inhale at the beginning, just weakly deflated my shallow lungs.  I had to hork down some air a moment later to make up for it.
      “You OK, Courtney?”
      “Ugh.  Sorry.  Let’s drink more water.”
   Read next chapter here.
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chubbywangji · 7 years
so, i figured out how to fit chubby!keith into my ongoing sheith fic
slight issues of this:
need to figure out how much keith weighs right now
he’s already softer than his former usual because he’s been depressed and skipping the gym for a few… months… yeah, and his appetite has been doing the, “you either want to eat everything or nothing, there is no middle ground” depression thing — but between allura and hunk (and sometimes rolo and nyma, his quirky neighbors), he’s been getting fed decently
need to figure out how much he’s going to weigh eventually
slightly related: need to figure out how much shiro weighs aside from, “more than keith currently but he’s six inches taller so that makes sense” and, “more than he did when keith lost him the first time, but back then, shiro was dangerously unhealthy for several reasons, so shiro having put weight back on is a good thing”
this isn’t entirely necessary but i’m tempted by the idea of keith weighing more than shiro eventually (though probably not more than shiro’s twin brother ryou, who is the cute chubby twin with the season 4 haircut vs. lean, toned long-haired punk guitarist takashi)
equally tempted by the idea of shiro bridal carrying keith even after keith weighs more than he does
need to figure out the eventual ratio of soft chub to muscle chub going on here, because i feel like keith’s going to have a bit of both worlds
part of the weight gain is going to come after he starts seeing ulaz (who, as a therapist, is already treating most of the cast) and gets put on very desperately needed antidepressants
part of it, though, will come out of him getting to be gym buds with zethrid, who is an amazing muscle-chub lesbian already and nine inches taller than keith but very appreciative of things like this one time he kicked his abusive dickbag foster brother in the crotch so hard that bryce had to go to the ER to get his balls extracted
this will not amuse keith, since one of his biggest motivations to get back to the gym was trying not to outgrow his pants (because he is broke and has a chip on his shoulder about mooching off of his rich-ass bestie allura or his decently well-off “it’s complicated” to get new pants)
shiro is going to win that debate eventually but still
need to figure out how keith’s weight is going to end up distributed
aside from, “hips and thighs get quite a bit of it, and probably his ass too, and when given that keith largely lives in tight jeans (with his sweats largely serving as gym clothes, pajamas when it’s cold, or things he can wear while doing laundry), poor shiro may blush himself to death because his obliviously chubbier boyfriend bent over in a pair of tight-ass pants”
need to figure out some of the other characters’/outside world’s reactions to chubby!keith
of more immediate relevance is shiro and ryou’s aunt, who is going to be seeing keith for the first time in five years, come christmas — and while he isn’t exactly chubby yet, he was downright scrawny, the last time aunt satomi saw him, so
most of the characters will probably take shiro’s approach of, “i get that you’re upset about needing new pants, but can we try focusing on something more important? like the fact that you have been having fewer days where you wake up feeling like no one would miss you if you got hit by a bus (which, fyi, we definitely would)”
seriously, even lotor’s opinion is going to be like, “i am: 1. so annoyed that you make getting chubby look so hot, and 2. jealous that you are capable of gaining weight like this without even trying while i am over here, a perpetually freezing mess with a shit immune system, because i have trouble keeping any body fat on. how is this fair, street rat.”
but then shiro, pidge, hunk, and lance’s band is going to start Making It, and shiro is going to attract Skinny Groupie Boys (though not girls since shiro is pretty open about being gay), and he would rather not have them around, and some of them will be at least kind of offended that galaxy garrison’s hot lead singer is going off with a guy who doesn’t live on kale salad and overworking himself at the gym
then shiro is going to get sick of being harassed by Groupie Boys and take advantage of an interview to go, “HEY THIS IS KEITH HE IS MY BOYFRIEND AND I LOVE HIM PLEASE STOP TRYING TO HAVE SEX WITH ME JUST BECAUSE I DON’T MAKE OUT WITH HIM ON STAGE LIKE HUNK AND LANCE SO YOU ASSUME THAT I AM SINGLE, I AM HAPPILY SPOKEN FOR BY KEITH, TYVM” which will…… be a thing
granted, the short-term effect will be that keith barely holds it together before begging off and running to antok/kolivan’s place to ask kolivan to talk him through the, “oh god shiro just called me his boyfriend and he did it in an interview that will be published on the internet, this is getting Too Real, what do i do” anxiety spiral as if this is a thing that most people ask of their academic advisors
and then keith and shiro have to talk about it over breakfast, and keith will likely decimate a quite sizable stack of pancakes (while kolivan insists that he does not treat keith like a son, and antok just goes, “uh huh, suuuuure you don’t babe, when are we signing the adoption papers”)
but on the other hand:
chubby keith is very cute
in his case, chub goes from being associated with his depression but not terribly bothering him to eventually being associated with hm getting better and working on his recovery
not enough chubby!keith content has sheith in it
long haired pretty boy punk shiro being super flustered by his chubby boyfriend being so beautiful and sdkfkdhg jfc shiro loves him so much
chubby keith is super cute, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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missmeikakuna · 4 years
Vocaloid fanfic- The Librarian and the Maybe-Bisexual Bookworm Ch. 1
This is a fanfic I wrote for Vocaloid Amino for a previous Pride Month and thought I'd post it here. Rated: T Fandom: Vocaloid Relationship: Yukari x IA Relationship Type: F/F Description: Yukari is a hardworking student who manages to balance her studies with her relationship with a boy. Things start to change when she meets her high school's young, beautiful new librarian IA. Yukari asks her to help her find a lesbian-themed novel like one she's read and all goes well until she realises she might be more like the characters in those novels than she thought.
Chapter one: Self-discovery is like finding a book in a new genre.
The library was quiet as usual, and Yukari couldn’t be more mad.
Exams were looming over everyone. Or maybe just her since no one was here studying. No groaning over a difficult question, no asking friends for help, not even distracted chatter about the latest meme. It was just her and the librarian.
Yukari brought a chunky book to the back of the room and rang the bell. She would wonder how anyone could hear its tiny tinkle, but then she remembered that no one was here to drown out the sound with inane conversation.
The room was so quiet that the next sound almost caused Yukari to drop her book. In the room behind the librarian’s desk, dozens of books thudded the ground. Yukari heard a squeak of pain.
A moment later, a woman who barely looked older than Yukari opened the door and made her way to the desk, straightening her uniform and wiping the books’ dust off her shoulders. Her blonde, almost pink hair was so long that Yukari could only see a part of it as the rest of it disappeared behind the desk. Her smile was small but somehow dimples were visible on her chubby cheeks. Despite those cheeks, the rest of her body was so thin she seemed more like a wisp of light than a real person grounded in this reality. Her unbelievably pale skin added to this impression.  Her big eyes were the colour of harvestbells and the more Yukari described this girl in her head, the more she realised that she was standing there staring at this person she was 55% sure didn’t really exist.
“Sorry for the wait. Are you looking to borrow a book?” 
Maybe she did exist.
The woman’s voice caressed Yukari’s ears. The library was designed specifically not to echo and yet the woman’s voice seemed to echo on its own. It was high-pitched, but less in a nasal way and more in an operatic way, though even in this empty room it didn’t sound loud enough to fill a theatre.
Yukari gulped and looked down. “Uh, I was actually wondering if you had any recommendations. I’m looking for a novel similar to this one.” She raised her head. “I’m still doing school work, I swear! I won’t read it until after exams are done.”
The woman’s giggles embraced Yukari. “It’s okay. I won’t judge.” The woman’s eyes somehow managed to grow even wider. “Oh, and, uh, I’m kind of new here. First day. I don’t really know enough of what’s here to make any recommendations.”
“Oh, um…. I guess I’ll just...” Yukari said, throwing the book in the returns box and galloping away.
“Wait!” The woman called out. Yukari did as she commanded. “Um, what did you like about this book? I could recommend something I’ve read and see if it’s here.”
Yukari’s cheeks changed from the paleness of ghosts to the bright shade of poppies. “It was… a strange book. It was about a Japanese woman meeting an Australian florist during World War One. I… I’m not gay or anything, but I was wondering if there were any other books about a romance between two women. You don’t see that too often, so it stood out.”
The woman grinned. “You’ve come to the right person! I’ve got loads of books like that in my collection.” Yukari clenched her teeth to stop her jaw from dropping. “Do you want to read another historical lesbian romance or a lesbian romance about flowers or maybe just a regular modern lesbian romance?”
It took Yukari a moment to process what she was asking as the frequent casual use of the word ‘lesbian’ threw her off.
“Oh, uh, I don’t mind.” 
The librarian leaned over her desk to get a good look at Yukari. “Hmmm…. I think ‘Rentica’ by Ikamusume Hunter would be a good fit for you.” She typed into her computer and frowned. “... and it’s not here. Sorry. Oh, um…” She lowered the volume of her voice despite no one else being there. “You could always borrow it from me. Come here after exams are done and I’ll lend it to you.”
Yukari nodded. “Thank you, miss…”
The woman laughed. “You can call me IA.”
When Yukari headed back to the table she was studying at, she heard a beep on her phone and saw a message.
Hey babe, wanna hang out tonight ;) - Roro row your boat
Yukari smiled. Roro still hadn’t changed that punny text signature even after his grades in English started slipping. She remembered the adorably awkward time he tried to explain the joke to her in Japanese.
Her smile dropped when she looked back at IA, who was struggling to keep the pile of books in her arms balanced kept dropping them.
Yukari passed all of her exams, though just barely in home ec. She headed to the library after getting her marks back.
IA chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. “I forgot to bring it. I guess I should have been more specific about which date you should have come here. Would you be able to wait until the library closes? We can head back to my place and I can give it to you there.”
Yukari’s cheeks reddened. “Is that allowed?”
IA tilted her head to the side like a dog failing to understand a command. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
Yukari grinned her concern away. 
After IA locked the library entrance, she led Yukari to her old car with bits of paint missing. Yukari pushed the take away boxes off her seat. 
IA smirked at the wheel and sped to their destination. Yukari had to hold onto the door to keep herself from accidentally ramming into it. 
IA’s house was a tiny apartment with piles of books on the floor. She somehow knew where everything was and found ‘Rentica’ with ease. It was a thin book with a ghost silhouette filled with a floral pattern on the cover.
“It’s a romance between a working woman and a strange woman she thinks might be a ghost but doesn’t know for certain. Enjoy.”
“T-thank you. So, um, I’m sorry if this is rude, but I didn’t expect you to have a car like that.”
“Oh, I like to save money wherever I can. Books don’t grow on trees. Well, actually they technically do, but not direct…. Anyway, I hope you like the book. Do you need me to drive you home?”
Yukari shook her head. “My boyfriend lives near here.”
IA had an expression Yukari never imagined seeing on her. Her smile was still there, but it was smaller and didn’t show her teeth. The outer corners of her eyes were creased and her eyebrows were furrowed. 
“Oh. Of course. I, uh, hope things go well with him.”
Silence followed. Yukari froze for a moment, then bowed and left without saying a word.
She rang Roro’s doorbell and when he didn’t open the door, she kept pressing the buzzer over and over again.
When he finally opened it, and he only partially opened it, Yukari giggled. He was wearing pyjamas that were way too big for him and his cotton candy hair was a mess.
“Good morning,” she said with a smirk.
Roro glared at her. “You saw me at school today.”
“So, uh, can I hang out for a bit?”
The boy looked behind him. “I don’t know if this is a great time. I’m kinda watching a show and it’s getting really good. You can watch it with me if you want, but it’s near the end so you might be a tad confused.”
“It’s okay. I’ve got a book I can read.”
“You came all the way here to read a book?”
Yukari chuckled. “I was already doing something near here and thought I’d drop by.”
Roro opened the door wider. “Okay, I guess.”
When they got to the living room, Roro sat down on the couch and Yukari sat on a beanbag. For the first few pages of the book she kept getting distracted by the dialogue on the show, but after that she was hooked.
She started to pick up on a few similarities between the characters and her and IA. The ghostlike girl had a similar physical description to what IA looked like and was incredibly friendly. The main character didn’t look like Yukari but had the same love of books. She was also a little shy, spending a good chunk of the story trying to muster the courage to talk to the other woman.
The writing was simple and Yukari managed to get through half of it before Roro finished his show. In fact, it just stopped after she reached the book couple’s first kiss.
Roro slid down the couch and sat next to Yukari, kissing her on the cheek. She turned her head and kissed him on the lips.
Soon enough tongue was added and both people’s breaths became louder. 
Something strange happened. After a while, Yukari forgot who she was kissing and thought about the kiss scene in the book. 
For a while she felt as if she was kissing a blonde woman with pale skin.
When she returned to reality, she pushed Roro away. Her head was spinning and her breaths quickened almost to the point of hyperventilation. 
She covered her mouth, trying to push the image of IA out of her head. She silently swore. She was familiar with these heart palpitations. They were the same as when she first started having feelings for Roro.
“Um, I… I have to go.”
“Why? Did I do something wrong?”
Yukari shook her head. “I’ll see you at school.”
She ran out of the house with her book. She raced home on foot despite knowing the long distance ahead of her.
‘I’m not a lesbian. I’m not a lesbian! I like Roro! What the hell’s wrong with me?’
When she finally reached home, she jumped on her laptop and searched, ‘how to know if lesbian’. She found a lot of stories that didn’t fit her own. Most of the girls online had always felt different but couldn’t put their finger on why. They told stories about having a boyfriend they felt nothing towards. And some of them said they had crushes on female celebrities and classmates when they were as young as eight years old.
However, one person’s advice struck a chord. ‘If you’re questioning your sexuality, you might not be gay. Consider the other labels out there, such as bisexual, asexual and pansexual.’
Such as bisexual, asexual and pansexual.
Such as bisexual.
Yukari’s entire body shook. She didn’t even need to look into the other sexualities, although a tiny logical part of her thought she should. She found the word and that word made tears fall down her cheeks.
She pictured her parents towering over her, shaking their heads before disappearing. She imagined Roro crying. She could see her female classmates shuffling their chairs a few inches further away.
However, after a few seconds of sobbing she smiled. She felt as if she had been welcomed into a club. This weird girl crush may have been just that- a crush, and given her pre-existing relationship a forbidden one- but a discovery about herself was still a discovery. She felt like she had stumbled upon a book in an entirely new genre.
Yukari opened her book from where she was up to and read the rest of the story, kicking everyone from Roro and her other classmates to her parents out of her mind. It was just her and the ghostlike librarian.
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Cat & Mouse (Roman Reigns): Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Read it on Wattpad Writing Masterlist
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Warnings: idk, none really? Asshole!Roman(i guess?), p much smut free im sorry ): there’s one bit that gets a lil gay w/ Lyra and Naomi, that’s all I can think of tbh. I swear tho, next chapter we will get Roman/Lyra smut. RN they’s just gettin ready to go clubbing
Word Count: 1960
A/N: We finally get the Bloodline together, bless, but also i feel like i royally fucked their characters up so like please dont judge me too hard (but if you got any pointers or like corrections feel free to let me know).
Tag List (if anyone wants to be added, let me know): @m-a-t-91 @mrsamberlopezgoodanoai@simulated-heat @greatbreadwizard @hoodgirl163 @sabrina-the-champ @thiickreigns @alexahood21@ii-love-roman-reigns @queenreignsempire @flawlessglamazon @not-that-kinda-gurl08 @x-fivefoot  @finnbalorsdemonqueen @romanempirefics @rocketgirl2410 @sausagefest1996 @vebner37@macfizzle @cute-face-chubby-waist @wwefoever70 @horcruxhunter5972 @cool-snowball-22-blog​ @designrwriterchic @metaldeedsblobfish @inkedirishbbydoll-blog-blog (I got a nasty feelin that I didn’t @ someone, im sorry yall)
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As she lay in her bed, she scrolled through her phone one last time to check what had interrupted them, only to find that it was a spam email. Muttering to herself in annoyance, she silenced her phone and set it down on the nightstand before pulling the covers up around her. If there was such a thing as angry sleep, that’s what she was going to be doing that night.
It was well past noon when Lyra finally stirred from her slumber; Roman had let her sleep in. Yawning, and stretching, she slowly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash up.
She groaned to herself when she saw the little bruises that trailed across her neck, courtesy of Roman. Good thing the weather’s kinda chilly today, she thought to herself, there’s no way I can cover that up with makeup, I’ll have to use a scarf.
She took her time getting ready, pulling on a pair of black jeans and a white shirt that had a quote from Game of Thrones on it; that show was one of the many things Lyra and Roman bonded over, and the shirt was a Christmas gift from him.
She sent Naomi a text, asking her if she wanted to get lunch before heading over to the venue. While waiting for a reply, Lyra put on a little green eyeshadow, eyeliner, and some dark pink lipstick. She was wrapping a dark green scarf around her throat when Naomi finally replied.
Naomi: I’m down for some pizza, the boys will be coming along though. You mad enough to skip out on pizza or nah?
Lyra: I’ll be damned if I let HIM stop me from getting pizza 🙄
Naomi: That’s the spirit 😂 I’ll meet you in the lobby in 15? Bring your bags, might as well check out now
Lyra: 😂 Yeah sounds good, I’ll see you downstairs
Slipping her phone into her back pocket, she packed away all the things she’d used. Roman had already taken his stuff down, she assumed, earlier in the day. She pulled on her boots and did one last sweep of the room to make sure that neither her nor Roman left anything behind.
Lugging her bags along, she made her way down to the lobby to check out. She’d just finished up with the receptionist when Naomi and Jimmy walked in through the entrance. Lyra walked over, giving them both a hug before they started walking to the parking lot.
“G'morning, sleeping beauty,” Jimmy teased, earning a dirty look from her, and a jab in his ribs from Naomi. “Ow, baby, what was that for?”
“Leave my girl alone, you didn’t even get up today until I started-,” Lyra was chuckling as Jimmy stopped Naomi with a hand over her mouth. Naomi knocked his hand away, glaring up her mate.
“Baaabe, c'mon, don’t do me like that,” he grumbled as they arrived at the car.
“You’ll be lucky if I do you at all, tonight,” she joked, getting into the backseat; Lyra tried not to laugh when Jimmy gave his mate a slightly panicked look. Lyra shoved her bags into the back then joined her friend in the backseat as Jimmy started the car.
“Aren’t we waiting for Jey and Roman?” She questioned.
“Nah they’re already there, probably eating half the pizzas,” Jimmy replied as drove them out of the lot. ————————- They walked into the restaurant ten minutes later to find Roman and Jey sitting at a table, digging into a pizza each.
“Told ya they’d be gettin a head start on the pizzas,” Jimmy grumbled as he sat next to Roman, swiping a slice from his pizza, making the older Alpha growl. Jimmy simply rolled his eyes in response, and told his cousin to shove it.
Lyra decided to pretend that nothing happened the night before as she sat next to Jey, Naomi squeezing a chair in next to her. Roman eyed her for a moment, she could’ve sworn a slight smirk flashed across his face when his gaze landed on the scarf around her neck.
It took every ounce of her will power to not glare at him, she was still a little pissy about being sent to bed like a child.
“Chill out, we got more coming,” Jey informed them as he picked up another slice. He turned to Lyra with a little frown as she scooted closer to him to give Naomi more space; she gave him a weird look when he leaned in and took a deep breath.
“Can I help you, Jey?” She asked as he straightened up, his eyes flitting back and forth between her and Roman before a smug smile stretched across his face.
“So, y'all finally fucked, huh?” He stated, Roman promptly choked on his drink while Lyra felt her blood rush to her face as she gave Jey’s arm a punch. “C'mon, his scent’s all over you.”
“That’s not, w-we didn’t,” she scrambled to try and come up with something as Naomi and Jimmy stared at her with raised eyebrows. Roman was still coughing and wheezing in his corner.
“Then how’d you explain them hickies,”  Jey shot back, pulling her scarf down to reveal the bite shaped bruises that trailed down into her shirt. Lyra smacked his hand away and hurriedly readjusted her scarf while Naomi gave her an indignant look as if to say why the fuck didn’t you tell me.
“I-we-yknow what, Roman, why don’t you explain, you did this after all,” Lyra huffed, turning the attention across the table to the large Samoan still trying to catch his breath.
“Um, we was just fuckin around last night, nothing happened, it was nothing,” he replied, Lyra fixed him with a piercing glare, but he refused to look at her.
“Damn, is it just me or did it get colder in here,” Jey mumbled as everyone turned back to the food.
Lyra knew she shouldn’t care, it’s not like they were dating or anything, but she couldn’t help clenching her fist under the table as Naomi gave her knee a comforting pat. ———————- Days later, Lyra was still salty. She had successfully managed to ignore him for the past few days despite traveling with him and his family. Occasionally she’d catch him staring at her with a weird look on his face, but she pretended not to notice.
It irked her even more that he never actually tried to talk to her, and she certainly wasn’t going to confront him about him basically saying that their connection, relationship, whatever it was between them, meant nothing to him.
She figured that if he had cared enough he would’ve either apologized or at least tried to make up some bullshit excuse for what he’d said. Instead he seemed mostly content with being ignored, and ignoring her.
She knew she had to move on, why should she sacrifice her happiness and wait around for some idiot who wouldn’t even give her a chance. Besides, she had the perfect opportunity coming up.
They’d arrived in Pittsburgh earlier that day, the Royal Rumble was taking place the next day. Naturally, that meant that everyone would be going out that night.
Lyra knew it’d be the best time to find someone to keep her occupied or at least numb herself with alcohol; either way, she was determined to forget about Roman for a few hours and have a good time.
That, however, was easier said than done. Not only would Roman be accompanying her, Naomi, and the Usos for drinks, but when Lyra stepped out of the shower she began to feel feverish, her senses heightened even more than usual, to the point where she was hyper aware of anything touching her.
She grumbled to herself about it as she pulled on some black panties and a matching bra. Digging through her bag she chose to wear a pair of black jean shorts, and a tank top that had a pentagram design on it.
After she was dressed she downed two Advils, then walked over to join Naomi in front of the mirror to do her makeup. She decided to do brown smokey eyes, winged eyeliner, and finished it off with a bright red lipstick.
“Damn girl, you look real good,” Naomi said, running her eyes over her friend’s reflection as she applied some mascara.
“You look pretty irresistible yourself; planning on getting laid tonight?” Lyra replied with a suggestive smirk; Naomi was dressed in a tight red dress that showed off her gorgeous body, there was no way Jimmy was resisting that.
“You know it babe, not that I don’t love rooming with you, but it’s been two days since Jimmy and I did anything  and it’s got us all wound up,” she laughed. “But, damn, the way you look and smell tonight, I’m willing to bet you ain’t going to bed alone. What perfume are you using?”
“I’m not using any perfume, not yet anyways,” she replied, looking a little puzzled. “I’m feeling a little feverish, it could be that?”
“No, no, I’ve never smelled anything like it before, you smell really good,” Naomi mumbled, stepping closer to bury her face in Lyra’s hair and take a big sniff; Lyra blushed and shivered a little as that simple movement made her squeeze her thighs together. “I-oh no, oh girl, um you might not wanna go out tonight.”
“W-what, why?” She nearly whimpered as Naomi pulled away; what the hell is going on with me, she thought to herself.
“Um, I, uh, I think you’re going through your heat, or it’s just starting, I don’t know,” replied Naomi, Lydia’s blush deepened as her eyes grew wide. “But like it probably ain’t a good idea to be around a bunch of hotheaded Alphas and Betas.”
“B-but I thought heats were an omega thing, I’m not even a werewolf,” she protested, wrapping her arms around herself defensively, of course something like this would happen to her.
“I mean I’ve heard of shifters getting their heats too, I think it’s the only time they, you, can give off a mating scent or something; it usually starts in your teens or not at all though, didn’t your parents tell you about this stuff?” Naomi questioned, frowning at the younger girl who looked beyond flustered.
“No, my dad’s human, and my mum doesn’t really talk that kinda stuff with me, hell, she probably thought I wouldn’t even get my heat because I’m only half-shifter,” Lyra said, groaning internally as her friend gave her a sympathetic look; she knew she should stay in, but she also really wanted to get drunk off her ass at that moment. “Yknow what, fuck it, Ima still go, all this does is makes me wanna get even more drunk.”
“Bitch, NO, I can’t let you do that,” Naomi insisted, crossing her arms when Lyra pouted and tried giving her puppy dog eyes. “Don’t do that, I can’t, with a clear conscience, let you go.”
“Buuuuuuut I’ll be with you guys, besides what’s stopping me from going out on my own? I’ll be much safer with you there to keep an eye on me,” Lyra begged. Naomi groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Fine, fine, I guess that’s some good points,” she sighed exasperatedly as Lyra gave her a big smile. “But you’re going to wear one of my jackets, hopefully that’ll mask you scent a little.”
“Yes, mom,” Lyra replied, walking over to Naomi’s bags as the older girl rolled her eyes, and turned back to the mirror to finish up her makeup. Lyra went through her stuff until she found a black leather jacket that she had been meaning to borrow.
Once they were done, they grabbed their phones, and hid their credit cards, IDs, and keycards in their bras before pulling on some shoes. Naomi wore a pair of tall, black pumps that made her ass look even better than Lyra thought possible, and Lyra wore a pair of black high heeled, thigh high boots.
Finally around 9pm, they headed out of the hotel to meet the men in a club a couple blocks away.
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