#ciao corazones
Time has come to say farewell..~
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 5 months
Tenéis el CORAZON DEL DIABLO como THE EDGE de U2 o el CORAZON de las TINIEBLAS novela en la que se basa APOCALIPSIS NOW que empieza sonando THE END de THE DOORS y donde se hacen ECO del Asesinato en la MAN_SION del VIOLADOR de una niña de 13 años ROMAN POLANSKY en "CIELO" Drive de su mujer SHARON TATE [debuto en BARRABAS y su última película estrenada viva fue LA MANSION DE LOS 7 PLACERES cuyo título original fue WRECKING CREW=PLANTILLA DE DEMOLICION..y postumas 13 SILLAS=ULTIMA CENA y CIAO, FE_DE_RICO] estando EMBARAZADA tras hacer un cameo EN LA SEMILLA DEL DIABLO [ROSE MARY BABY] de POLANSKY rodada en edificio DAKOTA donde vivía LENNON o frente al que fue ASESINADO tras firmarle a su asesino su Lp DOBLE FANTASIA en cuya portada se besa con YOKO ONO con la que grabó 2 VIRGENES: MUSICA INACABADA saliendo DESNUDOS en PORTADA y casandose en GIBRALTAR o junto a la LINEA DE LA CONCEPCION y la cual púbico Lp LLEVAME A LA TIERRA DEL INFIERNO..asesinato del que culparon ORDENAR a CHARLES MANSON que estaba fuera en el coche con Linda KASAVIAN [=CARNICERO en ARMENIO=GENOZIDIO y nombre de grupo BRITANICO] el cual era cantante [de hecho GUNS N ROSES como canción 13 y oculta grabó en su cd de versiones SPAGUETTI INCIDENT su canción GIRL, LOOK AT YOUR GAME poniendose AXL ROSE camiseta de MANSON con frase a la espalda CHARLIE, DON'T SURF que dicen en Apocalipsis NOW pues llamaban Charlie a los VIETNAMITAS] y estando ROMAN POLANSKY [que se evadio de la Justicia de EEUU tras pactar con el FISCAL por lo que no puede volver a EEUU] en LONDRES rodando EL DIA del DEL_FIN que nunca acabo
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juanmecanico · 10 months
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Muerto en los EE.UU. Buenos días entusiastas de los automóviles! Increíble, pero cierto. El Jeep Renegade está muerto en los Estados Unidos. Si bien se entiende que no todos son fanáticos de los crossovers subcompactos, hay algo inquietante en el anuncio de que el Renegade se despide de nuestras costas. #CarLife Aunque su estilo único podría ser un arma de doble filo, ha logrado encontrar su lugar en un mercado cada vez más competitivo. En su momento, su aspecto fresco, rudo y ligeramente futurista causó revuelo. Con sus formas cuadradas y distintas, y ese inconfundible sello de Jeep, era un coche que se destacaba en la multitud. Sin embargo, en retrospectiva, tal vez no era lo que el mercado estadounidense estaba buscando. Con una competencia feroz en el segmento de crossover compacto, parece que el Renegade tenía demasiadas cartas en su contra. Ahora, déjame hablar de la calidad interior. Este es un área que Jeep ha estado mejorando constantemente a lo largo de los años. Materiales de calidad, buena cantidad de tecnología y un diseño atractivo. Además, tenía un toque de personalidad Jeep que amábamos. ¿Quién puede ignorar el pequeño detalle de la araña diciendo "Ciao baby!" oculto en el marco de la puerta? Y ni hablemos de su rendimiento. Si bien no iba a batir ningún record en la pista de carreras, el Renegade ofrecía una conducción decente en la ciudad y conveniente para los viajes por carretera. Era el weenie off-roader perfecto para aquellos que querían incursionar en el estilo de vida Jeep, pero sin el compromiso de un Wrangler. Pero los problemas del Renegade abundaban detrás de su audaz lenguaje de diseño. La confiabilidad del coche ha sido cuestionable a mejor, y una serie de recordatorios no hicieron nada para calmar las preocupaciones de los dueños. Al final del día, se reduce a si la personalidad de un coche puede superar sus fallas. El Renegade ciertamente tenía un carácter atractivo y una apariencia fuera del común, pero esos elementos no fueron suficientes para salvarlo. El Jeep Renegade puede estar muerto en los Estados Unidos, pero eso no significa que no podamos recordar sus altibajos con cariño. Sin duda fue una propuesta valiente y atrevida en un segmento de mercado que a veces puede ser demasiado predecible. Así que, mientras decimos adiós, también recordamos los buenos tiempos. Pero recuerden, chicos, cada vez que se cierra una puerta, se abre una ventana. Estoy emocionado por lo que Jeep nos tiene reservado para el futuro. Espero que sea tan atrevido y emocionante como el Renegade, y que no se olviden de llevar al límite la innovación y el diseño. ¡No puedo esperar para ver lo que saldrá después! #JeepLove Al final, no podemos evitar sentir un poco de tristeza cuando vemos el final de la línea para un modelo. De alguna manera, se siente como el fin de una era. Así que hoy, decimos adiós al audaz, rudo, y ligeramente loco Jeep Renegade. Siempre quedarás en nuestros corazones. #RIPJeepRenegade
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lovelydulcecito · 1 year
Mi corazon...espero que tengas un buen fin de semana. Te mando un million de besos. Si tan solo pudiera ver tus labios! Ciao!
Ay 🙈🥰 muchas gracias! 🥰🙈 Espero que también tengas un buen fin de semana! 😘
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I hadn't logged into mlqc for what feels like ages, and decided to at least do some missions and stuff before I exited. Did my free card pulls as usual when all of a sudden screen seems to go black before butterflies started fluttering. I was scared for a moment that something had happened to my phone or the app only to realize......... I somehow got lucky enough to pull a WHOLE ASS SSR FROM A FREE PULL wtf- 😭😭😭 but also my game seems very Lucien inclined today and idk how to feel about that lol,, it glitched on the Go See Him page and legit wouldn't load besides Lucien and this was just after some cryptic phone call I got from the card so like.... game's tryna suck me back in,,😳
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kacg24 · 4 years
No eres tu, soy yo
Porque te estoy dejando por mi.
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sunnyjajaja · 5 years
Te escribí cartas, te dediqué mis canciones favoritas, nunca te trate mal, te di tu espacio. Por favor dime que me faltó
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soy-unenigma · 5 years
Esto es lo que pasa, por esta razón es que no deseo dejar entrar a alguien a mi vida, no deseo sentir cariño por nadie más q mi familia y yo, no quiero perderme en alguien más, no puedo hacerlo porque siento que yo me perdería igual y ¿sabes cuánto me costó encontrarme? Años... por esto decido alejarme una vez más, por ello quiero borrarte de mi mente otra vez. Eres todo todo que no quiero en mi vida, eres ese jugador que entro a correr por la cancha en busca de la pelota que es mi corazón.
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mikistli · 2 years
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hamburgues0 · 6 years
No supe nada de ti en todo el día, Espere todo un día para escribirte en la noche, Lo mejor que pudiste hacer fue ignorarme, Ahi se fueron mis ganas de hablarte
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escaso-de-emociones · 7 years
El número de libros leídos, no define tu inteligencia.
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pink02 · 3 years
Mi Amarillo
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Camilo Madrigal x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Camilo would always seek every possible way to make you blush.
Trigger warning: Camilo teasing you endlessly.
A/n: Fluff... with Camilo... this is too much for my bitter a- Was in a bloop so I haven't uploaded fics much.
Short little drabble that I kept forgetting the plot. Ignore any grammatical errors ciao!
♡♡ Masterlist ♡♡
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Camilo is obviously a natural flirt and gives out suave moves and such. Though he only flirts one particular person. Takes every opportunity to call or give random pet names or even make smooth moves just to get a reaction. Neither would know if he was being serious or just playing since he wouldn't even give a straight answer. It's frustrating to say if he's playing other's emotions or what since he's always giving mixed signals.
You sighed for the umpteenth time whilst you carry two full watering cans down from the well to the little vegetable garden you had.
"Mi vida, are you sure you don't want me to help?" The Madrigal boy queried as he skipped down the path just behind you, his hair bounced swiftly and a wide smile planted on his face.
"No 'Milo, go do your own chores." You grumbled setting down one can and proceeds to water the different kinds of greens. Your face turned away from him so he wouldn't notice the red dusted on your cheeks. It's annoying for you to think that he could call you various names so easily just with the roll of his tongue when he's with you.
"But I already asked mami if I could have a day off! I did it so I could spend some time with you, mi corazon." He whines, back slouching seeing that you're not giving him any attention whatsoever.
You turned your head immediately just as the shapeshifter tilts his body forwards to see your face. You wouldn't let him see your blushing face, it would be embarrassing to know that he always has an effect on you. "As you can see, I'm busy." Your brows furrowed trying to focus on your task.
"Well I could just help you." Camilo offered with a grin as he lifts up the other watering can. "I wouldn't just let mi corazon do all the work." He prompt while watering the other plants that was across you.
"Stop messing around, Camilo." You sighed once again feeling your cheeks burn as he smoothly make his way around the garden pouring the water to each plant.
Camilo silently hummed and swayed into a rhythmic pattern, somewhat ignoring your comment. He was way into his musical number, enjoying the solo dance like he didn't even cared if someone was watching or not, especially you. You stared at him in bewilderment, his moves were somewhat charming even though it occurred to him so randomly. An ounce of weirdness to his charisma was always his combo, seeing that it was the shapeshifter's signature style.
"Dance with me." Camilo grinned as he approached you with a hand reached out as an invitation. You stared at his hand blushing and dumbfounded, feeling nervous and confused to what he was plotting since everything just now felt so out of the blue. "Cami', why are you-"
"Come on!" You yelped when he pulled you by the arm closer to him. Your bodies flushed together as the Madrigal boy held onto one of your and the other to your waist. He led you into a swaying motion as he gazed onto your eyes brightly. You felt butterflies in your stomach while held you closer onto his chest.
"Cami, we better stop." You pursued lightly tapping his shoulder. "I know you're enjoying this." He smirked at you seeing your face glowered in embellishment.
"Stop goofing around, 'Milo. This isn't funny." You frowned looking away.
Everytime he does this feels like he's just toying with you and you sometimes get hurt thinking that he was never serious to anything he does and said. He would just want to fool around like the easygoing nature he has.
"Who said I was goofing around? I just want to enjoy the time with you, mi amor." The shapeshifter grinned as he twirled you around.
Mi amor, that name made your cheeks burn deeper yet made your heart ache even more. You never really knew what is real or fake at this point. It's so frustrating that he keeps up with these shenanigans yet doesn't comment about it like it was nothing to him.
"You're just toying with my feelings." You stopped abruptly making him pause. "Stop this." You gently pushed him away as your eyes faced down to the ground not looking at him.
"Since when did I toy with your feelings?" Your eyes widen and breath hitched as you felt his hands grabbed onto your wrists.
The atmosphere around you shifted so suddenly, tension rising as the both of you stood in the middle of the garden. The warmth of his palms against your skin and the lowness of his voice gave you goosebumps all over your body.
"Since you never even gave me a straight answer if you have feelings for me or not." Swallowing the lump in your throat, you looked up to meet his ever rich muddy eyes.
"I assure you that my feelings for you were true since the beginning." He stared at your frame making you feel a weird sensation all over your body as he peered into your eyes in seriousness.
You snapped just as you registered his words into your mind making you push him away and cover your face with your hands. "S-stop it! T-this isn't funny, Camilo." You stuttered as a flush crept up to your cheeks.
The boy was surprised at the sudden push but then chuckled and held his stomach just as he saw the way you cover yourself in embarrassment. "What's wrong, mi vida? Was I too much for you?" Camilo smirked mischievously as he pulled you to his chest once more making you bury your face into your palms as he embraced your frame.
"You're an idiot." You grumbled. Feeling vibration of his chest, the shapeshifter chuckled once more at your lame come back.
"At least I'm your idiot." Camilo smirked as he pulled away gently, his hands rests onto your shoulders as he gazed over your blushing face.
"I'll take that back. You're more than an idiot, mi amarillo." You rolled your eyes. Both of you paused just as you realized what you said, the boy gasped and held onto you firmly. "Wait no-"
"Say it again." He ordered but you struggled within his grasp, trying to get away. "No! That was a mistake! You heard nothing!" You shout as you pushed Camilo away.
"You called me by a nickname!" The shapeshifter rejoiced trying to hold you back from getting away. "You actually called me by a nickname! I'm the happiest guy in the world!" He pulled you up by the waist and spun you around gleefully, laughing and smiling as if he won the lottery.
"Nooooooo!" You whined as you buried your face against his neck, your cheeks glowed red like a tomato. You will never hear the end of it as you already knew that Camilo would pry you over the rest of the day and maybe for the rest of your life.
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Taglist: @eventideschildinthetardis @sunnth @dai-tsukki-desu @ale-creates-worlds @camilos-mivida send an ask or reply here to be added in the taglist!
A/n: There, more fluff... you're welcome.
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ayamethewitch · 3 years
Money Heist Headcanons: Marsella with a female shy and cute s/o / La casa de papel headcanons: Marsella con una s/o femenina timida y tierna
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•I guess that all of us knows that Marsella could be look like a bad boy and most of the time its is, but in the inside he's very cute and kind.
•He's a very quiet person, so he doesn't have problems with your shyness, he think thay you have your reasons and that's okay.
•Also he think you are very cute when you blushed or something. Could be by a thing that Denver, Bogota or Nairobi says like "You look quite in love with the quiet soldier", or Palermo saying something like "You two look very stressed why you dont go to fuck each other? Like boom boom-ciao"
•He knows that you could be very shy sometimes so you could didn't say if something bothers you, so there he is to help you like "Don"t worry my love, you can say it" or "Just give it a punch on the face if something its make you feel uncomfortable".
•He' always touching you, non in a sexual way of course. I mean, he probably is holding your hand everytime, or he's behind you huggind with his arms, or if you are shorter, with his chin placed on you head. So in that way he could make you feel that he's with you, so if you feel nervous or something you can always count with him.
•He love how cute you are, and maybe he look very reserved, if you give him a kiss in front of the band y probably just give you a kiss on your hand but then, when you two are alone, prepare yourself because he's gonna be the most sweet man on the earth. He's gonna give you a lot of kisses and hugs wispering you how much he loves you
•He say that "Sofia" is the daughter of both so you can hug her if you feel uncomfortable or you feel so shy💖
•He knows that even if you are shy, you are part of the band so you can take care and defend yourself, but anyway he would worry about you.He always make sure that you have enough bullets, that you have a plan A and Z if something ends wrong.
•He usually give you kisses on your checks, your nose, your hands, or your forehead but he loves the most give you big kisses on your lips to see your reaction that its must of the time you very blushed and you hiding on his neck.
•He's the big spoon when you two sleep he wants to make you feel protect.
•The first time that you see him naked was by accident, he was taking a shower and when he end you just go to the bathroom to brush your hair and then, you see him, ALL HIS BODY.
You look a tomatoe, the only thing that you can say its "OHMYGODSOSORRYHONEY" and you left there very quickly. He laugh a lot that time and he always remember you that day.
•He loves you with all his heart and it always gonna protect and love you.
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•Creo que todos sabemos que Marsella puede parecer un tipo rudo y lo es, pero en el fondo es muy tierno y amable.
•Él es una persona callada, asi que no tiene problemas con tu timidez,piensa que tienes tus motivos y que está bien.
•El piensa que eres adorable cuando te sonrojas o algo por el estilo. Puede ser por algo que Denver,Bogota o Nairobi hayan dicho como "Pareces bastante enamorada del soldado mudito" o algo que Palermo diga como "Ustedes dos se ven bastante estresados, ¿por que no se van a coger/garchar? Como les dije boom boom ciao"
(Creo que palermo le llamaria tanto coger como garchar lol)
•El sabe que puedes sentir mucha timidez a veces asi que probablemente no diras si algo te esta molestando, asi que el esta ahi para ayudarte.
"No te preocupes mi amor, puedes decirlo" o
"Solo dale un golpe en la cara si hay algo que te esté molestando"
•Él esta constantemente tocandote, no de manera sexual obviamente, si no con cariño. El probablemente esta sosteniendo tu mano en cada momento, o está detras tuyo abrazandote con sus brazos o si eres mas bajita que el, con su menton apoyado en tu cabeza. Asi que de esa manera el puede hacerte saber que esta contigo, y si te sientes nerviosa puedes contar siempre con él.
•Él ama lo adorable que eres, y probablemente puede parecer muy reservado. Si le das un beso enfrente de la banda el probablemente solo te de un beso en la mano, pero entonces cuando los dos estén solos, preparate, por que el va a ser el hombre mas dulce del mundo. El va a darte un monton de besos y abrazos mientras susurra cuanto te ama.
•El dice que "Sofia" es la hija de ambos asi que puedes abrazarla si te sientes con mucha timidez, verguenza o incomoda.
•Él sabe que aunque eres timida, eres de la banda, asi que obviamente puedes defenderte y cuidarte a ti misma, pero de todas formas el se preocupara por ti. Él siempre se asegura de que tengas suficientes, balas y que tengas un plan A y Z si algo terminara mal.
•El usualmente te da besos en las mejillas, tus mano, nariz o frente pero sus favoritos son el los labios, pues ama ver tu reaccion que por lo general es tu completamente con un gran sonrojo y ocultando tu rostro en su cuello.
•Él es la cuchara grande cuando duermen, quiere hacerte sentir protegida.
•La primera vez que lo viste desnudo, fue por accidente. El tomaba una ducha y cuando terminó entraste al baño para cepillar tu cabello y entonces lo viste, TODO SU CUERPO.
Lucias como un tomate, la unica cosa que pudiste decir fue "OHDIOSMIOLOSIENTOCARIÑO" y entonces te fuiste rapidamente de ahi. El se rió un monton esa vez y siempre te recuerda aquel dia.
•El te ama con todo su corazon y siempre va a protegerte y amarte.
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brenda-galiciar · 7 years
Escribo esto
Escribo esto para dejarte ir Escribo esto para no enviarte otro mensaje Escribo esto para respetar mi dignidad Escribo esto para que notes cuanto has roto mi corazón Escribo esto para no extrañarte en las noches, o en el día Escribo esto para olvidarte Escribo esto para odiarte Escribo esto para darme cuenta cuanto me usaste Escribo esto por mi corazón roto Escribo esto porque te odio Escribo esto porque me odio Escribo esto por ti Escribo esto por mi Escribo esto por nosotros
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benissimamente · 3 years
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Strappo. Ciao Brunel del mio corazon!
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kacg24 · 4 years
A propósito retrocedi unos pasos y te vi caminar sin mi.
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