veiledbyart · 2 months
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And an attack on @thepreciousem and Churp!
Don’t use or repost my art without permission.
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The stream I participated in (Thank you churhurhurp. ^^): Fighting CHAT in GAMES - YouTube My stream drawing this: First Stream: Drawing Churhurhurp - YouTube This was the best high school week I've had so far, and I ended the good week off with a serious amazement. ^^
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clay-pidgeon · 4 months
mettaton does NOT sound like an angel name. thats that gay robot from undertale!!!!
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mythicalmyles · 10 months
I honestly feel tge worst knowing i scared myhamster
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tiniwilson · 2 years
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Absolutely turned out to be a #beautifulday it started out #rainy which O don’t mind so much but now the #sun #shining and the #birds #churping making my #daily #walk much more #pleasant #tiniwilson #wednesday #humpdayvibes #tiniwilson #heathy #exercise https://www.instagram.com/p/ClmND7xP2Hy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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finchwingart · 1 year
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churpin guy, guy who churps
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mrabubu · 3 months
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/the ref is a bit old, but the info is mostly accurate/
So, I did kinda sketch ref for my Kraang character and make her more of a person, or something, with a name and all. I'm still going to use they/them pronounce and Y/N when people will be asking something about Krangified AU.
More information about her below.
So, her name is Ana now.
About her personality before she was turned into the Kraang zombie I still can't say much at the moment (because I'm mostly focused on their interactions in the present timeline), except for her being the person who was genuinely worried about Leo and what's been going on in his head. She saw his attitude and for her it was obvious it was mostly a facade to hide his real emotions and wanted to help him, being a shoulder to lean on. I see her being the weirdo to others that found his jokes actually funny.
After Kraangification, I can describe her with one word: DEPRESSION. I mean, you've been a mindless zombie for about 10 years that practically flashed before your eyes. You wake up facing the facts that the world has been at war with the Kraang for all this time, everyone you knew grew up, your family is long gone, your boyfriend been through hell and lost his arm, and, yeah, your still kinda a zombie also facing some self-control issues. Your Kraang half is taking control over you from time to time, attacking others and even friends if provoked. Not to mention that a lot of things that used to be casual to you are now something you need to learn to be used to again, like bed or actual food. Yeah and also that little inconvenience that she has to eat people now.
She's been dozing off a lot at first, after Leo got her to their base, just staring at one point, processing the whole situation and still feeling like it's just a very long nightmare. And only Leo could snap her out of this state at least for a short amount of time.
When I've been making first sketches with her I gave her this pointed ear and horn like Kraang appendage on her forehead, and thought this kinda reminded of oni's (demons) from Japanese folklore, which kinda resonated with this whole Kraang AU concept.
I also can't stop thinking about Beauty and the Beast (original Disney animated movie) concept, only with them swapping roles in contrast to the original story.
I really like the concept of the turtles being able to make this chirping and churring sounds, and thought, why can't she make something like this? So, yeah, she can churp and purr (I don't know if there's a difference between churring and purring, still didn't understand, and this churring sound is still mostly fictional, fanon thing..? but, anyway). I like this idea of Leo and Ana being able to communicate with the language only they (and other turtles) understand.
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A few more sketches with her and a couple of scenes.
Her claws on the Kraang arm can extend. I thought about her being able to shapeshift her arm further, but for now it's either extended claws, or something like a sword or some other sharp pointy thing...
I've been thinking about her fighting style, and for a reference I used the The Witcher 3 again (yeah) There's a vampire species, Bruxa and Alp, and I'm thinking her fighting style would be something like of an Alp. Fast and agile, also pretty strong (tho still not strong enough to take out big enemies like the Kraang in their suits).
I have this scene in my head that I actually been sketching already, where she's fighting the Kraang hounds, and pretty much able to lift one grabbing it by it's throat and throwing it into the tree like a rag doll.
Another thing is her screech she uses to intimidate/immobilize her enemies. It's also more of an alp than bruxa, especially in this video time code 00:36, this is pretty much how I imagine it.
I also know that I've messed up her eyes when she's in her Kraang mode, because they should be turning purple, like Raph's left eye that wasn't covered by Kraang flesh, but, uuuh, I don't want to change that at this point...
I think that's it for now...? If I'll have more ideas I'll either be making other posts, or updating this one.
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lint-beetle4 · 30 days
Yapper reader x macaque, just loves yapping will every freestyle rap if it gets too quiet. Vocal stimming a lot.
Yappers unite, keep rapping
Freestyle (Macaque x Vocal Stimming! Reader)
At first, Macaque was confused, he didn't know humans could make so many noises
When you explained that it was too quiet, or you needed more noise, he understood it entirely--acceptance fully given with no further questions
"Was that you? Heh, pretty nice noises you got there."
Macaque loves the little chirps and such you make, little noises like that are something he gushes over
He's not too much of a vocal person, but Macaque will sometime chirp back if he's in the mood
He stares at you a lot when you make your noises, not because he think it's weird, but because he's intrigued over what you'll say next
His six ears can hear past, present and future, but with you? You're like a wheel spinning deciding on which noise you'll make next
Macaque spends his life in complete silence, so if you're around him and you start rapping like your life depends on it?
You'll probably be the first person to have scared him in a while
You eventually start repeating lines he's said in his plays
"The Hero and The Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon" and he'll start laughing, nearly wheezing as you continue
The way your mind is able to repeat things with near perfect accuracy almost scares him, like you've said entire songs back to back like a weird playlist, and when he looked into it? Every lyric was perfect
He eventually tries egging you on, saying some random lyric to a rap song you've hear, seeing if you'll play off of it
If you feel insecure about your stimming, Macaque will keep egging you on, trying to force them out of your mouth until you eventually spill
If that doesn't work, he'll talk you through it, encouraging you to just do what you do
"It's cute when you do it. I like it."
He ends up missing your voice a lot if he's away from you for long. In his own silence, Macaque will purr, churp and hum to himself more often than he did
Around you, he'll start loops of various stims: a tweet here, some lyrics there, a hummed melody. He loves every reply that you give him
Noises become your language after a while, certain barks meaning different things, lyrics having more literal meanings.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
am IN LOVE with your feral leo au
the story just keeps getting interesting every time!
i love the art so much! i just wanna- AGEUGAUEGUAEGA * insert more gremlin noises *
-{ by someone who should probably study for their exam }
Thank you! Also *softly bops you on the head* I hope you studied and did well on your exam!
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@renmiel Honestly Donnie hasn’t really had time to process properly. After Leo, he’s the one on the team with the most medical knowledge so he’s stuck in a sort of, assess what we can fix immediately mode, hence why he’s the only one with bites, and then when Leo’s all cleaned up, Donnie moves into a denial stage and thinks with enough prodding he can sort of snap Leo out of it. Raph tries to tell him that Leo might never be the same, but for being so smart, sometimes Donnie refuses to see what’s right in front of him if he doesn’t like the reality of it. It takes him a few days to realize this won’t be a quick fix.
@imadino @blankiss2204000 @aron-has-ocs
The plan at first is really just to make him as comfortable as possible so they don’t get attacked lol. Just because they’re his family doesn’t mean Leo wont pounce and lash out if startled. So he stays with Mikey in the infirmary for a few days, listening to his little brother’s stories about when they were young, and looking at the pictures on his phone, up until Mikey’s recovered and can move around. By then the rest of the family has “Feral Proofed” the lair (i.e closed off all the places Leo could escape to and get lost, hidden all the sharp objects things like that). Then they make sure someone’s with him at all times. They make him a nest in the corner of the living room, but he’ll prowl around at night and check to make sure the lair is secure, and by the morning he can be found at the foot of someone’s bed—usually Mikey.
Once Leo’s more at ease with them, Donnie can get to work on patching Leo’s shell. He does try to make turtle noises back at Leo, but Leo just huffs and wheeze laughs at the sad attempt, and pokes Donnie in that big forehead of his. Still Donnie keeps trying and gets better. Now that he’s fully accepted the situation as it is, he’ll do anything if it helps, even if it is a bit embarrassing.
Yes that “churp” is a turtle noise. I’ve found it’s a pretty common staple of TMNT fanfic that I’m obsessed with lol.
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Leo’s recovery is LONG He gets nightmares pretty regularly and it’s months before he’s even able to let his guard down, despite only ever remaining in the lair where it’s always quiet and safe. I’d say it takes Leo at least a year before he starts to resemble himself and speak in fuller sentences (though the chirps and hissing never go away). Then maybe two years before he’s able to make cheesy jokes and fight without reverting to his more savage way of fighting. Even starting off slow—bringing him only on what they think will be easy missions, can sometimes end with them having to pull Leo off of the bad guys before he causes them serious harm.
Leo isn’t embarrassed so much—he realizes he did what he had to in order to survive and make it back to his family. He’s more serious and actually shockingly calmer now, but at the same time, in no uncertain terms, he makes it clear that he thinks Raph should take the reigns back, Leo knows he’s in no proper state to lead.
@asleepyb0i one word. Klunk!!!! Mikey finds him one day a few months into sneaking out to help with Invasion clean up, but he let’s Leo hold him so much that he’s Mikey and Leo’s little fluff ball.
Leo and Draxum never really liked one another, but awkward Dad #2 does try to help when he can. Leo manages to sneak out of the lair a few times, and gives his family heart attacks every time, but they always manage to track him down, or he finds his way back, his sense of direction is one thing that was sharpened in the Prison Dimension.
GOLLUM??!! GOLLUM????! I don’t think he looks that bad off does he???? 😱
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A. You’re so right. Galaxy brained!
B. @snipersiniora That’s a good way to lose a finger! No, he keeps the nails for a long while until he’s a bit calmer.
C. @snipersiniora He’ll eat anything at this point, but pizza will always be a fav!
D. You know what’s funny? While I was googling the spelling on Pepino like forever ago, just to make sure I was spelling it right, I read that there’s actually a common Spanish phrase (and please native speakers correct me if I’m wrong!) something translated like “I care a cucumber.” When you don’t care about something or want the convo to end, and I think that’s hilarious and maybe I’m reading too much into it, but if the writers knew about that phrase and having Heuso use it cause of course Leo’s green like a cucumber, BUT ALSO because Hueso didn’t much like Leo at first and always seemed to want him to go away—that’s gotta be the funniest thing ever.
E. Well…they are in a sewer….with lots of…………….rats.
F. The crack’s pretty large but not too deep. Donnie patches it before shell rot sets in (it never set in before because the prison dimension kept Leo in like a sort of stasis where his wounds healed and scarred over in a few days). He’s gotta be very careful for a few weeks, while it heals, which is a bit of a re-learning curve. Leo’s not used to his wounds actually slowing him down for so long.
G. I will say…..no. Just for possibly any future angst I might want to cause lol
H. Leo was in the prison dimension three years so he’d be 19!
I. Re-introducing Leo to Cass and Sunita, yes all good 👍. Re-introducing Leo to Big Mama, no very much bad, all out hissing and clawing!
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@hapfrog @snowblossim @zowise2912 aw thanks!!
Music is a very common calming technique Donnie reads about, and then puts into practice when they need to. It works like a charm at relaxing Leo. The prison dimension was so quiet, unless it was filled with Leo’s cries or Kraang Prime cursing and screaming at him. So music allows Leo the audio proof that he’s not there anymore.
Leo’s reaction to his bale crying would be to curl up around them and protect! If there was no threat to scare off he’d focus on providing physical warmth and comfort.
Leo’s knees are probably the least of his worries, that boy’s body is so torn up it’s one big ball of pain, which he’s gotten so used to, it hardly registers. But he does have to do a lot of physical therapy with Donnie and Raph (alongside Mikey who needs it for his own hands).
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Leo didn’t have to eat or sleep in the prison dimension. His body was kept in a sort of stasis—the only wear and tear was from the Kraang. He didn’t even physically age. I wouldn’t think about it too much (I know I haven’t lol) So re-eating syndrome wasn’t a challenge for him, but mentally he does have to get used to the idea of being hungry and eating. He kinda fights them the first time they try and get food in him, but after remembering how good food is—even the simple bland soup Splinter makes him, he’s a nightmare at meal time (his table manners are non-existent).
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tinydefector · 5 months
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bots that act like cats. cock their helms like cats. nuzzle other bots like cats oughhh and like cats they scare the ever living shit out of people because their footsteps are so fucking imperceptible.
cat I'm talking about is pororowl🙉
(I hope you get better soon :D !!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
All I can think is that it's only some of the bots, very specifically some of the speedsters.
Drift as is, is a very quiet footed bot, and he can just sneak up on you and pounce. And he pursed so loud when he was content, he and Rodimus were nightmares together.
Imagine: ratchet busy working, and next thing he just hears things hitting the floor. He turns around to see Rodimus with his helm tilted, looking smug. "Rodimus, so help me. I will make your next service like the Pits of Tarn if you break anything else"
Ratchet halfway in recharge when Drift comes in and flops onto him, it makes him groan in annoyance but his servo comes up to scratch Drift's helm and the loud purring starts. It actually helps Ratchet sleep.
Ravage megatron tends to fall asleep to Ravages purring it's a comfort during the restless nights.
Swerve has realised just how agile some of the speedsters are with catching glasses before they can hit the floor.
Tarn is another who purs alot despite how much he hates it, it's a deep low Pur and it has almost the opposite effect to his voice, its a healing effect that only Nickel had the pleasure of witnessing. (afterall there's a belief your cats purring can heal)
Shockwaves also purs but it isn't something he remembers anymore, shadowplay took his memory of it. But sometimes little glimpse sneak back through.
Shockwave would Pur when around people he trusted and cared for, his students, outliers and Orion. It was his way of showing gratitude.
And Prowl, everything about this bot screams cat, he doesn't like people but even when he does its only on his terms, he's agile quick, firey protective even if he tries to play it off that he doesn't like you. If you ever have the pleasure of sleep near him you will have him curl around you and Pur slowly.
Bots who can pur: Drift, Rodimus, Prowl, Mirage, Knockout, Ravage, Tarn, Cyclonus, Shockwave, Soundwave, Pharma, scourge, Jazz, Skids, Smokescreen,
Bots who static Rumble: Megatron, Breakdown,Rumble, Frenzy, Iornhide, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Swerve, Tailgate, optimus, Ultra Magnus, Beachcomber
Bots who churp: Thundercracker, Skywarp, Starscream, Blitzwing, Astrotrain, Bumblebee, Powerglide, Seaspray, Jetfire/skyfire, whirl
Whirling noises: Rewind, Perceptor, First aid, Chromedome, Brainstorm, Rung (this also includes the bots that churp)
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veiledbyart · 2 years
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Opening Chibi Commissions!
I’ve decided to open some chibi commissions while I work on getting my bigger commission types ready!
If you’re interested in getting your own character chibi-fied, feel free to check out my Artistree for the full price list and commission form!
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ellieslittleburrow · 10 months
Warnings : uuuuuuuum angst? Grr scary brother
A/N: sorry for the delay lol. I had to copy and paste every single line from my other account so if something's out of place im soorry hahahah ❤️
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God damn you st-
Maybe if i went slower
"God da-"
"Young lady."
Your eyes flew up as your lips parted in a little gasp. Before you stood a large figure. Broad shoulders and a threatening stance, it towered over you, causing you to freeze in place.
Tiny splinters dug into your frozen fingers as you gripped the stair handle, tightening your hold the more Sherlock kept silent.
I mean, is he going to keep standing there until the sun sets and the birds start churping?
Your older brother stepped aside, motioning for you to step inside. And you complied, slowly and hesitantingly.
"Youngsters ought not to be wandering about late at night, particularily when expressly told ,on multiple counts, not to slip out." Sherlock patienly waited for you, taking after you the moment you passed by him.
You felt smaller with a much bigger shadow than you. But you kept your posture straight, anyways.
Your head was feeling too heavy for your liking and you just wanted to sleep.
"I'm sorry, Sherlock, is there any way we could do this tomorrow morning? Now's not the time for a lecture." The words came in a gruff tone. And as if you weren't already in enough trouble with the man, you just headed for the room you and sister Enola shared.
"Sure...Tomorrow." Sherlock's voice sounded." Good night, little one."
"And don't think i didn't see those marks on your neck"
"We'll discuss it tomorrow."
It's tomorrow.
A pain is etching from your temple down to the hollow part that sits under your cheek.
Flashes of your....eventful evening storm in from your subconscious and a long sigh escapes your lips.
" Finally awake."
AH. You shriek, your body jerking to the uncomfortably close voice over you. Rolling around halfway, you jump backwards, shrieking at the two people standing over you.
What the hell?
Sherlock and Enola were standing at your bed, both leaning down to examine you like you're a cadaver they were just about to start inspecting.
But you weren't. So why the fu-"
"How did you get that, y/n?" The investigator's eyes dart from your own eyes to your cheek, and you unconsciously cover the said thing with your hand.
Uh....you were't sure whether to lie or not. Whether to tell the whole truth or just half of it.
"Uhhh..." A long sigh escaped your lips without your accordance as you hadn't already decided on which story to tell yet. "Uh..." You stuttered again, flustered.
You shrink in your bed, melting into the sheets as you leaned away from the figure that lowered it's upper body over yours.
"Little one, your answer better be the right one."
Sherlock's eyes calculatedly pursuited yours until they locked.
Dark and threatening, they glared into your soul. Shit. How can someone regret their decision the second they made it?
"I....I fell down the bar stairs."
Fuck. How can someone regret their decision the second they made it?
Sherlock straightens his back. "Really?"
"Y...yeah. you c-c-an ask the men th-there if you want." You got out of bed, the opposite side of where your siblings were standing.
"I was walking....I might've had a drink or two." Maybe admitting to another forbidden punishable act will help you elude the real thing? "And as i was walking down, my ankle twisted and i found myself flying down the stairs."
You brushed past both of them, heading for the door. Nice lie! If they were to go ask the men there, nobody would be able to say a single word, because all of them would have been too drunk to even know their own names.
You'd highfive yourself but-
"Alright then, show me the other bruises."
You were glad your back was facing them, as your eyes widened in surprise. Fuck! You didn't think of that. "The ones on your hands and knees, probably, as well as your hip." Triumph laced Sherlock's voice. You internally damned him to an afterlife in hell.
"What...other bruises?"
"Well of course i can't do that!" You spin around, disdain etched across your face. You scoff.
"I can't undress myself in front of y-"
Haha! Enola. You almost forgot about h-
"He'll leave the room."
You snort a provocative chuckle "You really believe i think of you any differently, Enola?"
"I'm sure he trusts my decision making by now." Your sister lifted a triumphant brow.
Enola's eyebrows relax as annoyance etches across her face. She sighs and happiness internally floods your body. Looks like you were close to win the battle. With her.
"How's this?" Anger embodies Sherlock.
Definitely only with her.
"Lie and i will make sure you...never do that again."
Sherlock started walking towards you.
"But then again, i would like for you to spare us the anticipation, i already know you're lying. Because your-"
"Because my toes seem strange and i breathed in instead of out?"
"Because your friend came running here and said you were getting yourself in really bad trouble. And that it was only a matter of time before somebody got badly hurt."
Oh..of course she did...
"Listen, y/n, we understand that you're afraid of our reactions." Enola started, crossing her arms over her chest. "But you can't hide those things from us, we're your siblings."
Adorable-not good enough, though. Not to insult Enola's attemps and efforts, but you'd never do that just because you're siblin-"That's Enola."
"On my part, if i ever find out you're lying to me about something like this, i will make your life a living hell, little girl. And trust my words, i will make sure of it."
Your head spun towards Sherlock, a bit surprised and...scared as darkness suddenly swamped his voice.
You would've rolled your eyes at him but you were already in enough trouble. You wouldn't want to bury yourself in it, would you?
"I'm sorry." The lie slipped out of your lips like butter. You're not sorry. You don't care. In fact, you're not done with those stupid bastards. And you're not one to let go easily.
Thankfully, they weren't going to know since your face was already bruised. Or are they?
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sacredwilderness · 11 months
The little blackbird
who had decided
on his own terms
one day
to show me his nest,
that I
may appreciate
his beauty
and watch him feed
his young
fat, juicy grubs
Is outside my door
I can hear him
calling for me,
soft little churps
he makes
as he hops on my back step
When I answer
and he sees me,
he struts
opening his little wings
I tell him:
I see you,
My darling
you are so beautiful
and then
with one last look
he flies off
Love really, is a thing of feathers
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onenerdroaming · 6 months
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A friend and I rented a cabin the path of totality, and this is what the skies have looked like all day (in fact this is a picture of exactly where the sun was the few times it was visible behind the clouds).
I underestimated how increadible it would be to experience a total eclipse without even seeing the sun. It was already dark because of all the clouds, but it kept getting darker.
The sun peeped out from the heavy clouds for a second and only a cresent was left. Mostly I could not see the sun or the skies, just the way it got dark.
And then it was this otherworldy twilight, sunlight still filtering in on the horizon in all directions.
Birds seemed confused. Some kept churping, others did not.
The people in the next cabin over shut their music off, and the few birds still singing were the only sound. Both less than there were before and a reminder that it was actually still the middle of the day.
It got cold, and the fire in our fire pit looked really bright. It WAS night. Dark and just all around bizzare. I could not stop laughing. It felt like an enternity, but I know this location only had totality for two and a half minutes.
Then it got brighter. Slightly at first and then in bursts. The warmth of day came back, and it was mid afternoon again.
And now we are silently sitting at the fire pit and I feel.... shaken? If that was as profound as it was without any view of the main event.... shit. I HAVE to experience another total solar eclipse, that was amazing.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
Staying in.
Maybe going out and hanging with friends isn't what you wanna do most of the time. Sometimes you just gotta ignore the world and be with your lover.
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Jack swears he was going to go to that party! The brown haired man really wanted too, it sounded fun not like an actual party but rather a hangout with Buddy's friends. But it just...didn't seem so appealing when they were about to leave his dorm.
"You don't wanna go, huh?" Soft words caught his focus of swirling thoughts. Turning to his partner he nodded sheepishly, getting a smile in return. "Hhmm, I think I actually wanna stay in! Plus it's a Wednesday. I'll just hang out at the next one! Which is literally going to be Friday." Grabbing their phone they texted that both wouldn't be coming.
Pings were heard as Jack also looked at his phone, the friends texted back saying to have a good night. And that it was okay plus they didn't have a lot planned since it was a Wednesday. The tall man sighed finally feeling he can breath again, why did he wanted to go again?
"Let's watch finding Nemo and have one of those fish tank drinks!" Giggling out Buddy went to the small kitchen in the dorm. Grabbing the sour candy and coolaid mixture they started making a small concoction. Ah, that's why he wanted to go because Buddy would try and make him feel comfortable there.
"Yeah! Here let me get the disk!" Churping Jack went and pulled out his movie collection. He's had it since he was a baby because his family had a movie player for him. The same one that the college student even uses today.
Buddy made the drinks and also popcorn when the finished. The smell in the dorm was nice and Jack smiled at the warmth his partner gave off. Sipping the drink they made he moaned in delight, it was the perfect combo of sour and sweet.
"Ooo I might get addicted to these! You think this will give us cavities?" Feeling the candy doing it's work he felt a bit wired. Laying on his bed with soft blankets and pillows in a small nest with buddy leaning on him.
"Oh God and were gonna look like those one meme where the person is photoshopped to only have one tooth!" Joking back both giggled like kids as they waited for the beginning credits to finish. Then Jack grabbed the remote and pressed start for the movie to begin.
As the movie played Jack and Buddy made comments on it, how Merlin in his right was kinda right to be overprotective. Who wouldn't because he saw all his eggs get eaten and his wife died? But the two also saw why Nemo was a little shit trying to rebel.
Chewing on popcorn Jack turned to Buddy who was about to speak. Laughing he saw the blue dye on their tongue and pointed it out.
"It looks like you ate a smurf!" Cackling he feel backwards wiping a tear as Buddy rolled their eyes.
"Says you! Looks like you liked blue paint! Paint licker!" Joking Buddy pointed at him with a accusing face. Gasping Jack held his chest in betrayal as he sat back up and threw a piece of popcorn at Buddy.
"I told you that in confidence! How dare you use that against me!" Setting drinks on a stable surface both started poking each other. The goofballs laughed happily as they finally calmed down, panting to catch their breathing. Then Jack held their hand lovingly.
Buddy knew what he meant when he did that, they always got him. It made him happy he didn't need to say something for them to clock he wasn't happy or okay to do something. He really did find an amazing person to be with, Buddy laid their head on his shoulder and squeezed his hand.
"Your still a paint licker-" Words were interrupted by Jack hitting them with a pillow. A serious look got on buddy's face, "Oh it is so on!" Grabbing a pillow as well the two began to battle. After a while both were tuckered out, laying down they finished the rest of the movie.
"My limbs hurt..." Moaning out Jack flopped on his stomach, Buddy giggled as they laid next to him snuggling into the pillow. Jack turned his head and gave them a look full of love, turning to them they both cuddled each other.
"Night, Jack." Kissing his cheek Buddy brought the blanket up and curled into his chest. The man smiled and held them close kissing their head.
"Night, Buddy." Sleepily saying both fell asleep in each other's arms.
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sortapoetic · 2 months
I want to be a memory
I want to be a memory. I want to be a dream. I want to be the thing the flits behind your closed eyelids.
I want you to think of me as I dance with the stars, as I a roll in the fields, as I sink in the sea.
I want you to hear my voice in every far-off laugh, every whisper, every churp and howl and scurry of the night.
Let me rest in the woods I love.
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